Political Science & International Relations Syllabus
1:-Which of the following judgments stated that secularism and federalism are the basic features of the Indian Constitution ?
A:-Keshavananda Bharati case
B:-S. R. Bommai case
C:-Indira Sawhney case
D:-Mineria Mills case
Ans: B
2:-Who argues "All Communalism is harmful; the logic of minority communalism is separatism and majority communalism culminates' in fascism" ?
A:-T. V. Madan
B:-Bipan Chandra
C:-Imtiaz Ahamed
D:-Zoya Hassan
Ans: B
3:-Whose name is associated with the study of Polyarchy ?
A:-David Easton
B:-W. W. Rustov
D:-Robert Dahl
Ans: D
4:-Theory of structural-functionalism was introduced in comparative politics by
A:-David Easton
B:-Gabriel Almond
C:-Max Weber
D:-David Apter
Ans: B
5:-Who is the author of "Democracy at work Civic Traditions in modern Italy" ?
A:-Max Weber
B:-Giovannie Sartorie
C:-Robert Putnam
D:-John Hayness
Ans: C
6:-'Dependency theory' is associated with
A:-Samir Amin
B:-David E. Schmitt
C:-Carl J. Frederich
D:-Daniel Bell
Ans: A
7:-The book 'Nerves of Government' is written by
A:-W. W. Rustov
B:-Jean Blondel
C:-Karl Deutsch
D:-Morries Jones
Ans: C
8:- The only state in the Unites States of America having a Unicameral Legislature
Ans: B
9:-The principle of 'cohabitation politics' is practiced in (country)
Ans: D
10:-Which political party has contributed the concept of, 'The idea of three represent' ?
A:-Republicans (USA)
B:-Labour (Britain)
D:-Communist Party of China
Ans: D
11:-Name the scholar who argued that political economy approach offers the most comprehensive understanding for the study of comparative politics
A:-Mortan Kaplan
B:-Nobert Weiner
C:-R. H. Chilcotte
D:-David Easton
Ans: C
12:-In state of West Bengal Vs. Union of India (A.I.R. 1963 S.C. 1241) the majority held that Indian constitution is not federal. However one differing judge held that Indian constitution was basically federal. The judge who differed from the majority decision was
A:-Gajendragadkar. J
B:-Bhagwati. J
C:-Ray. J
D:-Subbarao. J
Ans: D
13:-The concept of fraternity used in the preamble has been taken from
C:-U. K.
Ans: B
14:-Clause (4) of Art. 15 has been added by
A:-`1^(st)` amendment
B:-`42^(nd)` amendment
C:-`44^(th)` amendment
D:-`3^(rd)` amendment
Ans: A
15:-The executive power of the Union shall be vested in the President but it shall
A:-Prevent the Parliament from conferring by law, functions of on authorities other than President
B:-Not prevent the house of people from conferring by law, functions on authorities other than the President
C:-Not prevent council of states from conferring by law functions on authorities other than the President
D:-Not prevent Parliament from conferring by law, functions on authorities other than president
Ans: D
16:-In which case Supreme Court held that an order by the President under Art. 359(1) was not 'law' within the meaning of Art 13(2) and therefore its validity could not be challenged with reference to the Provision of Part III
A:-Minerva Mills Ltd. Vs. Union of India
B:-Mohammed Yakub Vs. State of Jammu and Kashmir
C:-Golaknath Vs. State of Punjab
D:-Ghulam Sarvar Vs. Union of India
Ans: B
17:-Which provision deals with Bar of Jurisdiction of courts under Right to Information Act., 2005 ?
A:-Section 21
B:-Section 22
C:-Section 23
D:-Section 24
Ans: C
18:-Under the Transplantation of Human Organ and Tissues Act punishment provides for Removal of human tissues without authority
A:-Imprisonment up to 10 years and fine up to 20 lakhs
B:-Imprisonment up to 10 years and fine up to 20 lakhs
C:-Imprisonment up to 7 years and fine up to 10 lakhs
D:-Imprisonment up to 3 years fine up to 5 lakhs
Ans: D
19:-National Rural Employment Guarantee Act, 2005 aims to enhance livelihood security in rural areas by
A:-Providing at least 100 days of wage employment in a financial year
B:-Providing at least 120 days of wage employment in a financial year
C:-Providing at least 125 days of wage employment in a financial year
D:-None of the above
Ans: A
20:-Section 23 of Protection of Children from Sexual Offences Act, 2012 deals with
A:-Evidence should be recorded within a period of 30 days
B:-Punishment for false complaint or false information
C:-Procedure for media
D:-Punishment for attempt to commit an offence
Ans: C
A:-Keshavananda Bharati case
B:-S. R. Bommai case
C:-Indira Sawhney case
D:-Mineria Mills case
Ans: B
2:-Who argues "All Communalism is harmful; the logic of minority communalism is separatism and majority communalism culminates' in fascism" ?
A:-T. V. Madan
B:-Bipan Chandra
C:-Imtiaz Ahamed
D:-Zoya Hassan
Ans: B
3:-Whose name is associated with the study of Polyarchy ?
A:-David Easton
B:-W. W. Rustov
D:-Robert Dahl
Ans: D
4:-Theory of structural-functionalism was introduced in comparative politics by
A:-David Easton
B:-Gabriel Almond
C:-Max Weber
D:-David Apter
Ans: B
5:-Who is the author of "Democracy at work Civic Traditions in modern Italy" ?
A:-Max Weber
B:-Giovannie Sartorie
C:-Robert Putnam
D:-John Hayness
Ans: C
6:-'Dependency theory' is associated with
A:-Samir Amin
B:-David E. Schmitt
C:-Carl J. Frederich
D:-Daniel Bell
Ans: A
7:-The book 'Nerves of Government' is written by
A:-W. W. Rustov
B:-Jean Blondel
C:-Karl Deutsch
D:-Morries Jones
Ans: C
8:- The only state in the Unites States of America having a Unicameral Legislature
Ans: B
9:-The principle of 'cohabitation politics' is practiced in (country)
Ans: D
10:-Which political party has contributed the concept of, 'The idea of three represent' ?
A:-Republicans (USA)
B:-Labour (Britain)
D:-Communist Party of China
Ans: D
11:-Name the scholar who argued that political economy approach offers the most comprehensive understanding for the study of comparative politics
A:-Mortan Kaplan
B:-Nobert Weiner
C:-R. H. Chilcotte
D:-David Easton
Ans: C
12:-In state of West Bengal Vs. Union of India (A.I.R. 1963 S.C. 1241) the majority held that Indian constitution is not federal. However one differing judge held that Indian constitution was basically federal. The judge who differed from the majority decision was
A:-Gajendragadkar. J
B:-Bhagwati. J
C:-Ray. J
D:-Subbarao. J
Ans: D
13:-The concept of fraternity used in the preamble has been taken from
C:-U. K.
Ans: B
14:-Clause (4) of Art. 15 has been added by
A:-`1^(st)` amendment
B:-`42^(nd)` amendment
C:-`44^(th)` amendment
D:-`3^(rd)` amendment
Ans: A
15:-The executive power of the Union shall be vested in the President but it shall
A:-Prevent the Parliament from conferring by law, functions of on authorities other than President
B:-Not prevent the house of people from conferring by law, functions on authorities other than the President
C:-Not prevent council of states from conferring by law functions on authorities other than the President
D:-Not prevent Parliament from conferring by law, functions on authorities other than president
Ans: D
16:-In which case Supreme Court held that an order by the President under Art. 359(1) was not 'law' within the meaning of Art 13(2) and therefore its validity could not be challenged with reference to the Provision of Part III
A:-Minerva Mills Ltd. Vs. Union of India
B:-Mohammed Yakub Vs. State of Jammu and Kashmir
C:-Golaknath Vs. State of Punjab
D:-Ghulam Sarvar Vs. Union of India
Ans: B
17:-Which provision deals with Bar of Jurisdiction of courts under Right to Information Act., 2005 ?
A:-Section 21
B:-Section 22
C:-Section 23
D:-Section 24
Ans: C
18:-Under the Transplantation of Human Organ and Tissues Act punishment provides for Removal of human tissues without authority
A:-Imprisonment up to 10 years and fine up to 20 lakhs
B:-Imprisonment up to 10 years and fine up to 20 lakhs
C:-Imprisonment up to 7 years and fine up to 10 lakhs
D:-Imprisonment up to 3 years fine up to 5 lakhs
Ans: D
19:-National Rural Employment Guarantee Act, 2005 aims to enhance livelihood security in rural areas by
A:-Providing at least 100 days of wage employment in a financial year
B:-Providing at least 120 days of wage employment in a financial year
C:-Providing at least 125 days of wage employment in a financial year
D:-None of the above
Ans: A
20:-Section 23 of Protection of Children from Sexual Offences Act, 2012 deals with
A:-Evidence should be recorded within a period of 30 days
B:-Punishment for false complaint or false information
C:-Procedure for media
D:-Punishment for attempt to commit an offence
Ans: C
21:-Who is the author of 'The state and the Revolution' ?
A:-Karl Marx
B:-Joseph Stalin
C:-V. I. Lenin
D:-J. J. Rousseau
Ans: C
22:-According to Rousseau General will must always be
A:-Inalienable and divisible
B:-Alienable and indivisible
C:-Alienable and divisible
D:-Inalienable and indivisible
Ans: D
23:-According to Antonio Gramsci 'Civil society' is ruled through
D:-Both force and consent
Ans: A
24:-According to Hegel state is the synthesis which is the outcome of interaction between the original thesis and anti-thesis namely
A:-Bourgeois society and family respectively
B:-Family and bourgeois society respectively
C:-Proletariat and bourgeois respectively
D:-Bourgeois and proletariat respectively
Ans: B
25:-Who is the author of 'Treatise of Civil Government' ?
A:-Thomas Hobbes
B:-John Locke
C:-Jeremy Bentham
D:-J. S. Mill
Ans: B
26:-Freedom according to T. H. Green is
A:-The right of man to make the best of himself
B:-Voluntary identification of self with the laws of the state
C:-A legal fiction
D:-Liberty to do as one pleases
Ans: A
27:-Who has jurisdiction over 'other regarding' conduct as explained by J. S. Mill ?
D:-All the above
Ans: C
28:-Choose the right answer. According to V. I. Lenin
A:-Imperialism is the eve of the socialist revolution
B:-Socialism will be superseded by capitalism
C:-Imperialism is the lowest stage of capitalism
D:-Marxs' thesis of class struggle is flawed
Ans: A
29:-Who said it is on the basis of pleasure and pain that man performs any action in life ?
A:-Karl Marx
B:-Jeremy Bentham
C:-Thomas Hobbes
D:-John Locke
Ans: B
30:-Which is not a valid criticism of Marx ?
A:-Marx failed to foresee the rise of 'middle class'
B:-State has not 'withered away' as Marx predicted
C:-Economic condition of proletariat has not progressively deteriorated as Marx foresaw
D:-Marx failed to provide a theory of social change
Ans: D
31:-'Annihilation of Caste' is one of the famous works by
A:-B. R. Ambedkar
B:-Jyotiba Phule
C:-Rajaram Mohan Roy
D:-E. V. Ramaswami Naicker
Ans: A
32:-Match List I (Constituent Assembly Committee) with List II (Chairman) and select the correct answer using the codes given below the list
List - I List - II
A. Steering Committee 1. Sardar Vallabhai Patel
B. Fundamental Rights Sub Committee 2. Dr. Rajendra Prasad
C. Union Constitution Committee 3. J. B. Kripalani
D. Provisional Constitution Committee 4. Jawaharlal Nehru
A:-A B C D
2 3 4 1
B:-A B C D
1 4 3 2
C:-A B C D
2 4 3 1
D:-A B C D
1 3 4 2
Ans: A
33:-The 'Instrument of Instruction' contained in the Government of India Act, 1935 have been incorporated in the constitution of India in the year 1950 as
A:-Fundamental Rights
B:-Directive Principles of State Policy
C:-Extent of Executive power of States
D:-Conduct of business of Government of India
Ans: B
34:-Which article of the constitution of India says, 'No child below the age of 14 years shall be employed to work in any factory or mine or engaged in any other hazardous employment' ?
A:-Article 18
B:-Article 22
C:-Article 24
D:-Article 28
Ans: C
35:-The Supreme Court of India tenders advice to the President on matter of law or fact
A:-On its own initiative
B:-Only if he seeks such advice
C:-Only if the matter related to the fundamental rights of citizens
D:-Only if the issue poses a threat to the unity and integrity of the country
Ans: B
36:-Which of the Article of the Constitution of India are relevant to analyze the constitutional provisions that deal with the relationship of President with council of member ?
A:-Articles 71, 75 and 78
B:-Articles 74, 75 and 78
C:-Articles 73, 76 and 78
D:-Articles 72, 73 and 76
Ans: B
37:-What is the prime objective advocated for the appointment of the National Judicial Commission ?
A:-Bringing about transparency and impartiality in the appointment of Judges at the highest level
B:-Looking into the functions of High Courts
C:-Training of the Judges
D:-Reforms in the Legal System
Ans: A
38:-In which of the following provisions of the constitution of India is the principle of collective responsibility of the Council of Ministers enshrined ?
A:-Article 75(3)
B:-Article 75(1)
C:-Article 171(4)
D:-Article 118(4)
Ans: A
39. Given below are two statements, one labelled as Assertion (A) and the other labelled as Reason (R). Find the correct answer using the codes given below:
Assertion (A): Adequate measures must be taken by the Government to ensure the stoppage of the practice of corruption.
Reason (R): Corruption leads to decline of democratic process.
(A) Both (A) and (R) are true, but (R) is not correct explanation of (A).
(B) (A) is true, but (R) is false.
(C) Both (A) and (R) are true and (R) is correct explanation of (A).
(D) (A) is false, but (R) is true.
Ans: C
40. Match the following:
The Office of Ombudsman was set up in these countries in the following years:
(Countries) (Years)
a. Sweden 1. 1967
b. Finland 2. 1809
c. New Zealand 3. 1978
d. United Kingdom 4. 1919
5. 1962
Select the correct answer:
a b c d
(A) 2 4 5 1
(B) 1 5 3 4
(C) 3 2 1 5
(D) 4 3 5 1
Ans: A
41. In the post Soviet era Russia’s outlook at global level is marked by
(A) Rigid Ideological positions
(B) Enhanced role for Soviet era legacies.
(C) Pragmatic de-ideologised worldview.
(D) Rigidities of cold war era.
Ans: C
42. Who of the following has coined the term under-development?
(A) Antonio Gramsci
(B) Rosa Luxemburg
(C) Emmanual Wallerstein
(D) Kenneth Waltz
Ans: C
43. The policy of containment formulated by the U.S. aimed at
(A) Checking globally the influence of the Soviet Union.
(B) Checking the nuclear proliferation of Iran.
(C) Containing defiant North Korea.
(D) Countering the expansionist policies of People’s Republic of China.
Ans: A
44. The Kyoto Protocol of 1997 adopted the programme for
(A) Ending global poverty
(B) The democratisation of U.N. system
(C) Broadening the participation within I.M.F. and World Bank.
(D) Reducing greenhouse emissions.
Ans: D
45. Match List – I with List – II and select correct answer from the codes given below:
List – I List – II
a. Morton Kaplan 1. Perestroika and Glasnost
b. Andre Gunder Frank 2. Theory of Realism
c. Hans J. Morgenthau 3. Systems Theory
d. Mikhail Gorbachev 4. Dependency Theory
a b c d
(A) 3 4 2 1
(B) 4 2 3 1
(C) 2 4 1 3
(D) 2 1 3 4
Ans: A
46. The principle of reciprocity within WTO framework envisages
(A) Lowering of trade barriers by a State to be matched in return.
(B) Creation of trade barriers on uniform basis.
(C) Protection of intellectual property rights.
(D) Enhanced role for State controls on trade.
Ans: A
47. What is the correct chronological order of the events listed below?
i. U.S. Policy of Containment of the Soviet Union.
ii. Dissolution of the former Soviet Union.
iii. Iran-Iraq War.
iv. US War on terrorism in Afghanistan.
Choose the right answer from the codes given below:
(A) iv, ii, iii, i
(B) ii, iv, i, iii
(C) iii, ii, iv, i
(D) i, iii, ii, iv
Ans: D
48. The dictum, ‘Imperialism is the highest stage of Capitalism’ was propounded by
(A) Karl Marx
(B) V.I. Lenin
(C) Andre Gunder Frank
(D) EmmanualWallerstein
Ans: B
49. Hans Blix was head of U.N. body for
(A) Peace-keeping operations in Somalia.
(B) Inspecting places in Iraq for verification of Weapons of Mass Destruction.
(C) Working modalities for the creation of NIEO.
(D) Rebuilding war-torn Afghanistan
Ans: B
50.Nagorno Karabakh is a disputed territory between
(A) Armenia and Azerbaizan
(B) Georgia and Ukraine
(C) Uzbekistan and Turkmenistan
(D) Russian Federation and China
Ans: A
A:-Karl Marx
B:-Joseph Stalin
C:-V. I. Lenin
D:-J. J. Rousseau
Ans: C
22:-According to Rousseau General will must always be
A:-Inalienable and divisible
B:-Alienable and indivisible
C:-Alienable and divisible
D:-Inalienable and indivisible
Ans: D
23:-According to Antonio Gramsci 'Civil society' is ruled through
D:-Both force and consent
Ans: A
24:-According to Hegel state is the synthesis which is the outcome of interaction between the original thesis and anti-thesis namely
A:-Bourgeois society and family respectively
B:-Family and bourgeois society respectively
C:-Proletariat and bourgeois respectively
D:-Bourgeois and proletariat respectively
Ans: B
25:-Who is the author of 'Treatise of Civil Government' ?
A:-Thomas Hobbes
B:-John Locke
C:-Jeremy Bentham
D:-J. S. Mill
Ans: B
26:-Freedom according to T. H. Green is
A:-The right of man to make the best of himself
B:-Voluntary identification of self with the laws of the state
C:-A legal fiction
D:-Liberty to do as one pleases
Ans: A
27:-Who has jurisdiction over 'other regarding' conduct as explained by J. S. Mill ?
D:-All the above
Ans: C
28:-Choose the right answer. According to V. I. Lenin
A:-Imperialism is the eve of the socialist revolution
B:-Socialism will be superseded by capitalism
C:-Imperialism is the lowest stage of capitalism
D:-Marxs' thesis of class struggle is flawed
Ans: A
29:-Who said it is on the basis of pleasure and pain that man performs any action in life ?
A:-Karl Marx
B:-Jeremy Bentham
C:-Thomas Hobbes
D:-John Locke
Ans: B
30:-Which is not a valid criticism of Marx ?
A:-Marx failed to foresee the rise of 'middle class'
B:-State has not 'withered away' as Marx predicted
C:-Economic condition of proletariat has not progressively deteriorated as Marx foresaw
D:-Marx failed to provide a theory of social change
Ans: D
31:-'Annihilation of Caste' is one of the famous works by
A:-B. R. Ambedkar
B:-Jyotiba Phule
C:-Rajaram Mohan Roy
D:-E. V. Ramaswami Naicker
Ans: A
32:-Match List I (Constituent Assembly Committee) with List II (Chairman) and select the correct answer using the codes given below the list
List - I List - II
A. Steering Committee 1. Sardar Vallabhai Patel
B. Fundamental Rights Sub Committee 2. Dr. Rajendra Prasad
C. Union Constitution Committee 3. J. B. Kripalani
D. Provisional Constitution Committee 4. Jawaharlal Nehru
A:-A B C D
2 3 4 1
B:-A B C D
1 4 3 2
C:-A B C D
2 4 3 1
D:-A B C D
1 3 4 2
Ans: A
33:-The 'Instrument of Instruction' contained in the Government of India Act, 1935 have been incorporated in the constitution of India in the year 1950 as
A:-Fundamental Rights
B:-Directive Principles of State Policy
C:-Extent of Executive power of States
D:-Conduct of business of Government of India
Ans: B
34:-Which article of the constitution of India says, 'No child below the age of 14 years shall be employed to work in any factory or mine or engaged in any other hazardous employment' ?
A:-Article 18
B:-Article 22
C:-Article 24
D:-Article 28
Ans: C
35:-The Supreme Court of India tenders advice to the President on matter of law or fact
A:-On its own initiative
B:-Only if he seeks such advice
C:-Only if the matter related to the fundamental rights of citizens
D:-Only if the issue poses a threat to the unity and integrity of the country
Ans: B
36:-Which of the Article of the Constitution of India are relevant to analyze the constitutional provisions that deal with the relationship of President with council of member ?
A:-Articles 71, 75 and 78
B:-Articles 74, 75 and 78
C:-Articles 73, 76 and 78
D:-Articles 72, 73 and 76
Ans: B
37:-What is the prime objective advocated for the appointment of the National Judicial Commission ?
A:-Bringing about transparency and impartiality in the appointment of Judges at the highest level
B:-Looking into the functions of High Courts
C:-Training of the Judges
D:-Reforms in the Legal System
Ans: A
38:-In which of the following provisions of the constitution of India is the principle of collective responsibility of the Council of Ministers enshrined ?
A:-Article 75(3)
B:-Article 75(1)
C:-Article 171(4)
D:-Article 118(4)
Ans: A
39. Given below are two statements, one labelled as Assertion (A) and the other labelled as Reason (R). Find the correct answer using the codes given below:
Assertion (A): Adequate measures must be taken by the Government to ensure the stoppage of the practice of corruption.
Reason (R): Corruption leads to decline of democratic process.
(A) Both (A) and (R) are true, but (R) is not correct explanation of (A).
(B) (A) is true, but (R) is false.
(C) Both (A) and (R) are true and (R) is correct explanation of (A).
(D) (A) is false, but (R) is true.
Ans: C
40. Match the following:
The Office of Ombudsman was set up in these countries in the following years:
(Countries) (Years)
a. Sweden 1. 1967
b. Finland 2. 1809
c. New Zealand 3. 1978
d. United Kingdom 4. 1919
5. 1962
Select the correct answer:
a b c d
(A) 2 4 5 1
(B) 1 5 3 4
(C) 3 2 1 5
(D) 4 3 5 1
Ans: A
41. In the post Soviet era Russia’s outlook at global level is marked by
(A) Rigid Ideological positions
(B) Enhanced role for Soviet era legacies.
(C) Pragmatic de-ideologised worldview.
(D) Rigidities of cold war era.
Ans: C
42. Who of the following has coined the term under-development?
(A) Antonio Gramsci
(B) Rosa Luxemburg
(C) Emmanual Wallerstein
(D) Kenneth Waltz
Ans: C
43. The policy of containment formulated by the U.S. aimed at
(A) Checking globally the influence of the Soviet Union.
(B) Checking the nuclear proliferation of Iran.
(C) Containing defiant North Korea.
(D) Countering the expansionist policies of People’s Republic of China.
Ans: A
44. The Kyoto Protocol of 1997 adopted the programme for
(A) Ending global poverty
(B) The democratisation of U.N. system
(C) Broadening the participation within I.M.F. and World Bank.
(D) Reducing greenhouse emissions.
Ans: D
45. Match List – I with List – II and select correct answer from the codes given below:
List – I List – II
a. Morton Kaplan 1. Perestroika and Glasnost
b. Andre Gunder Frank 2. Theory of Realism
c. Hans J. Morgenthau 3. Systems Theory
d. Mikhail Gorbachev 4. Dependency Theory
a b c d
(A) 3 4 2 1
(B) 4 2 3 1
(C) 2 4 1 3
(D) 2 1 3 4
Ans: A
46. The principle of reciprocity within WTO framework envisages
(A) Lowering of trade barriers by a State to be matched in return.
(B) Creation of trade barriers on uniform basis.
(C) Protection of intellectual property rights.
(D) Enhanced role for State controls on trade.
Ans: A
47. What is the correct chronological order of the events listed below?
i. U.S. Policy of Containment of the Soviet Union.
ii. Dissolution of the former Soviet Union.
iii. Iran-Iraq War.
iv. US War on terrorism in Afghanistan.
Choose the right answer from the codes given below:
(A) iv, ii, iii, i
(B) ii, iv, i, iii
(C) iii, ii, iv, i
(D) i, iii, ii, iv
Ans: D
48. The dictum, ‘Imperialism is the highest stage of Capitalism’ was propounded by
(A) Karl Marx
(B) V.I. Lenin
(C) Andre Gunder Frank
(D) EmmanualWallerstein
Ans: B
49. Hans Blix was head of U.N. body for
(A) Peace-keeping operations in Somalia.
(B) Inspecting places in Iraq for verification of Weapons of Mass Destruction.
(C) Working modalities for the creation of NIEO.
(D) Rebuilding war-torn Afghanistan
Ans: B
50.Nagorno Karabakh is a disputed territory between
(A) Armenia and Azerbaizan
(B) Georgia and Ukraine
(C) Uzbekistan and Turkmenistan
(D) Russian Federation and China
Ans: A
51. Who among the following has called Weber’s ideal type of bureaucracy as unsuitable for developing societies?
(A) H. Simon
(B) Chester I. Barnard
(C) Fred W. Riggs
(D) Dwight Waldo
Ans: C
52. The Committee on Assurances of the Parliament of India is an instrument of
(A) Executive Control
(B) Judicial Control
(C) Civil-Society Control
(D) Legislative Control
Ans: D
53. According to Herbert Simon, if a decision is directed towards individual’s goal, it is
(A) Organizationally rational
(B) Personally rational
(C) Objectively rational
(D) Subjectively rational
Ans: B
54. The most logical criterion to distinguish a line function from staff is
(A) The functional relationship
(B) The authority relationship
(C) The grouping of functions
(D) The departmentalization
Ans: B
55. Central Vigilance Commission was setup on the recommendations of
(A) First Administrative Reforms Commission
(B) Gorwala Committee Report
(C) Kripalani Committee Report
(D) Santhanam Committee Report
Ans: D
56. The Lokpal and Lokayukta Bill 1968 passed by the Lok Sabha lapsed because
(A) Rajya Sabha rejected the Bill
(B) President withheld the Bill
(C) Joint Committee of the two Houses rejected the Bill
(D) Of early Dissolution of Fourth Lok Sabha
Ans: D
57. Which one of the following committee’s report said that Community Development Programme and National Extension Service had failed to evoke popular enthusiasm?
(A) Sarkaria Committee Report
(B) L.M. Singhvi Committee Report
(C) G.V.K. Rao Committee Report
(D) Balwant Rai Mehta Committee Report
Ans: D
58. Which one of the following was not included by C. Rajagopalachari in the list of six fundamental requirements of a good administrator?
(A) Character
(B) Capacity to judge matters
(C) Expertise in technical matters
(D) Firmness in decision making
Ans: C
59. Santhanam Committee on Prevention of Corruption was appointed in
(A) 1961
(B) 1962
(C) 1963
(D) 1964
Ans: B
60. Given below are two statements, one labelled as Assertion (A) and the other labelled as Reason (R).
Assertion (A): Practical application of unity of command is not always possible.
Reason (R): Technical and administrative tasks require different kinds of supervision.
Select the correct answer from the codes given below:
(A) Both (A) and (R) are individually true and (R) is the correct explanation of (A).
(B) Both (A) and (R) are individually true, but (R) is not the correct explanation of (A).
(C) (A) is true, but (R) is false.
(D) (A) is false, but (R) is true.
Ans: A
61. What is neo-realism?
(A) An attempt to ignore the unpleasant realities of the world.
(B) An attempt to restate the basic ideas of realism in a more‘scientific’ form.
(C) A claims that international society is basically orderly and peaceful.
(D) A claim that individual human nature is central to an understanding of international politics.
Ans: B
62. Match List – I with List – II and select the correct answer from the codes below:
List – I List – II
(Author) (Book)
a. Hedley Bull i. Failed States
b. Noam Chomsky ii. Conflict and Defence
c. Robert Kaplan iii. Anarchial Society
d. Kenneth Boulding iv. Monsoon
a b c d
(A) iii i iv ii
(B) ii iii i iv
(C) i iv iii ii
(D) iv ii i iii
Ans: A
63. Arrange the following international politics theorists in a chronological order from the codes given below:
(i) Reinhold Niebuhr
(ii) Immanuel Kant
(iii) Antonio Gramsci
(iv) Robert W. Cox
(A) (iii), (iv), (i), (ii)
(B) (iv), (i), (ii), (iii)
(C) (i), (ii), (iii), (iv)
(D) (ii), (iii), (i), (iv)
Ans: D
64. What does RMA stand for?
(A) Revolution in Martial Affairs
(B) Revolution in Military Affairs
(C) Referendum in Military Affairs
(D) Raison d’etat in Mass Administration
Ans: B
65. What does Raison d’etat mean?
(A) The national interest
(B) The State ought to act reasonably at all times.
(C) Citizens need to be given very good reasons for obeying the State.
(D) Citizens should consume as many raisins as possible for a good and healthy life.
Ans: A
66. Why is reform of the Security Council problematic?
(A) Enlarging the permanent membership could impair decision making.
(B) None of the existing permanent members are keen to give up their seats.
(C) It is difficult to make an uncontroversial case for any of the potential new permanent members.
(D) All of the above.
Ans: D
67. Structural adjustment programmes require that
(A) Governments of poor countries should adopt privatization and other ‘liberalizing’ measures.
(B) States with weak economies should redistribute more resources to the poor.
(C) Governments of poor countries should knock down all ugly or dilapidated buildings.
(D) Ministers in under-performing countries should go on diets and keep fit.
Ans: A
68. Bandung Conference held in 1955 had the participation of representatives from
(A) Twenty two Asian countries
(B) Eighty Afro-Asian countries
(C) Twenty six African countries
(D) Twenty nine Afro-Asian countries
Ans: D
69. Who said, “Thus far the chief purpose of our military establishment has been to win wars. From now on its chief purpose must be to avert them.”?
(A) Paul Nitze
(B) George Kennan
(C) Bernard Brodie
(D) Robert Jervis
Ans: C
70. Arrange the following treaties and agreements in a chronological order.
Select the answer from the codes given below:
(i) Indo-US Nuclear Treaty
(ii) Indo-Soviet Friendship Treaty
(iii) Tashkent Agreement
(iv) Shimla Agreement
(A) (iii), (ii), (iv), (i)
(B) (ii), (iii), (i), (iv)
(C) (i), (iv), (ii), (iii)
(D) (iv), (i), (iii), (ii)
Ans: A
71. Expand SORT.
(A) Strategic Offensive Reduction Treaty
(B) State Organization Replan Treaty
(C) Strategic Order Reorganization Treaty
(D) Security Organization Replan Treaty
Ans: A
72. Which of the following statements are correct?
1. India has signed the NPT.
2. China has not signed the NPT.
3. India and Pakistan have not signed the NPT.
4. NPT has been signed by Iran, North Korea.
(A) All are correct.
(B) All are false.
(C) 3 & 4 are correct.
(D) 1 & 2 are correct.
Ans: C
73. Identify which of the following are correct statements:
(i) India is a member of the Indian Ocean Rim Association for Regional Cooperation [IORARC].
(ii) [IOR-ARC] helps better relations with Pakistan.
(iii) It defines the Exclusive Economic Zones.
(iv) Indian Ocean has no sea piracy.
(A) (i) and (ii) are correct.
(B) (iii) and (iv) are correct.
(C) (i) and (iii) are correct.
(D) (ii) and (iv) are correct.
Ans: C
74. The Axis of evil is a phrase deliberately used by President George W. Bush in January 2002 to characterize
(A) Iran, North Korea and Iraq
(B) Taliban, Al-Queda and LeT
(C) Cuba, Venezuela, Nicaragua
(D) Pakistan, Afghanistan, Sri Lanka
Ans: A
75. Martin Wight emphasized three philosophical traditions of International politics, they are
(A) Realism, Liberalism, Marxism
(B) Realism, Rationalism, Revolutionism
(C) Radicalism, Realism, Religion
(D) Neo-Realism, Neo-Liberalism, Constructivism
Ans: B
76. Which amendment of the Constitution of India limits the number of Ministers?
(A) 73rd
(B) 86th
(C) 87th
(D) 91st
Ans: D
77. Which one of the following committees is not associated with Panchayati Raj in India?
(A) Sadiq Ali Committee
(B) Dinesh Goswami Committee
(C) L.M. Singhvi Committee
(D) P.K. Thungan Committee
Ans: B
78. Identify the correct sequence in which the following Deputy Prime Ministers were appointed in India?
(i) Sardar Vallabhbhai Patel
(ii) Ch. Devi Lal
(iii) Ch. Charan Singh
(iv) Morarji Desai
(A) (i), (iii), (iv), (ii)
(B) (i), (iv), (ii), (iii)
(C) (iv), (i), (ii), (iii)
(D) (i), (iv), (iii), (iv)
Ans: D
79. Who of the following constituted an oligrachy within the Constituent Assembly of India?
(A) Nehru, Patel, Prasad, Azad
(B) Ambedkar, B.N. Rao, K.M. Munshi, Nehru
(C) Patel, Azad, Munshi, Ambedkar
(D) Krishnamachari, Pannikar, Nehru, Patel
Ans: A
80. Who describes Indian economy as “Bullock Cart Capitalism”?
(A) Rajni Kothari
(B) AtulKohli
(C) Granville Austin
(D) Lloyd and Sussane Rudolph
Ans: D
81. Who among the following defines Public Administration as “the activities of the Executive Branches of the National, State and Local Government”.?
(A) Morstein Marx
(B) Luther Gullick
(C) Herbert A. Simon
(D) Marshal E. Dimock
Ans: C
82. Public Accounts Committee has the following Members. Tick the correct answer:
Lok Sabha Rajya Sabha Total
(A) 10 5 15
(B) 15 7 22
(C) 11 5 16
(D) 17 10 27
Ans: B
83. ‘Span of Control’ is also known as
(A) The Repair Boss
(B) The Gang Boss
(C) Military Type of Foreman
(D) Business Frontline
Ans: C
84. The word ‘Bureaucracy’ was first coined by
(A) Max Weber
(B) Alexander Pope
(C) M. Crozier
(D) Vincent de Gournay
Ans: D
85. Which one of the following is the correct function of Staff Agency?
(A) Issuing orders to the subordinates
(B) Controlling the activities of the subordinates
(C) Advising the Chief Executive
(D) Providing Institutional Services
Ans: C
86. Which one of the following statements is not correct with regard to Riggs’ Perspective of Societies?
(A) Fused societies are traditional.
(B) Developed societies are diffracted societies.
(C)Ascriptive values are found in diffracted societies.
(D) Traditional societies have inscriptive values.
Ans: C
87. The Informal Channel of Communication is also known as
(A) Feedback
(B) Grapevine
(C) Loopline
(D) Nerveline
Ans: B
88. Match the thinkers with the concepts: Thinker Concept
(a) F.W. Taylor (i) Scalar
(b) Chester Bernard (ii) Dissatisfier
(c) Henry Fayol (iii) Zone of Acceptance
(d) Frederic Herzberg (iv) Incentive system
Select the correct order:
(a) (b) (c) (d)
(A) (ii) (iii) (i) (iv)
(B) (iii) (ii) (iv) (i)
(C) (iv) (ii) (iii) (i)
(D) (iv) (iii) (i) (ii)
Ans: D
89. Who stated that “Budget is a series of Goals with price tags attached”?
(A) Wildavsky
(B) Walpole
(C) Betram Gross
(D) Allen Schick
Ans: A
90. Which one of the following articles of the Constitution empowers Parliament to create an All India Service?
(A) Article 300
(B) Article 312
(C) Article 320
(D) Article 410
Ans: B
91. Which of the following resulted from Bretton Woods Conference?
(A) United Nations
(B) League of Nations
(C) Institutions meant for checking nuclear proliferation
(D) World Bank and IMF
Ans: D
92. Which of the following is not the basic principle of Hans J. Morgenthou’s realism?
(A) Politics is rooted in the human nature
(B) Politics is autonomous
(C) National interest is defined in terms of power
(D) Politics is governed by Universal moral values.
Ans: D
93. Marshall Plan was meant for
(A) Building the economics of the third world
(B) Rebuilding Western European economics
(C) Rebuilding the economics of the North-American countries
(D) Building the economics of African countries
Ans: B
94. Russia has been given permanent seat on the UN Security Council by virtue of its being
(A) Second most powerful country in the world
(B) Successor State to the former Soviet Union.
(C) Largest country in the world in terms of area
(D) One of the oldest civilizations in the world.
Ans: B
95. The major argument of Neo-realism of Kenneth Waltz is that
(A) Structures are more important than actors.
(B) Actors play more crucial role than structures.
(C) Human nature is crucial element in politics.
(D) The states override the constraints imposed by international structures.
Ans: A
96. Non-reciprocity principle of India’s policy towards neighbouring countries envisages
(A) Hegemonic designs towards neighbouring countries.
(B) Efforts for improving ties with the neighbouring countries without reciprocity.
(C) Non-aligned policy posture in the South Asian context.
(D) The disciplining of the neighbouring countries.
Ans: B
97. What is the correct chronological order of the developments listed below?
(i) Indo-Soviet Treaty of Friendship
(ii) India’s first Nuclear Explosion at Pokhran
(iii) Cuban Missile Crises
(iv) Adoption of structural adjustment programme of India
Select the correct answer from the following codes:
(A) (ii), (iv), (iii), (i)
(B) (iii), (i), (ii), (iv)
(C) (iv), (ii), (i), (iii)
(D) (i), (iv), (iii), (ii)
Ans: B
98. Assertion (A): WTO pleads that free trade brings prosperity for all and therefore should be promoted.
Reason (R): Integration of the countries with global economy through the system of trade helps them to export goods abroad as also import goods which they need.
(A) (A) and (R) are true and (R) is a correct explanation of (A).
(B) Both (A) and (R) are true, but (R) is not the correct explanation of (A).
(C) (A) is true, but (R) is false.
(D) (A) is false, but (R) is true.
Ans: A
99. 14th SAARC Summit held in New Delhi in 2007, stressed
(A) Improving intra-regional connectivity
(B) Commitment to bilateralism within SAARC.
(C) Connecting SAARC with other regional organisations
(D) Not to extend SAARC membership
Ans: A
100. Collective Security System of the UN is based on the principle of
(A) All for one, one for all
(B) Imposing sanctions against the belligerent state unilaterally
(C) Maintenance of security by the major powers
(D) Balance of power to be maintained by state of equilibrium.
Ans: A
(A) H. Simon
(B) Chester I. Barnard
(C) Fred W. Riggs
(D) Dwight Waldo
Ans: C
52. The Committee on Assurances of the Parliament of India is an instrument of
(A) Executive Control
(B) Judicial Control
(C) Civil-Society Control
(D) Legislative Control
Ans: D
53. According to Herbert Simon, if a decision is directed towards individual’s goal, it is
(A) Organizationally rational
(B) Personally rational
(C) Objectively rational
(D) Subjectively rational
Ans: B
54. The most logical criterion to distinguish a line function from staff is
(A) The functional relationship
(B) The authority relationship
(C) The grouping of functions
(D) The departmentalization
Ans: B
55. Central Vigilance Commission was setup on the recommendations of
(A) First Administrative Reforms Commission
(B) Gorwala Committee Report
(C) Kripalani Committee Report
(D) Santhanam Committee Report
Ans: D
56. The Lokpal and Lokayukta Bill 1968 passed by the Lok Sabha lapsed because
(A) Rajya Sabha rejected the Bill
(B) President withheld the Bill
(C) Joint Committee of the two Houses rejected the Bill
(D) Of early Dissolution of Fourth Lok Sabha
Ans: D
57. Which one of the following committee’s report said that Community Development Programme and National Extension Service had failed to evoke popular enthusiasm?
(A) Sarkaria Committee Report
(B) L.M. Singhvi Committee Report
(C) G.V.K. Rao Committee Report
(D) Balwant Rai Mehta Committee Report
Ans: D
58. Which one of the following was not included by C. Rajagopalachari in the list of six fundamental requirements of a good administrator?
(A) Character
(B) Capacity to judge matters
(C) Expertise in technical matters
(D) Firmness in decision making
Ans: C
59. Santhanam Committee on Prevention of Corruption was appointed in
(A) 1961
(B) 1962
(C) 1963
(D) 1964
Ans: B
60. Given below are two statements, one labelled as Assertion (A) and the other labelled as Reason (R).
Assertion (A): Practical application of unity of command is not always possible.
Reason (R): Technical and administrative tasks require different kinds of supervision.
Select the correct answer from the codes given below:
(A) Both (A) and (R) are individually true and (R) is the correct explanation of (A).
(B) Both (A) and (R) are individually true, but (R) is not the correct explanation of (A).
(C) (A) is true, but (R) is false.
(D) (A) is false, but (R) is true.
Ans: A
61. What is neo-realism?
(A) An attempt to ignore the unpleasant realities of the world.
(B) An attempt to restate the basic ideas of realism in a more‘scientific’ form.
(C) A claims that international society is basically orderly and peaceful.
(D) A claim that individual human nature is central to an understanding of international politics.
Ans: B
62. Match List – I with List – II and select the correct answer from the codes below:
List – I List – II
(Author) (Book)
a. Hedley Bull i. Failed States
b. Noam Chomsky ii. Conflict and Defence
c. Robert Kaplan iii. Anarchial Society
d. Kenneth Boulding iv. Monsoon
a b c d
(A) iii i iv ii
(B) ii iii i iv
(C) i iv iii ii
(D) iv ii i iii
Ans: A
63. Arrange the following international politics theorists in a chronological order from the codes given below:
(i) Reinhold Niebuhr
(ii) Immanuel Kant
(iii) Antonio Gramsci
(iv) Robert W. Cox
(A) (iii), (iv), (i), (ii)
(B) (iv), (i), (ii), (iii)
(C) (i), (ii), (iii), (iv)
(D) (ii), (iii), (i), (iv)
Ans: D
64. What does RMA stand for?
(A) Revolution in Martial Affairs
(B) Revolution in Military Affairs
(C) Referendum in Military Affairs
(D) Raison d’etat in Mass Administration
Ans: B
65. What does Raison d’etat mean?
(A) The national interest
(B) The State ought to act reasonably at all times.
(C) Citizens need to be given very good reasons for obeying the State.
(D) Citizens should consume as many raisins as possible for a good and healthy life.
Ans: A
66. Why is reform of the Security Council problematic?
(A) Enlarging the permanent membership could impair decision making.
(B) None of the existing permanent members are keen to give up their seats.
(C) It is difficult to make an uncontroversial case for any of the potential new permanent members.
(D) All of the above.
Ans: D
67. Structural adjustment programmes require that
(A) Governments of poor countries should adopt privatization and other ‘liberalizing’ measures.
(B) States with weak economies should redistribute more resources to the poor.
(C) Governments of poor countries should knock down all ugly or dilapidated buildings.
(D) Ministers in under-performing countries should go on diets and keep fit.
Ans: A
68. Bandung Conference held in 1955 had the participation of representatives from
(A) Twenty two Asian countries
(B) Eighty Afro-Asian countries
(C) Twenty six African countries
(D) Twenty nine Afro-Asian countries
Ans: D
69. Who said, “Thus far the chief purpose of our military establishment has been to win wars. From now on its chief purpose must be to avert them.”?
(A) Paul Nitze
(B) George Kennan
(C) Bernard Brodie
(D) Robert Jervis
Ans: C
70. Arrange the following treaties and agreements in a chronological order.
Select the answer from the codes given below:
(i) Indo-US Nuclear Treaty
(ii) Indo-Soviet Friendship Treaty
(iii) Tashkent Agreement
(iv) Shimla Agreement
(A) (iii), (ii), (iv), (i)
(B) (ii), (iii), (i), (iv)
(C) (i), (iv), (ii), (iii)
(D) (iv), (i), (iii), (ii)
Ans: A
71. Expand SORT.
(A) Strategic Offensive Reduction Treaty
(B) State Organization Replan Treaty
(C) Strategic Order Reorganization Treaty
(D) Security Organization Replan Treaty
Ans: A
72. Which of the following statements are correct?
1. India has signed the NPT.
2. China has not signed the NPT.
3. India and Pakistan have not signed the NPT.
4. NPT has been signed by Iran, North Korea.
(A) All are correct.
(B) All are false.
(C) 3 & 4 are correct.
(D) 1 & 2 are correct.
Ans: C
73. Identify which of the following are correct statements:
(i) India is a member of the Indian Ocean Rim Association for Regional Cooperation [IORARC].
(ii) [IOR-ARC] helps better relations with Pakistan.
(iii) It defines the Exclusive Economic Zones.
(iv) Indian Ocean has no sea piracy.
(A) (i) and (ii) are correct.
(B) (iii) and (iv) are correct.
(C) (i) and (iii) are correct.
(D) (ii) and (iv) are correct.
Ans: C
74. The Axis of evil is a phrase deliberately used by President George W. Bush in January 2002 to characterize
(A) Iran, North Korea and Iraq
(B) Taliban, Al-Queda and LeT
(C) Cuba, Venezuela, Nicaragua
(D) Pakistan, Afghanistan, Sri Lanka
Ans: A
75. Martin Wight emphasized three philosophical traditions of International politics, they are
(A) Realism, Liberalism, Marxism
(B) Realism, Rationalism, Revolutionism
(C) Radicalism, Realism, Religion
(D) Neo-Realism, Neo-Liberalism, Constructivism
Ans: B
76. Which amendment of the Constitution of India limits the number of Ministers?
(A) 73rd
(B) 86th
(C) 87th
(D) 91st
Ans: D
77. Which one of the following committees is not associated with Panchayati Raj in India?
(A) Sadiq Ali Committee
(B) Dinesh Goswami Committee
(C) L.M. Singhvi Committee
(D) P.K. Thungan Committee
Ans: B
78. Identify the correct sequence in which the following Deputy Prime Ministers were appointed in India?
(i) Sardar Vallabhbhai Patel
(ii) Ch. Devi Lal
(iii) Ch. Charan Singh
(iv) Morarji Desai
(A) (i), (iii), (iv), (ii)
(B) (i), (iv), (ii), (iii)
(C) (iv), (i), (ii), (iii)
(D) (i), (iv), (iii), (iv)
Ans: D
79. Who of the following constituted an oligrachy within the Constituent Assembly of India?
(A) Nehru, Patel, Prasad, Azad
(B) Ambedkar, B.N. Rao, K.M. Munshi, Nehru
(C) Patel, Azad, Munshi, Ambedkar
(D) Krishnamachari, Pannikar, Nehru, Patel
Ans: A
80. Who describes Indian economy as “Bullock Cart Capitalism”?
(A) Rajni Kothari
(B) AtulKohli
(C) Granville Austin
(D) Lloyd and Sussane Rudolph
Ans: D
81. Who among the following defines Public Administration as “the activities of the Executive Branches of the National, State and Local Government”.?
(A) Morstein Marx
(B) Luther Gullick
(C) Herbert A. Simon
(D) Marshal E. Dimock
Ans: C
82. Public Accounts Committee has the following Members. Tick the correct answer:
Lok Sabha Rajya Sabha Total
(A) 10 5 15
(B) 15 7 22
(C) 11 5 16
(D) 17 10 27
Ans: B
83. ‘Span of Control’ is also known as
(A) The Repair Boss
(B) The Gang Boss
(C) Military Type of Foreman
(D) Business Frontline
Ans: C
84. The word ‘Bureaucracy’ was first coined by
(A) Max Weber
(B) Alexander Pope
(C) M. Crozier
(D) Vincent de Gournay
Ans: D
85. Which one of the following is the correct function of Staff Agency?
(A) Issuing orders to the subordinates
(B) Controlling the activities of the subordinates
(C) Advising the Chief Executive
(D) Providing Institutional Services
Ans: C
86. Which one of the following statements is not correct with regard to Riggs’ Perspective of Societies?
(A) Fused societies are traditional.
(B) Developed societies are diffracted societies.
(C)Ascriptive values are found in diffracted societies.
(D) Traditional societies have inscriptive values.
Ans: C
87. The Informal Channel of Communication is also known as
(A) Feedback
(B) Grapevine
(C) Loopline
(D) Nerveline
Ans: B
88. Match the thinkers with the concepts: Thinker Concept
(a) F.W. Taylor (i) Scalar
(b) Chester Bernard (ii) Dissatisfier
(c) Henry Fayol (iii) Zone of Acceptance
(d) Frederic Herzberg (iv) Incentive system
Select the correct order:
(a) (b) (c) (d)
(A) (ii) (iii) (i) (iv)
(B) (iii) (ii) (iv) (i)
(C) (iv) (ii) (iii) (i)
(D) (iv) (iii) (i) (ii)
Ans: D
89. Who stated that “Budget is a series of Goals with price tags attached”?
(A) Wildavsky
(B) Walpole
(C) Betram Gross
(D) Allen Schick
Ans: A
90. Which one of the following articles of the Constitution empowers Parliament to create an All India Service?
(A) Article 300
(B) Article 312
(C) Article 320
(D) Article 410
Ans: B
91. Which of the following resulted from Bretton Woods Conference?
(A) United Nations
(B) League of Nations
(C) Institutions meant for checking nuclear proliferation
(D) World Bank and IMF
Ans: D
92. Which of the following is not the basic principle of Hans J. Morgenthou’s realism?
(A) Politics is rooted in the human nature
(B) Politics is autonomous
(C) National interest is defined in terms of power
(D) Politics is governed by Universal moral values.
Ans: D
93. Marshall Plan was meant for
(A) Building the economics of the third world
(B) Rebuilding Western European economics
(C) Rebuilding the economics of the North-American countries
(D) Building the economics of African countries
Ans: B
94. Russia has been given permanent seat on the UN Security Council by virtue of its being
(A) Second most powerful country in the world
(B) Successor State to the former Soviet Union.
(C) Largest country in the world in terms of area
(D) One of the oldest civilizations in the world.
Ans: B
95. The major argument of Neo-realism of Kenneth Waltz is that
(A) Structures are more important than actors.
(B) Actors play more crucial role than structures.
(C) Human nature is crucial element in politics.
(D) The states override the constraints imposed by international structures.
Ans: A
96. Non-reciprocity principle of India’s policy towards neighbouring countries envisages
(A) Hegemonic designs towards neighbouring countries.
(B) Efforts for improving ties with the neighbouring countries without reciprocity.
(C) Non-aligned policy posture in the South Asian context.
(D) The disciplining of the neighbouring countries.
Ans: B
97. What is the correct chronological order of the developments listed below?
(i) Indo-Soviet Treaty of Friendship
(ii) India’s first Nuclear Explosion at Pokhran
(iii) Cuban Missile Crises
(iv) Adoption of structural adjustment programme of India
Select the correct answer from the following codes:
(A) (ii), (iv), (iii), (i)
(B) (iii), (i), (ii), (iv)
(C) (iv), (ii), (i), (iii)
(D) (i), (iv), (iii), (ii)
Ans: B
98. Assertion (A): WTO pleads that free trade brings prosperity for all and therefore should be promoted.
Reason (R): Integration of the countries with global economy through the system of trade helps them to export goods abroad as also import goods which they need.
(A) (A) and (R) are true and (R) is a correct explanation of (A).
(B) Both (A) and (R) are true, but (R) is not the correct explanation of (A).
(C) (A) is true, but (R) is false.
(D) (A) is false, but (R) is true.
Ans: A
99. 14th SAARC Summit held in New Delhi in 2007, stressed
(A) Improving intra-regional connectivity
(B) Commitment to bilateralism within SAARC.
(C) Connecting SAARC with other regional organisations
(D) Not to extend SAARC membership
Ans: A
100. Collective Security System of the UN is based on the principle of
(A) All for one, one for all
(B) Imposing sanctions against the belligerent state unilaterally
(C) Maintenance of security by the major powers
(D) Balance of power to be maintained by state of equilibrium.
Ans: A