1. Pink spoilage in salted fish is caused by halophilic bacteria of genus
(A) Sarcina (B) Salmonella (C) Staphylococcus (D) Alteromonas
Ans: A
2. Filth test is mandatory for the seafood exported to
(A) Indonesia (B) USA (C) Japan (D) Singapore
Ans: B
3. Histamine is formed as a result of bacterial decarboxylation of
(A) Lysine (B) Histidine (C) Tyrosine (D) Ornithine
Ans: B
4. Sodium tripoly phosphate treatment of frozen prawns
(A) Prevent rancidity (B) Reduces thaw drip
(C) Kills pathogenic bacteria (D) Prevents denaturation
Ans: B
5. Oily fishes are generally cured by
(A) Dry salt curing (B) Wet curing (C) Smoking (D) Sun drying
Ans: B
6. Carcinogenic compound found in smoked fish is
(A) Formaldehyde (B) Phenol
(C ) Benzopyrene (D) Pyrethrene
Ans: C
7. Which one of the following is correctly matched?
(A) Sardinella longiceps —Oil sardine
(B) Rastrelliger kanakurta — Bombay duck
(C) Harpodon nehereus - Pomfret
(D) Pompus argenteus — Mackerel
Ans: A
8. Organoleptic analysis is referred as
(A) Microbial analysis (B) Water quality analysis
(C ) Sensory analysis (D) None of the above
Ans: C
9. Washed, refined and frozen fish mince is known as
(A) Surimi (B) Fillet (C) Fish flakes (D) Fish chunks
Ans: A
10. ‘Isinglass’ is a word which finds its origin in
(A) French (B) Dutch (C) German (D) Greek
Ans: B
11. Chalkiness is a condition in fish that occurs due to
(A) High glycogen content (B) Heavy feeding before capture
(C) Low initial pH of flesh (D) All the above
Ans: D
12. The compound responsible for flavour of fish
Ans: D
13. Molluscs undergo saccharolytic spoilage as they contain high level of
(A) Lipids (B) Sugars (C) Proteins (D) Minerals
Ans: B
14. Which among the following is not an international standard system?
(A) FAO Codex Alimentarius (B) ISO 9000 series (C ) US FDA (D) HACCP
Ans: C
15. Standard detection procedure for shell fish toxin involves
(A) Mouse bioassay (B) TLC
(C) Capillary zone electrophoresis (D) Mass spectrometry
Ans: A
16. The taste and odours due to the presence of phenolic compounds in waters is controlled by using
(A) Chlorine dioxide (B) Sodium hypochlorite
(C) Free chlorine (D) Sodium phosphate
Ans: A
17. The carapace with longitudinal carinae is present in
(A) Metapenaeus (B) Penaeus
(C) Acetes (D) Heterocarpus
Ans: D
18. The shortest guts in fishes are observed in
(A) Herbivorous species
(B) Carnivorous species
(C) Omnivorous species
(D) Detritivores
Ans: B
19. The production process of glucose from lipids and aminoacids is called
(A) Metabolism (B) Glycolysis(C ) Glyconeogenesis (D) Deamination
Ans: C
20. The black clam is scientifically written as
(A) Perna viridis (B) Pinctada fucata
(C) Villorita cyprinoides (D) Crossostrea madrasensis
Ans: C
21. The family that have spines on their skins are called as
(A) Molidae (B) Diodontidae
(C) Cynoglossidae (D) Triacanthidae
Ans: B
22. (a) Magur is an obligatory air breathing fish while Singhi is a facultative air breathing fish.
(b) Magur cannot live in oxygen deficit water.
(A) (a) is wrong and (b) is right.
(B) (a) is right and (b) is wrong
(C) Both are wrong
(D) Both are correct
Ans: B
23. The presence of the pigment ‘Melanin’ in fish aids
(A) Light and Dark Adaptation (B) Swimming (C) Light reception (D) Focussing
Ans: A
24. Many of the world’s greatest fisheries particularly pelagic fishes like sardines have collapsed due to
(A) Illegal fishing
(B) Growth over fishing
(C ) Recruitment over fishing
(D) Economic over fishing
Ans: C
25. The condition in which both parts of the ovo-testis mature at the same time in fishes is called
(A) synchronous hermaphroditism
(B) Successive hermaphroditism
(C) Protandry
(D) Protogyny
Ans: B
26. The osmolarity of the elasmobranch plasma is increased due to the presence of
(A) Trimethylamine oxide
(B) Chloride ions
(C) Magnesium ions
(D) Sodium ions
Ans: A
27. The term L25 refers to the length at which the percentage of animals vulnerable to a fishing gear is
(A) 25% (B) 75% (C) 20% (D) 10%
Ans: A
28. Among the following which pond is connected with sewage fish culture?
(A) Nursery pond (B) Oxidation pond
(C) Brooder pond (D) Quarantine pond
Ans: B
29. Sewage fed fisheries is more prevalent in the state of
(A) Kerala (B) Tamil Nadu (C ) West Bengal (D) Andhra Pradesh
Ans: C
30. Phi—prime in fish population dynamics refers to
(A) mortality rate of the fish
(B) survival rate of the fish
(C) growth rate of the fish
(D) overall well being of the fish
Ans: D
31. The parameter that decides the slope of the growth curve of a fish is
(A) K (B) L∞ (C) M (D) F
Ans: A
32. The disease caused in fishes due to supersaturation of nitrogen or oxygen in water is
(A) Alkalosis
(B) Acidosis
(C ) Gas bubble disease
(D) Scoliosis
Ans: C
33. Which hormone is generally used to achieve feminization?
(A) Estradiol 17 β (B) HCG
(G) 17 ∞ MT (D) Ovaprim
Ans: A
34. The dose requirement of 17 ∞/MT for male production is
(A) 15 mg/kg diet (B) 10 mg/kg diet
(C ) 5 mg/kg diet (D) 20 mg/kg diet
Ans: C
35. Natural polyploidy has been observed in the following fish
(A) Big head carp (B) Silver carp
(C) Grass carp (D) Common carp
Ans: D
36. Which of the following weed can be used to remove toxic heavy metals in sewage cum fish culture?
(A)Eichhornia (B) Lemna
(C) Ceratophyllum (D) Typha
Ans: A
37. Ex-situ storage of fish sperms, eggs and embryos without loss of viability in ultra low temperatures is done using
(A) liquid oxygen
(B) liquid helium
(C ) liquid nitrogen
(D) liquid carbon dioxide
Ans: C
38. The fish which shows parental care is
(A) Guppy (B) Fighter fish (C) Swordtail (D) Tiger barb
Ans: B
39. The following ingredient added to enhance the coloration of the fish is
(A) carotenoids (B) legumes (C ) sugars (D) gelatin
Ans: A
40. The ornamental fish with the modified male reproductive organ is
(A) Gold fish (B) Koi carp
(C ) Guppy (D) Arowana
Ans: C
41. Red tailed black shark is scientifically called as
(A) Labeo bicolor (B) Labeo bata
(C) Labeo rohita (D) Labeo calbasu
Ans: A
42. In the biological filter, nitrite is converted into
(A) Nitrate (B) Ammonia
(C) Ammonium (D) Nitrogen
Ans: A
43. The mode of reproduction exhibited by molly fish, a popular ornamental fish is
(A) Viviparity (B) Ovoviviparity
(C) Oviparity (D) Protandrous
Ans: B
44. Colisa lalia is commonly called as
(A) Kissing gourami (B) Three spot gourami
(C) Mosaic gourami (D) Dwarf gourami
Ans: D
45. Plants and bacteria that synthesize their food from inorganic nutrients are termed as
(A) autotrophs (B) heterotrophs
(C) saprotrophs (D) myxotrophs
Ans: A
46. ________and the euphausids are the chief consumers of phytoplankton.
(A) Copepods (B) Chaetognaths
(C) Corals (D) All benthic animals
Ans: A
47. Manatees and _______ (order sirenia) are the only marine mammals that are herbivores.
(A) dugongs (B) dolphins
(C) baleen Whales (D) sperm whales
Ans: A
48. Which one of the following commonly occurring blue-green algal species form bloom and cause mass mortality of fishes in Indian waters?
(A) Trichodesmium erythraeum
(B) Aphanizomenon sp
(C) Lyngbya sp
(D) Spirulina subsalsa
Ans: A
49. The example for the free-floating aquatic macro plant with roots but not anchored to the bottom
(A) Eichhornia crassipes (B) Vallisneria sp.
(C )Hydrilla sp. (D) Marsilea sp.
Ans: A
50. The freezing point of sea water with a salinity of 35% is
(A) -1.91°C (B) 0°C (C) 4°C (D) -5°C
Ans: A
(A) Sarcina (B) Salmonella (C) Staphylococcus (D) Alteromonas
Ans: A
2. Filth test is mandatory for the seafood exported to
(A) Indonesia (B) USA (C) Japan (D) Singapore
Ans: B
3. Histamine is formed as a result of bacterial decarboxylation of
(A) Lysine (B) Histidine (C) Tyrosine (D) Ornithine
Ans: B
4. Sodium tripoly phosphate treatment of frozen prawns
(A) Prevent rancidity (B) Reduces thaw drip
(C) Kills pathogenic bacteria (D) Prevents denaturation
Ans: B
5. Oily fishes are generally cured by
(A) Dry salt curing (B) Wet curing (C) Smoking (D) Sun drying
Ans: B
6. Carcinogenic compound found in smoked fish is
(A) Formaldehyde (B) Phenol
(C ) Benzopyrene (D) Pyrethrene
Ans: C
7. Which one of the following is correctly matched?
(A) Sardinella longiceps —Oil sardine
(B) Rastrelliger kanakurta — Bombay duck
(C) Harpodon nehereus - Pomfret
(D) Pompus argenteus — Mackerel
Ans: A
8. Organoleptic analysis is referred as
(A) Microbial analysis (B) Water quality analysis
(C ) Sensory analysis (D) None of the above
Ans: C
9. Washed, refined and frozen fish mince is known as
(A) Surimi (B) Fillet (C) Fish flakes (D) Fish chunks
Ans: A
10. ‘Isinglass’ is a word which finds its origin in
(A) French (B) Dutch (C) German (D) Greek
Ans: B
11. Chalkiness is a condition in fish that occurs due to
(A) High glycogen content (B) Heavy feeding before capture
(C) Low initial pH of flesh (D) All the above
Ans: D
12. The compound responsible for flavour of fish
Ans: D
13. Molluscs undergo saccharolytic spoilage as they contain high level of
(A) Lipids (B) Sugars (C) Proteins (D) Minerals
Ans: B
14. Which among the following is not an international standard system?
(A) FAO Codex Alimentarius (B) ISO 9000 series (C ) US FDA (D) HACCP
Ans: C
15. Standard detection procedure for shell fish toxin involves
(A) Mouse bioassay (B) TLC
(C) Capillary zone electrophoresis (D) Mass spectrometry
Ans: A
16. The taste and odours due to the presence of phenolic compounds in waters is controlled by using
(A) Chlorine dioxide (B) Sodium hypochlorite
(C) Free chlorine (D) Sodium phosphate
Ans: A
17. The carapace with longitudinal carinae is present in
(A) Metapenaeus (B) Penaeus
(C) Acetes (D) Heterocarpus
Ans: D
18. The shortest guts in fishes are observed in
(A) Herbivorous species
(B) Carnivorous species
(C) Omnivorous species
(D) Detritivores
Ans: B
19. The production process of glucose from lipids and aminoacids is called
(A) Metabolism (B) Glycolysis(C ) Glyconeogenesis (D) Deamination
Ans: C
20. The black clam is scientifically written as
(A) Perna viridis (B) Pinctada fucata
(C) Villorita cyprinoides (D) Crossostrea madrasensis
Ans: C
21. The family that have spines on their skins are called as
(A) Molidae (B) Diodontidae
(C) Cynoglossidae (D) Triacanthidae
Ans: B
22. (a) Magur is an obligatory air breathing fish while Singhi is a facultative air breathing fish.
(b) Magur cannot live in oxygen deficit water.
(A) (a) is wrong and (b) is right.
(B) (a) is right and (b) is wrong
(C) Both are wrong
(D) Both are correct
Ans: B
23. The presence of the pigment ‘Melanin’ in fish aids
(A) Light and Dark Adaptation (B) Swimming (C) Light reception (D) Focussing
Ans: A
24. Many of the world’s greatest fisheries particularly pelagic fishes like sardines have collapsed due to
(A) Illegal fishing
(B) Growth over fishing
(C ) Recruitment over fishing
(D) Economic over fishing
Ans: C
25. The condition in which both parts of the ovo-testis mature at the same time in fishes is called
(A) synchronous hermaphroditism
(B) Successive hermaphroditism
(C) Protandry
(D) Protogyny
Ans: B
26. The osmolarity of the elasmobranch plasma is increased due to the presence of
(A) Trimethylamine oxide
(B) Chloride ions
(C) Magnesium ions
(D) Sodium ions
Ans: A
27. The term L25 refers to the length at which the percentage of animals vulnerable to a fishing gear is
(A) 25% (B) 75% (C) 20% (D) 10%
Ans: A
28. Among the following which pond is connected with sewage fish culture?
(A) Nursery pond (B) Oxidation pond
(C) Brooder pond (D) Quarantine pond
Ans: B
29. Sewage fed fisheries is more prevalent in the state of
(A) Kerala (B) Tamil Nadu (C ) West Bengal (D) Andhra Pradesh
Ans: C
30. Phi—prime in fish population dynamics refers to
(A) mortality rate of the fish
(B) survival rate of the fish
(C) growth rate of the fish
(D) overall well being of the fish
Ans: D
31. The parameter that decides the slope of the growth curve of a fish is
(A) K (B) L∞ (C) M (D) F
Ans: A
32. The disease caused in fishes due to supersaturation of nitrogen or oxygen in water is
(A) Alkalosis
(B) Acidosis
(C ) Gas bubble disease
(D) Scoliosis
Ans: C
33. Which hormone is generally used to achieve feminization?
(A) Estradiol 17 β (B) HCG
(G) 17 ∞ MT (D) Ovaprim
Ans: A
34. The dose requirement of 17 ∞/MT for male production is
(A) 15 mg/kg diet (B) 10 mg/kg diet
(C ) 5 mg/kg diet (D) 20 mg/kg diet
Ans: C
35. Natural polyploidy has been observed in the following fish
(A) Big head carp (B) Silver carp
(C) Grass carp (D) Common carp
Ans: D
36. Which of the following weed can be used to remove toxic heavy metals in sewage cum fish culture?
(A)Eichhornia (B) Lemna
(C) Ceratophyllum (D) Typha
Ans: A
37. Ex-situ storage of fish sperms, eggs and embryos without loss of viability in ultra low temperatures is done using
(A) liquid oxygen
(B) liquid helium
(C ) liquid nitrogen
(D) liquid carbon dioxide
Ans: C
38. The fish which shows parental care is
(A) Guppy (B) Fighter fish (C) Swordtail (D) Tiger barb
Ans: B
39. The following ingredient added to enhance the coloration of the fish is
(A) carotenoids (B) legumes (C ) sugars (D) gelatin
Ans: A
40. The ornamental fish with the modified male reproductive organ is
(A) Gold fish (B) Koi carp
(C ) Guppy (D) Arowana
Ans: C
41. Red tailed black shark is scientifically called as
(A) Labeo bicolor (B) Labeo bata
(C) Labeo rohita (D) Labeo calbasu
Ans: A
42. In the biological filter, nitrite is converted into
(A) Nitrate (B) Ammonia
(C) Ammonium (D) Nitrogen
Ans: A
43. The mode of reproduction exhibited by molly fish, a popular ornamental fish is
(A) Viviparity (B) Ovoviviparity
(C) Oviparity (D) Protandrous
Ans: B
44. Colisa lalia is commonly called as
(A) Kissing gourami (B) Three spot gourami
(C) Mosaic gourami (D) Dwarf gourami
Ans: D
45. Plants and bacteria that synthesize their food from inorganic nutrients are termed as
(A) autotrophs (B) heterotrophs
(C) saprotrophs (D) myxotrophs
Ans: A
46. ________and the euphausids are the chief consumers of phytoplankton.
(A) Copepods (B) Chaetognaths
(C) Corals (D) All benthic animals
Ans: A
47. Manatees and _______ (order sirenia) are the only marine mammals that are herbivores.
(A) dugongs (B) dolphins
(C) baleen Whales (D) sperm whales
Ans: A
48. Which one of the following commonly occurring blue-green algal species form bloom and cause mass mortality of fishes in Indian waters?
(A) Trichodesmium erythraeum
(B) Aphanizomenon sp
(C) Lyngbya sp
(D) Spirulina subsalsa
Ans: A
49. The example for the free-floating aquatic macro plant with roots but not anchored to the bottom
(A) Eichhornia crassipes (B) Vallisneria sp.
(C )Hydrilla sp. (D) Marsilea sp.
Ans: A
50. The freezing point of sea water with a salinity of 35% is
(A) -1.91°C (B) 0°C (C) 4°C (D) -5°C
Ans: A
51. Which of the following marine pelagic division is the dim-light zone?
(A) Epipelagic zone (B) Mesopelagic zone
(C) Bathypelagic zone (D) Abyssopelagic zone
Ans: B
52. The enzyme involved in the production of light marine living organisms is
(A) amylase (B) lipase
(C) alkaline phosphatase (D) Iuciferase
Ans: D
53. When value of goods is expressed in terms of money, then it is called as
(A)wealth (B) income
(C ) price (D) utility
Ans: C
54. Among the different intertidal regions, which of the following has prominent zonation pattern by the organisms?
(A) Sandy intertidal beach
(B) Muddy shore
(C )Rocky shore
(D) Sandy-Clayey intertidal shore
Ans: C
55. Estuaries in arid-regions where the rate of evaporation exceeds the inflow of fresh water are also termed as
(A) positive estuaries
(B) negative estuaries
(C) normal estuaries.
(D) fjords
Ans: B
56. Which of the following are the single celled zooplankton organisms?
(A) Copepods (B) Chaetognaths (C ) Foraminifers (D) Bivalve valigers
Ans: C
57. Which of the following is a complex nitrogenous organic substances of very high molecular weight present in the body of fish?
(A) Fat (B) Vitamins
(C ) Proteins (D) Carbohydrate
Ans: C
58. Fish roe is an important source of vitamin
(A) Vitamin A
(B) Vitamin B
(C ) Vitamin D
(D) Vitamin E
Ans: B
59. The appendage ______is located in thorax region of a lobster.
(A) Mandible (B) II Maxilliped
(C) Uropod (D) Antenna
Ans: B
60. Neuromast receptor organs are present in _____region of fishes.
(A) Eye (B) Lateral line (C) Brain (D) Heart
Ans: B
61. The biological process, ‘Torsion’ occurs in
(A) Bivelve (B) Cephaloped
(C ) Gastropoda (D) Tusk shell
Ans: C
62. Ganoid scales are present in _____fishes.
(A) Acanthurus (B) Polypterus
(C) Poecilia (D) Oncorhynchus
Ans: B
63. The name of subfamily always ends with
(A) inae (B) idae
(C) ini (D) iformes
Ans: A
64. Bioluminescence is recorded in
(A) Squids (B) Snapper
(C) Carps (D) Bivalve
Ans: A
65. The common name for Dermochelys coriacea is
(A) Leathery turtle (B) Green turtle (C) Hawkbill turtle (D) Olive back turtle
Ans: A
66. It is a condition in which exudate of tissue fluids that flow free fish muscle during thawing which results in a tough, dry and fibrous fish muscle is called
(A) Thaw drip
(B) Thaw rigor
(C) Glazing
(D) Blanching
Ans: A
67. What is fish plastein?
(A) Fish meal
(B) Fish oil
(C) Fish leather
(D) Fish protein
Ans: D
68. Centrifugation process in fish meal production separates
(A) Oil and water
(B) Press liquor and oil
(C) Press liquor and stick water
(D) Press cake and press liquor
Ans: A
69. Which species is more resistant to the lethal action of freezing?
(A) Aeromas (B) Vibrios
(C) Coliforms (D) Coryneforms
Ans: A
70. Which is responsible for pink colour in salted cod?
(A) Pseudomonas salinaria
(B) Sporendonema epizoum
(C ) Shewanella putrefaciens
(D) Clostridium botulinum
Ans: A
71. The main source of alginic acid in India is
(A) Turbinaria (B) Padina (C ) Sargassum (D) Cystophyllum
Ans: C
72. (a) The phenomenon of decreasing affinity for oxygen binding with increased pH is known as Bohr effect.
(b) Carbonic acid affects the oxygen affinity of hemoglobin.
(A) (a) and (b) are correct
(B) (a) is correct and (b) is wrong
(C ) (a) is wrong and (b) is correct
(D) Both are wrong
Ans: C
73. Which of the following product is prepared by fermentation process?
(A) Fish silage (B) Fish meal
(C) Fish peptone (D) Fish albumin
Ans: A
74. Unsaponifiable portion of squalene
(A) 70%
(B) 75%
(C ) 85%
(D) 80%
Ans: C
75. (a) Aquaporins are involved in oocyte hydration in marine teleosts.
(b) Sertoli cells are somatic cells.
(A) (a) is correct and (b) is wrong
(B) Both (a) and (b) are correct
(C ) (a) is wrong and (b) is correct
(D) Both (a) and (b) are wrong
Ans: B
76. The oxygen carrying properties of haemoglobin are protected by the release of———— in low pH
(A) Catecholamines (B) Lactic acid
(C ) Glycogen (D) Uric acid
Ans: A
77. (a) Ampullae of lorenzini are sensory organs in catfish
(b) Gills in fish are effective heat exchangers aiding thermoregulation.
(A) Both (a) and (b) are correct
(B) Both (a) and(b) are wrong
(C ) (a) is wrong and (b) is correct
(D) (a) is correct and (b) is wrong
Ans: C
78. When the product to be thawed is placed between two stainless steel plates and current is passed through them is called
(A) Dielectric thawing
(B) Electrical resistance thawing
(C) Vacuum thawing
(D) Microwave thawing
Ans: B
79. This ice is produced with in 30 minutes of start and the melting time is less compared with other ices
(A) Block ice (B) Flake ice
(C) Rapid ice (D) Antibiotic ice
Ans: B
80. For laminating the duplex carton ———-—— micron polypropylene is used.
(A) 15 (B) 10
(C) 8 (D)5
Ans: B
81. Freezing causes an initial reduction in the bacteria present in fish to the tune of
(A) 50-60%
(B) 40-50%
(C) 50- 55%
(D) 60- 90%
Ans: D
82. Omega 3 fatty acids are rich in
(A) Sardines (B) Anchovies (C) Tuna (D) Ribbon fish
Ans: A
83. During freezing, enzymatic activity of fish will cease at
(A) -8°C (B) -10°C (C) -12°C (D) -15°C
Ans: D
84. The parameter ‘C’ in the seasonalized version of Von Bentanffy growth equation of fish refers to
(A) Summer point
(B) Winter point
(C ) Amplitude of growth oscillation
(D) Growth co-efficient
Ans: C
85. The technique used to indicate the pattern of growth with the length frequency graph is
(A) Length- weight relationship technique
(B) Modal progression technique
(C ) Virtual population analysis
(D) Cohart Analysis
Ans: D
86. The coastal region of India where mullets form notable fishery is
(A) Smith east coast (B) South west coast
(C) North east coast (D) North west coast
Ans: D
87. Along the south west coast of India, an inverse relationship has been reported between the abundance of oil sardine and ____during the year 1998 to 2008.
(A) Tuna (B) Mullets
(C) Pomfrets (D) Mackerel
Ans: D
88. Consumption of raw fish with this parasite causes serious health concern in humans
(A) Gyrodactylus sp.
(B) Anisakis sp.
(C) Dactylogyrus sp.
(D) Diplostomum
Ans: B
89. The fish that is not responsible for puffer fish poisoning
(A) Puffer fish (B) Globe fish (C ) Toadfish (D) Starfish
Ans: D
90. The advisory agency in India engaged in facilitating HACCP application is
(A) Bureau of Indian standards
(B) Department of agricultural marketing
(C) Export inspection agency
(D) Food safety and standards authority of India
Ans: A
91. Percentage of oil in the press cake during fish meal production is
(A) 1—2%
(B) 2—3%
(C ) 3—4%
(D) 4—5%
Ans: C
92. Fish meal is rich in ___ amino acid
(A) Leucine (B) Lysine (C) Tryptophan (D) Glycine
Ans: B
93. The level of free chlorine in process water shall be
(A) <2 ppm (B) <1ppm (C) < 0.5 ppm (D) Nil
Ans: A
94. Presence of rodents in fish processing premises results in contamination of the product by
(A) Salmonella (B) Vibrio
(C) Aeromonas (D) Staphylococcus
Ans: A
95. The minimum free board to be maintained for large ponds
(A) 0.1 m (B) 0.3 m (C ) 0.7 m (D) 0.5 m
Ans: D
96. The stickiness in the common carp eggs can be eliminated by treating the eggs with
(A) salt water
(B) sodium chloride
(C ) sodium hypochlorite
(D) sodium chloride and carbamide
Ans: D
97. Breeding trap is generally used for the breeding of
(A) Angels (B) Guppy (C) Danio (D) Tetra
Ans: B
98. Ponds supplied with rainwater are called as _
(A) Spring water ponds (B) Sky ponds
(C) Barrage ponds (D) Diversion ponds
Ans: B
99. ‘Gley’ used in sealing the pond bottom and dyke is a
(A) Clay core (B) Brick lining
(C) PVC sheet lining (D) Biological plaster
Ans: D
100. Induced breeding in penaeid shrimps can be effected by
(A) Ablation of chelipeds
(B) Eye stalk ablation
(C) Ablation of uropod
(D) Ablation of antenna
Ans: B
(A) Epipelagic zone (B) Mesopelagic zone
(C) Bathypelagic zone (D) Abyssopelagic zone
Ans: B
52. The enzyme involved in the production of light marine living organisms is
(A) amylase (B) lipase
(C) alkaline phosphatase (D) Iuciferase
Ans: D
53. When value of goods is expressed in terms of money, then it is called as
(A)wealth (B) income
(C ) price (D) utility
Ans: C
54. Among the different intertidal regions, which of the following has prominent zonation pattern by the organisms?
(A) Sandy intertidal beach
(B) Muddy shore
(C )Rocky shore
(D) Sandy-Clayey intertidal shore
Ans: C
55. Estuaries in arid-regions where the rate of evaporation exceeds the inflow of fresh water are also termed as
(A) positive estuaries
(B) negative estuaries
(C) normal estuaries.
(D) fjords
Ans: B
56. Which of the following are the single celled zooplankton organisms?
(A) Copepods (B) Chaetognaths (C ) Foraminifers (D) Bivalve valigers
Ans: C
57. Which of the following is a complex nitrogenous organic substances of very high molecular weight present in the body of fish?
(A) Fat (B) Vitamins
(C ) Proteins (D) Carbohydrate
Ans: C
58. Fish roe is an important source of vitamin
(A) Vitamin A
(B) Vitamin B
(C ) Vitamin D
(D) Vitamin E
Ans: B
59. The appendage ______is located in thorax region of a lobster.
(A) Mandible (B) II Maxilliped
(C) Uropod (D) Antenna
Ans: B
60. Neuromast receptor organs are present in _____region of fishes.
(A) Eye (B) Lateral line (C) Brain (D) Heart
Ans: B
61. The biological process, ‘Torsion’ occurs in
(A) Bivelve (B) Cephaloped
(C ) Gastropoda (D) Tusk shell
Ans: C
62. Ganoid scales are present in _____fishes.
(A) Acanthurus (B) Polypterus
(C) Poecilia (D) Oncorhynchus
Ans: B
63. The name of subfamily always ends with
(A) inae (B) idae
(C) ini (D) iformes
Ans: A
64. Bioluminescence is recorded in
(A) Squids (B) Snapper
(C) Carps (D) Bivalve
Ans: A
65. The common name for Dermochelys coriacea is
(A) Leathery turtle (B) Green turtle (C) Hawkbill turtle (D) Olive back turtle
Ans: A
66. It is a condition in which exudate of tissue fluids that flow free fish muscle during thawing which results in a tough, dry and fibrous fish muscle is called
(A) Thaw drip
(B) Thaw rigor
(C) Glazing
(D) Blanching
Ans: A
67. What is fish plastein?
(A) Fish meal
(B) Fish oil
(C) Fish leather
(D) Fish protein
Ans: D
68. Centrifugation process in fish meal production separates
(A) Oil and water
(B) Press liquor and oil
(C) Press liquor and stick water
(D) Press cake and press liquor
Ans: A
69. Which species is more resistant to the lethal action of freezing?
(A) Aeromas (B) Vibrios
(C) Coliforms (D) Coryneforms
Ans: A
70. Which is responsible for pink colour in salted cod?
(A) Pseudomonas salinaria
(B) Sporendonema epizoum
(C ) Shewanella putrefaciens
(D) Clostridium botulinum
Ans: A
71. The main source of alginic acid in India is
(A) Turbinaria (B) Padina (C ) Sargassum (D) Cystophyllum
Ans: C
72. (a) The phenomenon of decreasing affinity for oxygen binding with increased pH is known as Bohr effect.
(b) Carbonic acid affects the oxygen affinity of hemoglobin.
(A) (a) and (b) are correct
(B) (a) is correct and (b) is wrong
(C ) (a) is wrong and (b) is correct
(D) Both are wrong
Ans: C
73. Which of the following product is prepared by fermentation process?
(A) Fish silage (B) Fish meal
(C) Fish peptone (D) Fish albumin
Ans: A
74. Unsaponifiable portion of squalene
(A) 70%
(B) 75%
(C ) 85%
(D) 80%
Ans: C
75. (a) Aquaporins are involved in oocyte hydration in marine teleosts.
(b) Sertoli cells are somatic cells.
(A) (a) is correct and (b) is wrong
(B) Both (a) and (b) are correct
(C ) (a) is wrong and (b) is correct
(D) Both (a) and (b) are wrong
Ans: B
76. The oxygen carrying properties of haemoglobin are protected by the release of———— in low pH
(A) Catecholamines (B) Lactic acid
(C ) Glycogen (D) Uric acid
Ans: A
77. (a) Ampullae of lorenzini are sensory organs in catfish
(b) Gills in fish are effective heat exchangers aiding thermoregulation.
(A) Both (a) and (b) are correct
(B) Both (a) and(b) are wrong
(C ) (a) is wrong and (b) is correct
(D) (a) is correct and (b) is wrong
Ans: C
78. When the product to be thawed is placed between two stainless steel plates and current is passed through them is called
(A) Dielectric thawing
(B) Electrical resistance thawing
(C) Vacuum thawing
(D) Microwave thawing
Ans: B
79. This ice is produced with in 30 minutes of start and the melting time is less compared with other ices
(A) Block ice (B) Flake ice
(C) Rapid ice (D) Antibiotic ice
Ans: B
80. For laminating the duplex carton ———-—— micron polypropylene is used.
(A) 15 (B) 10
(C) 8 (D)5
Ans: B
81. Freezing causes an initial reduction in the bacteria present in fish to the tune of
(A) 50-60%
(B) 40-50%
(C) 50- 55%
(D) 60- 90%
Ans: D
82. Omega 3 fatty acids are rich in
(A) Sardines (B) Anchovies (C) Tuna (D) Ribbon fish
Ans: A
83. During freezing, enzymatic activity of fish will cease at
(A) -8°C (B) -10°C (C) -12°C (D) -15°C
Ans: D
84. The parameter ‘C’ in the seasonalized version of Von Bentanffy growth equation of fish refers to
(A) Summer point
(B) Winter point
(C ) Amplitude of growth oscillation
(D) Growth co-efficient
Ans: C
85. The technique used to indicate the pattern of growth with the length frequency graph is
(A) Length- weight relationship technique
(B) Modal progression technique
(C ) Virtual population analysis
(D) Cohart Analysis
Ans: D
86. The coastal region of India where mullets form notable fishery is
(A) Smith east coast (B) South west coast
(C) North east coast (D) North west coast
Ans: D
87. Along the south west coast of India, an inverse relationship has been reported between the abundance of oil sardine and ____during the year 1998 to 2008.
(A) Tuna (B) Mullets
(C) Pomfrets (D) Mackerel
Ans: D
88. Consumption of raw fish with this parasite causes serious health concern in humans
(A) Gyrodactylus sp.
(B) Anisakis sp.
(C) Dactylogyrus sp.
(D) Diplostomum
Ans: B
89. The fish that is not responsible for puffer fish poisoning
(A) Puffer fish (B) Globe fish (C ) Toadfish (D) Starfish
Ans: D
90. The advisory agency in India engaged in facilitating HACCP application is
(A) Bureau of Indian standards
(B) Department of agricultural marketing
(C) Export inspection agency
(D) Food safety and standards authority of India
Ans: A
91. Percentage of oil in the press cake during fish meal production is
(A) 1—2%
(B) 2—3%
(C ) 3—4%
(D) 4—5%
Ans: C
92. Fish meal is rich in ___ amino acid
(A) Leucine (B) Lysine (C) Tryptophan (D) Glycine
Ans: B
93. The level of free chlorine in process water shall be
(A) <2 ppm (B) <1ppm (C) < 0.5 ppm (D) Nil
Ans: A
94. Presence of rodents in fish processing premises results in contamination of the product by
(A) Salmonella (B) Vibrio
(C) Aeromonas (D) Staphylococcus
Ans: A
95. The minimum free board to be maintained for large ponds
(A) 0.1 m (B) 0.3 m (C ) 0.7 m (D) 0.5 m
Ans: D
96. The stickiness in the common carp eggs can be eliminated by treating the eggs with
(A) salt water
(B) sodium chloride
(C ) sodium hypochlorite
(D) sodium chloride and carbamide
Ans: D
97. Breeding trap is generally used for the breeding of
(A) Angels (B) Guppy (C) Danio (D) Tetra
Ans: B
98. Ponds supplied with rainwater are called as _
(A) Spring water ponds (B) Sky ponds
(C) Barrage ponds (D) Diversion ponds
Ans: B
99. ‘Gley’ used in sealing the pond bottom and dyke is a
(A) Clay core (B) Brick lining
(C) PVC sheet lining (D) Biological plaster
Ans: D
100. Induced breeding in penaeid shrimps can be effected by
(A) Ablation of chelipeds
(B) Eye stalk ablation
(C) Ablation of uropod
(D) Ablation of antenna
Ans: B
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