1:-A population from which a sample is drawn
A:-Sampling frame
B:-Sampling unit
C:-Sampling bias
Ans: A
2:-A hypothesis that proposes no relationship between two variables is called
A:-Casual hypothesis
B:-Directional hypothesis
C:-Null hypothesis
D:-Correlative hypothesis
Ans: C
3:-One of the methods of collecting primary data is through
C:-news papers
Ans: D
4:-A reasoning from general to particular is called
C:-Scientific method
D:-Dialectical method
Ans: B
5:-A plan that guides the investigator in the process of collecting, analysing and interpreting observations is
C:-Research design
Ans: C
6:-The type of actor (individual, group, institution) specified in a research hypothesis is
B:-Unit of analysis
D:-Research design
Ans: B
7:-The ability and willingness to examine evidence dispassionately is called
Ans: A
8:-A criterion of validity focusing the transferability of results to other situations beyond the research situation is
A:-Internal validity
B:-Construct validity
C:-External validity
D:-None of these
Ans: C
9:-A third variable that influences the relation between independent and dependent variables
A:-Intervening variables
B:-Opposite variables
C:-Inter-related variables
D:-General variables
Ans: A
10:-Which school of psychology interpret phenomena as organized wholes rather than as aggregates of distinct parts ?
Ans: D
11:-The procedure of collecting and comparing the information obtained from multiple sources are called
Ans: B
12:-The variable socio economic status is measured on which type of scale ?
Ans: D
13:-Generalisability is not possible to which type of research ?
A:-Basic research
B:-Applied research
C:-Action research
D:-Experimental research
Ans: C
14:-An abstract is provided in which type of research report ?
D:-Journal article
Ans: D
15:-Positivism is associated with whom among the following ?
A:-Auguste Comte
B:-John Lock
C:-Stephen M Corey
D:-J. L. Moreno
Ans: A
16:-Which among the following is the hierarchical order of Bloom's taxonomy of objectives at the cognitive level ?
A:-Knowledge, Comprehension, Analysis, Application, Evaluation, Synthesis
B:-Knowledge, Understanding, Application, Skill, Evaluation, Synthesis
C:-Knowledge, Comprehension, Application, Analysis, Synthesis, Evaluation
D:-Knowledge, Understanding, Synthesis, Application, Analysis, Evaluation
Ans: C
17:-Social constructivism is a concept developed by
Ans: C
18:-The tendency to understand new information in terms of existing mental frame work is known as
C:-Formal operation
D:-Concrete operation
Ans: B
19:-The cone of experience is proposed by
B:-Edgar Dale
C:-Eric Ashby
Ans: B
A:-Sampling frame
B:-Sampling unit
C:-Sampling bias
Ans: A
2:-A hypothesis that proposes no relationship between two variables is called
A:-Casual hypothesis
B:-Directional hypothesis
C:-Null hypothesis
D:-Correlative hypothesis
Ans: C
3:-One of the methods of collecting primary data is through
C:-news papers
Ans: D
4:-A reasoning from general to particular is called
C:-Scientific method
D:-Dialectical method
Ans: B
5:-A plan that guides the investigator in the process of collecting, analysing and interpreting observations is
C:-Research design
Ans: C
6:-The type of actor (individual, group, institution) specified in a research hypothesis is
B:-Unit of analysis
D:-Research design
Ans: B
7:-The ability and willingness to examine evidence dispassionately is called
Ans: A
8:-A criterion of validity focusing the transferability of results to other situations beyond the research situation is
A:-Internal validity
B:-Construct validity
C:-External validity
D:-None of these
Ans: C
9:-A third variable that influences the relation between independent and dependent variables
A:-Intervening variables
B:-Opposite variables
C:-Inter-related variables
D:-General variables
Ans: A
10:-Which school of psychology interpret phenomena as organized wholes rather than as aggregates of distinct parts ?
Ans: D
11:-The procedure of collecting and comparing the information obtained from multiple sources are called
Ans: B
12:-The variable socio economic status is measured on which type of scale ?
Ans: D
13:-Generalisability is not possible to which type of research ?
A:-Basic research
B:-Applied research
C:-Action research
D:-Experimental research
Ans: C
14:-An abstract is provided in which type of research report ?
D:-Journal article
Ans: D
15:-Positivism is associated with whom among the following ?
A:-Auguste Comte
B:-John Lock
C:-Stephen M Corey
D:-J. L. Moreno
Ans: A
16:-Which among the following is the hierarchical order of Bloom's taxonomy of objectives at the cognitive level ?
A:-Knowledge, Comprehension, Analysis, Application, Evaluation, Synthesis
B:-Knowledge, Understanding, Application, Skill, Evaluation, Synthesis
C:-Knowledge, Comprehension, Application, Analysis, Synthesis, Evaluation
D:-Knowledge, Understanding, Synthesis, Application, Analysis, Evaluation
Ans: C
17:-Social constructivism is a concept developed by
Ans: C
18:-The tendency to understand new information in terms of existing mental frame work is known as
C:-Formal operation
D:-Concrete operation
Ans: B
19:-The cone of experience is proposed by
B:-Edgar Dale
C:-Eric Ashby
Ans: B
20:-The concept of school complex was first started in __________.
Ans: B
21:-Father of Psychoanalysis is
A:-Jerome S. Bruner
B:-Albert Bandura
C:-Sigmund Freud
D:-B.F. Skinner
Ans: C
22:-If a teacher happens to commit a mistake in class, what is the right choice he/she has to take?
A:-avoid it
B:-admit it
C:-justify it
D:-none of these
Ans: B
23:-Close-ended types are s provided with
A:-agree-disagree answers
B:-yes or no answers
C:-multiple type answers
D:-no answers
Ans: B
24:-You are adopting variety of tasks to ensure each and every students learning. Which theory would influence you more?
A:-Piaget's cognitive development theory
B:-Gardner's multiple intelligence theory
C:-Vygotsky's socio-cultural theory
D:-Kurt Lewin's field theory
Ans: B
25:-A researcher does not fix the ultimate size of the sample in advance but determines according to mathematical decisions on the basis of information yielded as data collection progresses. This is technically called
A:-Systematic sampling
B:-Random sampling
C:-Sequential sampling
D:-Quota sampling
Ans: C
26:-Validity of a research can be ensured by
1. avoiding the extraneous variables
2. taking the true representation sample of the population
3. stratified sample
4. only field study
A:-(1) and (3) correct
B:-(1) and (4) correct
C:-(1), (2) and (3) correct
D:-(1) and (2) correct
Ans: D
27:-Rearrange the following in appropriate order :
1. Formulating hypothesis
2. Data analysis and interpretation
3. Developing research s
4. Preparation of the report
A:-1, 2, 3, 4
B:-1, 3, 2, 4
C:-2, 1, 3, 4
D:-3, 1, 2, 4
Ans: D
28:-Which of the following is not a characteristic of action research?
i. Results are generalizable
ii. Hypotheses were tested
iii. Developed a theory
iv. Data were qualitative
A:-i, ii and iii
B:-i, ii and iv
C:-i, iii and iv
D:-ii, iii and iv
Ans: A
29:-The research ethics means
A:-the quality of the research
B:-proved a particular point intentionally
C:-the quantity of the research
D:-all of the above
Ans: A
Ans: B
21:-Father of Psychoanalysis is
A:-Jerome S. Bruner
B:-Albert Bandura
C:-Sigmund Freud
D:-B.F. Skinner
Ans: C
22:-If a teacher happens to commit a mistake in class, what is the right choice he/she has to take?
A:-avoid it
B:-admit it
C:-justify it
D:-none of these
Ans: B
23:-Close-ended types are s provided with
A:-agree-disagree answers
B:-yes or no answers
C:-multiple type answers
D:-no answers
Ans: B
24:-You are adopting variety of tasks to ensure each and every students learning. Which theory would influence you more?
A:-Piaget's cognitive development theory
B:-Gardner's multiple intelligence theory
C:-Vygotsky's socio-cultural theory
D:-Kurt Lewin's field theory
Ans: B
25:-A researcher does not fix the ultimate size of the sample in advance but determines according to mathematical decisions on the basis of information yielded as data collection progresses. This is technically called
A:-Systematic sampling
B:-Random sampling
C:-Sequential sampling
D:-Quota sampling
Ans: C
26:-Validity of a research can be ensured by
1. avoiding the extraneous variables
2. taking the true representation sample of the population
3. stratified sample
4. only field study
A:-(1) and (3) correct
B:-(1) and (4) correct
C:-(1), (2) and (3) correct
D:-(1) and (2) correct
Ans: D
27:-Rearrange the following in appropriate order :
1. Formulating hypothesis
2. Data analysis and interpretation
3. Developing research s
4. Preparation of the report
A:-1, 2, 3, 4
B:-1, 3, 2, 4
C:-2, 1, 3, 4
D:-3, 1, 2, 4
Ans: D
28:-Which of the following is not a characteristic of action research?
i. Results are generalizable
ii. Hypotheses were tested
iii. Developed a theory
iv. Data were qualitative
A:-i, ii and iii
B:-i, ii and iv
C:-i, iii and iv
D:-ii, iii and iv
Ans: A
29:-The research ethics means
A:-the quality of the research
B:-proved a particular point intentionally
C:-the quantity of the research
D:-all of the above
Ans: A
30:-In research a tentative solution of the problem is may call
A:-Research problem
B:-Research design
C:-Research solution
Ans: D
31:-"Emperically varifiable observations" is called
A:-Logical statement
Ans: D
32:-To test a hypothesis suggesting a causal relationship between variables, for this purpose researcher use.
B:-Descriptive design
C:-Diagnostic design
Ans: D
33:-A scale defines the relative position of objects or persons with respect to a characteristics with no implication of the distances between position is called
A:-Norminal scale
B:-Ordinal scale
C:-Interval scale
D:-Ratio scale
Ans: B
34:-In content analysis, 'content' stand for
A:-Research problem
B:-Discription of research
C:-Manifest from of communication
D:-A method of communication
Ans: C
35:-Concepts represent various degree of
Ans: C
36:-A Blue print of research work is called
A:-Research method
B:-Research design
C:-Research techniques
D:-Research problem
Ans: B
A:-Research problem
B:-Research design
C:-Research solution
Ans: D
31:-"Emperically varifiable observations" is called
A:-Logical statement
Ans: D
32:-To test a hypothesis suggesting a causal relationship between variables, for this purpose researcher use.
B:-Descriptive design
C:-Diagnostic design
Ans: D
33:-A scale defines the relative position of objects or persons with respect to a characteristics with no implication of the distances between position is called
A:-Norminal scale
B:-Ordinal scale
C:-Interval scale
D:-Ratio scale
Ans: B
34:-In content analysis, 'content' stand for
A:-Research problem
B:-Discription of research
C:-Manifest from of communication
D:-A method of communication
Ans: C
35:-Concepts represent various degree of
Ans: C
36:-A Blue print of research work is called
A:-Research method
B:-Research design
C:-Research techniques
D:-Research problem
Ans: B
37:-In Whole Language Approach
A:-We move from whole to parts
B:-The order of LSRW is strictly followed
C:-Language skills are learned separately
D:-Alphabets are learned directly
Ans: A
38:-As per modern concept of learning, it should be
A:-Teacher centered
B:-Learner centered
C:-Activity centered
D:-Assessment centered
Ans: B
39:-The type of research which focuses on describing the culture of a group of people is called
B:-Case study
Ans: C
40:-A supposition or proposed explanation made on the basis of limited evidence as a starting point for further investigation is called
Ans: C
41:-In research, data collection is immediately followed by
A:-Analysis of data
B:-Interpretation of data
C:-Extrapolation upon available data
D:-Formation of inference based on data
Ans: A
42:-A research can be considered empirical because of
A:-Its basis on observation and experimentation
B:-Sequential procedure
C:-Controlling variables
D:-The use of statistical procedures
Ans: A
43:-As per Social Constructivism, whoever may scaffold the learning of the child ?
C:-Peer group member
D:-All the above
Ans: D
44:-Portfolio assessment means, assessment based on the
A:-Responses of the child
B:-Performance of the child
C:-Products of learning
D:-Anecdotal record
Ans: C
45:-Among the following who is not associated with Critical Pedagogy
A:-Michael Apple
B:-John Dewey
C:-Paulo Freire
D:-Peter McLaren
Ans: B
A:-We move from whole to parts
B:-The order of LSRW is strictly followed
C:-Language skills are learned separately
D:-Alphabets are learned directly
Ans: A
38:-As per modern concept of learning, it should be
A:-Teacher centered
B:-Learner centered
C:-Activity centered
D:-Assessment centered
Ans: B
39:-The type of research which focuses on describing the culture of a group of people is called
B:-Case study
Ans: C
40:-A supposition or proposed explanation made on the basis of limited evidence as a starting point for further investigation is called
Ans: C
41:-In research, data collection is immediately followed by
A:-Analysis of data
B:-Interpretation of data
C:-Extrapolation upon available data
D:-Formation of inference based on data
Ans: A
42:-A research can be considered empirical because of
A:-Its basis on observation and experimentation
B:-Sequential procedure
C:-Controlling variables
D:-The use of statistical procedures
Ans: A
43:-As per Social Constructivism, whoever may scaffold the learning of the child ?
C:-Peer group member
D:-All the above
Ans: D
44:-Portfolio assessment means, assessment based on the
A:-Responses of the child
B:-Performance of the child
C:-Products of learning
D:-Anecdotal record
Ans: C
45:-Among the following who is not associated with Critical Pedagogy
A:-Michael Apple
B:-John Dewey
C:-Paulo Freire
D:-Peter McLaren
Ans: B
46:-The Inclusive Education approach must have
(i) elements of social justice and equitable distribution
(ii) more autonomy for teachers and students
(iii) care and development of varying ability among the student population
(iv) participation of physically and intellectually challenged students in normal setting
(v) single examination for all children
A:-(i) and (iv) only
B:-(iii) and (iv) only
C:-(i), (iii) and (iv) only
D:-Both (ii) and (v)
Ans: C
47:-A cost-effective principle of learning in practice is
Ans: B
48:-Which among the following is an intellectual disability of a learner to be addressed by a teacher ?
C:-Autistic spectrum disorders
D:-Mental Retardation
Ans: D
49:-In the five stage SOLO Taxonomy of Biggs and Collis; SOLO stands for
A:-Structure of Observed Learning Outcomes
B:-Strategy of Organised Learning Outcomes
C:-Structure of Observed Learning Objectives
D:-Sequential Organization of Learning Outcomes
Ans: A
50:-A web2.0 mobile app for real time continuous and comprehensive assessment of pupils engagement in class is
A:-Go class
D:-My class talk
Ans: C
(i) elements of social justice and equitable distribution
(ii) more autonomy for teachers and students
(iii) care and development of varying ability among the student population
(iv) participation of physically and intellectually challenged students in normal setting
(v) single examination for all children
A:-(i) and (iv) only
B:-(iii) and (iv) only
C:-(i), (iii) and (iv) only
D:-Both (ii) and (v)
Ans: C
47:-A cost-effective principle of learning in practice is
Ans: B
48:-Which among the following is an intellectual disability of a learner to be addressed by a teacher ?
C:-Autistic spectrum disorders
D:-Mental Retardation
Ans: D
49:-In the five stage SOLO Taxonomy of Biggs and Collis; SOLO stands for
A:-Structure of Observed Learning Outcomes
B:-Strategy of Organised Learning Outcomes
C:-Structure of Observed Learning Objectives
D:-Sequential Organization of Learning Outcomes
Ans: A
50:-A web2.0 mobile app for real time continuous and comprehensive assessment of pupils engagement in class is
A:-Go class
D:-My class talk
Ans: C
51:-In an item-analysis exercise, if correct to wrong response in the upper age group is 80 : 20 and that in the lower age group is 30 : 70; where N = 10 in each group; the value of D will be
Ans: B
52:-Action research owes to its origin to the contributions made by
B:-J.W. Best
D:-Hilda Taba
Ans: C
53:-The qualitative research methodology equivalent to 'reliability' in data analysis is
A:-Internal Cohession
Ans: D
54:-Big-Data Analysis in research handles data set that are
A:-Structured Terrabytes
B:-Semi-structured Terrabytes
C:-Unstructured Terrabytes
D:-Structured Petabytes
Ans: C
55:-The concept of Journal Impact Factor was coined by
A:-Robert Gunning
B:-John Marshey
C:-Marsha Weil
D:-Eugene Garfield
Ans: D
56. Dependent variable in the process of teaching is
A) Teacher B) Student C) Learning experiences D) Learning aids
Ans: B
57. Optacon is a technical aid for
A) Mentally challenged pupils B) Physically challenged pupils C) Slow learners D) Visually challenged pupils
Ans: D
58. Which among the new type of test items have premises and responses ?
A) Multiple choice test item B) Matching type test items C) Alternate response type test items D) Completion type test items
Ans: B
59. Epi-position of the epidiascope is used to project the
A) Flat opaque objects B) Lantern slides C) Large slides D) Transparent slides
Ans: A
60. A group technique popularised by A.F. Osborn to develop creative thinking is
A) Panel discussion B) Brain storming C) Role playing D) Group discussion
Ans: B
61. The type of research commonly used in behavioural sciences are
A) Action Research B) Conceptual Research C) Qualitative Research D) All the above
Ans: C
62. Multistage sampling is a type of
A) Stratified sampling B) Non-probability sampling C) Purposive sampling D) Complex random sampling
Ans: D
63. The square root of the average will be equal to the squares of the individual observation from their arithmetic mean
A) Standard error B) Chi-square test C) Standard deviation D) Variance
Ans: C
64. Which one of the following source is not a primary source of data ?
A) Information provided by a person who did not directly observe the event
B) Auto biographies
C) Video recordings of interviews
D) Legislative documents prepared by State Governments
Ans: A
65. The URL consists of
A) a protocol B) a host name C) the path to the document and the specific file name D) all the above
Ans: D
66. Which among the following is the expansion of PPA ?
A) Provisional Patent Agreement B) Patent Protection Act C) Patent Protection Application D) Provisional Patent Application
Ans: D
Ans: B
52:-Action research owes to its origin to the contributions made by
B:-J.W. Best
D:-Hilda Taba
Ans: C
53:-The qualitative research methodology equivalent to 'reliability' in data analysis is
A:-Internal Cohession
Ans: D
54:-Big-Data Analysis in research handles data set that are
A:-Structured Terrabytes
B:-Semi-structured Terrabytes
C:-Unstructured Terrabytes
D:-Structured Petabytes
Ans: C
55:-The concept of Journal Impact Factor was coined by
A:-Robert Gunning
B:-John Marshey
C:-Marsha Weil
D:-Eugene Garfield
Ans: D
56. Dependent variable in the process of teaching is
A) Teacher B) Student C) Learning experiences D) Learning aids
Ans: B
57. Optacon is a technical aid for
A) Mentally challenged pupils B) Physically challenged pupils C) Slow learners D) Visually challenged pupils
Ans: D
58. Which among the new type of test items have premises and responses ?
A) Multiple choice test item B) Matching type test items C) Alternate response type test items D) Completion type test items
Ans: B
59. Epi-position of the epidiascope is used to project the
A) Flat opaque objects B) Lantern slides C) Large slides D) Transparent slides
Ans: A
60. A group technique popularised by A.F. Osborn to develop creative thinking is
A) Panel discussion B) Brain storming C) Role playing D) Group discussion
Ans: B
61. The type of research commonly used in behavioural sciences are
A) Action Research B) Conceptual Research C) Qualitative Research D) All the above
Ans: C
62. Multistage sampling is a type of
A) Stratified sampling B) Non-probability sampling C) Purposive sampling D) Complex random sampling
Ans: D
63. The square root of the average will be equal to the squares of the individual observation from their arithmetic mean
A) Standard error B) Chi-square test C) Standard deviation D) Variance
Ans: C
64. Which one of the following source is not a primary source of data ?
A) Information provided by a person who did not directly observe the event
B) Auto biographies
C) Video recordings of interviews
D) Legislative documents prepared by State Governments
Ans: A
65. The URL consists of
A) a protocol B) a host name C) the path to the document and the specific file name D) all the above
Ans: D
66. Which among the following is the expansion of PPA ?
A) Provisional Patent Agreement B) Patent Protection Act C) Patent Protection Application D) Provisional Patent Application
Ans: D
67. By minimizing the Type I error, the probability of making a Type II error is
A) Decreased B) Increased C) Unaffected D) Cut in half
Ans: B
68. The introduction of a research report proceeds
A) From general to specific
B) From specific to general
C) From general to specific and back to general again
D) From general to the results of the research
Ans: A
69. Content validity is not significant in the case of
A) Achievement test B) Intelligence test C) Both A) and (B) D) None of the above
Ans: B
70. Which among the following is a non probability sampling technique ?
A) Stratified sampling B) Multistage sampling C) Systematic sampling D) Purposive sampling
Ans: D
71. Which of the following is not an example of active deception ?
A) Making false promises to participants
B) Misrepresenting true purposes of research
C) Making concealed observations of participants
D) Pseudoparticipants
Ans: C
72. Which of the following is the highest level in attitude formation ?
A) Characterisation B) Precision C) Imitation D) Organisation
Ans: A
73. The test which predicts the future performance of a student in a particular area is known as
A) Diagnostic test B) Achievement test C) Prognostic test D) None of the above
Ans: C
74. Maximum involvement of students in learning is possible through
A) Lecture method B) Lecture demonstration method C) Biographical method D) Project method
Ans: D
75. Field trip and excursions can be included in which category of teaching aids ?
A) 3 dimensional aids B) Activity aids C) Graphic aids D) Projected aids
Ans: B
76. Which among the following is not true in the case of creativity ?
A) Creativity is universal
B) Creativity carries ego involvement
C) Sociability and creativity are positively corrected
D) Creativity has a wide scope
Ans: C
A) Decreased B) Increased C) Unaffected D) Cut in half
Ans: B
68. The introduction of a research report proceeds
A) From general to specific
B) From specific to general
C) From general to specific and back to general again
D) From general to the results of the research
Ans: A
69. Content validity is not significant in the case of
A) Achievement test B) Intelligence test C) Both A) and (B) D) None of the above
Ans: B
70. Which among the following is a non probability sampling technique ?
A) Stratified sampling B) Multistage sampling C) Systematic sampling D) Purposive sampling
Ans: D
71. Which of the following is not an example of active deception ?
A) Making false promises to participants
B) Misrepresenting true purposes of research
C) Making concealed observations of participants
D) Pseudoparticipants
Ans: C
72. Which of the following is the highest level in attitude formation ?
A) Characterisation B) Precision C) Imitation D) Organisation
Ans: A
73. The test which predicts the future performance of a student in a particular area is known as
A) Diagnostic test B) Achievement test C) Prognostic test D) None of the above
Ans: C
74. Maximum involvement of students in learning is possible through
A) Lecture method B) Lecture demonstration method C) Biographical method D) Project method
Ans: D
75. Field trip and excursions can be included in which category of teaching aids ?
A) 3 dimensional aids B) Activity aids C) Graphic aids D) Projected aids
Ans: B
76. Which among the following is not true in the case of creativity ?
A) Creativity is universal
B) Creativity carries ego involvement
C) Sociability and creativity are positively corrected
D) Creativity has a wide scope
Ans: C
77. Specific instructional activities and procedures that a teacher may use in his/her classroom is __________.
(A) Audiovisual aids (B) Information giving (C) Teaching skills (D) Behavioural modifications
Ans: C
78. Fidelity actually means :
(A) Keeping one’s promises (B) Telling truth always (C) Doing no harm to the patient (D) There is negligence
Ans: A
79. __________ is the best indicator of student interaction.
(A) Participation in co-curricular activities (B) Sociogram (C) Helping mentality (D) Attention seeking behaviour
Ans: B
80. Cognitive restructuring technique including all of the following except __________.
(A) Positive self-talk (B) Reframing (C) Relaxation (D) Decatastro Phizing
Ans: C
81. Which theorist help a manager to understand that employees engage in behaviours that bring about desired outcomes to them ?
(A) Abraham Maslow (B) Clayton Alderfer (C) Frederick Herzberg (D) Victor Vroom
Ans: D
82. Which type of evaluation is most suited for qualitative assessment ?
(A) Criterion referenced evaluation (B) Norm referenced evaluation (C) Formative evaluation (D) Summative evaluation
Ans: A
83. “Vital few, trivial many” is explained in __________.
(A) Theory Z (B) Pareto Principle (C) Time motion studies (D) Commitment principle
Ans: B
84. Most empowering leadership style is __________.
(A) Autocratic (B) Democratic (C) Transformational (D) Transactional
Ans: C
85. Which among the following is not an advantage of lecture method ?
(A) Time saving (B) Enables clarification of doubts (C) Encourages passive learners (D) Allows addition of newest information
Ans: C
86. Who developed kindergarten system of education ?
(A) Friedrich Froebel (B) Maria Montessori (C) Rabindranath Tagore (D) Johann Heinrich Pestalozzi
Ans: A
(A) Audiovisual aids (B) Information giving (C) Teaching skills (D) Behavioural modifications
Ans: C
78. Fidelity actually means :
(A) Keeping one’s promises (B) Telling truth always (C) Doing no harm to the patient (D) There is negligence
Ans: A
79. __________ is the best indicator of student interaction.
(A) Participation in co-curricular activities (B) Sociogram (C) Helping mentality (D) Attention seeking behaviour
Ans: B
80. Cognitive restructuring technique including all of the following except __________.
(A) Positive self-talk (B) Reframing (C) Relaxation (D) Decatastro Phizing
Ans: C
81. Which theorist help a manager to understand that employees engage in behaviours that bring about desired outcomes to them ?
(A) Abraham Maslow (B) Clayton Alderfer (C) Frederick Herzberg (D) Victor Vroom
Ans: D
82. Which type of evaluation is most suited for qualitative assessment ?
(A) Criterion referenced evaluation (B) Norm referenced evaluation (C) Formative evaluation (D) Summative evaluation
Ans: A
83. “Vital few, trivial many” is explained in __________.
(A) Theory Z (B) Pareto Principle (C) Time motion studies (D) Commitment principle
Ans: B
84. Most empowering leadership style is __________.
(A) Autocratic (B) Democratic (C) Transformational (D) Transactional
Ans: C
85. Which among the following is not an advantage of lecture method ?
(A) Time saving (B) Enables clarification of doubts (C) Encourages passive learners (D) Allows addition of newest information
Ans: C
86. Who developed kindergarten system of education ?
(A) Friedrich Froebel (B) Maria Montessori (C) Rabindranath Tagore (D) Johann Heinrich Pestalozzi
Ans: A
87. Real world situations and simulation can be effectively brought in to the classroom by
(A) charts (B) models (C) multimedia (D) graphic aids
Ans: C
88. Project method is given more importance in effective learning as it
(A) develops interest towards learning
(B) teacher directs students in learning
(C) make the students learn by doing
(D) make the students involved in observation
Ans: C
89. Bringing teacher to the virtual class room is through
(A) internet (B) e-learning (C) website (D) e-mail
Ans: B
90. Process aspect of educational technology deals with
(A) theories (B) practicals (C) audio-visual aids (D) assignments
Ans: C
91. One of the psychological principle related to programmed learning is
(A) motivation (B) reinforcement (C) feedback (D) retention
Ans: B
92. Performance assessment in teaching and learning can be done through
(A) inventories (B) achievement tests (C) awareness tests (D) skill tests
Ans: D
93. Among the following which is not included in longitudinal survey ?
(A) case study (B) panel study (C) trend study (D) cohort study
Ans: A
94. Reasoning is one of the characteristics of
(A) activity method (B) heuristic method (C) historical method (D) problem solving method
Ans: D
95. Research design which enables the experimenter to evaluate or manipulate two or more variables simultaneously is
(A) parallel group design (B) factorial design (C) case study design (D) counter balanced design
Ans: B
96. Data represented through portion of a circle is called
(A) histogram (B) pie diagram (C) ogive (D) frequency polyon
Ans: B
(A) charts (B) models (C) multimedia (D) graphic aids
Ans: C
88. Project method is given more importance in effective learning as it
(A) develops interest towards learning
(B) teacher directs students in learning
(C) make the students learn by doing
(D) make the students involved in observation
Ans: C
89. Bringing teacher to the virtual class room is through
(A) internet (B) e-learning (C) website (D) e-mail
Ans: B
90. Process aspect of educational technology deals with
(A) theories (B) practicals (C) audio-visual aids (D) assignments
Ans: C
91. One of the psychological principle related to programmed learning is
(A) motivation (B) reinforcement (C) feedback (D) retention
Ans: B
92. Performance assessment in teaching and learning can be done through
(A) inventories (B) achievement tests (C) awareness tests (D) skill tests
Ans: D
93. Among the following which is not included in longitudinal survey ?
(A) case study (B) panel study (C) trend study (D) cohort study
Ans: A
94. Reasoning is one of the characteristics of
(A) activity method (B) heuristic method (C) historical method (D) problem solving method
Ans: D
95. Research design which enables the experimenter to evaluate or manipulate two or more variables simultaneously is
(A) parallel group design (B) factorial design (C) case study design (D) counter balanced design
Ans: B
96. Data represented through portion of a circle is called
(A) histogram (B) pie diagram (C) ogive (D) frequency polyon
Ans: B
97:-Identify the factors affecting selection of teaching method.
A) Objectives of instruction
B) Nature of child
C) Nature of the subject matter
D) All of these
Ans: C
98:-A brief summary of proposal or dissertation
Ans: A
99:-Research purposes may be grouped into :
A) Exploration
B) Description
C) Diagnosis
D) Experimentation
A:-A), B), C)
B:-C), D), A)
C:-B), C), D)
D:-All of these
Ans: D
100:-Grading in which fixed ranges of scores are determined in advance for each grade.
A:-Direct grading
B:-Absolute grading
C:-Relative grading
D:-None of these
Ans: B
A) Objectives of instruction
B) Nature of child
C) Nature of the subject matter
D) All of these
Ans: C
98:-A brief summary of proposal or dissertation
Ans: A
99:-Research purposes may be grouped into :
A) Exploration
B) Description
C) Diagnosis
D) Experimentation
A:-A), B), C)
B:-C), D), A)
C:-B), C), D)
D:-All of these
Ans: D
100:-Grading in which fixed ranges of scores are determined in advance for each grade.
A:-Direct grading
B:-Absolute grading
C:-Relative grading
D:-None of these
Ans: B
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