1. Good evaluation of written material should not be based on:
(A) Linguistic expression
(B) Logical presentation
(C) Ability to reproduce whatever is read
(D) Comprehension of subject
Answer: D
2. Why do teachers use teaching aid?
(A) To make teaching fun-filled
(B) To teach within understanding level of students
(C) For students’ attention
(D) To make students attentive
Answer: B
3. Attitudes, concepts, skills and knowledge are products of:
(A) Learning (B) Research
(C) Heredity (D) Explanation
Answer: A
4. Which among the following gives more freedom to the learner to interact?
(A) Use of film
(B) Small group discussion
(C) Lectures by experts
(D) Viewing country-wide classroom programme on TV
Answer: B
5. Given below two premise and four conclusions are drawn from them (taking singly or together). Select the code that states the conclusions validly drawn.
(i) All religious persons are emotional.
(ii) Ram is a religious person.
(a) Ram is emotional.
(b) All emotional persons are religious.
(c) Ram is not a non-religious person.
(d) Some religious persons are not emotional.
(A) (a), (b), (c) and (d)
(B) (a) only
(B) (a) and (c) only
(D) (b) and (c) only
Answer: C
6. If the proposition ‘All thieves are poor’ is false, which of the following propositions can be claimed certainly to be true?
(A) Some thieves are poor.
(B) Some thieves are not poor.
(C) No thief is poor.
(D) No poor person is a thief.
Answer: B
7. Consider the following statement and select the correct code stating the nature of the argument involved in it:
To suppose that the earth is the only populated world in the infinite space is as absurd as to assert that in an entire field of millet only one grain will grow.
(A) Astronomical (B) Anthropological
(C) Deductive (D) Analogical
Answer: D
8. Select the code, which is not correct about Venn diagram:
(A) Venn diagram represents propositions as well as classes.
(B) It can provide clear method of notation.
(C) It can be either valid or invalid.
(D) It can provide the direct method of testing the validity.
Answer: C
9. An unsolicited e-mail message sent to many recipient at once is a
(A) Worm (B) Virus
(C) Threat (D) Spam
Answer: D
10. The statement “the study, design, development, implementation, support or management of computer-based information systems, particularly software applications and computer Hardware” refers to
(A) Information Technology (IT)
(B) Information and Collaborative Technology (ICT)
(C) Information and Data Technology (IDT)
(D) Artificial Intelligence (AI)
Answer: A
11. If the binary equivalent of the decimal number 48 is 110000, then the binary equivalent of the decimal number 51 is given by (A) 110011 (B) 110010
(C) 110001 (D) 110100
Answer: A
12. The process of copying files to a CD-ROM is known as
(A) Burning (B) Zipping
(C) Digitizing (D) Ripping
Answer: A
13. In a Ph.D. thesis which one is the correct sequence for showing scheme of Chapterisation ?
(A) Survey of related studies, Introduction, Design of the study, DataAnalysis and interpretation, Conclusions and generalisations, suggested further study, References, Appendix
(B) Introduction, Design of study, Data Analysis and Interpretation, Generalizations, Conclusions and Survey of related studies and suggestions for further research, References and Appendix
(C) Introduction, Survey of related studies, Design of study, Datapresentation; analysis & Interpretation, Formulation of generalization &
Conclusions, Suggestions for further research, References & Appendix
(D) Survey of related studies, References, Introduction, Design of study, Data analysis and interpretation, Conclusions and generalizations,
Suggestions for further research, Appendix
Answer: C
14. Which of the following is not the critical feature of qualitative research ?
(A) Actual settings are the direct source of data.
(B) Data take the forms of words or pictures.
(C) Seeking to establish relationships among measured social facts.
(D) Researcher becomes immersed in the situation, present or past related to
the phenomena.
Answer: C
15. A detailed description of methodology of research is required in
(A) Thesis/Dissertation (B) Symposium/Workshop
(C) Seminar paper/Articles (D) Conference and Seminar Papers
Answer: A
16. Research ethics has a direct connection more often with which stages of research ?
(A) Defining and delimiting the scope of research.
(B) Problem formulation and reporting of research findings.
(C) Defining the population and deciding the sampling technique for research.
(D) Deciding about statistical techniques and data analysis.
Answer: B
17. Which of the following statements regarding the features of Information and Communication Technology (ICT) is/are true ?
I. ICT are the main instruments for the creation of computer networks and the applications based on them.
II. ICT support the spread of information and knowledge, separating the content from the place where it belongs physically.
III. The digital and virtual nature of most of ICT products allow the expenditure for them to be maximized.
Codes :
(A) I and II only (B) I and III only
(C) II and III only (D) I, II and III
Answer: A
18. What do you consider as the main aim of inter disciplinary research?
(A) To bring out holistic approach to research.
(B) To reduce the emphasis of single subject in research domain.
(C) To over simplify the problem of research.
(D) To create a new trend in research methodology.
Answer: A
19. One of the aims of the scientific method in research is to:
(A) improve data interpretation (B) eliminate spurious relations
(C) confirm triangulation (D) introduce new variables
Answer: B
20. In a certain code, GAMESMAN is written as AGMEMSAN. How would DISCLOSE be written in that code?
Answer: B
21. The letters in the first set have a certain relationship. On the basis of this relationship mark the right choice for the second set:
AST : BRU : : NQV : ?
Answer: D
22. On what dates of April 1994 did SUNDAY fall?
(A) 2,9,16,23,30 (B) 3,10,17,24
(C) 4,11,18,25 (D) 1,8,15,22,29
Answer: B
23. Find out the wrong number in the sequence: 125, 127, 130, 135, 142, 153, 165
(A) 130 (B) 142
(C) 153 (D) 165
Answer: C
24. There are five books A, B, C, D and E. The book C lies above D, the book E is below A and B is below E. Which is at the bottom?
(A) E (B) B
(C) A (D) C
Answer: B
25. Logical reasoning is based on:
(A) Truth of involved propositions
(B) Valid relation among the involved propositions
(C) Employment of symbolic language
(D) Employment of ordinary language
Answer: B
26. Two propositions with the same subject and predicate terms but different in quality are:
(A) Contradictory (B) Contrary
(C) Subaltern (D) Identical
Answer: C
27. The premises of a valid deductive argument:
(A) Provide some evidence for its conclusion
(B) Provide no evidence for its conclusion
(C) Are irrelevant for its conclusion
(D) Provide conclusive evidence for its conclusion
Answer: D
28. Syllogistic reasoning is:
(A) Deductive (B) Inductive
(C) Experimental (D) Hypothetical
Answer: A
29. The accounting software 'Tally' was developed by:
(C) Infosys (D) Wipro
Answer: B
30. Errors in computer programmes are called:
(A) Follies (B) Mistakes
(C) Bugs (D) Spam
Answer: C
31. HTML is basically used to design:
(A) Web-page (B) Web-site
(C) Graphics (D) Tables and Frames
Answer: A
32. 'Micro Processing' is made for:
(A) Computer (B) Digital System
(C) Calculator (D) Electronic Goods
Answer: A
33. Information, a combination of graphics, text, sound, video and animation is called:
(A) Multiprogramme (B) Multifacet
(C) Multimedia (D) Multiprocess
Answer: C
34. Which of the following pairs regarding typical composition of hospital wastes is incorrect?
(A) Plastic - 9-12%
(B) Metals - 1-2%
(C) Ceramic - 8-10%
(D) Biodegradable - 35-40%
Answer: A
35. Fresh water achieves its greatest density at:
(A) -4° C (B) 0° C
(C) 4° C (D) -2.5° C
Answer: C
36. Which one of the following is not associated with earthquakes?
(A) Focus (B) Epicenter
(C) Seismograph (D) Swells
Answer: D
37. The tallest trees in the world are found in the region:
(A) Equatorial region (B) Temperate region
(C) Monsoon region (D) Mediterranean region
Answer: A
38. Match List-I with List-II and select the correct answer from the codes given below:
List-I List - II
(National Parks) (States)
(a) Periyar (i) Orissa
(b) Nandan Kanan (ii) Kerala
(c) Corbett National Park (iii) Rajasthan
(d) Sariska Tiger Reserve (iv) Uttarakhand
(a) (b) (c) (d)
(A) (ii) (i) (iv) (iii)
(B) (i) (ii) (iv) (iii)
(C) (iii) (ii) (i) (iv)
(D) (i) (ii) (iii) (iv)
Answer: A
39. According to Radhakrishnan Commission, the aim of Higher Education is:
(A) To develop the democratic values, peace and harmony
(B) To develop great personalities who can give their contributions in politics, administration, industry and commerce
(C) Both (A) and (B)
(D) None of these
Answer: C
40. The National Museum at New Delhi is attached to:
(A) Delhi University
(B) a Deemed University
(C) a Subordinate Office of the JNU
(D) Part of Ministry of Tourism and Culture
Answer: D
41. Match List-I with List-II and select the correct answer from the code given below:
List-I List-II
(Institutions) (Locations)
(a) National Law Institute (i) Shimla
(b) Indian Institute of Advanced Studies (ii) Bhopal
(c) National Judicial Academy (iii) Hyderabad
(d) National Savings Institute (iv) Nagpur
(a) (b) (c) (d)
(A) (iii) (ii) (iv) (i)
(B) (i) (ii) (iii) (iv)
(C) (iv) (iii) (i) (ii)
(D) (iii) (i) (ii) (iv)
Answer: D
42. Which of the four data sets have more dispersion?
(A) 88 91 90 92 89 91
(B) 0 1 1 0 –1 –2
(C) 3 5 2 4 1 5
(D) 0 5 8 10 –2 –8
Answer: D
43. Which of the following is not related to information security on the Internet?
(A) Data Encryption (B) Water marking
(C) Data Hiding (D) Information Retrieval
Answer: D
44. Which is the largest unit of storage among the following?
(A) Terabyte (B) Megabyte
(C) Kilobyte (D) Gigabyte
Answer: A
45. bit stands for
(A) binary information term (B) binary digit
(C) binary tree (D) Bivariate Theory
Answer: B
46. Which one of the following is not a linear data structure?
(A) Array (B) Binary Tree
(C) Queue (D) Stack
Answer: B
47. Which one of the following is not a network device?
(A) Router (B) Switch
(C) Hub (D) CPU
Answer: D
48. A compiler is used to convert the following to object code which can be executed
(A) High-level language (B) Low-level language
(C) Assembly language (D) Natural language
Answer: A
49. The great Indian Bustard bird is found in
(A) Thar Desert of Rajasthan
(B) Coastal regions of India
(C) Malabar Coast
(D) Delta regions
Answer: A
50. The Sagarmanthan National Park has been established to preserve the eco-system of which mountain peak?
(A) Kanchenjunga (B) Mount Everest
(C) Annapurna (D) Dhaulavira
Answer: B
(A) Linguistic expression
(B) Logical presentation
(C) Ability to reproduce whatever is read
(D) Comprehension of subject
Answer: D
2. Why do teachers use teaching aid?
(A) To make teaching fun-filled
(B) To teach within understanding level of students
(C) For students’ attention
(D) To make students attentive
Answer: B
3. Attitudes, concepts, skills and knowledge are products of:
(A) Learning (B) Research
(C) Heredity (D) Explanation
Answer: A
4. Which among the following gives more freedom to the learner to interact?
(A) Use of film
(B) Small group discussion
(C) Lectures by experts
(D) Viewing country-wide classroom programme on TV
Answer: B
5. Given below two premise and four conclusions are drawn from them (taking singly or together). Select the code that states the conclusions validly drawn.
(i) All religious persons are emotional.
(ii) Ram is a religious person.
(a) Ram is emotional.
(b) All emotional persons are religious.
(c) Ram is not a non-religious person.
(d) Some religious persons are not emotional.
(A) (a), (b), (c) and (d)
(B) (a) only
(B) (a) and (c) only
(D) (b) and (c) only
Answer: C
6. If the proposition ‘All thieves are poor’ is false, which of the following propositions can be claimed certainly to be true?
(A) Some thieves are poor.
(B) Some thieves are not poor.
(C) No thief is poor.
(D) No poor person is a thief.
Answer: B
7. Consider the following statement and select the correct code stating the nature of the argument involved in it:
To suppose that the earth is the only populated world in the infinite space is as absurd as to assert that in an entire field of millet only one grain will grow.
(A) Astronomical (B) Anthropological
(C) Deductive (D) Analogical
Answer: D
8. Select the code, which is not correct about Venn diagram:
(A) Venn diagram represents propositions as well as classes.
(B) It can provide clear method of notation.
(C) It can be either valid or invalid.
(D) It can provide the direct method of testing the validity.
Answer: C
9. An unsolicited e-mail message sent to many recipient at once is a
(A) Worm (B) Virus
(C) Threat (D) Spam
Answer: D
10. The statement “the study, design, development, implementation, support or management of computer-based information systems, particularly software applications and computer Hardware” refers to
(A) Information Technology (IT)
(B) Information and Collaborative Technology (ICT)
(C) Information and Data Technology (IDT)
(D) Artificial Intelligence (AI)
Answer: A
11. If the binary equivalent of the decimal number 48 is 110000, then the binary equivalent of the decimal number 51 is given by (A) 110011 (B) 110010
(C) 110001 (D) 110100
Answer: A
12. The process of copying files to a CD-ROM is known as
(A) Burning (B) Zipping
(C) Digitizing (D) Ripping
Answer: A
13. In a Ph.D. thesis which one is the correct sequence for showing scheme of Chapterisation ?
(A) Survey of related studies, Introduction, Design of the study, DataAnalysis and interpretation, Conclusions and generalisations, suggested further study, References, Appendix
(B) Introduction, Design of study, Data Analysis and Interpretation, Generalizations, Conclusions and Survey of related studies and suggestions for further research, References and Appendix
(C) Introduction, Survey of related studies, Design of study, Datapresentation; analysis & Interpretation, Formulation of generalization &
Conclusions, Suggestions for further research, References & Appendix
(D) Survey of related studies, References, Introduction, Design of study, Data analysis and interpretation, Conclusions and generalizations,
Suggestions for further research, Appendix
Answer: C
14. Which of the following is not the critical feature of qualitative research ?
(A) Actual settings are the direct source of data.
(B) Data take the forms of words or pictures.
(C) Seeking to establish relationships among measured social facts.
(D) Researcher becomes immersed in the situation, present or past related to
the phenomena.
Answer: C
15. A detailed description of methodology of research is required in
(A) Thesis/Dissertation (B) Symposium/Workshop
(C) Seminar paper/Articles (D) Conference and Seminar Papers
Answer: A
16. Research ethics has a direct connection more often with which stages of research ?
(A) Defining and delimiting the scope of research.
(B) Problem formulation and reporting of research findings.
(C) Defining the population and deciding the sampling technique for research.
(D) Deciding about statistical techniques and data analysis.
Answer: B
17. Which of the following statements regarding the features of Information and Communication Technology (ICT) is/are true ?
I. ICT are the main instruments for the creation of computer networks and the applications based on them.
II. ICT support the spread of information and knowledge, separating the content from the place where it belongs physically.
III. The digital and virtual nature of most of ICT products allow the expenditure for them to be maximized.
Codes :
(A) I and II only (B) I and III only
(C) II and III only (D) I, II and III
Answer: A
18. What do you consider as the main aim of inter disciplinary research?
(A) To bring out holistic approach to research.
(B) To reduce the emphasis of single subject in research domain.
(C) To over simplify the problem of research.
(D) To create a new trend in research methodology.
Answer: A
19. One of the aims of the scientific method in research is to:
(A) improve data interpretation (B) eliminate spurious relations
(C) confirm triangulation (D) introduce new variables
Answer: B
20. In a certain code, GAMESMAN is written as AGMEMSAN. How would DISCLOSE be written in that code?
Answer: B
21. The letters in the first set have a certain relationship. On the basis of this relationship mark the right choice for the second set:
AST : BRU : : NQV : ?
Answer: D
22. On what dates of April 1994 did SUNDAY fall?
(A) 2,9,16,23,30 (B) 3,10,17,24
(C) 4,11,18,25 (D) 1,8,15,22,29
Answer: B
23. Find out the wrong number in the sequence: 125, 127, 130, 135, 142, 153, 165
(A) 130 (B) 142
(C) 153 (D) 165
Answer: C
24. There are five books A, B, C, D and E. The book C lies above D, the book E is below A and B is below E. Which is at the bottom?
(A) E (B) B
(C) A (D) C
Answer: B
25. Logical reasoning is based on:
(A) Truth of involved propositions
(B) Valid relation among the involved propositions
(C) Employment of symbolic language
(D) Employment of ordinary language
Answer: B
26. Two propositions with the same subject and predicate terms but different in quality are:
(A) Contradictory (B) Contrary
(C) Subaltern (D) Identical
Answer: C
27. The premises of a valid deductive argument:
(A) Provide some evidence for its conclusion
(B) Provide no evidence for its conclusion
(C) Are irrelevant for its conclusion
(D) Provide conclusive evidence for its conclusion
Answer: D
28. Syllogistic reasoning is:
(A) Deductive (B) Inductive
(C) Experimental (D) Hypothetical
Answer: A
29. The accounting software 'Tally' was developed by:
(C) Infosys (D) Wipro
Answer: B
30. Errors in computer programmes are called:
(A) Follies (B) Mistakes
(C) Bugs (D) Spam
Answer: C
31. HTML is basically used to design:
(A) Web-page (B) Web-site
(C) Graphics (D) Tables and Frames
Answer: A
32. 'Micro Processing' is made for:
(A) Computer (B) Digital System
(C) Calculator (D) Electronic Goods
Answer: A
33. Information, a combination of graphics, text, sound, video and animation is called:
(A) Multiprogramme (B) Multifacet
(C) Multimedia (D) Multiprocess
Answer: C
34. Which of the following pairs regarding typical composition of hospital wastes is incorrect?
(A) Plastic - 9-12%
(B) Metals - 1-2%
(C) Ceramic - 8-10%
(D) Biodegradable - 35-40%
Answer: A
35. Fresh water achieves its greatest density at:
(A) -4° C (B) 0° C
(C) 4° C (D) -2.5° C
Answer: C
36. Which one of the following is not associated with earthquakes?
(A) Focus (B) Epicenter
(C) Seismograph (D) Swells
Answer: D
37. The tallest trees in the world are found in the region:
(A) Equatorial region (B) Temperate region
(C) Monsoon region (D) Mediterranean region
Answer: A
38. Match List-I with List-II and select the correct answer from the codes given below:
List-I List - II
(National Parks) (States)
(a) Periyar (i) Orissa
(b) Nandan Kanan (ii) Kerala
(c) Corbett National Park (iii) Rajasthan
(d) Sariska Tiger Reserve (iv) Uttarakhand
(a) (b) (c) (d)
(A) (ii) (i) (iv) (iii)
(B) (i) (ii) (iv) (iii)
(C) (iii) (ii) (i) (iv)
(D) (i) (ii) (iii) (iv)
Answer: A
39. According to Radhakrishnan Commission, the aim of Higher Education is:
(A) To develop the democratic values, peace and harmony
(B) To develop great personalities who can give their contributions in politics, administration, industry and commerce
(C) Both (A) and (B)
(D) None of these
Answer: C
40. The National Museum at New Delhi is attached to:
(A) Delhi University
(B) a Deemed University
(C) a Subordinate Office of the JNU
(D) Part of Ministry of Tourism and Culture
Answer: D
41. Match List-I with List-II and select the correct answer from the code given below:
List-I List-II
(Institutions) (Locations)
(a) National Law Institute (i) Shimla
(b) Indian Institute of Advanced Studies (ii) Bhopal
(c) National Judicial Academy (iii) Hyderabad
(d) National Savings Institute (iv) Nagpur
(a) (b) (c) (d)
(A) (iii) (ii) (iv) (i)
(B) (i) (ii) (iii) (iv)
(C) (iv) (iii) (i) (ii)
(D) (iii) (i) (ii) (iv)
Answer: D
42. Which of the four data sets have more dispersion?
(A) 88 91 90 92 89 91
(B) 0 1 1 0 –1 –2
(C) 3 5 2 4 1 5
(D) 0 5 8 10 –2 –8
Answer: D
43. Which of the following is not related to information security on the Internet?
(A) Data Encryption (B) Water marking
(C) Data Hiding (D) Information Retrieval
Answer: D
44. Which is the largest unit of storage among the following?
(A) Terabyte (B) Megabyte
(C) Kilobyte (D) Gigabyte
Answer: A
45. bit stands for
(A) binary information term (B) binary digit
(C) binary tree (D) Bivariate Theory
Answer: B
46. Which one of the following is not a linear data structure?
(A) Array (B) Binary Tree
(C) Queue (D) Stack
Answer: B
47. Which one of the following is not a network device?
(A) Router (B) Switch
(C) Hub (D) CPU
Answer: D
48. A compiler is used to convert the following to object code which can be executed
(A) High-level language (B) Low-level language
(C) Assembly language (D) Natural language
Answer: A
49. The great Indian Bustard bird is found in
(A) Thar Desert of Rajasthan
(B) Coastal regions of India
(C) Malabar Coast
(D) Delta regions
Answer: A
50. The Sagarmanthan National Park has been established to preserve the eco-system of which mountain peak?
(A) Kanchenjunga (B) Mount Everest
(C) Annapurna (D) Dhaulavira
Answer: B
51. Action research means:
(A) A longitudinal research
(B) An applied research
(C) A research initiated to solve an immediate problem
(D) A research with socioeconomic objective
Answer: C
52. Research is
(A) Searching again and again
(B) Finding solution to any problem
(C) Working in a scientific way to search for truth of any problem
(D) None of the above
Answer: C
53. A common test in research demands much priority on
(A) Reliability (B) Usability
(C) Objectivity (D) All of the above
Answer: D
54. Which of the following is the first step in starting the research process?
(A) Searching sources of information to locate problem.
(B) Survey of related literature
(C) Identification of problem
(D) Searching for solutions to the problem
Answer: C
55. Suppose a student wants to share his problems with his teacher and he visits the teacher’s house for the purpose, the teacher should
(A) contact the student’s parents and solve his problem.
(B) suggest him that he should never visit his house.
(C) suggest him to meet the principal and solve the problem.
(D) extend reasonable help and boost his morale.
Answer: D
56. When some students are deliberately attempting to disturb the discipline of the class by making mischief, what will be your role as a teacher?
(A) Expelling those students.
(B) Isolate those students.
(C) Reform the group with your authority.
(D) Giving them an opportunity for introspection and improve their behaviour.
Answer: D
57. Which of the following belongs to a projected aid?
(A) Blackboard (B) Diorama
(C) Epidiascope (D) Globe
Answer: C
58. A teacher is said to be fluent in asking questions, if he can ask
(A) meaningful questions
(B) as many questions as possible
(C) maximum number of questions in a fixed time
(D) many meaningful questions in a fixed time
Answer: A
59. Which of the following qualities is most essential for a teacher?
(A) He should be a learned person.
(B) He should be a well dressed person.
(C) He should have patience.
(D) He should be an expert in his subject.
Answer: C
60. A hypothesis is a
(A) law (B) canon
(C) postulate (D) supposition
Answer: D
61. Suppose you want to investigate the working efficiency of nationalised bank in India, which one of the following would you follow?
(A) Area Sampling (B) Multi-stage Sampling
(C) Sequential Sampling (D) Quota Sampling
Answer: B
62. A party was held in which a grandmother, father, mother, four sons, their wives and one son and two daughters to each of the sons were present. The number of females present in the party is:
(A) 12 (B) 14
(C) 18 (D) 24
Answer: B
63. P and Q are brothers. R and S are sisters. The son of P is brother of S. Q is related to R as:
(A) Son (B) Brother
(C) Uncle (D) Father
Answer: C
64. Consider the argument given below:
‘Pre - employment testing of teachers is quite fair because doctors, architects and engineers who are now employed had to face such a
testing.’ What type of argument it is?
(A) Deductive (B) Analogical
(C) Psychological (D) Biological
Answer: B
65. Among the following propositions two arc related in such a way that they can both be true although they cannot both be false. Which are those propositions? Select the correct code.
(a) Some priests are cunning.
(b) No priest is cunning.
(c) All priests are cunning.
(d) Some priests are not cunning.
(A) (a) and (b) (B) (c) and (d)
(C) (a) and (c) (D) (a) and (d)
Answer: D
66. The choice of communication partners is influenced by factors of
(A) Proximity, utility, loneliness
(B) Utility, secrecy, dissonance
(C) Secrecy, dissonance, deception
(D) Dissimilarity, dissonance, deviance
Answer: A
67. As a teacher, select the best option to ensure your effective presence in the classroom.
(A) Use of peer command (B) Making aggressive statements
(C) Adoption of well-established posture (D) Being authoritarian
Answer: C
68. Every communicator has to experience
(A) Manipulated emotions (B) Anticipatory excitement
(C) The issue of homophiles (D) Status dislocation
Answer: B
69. Imagine you are working in an educational institution where people are of equal status. Which method of communication is best
suited and normally employed in such a context?
(A) Horizontal communication (B) Vertical communication
(C) Corporate communication (D) Cross communication
Answer: A
70. In certain code, SELECTION is coded as QCJCARGML. The code of AMERICANS will be
Answer: A
71. In the series 3, 11, 23, 39, 59, ..........., The next term will be
(A) 63 (B) 73
(C) 83 (D) 93
Answer: C
72. Two railway tickets from city A and B and three tickets from city A to C cost Rs.177. Three tickets from city A to B and two tickets
from city A to C city Rs.173. The fare for city B from city A will be Rs.
(A) 25 (B) 27
(C) 30 (D) 33
Answer: D
73. Select the code, which is not correct in the context of deductive argument with two premises:
(A) An argument with one true premise, one false premise and a false conclusion may be valid.
(B) An argument with two true premises and a false conclusion may be valid.
(C) An argument with one true premise, one false premise and a true conclusion may be valid.
(D) An argument with two false premises and a false conclusion may be valid.
Answer: B
74. Which opinion is not correct?
(A) Education is a subject of concurrent list of VII schedule of Constitution of India
(B) University Grants Commission is a statutory body
(C) Patent, inventions, design, copyright and trademarks are the subject of concurrent list
(D) Indian Council of Social Science Research is a statutory body related to research in social sciences
Answer: C
75. Which of the following options are the main tasks of research in modern society?
(I) to keep pace with the advancement in knowledge.
(II) to discover new things.
(III) to write a critique on the earlier writings.
(IV) to systematically examine and critically analyze the investigations/sources with objectivity.
(A) IV, II and I (B) I, II and III
(C) I and III (D) II, III and IV
Answer: A
76. Match List-I (Interviews) with List-II (Meaning) and select the correct answer from the code given below:
List – I (Interviews) List - II (Meaning)
(a) structured interviews (i) greater flexibility approach
(b) Unstructured interviews (ii) attention on the questions to be answered
(c) Focused interviews (iii) individual life experience
(d) Clinical interviews (iv) Pre determined question
(v) non-directive
(a) (b) (c) (d)
(A) (iv) (i) (ii) (iii)
(B) (ii) (iv) (i) (iii)
(C) (v) (ii) (iv) (i)
(D) (i) (iii) (v) (iv)
Answer: A
77. Election of Rural and Urban local bodies are conducted and ultimately supervised by:
(A) Election Commission of India
(B) State Election Commission
(C) District Collector and District Magistrate
(D) Concerned Returning Officer
Answer: B
78. Which of the following sources of data is not based on primary data collection?
(A) Census of India
(B) National Sample Survey
(C) Statistical Abstracts of India
(D) National Family Health Survey
Answer: C
(A) A longitudinal research
(B) An applied research
(C) A research initiated to solve an immediate problem
(D) A research with socioeconomic objective
Answer: C
52. Research is
(A) Searching again and again
(B) Finding solution to any problem
(C) Working in a scientific way to search for truth of any problem
(D) None of the above
Answer: C
53. A common test in research demands much priority on
(A) Reliability (B) Usability
(C) Objectivity (D) All of the above
Answer: D
54. Which of the following is the first step in starting the research process?
(A) Searching sources of information to locate problem.
(B) Survey of related literature
(C) Identification of problem
(D) Searching for solutions to the problem
Answer: C
55. Suppose a student wants to share his problems with his teacher and he visits the teacher’s house for the purpose, the teacher should
(A) contact the student’s parents and solve his problem.
(B) suggest him that he should never visit his house.
(C) suggest him to meet the principal and solve the problem.
(D) extend reasonable help and boost his morale.
Answer: D
56. When some students are deliberately attempting to disturb the discipline of the class by making mischief, what will be your role as a teacher?
(A) Expelling those students.
(B) Isolate those students.
(C) Reform the group with your authority.
(D) Giving them an opportunity for introspection and improve their behaviour.
Answer: D
57. Which of the following belongs to a projected aid?
(A) Blackboard (B) Diorama
(C) Epidiascope (D) Globe
Answer: C
58. A teacher is said to be fluent in asking questions, if he can ask
(A) meaningful questions
(B) as many questions as possible
(C) maximum number of questions in a fixed time
(D) many meaningful questions in a fixed time
Answer: A
59. Which of the following qualities is most essential for a teacher?
(A) He should be a learned person.
(B) He should be a well dressed person.
(C) He should have patience.
(D) He should be an expert in his subject.
Answer: C
60. A hypothesis is a
(A) law (B) canon
(C) postulate (D) supposition
Answer: D
61. Suppose you want to investigate the working efficiency of nationalised bank in India, which one of the following would you follow?
(A) Area Sampling (B) Multi-stage Sampling
(C) Sequential Sampling (D) Quota Sampling
Answer: B
62. A party was held in which a grandmother, father, mother, four sons, their wives and one son and two daughters to each of the sons were present. The number of females present in the party is:
(A) 12 (B) 14
(C) 18 (D) 24
Answer: B
63. P and Q are brothers. R and S are sisters. The son of P is brother of S. Q is related to R as:
(A) Son (B) Brother
(C) Uncle (D) Father
Answer: C
64. Consider the argument given below:
‘Pre - employment testing of teachers is quite fair because doctors, architects and engineers who are now employed had to face such a
testing.’ What type of argument it is?
(A) Deductive (B) Analogical
(C) Psychological (D) Biological
Answer: B
65. Among the following propositions two arc related in such a way that they can both be true although they cannot both be false. Which are those propositions? Select the correct code.
(a) Some priests are cunning.
(b) No priest is cunning.
(c) All priests are cunning.
(d) Some priests are not cunning.
(A) (a) and (b) (B) (c) and (d)
(C) (a) and (c) (D) (a) and (d)
Answer: D
66. The choice of communication partners is influenced by factors of
(A) Proximity, utility, loneliness
(B) Utility, secrecy, dissonance
(C) Secrecy, dissonance, deception
(D) Dissimilarity, dissonance, deviance
Answer: A
67. As a teacher, select the best option to ensure your effective presence in the classroom.
(A) Use of peer command (B) Making aggressive statements
(C) Adoption of well-established posture (D) Being authoritarian
Answer: C
68. Every communicator has to experience
(A) Manipulated emotions (B) Anticipatory excitement
(C) The issue of homophiles (D) Status dislocation
Answer: B
69. Imagine you are working in an educational institution where people are of equal status. Which method of communication is best
suited and normally employed in such a context?
(A) Horizontal communication (B) Vertical communication
(C) Corporate communication (D) Cross communication
Answer: A
70. In certain code, SELECTION is coded as QCJCARGML. The code of AMERICANS will be
Answer: A
71. In the series 3, 11, 23, 39, 59, ..........., The next term will be
(A) 63 (B) 73
(C) 83 (D) 93
Answer: C
72. Two railway tickets from city A and B and three tickets from city A to C cost Rs.177. Three tickets from city A to B and two tickets
from city A to C city Rs.173. The fare for city B from city A will be Rs.
(A) 25 (B) 27
(C) 30 (D) 33
Answer: D
73. Select the code, which is not correct in the context of deductive argument with two premises:
(A) An argument with one true premise, one false premise and a false conclusion may be valid.
(B) An argument with two true premises and a false conclusion may be valid.
(C) An argument with one true premise, one false premise and a true conclusion may be valid.
(D) An argument with two false premises and a false conclusion may be valid.
Answer: B
74. Which opinion is not correct?
(A) Education is a subject of concurrent list of VII schedule of Constitution of India
(B) University Grants Commission is a statutory body
(C) Patent, inventions, design, copyright and trademarks are the subject of concurrent list
(D) Indian Council of Social Science Research is a statutory body related to research in social sciences
Answer: C
75. Which of the following options are the main tasks of research in modern society?
(I) to keep pace with the advancement in knowledge.
(II) to discover new things.
(III) to write a critique on the earlier writings.
(IV) to systematically examine and critically analyze the investigations/sources with objectivity.
(A) IV, II and I (B) I, II and III
(C) I and III (D) II, III and IV
Answer: A
76. Match List-I (Interviews) with List-II (Meaning) and select the correct answer from the code given below:
List – I (Interviews) List - II (Meaning)
(a) structured interviews (i) greater flexibility approach
(b) Unstructured interviews (ii) attention on the questions to be answered
(c) Focused interviews (iii) individual life experience
(d) Clinical interviews (iv) Pre determined question
(v) non-directive
(a) (b) (c) (d)
(A) (iv) (i) (ii) (iii)
(B) (ii) (iv) (i) (iii)
(C) (v) (ii) (iv) (i)
(D) (i) (iii) (v) (iv)
Answer: A
77. Election of Rural and Urban local bodies are conducted and ultimately supervised by:
(A) Election Commission of India
(B) State Election Commission
(C) District Collector and District Magistrate
(D) Concerned Returning Officer
Answer: B
78. Which of the following sources of data is not based on primary data collection?
(A) Census of India
(B) National Sample Survey
(C) Statistical Abstracts of India
(D) National Family Health Survey
Answer: C
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- Teaching and Research Aptitude- Page 22