1. The false bait with barbless hook used for capturing squids is called
(A) Squid jig
(B) Trolling jig
(C) Rod line jig
(D) Branch line jig
Ans: A
2. The difference in length between the Fishes that have the retention probability of 25% to 75% in the trawl cod end is known as
(A) Selection factor (B) Selection range
(C) Optimum range (D) Probability range
Ans: B
3. The area of Indian Economic Exclusive Zone is
(A) 3.9 Million Km2
(B) 2.7 Million Km2
(C) 2.20 Million Km2
(D) 2.02 Million Km2
Ans: D
4. Limitation on the number of fishing units permitted for operation will help to reduce
(A) growth over fishing
(B) recruitment over fishing
(C) economic over fishing
(D) growth, recruitment and economic over fishing
Ans: D
5. An electronic equipment used to give the position of fishing vessel by receiving the signals from satellites
Ans: B
6. Kuralon is the trade name for
(A) Poly Vinyl Alcohol
(B) Poly Vinyl-dine Chloide
(C) Poly Vinyl Chloride
(D) Poly Ester
Ans: A
7. The ——— of responsiveness of demand to a given change in price is referred to as
elasticity of demand.
(A) proportion (B) percentage
(C )degree (D) segment
Ans: C
8. The thermal efficiency of 2 stroke diesel engine in relation to that of 4 stroke diesel engines of corresponding size is less because of
(A) Poor scavenging efficiency
(B) Greater noise
(C) Lew mechanical efficiency
(D) Involvement of valves
Ans: A
9. Calculate the price elasticity of demand when the price of tilapia rose from Rs. 90 to 110/kg and the quantity demanded falls from 240 to 160
(A) 2 (B) 0.5
(C) 1 (D) 1.5
Ans: A
10. For which kind of fishes the price elasticity will be more than one.
(A) Commercial fishes
(B) Less preferred fishes
(C) Exportable fishes
(D) High value fishes
Ans: B
11. Scarcity and efficiency are the twin themes of
(A) education
(B) economics
(C) ecology
(D) environment
Ans: B
12. Which shows the maximum quantity of goods that can be efficiently produced by an economy, given to technological knowledge and the quantity of available inputs?
(A) The production possibility frontier
(B) The demand curve
(C) The supply curve
(D) The indifference curve
Ans: A
13. One Horse power is equal to
(A) 746 watts (B) 464 watts
(C) 467 watts (D) 764 watts
Ans: A
14. The power transmitted to the crank shaft of an engine and is available at the crank shaft to carry out useful external work is termed as
(A) Indicated horse power
(B) Brake horse power
(C) Thermal horse power
(D) Effective horse power
Ans: B
15. In the valve mechanism of four stroke diesel engine, the upper end of the push rod is in contact with
(A) Cam follower (B) Rocker arm
(C) Cub cam (D) Adjusting screw
Ans: B
16. The type of cooling used in out board motor is
(A) indirect cooling (B) direct cooling
(C) air cooling (D) keel cooling
Ans: B
17. In a four stoke diesel engine both the inlet and outlet valves enter remain closed during
(A) Suction stroke
(B) Compression and power strokes
(C) Exhaust stroke
(D) Upward strokes
Ans: B
18. The spiral shaped caring which surrounds the impeller of a centrifugal pump is called
(A) semi open impeller (B) volute
(C) Open impeller (D) vortex
Ans: B
19. Shaft Horse Power (SHP) of a beat engine will be
(A) Lower than BHP (B) Higher than IHP (C) Equal to IHP (D) Equal to BHP
Ans: A
20. In CI engine the fresh charge compressed during compression stroke consists of
(A) Diesel and Air (B) Air
(C) Petrol and air (D) LPG
Ans: B
21. For small and high speed internal combustion engine, the ideal method of lubrication is
(A) Centrifugal oiling
(B) Solid lubrication
(C ) Splash lubrication
(D) Mist lubrication
Ans: C
22. The spiracle present both in sharks and rays is corresponding to
23. Stiffening of the muscles of an animal shortly after death
(A) Autolysis (B) Rigor mortis
(C) Asphyxia (D) Hyperemia
Ans: B
24. Cyclic fluctuations in annual growth rates reflecting variations in feeding and metabolism in fishes since they are
25. Males of some deep sea fishes are ohligatory parasites on the females of the same species. An example is
(A) Pacific Lamprey Lampetra tridentata
(B) Deep sea eel Simenchelys parasiticus
(C ) Deep sea angles fish Ceratias
(D) Sea lamprey Petromyzon marinus
Ans: C
26. The fish heart is constructed fundamentally to afford
(A) double circulation (B) single circulation (C) multiple circulation (D) complicated circulation
Ans: B
27. Gas bladders are not present in
(A) Cat fishes (B) Cyclostomes (C ) African lung fish Ptotopterus (D) American lung fish Lepidosiren
Ans: B
28. In Nursery ponds, soap-oil emulsion is sprayed over the pond surface about 12 to 24 hrs. prior to stocking of spawn to eradicate
(A) Spawn of unwanted fishes (B) Aquatic weeds (C) Weed fishes (D) Aquatic insects
Ans: D
29. The floating weed, water hyacinth belongs to the genus
(A) Pistia (B) Salvinia (C ) Eichhornia (D) Azona
Ans: C
30. The digenetic trematode responsible for black spot disease in freshwater fishes is
(A) Trichodina sp. (B) Diplostomum sp. (C) Myxobolus sp. (D) Leptotheca sp.
Ans: B
31. The term ‘Spat’ is related to
(A) Prawn (B) Crab (C) Lobster (D) Oyster
Ans: D
32. In fresh water fishes, the White spot disease is caused by the protozoan ciliate,
(A) Dactylogyrus lamellatus (B) Ichthyophthirius multifilies
(C) Myxosporidia sp (D) Myxobolus lieni
Ans: B
33. When the observations are arranged in ascending or descending order of magnitude pertaining to fish or fishery data, the middle value is called
(A) Mean (B) Median (C) Mode (D) Average
Ans: B
34. Rice bran, one of the commonly used fish feed ingredients has the protein content of
(A) 10-12 percent (B) 15-20 percent (C) 1-2 percent (D) 25—30 percent
Ans: A
35. The Plankton eating surface feeder include
(A) Labeo rohita (B) Cirrhinus mrigala (C ) Catla catla (D) Labeo caIbasis
Ans: C
36. The LH and FSH in fish are
(A) Growth hormones
(B) Adrenal Cortical steroids
(C ) Gonadotropins
(D) Estrogens
Ans: C
37. A set of sense organs restricted to the fishes and aquatic stages of amphibian is
(A) Facial nerve
(B) Acoustic nerve
(C) Vagous nerve
(D) Lateral line
Ans: D
38. In sharks the eggs are strongly
(A) Isolecithal (B) Telolecithal (C) Holoblastic (D) Meroblastic
Ans: B
39. The copulatory organ present in male guppy is called
(A) Gonad (B) Gonopodium (C) Spermatophore (D) Clasper
Ans: B
40. Fishes from deeper waters in general fill the gas bladder mostly with
(A) Nitrogen (B) Oxygen (C) Carbon dioxide (D) Ammonia
Ans: B
41. An example for protandric hermaphrodites, being male first, female later is
(A) Perca (B) Micropterus (C ) Serranus (D) Stizostedion
Ans: C
42. An Air breathing structure present in climbing perches is called
(A) Otolith (B) Statolith (C) Pituitary (D) Labyrinth
Ans: D
43. Scorpion fishes do not have venom glands in the spines of
(A) Pectoral fin (B) Pelvic fin (C) Dorsal fin (D) Anal fin
Ans: A
44. Annuli of Otolith of fish is useful in the estimation of
(A) Age of Fish (B) Weight of Fish (C) Length of Fish (D) Mortality rate of fish
Ans: A
45. The exploitation ratio (E) ofa Fish stock can be estimated by the relation
46. In the equation explaining the mortality parameters of fishes Z= F + M, ‘F’ denotes
(A) Total Instantaneous Mortality
(B) Instantaneous Natural Mortality
(C) Instantaneous Fishing Mortality
(D) Mortality due to other Fish population
Ans: C
47. In the Von Bertalanffy’s growth equation of Fish, the parameter ‘K’ denotes
(A) Asymptotic length (B) Growth co-efficient
(C) Orbitary origin of growth (D) Time
Ans: B
48. One among the following four is not the clam species that constitute fishery in Indian waters
49. The lubber line of magnetic compass is aligned with —————————— of a vessel.
(A) Fore and aft centre line
(B) Beam
(C) Water line
(D) Horizon Line
Ans: A
50. Which of the following is useful in launching the life boat from a ship?
(A) Winch
(B) Davit
(C) Windlass
(D) Line hauler
Ans: B
(A) Squid jig
(B) Trolling jig
(C) Rod line jig
(D) Branch line jig
Ans: A
2. The difference in length between the Fishes that have the retention probability of 25% to 75% in the trawl cod end is known as
(A) Selection factor (B) Selection range
(C) Optimum range (D) Probability range
Ans: B
3. The area of Indian Economic Exclusive Zone is
(A) 3.9 Million Km2
(B) 2.7 Million Km2
(C) 2.20 Million Km2
(D) 2.02 Million Km2
Ans: D
4. Limitation on the number of fishing units permitted for operation will help to reduce
(A) growth over fishing
(B) recruitment over fishing
(C) economic over fishing
(D) growth, recruitment and economic over fishing
Ans: D
5. An electronic equipment used to give the position of fishing vessel by receiving the signals from satellites
Ans: B
6. Kuralon is the trade name for
(A) Poly Vinyl Alcohol
(B) Poly Vinyl-dine Chloide
(C) Poly Vinyl Chloride
(D) Poly Ester
Ans: A
7. The ——— of responsiveness of demand to a given change in price is referred to as
elasticity of demand.
(A) proportion (B) percentage
(C )degree (D) segment
Ans: C
8. The thermal efficiency of 2 stroke diesel engine in relation to that of 4 stroke diesel engines of corresponding size is less because of
(A) Poor scavenging efficiency
(B) Greater noise
(C) Lew mechanical efficiency
(D) Involvement of valves
Ans: A
9. Calculate the price elasticity of demand when the price of tilapia rose from Rs. 90 to 110/kg and the quantity demanded falls from 240 to 160
(A) 2 (B) 0.5
(C) 1 (D) 1.5
Ans: A
10. For which kind of fishes the price elasticity will be more than one.
(A) Commercial fishes
(B) Less preferred fishes
(C) Exportable fishes
(D) High value fishes
Ans: B
11. Scarcity and efficiency are the twin themes of
(A) education
(B) economics
(C) ecology
(D) environment
Ans: B
12. Which shows the maximum quantity of goods that can be efficiently produced by an economy, given to technological knowledge and the quantity of available inputs?
(A) The production possibility frontier
(B) The demand curve
(C) The supply curve
(D) The indifference curve
Ans: A
13. One Horse power is equal to
(A) 746 watts (B) 464 watts
(C) 467 watts (D) 764 watts
Ans: A
14. The power transmitted to the crank shaft of an engine and is available at the crank shaft to carry out useful external work is termed as
(A) Indicated horse power
(B) Brake horse power
(C) Thermal horse power
(D) Effective horse power
Ans: B
15. In the valve mechanism of four stroke diesel engine, the upper end of the push rod is in contact with
(A) Cam follower (B) Rocker arm
(C) Cub cam (D) Adjusting screw
Ans: B
16. The type of cooling used in out board motor is
(A) indirect cooling (B) direct cooling
(C) air cooling (D) keel cooling
Ans: B
17. In a four stoke diesel engine both the inlet and outlet valves enter remain closed during
(A) Suction stroke
(B) Compression and power strokes
(C) Exhaust stroke
(D) Upward strokes
Ans: B
18. The spiral shaped caring which surrounds the impeller of a centrifugal pump is called
(A) semi open impeller (B) volute
(C) Open impeller (D) vortex
Ans: B
19. Shaft Horse Power (SHP) of a beat engine will be
(A) Lower than BHP (B) Higher than IHP (C) Equal to IHP (D) Equal to BHP
Ans: A
20. In CI engine the fresh charge compressed during compression stroke consists of
(A) Diesel and Air (B) Air
(C) Petrol and air (D) LPG
Ans: B
21. For small and high speed internal combustion engine, the ideal method of lubrication is
(A) Centrifugal oiling
(B) Solid lubrication
(C ) Splash lubrication
(D) Mist lubrication
Ans: C
22. The spiracle present both in sharks and rays is corresponding to
- Nostril
- Vestigial first gill slit
- Vestigial second gill slit
- Vestigial third gill slit
23. Stiffening of the muscles of an animal shortly after death
(A) Autolysis (B) Rigor mortis
(C) Asphyxia (D) Hyperemia
Ans: B
24. Cyclic fluctuations in annual growth rates reflecting variations in feeding and metabolism in fishes since they are
- warm blooded
- cold blooded
- having short life span
- having long life span
25. Males of some deep sea fishes are ohligatory parasites on the females of the same species. An example is
(A) Pacific Lamprey Lampetra tridentata
(B) Deep sea eel Simenchelys parasiticus
(C ) Deep sea angles fish Ceratias
(D) Sea lamprey Petromyzon marinus
Ans: C
26. The fish heart is constructed fundamentally to afford
(A) double circulation (B) single circulation (C) multiple circulation (D) complicated circulation
Ans: B
27. Gas bladders are not present in
(A) Cat fishes (B) Cyclostomes (C ) African lung fish Ptotopterus (D) American lung fish Lepidosiren
Ans: B
28. In Nursery ponds, soap-oil emulsion is sprayed over the pond surface about 12 to 24 hrs. prior to stocking of spawn to eradicate
(A) Spawn of unwanted fishes (B) Aquatic weeds (C) Weed fishes (D) Aquatic insects
Ans: D
29. The floating weed, water hyacinth belongs to the genus
(A) Pistia (B) Salvinia (C ) Eichhornia (D) Azona
Ans: C
30. The digenetic trematode responsible for black spot disease in freshwater fishes is
(A) Trichodina sp. (B) Diplostomum sp. (C) Myxobolus sp. (D) Leptotheca sp.
Ans: B
31. The term ‘Spat’ is related to
(A) Prawn (B) Crab (C) Lobster (D) Oyster
Ans: D
32. In fresh water fishes, the White spot disease is caused by the protozoan ciliate,
(A) Dactylogyrus lamellatus (B) Ichthyophthirius multifilies
(C) Myxosporidia sp (D) Myxobolus lieni
Ans: B
33. When the observations are arranged in ascending or descending order of magnitude pertaining to fish or fishery data, the middle value is called
(A) Mean (B) Median (C) Mode (D) Average
Ans: B
34. Rice bran, one of the commonly used fish feed ingredients has the protein content of
(A) 10-12 percent (B) 15-20 percent (C) 1-2 percent (D) 25—30 percent
Ans: A
35. The Plankton eating surface feeder include
(A) Labeo rohita (B) Cirrhinus mrigala (C ) Catla catla (D) Labeo caIbasis
Ans: C
36. The LH and FSH in fish are
(A) Growth hormones
(B) Adrenal Cortical steroids
(C ) Gonadotropins
(D) Estrogens
Ans: C
37. A set of sense organs restricted to the fishes and aquatic stages of amphibian is
(A) Facial nerve
(B) Acoustic nerve
(C) Vagous nerve
(D) Lateral line
Ans: D
38. In sharks the eggs are strongly
(A) Isolecithal (B) Telolecithal (C) Holoblastic (D) Meroblastic
Ans: B
39. The copulatory organ present in male guppy is called
(A) Gonad (B) Gonopodium (C) Spermatophore (D) Clasper
Ans: B
40. Fishes from deeper waters in general fill the gas bladder mostly with
(A) Nitrogen (B) Oxygen (C) Carbon dioxide (D) Ammonia
Ans: B
41. An example for protandric hermaphrodites, being male first, female later is
(A) Perca (B) Micropterus (C ) Serranus (D) Stizostedion
Ans: C
42. An Air breathing structure present in climbing perches is called
(A) Otolith (B) Statolith (C) Pituitary (D) Labyrinth
Ans: D
43. Scorpion fishes do not have venom glands in the spines of
(A) Pectoral fin (B) Pelvic fin (C) Dorsal fin (D) Anal fin
Ans: A
44. Annuli of Otolith of fish is useful in the estimation of
(A) Age of Fish (B) Weight of Fish (C) Length of Fish (D) Mortality rate of fish
Ans: A
45. The exploitation ratio (E) ofa Fish stock can be estimated by the relation
- E=F/Z
- E= Z/F
- E= M/F
- E= F/M
46. In the equation explaining the mortality parameters of fishes Z= F + M, ‘F’ denotes
(A) Total Instantaneous Mortality
(B) Instantaneous Natural Mortality
(C) Instantaneous Fishing Mortality
(D) Mortality due to other Fish population
Ans: C
47. In the Von Bertalanffy’s growth equation of Fish, the parameter ‘K’ denotes
(A) Asymptotic length (B) Growth co-efficient
(C) Orbitary origin of growth (D) Time
Ans: B
48. One among the following four is not the clam species that constitute fishery in Indian waters
- Villorita cyprinoides
- Paphia malabarica
- Meretrix casta
- Crassostrea madrasensis
49. The lubber line of magnetic compass is aligned with —————————— of a vessel.
(A) Fore and aft centre line
(B) Beam
(C) Water line
(D) Horizon Line
Ans: A
50. Which of the following is useful in launching the life boat from a ship?
(A) Winch
(B) Davit
(C) Windlass
(D) Line hauler
Ans: B
51. The compass bowl of wet card magnetic compass is filled with
(A) Distilled water + ethyl alcohol
(B) Distilled water
(C) Ethyl alcohol
(D) Distilled water + acetic acid
Ans: A
52. The short period variations of certain meteorological elements in the atmosphere is termed as
(A) Climate (B) Weather
(C) Monsoon (D) Season
Ans: B
53. The search and rescue transponder operates on a frequency of
54. An optical instrument which is used for measuring vertical and horizontal angles between two object is
(A) Compass
(B) Chronometer
(C ) Log
(D) Sextant
Ans: D
55. The life line of buoyant apparatus should have at least ——-—-— thickness.
(A) 8 mm diameter
(B) 8 cm diameter
(C) 80 mm diameter
(D) 80 cm diameter
Ans: A
56. The term “Heterosis” is related to
(A) Polyploidy
(B) Androgenesis
(C) Gynogenesis
(D) Hybridization
Ans: D
57. The name of a combined machine for heaving the chain cable and mooring hawsers is
(A) Chain Locker (B) Winch
(C ) Windlass (D) Tackles
Ans: C
58. The technique used to interlock the strands so as to join two ropes or form an eye at the end of a rope is called as
59. The outer frame of the generator is called as
(A) Brush
(B) Yoke
(C) Armature
(D) Commutator
Ans: B
60. Which part of Echosounder generates electrical pulse at a particular frequency?
(A) Transmitter (B) Transducer
(C) Receiver (D) Recorder
Ans: A
61. The equipment which is working with radio wave is
62. The general term for the propagation of sound in water is
(A) Hydrodynamics (B) Hydroelectricity (C ) Hydro acoustics (D) Hydromechanical
Ans: C
63. Expand SONAR
(A)Sound Nautical And Ranging
(B) Solar Navigation And Ranging
(C ) Sound Navigation And Ranging
(D) Sound Navigation And Radiation
Ans: C
64. Which of the following instrument is used to measure the specific gravity of the electrolyte of battery?
(A) Hygrometer (B) Ammeter (C) Voltmeter (D) Hydrometer
Ans: D
65. Which of the following chemical acts as depolariser in dry cell?
(A) Carbon rod (B) Zinc sheet (C ) Manganese dioxide (D) Sulphuric acid
Ans: C
66. Ohm meter is used to measure
(A) The electrical energy
(B) The electrical power
(C) The electrical current
(D) The resistance of dead circuit
Ans: D
67. Which of the following fibres are easily damaged by acid and alkaline substances?
(A) Synthetic fibres
(B) Animal fibres
(C ) Vegetable fibres
(D) Steel threads
Ans: C
68. Match the List I with List II and select the correct answer using the codes given below
List I List II
(a) Squalene 1. Fish skin and head
(b) Gelatin 2. vertebrae
(c) Fish Calcium 3. Skins and Bones of fish
((1) Fish glue 4. Shark liver oil
(a) (b) (c) (d)
(A) 4321
(B) 3124
(C) 2143
(D) 1234
Ans: A
69. Ambergris is a metabolic product of
(A) Octopus
(B) Seals
(C) Porpoises
(D) Whales
Ans: D
70. In the fuel pump of a diesel engine, the plunger has two types of movements such as vertical movement and
(A) lateral movement
(B) circular movement
(C) zig-zag movement
(D) reciprocating movement
Ans: A
71. The shoal forming fish that constitutes notable fishery along the west coast in the states of Karnataka and Kerala is
(A) Lesser sardine
(B) Tuna
(C ) Mackerel
(D) Seer Fish
Ans: C
72. The temperature to which the fuel has to be heated to produce sufficient vapour to ignite when brought in contact with flame is termed as
(A) Distillation temperature
(B) Ignition temperature
(C ) Flash point
(D) Pour point
Ans: C
73. The ideal lubrication system for big marine diesel engine is
(A) Grease oiling
(B) Splash lubrication
(C) Mist lubrication
(D) Force feed lubrication
Ans: D
74. The sequence of which projects are planned and carried out is called
(A) Pre-feasibility studies
(B) Project evaluation
(C) Project monitoring
(D) Project cycle
Ans: D
75. If demand change is greater than supply change
(A) Price rise
(B) Price fall
(C) No change in price
(D) Erratic change in price
Ans: A
76. Species of seaweed used for production of carageenan
(A) Hormophyra dictyota
(B) Gelidium cartilagineum
(C ) Chrondrus crispis
(D) Ulva rigida
Ans: C
77. Find out which one of the following is not the use of seaweeds
(A) Food
(B) Fodder
(C) Fertilizer
(D) Growth promoter
Ans: D
78. The centrifugal pump with volute has a chamber so as to gradually reduce the velocity of liquid leaving the impeller is called
(A) Vortex (B) Grid (C) Bilge (D) Casing
Ans: A
79. The amount of energy or work required to raise 75 kilogram of weight through one meter in one second is called one
(A) Watt (B) Newton (C ) Horse power (D) Kilowatt
Ans: C
80. The effective horse-power is the sum of HP required to overcome the hull resistance at the towing speed and
(A) HP required to overcome frictional resistance at the propeller shaft
(B) HP required to overcome frictional resistance inside the cylinder
(C ) HP required to overcome the drag of the trawl gear
(D) HP required to overcome the resistance caused collectively by wind, waves and currents
Ans: C
81. ______ can be defined as the process of organising people and resources effectively, so as to direct activities towards the common goal and objectives
(A) Administration (B) Leadership (C) Coordination (D) Supervision
Ans: A
82. To facilitate easy cranking of the engine, a valve provided on the cylinder head to reduce the compression pressure is
(A) De-compression valve
(B) Starting valve
(C) Inlet valve
(D) Exhaust valve
Ans: A
83. Excessive dietary lipid levels can cause nutritional diseases such as
(A) Hemorrhage in eyes
(B) Skin lesions
(C ) Muscle atrophy
(D) Fatty liver
Ans: D
84. High protein diet is required for ____ species.
(A) Predatory
(B) Omnivorous
(C) Herbivorous
(D) Carnivorous
Ans: D
85. The fish which is called as ‘aquatic chicken?
86. (a) In shrimp farm, biofiltration pond can be stocked with mullet.
(b) Milk fish can also be stocked with mullet to filter the pond water.
(A) (a) is wrong and (b) is correct
(B) (a) and (b) are correct
(C) (a) is correct and (b) is wrong
(D) (a) and (b) are wrong
Ans: B
87. To keep essential trace elements in synthetic seawater medium ____ is added.
88. The mid water fishes living in aphotic zone of the sea are adopted for
(A) Herbivorous mode of feeding
(B) Carnivorous mode of feeding
(C) Planktonivous mode of feeding
(D) Predatory mode of feeding
Ans: D
89. Duration of cold smoking should not exceed
(A) 24 hours
(B) 30 hours
(C ) 72hours
(D) 48 hours
Ans: C
90. Myofibrillar protein covers ________% of the total protein.
(A) 52-68
(B) 60-70
(C) 66-77
Ans: C
91. The range of protein content of fish meat is
(A) 16—22%
(B) 15-24%
(C) 10-15%
(D) 8-12%
Ans: B
92. In four stroke diesel engine the tappet clearances of the inlet and exhaust valves are adjusted according to the
(A) size of the engine
(B) number of cylinders in the engine
(C ) firing order of the engine
(D) strokes of the engine
Ans: C
93. The leakage of compressed air and combustion gas through the gap between piston and liners is prevented by
(A) ‘O’ rings
(B) Oil scraper rings
(C ) Compression rings
(D) ‘G’ link
Ans: C
94. Dug out canoes are popularly used in
(A) Kerala back waters
(B) Kanyakumari coast of Tamil Nadu
(C) Orissa Coast
(D) Gujarat Coast
Ans: A
95. Chromated zinc chloride is used as a preservative to preserve
(A) Gill net
(B) Boat building timber
(C) Trawl net
(D) Purse seine
Ans: B
96. ______ shows the financiaI position and stability of the business at a particular time .
(A) Income statement
(B) Cash flow statement
(C) Profit and loss account
(D) Balance sheet
Ans: D
97. Elasticity of demand is determined by all the following factors except
(A) Nature of commodity
(B) Substitutes
(C ) Time
(D) Government policies
Ans: D
98. Which of the following will cause a shift of demand curve from its original position except?
(A) Change in price of product
(B) Change in price of substitute.
(C ) Increase in subsidy on raw materials
(D) Increase in disposable income
Ans: C
99. Which of the following does not fall under classification of Cooperatives societies
(A) Area of operation
(B) Purpose
(C) Economic activity
(D) Business interest
Ans: D
100. The ideal fishing gear to carry out the fishery resource survey is
(A) Demersal trawl net
(B) Gill net
(C) Long line
(D) Purse seine
Ans: A
(A) Distilled water + ethyl alcohol
(B) Distilled water
(C) Ethyl alcohol
(D) Distilled water + acetic acid
Ans: A
52. The short period variations of certain meteorological elements in the atmosphere is termed as
(A) Climate (B) Weather
(C) Monsoon (D) Season
Ans: B
53. The search and rescue transponder operates on a frequency of
- 9 MHz
- 9 KHz
- 9 Hz
- 9 GHz
54. An optical instrument which is used for measuring vertical and horizontal angles between two object is
(A) Compass
(B) Chronometer
(C ) Log
(D) Sextant
Ans: D
55. The life line of buoyant apparatus should have at least ——-—-— thickness.
(A) 8 mm diameter
(B) 8 cm diameter
(C) 80 mm diameter
(D) 80 cm diameter
Ans: A
56. The term “Heterosis” is related to
(A) Polyploidy
(B) Androgenesis
(C) Gynogenesis
(D) Hybridization
Ans: D
57. The name of a combined machine for heaving the chain cable and mooring hawsers is
(A) Chain Locker (B) Winch
(C ) Windlass (D) Tackles
Ans: C
58. The technique used to interlock the strands so as to join two ropes or form an eye at the end of a rope is called as
- Hitching
- Splicing
- Whipping
- Mousing
59. The outer frame of the generator is called as
(A) Brush
(B) Yoke
(C) Armature
(D) Commutator
Ans: B
60. Which part of Echosounder generates electrical pulse at a particular frequency?
(A) Transmitter (B) Transducer
(C) Receiver (D) Recorder
Ans: A
61. The equipment which is working with radio wave is
- Net Sonde
- Echosounder
62. The general term for the propagation of sound in water is
(A) Hydrodynamics (B) Hydroelectricity (C ) Hydro acoustics (D) Hydromechanical
Ans: C
63. Expand SONAR
(A)Sound Nautical And Ranging
(B) Solar Navigation And Ranging
(C ) Sound Navigation And Ranging
(D) Sound Navigation And Radiation
Ans: C
64. Which of the following instrument is used to measure the specific gravity of the electrolyte of battery?
(A) Hygrometer (B) Ammeter (C) Voltmeter (D) Hydrometer
Ans: D
65. Which of the following chemical acts as depolariser in dry cell?
(A) Carbon rod (B) Zinc sheet (C ) Manganese dioxide (D) Sulphuric acid
Ans: C
66. Ohm meter is used to measure
(A) The electrical energy
(B) The electrical power
(C) The electrical current
(D) The resistance of dead circuit
Ans: D
67. Which of the following fibres are easily damaged by acid and alkaline substances?
(A) Synthetic fibres
(B) Animal fibres
(C ) Vegetable fibres
(D) Steel threads
Ans: C
68. Match the List I with List II and select the correct answer using the codes given below
List I List II
(a) Squalene 1. Fish skin and head
(b) Gelatin 2. vertebrae
(c) Fish Calcium 3. Skins and Bones of fish
((1) Fish glue 4. Shark liver oil
(a) (b) (c) (d)
(A) 4321
(B) 3124
(C) 2143
(D) 1234
Ans: A
69. Ambergris is a metabolic product of
(A) Octopus
(B) Seals
(C) Porpoises
(D) Whales
Ans: D
70. In the fuel pump of a diesel engine, the plunger has two types of movements such as vertical movement and
(A) lateral movement
(B) circular movement
(C) zig-zag movement
(D) reciprocating movement
Ans: A
71. The shoal forming fish that constitutes notable fishery along the west coast in the states of Karnataka and Kerala is
(A) Lesser sardine
(B) Tuna
(C ) Mackerel
(D) Seer Fish
Ans: C
72. The temperature to which the fuel has to be heated to produce sufficient vapour to ignite when brought in contact with flame is termed as
(A) Distillation temperature
(B) Ignition temperature
(C ) Flash point
(D) Pour point
Ans: C
73. The ideal lubrication system for big marine diesel engine is
(A) Grease oiling
(B) Splash lubrication
(C) Mist lubrication
(D) Force feed lubrication
Ans: D
74. The sequence of which projects are planned and carried out is called
(A) Pre-feasibility studies
(B) Project evaluation
(C) Project monitoring
(D) Project cycle
Ans: D
75. If demand change is greater than supply change
(A) Price rise
(B) Price fall
(C) No change in price
(D) Erratic change in price
Ans: A
76. Species of seaweed used for production of carageenan
(A) Hormophyra dictyota
(B) Gelidium cartilagineum
(C ) Chrondrus crispis
(D) Ulva rigida
Ans: C
77. Find out which one of the following is not the use of seaweeds
(A) Food
(B) Fodder
(C) Fertilizer
(D) Growth promoter
Ans: D
78. The centrifugal pump with volute has a chamber so as to gradually reduce the velocity of liquid leaving the impeller is called
(A) Vortex (B) Grid (C) Bilge (D) Casing
Ans: A
79. The amount of energy or work required to raise 75 kilogram of weight through one meter in one second is called one
(A) Watt (B) Newton (C ) Horse power (D) Kilowatt
Ans: C
80. The effective horse-power is the sum of HP required to overcome the hull resistance at the towing speed and
(A) HP required to overcome frictional resistance at the propeller shaft
(B) HP required to overcome frictional resistance inside the cylinder
(C ) HP required to overcome the drag of the trawl gear
(D) HP required to overcome the resistance caused collectively by wind, waves and currents
Ans: C
81. ______ can be defined as the process of organising people and resources effectively, so as to direct activities towards the common goal and objectives
(A) Administration (B) Leadership (C) Coordination (D) Supervision
Ans: A
82. To facilitate easy cranking of the engine, a valve provided on the cylinder head to reduce the compression pressure is
(A) De-compression valve
(B) Starting valve
(C) Inlet valve
(D) Exhaust valve
Ans: A
83. Excessive dietary lipid levels can cause nutritional diseases such as
(A) Hemorrhage in eyes
(B) Skin lesions
(C ) Muscle atrophy
(D) Fatty liver
Ans: D
84. High protein diet is required for ____ species.
(A) Predatory
(B) Omnivorous
(C) Herbivorous
(D) Carnivorous
Ans: D
85. The fish which is called as ‘aquatic chicken?
- Catfish
- Common carp
- Catla
- Tilapia
86. (a) In shrimp farm, biofiltration pond can be stocked with mullet.
(b) Milk fish can also be stocked with mullet to filter the pond water.
(A) (a) is wrong and (b) is correct
(B) (a) and (b) are correct
(C) (a) is correct and (b) is wrong
(D) (a) and (b) are wrong
Ans: B
87. To keep essential trace elements in synthetic seawater medium ____ is added.
- NaNO3
- Boron
- Thymine
88. The mid water fishes living in aphotic zone of the sea are adopted for
(A) Herbivorous mode of feeding
(B) Carnivorous mode of feeding
(C) Planktonivous mode of feeding
(D) Predatory mode of feeding
Ans: D
89. Duration of cold smoking should not exceed
(A) 24 hours
(B) 30 hours
(C ) 72hours
(D) 48 hours
Ans: C
90. Myofibrillar protein covers ________% of the total protein.
(A) 52-68
(B) 60-70
(C) 66-77
Ans: C
91. The range of protein content of fish meat is
(A) 16—22%
(B) 15-24%
(C) 10-15%
(D) 8-12%
Ans: B
92. In four stroke diesel engine the tappet clearances of the inlet and exhaust valves are adjusted according to the
(A) size of the engine
(B) number of cylinders in the engine
(C ) firing order of the engine
(D) strokes of the engine
Ans: C
93. The leakage of compressed air and combustion gas through the gap between piston and liners is prevented by
(A) ‘O’ rings
(B) Oil scraper rings
(C ) Compression rings
(D) ‘G’ link
Ans: C
94. Dug out canoes are popularly used in
(A) Kerala back waters
(B) Kanyakumari coast of Tamil Nadu
(C) Orissa Coast
(D) Gujarat Coast
Ans: A
95. Chromated zinc chloride is used as a preservative to preserve
(A) Gill net
(B) Boat building timber
(C) Trawl net
(D) Purse seine
Ans: B
96. ______ shows the financiaI position and stability of the business at a particular time .
(A) Income statement
(B) Cash flow statement
(C) Profit and loss account
(D) Balance sheet
Ans: D
97. Elasticity of demand is determined by all the following factors except
(A) Nature of commodity
(B) Substitutes
(C ) Time
(D) Government policies
Ans: D
98. Which of the following will cause a shift of demand curve from its original position except?
(A) Change in price of product
(B) Change in price of substitute.
(C ) Increase in subsidy on raw materials
(D) Increase in disposable income
Ans: C
99. Which of the following does not fall under classification of Cooperatives societies
(A) Area of operation
(B) Purpose
(C) Economic activity
(D) Business interest
Ans: D
100. The ideal fishing gear to carry out the fishery resource survey is
(A) Demersal trawl net
(B) Gill net
(C) Long line
(D) Purse seine
Ans: A
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