Contributed by Mrs. Senthamil Selvi on 14-11-2018
1. Which variety of shark fin fetches higher price?
2. Which of the product used as milk replacer and food flavouring agent?
Fish hydrolysates
3. The total volume of water used, directly or indirectly to produce a product or service at different stages of production is called ……………
Water footprint
4. Denaturation of double helical DNA structure can be observed spectrophotometrically by the absorbance of light at ……………………wavelength.
5. Chemical deterioration of lipids is called as……………………
6. Albumin and globulin are the major serum proteins in fish, then which statement is true?
Albumins are soluble in water, globulins are not.
7. The process of isomerisation does not involve which one interconvertion?
8. Ascorbic acid (vitamin C) is a ………………
Water soluble vitamin but with no coenzyme function.
9. Inosine is commonly found in __________
10. Which is not a one-to-one method of fisheries extension?
Communication Radio broadcast
11. Property or resource, owned by individuals, who have right to exclude others from accessing it, is referred as …………
Private property
12. Which is not a function of extension?
Technology generation
13. The process of assessing the implications for women and men of any planned action, including legislation, policies or programmes, in all areas and at all levels is called.…………
Gender mainstreaming
14. Value of a commodity when expressed in terms of money is called as
15. The level of fishing effort in which the sustainable net return from the fishery is maximum is ……..
16. In which year the National Cooperative Development Corporation (NCDC) amended its act to cover fisheries within its purview?
17. What is meant by breakeven point in economics?
Total cost and total revenue are equal
18. Which is the highest fish producing country.
19. Those habitats which are necessary for satisfying biological requirements of fishes are called …………….
Essential fish habitats
20. Which is an anadromous migratory fish.
Tenualosa ilisha (Hilsa or Pulasa)
21. Small reservoirs are those having …………… area.
< 1000ha.
22. Which river is not a west coast river system
23. A non-penaeid shrimp?
Acetes indicus
24. Fishes which give birth to young ones are called as …………….
Live bearers
25. Where is the Andhra Pradesh Shrimp Seed Production and Research Centre located at?
26. Normally how many moults nauplius larvae of shrimp take to become Protozoea stage?
27. Which is not considered as fish seed in aquaculture?
28. A secondary sexual character that originates from the posterior thoracic sterna of mature female shrimps, especially penaeidsis called as …………
29. What is the full form of GMAD in Fisheries
Global Marine Aquarium Database
30. Which is a marine aquarium fish?
Dascyllus aruanus
31. Allowing population of nitrifying bacteria to grow in the filter media of aquaria to remove ammonia and nitrites is called as ……….
32. Which is the ornamental fish ‘Neon Tetra’
Paracheirodon innesi
33. Which is Gangetic leaf fish
Nandus nandus
34. What is the protein requirement for Indian Major Carp spawn in artificial feeds.
35 to 40%
35. Which spp is not a live food for fishes
Pseudochromis spp
36. Which do not affect ingestion of food by fish larvae?
37. Which is not an important nutritional factor affecting larval rearing success?
38. Which is co-feeding?
Simultaneous use of inert and live diets
39. Which organ produces gonad inhibitor hormone (GIH) in shrimps?
40. Which organ of shrimps produce moulting hormone?
41. Which hormone regulates carbohydrate metabolism in crustaceans?
42. Which is the key regulator of vertebrate homeostasis?
43. Which is known as time-keeping molecule in vertebrates enabling synchronization of physiological processes, metabolism, and behaviour with variations in environmental conditions?
44. Process by which message from the DNA in coded form is transferred to mRNA is called
45. RNA is different from DNA due to presence of ………..
46. During cell division chromosomes are most clearly visible at what stage?
47. Who discovered ‘Jumping genes’
48. The total aggregate of alleles in a population is referred to as……….
Gene pool
49. On the basis of which ratios, one can prove law of independent assortment
50. Which Indian state has the maximum area under shrimp farming?
Andhra Pradesh
51. Pen culture in inland waters have been developed in India by which Institutes?
52. Which is an organic fertilizer used in aquaculture?
Cow dung
53. Which is a common predatory fish in aquaculture ponds?
Channa striatus
54. Which is commonly called as brine shrimp?
Artemia salina
55. Which system consumes lowest amount of water for fish farming?
Re-circulatory systems
56. What is the general term that refers to all equipment/gear used by anglers for fishing?
Fishing tackle
57. For gill nets, what is the term for ‘length of head rope or float line divided by the stretched length of netting’?
Hanging coefficient
58. Which is not an important factor that influences fishing efficiency of a gear?
Food of fish
59. The length of a fishing vessel, from the foreside of the foremost fixed permanent structure to the aft side of the aftermost fixed permanent structure is called ………
Overall length
60. The primary control surface built in to the fishing boats that help steer the vessel is called ………….
61. Which is not used for fishing …………..
Cane trawl
62. Which increases with increase in population density?
63. Individuals in a population may not be distributed according to one broad patterns .
64. Theoretically, populations of two species may interact in how many basic ways?
65. Interaction of two organisms striving for the same thing is called as …………….
66. Which is not a food chain?
Phosphatic chain
67. Organisms which complete their entire life cycle as plankton are called?
68. Which is not a form of water loss in aquaculture ponds?
69. To reduce bank erosion and water seepage, the pond soil should normally contain how much clay?
70. What is green water principle in freshwater pond aquaculture?
Indicator of plankton growth
71. If dissolved oxygen depletion is detected in ponds, which to be adopted?
Decrease feeding rate
72. Which is not used for mussel farming?
73. An output from one farming subsystem becomes an input to another farming subsystem resulting in a greater efficiency of output of desired products from land/water under human control is called ………….
Integrated farming
74. Which is correctly matched?
Cyprinus carpio-Common carp
75. What is the normal level of Saponin content in Mahua oil cake.
76. Which weeds is most suitable for egg laying in hatchery for common carp?
77. Which explains feed conversion ratio of fishes?
Quantity of feed required for unit weigh gain
78. Infectious dropsy in fishes is caused by
Motile Aeromonas hydrophila
79. Which antibiotic is approved for aquaculture use?
80. Bacterial gill disease in freshwater fish is caused by ………………..
Flavobacterium columnare
81. Which organ of teleost fish is bone-marrow equivalent of mammals?
82. White to reddish cyst in gill of carps is caused by
83. Which has distribution in water, fish, other animals, soil etc.?
Edwardsiella tarda
84. Allowing normal fertilization and then forcing retention of the second polar body in the eggs is called ……………..
Polyploid Induction
85. Allowing karyokinesis while blocking cytokinesis produce……. progeny.
86. The analysis of mtDNA variation is an alternative for studying ……… in fishes.
Population genetics
87. Domestication and farming ………. genetic variability in fish.
88. Most gene transfer research in aquaculture has focused on which gene?
Growth hormone (GH) gene
89. Hybrid vigor is also known as ………
90. Induced breeding of fin fishes is called ……………..
91. The release of mature oocytes from ovarian follicles is called ………
92. Visible distinguishing characters of fishes are called ……..
93. Which results due to inbreeding?
Loss of vigour
94. The stage of meiosis in which chromosomes pair and cross over is called …………
95. The ideal ratio for fish to ice in proper preservation of fish in tropical conditions is
96. Freezing the fish products and subliming the ice under low pressure is named as..
Freeze drying
97. Extrusion in fish processing combines shear …………. and temperature
98. Canning of fishes involves cooking, blanching ………. and sterilization.
99. Retortable pouch for packaging fish products consists of how many layers of materials.
100. Pulse light technology is an emerging …………. fish processing method.
Non thermal
101. Which is the most commonly used type of pump to supply water to ponds?
Centrifugal pumps
102. Which is not a method used for particle removal from water in aquaculture?
Chemical filtration
103. Aerator stones commonly used in aquaria is example of which type of aerator?
Diffusion aerator
104. Which is not an important criteria for site selection for aquaculture pond construction?
Light intensity
105. During the process of designing ponds, decisions on which is not important?
Fish marketability
106. Which is the most important part of aquaculture pond that helps retention of water and reduces seepage?
Hearting and Core
107. The myofibrillar protein concentrate produced by repeated washing of fish mince to remove water soluble nitrogenous matter and flavour compounds is called ………….
108. To avoid dissolved oxygen depletion in aquaculture systems, which is used?
Use aerators
109. For amelioration of aquaculture pond soil pH of 4 to 4.5, what is the general dose of lime to be applied?
110. Which is commonly used for flocculation and coagulation to remove clay turbidity in water?
111. Which is ideal for removing ammonia from aquaculture ponds?
112. Which is not a micro nutrient element for fish feed?
113. What is the respective energy (kcal/g) level present in protein, lipid and carbohydrate
5.6, 9.4, 4.1
114. How do fishes generally utilize dietary protein?
Breaking digesting in to amino acids
115. Metabolic energy is available to fish from proteins, ………. and carbohydrates
116. Vitamin B2 is also called ………………..
117. Which systems are comparatively new in Indian aquaculture?
HDPE based floating cage culture
118. Based on the production cycle, the carp culture is not classified in to _________
Multiple stocking-single harvest
119. Breeding and seed production technologies are not standardized for which fish species?
Tenualosa ilisha
120. Which species is most successful in freshwater cage culture in terms of maximum biomass production?
Pangasianodon hypophthalmus
121. Trout farming systems in India are mostly practiced in which systems?
Race way systems
122. What is the normal duration of nursery phase of Indian Major carps for fry production.
15 to 20 days
123. Which is an initiative by Government of India to ensure quality of hatchery produced fish seeds?
Certification and accreditation
124. Which is the best available biotechnological tool for induced breeding of fish?
125. The process of animal development with exclusive maternal inheritance is known as ………….
126. Introduction of exogenous gene/DNA into host genome resulting in its stable maintenance, transmission and expression is called ………….
127. Materials used to enhance both internal and external microbial environment in aquaculture is collectively called as ………….
128. Long term preservation and storage of biological material at very low temperatures are known as ………….
129. Which organelle in cells are called powerhouses of the cell? ………….
130. Genetic approach to sex manipulation for production of all male or all female or all sterile populations are through the induction of ………….
131. What is the full form of GPS used in marine navigation
Global Positioning System
132. What is the full form of ECDIS, which is a navigation system using vector charts?
Electronic Chart Display and Information System
133. The speed of acoustic waves in seawater varies with which combinations of factors?
Temperature, pressure and salinity
134. Very High Frequency (VHF) radio waves fall in which range?
135. A carefully constructed device for the reception or transmission of radio energy into the air is called ……….
136. A propagated radio wave that travels in a straight line, used for point-to-point communication is called ……….
Space wave
137. Which environmental parameters is commonly used for predicting Potential Fishing Zones (PFZ’s) through satellite images
Sea Surface Temperature
138. The means of acquiring information about the Earth's surface without actually being in contact with it is called ………
Remote sensing
139. Which is an ICT application in fisheries?
Potential fishing zone advisory
140. What is the aim of Kissan Call Centres established by Department of Agriculture & Co-operation?
Deliver extension services to the farming community
141. ICT based ‘Aqua Choupal’ is established in which States of India
Andhra Pradesh
142. Which is an ICT based e-Governance portal –cum –web enabled workflow based application system?
143. What is 'ReALCraft',an ICT based web enabled work flow based online application system used for?
Issuing vessel registration
144. The use of electronics, computers, telecommunication infrastructure, software platforms to convert, store, protect, transmit, retrieve, generate information from anywhere, any time to achieve strategic goals are collectively called as ………….
Information Communication Technology
145. A closed circuit aquaculture system in which aquaculture and hydroponic system are used together and agriculture and fish production operates in an integrated manner is known a………
146.Which statement is wrong in context to parental care in fishes?
Rate of parental care is more in female fishes than the male.
147. Amphibius fishes belong to which Order?
148. In which type of interaction do both species benefit?
149. The disappearance of all members of a species is called
150.Teleost fishes are characterized by the presence of
Air bladder
151. Fishes with narrow salinity tolerance are called as …………
152. Transparency in pond water can be measured easily by ?
Secchi Disk
153. Which is the causative agent of Black spot disease in carps?
154. How many segments a freshwater prawn body comprised of?
155. What cells are targeted when sGnRH is injected in fish for induced breeding?
156.Which is primary causative agent of EUS disease?
Aphanomyces invadans
157. Which institute in India has been established for the development of fish database?
National Bureau of Fish Genetic Resources
158. Tenulosa ilisha belongs to which family?
159. What is the action of domperidone in induced breeding of fish?
It stops release of dopamine.
160. Which of the organism caused ‘Ich’ disease in fishes?
161. Give an example of a fish which is not a live bearer fish?
162. Wallago attu belongs to which family?
163. Which molecular methodology is used for species identification?
DNA barcoding
164. Which group of fishes did not observe parental care?
165. Which fish observe anadromous migration.
166. Lung fishes belong to which sub-class?
167. Anabas has which type of accessory respiratory organs?
168. Which hormone is involved in the osmoregulation?
Both Adrenalin and Thyroxin
169. Sea Urchin belong to the Class?
170. Pectoral fins are exceptionally large for gliding over the water surface in
171. Which one is a murrel species?
Channa striatus
172. Which family is Viviparous?
173. White gill spot disease is caused by
174. Which protozoan parasites are commonly found in larval rearing of freshwater prawn?
175. Which chemical/medicine is largely used for the treatment of protozoan parasites in aquaculture?
176. Who is the founder of modern taxonomy?
Carl Linnaeus
177. Which one is not a morphometric character in fish?
Number of scales
178. Presence of large number of vomer teeth indicates.
Fish is macrophyte feeder
179. Parental care is observed in maximum number of fish species in _______ group.
180. What happens in case of dropsy disease in fish?
Fish abdomen highly swollen.
181. What is epibiont disease in prawn?
Carapace is covered with a mix of bacteria, protozoan, algae and debris.
182. Most venomous fish is
Stone fish
183. Which fish has the largest alimentary canal?
184. D shaped larvae in Perna indica obtained after ----------hours of fertilization
24 h
185. In which part of the body, cholesterol is produced in fish?
186. Which fish has the highest GSI during maturity?
Common carp
187. Amylase helps in the digestion of
188. Cellulase is secreted by
Gut bacteria
189. Which one is not the part of catabolism in fish?
Formation of A.T.P.
190. Which fish possess ganoid scales?
191.Define osmo-regulation.
Controlled movement of solutes between internal fluids and external environment.
192.In which ecosystems fish drink water?
193.Actinopterygii defines
Fishes with ray fins
194.What is the function of Chloride cells?
Secrete salts out of fish body.
195.Puntius sarana belongs to which Family?
196. The WSSV mainly affected the growout culture of
P. monodon
197.Vitellogenin is synthesised by
198.Which hormone is secreted by Beeta Cells (β cells)
199. Channa striata is the state fish of
200.Which one is a glycoprotein class of hormone
Leutinizing hormone
201.Which is not a tropic hormone.
202.Synthesis of sex hormones is controlled by
Both FSH and LH
203. How much is the current global fish diversity?
Over 30,000
204.How much global fish diversity is contributed by India?
Over 9%
205.Who published the book ‘Origin of Species’
Charles Darwin
206. Indian Pearl Oyster is
Pinctada fucata
207.In which city, the Zoological Survey of India is located?
208.What is the full form of IUCN?
Both International Union for Conservation of Nature and International Union for Conservation of Natural Resources
209.Opercular fold serves as accessory respiratory organ in which fish
210.Labyrinthine organ supports
211.Branchial air tube serves as accessory respiratory organs in
212.Bioluminescence is emitted by ____________ cells.
213.Which is known as needle fish?
Xenentodon cancilla
214.In which fish, male lives as a parasite in female body?
Deep sea Anglers fish
215.Which part better describes the age of a fish?
216.How many maturity stages are found in the ovary of bony fishes
217.Elasmobranchs remove sodium chloride through
Rectal glands
218.Major osmoregulatory organ in fish is
219. While assessing ageing in a four year old fish through scale growth rings, the inner most ring represent growth in
First year
220. In India, isinglass is produced from the airbladder of
Both Eels and Catfishes
221. Which fish does not have air bladder?
222. Which is not a warm-water chordate
223.Which zones has highest percentage of marine habitats?
224. Caudal fin of salmon is
225. Who has written the book ‘Fishes of the World’
226. The base material for fish wafer is
Both Fish mince and Starch
227. Which fish has semelparous nature of reproduction?
Coho salmon
228. ‘The Freshwater fishes of the Indian Region’ book is written by
K.C. Jayaram
229. Number of living species of actinopterygians is
230. Members of Class Myxini feeds on
Soft bodied organism
231. Number of pharyngeal slits in class 'cephalaspidomorphi' is
232. Only surviving 'coelacanth' is
233. Larval development of blue swimmer crab (Portunus pelagicus) comprises of
4 Zoeal stage and 1 megalopa stage
234.Sharks, ratfishes and rays are included in class
235. Tail fin with only 'upper lobe' is called
236. Function of swim bladder in class 'osteichthyes' is carried out by
Pneumatic sacs
237.'Lungfishes' are included in class
238. Natural selection occurs
During one organism’s life cycle
239. Member of 'agnatha' lacks
240. Sucking mouth with teethes and rasping tongue is characteristics of class
Both Cephalaspidomorphi and Myxini
241. What is the size of nano plankton?
242. Example of a detritivorous fish.
243. Neoteny refers to
Retention of larval characteristics in adult
244. How many larval stages are found in freshwater prawn?
245.How many larval stages found in the tiger shrimp?
246. Viviparity is not observed in one fish?
Angel fish
247. Ovo-viviparity is observed in one fish.
Both Nurse shark and Guppy
248. Young ones of which fish feed on the parent body?
Angel fish
249. Which fish observe longest migration?
250. Migration in Tuna is mainly related to
Search for food
251.In case of Eel migration, which statement is correct?
Only female elvers migrate to rivers.
252. Ductless gonads are found in which fish?
253. Which fish emits spermatozoa through cloaca?
254. What is fractional spawner?
Eggs are produced continuously, spawn frequently
255. Single pair mating is not observed in which fishes.
256. Who first coined the word ‘Systematics’
Linnaeus and Bauhin
257. What is the role of dopamine in fish reproduction?
It inhibits release of gonadotropins.
258. Which is not the antagonist of dopamine?
259. Osmo-regulation in freshwater fish is mainly maintained under the influence of
260. TSH is secreted by
Pituitary gland
261. Where did Chromaffin tissue located in fish?
Head kidney
262. Which parameter is defined by meristic characters?
Parameters related to counts
263. The word karyotype define
Number of chromosome
264. What is the full form of ICZN in taxonomy?
International Code of Zoological Nomenclature
265. What is standard length?
Length from snout to end of caudal penduncle.
266. What is the function of Nares in fish?
267. How many gill rows are present on each gill arch?
268. Which one is the main sensory organ for body equilibrium
Lateral line
269. Identify the teleost who rear their young ones in brood pouch.
Sea Horse
270. Which fish lay eggs at river bottom in deep pit for guarding?
Sperata seenghala
271. What are mesenteries?
Soft tissues that support location of internal organs.
272. Which statement is wrong?
Herbivorous fishes have large stomach than carnivorous fishes.
273. Which is not a crustacean parasite?
274. Which hormone is most responsible for parental care in fishes?
275. Which type of fishes observes greater number of parental care?
Freshwater fishes
276. Terminology hyperplasia means
Undesired multiplication of cells.
277. What is filial cannibalism?
Consuming part or all of the larvae during parental care
278. Bheries is the traditional fish farming in
West Bengal
279. Parental care in snakeheads is dominantly undertaken by
280. The coastal low lying field in Goa is known as
Khazan lands
281. Which fish induced breeding and seed production technology is not available in India?
282. Kareemeen is common name of
Pearl spot
283. What should be the optimum pH for fish culture?
7.5 - 8.5
284. What should be the stocking density in super-intensive farming system of shrimp?
> 100/m2
285. The ammonia toxicity to fish increase with
increase of pH
286. Winkler method is used for measurement of
Dissolved Oxygen
287. The infective stage of Ichthyophthirius multifiliis is
288. The highest fecundity is exhibited by
289. The first attempt to breed major carps in confined water was by _______ technique
Wet bundh breeding
290. Veliger is the larval form of
291. Which is not a synthetic hormone?
292. The color of fertilized egg of Channa striata is
293. Sechi disc is used to measure?
294. Carps belong to the family?
295. Which fish is used for biological aquatic weed control?
Grass carp
296. Which nation ranks second in world aquaculture production?
297. In fish culture ponds inlet and outlet are constructed on?
Opposite side
298. Ich disease in freshwater fish is caused by?
299. Hypophysation method was first used in?
300. Algal bloom is caused by?
Filamentous algae
301. What is MAP ?
Modified atmosphere packaging
302. In IQF melting point of ice is lowered to ________ at a pressure of _________
-220C ; 207.5 MPa
303. Which institute developed solar fish drier?
304. In which process fat hydrolysing enzyme destroyed?
305. The carcinogenic compound present in smoked fish product is
3,4 benzopyrene
306. In radiation preservation of fish, which bacteria is destroyed?
Both Listeria and Salmonella
307. Kamaboko is _______________
Boiled fish paste
308. Thermal processing is also known as
309. Which is a non-thermal processing method?
Pulse light preservation
310. What is IQF?
Individually quick frozen
311. Fish mince for preparation of Surimi, readily forms gel due to
Unfolding and cross linking of actomyosin
312. The IQF products stored at ______________0C
313. Prawn cutlets can be classified under _____________ product
Battered and breaded
314. Which is also known as “High Hydrostatic Pressure”?
315. Butterfly fan tail is one of the forms of
316. Battered and breaded products are stored at ___________0C
317. The main source of fish body oil in India is
Oil sardine
318. Shark liver contains _______________% of oil
319. Which is used as the base for fish noodles?
320. Average productivity of FFDA ponds are
3000 Kg/ha/year
321. Which is commonly known as Asian green mussel
Perna viridis
322. Which one is not a meristic character in fish?
Diameter of eye
323. How many barbels are present in Sperata seenghala?
Four pairs
324. Which of the snakehead fish is endemic to North-east India?
Channa barca
325. Which fish did not observe parental care?
Heteropneutes fossilis
326.Which parasite cause maximum economic loss in carp farming in India?
327. Which one is a single host disease?
328. Give an example of fish blood parasite.
329. How many pairs of gill arches found in teleost fishes?
4 pairs
330.What is the function of gill rackers?
Helps in filtering water and retention of food items.
331.Pouched type of gills are found in
332. What is Weberian ossicle?
A part of auditory system
333.In how many years a female Rohu attains first full maturity?
Two years
334. In which species of fish Protrandrous hermaphroditism is found.
Asian seabass
335. In which species comparatively males grow much faster than the females?
336. species, which fish lay eggs under the gravels?
Golden mahseer
337. Which fish made bubblenest for egg laying?
Blue gorami
338. Wet rendering process for manufacture of fish meal is used for
Both Fatty fish and Offal
339. Fish meal contains ______________% fat
340. Chitin is deacetylated by heating at 90-950C with ________________
Caustic soda
341. The lustrous effect in pearl essence is due to
342. Which shark teeth fetches high price due to its shape and size?
Tiger shark
343. Surgical sutures prepared from
Gut of fish
344. Type-B FPC contains _______% of fat
345. The pH of fish silage with the addition of formic acid is
346. Shark bones are processed for use as a source of
Chondroitin sulphate
347. Organism which swims freely regardless of movement of surrounding water is
348. Heleoplankton means
Pond plankton
349. Ceratium is a
350. Red water phenomenon is mainly due to dominance of
351. The total weight of all organisms in a unit area or volume a given time
352. The region between photic and aphotic zone is called as
Dysphotic zone
353. Free floating macrophytes
354. Which is an emergent aquatic macrophyte?
355. Ciliated corona in the head is present in
356. Thermal stratification in lakes generally occurs in
357. Organisms attached or clinging to stems and leaves of the plants or any other object projected above the bottom is called
358. The shallow water region with light penetration to the bottom and occupied by rooted plants in lakes is called
Littoral zone
359. Temporary plankton is also called as
360. The size of microplankton is
50-500 µm
361. A polyculture system based on the production of living species which absorb the nutrient waste from aquaculture is abbreviated as ………
362. Which is a new species in Indian aquaculture?
Litopenaeus vannamei
363. Which is frequently used to produce monosex tilapia.
Methyl testosterone
364. Enhancing water quality in aquaculture through balancing carbon and nitrogen through aggregates of algae, bacteria, protozoans, and particulate organic matter is known as ……… technology
365. The scientific name of cobia is
Rachycentron canadum
366. Orange spotted grouper are
Eurythermal and Euryhaline
367. Larval feeding of cobia or Indian pompano starts with
368. The feed of Indian pompano fingerlings should contains
45% Protein
369. Seaweed farming originated in Japan long ago with the culture of
370. Poryphyra carpospores germinate on mollusc shell and give rise to
Conchocelis stage
371. Which is called as Pacific Oyster
C. gigas
372. Scylla serrata is commonly known as
Mud crab
373. The causative agent of Epizootic Ulcerative Syndrome (EUS) is
374. Aeromonas salmonicida causes
375. For disinfection of hatchery, the recommended concentration of available chlorine is
200 ppm
376. Infectious Pancreatic Necrosis (IPN) is a
Viral disease
377. Spring Viremia of Carp (SVC) is caused by
378. Whirling disease is caused by
379. Each 5 mg/L of formalin added to a pond chemically removes
1.0 mg/L of dissolved oxygen
380. Potassium permanganate
Both Reduces biological oxygen demand and Oxidize organic matter
381. Which is commonly called as “Razor Fish”?
Notopterus chitala
382. Hilsha ilisha is
383. Which is not an exotic fish?
Eutropichthys vacha
384. Scientific name of green tiger shrimp
Penaeus semisulcatus
385. Macrobrachium rosenbergii commonly called as
Giant freshwater prawn
386. Which is a bottom dwelling fish?
387. Asian seabass is
Protandrous hermaphrodite
388. Parental care seen in
Channa striata
389. Giant river prawn is
Omnivorous with bottom feeding habit
390. Which is an exotic catfish?
Pangasianodon hypophthalmus
391. Mystus seenghala belongs to the family
392. Scientific name of golden mahseer is
Tor putitora
393. Ornamental fish native to India.
Both Dwarf gourami and Zebra danio
395. Scientific name of Malabar labeo is
L. dussumieri
396. Which is called as freshwater shark?
W. attu
397. Larval stages of M. rosenbergii is
398. Which is mainly insectivorous in the adult stage?
Climbing perch
399. Channa striata is commonly called as
Striped murrel
400. Duration of larval stages in M. rosenbergii at 28-32°C temperature is
23-32 days
401. Which is called sun catfish?
Horabagrus brachysoma
402. GtH1 also called as
403. Jayanti rohu is developed by
404. Pituitary releases
405. For longer storage, pituitary gland can be preserved in
406. Carp pituitary glands collected during
407. The recommended dose (ml/Kg body weight of fish) of GnRH based hormone for female carps is
408. Origin of Pituitary is
409. Which is known as bullseye snakehead?
Channa marulius
410. The perfect composition of fishes to utilize pond niche are
Silver carp: Catla: Rohu: Mrigal
411. Among the Integrated fish farming, which one shows highest integration
with fish.
412. Accessory respiratory organs are well developed in
Anabas testudineus
413. Bony fishes comes under the Phylum
414. Which is a prolific breeder?
415. Which is not true about lime?
decreases carbonate content in water
416. Removal of microbial contaminants from contaminated bivalve by placing them in tanks
of clean water is called
417. In intensive aquaculture, the most expensive input is
418. Which is called as back swimmer?
419. Which traditional shrimp trapping system have maximum productivity?
Pokkali field
420. Who has given Pearl sac theory?
Tokichi Nishikawa
421. Which is largest pearl oyster?
Pinctada maxima
422. Which chemical is used for oyster valve opening during conditioning before bead
423. Which one edible oyster is found only in marine environment?
Saccostrea cucullata
424. Which one is herbivorous?
Milk fish
425. Which shrimp culture system is commonly practiced in India?
Semi-intensive system
426. Which fish feeds mainly on lab-lab?
Milk fish
427. Which net is used for collection of Milk fish fry from wild?
Surf net
428. Which shrimp culture system uses auto-stocking method of stocking?
429. The Chemmeenkettu technique of seed stocking is used by ______
Kerala farmers
430. Pearl spot cultured mainly in
431. Induced breeding and seed production technology for seabass was developed by
432. Which country is the largest producer of pearl?
433. Pokkali fields are present in
434. Which form of nitrogenous waste is toxic to fish?
NH3 & NO2
435.Kakabans are made of horse hair like fibres of Indjuk plant
436. The active compound present in Mahua oil cake is Saponin
437. The process of synthesizing glucose from non-carbohydrates is known as Glyconeogenesis.
438. M. rosenbergii attain first maturity in 4-7 month
439. Economics is the study of mankind in the ordinary business life – Alfred Marshall.
440. The process of Programmed Cell Death (PCD) is called Apoptosis.
441. Gas bladder is connected with Internal ear
442. Marine elasmobranches solve their osmoregulatory problem by the process called Evasion.
443. An animal that is germ free or contaminated with known bacteris is called Gnotobiotic animal.
444. Cow dung is used as a manure because of its low BOD.
445. Production of hormones in living organisms is called Steroidogenesis.
446. The process of Programmed Cell Death (PCD) is called Apoptosis.
447. A substance which can bind with antigen and facilitate the phagocytosis is called Opsonin.
448. The term ecological niche was first coined by Grinell in1917.
449. Lake showing the summer and winter stratification is called as Dimictic lake.
450. Fish proteins are rich in lysine
451. Milk fish culture ponds are called Tambak ponds.
452. PCR process was discovered by Kary B. Mullis in 1983
453. The study of an individual organism in relation to its environment is called Auto ecology.
454. The study of group of animal (population) in relation to its environment is called synecology.
455. T. mossambica introduced in India in year 1952
456. Aquatic chicken or poor man fish – Tilapia.
457. A phenomenon in which the direction of movement is influenced by light is called Phototaxis.
458. A compound which is responsible for typical odour of cold stored products – Heptanal.
459. The process by which glycogen stored in liver and muscle breakdown into glucose to provide immediate energy is called Glycogenolysis.
460. Production of hormones in living organisms is called Steroidogenesis.
461. A process where the movement / velocity of locomotion of animal is regulated by light is called Photokinensis.
462. Mitochondrion Rich Cells (MR) are also called as Chloride Cells/ Salt Secreting cells.
463. B cells are produced by bone marrow and mature in kidney.
464. T- Cells are mature in thymus and they comes under cell mediated immunity.
465. Insulin like Growth Factor is produced by Liver.
466. The surgical removal of Pituitary gland is known as Hypophysectomy
2. Which of the product used as milk replacer and food flavouring agent?
Fish hydrolysates
3. The total volume of water used, directly or indirectly to produce a product or service at different stages of production is called ……………
Water footprint
4. Denaturation of double helical DNA structure can be observed spectrophotometrically by the absorbance of light at ……………………wavelength.
5. Chemical deterioration of lipids is called as……………………
6. Albumin and globulin are the major serum proteins in fish, then which statement is true?
Albumins are soluble in water, globulins are not.
7. The process of isomerisation does not involve which one interconvertion?
8. Ascorbic acid (vitamin C) is a ………………
Water soluble vitamin but with no coenzyme function.
9. Inosine is commonly found in __________
10. Which is not a one-to-one method of fisheries extension?
Communication Radio broadcast
11. Property or resource, owned by individuals, who have right to exclude others from accessing it, is referred as …………
Private property
12. Which is not a function of extension?
Technology generation
13. The process of assessing the implications for women and men of any planned action, including legislation, policies or programmes, in all areas and at all levels is called.…………
Gender mainstreaming
14. Value of a commodity when expressed in terms of money is called as
15. The level of fishing effort in which the sustainable net return from the fishery is maximum is ……..
16. In which year the National Cooperative Development Corporation (NCDC) amended its act to cover fisheries within its purview?
17. What is meant by breakeven point in economics?
Total cost and total revenue are equal
18. Which is the highest fish producing country.
19. Those habitats which are necessary for satisfying biological requirements of fishes are called …………….
Essential fish habitats
20. Which is an anadromous migratory fish.
Tenualosa ilisha (Hilsa or Pulasa)
21. Small reservoirs are those having …………… area.
< 1000ha.
22. Which river is not a west coast river system
23. A non-penaeid shrimp?
Acetes indicus
24. Fishes which give birth to young ones are called as …………….
Live bearers
25. Where is the Andhra Pradesh Shrimp Seed Production and Research Centre located at?
26. Normally how many moults nauplius larvae of shrimp take to become Protozoea stage?
27. Which is not considered as fish seed in aquaculture?
28. A secondary sexual character that originates from the posterior thoracic sterna of mature female shrimps, especially penaeidsis called as …………
29. What is the full form of GMAD in Fisheries
Global Marine Aquarium Database
30. Which is a marine aquarium fish?
Dascyllus aruanus
31. Allowing population of nitrifying bacteria to grow in the filter media of aquaria to remove ammonia and nitrites is called as ……….
32. Which is the ornamental fish ‘Neon Tetra’
Paracheirodon innesi
33. Which is Gangetic leaf fish
Nandus nandus
34. What is the protein requirement for Indian Major Carp spawn in artificial feeds.
35 to 40%
35. Which spp is not a live food for fishes
Pseudochromis spp
36. Which do not affect ingestion of food by fish larvae?
37. Which is not an important nutritional factor affecting larval rearing success?
38. Which is co-feeding?
Simultaneous use of inert and live diets
39. Which organ produces gonad inhibitor hormone (GIH) in shrimps?
40. Which organ of shrimps produce moulting hormone?
41. Which hormone regulates carbohydrate metabolism in crustaceans?
42. Which is the key regulator of vertebrate homeostasis?
43. Which is known as time-keeping molecule in vertebrates enabling synchronization of physiological processes, metabolism, and behaviour with variations in environmental conditions?
44. Process by which message from the DNA in coded form is transferred to mRNA is called
45. RNA is different from DNA due to presence of ………..
46. During cell division chromosomes are most clearly visible at what stage?
47. Who discovered ‘Jumping genes’
48. The total aggregate of alleles in a population is referred to as……….
Gene pool
49. On the basis of which ratios, one can prove law of independent assortment
50. Which Indian state has the maximum area under shrimp farming?
Andhra Pradesh
51. Pen culture in inland waters have been developed in India by which Institutes?
52. Which is an organic fertilizer used in aquaculture?
Cow dung
53. Which is a common predatory fish in aquaculture ponds?
Channa striatus
54. Which is commonly called as brine shrimp?
Artemia salina
55. Which system consumes lowest amount of water for fish farming?
Re-circulatory systems
56. What is the general term that refers to all equipment/gear used by anglers for fishing?
Fishing tackle
57. For gill nets, what is the term for ‘length of head rope or float line divided by the stretched length of netting’?
Hanging coefficient
58. Which is not an important factor that influences fishing efficiency of a gear?
Food of fish
59. The length of a fishing vessel, from the foreside of the foremost fixed permanent structure to the aft side of the aftermost fixed permanent structure is called ………
Overall length
60. The primary control surface built in to the fishing boats that help steer the vessel is called ………….
61. Which is not used for fishing …………..
Cane trawl
62. Which increases with increase in population density?
63. Individuals in a population may not be distributed according to one broad patterns .
64. Theoretically, populations of two species may interact in how many basic ways?
65. Interaction of two organisms striving for the same thing is called as …………….
66. Which is not a food chain?
Phosphatic chain
67. Organisms which complete their entire life cycle as plankton are called?
68. Which is not a form of water loss in aquaculture ponds?
69. To reduce bank erosion and water seepage, the pond soil should normally contain how much clay?
70. What is green water principle in freshwater pond aquaculture?
Indicator of plankton growth
71. If dissolved oxygen depletion is detected in ponds, which to be adopted?
Decrease feeding rate
72. Which is not used for mussel farming?
73. An output from one farming subsystem becomes an input to another farming subsystem resulting in a greater efficiency of output of desired products from land/water under human control is called ………….
Integrated farming
74. Which is correctly matched?
Cyprinus carpio-Common carp
75. What is the normal level of Saponin content in Mahua oil cake.
76. Which weeds is most suitable for egg laying in hatchery for common carp?
77. Which explains feed conversion ratio of fishes?
Quantity of feed required for unit weigh gain
78. Infectious dropsy in fishes is caused by
Motile Aeromonas hydrophila
79. Which antibiotic is approved for aquaculture use?
80. Bacterial gill disease in freshwater fish is caused by ………………..
Flavobacterium columnare
81. Which organ of teleost fish is bone-marrow equivalent of mammals?
82. White to reddish cyst in gill of carps is caused by
83. Which has distribution in water, fish, other animals, soil etc.?
Edwardsiella tarda
84. Allowing normal fertilization and then forcing retention of the second polar body in the eggs is called ……………..
Polyploid Induction
85. Allowing karyokinesis while blocking cytokinesis produce……. progeny.
86. The analysis of mtDNA variation is an alternative for studying ……… in fishes.
Population genetics
87. Domestication and farming ………. genetic variability in fish.
88. Most gene transfer research in aquaculture has focused on which gene?
Growth hormone (GH) gene
89. Hybrid vigor is also known as ………
90. Induced breeding of fin fishes is called ……………..
91. The release of mature oocytes from ovarian follicles is called ………
92. Visible distinguishing characters of fishes are called ……..
93. Which results due to inbreeding?
Loss of vigour
94. The stage of meiosis in which chromosomes pair and cross over is called …………
95. The ideal ratio for fish to ice in proper preservation of fish in tropical conditions is
96. Freezing the fish products and subliming the ice under low pressure is named as..
Freeze drying
97. Extrusion in fish processing combines shear …………. and temperature
98. Canning of fishes involves cooking, blanching ………. and sterilization.
99. Retortable pouch for packaging fish products consists of how many layers of materials.
100. Pulse light technology is an emerging …………. fish processing method.
Non thermal
101. Which is the most commonly used type of pump to supply water to ponds?
Centrifugal pumps
102. Which is not a method used for particle removal from water in aquaculture?
Chemical filtration
103. Aerator stones commonly used in aquaria is example of which type of aerator?
Diffusion aerator
104. Which is not an important criteria for site selection for aquaculture pond construction?
Light intensity
105. During the process of designing ponds, decisions on which is not important?
Fish marketability
106. Which is the most important part of aquaculture pond that helps retention of water and reduces seepage?
Hearting and Core
107. The myofibrillar protein concentrate produced by repeated washing of fish mince to remove water soluble nitrogenous matter and flavour compounds is called ………….
108. To avoid dissolved oxygen depletion in aquaculture systems, which is used?
Use aerators
109. For amelioration of aquaculture pond soil pH of 4 to 4.5, what is the general dose of lime to be applied?
110. Which is commonly used for flocculation and coagulation to remove clay turbidity in water?
111. Which is ideal for removing ammonia from aquaculture ponds?
112. Which is not a micro nutrient element for fish feed?
113. What is the respective energy (kcal/g) level present in protein, lipid and carbohydrate
5.6, 9.4, 4.1
114. How do fishes generally utilize dietary protein?
Breaking digesting in to amino acids
115. Metabolic energy is available to fish from proteins, ………. and carbohydrates
116. Vitamin B2 is also called ………………..
117. Which systems are comparatively new in Indian aquaculture?
HDPE based floating cage culture
118. Based on the production cycle, the carp culture is not classified in to _________
Multiple stocking-single harvest
119. Breeding and seed production technologies are not standardized for which fish species?
Tenualosa ilisha
120. Which species is most successful in freshwater cage culture in terms of maximum biomass production?
Pangasianodon hypophthalmus
121. Trout farming systems in India are mostly practiced in which systems?
Race way systems
122. What is the normal duration of nursery phase of Indian Major carps for fry production.
15 to 20 days
123. Which is an initiative by Government of India to ensure quality of hatchery produced fish seeds?
Certification and accreditation
124. Which is the best available biotechnological tool for induced breeding of fish?
125. The process of animal development with exclusive maternal inheritance is known as ………….
126. Introduction of exogenous gene/DNA into host genome resulting in its stable maintenance, transmission and expression is called ………….
127. Materials used to enhance both internal and external microbial environment in aquaculture is collectively called as ………….
128. Long term preservation and storage of biological material at very low temperatures are known as ………….
129. Which organelle in cells are called powerhouses of the cell? ………….
130. Genetic approach to sex manipulation for production of all male or all female or all sterile populations are through the induction of ………….
131. What is the full form of GPS used in marine navigation
Global Positioning System
132. What is the full form of ECDIS, which is a navigation system using vector charts?
Electronic Chart Display and Information System
133. The speed of acoustic waves in seawater varies with which combinations of factors?
Temperature, pressure and salinity
134. Very High Frequency (VHF) radio waves fall in which range?
135. A carefully constructed device for the reception or transmission of radio energy into the air is called ……….
136. A propagated radio wave that travels in a straight line, used for point-to-point communication is called ……….
Space wave
137. Which environmental parameters is commonly used for predicting Potential Fishing Zones (PFZ’s) through satellite images
Sea Surface Temperature
138. The means of acquiring information about the Earth's surface without actually being in contact with it is called ………
Remote sensing
139. Which is an ICT application in fisheries?
Potential fishing zone advisory
140. What is the aim of Kissan Call Centres established by Department of Agriculture & Co-operation?
Deliver extension services to the farming community
141. ICT based ‘Aqua Choupal’ is established in which States of India
Andhra Pradesh
142. Which is an ICT based e-Governance portal –cum –web enabled workflow based application system?
143. What is 'ReALCraft',an ICT based web enabled work flow based online application system used for?
Issuing vessel registration
144. The use of electronics, computers, telecommunication infrastructure, software platforms to convert, store, protect, transmit, retrieve, generate information from anywhere, any time to achieve strategic goals are collectively called as ………….
Information Communication Technology
145. A closed circuit aquaculture system in which aquaculture and hydroponic system are used together and agriculture and fish production operates in an integrated manner is known a………
146.Which statement is wrong in context to parental care in fishes?
Rate of parental care is more in female fishes than the male.
147. Amphibius fishes belong to which Order?
148. In which type of interaction do both species benefit?
149. The disappearance of all members of a species is called
150.Teleost fishes are characterized by the presence of
Air bladder
151. Fishes with narrow salinity tolerance are called as …………
152. Transparency in pond water can be measured easily by ?
Secchi Disk
153. Which is the causative agent of Black spot disease in carps?
154. How many segments a freshwater prawn body comprised of?
155. What cells are targeted when sGnRH is injected in fish for induced breeding?
156.Which is primary causative agent of EUS disease?
Aphanomyces invadans
157. Which institute in India has been established for the development of fish database?
National Bureau of Fish Genetic Resources
158. Tenulosa ilisha belongs to which family?
159. What is the action of domperidone in induced breeding of fish?
It stops release of dopamine.
160. Which of the organism caused ‘Ich’ disease in fishes?
161. Give an example of a fish which is not a live bearer fish?
162. Wallago attu belongs to which family?
163. Which molecular methodology is used for species identification?
DNA barcoding
164. Which group of fishes did not observe parental care?
165. Which fish observe anadromous migration.
166. Lung fishes belong to which sub-class?
167. Anabas has which type of accessory respiratory organs?
168. Which hormone is involved in the osmoregulation?
Both Adrenalin and Thyroxin
169. Sea Urchin belong to the Class?
170. Pectoral fins are exceptionally large for gliding over the water surface in
171. Which one is a murrel species?
Channa striatus
172. Which family is Viviparous?
173. White gill spot disease is caused by
174. Which protozoan parasites are commonly found in larval rearing of freshwater prawn?
175. Which chemical/medicine is largely used for the treatment of protozoan parasites in aquaculture?
176. Who is the founder of modern taxonomy?
Carl Linnaeus
177. Which one is not a morphometric character in fish?
Number of scales
178. Presence of large number of vomer teeth indicates.
Fish is macrophyte feeder
179. Parental care is observed in maximum number of fish species in _______ group.
180. What happens in case of dropsy disease in fish?
Fish abdomen highly swollen.
181. What is epibiont disease in prawn?
Carapace is covered with a mix of bacteria, protozoan, algae and debris.
182. Most venomous fish is
Stone fish
183. Which fish has the largest alimentary canal?
184. D shaped larvae in Perna indica obtained after ----------hours of fertilization
24 h
185. In which part of the body, cholesterol is produced in fish?
186. Which fish has the highest GSI during maturity?
Common carp
187. Amylase helps in the digestion of
188. Cellulase is secreted by
Gut bacteria
189. Which one is not the part of catabolism in fish?
Formation of A.T.P.
190. Which fish possess ganoid scales?
191.Define osmo-regulation.
Controlled movement of solutes between internal fluids and external environment.
192.In which ecosystems fish drink water?
193.Actinopterygii defines
Fishes with ray fins
194.What is the function of Chloride cells?
Secrete salts out of fish body.
195.Puntius sarana belongs to which Family?
196. The WSSV mainly affected the growout culture of
P. monodon
197.Vitellogenin is synthesised by
198.Which hormone is secreted by Beeta Cells (β cells)
199. Channa striata is the state fish of
200.Which one is a glycoprotein class of hormone
Leutinizing hormone
201.Which is not a tropic hormone.
202.Synthesis of sex hormones is controlled by
Both FSH and LH
203. How much is the current global fish diversity?
Over 30,000
204.How much global fish diversity is contributed by India?
Over 9%
205.Who published the book ‘Origin of Species’
Charles Darwin
206. Indian Pearl Oyster is
Pinctada fucata
207.In which city, the Zoological Survey of India is located?
208.What is the full form of IUCN?
Both International Union for Conservation of Nature and International Union for Conservation of Natural Resources
209.Opercular fold serves as accessory respiratory organ in which fish
210.Labyrinthine organ supports
211.Branchial air tube serves as accessory respiratory organs in
212.Bioluminescence is emitted by ____________ cells.
213.Which is known as needle fish?
Xenentodon cancilla
214.In which fish, male lives as a parasite in female body?
Deep sea Anglers fish
215.Which part better describes the age of a fish?
216.How many maturity stages are found in the ovary of bony fishes
217.Elasmobranchs remove sodium chloride through
Rectal glands
218.Major osmoregulatory organ in fish is
219. While assessing ageing in a four year old fish through scale growth rings, the inner most ring represent growth in
First year
220. In India, isinglass is produced from the airbladder of
Both Eels and Catfishes
221. Which fish does not have air bladder?
222. Which is not a warm-water chordate
223.Which zones has highest percentage of marine habitats?
224. Caudal fin of salmon is
225. Who has written the book ‘Fishes of the World’
226. The base material for fish wafer is
Both Fish mince and Starch
227. Which fish has semelparous nature of reproduction?
Coho salmon
228. ‘The Freshwater fishes of the Indian Region’ book is written by
K.C. Jayaram
229. Number of living species of actinopterygians is
230. Members of Class Myxini feeds on
Soft bodied organism
231. Number of pharyngeal slits in class 'cephalaspidomorphi' is
232. Only surviving 'coelacanth' is
233. Larval development of blue swimmer crab (Portunus pelagicus) comprises of
4 Zoeal stage and 1 megalopa stage
234.Sharks, ratfishes and rays are included in class
235. Tail fin with only 'upper lobe' is called
236. Function of swim bladder in class 'osteichthyes' is carried out by
Pneumatic sacs
237.'Lungfishes' are included in class
238. Natural selection occurs
During one organism’s life cycle
239. Member of 'agnatha' lacks
240. Sucking mouth with teethes and rasping tongue is characteristics of class
Both Cephalaspidomorphi and Myxini
241. What is the size of nano plankton?
242. Example of a detritivorous fish.
243. Neoteny refers to
Retention of larval characteristics in adult
244. How many larval stages are found in freshwater prawn?
245.How many larval stages found in the tiger shrimp?
246. Viviparity is not observed in one fish?
Angel fish
247. Ovo-viviparity is observed in one fish.
Both Nurse shark and Guppy
248. Young ones of which fish feed on the parent body?
Angel fish
249. Which fish observe longest migration?
250. Migration in Tuna is mainly related to
Search for food
251.In case of Eel migration, which statement is correct?
Only female elvers migrate to rivers.
252. Ductless gonads are found in which fish?
253. Which fish emits spermatozoa through cloaca?
254. What is fractional spawner?
Eggs are produced continuously, spawn frequently
255. Single pair mating is not observed in which fishes.
256. Who first coined the word ‘Systematics’
Linnaeus and Bauhin
257. What is the role of dopamine in fish reproduction?
It inhibits release of gonadotropins.
258. Which is not the antagonist of dopamine?
259. Osmo-regulation in freshwater fish is mainly maintained under the influence of
260. TSH is secreted by
Pituitary gland
261. Where did Chromaffin tissue located in fish?
Head kidney
262. Which parameter is defined by meristic characters?
Parameters related to counts
263. The word karyotype define
Number of chromosome
264. What is the full form of ICZN in taxonomy?
International Code of Zoological Nomenclature
265. What is standard length?
Length from snout to end of caudal penduncle.
266. What is the function of Nares in fish?
267. How many gill rows are present on each gill arch?
268. Which one is the main sensory organ for body equilibrium
Lateral line
269. Identify the teleost who rear their young ones in brood pouch.
Sea Horse
270. Which fish lay eggs at river bottom in deep pit for guarding?
Sperata seenghala
271. What are mesenteries?
Soft tissues that support location of internal organs.
272. Which statement is wrong?
Herbivorous fishes have large stomach than carnivorous fishes.
273. Which is not a crustacean parasite?
274. Which hormone is most responsible for parental care in fishes?
275. Which type of fishes observes greater number of parental care?
Freshwater fishes
276. Terminology hyperplasia means
Undesired multiplication of cells.
277. What is filial cannibalism?
Consuming part or all of the larvae during parental care
278. Bheries is the traditional fish farming in
West Bengal
279. Parental care in snakeheads is dominantly undertaken by
280. The coastal low lying field in Goa is known as
Khazan lands
281. Which fish induced breeding and seed production technology is not available in India?
282. Kareemeen is common name of
Pearl spot
283. What should be the optimum pH for fish culture?
7.5 - 8.5
284. What should be the stocking density in super-intensive farming system of shrimp?
> 100/m2
285. The ammonia toxicity to fish increase with
increase of pH
286. Winkler method is used for measurement of
Dissolved Oxygen
287. The infective stage of Ichthyophthirius multifiliis is
288. The highest fecundity is exhibited by
289. The first attempt to breed major carps in confined water was by _______ technique
Wet bundh breeding
290. Veliger is the larval form of
291. Which is not a synthetic hormone?
292. The color of fertilized egg of Channa striata is
293. Sechi disc is used to measure?
294. Carps belong to the family?
295. Which fish is used for biological aquatic weed control?
Grass carp
296. Which nation ranks second in world aquaculture production?
297. In fish culture ponds inlet and outlet are constructed on?
Opposite side
298. Ich disease in freshwater fish is caused by?
299. Hypophysation method was first used in?
300. Algal bloom is caused by?
Filamentous algae
301. What is MAP ?
Modified atmosphere packaging
302. In IQF melting point of ice is lowered to ________ at a pressure of _________
-220C ; 207.5 MPa
303. Which institute developed solar fish drier?
304. In which process fat hydrolysing enzyme destroyed?
305. The carcinogenic compound present in smoked fish product is
3,4 benzopyrene
306. In radiation preservation of fish, which bacteria is destroyed?
Both Listeria and Salmonella
307. Kamaboko is _______________
Boiled fish paste
308. Thermal processing is also known as
309. Which is a non-thermal processing method?
Pulse light preservation
310. What is IQF?
Individually quick frozen
311. Fish mince for preparation of Surimi, readily forms gel due to
Unfolding and cross linking of actomyosin
312. The IQF products stored at ______________0C
313. Prawn cutlets can be classified under _____________ product
Battered and breaded
314. Which is also known as “High Hydrostatic Pressure”?
315. Butterfly fan tail is one of the forms of
316. Battered and breaded products are stored at ___________0C
317. The main source of fish body oil in India is
Oil sardine
318. Shark liver contains _______________% of oil
319. Which is used as the base for fish noodles?
320. Average productivity of FFDA ponds are
3000 Kg/ha/year
321. Which is commonly known as Asian green mussel
Perna viridis
322. Which one is not a meristic character in fish?
Diameter of eye
323. How many barbels are present in Sperata seenghala?
Four pairs
324. Which of the snakehead fish is endemic to North-east India?
Channa barca
325. Which fish did not observe parental care?
Heteropneutes fossilis
326.Which parasite cause maximum economic loss in carp farming in India?
327. Which one is a single host disease?
328. Give an example of fish blood parasite.
329. How many pairs of gill arches found in teleost fishes?
4 pairs
330.What is the function of gill rackers?
Helps in filtering water and retention of food items.
331.Pouched type of gills are found in
332. What is Weberian ossicle?
A part of auditory system
333.In how many years a female Rohu attains first full maturity?
Two years
334. In which species of fish Protrandrous hermaphroditism is found.
Asian seabass
335. In which species comparatively males grow much faster than the females?
336. species, which fish lay eggs under the gravels?
Golden mahseer
337. Which fish made bubblenest for egg laying?
Blue gorami
338. Wet rendering process for manufacture of fish meal is used for
Both Fatty fish and Offal
339. Fish meal contains ______________% fat
340. Chitin is deacetylated by heating at 90-950C with ________________
Caustic soda
341. The lustrous effect in pearl essence is due to
342. Which shark teeth fetches high price due to its shape and size?
Tiger shark
343. Surgical sutures prepared from
Gut of fish
344. Type-B FPC contains _______% of fat
345. The pH of fish silage with the addition of formic acid is
346. Shark bones are processed for use as a source of
Chondroitin sulphate
347. Organism which swims freely regardless of movement of surrounding water is
348. Heleoplankton means
Pond plankton
349. Ceratium is a
350. Red water phenomenon is mainly due to dominance of
351. The total weight of all organisms in a unit area or volume a given time
352. The region between photic and aphotic zone is called as
Dysphotic zone
353. Free floating macrophytes
354. Which is an emergent aquatic macrophyte?
355. Ciliated corona in the head is present in
356. Thermal stratification in lakes generally occurs in
357. Organisms attached or clinging to stems and leaves of the plants or any other object projected above the bottom is called
358. The shallow water region with light penetration to the bottom and occupied by rooted plants in lakes is called
Littoral zone
359. Temporary plankton is also called as
360. The size of microplankton is
50-500 µm
361. A polyculture system based on the production of living species which absorb the nutrient waste from aquaculture is abbreviated as ………
362. Which is a new species in Indian aquaculture?
Litopenaeus vannamei
363. Which is frequently used to produce monosex tilapia.
Methyl testosterone
364. Enhancing water quality in aquaculture through balancing carbon and nitrogen through aggregates of algae, bacteria, protozoans, and particulate organic matter is known as ……… technology
365. The scientific name of cobia is
Rachycentron canadum
366. Orange spotted grouper are
Eurythermal and Euryhaline
367. Larval feeding of cobia or Indian pompano starts with
368. The feed of Indian pompano fingerlings should contains
45% Protein
369. Seaweed farming originated in Japan long ago with the culture of
370. Poryphyra carpospores germinate on mollusc shell and give rise to
Conchocelis stage
371. Which is called as Pacific Oyster
C. gigas
372. Scylla serrata is commonly known as
Mud crab
373. The causative agent of Epizootic Ulcerative Syndrome (EUS) is
374. Aeromonas salmonicida causes
375. For disinfection of hatchery, the recommended concentration of available chlorine is
200 ppm
376. Infectious Pancreatic Necrosis (IPN) is a
Viral disease
377. Spring Viremia of Carp (SVC) is caused by
378. Whirling disease is caused by
379. Each 5 mg/L of formalin added to a pond chemically removes
1.0 mg/L of dissolved oxygen
380. Potassium permanganate
Both Reduces biological oxygen demand and Oxidize organic matter
381. Which is commonly called as “Razor Fish”?
Notopterus chitala
382. Hilsha ilisha is
383. Which is not an exotic fish?
Eutropichthys vacha
384. Scientific name of green tiger shrimp
Penaeus semisulcatus
385. Macrobrachium rosenbergii commonly called as
Giant freshwater prawn
386. Which is a bottom dwelling fish?
387. Asian seabass is
Protandrous hermaphrodite
388. Parental care seen in
Channa striata
389. Giant river prawn is
Omnivorous with bottom feeding habit
390. Which is an exotic catfish?
Pangasianodon hypophthalmus
391. Mystus seenghala belongs to the family
392. Scientific name of golden mahseer is
Tor putitora
393. Ornamental fish native to India.
Both Dwarf gourami and Zebra danio
395. Scientific name of Malabar labeo is
L. dussumieri
396. Which is called as freshwater shark?
W. attu
397. Larval stages of M. rosenbergii is
398. Which is mainly insectivorous in the adult stage?
Climbing perch
399. Channa striata is commonly called as
Striped murrel
400. Duration of larval stages in M. rosenbergii at 28-32°C temperature is
23-32 days
401. Which is called sun catfish?
Horabagrus brachysoma
402. GtH1 also called as
403. Jayanti rohu is developed by
404. Pituitary releases
405. For longer storage, pituitary gland can be preserved in
406. Carp pituitary glands collected during
407. The recommended dose (ml/Kg body weight of fish) of GnRH based hormone for female carps is
408. Origin of Pituitary is
409. Which is known as bullseye snakehead?
Channa marulius
410. The perfect composition of fishes to utilize pond niche are
Silver carp: Catla: Rohu: Mrigal
411. Among the Integrated fish farming, which one shows highest integration
with fish.
412. Accessory respiratory organs are well developed in
Anabas testudineus
413. Bony fishes comes under the Phylum
414. Which is a prolific breeder?
415. Which is not true about lime?
decreases carbonate content in water
416. Removal of microbial contaminants from contaminated bivalve by placing them in tanks
of clean water is called
417. In intensive aquaculture, the most expensive input is
418. Which is called as back swimmer?
419. Which traditional shrimp trapping system have maximum productivity?
Pokkali field
420. Who has given Pearl sac theory?
Tokichi Nishikawa
421. Which is largest pearl oyster?
Pinctada maxima
422. Which chemical is used for oyster valve opening during conditioning before bead
423. Which one edible oyster is found only in marine environment?
Saccostrea cucullata
424. Which one is herbivorous?
Milk fish
425. Which shrimp culture system is commonly practiced in India?
Semi-intensive system
426. Which fish feeds mainly on lab-lab?
Milk fish
427. Which net is used for collection of Milk fish fry from wild?
Surf net
428. Which shrimp culture system uses auto-stocking method of stocking?
429. The Chemmeenkettu technique of seed stocking is used by ______
Kerala farmers
430. Pearl spot cultured mainly in
431. Induced breeding and seed production technology for seabass was developed by
432. Which country is the largest producer of pearl?
433. Pokkali fields are present in
434. Which form of nitrogenous waste is toxic to fish?
NH3 & NO2
435.Kakabans are made of horse hair like fibres of Indjuk plant
436. The active compound present in Mahua oil cake is Saponin
437. The process of synthesizing glucose from non-carbohydrates is known as Glyconeogenesis.
438. M. rosenbergii attain first maturity in 4-7 month
439. Economics is the study of mankind in the ordinary business life – Alfred Marshall.
440. The process of Programmed Cell Death (PCD) is called Apoptosis.
441. Gas bladder is connected with Internal ear
442. Marine elasmobranches solve their osmoregulatory problem by the process called Evasion.
443. An animal that is germ free or contaminated with known bacteris is called Gnotobiotic animal.
444. Cow dung is used as a manure because of its low BOD.
445. Production of hormones in living organisms is called Steroidogenesis.
446. The process of Programmed Cell Death (PCD) is called Apoptosis.
447. A substance which can bind with antigen and facilitate the phagocytosis is called Opsonin.
448. The term ecological niche was first coined by Grinell in1917.
449. Lake showing the summer and winter stratification is called as Dimictic lake.
450. Fish proteins are rich in lysine
451. Milk fish culture ponds are called Tambak ponds.
452. PCR process was discovered by Kary B. Mullis in 1983
453. The study of an individual organism in relation to its environment is called Auto ecology.
454. The study of group of animal (population) in relation to its environment is called synecology.
455. T. mossambica introduced in India in year 1952
456. Aquatic chicken or poor man fish – Tilapia.
457. A phenomenon in which the direction of movement is influenced by light is called Phototaxis.
458. A compound which is responsible for typical odour of cold stored products – Heptanal.
459. The process by which glycogen stored in liver and muscle breakdown into glucose to provide immediate energy is called Glycogenolysis.
460. Production of hormones in living organisms is called Steroidogenesis.
461. A process where the movement / velocity of locomotion of animal is regulated by light is called Photokinensis.
462. Mitochondrion Rich Cells (MR) are also called as Chloride Cells/ Salt Secreting cells.
463. B cells are produced by bone marrow and mature in kidney.
464. T- Cells are mature in thymus and they comes under cell mediated immunity.
465. Insulin like Growth Factor is produced by Liver.
466. The surgical removal of Pituitary gland is known as Hypophysectomy
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