(These syllabus may change from time to time. Please check with the relevant Public Service Commission website for any changes in the syllabus)
1. Knowledge of Subject concerned : Senior Secondary Level
Home Science - Education meaning, definition, scope, objectives and history. Changing concept of different areas of Home Science. Definition, functions and classification of foods. Nutrients and their composition, sources and functions. Balanced Diet. Methods of cooking. Home Management definition. Motivating Factors- value, goals and standard. Resources- classification and characteristics. Income- definition, meaning and types. Budget- steps. Saving and Investment Fibre- types and properties- Natural and Man-Made Yarn construction Weaving- types. General principles of clothing construction Definition of Child Development, Human Development Scope of Human Development. Principles of growth and Development. Role of Heredity and environment. Life span stages. Types of Development Definition of Developmental tasks and different tasks, different stages of human development. Characteristics of different age groups and their physiological and behavioral problems. Meaning, concepts and scope of special education and classification of children with special needs.
2. Knowledge of Subject concerned : Graduation Level
Changing concepts of Home Science. Areas of Home Science- objectives and scope of each area. Professional organizations and Research Institutes, contributing to different areas of Home Science. Formal, Non-formal and Informal education. Programme planning, Implementation and Evaluation. Government and NGO's Development Programmes. Meaning, definition, principles and basic elements of extension education. Extension teaching methods. Communication concepts and meanings. Different types of communication Aids. Nutrients- their composition and sources. Recommended dietary allowances and deficiences. Nutritive value of important cereals, pulses, vegetables, fruits, milk and milk products, eggs, meat and fish. Methods of cooking- their effects on nutrients and methods of enhancing the nutrients value of foods. Selection, purchase and storage of foods. Food spoilage. Food preservation- importance, principles and methods. Food adulteration- causes, identification, preventive and control measures , food laws and standards, labels, etc. Changing trends in food consumption- fast foods, junk foods etc. Nutritional status- concept, assessment methods. Principles of meal planning. Diets of normal individual of different ages, sex, profession and physiological condition.(Pregnant and lactation) Dietary management during different diseases. Concept and type of community health and community nutrition. Nutrition problems of community and implication for public health. Current situation in India. Nutritional Assessment and Surveillance. Nutrition and health communication. Management Process- Planning, controlling and evaluation. Decision Making. Management of Resources- Time, money and energy. Work simplification- meaning, importance and its application in various household activities. Introduction of foundation of art- design, elements and principle of design. House planning/space designing. Selection and types of furniture and furnishing. Financial and legal consideration- availability of funds for having housing. Interior designing and Principles of arrangements. Definition, meaning and need of consumer. Market, consumer education methods, contents and sources. Consumer Aids and consumer protection. Taxation- need, types, effect of tax on work and saving. Wills and trusts. Early identification, treatment, prevention and rehabilitation of each category of children with special needs. Meaning, importance and objectives of Early Childhood care and Education. Different types of Early Childhood Care and Education Centers. Meaning and concept of developmentally appropriate programme/practice (DAP). Planning, Implementation and Evaluation of Early Childhood Programme. Concept of adolescent and adolescence stage and problems of adolescence stage. Meaning and definition of marriage, types and functions of marriage, factors of mate selection. Meaning and definition of family, types of family Population education and dynamics. Yarn making, weaving and other methods of fabric construction and their effect on appearance, durability and maintenance of garments. Different types of finishes. Selection, care and storage of different types of clothes including readymade garments. Importance of clothing, social and psychological aspects of clothing. Functions of clothing construction drafting and making of paper patterns. Body measurement- importance of taking body measurements and its relation to sizes and different types of garments. Preparation of fabric cutting- layout, pinning, marking and cutting. Wardrobe planning. Selection of fabrics and garments for adolescent, men and women. Selection and buying fabrics for various users. Elements, principles of design in clothing. Traditional Textile of India. Fashion Terminology and fashion cycle.
3. Knowledge of Subject Concerned : PG Level
Extension Management and Administration. Extension Programme Management Adoption and Different of Homestead technologies. Participating Extension Approaches – RRA, PRA and PLA. Participating Communication. Extension Planning methods. Communication Strategy. Print and Oral Communication . Women Empowerment. Entrepreneurship. Different methods of enhancing the nutritive value of foods – forification. Food adulteration – causes, identification preventive and control measures. Inter-relationship of agriculture, food, nutrition, health and population. Energy needs, basal metabolism and total energy requirement. Digestion, absorption and utilization of major nutrients. Nutritional Status. Nutritional problems in the country with special references to Rajasthan Nutrition Intervention. Dietary management during different diseases. Nutrition Policy in India. Nutrition Problems of community and implication for public health. Different organizations / Programmes working for children with special needs. Administration and Supervision of Early Childhood Care and Education Centres / institutes. Need of Guidance and Counseling at each life span stage of development. Marital adjustment, legal aspects of marriage. Role of mother and father in the family. Functions (Traditional and Modern) of the family and factors affecting family functions. Meaning and stages of family life-cycle. Family welfare organizations (Government and Non Government) in India. Parenting Styles and impact of these styles on the children. Family planning measures, Reproductive Health. Family disorganization. Factors influencing residential planning. Space designing according to various activities and family needs. Kitchen – Types and Storage ergonomics. Illumination – purpose, Types, Lightening – types – unit of measurement, glare, Fixtures – types & selection. Furniture – types & selection. Furnishing & accessories - types & selection. Work ergonomics – Meaning & Concept. Work Physiology – Introduction, definition & types of work static and dynamic. Physiological factors influencing. Working environment. Fashion terminology, sources, fashion cycle and season. Factors favouring of fashion cycle and season, Consumer demand and fashion marketing and fashion change. Paper pattern – basic designing Draping Readymade Garment need and Criteria. Future trends in fashion technology. Dyes and their effects.
1. Knowledge of Subject concerned : Senior Secondary Level
Home Science - Education meaning, definition, scope, objectives and history. Changing concept of different areas of Home Science. Definition, functions and classification of foods. Nutrients and their composition, sources and functions. Balanced Diet. Methods of cooking. Home Management definition. Motivating Factors- value, goals and standard. Resources- classification and characteristics. Income- definition, meaning and types. Budget- steps. Saving and Investment Fibre- types and properties- Natural and Man-Made Yarn construction Weaving- types. General principles of clothing construction Definition of Child Development, Human Development Scope of Human Development. Principles of growth and Development. Role of Heredity and environment. Life span stages. Types of Development Definition of Developmental tasks and different tasks, different stages of human development. Characteristics of different age groups and their physiological and behavioral problems. Meaning, concepts and scope of special education and classification of children with special needs.
2. Knowledge of Subject concerned : Graduation Level
Changing concepts of Home Science. Areas of Home Science- objectives and scope of each area. Professional organizations and Research Institutes, contributing to different areas of Home Science. Formal, Non-formal and Informal education. Programme planning, Implementation and Evaluation. Government and NGO's Development Programmes. Meaning, definition, principles and basic elements of extension education. Extension teaching methods. Communication concepts and meanings. Different types of communication Aids. Nutrients- their composition and sources. Recommended dietary allowances and deficiences. Nutritive value of important cereals, pulses, vegetables, fruits, milk and milk products, eggs, meat and fish. Methods of cooking- their effects on nutrients and methods of enhancing the nutrients value of foods. Selection, purchase and storage of foods. Food spoilage. Food preservation- importance, principles and methods. Food adulteration- causes, identification, preventive and control measures , food laws and standards, labels, etc. Changing trends in food consumption- fast foods, junk foods etc. Nutritional status- concept, assessment methods. Principles of meal planning. Diets of normal individual of different ages, sex, profession and physiological condition.(Pregnant and lactation) Dietary management during different diseases. Concept and type of community health and community nutrition. Nutrition problems of community and implication for public health. Current situation in India. Nutritional Assessment and Surveillance. Nutrition and health communication. Management Process- Planning, controlling and evaluation. Decision Making. Management of Resources- Time, money and energy. Work simplification- meaning, importance and its application in various household activities. Introduction of foundation of art- design, elements and principle of design. House planning/space designing. Selection and types of furniture and furnishing. Financial and legal consideration- availability of funds for having housing. Interior designing and Principles of arrangements. Definition, meaning and need of consumer. Market, consumer education methods, contents and sources. Consumer Aids and consumer protection. Taxation- need, types, effect of tax on work and saving. Wills and trusts. Early identification, treatment, prevention and rehabilitation of each category of children with special needs. Meaning, importance and objectives of Early Childhood care and Education. Different types of Early Childhood Care and Education Centers. Meaning and concept of developmentally appropriate programme/practice (DAP). Planning, Implementation and Evaluation of Early Childhood Programme. Concept of adolescent and adolescence stage and problems of adolescence stage. Meaning and definition of marriage, types and functions of marriage, factors of mate selection. Meaning and definition of family, types of family Population education and dynamics. Yarn making, weaving and other methods of fabric construction and their effect on appearance, durability and maintenance of garments. Different types of finishes. Selection, care and storage of different types of clothes including readymade garments. Importance of clothing, social and psychological aspects of clothing. Functions of clothing construction drafting and making of paper patterns. Body measurement- importance of taking body measurements and its relation to sizes and different types of garments. Preparation of fabric cutting- layout, pinning, marking and cutting. Wardrobe planning. Selection of fabrics and garments for adolescent, men and women. Selection and buying fabrics for various users. Elements, principles of design in clothing. Traditional Textile of India. Fashion Terminology and fashion cycle.
3. Knowledge of Subject Concerned : PG Level
Extension Management and Administration. Extension Programme Management Adoption and Different of Homestead technologies. Participating Extension Approaches – RRA, PRA and PLA. Participating Communication. Extension Planning methods. Communication Strategy. Print and Oral Communication . Women Empowerment. Entrepreneurship. Different methods of enhancing the nutritive value of foods – forification. Food adulteration – causes, identification preventive and control measures. Inter-relationship of agriculture, food, nutrition, health and population. Energy needs, basal metabolism and total energy requirement. Digestion, absorption and utilization of major nutrients. Nutritional Status. Nutritional problems in the country with special references to Rajasthan Nutrition Intervention. Dietary management during different diseases. Nutrition Policy in India. Nutrition Problems of community and implication for public health. Different organizations / Programmes working for children with special needs. Administration and Supervision of Early Childhood Care and Education Centres / institutes. Need of Guidance and Counseling at each life span stage of development. Marital adjustment, legal aspects of marriage. Role of mother and father in the family. Functions (Traditional and Modern) of the family and factors affecting family functions. Meaning and stages of family life-cycle. Family welfare organizations (Government and Non Government) in India. Parenting Styles and impact of these styles on the children. Family planning measures, Reproductive Health. Family disorganization. Factors influencing residential planning. Space designing according to various activities and family needs. Kitchen – Types and Storage ergonomics. Illumination – purpose, Types, Lightening – types – unit of measurement, glare, Fixtures – types & selection. Furniture – types & selection. Furnishing & accessories - types & selection. Work ergonomics – Meaning & Concept. Work Physiology – Introduction, definition & types of work static and dynamic. Physiological factors influencing. Working environment. Fashion terminology, sources, fashion cycle and season. Factors favouring of fashion cycle and season, Consumer demand and fashion marketing and fashion change. Paper pattern – basic designing Draping Readymade Garment need and Criteria. Future trends in fashion technology. Dyes and their effects.
1:-The first transgenic plant to be produced is
Ans: D
2:-The most important property of nano material is
Ans: B
3:-The programme involved in socioeconomic development and empowerment of women through promotion of women SHG's
Ans: A
4:-The programme planned by Ministry of Women and Child Development called STEP stands for
A:-Support to Training and Employment Programme
B:-Scheme for Training and Education Programme
C:-Support to Training and Education Programme
D:-Services for Training and Employment Programme
Ans: A
5:-The study of the full protein set encoded by a genome
Ans: B
6:-Synthetic seed is produced by encapsulating somatic embryo with
A:-Sodium chloride
B:-Sodium acetate
C:-Sodium nitrate
D:-Sodium alginate
Ans: D
7:-Which type of fermentation is used to produce yogurt ?
C:-Yeast-lactic fermentation
D:-Mould-lactic fermentation
Ans: B
8:-Which of the following is a simplest functional food ?
B:-Oat meal
C:-Orange juice with calcium
Ans: B
9:-Which of the following refers to the addition of microorganisms to the diet in order to provide health benefits beyond nutritive value ?
Ans: B
10:-Scheme for organizing women into self-help groups is called
A:-Swadhar, 1995
B:-Priyadarshini, 2011
C:-Rashtriya Mahilakosh, 1993
D:-Swayamsiddha, 2001
Ans: D
11:-The power to prorogue House of the People in India is a power vested in
A:-The Speaker
B:-The President of India
C:-Speaker and the President
D:-Deputy Speaker
Ans: B
12:-Parkinson's diseases are likely to have low levels of
A:-Vitamin C
B:-Vitamin D
C:-Vitamin E
D:-Vitamin A
Ans: B
13:-Glutamine is a
A:-Non essential amino acid
B:-Essential amino acid
C:-Fatty acid
D:-Conditionally essential amino acid
Ans: A
14:-The process hyper alimentation is otherwise known as
A:-Total Parenteral nutrition
B:-Blenderised feeding
C:-Naso gastric feeding
D:-Tube feeding
Ans: A
15:-The form in which selenium is present in animal foods
D:-Selenium disulfide
Ans: B
16:-Under the Food Security Act the head of the house hold for the purpose of issuing Ration Card is
A:-The eldest male member of not less than 21 years
B:-Eldest female member of not less than 21 years
C:-Eldest female member of not less than 18 years
D:-Eldest male member of not less than 18 years
Ans: C
17:-A complaint against domestic violence can be received by
A:-Service Provider
B:-Protection Officer
C:-Magistrate or Police Officer
D:-All of the above
Ans: D
18:-The total fat content of colostrum
A:-Is less than mature milk
B:-Is more than mature milk
C:-Is equal to mature milk
D:-None of the above
Ans: A
19:-The elemental Ca : P ratio to be maintained in adolescents to prevent the chance of osteoporosis
A:-2 : 1
B:-1 : 3
C:-1 : 1
D:-1 : 2
Ans: C
20:-The period of limitation for filing a case before the National Green Tribunal is
A:-Three years
B:-Six months
C:-Twelve months
D:-Two years
Ans: B
Ans: D
2:-The most important property of nano material is
Ans: B
3:-The programme involved in socioeconomic development and empowerment of women through promotion of women SHG's
Ans: A
4:-The programme planned by Ministry of Women and Child Development called STEP stands for
A:-Support to Training and Employment Programme
B:-Scheme for Training and Education Programme
C:-Support to Training and Education Programme
D:-Services for Training and Employment Programme
Ans: A
5:-The study of the full protein set encoded by a genome
Ans: B
6:-Synthetic seed is produced by encapsulating somatic embryo with
A:-Sodium chloride
B:-Sodium acetate
C:-Sodium nitrate
D:-Sodium alginate
Ans: D
7:-Which type of fermentation is used to produce yogurt ?
C:-Yeast-lactic fermentation
D:-Mould-lactic fermentation
Ans: B
8:-Which of the following is a simplest functional food ?
B:-Oat meal
C:-Orange juice with calcium
Ans: B
9:-Which of the following refers to the addition of microorganisms to the diet in order to provide health benefits beyond nutritive value ?
Ans: B
10:-Scheme for organizing women into self-help groups is called
A:-Swadhar, 1995
B:-Priyadarshini, 2011
C:-Rashtriya Mahilakosh, 1993
D:-Swayamsiddha, 2001
Ans: D
11:-The power to prorogue House of the People in India is a power vested in
A:-The Speaker
B:-The President of India
C:-Speaker and the President
D:-Deputy Speaker
Ans: B
12:-Parkinson's diseases are likely to have low levels of
A:-Vitamin C
B:-Vitamin D
C:-Vitamin E
D:-Vitamin A
Ans: B
13:-Glutamine is a
A:-Non essential amino acid
B:-Essential amino acid
C:-Fatty acid
D:-Conditionally essential amino acid
Ans: A
14:-The process hyper alimentation is otherwise known as
A:-Total Parenteral nutrition
B:-Blenderised feeding
C:-Naso gastric feeding
D:-Tube feeding
Ans: A
15:-The form in which selenium is present in animal foods
D:-Selenium disulfide
Ans: B
16:-Under the Food Security Act the head of the house hold for the purpose of issuing Ration Card is
A:-The eldest male member of not less than 21 years
B:-Eldest female member of not less than 21 years
C:-Eldest female member of not less than 18 years
D:-Eldest male member of not less than 18 years
Ans: C
17:-A complaint against domestic violence can be received by
A:-Service Provider
B:-Protection Officer
C:-Magistrate or Police Officer
D:-All of the above
Ans: D
18:-The total fat content of colostrum
A:-Is less than mature milk
B:-Is more than mature milk
C:-Is equal to mature milk
D:-None of the above
Ans: A
19:-The elemental Ca : P ratio to be maintained in adolescents to prevent the chance of osteoporosis
A:-2 : 1
B:-1 : 3
C:-1 : 1
D:-1 : 2
Ans: C
20:-The period of limitation for filing a case before the National Green Tribunal is
A:-Three years
B:-Six months
C:-Twelve months
D:-Two years
Ans: B
21:-Moulds used in the "Amylo" process for the saccharification of starch.
B:-M. rouxii
Ans: B
22:-The pyogenic group of microorganisms are
A:-Salt loving
B:-Survives fresh air
C:-Survives low temperature
D:-Pus producing
Ans: D
23:-Ropiness of bread is caused by
A:-G. Aurantiarum
B:-R. Stolonifer
C:-B. Subtilus
D:-E. Colacea
Ans: C
24:-The gas used as packaged fumigant for dried prunes, spices and meats.
A:-Sulphur dioxide
B:-Nitrous oxide
C:-Propylene oxide
D:-Ethylene oxide
Ans: C
25:-FSSAI stands for
A:-Food Safety and Security Authority of India
B:-Food Safety and Standards Agency of India
C:-Food Standards and Security Authority of India
D:-Food Safety and Standards Authority of India
Ans: D
26:-Food Infection refers to
A:-The presence of bacterial toxin formed in the food
B:-Food borne illness caused by entrance of bacteria into body through contaminated food
C:-Both 1 and 2 are correct
D:-Both 1 and 2 are incorrect
Ans: B
27:-Paratyphoid fever is caused by
A:-S. Typhi
B:-S. Choleraesuis
C:-S. Delby
D:-S. Enterilidis
Ans: D
28:-Rickettsial disease in humans are
A:-Epidemic typhus
B:-Q fever
C:-Rocky mountain spotted fever
D:-All the above
Ans: D
29:-The raise in pasteurization temperature was done for the complete destruction of
A:-FMD virus
B:-E. Coli
Ans: C
30:-Additives added to food to prevent deterioration of food due to the presence of free metallic ions
B:-Firming agents
Ans: C
31:-The following is not an important factor while planning house
C:-Space utilisation
Ans: B
32:-Rhythm is possible by the use of
Ans: A
33:-The amount of lightness or darkness in colour is
Ans: A
34:-The following is not colour scheme
Ans: B
35:-What is an accent colour in a colour scheme ?
Ans: D
36:-The ratio for proportion not desirable in interior decoration is
A:-2 : 3
B:-3 : 5
C:-2 : 4
D:-8 : 13
Ans: C
37:-The following is a non-human resource
Ans: A
38:-Intrinsic value is also called
A:-Personal value
B:-Terminal value
C:-End value
D:-None of these
Ans: A
39:-Who stated that values are motivating factors in humans, developing behaviour ?
B:-Mukerjee and Singh
C:-P. E. Jacob and Flink
D:-Nickell and Dorsey
Ans: D
40:-Effective management recognises the validity of
B:-Decision making
C:-Management Process
D:-Values and Standards
Ans: C
41:-What is the full form of NBARD ?
A:-National Bank for Agriculture and Rural Development
B:-National Board for Agriculture and Revenue Development
C:-National Bank for Advanced Research and Development
D:-National Board for Agriculture and Rural Development
Ans: A
42:-Name an autonomous body under department of Rural development
D:-All of the above
Ans: D
43:-A composite statistic of life expectancy, education and income indices used to rank countries is called
A:-Developmental Assessment Index
B:-Human Development Index
C:-Family Developmental Quotient
D:-Life Improvement Index
Ans: B
44:-The corner stone of Panchayati Raj System is
B:-Panchayat Samiti
C:-Zilla Parishad
D:-Gram Panchayat
Ans: D
45:-What is incineration ?
Ans: A
46:-What is biological reprocessing ?
D:-All of the above
Ans: B
47:-Advertising is based on which of the following functions of communications ?
Ans: C
48:-International Literacy Day is celebrated on
A:-`8^(th)` September
B:-`8^(th)` October
C:-`8^(th)` November
D:-`12^(th)` October
Ans: B
49:-The target group for National Literacy Mission is
A:-Below 15 yrs.
B:-35-44 yrs.
C:-15-35 yrs.
D:-15-65 yrs.
Ans: C
50:-CRC stands for
A:-Child Resource Committee
B:-Children of Reserved Category
C:-Child Rights Committee
D:-None of the above
Ans: C
B:-M. rouxii
Ans: B
22:-The pyogenic group of microorganisms are
A:-Salt loving
B:-Survives fresh air
C:-Survives low temperature
D:-Pus producing
Ans: D
23:-Ropiness of bread is caused by
A:-G. Aurantiarum
B:-R. Stolonifer
C:-B. Subtilus
D:-E. Colacea
Ans: C
24:-The gas used as packaged fumigant for dried prunes, spices and meats.
A:-Sulphur dioxide
B:-Nitrous oxide
C:-Propylene oxide
D:-Ethylene oxide
Ans: C
25:-FSSAI stands for
A:-Food Safety and Security Authority of India
B:-Food Safety and Standards Agency of India
C:-Food Standards and Security Authority of India
D:-Food Safety and Standards Authority of India
Ans: D
26:-Food Infection refers to
A:-The presence of bacterial toxin formed in the food
B:-Food borne illness caused by entrance of bacteria into body through contaminated food
C:-Both 1 and 2 are correct
D:-Both 1 and 2 are incorrect
Ans: B
27:-Paratyphoid fever is caused by
A:-S. Typhi
B:-S. Choleraesuis
C:-S. Delby
D:-S. Enterilidis
Ans: D
28:-Rickettsial disease in humans are
A:-Epidemic typhus
B:-Q fever
C:-Rocky mountain spotted fever
D:-All the above
Ans: D
29:-The raise in pasteurization temperature was done for the complete destruction of
A:-FMD virus
B:-E. Coli
Ans: C
30:-Additives added to food to prevent deterioration of food due to the presence of free metallic ions
B:-Firming agents
Ans: C
31:-The following is not an important factor while planning house
C:-Space utilisation
Ans: B
32:-Rhythm is possible by the use of
Ans: A
33:-The amount of lightness or darkness in colour is
Ans: A
34:-The following is not colour scheme
Ans: B
35:-What is an accent colour in a colour scheme ?
Ans: D
36:-The ratio for proportion not desirable in interior decoration is
A:-2 : 3
B:-3 : 5
C:-2 : 4
D:-8 : 13
Ans: C
37:-The following is a non-human resource
Ans: A
38:-Intrinsic value is also called
A:-Personal value
B:-Terminal value
C:-End value
D:-None of these
Ans: A
39:-Who stated that values are motivating factors in humans, developing behaviour ?
B:-Mukerjee and Singh
C:-P. E. Jacob and Flink
D:-Nickell and Dorsey
Ans: D
40:-Effective management recognises the validity of
B:-Decision making
C:-Management Process
D:-Values and Standards
Ans: C
41:-What is the full form of NBARD ?
A:-National Bank for Agriculture and Rural Development
B:-National Board for Agriculture and Revenue Development
C:-National Bank for Advanced Research and Development
D:-National Board for Agriculture and Rural Development
Ans: A
42:-Name an autonomous body under department of Rural development
D:-All of the above
Ans: D
43:-A composite statistic of life expectancy, education and income indices used to rank countries is called
A:-Developmental Assessment Index
B:-Human Development Index
C:-Family Developmental Quotient
D:-Life Improvement Index
Ans: B
44:-The corner stone of Panchayati Raj System is
B:-Panchayat Samiti
C:-Zilla Parishad
D:-Gram Panchayat
Ans: D
45:-What is incineration ?
Ans: A
46:-What is biological reprocessing ?
D:-All of the above
Ans: B
47:-Advertising is based on which of the following functions of communications ?
Ans: C
48:-International Literacy Day is celebrated on
A:-`8^(th)` September
B:-`8^(th)` October
C:-`8^(th)` November
D:-`12^(th)` October
Ans: B
49:-The target group for National Literacy Mission is
A:-Below 15 yrs.
B:-35-44 yrs.
C:-15-35 yrs.
D:-15-65 yrs.
Ans: C
50:-CRC stands for
A:-Child Resource Committee
B:-Children of Reserved Category
C:-Child Rights Committee
D:-None of the above
Ans: C
51:-Piaget's developmental stage that corresponds to pre-school age
A:-Formal operational
B:-Concrete operational
Ans: D
52:-The psychologist who explained learning based on operant conditioning is
A:-Erik Erikson
B:-Albert Bandura
C:-B. F. Skinner
D:-John Watson
Ans: C
53:-The parenting style which is considered as the ideal for rearing children ?
Ans: A
54:-LAD is the short form for
A:-Language Advanced Development
B:-Lennerberg Assertion Device
C:-Language Acquisition Device
D:-None of the above
Ans: C
55:-Right to Education was passed in the year
Ans: C
56:-Protection of Children from Sexual Offences Act (POCSO Act) is passed in the year
Ans: B
57:-The stage that corresponds to preschool age according to Freud's psychoanalytic theory
A:-Latency period
B:-Oral stage
C:-Anal stage
D:-Phallic stage
Ans: C
58:-Psychoanalysis is also known as
A:-Client-centered therapy
B:-Talking therapy
C:-Play therapy
D:-Behavioural therapy
Ans: B
59:-What is an important quality of an effective counsellor ?
D:-Conditional regard
Ans: B
60:-Children needing early interventions are those children who are
A:-Low birth weight
B:-Developmental delays
D:-All of the above
Ans: D
61:-Malnutrition in children above 1 year can be ensured
A:-If chest circumference is more than head circumference
B:-If head circumference is more than chest circumference
C:-If head circumference is equal to chest circumference
D:-None of the above
Ans: B
62:-BMI is otherwise known as
A:-Broka's Index
C:-Functional Assessment
D:-Quetlet Index
Ans: D
63:-Antyodaya Anna Yojana was launched in
Ans: A
64:-World Health Organisation came into function on
A:-`12^(th)` April, 1948
B:-`7^(th)` April, 1948
C:-`24^(th)` April, 1954
D:-`2^(nd)` March, 1956
Ans: B
65:-Fortification of foods refers to
A:-Increasing the amount of existing nutrients in food
B:-Compensating the lost nutrient
C:-Addition of a new nutrient to the food
D:-All the above
Ans: C
66:-Total number of new/old cases of diseases existing at a point of time in the population can be termed as
A:-Morbidity prevalence rate
B:-Morbidity incidence rate
C:-Mortality rate
D:-Mortality incidence rate
Ans: A
67:-World's most unique early childhood development programme that completed a quarter of a century to control malnutrition.
A:-Targeted Public Distribution System
B:-Balwadi Feeding Programme
C:-National Food for Work Programme
D:-Integrated Child Development Service
Ans: D
68:-The scheme that aims at providing food security to meet the requirement of those senior citizens who, though eligible have remained uncovered under the National Old Age Pension Scheme.
A:-Targeted Public Distribution System
B:-Public Distribution System
C:-Annapurna Scheme
D:-Antyodaya Anna Yogana
Ans: C
69:-The beneficiaries of natural IDD control programme
A:-BPL families
B:-Rural poor
C:-Entire population
D:-Primary school children
Ans: C
70:-Spooning of nails is an indicator of
A:-Calcium Deficiency
B:-Vitamin K Deficiency
C:-Vitamin C Deficiency
D:-Iron Deficiency
Ans: D
71:-An example for a competitive interrelationship between food constituents
A:-Tryptophan and Niacin
B:-Zinc and Copper
C:-Vit. E and Selenium
D:-Folic and Iron
Ans: B
72:-Elimination diet refers to diet for
C:-Allergic conditions
D:-Coeliac diseases
Ans: C
73:-Amino acids necessary for foetal and childhood brain development
A:-Proline and Hydroxyproline
B:-Histidine and Tryptophan
C:-Methionine and Cysteine
D:-Phenylalanine and Tyrosine
Ans: D
74:-Child Survival and Safe Motherhood (CSSM) Programme addresses children in the age group of
A:-9 months-3 years
B:-0-3 months
C:-1-2 years
D:-3-6 months
Ans: A
A:-Formal operational
B:-Concrete operational
Ans: D
52:-The psychologist who explained learning based on operant conditioning is
A:-Erik Erikson
B:-Albert Bandura
C:-B. F. Skinner
D:-John Watson
Ans: C
53:-The parenting style which is considered as the ideal for rearing children ?
Ans: A
54:-LAD is the short form for
A:-Language Advanced Development
B:-Lennerberg Assertion Device
C:-Language Acquisition Device
D:-None of the above
Ans: C
55:-Right to Education was passed in the year
Ans: C
56:-Protection of Children from Sexual Offences Act (POCSO Act) is passed in the year
Ans: B
57:-The stage that corresponds to preschool age according to Freud's psychoanalytic theory
A:-Latency period
B:-Oral stage
C:-Anal stage
D:-Phallic stage
Ans: C
58:-Psychoanalysis is also known as
A:-Client-centered therapy
B:-Talking therapy
C:-Play therapy
D:-Behavioural therapy
Ans: B
59:-What is an important quality of an effective counsellor ?
D:-Conditional regard
Ans: B
60:-Children needing early interventions are those children who are
A:-Low birth weight
B:-Developmental delays
D:-All of the above
Ans: D
61:-Malnutrition in children above 1 year can be ensured
A:-If chest circumference is more than head circumference
B:-If head circumference is more than chest circumference
C:-If head circumference is equal to chest circumference
D:-None of the above
Ans: B
62:-BMI is otherwise known as
A:-Broka's Index
C:-Functional Assessment
D:-Quetlet Index
Ans: D
63:-Antyodaya Anna Yojana was launched in
Ans: A
64:-World Health Organisation came into function on
A:-`12^(th)` April, 1948
B:-`7^(th)` April, 1948
C:-`24^(th)` April, 1954
D:-`2^(nd)` March, 1956
Ans: B
65:-Fortification of foods refers to
A:-Increasing the amount of existing nutrients in food
B:-Compensating the lost nutrient
C:-Addition of a new nutrient to the food
D:-All the above
Ans: C
66:-Total number of new/old cases of diseases existing at a point of time in the population can be termed as
A:-Morbidity prevalence rate
B:-Morbidity incidence rate
C:-Mortality rate
D:-Mortality incidence rate
Ans: A
67:-World's most unique early childhood development programme that completed a quarter of a century to control malnutrition.
A:-Targeted Public Distribution System
B:-Balwadi Feeding Programme
C:-National Food for Work Programme
D:-Integrated Child Development Service
Ans: D
68:-The scheme that aims at providing food security to meet the requirement of those senior citizens who, though eligible have remained uncovered under the National Old Age Pension Scheme.
A:-Targeted Public Distribution System
B:-Public Distribution System
C:-Annapurna Scheme
D:-Antyodaya Anna Yogana
Ans: C
69:-The beneficiaries of natural IDD control programme
A:-BPL families
B:-Rural poor
C:-Entire population
D:-Primary school children
Ans: C
70:-Spooning of nails is an indicator of
A:-Calcium Deficiency
B:-Vitamin K Deficiency
C:-Vitamin C Deficiency
D:-Iron Deficiency
Ans: D
71:-An example for a competitive interrelationship between food constituents
A:-Tryptophan and Niacin
B:-Zinc and Copper
C:-Vit. E and Selenium
D:-Folic and Iron
Ans: B
72:-Elimination diet refers to diet for
C:-Allergic conditions
D:-Coeliac diseases
Ans: C
73:-Amino acids necessary for foetal and childhood brain development
A:-Proline and Hydroxyproline
B:-Histidine and Tryptophan
C:-Methionine and Cysteine
D:-Phenylalanine and Tyrosine
Ans: D
74:-Child Survival and Safe Motherhood (CSSM) Programme addresses children in the age group of
A:-9 months-3 years
B:-0-3 months
C:-1-2 years
D:-3-6 months
Ans: A
75. Which method would be most suitable for women who want to learn stitching ?
(a) Demonstration (b) Lecture (c) Radio (d) Newspaper
Ans: A
76. Home Science extension education is given to rural women at
(a) Home (b) Farms/Fields (c) Work place (d) All of the above
Ans: D
77. The number of chromosomes in human beings are
(a) 46 (b) 44 (c) 23 (d) 22 Ans: A
78. The Dowry Prohibition Act was started in India in
(a) 1959 (b) 1961 (c) 1970 (d) 1971
Ans: B
79. Mission “Indradhanush” is about
(a) Nutrition (b) Education (c) Immunization (d) Self-employment
Ans: C
80. Meats can be preserved by smoking. Which is a complex mixture of :
(a) Carbon, waxes & pigments (b) Alcohols, acids, phenols and toxic substances
(c) Phenyl, gases and fatty acids (d) None of the above
Ans: B
81. Vitamin D is formed in the skin by sunlight exposure from :
(a) 7–dehydro cholesterol (b) 6–dehydro cholesterol
(c) 5–dehydro cholesterol (d) All of the above
Ans: A
82. Free radicals are prevented by
(a) Energy (b) Protein (c) Lipid (d) Antioxidants
Ans: D
83. How many goals are there under the “Millennium Development Goals” ?
(a) 8 (b) 10 (c) 12 (d) 18
Ans: A
84. Which of the following statements is not true about “Fermentation” ?
(a) It increases vitamin B and C content of the food. (b) It‟s products are highly digestible.
(c) It adds flavour to food. (d) It increase the pH value of the food stuffs.
Ans: D
85. Which of the following are not deficiency diseases ?
(a) Xerophthalmia and Osteomalacia (b) Xerophthalmia and Bulemia
(c) Bulemia and Anorexia Nervosa (d) Keratomalacia and Pellagra
Ans: C
86. Connection between mother and embryo is formed by
(a) Placenta (b) Umblical cord (c) Amniotic fluid (d) Amniotic Sac
Ans: A
87. B.C.G. vaccination is given against
(a) Chicken-Pox (b) Small-Pox (c) Tuberculosis (d) Polio
Ans: C
88. Which type of parenting is thought to be an ideal ?
(a) Authoritarian (b) Authoritative (c) Democratic (d) Permissive
Ans: B
89. Unrealistic fear is termed as
(a) Autism (b) Depression (c) Hyperactivity (d) Phobia
Ans: D
90. The proximodistal sequence of physical development indicates that development proceeds from
(a) General to specific (b) Specific to general (c) Head to foot (d) Centre to periphery
Ans: D
91. Degumming of silk removes
(a) Starch (b) Sericin (c) Lanolin (d) Fibroin
Ans: B
92. Which type of weave is generally use in „denim‟ fabric ?
(a) Twill weave (b) Pile weave (c) Plain weave (d) Jacquard weave
Ans: A
93. The ergonomic principle is
(a) maintain neutral posture (b) work in comfort zone
(c) allow for movement and stretching (d) All of the above
Ans: D
94. Which statement about the effect of colours is wrong ?
(a) White colour gives happiness and joy. (b) Yellow gives heat and freshness.
(c) Red colour is for love, energy and war. (d) Blue colour is for coldness, peace and trust.
Ans: A
95. A good sitting posture for work is a well balanced position when
(a) the footrest is used. (b) the line of gravity falls through the middle of the shoulders, hips and seat bones.
(c) shoulders are straight. (d) backbone is straight.
Ans: B
96. Physical fatigue can be relieved by
(a) Recreation (b) Rest (c) Watching movie (d) All of the above
Ans: B
97. Which of the following is the principle of Art ?
(a) Line (b) Balance (c) Texture (d) Colour
Ans: B
98. What are the responsibilities of government towards consumers ?
(a) Controlling the price (b) Selection of best products
(c) Selling of standardized products (d) All of the above
Ans: A
99. The heaviest demand of the income is in which stage of family life cycle ?
(a) Child bearing and Preschool (b) Elementary School (c) High School (d) College (Higher education)
Ans: D
100. Which one of the following is not a secondary colour ?
(a) Orange (b) Green (c) Blue (d) Purple
Ans: C
(a) Demonstration (b) Lecture (c) Radio (d) Newspaper
Ans: A
76. Home Science extension education is given to rural women at
(a) Home (b) Farms/Fields (c) Work place (d) All of the above
Ans: D
77. The number of chromosomes in human beings are
(a) 46 (b) 44 (c) 23 (d) 22 Ans: A
78. The Dowry Prohibition Act was started in India in
(a) 1959 (b) 1961 (c) 1970 (d) 1971
Ans: B
79. Mission “Indradhanush” is about
(a) Nutrition (b) Education (c) Immunization (d) Self-employment
Ans: C
80. Meats can be preserved by smoking. Which is a complex mixture of :
(a) Carbon, waxes & pigments (b) Alcohols, acids, phenols and toxic substances
(c) Phenyl, gases and fatty acids (d) None of the above
Ans: B
81. Vitamin D is formed in the skin by sunlight exposure from :
(a) 7–dehydro cholesterol (b) 6–dehydro cholesterol
(c) 5–dehydro cholesterol (d) All of the above
Ans: A
82. Free radicals are prevented by
(a) Energy (b) Protein (c) Lipid (d) Antioxidants
Ans: D
83. How many goals are there under the “Millennium Development Goals” ?
(a) 8 (b) 10 (c) 12 (d) 18
Ans: A
84. Which of the following statements is not true about “Fermentation” ?
(a) It increases vitamin B and C content of the food. (b) It‟s products are highly digestible.
(c) It adds flavour to food. (d) It increase the pH value of the food stuffs.
Ans: D
85. Which of the following are not deficiency diseases ?
(a) Xerophthalmia and Osteomalacia (b) Xerophthalmia and Bulemia
(c) Bulemia and Anorexia Nervosa (d) Keratomalacia and Pellagra
Ans: C
86. Connection between mother and embryo is formed by
(a) Placenta (b) Umblical cord (c) Amniotic fluid (d) Amniotic Sac
Ans: A
87. B.C.G. vaccination is given against
(a) Chicken-Pox (b) Small-Pox (c) Tuberculosis (d) Polio
Ans: C
88. Which type of parenting is thought to be an ideal ?
(a) Authoritarian (b) Authoritative (c) Democratic (d) Permissive
Ans: B
89. Unrealistic fear is termed as
(a) Autism (b) Depression (c) Hyperactivity (d) Phobia
Ans: D
90. The proximodistal sequence of physical development indicates that development proceeds from
(a) General to specific (b) Specific to general (c) Head to foot (d) Centre to periphery
Ans: D
91. Degumming of silk removes
(a) Starch (b) Sericin (c) Lanolin (d) Fibroin
Ans: B
92. Which type of weave is generally use in „denim‟ fabric ?
(a) Twill weave (b) Pile weave (c) Plain weave (d) Jacquard weave
Ans: A
93. The ergonomic principle is
(a) maintain neutral posture (b) work in comfort zone
(c) allow for movement and stretching (d) All of the above
Ans: D
94. Which statement about the effect of colours is wrong ?
(a) White colour gives happiness and joy. (b) Yellow gives heat and freshness.
(c) Red colour is for love, energy and war. (d) Blue colour is for coldness, peace and trust.
Ans: A
95. A good sitting posture for work is a well balanced position when
(a) the footrest is used. (b) the line of gravity falls through the middle of the shoulders, hips and seat bones.
(c) shoulders are straight. (d) backbone is straight.
Ans: B
96. Physical fatigue can be relieved by
(a) Recreation (b) Rest (c) Watching movie (d) All of the above
Ans: B
97. Which of the following is the principle of Art ?
(a) Line (b) Balance (c) Texture (d) Colour
Ans: B
98. What are the responsibilities of government towards consumers ?
(a) Controlling the price (b) Selection of best products
(c) Selling of standardized products (d) All of the above
Ans: A
99. The heaviest demand of the income is in which stage of family life cycle ?
(a) Child bearing and Preschool (b) Elementary School (c) High School (d) College (Higher education)
Ans: D
100. Which one of the following is not a secondary colour ?
(a) Orange (b) Green (c) Blue (d) Purple
Ans: C