1:-Archaeological Anthropology traces the origin and growth of culture in the past. By past means A:-the period before history B:-the period before sociology C:- the period before economics D:-the period before linguistics Ans: A
2:- One of the regions of the old world A:- Australia B:-Afro Eurasia C:- Greenland D:-Ice|and Ans: B
3:- Who initially developed the three age systems? A:-John Lubbock B:-C.J.Thomsen
C:- Chi|de V.Gordon D:- Westropp.H.M. Ans: B
4:- Which of the following statements is false with respect to the Modernization theory of development?
A:- Modernization theory assumes that all change inevitably follows the western model of development
B:- Modernization theory ignores the political implications of growth at micro level
C:- Modernization theory fails to understand the real causes of underdevelopment and poverty.
D:-Modernisation theory emerged in the 1970's and 1980's
Ans: D
5:- Choose the incorrect statement: A:- 'Development Anthropology' involves active engagement with the development institutions on behalf of the poor, with the aim of transforming development practice from within. B:-'Anthropo|ogy of Development' prescribes a radical critique of development, and prefers distancing away from development establishment. C:- Development Anthropology is a sub- field of applied anthropology D:- 'Development Anthropology' deals with the development of only marginalized communities. Ans: D
6:- Who theorized that population increased in geometric progression whereas food production increased in arithmetic progression and thus positive and preventive checks are maintained?
A:-Herbert Spencer
B:-John Forbes Nash
C:- Adam Smith
D:-Thomas Malthus
Ans: D
7:- On whose recommendation, did Ministry of Rural Development increase the number of days of Mahatma Gandhi National Rural Employment Guarantee Act (MGNREGA) from 100 to an additional 50 days in notified drought affected or natural calamity areas in the country? A:- Ministry of labour and employment B:- Ministry of Human Resource Development C:- Ministry of Agriculture and Farmers' Welfare D:- Ministry of Tribal Affairs Ans: C
8:- The 2030 Agenda for sustainable development covers how many sustainable development goals (SDG's)?
A:- 18 B:- 16 C:- 17 D:- 15 Ans: C
9:- Which of the following article is concerned with promotion of educational and economic interests of the Scheduled castes, Scheduled Tribes and other weaker sections of society? A:- Article 23 B:- Article 46 C:- Article 39 D:- Article 15 Ans: B
10:- Which of the following is usually not considered as a significant tool of study in Systems Ecology? A:-thermodynamics B:- networks C:- information Theory D:- cognition Ans: D
11:- Which of the following tools of study is rarely considered by ethno-ecologists in their study? A:- symbolic and functional use of language B:- cognition C:- feedback mechanisms D:-behaviora| models (scripts and schemas) Ans: C
12:- Choose the incorrect statement in context of health, disease and illness. A:-I||ness is a subjective concept related to personal experience of a disease B:-Hea|th is the absence of a disease C:- Health is a state of complex physical, mental and social well being and not merely absence of a disease D:-Disease is a physical or mental disturbance involving symptoms, dysfunction and tissue damage. Ans: B
13:-Anthropologist Verrier Elwin emphasized upon which of the following approaches of tribal development in India? A:- principle of assimilation B:- principle of isolation C:- principle of integration D:- principle of unification Ans: B
14:- United Nations General Assembly (UNGA) adopted a Resolution on 'Rights of Indigenous Peoples', proclaiming 2019 as the International Year of? A:-Indigenous Knowledge B:-Indigenous Crafts C:- Indigenous Languages D:-Indigenous Medicines Ans: C
15:- Which of the following statement is false in context of culture bound syndromes? A:- They are categorized as a disease in that culture and unknown in other cultures B:- They possess a widespread familiarity in that culture C:- They are necessarily based on objectively demonstrable biochemical or organ abnormality D:- They are treated by folk medicine/ traditional healers Ans: C
16:- Transhumance is one pattern of which subsistence level? A:-Horticu|ture B:-Agricu|ture C:- Pastoralism D:- Fishing Ans: C
17:- Who among the following pioneered the use of the term 'status' and 'role' in anthropology? A:- Ra|ph Linton B:-S.F.Nade| C:- Margaret Mead D:-E.R.Leach Ans: A
18:- 'Cultural| materialism' is a materialistic explanation of social reality derived from A:- Dialectical materialism B:- Historical determinism C:- Cultural| determinism D:-Marxist anthropology Ans: D
19:-Which of the following is incorrect in case of the Ministry of Ayurveda, Yoga & Naturopathy, Unani, Siddha and Homeopathy (abbreviated as AYUSH). A:- |t promotes medical pluralism B:- |t promotes a system of alternative medicines and integrative health care in India C:-|t ensures research, capacity building and empowerment initiative in context of health practitioners. D:- |t was established on 9th November 2010.
Ans: D
20:- Which of the following statements is false in context of the ASHA (Accredited Social Health Activist) scheme in India.
A:- ASHA is instituted under Ministry of Health and family welfare (MoHFW) under National Health Mission (NHM) of Government of India.
B:-An ASHA volunteer must primarily be a woman resident of the village, preferably in the age group of 25 to 45 years.
C:- At village level ASHA workers cannot function without the institutional support from Gram Panchayat, Anganwadi workers and Self help groups.
D:- An ASHA is a community health volunteer for a village with a population strength of 100.
Ans: D
21:- The National Rural Health Mission (NRHM) of India was launched in which year? A:- 2005 B:- 2013 C:- 2017 D:- 2015 Ans: A
22:- As distinct from 'social structure', Raymond Firth employed the concept of A:- Social system
B:- Social form C:- Social institution D:- Social organization Ans: D
23:- Bronislaw Malinowski argued for a _ explanation of socio-cultural phenomena A:-Structura| B:- Functional C:- Historical D:- Diffusionist Ans: B
24:- As ethnologist, Mayer Fortes was known for his studies on A:- Dravidian kinship B:-Po|ynesian economy C:- Indian social systems D:-African social structure Ans: D
25:- The book titled 'The Andaman Islanders' is written by A:- Bronislaw Malinowski B:- A.R.Radcliffe-Brown C:- Raymond Firth D:-Max Gluckman Ans: B
26:- In Levi-Strauss' theory of structuralism has been taken as a basis for the understanding of human culture and human mind. A:-Historica| approach B:-Psycho|ogica| approach C:- Cultural model D:-Linguistics model Ans: D
27:- Who proposed the theory that personality types and criteria of psychological normality were culturally moulded? A:- Ra|ph Linton B:-Edward Sapir C:- Ruth Benedict D:- Robert Lowie Ans: C
28:- According to Abraham Kardiner 'basic personality' of a society is formed by A:- primary institutions B:- Secondary institutions C:- Forma| education D:-Re|igious belief Ans: A
29:- The middle Paleolithic period is sometimes called as A:-Acheulean BrLehflngen C:- Mousterian D:-Archaic Ans: C
30:- Which dating technique is based on the patterns of tree-ring growth? A:- radio carbon dating B:- fission - track dating C:- paleomagnetic dating D:-dendrochrono|ogy Ans: D
31:- The classical definition of 'culture' by E.B.Ty|or was given in his book titled A:- Primitive Society B:-Primitive Culture C:- Anthropology D:-Man and Culture Ans: B
32:-Mu|ti|inear evolution is a theoretical approach associated with A:- Les|ie A. White B:- Gordon Childe C:- L.H.Morgan D:-Ju|ian Steward Ans: D
33:- The first known writing system is called A:- hierog|yphs B:- petroglyphs C:- cuneiform D:-stone tablets Ans: C
34:- The longest stone age period A:- Mesolithic B:- Neolithic C:- Microlithic D:- Paleolithic Ans: D
35:- The oldest evidence of pottery manufacture has been found in A:-Odai Yamamoto B:- Keezhadi C:- Adichanallur D:- Adirampakkam Ans: A
36:- Many of the nineteenth century museums arranged their exhibits in the following order A:- Evolution B:- Composition C:- Holistic D:- Ethnic Ans: A
37:- Museum of Man - Indira Gandhi Rashtriya Manav Sangrahalaya is situated in A:-Ko|katta B:-Bhopa| C:- Delhi D:- Chennai Ans: B
38:- The nature of Indian society is
A:- egalitarian
B:- totalitarian
C:- theocratic
Ans: D
39:- 'Age area hypothesis' was developed by
A:- Clark Wissler B:-Franz Boas C:-C.A.L.Kroeber D:- Ra|ph Linton
Ans: A
40:- The book - 'Peasant Wars of the Twentieth Century' - was written by A:- Teodor Shanim B:- Eric wolf C:- George Dalton D:- Marc Edelman Ans: B
41:- Who said, "as the peasant society is a haIf-society, so the peasant culture is a half culture" A:-Oscar Lewis B:- M.N.Srinivas C:- Robert Redfield D:- Eric Wolf Ans: C
42:- Who said that Indian village was always a part of a wider entity subject to the winds which flew from without. A:- M.N.Srinivas B:-Kath|een Gough C:- S.C.Dube D:- Andre' Betei||e Ans: A
43:- Who was the first one to introduce the term "Jajmani System" in the anthropological and sociological writings. A:-Haro|d Gould B:- Wi||iam H.Wiser C:- Beide|man D:- M.S.A.Rao Ans: A
44:- Who among the following is the critic of the concept of ruraI-urban continuum A:-Pocock B:-M.S.A.Rao C:- R.K.Murkherjee D:- Robert Redfield Ans: A
45:- Which of the following is a feature of unstructured interview?
A:-It contains no specific sets of predetermined s B:- |t is more formal C:- It involves closed ended s D:- |t is easy to quantify Ans: A
46:- A culture area is defined on the basis of the distribution of A:-Cu|ture circles B:- Culture traits C:- People D:-Individua|s Ans: B
47:- Who made a detailed study on the practice of mother-right among the Kadar community. A:- Aiyyappan.A B:- Mathur.P.R.G C:- S.Nandi D:- Ehrenfe|s
Ans: D
48:- Who argued that 'tribe' remains as a separate independent entity not enclosed under any particular religion. A:- Verrier Elwin B:-G.S.Ghurye C:- Rise|y D:- Hutton Ans: B
49:- The Garo tribe lives in A:- North-Eastern region B:- Sub-Himalayan region C:- Central and East India D:- South India Ans: A
50:- The language of the tribes of Chotanagpur belong to A:- Austric family B:- Dravidian family C:- Tibeto-Chinese family D:- Indo-European family Ans: A
2:- One of the regions of the old world A:- Australia B:-Afro Eurasia C:- Greenland D:-Ice|and Ans: B
3:- Who initially developed the three age systems? A:-John Lubbock B:-C.J.Thomsen
C:- Chi|de V.Gordon D:- Westropp.H.M. Ans: B
4:- Which of the following statements is false with respect to the Modernization theory of development?
A:- Modernization theory assumes that all change inevitably follows the western model of development
B:- Modernization theory ignores the political implications of growth at micro level
C:- Modernization theory fails to understand the real causes of underdevelopment and poverty.
D:-Modernisation theory emerged in the 1970's and 1980's
Ans: D
5:- Choose the incorrect statement: A:- 'Development Anthropology' involves active engagement with the development institutions on behalf of the poor, with the aim of transforming development practice from within. B:-'Anthropo|ogy of Development' prescribes a radical critique of development, and prefers distancing away from development establishment. C:- Development Anthropology is a sub- field of applied anthropology D:- 'Development Anthropology' deals with the development of only marginalized communities. Ans: D
6:- Who theorized that population increased in geometric progression whereas food production increased in arithmetic progression and thus positive and preventive checks are maintained?
A:-Herbert Spencer
B:-John Forbes Nash
C:- Adam Smith
D:-Thomas Malthus
Ans: D
7:- On whose recommendation, did Ministry of Rural Development increase the number of days of Mahatma Gandhi National Rural Employment Guarantee Act (MGNREGA) from 100 to an additional 50 days in notified drought affected or natural calamity areas in the country? A:- Ministry of labour and employment B:- Ministry of Human Resource Development C:- Ministry of Agriculture and Farmers' Welfare D:- Ministry of Tribal Affairs Ans: C
8:- The 2030 Agenda for sustainable development covers how many sustainable development goals (SDG's)?
A:- 18 B:- 16 C:- 17 D:- 15 Ans: C
9:- Which of the following article is concerned with promotion of educational and economic interests of the Scheduled castes, Scheduled Tribes and other weaker sections of society? A:- Article 23 B:- Article 46 C:- Article 39 D:- Article 15 Ans: B
10:- Which of the following is usually not considered as a significant tool of study in Systems Ecology? A:-thermodynamics B:- networks C:- information Theory D:- cognition Ans: D
11:- Which of the following tools of study is rarely considered by ethno-ecologists in their study? A:- symbolic and functional use of language B:- cognition C:- feedback mechanisms D:-behaviora| models (scripts and schemas) Ans: C
12:- Choose the incorrect statement in context of health, disease and illness. A:-I||ness is a subjective concept related to personal experience of a disease B:-Hea|th is the absence of a disease C:- Health is a state of complex physical, mental and social well being and not merely absence of a disease D:-Disease is a physical or mental disturbance involving symptoms, dysfunction and tissue damage. Ans: B
13:-Anthropologist Verrier Elwin emphasized upon which of the following approaches of tribal development in India? A:- principle of assimilation B:- principle of isolation C:- principle of integration D:- principle of unification Ans: B
14:- United Nations General Assembly (UNGA) adopted a Resolution on 'Rights of Indigenous Peoples', proclaiming 2019 as the International Year of? A:-Indigenous Knowledge B:-Indigenous Crafts C:- Indigenous Languages D:-Indigenous Medicines Ans: C
15:- Which of the following statement is false in context of culture bound syndromes? A:- They are categorized as a disease in that culture and unknown in other cultures B:- They possess a widespread familiarity in that culture C:- They are necessarily based on objectively demonstrable biochemical or organ abnormality D:- They are treated by folk medicine/ traditional healers Ans: C
16:- Transhumance is one pattern of which subsistence level? A:-Horticu|ture B:-Agricu|ture C:- Pastoralism D:- Fishing Ans: C
17:- Who among the following pioneered the use of the term 'status' and 'role' in anthropology? A:- Ra|ph Linton B:-S.F.Nade| C:- Margaret Mead D:-E.R.Leach Ans: A
18:- 'Cultural| materialism' is a materialistic explanation of social reality derived from A:- Dialectical materialism B:- Historical determinism C:- Cultural| determinism D:-Marxist anthropology Ans: D
19:-Which of the following is incorrect in case of the Ministry of Ayurveda, Yoga & Naturopathy, Unani, Siddha and Homeopathy (abbreviated as AYUSH). A:- |t promotes medical pluralism B:- |t promotes a system of alternative medicines and integrative health care in India C:-|t ensures research, capacity building and empowerment initiative in context of health practitioners. D:- |t was established on 9th November 2010.
Ans: D
20:- Which of the following statements is false in context of the ASHA (Accredited Social Health Activist) scheme in India.
A:- ASHA is instituted under Ministry of Health and family welfare (MoHFW) under National Health Mission (NHM) of Government of India.
B:-An ASHA volunteer must primarily be a woman resident of the village, preferably in the age group of 25 to 45 years.
C:- At village level ASHA workers cannot function without the institutional support from Gram Panchayat, Anganwadi workers and Self help groups.
D:- An ASHA is a community health volunteer for a village with a population strength of 100.
Ans: D
21:- The National Rural Health Mission (NRHM) of India was launched in which year? A:- 2005 B:- 2013 C:- 2017 D:- 2015 Ans: A
22:- As distinct from 'social structure', Raymond Firth employed the concept of A:- Social system
B:- Social form C:- Social institution D:- Social organization Ans: D
23:- Bronislaw Malinowski argued for a _ explanation of socio-cultural phenomena A:-Structura| B:- Functional C:- Historical D:- Diffusionist Ans: B
24:- As ethnologist, Mayer Fortes was known for his studies on A:- Dravidian kinship B:-Po|ynesian economy C:- Indian social systems D:-African social structure Ans: D
25:- The book titled 'The Andaman Islanders' is written by A:- Bronislaw Malinowski B:- A.R.Radcliffe-Brown C:- Raymond Firth D:-Max Gluckman Ans: B
26:- In Levi-Strauss' theory of structuralism has been taken as a basis for the understanding of human culture and human mind. A:-Historica| approach B:-Psycho|ogica| approach C:- Cultural model D:-Linguistics model Ans: D
27:- Who proposed the theory that personality types and criteria of psychological normality were culturally moulded? A:- Ra|ph Linton B:-Edward Sapir C:- Ruth Benedict D:- Robert Lowie Ans: C
28:- According to Abraham Kardiner 'basic personality' of a society is formed by A:- primary institutions B:- Secondary institutions C:- Forma| education D:-Re|igious belief Ans: A
29:- The middle Paleolithic period is sometimes called as A:-Acheulean BrLehflngen C:- Mousterian D:-Archaic Ans: C
30:- Which dating technique is based on the patterns of tree-ring growth? A:- radio carbon dating B:- fission - track dating C:- paleomagnetic dating D:-dendrochrono|ogy Ans: D
31:- The classical definition of 'culture' by E.B.Ty|or was given in his book titled A:- Primitive Society B:-Primitive Culture C:- Anthropology D:-Man and Culture Ans: B
32:-Mu|ti|inear evolution is a theoretical approach associated with A:- Les|ie A. White B:- Gordon Childe C:- L.H.Morgan D:-Ju|ian Steward Ans: D
33:- The first known writing system is called A:- hierog|yphs B:- petroglyphs C:- cuneiform D:-stone tablets Ans: C
34:- The longest stone age period A:- Mesolithic B:- Neolithic C:- Microlithic D:- Paleolithic Ans: D
35:- The oldest evidence of pottery manufacture has been found in A:-Odai Yamamoto B:- Keezhadi C:- Adichanallur D:- Adirampakkam Ans: A
36:- Many of the nineteenth century museums arranged their exhibits in the following order A:- Evolution B:- Composition C:- Holistic D:- Ethnic Ans: A
37:- Museum of Man - Indira Gandhi Rashtriya Manav Sangrahalaya is situated in A:-Ko|katta B:-Bhopa| C:- Delhi D:- Chennai Ans: B
38:- The nature of Indian society is
A:- egalitarian
B:- totalitarian
C:- theocratic
Ans: D
39:- 'Age area hypothesis' was developed by
A:- Clark Wissler B:-Franz Boas C:-C.A.L.Kroeber D:- Ra|ph Linton
Ans: A
40:- The book - 'Peasant Wars of the Twentieth Century' - was written by A:- Teodor Shanim B:- Eric wolf C:- George Dalton D:- Marc Edelman Ans: B
41:- Who said, "as the peasant society is a haIf-society, so the peasant culture is a half culture" A:-Oscar Lewis B:- M.N.Srinivas C:- Robert Redfield D:- Eric Wolf Ans: C
42:- Who said that Indian village was always a part of a wider entity subject to the winds which flew from without. A:- M.N.Srinivas B:-Kath|een Gough C:- S.C.Dube D:- Andre' Betei||e Ans: A
43:- Who was the first one to introduce the term "Jajmani System" in the anthropological and sociological writings. A:-Haro|d Gould B:- Wi||iam H.Wiser C:- Beide|man D:- M.S.A.Rao Ans: A
44:- Who among the following is the critic of the concept of ruraI-urban continuum A:-Pocock B:-M.S.A.Rao C:- R.K.Murkherjee D:- Robert Redfield Ans: A
45:- Which of the following is a feature of unstructured interview?
A:-It contains no specific sets of predetermined s B:- |t is more formal C:- It involves closed ended s D:- |t is easy to quantify Ans: A
46:- A culture area is defined on the basis of the distribution of A:-Cu|ture circles B:- Culture traits C:- People D:-Individua|s Ans: B
47:- Who made a detailed study on the practice of mother-right among the Kadar community. A:- Aiyyappan.A B:- Mathur.P.R.G C:- S.Nandi D:- Ehrenfe|s
Ans: D
48:- Who argued that 'tribe' remains as a separate independent entity not enclosed under any particular religion. A:- Verrier Elwin B:-G.S.Ghurye C:- Rise|y D:- Hutton Ans: B
49:- The Garo tribe lives in A:- North-Eastern region B:- Sub-Himalayan region C:- Central and East India D:- South India Ans: A
50:- The language of the tribes of Chotanagpur belong to A:- Austric family B:- Dravidian family C:- Tibeto-Chinese family D:- Indo-European family Ans: A
51:- The comparative and historical study of cultures is known as A:- Ethnography B:-Ethno|ogy C:- Etho|ogy D:-Ethnoscience Ans: B
52:- The beginning of modern ethnographic tradition is often traced to A:- Radc|iffe-Brown B:-Levi-Strauss C:- Bronis|aw Malinowski D:- E.B.Ty|or Ans: C
53:- The terms 'emic' and 'ethic' were originally coined by A:- Stephen Tyler B:-W.H.Goodenough C:- Kenneth Pike D:-C|ifford Geertz Ans: C
54:- is the inference of propositions on the basis of specific observations. A:-Deduction B:- Inductive method C:- Comparative method D:-Forma| analysis Ans: B
55:- Which technique of anthropological research is almost synonymous with ethnography as a whole? A:-Participant observation B:-Case study C:- Survey method D:- Focus group discussion Ans: A
56:- Case study is a method of A:-Quantitative analysis B:-Qua|itative analysis C:- Componential analysis D:- Sampling Ans: B
57:- Which one of the following is the main instrument for collecting data in survey method? A:- interview B:- Observation C:- naire
D:- Case study Ans: C
58:- Who among the following advocated the method of 'controlled comparison'? A:- Radc|iffe-Brown B:-Mayer Fortes C:- Raymond Firth D:-Fred Eggan Ans: D
59:- One of the following is not a feature of content analysis. A:-It is based on the collection of data from people B:- |t involves the study of recorded information C:- |t emphasises on the manifest content of communication D:-It does not involve observation of people's behaviour Ans: A
60:- Genealogical| method used for recording links of kinship through descent and marriage was developed by A:- L.H.Morgan B:- Radc|iffe-Brown C:- W.H.R.Rivers D:-Levi-Strauss Ans: C
61:- A technique of data collection which consists of a series of written s along with alternative answers to be filled by the respondents is called A:- Structured interview B:-Case study C:- naire D:-Schedu|e Ans: C
62. The term "Social structure" can be defined as
A:-Process by which an individual gradually acquires culture and becomes member of a social group
B:-Patterns of interrelationships between persons in a society
C:-Study of individuals as well as groups in a society
D:-A group of individuals who had organized themselves and follow a way of life
Ans: B
63:-Which among the following DOES NOT come under behavioural sciences
A:-Socio|ogy B:-Socia| anthropology C:-Cu|tura| anthropology D:-Socia| psychology
Ans: C
64:-Accu|turation can occur through all of the following ways EXCEPT
A:-Trade and commerce B:-|ndustria|ization C:-Crime and corruption D:-Conquest
Ans: C
65:-Which among the following DOES NOT come under theories in Sociology
A:-Feminist Theory B:-Parsonian Theory C:-Freudian Theory D:-Marxist Theory
Ans: C
66:-According to Stern's IQ test, IQ was calculated for children as
A:-IQ = (Mental age / Chronological age) x 100
B:-IQ = (Chronological age / Mental age) x 100
C:-IQ = (Mental age / Chronological age) x 1000
D:-IQ = (Chronological age / Mental age) x 1000
Ans: A
67:-Kuppuswamy scale is NOT based on A:-Education status B:-Gender C:-Income D:-Occupation
Ans: B
68:-Which among the following comes under "Rural Socio Economic Status Scales"
A:-Modified Kuppuswamy Scale B:-Modified B.G. Prasad Scale C:-Ku|shreshtha Scale D:-Srivastava Scale
Ans: B
69:-Comparison of costs of different interventions that are assumed to provide equivalent benefits is done in
A:-Cost Minimization Analysis B:-Cost Effectiveness Analysis C:-Cost Utility Analysis D:-Cost Benefit Analysis
Ans: A
52:- The beginning of modern ethnographic tradition is often traced to A:- Radc|iffe-Brown B:-Levi-Strauss C:- Bronis|aw Malinowski D:- E.B.Ty|or Ans: C
53:- The terms 'emic' and 'ethic' were originally coined by A:- Stephen Tyler B:-W.H.Goodenough C:- Kenneth Pike D:-C|ifford Geertz Ans: C
54:- is the inference of propositions on the basis of specific observations. A:-Deduction B:- Inductive method C:- Comparative method D:-Forma| analysis Ans: B
55:- Which technique of anthropological research is almost synonymous with ethnography as a whole? A:-Participant observation B:-Case study C:- Survey method D:- Focus group discussion Ans: A
56:- Case study is a method of A:-Quantitative analysis B:-Qua|itative analysis C:- Componential analysis D:- Sampling Ans: B
57:- Which one of the following is the main instrument for collecting data in survey method? A:- interview B:- Observation C:- naire
D:- Case study Ans: C
58:- Who among the following advocated the method of 'controlled comparison'? A:- Radc|iffe-Brown B:-Mayer Fortes C:- Raymond Firth D:-Fred Eggan Ans: D
59:- One of the following is not a feature of content analysis. A:-It is based on the collection of data from people B:- |t involves the study of recorded information C:- |t emphasises on the manifest content of communication D:-It does not involve observation of people's behaviour Ans: A
60:- Genealogical| method used for recording links of kinship through descent and marriage was developed by A:- L.H.Morgan B:- Radc|iffe-Brown C:- W.H.R.Rivers D:-Levi-Strauss Ans: C
61:- A technique of data collection which consists of a series of written s along with alternative answers to be filled by the respondents is called A:- Structured interview B:-Case study C:- naire D:-Schedu|e Ans: C
62. The term "Social structure" can be defined as
A:-Process by which an individual gradually acquires culture and becomes member of a social group
B:-Patterns of interrelationships between persons in a society
C:-Study of individuals as well as groups in a society
D:-A group of individuals who had organized themselves and follow a way of life
Ans: B
63:-Which among the following DOES NOT come under behavioural sciences
A:-Socio|ogy B:-Socia| anthropology C:-Cu|tura| anthropology D:-Socia| psychology
Ans: C
64:-Accu|turation can occur through all of the following ways EXCEPT
A:-Trade and commerce B:-|ndustria|ization C:-Crime and corruption D:-Conquest
Ans: C
65:-Which among the following DOES NOT come under theories in Sociology
A:-Feminist Theory B:-Parsonian Theory C:-Freudian Theory D:-Marxist Theory
Ans: C
66:-According to Stern's IQ test, IQ was calculated for children as
A:-IQ = (Mental age / Chronological age) x 100
B:-IQ = (Chronological age / Mental age) x 100
C:-IQ = (Mental age / Chronological age) x 1000
D:-IQ = (Chronological age / Mental age) x 1000
Ans: A
67:-Kuppuswamy scale is NOT based on A:-Education status B:-Gender C:-Income D:-Occupation
Ans: B
68:-Which among the following comes under "Rural Socio Economic Status Scales"
A:-Modified Kuppuswamy Scale B:-Modified B.G. Prasad Scale C:-Ku|shreshtha Scale D:-Srivastava Scale
Ans: B
69:-Comparison of costs of different interventions that are assumed to provide equivalent benefits is done in
A:-Cost Minimization Analysis B:-Cost Effectiveness Analysis C:-Cost Utility Analysis D:-Cost Benefit Analysis
Ans: A