1. National Disaster Management Authority (NDMA) is headed by
(A) Prime Minister (B) Health Minister
(C) President of India (D) Defence Minister
Ans: A
2. Which of the following is not a minimum service to be provided by a fully functional FRU ?
(A) Emergency obstetric care including caesarean section
(B) New born care
(C) Treatment of STT/RTI services
(D) An indoor unit with 50 beds
Ans: D
3. The most sensitive indicator of environmental iodine deficiency is
(A) Neonatal hypothyroidism (B) Prevalence of goitre
(C) Urinary iodine excretion (D) Prevalence of cretinism
Ans: A
4. The UNICEF headquarters is located at
(A) Geneva (B) New York
(C) Rome (D) Washington DC
Ans: B
5. The minimum number of Antenatal check ups to be provided to a pregnant woman for essential obstetric care is
(A) 4 (B) 2
(C) 3 (D) 5
Ans: C
6. Vande Mataram scheme is
(A) Voluntary enrolment of doctors for providing safe motherhood services.
(B) Scheme for training health workers.
(C) Provision of free food to pregnant women from BPL families.
(D) Immunization of children from BPL families.
Ans: A
7. Krishnan Committee Report (1982) relates to which one of the following ?
(A) Multi-purpose worker (B) Medical Education
(C) Urban Health Services (D) Tribal Health Services
Ans: C
8. The function of CBHI is
(A) to promote health and family welfare programmes in the country
(B) to do the surveillance for communicable diseases in the country
(C) to collect, analyse and disseminate the information on health conditions of the country
(D) to provide health manpower in the country
Ans: C
9. Which of the following is a visible source of fat ?
(A) Pulses (B) Condiments
(C) Peanuts (D) Cereals
Ans: C
10. The required prevalence level for declaring elimination of leprosy as a public health problem is
(A) < 0.1 case / 10,000 population (B) < 1 case / 10,000 population
(C) < 1 case / 1,000 population (D) < 10 cases / 1,000 population
Ans: B
11. First Referral Unit (FRU) is located at
(A) Sub-centre (B) Primary Health Centre
(C) Community Health Centre (D) District Hospital
Ans: C
12. Which of the following committee recommended the conversion of unipurpose worker to multipurpose worker ?
(A) Mudaliar Committee (1961) (B) Mukherjee Committee (1963)
(C) Kartar Singh Committee (1973) (D) Hathi Committee (1974)
Ans: C
13. All of the following are principles of Primary Health Care, except
(A) Equitable Distribution (B) Intersectoral Co-ordination
(C) Provision of Essential Drugs (D) Appropriate Technology
Ans: C
14. ABC analysis for inventory control is based on
(A) Need (B) Cost
(C) Criticality (D) Availability
Ans: B
15. Which of the following is not a component of prevention of parent to child transmission of HIV ?
(A) Counselling and testing of pregnant women.
(B) Detection of positive pregnant women.
(C) Administration of prophylactic drug zidovidine to HIV positive women and their infants
(D) Administration of prophylactic Nevirapine to HIV positive women and their infants
Ans: C
16. A designated Microscopy Centre in the revised National Tuberculosis Control programme is established for a population of
(A) 2 lakh and 1 lakh in tribal and hilly areas.
(B) 50,000 and 25,000 in tribal and hilly areas.
(C) 1 lakh and 80,000 in tribal and hilly areas.
(D) 1 lakh and 50,000 in tribal and hilly areas.
Ans: D
17. Which of the following terms represent the formula
Standard Deviation/ Mean × 100
(A) Mean deviation (B) Coefficient of variation
(C) Standard deviation (D) Interquartile range
Ans: B
18. Which of the following national programme / scheme is not under health department ?
(A) Vitamin A prophylaxis programme
(B) National Programme for control of Iodine Deficiency Diseases
(C) Integrated Child Development Scheme
(D) School Health Programme
Ans: C
19. The range of corrected effective temperature in deg. C. which is considered ‘comfortable’ in India is :
(A) 27 – 28 (B) 20 – 25
(C) 25 – 27 (D) 22 – 25
Ans: C
20. The level of iodine in salt at consumer level should not be less than
(A) 15 PPM (B) 10 PPM
(C) 30 PPM (D) 5 PPM
Ans: A
21. Physical Quality of Life Index (PQLI) is a composite index involving
(A) IMR, Life Expectancy at age one, monthly income
(B) IMR, MMR, monthly income
(C) IMR, Life Expectancy at age one, MMR
(D) IMR, Life Expectancy at age one, Literacy
Ans: D
22. The total process of registering, compiling and reporting of the aggregate of vital events such as births, deaths and marriages that occur during a specified duration of time among the members of the population residing in an area is termed as
(A) Census (B) Decimal Census
(C) Registration (D) Vital Statistics
Ans: D
23. Nalgonda technique is used for
(A) Assessing chlorine demand of water
(B) Chlorination of water
(C) Assessing fluorine content of water
(D) Defluoridation of water
Ans: D
24. The urban areas included in the ‘Urban Malaria Scheme’ are those with
(A) Population more than 1 lakh and slide positivity rate more than 1%
(B) Population more than 1 lakh and slide positivity rate more than 5%
(C) Population more than 50,000 and slide positivity rate more than 1%
(D) Population more than 50,000 and slide positivity rate more than 5%
Ans: D
25. The characteristic feature of occupational cancer is
(A) the short period between exposure and development of the disease.
(B) the disease does not develop after cessation of exposure.
(C) the average age incidence is earlier than that for cancer in general.
(D) may appear after short exposure.
Ans: C
26. Which one of the following is an impact indicator for the monitoring of ASHA’s work ?
(A) % of unmet need for spacing contraception among BPL.
(B) Child malnutrition rates.
(C) Number of ASHAs selected by due process.
(D) % of ASHAs attending review meeting after one year.
Ans: B
27. District based rapid household survey is conducted to assess
(A) Infant Mortality Rate
(B) Couple Protection Rate
(C) Reproductive Health Status of Women
(D) Causes of Death
Ans: C
28. Day-to-day activities like walking, house work, gardening will be beneficial to individuals in all of the following ways, except
(A) weight reduction (B) lowering of blood pressure
(C) lowering of serum triglyceride (D) lowering of HDL cholesterol
Ans: D
29. Congenital rubella birth defects are uncommon if maternal rubella infection occurs after
(A) 8 weeks of gestation (B) 12 weeks of gestation
(C) 16 weeks of gestation (D) 20 weeks of gestation
Ans: D
30. Women vaccinated with rubella vaccine should avoid pregnancy for
(A) 1 month (B) 3 months
(C) 6 months (D) 9 months
Ans: B
31. All are the characteristics of the waste suitable for incineration, except
(A) low heating volume
(B) content of combustible matter above 60%
(C) content of non-combustible fines below 20%
(D) Moisture content below 50%
Ans: D
32. Rabies Immunoglobulin (RIg) is required for which category of dog bite ?
(A) Licks (B) Category I bites
(C) Category II bites (D) Category III bites
Ans: D
33. Which of the following is not the function of ICTC ? (A) Early detection of HIV.
(B) Providing basic information on modes of transmission and prevention of HIV.
(C) Voluntary Counselling and Testing.
(D) Treatment of AIDS.
Ans: D
34. Which of the following is not a pre-requisite to apply z-test for mean ?
(A) Sample/s must be randomly selected
(B) Data must be quantitative
(C) Variable is not assumed to follow normal distribution in the population
(D) Sample size must be larger than 30
Ans: C
35. P2 = P1 + (B – D) + (I – E), where, P1 and P2 = Population at two different points of time
B = Births
D = Deaths
I = Immigrants
E = Emigrants
Which of the following represents the above equation ?
(A) Natural increase equation (B) Demographic transition equation
(C) Basic demographic equation (D) Net migration equation
Ans: C
36. National Tuberculosis Institute is located in
(A) Kolkata (B) Bengaluru
(C) Chennai (D) Delhi
Ans: B
37. Social Engineering Phase in Public Health was from
(A) 1880-1920 (B) 1930-1940 (C) 1970-1990 (D) None of the Above
Ans: D
38. Accumulation of 1 Kg of adipose tissue corresponds to
(A) 9000 K Cal. of energy (B) 7700 K Cal. of energy (C) 900 K Cal. of energy (D) 6600 K Cal. of energy
Ans: B
39.Claim amout at state commission under consumer protection act is
(A) over Rs. 1 crore (B) over Rs. 10 lakhs and upto Rs. 50 lakhs
(C) over Rs. 20 lakhs upto Rs. 1 crore (D) All of the above
Ans: C
40. A person having an IQ of “42” will fall under which category of ______mental retardation
(A) Mild (B) Moderate (C) Severe (D) Profound
Ans: B
41. Which of the following Vit-E (tocopherol) is biologically the most potent form
(A) α-Tocopherol (B) β-Tocopherol
(C) Thiamine (D) None of the Above
Ans: A
42. Milk is a good source of all of the following except
(A) Protein (B) Fat (C) Minerals (D) Vitamin-C
Ans: D
43. Which of the following is not an indicator of Human Development Index?
(A) Life Expectancy at birth (B) Ault literacy rate (C) Combined Gross enrollment ratio (D) Arbitrary GDP Per capita
Ans: D
44. The amount of available chlorine (ppm) in Sodium hypochlorite is
(A) 9000-21000 (B) 80000-180000 (C) 50000-70000 (D) 90000-110000
Ans: B
45. Highest amount of Vitamin C (mg/100gm) is present in which of the following
(A) Guava (B) Indian Gooseberry (C) Lime (D) Orange
Ans: B
46. Removal of bacteria in Rapid Sand filter is
(A) 99.9-99.99 % (B) 98-99% (C) 98.5-99.9% (D) 97-98%
Ans: B
47. “GOBI” Campaign is promoted by which International Agency.
(A) International Labour Organization (B) World Bank (C) Pan American Sanitary Bureau (D) None of the above
Ans: D
48. Integrated Child Development Services Program, a nutrition program in India aimed for children is being under the control of which of the following ministry of Government of India
(A) Ministry of Health and Family welfare
(B) Ministry of Human resource and development
(C) Ministry of social and Women’s welfare
(D) Ministry of Child development and justice
Ans: C
49. All of the following are true about ESI (employees state insurance act) and its implication except
(A) It was passed in 1948 and amended in 1975, 1984 and 1989.
(B) Act of 1948 covered all power using factories other than seasonal factories wherein 20 or more persons were employed (excluding mines, railways and defense establishments)
(C) Medical care facilities are provided through a network of 2118 dispensaries, over 920 panel clinics along with tertiary care institutes. (D) Workers of shops, hotels and restaurants, cinemas and theatres were also considered for benefits
Ans: C
50. All of the following are Controlled water fluoridation studies except:
(A) Newburgh-Kingston study
(B) Evanston-Oak Park Study
(C) The Brantford-Sarina-Stratford fluoridation Caries Study
(D) Tristan a Cunha Study
Ans: D
(A) Prime Minister (B) Health Minister
(C) President of India (D) Defence Minister
Ans: A
2. Which of the following is not a minimum service to be provided by a fully functional FRU ?
(A) Emergency obstetric care including caesarean section
(B) New born care
(C) Treatment of STT/RTI services
(D) An indoor unit with 50 beds
Ans: D
3. The most sensitive indicator of environmental iodine deficiency is
(A) Neonatal hypothyroidism (B) Prevalence of goitre
(C) Urinary iodine excretion (D) Prevalence of cretinism
Ans: A
4. The UNICEF headquarters is located at
(A) Geneva (B) New York
(C) Rome (D) Washington DC
Ans: B
5. The minimum number of Antenatal check ups to be provided to a pregnant woman for essential obstetric care is
(A) 4 (B) 2
(C) 3 (D) 5
Ans: C
6. Vande Mataram scheme is
(A) Voluntary enrolment of doctors for providing safe motherhood services.
(B) Scheme for training health workers.
(C) Provision of free food to pregnant women from BPL families.
(D) Immunization of children from BPL families.
Ans: A
7. Krishnan Committee Report (1982) relates to which one of the following ?
(A) Multi-purpose worker (B) Medical Education
(C) Urban Health Services (D) Tribal Health Services
Ans: C
8. The function of CBHI is
(A) to promote health and family welfare programmes in the country
(B) to do the surveillance for communicable diseases in the country
(C) to collect, analyse and disseminate the information on health conditions of the country
(D) to provide health manpower in the country
Ans: C
9. Which of the following is a visible source of fat ?
(A) Pulses (B) Condiments
(C) Peanuts (D) Cereals
Ans: C
10. The required prevalence level for declaring elimination of leprosy as a public health problem is
(A) < 0.1 case / 10,000 population (B) < 1 case / 10,000 population
(C) < 1 case / 1,000 population (D) < 10 cases / 1,000 population
Ans: B
11. First Referral Unit (FRU) is located at
(A) Sub-centre (B) Primary Health Centre
(C) Community Health Centre (D) District Hospital
Ans: C
12. Which of the following committee recommended the conversion of unipurpose worker to multipurpose worker ?
(A) Mudaliar Committee (1961) (B) Mukherjee Committee (1963)
(C) Kartar Singh Committee (1973) (D) Hathi Committee (1974)
Ans: C
13. All of the following are principles of Primary Health Care, except
(A) Equitable Distribution (B) Intersectoral Co-ordination
(C) Provision of Essential Drugs (D) Appropriate Technology
Ans: C
14. ABC analysis for inventory control is based on
(A) Need (B) Cost
(C) Criticality (D) Availability
Ans: B
15. Which of the following is not a component of prevention of parent to child transmission of HIV ?
(A) Counselling and testing of pregnant women.
(B) Detection of positive pregnant women.
(C) Administration of prophylactic drug zidovidine to HIV positive women and their infants
(D) Administration of prophylactic Nevirapine to HIV positive women and their infants
Ans: C
16. A designated Microscopy Centre in the revised National Tuberculosis Control programme is established for a population of
(A) 2 lakh and 1 lakh in tribal and hilly areas.
(B) 50,000 and 25,000 in tribal and hilly areas.
(C) 1 lakh and 80,000 in tribal and hilly areas.
(D) 1 lakh and 50,000 in tribal and hilly areas.
Ans: D
17. Which of the following terms represent the formula
Standard Deviation/ Mean × 100
(A) Mean deviation (B) Coefficient of variation
(C) Standard deviation (D) Interquartile range
Ans: B
18. Which of the following national programme / scheme is not under health department ?
(A) Vitamin A prophylaxis programme
(B) National Programme for control of Iodine Deficiency Diseases
(C) Integrated Child Development Scheme
(D) School Health Programme
Ans: C
19. The range of corrected effective temperature in deg. C. which is considered ‘comfortable’ in India is :
(A) 27 – 28 (B) 20 – 25
(C) 25 – 27 (D) 22 – 25
Ans: C
20. The level of iodine in salt at consumer level should not be less than
(A) 15 PPM (B) 10 PPM
(C) 30 PPM (D) 5 PPM
Ans: A
21. Physical Quality of Life Index (PQLI) is a composite index involving
(A) IMR, Life Expectancy at age one, monthly income
(B) IMR, MMR, monthly income
(C) IMR, Life Expectancy at age one, MMR
(D) IMR, Life Expectancy at age one, Literacy
Ans: D
22. The total process of registering, compiling and reporting of the aggregate of vital events such as births, deaths and marriages that occur during a specified duration of time among the members of the population residing in an area is termed as
(A) Census (B) Decimal Census
(C) Registration (D) Vital Statistics
Ans: D
23. Nalgonda technique is used for
(A) Assessing chlorine demand of water
(B) Chlorination of water
(C) Assessing fluorine content of water
(D) Defluoridation of water
Ans: D
24. The urban areas included in the ‘Urban Malaria Scheme’ are those with
(A) Population more than 1 lakh and slide positivity rate more than 1%
(B) Population more than 1 lakh and slide positivity rate more than 5%
(C) Population more than 50,000 and slide positivity rate more than 1%
(D) Population more than 50,000 and slide positivity rate more than 5%
Ans: D
25. The characteristic feature of occupational cancer is
(A) the short period between exposure and development of the disease.
(B) the disease does not develop after cessation of exposure.
(C) the average age incidence is earlier than that for cancer in general.
(D) may appear after short exposure.
Ans: C
26. Which one of the following is an impact indicator for the monitoring of ASHA’s work ?
(A) % of unmet need for spacing contraception among BPL.
(B) Child malnutrition rates.
(C) Number of ASHAs selected by due process.
(D) % of ASHAs attending review meeting after one year.
Ans: B
27. District based rapid household survey is conducted to assess
(A) Infant Mortality Rate
(B) Couple Protection Rate
(C) Reproductive Health Status of Women
(D) Causes of Death
Ans: C
28. Day-to-day activities like walking, house work, gardening will be beneficial to individuals in all of the following ways, except
(A) weight reduction (B) lowering of blood pressure
(C) lowering of serum triglyceride (D) lowering of HDL cholesterol
Ans: D
29. Congenital rubella birth defects are uncommon if maternal rubella infection occurs after
(A) 8 weeks of gestation (B) 12 weeks of gestation
(C) 16 weeks of gestation (D) 20 weeks of gestation
Ans: D
30. Women vaccinated with rubella vaccine should avoid pregnancy for
(A) 1 month (B) 3 months
(C) 6 months (D) 9 months
Ans: B
31. All are the characteristics of the waste suitable for incineration, except
(A) low heating volume
(B) content of combustible matter above 60%
(C) content of non-combustible fines below 20%
(D) Moisture content below 50%
Ans: D
32. Rabies Immunoglobulin (RIg) is required for which category of dog bite ?
(A) Licks (B) Category I bites
(C) Category II bites (D) Category III bites
Ans: D
33. Which of the following is not the function of ICTC ? (A) Early detection of HIV.
(B) Providing basic information on modes of transmission and prevention of HIV.
(C) Voluntary Counselling and Testing.
(D) Treatment of AIDS.
Ans: D
34. Which of the following is not a pre-requisite to apply z-test for mean ?
(A) Sample/s must be randomly selected
(B) Data must be quantitative
(C) Variable is not assumed to follow normal distribution in the population
(D) Sample size must be larger than 30
Ans: C
35. P2 = P1 + (B – D) + (I – E), where, P1 and P2 = Population at two different points of time
B = Births
D = Deaths
I = Immigrants
E = Emigrants
Which of the following represents the above equation ?
(A) Natural increase equation (B) Demographic transition equation
(C) Basic demographic equation (D) Net migration equation
Ans: C
36. National Tuberculosis Institute is located in
(A) Kolkata (B) Bengaluru
(C) Chennai (D) Delhi
Ans: B
37. Social Engineering Phase in Public Health was from
(A) 1880-1920 (B) 1930-1940 (C) 1970-1990 (D) None of the Above
Ans: D
38. Accumulation of 1 Kg of adipose tissue corresponds to
(A) 9000 K Cal. of energy (B) 7700 K Cal. of energy (C) 900 K Cal. of energy (D) 6600 K Cal. of energy
Ans: B
39.Claim amout at state commission under consumer protection act is
(A) over Rs. 1 crore (B) over Rs. 10 lakhs and upto Rs. 50 lakhs
(C) over Rs. 20 lakhs upto Rs. 1 crore (D) All of the above
Ans: C
40. A person having an IQ of “42” will fall under which category of ______mental retardation
(A) Mild (B) Moderate (C) Severe (D) Profound
Ans: B
41. Which of the following Vit-E (tocopherol) is biologically the most potent form
(A) α-Tocopherol (B) β-Tocopherol
(C) Thiamine (D) None of the Above
Ans: A
42. Milk is a good source of all of the following except
(A) Protein (B) Fat (C) Minerals (D) Vitamin-C
Ans: D
43. Which of the following is not an indicator of Human Development Index?
(A) Life Expectancy at birth (B) Ault literacy rate (C) Combined Gross enrollment ratio (D) Arbitrary GDP Per capita
Ans: D
44. The amount of available chlorine (ppm) in Sodium hypochlorite is
(A) 9000-21000 (B) 80000-180000 (C) 50000-70000 (D) 90000-110000
Ans: B
45. Highest amount of Vitamin C (mg/100gm) is present in which of the following
(A) Guava (B) Indian Gooseberry (C) Lime (D) Orange
Ans: B
46. Removal of bacteria in Rapid Sand filter is
(A) 99.9-99.99 % (B) 98-99% (C) 98.5-99.9% (D) 97-98%
Ans: B
47. “GOBI” Campaign is promoted by which International Agency.
(A) International Labour Organization (B) World Bank (C) Pan American Sanitary Bureau (D) None of the above
Ans: D
48. Integrated Child Development Services Program, a nutrition program in India aimed for children is being under the control of which of the following ministry of Government of India
(A) Ministry of Health and Family welfare
(B) Ministry of Human resource and development
(C) Ministry of social and Women’s welfare
(D) Ministry of Child development and justice
Ans: C
49. All of the following are true about ESI (employees state insurance act) and its implication except
(A) It was passed in 1948 and amended in 1975, 1984 and 1989.
(B) Act of 1948 covered all power using factories other than seasonal factories wherein 20 or more persons were employed (excluding mines, railways and defense establishments)
(C) Medical care facilities are provided through a network of 2118 dispensaries, over 920 panel clinics along with tertiary care institutes. (D) Workers of shops, hotels and restaurants, cinemas and theatres were also considered for benefits
Ans: C
50. All of the following are Controlled water fluoridation studies except:
(A) Newburgh-Kingston study
(B) Evanston-Oak Park Study
(C) The Brantford-Sarina-Stratford fluoridation Caries Study
(D) Tristan a Cunha Study
Ans: D
51. Which of the following is not a feature of Vipeholm Study?
(A) Described by Gustaffson et al in 1954, summarized by Davies in 1955
(B) A sucrose group consisted of 243 males who received 525 gm of sucrose given in solution at meal times.
(C) Control group consisted of 60 males with an average age of 34.9 years who for 2 years received a low carbohydrate, high fat diet practically free from refined sugar.
(D) A chocolate group consisted of 47 males who receive 300 gm of sucrose in solution, at meal times.
Ans: B
52. Solid waste contains all of the following except
(A) Garbage (B) Dead animals (C) Demolition Products (D) Night soil
Ans: D
53. Attributable risk is the difference
(A) In the outcome and occurrence rate of the disease (B) In the prevalence rates of host and agent.
(C) In the incidence rates of diseases between an exposed group and non-exposed group (D) None of the above
Ans: C
54. Barefoot doctor’s term has evolved from
(A) Greek (B) Egypt (C) Russia (D) China
Ans: D
55. The patterns of conventional behavior in a society is called
(A) Custom (B) Folkways (C) Tradition (D) Culture
Ans: B
56. The first stated and largest Principle of the Numerberg Code is
(A) Justice (B) Autonomy (C) Confidential (D) Informed Consent
Ans: D
57. The Permissible level of E.Coli (Number/ml) in potable water is
(A) 20 (B) 15 (C) 10 (D) None of the above
Ans: D
58. 1000 Cities, 1000 Lives was W.H.O theme for the year
(A) 2010 (B) 2006 (C) 2012 (D) None of the above
Ans: A
59. Sea water contains fluoride to the amount (mg/Kg)
(A) 1.2-1.4 (B) 1.7-3.2 (C) 3.6-9.3 (D) 0.1-07
Ans: A
60. Which of the following is a trace element
(A) Mg (B) Mn (C) P (D) Na
Ans: B
61. Interruption of transmission of disease
(A) Disease control (B) Disease Elimination (C) Diseases eradication (D) All of the above
Ans: A
62. Heart of controlled trial is
(A) Blinding (B) Experiment (C) Intervention (D) Randomization
Ans: D
63. TNM Staging is what type scale
(A) Ratio (B) Nominal (C) Ordinal (D) None of the above
Ans: C
64. In a tribal or hilly area the Community Health centre is established for a population of
(A) 30,000 (B) 80,000 (C) 1,30000 (D) None of the above
Ans: B
65. Temporary water Hardness is removed by
(A) Filtration (B) Addition of bleaching Powder (C) Boiling (D) Storage
Ans: C
66. Which of the following is not a headquarter of W.H.O. Regional Organization
(A) Sydney (B) Manila (C) Alexendria (D) Copenhagen
Ans: A
67. Rain Water Contains dissolved solids
(A) 0.002% (B) 0.04% (C) 0.0005% (D) Does not contain dissolved solids as it is purest form of water
Ans: C
68. The Red Cross Society of India was established by an act of Indian Legislature in the year
(A) 1922 (B) 1940 (C) 1938 (D) None of the above
Ans: D
69. In India density of population per square Kilometer (2015) is
(A) 288.3 (B) 401.4 (C) 438 (D) 531.3
Ans: B
70. Caisson Disease is caused due to which physical agent
(A) Light (B) Noise (C) Pressure (D) Radiation
Ans: C
71. Byssinosis is caused due to which of the following dust
(A) Cane Fiber (B) Grain Dust (C) Cotton Dust (D) Tobacco
Ans: C
72. Biomedical waste management and Handling rule in India came into force on
(A) 28th July 1998 (B) 2nd June 1998 (C) 11th September 1972 (D) 24th July 1998
Ans: A
73. All of the following are Helminthic infections except
(A) Clonorchiasis (B) Taeniasis (C) Leishmaniasis (D) Echinococcosis
Ans: C
74. Ramp method is associated with which method of refuse disposal
(A) Dumping (B) Incineration (C) Controlled Tipping (D) Manure pits
Ans: C
75. Which of the following is method adopted for the removal of Permanent hardness of water
(A) Boiling (B) Addition of sodium carbonate (C) Addition of lime (D) None of the above
Ans: B
76. In Kuppuswamy’s socioeconomic status the total score of 16-25 indicates which Socio economic class
(A) Upper- Lower (B) Lower-Middle (C) Upper- Middle (D) Upper
Ans: C
77. Which of the following is true about Mid-day meal Programme?
(A) The meal should be a supplement and not a substitute to the home diet
(B) The cost of the meal should be reasonably low
(C) The menu should be frequently changed to avoid monotony
(D) All of the Above
Ans: D
78. Which of the following is not a concept of Health?
(A) Biomedical Concept (B) Ecological Concept (C) Physiological Concept (D) Psychosocial concept
Ans: C
79. Number of all current cases of a disease i.e. old and new at one point of time is called as
(A) Period Prevalence (B) Point Prevalence (C) Periodic Prevalence (D) All of the above
Ans: B
80. Heart of a controlled trial is
(A) Cases (B) Randomization (C) Blinding (D) Control Group
Ans: B
81. Which of the following is not an example of Anthropozoonoses?
(A) Rabies (B) Plague (C) Anthrax (D) Human tuberculosis in cattle
Ans: D
82. Greenwood (1934) has defined epidemiology as
(A) The branch of medical science which treats epidemics
(B) The study of distribution and determinants of disease frequency in man
(C) The study of disease, any disease, as a mass phenomenon
(D) None of the above
Ans: C
83. Which of the following is a correct global milestone in reference to vaccination?
(A) 1967- Hepatitis-A vaccine licenced
(B) 1972-First adult immunization schedule introduced
(C) 2005- Padiarix, a vaccine that combines the DTaP,IPV and Hepatitis B vaccine, into one shot, is approved
(D) 1969-Rubella vaccine introduced to the world
Ans: D
84. Which of the following committee took strict notice of the private practice by government doctors?
(A) Mudaliar Committee (B) Mukhrjee Committee (C) Jungalwalla Committee (D) Kartar Singh Committee
Ans: C
85. Sewage contains 98.6% of water, whereas the solid, it contains is partly organic and partly inorganic
(A) Both the statements are true (B) First statement is true but second statement is false.
(C) Both the statements are false (D) First statement is false but second is true
Ans: D
86. First mechanical water filter was started in United Kingdom. It was started in 1884.
(A) First statement is true but second statement is false. (B) Both the statements are true
(C) Both the statements are false (D) First statement is false and second statement is true
Ans: C
87. World’s first artificial fluoridation plant was started in Grand’s Rapid, U.S.A in
(A) 1942 (B) 1945 (C) 1936 (D) None of the above
Ans: B
88. Fluoride concentration (ppm) in Felsic type of rock is
(A) 800 (B) 370 (C) 500 (D) 290
Ans: A
89. Which of the following millet has highest energy (K cal) values per 100 gm
(A) Jowar (B) Bajra (C) Ragi (D) All have same value
Ans: B
90. Which of the following fresh fruits have the highest calories per 100 gm of edible portion
(A) Sitaphal (B) Amla (C) Mango (D) Papaya
Ans: A
91. Ecological study is a type of
(A) Analytical study (B) Community trials (C) Community Intervention studies (D) Field trials
Ans: A
92. Mid-day meal scheme is propagated by which Union Ministry
(A) Ministry of Social Science (B) Ministry of Human Resource and Development
(C) Ministry of Food and Civil Supplies (D) Ministry of Agriculture
Ans: B
93. Acid Rain is associated with
(A) Hydrochloric acid (B) Sulphuric Acid (C) Nitric Acid (D) Both B and C
Ans: D
94. W.H.O. officially launched a global immunization programme known as EPI (Expanded Programme on Immunization) to protect all children of the world against six-vaccine preventable
(A) May 1974 (B) October 1982 (C) January 2006 (D) July 1984
Ans: A
95. Nipah Virus was first identified during an outbreak of the disease in Malaysia in the year
(A) 2002 (B) 2004 (C) 1992 (D) 1998
Ans: D
96. Which of the following is not correct with respect to Slow Sand Filter Box
(A) Supernatant Water = 1-1.5 m (B) Sand Bed = 0.5 m
(C) Gravel Support = 0.30 m (D) Filter bottom = 0.16 m
Ans: B
97. In May 1986 the term “Human Immunodeficiency Virus” was given by
(A) International committee on Taxonomy (B) W.H.O. (C) UNICEF (D) None of the above
Ans: A
98. Revised National Tuberculosis Programme was formulated in the year
(A) 1993 (B) 1996 (C) 1978 (D) 1962
Ans: A
99. National Health Mission was approved in
(A) May 2013 (B) June 2005 (C) February 2012 (D) None of the above
Ans: A
100:- Zeih| Neelsen staining is used for the diagnosis of
A:-Leprosy B:-Po|iomye|itis C:-HIV / AIDS D:-Tubercu|osis Ans: D
(A) Described by Gustaffson et al in 1954, summarized by Davies in 1955
(B) A sucrose group consisted of 243 males who received 525 gm of sucrose given in solution at meal times.
(C) Control group consisted of 60 males with an average age of 34.9 years who for 2 years received a low carbohydrate, high fat diet practically free from refined sugar.
(D) A chocolate group consisted of 47 males who receive 300 gm of sucrose in solution, at meal times.
Ans: B
52. Solid waste contains all of the following except
(A) Garbage (B) Dead animals (C) Demolition Products (D) Night soil
Ans: D
53. Attributable risk is the difference
(A) In the outcome and occurrence rate of the disease (B) In the prevalence rates of host and agent.
(C) In the incidence rates of diseases between an exposed group and non-exposed group (D) None of the above
Ans: C
54. Barefoot doctor’s term has evolved from
(A) Greek (B) Egypt (C) Russia (D) China
Ans: D
55. The patterns of conventional behavior in a society is called
(A) Custom (B) Folkways (C) Tradition (D) Culture
Ans: B
56. The first stated and largest Principle of the Numerberg Code is
(A) Justice (B) Autonomy (C) Confidential (D) Informed Consent
Ans: D
57. The Permissible level of E.Coli (Number/ml) in potable water is
(A) 20 (B) 15 (C) 10 (D) None of the above
Ans: D
58. 1000 Cities, 1000 Lives was W.H.O theme for the year
(A) 2010 (B) 2006 (C) 2012 (D) None of the above
Ans: A
59. Sea water contains fluoride to the amount (mg/Kg)
(A) 1.2-1.4 (B) 1.7-3.2 (C) 3.6-9.3 (D) 0.1-07
Ans: A
60. Which of the following is a trace element
(A) Mg (B) Mn (C) P (D) Na
Ans: B
61. Interruption of transmission of disease
(A) Disease control (B) Disease Elimination (C) Diseases eradication (D) All of the above
Ans: A
62. Heart of controlled trial is
(A) Blinding (B) Experiment (C) Intervention (D) Randomization
Ans: D
63. TNM Staging is what type scale
(A) Ratio (B) Nominal (C) Ordinal (D) None of the above
Ans: C
64. In a tribal or hilly area the Community Health centre is established for a population of
(A) 30,000 (B) 80,000 (C) 1,30000 (D) None of the above
Ans: B
65. Temporary water Hardness is removed by
(A) Filtration (B) Addition of bleaching Powder (C) Boiling (D) Storage
Ans: C
66. Which of the following is not a headquarter of W.H.O. Regional Organization
(A) Sydney (B) Manila (C) Alexendria (D) Copenhagen
Ans: A
67. Rain Water Contains dissolved solids
(A) 0.002% (B) 0.04% (C) 0.0005% (D) Does not contain dissolved solids as it is purest form of water
Ans: C
68. The Red Cross Society of India was established by an act of Indian Legislature in the year
(A) 1922 (B) 1940 (C) 1938 (D) None of the above
Ans: D
69. In India density of population per square Kilometer (2015) is
(A) 288.3 (B) 401.4 (C) 438 (D) 531.3
Ans: B
70. Caisson Disease is caused due to which physical agent
(A) Light (B) Noise (C) Pressure (D) Radiation
Ans: C
71. Byssinosis is caused due to which of the following dust
(A) Cane Fiber (B) Grain Dust (C) Cotton Dust (D) Tobacco
Ans: C
72. Biomedical waste management and Handling rule in India came into force on
(A) 28th July 1998 (B) 2nd June 1998 (C) 11th September 1972 (D) 24th July 1998
Ans: A
73. All of the following are Helminthic infections except
(A) Clonorchiasis (B) Taeniasis (C) Leishmaniasis (D) Echinococcosis
Ans: C
74. Ramp method is associated with which method of refuse disposal
(A) Dumping (B) Incineration (C) Controlled Tipping (D) Manure pits
Ans: C
75. Which of the following is method adopted for the removal of Permanent hardness of water
(A) Boiling (B) Addition of sodium carbonate (C) Addition of lime (D) None of the above
Ans: B
76. In Kuppuswamy’s socioeconomic status the total score of 16-25 indicates which Socio economic class
(A) Upper- Lower (B) Lower-Middle (C) Upper- Middle (D) Upper
Ans: C
77. Which of the following is true about Mid-day meal Programme?
(A) The meal should be a supplement and not a substitute to the home diet
(B) The cost of the meal should be reasonably low
(C) The menu should be frequently changed to avoid monotony
(D) All of the Above
Ans: D
78. Which of the following is not a concept of Health?
(A) Biomedical Concept (B) Ecological Concept (C) Physiological Concept (D) Psychosocial concept
Ans: C
79. Number of all current cases of a disease i.e. old and new at one point of time is called as
(A) Period Prevalence (B) Point Prevalence (C) Periodic Prevalence (D) All of the above
Ans: B
80. Heart of a controlled trial is
(A) Cases (B) Randomization (C) Blinding (D) Control Group
Ans: B
81. Which of the following is not an example of Anthropozoonoses?
(A) Rabies (B) Plague (C) Anthrax (D) Human tuberculosis in cattle
Ans: D
82. Greenwood (1934) has defined epidemiology as
(A) The branch of medical science which treats epidemics
(B) The study of distribution and determinants of disease frequency in man
(C) The study of disease, any disease, as a mass phenomenon
(D) None of the above
Ans: C
83. Which of the following is a correct global milestone in reference to vaccination?
(A) 1967- Hepatitis-A vaccine licenced
(B) 1972-First adult immunization schedule introduced
(C) 2005- Padiarix, a vaccine that combines the DTaP,IPV and Hepatitis B vaccine, into one shot, is approved
(D) 1969-Rubella vaccine introduced to the world
Ans: D
84. Which of the following committee took strict notice of the private practice by government doctors?
(A) Mudaliar Committee (B) Mukhrjee Committee (C) Jungalwalla Committee (D) Kartar Singh Committee
Ans: C
85. Sewage contains 98.6% of water, whereas the solid, it contains is partly organic and partly inorganic
(A) Both the statements are true (B) First statement is true but second statement is false.
(C) Both the statements are false (D) First statement is false but second is true
Ans: D
86. First mechanical water filter was started in United Kingdom. It was started in 1884.
(A) First statement is true but second statement is false. (B) Both the statements are true
(C) Both the statements are false (D) First statement is false and second statement is true
Ans: C
87. World’s first artificial fluoridation plant was started in Grand’s Rapid, U.S.A in
(A) 1942 (B) 1945 (C) 1936 (D) None of the above
Ans: B
88. Fluoride concentration (ppm) in Felsic type of rock is
(A) 800 (B) 370 (C) 500 (D) 290
Ans: A
89. Which of the following millet has highest energy (K cal) values per 100 gm
(A) Jowar (B) Bajra (C) Ragi (D) All have same value
Ans: B
90. Which of the following fresh fruits have the highest calories per 100 gm of edible portion
(A) Sitaphal (B) Amla (C) Mango (D) Papaya
Ans: A
91. Ecological study is a type of
(A) Analytical study (B) Community trials (C) Community Intervention studies (D) Field trials
Ans: A
92. Mid-day meal scheme is propagated by which Union Ministry
(A) Ministry of Social Science (B) Ministry of Human Resource and Development
(C) Ministry of Food and Civil Supplies (D) Ministry of Agriculture
Ans: B
93. Acid Rain is associated with
(A) Hydrochloric acid (B) Sulphuric Acid (C) Nitric Acid (D) Both B and C
Ans: D
94. W.H.O. officially launched a global immunization programme known as EPI (Expanded Programme on Immunization) to protect all children of the world against six-vaccine preventable
(A) May 1974 (B) October 1982 (C) January 2006 (D) July 1984
Ans: A
95. Nipah Virus was first identified during an outbreak of the disease in Malaysia in the year
(A) 2002 (B) 2004 (C) 1992 (D) 1998
Ans: D
96. Which of the following is not correct with respect to Slow Sand Filter Box
(A) Supernatant Water = 1-1.5 m (B) Sand Bed = 0.5 m
(C) Gravel Support = 0.30 m (D) Filter bottom = 0.16 m
Ans: B
97. In May 1986 the term “Human Immunodeficiency Virus” was given by
(A) International committee on Taxonomy (B) W.H.O. (C) UNICEF (D) None of the above
Ans: A
98. Revised National Tuberculosis Programme was formulated in the year
(A) 1993 (B) 1996 (C) 1978 (D) 1962
Ans: A
99. National Health Mission was approved in
(A) May 2013 (B) June 2005 (C) February 2012 (D) None of the above
Ans: A
100:- Zeih| Neelsen staining is used for the diagnosis of
A:-Leprosy B:-Po|iomye|itis C:-HIV / AIDS D:-Tubercu|osis Ans: D
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