1:-Pro peritoneal fat plane is
A:-Displaced in retroperitoneal lesion
B:-Obliterated in retroperitoneal lesion
C:-Unaffected in retroperitoneal lesion
D:-Better visualised in retroperitoneal lesion
Ans: A
2:-All are features of acute urinary obstruction except
A:-Delayed dense nephrogram
B:-Pyelotubular back flow
C:-Moderate hydronephrosis
D:-Modest renal enlargement
Ans: C
3:-DWI can be negative in all except
A:-Brain stem infarct
B:-Corona radiate infarct
C:-Deep grey matter nuclei infarct
D:-When cerebral flow is in range of only electrical activity
Ans: B
4:-First ventricle is
A:-Right lateral ventricle
B:-Left lateral ventricle
C:-Foramen munro
D:-Foramen lushka
Ans: B
5:-Cobble stone appearance in MRI brain seen in all except
A:-Walker Warburg syndrome
B:-Fukayama dystrophy
C:-Muscle eye brain disease
D:-Rett syndrome
Ans: D
6:-Relative percentage signal recovery (r PSR) is minimum for
D:-Oligodendroglioma IDH mutant
Ans: D
7:-One excluded in WHO 2016 brain tumor classification
C:-Gemistocytic astrocytoma
D:-Protoplamic astrocytoma
Ans: D
8:-Inferior wall of third ventricle formed by all except
A:-Mammillary body
B:-Optic chiasm
C:-Tuber cinerum
D:-Habenular commissure
Ans: D
9:-T1 hyper intensity seen in all except
A:-Hyper acute blood
B:-Sub acute blood
Ans: A
10:-Temporal lobe cyst seen all except
A:-Aicardi syndrome
B:-Vander Knapp disease
C:-Congenital rubella
D:-Batten's disease
Ans: D
11:-Tumoral calcinosis all are true except
A:-Associated with hypercalcemia
B:-More in blacks
C:-Central lucency may be seen
D:-Extensor aspect of joint
Ans: A
12:-False statement about myositis ossificans
A:-Peripheral calcification
B:-Decrease in size with disease progression
C:-Edema in subacute phase
D:-Peripheral fat in MRI
Ans: D
13:-All are seen in pyknodysostosis except
A:-Medullary sparing
B:-Mandibular changes
Ans: D
14:-Features of Morqio disease except
B:-Inferior vertebral body beaking
C:-Epiphyseal changes
D:-Oar shaped ribs
Ans: B
15:-Caffeys syndrome is associated with
A:-Corner fracture
B:-Green stick fracture
C:-Loozers zone
D:-Epiphyseal fracture
Ans: A
16:-Hamman's sign is seen in
A:-Hamman Rich syndrome
B:-Alpha 1 anti-trypsin deficiency
C:-Miliary TB
Ans: D
17:-Wormian bones are seen in all of the following except
A:-Some normal children
B:-Osteogenesis imperfect
C:-Cleido cranial dysostosis
D:-Congenital rubella syndrome
Ans: D
18:-Posterior iliac horns are seen in
A:-Pena Shokeir syndrome
B:-Crouzon syndrome
C:-Nail patella syndrome
D:-Pierre Robin syndrome
Ans: C
19:-'Banana sign' in the fetal brain suggests
A:-Spina bifida
B:-Renal agenesis
Ans: A
20:-A metacarpal index of 8.4 is suggestive of
A:-Turner syndrome
B:-Noonan syndrome
C:-Klinefelter syndrome
D:-Marfan syndrome
Ans: D
A:-Displaced in retroperitoneal lesion
B:-Obliterated in retroperitoneal lesion
C:-Unaffected in retroperitoneal lesion
D:-Better visualised in retroperitoneal lesion
Ans: A
2:-All are features of acute urinary obstruction except
A:-Delayed dense nephrogram
B:-Pyelotubular back flow
C:-Moderate hydronephrosis
D:-Modest renal enlargement
Ans: C
3:-DWI can be negative in all except
A:-Brain stem infarct
B:-Corona radiate infarct
C:-Deep grey matter nuclei infarct
D:-When cerebral flow is in range of only electrical activity
Ans: B
4:-First ventricle is
A:-Right lateral ventricle
B:-Left lateral ventricle
C:-Foramen munro
D:-Foramen lushka
Ans: B
5:-Cobble stone appearance in MRI brain seen in all except
A:-Walker Warburg syndrome
B:-Fukayama dystrophy
C:-Muscle eye brain disease
D:-Rett syndrome
Ans: D
6:-Relative percentage signal recovery (r PSR) is minimum for
D:-Oligodendroglioma IDH mutant
Ans: D
7:-One excluded in WHO 2016 brain tumor classification
C:-Gemistocytic astrocytoma
D:-Protoplamic astrocytoma
Ans: D
8:-Inferior wall of third ventricle formed by all except
A:-Mammillary body
B:-Optic chiasm
C:-Tuber cinerum
D:-Habenular commissure
Ans: D
9:-T1 hyper intensity seen in all except
A:-Hyper acute blood
B:-Sub acute blood
Ans: A
10:-Temporal lobe cyst seen all except
A:-Aicardi syndrome
B:-Vander Knapp disease
C:-Congenital rubella
D:-Batten's disease
Ans: D
11:-Tumoral calcinosis all are true except
A:-Associated with hypercalcemia
B:-More in blacks
C:-Central lucency may be seen
D:-Extensor aspect of joint
Ans: A
12:-False statement about myositis ossificans
A:-Peripheral calcification
B:-Decrease in size with disease progression
C:-Edema in subacute phase
D:-Peripheral fat in MRI
Ans: D
13:-All are seen in pyknodysostosis except
A:-Medullary sparing
B:-Mandibular changes
Ans: D
14:-Features of Morqio disease except
B:-Inferior vertebral body beaking
C:-Epiphyseal changes
D:-Oar shaped ribs
Ans: B
15:-Caffeys syndrome is associated with
A:-Corner fracture
B:-Green stick fracture
C:-Loozers zone
D:-Epiphyseal fracture
Ans: A
16:-Hamman's sign is seen in
A:-Hamman Rich syndrome
B:-Alpha 1 anti-trypsin deficiency
C:-Miliary TB
Ans: D
17:-Wormian bones are seen in all of the following except
A:-Some normal children
B:-Osteogenesis imperfect
C:-Cleido cranial dysostosis
D:-Congenital rubella syndrome
Ans: D
18:-Posterior iliac horns are seen in
A:-Pena Shokeir syndrome
B:-Crouzon syndrome
C:-Nail patella syndrome
D:-Pierre Robin syndrome
Ans: C
19:-'Banana sign' in the fetal brain suggests
A:-Spina bifida
B:-Renal agenesis
Ans: A
20:-A metacarpal index of 8.4 is suggestive of
A:-Turner syndrome
B:-Noonan syndrome
C:-Klinefelter syndrome
D:-Marfan syndrome
Ans: D
21:-Compared with SE, GRE sequences use
A:-Longer TR and longer TE
B:-Shorter TR and long TE
C:-Longer TR and shorter TE
D:-Shorter TR and shorter TE
Ans: D
22:-Echo planar imaging forms echoes using
A:-Successive 90-degree pulses
B:-Successive alternating 90-degree pulses
C:-Successive180 degree pulses
D:-Successive alternating gradients
Ans: D
23:-Lingula of lung is best seen in which X-ray view ?
C:-Left lateral decubitus
D:-Right lateral decubitus
Ans: A
24:-Most signal in K space is present
A:-In the center
B:-In the periphery
C:-Along the frequency encoding axis
D:-Along gradient encoding axis
Ans: A
25:-In order to decrease dose in large patients
A:-Decrease kV and improve image noise
B:-Increase kV and improve image noise
C:-Increase in KV and improve in contrast
D:-Decrease in KV and improve in contrast
Ans: B
26:-Penumonia alba is seen in
A:-Congenital TB
B:-Congenital malaria
C:-Neonatal HIV
D:-Congenital syphilis
Ans: D
27:- Erectile dysfunction false statement is
A:-Angiography is gold standards for arterial impotence
B:-Penile Doppler is done with intra cavernosal papaverine injection
C:-PSV < 30 cm/s indicates arterial insufficiency
D:-EDV<5 cm/s indicates venous insufficiency
Ans: D
28:-Which of the following is false ?
A:-Calcification is present in 10% with Wilms tumor
B:-Calcification is present in 50% of neuroblastoma
C:-Stage IV-S neuroblastoma has a very bad prognosis
D:-Bilateral Wilms tumor is stage V tumor
Ans: C
29:-The earliest radiologic sign of mitral stenosis is
A:-Straightening of left border of cardiac silhouette
B:-Upper lobe pulmonary veins are congested and prominent
C:-"Inverted moustache sign"
D:-kerley B lines
Ans: B
30:-Pneumothorax is common with pneumonia caused by
B:-Pneumocystis carinii
C:-Staphylococcus aureus
D:-H. influenzae
Ans: B
31:-In x-ray imaging, noise is determined by
A:-Energy of x-rays hitting the detector
B:-Number of x-rays hitting the detector
C:-Tissue contrast
D:-Amount of scatter hitting the detector
Ans: B
32:-Which of the following numbers reported by the scanner best reflects the total amount of radiation delivered to the patient
B:-CT Dose Index (CTDI)
D:-Dose-length product (DLP)
Ans: D
33:-The following term refers to a measure designed to reflect stochastic (cancer) risk from radiation
B:-CT Dose Index (CTDI)
C:-Average dose
D:-Effective dose
Ans: D
34:-Automated exposure compensation uses the topogram (or scout) image to determine
A:-Tube current (mA)
C:-Reconstruction filter
D:-Bowtie filter
Ans: A
35:-Iodine is a good CT contrast agent because
A:-We can achieve very high concentrations in target organs
B:-The k-edge (33 keV) is much lower than x-ray energies produced by a 120 kV tube
C:-The k-edge (33 keV) is near the average diagnostic x-ray energy produced by a 120 kV tube
D:-It simulates the attenuation of bone
Ans: C
36:-First X ray sign in pulmonary thromboembolism
A:-Wester mark sign
B:-Palla sign
C:-Fleischner sign
D:-Knuckle sign
Ans: A
37:-Atoll sign is seen
B:-Cryptogenic organising pneumonia
D:-Pneumocystis carini pneuomonia
Ans: B
38:-All the statements regarding shoulder radiography is true except
A:-In AP view with neutral rotation both greater and lesser tuberosities are super imposed
B:-In Grasheys projection there is more overlap of gleniod than AP projection
C:-AP oblique view rotate the body 35-45 degree
D:-In Y view humeral head should super impose over the base of Y if not dislocated
Ans: B
39:-All are features of cardiomegaly except
A:-CTR > 50% in PA chest
B:-CTR > 60% in AP chest
C:-Cardiac diameter > 15.5 cm
D:-1.5 times increase in diameter in serial X rays
Ans: A
40:-Most anterior ethmiod air cell is
A:-Haller cell
B:-Onodi cell
C:-Agger nasi cell
D:-Concha bullosa
Ans: C
41:-Dentigerous cyst false statement is
A:-Seen in adolescent age
C:-Replaces tooth
D:-Seen in old age
Ans: D
42:-In Film processing – fixing, all are true except
A:-Made of hypo/ammonium thiosulphate
B:-Preservative for developer and fixer is same
C:-Hardening agent harden and shrinks gelatin in the film emulsion to prevent its reduction
D:-Acidifier neutralizes alkaline developer
Ans: C
43:-TLD false statement is
A:-Active radiation detection device
B:-Disc are made of calcium SO4
C:-Lower filter is kept open
D:-Measures doses between 0.01-10.4 mGy
Ans: A
44:-Gamma gandy bodies are seen in :
(A) Spleen MRI images (B) Liver scintigraphy (C) Liver MR imaging (D) Scintigraphy of spleen
Ans: A
45:-Fluid colour sign in USG seen in
A:-Pleural plaque
B:-Pleural effusion
D:-Lymphovenous malformation
Ans: B
46:-In lateral view chest X ray
A:-Left hemidiaphragm lower than right
B:-Right hemidiaphragm lower than left
C:-Right dome is fully traceable
D:-Dome closer to film is lower
Ans: A
47:-Lung volume is maintained in
Ans: C
48:-Patchy ground glass opacities with peripheral perivascular cyst seen in
Ans: C
49:-All are features of air space opacity except
A:-Air bronchogram
B:-Silhouette sign
C:-Preserved volume
D:-Reticular shadow
Ans: D
50:-Regarding cystic adenamatiod malformation false statement is
A:-Spontaneous resolution can occur
B:-Type 3 is solid mass
C:-Type 2 shows uniform cyst of size < 2 cm
D:-Type 1 shows micro cyst
Ans: D
51:-True in pneumothorax
A:-Sea shore sign
B:-Bar code sign
C:-Lung slide
D:-Prominent B pattern
Ans: B
52:-KVP for high KV chest X RAY
Ans: C
53:-Maximum permissible radiation in a pregnancy
A:-0.1 msv
B:-1 msv
C:-10 msv
D:-100 msv
Ans: B
54:-Para pharyngeal space false statement
A:-Superior margin is skull base
B:-Inferior margin is C7 vertebra
C:-Contains fat and internal maxillary artery
D:-Located anterior to pre vertebral space
Ans: B
55:-Left hilum is
A:-Higher level than right
B:-Lower level than right
C:-Denser than right
D:-Lucent than right
Ans: A
56:-Carciniod tumour of lung false statement
A:-Well defined hilar mass
B:-Eccenric calcification common
C:-Atypical carciniods are hypovascular
D:-Typical carciniods are hyper vascular
Ans: C
57:-Small bowel true statement is
A:-Presence of haustra
B:-Presence of Valvulae
C:-Presence of fecus
D:-Peripheral location
Ans: B
58:-Carcinoma rectum true is statement
A:-T 2 Tumour extend beyond rectal wall
B:-Mesorectal fascia positive tumour are candidates for total mesoretal excision
C:-TRUS is the choice between T3 and T4 tumours
D:-Mesorectal fascia (MRF) involvement means tumour within 1 mm of MRF
Ans: D
59:-Beaded appearance seen in MRCP in all except
A:-HIV cholangiopathy
D:-Primary sclerosing cholangitis
Ans: C
60:-Treatment option for HCC with right branch of portal vein involvement
Ans: C
A:-Longer TR and longer TE
B:-Shorter TR and long TE
C:-Longer TR and shorter TE
D:-Shorter TR and shorter TE
Ans: D
22:-Echo planar imaging forms echoes using
A:-Successive 90-degree pulses
B:-Successive alternating 90-degree pulses
C:-Successive180 degree pulses
D:-Successive alternating gradients
Ans: D
23:-Lingula of lung is best seen in which X-ray view ?
C:-Left lateral decubitus
D:-Right lateral decubitus
Ans: A
24:-Most signal in K space is present
A:-In the center
B:-In the periphery
C:-Along the frequency encoding axis
D:-Along gradient encoding axis
Ans: A
25:-In order to decrease dose in large patients
A:-Decrease kV and improve image noise
B:-Increase kV and improve image noise
C:-Increase in KV and improve in contrast
D:-Decrease in KV and improve in contrast
Ans: B
26:-Penumonia alba is seen in
A:-Congenital TB
B:-Congenital malaria
C:-Neonatal HIV
D:-Congenital syphilis
Ans: D
27:- Erectile dysfunction false statement is
A:-Angiography is gold standards for arterial impotence
B:-Penile Doppler is done with intra cavernosal papaverine injection
C:-PSV < 30 cm/s indicates arterial insufficiency
D:-EDV<5 cm/s indicates venous insufficiency
Ans: D
28:-Which of the following is false ?
A:-Calcification is present in 10% with Wilms tumor
B:-Calcification is present in 50% of neuroblastoma
C:-Stage IV-S neuroblastoma has a very bad prognosis
D:-Bilateral Wilms tumor is stage V tumor
Ans: C
29:-The earliest radiologic sign of mitral stenosis is
A:-Straightening of left border of cardiac silhouette
B:-Upper lobe pulmonary veins are congested and prominent
C:-"Inverted moustache sign"
D:-kerley B lines
Ans: B
30:-Pneumothorax is common with pneumonia caused by
B:-Pneumocystis carinii
C:-Staphylococcus aureus
D:-H. influenzae
Ans: B
31:-In x-ray imaging, noise is determined by
A:-Energy of x-rays hitting the detector
B:-Number of x-rays hitting the detector
C:-Tissue contrast
D:-Amount of scatter hitting the detector
Ans: B
32:-Which of the following numbers reported by the scanner best reflects the total amount of radiation delivered to the patient
B:-CT Dose Index (CTDI)
D:-Dose-length product (DLP)
Ans: D
33:-The following term refers to a measure designed to reflect stochastic (cancer) risk from radiation
B:-CT Dose Index (CTDI)
C:-Average dose
D:-Effective dose
Ans: D
34:-Automated exposure compensation uses the topogram (or scout) image to determine
A:-Tube current (mA)
C:-Reconstruction filter
D:-Bowtie filter
Ans: A
35:-Iodine is a good CT contrast agent because
A:-We can achieve very high concentrations in target organs
B:-The k-edge (33 keV) is much lower than x-ray energies produced by a 120 kV tube
C:-The k-edge (33 keV) is near the average diagnostic x-ray energy produced by a 120 kV tube
D:-It simulates the attenuation of bone
Ans: C
36:-First X ray sign in pulmonary thromboembolism
A:-Wester mark sign
B:-Palla sign
C:-Fleischner sign
D:-Knuckle sign
Ans: A
37:-Atoll sign is seen
B:-Cryptogenic organising pneumonia
D:-Pneumocystis carini pneuomonia
Ans: B
38:-All the statements regarding shoulder radiography is true except
A:-In AP view with neutral rotation both greater and lesser tuberosities are super imposed
B:-In Grasheys projection there is more overlap of gleniod than AP projection
C:-AP oblique view rotate the body 35-45 degree
D:-In Y view humeral head should super impose over the base of Y if not dislocated
Ans: B
39:-All are features of cardiomegaly except
A:-CTR > 50% in PA chest
B:-CTR > 60% in AP chest
C:-Cardiac diameter > 15.5 cm
D:-1.5 times increase in diameter in serial X rays
Ans: A
40:-Most anterior ethmiod air cell is
A:-Haller cell
B:-Onodi cell
C:-Agger nasi cell
D:-Concha bullosa
Ans: C
41:-Dentigerous cyst false statement is
A:-Seen in adolescent age
C:-Replaces tooth
D:-Seen in old age
Ans: D
42:-In Film processing – fixing, all are true except
A:-Made of hypo/ammonium thiosulphate
B:-Preservative for developer and fixer is same
C:-Hardening agent harden and shrinks gelatin in the film emulsion to prevent its reduction
D:-Acidifier neutralizes alkaline developer
Ans: C
43:-TLD false statement is
A:-Active radiation detection device
B:-Disc are made of calcium SO4
C:-Lower filter is kept open
D:-Measures doses between 0.01-10.4 mGy
Ans: A
44:-Gamma gandy bodies are seen in :
(A) Spleen MRI images (B) Liver scintigraphy (C) Liver MR imaging (D) Scintigraphy of spleen
Ans: A
45:-Fluid colour sign in USG seen in
A:-Pleural plaque
B:-Pleural effusion
D:-Lymphovenous malformation
Ans: B
46:-In lateral view chest X ray
A:-Left hemidiaphragm lower than right
B:-Right hemidiaphragm lower than left
C:-Right dome is fully traceable
D:-Dome closer to film is lower
Ans: A
47:-Lung volume is maintained in
Ans: C
48:-Patchy ground glass opacities with peripheral perivascular cyst seen in
Ans: C
49:-All are features of air space opacity except
A:-Air bronchogram
B:-Silhouette sign
C:-Preserved volume
D:-Reticular shadow
Ans: D
50:-Regarding cystic adenamatiod malformation false statement is
A:-Spontaneous resolution can occur
B:-Type 3 is solid mass
C:-Type 2 shows uniform cyst of size < 2 cm
D:-Type 1 shows micro cyst
Ans: D
51:-True in pneumothorax
A:-Sea shore sign
B:-Bar code sign
C:-Lung slide
D:-Prominent B pattern
Ans: B
52:-KVP for high KV chest X RAY
Ans: C
53:-Maximum permissible radiation in a pregnancy
A:-0.1 msv
B:-1 msv
C:-10 msv
D:-100 msv
Ans: B
54:-Para pharyngeal space false statement
A:-Superior margin is skull base
B:-Inferior margin is C7 vertebra
C:-Contains fat and internal maxillary artery
D:-Located anterior to pre vertebral space
Ans: B
55:-Left hilum is
A:-Higher level than right
B:-Lower level than right
C:-Denser than right
D:-Lucent than right
Ans: A
56:-Carciniod tumour of lung false statement
A:-Well defined hilar mass
B:-Eccenric calcification common
C:-Atypical carciniods are hypovascular
D:-Typical carciniods are hyper vascular
Ans: C
57:-Small bowel true statement is
A:-Presence of haustra
B:-Presence of Valvulae
C:-Presence of fecus
D:-Peripheral location
Ans: B
58:-Carcinoma rectum true is statement
A:-T 2 Tumour extend beyond rectal wall
B:-Mesorectal fascia positive tumour are candidates for total mesoretal excision
C:-TRUS is the choice between T3 and T4 tumours
D:-Mesorectal fascia (MRF) involvement means tumour within 1 mm of MRF
Ans: D
59:-Beaded appearance seen in MRCP in all except
A:-HIV cholangiopathy
D:-Primary sclerosing cholangitis
Ans: C
60:-Treatment option for HCC with right branch of portal vein involvement
Ans: C
61:-BMFT contraindicated in
A:-Large bowel obstruction
B:-Small bowel obstruction
C:-Ulcerative colitis
D:-Crohns disease
Ans: A
62:-Features of malignant gastric ulcer
A:-Hamptons line
B:-Extending outside the lumen
C:-Smooth margin
D:-Thick mucosal fold
Ans: D
63:-All are true regarding paediatric liver lesions except
A:-Hepatoblastoma may be associated with familial adenomatoum polyposis
B:-Hemangio endothelioma may show narrow infra renal aorta
C:-Mesenchymal hemartoma may present antenatally as hydrops fetalis
D:-Von meyenburg complex shows multiple moderate size liver cyst
Ans: D
64:-Regarding chronic calcific pancreatitis true statement is
A:-Pancreatic duct shows smooth dilatation
B:-Chunky calcification in groove pancreatitis
C:-Central luceny of calculus in hereditary pancreatitis
D:-Duct penetrance sign is an indicator of inflammatory mass
Ans: C
65:-Primary CNS vasculitis all are true statement except
A:-Common in female
B:-Calabresa's criteria for clinical diagnosis
C:-DSA shows focal/diffuse narrowing of small vessels
D:-Meningeal enhancement may be seen
Ans: A
66:-True about dementia
A:-Temporal lobe involvement seen in pre senile Alziemers disease
B:-Temporal lobe involvement in CADASIL
C:-Inferior frontal lobe involvement seen in strategic infarcts
D:-Symmetric parietal atrophy in coticobasilar degeneration
Ans: B
67:-True statement in CNS abscess
A:-Diffusion restriction of wall in bacterial abscess
B:-Succinate peak in tuberculous abscess
C:-Diffusion restriction of center in fungal
D:-Diffusion restriction of wall in fungal
Ans: D
68:-Cather used for cerebral angiogram in case of bovine arch
A:-Head hunter
Ans: B
69:-Diffusion restriction is seen in
A:-Arachniod cyst
B:-Neuroglial cyst
C:-Ependymal cyst
D:-Epidermiod cyst
Ans: D
70:-Spinal cord ependymoma false statement
A:-More central
B:-Hemorrhage is common
C:-Eccentric location
D:-More enhancing
Ans: C
71:-Hyperostosis frontalis interna false statement is
A:-Bilateral symmetric
B:-Can involve parietal lobe
C:-Inner table thickening
D:-Inner and outer table thickening
Ans: D
72:-Normal basal angle
Ans: A
73:-Inner ear abnormality that can result in insult at `4^(th)` week of gestation
A:-Michel deformity
B:-Mondini deformity
C:-Cochlear aplasia
D:-Common cavity malformation
Ans: C
74:-11-14 weeks scan
A:-is done when CRL > 50 mm
B:-is done when CRL > 45 mm
C:-NT > 2 is abnormal
D:-Done during fetal flexion
Ans: B
75:-Indications for fetal echocardiography are except
A:-Pre gestational diabetes
B:-Diabetes diagnosed in first trimester
C:-Paternal cardiac disease
D:-Diabetes with HBA1C < 6%
Ans: D
76:-In adenomyosis all are true except
A:-Subendometrial cyst
B:-Subendometrial echogenic nodule
C:-Thickened transitional zone
D:-Diverticula extending to endometrium is HSG
Ans: D
77:-Septate uterus false statement is
A:-Fundal contour may be normal
B:-MRI is the modality of choice
C:-Angle between cavity is < 75%
D:-Angle between cavity is 75-125%
Ans: D
78:-Following refers to structural reporting system except
Ans: C
79:-All are true in prostate except
A:-Citrate is increased in MRS in malignant tissue
B:-Peripheral zone is hyper intense in T2 MRI
C:-Peripheral zone is hyperechioc in TRUS
D:-Obliteration of recto prostatic angle is a sign of extra capsular extension
Ans: A
A:-Large bowel obstruction
B:-Small bowel obstruction
C:-Ulcerative colitis
D:-Crohns disease
Ans: A
62:-Features of malignant gastric ulcer
A:-Hamptons line
B:-Extending outside the lumen
C:-Smooth margin
D:-Thick mucosal fold
Ans: D
63:-All are true regarding paediatric liver lesions except
A:-Hepatoblastoma may be associated with familial adenomatoum polyposis
B:-Hemangio endothelioma may show narrow infra renal aorta
C:-Mesenchymal hemartoma may present antenatally as hydrops fetalis
D:-Von meyenburg complex shows multiple moderate size liver cyst
Ans: D
64:-Regarding chronic calcific pancreatitis true statement is
A:-Pancreatic duct shows smooth dilatation
B:-Chunky calcification in groove pancreatitis
C:-Central luceny of calculus in hereditary pancreatitis
D:-Duct penetrance sign is an indicator of inflammatory mass
Ans: C
65:-Primary CNS vasculitis all are true statement except
A:-Common in female
B:-Calabresa's criteria for clinical diagnosis
C:-DSA shows focal/diffuse narrowing of small vessels
D:-Meningeal enhancement may be seen
Ans: A
66:-True about dementia
A:-Temporal lobe involvement seen in pre senile Alziemers disease
B:-Temporal lobe involvement in CADASIL
C:-Inferior frontal lobe involvement seen in strategic infarcts
D:-Symmetric parietal atrophy in coticobasilar degeneration
Ans: B
67:-True statement in CNS abscess
A:-Diffusion restriction of wall in bacterial abscess
B:-Succinate peak in tuberculous abscess
C:-Diffusion restriction of center in fungal
D:-Diffusion restriction of wall in fungal
Ans: D
68:-Cather used for cerebral angiogram in case of bovine arch
A:-Head hunter
Ans: B
69:-Diffusion restriction is seen in
A:-Arachniod cyst
B:-Neuroglial cyst
C:-Ependymal cyst
D:-Epidermiod cyst
Ans: D
70:-Spinal cord ependymoma false statement
A:-More central
B:-Hemorrhage is common
C:-Eccentric location
D:-More enhancing
Ans: C
71:-Hyperostosis frontalis interna false statement is
A:-Bilateral symmetric
B:-Can involve parietal lobe
C:-Inner table thickening
D:-Inner and outer table thickening
Ans: D
72:-Normal basal angle
Ans: A
73:-Inner ear abnormality that can result in insult at `4^(th)` week of gestation
A:-Michel deformity
B:-Mondini deformity
C:-Cochlear aplasia
D:-Common cavity malformation
Ans: C
74:-11-14 weeks scan
A:-is done when CRL > 50 mm
B:-is done when CRL > 45 mm
C:-NT > 2 is abnormal
D:-Done during fetal flexion
Ans: B
75:-Indications for fetal echocardiography are except
A:-Pre gestational diabetes
B:-Diabetes diagnosed in first trimester
C:-Paternal cardiac disease
D:-Diabetes with HBA1C < 6%
Ans: D
76:-In adenomyosis all are true except
A:-Subendometrial cyst
B:-Subendometrial echogenic nodule
C:-Thickened transitional zone
D:-Diverticula extending to endometrium is HSG
Ans: D
77:-Septate uterus false statement is
A:-Fundal contour may be normal
B:-MRI is the modality of choice
C:-Angle between cavity is < 75%
D:-Angle between cavity is 75-125%
Ans: D
78:-Following refers to structural reporting system except
Ans: C
79:-All are true in prostate except
A:-Citrate is increased in MRS in malignant tissue
B:-Peripheral zone is hyper intense in T2 MRI
C:-Peripheral zone is hyperechioc in TRUS
D:-Obliteration of recto prostatic angle is a sign of extra capsular extension
Ans: A
80. Whimberger sign of syphilis is seen in :
(A) Epiphysis (B) Metaphysis (C) Diaphysis (D) physis
Ans: B
81. Swiss cheese nephrogram is seen in :
(A) Acute obstruction (B) Renal artery stenosis (C) ARPKD (D) ADPKD
Ans: D
82. Double PCL appearance is seen in :
(A) ACL tear (B) Splitting of PCL
(C) Patellar tendon tear (D) Meniscal tear
Ans: D
83. Spring water cyst is :
(A) Arachnoid cyst (B) Pleuropericardial cyst
(C) Hydatid cyst (D) Lymphatic cyst
Ans: B
84. Reverse 3 sign in barium swallow is seen in :
(A) Peri ampulalry carcinoma (B) Left atrial enlargement
(C) Coarctation of aorta (D) Aberrant right subclavian
Ans: C
85. False statement regarding isolated levocardia is :
(A) Left dome at lower level
(B) Right dome at lower level
(C) Stomach on right side
(D) Very high incidence of serious congenital heart diseases
Ans: B
86. Tigroid appearance is seen in :
(A) Wilsons disease
(B) Progressive supranuclear palsy
(C) Metachromatic leukodystrophy
(D) Adreno leukodystrophy
Ans: C
87. Noise within MR gantry during scanning is due to :
(A) Super conducting coil (B) Gradient coil
(C) Shimming coil (D) RF coil
Ans: B
88. Acroosteolysis is not seen in :
(A) sarcoidosis (B) hyper parathyroidism
(C) acromegaly (D) pycnodysostosis
Ans: C
89. Arteria radicularis magna-common site is :
(A) Cervical (B) High thoracic (C) Lower thoracic (D) Lumbar
Ans: C
90. Lamda sign in scintigraphy is seen in :
(A) Sarcoidosis (B) Stress fracture (C) Pulmonary thromboembolism (D) Retrosternal thyroid
Ans: A
91. Toddlers fracture is seen in :
(A) Femur (B) Talus (C) Tibia (D) Metatarsals
Ans: C
92. Vanishing lung is seen in :
(A) SLE (B) Rheumatoid arthritis (C) Interstitial fibrosis (D) Systemic sclerosis
Ans: A
93. Permeative bone destruction pattern is not seen in :
(A) Acute osteomyelitis (B) Acute osteoporosis (C) Eosinophilic granuloma (D) Ewings sarcoma
Ans: C
94. Best investigation for pancreas divisum is :
(A) MDCT (B) MRCP (C) ERCP (D) Endoscopic ultrasound
Ans: B
95. Anode target material in mammography tube is :
(A) Molybdenum (B) Tungsten (C) Copper (D) Rheunium
Ans: A
96. Owl eye appearance in MR spine is noted in :
(A) Vertebral infarct (B) AVM spinal cord (C) Spinal cord infarct (D) Neurofibroma
Ans: C
97. Super numerary teeth seen in :
(A) Osteogenesis imperfecta (B) Ectodermal dysplasia (C) Ellis vancrevald disease (D) Cleidocranial dysplasia
Ans: D
98. Renal halo sign is seen in :
(A) Acute pancreatitis (B) Acute pyelonephritis (C) Renal abscess (D) Acute nephritis
Ans: A
99. What type of renal stone is seen in terminal ileal disease ?
(A) Uric acid (B) Oxalate (C) Triple phosphate (D) Cysteine
Ans: B
(A) Epiphysis (B) Metaphysis (C) Diaphysis (D) physis
Ans: B
81. Swiss cheese nephrogram is seen in :
(A) Acute obstruction (B) Renal artery stenosis (C) ARPKD (D) ADPKD
Ans: D
82. Double PCL appearance is seen in :
(A) ACL tear (B) Splitting of PCL
(C) Patellar tendon tear (D) Meniscal tear
Ans: D
83. Spring water cyst is :
(A) Arachnoid cyst (B) Pleuropericardial cyst
(C) Hydatid cyst (D) Lymphatic cyst
Ans: B
84. Reverse 3 sign in barium swallow is seen in :
(A) Peri ampulalry carcinoma (B) Left atrial enlargement
(C) Coarctation of aorta (D) Aberrant right subclavian
Ans: C
85. False statement regarding isolated levocardia is :
(A) Left dome at lower level
(B) Right dome at lower level
(C) Stomach on right side
(D) Very high incidence of serious congenital heart diseases
Ans: B
86. Tigroid appearance is seen in :
(A) Wilsons disease
(B) Progressive supranuclear palsy
(C) Metachromatic leukodystrophy
(D) Adreno leukodystrophy
Ans: C
87. Noise within MR gantry during scanning is due to :
(A) Super conducting coil (B) Gradient coil
(C) Shimming coil (D) RF coil
Ans: B
88. Acroosteolysis is not seen in :
(A) sarcoidosis (B) hyper parathyroidism
(C) acromegaly (D) pycnodysostosis
Ans: C
89. Arteria radicularis magna-common site is :
(A) Cervical (B) High thoracic (C) Lower thoracic (D) Lumbar
Ans: C
90. Lamda sign in scintigraphy is seen in :
(A) Sarcoidosis (B) Stress fracture (C) Pulmonary thromboembolism (D) Retrosternal thyroid
Ans: A
91. Toddlers fracture is seen in :
(A) Femur (B) Talus (C) Tibia (D) Metatarsals
Ans: C
92. Vanishing lung is seen in :
(A) SLE (B) Rheumatoid arthritis (C) Interstitial fibrosis (D) Systemic sclerosis
Ans: A
93. Permeative bone destruction pattern is not seen in :
(A) Acute osteomyelitis (B) Acute osteoporosis (C) Eosinophilic granuloma (D) Ewings sarcoma
Ans: C
94. Best investigation for pancreas divisum is :
(A) MDCT (B) MRCP (C) ERCP (D) Endoscopic ultrasound
Ans: B
95. Anode target material in mammography tube is :
(A) Molybdenum (B) Tungsten (C) Copper (D) Rheunium
Ans: A
96. Owl eye appearance in MR spine is noted in :
(A) Vertebral infarct (B) AVM spinal cord (C) Spinal cord infarct (D) Neurofibroma
Ans: C
97. Super numerary teeth seen in :
(A) Osteogenesis imperfecta (B) Ectodermal dysplasia (C) Ellis vancrevald disease (D) Cleidocranial dysplasia
Ans: D
98. Renal halo sign is seen in :
(A) Acute pancreatitis (B) Acute pyelonephritis (C) Renal abscess (D) Acute nephritis
Ans: A
99. What type of renal stone is seen in terminal ileal disease ?
(A) Uric acid (B) Oxalate (C) Triple phosphate (D) Cysteine
Ans: B
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