1. In order to maintain uniform temperature all along circumference and to avoid sticking, of valves ________ is used.
A) Rocker arm B) Guide C) Spring D) Rotator
Ans: D
2. An engine having equal bore and stroke is called
A) Square engine B) Radial engine C) Wankel engine D) Gas turbine
Ans: A
3. To eliminate slapping tendency of pistons towards cylinder, the following method is used
A) Cylinder liners B) Gasketing of piston C) Offsetting D) Dual chroming
Ans: C
4. Automotive connecting rods are generally made by
A) Casting B) Grinding C) Cutting D) Forging
Ans: D
5. Steel inserts in auto thermic pistons are used to
A) Reduce piston size B) Control the expansion C) Reduce the piston inertia D) Increase temperature
Ans: B
6. A dish on the piston head is provided for
A) Controlling compression ratio B) Lowering piston weight C) Employing valve clearance D) Avoiding piston slap
Ans: A
7. The clearance provided between the cam and tappet to allow for expansion due to heat, is called
A) Valve lead B) Valve lash C) Valve clearance D) Tappet clearance
Ans: B
8. The face angle of exhaust valve is
A) 65° B) 30° C) 45° D) 70°
Ans: C
9. Plastigauge is used to find the clearance of
A) Piston pin B) Bearing C) Rings D) Valves
Ans: B
10. The valve guide stem clearance is measured by using a
A) Inside vernier calliper B) Scriber C) Dial Gauge D) Inside micrometer
Ans: C
11. When pressure in the cooling system exceeds a certain predetermined value, the excess pressure will be released to atmosphere through
A) Blow off valve B) Pressure valve C) Vacuum valve D) Expansion reservoir
Ans: A
12. In case of four-cylinder in-line engine, the number of firing stroke (s) in one revolution or crank is
(A) 1 (B) 2 (C) 3 (D) 4
Ans: B
13. The distance between the centres of the front wheels is called the
(A) track (B) wheel base (C) axle width (D) turning circle
Ans: C
14. Acid used in automobile battery is
(A) hydrochloric acid
(B) hydrofluoric acid
(C) dilute nitric acid
(D) sulphuric acid
Ans: D
15. The time taken to drill a hole through a 25mm thick plate with the drill rotating at 300 rpm and moving at a feed rate of 0.25mm/rev is
(A) 10s (B) 20s (C) 60s (D) 100s
Ans: B
16. The most important characteristic of lubricants in automobiles is the
(A) viscosity (B) physical stability (C) chemical stability (D) resistance against corrosion
Ans: A
17. In an automobile engine the temperature of the piston will be more at
(A) the crown of the piston (B) the skirt of the piston (C) the piston walls (D) the piston pin
Ans: A
18. Which one of the following does not form a part of the fuel supply system for a diesel engine
(A) supply pump (B) filter
(C) air cleaner (D) spray nozzles
Ans: C
19. When a body falls freely under gravity, then the work done by the gravity is
(A) positive (B) negative
(C) zero (D) infinity
Ans: A
20. Internal gear cutting operation can be performed by
(A) milling (B) shaping with rack cutter (C) shaping with pinion cutter (D) hobbing
Ans: C
21. The heating of a gas at constant pressure is governed by
(A) Boyle’s law (B) Charles’ law (C) Gay-Lussac law (D) Avogadro’s law
Ans: B
22. The Boolean expression for a 3-input AND gate is ________.
(A) A.X = AB (B) B.X =ABC (C) C.X = A+B+C (D) D.X = AB + C
Ans: B
23. What is meant by pitching of ship?
(A) up and down motion of bow and stern along transverse axis (B) up and down motion of bow and stern along longitudinal axis
(C) up and down motion of port and starboard along transverse axis (D) none of the above
Ans: A
24. The torque available at the contact between road and driving wheel is called
(A) brake power (B) friction power
(C) tractive effort (D) engine torque
Ans: C
25. Which of the following is mounted between the engine and gear box?
(A) propeller shaft (B) differential gear (C) flat belt drive (D) V-belt drive
Ans: D
26. Gearing contact is which one of the following?
(A) sliding contact (B) sliding contact, only rolling at pitch point
(C) rolling contact (D) rolling and sliding at each point of contact
Ans: B
27. In the steering gear, a gear sector or toothed roller is meshed with a
(A) ball bearing (B) roller bearing (C) worm (D) steering wheel
Ans: C
28. In conventional refrigerants what is the element responsible for ozone depletion?
(A) chlorine
(B) fluorine
(C) carbon
(D) hydrogen
Ans: A
29. Advantage of hydrogen as an IC engine fuel is
(A) high volumetric efficiency
(B) low fuel cost
(C) no HC and CO emissions
(D) none of the above mentioned
Ans: C
30. In order to achieve maximum heat dissipation, the fin should be designed in such a way that
(A) It should have maximum lateral surface at the root side of the fin
(B) It should have maximum lateral surface towards the tip side of the fin
(C) It should have maximum lateral surface near the centre of the fin
(D) It should have minimum lateral surface near the centre of the fin
Ans: A
31. Lubrication of a manual type gear box is achieved by
(A) submerging all gears in oil (B) immersing the layshaft in oil
(C) connecting the oil ways to the engine pump (D) a pressure pump driven from the input shaft
Ans: B
32. Cetane number of a Diesel fuel is measure of
(A) volatility (B) viscosity (C) ignition quality (D) delay period
Ans: D
33. A bullet fired from a gun can pierce a target due to its
(A) mechanical energy (B) heat energy (C) kinetic energy (D) acceleration
Ans: C
34. By which one of the following methods grey cast iron is usually welded?
(A) TIG welding (B) MIG welding (C) Gas welding (D) Arc welding
Ans: C
35. A closed system receives 60 kJ heat but its internal energy decreases by 30 kJ. Then the work done by the system is
(A) 90 kJ (B) 30 kJ (C) –30 kJ (D) – 90 Kj
Ans: A
36. The power factor of an alternator depends on
(A) load (B) speed of rotor (C) core losses (D) armature losses
Ans: A
37. A simple spring mass vibrating system has a natural frequency of N. If the spring stiffness is halved and the mass is doubled, then the natural frequency will become
(A) N/2 (B) 2N (C) 4N (D) 8N
Ans: A
38. Rolling resistance does not depend on which of the following factors?
(A) load on each road wheel
(B) radius of driving wheel
(C) wheel inflation pressure
(D) nature of road surface
Ans: B
39. The function of a governor in an automobile is to
(A) limit the power
(B) limit the speed
(C) effect maximum fuel economy
(D) maintain constant engine speed
Ans: B
40. Which of the following is the lightest and most volatile liquid fuel?
(A) diesel (B) petrol (C) gasoline (D) fuel oil
Ans: C
41. In which one of the following materials, is the heat energy propagation minimum due to conduction heat transfer?
(A) lead (B) copper (C) water (D) air
Ans: D
42. What term is used to describe the type of lubrication given to an engine piston?
(A) boundary
(B) pressure
(C) pumped
Ans: A
43. In a simple gear train, if the number of idler gears is odd, then the direction or motion of driven gear will
(A) be same as that of the driving gear
(B) be opposite to that of the driving gear
(C) depend upon the number of teeth on the driving gear
(D) depend upon the total number of teeth on all gears of the train
Ans: A
44. Wheel base of a vehicle is the
(A) distance between front and rear axles (B) distance between the front tyres
(C) extreme length of the vehicle (D) width of tyres
Ans: A
45. The fuel is injected into the cylinder in Diesel engine when the piston is
(A) exactly at t.d.c. after compression stroke (B) exactly at t.d.c. before compression stroke
(C) approaching t.d.c. during compression stroke (D) approaching t.d.c. during exhaust stroke
Ans: C
46. Ignition coil is used to
(A) step up current (B) step down current (C) step up voltage (D) step up power
Ans: C
47. Error of measurement =
(A) True value – Measured value
(B) Precision – True value
(C) Measured value – Precision
(D) None of the above
Ans: A
48. The central portion of the wheel is called
(A) rim (B) scale (C) hub (D) axle
Ans: C
49. During chemical dehumidification process of air
(A) dry bulb temperature and specific humidity decrease
(B) dry bulb temperature increase and specific humidity decrease
(C) dry bulb temperature decrease and specific humidity increase
(D) dry bulb temperature and specific humidity increase
Ans: B
50. Grasshopper mechanism is a derivation of modified Scott-Russel mechanism in which
(A) Sliding pair is replaced by turning pair (B) Turning pair is replaced by sliding pair
(C) Turning pair is added to turning pair (D) Sliding pair is added to sliding pair
Ans: A
A) Rocker arm B) Guide C) Spring D) Rotator
Ans: D
2. An engine having equal bore and stroke is called
A) Square engine B) Radial engine C) Wankel engine D) Gas turbine
Ans: A
3. To eliminate slapping tendency of pistons towards cylinder, the following method is used
A) Cylinder liners B) Gasketing of piston C) Offsetting D) Dual chroming
Ans: C
4. Automotive connecting rods are generally made by
A) Casting B) Grinding C) Cutting D) Forging
Ans: D
5. Steel inserts in auto thermic pistons are used to
A) Reduce piston size B) Control the expansion C) Reduce the piston inertia D) Increase temperature
Ans: B
6. A dish on the piston head is provided for
A) Controlling compression ratio B) Lowering piston weight C) Employing valve clearance D) Avoiding piston slap
Ans: A
7. The clearance provided between the cam and tappet to allow for expansion due to heat, is called
A) Valve lead B) Valve lash C) Valve clearance D) Tappet clearance
Ans: B
8. The face angle of exhaust valve is
A) 65° B) 30° C) 45° D) 70°
Ans: C
9. Plastigauge is used to find the clearance of
A) Piston pin B) Bearing C) Rings D) Valves
Ans: B
10. The valve guide stem clearance is measured by using a
A) Inside vernier calliper B) Scriber C) Dial Gauge D) Inside micrometer
Ans: C
11. When pressure in the cooling system exceeds a certain predetermined value, the excess pressure will be released to atmosphere through
A) Blow off valve B) Pressure valve C) Vacuum valve D) Expansion reservoir
Ans: A
12. In case of four-cylinder in-line engine, the number of firing stroke (s) in one revolution or crank is
(A) 1 (B) 2 (C) 3 (D) 4
Ans: B
13. The distance between the centres of the front wheels is called the
(A) track (B) wheel base (C) axle width (D) turning circle
Ans: C
14. Acid used in automobile battery is
(A) hydrochloric acid
(B) hydrofluoric acid
(C) dilute nitric acid
(D) sulphuric acid
Ans: D
15. The time taken to drill a hole through a 25mm thick plate with the drill rotating at 300 rpm and moving at a feed rate of 0.25mm/rev is
(A) 10s (B) 20s (C) 60s (D) 100s
Ans: B
16. The most important characteristic of lubricants in automobiles is the
(A) viscosity (B) physical stability (C) chemical stability (D) resistance against corrosion
Ans: A
17. In an automobile engine the temperature of the piston will be more at
(A) the crown of the piston (B) the skirt of the piston (C) the piston walls (D) the piston pin
Ans: A
18. Which one of the following does not form a part of the fuel supply system for a diesel engine
(A) supply pump (B) filter
(C) air cleaner (D) spray nozzles
Ans: C
19. When a body falls freely under gravity, then the work done by the gravity is
(A) positive (B) negative
(C) zero (D) infinity
Ans: A
20. Internal gear cutting operation can be performed by
(A) milling (B) shaping with rack cutter (C) shaping with pinion cutter (D) hobbing
Ans: C
21. The heating of a gas at constant pressure is governed by
(A) Boyle’s law (B) Charles’ law (C) Gay-Lussac law (D) Avogadro’s law
Ans: B
22. The Boolean expression for a 3-input AND gate is ________.
(A) A.X = AB (B) B.X =ABC (C) C.X = A+B+C (D) D.X = AB + C
Ans: B
23. What is meant by pitching of ship?
(A) up and down motion of bow and stern along transverse axis (B) up and down motion of bow and stern along longitudinal axis
(C) up and down motion of port and starboard along transverse axis (D) none of the above
Ans: A
24. The torque available at the contact between road and driving wheel is called
(A) brake power (B) friction power
(C) tractive effort (D) engine torque
Ans: C
25. Which of the following is mounted between the engine and gear box?
(A) propeller shaft (B) differential gear (C) flat belt drive (D) V-belt drive
Ans: D
26. Gearing contact is which one of the following?
(A) sliding contact (B) sliding contact, only rolling at pitch point
(C) rolling contact (D) rolling and sliding at each point of contact
Ans: B
27. In the steering gear, a gear sector or toothed roller is meshed with a
(A) ball bearing (B) roller bearing (C) worm (D) steering wheel
Ans: C
28. In conventional refrigerants what is the element responsible for ozone depletion?
(A) chlorine
(B) fluorine
(C) carbon
(D) hydrogen
Ans: A
29. Advantage of hydrogen as an IC engine fuel is
(A) high volumetric efficiency
(B) low fuel cost
(C) no HC and CO emissions
(D) none of the above mentioned
Ans: C
30. In order to achieve maximum heat dissipation, the fin should be designed in such a way that
(A) It should have maximum lateral surface at the root side of the fin
(B) It should have maximum lateral surface towards the tip side of the fin
(C) It should have maximum lateral surface near the centre of the fin
(D) It should have minimum lateral surface near the centre of the fin
Ans: A
31. Lubrication of a manual type gear box is achieved by
(A) submerging all gears in oil (B) immersing the layshaft in oil
(C) connecting the oil ways to the engine pump (D) a pressure pump driven from the input shaft
Ans: B
32. Cetane number of a Diesel fuel is measure of
(A) volatility (B) viscosity (C) ignition quality (D) delay period
Ans: D
33. A bullet fired from a gun can pierce a target due to its
(A) mechanical energy (B) heat energy (C) kinetic energy (D) acceleration
Ans: C
34. By which one of the following methods grey cast iron is usually welded?
(A) TIG welding (B) MIG welding (C) Gas welding (D) Arc welding
Ans: C
35. A closed system receives 60 kJ heat but its internal energy decreases by 30 kJ. Then the work done by the system is
(A) 90 kJ (B) 30 kJ (C) –30 kJ (D) – 90 Kj
Ans: A
36. The power factor of an alternator depends on
(A) load (B) speed of rotor (C) core losses (D) armature losses
Ans: A
37. A simple spring mass vibrating system has a natural frequency of N. If the spring stiffness is halved and the mass is doubled, then the natural frequency will become
(A) N/2 (B) 2N (C) 4N (D) 8N
Ans: A
38. Rolling resistance does not depend on which of the following factors?
(A) load on each road wheel
(B) radius of driving wheel
(C) wheel inflation pressure
(D) nature of road surface
Ans: B
39. The function of a governor in an automobile is to
(A) limit the power
(B) limit the speed
(C) effect maximum fuel economy
(D) maintain constant engine speed
Ans: B
40. Which of the following is the lightest and most volatile liquid fuel?
(A) diesel (B) petrol (C) gasoline (D) fuel oil
Ans: C
41. In which one of the following materials, is the heat energy propagation minimum due to conduction heat transfer?
(A) lead (B) copper (C) water (D) air
Ans: D
42. What term is used to describe the type of lubrication given to an engine piston?
(A) boundary
(B) pressure
(C) pumped
Ans: A
43. In a simple gear train, if the number of idler gears is odd, then the direction or motion of driven gear will
(A) be same as that of the driving gear
(B) be opposite to that of the driving gear
(C) depend upon the number of teeth on the driving gear
(D) depend upon the total number of teeth on all gears of the train
Ans: A
44. Wheel base of a vehicle is the
(A) distance between front and rear axles (B) distance between the front tyres
(C) extreme length of the vehicle (D) width of tyres
Ans: A
45. The fuel is injected into the cylinder in Diesel engine when the piston is
(A) exactly at t.d.c. after compression stroke (B) exactly at t.d.c. before compression stroke
(C) approaching t.d.c. during compression stroke (D) approaching t.d.c. during exhaust stroke
Ans: C
46. Ignition coil is used to
(A) step up current (B) step down current (C) step up voltage (D) step up power
Ans: C
47. Error of measurement =
(A) True value – Measured value
(B) Precision – True value
(C) Measured value – Precision
(D) None of the above
Ans: A
48. The central portion of the wheel is called
(A) rim (B) scale (C) hub (D) axle
Ans: C
49. During chemical dehumidification process of air
(A) dry bulb temperature and specific humidity decrease
(B) dry bulb temperature increase and specific humidity decrease
(C) dry bulb temperature decrease and specific humidity increase
(D) dry bulb temperature and specific humidity increase
Ans: B
50. Grasshopper mechanism is a derivation of modified Scott-Russel mechanism in which
(A) Sliding pair is replaced by turning pair (B) Turning pair is replaced by sliding pair
(C) Turning pair is added to turning pair (D) Sliding pair is added to sliding pair
Ans: A
51. The instantaneous centre of rotation of a circular disc rolling on straight path is
(A) At the centre of the disc (B) At the point of contact
(C) At the centre of the gravity of the disc (D) At infinity
Ans: B
52. The Coriolis acceleration component is taken into account for a ____mechanism
(A) double-slider crank (B) four-link (C) Scotch yoke (D) quick-return
Ans: D
53. In a ballistic demonstration, where a police officer fires a bullet of mass 50gm with speed 200m/sec on soft plywood of thickness 2cm, the bullet emerges with only 10% of its initial kinetic energy. The emergent speed of the bullet is given by
(A) 13.9 m/sec (B) 63.2 m/sec (C) 139.9 m/sec (D) None of the above
Ans: B
54. The braking system provided on trains is
(A) hydraulic (B) pneumatic (C) air assisted hydraulic (D) vacuum
Ans: D
55. The major difficulty during welding of aluminium is due to its
(A) high tendency of oxidation (B) high thermal conductivity
(C) low melting point (D) low density
Ans: A
56. Boyle’s law states that, when temperature is constant, the volume of a given mass of a perfect gas
(A) varies directly as the absolute pressure
(B) varies inversely as the absolute pressure
(C) varies as square of the absolute pressure
(D) does not vary with the absolute pressure
Ans: B
57. Smart-Card Driving Licence issued by department of transport, Gujarat is based on the following technology:
(A) CBIS (B) SCOSTA (C) DNS (D) None of the above
Ans: B
58. The optical card technology being applied by commissionerate of transport department, Gujarat, is used to issue
(A) Vehicle Registration Book (VRC)
(B) Driving Licence (DL)
(C) Learners Licence (LL)
(D) None of the above
Ans: A
59. In a four-link mechanism, the sum of the shortest and the longest link is the sum of other two links. It will act as a rocker-rocker mechanism, if
(A) The link opposite to the shortest link is fixed
(B) The shortest link is fixed
(C) Any link adjacent to the shortest link is fixed
(D) None of the above
Ans: A
60. An over-damped system
(A) Does not vibrate at all
(B) Vibrate with frequency more than the natural frequency of system (C) Vibrates with frequency less than the natural frequency of the system (D) Vibrates with frequency equal to the natural frequency of the system
Ans: A
61. The angle between the axis of the follower to the normal and the pitch curve is known as the
(A) Base angle (B) Pressure angle (C) Pitch angle (D) Prime angle
Ans: B
62. In a clock mechanism __ gear train is used to convert minute hand to hour hand
(A) Simple (B) Reverted (C) Compound (D) Epicycle
Ans: B
63. The device for smoothing out the power impulses from the engine is called
(A) clutch (B) fly wheel (C) gear box (D) differential
Ans: B
64. Rotary motion of the steering wheel is converted to a reciprocating motion by
(A) track arm (B) track rod (C) stub axle (D) steering box
Ans: D
65. Mixing of fuel and air in case of a diesel engine occurs in
(A) fuel pump (B) injector (C) inlet manifold (D) engine cylinder
Ans: D
66. Which one of the following is not a part of the chassis?
(A) wheels (B) front axle (C) steering system (D) passenger seats
Ans: D
67. The instrument used to check the state of charge of a battery is
(A) hydrometer (B) anemometer (C) battery charger (D) battery eliminator
Ans: A
68. Standards to be used for reference purposes in laboratories and workshops are termed as
(A) primary standards (B) secondary standards
(C) tertiary standards (D) working standards
Ans: D
69. Hydraulic brakes function on the principle of
(A) law of conservation of momentum (B) law of conservation of energy
(C) Pascal’s law (D) none of the above
Ans: C
70. On a Psychometric chart, what does a vertical downward line represent?
(A) adiabatic saturation (B) sensible cooling (C) dehumidification (D) humidification
Ans: C
71. Diesel fuel, compared to petrol is (A) less difficult to ignite (B) just about the same difficult to ignite
(C) more difficult to ignite (D) none of the above mentioned
Ans: C
72. A copper block and an air mass block having similar dimensions are subjected to symmetrical heat transfer from one face of each block. The other face of the block will be reaching the same temperature at a rate
(A) faster in air block
(B) faster in copper block
(C) equal in air as well as copper block
(D) cannot be predicted with the given information
Ans: B
73. The device used to reduce the exhaust noise is known as
(A) exhaust manifold (B) exhaust pipe (C) tail pipe (D) muffler
Ans: D
74. In sand casting, fluidity of the molten metal increases with
(A) increase in degree of superheat (B) decrease in pouring rate
(C) increase in thermal conductivity of the mould (D) increase in sand grain size
Ans: A
75. A 3-phase 440 V, 50 Hz induction motor has 4% slip. The frequency of rotor current will be
(A) 50 Hz (B) 25 Hz
(C) 5 Hz (D) 2 Hz
Ans: D
76. In a Kinematic chain, a quaternary joint is equivalent to
(A) one binary joint (B) two binary joints (C) three binary joints (D) four binary joints
Ans: C
77. The purpose of a suspension damper is to
(A) take the road shock (B) prolong the bounce
(C) prevent the spring deflection (D) absorb the energy in the spring
Ans: D
78. If ‘V’ is vehicle speed (in metres/min) and ‘R’ is radius of driving wheel (in metres) then the rpm of the driving wheel is given by (A) rpm = V/2πR (B) rpm = 2πV/R
(C) rpm = πR/V (D) rpm = πV/R
Ans: A
79. The gears in a constant mesh gear box have teeth which are inclined to the shaft axis.
This type of gear is called (A) spur (B) worm (C) bevel (D) helical
Ans: D
80. Which type of gear is used for shaft axes having an offset?
(A) mitre gears (B) spiral bevel gears (C) hypoid gears (D) zerol bevel gears
Ans: C
81. If the annular wheel of an epicyclic gear train has 100 teeth and the planet wheel has 20 teeth, the number of teeth on the sun wheel is
(A) 80
(B) 60
(C) 40
(D) 20
Ans: B
82. Which of the following is the most economical method of starting a single phase motor?
(A) resistance start method (B) inductance start method (C) capacitance start method (D) split-phase method
Ans: C
83. Green sand mould indicates that
(A) polymeric mould has been cured (B) mould has been totally dried
(C) mould is green in colour (D) mould contains moisture
Ans: D
84. Brake shoes are made of
(A) pressed steel (B) cast aluminum (C) plastic fiber (D) either ‘A’ or ‘B’
Ans: D
85. In a ball bearing which is more harder than the other parts
(A) ball (B) inner race (C) outer race (D) all are equally hardened
Ans: D
86. Noisy brakes indicate
(A) drums scored (B) loose lining screws (C) distorted brake spider (D) any of the above
Ans: D
87. A two-stroke engine is generally preferred to a four-stroke engine because
(A) its size is smaller (B) its fuel consumption is low
(C) shocks and vibrations are less (D) it can be easily controlled
Ans: A
88. Match the most suitable parts for the following manufacturing processes.
Parts Manufacturing Processes
P) Computer chip 1. Electrochemical machining
Q) Metal forming dies and moulds 2. Ultrasonic machining
R) Turbine blades 3. Electro discharge machining
S) Glass 4. Photochemical machining
(A) P-4 Q-3 R-1 S-2
(B) P-4 Q-3 R-2 S-1
(C) P-3 Q-1 R-4 S-2
(D) P-1 Q-2 R-4 S-3
Ans: A
89. For balancing single cylinder engine, a counter weight is added to
(A) piston (B) connecting rod (C) crank shaft (D) piston ring
Ans: C
90. Radiator tubes are generally made of
(A) Steel (B) Brass (C) Cast iron (D) Plastics
Ans: B
91. Automobile gears are generally made of
(A) Brass (B) Cast Iron (C) Stainless steel (D) Alloy steel
Ans: D
92. The two firing orders used on four-cylinder in-line engines are
(A) 1-3-4-2 and 1-4-2-3 (B) 1-4-3-2 and 1-3-2-4
(C) 1-3-2-4 and 1-2-4-3 (D) 1-2-4-3 and 1-3-4-2
Ans: D
93. The thermo start is normally positioned in the cooling system between the
(A) header hose and radiator (B) radiator and the bottom hose
(C) bottom hose and engine water jacket (D) engine water jacket and header hose
Ans: D
94. The purpose of the interlocking plungers, fitted between the gear box selector rods, is to
(A) slope the gear jumping out of mesh (B) hold the gear in the engaged position
(C) resist reverse being engaged, when the vehicle is moving forward (D) prevent two gears being obtained at the same time
Ans: D
95. A constant velocity universal joint is used at the
(A) front end of the propeller shaft (B) rear end of the propeller shaft
(C) road wheel end of the shaft on front wheel drive vehicle (D) differential end of the shaft on front wheel drive vehicle
Ans: C
96. Compared with an internally expanded shoe brake, a disk brake has the advantage
(A) greater resistance to fade (B) fades at a lower temperature
(C) small efforts give large braking torques (D) greater self-servo action at high speed
Ans: A
97. If the battery polarity is reversed on a vehicle fitted with an alternator, the effect will be
(A) the fan belt will slip
(B) the cut out will not operate
(C) the lights will be dimmer than normal
(D) the semi-conductor devices will be damaged
Ans: B
98. Which one of the following items is made of Aluminum alloy
(A) piston ring (B) piston (C) connecting rod (D) crank shaft
Ans: B
99. Blue white smoke is caused in diesel engine exhaust by
(A) incomplete diesel combustion (B) liquid droplets of lubricating oil or fuel oil while starting from cold
(C) very lean air-fuel mixture (D) very high speed operation
Ans: B
100. Diesel engines as compared to petrol engines require
(A) bigger fly wheel (B) smaller fly wheel (C) same size of fly wheel (D) no fly wheel
Ans: A
(A) At the centre of the disc (B) At the point of contact
(C) At the centre of the gravity of the disc (D) At infinity
Ans: B
52. The Coriolis acceleration component is taken into account for a ____mechanism
(A) double-slider crank (B) four-link (C) Scotch yoke (D) quick-return
Ans: D
53. In a ballistic demonstration, where a police officer fires a bullet of mass 50gm with speed 200m/sec on soft plywood of thickness 2cm, the bullet emerges with only 10% of its initial kinetic energy. The emergent speed of the bullet is given by
(A) 13.9 m/sec (B) 63.2 m/sec (C) 139.9 m/sec (D) None of the above
Ans: B
54. The braking system provided on trains is
(A) hydraulic (B) pneumatic (C) air assisted hydraulic (D) vacuum
Ans: D
55. The major difficulty during welding of aluminium is due to its
(A) high tendency of oxidation (B) high thermal conductivity
(C) low melting point (D) low density
Ans: A
56. Boyle’s law states that, when temperature is constant, the volume of a given mass of a perfect gas
(A) varies directly as the absolute pressure
(B) varies inversely as the absolute pressure
(C) varies as square of the absolute pressure
(D) does not vary with the absolute pressure
Ans: B
57. Smart-Card Driving Licence issued by department of transport, Gujarat is based on the following technology:
(A) CBIS (B) SCOSTA (C) DNS (D) None of the above
Ans: B
58. The optical card technology being applied by commissionerate of transport department, Gujarat, is used to issue
(A) Vehicle Registration Book (VRC)
(B) Driving Licence (DL)
(C) Learners Licence (LL)
(D) None of the above
Ans: A
59. In a four-link mechanism, the sum of the shortest and the longest link is the sum of other two links. It will act as a rocker-rocker mechanism, if
(A) The link opposite to the shortest link is fixed
(B) The shortest link is fixed
(C) Any link adjacent to the shortest link is fixed
(D) None of the above
Ans: A
60. An over-damped system
(A) Does not vibrate at all
(B) Vibrate with frequency more than the natural frequency of system (C) Vibrates with frequency less than the natural frequency of the system (D) Vibrates with frequency equal to the natural frequency of the system
Ans: A
61. The angle between the axis of the follower to the normal and the pitch curve is known as the
(A) Base angle (B) Pressure angle (C) Pitch angle (D) Prime angle
Ans: B
62. In a clock mechanism __ gear train is used to convert minute hand to hour hand
(A) Simple (B) Reverted (C) Compound (D) Epicycle
Ans: B
63. The device for smoothing out the power impulses from the engine is called
(A) clutch (B) fly wheel (C) gear box (D) differential
Ans: B
64. Rotary motion of the steering wheel is converted to a reciprocating motion by
(A) track arm (B) track rod (C) stub axle (D) steering box
Ans: D
65. Mixing of fuel and air in case of a diesel engine occurs in
(A) fuel pump (B) injector (C) inlet manifold (D) engine cylinder
Ans: D
66. Which one of the following is not a part of the chassis?
(A) wheels (B) front axle (C) steering system (D) passenger seats
Ans: D
67. The instrument used to check the state of charge of a battery is
(A) hydrometer (B) anemometer (C) battery charger (D) battery eliminator
Ans: A
68. Standards to be used for reference purposes in laboratories and workshops are termed as
(A) primary standards (B) secondary standards
(C) tertiary standards (D) working standards
Ans: D
69. Hydraulic brakes function on the principle of
(A) law of conservation of momentum (B) law of conservation of energy
(C) Pascal’s law (D) none of the above
Ans: C
70. On a Psychometric chart, what does a vertical downward line represent?
(A) adiabatic saturation (B) sensible cooling (C) dehumidification (D) humidification
Ans: C
71. Diesel fuel, compared to petrol is (A) less difficult to ignite (B) just about the same difficult to ignite
(C) more difficult to ignite (D) none of the above mentioned
Ans: C
72. A copper block and an air mass block having similar dimensions are subjected to symmetrical heat transfer from one face of each block. The other face of the block will be reaching the same temperature at a rate
(A) faster in air block
(B) faster in copper block
(C) equal in air as well as copper block
(D) cannot be predicted with the given information
Ans: B
73. The device used to reduce the exhaust noise is known as
(A) exhaust manifold (B) exhaust pipe (C) tail pipe (D) muffler
Ans: D
74. In sand casting, fluidity of the molten metal increases with
(A) increase in degree of superheat (B) decrease in pouring rate
(C) increase in thermal conductivity of the mould (D) increase in sand grain size
Ans: A
75. A 3-phase 440 V, 50 Hz induction motor has 4% slip. The frequency of rotor current will be
(A) 50 Hz (B) 25 Hz
(C) 5 Hz (D) 2 Hz
Ans: D
76. In a Kinematic chain, a quaternary joint is equivalent to
(A) one binary joint (B) two binary joints (C) three binary joints (D) four binary joints
Ans: C
77. The purpose of a suspension damper is to
(A) take the road shock (B) prolong the bounce
(C) prevent the spring deflection (D) absorb the energy in the spring
Ans: D
78. If ‘V’ is vehicle speed (in metres/min) and ‘R’ is radius of driving wheel (in metres) then the rpm of the driving wheel is given by (A) rpm = V/2πR (B) rpm = 2πV/R
(C) rpm = πR/V (D) rpm = πV/R
Ans: A
79. The gears in a constant mesh gear box have teeth which are inclined to the shaft axis.
This type of gear is called (A) spur (B) worm (C) bevel (D) helical
Ans: D
80. Which type of gear is used for shaft axes having an offset?
(A) mitre gears (B) spiral bevel gears (C) hypoid gears (D) zerol bevel gears
Ans: C
81. If the annular wheel of an epicyclic gear train has 100 teeth and the planet wheel has 20 teeth, the number of teeth on the sun wheel is
(A) 80
(B) 60
(C) 40
(D) 20
Ans: B
82. Which of the following is the most economical method of starting a single phase motor?
(A) resistance start method (B) inductance start method (C) capacitance start method (D) split-phase method
Ans: C
83. Green sand mould indicates that
(A) polymeric mould has been cured (B) mould has been totally dried
(C) mould is green in colour (D) mould contains moisture
Ans: D
84. Brake shoes are made of
(A) pressed steel (B) cast aluminum (C) plastic fiber (D) either ‘A’ or ‘B’
Ans: D
85. In a ball bearing which is more harder than the other parts
(A) ball (B) inner race (C) outer race (D) all are equally hardened
Ans: D
86. Noisy brakes indicate
(A) drums scored (B) loose lining screws (C) distorted brake spider (D) any of the above
Ans: D
87. A two-stroke engine is generally preferred to a four-stroke engine because
(A) its size is smaller (B) its fuel consumption is low
(C) shocks and vibrations are less (D) it can be easily controlled
Ans: A
88. Match the most suitable parts for the following manufacturing processes.
Parts Manufacturing Processes
P) Computer chip 1. Electrochemical machining
Q) Metal forming dies and moulds 2. Ultrasonic machining
R) Turbine blades 3. Electro discharge machining
S) Glass 4. Photochemical machining
(A) P-4 Q-3 R-1 S-2
(B) P-4 Q-3 R-2 S-1
(C) P-3 Q-1 R-4 S-2
(D) P-1 Q-2 R-4 S-3
Ans: A
89. For balancing single cylinder engine, a counter weight is added to
(A) piston (B) connecting rod (C) crank shaft (D) piston ring
Ans: C
90. Radiator tubes are generally made of
(A) Steel (B) Brass (C) Cast iron (D) Plastics
Ans: B
91. Automobile gears are generally made of
(A) Brass (B) Cast Iron (C) Stainless steel (D) Alloy steel
Ans: D
92. The two firing orders used on four-cylinder in-line engines are
(A) 1-3-4-2 and 1-4-2-3 (B) 1-4-3-2 and 1-3-2-4
(C) 1-3-2-4 and 1-2-4-3 (D) 1-2-4-3 and 1-3-4-2
Ans: D
93. The thermo start is normally positioned in the cooling system between the
(A) header hose and radiator (B) radiator and the bottom hose
(C) bottom hose and engine water jacket (D) engine water jacket and header hose
Ans: D
94. The purpose of the interlocking plungers, fitted between the gear box selector rods, is to
(A) slope the gear jumping out of mesh (B) hold the gear in the engaged position
(C) resist reverse being engaged, when the vehicle is moving forward (D) prevent two gears being obtained at the same time
Ans: D
95. A constant velocity universal joint is used at the
(A) front end of the propeller shaft (B) rear end of the propeller shaft
(C) road wheel end of the shaft on front wheel drive vehicle (D) differential end of the shaft on front wheel drive vehicle
Ans: C
96. Compared with an internally expanded shoe brake, a disk brake has the advantage
(A) greater resistance to fade (B) fades at a lower temperature
(C) small efforts give large braking torques (D) greater self-servo action at high speed
Ans: A
97. If the battery polarity is reversed on a vehicle fitted with an alternator, the effect will be
(A) the fan belt will slip
(B) the cut out will not operate
(C) the lights will be dimmer than normal
(D) the semi-conductor devices will be damaged
Ans: B
98. Which one of the following items is made of Aluminum alloy
(A) piston ring (B) piston (C) connecting rod (D) crank shaft
Ans: B
99. Blue white smoke is caused in diesel engine exhaust by
(A) incomplete diesel combustion (B) liquid droplets of lubricating oil or fuel oil while starting from cold
(C) very lean air-fuel mixture (D) very high speed operation
Ans: B
100. Diesel engines as compared to petrol engines require
(A) bigger fly wheel (B) smaller fly wheel (C) same size of fly wheel (D) no fly wheel
Ans: A