1 E.C. Cocking in 1960 isolated plant protoplasts using cellulase obatined from a fungus. What is the name of
that fungus?
1) Helvella Crispa
2) Geastrum triplex
3) Polyporus Squamosus
4) Myrothecium Verrucaria
Answer: 4
2 Which of the following pathways of micropropagation is most reliable to obtain truetotype plants?
1) Somatic embryogenesis
2) Enhanced axillary branching
3) Callus organogenesis
4) De Novo Shoot bud differentiation
Answer: 2
3 The proof that plant cell being totipotent can develop into a complete plant was provided by
1) Reinert
2) Bajaj
3) Steward
4) Both Steward & Reinert
Answer: 4
4 The best plant growth regulator which can induce rooting in vitro raised shoots is
1) IBA
2) 2, 4D
3) NAA
4) 2,4, 5T
Answer: 1
5 Which of the following is not a gelling agent suitable for plant tissue culture?
1) Phytagel
2) Gelrite
3) Agarose
4) Agar
Answer: 3
6 What is an ideal pressure for sterilization during autoclaving of plant tissue culture medium?
1) 15 psi
2) 20 psi
3) 121 psi
4) 25 psi
Answer: 1
7 Which of the following is not suitable for surface sterilization of an explant?
1) Sodium hypochlorite
2) Mercuric chloride
3) Ethyl alcohol
4) Methyl alcohol
Answer: 4
8 Identify the correct series for the growth curve obtained for plant cells grown in suspension culture
1) Lag phase, stationary phase, Exponential phase
2) Stationary phase, Lag phase, Exponential phase
3) Lag phase, Exponential phase, Stationary phase
4) Exponential phase, Stationary phase, Lag phase
Answer: 3
9 Agrobacterium tumefaciens is a
1) Gram positive, Saprophytic soil bacterium
2) Gram positive, pathogenic bacterium
3) Gram Negative, Saprophytic soil bacterium
4) Gram Negative, Pathogenic soil bacterium
Answer: 4
10 Yeast Artificial Chromosome(YAC) can carry upto which size of cloned DNA?
1) 20 Kb
2) 1000 Kb
3) 25 Kb
4) 200 Kb
Answer: 2
11 Cosmids are the cloning vectors which can carry cloned DNA of the size
1) 10 KB
2) 20 Kb
3) 40 Kb
4) 100 Kb
Answer: 3
12 The microarray technique is best suited for study of
1) Gene expression
2) Genome structure
3) Genome sequencing
4) Gene amplification
Answer: 1
13 In a multination sequencing programme the India Initiative for rice genome sequencing involved which chromosomes of Japonica rice?
1) 7
2) 6
3) 11
4) 12
Answer: 3
14 The scientist who is known for developing carotenerich "Golden Rice" using genetic engineering is
1) Ingo Potrykus
2) Barbara Mclinctok
3) Jeff Schell
4) Steven Lindow
Answer: 1
15 The gentically modified tomato 'Flavr Savr' with delayed ripening was the result of
1) Overexpression of the gene for polygalacturonidase
2) Gene silencing by antisense RNA
3) Over expression of gene for ethylene biosynthesis
4) Overexpression of gene for ACC synthase
Answer: 2
16 A general purpose plasmid cloning vector pBR 322 contains
1) 4361 bp
2) 4163 bp
3) 4631 bp
4) 4136 bp
Answer: 1
17 Which of the following was the most important discovery for success of an automated polymerase chain reaction?
1) Temenism
2) DNA denaturation
3) DNA sequencing
4) Thermostable DNA polymerase
Answer: 4
18 If a linear DNA with 6 copies of GAATTC sequence is digested with EcoRI, how many fragments will it
1) 5
2) 6
3) 7
4) 8
Answer: 3
19 Which of the following restriction endonucleases will have higher frequency of cut on the DNA?
1) Eco RI
2) Bam HI
3) Sau 3AI
4) Not I
Answer: 3
20 Which of the following blotting technique is based on the name of a scientist?
1) Southern blotting
2) Western blotting
3) Northern blotting
4) All of these
Answer: 1
21 Which of the following restriction enzymes does not produce sticky ends?
1) Eco RI
2) Alu I
3) Sau 3AI
4) Hind III
Answer: 2
22 During agarose gel electrophoresis for separation of DNA a fluorescent dye ethidium bromide is added. On
illumination with UV light the DNA fluoresces brighter while no fluorescence is observed in gel. Why?
1) The dye becomes dilute with buffer
2) The binding of dye with DNA concentrates it.
3) The dye is degraded in gel
4) None of these
Answer: 2
23 When an impure DNA is electrophoresed on agrose gel and observed under UVlight a smear is observed on
the gel. What does it indicate?
1) DNA is mixed with RNA
2) DNA is mixed with Protein
3) DNA is sheared
4) All of these
Answer: 3
24 Magnesium, iron and Molybdenum metals are present in enzymes as activators are
1) Cytochrome, Peptidases and Phosphotases respectively
2) Phosphatases, Cytochromes and Nitrogenase respectively
3) Fructokinase, Cytochromes and Nitrogen reductase respectively
4) Dehydrogenase, Kinase and Nitrate reductase respectively
Answer: 2
25 Ribozymes were discovered by
1) H.G. Khurana
2) Carl Woese, Francis Crick and Leslie Orgel
3) Monad and Jacob
4) Thomas R. Coch and Sidney Altman
Answers: 1
that fungus?
1) Helvella Crispa
2) Geastrum triplex
3) Polyporus Squamosus
4) Myrothecium Verrucaria
Answer: 4
2 Which of the following pathways of micropropagation is most reliable to obtain truetotype plants?
1) Somatic embryogenesis
2) Enhanced axillary branching
3) Callus organogenesis
4) De Novo Shoot bud differentiation
Answer: 2
3 The proof that plant cell being totipotent can develop into a complete plant was provided by
1) Reinert
2) Bajaj
3) Steward
4) Both Steward & Reinert
Answer: 4
4 The best plant growth regulator which can induce rooting in vitro raised shoots is
1) IBA
2) 2, 4D
3) NAA
4) 2,4, 5T
Answer: 1
5 Which of the following is not a gelling agent suitable for plant tissue culture?
1) Phytagel
2) Gelrite
3) Agarose
4) Agar
Answer: 3
6 What is an ideal pressure for sterilization during autoclaving of plant tissue culture medium?
1) 15 psi
2) 20 psi
3) 121 psi
4) 25 psi
Answer: 1
7 Which of the following is not suitable for surface sterilization of an explant?
1) Sodium hypochlorite
2) Mercuric chloride
3) Ethyl alcohol
4) Methyl alcohol
Answer: 4
8 Identify the correct series for the growth curve obtained for plant cells grown in suspension culture
1) Lag phase, stationary phase, Exponential phase
2) Stationary phase, Lag phase, Exponential phase
3) Lag phase, Exponential phase, Stationary phase
4) Exponential phase, Stationary phase, Lag phase
Answer: 3
9 Agrobacterium tumefaciens is a
1) Gram positive, Saprophytic soil bacterium
2) Gram positive, pathogenic bacterium
3) Gram Negative, Saprophytic soil bacterium
4) Gram Negative, Pathogenic soil bacterium
Answer: 4
10 Yeast Artificial Chromosome(YAC) can carry upto which size of cloned DNA?
1) 20 Kb
2) 1000 Kb
3) 25 Kb
4) 200 Kb
Answer: 2
11 Cosmids are the cloning vectors which can carry cloned DNA of the size
1) 10 KB
2) 20 Kb
3) 40 Kb
4) 100 Kb
Answer: 3
12 The microarray technique is best suited for study of
1) Gene expression
2) Genome structure
3) Genome sequencing
4) Gene amplification
Answer: 1
13 In a multination sequencing programme the India Initiative for rice genome sequencing involved which chromosomes of Japonica rice?
1) 7
2) 6
3) 11
4) 12
Answer: 3
14 The scientist who is known for developing carotenerich "Golden Rice" using genetic engineering is
1) Ingo Potrykus
2) Barbara Mclinctok
3) Jeff Schell
4) Steven Lindow
Answer: 1
15 The gentically modified tomato 'Flavr Savr' with delayed ripening was the result of
1) Overexpression of the gene for polygalacturonidase
2) Gene silencing by antisense RNA
3) Over expression of gene for ethylene biosynthesis
4) Overexpression of gene for ACC synthase
Answer: 2
16 A general purpose plasmid cloning vector pBR 322 contains
1) 4361 bp
2) 4163 bp
3) 4631 bp
4) 4136 bp
Answer: 1
17 Which of the following was the most important discovery for success of an automated polymerase chain reaction?
1) Temenism
2) DNA denaturation
3) DNA sequencing
4) Thermostable DNA polymerase
Answer: 4
18 If a linear DNA with 6 copies of GAATTC sequence is digested with EcoRI, how many fragments will it
1) 5
2) 6
3) 7
4) 8
Answer: 3
19 Which of the following restriction endonucleases will have higher frequency of cut on the DNA?
1) Eco RI
2) Bam HI
3) Sau 3AI
4) Not I
Answer: 3
20 Which of the following blotting technique is based on the name of a scientist?
1) Southern blotting
2) Western blotting
3) Northern blotting
4) All of these
Answer: 1
21 Which of the following restriction enzymes does not produce sticky ends?
1) Eco RI
2) Alu I
3) Sau 3AI
4) Hind III
Answer: 2
22 During agarose gel electrophoresis for separation of DNA a fluorescent dye ethidium bromide is added. On
illumination with UV light the DNA fluoresces brighter while no fluorescence is observed in gel. Why?
1) The dye becomes dilute with buffer
2) The binding of dye with DNA concentrates it.
3) The dye is degraded in gel
4) None of these
Answer: 2
23 When an impure DNA is electrophoresed on agrose gel and observed under UVlight a smear is observed on
the gel. What does it indicate?
1) DNA is mixed with RNA
2) DNA is mixed with Protein
3) DNA is sheared
4) All of these
Answer: 3
24 Magnesium, iron and Molybdenum metals are present in enzymes as activators are
1) Cytochrome, Peptidases and Phosphotases respectively
2) Phosphatases, Cytochromes and Nitrogenase respectively
3) Fructokinase, Cytochromes and Nitrogen reductase respectively
4) Dehydrogenase, Kinase and Nitrate reductase respectively
Answer: 2
25 Ribozymes were discovered by
1) H.G. Khurana
2) Carl Woese, Francis Crick and Leslie Orgel
3) Monad and Jacob
4) Thomas R. Coch and Sidney Altman
Answers: 1