1. A 4 bit combinational circuit " shifter " to implement left and right shift operations on 4 bit number may be
designed using :
1) Four 2 to 4 decoders
2) Two 3 to 8 decoders
3) Four 2 to 1 multiplexers
4) Two 4 to 1 multiplexers
Ans: 3
2. In context of computer system architecture a stack is :
1) Reserved RAM address space
2) Reserved ROM address space
3) Reserved I/O address space
4) A list of instruction
Ans: 1
3. Let A,B,C,X,Y,Z are positive integer such that A< X < B < Y < C < Z . If preorder traversal of a binary search tree T is given by Y X A B Z C then its post order traversal will be :
1) A B C X Z Y
2) A B X C Z Y
3) A B Z Y C X
4) A B Y Z C X
Ans: 2
4. Let A = 4 , B = 3, C = 6 and D = 2 . What is value of postfix expression ABCD/*+ ?
1) 21
2) 13
3) 22
4) 10
Ans: 2
5. Valid C statement to allocate 20 bytes to an integer pointer P is :
1) P = (int *) malloc (20) ;
2) *P = (int *) malloc (20) ;
3) P = (int * malloc) * 20;
4) &P = (int *) malloc (20) ;
Ans: 1
6. Let a number X denote a Push (X) operation and P denotes POP() operation on stack. What will be sum of elements of stack after applying following sequence of operations on empty stack : 2 ,22 ,12 ,15 ,P , P , 17 , 18, P, P ,P 23
1) 44
2) 2
3) 25
4) 24
Ans: 3
7. Number of edges in an undirected complete graph of 7 vertices is :
1) 20
2) 21
3) 14
4) 28
Ans: 2
8. An AVL tree is called to be in unbalanced stage and requires proper rotation for balancing whenever :
1) Any of its node has balance factor 1 or 1
2) Root has balance factor 1 or 1
3) Any of its node has balance factor 2 or 2
4) Root has balance factor zero
Ans: 3
9. Consider following C code segment : int x=10, y=5 ; while (x>0) { x-- ; y-- ; if (y>0) continue ; printf( "India"); if (y == -3) break ; } How many times India will be displayed ?
1) 4
2) 10
3) 5
4) 6
Ans: 1
10. What will be output of : if (printf("%d",printf("Hello"))) printf("India"); else printf("BYE");
1) Hello India
2) Hello5India
3) Hello BYE
4) BYE
Ans: 2
11. Consider the following C code segment : void main () {int x=10, y=10 ; F (&x,10); printf("%d , %d",x,y);} void F(int *x, int y) { *x = 20 ; y = 20 ; return ; } Output of program will be :
1) 20 , 20
2) 20 , 10
3) 10 , 20
4) 10 , 10
Ans: 2
12. Which of the following file is not generated by C compiler when a program xyz.c is compiled ?
2) xyz.bak
3) xyz.obj
4) xyz.exe
Ans: 1
13. Consider following C statement: int y =77, x=10 ; x= 5/9 * (y32) ; Value of x will be
1) 10
2) 45
3) 32
4) 0
Ans: 4
14. Consider following declaration in C program : I : void x ; II : void *p ; Choose true statement about I and II :
1) I Compilation Error , II Valid
2) I Valid , II Compilation Error
3) I Valid , II Valid
4) I Compilation Error , II Compilation Error
Ans: 1
15. Consider following array declaration in C : int a1[ ] = { 2, 3, 5} ; int a2[ ] ; int a3[0] ; int a4[1] ; float a5[3.5] ; The valid declaration are :
1) a1, a4
2) a1, a3 ,a4
3) a1, a4, a5
4) a1, a2, a3
Ans: 1
16. In context of command line arguments in C program, argv is :
1) Array of characters
2) Array of character pointers
3) Pointer to character array
4) An integer variable
Ans: 2
17. The inbuilt C string function " strcmpi" ?
1) Compare two string with case sensitivity
2) Compare two string without case sensitivity
3) Return longer string from two input string
4) Return one if two input strings are equal
Ans: 2
18. Choose a false statement for a static data member of class in C++ :
1) Initialized with zero and only once
2) Only one copy is created for all objects
3) Visible in entire program
4) Lifetime is entire program
Ans: 3
19. Choose an invalid C++ file extension for one or another C++ system
1) .cxx
2) .C
3) .cc
4) .out
Ans: 4
20. Choose an invalid C statement ?
1) float a=b=20.45 ;
2) x =(y=50) +10 ;
3) Q = 37 + 2.375 ;
4) x % = k ;
Ans: 1
21. In C++ , choose characteristics of a friend function (F) of class (C ) which is not valid :
1) F is within scope of class C
2) F is not invoked using an object of C with dot (.) Operator
3) F has same meaning if it is declared in private or public part of C
4) F cannot access member variable of C directly, without object
Ans: 1
22. In C++ Which of the following is not true about constructor (C ) of a class xyz ?
1) Name of C must be xyz
2) Return type of C is void
3) C should be declared in public section of class xyz
4) C is not inherited but derived class of xyz can call C
Ans: 2
23. Which of the following is not a pair of C++ operator
1) new, delete
2) << , >>
3) endl , stew
4) this , NULL
Ans: 4
24. Choose false statement in context of C++ :
1) Virtual function must be member of some class
2) Virtual function can be static member of class
3) Virtual function of a class can be friend of another class
4) Virtual function are accessed using object pointers
Ans: 2
25. Let base class B is inherited in protected mode by class D. Visibility of private , protected and public members of class B in Class D is respectively :
1) Private , Protected ,Public
2) Private, Private, Protected
3) Non Inherited, Private, Protected
4) Non Inherited , Protected, Protected
Ans: 4
26. Which of the following is not supported by C++ ?
1) Automatic garbage Collection
2) Multiple Inheritance
3) Smart Pointer
4) Virtual Destructor
Ans: 1
designed using :
1) Four 2 to 4 decoders
2) Two 3 to 8 decoders
3) Four 2 to 1 multiplexers
4) Two 4 to 1 multiplexers
Ans: 3
2. In context of computer system architecture a stack is :
1) Reserved RAM address space
2) Reserved ROM address space
3) Reserved I/O address space
4) A list of instruction
Ans: 1
3. Let A,B,C,X,Y,Z are positive integer such that A< X < B < Y < C < Z . If preorder traversal of a binary search tree T is given by Y X A B Z C then its post order traversal will be :
1) A B C X Z Y
2) A B X C Z Y
3) A B Z Y C X
4) A B Y Z C X
Ans: 2
4. Let A = 4 , B = 3, C = 6 and D = 2 . What is value of postfix expression ABCD/*+ ?
1) 21
2) 13
3) 22
4) 10
Ans: 2
5. Valid C statement to allocate 20 bytes to an integer pointer P is :
1) P = (int *) malloc (20) ;
2) *P = (int *) malloc (20) ;
3) P = (int * malloc) * 20;
4) &P = (int *) malloc (20) ;
Ans: 1
6. Let a number X denote a Push (X) operation and P denotes POP() operation on stack. What will be sum of elements of stack after applying following sequence of operations on empty stack : 2 ,22 ,12 ,15 ,P , P , 17 , 18, P, P ,P 23
1) 44
2) 2
3) 25
4) 24
Ans: 3
7. Number of edges in an undirected complete graph of 7 vertices is :
1) 20
2) 21
3) 14
4) 28
Ans: 2
8. An AVL tree is called to be in unbalanced stage and requires proper rotation for balancing whenever :
1) Any of its node has balance factor 1 or 1
2) Root has balance factor 1 or 1
3) Any of its node has balance factor 2 or 2
4) Root has balance factor zero
Ans: 3
9. Consider following C code segment : int x=10, y=5 ; while (x>0) { x-- ; y-- ; if (y>0) continue ; printf( "India"); if (y == -3) break ; } How many times India will be displayed ?
1) 4
2) 10
3) 5
4) 6
Ans: 1
10. What will be output of : if (printf("%d",printf("Hello"))) printf("India"); else printf("BYE");
1) Hello India
2) Hello5India
3) Hello BYE
4) BYE
Ans: 2
11. Consider the following C code segment : void main () {int x=10, y=10 ; F (&x,10); printf("%d , %d",x,y);} void F(int *x, int y) { *x = 20 ; y = 20 ; return ; } Output of program will be :
1) 20 , 20
2) 20 , 10
3) 10 , 20
4) 10 , 10
Ans: 2
12. Which of the following file is not generated by C compiler when a program xyz.c is compiled ?
2) xyz.bak
3) xyz.obj
4) xyz.exe
Ans: 1
13. Consider following C statement: int y =77, x=10 ; x= 5/9 * (y32) ; Value of x will be
1) 10
2) 45
3) 32
4) 0
Ans: 4
14. Consider following declaration in C program : I : void x ; II : void *p ; Choose true statement about I and II :
1) I Compilation Error , II Valid
2) I Valid , II Compilation Error
3) I Valid , II Valid
4) I Compilation Error , II Compilation Error
Ans: 1
15. Consider following array declaration in C : int a1[ ] = { 2, 3, 5} ; int a2[ ] ; int a3[0] ; int a4[1] ; float a5[3.5] ; The valid declaration are :
1) a1, a4
2) a1, a3 ,a4
3) a1, a4, a5
4) a1, a2, a3
Ans: 1
16. In context of command line arguments in C program, argv is :
1) Array of characters
2) Array of character pointers
3) Pointer to character array
4) An integer variable
Ans: 2
17. The inbuilt C string function " strcmpi" ?
1) Compare two string with case sensitivity
2) Compare two string without case sensitivity
3) Return longer string from two input string
4) Return one if two input strings are equal
Ans: 2
18. Choose a false statement for a static data member of class in C++ :
1) Initialized with zero and only once
2) Only one copy is created for all objects
3) Visible in entire program
4) Lifetime is entire program
Ans: 3
19. Choose an invalid C++ file extension for one or another C++ system
1) .cxx
2) .C
3) .cc
4) .out
Ans: 4
20. Choose an invalid C statement ?
1) float a=b=20.45 ;
2) x =(y=50) +10 ;
3) Q = 37 + 2.375 ;
4) x % = k ;
Ans: 1
21. In C++ , choose characteristics of a friend function (F) of class (C ) which is not valid :
1) F is within scope of class C
2) F is not invoked using an object of C with dot (.) Operator
3) F has same meaning if it is declared in private or public part of C
4) F cannot access member variable of C directly, without object
Ans: 1
22. In C++ Which of the following is not true about constructor (C ) of a class xyz ?
1) Name of C must be xyz
2) Return type of C is void
3) C should be declared in public section of class xyz
4) C is not inherited but derived class of xyz can call C
Ans: 2
23. Which of the following is not a pair of C++ operator
1) new, delete
2) << , >>
3) endl , stew
4) this , NULL
Ans: 4
24. Choose false statement in context of C++ :
1) Virtual function must be member of some class
2) Virtual function can be static member of class
3) Virtual function of a class can be friend of another class
4) Virtual function are accessed using object pointers
Ans: 2
25. Let base class B is inherited in protected mode by class D. Visibility of private , protected and public members of class B in Class D is respectively :
1) Private , Protected ,Public
2) Private, Private, Protected
3) Non Inherited, Private, Protected
4) Non Inherited , Protected, Protected
Ans: 4
26. Which of the following is not supported by C++ ?
1) Automatic garbage Collection
2) Multiple Inheritance
3) Smart Pointer
4) Virtual Destructor
Ans: 1
27:-The bus speed is directly tied to the speed of the computer's _______
Ans: B
28:-________ type of connection lets a computer communicate with, control and record electronic musical instruments.
Ans: B
29:-If you regularly backup your data, this is a _______ against the threat of data loss.
Ans: D
30:-Which abbreviation is used to refer to DSL service in general?
Ans: B
31:-Firewire is another name for the ______ interface.
Ans: B
32:-In the right setting, a thief can try _______ information by listening in while the victim gives credit card or other personal information to a legitimate agent.
Ans: C
33:-The _______ Act of 1974 places universal restrictions on sharing of information about you by Federal agencies without written consent.
A:-Freedom of Information Act
B:-Privacy Act
C:-Fair Credit Reporting Act
D:-Financial Modernization Act
Ans: B
34:-________ is a term used for a practice where people travel around the city with a specialized device, searching for unprotected WLAN.
A:-Hot spots
Ans: A
35:-________ is a form of warfare which is used by the cyber terrorists to harm or gain control of important computer systems.
Ans: D
36:-________ continually look for new web pages and send their addresses back to the search engine's database.
Ans: B
Ans: B
28:-________ type of connection lets a computer communicate with, control and record electronic musical instruments.
Ans: B
29:-If you regularly backup your data, this is a _______ against the threat of data loss.
Ans: D
30:-Which abbreviation is used to refer to DSL service in general?
Ans: B
31:-Firewire is another name for the ______ interface.
Ans: B
32:-In the right setting, a thief can try _______ information by listening in while the victim gives credit card or other personal information to a legitimate agent.
Ans: C
33:-The _______ Act of 1974 places universal restrictions on sharing of information about you by Federal agencies without written consent.
A:-Freedom of Information Act
B:-Privacy Act
C:-Fair Credit Reporting Act
D:-Financial Modernization Act
Ans: B
34:-________ is a term used for a practice where people travel around the city with a specialized device, searching for unprotected WLAN.
A:-Hot spots
Ans: A
35:-________ is a form of warfare which is used by the cyber terrorists to harm or gain control of important computer systems.
Ans: D
36:-________ continually look for new web pages and send their addresses back to the search engine's database.
Ans: B
37:-The set of programs used to control booting of a computer is stored in
C:-Hard disk
Ans: B
38:-1 KB memory means
A:-1028 bytes
B:-1028 bits
C:-1024 bits
D:-1024 bytes
Ans: D
39:-Which of the following is system software ?
A:-Operating System
C:-Device drivers
D:-All of the above
Ans: D
40:-Which among the following is not a DBMS ?
A:-MS access
D:-SQL Server
Ans: C
41:-The user files in a computer can be permanently stored in
C:-Hard Disk
D:-All of the above
Ans: C
42:-A computer used in Internet is identified using its
A:-IP Address
B:-Virtual address
Ans: A
43:-A high level computer language
A:-Is used by IT professionals only
B:-Used by Government sector only
C:-Privately used by a group of administrators
D:-Can be used by any computer user
Ans: D
44:-Microsoft word is
A:-A free software
B:-A software used for creating letters and documents
C:-A software used for drawing
D:-Is not software
Ans: B
45:-The component which supplies adequate power for motherboard of a computer is
A:-Switched mode power supply
B:-Direct power supply
C:-Regulated power supply
D:-CMOS power chip
Ans: A
46:-The speed of a computer can be expressed in terms of Hertz because
A:-It is the microprocessor chip frequency
B:-It is the number of operations which can be simultaneously done by the microprocessor
C:-It is the internal bus speed of the CPU
D:-It is the frequency of the supplied clock pulse to microprocessor
Ans: D
C:-Hard disk
Ans: B
38:-1 KB memory means
A:-1028 bytes
B:-1028 bits
C:-1024 bits
D:-1024 bytes
Ans: D
39:-Which of the following is system software ?
A:-Operating System
C:-Device drivers
D:-All of the above
Ans: D
40:-Which among the following is not a DBMS ?
A:-MS access
D:-SQL Server
Ans: C
41:-The user files in a computer can be permanently stored in
C:-Hard Disk
D:-All of the above
Ans: C
42:-A computer used in Internet is identified using its
A:-IP Address
B:-Virtual address
Ans: A
43:-A high level computer language
A:-Is used by IT professionals only
B:-Used by Government sector only
C:-Privately used by a group of administrators
D:-Can be used by any computer user
Ans: D
44:-Microsoft word is
A:-A free software
B:-A software used for creating letters and documents
C:-A software used for drawing
D:-Is not software
Ans: B
45:-The component which supplies adequate power for motherboard of a computer is
A:-Switched mode power supply
B:-Direct power supply
C:-Regulated power supply
D:-CMOS power chip
Ans: A
46:-The speed of a computer can be expressed in terms of Hertz because
A:-It is the microprocessor chip frequency
B:-It is the number of operations which can be simultaneously done by the microprocessor
C:-It is the internal bus speed of the CPU
D:-It is the frequency of the supplied clock pulse to microprocessor
Ans: D
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