1. Kernig’s sign is seen in (A) Pneumonia (B) Pyogenic meningitis (C) Cerebral palsy (D) Snake bite
Ans: B
2. True about upper airway of neonate: (A) Cricoid is narrowest part (B) Larynx extend from C4-C6 (C) Epiglottis is big and omega shaped (D) All of the above
Ans: C
3. Immediate management of child with foreign body inhalation: (A) IPPV (B) Brochonscopy (C) Tracheostomy (D) Exploratory thoracotomy
Ans: B
4. Phacomelia is (A) absence of long bones (B) absence of brain (C) reduplication of bones (D) absence of heart
Ans: A
5. Septic arthritis in a 2 year old child is often caused by(A) hemophilus influenza (B) staphylococcus aureus (C) gonococci (D) pneumococci
Ans: B
6. Perifascicular atrophy is seen in (A) Duchenne’s muscular dystrophy (B) Wilson’sdisese (C) Beckers dystrophy (D) Dermatomyositis
Ans: D
7. Acute osteomyelitis can best be distigushed from soft tissue infection by (A) Clinical examination (B) X-ray (C) CT scan (D) MRI
Ans: C
8. Congenital myopathy includes all except (A) Central core disease (B) Nemalive myopathy (C) Myotubular myopathy (D) Backers dystrophy
Ans: D
9. True about muscular dystrophy (A) it is primary myopathy (B) course is progressive (C) death of muscle at some stage of disease (D) all of above
Ans: D
10. False about myotonic dystrophy (A) autosomal recessive (B) distal muscle weakness (C) involve smooth muscles (D) can involve extraocular muscles.
Ans: A
11. Causes of pseudohermaphrodism is : (A) 17-alpha hydroxylase deficiency (B) 21-alpha hydroxylase deficiency (C) Mixed gonadal (D) All of the above
Ans: B
12. Karyotype of patient of androgen insensitivity syndrome is: (A) 46XX (B) 46XY (C) 47XXY (D) 45XO
Ans: B
13. Not a feature hypothyroidism is: (A) Short metacarpal in hands (B) Delayed puberty (C) Delayed bone age (D) Altered US:LS ratio
Ans: A
14. Weak Giants are produced by (A) Thyroid adenomas (B) Thyroid carcinomas (C) Parathyroid adenoma (D) Dituitory Adenoma
Ans: D
15. Unilateral undescended testis is ideally Operated around: (A) 2 months (B) 6 months (C) 12 months (D) 24 months
Ans: B
16. ACTH secretion is highest during : (A) Noon (B) Evening (C) Morning (D) Night
Ans: C
17. Immediate treatment of infant Present with tetany: (A) IV Diazepam (B) IV calciumgluconate (C) IV phenobarbitone (D) Wait & Watch
Ans: B
18. True precocious puberty occurs in All except: (A) Mc-cunne Albright syndrome (B) Craniopharyngioma (C) HypothalamicHamartoma (D) Pituitory Adenoma
Ans: A
19. Most common cause of delayed Puberty in male: (A) Kallman syndrome (B) Klinefelter’s syndrome (C) Constitutional (D) praderwilli syndrome
Ans: C
20. Treatment of childhood Hypothyroidism is: (A) T3 (B) T4 (C) Levo-thyroxine (D) TSH
Ans: C
21. Most common cause of stridor in infant and young children. (A) Abductor palsy (B) Croup (C) Laryngomalacia (D) Epiglottitis
Ans: C
22. Commonest sign of Intra Bronchial foreign body in children is. (A) cough (B) wheeze (C) dyspnoea (D) stridor
Ans: C
23. Most common cause of pneumonia in children is? (A) RSV (B) Streptococcus pneumonia (C) Staphylococcus Aureus (D) Klebsiella
Ans: A
24. Characteristic symptom of Asthma is.. (A) Clubbing (B) Wheezing (C) Stridor (D) Bradycardia.
Ans: B
25. In whichdisease, symptoms improve with crying.. (A) Tetralogy of fallot (B) Choanal atresia (C) Bronchial asthma (D) All of above
Ans: B
26. Pneumatoceles on chest X-Ray in a child with insomnia are seen in the infection. (A) Staphylocacous (B) Pneumococous (C) Streptococous (D) Hemophilusinfluenza
Ans: A
27. Giant cell (Hecht’s) pneumonia is due to.. (A) CMV (Cytomegalo Virus) (B) Measles (C) Malaria (D) P. Carinii
Ans: B
28. Mucoviscidosis is most common related to. (A) Fibrocystic disease of pancreas (B) Duodenal Atresia (C) Diaphragmatic hernia (D) Annular pancreas
Ans: A
29. Most common organism associated with cystic fibrosis (A) Pseudomonas aerugonisa (B) Burkholderiacapacia (C) Pleisomonas (D) Aeromonous
Ans: A
30. Gene for cystic fibrosis (CFTR gene) located on which chromosome? (A) Chromosome-5 (B) Chromosome-7 (C) Chromosome-9 (D) Chromosome-11
Ans: B
31. All are seen in Henochschonlein purpura except. (A) Thrombocytopenia (B) Glomerulonephritis (C) Arthralgia (D) Abdominal pain
Ans: A
32. Which is not a feature of posterior urethral valve.. (A) Palpable bladder (B) Painful stress incontinence (C) Recurrent UTI (D) Hydronephrosis.
Ans: B
33. Meconium contains all except (A) Lanugo (B) Bacterial flora (C) Epithelial debris (D) Bilirubin
Ans: B
34. Risk Factor for Hyperbilirubinemia includes all except. (A) Acidosis (B) Alkalosis (C) Asphyxia (D) Sepsis
Ans: B
35. Which is not a mechanism of bilirubin reduction by phototherapy. (A) Structural isomerization (B) Photo reduction (C) Photo oxidation (D) Photo isomerization
Ans: B
36. Classical Christmas tree distribution of Papillo squamous rash is seen in (A) Lichen striatus (B) pityriasisrubrapillaris (C) pityriasisrosea (D) ecthyosis vulgaris
Ans: C
37. All of the following is true about transient Neonatal pustular melanosis except. (A) Evanescent superficial pustules (B) Hypopigmented macules (C) Pustule filled with polymorphonuclearleucocytes (D) Selflimiting
Ans: B
38. Verruca vulgaris is caused by (A) Herpes simplex virus – I (B) Human papilloma virus (C) HIV (D) Tuberculosis (mycobacteria)
Ans: B
39. Koebner’s phenomena is common in (A) seborrhic dermatitis (B) napkin dermatitis (C) subcutaneous fat necrosis (D) psoriasis
Ans: D
40. Infantile Hemangioma false is (A) benign vascular tumour (B) appears after 2 weaks of life (C) propranolol is used as treatment (D) lesion is compressible
Ans: B
41. CSF findings in TBME include. (A) High sugar + Low protein. (B) low sugar + High protein. (C) High sugar + High protein. (D) Low sugar + Low protein.
Ans: B
42. True about status marmoratus is all except. (A) Present in basal ganglia (B) Associated with Asphyxia. (C) Have marbled appearance. (D) Unilateral
Ans: D
43. Porencephaly is due to.. (A) Trisomy 13 (B) Cerebral infarction. (C) Fetal alcohol syndrome (D) Dandy-walker malformation.
Ans: B
44. For PPHN all are used except (A) Oral sildenafil (B) IV milrinone (C) Nitric oxide (D) Inj. Caffeine
Ans: D
45. According to newer NRP guideline which of the following is not true? (A) Resucitation of new born should be started as early as possible (B) Bag & mask is cointraindicated in meconium stained liquor (C) Early CPAP in delivery area improves the outcome of new born (D) None of the above
Ans: B
46. EXIT all are true except (A) Used for transport of newborn (B) Useful in new born with neck masses (C) Secure neonatal airway (D) All of the above
Ans: A
47. 5 year old child bed wetting treatment as choice (A) Motivational therapy (B) Imipramine (C) Desmopression (D) No treatment needed
Ans: D
48. If behavior therapeutic fails in management of enuresis pharmacological drug of choice (A) Phenytoin (B) Diazepam (C) Imipramine (D) Alprazolam
Ans: C
49. Treatment of breath holding spells is (A) Zinc (B) Pyridoxine (C) Iron (D) Folinic acid
Ans: C
50. Perinatal risk factor for autism spectrum disorder includes all except (A) Perinatal asphysxia (B) Neonatal hyperbilirubinemia (C) Small for gestational age (D) Neonatal sepsis
Ans: D
Ans: B
2. True about upper airway of neonate: (A) Cricoid is narrowest part (B) Larynx extend from C4-C6 (C) Epiglottis is big and omega shaped (D) All of the above
Ans: C
3. Immediate management of child with foreign body inhalation: (A) IPPV (B) Brochonscopy (C) Tracheostomy (D) Exploratory thoracotomy
Ans: B
4. Phacomelia is (A) absence of long bones (B) absence of brain (C) reduplication of bones (D) absence of heart
Ans: A
5. Septic arthritis in a 2 year old child is often caused by(A) hemophilus influenza (B) staphylococcus aureus (C) gonococci (D) pneumococci
Ans: B
6. Perifascicular atrophy is seen in (A) Duchenne’s muscular dystrophy (B) Wilson’sdisese (C) Beckers dystrophy (D) Dermatomyositis
Ans: D
7. Acute osteomyelitis can best be distigushed from soft tissue infection by (A) Clinical examination (B) X-ray (C) CT scan (D) MRI
Ans: C
8. Congenital myopathy includes all except (A) Central core disease (B) Nemalive myopathy (C) Myotubular myopathy (D) Backers dystrophy
Ans: D
9. True about muscular dystrophy (A) it is primary myopathy (B) course is progressive (C) death of muscle at some stage of disease (D) all of above
Ans: D
10. False about myotonic dystrophy (A) autosomal recessive (B) distal muscle weakness (C) involve smooth muscles (D) can involve extraocular muscles.
Ans: A
11. Causes of pseudohermaphrodism is : (A) 17-alpha hydroxylase deficiency (B) 21-alpha hydroxylase deficiency (C) Mixed gonadal (D) All of the above
Ans: B
12. Karyotype of patient of androgen insensitivity syndrome is: (A) 46XX (B) 46XY (C) 47XXY (D) 45XO
Ans: B
13. Not a feature hypothyroidism is: (A) Short metacarpal in hands (B) Delayed puberty (C) Delayed bone age (D) Altered US:LS ratio
Ans: A
14. Weak Giants are produced by (A) Thyroid adenomas (B) Thyroid carcinomas (C) Parathyroid adenoma (D) Dituitory Adenoma
Ans: D
15. Unilateral undescended testis is ideally Operated around: (A) 2 months (B) 6 months (C) 12 months (D) 24 months
Ans: B
16. ACTH secretion is highest during : (A) Noon (B) Evening (C) Morning (D) Night
Ans: C
17. Immediate treatment of infant Present with tetany: (A) IV Diazepam (B) IV calciumgluconate (C) IV phenobarbitone (D) Wait & Watch
Ans: B
18. True precocious puberty occurs in All except: (A) Mc-cunne Albright syndrome (B) Craniopharyngioma (C) HypothalamicHamartoma (D) Pituitory Adenoma
Ans: A
19. Most common cause of delayed Puberty in male: (A) Kallman syndrome (B) Klinefelter’s syndrome (C) Constitutional (D) praderwilli syndrome
Ans: C
20. Treatment of childhood Hypothyroidism is: (A) T3 (B) T4 (C) Levo-thyroxine (D) TSH
Ans: C
21. Most common cause of stridor in infant and young children. (A) Abductor palsy (B) Croup (C) Laryngomalacia (D) Epiglottitis
Ans: C
22. Commonest sign of Intra Bronchial foreign body in children is. (A) cough (B) wheeze (C) dyspnoea (D) stridor
Ans: C
23. Most common cause of pneumonia in children is? (A) RSV (B) Streptococcus pneumonia (C) Staphylococcus Aureus (D) Klebsiella
Ans: A
24. Characteristic symptom of Asthma is.. (A) Clubbing (B) Wheezing (C) Stridor (D) Bradycardia.
Ans: B
25. In whichdisease, symptoms improve with crying.. (A) Tetralogy of fallot (B) Choanal atresia (C) Bronchial asthma (D) All of above
Ans: B
26. Pneumatoceles on chest X-Ray in a child with insomnia are seen in the infection. (A) Staphylocacous (B) Pneumococous (C) Streptococous (D) Hemophilusinfluenza
Ans: A
27. Giant cell (Hecht’s) pneumonia is due to.. (A) CMV (Cytomegalo Virus) (B) Measles (C) Malaria (D) P. Carinii
Ans: B
28. Mucoviscidosis is most common related to. (A) Fibrocystic disease of pancreas (B) Duodenal Atresia (C) Diaphragmatic hernia (D) Annular pancreas
Ans: A
29. Most common organism associated with cystic fibrosis (A) Pseudomonas aerugonisa (B) Burkholderiacapacia (C) Pleisomonas (D) Aeromonous
Ans: A
30. Gene for cystic fibrosis (CFTR gene) located on which chromosome? (A) Chromosome-5 (B) Chromosome-7 (C) Chromosome-9 (D) Chromosome-11
Ans: B
31. All are seen in Henochschonlein purpura except. (A) Thrombocytopenia (B) Glomerulonephritis (C) Arthralgia (D) Abdominal pain
Ans: A
32. Which is not a feature of posterior urethral valve.. (A) Palpable bladder (B) Painful stress incontinence (C) Recurrent UTI (D) Hydronephrosis.
Ans: B
33. Meconium contains all except (A) Lanugo (B) Bacterial flora (C) Epithelial debris (D) Bilirubin
Ans: B
34. Risk Factor for Hyperbilirubinemia includes all except. (A) Acidosis (B) Alkalosis (C) Asphyxia (D) Sepsis
Ans: B
35. Which is not a mechanism of bilirubin reduction by phototherapy. (A) Structural isomerization (B) Photo reduction (C) Photo oxidation (D) Photo isomerization
Ans: B
36. Classical Christmas tree distribution of Papillo squamous rash is seen in (A) Lichen striatus (B) pityriasisrubrapillaris (C) pityriasisrosea (D) ecthyosis vulgaris
Ans: C
37. All of the following is true about transient Neonatal pustular melanosis except. (A) Evanescent superficial pustules (B) Hypopigmented macules (C) Pustule filled with polymorphonuclearleucocytes (D) Selflimiting
Ans: B
38. Verruca vulgaris is caused by (A) Herpes simplex virus – I (B) Human papilloma virus (C) HIV (D) Tuberculosis (mycobacteria)
Ans: B
39. Koebner’s phenomena is common in (A) seborrhic dermatitis (B) napkin dermatitis (C) subcutaneous fat necrosis (D) psoriasis
Ans: D
40. Infantile Hemangioma false is (A) benign vascular tumour (B) appears after 2 weaks of life (C) propranolol is used as treatment (D) lesion is compressible
Ans: B
41. CSF findings in TBME include. (A) High sugar + Low protein. (B) low sugar + High protein. (C) High sugar + High protein. (D) Low sugar + Low protein.
Ans: B
42. True about status marmoratus is all except. (A) Present in basal ganglia (B) Associated with Asphyxia. (C) Have marbled appearance. (D) Unilateral
Ans: D
43. Porencephaly is due to.. (A) Trisomy 13 (B) Cerebral infarction. (C) Fetal alcohol syndrome (D) Dandy-walker malformation.
Ans: B
44. For PPHN all are used except (A) Oral sildenafil (B) IV milrinone (C) Nitric oxide (D) Inj. Caffeine
Ans: D
45. According to newer NRP guideline which of the following is not true? (A) Resucitation of new born should be started as early as possible (B) Bag & mask is cointraindicated in meconium stained liquor (C) Early CPAP in delivery area improves the outcome of new born (D) None of the above
Ans: B
46. EXIT all are true except (A) Used for transport of newborn (B) Useful in new born with neck masses (C) Secure neonatal airway (D) All of the above
Ans: A
47. 5 year old child bed wetting treatment as choice (A) Motivational therapy (B) Imipramine (C) Desmopression (D) No treatment needed
Ans: D
48. If behavior therapeutic fails in management of enuresis pharmacological drug of choice (A) Phenytoin (B) Diazepam (C) Imipramine (D) Alprazolam
Ans: C
49. Treatment of breath holding spells is (A) Zinc (B) Pyridoxine (C) Iron (D) Folinic acid
Ans: C
50. Perinatal risk factor for autism spectrum disorder includes all except (A) Perinatal asphysxia (B) Neonatal hyperbilirubinemia (C) Small for gestational age (D) Neonatal sepsis
Ans: D
51. True about febrile convulsion is.. (A) Occurs at 6 years onwards (B) Progress definitely to epilepsy (C) No spontaneous remission (D) Recurrent in nature
Ans: D
52. Hypsarrythmia in a child is due to.. (A) Grandmal epilepsy (B) Petitmal epilepsy (C) Myoclonic epilepsy (D) Reflex epilepsy
Ans: C
53. JSSK is Valid up to Age? (A) 28 days (B) 6 months (C) 1 year (D) 5 year
Ans: C
54. INSURE technique used for? (A) Invasive ventilation (B) Surfactant administration (C) Central line insertion (D) None of the above
Ans: B
55. Which is not a cardinal feature of bulimia nervosa (A) Bings (B) Excessive exercise (C) Purges (D) Body image disturbance
Ans: B
56. True about Rett syndrome (A) Primarily affects male child (B) Occurs after 5 years of age (C) Zapella variant has preserved speech (D) None of the above
Ans: C
57. Which of the following is not a subtypes of anxiety (A) Generalized anxiety (B) Partial anxiety (C) Separation anxiety (D) Social aniety
Ans: B
58. Which is not a part of DSM – 5 illness? (A) Dissociative disorder (B) Hypochondrialdisorder (C) Conversion disorder (D) Somatic symptom disorder
Ans: B
59. Apneas in infants is.. (A) >10 sec. (B) > 20 sec. (C) > 30 sec (D) > 40 sec.
Ans: B
60. All of the following are decreased in nephrotic syndrome except. (A) Serum transferrin (B) Serum fibrinogen (C) Serum ceruloplasmin (D) Serum albumin
Ans: B
61. Finish type of congenital nephrotic syndrome occurs due to mutation of gene affecting following protein. (A) Podocin (B) Alpha-actinin (C) Nephrin (D) Albumin
Ans: C
62. All of following seen in nephritic syndrome except. (A) Edema (B) Hematuria (C) Hypertension (D) Hypocholestrolemia
Ans: D
63. All of the following are features of systemic Juvenile rheumatic arthritis except (A) uveitis (B) rash (C) fever (D) hepatosplenomegaly
Ans: A
64. Kawasaki disease involves all except (diagnostic criteria) (A) Strawberry tongue (B) Cervical lymphadenopathy (C) Coronary Vasculitis (D) Fever less then 5 Days
Ans: D
65. Palpable purpura is seen in all except (A) Henon – scholen purpura (B) Mixed cryoglobulinemia (C) Giant cell arthritis (D) Drug inucedvasculitis
Ans: C
66. Most common organism responsible for Folliculitis in children: (A) staph. Aureus (B) streptococcus (C) CONS (D) Candida
Ans: A
67. In asymmetrical IUGR which organ is not affected. (A) Subcutaneous fat (B) Muscle (C) Liver (D) Brain
Ans: D
68. A baby shows unilateral moro’s reflex with positive palmer grasp reflex site of lesion. (A) C3-C4 (B) C5-C6 (C) C8-7 (D) C1-C2
Ans: B
69. Most common agent associated with Epiglottitis in children: (A) S.pneumonia (B) H.influenza-B (C) Neisseria species (D) Moraxellacatarrhalis
Ans: B
70. Myopathy is seen in all except (A) X linked hypophosphatemic rickets (B) Oncogenicosteomalacia (C) Nutritional osteomalacia (D) Cushing syndrome
Ans: A
71. Duschenne’s muscular dystrophy is disease of (A) neuromuscular junction (B) sarcolemmalprotien (C) muscle contractile protein (D) disuse atrophy
Ans: B
72. Wardenburg syndrome is: (A) Autosomal Dominent (B) Autosomal Recessive (C) X-linked Dominant (D) X-linked Recessive
Ans: A
73. Anti-infective vitamin is (A) Vit. A (B) Vit. B6 (C) Vit. E (D) Vit. K
Ans: A
74. Breast milk is known to transmit (A) Rubella (B) HBV (C) CMV (D) HSV
Ans: C
75. The Metabolic derangement in pyloric stenosis usually. (A) Hypochloremic Alkalosis (B) Hyperchloremic Alkalosis (C) Hypochloremic Acidosis (D) Hyperchloremic Acidosis
Ans: A
76. Most sensitive & specific tool in the initial evaluation of Neonate with suspected congenital heart disease. (A) Pulse oximetry (B) 2D Echo (C) ECG (D) Hyperoxia test.
Ans: D
Ans: D
52. Hypsarrythmia in a child is due to.. (A) Grandmal epilepsy (B) Petitmal epilepsy (C) Myoclonic epilepsy (D) Reflex epilepsy
Ans: C
53. JSSK is Valid up to Age? (A) 28 days (B) 6 months (C) 1 year (D) 5 year
Ans: C
54. INSURE technique used for? (A) Invasive ventilation (B) Surfactant administration (C) Central line insertion (D) None of the above
Ans: B
55. Which is not a cardinal feature of bulimia nervosa (A) Bings (B) Excessive exercise (C) Purges (D) Body image disturbance
Ans: B
56. True about Rett syndrome (A) Primarily affects male child (B) Occurs after 5 years of age (C) Zapella variant has preserved speech (D) None of the above
Ans: C
57. Which of the following is not a subtypes of anxiety (A) Generalized anxiety (B) Partial anxiety (C) Separation anxiety (D) Social aniety
Ans: B
58. Which is not a part of DSM – 5 illness? (A) Dissociative disorder (B) Hypochondrialdisorder (C) Conversion disorder (D) Somatic symptom disorder
Ans: B
59. Apneas in infants is.. (A) >10 sec. (B) > 20 sec. (C) > 30 sec (D) > 40 sec.
Ans: B
60. All of the following are decreased in nephrotic syndrome except. (A) Serum transferrin (B) Serum fibrinogen (C) Serum ceruloplasmin (D) Serum albumin
Ans: B
61. Finish type of congenital nephrotic syndrome occurs due to mutation of gene affecting following protein. (A) Podocin (B) Alpha-actinin (C) Nephrin (D) Albumin
Ans: C
62. All of following seen in nephritic syndrome except. (A) Edema (B) Hematuria (C) Hypertension (D) Hypocholestrolemia
Ans: D
63. All of the following are features of systemic Juvenile rheumatic arthritis except (A) uveitis (B) rash (C) fever (D) hepatosplenomegaly
Ans: A
64. Kawasaki disease involves all except (diagnostic criteria) (A) Strawberry tongue (B) Cervical lymphadenopathy (C) Coronary Vasculitis (D) Fever less then 5 Days
Ans: D
65. Palpable purpura is seen in all except (A) Henon – scholen purpura (B) Mixed cryoglobulinemia (C) Giant cell arthritis (D) Drug inucedvasculitis
Ans: C
66. Most common organism responsible for Folliculitis in children: (A) staph. Aureus (B) streptococcus (C) CONS (D) Candida
Ans: A
67. In asymmetrical IUGR which organ is not affected. (A) Subcutaneous fat (B) Muscle (C) Liver (D) Brain
Ans: D
68. A baby shows unilateral moro’s reflex with positive palmer grasp reflex site of lesion. (A) C3-C4 (B) C5-C6 (C) C8-7 (D) C1-C2
Ans: B
69. Most common agent associated with Epiglottitis in children: (A) S.pneumonia (B) H.influenza-B (C) Neisseria species (D) Moraxellacatarrhalis
Ans: B
70. Myopathy is seen in all except (A) X linked hypophosphatemic rickets (B) Oncogenicosteomalacia (C) Nutritional osteomalacia (D) Cushing syndrome
Ans: A
71. Duschenne’s muscular dystrophy is disease of (A) neuromuscular junction (B) sarcolemmalprotien (C) muscle contractile protein (D) disuse atrophy
Ans: B
72. Wardenburg syndrome is: (A) Autosomal Dominent (B) Autosomal Recessive (C) X-linked Dominant (D) X-linked Recessive
Ans: A
73. Anti-infective vitamin is (A) Vit. A (B) Vit. B6 (C) Vit. E (D) Vit. K
Ans: A
74. Breast milk is known to transmit (A) Rubella (B) HBV (C) CMV (D) HSV
Ans: C
75. The Metabolic derangement in pyloric stenosis usually. (A) Hypochloremic Alkalosis (B) Hyperchloremic Alkalosis (C) Hypochloremic Acidosis (D) Hyperchloremic Acidosis
Ans: A
76. Most sensitive & specific tool in the initial evaluation of Neonate with suspected congenital heart disease. (A) Pulse oximetry (B) 2D Echo (C) ECG (D) Hyperoxia test.
Ans: D
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