1. In salt cured fish, the most important spoilage microorganisms are halophiles that will not grow at _________% salt level
(A) 6%
(B) 7%
(C) 8%
(D) 10%
Ans: D
2. ______ can be defined as one’s ability to get others to willingly follow.
(A) Guidance (B) Leadership
(C) Coordinator (D) Leader
Ans: B
3. _______ is a systematic method for collecting, analysing and using information’s to answer questions about projects, policies and programs.
(A) Project implementation
(B) Project analysis
(C) Project prediction
(D) Project evaluation
Ans: D
4. (a) In natural spawning, Clarias sp. make 5—8 cm deep holIow nests in shallow waters.
(b) The eggs are adhesive in nature.
(A) (a) and (b) are correct
(B) (a) and (b) are wrong
(C) (a) is correct and (b) is wrong
(D) (a) is wrong and (b) is correct
Ans: A
5. (a) The fine textured soils like clay are more suitable for pond farms.
(b) They have a greater surface area and therefore absorb more nutrients and retain and release them for organic production in ponds.
(A) (a) and (b) are correct
(B) (a) and (b) are wrong
(C) (a) is correct and (b) is wrong
(D) (a) is wrong and (b) is correct
Ans: A
6. Submerged weed, which is completely submerged under water but may be rooted in the bottom soil
(A) Typha
(B) Eichhornia
(C ) Hydrilla
(D) Ceratophyllum
Ans: C
7. The soil is smooth, sticky and plastic when there is a moist
(A) sand
(B) silt
(C ) clay
(D) alluvial soil
Ans: C
8. A binder which is commonly used in fish feed industry
(A) Carboxy methyl cellulose
(B) Butylated hydroxy anisole
(C) Sodium benzoate
(D) Ethoxyquin
Ans: A
9. Saprolegniasis is a disease affecting the skin and gills of freshwater fish and crustaceans caused by
(A) Fungi
(B) Bacteria
(C) Virus
(D) Parasite
Ans: A
10. The Japanese term for the large destructive waves that occasionally roll into their harbors is
(A) Surfing
(B) Tsunami
(C) surging breaker
(D) Rogue waves
Ans: B
11. Among the whales, the largest whale is
(A) Killer whale
(B) Sperm whale
(C ) Humpback whale
(D) Blue Whale
Ans: D
12: The term ‘sea cow’ denotes manatees and
(A) Seals (B) Dugongs
(C) Walruses (D) Dolphin
Ans: B
13. Income elasticity of demand for high value fishes would be
(A) =1
(B) = 0
(C ) >1
(D) <1
Ans: C
14. The major constituent among the dissolved components of the sea water is
(A) Sodium (B) Chloride
(C) Sulphate (D) Magnesium
Ans: B
15. The ratio between the mid ship sectional area of a boat to the area of circumscribing rectangle is called
(A) Mid ship section coefficient
(B) Water line co-efficient
(C) Block co-efficient
(D) Prismatic co-efficient
Ans: A
16. The weight of a FRP boat in comparison with equivalent wooden boat will be
(A) Lighter by about 25%
(B) Lighter by about 50%
(C) Lighter by about 75%
(D) Lighter by about 40%
Ans: A
17. The ratio between the velocity of the boat and the square root of its length is called
(A) Block co-efficient
(B) Froude's number
(C ) Prismatic co-efficient
(D) Water line co-efficient
Ans: B
18. According to law of floatation, the weight of a floating object is equal to
(A) Weight of the displaced fluid
(B) Volume of the displaced fluid
(C) Weight loss experienced by the floating body
(D) Weight of the floating body below water line
Ans: A
19. The portion of webbing which forms the boarder around the main webbing in a purse seine is called
(A) Selvedge (B) Bunt
(C) Skiff (D) Flapper
Ans: A
20. The difference between the draught forward and draught aft is called
(A) Camber (B) Beam (C ) Trim (D) Heel
Ans: C
21. Non-rigid boat constructed with planks sewn together with coir rope is
(A) Catamaran
(B) Dry out canoe
(C ) Mosula boat
(D) Thoni
Ans: C
22. The most important aspect in the biological survey of fisheries resources include the sampling and analysis of
(A) Ichthyoplankton
(B) Phytoplankton
(C) Zooplankton
(D) Nekton
Ans: A
23. Toxins produced by moulds on fish feed under humid and high temperature are called
(A) Botulism
(B) Cyanogen
(C) Peroxide
(D) Aflatoxins
Ans: D
24. The reciprocal of feed conversion ratio expressed in percentage is called
(A) Condition factor
(B) Growth conversion efficiency
(C) Instantaneous growth rate
(D) Feed conversion efficiency
Ans: D
25. Pouch-gills are present in
(A) Jawless fishes
(B) Rays
(C) Sharks
(D) Chimaeras
Ans: A
26. The shark skull is composed of
(A) Single unit cartilage
(B) Double unit cartilage
(C) Multiple unit cartilage
(D) Well developed bone
Ans: A
27. The modern bony fishes had their origin as long as
(A) 300 million years
(B)200 million years
(C) 500 million years
(D) 100 million years
Ans: B
28. The ecotone or buffer zone between fresh water of the stream and salt water of the sea is called as
(A) Fjord (B) Back water (C) Lagoon (D) Estuary
Ans: D
29. The largest river system in India is
(A) Yamuna (B) Ganga (C) Godavari (D) Brahmaputra
Ans: B
30. The scientific name of giant gourami is
(A) Osphronemus goramy (B) Trichogaster pectoralis (C) Helostoma temmencki (D) Anabas testudineus
Ans: A
31. Govidsagar reservoir is present in the State of
(A) Uttar Pradesh (B) Andhra Pradesh (C) West Bengal (D) Punjab
Ans: D
32. Which of the following comes under organic manure?
(A) Cow dung
(B) Urea
(C) Super phosphate
(D) Ammonium sulphate
Ans: A
33. ________ is an example for price strategy element of marketing mix
(A) Discount
(B) Transport
(C ) Advertising
(D) After sales service
Ans: A
34. In fish population dynamics, the yield per recruit model of Beverton and Holt is an example for
(A) Holistic model
(B) Analytical model
(C) Surplus production model
(D) Virtual population analysis
Ans: B
35. The rate of change in the dependent variable per unit change in the independent variable is denoted by
(A) Correlation co-efficient (B) ‘F’ value (C ) Regression co-efficient (D) ‘t’ value
Ans: C
36. Oil sardine is an important fish that constitutes notable marine fishery of India as the
(A) Pelagic fishery resource
(B) Demersal fishery resource
(C ) Deep sea fishery resource
(D) Estuarine fishery resource
Ans: A
37. The positive square root of arithmetic mean of the squares of deviations of the given observation from their arithmetic mean is called as
(A) Mode (B) Median (C) Standard deviation (D) Standard error
Ans: C
38. Among the species that constitute lobster fishery of India, one of the following four is not a species belong to spiny lobster group
(A) Panulirus homarus (B) Thenus unimaculatus (C) Panulirus polyphagus (D) Panulirus ornatus
Ans: B
39. The flying fish fishery of India is limited to
(A) Bay of Bengal of Tamil Nadu (B) Kerala coast (C ) Coromandel coast of Tamil Nadu (D) Karnataka coast
Ans: C
40. The correct expansion for an acronym AVR is
(A) Automatic Voltage Reserve
(B) Average Voltage Regulator
(C) Automobile Voltage Regulator
(D) Automatic Voltage Regulator
Ans: D
41. The property of liquid which tends to oppose relative motion between its different layers is called
(A) Density (B) Viscosity (C) Specific gravity (D) Venturi effect
Ans: B
42. To pump liquids containing impurities and sewage water, the type of impeller most suited for centrifugal pump is
(A) Semi-open impeller (B) Open impeller (C) Closed impeller (D) Vortex
Ans: B
43. The type of power obtained from batteries and solar cells is
(A) AC (B) DC (C ) NC (D) KC
Ans: B
44. The material which conduct electricity in the option is
(A) Rubber (B) Copper (C) Mica (D) Wood
Ans: B
45. The circuit designed to reproduce faithfully the information transmitted by the transmitter is called as
(A) Transducer (B) Modulator (C) Aerial antenna (D) Radio receiver
Ans: D
46. The resistance and current are inversely proportional to each other is explained by
(A) Faraday’s law (B) Lenz’s law (C ) Ohm’s law (D) Fleming’s law
Ans: C
47. Organically constructed rock structure created by carbonate secreting animals and plants in the sea is called
(A) Coral reef
(B) Limestone
(C) Corallite
(D) Polyp
Ans: A
48. The marine Cat Fish belong to the genus
(A) Arius
(B) Lactarius
(C) Gnathanodon
(D) Lates
Ans: A
49. Considering the rich biodiversity a group of 21 islets lying off the Tamilnadu coast between Thoothukudi and Dhanushkodi has been declared as
(A) Pearl bank
(B) Coral region
(C ) Marine National Park
(D) sea grass region
Ans: C
50. Isolated or semi isolated bodies of shallow coastal water that do not receive an appreciable input of freshwater is called
(A) Bay (B) Lagoon (C) Estuary (D) Salt Marsh
Ans: B
(A) 6%
(B) 7%
(C) 8%
(D) 10%
Ans: D
2. ______ can be defined as one’s ability to get others to willingly follow.
(A) Guidance (B) Leadership
(C) Coordinator (D) Leader
Ans: B
3. _______ is a systematic method for collecting, analysing and using information’s to answer questions about projects, policies and programs.
(A) Project implementation
(B) Project analysis
(C) Project prediction
(D) Project evaluation
Ans: D
4. (a) In natural spawning, Clarias sp. make 5—8 cm deep holIow nests in shallow waters.
(b) The eggs are adhesive in nature.
(A) (a) and (b) are correct
(B) (a) and (b) are wrong
(C) (a) is correct and (b) is wrong
(D) (a) is wrong and (b) is correct
Ans: A
5. (a) The fine textured soils like clay are more suitable for pond farms.
(b) They have a greater surface area and therefore absorb more nutrients and retain and release them for organic production in ponds.
(A) (a) and (b) are correct
(B) (a) and (b) are wrong
(C) (a) is correct and (b) is wrong
(D) (a) is wrong and (b) is correct
Ans: A
6. Submerged weed, which is completely submerged under water but may be rooted in the bottom soil
(A) Typha
(B) Eichhornia
(C ) Hydrilla
(D) Ceratophyllum
Ans: C
7. The soil is smooth, sticky and plastic when there is a moist
(A) sand
(B) silt
(C ) clay
(D) alluvial soil
Ans: C
8. A binder which is commonly used in fish feed industry
(A) Carboxy methyl cellulose
(B) Butylated hydroxy anisole
(C) Sodium benzoate
(D) Ethoxyquin
Ans: A
9. Saprolegniasis is a disease affecting the skin and gills of freshwater fish and crustaceans caused by
(A) Fungi
(B) Bacteria
(C) Virus
(D) Parasite
Ans: A
10. The Japanese term for the large destructive waves that occasionally roll into their harbors is
(A) Surfing
(B) Tsunami
(C) surging breaker
(D) Rogue waves
Ans: B
11. Among the whales, the largest whale is
(A) Killer whale
(B) Sperm whale
(C ) Humpback whale
(D) Blue Whale
Ans: D
12: The term ‘sea cow’ denotes manatees and
(A) Seals (B) Dugongs
(C) Walruses (D) Dolphin
Ans: B
13. Income elasticity of demand for high value fishes would be
(A) =1
(B) = 0
(C ) >1
(D) <1
Ans: C
14. The major constituent among the dissolved components of the sea water is
(A) Sodium (B) Chloride
(C) Sulphate (D) Magnesium
Ans: B
15. The ratio between the mid ship sectional area of a boat to the area of circumscribing rectangle is called
(A) Mid ship section coefficient
(B) Water line co-efficient
(C) Block co-efficient
(D) Prismatic co-efficient
Ans: A
16. The weight of a FRP boat in comparison with equivalent wooden boat will be
(A) Lighter by about 25%
(B) Lighter by about 50%
(C) Lighter by about 75%
(D) Lighter by about 40%
Ans: A
17. The ratio between the velocity of the boat and the square root of its length is called
(A) Block co-efficient
(B) Froude's number
(C ) Prismatic co-efficient
(D) Water line co-efficient
Ans: B
18. According to law of floatation, the weight of a floating object is equal to
(A) Weight of the displaced fluid
(B) Volume of the displaced fluid
(C) Weight loss experienced by the floating body
(D) Weight of the floating body below water line
Ans: A
19. The portion of webbing which forms the boarder around the main webbing in a purse seine is called
(A) Selvedge (B) Bunt
(C) Skiff (D) Flapper
Ans: A
20. The difference between the draught forward and draught aft is called
(A) Camber (B) Beam (C ) Trim (D) Heel
Ans: C
21. Non-rigid boat constructed with planks sewn together with coir rope is
(A) Catamaran
(B) Dry out canoe
(C ) Mosula boat
(D) Thoni
Ans: C
22. The most important aspect in the biological survey of fisheries resources include the sampling and analysis of
(A) Ichthyoplankton
(B) Phytoplankton
(C) Zooplankton
(D) Nekton
Ans: A
23. Toxins produced by moulds on fish feed under humid and high temperature are called
(A) Botulism
(B) Cyanogen
(C) Peroxide
(D) Aflatoxins
Ans: D
24. The reciprocal of feed conversion ratio expressed in percentage is called
(A) Condition factor
(B) Growth conversion efficiency
(C) Instantaneous growth rate
(D) Feed conversion efficiency
Ans: D
25. Pouch-gills are present in
(A) Jawless fishes
(B) Rays
(C) Sharks
(D) Chimaeras
Ans: A
26. The shark skull is composed of
(A) Single unit cartilage
(B) Double unit cartilage
(C) Multiple unit cartilage
(D) Well developed bone
Ans: A
27. The modern bony fishes had their origin as long as
(A) 300 million years
(B)200 million years
(C) 500 million years
(D) 100 million years
Ans: B
28. The ecotone or buffer zone between fresh water of the stream and salt water of the sea is called as
(A) Fjord (B) Back water (C) Lagoon (D) Estuary
Ans: D
29. The largest river system in India is
(A) Yamuna (B) Ganga (C) Godavari (D) Brahmaputra
Ans: B
30. The scientific name of giant gourami is
(A) Osphronemus goramy (B) Trichogaster pectoralis (C) Helostoma temmencki (D) Anabas testudineus
Ans: A
31. Govidsagar reservoir is present in the State of
(A) Uttar Pradesh (B) Andhra Pradesh (C) West Bengal (D) Punjab
Ans: D
32. Which of the following comes under organic manure?
(A) Cow dung
(B) Urea
(C) Super phosphate
(D) Ammonium sulphate
Ans: A
33. ________ is an example for price strategy element of marketing mix
(A) Discount
(B) Transport
(C ) Advertising
(D) After sales service
Ans: A
34. In fish population dynamics, the yield per recruit model of Beverton and Holt is an example for
(A) Holistic model
(B) Analytical model
(C) Surplus production model
(D) Virtual population analysis
Ans: B
35. The rate of change in the dependent variable per unit change in the independent variable is denoted by
(A) Correlation co-efficient (B) ‘F’ value (C ) Regression co-efficient (D) ‘t’ value
Ans: C
36. Oil sardine is an important fish that constitutes notable marine fishery of India as the
(A) Pelagic fishery resource
(B) Demersal fishery resource
(C ) Deep sea fishery resource
(D) Estuarine fishery resource
Ans: A
37. The positive square root of arithmetic mean of the squares of deviations of the given observation from their arithmetic mean is called as
(A) Mode (B) Median (C) Standard deviation (D) Standard error
Ans: C
38. Among the species that constitute lobster fishery of India, one of the following four is not a species belong to spiny lobster group
(A) Panulirus homarus (B) Thenus unimaculatus (C) Panulirus polyphagus (D) Panulirus ornatus
Ans: B
39. The flying fish fishery of India is limited to
(A) Bay of Bengal of Tamil Nadu (B) Kerala coast (C ) Coromandel coast of Tamil Nadu (D) Karnataka coast
Ans: C
40. The correct expansion for an acronym AVR is
(A) Automatic Voltage Reserve
(B) Average Voltage Regulator
(C) Automobile Voltage Regulator
(D) Automatic Voltage Regulator
Ans: D
41. The property of liquid which tends to oppose relative motion between its different layers is called
(A) Density (B) Viscosity (C) Specific gravity (D) Venturi effect
Ans: B
42. To pump liquids containing impurities and sewage water, the type of impeller most suited for centrifugal pump is
(A) Semi-open impeller (B) Open impeller (C) Closed impeller (D) Vortex
Ans: B
43. The type of power obtained from batteries and solar cells is
(A) AC (B) DC (C ) NC (D) KC
Ans: B
44. The material which conduct electricity in the option is
(A) Rubber (B) Copper (C) Mica (D) Wood
Ans: B
45. The circuit designed to reproduce faithfully the information transmitted by the transmitter is called as
(A) Transducer (B) Modulator (C) Aerial antenna (D) Radio receiver
Ans: D
46. The resistance and current are inversely proportional to each other is explained by
(A) Faraday’s law (B) Lenz’s law (C ) Ohm’s law (D) Fleming’s law
Ans: C
47. Organically constructed rock structure created by carbonate secreting animals and plants in the sea is called
(A) Coral reef
(B) Limestone
(C) Corallite
(D) Polyp
Ans: A
48. The marine Cat Fish belong to the genus
(A) Arius
(B) Lactarius
(C) Gnathanodon
(D) Lates
Ans: A
49. Considering the rich biodiversity a group of 21 islets lying off the Tamilnadu coast between Thoothukudi and Dhanushkodi has been declared as
(A) Pearl bank
(B) Coral region
(C ) Marine National Park
(D) sea grass region
Ans: C
50. Isolated or semi isolated bodies of shallow coastal water that do not receive an appreciable input of freshwater is called
(A) Bay (B) Lagoon (C) Estuary (D) Salt Marsh
Ans: B
51. One of the leading producing states of Anchovies in India is
(A) Pondicherry
(B) Karnataka
(C) Orissa
(D) Kerala
Ans: D
52. Equipment used to stabilize the position of the vessel in relation to the sea bottom is
(A) Winch (B) Windlass
(C ) Anchor (D) Line hauler
Ans: C
53. In normal weather 'Daily weather bulletins’ are sent _____ a day
(A) One time (B) Twice
(C) Thrice (D) Four times
Ans: B
54. The deposition of ice crystals on exposed surfaces on or near the ground is called as
(A) Dew
(B) hoar frost
(C) Glazed frost
(D) Rime
Ans: B
55. The direction of any celestial body from the observer is called as
(A) Zenith (B) Azimuth
(C) Bearing (D) Nadir
Ans: B
56. Small circles on the earth running parallel to and northward or southward of the equator are called as
(A) Meridians (B) ParalleIs of latitude (C) Rhumb lines
(D) Isogonic lines
Ans: B
57. Petrol engines are working based on the thermodynamic cycle namely
(A) Diesel cycle (B) Otto cycle (C ) Duel cycle (D) Four stroke cycle
Ans: B
58. A bearing fitted inside the fishing boat to transmit the thrust from the propeller to the hull is called
(A) Ball bearing (B) Main bearing (C ) Thrust bearing (D) Epicyclic bearing
Ans: C
59. Power block is a fishing device mainly used in
(A) Trawler (B) Gill netter
(0) Long liner
(D) Purse seiner
Ans: D
60. A vessel engaged in fishing other than trawling shall exhibit
(A) Two all round light in a vertical line, the upper being red and lower white
(B) Two all round light in a vertical line the upper being green and lower white
(C ) Two all round light in a vertical line the upper being white and lower green
(D) Two all round light in a vertical line the upper being white and lower red
Ans: A
61. Reversing the firing order of the engine is difficult in the case of
(A) Four stroke engines
(B) Two stroke engines
(C) Diesel engines
(D) Petrol engines
Ans: A
62. In the four stroke diesel engine the inlet valve is in open position and the exhaust valve is in closed position during
(A) suction stroke (B) compression stroke (C ) power stroke (D) exhaust stroke
Ans: A
63. The super charger functioning utilizing the velocity of exhaust gases in a diesel engine is called
(A) Turbo charger (B) Rotary compressor (C) Turbine (D) Naturally aspirated engine
Ans: A
64. After long period of operation of air compressor, the delivery valves inside the cylinders and -coil tubes of the inner coolers are accumulated with
(A) oil (B) dust (C ) sludge (D) water
Ans: C
65. A cabled yarn is otherwise called as
(A) Strand
(B) Twine
(C) Folded yarn
(D) Yarn
Ans: B
66. Netting material with high sinking speed and high breaking strength is ideal for making
(A) Trawl net
(B) Long line
(C ) Dip net
(D) Purse seine
Ans: D
67. Specific gravity of steel used for boat building is
(A) 2.0
(B) 3.0
(C) 5.6
(D) 7.8
Ans: D
68. Chinese dip net is a type of
(A) Gill net
(B) Lift net
(C) Tangle net
(D) Drag net
Ans: B
69. The specific gravity of poly ethylene and poly propylene will be
(A) Less than one
(B) More than one
(C) More than 0.95
(D) Equal to one
Ans: A
70 . The geometric centre of the water plane area at which the ship is floating is called as
(A) Centre of buoyancy
(B) Centre of gravity
(C ) Centre of floatation
(D) Metacentre floatation
Ans: C
71. The horizontal distance between the forward and aft perpendicular of a boat is called as
(A) Forward perpendicular
(B) Length between perpendicular
(C) Aft perpendicular
(D) Mean draft
Ans: B
72. In the preparation of chitin — process is not involved
(A) Deproteinization (B) Demineralization (C) Deacetylation (D) Decarboxylation
Ans: D
73. The main component of fish skin is
(A) Collagen
(B) Gelatin
(C) Shagreen
(D) Factice
Ans: A
74. The difference between the depth and draft of a vessel is called as
(A) Free board
(B) Camber
(C) Breadth
(D) Draught
Ans: A
75. (a) Pen and cage are used for fish culture (b) Both are different in structure.
(A) (a) is Wrong and (b) is correct
(B) (a) is correct and (b) is wrong
(C ) (a) and (b) are correct
(D) (a) and (b) are wrong
Ans: C
76. The most suitable pH of water for aquaculture farms is considered to lie in the range
(A) 5.5—6.0
(B) 6.7—8.6
(C) 9.0—9.2
(D) 4.5—5.5
Ans: B
77. The common name of Penaeus merguiensis is
(A) White shrimp (B) Banana shrimp
(C) Kuruma shrimp (D) Redtail shrimp
Ans: B
78. (a) Amino acids in the diet are absorbed in the body of the fish and utilized for growth.
(b) Amino acids are building tissue in fish body.
(A) (a) and (b) are wrong
(B) (a) and (b) are correct
(C) (a) is correct and (b) is wrong
(D) (a) is wrong and (b) is correct
Ans: B
79. The common name of Clarias gariepinus
(A) Asian catfish (B) American catfish
(C) Amur catfish (D) African catfish
Ans: D
80. (a) Monk is a pond outlet
(b)) It should be made only with concrete and no other material can be used.
(A) (a) and (b) are wrong
(B) (a) and (b) are correct
(C ) (a) is correct (b) is wrong
(D) (a) is wrong and (b) is correct
Ans: C
81. Which of the following attribute of fish that does not affect the falling rate period of drying?
(A) Fat content
(B) Water content
(C) Shape of fish
(D) Protein content
Ans: D
82. Which type of smoking is popular in India?
(A) Liquid smoking
(B) Hot smoking
(C) Electric smoking
(D) Cold smoking
Ans: B
83. Fish liver oil is rich in vitamins
(A) A and B
(B) A and D
(C) B and D
(D). B and C
Ans: B
84. In line fish transport, which of the following method is not in practice.
(A) Plastic bag method
(B) Waterless method
(C ) Tunnel method
(D) Tank method
Ans: C
85. From the following pairs, choose the incorrect pair
(A) Hot air dryer—Kiln dryer
(B) Contact dryer - Drum dryer
(C) Solar dryer - Tent dryer
(D) Artificial dryer- Rack dryer
Ans: D
86. Catla mainly feeds on
(A) Zooplankton (B) Phyto Plankton
(C) Plant debris (D) Aquatic plants
Ans: A
87. One Watt is equal to
(A) 1 Joule/Sec (B) 10 Joule/Sec (C ) 100 Joule/Sec (D) 1000 Joule/sec
Ans: A
88. The liquid conductor in an electrolysis is called as
(A) Electrodes (B) Electrolyte
(C) Diluter (D) Diffuser
Ans: B
89. In lead acid cell ___is acting as anode.
(A) Lead Peroxide (B) Lead Sulphate
(C) Lead Carbonate (D) Lead Nitrate
Ans: A
90. Which of the following is acting as negative plate in lead acid cell?
(A) Lead Peroxide (B) Silver Nitrate
(C ) Pure Spongy Lead (D) Treated Wood
Ans: C
91. The source of electricity in thermocouple is
(A) Light (B) Heat
(C) Friction (D) Magnetism
Ans: B
92. Unit for measuring current is
(A) Volt (B) Watt
(C) Ohm (D) Ampere
Ans: D
93. The total number of protons in the nucleus of an atom is called as
(A) Molecular Number (B) Atomic Weight
(C ) Atomic Number (D) Molecular Weight
Ans: C
94. Examples for non-aquatic live feed is
(A) Avanti Bact
(B) Bloodworm
(C) Artemia
(D) Rotifer
Ans: B
95. MPEDA paved the way for establishment of number of private hatcheries after establishment of
Ans: A
96. ______is defined as setting performance expectations and goals for groups and individuals to channels their efforts achieving organisational objectives.
(A) Coordination (B) Planning
(C ) Administration (D) Supervision
Ans: B
97. The number of eggs produced per kg common carp during normal breeding season
(A) 150,000 (B) 10,000
(C) 75,000 (D) 900,000
Ans: A
98. Scientific name for silver pompano is
(A) Trachinotus blochii
(B) Trechanatus blachii
(C ) Trachinotus homarus
(D) Panulirus ornatus
Ans: A
99. ____ is defined as the act of making law
(A) Administration (B) Guiding (C ) Legislation (D) Coordinating
Ans: C
100. Mugil cephalus and Chanos chanos are commonly called as ____ and ____respectively.
(A) Mullet and Milk fish
(B) Milk fish and Mullet
(C) Mullet and Yellow tail
(D) Yellow tail and Mullet
Ans: A
(A) Pondicherry
(B) Karnataka
(C) Orissa
(D) Kerala
Ans: D
52. Equipment used to stabilize the position of the vessel in relation to the sea bottom is
(A) Winch (B) Windlass
(C ) Anchor (D) Line hauler
Ans: C
53. In normal weather 'Daily weather bulletins’ are sent _____ a day
(A) One time (B) Twice
(C) Thrice (D) Four times
Ans: B
54. The deposition of ice crystals on exposed surfaces on or near the ground is called as
(A) Dew
(B) hoar frost
(C) Glazed frost
(D) Rime
Ans: B
55. The direction of any celestial body from the observer is called as
(A) Zenith (B) Azimuth
(C) Bearing (D) Nadir
Ans: B
56. Small circles on the earth running parallel to and northward or southward of the equator are called as
(A) Meridians (B) ParalleIs of latitude (C) Rhumb lines
(D) Isogonic lines
Ans: B
57. Petrol engines are working based on the thermodynamic cycle namely
(A) Diesel cycle (B) Otto cycle (C ) Duel cycle (D) Four stroke cycle
Ans: B
58. A bearing fitted inside the fishing boat to transmit the thrust from the propeller to the hull is called
(A) Ball bearing (B) Main bearing (C ) Thrust bearing (D) Epicyclic bearing
Ans: C
59. Power block is a fishing device mainly used in
(A) Trawler (B) Gill netter
(0) Long liner
(D) Purse seiner
Ans: D
60. A vessel engaged in fishing other than trawling shall exhibit
(A) Two all round light in a vertical line, the upper being red and lower white
(B) Two all round light in a vertical line the upper being green and lower white
(C ) Two all round light in a vertical line the upper being white and lower green
(D) Two all round light in a vertical line the upper being white and lower red
Ans: A
61. Reversing the firing order of the engine is difficult in the case of
(A) Four stroke engines
(B) Two stroke engines
(C) Diesel engines
(D) Petrol engines
Ans: A
62. In the four stroke diesel engine the inlet valve is in open position and the exhaust valve is in closed position during
(A) suction stroke (B) compression stroke (C ) power stroke (D) exhaust stroke
Ans: A
63. The super charger functioning utilizing the velocity of exhaust gases in a diesel engine is called
(A) Turbo charger (B) Rotary compressor (C) Turbine (D) Naturally aspirated engine
Ans: A
64. After long period of operation of air compressor, the delivery valves inside the cylinders and -coil tubes of the inner coolers are accumulated with
(A) oil (B) dust (C ) sludge (D) water
Ans: C
65. A cabled yarn is otherwise called as
(A) Strand
(B) Twine
(C) Folded yarn
(D) Yarn
Ans: B
66. Netting material with high sinking speed and high breaking strength is ideal for making
(A) Trawl net
(B) Long line
(C ) Dip net
(D) Purse seine
Ans: D
67. Specific gravity of steel used for boat building is
(A) 2.0
(B) 3.0
(C) 5.6
(D) 7.8
Ans: D
68. Chinese dip net is a type of
(A) Gill net
(B) Lift net
(C) Tangle net
(D) Drag net
Ans: B
69. The specific gravity of poly ethylene and poly propylene will be
(A) Less than one
(B) More than one
(C) More than 0.95
(D) Equal to one
Ans: A
70 . The geometric centre of the water plane area at which the ship is floating is called as
(A) Centre of buoyancy
(B) Centre of gravity
(C ) Centre of floatation
(D) Metacentre floatation
Ans: C
71. The horizontal distance between the forward and aft perpendicular of a boat is called as
(A) Forward perpendicular
(B) Length between perpendicular
(C) Aft perpendicular
(D) Mean draft
Ans: B
72. In the preparation of chitin — process is not involved
(A) Deproteinization (B) Demineralization (C) Deacetylation (D) Decarboxylation
Ans: D
73. The main component of fish skin is
(A) Collagen
(B) Gelatin
(C) Shagreen
(D) Factice
Ans: A
74. The difference between the depth and draft of a vessel is called as
(A) Free board
(B) Camber
(C) Breadth
(D) Draught
Ans: A
75. (a) Pen and cage are used for fish culture (b) Both are different in structure.
(A) (a) is Wrong and (b) is correct
(B) (a) is correct and (b) is wrong
(C ) (a) and (b) are correct
(D) (a) and (b) are wrong
Ans: C
76. The most suitable pH of water for aquaculture farms is considered to lie in the range
(A) 5.5—6.0
(B) 6.7—8.6
(C) 9.0—9.2
(D) 4.5—5.5
Ans: B
77. The common name of Penaeus merguiensis is
(A) White shrimp (B) Banana shrimp
(C) Kuruma shrimp (D) Redtail shrimp
Ans: B
78. (a) Amino acids in the diet are absorbed in the body of the fish and utilized for growth.
(b) Amino acids are building tissue in fish body.
(A) (a) and (b) are wrong
(B) (a) and (b) are correct
(C) (a) is correct and (b) is wrong
(D) (a) is wrong and (b) is correct
Ans: B
79. The common name of Clarias gariepinus
(A) Asian catfish (B) American catfish
(C) Amur catfish (D) African catfish
Ans: D
80. (a) Monk is a pond outlet
(b)) It should be made only with concrete and no other material can be used.
(A) (a) and (b) are wrong
(B) (a) and (b) are correct
(C ) (a) is correct (b) is wrong
(D) (a) is wrong and (b) is correct
Ans: C
81. Which of the following attribute of fish that does not affect the falling rate period of drying?
(A) Fat content
(B) Water content
(C) Shape of fish
(D) Protein content
Ans: D
82. Which type of smoking is popular in India?
(A) Liquid smoking
(B) Hot smoking
(C) Electric smoking
(D) Cold smoking
Ans: B
83. Fish liver oil is rich in vitamins
(A) A and B
(B) A and D
(C) B and D
(D). B and C
Ans: B
84. In line fish transport, which of the following method is not in practice.
(A) Plastic bag method
(B) Waterless method
(C ) Tunnel method
(D) Tank method
Ans: C
85. From the following pairs, choose the incorrect pair
(A) Hot air dryer—Kiln dryer
(B) Contact dryer - Drum dryer
(C) Solar dryer - Tent dryer
(D) Artificial dryer- Rack dryer
Ans: D
86. Catla mainly feeds on
(A) Zooplankton (B) Phyto Plankton
(C) Plant debris (D) Aquatic plants
Ans: A
87. One Watt is equal to
(A) 1 Joule/Sec (B) 10 Joule/Sec (C ) 100 Joule/Sec (D) 1000 Joule/sec
Ans: A
88. The liquid conductor in an electrolysis is called as
(A) Electrodes (B) Electrolyte
(C) Diluter (D) Diffuser
Ans: B
89. In lead acid cell ___is acting as anode.
(A) Lead Peroxide (B) Lead Sulphate
(C) Lead Carbonate (D) Lead Nitrate
Ans: A
90. Which of the following is acting as negative plate in lead acid cell?
(A) Lead Peroxide (B) Silver Nitrate
(C ) Pure Spongy Lead (D) Treated Wood
Ans: C
91. The source of electricity in thermocouple is
(A) Light (B) Heat
(C) Friction (D) Magnetism
Ans: B
92. Unit for measuring current is
(A) Volt (B) Watt
(C) Ohm (D) Ampere
Ans: D
93. The total number of protons in the nucleus of an atom is called as
(A) Molecular Number (B) Atomic Weight
(C ) Atomic Number (D) Molecular Weight
Ans: C
94. Examples for non-aquatic live feed is
(A) Avanti Bact
(B) Bloodworm
(C) Artemia
(D) Rotifer
Ans: B
95. MPEDA paved the way for establishment of number of private hatcheries after establishment of
Ans: A
96. ______is defined as setting performance expectations and goals for groups and individuals to channels their efforts achieving organisational objectives.
(A) Coordination (B) Planning
(C ) Administration (D) Supervision
Ans: B
97. The number of eggs produced per kg common carp during normal breeding season
(A) 150,000 (B) 10,000
(C) 75,000 (D) 900,000
Ans: A
98. Scientific name for silver pompano is
(A) Trachinotus blochii
(B) Trechanatus blachii
(C ) Trachinotus homarus
(D) Panulirus ornatus
Ans: A
99. ____ is defined as the act of making law
(A) Administration (B) Guiding (C ) Legislation (D) Coordinating
Ans: C
100. Mugil cephalus and Chanos chanos are commonly called as ____ and ____respectively.
(A) Mullet and Milk fish
(B) Milk fish and Mullet
(C) Mullet and Yellow tail
(D) Yellow tail and Mullet
Ans: A
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