1. The source of plant origin protein in supplement diet is
(A) Rice bran
(B) Oilcake
(C) Wheat bran
(D) Barley
Ans: B
2. In subgyne
(A) Male chase behind the female
(B) Female chase behind the male
(C) Male move above the female
(D) Male and female move parallel
Ans: A
3. Culture of two or more fish species is known as
(A) Polyculture
(B) Race-way culture
(C) Monoculture
(D) Pond culture
Ans: A
4. Fry of catla feeds on
(A) Zooplankton
(B) Phytoplankton
(C) Detritus
(D) Plant matter
Ans: A
5. Fecundity of fish is not related to
(A) Eggs sizes
(B) Gonad size
(C) Liver size
(D) Weight of female fish
Ans: C
6. Types of filtration systems used in aquarium are of
(A) two types(B) three types(C) four types(D) five types
Ans: B
7. Which of the following aquarium fish is known as Dragon fish?
(A) Discus(B) Angel fish
(C) Arowana (D) Gold fish
Ans: C
8. Which of the following is a live bearer aquarium fish ?
(A) Sword tail(B) Barb(C) Danie(D) Rasbora
Ans: A
9. Herbicide Dicotox is effective in the control of
(A) Azolla
(B) Algal bloom
(C) Duckweed
(D) Hydrilla
Ans: D
10. In India, cage culture in marine waters was initiated in the year of
(A) 2005(B) 2007(C) 2009(D) 2003
Ans: B
11. Which of the following material is used in organic aquaculture system?
(B) Manure
(C) Drugs
(D) Antibiotics
Ans: B
12. Which one of these Indian major carp is surface feeder ?
(A) Catla catla
(B) Labeo rohita
(C) Cirrhinus mrigala
(D) Labeo calbasu
Ans: A
13. The bubble nest builder aquarium fish is
(A) Barb
(B) Molly
(C) Guppy
(D) Gourami
Ans: D
14. Sex reversal is very common in
(A) Swordtail
(B) Molly
(C) Gambusia
(D) Guppy
Ans: A
15. Oil-soap emulsion technique was developed by
Ans: C
16. Stocking density of carp fingerlings in supper intensive fish culture is
(A) 5000 —6000/ ha
(B) 7000 — 8000/ha
(C) 10000 — 11000/ha
(D) 15000 — 25000/ha
Ans: D
17. Gonochorism is defined as individuals
(A) with both sexes at the same time
(B) which are male first and female afterwards
(C) with separate male and female sex
(D) which are females first and male afterwards
Ans: C
18. Cryopreservation technique is used to preserve
(A) Fish
(B) Spawn
(C) Scale
(D) Sperm
Ans: D
19. Which of the following is not applicable for stunted fingerlings in grow-out pond?
(A) Low survival
(B) Better survival
(C) High feed utilization
(D) Better growth
Ans: A
20. Maximum GSI (Gonadosomatic Index) of female Labeo rohita is
(A) 16.40
(B) 2.20
(C) 2.90
(D) 10.50
Ans: A
21. Which aquatic weed is rich in carotens and xanthophyll ?
(A) Hydrilla
(B) Duck weed
(C) Water hyacinth
(D) Green algae
Ans: A
22. The duck start egg laying at the age of
(A) 2 months
(B) 6 months
(C) 8 months
(D) 12 months
Ans: B
23. Infusoria is a
(A) Molluscan(B) Protozoan(C) Fish(D) Crustacean
Ans: B
24. For the eradication of weed fishes_______ jaggary is used.
(A) 1%
(B) 3%
(C) 2%
(D) 4%
Ans: A
25. Scientific name of dwarf gourami is
(A) Trichogaster lalias
(B) Puntius canchorius
(C) Dania aequipinnatus
(D) Poecilia reticulata
Ans: A
26. Acidic soils are corrected by
(A) Lime
(B) Gypsum
(C) Cow dung
(D) Urea
Ans: A
27. Number zoeal stages in Macrobrachium rosenbergii is
(A) 9
(B) 11
(C) 13
(D) 15
Ans: B
28. Scientific name of broad finned molly is
(A) Molliensia Iatipinna
(B) Molliensia sphenops
{3) Molliensia velifera
(D) Colisa fasciatus
Ans: A
29. The ratio of soap-oil emulsion used for eradication of aquatic insects is
(A) 18 : 56
(B) 56 : 18
(C) 66 : 28
(D) 28 : 66
Ans: A
30. Dissolved oxygen attains the highest level in pond at
(A) 15:00 hrs.
(B) 06:00 hrs.
(C) 09:00 hrs.
(D) 07:00 hrs.
Ans: A
31. Lesser water boatman (Corixa) is a/an
(A) Aquatic insect
(B) Fish spawn
(C) Weed fish
(D) Aquatic plant
Ans: A
32. The maximum fish production is obtained from
(A) Polyculture
(B) Intensive culture
(C) Semi—intensive culture
(D) Extensive culture
Ans: B
33. For installation of cage in reservoirs, depth of water should be at least
(A) 1 m
(B) 2 m
(C) 4 m
(D) 6 m
Ans: D
34. Optimum temperature range for hatching IMC egg is
(A) 20-24 °C
(B) 10-15°C
(C) 26-30 °C
(D) 15-20 °C
Ans: C
35. In which year freshwater pearl was produced by CIFA ?
(A) 1957 (B) 1967
(C) 1977 (D) 1987
Ans: D
36. Breeding season of Catla Catla is
(A) June to August
(B) January to March
(C) October to December
(D) April to May
Ans: A
37. In Inland cage culture, fry is fed at
(A) 2-3% of body weight once a day
(B) 4-5% of body weight once a day
(C) 2-3% of body weight twice a day
(D) 4-5% of body weight twice a day
Ans: D
38. Which of the following fish has deep body, head enormous, mouth wide and upturned, scales large, pectoral fin large and caudal fin forked ?
(A) Catla
(B) Rohu
(C) Silver carp
(D) Common carp
Ans: A
39. Spirulina sp. is a
(A) Bacteria
(B) Blue algae
(C) Brown algae
(D) Cyanobacteria
Ans: D
40. Which of the following is an exotic ornamental fish?
(A) Clown Catfish
(B) Chocolate Mahaseer
(C) Oscar
(D) Dwarf Gourami
Ans: C
41. An example of egg scatter fish laying non-adhesive eggs is
(A) Gold fish
(B) Fighter fish
(C) Pearl Gourami
(D) Zebra fish
Ans: D
42. Cage culture first originated in the country
(A) Indonesia (B) China
(C) Cambodia (D) India
Ans: C
43. Shubunkin is a variety of ________ornamental fish.
(A) Cyprinus carpio
(B) Carassius auratus
(C) Puntius arulius
(D) Brachydanio rerio
Ans: B
44. A fish seed hatchery can be operated using iron free water from
(A) Ground water
(B) Tube well
(C) Open well
(D) River
Ans: D
45. The primary physical factor, that initiates spawning in Indian major carps is
(A) Temperature
(B) Water circulation
(C) Alkalinity
(D) Dissolved Oxygen
Ans: B
46. The working efficiency of a bundh in IMC breeding mainly depends on
(A) Catchment area
(B) Soil type
(C) Water quality
(D) Wind direction
Ans: A
47. Which induced breeding agent has been developed indigenously?
(A) Ovaprim
(B) Ovatide
Ans: B
48. Ovaprim hormone contains
(C) GnRH
(D) LH
Ans: C
49. Scientific name of Guppy fish is
(A) Poecilia reticulata
(B) Gambusia affinis
(C) Botia macracantha
(D) Poecilia latipinna
Ans: A
50. Which aquatic weed is commonly provided to common carps for laying eggs?
(A) Hydrilla
(B) Water hyacinth
(C) Azolla
(D) Both one & two
Ans: D
(A) Rice bran
(B) Oilcake
(C) Wheat bran
(D) Barley
Ans: B
2. In subgyne
(A) Male chase behind the female
(B) Female chase behind the male
(C) Male move above the female
(D) Male and female move parallel
Ans: A
3. Culture of two or more fish species is known as
(A) Polyculture
(B) Race-way culture
(C) Monoculture
(D) Pond culture
Ans: A
4. Fry of catla feeds on
(A) Zooplankton
(B) Phytoplankton
(C) Detritus
(D) Plant matter
Ans: A
5. Fecundity of fish is not related to
(A) Eggs sizes
(B) Gonad size
(C) Liver size
(D) Weight of female fish
Ans: C
6. Types of filtration systems used in aquarium are of
(A) two types(B) three types(C) four types(D) five types
Ans: B
7. Which of the following aquarium fish is known as Dragon fish?
(A) Discus(B) Angel fish
(C) Arowana (D) Gold fish
Ans: C
8. Which of the following is a live bearer aquarium fish ?
(A) Sword tail(B) Barb(C) Danie(D) Rasbora
Ans: A
9. Herbicide Dicotox is effective in the control of
(A) Azolla
(B) Algal bloom
(C) Duckweed
(D) Hydrilla
Ans: D
10. In India, cage culture in marine waters was initiated in the year of
(A) 2005(B) 2007(C) 2009(D) 2003
Ans: B
11. Which of the following material is used in organic aquaculture system?
(B) Manure
(C) Drugs
(D) Antibiotics
Ans: B
12. Which one of these Indian major carp is surface feeder ?
(A) Catla catla
(B) Labeo rohita
(C) Cirrhinus mrigala
(D) Labeo calbasu
Ans: A
13. The bubble nest builder aquarium fish is
(A) Barb
(B) Molly
(C) Guppy
(D) Gourami
Ans: D
14. Sex reversal is very common in
(A) Swordtail
(B) Molly
(C) Gambusia
(D) Guppy
Ans: A
15. Oil-soap emulsion technique was developed by
Ans: C
16. Stocking density of carp fingerlings in supper intensive fish culture is
(A) 5000 —6000/ ha
(B) 7000 — 8000/ha
(C) 10000 — 11000/ha
(D) 15000 — 25000/ha
Ans: D
17. Gonochorism is defined as individuals
(A) with both sexes at the same time
(B) which are male first and female afterwards
(C) with separate male and female sex
(D) which are females first and male afterwards
Ans: C
18. Cryopreservation technique is used to preserve
(A) Fish
(B) Spawn
(C) Scale
(D) Sperm
Ans: D
19. Which of the following is not applicable for stunted fingerlings in grow-out pond?
(A) Low survival
(B) Better survival
(C) High feed utilization
(D) Better growth
Ans: A
20. Maximum GSI (Gonadosomatic Index) of female Labeo rohita is
(A) 16.40
(B) 2.20
(C) 2.90
(D) 10.50
Ans: A
21. Which aquatic weed is rich in carotens and xanthophyll ?
(A) Hydrilla
(B) Duck weed
(C) Water hyacinth
(D) Green algae
Ans: A
22. The duck start egg laying at the age of
(A) 2 months
(B) 6 months
(C) 8 months
(D) 12 months
Ans: B
23. Infusoria is a
(A) Molluscan(B) Protozoan(C) Fish(D) Crustacean
Ans: B
24. For the eradication of weed fishes_______ jaggary is used.
(A) 1%
(B) 3%
(C) 2%
(D) 4%
Ans: A
25. Scientific name of dwarf gourami is
(A) Trichogaster lalias
(B) Puntius canchorius
(C) Dania aequipinnatus
(D) Poecilia reticulata
Ans: A
26. Acidic soils are corrected by
(A) Lime
(B) Gypsum
(C) Cow dung
(D) Urea
Ans: A
27. Number zoeal stages in Macrobrachium rosenbergii is
(A) 9
(B) 11
(C) 13
(D) 15
Ans: B
28. Scientific name of broad finned molly is
(A) Molliensia Iatipinna
(B) Molliensia sphenops
{3) Molliensia velifera
(D) Colisa fasciatus
Ans: A
29. The ratio of soap-oil emulsion used for eradication of aquatic insects is
(A) 18 : 56
(B) 56 : 18
(C) 66 : 28
(D) 28 : 66
Ans: A
30. Dissolved oxygen attains the highest level in pond at
(A) 15:00 hrs.
(B) 06:00 hrs.
(C) 09:00 hrs.
(D) 07:00 hrs.
Ans: A
31. Lesser water boatman (Corixa) is a/an
(A) Aquatic insect
(B) Fish spawn
(C) Weed fish
(D) Aquatic plant
Ans: A
32. The maximum fish production is obtained from
(A) Polyculture
(B) Intensive culture
(C) Semi—intensive culture
(D) Extensive culture
Ans: B
33. For installation of cage in reservoirs, depth of water should be at least
(A) 1 m
(B) 2 m
(C) 4 m
(D) 6 m
Ans: D
34. Optimum temperature range for hatching IMC egg is
(A) 20-24 °C
(B) 10-15°C
(C) 26-30 °C
(D) 15-20 °C
Ans: C
35. In which year freshwater pearl was produced by CIFA ?
(A) 1957 (B) 1967
(C) 1977 (D) 1987
Ans: D
36. Breeding season of Catla Catla is
(A) June to August
(B) January to March
(C) October to December
(D) April to May
Ans: A
37. In Inland cage culture, fry is fed at
(A) 2-3% of body weight once a day
(B) 4-5% of body weight once a day
(C) 2-3% of body weight twice a day
(D) 4-5% of body weight twice a day
Ans: D
38. Which of the following fish has deep body, head enormous, mouth wide and upturned, scales large, pectoral fin large and caudal fin forked ?
(A) Catla
(B) Rohu
(C) Silver carp
(D) Common carp
Ans: A
39. Spirulina sp. is a
(A) Bacteria
(B) Blue algae
(C) Brown algae
(D) Cyanobacteria
Ans: D
40. Which of the following is an exotic ornamental fish?
(A) Clown Catfish
(B) Chocolate Mahaseer
(C) Oscar
(D) Dwarf Gourami
Ans: C
41. An example of egg scatter fish laying non-adhesive eggs is
(A) Gold fish
(B) Fighter fish
(C) Pearl Gourami
(D) Zebra fish
Ans: D
42. Cage culture first originated in the country
(A) Indonesia (B) China
(C) Cambodia (D) India
Ans: C
43. Shubunkin is a variety of ________ornamental fish.
(A) Cyprinus carpio
(B) Carassius auratus
(C) Puntius arulius
(D) Brachydanio rerio
Ans: B
44. A fish seed hatchery can be operated using iron free water from
(A) Ground water
(B) Tube well
(C) Open well
(D) River
Ans: D
45. The primary physical factor, that initiates spawning in Indian major carps is
(A) Temperature
(B) Water circulation
(C) Alkalinity
(D) Dissolved Oxygen
Ans: B
46. The working efficiency of a bundh in IMC breeding mainly depends on
(A) Catchment area
(B) Soil type
(C) Water quality
(D) Wind direction
Ans: A
47. Which induced breeding agent has been developed indigenously?
(A) Ovaprim
(B) Ovatide
Ans: B
48. Ovaprim hormone contains
(C) GnRH
(D) LH
Ans: C
49. Scientific name of Guppy fish is
(A) Poecilia reticulata
(B) Gambusia affinis
(C) Botia macracantha
(D) Poecilia latipinna
Ans: A
50. Which aquatic weed is commonly provided to common carps for laying eggs?
(A) Hydrilla
(B) Water hyacinth
(C) Azolla
(D) Both one & two
Ans: D
51. Optimum dose of pituitary gland for induced breeding in female Clarias batrachus is
(A) 2-3 mg/kg body weight
(B) 9-12 mg/kg body weight
(C) 20 mg/kg body weight
(D) 30 mg/kg body weight
Ans: D
52. Pituitary gland is preserved in ____for induced breeding purpose.
(A) Formalin
(B) Acetic acid
(C) Absolute alcohol
(D) Distilled water
Ans: C
53. The average fecundity of Rohu fish is about
(A) 2 lakh eggs/kg
(B) 4 lakh eggs/kg
(C) 6 lakh eggs/kg
(D) 10 lakh eggs/kg
Ans: A
54. The paddy variety preferable for paddy-cum-fish culture is
(A) Safri (B) Mahamaya
(C) Madhuri (D) Jaladhi
Ans: D
55. Most of the carp spawn is produced in India by using
(A) Conventional practice
(B) Plastic jar hatchery
(C) Circular hatchery
(D) Hatching pits
Ans: C
56. Range of dissolved oxygen (in ppm) suitable for fish culture is
(A) 1- 3
(B) 2- 5
(C) 3- 6
(D) 5- 11
Ans: D
57. Biological control of aquatic weeds is done by growing ______in ponds.
(A) Rohu (B) Silver carp
(C) Grass carp (D) Catla
Ans: C
58. Which of the following plant can be grown on pond dykes ?
(A) Papaya (B) Banyan tree
(C) Neem (D) Babul
Ans: A
59. Fresh water prawn, Macrobrachium is suitable for culture as it has high fecundity from
(A) 50,000 - 1,00,000
(B) 1,00,000 - 5,00,000
(C) 2,00,000 - 4,00,000
(D) 5,00,000 - 6,00,000
Ans: A
60. Adjusting to Reservoir conditions is not suitable for
(A) Catla catla
(B) Labeo rohita
(C) Hybrid of Labeo rohita
(D) Gadusia chapra
Ans: D
61. Availability of Nitrogen in Urea fertilizer is
(A) 40%
(B) 50%
(C ) 46%
(D) 56%
Ans: C
62. Digestion of protein and lipid occurs efficiently in
(A) Carnivorous fishes
(B) Herbivorous fishes
(C) Omnivorous fishes
(D) Detrivorous fishes
Ans: A
63. Which is not a fish seed?
(A) Spawn
(B) Fertilized eggs
(C) Fry
(D) Fingerlings
Ans: B
64. What is the colour of fertilized eggs of Catla fish ?
(A) Brownish
(B) Blueish
(C) Transparent
(D) Opaque/white
Ans: C
65. Carp eggs hatch out within _______under controlled conditions.
(A) 10 hours (B) 15 hours
(C) 48 hours (D) 60 hours
Ans: B
66. Stocking rate of carp brood fishes is
(A) 100—500 kg/ha
(B) 1000 — 3000 kg/ha
(C) 5000 — 10000 kg/ha
(D) 10000 — 15000 kg/ha
Ans: B
67. What comes under non-food aquaculture ?
(A) Composite fish culture
(B) Culture of ornamental fishes
(C) Cat fish culture
(D) Integrated fish culture
Ans: B
68. Eggs hatch into _______ in prawns.
(A) Protozoea (B) Nauplius
(C) Mysis (D) Zoea
Ans: D
69. The stage between fry and adult fish is(A) Spam (B) Layer
(C) Fingerling (D) Larva
Ans: C
70. Fecundity of Penaeus monodon is
(A) 100000 - 200000 eggs/female
(B) 200000 - 300000 eggs/female
(C) 500000 - 750000 eggs/female
(4) 750000 - 800000 eggs/female
Ans: B
71. Breeding hapa contains
(A) One rectangular enclosure
(B) Two rectangular enclosures
(C) Two square enclosures
(D) Two circular enclosures
Ans: A
72. Cage culture is used for culture of food fishes from _____ stage.
(A) Fingerlings to adult
(B) Eggs to hatchling
(C) Hatchlings to fry
(D) Fry to fingerling
Ans: A
73. Most critical nutrients in fish food are
(A) Tryptophan
(B) Vitamins
(C) Methionine & Lysine
(D) Fatty acids
Ans: C
74. What is the optimum level of plankton in ponds for carp culture?
(A) 0.01 - 0.05 ml/l
(B) 0.20 - 0.30 ml/l
(C) 1.00 -2.00 ml/l
(D) 2.00 - 2.75 ml/l
Ans: A
75. Fish can judge about hurdles in water with the help of
(A) Eyes (B) Snout
(C) Lateral line (D) Caudal fin
Ans: C
76. Which of the following have adhesive eggs?
(A) Catla
(B) Common carp
(C) Rohu
(D) Mrigal
Ans: B
77. Conversion of amino acid into ammonia is called
(A) Nitrification
(B) Ammonification
(C) Denitrification
(D) Deamination
Ans: D
78. Which oil cake is poisonous to fish
(A) Cottonseed cake
(B) Neem cake
(C) Mustard oil cake
(D) Mahua oil cake
Ans: D
79. Fish having fringed lower lip is
(A) Catla catla
(B) Labeo rohita
(C) Cirrhinus mrigala
(D) Ctenopharyngodon idella
Ans: B
80. Cryopreservation of fish egg cannot be done because of its
(A) Large size
(B) High water content
(C) High fat content
(D) Yolk
Ans: D
81. Gonadotropins a type of
(A) Steroid hormone
(B) Peptide hormone
(C) Enzyme
(D) Growth hormone
Ans: B
82. Most harmful aquatic insect found in nursery ponds is
(A) Microcystis (B) Tubifex
(C) Notonecta (D) Physa
Ans: C
83. Which of the following is not a phytoplankton ?
(A) Keratella (B) Navicula
(C) Chlorella (D) Fragilaria
Ans: A
84. Food for larvae of prawns, consists of
(A) Fish larvae
(B) Wheat bran
(C) Diatoms & Zooplankton
(D) Rice bran
Ans: C
85. Fish pellets are more useful due to following quality:
(A) Smell and taste
(B) Hardness and water stability
(C) Colour and size
(D) Cost and availability
Ans: B
86. Which of the following is not a closed water aquaculture ?
(A) Pen (B) Cage
(C) Pond (D) Estuaries
Ans: D
87. The dose of Ovaprim for carp breeder is
(A) 0.05 — 0.10 ml/kg BW
(B) 1.00 — 1.50 ml/kg BW
(C) 0.2 - 0.5 ml/kg BW
(D) > 1.50 ml/kg BW
Ans: C
88. Stocking ponds are stocked with _______ type of fish seed.
(A) Hatchlings (B) Fingerlings
(C) Spawn (D) Standard fry
Ans: B
89. Prestocking management does not include (A) Manuring
(B) Eradication of weeds
(C) Eradication of weed fishes
(D) Feeding
Ans: D
90. Methyl Testosterone is used for
(A) Faster growth
(B) Better colouration
(3} Sex inversion
(D) Preventing deformities
Ans: C
91. ______is most important limiting factor in the development of
(A) Magnesium
(B) Nitrogen
(C) Calcium
(D) Potassium
Ans: B
92. _______is not present in fishes.
(A) Head (B) Neck
(C) Trunk (D) Tail
Ans: B
93. Which is known as fresh water shark ?
(A) Channa marulius
(B) Clarius batrachus
(C) Ompok pabda
(D) Wallago attu
Ans: D
94. Diatoms used in larval rearing of shrimps are
(A) Chaetoceros (B) Chlorella
(C) Daphnia (D) Spirulina
Ans: A
95. Murrels are the fishes belonging to the genus
(A) Anabas (B) Amphipnous
(C) Mystus (D) Channa
Ans: D
96. Raceways are ______based aquaculture farming system.
(A) Water
(B) Recycling
(C) Integrated
(D) Land
Ans: D
97. Largest shrimp producing State of India is
(A) Rajasthan
(B) Kerala
(C) Odisha
(D) Andhra Pradesh
Ans: D
98. Common name for Eichhornea is
(A) Waterlily
(B) Water hyacinth
(C) Arrow head
(D) Lotus
Ans: B
99. Silver carp was introduced in India in the year
(A) 1962 (B) 1948
(C) 1959 (D) 1937
Ans: C
100. Circular Hatchery Model was developed in China in the year
(A) 1956 (B) 1960
(C) 1962 (D) 1980
Ans: B
(A) 2-3 mg/kg body weight
(B) 9-12 mg/kg body weight
(C) 20 mg/kg body weight
(D) 30 mg/kg body weight
Ans: D
52. Pituitary gland is preserved in ____for induced breeding purpose.
(A) Formalin
(B) Acetic acid
(C) Absolute alcohol
(D) Distilled water
Ans: C
53. The average fecundity of Rohu fish is about
(A) 2 lakh eggs/kg
(B) 4 lakh eggs/kg
(C) 6 lakh eggs/kg
(D) 10 lakh eggs/kg
Ans: A
54. The paddy variety preferable for paddy-cum-fish culture is
(A) Safri (B) Mahamaya
(C) Madhuri (D) Jaladhi
Ans: D
55. Most of the carp spawn is produced in India by using
(A) Conventional practice
(B) Plastic jar hatchery
(C) Circular hatchery
(D) Hatching pits
Ans: C
56. Range of dissolved oxygen (in ppm) suitable for fish culture is
(A) 1- 3
(B) 2- 5
(C) 3- 6
(D) 5- 11
Ans: D
57. Biological control of aquatic weeds is done by growing ______in ponds.
(A) Rohu (B) Silver carp
(C) Grass carp (D) Catla
Ans: C
58. Which of the following plant can be grown on pond dykes ?
(A) Papaya (B) Banyan tree
(C) Neem (D) Babul
Ans: A
59. Fresh water prawn, Macrobrachium is suitable for culture as it has high fecundity from
(A) 50,000 - 1,00,000
(B) 1,00,000 - 5,00,000
(C) 2,00,000 - 4,00,000
(D) 5,00,000 - 6,00,000
Ans: A
60. Adjusting to Reservoir conditions is not suitable for
(A) Catla catla
(B) Labeo rohita
(C) Hybrid of Labeo rohita
(D) Gadusia chapra
Ans: D
61. Availability of Nitrogen in Urea fertilizer is
(A) 40%
(B) 50%
(C ) 46%
(D) 56%
Ans: C
62. Digestion of protein and lipid occurs efficiently in
(A) Carnivorous fishes
(B) Herbivorous fishes
(C) Omnivorous fishes
(D) Detrivorous fishes
Ans: A
63. Which is not a fish seed?
(A) Spawn
(B) Fertilized eggs
(C) Fry
(D) Fingerlings
Ans: B
64. What is the colour of fertilized eggs of Catla fish ?
(A) Brownish
(B) Blueish
(C) Transparent
(D) Opaque/white
Ans: C
65. Carp eggs hatch out within _______under controlled conditions.
(A) 10 hours (B) 15 hours
(C) 48 hours (D) 60 hours
Ans: B
66. Stocking rate of carp brood fishes is
(A) 100—500 kg/ha
(B) 1000 — 3000 kg/ha
(C) 5000 — 10000 kg/ha
(D) 10000 — 15000 kg/ha
Ans: B
67. What comes under non-food aquaculture ?
(A) Composite fish culture
(B) Culture of ornamental fishes
(C) Cat fish culture
(D) Integrated fish culture
Ans: B
68. Eggs hatch into _______ in prawns.
(A) Protozoea (B) Nauplius
(C) Mysis (D) Zoea
Ans: D
69. The stage between fry and adult fish is(A) Spam (B) Layer
(C) Fingerling (D) Larva
Ans: C
70. Fecundity of Penaeus monodon is
(A) 100000 - 200000 eggs/female
(B) 200000 - 300000 eggs/female
(C) 500000 - 750000 eggs/female
(4) 750000 - 800000 eggs/female
Ans: B
71. Breeding hapa contains
(A) One rectangular enclosure
(B) Two rectangular enclosures
(C) Two square enclosures
(D) Two circular enclosures
Ans: A
72. Cage culture is used for culture of food fishes from _____ stage.
(A) Fingerlings to adult
(B) Eggs to hatchling
(C) Hatchlings to fry
(D) Fry to fingerling
Ans: A
73. Most critical nutrients in fish food are
(A) Tryptophan
(B) Vitamins
(C) Methionine & Lysine
(D) Fatty acids
Ans: C
74. What is the optimum level of plankton in ponds for carp culture?
(A) 0.01 - 0.05 ml/l
(B) 0.20 - 0.30 ml/l
(C) 1.00 -2.00 ml/l
(D) 2.00 - 2.75 ml/l
Ans: A
75. Fish can judge about hurdles in water with the help of
(A) Eyes (B) Snout
(C) Lateral line (D) Caudal fin
Ans: C
76. Which of the following have adhesive eggs?
(A) Catla
(B) Common carp
(C) Rohu
(D) Mrigal
Ans: B
77. Conversion of amino acid into ammonia is called
(A) Nitrification
(B) Ammonification
(C) Denitrification
(D) Deamination
Ans: D
78. Which oil cake is poisonous to fish
(A) Cottonseed cake
(B) Neem cake
(C) Mustard oil cake
(D) Mahua oil cake
Ans: D
79. Fish having fringed lower lip is
(A) Catla catla
(B) Labeo rohita
(C) Cirrhinus mrigala
(D) Ctenopharyngodon idella
Ans: B
80. Cryopreservation of fish egg cannot be done because of its
(A) Large size
(B) High water content
(C) High fat content
(D) Yolk
Ans: D
81. Gonadotropins a type of
(A) Steroid hormone
(B) Peptide hormone
(C) Enzyme
(D) Growth hormone
Ans: B
82. Most harmful aquatic insect found in nursery ponds is
(A) Microcystis (B) Tubifex
(C) Notonecta (D) Physa
Ans: C
83. Which of the following is not a phytoplankton ?
(A) Keratella (B) Navicula
(C) Chlorella (D) Fragilaria
Ans: A
84. Food for larvae of prawns, consists of
(A) Fish larvae
(B) Wheat bran
(C) Diatoms & Zooplankton
(D) Rice bran
Ans: C
85. Fish pellets are more useful due to following quality:
(A) Smell and taste
(B) Hardness and water stability
(C) Colour and size
(D) Cost and availability
Ans: B
86. Which of the following is not a closed water aquaculture ?
(A) Pen (B) Cage
(C) Pond (D) Estuaries
Ans: D
87. The dose of Ovaprim for carp breeder is
(A) 0.05 — 0.10 ml/kg BW
(B) 1.00 — 1.50 ml/kg BW
(C) 0.2 - 0.5 ml/kg BW
(D) > 1.50 ml/kg BW
Ans: C
88. Stocking ponds are stocked with _______ type of fish seed.
(A) Hatchlings (B) Fingerlings
(C) Spawn (D) Standard fry
Ans: B
89. Prestocking management does not include (A) Manuring
(B) Eradication of weeds
(C) Eradication of weed fishes
(D) Feeding
Ans: D
90. Methyl Testosterone is used for
(A) Faster growth
(B) Better colouration
(3} Sex inversion
(D) Preventing deformities
Ans: C
91. ______is most important limiting factor in the development of
(A) Magnesium
(B) Nitrogen
(C) Calcium
(D) Potassium
Ans: B
92. _______is not present in fishes.
(A) Head (B) Neck
(C) Trunk (D) Tail
Ans: B
93. Which is known as fresh water shark ?
(A) Channa marulius
(B) Clarius batrachus
(C) Ompok pabda
(D) Wallago attu
Ans: D
94. Diatoms used in larval rearing of shrimps are
(A) Chaetoceros (B) Chlorella
(C) Daphnia (D) Spirulina
Ans: A
95. Murrels are the fishes belonging to the genus
(A) Anabas (B) Amphipnous
(C) Mystus (D) Channa
Ans: D
96. Raceways are ______based aquaculture farming system.
(A) Water
(B) Recycling
(C) Integrated
(D) Land
Ans: D
97. Largest shrimp producing State of India is
(A) Rajasthan
(B) Kerala
(C) Odisha
(D) Andhra Pradesh
Ans: D
98. Common name for Eichhornea is
(A) Waterlily
(B) Water hyacinth
(C) Arrow head
(D) Lotus
Ans: B
99. Silver carp was introduced in India in the year
(A) 1962 (B) 1948
(C) 1959 (D) 1937
Ans: C
100. Circular Hatchery Model was developed in China in the year
(A) 1956 (B) 1960
(C) 1962 (D) 1980
Ans: B
- Fisheries Science -5 MCQ
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