Persian Invasions
- Who was the greatest conqueror of the Achaemenian Empire? Cyrus the Great
- Who captured the Gandhara region of India? Cyrus the Great
- Who is the son of Cyrus the Great? Cambyses
- Who is the grand-son of Cyrus the Great? Darius I
- Who conquered the Indus valley in 518 B.C.? Darius I
- Who led the naval expedition to explore the Indus region under Darius I? Skylas
- Who deployed Indian infantry and cavalry to Greece to fight his opponents? Xerxes
- Who enlisted Indian soldiers to fight against Alexander in 330 B.C? Darius III
- Name the form of Iranian writing that became popular in northwestern India. Kharoshti script
Alexander’s Invasions
- Name the king from Macedonia who invaded India? Alexander
- Who was the king of Taxila, when Alexander invaded India? Ambhi
- Name the republican state in India when Alexander invaded India? Nysa
- Who was the father of Alexander? Philip
- When did Philip, Alexander’s father died? 334 B.C.
- In which year the battle of Arbela was fought between Alexander the Great and Darius III? 330 B.C.
- By defeating whom, did Alexander conquered Persia? Darius III
- Name the Greek author who wrote about the wealth of India. Herodotus
- Who fought with Porus on the banks of river Hydaspes (Jhelum)? Alexander
- In which plains the battle of Hydaspes was fought ? Karri
- Who impressed Alexander by his courage and heroism and got back his throne even after the defeat? Porus
- Alexander divided his territory from the Indus to the Beas into how many provinces? Three
- When did Alexander retreat from India? October 326 B.C.
- Where and when did Alexander died? 323 B.C. in Babylon
- Name the Alexander’s General controlling the northwestern India? Selukas Niketar
- Indian History
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