Submitted by Beryl on 19-06-2019
1. How to apply for UPSC Examinations?
You can apply online for the UPSC Examinations by accessing the online portal hosted on the UPSC’s website (
2. How much time is given to the candidates for applying online?
About 3 weeks time
3. Which category of candidates is exempted from payment of Examination fee?
4. What happens if a candidate submits multiple online applications?
In case of multiple applications, the data provided in the last application (highest RID Number), that is successfully submitted online, is accepted by the UPSC examination commission. If a candidate, wants to make changes in the application, then he has to submit a fresh application before the last date of submission of application of the Examination. Fee is submitted against the last online application only, which should also be complete in all respects including its final submission. Fee paid against one RID shall not be adjusted against any other RID number.
5. When should I apply if I choose to pay by Bank Challan?
Candidates must submit online application at least a day before the closing date so that they can generate the Bank Challan to be submitted in any Branch of SBI within Bank working hours throughout India. This Challan generation facility is deactivated on the last day of online application automatically by the system. Candidates can however, submit Bank Challan on the last day in any Branch of the SBI.
6. What precautions must be taken by candidates for claiming community reservation or reservation for Persons with Benchmark Disabilities (PwBD)?
The candidates who wish to claim community reservation or reservation for Persons with Benchmark Disabilities should submit all the requisite certificates in the prescribed format in support of their claims for availing reservation before applying for the examination and in any case, not later than the closing date for receipt of applications for the examination.
7. What action is taken by the Commission in case of submission of false information by the candidates?
Such candidates will be disqualified and/or debarred from writing UPSC Examinations
8. Can a candidate change the Date of Birth after submitting the online application?
You can apply online for the UPSC Examinations by accessing the online portal hosted on the UPSC’s website (
2. How much time is given to the candidates for applying online?
About 3 weeks time
3. Which category of candidates is exempted from payment of Examination fee?
- Female candidates
- Persons with Benchmark Disabilities (PwBD)
- Candidates belonging to the Scheduled Caste
- Candidates belonging to Scheduled Tribe
4. What happens if a candidate submits multiple online applications?
In case of multiple applications, the data provided in the last application (highest RID Number), that is successfully submitted online, is accepted by the UPSC examination commission. If a candidate, wants to make changes in the application, then he has to submit a fresh application before the last date of submission of application of the Examination. Fee is submitted against the last online application only, which should also be complete in all respects including its final submission. Fee paid against one RID shall not be adjusted against any other RID number.
5. When should I apply if I choose to pay by Bank Challan?
Candidates must submit online application at least a day before the closing date so that they can generate the Bank Challan to be submitted in any Branch of SBI within Bank working hours throughout India. This Challan generation facility is deactivated on the last day of online application automatically by the system. Candidates can however, submit Bank Challan on the last day in any Branch of the SBI.
6. What precautions must be taken by candidates for claiming community reservation or reservation for Persons with Benchmark Disabilities (PwBD)?
The candidates who wish to claim community reservation or reservation for Persons with Benchmark Disabilities should submit all the requisite certificates in the prescribed format in support of their claims for availing reservation before applying for the examination and in any case, not later than the closing date for receipt of applications for the examination.
7. What action is taken by the Commission in case of submission of false information by the candidates?
Such candidates will be disqualified and/or debarred from writing UPSC Examinations
8. Can a candidate change the Date of Birth after submitting the online application?
1. When are the e-Admit Cards issued?
Around three weeks before the commencement of the Examination. The e-Admit card needs to be downloaded from the UPSC Exam website. No postal delivery facility is available.
2. What to do if my e-Admit Card is not issued three weeks before the exam date?
Contact the UPSC Exam Commission by email, or contact the Facilitation Counter located in the Commission’s Office either in person or over phone Nos. 01123381125/011- 23385271/011-23098543.
3. How to get my desired Exam Centre?
Usually the commission allots the exam centers on the basis of “first-apply-first allot” basis. Sometimes, the centres may be full and the applicants shall, therefore, be required to choose one of the available Centres. It is better to apply early for getting the choice Centre.
4. Are requests for change of Centre/ Venue accepted?
5. Can a candidate appear at a Centre/Venue other than the Venue mentioned his/her e-Admit Card?
6. How to upload candidate's photographs and signatures?
A candidate must have his/her photograph and signature duly scanned in the “JPG” format and each file should not exceed 300 KB and must not be less than 20 KB. The photograph and signature must be clearly discernible. Please refer to the samples of acceptable photograph and signature displayed in the application module. No changes are allowed once the photograph is uploaded and online application is submitted. In case a wrong photograph/signature is uploaded, his/her candidature is liable to be cancelled for false identity. Candidates should check the e-Admit Card carefully and discrepancies/ errors, if any, should be brought to the notice of the UPSC immediately.
7.What items are banned at the Examination Venues during Examinations and Personality Tests (Interviews) in the UPSC premises?
8. Is it essential to carry Photo ID Card for appearing at an Examination/Interview?
The candidate is then required to carry the same Photo ID Card along with the eAdmit Card/e-Summon Letter for appearing at the Examination/Interview. This Photo ID Card will be used for all future referencing. In case he/she is unable to produce the same during Examination/Interview, he/she will have to submit an Undertaking alongwith any other Photo ID Card issued by the Central/State/UT Government.
9. What are the timing for reporting at the Examination Venue and time of closure of entry into the Examination Venue?
The entry into the Examination Venue is closed 10 minutes before commencement of the Examination Session
Around three weeks before the commencement of the Examination. The e-Admit card needs to be downloaded from the UPSC Exam website. No postal delivery facility is available.
2. What to do if my e-Admit Card is not issued three weeks before the exam date?
Contact the UPSC Exam Commission by email, or contact the Facilitation Counter located in the Commission’s Office either in person or over phone Nos. 01123381125/011- 23385271/011-23098543.
3. How to get my desired Exam Centre?
Usually the commission allots the exam centers on the basis of “first-apply-first allot” basis. Sometimes, the centres may be full and the applicants shall, therefore, be required to choose one of the available Centres. It is better to apply early for getting the choice Centre.
4. Are requests for change of Centre/ Venue accepted?
5. Can a candidate appear at a Centre/Venue other than the Venue mentioned his/her e-Admit Card?
6. How to upload candidate's photographs and signatures?
A candidate must have his/her photograph and signature duly scanned in the “JPG” format and each file should not exceed 300 KB and must not be less than 20 KB. The photograph and signature must be clearly discernible. Please refer to the samples of acceptable photograph and signature displayed in the application module. No changes are allowed once the photograph is uploaded and online application is submitted. In case a wrong photograph/signature is uploaded, his/her candidature is liable to be cancelled for false identity. Candidates should check the e-Admit Card carefully and discrepancies/ errors, if any, should be brought to the notice of the UPSC immediately.
7.What items are banned at the Examination Venues during Examinations and Personality Tests (Interviews) in the UPSC premises?
- Mobile phones (even in switched off mode)
- any electronic equipment or programmable device or storage media like pen drive, smart watches etc. or camera or bluetooth devices
- any other communication devices and IT gadgets
- any valuable/expensive items
8. Is it essential to carry Photo ID Card for appearing at an Examination/Interview?
The candidate is then required to carry the same Photo ID Card along with the eAdmit Card/e-Summon Letter for appearing at the Examination/Interview. This Photo ID Card will be used for all future referencing. In case he/she is unable to produce the same during Examination/Interview, he/she will have to submit an Undertaking alongwith any other Photo ID Card issued by the Central/State/UT Government.
9. What are the timing for reporting at the Examination Venue and time of closure of entry into the Examination Venue?
The entry into the Examination Venue is closed 10 minutes before commencement of the Examination Session
1. What is RID?
Registration ID. It is generated by the system when the applicant completes PART-I registration of his/her application.
2. What is TID?
Transaction ID. It is given by the State Bank India when the applicant deposits his/her fee in cash.
3. What needs to be filled in Part I of the Application Form?
4. What needs to be filled in Part I of the Application Form?
5. What happens if the candidate did not fill Part II/Non-submission of fee?
The application remains incomplete and candidature cannot be registered. The application is incomplete even in cases where the applicant has submitted PART-I and paid fee as well, but has not completed PART-II
6. What are the steps in PART-II registration?
7. What happens if the candidate did not submit the choice of Centre?
The online system will not allow the candidate to submit the form and status of the application will remain “not submitted”. Thus, he/she will not be the candidate of that particular Examination.
8. What happens if the candidate did not pay fees?
Non-payment of Fee (if not exempted from Fee payment) will lead to cancellation of the candidature.
9. What happens if I enter wrong TID in case of payment through Bank Challan?
Some candidates submit their fee through Bank Challan and enter the wrong TID or submit an old TID. In some cases, submission of multiple applications is followed by either nonpayment of fee OR fee particulars (TID) of one application (RID) being mentioned against another application with a different RID. This leads to rejection of the online application.
10. What happens if there is swapping of Photograph and Signature or their poor quality?
This will lead to complications in future and therefore, applicants are advised to follow the rules.
Registration ID. It is generated by the system when the applicant completes PART-I registration of his/her application.
2. What is TID?
Transaction ID. It is given by the State Bank India when the applicant deposits his/her fee in cash.
3. What needs to be filled in Part I of the Application Form?
- Name
- Father’s/mother’s name
- Date of birth
- Address
- Educational qualification
- Age relaxation
- Scribe details (only for PwBD candidates opting for scribe)
- Preferences of particular Examination
4. What needs to be filled in Part I of the Application Form?
- Payment option for Examination Fee
- Centre of Examination
- Photo
- Signature
- Photo ID card
5. What happens if the candidate did not fill Part II/Non-submission of fee?
The application remains incomplete and candidature cannot be registered. The application is incomplete even in cases where the applicant has submitted PART-I and paid fee as well, but has not completed PART-II
6. What are the steps in PART-II registration?
- Fee payment (only for candidates not exempted from payment of fee).
- Choosing of the Examination Centre from the available drop down menu.
- Uploading of photograph, signature and photo ID card.
- Agreeing to the Declaration
7. What happens if the candidate did not submit the choice of Centre?
The online system will not allow the candidate to submit the form and status of the application will remain “not submitted”. Thus, he/she will not be the candidate of that particular Examination.
8. What happens if the candidate did not pay fees?
Non-payment of Fee (if not exempted from Fee payment) will lead to cancellation of the candidature.
9. What happens if I enter wrong TID in case of payment through Bank Challan?
Some candidates submit their fee through Bank Challan and enter the wrong TID or submit an old TID. In some cases, submission of multiple applications is followed by either nonpayment of fee OR fee particulars (TID) of one application (RID) being mentioned against another application with a different RID. This leads to rejection of the online application.
10. What happens if there is swapping of Photograph and Signature or their poor quality?
This will lead to complications in future and therefore, applicants are advised to follow the rules.
1. What is Civil Services Preliminary Examination and who conducts this?
UPSC conducts Preliminary Examination of the Civil Services Examination for recruitment to the Indian Administrative Service (IAS), Indian Foreign Service (IFS), Indian Police Service (IPS) and other Central Services and posts
2. Where to get more details about UPSC Examination?
Go to the official website
3. What is the Exam Pattern of Civil Services (Preliminary) Examination?
There are two compulsory papers of 200 marks each. Both the papers are of objective type (multiple choice questions). The question papers are set in Hindi and English. Each paper is of two hours duration.
4. Can I write Civil Services Main Examination if I am not qualified in the Preliminary Examination?
Only those candidates, who are qualified in the Preliminary Examination in the year, will be eligible to appear at the Main Examination of that year provided they are otherwise eligible for admission to the Main Examination.
5. Is an attempt at the Civil Services (Preliminary) Examination counted as an attempt at the Civil Services Examination?
If a candidate actually appears in any one paper in the Preliminary Examination, it shall be taken as an attempt at the Examination.
6. What will happen if a candidate has applied for the Civil Services (Preliminary) Examination but has not appeared at any paper in the Civil Services (Preliminary) Examination? Will it be counted as an attempt?
No. Attempt is counted only if she/he has appeared in at least one paper in the Civil Services (Preliminary) Examination.
7. What is the qualifying percentage of marks in General Studies Paper- II?
8. Is there any negative marking at the Civil Services (Preliminary) Examination?
Yes. One-third (1/3rd) of the marks assigned to that question is deducted as penalty.
9. What happens if the candidate leaves blank for a question? Is there any negative mark for that?
If a question is left blank, i.e. no answer is given by the candidate; there will be no penalty for that question.
10. What happens if the candidate chooses more than one answer for a question?
If a candidate gives more than one answer, it is treated as a wrong answer even if one of the given answers happens to be correct and there will be same penalty as above for that question. One-third (1/3rd) of the marks assigned to that question is deducted as penalty.
11. What are the minimum educational qualifications prescribed?
A degree of any of Universities incorporated by an Act of the Central or State Legislature in India or any other educational institution
12. Do the Persons with Benchmark Disabilities need to meet the eligibility criteria?
Such candidates shall also be required to meet eligibility criteria in terms of physical requirements/functional classifications (abilities/disabilities) consistent with the requirements of the Post.
13. I am already working in Govt. Service. What details should I give to my Head Office if I apply for the exam?
Persons already in Government Service, (permanent or temporary), other than casual or daily rated employees or those serving under the Public Sector Enterprises must submit an undertaking that they have informed their Head of Office/Department, in writing, that they have applied for the Civil Services Examination.
14. What happens if my employer sent a letter to Exam Commission to withhold permission to write exam?
If a communication is received from the employer withholding permission to the candidates applying for/appearing at the Examination, their applications will be liable to be rejected/candidature will be liable to be cancelled.
15. What happens if my caste/tribe is included in reserved community, after submission of application?
If a particular caste/tribe is included in the list of reserved community within 3 months from the date of submission of application, the Commission may consider a request of change of community as a special case.
16. I have indicated that I belong to General Category in the application for Preliminary Exam, now can I change my community/caste/tribe to the reserved community?
If a candidate indicates in the application form for Civil Services (Preliminary) Examination that he/she belongs to General category but afterwards writes to the Exam Commission to change the category to a reserved one, such request shall not be entertained by the Commission.
17. I have indicated that I have no disability in my application for Preliminary Exam, but now I want to change that to PwBD reservation. Is that allowed?
18.What happens if I become physically disabled during the course of examination, but I have indicated that I have no disability in the application form?
In that case the candidate should produce valid document showing him/her acquiring a disability to the extent of 40% or more as mentioned in the relevant rules to get the benefits of PwBD reservation.
19. Is the marks obtained in Civil Services (Preliminary) Examination will be taken into account for final selection?
The Preliminary Examination is a screening test only. The marks obtained in the Preliminary Examination by the candidates, who are declared qualified for admission to the Main Examination, are not counted for determining their final order of merit.
UPSC conducts Preliminary Examination of the Civil Services Examination for recruitment to the Indian Administrative Service (IAS), Indian Foreign Service (IFS), Indian Police Service (IPS) and other Central Services and posts
2. Where to get more details about UPSC Examination?
Go to the official website
3. What is the Exam Pattern of Civil Services (Preliminary) Examination?
There are two compulsory papers of 200 marks each. Both the papers are of objective type (multiple choice questions). The question papers are set in Hindi and English. Each paper is of two hours duration.
4. Can I write Civil Services Main Examination if I am not qualified in the Preliminary Examination?
Only those candidates, who are qualified in the Preliminary Examination in the year, will be eligible to appear at the Main Examination of that year provided they are otherwise eligible for admission to the Main Examination.
5. Is an attempt at the Civil Services (Preliminary) Examination counted as an attempt at the Civil Services Examination?
If a candidate actually appears in any one paper in the Preliminary Examination, it shall be taken as an attempt at the Examination.
6. What will happen if a candidate has applied for the Civil Services (Preliminary) Examination but has not appeared at any paper in the Civil Services (Preliminary) Examination? Will it be counted as an attempt?
No. Attempt is counted only if she/he has appeared in at least one paper in the Civil Services (Preliminary) Examination.
7. What is the qualifying percentage of marks in General Studies Paper- II?
8. Is there any negative marking at the Civil Services (Preliminary) Examination?
Yes. One-third (1/3rd) of the marks assigned to that question is deducted as penalty.
9. What happens if the candidate leaves blank for a question? Is there any negative mark for that?
If a question is left blank, i.e. no answer is given by the candidate; there will be no penalty for that question.
10. What happens if the candidate chooses more than one answer for a question?
If a candidate gives more than one answer, it is treated as a wrong answer even if one of the given answers happens to be correct and there will be same penalty as above for that question. One-third (1/3rd) of the marks assigned to that question is deducted as penalty.
11. What are the minimum educational qualifications prescribed?
A degree of any of Universities incorporated by an Act of the Central or State Legislature in India or any other educational institution
12. Do the Persons with Benchmark Disabilities need to meet the eligibility criteria?
Such candidates shall also be required to meet eligibility criteria in terms of physical requirements/functional classifications (abilities/disabilities) consistent with the requirements of the Post.
13. I am already working in Govt. Service. What details should I give to my Head Office if I apply for the exam?
Persons already in Government Service, (permanent or temporary), other than casual or daily rated employees or those serving under the Public Sector Enterprises must submit an undertaking that they have informed their Head of Office/Department, in writing, that they have applied for the Civil Services Examination.
14. What happens if my employer sent a letter to Exam Commission to withhold permission to write exam?
If a communication is received from the employer withholding permission to the candidates applying for/appearing at the Examination, their applications will be liable to be rejected/candidature will be liable to be cancelled.
15. What happens if my caste/tribe is included in reserved community, after submission of application?
If a particular caste/tribe is included in the list of reserved community within 3 months from the date of submission of application, the Commission may consider a request of change of community as a special case.
16. I have indicated that I belong to General Category in the application for Preliminary Exam, now can I change my community/caste/tribe to the reserved community?
If a candidate indicates in the application form for Civil Services (Preliminary) Examination that he/she belongs to General category but afterwards writes to the Exam Commission to change the category to a reserved one, such request shall not be entertained by the Commission.
17. I have indicated that I have no disability in my application for Preliminary Exam, but now I want to change that to PwBD reservation. Is that allowed?
18.What happens if I become physically disabled during the course of examination, but I have indicated that I have no disability in the application form?
In that case the candidate should produce valid document showing him/her acquiring a disability to the extent of 40% or more as mentioned in the relevant rules to get the benefits of PwBD reservation.
19. Is the marks obtained in Civil Services (Preliminary) Examination will be taken into account for final selection?
The Preliminary Examination is a screening test only. The marks obtained in the Preliminary Examination by the candidates, who are declared qualified for admission to the Main Examination, are not counted for determining their final order of merit.
1. Can I choose a subject, which I have not studied at graduate/post graduate level?
2. Can I write the Main Examination in Hindi?
Yes. The question papers (other than the literature of language papers) are set in Hindi and English.
3. Can I write different papers of Civil Service (Main) Examination in different languages?
4. What is the structure of Civil Service (Main) Examination?
The main examination is essay type.
5. What is the duration of Civil Service (Main) Examination?
Three hours for each paper.
6. Can I write the Civil Service (Main) Examination in English and take the interview in Hindi or any other Indian language?
If you are opting Indian Language medium for the written part of the Civil Services (Main) Examination, you may choose either the same Indian Language or English or Hindi as the medium for the interview. If you choose to write the Civil Services (Main) Examination in English, may choose either English or Hindi or any other Indian Language opted by them for the compulsory Indian Language Paper in the written part of the Civil Services (Main) Examination, as the medium for interview. You must indicate the language medium of interview at the time of filling up of the Detailed Application Form (DAF). However, the candidates, who are exempted from the compulsory Indian Language Paper, will have to choose either English or Hindi as medium of Interview or Personality Test.
7. What are the Cut-off Marks for the compulsory language Papers?
8. Is the Indian language Paper compulsory for North-Eastern State candidates?
The Paper A on Indian Language is not compulsory for the following candidates -Arunachal Pradesh, Manipur, Meghalaya, Mizoram, Nagaland and Sikkim.
9. Is the Indian language Paper compulsory for Persons with Benchmark Disabilities categories (other than hearing impairment)?
10. Is the Indian language Paper compulsory for Persons with hearing impairment?
No. It will not be compulsory for such candidates, provided they have been granted such exemption from 2nd or 3rd language courses by the concerned education Board/University. They have to provide an undertaking/self declaration in this regard in order to claim such an exemption to the Commission.
11. What marks are reckoned for merit ranking in the written part of the Civil Services (Main) Examination?
Marks obtained for the Papers I-VII only will be counted for merit ranking (of those candidates who obtain the specified minimum marks in the qualifying papers)
12. What is the Representation Portal of the Commission on the questions asked in an Examination?
Within 7 days.
2. Can I write the Main Examination in Hindi?
Yes. The question papers (other than the literature of language papers) are set in Hindi and English.
3. Can I write different papers of Civil Service (Main) Examination in different languages?
4. What is the structure of Civil Service (Main) Examination?
The main examination is essay type.
5. What is the duration of Civil Service (Main) Examination?
Three hours for each paper.
6. Can I write the Civil Service (Main) Examination in English and take the interview in Hindi or any other Indian language?
If you are opting Indian Language medium for the written part of the Civil Services (Main) Examination, you may choose either the same Indian Language or English or Hindi as the medium for the interview. If you choose to write the Civil Services (Main) Examination in English, may choose either English or Hindi or any other Indian Language opted by them for the compulsory Indian Language Paper in the written part of the Civil Services (Main) Examination, as the medium for interview. You must indicate the language medium of interview at the time of filling up of the Detailed Application Form (DAF). However, the candidates, who are exempted from the compulsory Indian Language Paper, will have to choose either English or Hindi as medium of Interview or Personality Test.
7. What are the Cut-off Marks for the compulsory language Papers?
8. Is the Indian language Paper compulsory for North-Eastern State candidates?
The Paper A on Indian Language is not compulsory for the following candidates -Arunachal Pradesh, Manipur, Meghalaya, Mizoram, Nagaland and Sikkim.
9. Is the Indian language Paper compulsory for Persons with Benchmark Disabilities categories (other than hearing impairment)?
10. Is the Indian language Paper compulsory for Persons with hearing impairment?
No. It will not be compulsory for such candidates, provided they have been granted such exemption from 2nd or 3rd language courses by the concerned education Board/University. They have to provide an undertaking/self declaration in this regard in order to claim such an exemption to the Commission.
11. What marks are reckoned for merit ranking in the written part of the Civil Services (Main) Examination?
Marks obtained for the Papers I-VII only will be counted for merit ranking (of those candidates who obtain the specified minimum marks in the qualifying papers)
12. What is the Representation Portal of the Commission on the questions asked in an Examination?
Within 7 days.