Botany MCQs |
1. The term heteroecism means :
(a). Presence of heterothalism
(b). Presence of heterokaryons
(c). Completion of life cycle on two hosts by a pathogen.
(d). None of these
Ans: c
2. In Kreb's cycle, co-enzyme for succinic acid dehydrogenase enzyme is
(a). NAD
(b). NADP
(c). FAD
(d). TPP
Ans: c
3. During the formation of RNA, at which site RNA polymerase binds to a DNA molecule ?
(a). Promoter
(b). Exon
(c). Intron
(d). None of the above
Ans: a
4. Clamp connections are present in :
(a). Basidiomycetes
(b). Oomycetes
(c). Ascomycetes
(d). Deuteromycetes
Ans: a
5. Gram staining is a/an
(a). Simple staining
(b). Differential staining
(c). Complex staining
(d). Acid fast staining
Ans: b
6. According to classification of enzymes, carboxylase enzyme belong to the class of enzyme
(a). Lysases
(b). Hydrolases
(c). Isomerases
(d). Ligases
Ans: a
7. Which of the following viruses is largest in size ?
(a). Rubella
(b). Bacteriophage
(c). Cyanophage
(d). T.M.V.
Ans: d
8. The process of making germ free milk by heating it at 62.8°C temperature for 30 minutes is called :
(a). Evaporation
(b). Pasteurization
(c). Absorption
(d). Condensation
Ans: b
9. ‘Red-rust’ disease of Tea is caused by
(a). Cephaleuros
(b). Cystopus
(c). Puccinia
(d). Alternaria
Ans: a
10. Who was the first scientist to prove that O2 is evolved in photosynthesis during light reaction ?
(a). Black Man
(b). Robert Hill
(c). Arnon
(d). Emerson
Ans: b
11. Chantransia stage is found in the life cycle of which alga ?
(a). Polysiphonia
(b). Batrachospermum
(c). Vaucheria
(d). Ectocarpus
Ans: b
12. The most complex reproductive bodies are found in :
(a). Ulotrichales
(b). Volvocales
(c). Chaetophorales
(d). Charales
Ans: d
13. Hormogonia are present in which of the following ?
(a). Ulothrix
(b). Spirulina
(c). Zygnema
(d). Nostoc
Ans: d
14. Which of the following alga is used as a source of Iodine ?
(a). Laminaria
(b). Polysiphonia
(c). Nostoc
(d). Cladophora
Ans: a
15. Retort cells are found in which of the following ?
(a). Riccia
(b). Marchantia
(c). Sphagnum
(d). Polytrichum
Ans: c
16. Chlorophyll-d is found in which of the following ?
(a). Xanthophyceae
(b). Rhodophyceae
(c). Phaeophyceae
(d). Chlorophyceae
Ans: b
17. Which of the following algae can be used in space missions ?
(a). Nitella
(b). Anabaena
(c). Volvox
(d). Chlorella
Ans: d
18. Septate rhizoids are found in
(a). Riccia
(b). Anthoceros
(c). Polytrichum
(d). Marchantia
Ans: c
19. Which bryophyte among the following is most economically important ?
(a). Funaria
(b). Sphagnum
(c). Riccia
(d). Marchantia
Ans: b
20. Agar-agar is obtained from
(a). Gelidium
(b). Chaetomorpha
(c). Codium
(d). Laminaria
Ans: a
21. Most of the families of primitive angiosperms belong to the order :
(a). Magnoliales
(b). Asterales
(c). Orchidales
(d). Polemoniales
Ans: a
22. The term 'Taxonomy' was coined by
(a). Braun
(b). Augustin Pyramus de Candolle
(c). Bentham
(d). Thorne
Ans: b
23. Of which genus 'Cyathium inflorescence' is the characteristic ?
(a). Brassica
(b). Hibiscus
(c). Citrus
(d). Euphorbia
Ans: d
24. Caryopsis is not found in the genus :
(a). Oryza
(b). Triticum
(c). Pisum
(d). Avena
Ans: c
25. In Caryophyllaceae the placentation is
(a). Axile
(b). Parietal
(c). Marginal
(d). Free central
Ans: d
26. The botanical name of larkspur is
(a). Delphinium
(b). Paeonia
(c). Viola
(d). Ranunculus
Ans: a
27. Verticillaster inflorescence is not found in :
(a). Salvia
(b). Ficus
(c). Ocimum
(d). Lamium
Ans: b
28. 'The Families of Flowering Plants' was written by
(a). Hutchinson
(b). Angler
(c). Mathur
(d). Bentham
Ans: a
29. Beta vulgaris, an important source of sugar, belongs to the family :
(a). Apocyanaceae
(b). Chenopodiaceae
(c). Asclepiadaceae
(d). Brassicaceae
Ans: b
30. Asafoetida is obtained from :
(a). Roots
(b). Stem
(c). Leaves
(d). Bark
Ans: a
31. The living element in xylem is :
(a). Tracheids
(b). Vessels
(c). Xylem fibres
(d). None of these
Ans: d
32. An example of Monocot showing abnormal secondary growth is
(a). Allium
(b). Dracaena
(c). Triticum
(d). Poa
Ans: b
33. Lever mechanism of pollination is a characteristic feature of
(a). Antirhinum
(b). Ficus
(c). Thalictrum
(d). Salvia
Ans: d
34. Cystolith is made up of
(a). Calcium carbonate
(b). Sodium hydroxide
(c). Ammonium chloride
(d). Ammonium phosphate
Ans: a
35. Which of the following has the prop roots ?
(a). Maize
(b). Orchid
(c). Wheat
(d). Banyan
Ans: d
36. Which of the following families forms pollinia ?
(a). Cactaceae
(b). Ranunculaceae
(c). Asclepiadaceae
(d). Poaceae
Ans: c
37. Which of the following is immediately surrounded by subsidiary cells ?
(a). Stomatal opening
(b). Guard cells
(c). Phloem
(d). Xylem
Ans: b
38. What is used as nutrition during microsporogenesis ?
(a). Tapetum
(b). Epidermis
(c). Pollen grains
(d). Exine
Ans: a
39. In which of the following, tetrasporic eight nucleate embryosac is found ?
(a). Peperomia
(b). Oenothera
(c). Plumbago
(d). Paeonia
Ans: c
40. Moisture absorbing Velamen is found in the roots of
(a). Mango
(b). Ricinus
(c). Vinca
(d). Orchid
Ans: d
41. Leptosporangiate condition is found in
(a). Salvinia
(b). Marsilea
(c). Pteris
(d). All of these
Ans: d
42. Endosperm in Gymnosperms is
(a). Diploid
(b). Triploid
(c). Tetraploid
(d). Haploid
Ans: d
43. Prokaryotic cells are not found in
(a). Nostoc
(b). Cycas
(c). Bacteria
(d). Anabaena
Ans: b
44. Diploxylic condition is found in
(a). Cycas
(b). Lycopodium
(c). Selaginella
(d). Allium
Ans: a
45. According to some findings the reason for a continuous decrease in the population of vultures could be due to the consumption of which ?
(a). Paracetamol
(b). Tetracyclin
(c). Diclophenac
(d). Pentacid
Ans: c
46. Cycadeoidea was dominant flora of the era
(a). Paleozoic
(b). Archaeozoic
(c). Coenozoic
(d). Mesozoic
Ans: d
47. Stalked ovules were present in
(a). Bennettitales
(b). Taxales
(c). Coniferales
(d). Cycadales
Ans: a
48. Transfusion tissue is found in
(a). Leaves of Selaginella
(b). Stem of Cycas
(c). Leaflets of Cycas
(d). Stem of Selaginella
Ans: c
49. Antherozoids large enough to be seen by naked eye are produced by
(a). Cycas revoluta
(b). Pinus roxburghii
(c). Ephedra foliata
(d). Gnetum latifolia
Ans: a
50. A leaf bearing sporangia is called as
(a). Ramentum
(b). Sporophyll
(c). Indusium
(d). Sorus
Ans: b
(a). Presence of heterothalism
(b). Presence of heterokaryons
(c). Completion of life cycle on two hosts by a pathogen.
(d). None of these
Ans: c
2. In Kreb's cycle, co-enzyme for succinic acid dehydrogenase enzyme is
(a). NAD
(b). NADP
(c). FAD
(d). TPP
Ans: c
3. During the formation of RNA, at which site RNA polymerase binds to a DNA molecule ?
(a). Promoter
(b). Exon
(c). Intron
(d). None of the above
Ans: a
4. Clamp connections are present in :
(a). Basidiomycetes
(b). Oomycetes
(c). Ascomycetes
(d). Deuteromycetes
Ans: a
5. Gram staining is a/an
(a). Simple staining
(b). Differential staining
(c). Complex staining
(d). Acid fast staining
Ans: b
6. According to classification of enzymes, carboxylase enzyme belong to the class of enzyme
(a). Lysases
(b). Hydrolases
(c). Isomerases
(d). Ligases
Ans: a
7. Which of the following viruses is largest in size ?
(a). Rubella
(b). Bacteriophage
(c). Cyanophage
(d). T.M.V.
Ans: d
8. The process of making germ free milk by heating it at 62.8°C temperature for 30 minutes is called :
(a). Evaporation
(b). Pasteurization
(c). Absorption
(d). Condensation
Ans: b
9. ‘Red-rust’ disease of Tea is caused by
(a). Cephaleuros
(b). Cystopus
(c). Puccinia
(d). Alternaria
Ans: a
10. Who was the first scientist to prove that O2 is evolved in photosynthesis during light reaction ?
(a). Black Man
(b). Robert Hill
(c). Arnon
(d). Emerson
Ans: b
11. Chantransia stage is found in the life cycle of which alga ?
(a). Polysiphonia
(b). Batrachospermum
(c). Vaucheria
(d). Ectocarpus
Ans: b
12. The most complex reproductive bodies are found in :
(a). Ulotrichales
(b). Volvocales
(c). Chaetophorales
(d). Charales
Ans: d
13. Hormogonia are present in which of the following ?
(a). Ulothrix
(b). Spirulina
(c). Zygnema
(d). Nostoc
Ans: d
14. Which of the following alga is used as a source of Iodine ?
(a). Laminaria
(b). Polysiphonia
(c). Nostoc
(d). Cladophora
Ans: a
15. Retort cells are found in which of the following ?
(a). Riccia
(b). Marchantia
(c). Sphagnum
(d). Polytrichum
Ans: c
16. Chlorophyll-d is found in which of the following ?
(a). Xanthophyceae
(b). Rhodophyceae
(c). Phaeophyceae
(d). Chlorophyceae
Ans: b
17. Which of the following algae can be used in space missions ?
(a). Nitella
(b). Anabaena
(c). Volvox
(d). Chlorella
Ans: d
18. Septate rhizoids are found in
(a). Riccia
(b). Anthoceros
(c). Polytrichum
(d). Marchantia
Ans: c
19. Which bryophyte among the following is most economically important ?
(a). Funaria
(b). Sphagnum
(c). Riccia
(d). Marchantia
Ans: b
20. Agar-agar is obtained from
(a). Gelidium
(b). Chaetomorpha
(c). Codium
(d). Laminaria
Ans: a
21. Most of the families of primitive angiosperms belong to the order :
(a). Magnoliales
(b). Asterales
(c). Orchidales
(d). Polemoniales
Ans: a
22. The term 'Taxonomy' was coined by
(a). Braun
(b). Augustin Pyramus de Candolle
(c). Bentham
(d). Thorne
Ans: b
23. Of which genus 'Cyathium inflorescence' is the characteristic ?
(a). Brassica
(b). Hibiscus
(c). Citrus
(d). Euphorbia
Ans: d
24. Caryopsis is not found in the genus :
(a). Oryza
(b). Triticum
(c). Pisum
(d). Avena
Ans: c
25. In Caryophyllaceae the placentation is
(a). Axile
(b). Parietal
(c). Marginal
(d). Free central
Ans: d
26. The botanical name of larkspur is
(a). Delphinium
(b). Paeonia
(c). Viola
(d). Ranunculus
Ans: a
27. Verticillaster inflorescence is not found in :
(a). Salvia
(b). Ficus
(c). Ocimum
(d). Lamium
Ans: b
28. 'The Families of Flowering Plants' was written by
(a). Hutchinson
(b). Angler
(c). Mathur
(d). Bentham
Ans: a
29. Beta vulgaris, an important source of sugar, belongs to the family :
(a). Apocyanaceae
(b). Chenopodiaceae
(c). Asclepiadaceae
(d). Brassicaceae
Ans: b
30. Asafoetida is obtained from :
(a). Roots
(b). Stem
(c). Leaves
(d). Bark
Ans: a
31. The living element in xylem is :
(a). Tracheids
(b). Vessels
(c). Xylem fibres
(d). None of these
Ans: d
32. An example of Monocot showing abnormal secondary growth is
(a). Allium
(b). Dracaena
(c). Triticum
(d). Poa
Ans: b
33. Lever mechanism of pollination is a characteristic feature of
(a). Antirhinum
(b). Ficus
(c). Thalictrum
(d). Salvia
Ans: d
34. Cystolith is made up of
(a). Calcium carbonate
(b). Sodium hydroxide
(c). Ammonium chloride
(d). Ammonium phosphate
Ans: a
35. Which of the following has the prop roots ?
(a). Maize
(b). Orchid
(c). Wheat
(d). Banyan
Ans: d
36. Which of the following families forms pollinia ?
(a). Cactaceae
(b). Ranunculaceae
(c). Asclepiadaceae
(d). Poaceae
Ans: c
37. Which of the following is immediately surrounded by subsidiary cells ?
(a). Stomatal opening
(b). Guard cells
(c). Phloem
(d). Xylem
Ans: b
38. What is used as nutrition during microsporogenesis ?
(a). Tapetum
(b). Epidermis
(c). Pollen grains
(d). Exine
Ans: a
39. In which of the following, tetrasporic eight nucleate embryosac is found ?
(a). Peperomia
(b). Oenothera
(c). Plumbago
(d). Paeonia
Ans: c
40. Moisture absorbing Velamen is found in the roots of
(a). Mango
(b). Ricinus
(c). Vinca
(d). Orchid
Ans: d
41. Leptosporangiate condition is found in
(a). Salvinia
(b). Marsilea
(c). Pteris
(d). All of these
Ans: d
42. Endosperm in Gymnosperms is
(a). Diploid
(b). Triploid
(c). Tetraploid
(d). Haploid
Ans: d
43. Prokaryotic cells are not found in
(a). Nostoc
(b). Cycas
(c). Bacteria
(d). Anabaena
Ans: b
44. Diploxylic condition is found in
(a). Cycas
(b). Lycopodium
(c). Selaginella
(d). Allium
Ans: a
45. According to some findings the reason for a continuous decrease in the population of vultures could be due to the consumption of which ?
(a). Paracetamol
(b). Tetracyclin
(c). Diclophenac
(d). Pentacid
Ans: c
46. Cycadeoidea was dominant flora of the era
(a). Paleozoic
(b). Archaeozoic
(c). Coenozoic
(d). Mesozoic
Ans: d
47. Stalked ovules were present in
(a). Bennettitales
(b). Taxales
(c). Coniferales
(d). Cycadales
Ans: a
48. Transfusion tissue is found in
(a). Leaves of Selaginella
(b). Stem of Cycas
(c). Leaflets of Cycas
(d). Stem of Selaginella
Ans: c
49. Antherozoids large enough to be seen by naked eye are produced by
(a). Cycas revoluta
(b). Pinus roxburghii
(c). Ephedra foliata
(d). Gnetum latifolia
Ans: a
50. A leaf bearing sporangia is called as
(a). Ramentum
(b). Sporophyll
(c). Indusium
(d). Sorus
Ans: b
51. Fossils in which internal structures are best preserved are
(a). Compressions
(b). Petrifications
(c). Incrustations
(d). Impressions
Ans: b
52. The Rhynian flora is best seen in
(a). Carboniferous period
(b). Silurian period
(c). Triassic period
(d). Devonian period
Ans: d
53. In Psilotum spore producing organs are called
(a). Indusia
(b). Ramenta
(c). Sporophylls
(d). Synangia
Ans: d
54. Carinal Canals are found in the stems of
(a). Marsilea
(b). Selaginella
(c). Lycopodium
(d). Equisetum
Ans: d
55. Heterospory is not found in
(a). Selaginella
(b). Lycopodium
(c). Marsilea
(d). Azolla
Ans: b
56. Selaginella is known for
(a). Transfusion tissue
(b). Carinal canals
(c). Mucilage cells
(d). Trabeculated endodermis
Ans: d
57. Protocorm is found in
(a). Selaginella
(b). Lycopodium
(c). Equisetum
(d). Marsilea
Ans: b
58. Development of gametophyte from sporophyte without the formation of spores is called
(a). Apospory
(b). Tuber formation
(c). Apogamy
(d). Gemma formation
Ans: a
59. Jute is obtained from
(a). Cannabis sativa
(b). Linum usitatissimum
(c). Yucca baccata
(d). Corchorus capsularis
Ans: d
60. Botanical name of the plant that yields para rubber is :
(a). Hevea brasiliensis
(b). Ficus elastica
(c). Ficus religiosa
(d). Manihot glazovii
Ans: a
61. The centre of origin of Rice is supposed to be
(a). Indian and Indo-china
(b). Africa
(c). Germany
(d). Indo-Malayan Region
Ans: a
62. Coir is extracted from
(a). Xylem
(b). Mesocarp
(c). Roots
(d). Phloem
Ans: b
63. Which of the following is an essential oil ?
(a). Mustard oil
(b). Khus oil
(c). Linseed oil
(d). Groundnut oil
Ans: b
64. From which part of the plant saffron is obtained ?
(a). Stigma and style tops
(b). Stamens
(c). Sepals
(d). Petals
Ans: a
65. Kufri Jyoti is an improved variety of
(a). Rice
(b). Wheat
(c). Soyabean
(d). Potato
Ans: d
66. In Eukaryotes electron transport and oxidative phosphorylation takes place in
(a). Outer membrane of mitochondria
(b). Inner membrane of mitochondria
(c). Chloroplast
(d). Cytoplasm
Ans: b
67. The lac operon is induced by
(a). Allolactose
(b). Galactose
(c). Co-repressor
(d). Glucose
Ans: a
68. A polypeptide is assembled on
(a). Nuclear membrane
(b). Golgi bodies
(c). Ribosomes
(d). Nuclear pores
Ans: c
69. Which of the following is common name of ascorbic acid ?
(a). Vitamin B1
(b). Vitamin B2
(c). Vitamin B12
(d). Vitamin C
Ans: d
70. Which of the following does not have nucleic acid ?
(a). Mitochondria
(b). Nucleus
(c). Chloroplast
(d). Lysosomes
Ans: d
71. 'Krantz anatomy' is found in
(a). Saprophytic plants
(b). C3 plants
(c). C4 plants
(d). All of the above
Ans: c
72. Which Hormonal condition is responsible for the falling of leaves in plants ?
(a). Decrease in Auxin concentration
(b). Increase in Auxin cocentration
(c). Decrease in Abscissic Acid concentration
(d). Increase in Gibberellic Acid concentration
Ans: a
73. Root pressure in plants is caused by
(a). Passive absorption
(b). Active absorption
(c). Increased rate of transpiration
(d). Both active and passive absorption
Ans: b
74. The first carboxylation product of C3 plants is
(a). 3-phosphoglyceric acid
(b). Oxaloacetic acid
(c). Maleic acid
(d). Phosphoglyceraldehyde
Ans: a
75. Legume root nodules contain Leghaemoglobin. It's function is to regulate
(a). Expression of nif-genes
(b). Denitrogenase activity
(c). Oxygen concentration
(d). Nodule growth
Ans: c
76. The concept of Ecosystem was put forth by
(a). Clarke
(b). A.G. Tansley
(c). Woodbury
(d). H. Reiter
Ans: b
77. Synchronisation of the phenological behaviour of the species and the different factors of the environment, is known as
(a). Biological clock
(b). Normal clock
(c). Anti-clock
(d). Right clock
Ans: a
78. The food chain starting from dead organic matter to micro-organisms is known as
(a). Grazing
(b). Detritus
(c). Normal
(d). None of the above
Ans: b
79. Kaziranga National Park is famous for
(a). Asiatic Lion
(b). Indian Tiger
(c). Bison
(d). One-horned Rhinoceros
Ans: d
80. The Earth Summit held at Rio-de-Janeiro in 1992 resulted in
(a). Compilation of Red List
(b). IUCN
(c). Convention of Biodiversity
(d). Establishment of Biosphere Reserve
Ans: c
81. Which category of pyramid can never be inverted ?
(a). Biomass
(b). Number
(c). Energy
(d). All of these
Ans: c
82. Red Data Book gives information regarding
(a). Threatened species
(b). Vulnerable species
(c). Endangered species
(d). All of the above
Ans: c
83. In the pyramid of numbers herbivores occupy :
(a). 1st position
(b). 2nd position
(c). 3rd position
(d). 4th position
Ans: b
84. Which one of the following is the first National Park of India ?
(a). Rajaji National Park
(b). Gir National Park
(c). Corbett National Park
(d). Kaziranga National Park
Ans: c
85. Which is the best method of separation of plasmid DNA and Bacterial Chromosomal DNA ?
(a). Ethidium bromide-caesium chloride density gradient centrifugation
(b). X-ray diffraction technique
(c). Colony hybridization
(d). Western hybridization
Ans: a
86. Restriction endonuclease enzyme was discovered by
(a). Watson
(b). W. Arber, H. Smith & D. Nathans
(c). Crick
(d). Hugo de Vries
Ans: b
87. Which of the following is a non PCR based marker ?
(a). RAPD
(b). AFLP
(c). SSR
(d). RFLP
Ans: d
88. How many grams of IAA are needed to prepare a litre of 0.01 m solution of IAA (M.Wt. 175) ?
(a). 175 g
(b). 17.5 g
(c). 1.75 g
(d). 0.175 g
Ans: c
89. Which one of the following was responsible for Bhopal Gas Tragedy ?
(a). Carbon monoxide
(b). Sulphur dioxide
(c). Methyl Isocynide
(d). Nitrus Oxide
Ans: c
90. Which sequence is a palindrome ?
(a) 5′ ACGGATTCGC 3'
(b) 5′ CCATT 3′
(c) 5′ CCAGG 3′
(d) 5′ AGGCCT 3′
Ans: d
91. Which of the following has triploid set (3x) of chromosomes in angosperm ?
(a). Embryosac
(b). Nucellus
(c). Endosperm
(d). All of these
Ans: c
92. The example of composite fruit is
(a). Tomato
(b). Jack fruit
(c). Mango
(d). Apple
Ans: b
93. Which of the following produces a synzoospore ?
(a). Nostoc
(b). Oscillatoria
(c). Vaucheria
(d). Volvox
Ans: c
94. How many nitrogen fixing genes have been reported in Klebsiella ?
(a). 17 genes
(b). 27 genes
(c). 37 genes
(d). 07 genes
Ans: a
95. Which of the following objective lens in a microscope is known as oil immersion lens ?
(a). X 10
(b). X 40
(c). X 60
(d). X 100
Ans: d
96. Who gave the ‘Fluid Mosaic Model’ of cell membrane ?
(a). Robertson
(b). Singer and Nicholson
(c). Von Mohl
(d). Camillo Golgi
Ans: b
97. In which of the following conditions, the rate of transpiration will be maximum ?
(a). Soil is wet and atmosphere is dry.
(b). Soil is wet and atmosphere is humid.
(c). Soil is dry and atmosphere is humid.
(d). Both soil and atmosphere are dry.
Ans: a
98. Which of the following type of genetic change can produce an onchogene ?
(a). Gene amplification
(b). Missense mutation
(c). Chromosomal translocation
(d). All of the above
Ans: d
99. Pollination by wind is called __________ .
(A) Anemophily (B) Hydrophily (C) Zoophily (D) Entomophily
Ans: A
100. The cell organelle known as “power houses” of the cell :
(A) Ribosome (B) Mitochondria
(C) Endoplasmic reticulum (D) Lysosome
Ans: B
101. Mangrove plants meet high osmotic pressure in the soil, they overcome the problem of water uptake by
(A) accumulation of electrolytes in the vacuole of the cell
(B) increase in the root and shoot ratio
(C) reduce the respiration rate
(D) reduce the transpiration rate
Ans: A
102. Gymnosperms are
(A) open seeded plants
(B) closed seeded plants
(C) non-flowering plants
(D) aquatic plants
Ans: A
103. The nitrogen fixing bacterium present in the root nodules of leguminous Plant is
(A) salmonella (B) rhizobium
(C) clostridium (D) pseudomonas
Ans: B
(a). Compressions
(b). Petrifications
(c). Incrustations
(d). Impressions
Ans: b
52. The Rhynian flora is best seen in
(a). Carboniferous period
(b). Silurian period
(c). Triassic period
(d). Devonian period
Ans: d
53. In Psilotum spore producing organs are called
(a). Indusia
(b). Ramenta
(c). Sporophylls
(d). Synangia
Ans: d
54. Carinal Canals are found in the stems of
(a). Marsilea
(b). Selaginella
(c). Lycopodium
(d). Equisetum
Ans: d
55. Heterospory is not found in
(a). Selaginella
(b). Lycopodium
(c). Marsilea
(d). Azolla
Ans: b
56. Selaginella is known for
(a). Transfusion tissue
(b). Carinal canals
(c). Mucilage cells
(d). Trabeculated endodermis
Ans: d
57. Protocorm is found in
(a). Selaginella
(b). Lycopodium
(c). Equisetum
(d). Marsilea
Ans: b
58. Development of gametophyte from sporophyte without the formation of spores is called
(a). Apospory
(b). Tuber formation
(c). Apogamy
(d). Gemma formation
Ans: a
59. Jute is obtained from
(a). Cannabis sativa
(b). Linum usitatissimum
(c). Yucca baccata
(d). Corchorus capsularis
Ans: d
60. Botanical name of the plant that yields para rubber is :
(a). Hevea brasiliensis
(b). Ficus elastica
(c). Ficus religiosa
(d). Manihot glazovii
Ans: a
61. The centre of origin of Rice is supposed to be
(a). Indian and Indo-china
(b). Africa
(c). Germany
(d). Indo-Malayan Region
Ans: a
62. Coir is extracted from
(a). Xylem
(b). Mesocarp
(c). Roots
(d). Phloem
Ans: b
63. Which of the following is an essential oil ?
(a). Mustard oil
(b). Khus oil
(c). Linseed oil
(d). Groundnut oil
Ans: b
64. From which part of the plant saffron is obtained ?
(a). Stigma and style tops
(b). Stamens
(c). Sepals
(d). Petals
Ans: a
65. Kufri Jyoti is an improved variety of
(a). Rice
(b). Wheat
(c). Soyabean
(d). Potato
Ans: d
66. In Eukaryotes electron transport and oxidative phosphorylation takes place in
(a). Outer membrane of mitochondria
(b). Inner membrane of mitochondria
(c). Chloroplast
(d). Cytoplasm
Ans: b
67. The lac operon is induced by
(a). Allolactose
(b). Galactose
(c). Co-repressor
(d). Glucose
Ans: a
68. A polypeptide is assembled on
(a). Nuclear membrane
(b). Golgi bodies
(c). Ribosomes
(d). Nuclear pores
Ans: c
69. Which of the following is common name of ascorbic acid ?
(a). Vitamin B1
(b). Vitamin B2
(c). Vitamin B12
(d). Vitamin C
Ans: d
70. Which of the following does not have nucleic acid ?
(a). Mitochondria
(b). Nucleus
(c). Chloroplast
(d). Lysosomes
Ans: d
71. 'Krantz anatomy' is found in
(a). Saprophytic plants
(b). C3 plants
(c). C4 plants
(d). All of the above
Ans: c
72. Which Hormonal condition is responsible for the falling of leaves in plants ?
(a). Decrease in Auxin concentration
(b). Increase in Auxin cocentration
(c). Decrease in Abscissic Acid concentration
(d). Increase in Gibberellic Acid concentration
Ans: a
73. Root pressure in plants is caused by
(a). Passive absorption
(b). Active absorption
(c). Increased rate of transpiration
(d). Both active and passive absorption
Ans: b
74. The first carboxylation product of C3 plants is
(a). 3-phosphoglyceric acid
(b). Oxaloacetic acid
(c). Maleic acid
(d). Phosphoglyceraldehyde
Ans: a
75. Legume root nodules contain Leghaemoglobin. It's function is to regulate
(a). Expression of nif-genes
(b). Denitrogenase activity
(c). Oxygen concentration
(d). Nodule growth
Ans: c
76. The concept of Ecosystem was put forth by
(a). Clarke
(b). A.G. Tansley
(c). Woodbury
(d). H. Reiter
Ans: b
77. Synchronisation of the phenological behaviour of the species and the different factors of the environment, is known as
(a). Biological clock
(b). Normal clock
(c). Anti-clock
(d). Right clock
Ans: a
78. The food chain starting from dead organic matter to micro-organisms is known as
(a). Grazing
(b). Detritus
(c). Normal
(d). None of the above
Ans: b
79. Kaziranga National Park is famous for
(a). Asiatic Lion
(b). Indian Tiger
(c). Bison
(d). One-horned Rhinoceros
Ans: d
80. The Earth Summit held at Rio-de-Janeiro in 1992 resulted in
(a). Compilation of Red List
(b). IUCN
(c). Convention of Biodiversity
(d). Establishment of Biosphere Reserve
Ans: c
81. Which category of pyramid can never be inverted ?
(a). Biomass
(b). Number
(c). Energy
(d). All of these
Ans: c
82. Red Data Book gives information regarding
(a). Threatened species
(b). Vulnerable species
(c). Endangered species
(d). All of the above
Ans: c
83. In the pyramid of numbers herbivores occupy :
(a). 1st position
(b). 2nd position
(c). 3rd position
(d). 4th position
Ans: b
84. Which one of the following is the first National Park of India ?
(a). Rajaji National Park
(b). Gir National Park
(c). Corbett National Park
(d). Kaziranga National Park
Ans: c
85. Which is the best method of separation of plasmid DNA and Bacterial Chromosomal DNA ?
(a). Ethidium bromide-caesium chloride density gradient centrifugation
(b). X-ray diffraction technique
(c). Colony hybridization
(d). Western hybridization
Ans: a
86. Restriction endonuclease enzyme was discovered by
(a). Watson
(b). W. Arber, H. Smith & D. Nathans
(c). Crick
(d). Hugo de Vries
Ans: b
87. Which of the following is a non PCR based marker ?
(a). RAPD
(b). AFLP
(c). SSR
(d). RFLP
Ans: d
88. How many grams of IAA are needed to prepare a litre of 0.01 m solution of IAA (M.Wt. 175) ?
(a). 175 g
(b). 17.5 g
(c). 1.75 g
(d). 0.175 g
Ans: c
89. Which one of the following was responsible for Bhopal Gas Tragedy ?
(a). Carbon monoxide
(b). Sulphur dioxide
(c). Methyl Isocynide
(d). Nitrus Oxide
Ans: c
90. Which sequence is a palindrome ?
(a) 5′ ACGGATTCGC 3'
(b) 5′ CCATT 3′
(c) 5′ CCAGG 3′
(d) 5′ AGGCCT 3′
Ans: d
91. Which of the following has triploid set (3x) of chromosomes in angosperm ?
(a). Embryosac
(b). Nucellus
(c). Endosperm
(d). All of these
Ans: c
92. The example of composite fruit is
(a). Tomato
(b). Jack fruit
(c). Mango
(d). Apple
Ans: b
93. Which of the following produces a synzoospore ?
(a). Nostoc
(b). Oscillatoria
(c). Vaucheria
(d). Volvox
Ans: c
94. How many nitrogen fixing genes have been reported in Klebsiella ?
(a). 17 genes
(b). 27 genes
(c). 37 genes
(d). 07 genes
Ans: a
95. Which of the following objective lens in a microscope is known as oil immersion lens ?
(a). X 10
(b). X 40
(c). X 60
(d). X 100
Ans: d
96. Who gave the ‘Fluid Mosaic Model’ of cell membrane ?
(a). Robertson
(b). Singer and Nicholson
(c). Von Mohl
(d). Camillo Golgi
Ans: b
97. In which of the following conditions, the rate of transpiration will be maximum ?
(a). Soil is wet and atmosphere is dry.
(b). Soil is wet and atmosphere is humid.
(c). Soil is dry and atmosphere is humid.
(d). Both soil and atmosphere are dry.
Ans: a
98. Which of the following type of genetic change can produce an onchogene ?
(a). Gene amplification
(b). Missense mutation
(c). Chromosomal translocation
(d). All of the above
Ans: d
99. Pollination by wind is called __________ .
(A) Anemophily (B) Hydrophily (C) Zoophily (D) Entomophily
Ans: A
100. The cell organelle known as “power houses” of the cell :
(A) Ribosome (B) Mitochondria
(C) Endoplasmic reticulum (D) Lysosome
Ans: B
101. Mangrove plants meet high osmotic pressure in the soil, they overcome the problem of water uptake by
(A) accumulation of electrolytes in the vacuole of the cell
(B) increase in the root and shoot ratio
(C) reduce the respiration rate
(D) reduce the transpiration rate
Ans: A
102. Gymnosperms are
(A) open seeded plants
(B) closed seeded plants
(C) non-flowering plants
(D) aquatic plants
Ans: A
103. The nitrogen fixing bacterium present in the root nodules of leguminous Plant is
(A) salmonella (B) rhizobium
(C) clostridium (D) pseudomonas
Ans: B