1. The pair having the same dimension is :
1) velocity , angular velocity
2) Work, Torque
3) Angular momentum , work
4) Angular momentum, Linear momentum
Ans: 2
2. Choose the correct statement for cyclic group :
1) Group of order two may or may not be cyclic.
2) Group of order three is always a cyclic group.
3) Group of order four is always a cyclic group.
4) Group of order four is never a cyclic group.
Ans: 2
3. The group formed by three cube roots of unity is :
1) Only Non Abelian
2) Non Abelian and non cyclic
3) Abelian and non cyclic
4) Abelian and cyclic
Ans: 4
4. If the Lagrangian L is not an explicit function of time , then
1) Hamiltonian H is a constant of motion.
2) Hamiltonian H is not a constant of motion.
3) Angular momentum is a constant of motion.
4) Angular momentum is not a constant of motion.
Ans: 1
5. The invariance of Lagrangian under spatial translations implies the :
1) conservation of linear momentum
2) conservation of angular momentum
3) conservation of energy
4) conservation of parity
Ans: 1
6. Equation E = pc is valid :
1) for an electron as well as a photon
2) for an electron but not for a photon
3) for a photon but not for an electron
4) neither for an electron nor for a photon
Ans: 3
7. A body of mass m moving with velocity v hits another body of same mass moving with same speed v but in the opposite direction and stick to it . The velocity of the compound body after collision is :
1) Zero
2) v/2
3) 2v
4) v/4
Ans: 1
8. Muliplication of two linear operators is :
1) always commutative
2) never commutative
3) not necessarily commutative
4) always a unit operator.
Ans: 3
9. If A and B are self adjoint operators , which of the following statements is not true
1) AB + BA is self adjoint
2) i(AB BA) is self adjoint
3) AB is self adjoint only if AB = BA
4) AB will never be self adjoint
Ans: 4
10. Choose the wrong statement for projection operator :
1) Two projection operator are said to be orthogonal if their product is zero
2) The product of two commutating projection operator is also a projection operator.
3) The sum of two projection operator is always a projector operator
4) Two projection operator are said to be orthogonal if their product is one
11. The probability of finding a simple harmonic oscillator in the classical limit is : [ The oscillator is in its normal state ]
1) 50%
2) 64%
3) 84%
4) 92%
Ans: 3
12. The Clebsch-Gordon coefficients are
1) all real
2) all imaginary
3) real and imaginary both
4) necessarily integer
Ans: 1
13. The first order effect of a time dependent perturbation, varying sinusoidally in time,lead to :
1) absorption of energy only
2) emission of energy only
3) emission and absorption of energy
4) No change of energy
Ans: 3
14. Which of the following experiment is a direct evidence for the quantized nature of energy states in atoms
1) Davisson-Germer experiment
2) Stern-Gerlach experiment
3) Rutherford alpha- scattering experiment
4) Frank-Hertz experiment
Ans: 4
15. A system absorbs 35 J of heat and in the process it does 11 J of work . The system follows another thermodynamics path to same final state from same initial state and does 15 J of work. The heat transferred in the process is :
1) 39 J
2) 31 J
3) 61 J
4) 35 J
Ans: 1
16. The combined form of first and second law of thermodynamics is given by :
1) TdS =dU + PdV
2) dQ = TdS + PdV
3) dU = TdS + dQ
4) TdS = dU PdV
Ans: 1
17. One mole of gas expand isothermally to four times of its initial volume. The change in entropy in terms of gas constant R is :
1) 0.602 R
2) 1.387 R
3) 2.774 R
4) Zero
Ans: 2
18. Choose the correct statement for Enthalpy :
1) Enthalpy has dimension of entropy.
2) For an isobaric process the change in enthalpy is equal to change in its internal energy .
3) Enthalpy remains constant in a reversible isobaric adiabatic process
4) Enthalpy always increases in a reversible isobaric adiabatic process
Ans: 3
19. Enthalpy H, pressure P , internal energy U and volume V have a relation given by :
1) H = U + PV
2) H = U PV
3) P = H UV
4) U = H + P V
Ans: 1
20. For equlibrium of a system , which is in contact with heat reservoir of constant pressure and temperature , the value of Gibbs Energy : 1) is always zero
2) must be minimum
3) must be maximum
4) always increases
Ans: 2
21. Which of the following is not an example of second order phase transitions :
1) Transition of water into ice at constant time
2) Transition of ferromagnetic to a praramagnetic material at curie point.
3) Transition of superconductor into ordinary conductor in the absence of magnetic field.
4) Transition of water into vapour at constant temperature and volume.
Ans: 4
22. Three classical particles are to be distributed in four energy levels . The number of possible ways of distribution are :
1) 81
2) 64
3) 20
4) 12
Ans: 2
23. The significance of Bose - Einstein and Fermi - Dirac statistics becomes negligible at :
1) low temperature
2) low temperature and low pressure
3) high temperature and low pressure
4) low temperature and high pressure
Ans: 3
24. The chemical potential for Fermions (FermiDirac statistics) is :
1) always zero
2) always negative
3) always positive
4) may be negative or positive
Ans: 4
25. For shorter wavelengths, Plank's radiation law reduces to :
1) Wien's Law
2) RayleighJeans Law
3) Kirchhoff's Law
4) Stefan's law
Ans: 1
1) velocity , angular velocity
2) Work, Torque
3) Angular momentum , work
4) Angular momentum, Linear momentum
Ans: 2
2. Choose the correct statement for cyclic group :
1) Group of order two may or may not be cyclic.
2) Group of order three is always a cyclic group.
3) Group of order four is always a cyclic group.
4) Group of order four is never a cyclic group.
Ans: 2
3. The group formed by three cube roots of unity is :
1) Only Non Abelian
2) Non Abelian and non cyclic
3) Abelian and non cyclic
4) Abelian and cyclic
Ans: 4
4. If the Lagrangian L is not an explicit function of time , then
1) Hamiltonian H is a constant of motion.
2) Hamiltonian H is not a constant of motion.
3) Angular momentum is a constant of motion.
4) Angular momentum is not a constant of motion.
Ans: 1
5. The invariance of Lagrangian under spatial translations implies the :
1) conservation of linear momentum
2) conservation of angular momentum
3) conservation of energy
4) conservation of parity
Ans: 1
6. Equation E = pc is valid :
1) for an electron as well as a photon
2) for an electron but not for a photon
3) for a photon but not for an electron
4) neither for an electron nor for a photon
Ans: 3
7. A body of mass m moving with velocity v hits another body of same mass moving with same speed v but in the opposite direction and stick to it . The velocity of the compound body after collision is :
1) Zero
2) v/2
3) 2v
4) v/4
Ans: 1
8. Muliplication of two linear operators is :
1) always commutative
2) never commutative
3) not necessarily commutative
4) always a unit operator.
Ans: 3
9. If A and B are self adjoint operators , which of the following statements is not true
1) AB + BA is self adjoint
2) i(AB BA) is self adjoint
3) AB is self adjoint only if AB = BA
4) AB will never be self adjoint
Ans: 4
10. Choose the wrong statement for projection operator :
1) Two projection operator are said to be orthogonal if their product is zero
2) The product of two commutating projection operator is also a projection operator.
3) The sum of two projection operator is always a projector operator
4) Two projection operator are said to be orthogonal if their product is one
11. The probability of finding a simple harmonic oscillator in the classical limit is : [ The oscillator is in its normal state ]
1) 50%
2) 64%
3) 84%
4) 92%
Ans: 3
12. The Clebsch-Gordon coefficients are
1) all real
2) all imaginary
3) real and imaginary both
4) necessarily integer
Ans: 1
13. The first order effect of a time dependent perturbation, varying sinusoidally in time,lead to :
1) absorption of energy only
2) emission of energy only
3) emission and absorption of energy
4) No change of energy
Ans: 3
14. Which of the following experiment is a direct evidence for the quantized nature of energy states in atoms
1) Davisson-Germer experiment
2) Stern-Gerlach experiment
3) Rutherford alpha- scattering experiment
4) Frank-Hertz experiment
Ans: 4
15. A system absorbs 35 J of heat and in the process it does 11 J of work . The system follows another thermodynamics path to same final state from same initial state and does 15 J of work. The heat transferred in the process is :
1) 39 J
2) 31 J
3) 61 J
4) 35 J
Ans: 1
16. The combined form of first and second law of thermodynamics is given by :
1) TdS =dU + PdV
2) dQ = TdS + PdV
3) dU = TdS + dQ
4) TdS = dU PdV
Ans: 1
17. One mole of gas expand isothermally to four times of its initial volume. The change in entropy in terms of gas constant R is :
1) 0.602 R
2) 1.387 R
3) 2.774 R
4) Zero
Ans: 2
18. Choose the correct statement for Enthalpy :
1) Enthalpy has dimension of entropy.
2) For an isobaric process the change in enthalpy is equal to change in its internal energy .
3) Enthalpy remains constant in a reversible isobaric adiabatic process
4) Enthalpy always increases in a reversible isobaric adiabatic process
Ans: 3
19. Enthalpy H, pressure P , internal energy U and volume V have a relation given by :
1) H = U + PV
2) H = U PV
3) P = H UV
4) U = H + P V
Ans: 1
20. For equlibrium of a system , which is in contact with heat reservoir of constant pressure and temperature , the value of Gibbs Energy : 1) is always zero
2) must be minimum
3) must be maximum
4) always increases
Ans: 2
21. Which of the following is not an example of second order phase transitions :
1) Transition of water into ice at constant time
2) Transition of ferromagnetic to a praramagnetic material at curie point.
3) Transition of superconductor into ordinary conductor in the absence of magnetic field.
4) Transition of water into vapour at constant temperature and volume.
Ans: 4
22. Three classical particles are to be distributed in four energy levels . The number of possible ways of distribution are :
1) 81
2) 64
3) 20
4) 12
Ans: 2
23. The significance of Bose - Einstein and Fermi - Dirac statistics becomes negligible at :
1) low temperature
2) low temperature and low pressure
3) high temperature and low pressure
4) low temperature and high pressure
Ans: 3
24. The chemical potential for Fermions (FermiDirac statistics) is :
1) always zero
2) always negative
3) always positive
4) may be negative or positive
Ans: 4
25. For shorter wavelengths, Plank's radiation law reduces to :
1) Wien's Law
2) RayleighJeans Law
3) Kirchhoff's Law
4) Stefan's law
Ans: 1
26. A semiconductor diode is used to
A:-convert dc to ac
B:-convert ac to dc
C:-increase voltage
D:-decrease voltage
Correct Answer:- Option-B
27. A steady current is flowing in a power line from west to east. The direction of the magnetic field at a point below the power line is towards
Correct Answer:- Option-C
28. Polarization of light is a convincing evidence of it's
A:-Longitudinal nature
B:-Transverse nature
C:-Dual nature
D:-Quantum nature
Correct Answer:- Option-B
29. A hollow metal sphere of radius 2 cm is charged such that the potential on it's surface is 5 volts. The potential at the centre of the sphere is
A:-5 volts
C:-same as at a point 2 cm away from the surface
D:-none of these
Correct Answer:- Option-A
30. An athlete completes one round of a circular track of radius 'R' in 40 seconds. His displacement at the end of 2
minutes 20 seconds will be
A:-2 R
C:-2 πR
D:-4 R
Correct Answer:- Option-B
31. At high altitudes, the boiling point of water decreases because
A:-the atmospheric pressure is high
B:-the temperature is low
C:-the atmospheric pressure is low
D:-the temperature is high
Correct Answer:- Option-C
A:-convert dc to ac
B:-convert ac to dc
C:-increase voltage
D:-decrease voltage
Correct Answer:- Option-B
27. A steady current is flowing in a power line from west to east. The direction of the magnetic field at a point below the power line is towards
Correct Answer:- Option-C
28. Polarization of light is a convincing evidence of it's
A:-Longitudinal nature
B:-Transverse nature
C:-Dual nature
D:-Quantum nature
Correct Answer:- Option-B
29. A hollow metal sphere of radius 2 cm is charged such that the potential on it's surface is 5 volts. The potential at the centre of the sphere is
A:-5 volts
C:-same as at a point 2 cm away from the surface
D:-none of these
Correct Answer:- Option-A
30. An athlete completes one round of a circular track of radius 'R' in 40 seconds. His displacement at the end of 2
minutes 20 seconds will be
A:-2 R
C:-2 πR
D:-4 R
Correct Answer:- Option-B
31. At high altitudes, the boiling point of water decreases because
A:-the atmospheric pressure is high
B:-the temperature is low
C:-the atmospheric pressure is low
D:-the temperature is high
Correct Answer:- Option-C
32:-Which of the following allow the electric current to pass through it ?
Ans: B
33:-Carbon, Diamond, Graphite are together called A:-Allotropes
Ans: A
34:-Of the following the best conductor of electricity is
Ans: B
35:-Which instrument is used to measure electric current ?
Ans: D
36:-S.I. unit of temperature is
Ans: C
37:-Electric transformer is used to
A:-Filter current
B:-Regulate current
C:-Change voltage
D:-Serve as fuse
Ans: C
Ans: B
33:-Carbon, Diamond, Graphite are together called A:-Allotropes
Ans: A
34:-Of the following the best conductor of electricity is
Ans: B
35:-Which instrument is used to measure electric current ?
Ans: D
36:-S.I. unit of temperature is
Ans: C
37:-Electric transformer is used to
A:-Filter current
B:-Regulate current
C:-Change voltage
D:-Serve as fuse
Ans: C
38:-In optical fibre cables the transmission of light is by the process of
B:-Total internal reflection
Ans: B
39:-Who invented thermometer ?
A:-Galilio Galili
B:-Albert Einstein
D:-James Watt
Ans: A
40:-Before the main shock of earthquake animals appear to be irritated. This is due to a special type of sound waves produced at that time. Such waves are
A:-Ultrasonic waves
B:-Audible sound waves
C:-Infrasonic waves
D:-None of the above
Ans: C
41:-Which is the strongest force in nature ?
A:-Magnetic force
B:-Electric force
C:-Nuclear force
D:-Gravitational force
Ans: C
42:-Which one of the following electronic component is the essential part of a voltage regulator ?
A:-Zener diode
Ans: A
43:-Find the odd one out.
Ans: A
44:-The electromagnetic radiations emitted from mobile phones are
B:-Radio frequency wave
D:-None of the above
Ans: B
45:-If raw egg among with a shell is placed in a microwave oven which among the following is most likely happen ?
A:-The egg shell changes in colour
B:-The egg will get cooked slowly as usual
C:-The egg will not get warmed
D:-The egg shell will explode
Ans: D
46:-The three states of water are ice, water and water vapour. Which one of them has lowest density ?
C:-Water vapour
D:-All of them have same density
Ans: C
47:-Joule/second is nothing but
Ans: D
B:-Total internal reflection
Ans: B
39:-Who invented thermometer ?
A:-Galilio Galili
B:-Albert Einstein
D:-James Watt
Ans: A
40:-Before the main shock of earthquake animals appear to be irritated. This is due to a special type of sound waves produced at that time. Such waves are
A:-Ultrasonic waves
B:-Audible sound waves
C:-Infrasonic waves
D:-None of the above
Ans: C
41:-Which is the strongest force in nature ?
A:-Magnetic force
B:-Electric force
C:-Nuclear force
D:-Gravitational force
Ans: C
42:-Which one of the following electronic component is the essential part of a voltage regulator ?
A:-Zener diode
Ans: A
43:-Find the odd one out.
Ans: A
44:-The electromagnetic radiations emitted from mobile phones are
B:-Radio frequency wave
D:-None of the above
Ans: B
45:-If raw egg among with a shell is placed in a microwave oven which among the following is most likely happen ?
A:-The egg shell changes in colour
B:-The egg will get cooked slowly as usual
C:-The egg will not get warmed
D:-The egg shell will explode
Ans: D
46:-The three states of water are ice, water and water vapour. Which one of them has lowest density ?
C:-Water vapour
D:-All of them have same density
Ans: C
47:-Joule/second is nothing but
Ans: D
48. The total solar radiation received at any point on the earth is referred to as :
(A) albedo (B) beam radiation
(C) diffuse radiation (D) insolation
Ans: D
49. Structures formed with semiconductor thin films of different band gaps stacked one after the other is known as :
(A) multiple quantum wells (B) quantum well
(C) quantum wire (D) quantum dot
Ans: A
50. In quantum dots, charge carriers are confined in :
(A) two dimensions (B) one dimension
(C) three dimensions (D) in a plane
Ans: C
(A) albedo (B) beam radiation
(C) diffuse radiation (D) insolation
Ans: D
49. Structures formed with semiconductor thin films of different band gaps stacked one after the other is known as :
(A) multiple quantum wells (B) quantum well
(C) quantum wire (D) quantum dot
Ans: A
50. In quantum dots, charge carriers are confined in :
(A) two dimensions (B) one dimension
(C) three dimensions (D) in a plane
Ans: C
51. Self reinforcing solitary wave packet that maintains its shape while it propagates at a constant velocity is named as :
(A) Bions (B) Solitons (C) Gluons (D) Photons
Ans: B
52. Negative index metamaterials have :
(A) negative relative permittivity and positive relative permeability
(B) negative relative permeability and positive relative permittivity
(C) both relative permeability and relative permittivity are negative
(D) positive refractive index
Ans: C
53. Expanding universe theory is based on the observation of :
(A) Astronomical blue shift (B) Astronomical red shift
(C) Astronomical green shift (D) No shift
Ans: B
(A) Bions (B) Solitons (C) Gluons (D) Photons
Ans: B
52. Negative index metamaterials have :
(A) negative relative permittivity and positive relative permeability
(B) negative relative permeability and positive relative permittivity
(C) both relative permeability and relative permittivity are negative
(D) positive refractive index
Ans: C
53. Expanding universe theory is based on the observation of :
(A) Astronomical blue shift (B) Astronomical red shift
(C) Astronomical green shift (D) No shift
Ans: B
54. In the presence of both electric and magnetic fields, the net force on a charge Q moving with velocity “v” is :
(A) F=EQ(vxB) (B) F=QE.B
(C) F=Q(B+vxE) (D) F=Q(E+vxB)
Ans: D
55. Enthalpy “H” is mathematically defined as :
(A) H=U+dQ (B) H=U−PV
(C) H=U+PV (D) H=U+TS
Ans: C
56. Collection of a large number of essentially independent systems having the same temperature T, volume V and same number of identical particles n is known as :
(A) Microcanonical ensemble (B) Canonical ensemble
(C) Grand canonical ensemble (D) Macrocanonical ensemble
Ans: B
57. Electrons obey :
(A) Bose - Einstein Statistics (B) Maxwell - Boltzmann Statistics
(C) Fermi - Dirac Statistics (D) All three Statistics
Ans: D
58. In grand canonical ensemble, the comprising systems can :
(A) exchange both energy and particles
(B) exchange only energy
(C) exchange particles only
(D) not exchange particles or energy
Ans: A
59. Particles obey Pauli’s exclusion principle in :
(A) Bose - Einstein Statistics (B) Fermi - Dirac Statistics
(C) Maxwell - Boltzmann Statistics (D) all the three Statistics
Ans: B
60. Two or more electrons are said to be equivalent if they have :
(A) same l and s values
(B) same n and m1 values
(C) same n and j values
(D) same n and l values
Ans: D
61. Which of the following will give microwave spectrum ?
(A) CO2
(B) H2
(C) CS2
(D) HCl
Ans: D
62. The pumping scheme used in solid state lasers is :
(A) Electrical (B) Magnetic (C) Optical (D) Mechanical
Ans: C
63. Mutual exclusion principle deals with the complementary nature of :
(A) IR and Raman activities (B) NMR and IR activities
(C) ESR and Raman activities (D) Microwave and IR activities
Ans: A
64. Which of the following is not a property of laser light ?
(A) Directionality (B) Monochromaticity
(C) Coherence (D) Divergence
Ans: D
65. The typical wavelengths emitted or absorbed in Mossbauer spectroscopic studies is in the region of :
(A) gamma rays (B) X-rays (C) microwave (D) visible
Ans: A
66. When an electron jumps from the fourth orbit to the second orbit, we get :
(A) Second line of Pfund series (B) Second line of Lyman series
(C) Second line of Balmer series (D) Second line of Paschen series
Ans: C
67. Cooper pairs are formed by :
(A) electron-phonon-electron interaction
(B) electron-proton interaction
(C) proton-phonon-proton interaction
(D) electron-hole interaction
Ans: A
68. The reciprocal lattice to an fcc lattice is :
(A) an fcc lattice (B) a hcp lattice (C) a sc lattice (D) a bcc lattice
Ans: D
69. If the applied external field is increased beyond the critical field, the material becomes :
(A) a superconductor (B) normal conductor
(C) insulator (D) semiconductor
Ans: B
70. Which of the following is not a property of nuclear forces ?
(A) charge independent (B) strong attractive force
(C) long range force (D) saturated force
Ans: C
71. Parity is violated in :
(A) α-decay (B) Fusion
(C) Gamma emission (D) β-decay
Ans: D
72. Energy generation in stars is through :
(A) Nuclear fission (B) Stimulated emission
(C) Nuclear fusion (D) Thermoelectric process
Ans: C
73. Quark combinations of proton and neutron respectively are :
(A) uds and uss (B) uss and uds
(C) uud and udd (D) uud and uds
Ans: C
74. Which of the following is not a baryon ?
(A) Neutron (B) Sigma (C) Proton (D) Muon
Ans: D
75. Phase difference between input and output signals of a CE amplifier is :
(A) 180 degree (B) 90 degree (C) 45 degree (D) 0 degree
Ans: A
76. The ripple factor for a half wave rectifier is :
(A) 0.406 (B) 0.48 (C) 0.812 (D) 1.21
Ans: D
77. Universal building blocks are :
(A) AND and OR gates (B) NAND and OR gates
(C) NAND and NOR gates (D) AND and NOT gates
Ans: C
78. Which of the following statements is wrong ?
(A) LED is a forward biased PN junction
(B) Photodiode is reverse biased PN junction
(C) Solar cell is a PN junction
(D) LED is a reverse biased PN junction
Ans: D
79. In an integrator, the feedback element is :
(A) Capacitor (B) Resistor (C) Zener diode (D) Transistor
Ans: A
80. Hamiltonian is given by :
(A) T−V (B) T+V (C) T/V (D) TV
Ans: B
81. Which of the following statements is wrong ?
(A) Fundamental Poisson brackets are invariant under canonical transformation
(B) All Poisson brackets are canonical invariants
(C) Poisson brackets of canonical variables are known as fundamental Poisson brackets
(D) Poisson brackets are not canonically invariant
Ans: D
82. If a generalized co-ordinate has the dimension of momentum, the generalized velocity will have the dimension of :
(A) Velocity (B) Force (C) Torque (D) Acceleration
(B) Ans: B
83. Angular momentum L is given by :
(A) L=r×v (B) L=m×v (C) L=m(r×v) (D) L=m(r×a)
Ans: C
84. Possible number of degrees of freedom for a rigid body is :
(A) 3 (B) 6 (C) 9 (D) infinite
Ans: B
85. Special theory of relativity deals with events in the frame of reference which moves with constant :
(A) speed (B) velocity (C) acceleration (D) momentum
(B) Ans: B
86. The K.E. of a body is twice its rest mass energy. Find the ratio of relativistic mass to rest mass of the body :
(A) 3 (B)1/3
(C) 2 (D) ½
Ans: A
87. The constraint that can be expressed in the form of an equation connecting co-ordinates and time is known as :
(A) Holonomic (B) Non-holonomic
(C) Sceleronomous (D) Rhombus
Ans: A
(A) F=EQ(vxB) (B) F=QE.B
(C) F=Q(B+vxE) (D) F=Q(E+vxB)
Ans: D
55. Enthalpy “H” is mathematically defined as :
(A) H=U+dQ (B) H=U−PV
(C) H=U+PV (D) H=U+TS
Ans: C
56. Collection of a large number of essentially independent systems having the same temperature T, volume V and same number of identical particles n is known as :
(A) Microcanonical ensemble (B) Canonical ensemble
(C) Grand canonical ensemble (D) Macrocanonical ensemble
Ans: B
57. Electrons obey :
(A) Bose - Einstein Statistics (B) Maxwell - Boltzmann Statistics
(C) Fermi - Dirac Statistics (D) All three Statistics
Ans: D
58. In grand canonical ensemble, the comprising systems can :
(A) exchange both energy and particles
(B) exchange only energy
(C) exchange particles only
(D) not exchange particles or energy
Ans: A
59. Particles obey Pauli’s exclusion principle in :
(A) Bose - Einstein Statistics (B) Fermi - Dirac Statistics
(C) Maxwell - Boltzmann Statistics (D) all the three Statistics
Ans: B
60. Two or more electrons are said to be equivalent if they have :
(A) same l and s values
(B) same n and m1 values
(C) same n and j values
(D) same n and l values
Ans: D
61. Which of the following will give microwave spectrum ?
(A) CO2
(B) H2
(C) CS2
(D) HCl
Ans: D
62. The pumping scheme used in solid state lasers is :
(A) Electrical (B) Magnetic (C) Optical (D) Mechanical
Ans: C
63. Mutual exclusion principle deals with the complementary nature of :
(A) IR and Raman activities (B) NMR and IR activities
(C) ESR and Raman activities (D) Microwave and IR activities
Ans: A
64. Which of the following is not a property of laser light ?
(A) Directionality (B) Monochromaticity
(C) Coherence (D) Divergence
Ans: D
65. The typical wavelengths emitted or absorbed in Mossbauer spectroscopic studies is in the region of :
(A) gamma rays (B) X-rays (C) microwave (D) visible
Ans: A
66. When an electron jumps from the fourth orbit to the second orbit, we get :
(A) Second line of Pfund series (B) Second line of Lyman series
(C) Second line of Balmer series (D) Second line of Paschen series
Ans: C
67. Cooper pairs are formed by :
(A) electron-phonon-electron interaction
(B) electron-proton interaction
(C) proton-phonon-proton interaction
(D) electron-hole interaction
Ans: A
68. The reciprocal lattice to an fcc lattice is :
(A) an fcc lattice (B) a hcp lattice (C) a sc lattice (D) a bcc lattice
Ans: D
69. If the applied external field is increased beyond the critical field, the material becomes :
(A) a superconductor (B) normal conductor
(C) insulator (D) semiconductor
Ans: B
70. Which of the following is not a property of nuclear forces ?
(A) charge independent (B) strong attractive force
(C) long range force (D) saturated force
Ans: C
71. Parity is violated in :
(A) α-decay (B) Fusion
(C) Gamma emission (D) β-decay
Ans: D
72. Energy generation in stars is through :
(A) Nuclear fission (B) Stimulated emission
(C) Nuclear fusion (D) Thermoelectric process
Ans: C
73. Quark combinations of proton and neutron respectively are :
(A) uds and uss (B) uss and uds
(C) uud and udd (D) uud and uds
Ans: C
74. Which of the following is not a baryon ?
(A) Neutron (B) Sigma (C) Proton (D) Muon
Ans: D
75. Phase difference between input and output signals of a CE amplifier is :
(A) 180 degree (B) 90 degree (C) 45 degree (D) 0 degree
Ans: A
76. The ripple factor for a half wave rectifier is :
(A) 0.406 (B) 0.48 (C) 0.812 (D) 1.21
Ans: D
77. Universal building blocks are :
(A) AND and OR gates (B) NAND and OR gates
(C) NAND and NOR gates (D) AND and NOT gates
Ans: C
78. Which of the following statements is wrong ?
(A) LED is a forward biased PN junction
(B) Photodiode is reverse biased PN junction
(C) Solar cell is a PN junction
(D) LED is a reverse biased PN junction
Ans: D
79. In an integrator, the feedback element is :
(A) Capacitor (B) Resistor (C) Zener diode (D) Transistor
Ans: A
80. Hamiltonian is given by :
(A) T−V (B) T+V (C) T/V (D) TV
Ans: B
81. Which of the following statements is wrong ?
(A) Fundamental Poisson brackets are invariant under canonical transformation
(B) All Poisson brackets are canonical invariants
(C) Poisson brackets of canonical variables are known as fundamental Poisson brackets
(D) Poisson brackets are not canonically invariant
Ans: D
82. If a generalized co-ordinate has the dimension of momentum, the generalized velocity will have the dimension of :
(A) Velocity (B) Force (C) Torque (D) Acceleration
(B) Ans: B
83. Angular momentum L is given by :
(A) L=r×v (B) L=m×v (C) L=m(r×v) (D) L=m(r×a)
Ans: C
84. Possible number of degrees of freedom for a rigid body is :
(A) 3 (B) 6 (C) 9 (D) infinite
Ans: B
85. Special theory of relativity deals with events in the frame of reference which moves with constant :
(A) speed (B) velocity (C) acceleration (D) momentum
(B) Ans: B
86. The K.E. of a body is twice its rest mass energy. Find the ratio of relativistic mass to rest mass of the body :
(A) 3 (B)1/3
(C) 2 (D) ½
Ans: A
87. The constraint that can be expressed in the form of an equation connecting co-ordinates and time is known as :
(A) Holonomic (B) Non-holonomic
(C) Sceleronomous (D) Rhombus
Ans: A
88:-For a system of two coupled oscillators, the total number of normal modes is
A:-1 B:-2 C:-3 D:-4
Ans: B
89:-In the short wavelength limit, the schrödinger equation reduces to
A:-Lagrange's equation B:-Euler-Lagrange equation C:-Hamilton's equations D:-Hamilton-Jocobi equation
Ans: D
90:-What is the dimension of the fractal-Cantor set ?
A:-0.52 B:-0.63 C:-0.74 D:-0.85
Ans: B
91:-If [F, H] represents the Poisson bracket between an arbitrary function F and the Hamiltonian of a system H, the equation of motion will be
A:-`(dF)/(dt)` = [F, H]
B:-`(dF)/(dt)` = [H, F]
C:-`(dF)/(dt) =(delF)/(delt) + [F, H]`
D:-`(dF)/(dt) =(delF)/(delt) + [H, F]`
Ans: C
92:-The maximum number of rotational degrees of freedom possible for a rigid body is
A:-1 B:-2 C:-6 D:-3
Ans: D
93:-If `a_(0)` donates the Bohr radius, the most probable distance of the electron from the nucleus in a Hydrogen atom in its ground state is
A:-`(a_(0))/(2)` B:-`a_(0)`
C:-`2a_(0)` D:-`(3a_(0))/(2)`
Ans: B
94:-The normalized wave functions `psi_(1)` and `Psi_(2)` correspond to the ground state and the first excited state of a particle in a potential. An operator  acts on the wave functions as Â`psi_(1)=Psi_(2)` and Â`Psi_(2)` = `Psi_(1)`. The expectation value of  for the state `psi` = `(3psi_(1) + 4psi_(2))/(6)` is
Ans: A
95:-Application of time independent perturbations to linear stark effect of hydrogen atom
A:-Completely removes degeneracy of n = 2 level and splits it into four levels
B:-Partially removes degeneracy of n = 2 levels and splits it into three levels
C:-Partially removes degeneracy of n = 2 level and splits it into two levels
D:-Does not remove degeneracy to any extent
Ans: B
96:-The wave function of a particle is given by `Psi =(1)/(sqrt(2))phi_(0)` , where `phi_(0)` is the normalized eigen function with energy `E_(0)`. The expectation value of the Hamiltonian in the state `psi` is
A:-`E_(0)` B:-`(E_(0))/(sqrt(2))`
C:-`(E_(0))/(2)` D:-`sqrt(2)E_(0)`
Ans: C
97:-The total spin angular momentum S of a system of three electrons is
B:-0 and 1
D:-`(1)/(2) and (3)/(2)`
Ans: D
98:-The phase shifts measured for the elastic scattering of 50 MeV neutrons from a nucleus are `delta_(0)= 90^(@)` ; `delta_(1) = 60^(@)` . The total cross section is
A:-`(13pi)/(k^(2))` B:-`(4pi)/(k^(2))`
C:-`(pi)/(k^(2))` D:-`(7pi)/(k^(2))`
Ans: A
99:-For a Hermitian operator, the eigen values are
A:-zeros B:-real C:-complex D:-imaginary
Ans: B
100:-The eigen functions of angular momentum operator are
A:-Bessel function B:-Gamma function
C:-Hermite polynomials D:-Spherical harmonics
Ans: D
A:-1 B:-2 C:-3 D:-4
Ans: B
89:-In the short wavelength limit, the schrödinger equation reduces to
A:-Lagrange's equation B:-Euler-Lagrange equation C:-Hamilton's equations D:-Hamilton-Jocobi equation
Ans: D
90:-What is the dimension of the fractal-Cantor set ?
A:-0.52 B:-0.63 C:-0.74 D:-0.85
Ans: B
91:-If [F, H] represents the Poisson bracket between an arbitrary function F and the Hamiltonian of a system H, the equation of motion will be
A:-`(dF)/(dt)` = [F, H]
B:-`(dF)/(dt)` = [H, F]
C:-`(dF)/(dt) =(delF)/(delt) + [F, H]`
D:-`(dF)/(dt) =(delF)/(delt) + [H, F]`
Ans: C
92:-The maximum number of rotational degrees of freedom possible for a rigid body is
A:-1 B:-2 C:-6 D:-3
Ans: D
93:-If `a_(0)` donates the Bohr radius, the most probable distance of the electron from the nucleus in a Hydrogen atom in its ground state is
A:-`(a_(0))/(2)` B:-`a_(0)`
C:-`2a_(0)` D:-`(3a_(0))/(2)`
Ans: B
94:-The normalized wave functions `psi_(1)` and `Psi_(2)` correspond to the ground state and the first excited state of a particle in a potential. An operator  acts on the wave functions as Â`psi_(1)=Psi_(2)` and Â`Psi_(2)` = `Psi_(1)`. The expectation value of  for the state `psi` = `(3psi_(1) + 4psi_(2))/(6)` is
Ans: A
95:-Application of time independent perturbations to linear stark effect of hydrogen atom
A:-Completely removes degeneracy of n = 2 level and splits it into four levels
B:-Partially removes degeneracy of n = 2 levels and splits it into three levels
C:-Partially removes degeneracy of n = 2 level and splits it into two levels
D:-Does not remove degeneracy to any extent
Ans: B
96:-The wave function of a particle is given by `Psi =(1)/(sqrt(2))phi_(0)` , where `phi_(0)` is the normalized eigen function with energy `E_(0)`. The expectation value of the Hamiltonian in the state `psi` is
A:-`E_(0)` B:-`(E_(0))/(sqrt(2))`
C:-`(E_(0))/(2)` D:-`sqrt(2)E_(0)`
Ans: C
97:-The total spin angular momentum S of a system of three electrons is
B:-0 and 1
D:-`(1)/(2) and (3)/(2)`
Ans: D
98:-The phase shifts measured for the elastic scattering of 50 MeV neutrons from a nucleus are `delta_(0)= 90^(@)` ; `delta_(1) = 60^(@)` . The total cross section is
A:-`(13pi)/(k^(2))` B:-`(4pi)/(k^(2))`
C:-`(pi)/(k^(2))` D:-`(7pi)/(k^(2))`
Ans: A
99:-For a Hermitian operator, the eigen values are
A:-zeros B:-real C:-complex D:-imaginary
Ans: B
100:-The eigen functions of angular momentum operator are
A:-Bessel function B:-Gamma function
C:-Hermite polynomials D:-Spherical harmonics
Ans: D