1. Which day is celebrated as World Computer Literacy Day ?
(A) December 10 (B) October 10
(C) December 2 (D) November 2
Ans: C
2. Which section of IT Act, 2000 was dismissed as per Supreme Court Verdict ?
(A) 67A (B) 66A (C) 78 (D) 65
Ans: B
3. Which is the latest Version of Android Operating System released on August 2018?
(A) KitKat
(B) Pie
(C) CupCake
(D) Éclair
Ans: B
4. Which among the following is a browser ?
(A) Google (B) Mozilla FireFox (C) Yahoo (D) Bing
Ans: B
5. Find the odd one out :
(A) Light Pen (B) OMR (C) Joy Stick (D) Printer
Ans: D
6:- In computer Arithmetic operations are performed by
A:- Contro| Unit B:- ALU C:- Primary Memory D:- CPU
Ans: B
7:- _____ is a non volatile memory?
A:-SRAM B:-DRAM C:- ROM D:-None of these
Ans: C
8:- Which protocol is used to send the E-Mail?
Ans: A
9:- Operating system is the type of_ software?
A:- Application
B:- System
C:- Both A & B
D:-None of these
Ans: B
10:- Expand VGA?
A:-Video Graphics Access B:-Video Graphics Adapter C:- Video Graphics Accelerator D:- Video Graphics Array
Ans: D
11:- The basic unit of memory is
A:- Digit B:-Bit C:- Byte D:-KB
Ans: B
12:-Microprocessors are used in which generation of computer?
A:-Second Generation B:- Third Generation C:- Fourth Generation D:- Both B & C
Ans: C
13:- Microsoft excel is an example of?
A:- Operating System B:-Display Device C:- Application Software D:-System Software
Ans: C
14:- The program in ROM is called?
A:-Startup loader B:- Kernel C:- Initial Loader D:-Bootstrap Loader
Ans: D
15:- Which of the following is a cyber crime?
A:-Virus attack B:-Hacking C:- Both A & B D:-None of the above
Ans: C
16. What is EEPROM?
(A) Electrically Erasable Programmable Read only Memory (B) Easily Erasable Programmable Read only Memory
(C) Electronic Erasable Programmable Read only Memory (D) None of the above
Ans: A
17. In which of the following form, data is stored in computer ?
(A) Decimal (B) Binary (C) Hexa Decimal (D) Octal
Ans: B
18. What is full form of GUI in terms of computers?
(A) Graphical user Instrument (B) Graphical unified Interface (C) Graphical unified Instrument (D) Graphical user Interface
Ans: D
19. The language that the computer can understand and execute is called
(A) Machine language (B) Application software (C) System program (D) All of these
Ans: A
20. A computer program that converts an entire program into machine language at one time is called a/an
(A) Interpreter (B) CPU (C) Compiler (D) Simulator
Ans: C
21. Which of the following is also known as brain of computer?
(A) Control unit (B) Central Processing unit (C) Arithmetic and language unit (D) Monitor
Ans: B
22. Actual execution of instructions in a computer takes place in
(A) ALU (B) Control Unit (C) Storage unit (D) None of these
Ans: A
23. Which one of the following devices is required to connect a computer to the internet?
(A) Pen Drive (B) Mouse (C) Modem (D) DVD
Ans: C
24. Which of the following is an input device?
(A) CRT Monitor (B) Speaker (C) Printer (D) Keyboard
Ans: D
25. ‘C’ programming language is ..............
(A) An assembly language (B) A third generation high level language (C) A machine language (D) None of these
Ans: B
26. Full form of URL is ..............
(A) Uniform Routing Location (B) Unix Routing Locator (C) United Route License (D) Uniform Resource Locator
Ans: D
27. 1’s complement of 11100110 is ..............
(A) 00011001 (B) 10000001 (C) 00011010 (D) 00000000
Ans: A
28. Which one of the following is not a PLC manufacturer?
(A) Siemens (B) Mitsubishi (C) Microsoft (D) ABB
Ans: C
29. Which of the following is an input device? (A) Monitor (B) Plotter (C) Joystick (D) Speakers
Ans: C
30. What is OCR? (A) File Translation Process (B) Optimum Character Recognition (C) Optical Code Recorder (D) Optical Character Recognition
Ans: D
31. Which of the following decimal numbers represent the hexadecimal number 1A? (A) 26 (B) 24 (C) 16 (D) 14
Ans: A
32. One of the advantage of using a database management system is : (A) Two factor authentication (B) Manage concurrency control (C) Enhance redundancy (D) Reduce data integrity
Ans: B
33. What is Digital signature?
(A) Authentication of any electronic record by means of digitized signature of a person
(B) Authentication of any electronic record by means of an electronic procedure
(C) Digitally stored signature of a person
(D) Scanned picture of a person’s signature on any electronic record
Ans: B
34. The search engines that collect results from other search engines are known as : (A) Second search engines (B) Primary search engines (C) Topical search engines (D) Meta search engines
Ans: D
35. Which of the following is address of a web page in the internet? (A) HTTP (B) Uniform Page Locator (C) Uniform Resource Locator (D) Port number
Ans: C
36. A software that acts as an intermediary between user of a computer and the computer hardware : (A) Utility software (B) Application software (C) BIOS (D) Operating system
Ans: D
37. Which is the national nodal Agency for cyber security incident response? (A) CERT-In (B) CCA (C) C–DAC (D) NIC
Ans: A
38. The Information Technology Amendment Act was made effective from : (A) 27 October 2000 (B) 17 October 2008 (C) 27 October 2009 (D) 17 October 2000
Ans: C
39. The bit oriented protocol for communication over point to point and multipoint links is :
(A) HDLC (B) Stop and wait protocol (C) PPP (D) PAP
Ans: A
40. The service not provided by PPP is :
(A) network address configuration (B) authentication (C) flow control (D) none of these
Ans: C
41. Encryption is done at :
(A) Presentation Layer (B) Application Layer (C) Session Layer (D) Transport Layer
Ans: A
42. One channel carries all transmissions simultaneously in :
Ans: B
43. The IEEE standard for Wifi is :
(A) 802.4 (B) 802.1 (C) 802.2 (D) 802.11
Ans: D
44. An example for cell switched network is :
(A) SONET (B) ATM (C) UPSR (D) None of these
Ans: B
45. GSM is a digital cellular phone system using :
(A) TDMA and packet switching (B) CDMA and packet switching (C) TDMA and FDMA (D) FDMA and CDMA
Ans: C
46. UDP is a :
(A) Connectionless unreliable protocol (B) Reliable and connection oriented protocol
(C) Connectionless reliable protocol (D) Connection oriented unreliable protocol
Ans: A
47. SCTP is a __________ layer protocol.
(A) Session Layer (B) Application Layer (C) DLL (D) Transport Layer
Ans: D
48. The result which operation contains all pairs of tuples from the two relations, regardless of whether their attribute values match ?
(A) Join (B) Cartesian product (C) Intersection (D) Set difference
Ans: B
49. The most commonly used operation in relational algebra for projecting a set of tuple from a relation is :
(A) Join (B) Projection (C) Select (D) Union
Ans: C
50. For each attribute of a relation, there is a set of permitted values, called the __________ of that attribute.
(A) Domain (B) Relation (C) Set (D) Schema
Ans: A
(A) December 10 (B) October 10
(C) December 2 (D) November 2
Ans: C
2. Which section of IT Act, 2000 was dismissed as per Supreme Court Verdict ?
(A) 67A (B) 66A (C) 78 (D) 65
Ans: B
3. Which is the latest Version of Android Operating System released on August 2018?
(A) KitKat
(B) Pie
(C) CupCake
(D) Éclair
Ans: B
4. Which among the following is a browser ?
(A) Google (B) Mozilla FireFox (C) Yahoo (D) Bing
Ans: B
5. Find the odd one out :
(A) Light Pen (B) OMR (C) Joy Stick (D) Printer
Ans: D
6:- In computer Arithmetic operations are performed by
A:- Contro| Unit B:- ALU C:- Primary Memory D:- CPU
Ans: B
7:- _____ is a non volatile memory?
A:-SRAM B:-DRAM C:- ROM D:-None of these
Ans: C
8:- Which protocol is used to send the E-Mail?
Ans: A
9:- Operating system is the type of_ software?
A:- Application
B:- System
C:- Both A & B
D:-None of these
Ans: B
10:- Expand VGA?
A:-Video Graphics Access B:-Video Graphics Adapter C:- Video Graphics Accelerator D:- Video Graphics Array
Ans: D
11:- The basic unit of memory is
A:- Digit B:-Bit C:- Byte D:-KB
Ans: B
12:-Microprocessors are used in which generation of computer?
A:-Second Generation B:- Third Generation C:- Fourth Generation D:- Both B & C
Ans: C
13:- Microsoft excel is an example of?
A:- Operating System B:-Display Device C:- Application Software D:-System Software
Ans: C
14:- The program in ROM is called?
A:-Startup loader B:- Kernel C:- Initial Loader D:-Bootstrap Loader
Ans: D
15:- Which of the following is a cyber crime?
A:-Virus attack B:-Hacking C:- Both A & B D:-None of the above
Ans: C
16. What is EEPROM?
(A) Electrically Erasable Programmable Read only Memory (B) Easily Erasable Programmable Read only Memory
(C) Electronic Erasable Programmable Read only Memory (D) None of the above
Ans: A
17. In which of the following form, data is stored in computer ?
(A) Decimal (B) Binary (C) Hexa Decimal (D) Octal
Ans: B
18. What is full form of GUI in terms of computers?
(A) Graphical user Instrument (B) Graphical unified Interface (C) Graphical unified Instrument (D) Graphical user Interface
Ans: D
19. The language that the computer can understand and execute is called
(A) Machine language (B) Application software (C) System program (D) All of these
Ans: A
20. A computer program that converts an entire program into machine language at one time is called a/an
(A) Interpreter (B) CPU (C) Compiler (D) Simulator
Ans: C
21. Which of the following is also known as brain of computer?
(A) Control unit (B) Central Processing unit (C) Arithmetic and language unit (D) Monitor
Ans: B
22. Actual execution of instructions in a computer takes place in
(A) ALU (B) Control Unit (C) Storage unit (D) None of these
Ans: A
23. Which one of the following devices is required to connect a computer to the internet?
(A) Pen Drive (B) Mouse (C) Modem (D) DVD
Ans: C
24. Which of the following is an input device?
(A) CRT Monitor (B) Speaker (C) Printer (D) Keyboard
Ans: D
25. ‘C’ programming language is ..............
(A) An assembly language (B) A third generation high level language (C) A machine language (D) None of these
Ans: B
26. Full form of URL is ..............
(A) Uniform Routing Location (B) Unix Routing Locator (C) United Route License (D) Uniform Resource Locator
Ans: D
27. 1’s complement of 11100110 is ..............
(A) 00011001 (B) 10000001 (C) 00011010 (D) 00000000
Ans: A
28. Which one of the following is not a PLC manufacturer?
(A) Siemens (B) Mitsubishi (C) Microsoft (D) ABB
Ans: C
29. Which of the following is an input device? (A) Monitor (B) Plotter (C) Joystick (D) Speakers
Ans: C
30. What is OCR? (A) File Translation Process (B) Optimum Character Recognition (C) Optical Code Recorder (D) Optical Character Recognition
Ans: D
31. Which of the following decimal numbers represent the hexadecimal number 1A? (A) 26 (B) 24 (C) 16 (D) 14
Ans: A
32. One of the advantage of using a database management system is : (A) Two factor authentication (B) Manage concurrency control (C) Enhance redundancy (D) Reduce data integrity
Ans: B
33. What is Digital signature?
(A) Authentication of any electronic record by means of digitized signature of a person
(B) Authentication of any electronic record by means of an electronic procedure
(C) Digitally stored signature of a person
(D) Scanned picture of a person’s signature on any electronic record
Ans: B
34. The search engines that collect results from other search engines are known as : (A) Second search engines (B) Primary search engines (C) Topical search engines (D) Meta search engines
Ans: D
35. Which of the following is address of a web page in the internet? (A) HTTP (B) Uniform Page Locator (C) Uniform Resource Locator (D) Port number
Ans: C
36. A software that acts as an intermediary between user of a computer and the computer hardware : (A) Utility software (B) Application software (C) BIOS (D) Operating system
Ans: D
37. Which is the national nodal Agency for cyber security incident response? (A) CERT-In (B) CCA (C) C–DAC (D) NIC
Ans: A
38. The Information Technology Amendment Act was made effective from : (A) 27 October 2000 (B) 17 October 2008 (C) 27 October 2009 (D) 17 October 2000
Ans: C
39. The bit oriented protocol for communication over point to point and multipoint links is :
(A) HDLC (B) Stop and wait protocol (C) PPP (D) PAP
Ans: A
40. The service not provided by PPP is :
(A) network address configuration (B) authentication (C) flow control (D) none of these
Ans: C
41. Encryption is done at :
(A) Presentation Layer (B) Application Layer (C) Session Layer (D) Transport Layer
Ans: A
42. One channel carries all transmissions simultaneously in :
Ans: B
43. The IEEE standard for Wifi is :
(A) 802.4 (B) 802.1 (C) 802.2 (D) 802.11
Ans: D
44. An example for cell switched network is :
(A) SONET (B) ATM (C) UPSR (D) None of these
Ans: B
45. GSM is a digital cellular phone system using :
(A) TDMA and packet switching (B) CDMA and packet switching (C) TDMA and FDMA (D) FDMA and CDMA
Ans: C
46. UDP is a :
(A) Connectionless unreliable protocol (B) Reliable and connection oriented protocol
(C) Connectionless reliable protocol (D) Connection oriented unreliable protocol
Ans: A
47. SCTP is a __________ layer protocol.
(A) Session Layer (B) Application Layer (C) DLL (D) Transport Layer
Ans: D
48. The result which operation contains all pairs of tuples from the two relations, regardless of whether their attribute values match ?
(A) Join (B) Cartesian product (C) Intersection (D) Set difference
Ans: B
49. The most commonly used operation in relational algebra for projecting a set of tuple from a relation is :
(A) Join (B) Projection (C) Select (D) Union
Ans: C
50. For each attribute of a relation, there is a set of permitted values, called the __________ of that attribute.
(A) Domain (B) Relation (C) Set (D) Schema
Ans: A
51. Managers salary details are hidden from employees. This is :
(A) Conceptual level data hiding (B) Physical level data hiding (C) External level data hiding (D) None of these
Ans: C
52. In SR flip-flop, if S=R=1 then Q(t+1) will be :
(A) Q(t) (B) 0 (C) 1 (D) indeterminate state
Ans: D
53. The UNIX Shell is :
(A) A command line interpreter (B) Set of user commands (C) A GUI interface (D) All of the above
Ans: A
54. The 10’s complements of 13250 is :
(A) 86740 (B) 86750 (C) 97850 (D) 97859
Ans: B
55. DeMorgan’s theorem says that a NOR gate is equivalent to __________ gate.
(A) Bubbled XOR (B) Bubbled AND (C) NOR (D) Bubbled NOR
Ans: B
56. AB+B((B+C')+B'C) can be simplified to :
(A) AB+BC (B) B+BC (C) B+C (D) None of the above
Ans: C
57. The self complementing unweighted code is :
(A) 8421 (B) 2421 (C) Excess 3 (D) Gray code
Ans: C
58. In 8086 microprocessor the following has the highest priority among all the type of interrupt : (A) NM 1 (B) type 255 (C) over flow (D) Div 0
Ans: A
59. Which among the following is the maximum mod signal in 8085 ?
Ans: D
60. INT2 in 8086 is :
(A) Single step interrupt (B) Non maskable interrupt (C) Division by zero interrupt (D) Overflow interrupt
Ans: B
61. Which among the following is the programmable DMA controller in 8086 ?
(A) 8259 (B) 8257 (C) 8251 (D) 8250
Ans: B
62. In cyclomatic complexity, if E is the number of edges and N is the number of nodes, V(G), for a flow graph is defined as :
(A) E−N+2 (B) E−N−1 (C) E+N−2 (D) E+N−1
Ans: A
63. Which among the following is the risk driven process model ?
(A) Prototyping (B) Spiral model (C) Component based development (D) Waterfall model
Ans: B
64. Which testing method is normally used as the acceptance test for a software system ?
(A) Unit testing (B) Integration testing (C) Functional testing (D) Regression testing
Ans: B
65. Application like Banking and Reservation require which type of operating system :
(A) Hard real time (B) Soft real time (C) Real time (D) Time sharing
Ans: B
66. Preemptive scheduling is the strategy of temporally suspending a running process :
(A) To avoid collision (B) When it request i/o (C) Before the CPU time slice expires (D) None of the above
Ans: C
67. Time for the disk, rotate to the start of the desired sector is known as :
(A) Seek time (B) Transfer time (C) Latency time (D) Access time
Ans: C
68. Mutual exclusion problem occurs between :
(A) Process that share resources (B) Process use not the same resources (C) Two disjoint process that do not interact (D) None of the above
Ans: A
69. PNG stands for :
(A) Packet network graphics (B) Portable network graphics (C) Protocol for network graphic (D) None of the above
Ans: B
70. The maintenance activity to find and fix error during operation of error is :
(A) adaptive maintenance (B) corrective maintenance (C) perfective maintenance (D) preventive maintenance
Ans: B
71. Which method uses small increments with minimum planning and iterations are short time frames ?
(A) Water fall model (B) Spiral model (C) Agile model (D) Prototype model
Ans: B
72. Telnet is a :
(A) Remote login (B) Television network (C) Network of telephone (D) None of the above
Ans: A
73. Which register in the processor is single directional ?
(A) Temp (B) MDR
(C) PC (D) MAR
Ans: D
74. Highly encoded schemes that use compact codes to specify a small number of functions in each
micro instruction is
(A) Horizontal organisation (B) Vertical organisation
(C) Diagonal organisation (D) None of the above
Ans: B
75. The extra time needed to bring the data into memory in case of a miss is called
(A) Delay (B) Propagation time
(C) Miss penalty (D) None of the above
Ans: C
76. A RAM chip has a capacity of 1024 words of 8 bits each (1 K ¥ 8). The number of 2 ¥ 4 decoders
with enable line needed to construct a 16 K ¥ 16 RAM from 1 K ¥ 8 RAM is
(A) 4 (B) 7
(C) 6 (D) 5
Ans: D
77. The number of clauses formed from the logical expression
(a AND b) OR (c AND d)
(A) 4 (B) 3
(C) 2 (D) 1
Ans: A
78. Best first search algorithm is
(A) Depth first approach
(B) Combination of depth first and breadth first
(C) Breadth first
(D) None of the above
Ans: B
79. “A book consist of chapters and a book is a type of publication”. In object oriented analysis, this
can be described in a class model using which of the following ?
(A) Association and realization (B) Aggregation and generalisation
(C) Generalisation and aggregation (D) None of the above
Ans: B
80. In spiral model, for risk analysis, we use
(A) Prototyping (B) Waterfall model
(C) Agile model (D) None of the above
Ans: A
81. An automated query response system using AI techniques is to be developed, where the
technology and domain knowledge is new, which life cycle model is most suited ?
(A) Waterfall (B) Iterative waterfall
(C) Prototyping (D) Spiral
Ans: C
82. If (a>=200) and (a<=400)
Which white box testing strategy can ensure maximum correctness for the above code fragment ?
(A) Statement coverage criteria (B) Path coverage criteria
(C) Branch coverage criteria (D) None of the above
Ans: B
83. One of the most important structured analysis and design tool is
(A) DFD (B) Deployment diagram
(C) Use-case diagram (D) None of the above
Ans: A
84. Which of the following is a black-box testing strategy ?
(A) Path testing (B) Equivalence class partitioning
(C) Branch testing (D) None of the above
Ans: B
85. The UML behavioural modelling consists of which all diagrams ?
(A) Class and object diagrams (B) Component and deployment diagrams
(C) Activity and interaction diagrams (D) None of the above
Ans: C
86. Which of the following concurrency control protocols ensure both conflict serializability and
freedom from deadlock ?
1. 2-phase locking
2. Time-stamp ordering
(A) l only (B) 2 only
(C) Neither 1 nor 2 (D) Both 1 and 2
Ans: B
87. Which one of the following statements is false ?
(A) Any relation with two attributes is in BCNF.
(B) A prime attribute can be transitively dependent on a key in a 3NF relation.
(C) A prime attribute can be transitively dependent on a key in a BCNF relation.
(D) Any relation with two attributes is in BCNF.
Ans: C
88. Consider a relational schema R=(A,B,C,D,E,H) on which the following functional dependencies
hold : {A Æ B, BC Æ D, E Æ C, D Æ A}.What are the candidate keys of R ?
Ans: B
89. Given relations r(w, x) and s(y, z) the result of select distinct w, x from r, s is guaranteed to be
same as r, provided
(A) r and s have no duplicates
(B) s has no duplicates and r is non-empty
(C) r and s have the same number of tuples
(D) r has no duplicates and s is non-empty
Ans: D
90. Which one of the following statements about normal forms is false ?
(A) BCNF is stricter than 3 NF.
(B) Lossless, dependency preserving decomposition into 3NF is always possible.
(C) Lossless, dependency preserving decomposition into BCNF is always possible.
(D) Any relation with two attributes is in BCNF.
Ans: C
91. Let El and E2 be two entities in an ER diagram with simple single valued attributes. Rl and R2 are
two relationships between El and E2, where Rl is one-to-many and R2 is many-to-many. Rl and
R2 do not have any attributes of their own. What is the minimum number of tables required to
represent this situation in the relational model ?
(A) 2 (B) 3
(C) 4 (D) 5
Ans: B
92. Consider the following relational schemas :
Suppliers (sid:integer, sname:string, city:string, street:string)
Parts(pid:integer, pname:string, color:string)
Catalog(sid:integer, pid:integer, cost:real)
Consider the following relational query on the above database :
SELECT S.sname FROM Suppliers S WHERE S.sid NOT IN (SELECT C.sid FROM Catalog C
WHERE NOT IN(SELECT FROM Parts P WHERE P.color < > ‘blue’)).
Assume that relations corresponding to the above schema are not empty. Which one of the
following is the correct interpretation of the above query ?
(A) Find the names of all suppliers who have supplied a non-blue part.
(B) Find the names of all suppliers who have not supplied a non-blue part.
(C) Find the names of all suppliers who have supplied only blue parts
(D) Find the names of all suppliers who have not supplied only blue parts.
Ans: A
93. What is the output of this program ?
#include <iostream>
using namespace std;
int main()
int arr[] = {4, 5, 6, 7};
int *p = (arr + 1);
cout <<*p;
return 0;
(A) 4 (B) 5
(C) 6 (D) 7
Ans: B
94. What is the result of the following piece of code:
public class Person{
public void talk(){
System.out.print(“I am a Person”);
public class Student extends Person{
public void talk(){
System.out.print(“I am a Student”);
public class Test{
public static void main(String args[]){
Person p = new Student();;
(A) I am a Person (B) I am a student
(C) I am a Person I am a Student (D) I am a Student I am a Person
Ans: B
95. Which of the following is true ?
1. A class can extend more than one class.
2. A class can extend only one class but many interfaces.
3. An interface can extend many interfaces.
4. An interface can implement many interfaces.
5. A class can extend one class and implement many interfaces.
(A) 1 and 2 (B) 2 and 4
(C) 3 and 5 (D) 3 and 4
Ans: C
96. Suppose a class has public visibility. In this class we define a protected method. Which of the
following statements is correct ?
(A) This method is only accessible from inside the class itself and from inside all subclasses.
(B) In a class, you cannot declare methods with a lower visibility than the visibility of the
class in which it is defined.
(C) From within protected methods you do not have access to public methods.
(D) This method is accessible from within the class itself and from within all classes defined in the same package as the class itself.
Ans: D
97. Java virtual machine is
(A) Compiler (B) Assembler
(C) Interpreter (D) None of the above
Ans: C
98. In 8086 microprocessor the following has the highest priority among all type interrupts :
(A) Single Step (B) DIV 0
Ans: B
99. The size of each segment in 8086 is :
(A) 64 kb (B) 24 kb
(C) 50 kb (D) 16 kb
Ans: A
100. Which interrupt is not level sensitive in 8085 ?
(A) RST6.5 is a raising edge-trigging interrupt.
(B) RST7.5 is a raising edge-trigging interrupt.
(C) (A) & (B)
(D) None of the above
Ans: B
(A) Conceptual level data hiding (B) Physical level data hiding (C) External level data hiding (D) None of these
Ans: C
52. In SR flip-flop, if S=R=1 then Q(t+1) will be :
(A) Q(t) (B) 0 (C) 1 (D) indeterminate state
Ans: D
53. The UNIX Shell is :
(A) A command line interpreter (B) Set of user commands (C) A GUI interface (D) All of the above
Ans: A
54. The 10’s complements of 13250 is :
(A) 86740 (B) 86750 (C) 97850 (D) 97859
Ans: B
55. DeMorgan’s theorem says that a NOR gate is equivalent to __________ gate.
(A) Bubbled XOR (B) Bubbled AND (C) NOR (D) Bubbled NOR
Ans: B
56. AB+B((B+C')+B'C) can be simplified to :
(A) AB+BC (B) B+BC (C) B+C (D) None of the above
Ans: C
57. The self complementing unweighted code is :
(A) 8421 (B) 2421 (C) Excess 3 (D) Gray code
Ans: C
58. In 8086 microprocessor the following has the highest priority among all the type of interrupt : (A) NM 1 (B) type 255 (C) over flow (D) Div 0
Ans: A
59. Which among the following is the maximum mod signal in 8085 ?
Ans: D
60. INT2 in 8086 is :
(A) Single step interrupt (B) Non maskable interrupt (C) Division by zero interrupt (D) Overflow interrupt
Ans: B
61. Which among the following is the programmable DMA controller in 8086 ?
(A) 8259 (B) 8257 (C) 8251 (D) 8250
Ans: B
62. In cyclomatic complexity, if E is the number of edges and N is the number of nodes, V(G), for a flow graph is defined as :
(A) E−N+2 (B) E−N−1 (C) E+N−2 (D) E+N−1
Ans: A
63. Which among the following is the risk driven process model ?
(A) Prototyping (B) Spiral model (C) Component based development (D) Waterfall model
Ans: B
64. Which testing method is normally used as the acceptance test for a software system ?
(A) Unit testing (B) Integration testing (C) Functional testing (D) Regression testing
Ans: B
65. Application like Banking and Reservation require which type of operating system :
(A) Hard real time (B) Soft real time (C) Real time (D) Time sharing
Ans: B
66. Preemptive scheduling is the strategy of temporally suspending a running process :
(A) To avoid collision (B) When it request i/o (C) Before the CPU time slice expires (D) None of the above
Ans: C
67. Time for the disk, rotate to the start of the desired sector is known as :
(A) Seek time (B) Transfer time (C) Latency time (D) Access time
Ans: C
68. Mutual exclusion problem occurs between :
(A) Process that share resources (B) Process use not the same resources (C) Two disjoint process that do not interact (D) None of the above
Ans: A
69. PNG stands for :
(A) Packet network graphics (B) Portable network graphics (C) Protocol for network graphic (D) None of the above
Ans: B
70. The maintenance activity to find and fix error during operation of error is :
(A) adaptive maintenance (B) corrective maintenance (C) perfective maintenance (D) preventive maintenance
Ans: B
71. Which method uses small increments with minimum planning and iterations are short time frames ?
(A) Water fall model (B) Spiral model (C) Agile model (D) Prototype model
Ans: B
72. Telnet is a :
(A) Remote login (B) Television network (C) Network of telephone (D) None of the above
Ans: A
73. Which register in the processor is single directional ?
(A) Temp (B) MDR
(C) PC (D) MAR
Ans: D
74. Highly encoded schemes that use compact codes to specify a small number of functions in each
micro instruction is
(A) Horizontal organisation (B) Vertical organisation
(C) Diagonal organisation (D) None of the above
Ans: B
75. The extra time needed to bring the data into memory in case of a miss is called
(A) Delay (B) Propagation time
(C) Miss penalty (D) None of the above
Ans: C
76. A RAM chip has a capacity of 1024 words of 8 bits each (1 K ¥ 8). The number of 2 ¥ 4 decoders
with enable line needed to construct a 16 K ¥ 16 RAM from 1 K ¥ 8 RAM is
(A) 4 (B) 7
(C) 6 (D) 5
Ans: D
77. The number of clauses formed from the logical expression
(a AND b) OR (c AND d)
(A) 4 (B) 3
(C) 2 (D) 1
Ans: A
78. Best first search algorithm is
(A) Depth first approach
(B) Combination of depth first and breadth first
(C) Breadth first
(D) None of the above
Ans: B
79. “A book consist of chapters and a book is a type of publication”. In object oriented analysis, this
can be described in a class model using which of the following ?
(A) Association and realization (B) Aggregation and generalisation
(C) Generalisation and aggregation (D) None of the above
Ans: B
80. In spiral model, for risk analysis, we use
(A) Prototyping (B) Waterfall model
(C) Agile model (D) None of the above
Ans: A
81. An automated query response system using AI techniques is to be developed, where the
technology and domain knowledge is new, which life cycle model is most suited ?
(A) Waterfall (B) Iterative waterfall
(C) Prototyping (D) Spiral
Ans: C
82. If (a>=200) and (a<=400)
Which white box testing strategy can ensure maximum correctness for the above code fragment ?
(A) Statement coverage criteria (B) Path coverage criteria
(C) Branch coverage criteria (D) None of the above
Ans: B
83. One of the most important structured analysis and design tool is
(A) DFD (B) Deployment diagram
(C) Use-case diagram (D) None of the above
Ans: A
84. Which of the following is a black-box testing strategy ?
(A) Path testing (B) Equivalence class partitioning
(C) Branch testing (D) None of the above
Ans: B
85. The UML behavioural modelling consists of which all diagrams ?
(A) Class and object diagrams (B) Component and deployment diagrams
(C) Activity and interaction diagrams (D) None of the above
Ans: C
86. Which of the following concurrency control protocols ensure both conflict serializability and
freedom from deadlock ?
1. 2-phase locking
2. Time-stamp ordering
(A) l only (B) 2 only
(C) Neither 1 nor 2 (D) Both 1 and 2
Ans: B
87. Which one of the following statements is false ?
(A) Any relation with two attributes is in BCNF.
(B) A prime attribute can be transitively dependent on a key in a 3NF relation.
(C) A prime attribute can be transitively dependent on a key in a BCNF relation.
(D) Any relation with two attributes is in BCNF.
Ans: C
88. Consider a relational schema R=(A,B,C,D,E,H) on which the following functional dependencies
hold : {A Æ B, BC Æ D, E Æ C, D Æ A}.What are the candidate keys of R ?
Ans: B
89. Given relations r(w, x) and s(y, z) the result of select distinct w, x from r, s is guaranteed to be
same as r, provided
(A) r and s have no duplicates
(B) s has no duplicates and r is non-empty
(C) r and s have the same number of tuples
(D) r has no duplicates and s is non-empty
Ans: D
90. Which one of the following statements about normal forms is false ?
(A) BCNF is stricter than 3 NF.
(B) Lossless, dependency preserving decomposition into 3NF is always possible.
(C) Lossless, dependency preserving decomposition into BCNF is always possible.
(D) Any relation with two attributes is in BCNF.
Ans: C
91. Let El and E2 be two entities in an ER diagram with simple single valued attributes. Rl and R2 are
two relationships between El and E2, where Rl is one-to-many and R2 is many-to-many. Rl and
R2 do not have any attributes of their own. What is the minimum number of tables required to
represent this situation in the relational model ?
(A) 2 (B) 3
(C) 4 (D) 5
Ans: B
92. Consider the following relational schemas :
Suppliers (sid:integer, sname:string, city:string, street:string)
Parts(pid:integer, pname:string, color:string)
Catalog(sid:integer, pid:integer, cost:real)
Consider the following relational query on the above database :
SELECT S.sname FROM Suppliers S WHERE S.sid NOT IN (SELECT C.sid FROM Catalog C
WHERE NOT IN(SELECT FROM Parts P WHERE P.color < > ‘blue’)).
Assume that relations corresponding to the above schema are not empty. Which one of the
following is the correct interpretation of the above query ?
(A) Find the names of all suppliers who have supplied a non-blue part.
(B) Find the names of all suppliers who have not supplied a non-blue part.
(C) Find the names of all suppliers who have supplied only blue parts
(D) Find the names of all suppliers who have not supplied only blue parts.
Ans: A
93. What is the output of this program ?
#include <iostream>
using namespace std;
int main()
int arr[] = {4, 5, 6, 7};
int *p = (arr + 1);
cout <<*p;
return 0;
(A) 4 (B) 5
(C) 6 (D) 7
Ans: B
94. What is the result of the following piece of code:
public class Person{
public void talk(){
System.out.print(“I am a Person”);
public class Student extends Person{
public void talk(){
System.out.print(“I am a Student”);
public class Test{
public static void main(String args[]){
Person p = new Student();;
(A) I am a Person (B) I am a student
(C) I am a Person I am a Student (D) I am a Student I am a Person
Ans: B
95. Which of the following is true ?
1. A class can extend more than one class.
2. A class can extend only one class but many interfaces.
3. An interface can extend many interfaces.
4. An interface can implement many interfaces.
5. A class can extend one class and implement many interfaces.
(A) 1 and 2 (B) 2 and 4
(C) 3 and 5 (D) 3 and 4
Ans: C
96. Suppose a class has public visibility. In this class we define a protected method. Which of the
following statements is correct ?
(A) This method is only accessible from inside the class itself and from inside all subclasses.
(B) In a class, you cannot declare methods with a lower visibility than the visibility of the
class in which it is defined.
(C) From within protected methods you do not have access to public methods.
(D) This method is accessible from within the class itself and from within all classes defined in the same package as the class itself.
Ans: D
97. Java virtual machine is
(A) Compiler (B) Assembler
(C) Interpreter (D) None of the above
Ans: C
98. In 8086 microprocessor the following has the highest priority among all type interrupts :
(A) Single Step (B) DIV 0
Ans: B
99. The size of each segment in 8086 is :
(A) 64 kb (B) 24 kb
(C) 50 kb (D) 16 kb
Ans: A
100. Which interrupt is not level sensitive in 8085 ?
(A) RST6.5 is a raising edge-trigging interrupt.
(B) RST7.5 is a raising edge-trigging interrupt.
(C) (A) & (B)
(D) None of the above
Ans: B
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