1. Indication of BAHA (Bone anchored hearing aid) –
(A) Bilateral hearing loss (B) Sensorineural hearing loss
(C) Congenital canal atresia (D) All of the above
Ans: C
2. All of the following diseases have consistent symptom of tinnitus, except –
(A) Meniere’s disease (B) CSOM
(C) Otosclerosis (D) Mastoiditis
Ans: D
3. Associated with objective tinnitus
(A) Meiners disease (B) Acoustic neuroma
(C) Ear wax (D) Glomus tumor
Ans: D
4. Treatment of middle ear papilloma is –
(A) Myringotomy and simple excision (B) Myringectomy and simple excision
(C) Tympanomastoidectomy (D) Local infiltration with podophyllin
Ans: C
5. Use of seigel’s speculum during examination of the ear provides all except
(A) Magnification
(B) Assessment of movement of the tympanic membrane
(C) Removal of foreign body from the ear.
(D) As applicator for the powdered antibiotic of ear.
Ans: C
6. Identify the encircled structure in middle ear cavity
(A) Sinus tympani (B) Pyramidal fossa
(C) Fossa incudis (D) Facial recess
Ans: A
7. What lies between the middle and inferior turbinate?
(A) Middle meatus (B) Superior meatus
(C) Hiatus semilunaris (D) Inferior meatus
Ans: A
8. Nasal valve is formed by –
(A) Upper lateral cartilage (B) Lower lateral cartilage
(C) Lower end of upper lateral cartilage (D) Upper end of upper lateral cartilage
Ans: C
9. Narrowest part of the nasal cavity is
(A) Vestibule (B) Choanae
(C) Inferior turbinate (D) Middle turbinate
Ans: C
10. Which of the following bones do not contribute the nasal septum –
(A) Sphenoid (B) Lacrimal
(C) Palatine (D) Ethmoid
Ans: B
11. Commonest complication of CSOM is –
(A) Conductive deafness (B) Meningitis
(C) Temporal lobe abscess (D) Cholesteatoma
Ans: C
12. A case of CSOM presenting with vertigo can have any of the following except.––
(A) Dural separation (B) Cerebellar abscess
(C) Fistula with semicircular canal (D) Any of the above
Ans: A
13. Which of the following is not a feature of rhinosporidiosis –
(A) Bleeding polyp (B) Russel bodies are seen
(C) Oral dapsone is useful in treatment (D) Excision with the knife is the treatment.
Ans: B
14. Strawberry appearance is seen in
(A) Lupus vulgarsis (B) Rhinoscleroma
(C) Rhinosporidiosis (D) Angiofibroma
Ans: C
15. Surgical markings for finding the facial nerve is/are
(A) Tympano-mastoid suture (B) Tragal pointer
(C) Posterior belly of digastric (D) All of the above
Ans: A
16. Acoustic neuroma commonly arises from –
(A) Superior division of vestibular nerve (B) Inferior division of vestibular nerve (C) Cochlear nerve (D) VIIth cranial nerve
Ans: A
17. The earliest symptom of acoustic nerve tumor is –
(A) Sensorineural hearing loss (B) Tinnitus
(C) Vertigo (D) Otorrhea
Ans: A
18. Earliest sign seen in Acoustic neuroma is –
(A) Facial weakness (B) Unilateral deafness
(C) Reduced corneal reflex (D) Cerebellar signs
Ans: C
19. In acoustic neuroma all are seen except
(A) Loss of corneal reflex (B) Tinnitus
(C) Facial palsy (D) Diplopia
Ans: C
20. The most common tumor of the cerebellopontine angle is –
(A) Meningioma (B) Acoustic neuroma
(C) Neurofiroma (D) None of the above
Ans: B
21. Treatment of choice for acoustic neuroma –
(A) Steroid (B) Radiotherapy
(C) Anti-neoplastic drugs (D) Surgery
Ans: D
22. Glomus tumor invading the vertical part of carotid canal. It is –
(A) Type B (B) Type C1 (C) Type C2 (D) Type C3
Ans: C
23. The glomus tumor invasion of Jugular bulb is diagnosed by
(A) Carotid angiography (B) Vertebral venous venography
(C) X-ray (D) Jugular venograph
Ans: D
24. A patient presents with bleeding from the ear pain tinnitus and progressive deafness. On examination there is a red swelling behind the intact tympanic membrane which blanches on pressure with pneumatic speculum. Management includes all except
(A) Radiotherapy (B) Surgery
(C) Interferon (D) Preoperative embolization
Ans: C
25. Cochlear implants convert what energy to which form of energy –
(A) Sound energy to mechanical energy to move the hair cells.
(B) Electrical energy to mechanical energy to move the hair cells.
(C) Sound energy to electrical impulses.
(D) Mechanical energy to electrical impulses.
Ans: C
26. Mikulic and russel bodies are characteristic of –
(A) Rhinoscleroma (B) Rhinosporidiosis
(C) Plasma cell disorder (D) Lethal middling granduloma
Ans: A
27. Hypertrophy of the sebaceous glands in the nasal skin is called –
(A) Rhinophyma (B) Rhinodporidiosis
(C) Rhinolith (D) Rhinorrheoa
Ans: A
28. All of the following are true about antrochonal polyp, except –
(A) Single (B) Unilateral
(C) Premalignant (D) Arises from medullary antrum
Ans: C
29. Frey’s syndrome is due to cross connection of auriculotemporal nerve with which nerve after parotid surgery.
(A) Sympathetic cholinergic fibers (B) Facial nerve
(C) Trigeminal nerve (D) Greater superficial petorsal nerve
Ans: A
30. Frey’s syndrome include –
(A) Crocodile tears (B) Merciful anosmia
(C) Gustatory sweating (D) None of the above
Ans: C
31. Nerve of the pterygoid canal is also known as –
(A) Arnolds nerve (B) Vidian nerve
(C) Nerve of Kuntz (D) Criminal nerve of grassi
Ans: B
32. The most appropriate management for antrochoanal polyp in children is –
(A) Caldwell-Luc operation (B) Intranasal polypectomy
(C) Corticosteroids (D) Wait and watch
Ans: B
33. The maxillary sinus opens into middle meatus at the level of –
(A) Hiatus semilunaris (B) Bulla ethmoides
(C) Infundibulum (D) None of the above
Ans: A
34. Thornwalt cyst –
(A) Laryngeal cyst (B) Nasopharyngeal cyst
(C) Ear cyst (D) None of the above
Ans: B
35. A child is normal while crying but develops cyanosis and breathlessness when being quite. The most probable diagnosis
(A) Laryngomalacia (B) Croup
(C) Choanal atresia (D) Epiglottitis
Ans: C
36. Nasal septum perforation occurs in all the following except –
(A) Tuberculosis (B) Nasal surgery
(C) Syphilis (D) Rhinosporidiosis
Ans: D
37. True about septal hematoma is –
(A) Occurs due to trauma (B) Can lead to saddle nose deformity
(C) Conservative treatment (D) May lead to abscess formation
Ans: A
38. All of the following are treatments of multiple bilateral ethmoidal polyps except.
(A) Functional endoscopic sinus surgery (B) Intranasal ehtmoidectomy
(C) Extranasalethmoidectomy (D) Caldwll Luc Surgery.
Ans: D
39. “Bernoulli’s theorem” explains –
(A) Nasal polyp (B) Thyroglossal cyst
(C) Zenker’s diverticulum (D) Laryngomalacia
Ans: A
40. Ossicle that is most commonly involved in chronic suppurative otitis media(CSOM)
(A) Stapes (B) Long process of incus
(C) Heazd malleus (D) Handle of malleus
Ans: B
41. Predisposing factor for Nasal mylasis –
(A) Allergic rhinitis (B) Vasomotor rhinitis
(C) Atrophic rhinitis (D) Rhinitis medicomentosa
Ans: C
42. Rhinolith can cause –
(A) Nasal obstruction (B) Epistaxis
(C) Epiphora (D) All of the above
Ans: D
43. The artery which leads to bleeding in Woodruff’s area is –
(A) Anterior ethmoidal artery (B) Sphenopalatine artery
(C) Greaterpalatine artery (D) Superior labial artery
Ans: B
44. Kisselbach’s plexus is formed by septal branches of all except –
(A) Posterior ethmoidal artery (B) Anterior ethamoidal artery
(C) Sphenopalatine artery (D) Greater palatine artery
Ans: A
45. Commonest cause of epistaxis in children is –
(A) Trauma (B) Foreign body
(C) Nasal diphtheria (D) Enlarged adenoids
Ans: A
46. Traumatic epistaxis is not a cause in –
(A) Anterior epistaxis (B) Posterior epistaxis
(C) Childhood (D) Adulthood
Ans: B
47. If posterior epistaxis cannot be controlled, which artery is ligated –
(A) Posterior ethmoidal artery (B) Maxillary artery
(C) Sphenopalatine artery (D) External carotid artery
Ans: C
48. Which of the following organisms is known to cause Atrophic Rhinitis –
(A) Klebsiella pneumonia (B) Klebsiella Ozaena
(C) Streptococcus pneumonia (D) Streptococcus foetidis
Ans: A
49. Allergic rhinitis is which type of hypersensitivity –
(A) Type-1 (B) Type-2
(C) Type-3 (D) Type-4
Ans: A
50. All of the following are true about vasomotor rhiuitis except –
(A) It is allergic (B) It is due to parasympathetic overactivity
(C) Resistant cases may need cryotherapy (D) It may lead to hypertrophic rhinitis
Ans: A
(A) Bilateral hearing loss (B) Sensorineural hearing loss
(C) Congenital canal atresia (D) All of the above
Ans: C
2. All of the following diseases have consistent symptom of tinnitus, except –
(A) Meniere’s disease (B) CSOM
(C) Otosclerosis (D) Mastoiditis
Ans: D
3. Associated with objective tinnitus
(A) Meiners disease (B) Acoustic neuroma
(C) Ear wax (D) Glomus tumor
Ans: D
4. Treatment of middle ear papilloma is –
(A) Myringotomy and simple excision (B) Myringectomy and simple excision
(C) Tympanomastoidectomy (D) Local infiltration with podophyllin
Ans: C
5. Use of seigel’s speculum during examination of the ear provides all except
(A) Magnification
(B) Assessment of movement of the tympanic membrane
(C) Removal of foreign body from the ear.
(D) As applicator for the powdered antibiotic of ear.
Ans: C
6. Identify the encircled structure in middle ear cavity
(A) Sinus tympani (B) Pyramidal fossa
(C) Fossa incudis (D) Facial recess
Ans: A
7. What lies between the middle and inferior turbinate?
(A) Middle meatus (B) Superior meatus
(C) Hiatus semilunaris (D) Inferior meatus
Ans: A
8. Nasal valve is formed by –
(A) Upper lateral cartilage (B) Lower lateral cartilage
(C) Lower end of upper lateral cartilage (D) Upper end of upper lateral cartilage
Ans: C
9. Narrowest part of the nasal cavity is
(A) Vestibule (B) Choanae
(C) Inferior turbinate (D) Middle turbinate
Ans: C
10. Which of the following bones do not contribute the nasal septum –
(A) Sphenoid (B) Lacrimal
(C) Palatine (D) Ethmoid
Ans: B
11. Commonest complication of CSOM is –
(A) Conductive deafness (B) Meningitis
(C) Temporal lobe abscess (D) Cholesteatoma
Ans: C
12. A case of CSOM presenting with vertigo can have any of the following except.––
(A) Dural separation (B) Cerebellar abscess
(C) Fistula with semicircular canal (D) Any of the above
Ans: A
13. Which of the following is not a feature of rhinosporidiosis –
(A) Bleeding polyp (B) Russel bodies are seen
(C) Oral dapsone is useful in treatment (D) Excision with the knife is the treatment.
Ans: B
14. Strawberry appearance is seen in
(A) Lupus vulgarsis (B) Rhinoscleroma
(C) Rhinosporidiosis (D) Angiofibroma
Ans: C
15. Surgical markings for finding the facial nerve is/are
(A) Tympano-mastoid suture (B) Tragal pointer
(C) Posterior belly of digastric (D) All of the above
Ans: A
16. Acoustic neuroma commonly arises from –
(A) Superior division of vestibular nerve (B) Inferior division of vestibular nerve (C) Cochlear nerve (D) VIIth cranial nerve
Ans: A
17. The earliest symptom of acoustic nerve tumor is –
(A) Sensorineural hearing loss (B) Tinnitus
(C) Vertigo (D) Otorrhea
Ans: A
18. Earliest sign seen in Acoustic neuroma is –
(A) Facial weakness (B) Unilateral deafness
(C) Reduced corneal reflex (D) Cerebellar signs
Ans: C
19. In acoustic neuroma all are seen except
(A) Loss of corneal reflex (B) Tinnitus
(C) Facial palsy (D) Diplopia
Ans: C
20. The most common tumor of the cerebellopontine angle is –
(A) Meningioma (B) Acoustic neuroma
(C) Neurofiroma (D) None of the above
Ans: B
21. Treatment of choice for acoustic neuroma –
(A) Steroid (B) Radiotherapy
(C) Anti-neoplastic drugs (D) Surgery
Ans: D
22. Glomus tumor invading the vertical part of carotid canal. It is –
(A) Type B (B) Type C1 (C) Type C2 (D) Type C3
Ans: C
23. The glomus tumor invasion of Jugular bulb is diagnosed by
(A) Carotid angiography (B) Vertebral venous venography
(C) X-ray (D) Jugular venograph
Ans: D
24. A patient presents with bleeding from the ear pain tinnitus and progressive deafness. On examination there is a red swelling behind the intact tympanic membrane which blanches on pressure with pneumatic speculum. Management includes all except
(A) Radiotherapy (B) Surgery
(C) Interferon (D) Preoperative embolization
Ans: C
25. Cochlear implants convert what energy to which form of energy –
(A) Sound energy to mechanical energy to move the hair cells.
(B) Electrical energy to mechanical energy to move the hair cells.
(C) Sound energy to electrical impulses.
(D) Mechanical energy to electrical impulses.
Ans: C
26. Mikulic and russel bodies are characteristic of –
(A) Rhinoscleroma (B) Rhinosporidiosis
(C) Plasma cell disorder (D) Lethal middling granduloma
Ans: A
27. Hypertrophy of the sebaceous glands in the nasal skin is called –
(A) Rhinophyma (B) Rhinodporidiosis
(C) Rhinolith (D) Rhinorrheoa
Ans: A
28. All of the following are true about antrochonal polyp, except –
(A) Single (B) Unilateral
(C) Premalignant (D) Arises from medullary antrum
Ans: C
29. Frey’s syndrome is due to cross connection of auriculotemporal nerve with which nerve after parotid surgery.
(A) Sympathetic cholinergic fibers (B) Facial nerve
(C) Trigeminal nerve (D) Greater superficial petorsal nerve
Ans: A
30. Frey’s syndrome include –
(A) Crocodile tears (B) Merciful anosmia
(C) Gustatory sweating (D) None of the above
Ans: C
31. Nerve of the pterygoid canal is also known as –
(A) Arnolds nerve (B) Vidian nerve
(C) Nerve of Kuntz (D) Criminal nerve of grassi
Ans: B
32. The most appropriate management for antrochoanal polyp in children is –
(A) Caldwell-Luc operation (B) Intranasal polypectomy
(C) Corticosteroids (D) Wait and watch
Ans: B
33. The maxillary sinus opens into middle meatus at the level of –
(A) Hiatus semilunaris (B) Bulla ethmoides
(C) Infundibulum (D) None of the above
Ans: A
34. Thornwalt cyst –
(A) Laryngeal cyst (B) Nasopharyngeal cyst
(C) Ear cyst (D) None of the above
Ans: B
35. A child is normal while crying but develops cyanosis and breathlessness when being quite. The most probable diagnosis
(A) Laryngomalacia (B) Croup
(C) Choanal atresia (D) Epiglottitis
Ans: C
36. Nasal septum perforation occurs in all the following except –
(A) Tuberculosis (B) Nasal surgery
(C) Syphilis (D) Rhinosporidiosis
Ans: D
37. True about septal hematoma is –
(A) Occurs due to trauma (B) Can lead to saddle nose deformity
(C) Conservative treatment (D) May lead to abscess formation
Ans: A
38. All of the following are treatments of multiple bilateral ethmoidal polyps except.
(A) Functional endoscopic sinus surgery (B) Intranasal ehtmoidectomy
(C) Extranasalethmoidectomy (D) Caldwll Luc Surgery.
Ans: D
39. “Bernoulli’s theorem” explains –
(A) Nasal polyp (B) Thyroglossal cyst
(C) Zenker’s diverticulum (D) Laryngomalacia
Ans: A
40. Ossicle that is most commonly involved in chronic suppurative otitis media(CSOM)
(A) Stapes (B) Long process of incus
(C) Heazd malleus (D) Handle of malleus
Ans: B
41. Predisposing factor for Nasal mylasis –
(A) Allergic rhinitis (B) Vasomotor rhinitis
(C) Atrophic rhinitis (D) Rhinitis medicomentosa
Ans: C
42. Rhinolith can cause –
(A) Nasal obstruction (B) Epistaxis
(C) Epiphora (D) All of the above
Ans: D
43. The artery which leads to bleeding in Woodruff’s area is –
(A) Anterior ethmoidal artery (B) Sphenopalatine artery
(C) Greaterpalatine artery (D) Superior labial artery
Ans: B
44. Kisselbach’s plexus is formed by septal branches of all except –
(A) Posterior ethmoidal artery (B) Anterior ethamoidal artery
(C) Sphenopalatine artery (D) Greater palatine artery
Ans: A
45. Commonest cause of epistaxis in children is –
(A) Trauma (B) Foreign body
(C) Nasal diphtheria (D) Enlarged adenoids
Ans: A
46. Traumatic epistaxis is not a cause in –
(A) Anterior epistaxis (B) Posterior epistaxis
(C) Childhood (D) Adulthood
Ans: B
47. If posterior epistaxis cannot be controlled, which artery is ligated –
(A) Posterior ethmoidal artery (B) Maxillary artery
(C) Sphenopalatine artery (D) External carotid artery
Ans: C
48. Which of the following organisms is known to cause Atrophic Rhinitis –
(A) Klebsiella pneumonia (B) Klebsiella Ozaena
(C) Streptococcus pneumonia (D) Streptococcus foetidis
Ans: A
49. Allergic rhinitis is which type of hypersensitivity –
(A) Type-1 (B) Type-2
(C) Type-3 (D) Type-4
Ans: A
50. All of the following are true about vasomotor rhiuitis except –
(A) It is allergic (B) It is due to parasympathetic overactivity
(C) Resistant cases may need cryotherapy (D) It may lead to hypertrophic rhinitis
Ans: A
51. Rhinitis most common bacterial cause –
(A) Haemophilus influenza (B) Streptococcus haemolyticus
(C) Pasturellamulltocida (D) Cornybacteriumdiphtheria
Ans: A
52. 5 year old child with recurrent cold cause is –
(A) Adenoids (B) Angiofibroma
(C) Carcinoma (D) None of the above
Ans: A
53. Onodi cells and Haller cells are seen in relation to following respectively.
(A) Optic nerve and floor of the orbit (B) Optic nerve and internal carotid artery
(C) Optic nerve and nasolacrimal duct (D) Orbital floor and nasolacrimal duct
Ans: A
54. ETHMOIDAL BULLAE are seen in –
(A) Posterior ethmoidal air cells (B) Middle ethmoid air cells
(C) Superior ethmoidal air cells (D) Inferior ethmoidal air cells
Ans: B
55. Sinusitis is least involved in –
(A) Maxillary (B) Ethmoid
(C) Frontal (D) Sphenoid
Ans: B
56. Which of the following is false regarding frontal sinusitis
(A) Pain shows periodicity
(B) Most common sinus involved in infants and children
(C) Pain is referred to as office headache
(D) Tenderness is present just above the medial canthus of eye.
Ans: B
57. Most definitive diagnosis of sinusitis is –
(A) X-ray PNS (B) Proof puncture
(C) Sinuscopy (D) Transillumination test
Ans: C
58. What is Pott’spuffy tumour –
(A) Osteosarcoma of the frontal bone (B) Adamantimoma of the mandible
(C) Osteomyelitis of frontal bone (D) Proliferative aspergillosis of maxillary sinus
Ans: C
59. Ohngren’s line is –
(A) Carcinoma maxilla (B) Carcinoma ethmoid
(C) Carcinoma mandible (D) Carciname Larynx
Ans: A
60. CSF rhinorrhea ‘immediate’ management is –
(A) Plugging with petroleum jelly plugs (B) Wait & watch for 7 days + antibiotics
(C) Blow the nose repeatedly (D) Surgery
Ans: B
61. What is not seen in middle 3rd fracture in face –
(A) Face lengthening (B) Face shortening
(C) Teeth halocclusion (D) CSF rhinorrhea
Ans: B
62. Thornwaldt’s abscess is seen in –
(A) Ludwig angina (B) Pharyngeal bursitis
(C) Lateral sinus thrombosis (D) Hydrocephalus
Ans: B
63. The ideal time for operation of quinsy after an attacks of acute tonsillitis is
(A) 2 weeks (B) 4 weeks
(C) 6 weeks (D) 12 weeks
Ans: C
64. Most common cause of parapharyngeal abscess –
(A) Removal of tonsil (B) Haematogenous spread
(C) Penetrating trauma (D) Blunt trauma
Ans: A
65. Which of the following is not true about acute retropharyngeal abscess –
(A) Dysphagia
(B) Swelling on posterolateral wall of pharynx
(C) Torticollis
(D) Caries of cervical spine is usually a common cause.
Ans: D
66. Inverted papilloma of nose arise from –
(A) Nasal septum (B) Roof of the nose
(C) Tip of the nose (D) Lateral wall of the nose
Ans: D
67. What is the treatment of Rhinitis Medicamentosa –
(A) Withdrawal of nasal drops with short course of steroids
(B) Antibiotics
(C) Polypectomy
(D) Increasing the dose of the nasal drops
Ans: A
68. Which of the following part is NOT included in hypopharyanx is –
(A) Pyriform sinus (B) Post cricoid region
(C) Anterior pharyngeal wall (D) Posterior pharyngeal wall
Ans: C
69. Passavant ridge –
(A) Superior constrictor and palatopharyngeus
(B) Inferior constrictor and palatopharyngeus
(C) Superior constrictor and palatoglossus
(D) Inferior constrictor and palatoglossus
Ans: A
70. All of the following are features of enlarged adenoids except –
(A) Otitis media (B) Nasal obstruction
(C) Failure to thrive of child (D) Esophagitis
Ans: D
71. Maxillary carcinoma 60 year involving anterolateral part of maxilla preferred treatment is –
(A) Radiotherapy only.
(B) Total/extended Maxillectomy followed byradiotherapy
(C) Radiotherapy followed by total/extended maxillectomy
(D) Total/extended maxillectomy alone
Ans: C
72. Lines of Sebileau pass through –
(A) Floor of orbit and maxillary antrum (B) Floor of nasal cavity and maxillary antrum
(C) Floor of orbit and nasal cavity (D) Floor of orbit and roof of mouth
Ans: A
73. Cause of Ludwig angina is –
(A) Retropharyngeal abscess (B) Tooth infection
(C) Parotid infection (D) None of the above
Ans: B
74. Nasal angiofibroma is seen in which age
(A) Adolescent male (B) Adult male
(C) Elderly male (D) Elderly female
Ans: A
75. Frog face deformity of nose caused by –
(A) Rhinoscleroma (B) Angiofibroma
(C) Antral polyp (D) Ethmoidal polyp
Ans: B
76. Radiotherapy is used in treatment of angiofibroma when it involves –
(A) Cheek (B) Orbit
(C) Middle cranial fossa (D) Cavernous sinus
Ans: C
77. A 15 year old male presents with a mass in the posterior aspect of the nose near inferior meatus which is being biopsied. It suddenly starts bleeding heavily. Which is the investigation of choice for this condition?
(A) MRI (B) CT head with contrast
(C) Xray para-nasal sinuses (D) Carotid Angiography
Ans: B
78. Juvenile angiofibroma confined to nasal cavity, preferred approach for surgery –
(A) Trans nasal endoscopic (B) Trans palatal
(C) Lateral rhinotomy (D) Trans maxillary
Ans: A
79. A person with neck node and B type tympanogram –
(A) Acoustic neuroma (B) Nasopharyngeal CA
(C) Angiofibroma (D) None of the above
Ans: B
80. All of the following statements about Nasopharyngeal carcinoma are true, except
(A) Bimodal age distribution
(B) Nasopharyngectomy with radical Neck dissection is the treatment of choice
(C) IgA antibody to EBV is observed
(D) Squamous cell carcinoma is the most common histological subtype.
Ans: B
81. Type of speech seen in nasopharyngeal carcinoma –
(A) Rhinolaliaclausa (B) Rhinolaliaaperta
(C) Hot potato voice (D) Hoarse voice
Ans: A
82. All are elevators of larynx except –
(A) Thyrohyoid (B) Diagastric
(C) Stylohyoid (D) Sternohyoid
Ans: D
83. Inlet of larynx is formed by –
(A) True vocal cord (B) False vocal cord
(C) Vocal folds (D) Aryepiglotic folds
Ans: D
84. Queckensted test is done for –
(A) Glomus tumor (B) CSF rhinorrhea
(C) Otosclerosis (D) Acoustic neuroma
Ans: B
85. Following is true about laryngomalacia except –
(A) Omega shaped epiglottis
(B) Reassurance of the patient is the treatment of choice
(C) Condition is first noticed in the first few weeks of life
(D) Expiratory stridor
Ans: D
86. Which of the following is the etiological agent most often associated with Epiglottitis in children
(A) Streptococcus pneumonia (B) Haemophilus influenza type b
(C) Neisseria species (D) Moraxella catarrhalis
Ans: B
87. All of the following are true regarding Juvenile Papilloma except –
(A) Commonly occur in children (B) Laser surgery is the treatment of choice
(C) Stridor is common (D) Remissions are uncommon
Ans: D
88. Juvenile papillomatoses is caused by –
Ans: A
89. Treatment of leukoplakia –
(A) Local excision (B) Excision and radiotherapy
(C) Topical chemotherapy (D) Repositioning of ill-fitting dentures
Ans: D
90. The highest frequency of palpable metastasis in neck on presentation is –
(A) Carcinoma tongue (B) Buccal mucosa
(C) Alveolus (D) Lip
Ans: A
91. Lump in the throat not interfering with swallowing –
(A) Globus hystericus (B) Cervical spondylosis
(C) Pharyngeal diverticula (D) Carcinoma esophagus
Ans: A
92. Procedure for serous otitis media is –
(A) Tympanoplasty (B) Mastoidectomy
(C) Myringotomy (D) Medical treatment
Ans: C
93. What is tympanoplasty –
(A) Eradication of middle ear disease with reconstruction of tympanic membrane & ossicles
(B) Eradication of disease from internal ear
(C) Repair of tympanic membrane only
(D) Repair of ossicle only
Ans: A
94. All of the following are extrinsic laryngeal membranes except –
(A) Quadrangular membrane (B) Hyoepiglottic ligament
(C) Cricotracheal membrane (D) Thyrohyoid membrane
Ans: A
95. Cricothyroid muscle is supplied by –
(A) Superior laryngeal nerve (B) External laryngeal nerve
(C) External laryngeal nerve (D) Vagus nerve
Ans: A
96. Wagner and Grossman theory is related to –
(A) Palatal palsy (B) Vocal cord palsy
(C) Facial palsy (D) Hypoglossal palsy
Ans: B
97. A 10 year old boy developed hoarseness of voice following an attack of diphtheria. On examination, his right vocal cord was paralyzed. The treatment of choice for paralyzed vocal cord will be –
(A) Gel foam injection of right vocal cord (B) Fat injection of right vocal cord
(C) Thyroplasty-type-I (D) Wait for spontaneous recovery of vocal cord
Ans: D
98. Bilateral recurrent laryngeal nerve palsy is seen in all except.
(A) Thyroid carcinoma (B) Lymphadenopathy
(C) Thyroid surgery (D) Aortic aneurysm
Ans: D
99. Paralysis of recurrent laryngeal nerve true is –
(A) Common in (LL)side (B) 50% idiopathic
(C) Cord will lie laterally (D) Speech therapy given
Ans: A
100. Treatment of Puberphonia is –
(A) Thyroplasty type I (B) Thyroplastytype II
(C) Thyroplasty type III (D) Thyroplasty type IV
Ans: C
(A) Haemophilus influenza (B) Streptococcus haemolyticus
(C) Pasturellamulltocida (D) Cornybacteriumdiphtheria
Ans: A
52. 5 year old child with recurrent cold cause is –
(A) Adenoids (B) Angiofibroma
(C) Carcinoma (D) None of the above
Ans: A
53. Onodi cells and Haller cells are seen in relation to following respectively.
(A) Optic nerve and floor of the orbit (B) Optic nerve and internal carotid artery
(C) Optic nerve and nasolacrimal duct (D) Orbital floor and nasolacrimal duct
Ans: A
54. ETHMOIDAL BULLAE are seen in –
(A) Posterior ethmoidal air cells (B) Middle ethmoid air cells
(C) Superior ethmoidal air cells (D) Inferior ethmoidal air cells
Ans: B
55. Sinusitis is least involved in –
(A) Maxillary (B) Ethmoid
(C) Frontal (D) Sphenoid
Ans: B
56. Which of the following is false regarding frontal sinusitis
(A) Pain shows periodicity
(B) Most common sinus involved in infants and children
(C) Pain is referred to as office headache
(D) Tenderness is present just above the medial canthus of eye.
Ans: B
57. Most definitive diagnosis of sinusitis is –
(A) X-ray PNS (B) Proof puncture
(C) Sinuscopy (D) Transillumination test
Ans: C
58. What is Pott’spuffy tumour –
(A) Osteosarcoma of the frontal bone (B) Adamantimoma of the mandible
(C) Osteomyelitis of frontal bone (D) Proliferative aspergillosis of maxillary sinus
Ans: C
59. Ohngren’s line is –
(A) Carcinoma maxilla (B) Carcinoma ethmoid
(C) Carcinoma mandible (D) Carciname Larynx
Ans: A
60. CSF rhinorrhea ‘immediate’ management is –
(A) Plugging with petroleum jelly plugs (B) Wait & watch for 7 days + antibiotics
(C) Blow the nose repeatedly (D) Surgery
Ans: B
61. What is not seen in middle 3rd fracture in face –
(A) Face lengthening (B) Face shortening
(C) Teeth halocclusion (D) CSF rhinorrhea
Ans: B
62. Thornwaldt’s abscess is seen in –
(A) Ludwig angina (B) Pharyngeal bursitis
(C) Lateral sinus thrombosis (D) Hydrocephalus
Ans: B
63. The ideal time for operation of quinsy after an attacks of acute tonsillitis is
(A) 2 weeks (B) 4 weeks
(C) 6 weeks (D) 12 weeks
Ans: C
64. Most common cause of parapharyngeal abscess –
(A) Removal of tonsil (B) Haematogenous spread
(C) Penetrating trauma (D) Blunt trauma
Ans: A
65. Which of the following is not true about acute retropharyngeal abscess –
(A) Dysphagia
(B) Swelling on posterolateral wall of pharynx
(C) Torticollis
(D) Caries of cervical spine is usually a common cause.
Ans: D
66. Inverted papilloma of nose arise from –
(A) Nasal septum (B) Roof of the nose
(C) Tip of the nose (D) Lateral wall of the nose
Ans: D
67. What is the treatment of Rhinitis Medicamentosa –
(A) Withdrawal of nasal drops with short course of steroids
(B) Antibiotics
(C) Polypectomy
(D) Increasing the dose of the nasal drops
Ans: A
68. Which of the following part is NOT included in hypopharyanx is –
(A) Pyriform sinus (B) Post cricoid region
(C) Anterior pharyngeal wall (D) Posterior pharyngeal wall
Ans: C
69. Passavant ridge –
(A) Superior constrictor and palatopharyngeus
(B) Inferior constrictor and palatopharyngeus
(C) Superior constrictor and palatoglossus
(D) Inferior constrictor and palatoglossus
Ans: A
70. All of the following are features of enlarged adenoids except –
(A) Otitis media (B) Nasal obstruction
(C) Failure to thrive of child (D) Esophagitis
Ans: D
71. Maxillary carcinoma 60 year involving anterolateral part of maxilla preferred treatment is –
(A) Radiotherapy only.
(B) Total/extended Maxillectomy followed byradiotherapy
(C) Radiotherapy followed by total/extended maxillectomy
(D) Total/extended maxillectomy alone
Ans: C
72. Lines of Sebileau pass through –
(A) Floor of orbit and maxillary antrum (B) Floor of nasal cavity and maxillary antrum
(C) Floor of orbit and nasal cavity (D) Floor of orbit and roof of mouth
Ans: A
73. Cause of Ludwig angina is –
(A) Retropharyngeal abscess (B) Tooth infection
(C) Parotid infection (D) None of the above
Ans: B
74. Nasal angiofibroma is seen in which age
(A) Adolescent male (B) Adult male
(C) Elderly male (D) Elderly female
Ans: A
75. Frog face deformity of nose caused by –
(A) Rhinoscleroma (B) Angiofibroma
(C) Antral polyp (D) Ethmoidal polyp
Ans: B
76. Radiotherapy is used in treatment of angiofibroma when it involves –
(A) Cheek (B) Orbit
(C) Middle cranial fossa (D) Cavernous sinus
Ans: C
77. A 15 year old male presents with a mass in the posterior aspect of the nose near inferior meatus which is being biopsied. It suddenly starts bleeding heavily. Which is the investigation of choice for this condition?
(A) MRI (B) CT head with contrast
(C) Xray para-nasal sinuses (D) Carotid Angiography
Ans: B
78. Juvenile angiofibroma confined to nasal cavity, preferred approach for surgery –
(A) Trans nasal endoscopic (B) Trans palatal
(C) Lateral rhinotomy (D) Trans maxillary
Ans: A
79. A person with neck node and B type tympanogram –
(A) Acoustic neuroma (B) Nasopharyngeal CA
(C) Angiofibroma (D) None of the above
Ans: B
80. All of the following statements about Nasopharyngeal carcinoma are true, except
(A) Bimodal age distribution
(B) Nasopharyngectomy with radical Neck dissection is the treatment of choice
(C) IgA antibody to EBV is observed
(D) Squamous cell carcinoma is the most common histological subtype.
Ans: B
81. Type of speech seen in nasopharyngeal carcinoma –
(A) Rhinolaliaclausa (B) Rhinolaliaaperta
(C) Hot potato voice (D) Hoarse voice
Ans: A
82. All are elevators of larynx except –
(A) Thyrohyoid (B) Diagastric
(C) Stylohyoid (D) Sternohyoid
Ans: D
83. Inlet of larynx is formed by –
(A) True vocal cord (B) False vocal cord
(C) Vocal folds (D) Aryepiglotic folds
Ans: D
84. Queckensted test is done for –
(A) Glomus tumor (B) CSF rhinorrhea
(C) Otosclerosis (D) Acoustic neuroma
Ans: B
85. Following is true about laryngomalacia except –
(A) Omega shaped epiglottis
(B) Reassurance of the patient is the treatment of choice
(C) Condition is first noticed in the first few weeks of life
(D) Expiratory stridor
Ans: D
86. Which of the following is the etiological agent most often associated with Epiglottitis in children
(A) Streptococcus pneumonia (B) Haemophilus influenza type b
(C) Neisseria species (D) Moraxella catarrhalis
Ans: B
87. All of the following are true regarding Juvenile Papilloma except –
(A) Commonly occur in children (B) Laser surgery is the treatment of choice
(C) Stridor is common (D) Remissions are uncommon
Ans: D
88. Juvenile papillomatoses is caused by –
Ans: A
89. Treatment of leukoplakia –
(A) Local excision (B) Excision and radiotherapy
(C) Topical chemotherapy (D) Repositioning of ill-fitting dentures
Ans: D
90. The highest frequency of palpable metastasis in neck on presentation is –
(A) Carcinoma tongue (B) Buccal mucosa
(C) Alveolus (D) Lip
Ans: A
91. Lump in the throat not interfering with swallowing –
(A) Globus hystericus (B) Cervical spondylosis
(C) Pharyngeal diverticula (D) Carcinoma esophagus
Ans: A
92. Procedure for serous otitis media is –
(A) Tympanoplasty (B) Mastoidectomy
(C) Myringotomy (D) Medical treatment
Ans: C
93. What is tympanoplasty –
(A) Eradication of middle ear disease with reconstruction of tympanic membrane & ossicles
(B) Eradication of disease from internal ear
(C) Repair of tympanic membrane only
(D) Repair of ossicle only
Ans: A
94. All of the following are extrinsic laryngeal membranes except –
(A) Quadrangular membrane (B) Hyoepiglottic ligament
(C) Cricotracheal membrane (D) Thyrohyoid membrane
Ans: A
95. Cricothyroid muscle is supplied by –
(A) Superior laryngeal nerve (B) External laryngeal nerve
(C) External laryngeal nerve (D) Vagus nerve
Ans: A
96. Wagner and Grossman theory is related to –
(A) Palatal palsy (B) Vocal cord palsy
(C) Facial palsy (D) Hypoglossal palsy
Ans: B
97. A 10 year old boy developed hoarseness of voice following an attack of diphtheria. On examination, his right vocal cord was paralyzed. The treatment of choice for paralyzed vocal cord will be –
(A) Gel foam injection of right vocal cord (B) Fat injection of right vocal cord
(C) Thyroplasty-type-I (D) Wait for spontaneous recovery of vocal cord
Ans: D
98. Bilateral recurrent laryngeal nerve palsy is seen in all except.
(A) Thyroid carcinoma (B) Lymphadenopathy
(C) Thyroid surgery (D) Aortic aneurysm
Ans: D
99. Paralysis of recurrent laryngeal nerve true is –
(A) Common in (LL)side (B) 50% idiopathic
(C) Cord will lie laterally (D) Speech therapy given
Ans: A
100. Treatment of Puberphonia is –
(A) Thyroplasty type I (B) Thyroplastytype II
(C) Thyroplasty type III (D) Thyroplasty type IV
Ans: C
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