1. Mahdawi movement in India was founded by Saiyid Muhammad Jaunpuri. He proclaimed his mahdiship at which of the following place ?
(1) Ahmadabadü
(2) Patan
(3) Jaunpurü
(4) Barli
Answer: Option 4
2. Arrange the following in chronological order and choose your answer from the code given below :
Monument Place
(a) Jama Masjid Gulbarga
(b) Gol Gumbaz Bijapur
(c) Jahaz Mahal Mandu
(d) Govind-dev temple Vrindaban
Codes :
(1) (b) (a) (c) (d)
(2) (c) (b) (d) (a)
(3) (d) (c) (b) (a)
(4) (a) (c) (d) (b)
Answer: Option 4
3. Given below are two statements, one labelled as Assertion (A) and the other labelled as Reason (R).
Assertion (A) : Portuguese introduced element of force and politics in commerce.
Reason (R) : Portuguese Silveira came to Chittagong in 1517 he forcibly captured two Gujarat bound ships of the Bengali merchants.
In the context of the above statements which of the following is correct ?
Codes :
(1) Both (A) and (R) are true and (R) is the correct explanation of (A).
(2) Both (A) and (R) true, but (R) is not the correct explanation of (A).
(3) (A) is true, but (R) is false.
(4) (A) is false, but (R) is true.
Answer: Option 1
4. Abul Fazl constructs Akbar’s descent from which of the following Prophet ?
(1) Adam
(2) Abraham
(3) Moses
(4) Muhammad
Answer: Option 1
5. Which one of the following is not true about Akbar’s tomb at Sikandara ?
(1) Akbar began to build his own tomb at Sikandara during his life-time.
(2) In 1607 Jahangir visited the site; and did not like the plan and ordered to make a new plan.
(3) The work of Akbar’s tomb at Sikandara was finished in 1618.
(4) Out of respect for Akbar’s cultural ideas, Jahangir deliberately departed from the prevalent domed structure.
Answer: Option 3
6. “I ordered that he be brought to my presence (at Lahore). I gave over his homes and houses and children to Murtaza Khan, Confiscated his goods and ordered him to be capitally punished.”
In the above passage Jahangir is ordering the execution of which Sikh Guru ?
(1) Guru Angad
(2) Guru Arjan
(3) Guru Hargobindü
(4) Guru Tegh Bahadur
Answer: Option 2
7. Parauti land was
(1) Cultivated every year.
(2) left uncultivated for a year.
(3) left uncultivated for three or four years.
(4) a cultivable waste.
Answer: Option 2
8. Which one of the following sufis, belonging to the naqshbandi order, concluded that the Vedas were the revealed books, and the Hindus therefore possessed the status of the ahl-i kitab and could not be treated like the Kafirs of Arabia ?
(1) Mirza Mazhar Jan-i Janan
(2) Shaikh Ahmad Sirhindi
(3) Shaikh Kalimullah
(4) Miyan Mir
Answer: Option 1
9. Who founded the ‘Asiatic Society’ in Calcutta in 1784 ?
(1) William Jones
(2) Warren Hastings
(3) Jushua Marshman
(4) Henry Derozio
Answer: Option 1
10. In which year the East India college was established at Hertford near London, and when it was moved to Haileybury ?
(1) 1802 andü 1809
(2) 1805 and 1808
(3) 1804 and 1808
(4) 1805 and 1809
Answer: Option 4
11. Who among the following was the editor of ‘Rast Goftar’, a Gujarati fortnightly of Bombay in 1851 ?
(1) Dahyabhai Dholsaji
(2) Dadabhai Kavasji
(3) Sursinhji Gohel
(4) Dadabhai Naoroji
Answer: Option 4
12. In which year a deputation consisting 36 members, led by Aga Khan met the Viceroy at Simla, demanding special concessions for Muslim Community ?
(1) 1902
(2) 1904
(3) 1906
(4) 1908
Answer: Option 3
13. When did Pritilata Waddedar and her revolution group raid the railway Institute at Pahartali, Chittagong ?
(1) 22nd September, 1933
(2) 14th June, 1932
(3) 2nd February, 1933
(4) 22nd September, 1932
Answer: Option 4
14. Which of the following statements is not correct in respect of ‘The Sons of the Soil’ movements ?
(1) When there was actual or potential competition for jobs between the immigrant and the local.
(2) Where and when the outsiders had greater access to higher education.
(3) The hostilily towards the ‘outsiders’ manifested because of middle-class jobs.
(4) This movement was concerned with reservation policy.
Answer: Option 4
15. Of the following which one was not an ideal set out by Swami Dayanand for Arya Samaj ?
(1) Opposed idolatry.
(2) Opposed to the ‘rigidity’ of caste distinction based on birth.
(3) Opposed the four-fold caste classification based on individual capacities.
(4) Revered the Vedas and made an appeal for the study of ancient Hindu Culture.
Answer: Option 3
16. Which of the following State Governments were more supportive of Urdu language as a second official language in the State in post Independent India.
(1) Jammu and Kashmir, Andhra Pradesh and Karnataka.
(2) Andhra Pradesh, Karnataka and U.P.
(3) U.P., Bihar and Jammu and Kashmir.
(4) Bihar, Karnataka and U.P.
Answer: Option 1
17. Match List-I with List-II and select the correct answer with the help of the codes given below :
List –I List - II
(a) Indian Independence Committee (i) Sanfrancisco
(b) Pan-Aryan Society (ii) London
(c) Indian Home Rule Society (iii) Berlin (d) Yugantar Ashram (iv) New York
Codes : (a) (b) (c) (d)
(1) (iii) (ii) (i) (iv)
(2) (iii) (ii) (iv) (i)
(3) (iii) (iv) (ii) (i)
(4) (ii) (iv) (i) (iii)
Answer: Option 3
18. Match List-I with List-II and select the correct code given below :
List – I (Authors)
List – II (Books)
(a) Henry Faucette (i) The Land-Systems of British India (1892)
(b) William Digby (ii) Indian Finance (1880)
(c) H.M. Hyndman (iii) India for Indians and for England (1885)
(d) B.H. Baden-Powell (iv) The Bankruptcy of India (1886)
Codes : (a) (b) (c) (d)
(1) (ii) (iii) (iv) (i)
(2) (iii) (i) (iv) (ii)
(3) (ii) (iii) (i) (iv)
(4) (iv) (iii) (i) (ii)
Answer: Option 1
19. Which one of the following statements is not a feature of the Enlightenment ?
(1) Saw the emergence of print culture.
(2) Accepted the Christian concept of original sin and that human character can be perfected by a belief in scriptures.
(3) Believed in the development of public opinion to exert its effect on political and social life.
(4) Applied reason, criticism and common sense to all major institutions and practices.
Answer: Option 2
20. How is the National Socialist German Worker’s Party, commonly known as ?
(1) German Communist Party
(2) Nazi Party
(3) Christian Socialist Party
(4) Socialist Worker’s Party
Answer: Option 2
21. Match List-I with List-II and select the correct answer from the codes given below :
List - I List – II
(a) Montesquieu (i) Reflections on the Revolution in France.
(b) Rousseau (ii) Inquiry into the Nature and causes of the wealth of Nations.
(c) Edmond Burke (iii) Spirit of the Laws.
(d) Adam Smith (iv) Discourse on the origin of Inequality.
Codes : (a) (b) (c) (d)
(1) (iii) (iv) (i) (ii)
(2) (ii) (i) (iii) (iv)
(3) (i) (ii) (iv) (iii)
(4) (iv) (iii) (ii) (i)
Answer: Option 1
22. Who said that, “every true history is contemporary history” ?
(1) Auguste Comteü
(2) Benedetto Croce
(3) F.W. Maitlandü
(4) Arnold Toynbee
Answer: Option 2
23. Match List-I with List-II and select the correct answer from the codes given below :
List – I (Authors)
List – II (Works)
(a) R.G. Collingwood (i) The Archaeology of Knowledge
(b) Arthur Marwick (ii) Metahistory (c) Hayden White (iii) The Idea of History
(d) Michel Foucault (iv) The New Nature of History
Codes : (a) (b) (c) (d)
(1) (i) (iv) (iii) (ii)
(2) (iv) (iii) (i) (ii)
(3) (iii) (iv) (ii) (i)
(4) (ii) (iii) (i) (iv)
Answer: Option 3
24. Given below are two statements, one labelled as Assertion (A) and the other labelled as Reason (R).
Assertion (A) : Interpretations have to do with meaning – it is through interpretation that we come to know meanings.
Reason (R) : Interpretation involves something like re-enacting or reliving in one’s imagination the historical moment to be interpreted.
In the context of the above statements which of the following is correct ?
Codes :
(1) Both (A) and (R) are true and (R) is the correct explanation of (A).
(2) Both (A) and (R) true, but (R) is not the correct explanation of (A).
(3) (A) is true, but (R) is false.
(4) (A) is false, but (R) is true.
Answer: Option 1
25. Which School of historical research enlisted the aid of anthropology, climatology, psychology, geography & relevant sister disciplines ?
(1) The Rankean School
(2) The Subaltern School
(3) The Frankfurt School
(4) The Annales School
Answer: Option 4
(1) Ahmadabadü
(2) Patan
(3) Jaunpurü
(4) Barli
Answer: Option 4
2. Arrange the following in chronological order and choose your answer from the code given below :
Monument Place
(a) Jama Masjid Gulbarga
(b) Gol Gumbaz Bijapur
(c) Jahaz Mahal Mandu
(d) Govind-dev temple Vrindaban
Codes :
(1) (b) (a) (c) (d)
(2) (c) (b) (d) (a)
(3) (d) (c) (b) (a)
(4) (a) (c) (d) (b)
Answer: Option 4
3. Given below are two statements, one labelled as Assertion (A) and the other labelled as Reason (R).
Assertion (A) : Portuguese introduced element of force and politics in commerce.
Reason (R) : Portuguese Silveira came to Chittagong in 1517 he forcibly captured two Gujarat bound ships of the Bengali merchants.
In the context of the above statements which of the following is correct ?
Codes :
(1) Both (A) and (R) are true and (R) is the correct explanation of (A).
(2) Both (A) and (R) true, but (R) is not the correct explanation of (A).
(3) (A) is true, but (R) is false.
(4) (A) is false, but (R) is true.
Answer: Option 1
4. Abul Fazl constructs Akbar’s descent from which of the following Prophet ?
(1) Adam
(2) Abraham
(3) Moses
(4) Muhammad
Answer: Option 1
5. Which one of the following is not true about Akbar’s tomb at Sikandara ?
(1) Akbar began to build his own tomb at Sikandara during his life-time.
(2) In 1607 Jahangir visited the site; and did not like the plan and ordered to make a new plan.
(3) The work of Akbar’s tomb at Sikandara was finished in 1618.
(4) Out of respect for Akbar’s cultural ideas, Jahangir deliberately departed from the prevalent domed structure.
Answer: Option 3
6. “I ordered that he be brought to my presence (at Lahore). I gave over his homes and houses and children to Murtaza Khan, Confiscated his goods and ordered him to be capitally punished.”
In the above passage Jahangir is ordering the execution of which Sikh Guru ?
(1) Guru Angad
(2) Guru Arjan
(3) Guru Hargobindü
(4) Guru Tegh Bahadur
Answer: Option 2
7. Parauti land was
(1) Cultivated every year.
(2) left uncultivated for a year.
(3) left uncultivated for three or four years.
(4) a cultivable waste.
Answer: Option 2
8. Which one of the following sufis, belonging to the naqshbandi order, concluded that the Vedas were the revealed books, and the Hindus therefore possessed the status of the ahl-i kitab and could not be treated like the Kafirs of Arabia ?
(1) Mirza Mazhar Jan-i Janan
(2) Shaikh Ahmad Sirhindi
(3) Shaikh Kalimullah
(4) Miyan Mir
Answer: Option 1
9. Who founded the ‘Asiatic Society’ in Calcutta in 1784 ?
(1) William Jones
(2) Warren Hastings
(3) Jushua Marshman
(4) Henry Derozio
Answer: Option 1
10. In which year the East India college was established at Hertford near London, and when it was moved to Haileybury ?
(1) 1802 andü 1809
(2) 1805 and 1808
(3) 1804 and 1808
(4) 1805 and 1809
Answer: Option 4
11. Who among the following was the editor of ‘Rast Goftar’, a Gujarati fortnightly of Bombay in 1851 ?
(1) Dahyabhai Dholsaji
(2) Dadabhai Kavasji
(3) Sursinhji Gohel
(4) Dadabhai Naoroji
Answer: Option 4
12. In which year a deputation consisting 36 members, led by Aga Khan met the Viceroy at Simla, demanding special concessions for Muslim Community ?
(1) 1902
(2) 1904
(3) 1906
(4) 1908
Answer: Option 3
13. When did Pritilata Waddedar and her revolution group raid the railway Institute at Pahartali, Chittagong ?
(1) 22nd September, 1933
(2) 14th June, 1932
(3) 2nd February, 1933
(4) 22nd September, 1932
Answer: Option 4
14. Which of the following statements is not correct in respect of ‘The Sons of the Soil’ movements ?
(1) When there was actual or potential competition for jobs between the immigrant and the local.
(2) Where and when the outsiders had greater access to higher education.
(3) The hostilily towards the ‘outsiders’ manifested because of middle-class jobs.
(4) This movement was concerned with reservation policy.
Answer: Option 4
15. Of the following which one was not an ideal set out by Swami Dayanand for Arya Samaj ?
(1) Opposed idolatry.
(2) Opposed to the ‘rigidity’ of caste distinction based on birth.
(3) Opposed the four-fold caste classification based on individual capacities.
(4) Revered the Vedas and made an appeal for the study of ancient Hindu Culture.
Answer: Option 3
16. Which of the following State Governments were more supportive of Urdu language as a second official language in the State in post Independent India.
(1) Jammu and Kashmir, Andhra Pradesh and Karnataka.
(2) Andhra Pradesh, Karnataka and U.P.
(3) U.P., Bihar and Jammu and Kashmir.
(4) Bihar, Karnataka and U.P.
Answer: Option 1
17. Match List-I with List-II and select the correct answer with the help of the codes given below :
List –I List - II
(a) Indian Independence Committee (i) Sanfrancisco
(b) Pan-Aryan Society (ii) London
(c) Indian Home Rule Society (iii) Berlin (d) Yugantar Ashram (iv) New York
Codes : (a) (b) (c) (d)
(1) (iii) (ii) (i) (iv)
(2) (iii) (ii) (iv) (i)
(3) (iii) (iv) (ii) (i)
(4) (ii) (iv) (i) (iii)
Answer: Option 3
18. Match List-I with List-II and select the correct code given below :
List – I (Authors)
List – II (Books)
(a) Henry Faucette (i) The Land-Systems of British India (1892)
(b) William Digby (ii) Indian Finance (1880)
(c) H.M. Hyndman (iii) India for Indians and for England (1885)
(d) B.H. Baden-Powell (iv) The Bankruptcy of India (1886)
Codes : (a) (b) (c) (d)
(1) (ii) (iii) (iv) (i)
(2) (iii) (i) (iv) (ii)
(3) (ii) (iii) (i) (iv)
(4) (iv) (iii) (i) (ii)
Answer: Option 1
19. Which one of the following statements is not a feature of the Enlightenment ?
(1) Saw the emergence of print culture.
(2) Accepted the Christian concept of original sin and that human character can be perfected by a belief in scriptures.
(3) Believed in the development of public opinion to exert its effect on political and social life.
(4) Applied reason, criticism and common sense to all major institutions and practices.
Answer: Option 2
20. How is the National Socialist German Worker’s Party, commonly known as ?
(1) German Communist Party
(2) Nazi Party
(3) Christian Socialist Party
(4) Socialist Worker’s Party
Answer: Option 2
21. Match List-I with List-II and select the correct answer from the codes given below :
List - I List – II
(a) Montesquieu (i) Reflections on the Revolution in France.
(b) Rousseau (ii) Inquiry into the Nature and causes of the wealth of Nations.
(c) Edmond Burke (iii) Spirit of the Laws.
(d) Adam Smith (iv) Discourse on the origin of Inequality.
Codes : (a) (b) (c) (d)
(1) (iii) (iv) (i) (ii)
(2) (ii) (i) (iii) (iv)
(3) (i) (ii) (iv) (iii)
(4) (iv) (iii) (ii) (i)
Answer: Option 1
22. Who said that, “every true history is contemporary history” ?
(1) Auguste Comteü
(2) Benedetto Croce
(3) F.W. Maitlandü
(4) Arnold Toynbee
Answer: Option 2
23. Match List-I with List-II and select the correct answer from the codes given below :
List – I (Authors)
List – II (Works)
(a) R.G. Collingwood (i) The Archaeology of Knowledge
(b) Arthur Marwick (ii) Metahistory (c) Hayden White (iii) The Idea of History
(d) Michel Foucault (iv) The New Nature of History
Codes : (a) (b) (c) (d)
(1) (i) (iv) (iii) (ii)
(2) (iv) (iii) (i) (ii)
(3) (iii) (iv) (ii) (i)
(4) (ii) (iii) (i) (iv)
Answer: Option 3
24. Given below are two statements, one labelled as Assertion (A) and the other labelled as Reason (R).
Assertion (A) : Interpretations have to do with meaning – it is through interpretation that we come to know meanings.
Reason (R) : Interpretation involves something like re-enacting or reliving in one’s imagination the historical moment to be interpreted.
In the context of the above statements which of the following is correct ?
Codes :
(1) Both (A) and (R) are true and (R) is the correct explanation of (A).
(2) Both (A) and (R) true, but (R) is not the correct explanation of (A).
(3) (A) is true, but (R) is false.
(4) (A) is false, but (R) is true.
Answer: Option 1
25. Which School of historical research enlisted the aid of anthropology, climatology, psychology, geography & relevant sister disciplines ?
(1) The Rankean School
(2) The Subaltern School
(3) The Frankfurt School
(4) The Annales School
Answer: Option 4
26. Who among these was the last of the later Chola kings?
(a). Raja Raja I
(b). Rajendra III
(c). Veera Rajendra
(d). Kulottunga III
Answer: Rajendra III
27. In the Indian parliamentary procedure, zero hour has been existence since
(a). 1963
(b). 1962
(c). 1971
(d). 1958
Answer: 1962
28. The powers of Indian parliament to amend fundamental rights was established by
(a). 25th Amendment
(b). 49th Amendment
(c). 32nd Amendment
(d). 42nd Amendment
Answer: 42nd Amendment
29. Name the father of Indian Renaissance.
(a). Ambedkar
(b). Raja Rammohan Roy
(c). Rabindranath Tagore
(d). Ranade
Answer: Raja Rammohan Roy
30. The tricolour Indian flag was prepared by
(a). Nehru
(b). Gandhiji
(c). Ambedkar
(d). Netaji Subash Chandra Bose
Answer: Gandhiji
31. Which of these is incorrectly matched?
(a). Bhagat Singh- Delhi Chalo
(b). Dayanand Saraswati- Go back to Vedas
(c). Gandhi - Untouchability is a crime
(d). Nehru- Long years ago we have made tryst with destiny
Answer: Bhagat Singh- Delhi Chalo
32. Who was the first to use artillery in warfare in India?
(a). Babur
(b). Sher Shah
(c). Ibrahim Lodi
(d). Akbar
Answer: Babur
33. Name the founder of Imperial Chola dynasty.
(a). Rajaraja I
(b). Parantaka
(c). Aditya cholan
(d). Vijayalayan
Answer: Vijayalayan
(a). Raja Raja I
(b). Rajendra III
(c). Veera Rajendra
(d). Kulottunga III
Answer: Rajendra III
27. In the Indian parliamentary procedure, zero hour has been existence since
(a). 1963
(b). 1962
(c). 1971
(d). 1958
Answer: 1962
28. The powers of Indian parliament to amend fundamental rights was established by
(a). 25th Amendment
(b). 49th Amendment
(c). 32nd Amendment
(d). 42nd Amendment
Answer: 42nd Amendment
29. Name the father of Indian Renaissance.
(a). Ambedkar
(b). Raja Rammohan Roy
(c). Rabindranath Tagore
(d). Ranade
Answer: Raja Rammohan Roy
30. The tricolour Indian flag was prepared by
(a). Nehru
(b). Gandhiji
(c). Ambedkar
(d). Netaji Subash Chandra Bose
Answer: Gandhiji
31. Which of these is incorrectly matched?
(a). Bhagat Singh- Delhi Chalo
(b). Dayanand Saraswati- Go back to Vedas
(c). Gandhi - Untouchability is a crime
(d). Nehru- Long years ago we have made tryst with destiny
Answer: Bhagat Singh- Delhi Chalo
32. Who was the first to use artillery in warfare in India?
(a). Babur
(b). Sher Shah
(c). Ibrahim Lodi
(d). Akbar
Answer: Babur
33. Name the founder of Imperial Chola dynasty.
(a). Rajaraja I
(b). Parantaka
(c). Aditya cholan
(d). Vijayalayan
Answer: Vijayalayan
34. Given below are two statements, one is labelled as Assertion (A) and other is labelled as Reason (R).
Assertion (A) : The 1857 Mutiny was suppressed by the British
Reason (R) : Except for a few like Rani of Jhansi, a very few Indian rulers participated in the mutiny. Read the above statements and select the correct answer from the codes given below Codes :
(A) Both (A) and (R) are true and (R) is the correct explanation of (A)
(B) Both (A) and (R) are true, but (R) is not the correct explanation of (A)
(C) Both (A) and (R) are false
(D) (A) is true, but (R) is false
Answer: Option A
35. Given below are two statements, one labelled as Assertion (A) and other labelled as Reason (R).
Assertion (A) : Dr. Annie Besant organised the Home Rule Movement against the British Rule.
Reason (R) : She wanted to organise all sections of Indian people on the basis of a single political slogan above religious consideration
Read the above statements and select the correct answer from the codes given below
Codes :
(A) (A) is correct, but (R) is not correct
(B) (A) is not correct, but (R) is correct
(C) (A) and (R) both are not correct
(D) (A) is correct and (R) is the correct explanation of (A)
Answer: Option D
36. In which year did Robert Clive accepted the Diwani of Bengal, Bihar and Orissa from the Mughal ruler.
(A) 1761
(B) 1765
(C) 1778
(D) 1781
Answer: Option B
37. The Treaty of Bassien (1802) was signed between :
(A) the English and Peshwa Baji Rao II
(B) the English and Tipu Sultan
(C) the English and Holkar
(D) the English and Gaikwad
Answer: Option A
38. The Home Rule Movement started by Annie Besant aimed at :
(A) boycotting foreign goods
(B) educating the Indian Masses
(C) attaining self-rule for India
(D) agitating against the British Monopoly in administration
Answer: Option C
39. Which of the following is correct chronological order of the English East India Company factories established in India ?
(i) Surat
(ii) Masulipatnam
(iii) Hugli
(iv) Balasore
Codes :
(A) (i) (ii) (iii) (iv)
(B) (ii) (i) (iv) (iii)
(C) (iii) (iv) (i) (ii)
(D) (iv) (iii) (i) (ii)
Answer: Option B
40. Who was the first woman President of the Indian National Congress ?
(A) Sarojini Naidu
(B) Annie Besant
(C) Sucheta Kripalani
(D) Madam Cama
Answer: Option B
41. Who wrote Poverty and Un-British Rule in India ?
(A) Dadabhai Naoroji
(B) R. C. Dutt
(C) Charles Wood
(D) M. N. Roy
Answer: Option A
Assertion (A) : The 1857 Mutiny was suppressed by the British
Reason (R) : Except for a few like Rani of Jhansi, a very few Indian rulers participated in the mutiny. Read the above statements and select the correct answer from the codes given below Codes :
(A) Both (A) and (R) are true and (R) is the correct explanation of (A)
(B) Both (A) and (R) are true, but (R) is not the correct explanation of (A)
(C) Both (A) and (R) are false
(D) (A) is true, but (R) is false
Answer: Option A
35. Given below are two statements, one labelled as Assertion (A) and other labelled as Reason (R).
Assertion (A) : Dr. Annie Besant organised the Home Rule Movement against the British Rule.
Reason (R) : She wanted to organise all sections of Indian people on the basis of a single political slogan above religious consideration
Read the above statements and select the correct answer from the codes given below
Codes :
(A) (A) is correct, but (R) is not correct
(B) (A) is not correct, but (R) is correct
(C) (A) and (R) both are not correct
(D) (A) is correct and (R) is the correct explanation of (A)
Answer: Option D
36. In which year did Robert Clive accepted the Diwani of Bengal, Bihar and Orissa from the Mughal ruler.
(A) 1761
(B) 1765
(C) 1778
(D) 1781
Answer: Option B
37. The Treaty of Bassien (1802) was signed between :
(A) the English and Peshwa Baji Rao II
(B) the English and Tipu Sultan
(C) the English and Holkar
(D) the English and Gaikwad
Answer: Option A
38. The Home Rule Movement started by Annie Besant aimed at :
(A) boycotting foreign goods
(B) educating the Indian Masses
(C) attaining self-rule for India
(D) agitating against the British Monopoly in administration
Answer: Option C
39. Which of the following is correct chronological order of the English East India Company factories established in India ?
(i) Surat
(ii) Masulipatnam
(iii) Hugli
(iv) Balasore
Codes :
(A) (i) (ii) (iii) (iv)
(B) (ii) (i) (iv) (iii)
(C) (iii) (iv) (i) (ii)
(D) (iv) (iii) (i) (ii)
Answer: Option B
40. Who was the first woman President of the Indian National Congress ?
(A) Sarojini Naidu
(B) Annie Besant
(C) Sucheta Kripalani
(D) Madam Cama
Answer: Option B
41. Who wrote Poverty and Un-British Rule in India ?
(A) Dadabhai Naoroji
(B) R. C. Dutt
(C) Charles Wood
(D) M. N. Roy
Answer: Option A
42. With which of the following leaders is Sardar Vallabhbhai Patel equated?
a. Martin Luther
b. Bismarck
c. Cavour
d. Garibaldi
Answer (b).
43. Aruna Asaf Ali was associated with which one of the following?
a. Bardoli Satyagraha
b. Civil Disobedience Movement
c. Khilafat Movement
d. Quit India Movement
Answer (d).
44. The Home Rule League was started by
a. M. K. Gandhi
b. B. G. Tilak
c. Ranade
d. Veer Savarkar
Answer (b).
45. Mrichchhakatika an ancient Indian book written by Shudraka deals with
(a). the love affair of a rich merchant with the daughter of a courtesan
(b). the victory of Chandragupta II over the Shaka Kshatrapas of western India
(c). the military expeditions and exploits of Samudragupta
(d). the love affair between a Gupta King and a princesss of Kamarupa
Answer: the love affair of a rich merchant with the daughter of a courtesan
46. Consider the following statements :
1. Vardhamana Mahaviras mother was the daughter of Lichchhavi chief Chetaka.
2. Gautama Buddha’s mother was a princess from the Koshalan dynasty.
3. Prashvanatha, the twenty-third Tirthankara, belonged to Banaras.
Which of these statements is / are correct ?
(a). Only 1
(b). Only 2
(c). 2 and 3
(d). 1, 2 and 3
Answer: Option (c) 2 and 3
47. Which one of the following statements is correct ?
(a). East Timor was a British colony for four centuries
(b). The European colonial rulers handed over East Timor to Indonesia in 1975
(c). The United Nations took over East Timor in 1999 to prepare it for independence.
(d). East Timor finaly declared its independence in December 2001.
Answer: The United Nations took over East Timor in 1999 to prepare it for independence.
48. The leader of the Bardoli Satyagarha (1928) was
(a). Sardar Vallabhbhai Patel
(b). Mahatma Gandhi
(c). Vithalbhai J. Patel
(d). Mahadev Desai
Answer: Sardar Vallabhbhai Patel
49. During the colonial period in India, what was the purpose of the Whitley Commission ?
(a). To review the fitness of India for further political reforms
(b). To report on the existing conditions of labour and to make recommendations
(c). To draw up a plan for financial reforms for India
(d). To develop a comprehensive scheme for Civil Services in India
Answer: To report on the existing conditions of labour and to make recommendations
50. Emperor Harsha’s southward march was stopped on the Narmada river by
(a). Pulakesin-I
(b). Pulakesin-II
(c). Vikaramaditya-I
(d). Vikramaditya-II “
Answer: Pulakesin-II
51. Who headed the Interim Cabinet formed in the year 1946 ?
(a). Rajendra Prasad
(b). Jawaharlal Nehru
(c). Sardar Vallabhbhai Patel
(d). Rajagopalachari
Answer: Jawaharlal Nehru
52. How did Sultan Qutb-ud-din Alibak die ?
(a). He was treacherously stabbed to death by one of his ambitious nobles
(b). He was killed in a battle with Taj-ud-din Yildiz, the ruler of Ghazni who entered into a contest with him over the capture of Punjab
(c). He sustained injuries while besieging the fortress of Kalinjar in Bundelkhand and succumbed to them later
(d). He died after a fall from his horse while playing Chaugan
Answer: He died after a fall from his horse while playing Chaugan
53. With reference to colonial rule in India, what was sought by the Ilbert Bill in 1883 ?
(a). To bring Indians and Europeans on par as far as the criminal jurisdiction of courts was concerned
(b). To impose severe restrictions on the freedom of the native press as it was perceived to be hostile to colonial rulers
(c). To encourage the native Indians to appear for civil service examinations by conducting them in India
(d). To allow native Indians to possess arms by amending the Arms Act
Answer: To bring Indians and Europeans on par as far as the criminal jurisdiction of courts was concerned
54. An important aspect of the Cripps Mission of 1942 was
(a). that all Indian States should join the Indian Union as a condition to consider any degree of autonomy for India
(b). the creation of an Indian Union with Dominion status very soon after the Second World War
(c). the active participation and cooperation of the Indian people, communities and political parties in the British war effort as a condition for granting independence with full sovereign status to India after war
(d). the framing of a constitution for the entire Indian Union, with no separate constitution for any province, and a Union Constitution to be accepted by all provinces
Answer: the creation of an Indian Union with Dominion status very soon after the Second World War
55. Consider the following statements regarding the relations between India and Pakistan
1. During Shimla Agreement, Indira Gandhi and Zulfikar Bhutto agreed to maintain the sanctity of LOC.
2. Lahore Summit took place in the year 1997.
3. Islamabad Summit was held between Rajiv Gandhi and Nawaz Sharif.
Which of these statements is / are correct ?
(a). 1, 2 and 3
(b). 1 and 3
(c). Only 2
(d). Only 1
Answer: Only 1
56. When Congress leaders condemned the Montagu-Chelmsford Report, many moderates left the party to form the
(a). Swarajya Party
(b). Indian Freedom Party
(c). Independence Federation of India
(d). Indian Liberal Federation
Answer: Indian Liberal Federation
57. Consider the following statements :
1. The Cholas defeated Pandya and Chera rulers and established their domination over peninsular India in the early medieval times.
2. The Cholas sent an expedition against Sailendra empire of South East Asia and conquered some of the areas.
Which of these statements is / are correct ?
(a). Only 1
(b). Only 2
(c). Both 1 and 2
(d). Neither 1 and 2
Answer: Only 2
58. Who presided the first meeting of INC at Bombay?
A:-Badaruddin Tyabji
B:-Dadabhai Naoroji
C:-Gopalakrishna Gokhale
D:-WC Banerjee
Correct Answer:- Option-D
59. Lala Lajpat Rai died as a result of injuries during the protest against the visit of .......?
A:-Prince of Wales
B:-Crips Mission
C:-Simon Commission
D:-Queen Victoria
Correct Answer:- Option-C
a. Martin Luther
b. Bismarck
c. Cavour
d. Garibaldi
Answer (b).
43. Aruna Asaf Ali was associated with which one of the following?
a. Bardoli Satyagraha
b. Civil Disobedience Movement
c. Khilafat Movement
d. Quit India Movement
Answer (d).
44. The Home Rule League was started by
a. M. K. Gandhi
b. B. G. Tilak
c. Ranade
d. Veer Savarkar
Answer (b).
45. Mrichchhakatika an ancient Indian book written by Shudraka deals with
(a). the love affair of a rich merchant with the daughter of a courtesan
(b). the victory of Chandragupta II over the Shaka Kshatrapas of western India
(c). the military expeditions and exploits of Samudragupta
(d). the love affair between a Gupta King and a princesss of Kamarupa
Answer: the love affair of a rich merchant with the daughter of a courtesan
46. Consider the following statements :
1. Vardhamana Mahaviras mother was the daughter of Lichchhavi chief Chetaka.
2. Gautama Buddha’s mother was a princess from the Koshalan dynasty.
3. Prashvanatha, the twenty-third Tirthankara, belonged to Banaras.
Which of these statements is / are correct ?
(a). Only 1
(b). Only 2
(c). 2 and 3
(d). 1, 2 and 3
Answer: Option (c) 2 and 3
47. Which one of the following statements is correct ?
(a). East Timor was a British colony for four centuries
(b). The European colonial rulers handed over East Timor to Indonesia in 1975
(c). The United Nations took over East Timor in 1999 to prepare it for independence.
(d). East Timor finaly declared its independence in December 2001.
Answer: The United Nations took over East Timor in 1999 to prepare it for independence.
48. The leader of the Bardoli Satyagarha (1928) was
(a). Sardar Vallabhbhai Patel
(b). Mahatma Gandhi
(c). Vithalbhai J. Patel
(d). Mahadev Desai
Answer: Sardar Vallabhbhai Patel
49. During the colonial period in India, what was the purpose of the Whitley Commission ?
(a). To review the fitness of India for further political reforms
(b). To report on the existing conditions of labour and to make recommendations
(c). To draw up a plan for financial reforms for India
(d). To develop a comprehensive scheme for Civil Services in India
Answer: To report on the existing conditions of labour and to make recommendations
50. Emperor Harsha’s southward march was stopped on the Narmada river by
(a). Pulakesin-I
(b). Pulakesin-II
(c). Vikaramaditya-I
(d). Vikramaditya-II “
Answer: Pulakesin-II
51. Who headed the Interim Cabinet formed in the year 1946 ?
(a). Rajendra Prasad
(b). Jawaharlal Nehru
(c). Sardar Vallabhbhai Patel
(d). Rajagopalachari
Answer: Jawaharlal Nehru
52. How did Sultan Qutb-ud-din Alibak die ?
(a). He was treacherously stabbed to death by one of his ambitious nobles
(b). He was killed in a battle with Taj-ud-din Yildiz, the ruler of Ghazni who entered into a contest with him over the capture of Punjab
(c). He sustained injuries while besieging the fortress of Kalinjar in Bundelkhand and succumbed to them later
(d). He died after a fall from his horse while playing Chaugan
Answer: He died after a fall from his horse while playing Chaugan
53. With reference to colonial rule in India, what was sought by the Ilbert Bill in 1883 ?
(a). To bring Indians and Europeans on par as far as the criminal jurisdiction of courts was concerned
(b). To impose severe restrictions on the freedom of the native press as it was perceived to be hostile to colonial rulers
(c). To encourage the native Indians to appear for civil service examinations by conducting them in India
(d). To allow native Indians to possess arms by amending the Arms Act
Answer: To bring Indians and Europeans on par as far as the criminal jurisdiction of courts was concerned
54. An important aspect of the Cripps Mission of 1942 was
(a). that all Indian States should join the Indian Union as a condition to consider any degree of autonomy for India
(b). the creation of an Indian Union with Dominion status very soon after the Second World War
(c). the active participation and cooperation of the Indian people, communities and political parties in the British war effort as a condition for granting independence with full sovereign status to India after war
(d). the framing of a constitution for the entire Indian Union, with no separate constitution for any province, and a Union Constitution to be accepted by all provinces
Answer: the creation of an Indian Union with Dominion status very soon after the Second World War
55. Consider the following statements regarding the relations between India and Pakistan
1. During Shimla Agreement, Indira Gandhi and Zulfikar Bhutto agreed to maintain the sanctity of LOC.
2. Lahore Summit took place in the year 1997.
3. Islamabad Summit was held between Rajiv Gandhi and Nawaz Sharif.
Which of these statements is / are correct ?
(a). 1, 2 and 3
(b). 1 and 3
(c). Only 2
(d). Only 1
Answer: Only 1
56. When Congress leaders condemned the Montagu-Chelmsford Report, many moderates left the party to form the
(a). Swarajya Party
(b). Indian Freedom Party
(c). Independence Federation of India
(d). Indian Liberal Federation
Answer: Indian Liberal Federation
57. Consider the following statements :
1. The Cholas defeated Pandya and Chera rulers and established their domination over peninsular India in the early medieval times.
2. The Cholas sent an expedition against Sailendra empire of South East Asia and conquered some of the areas.
Which of these statements is / are correct ?
(a). Only 1
(b). Only 2
(c). Both 1 and 2
(d). Neither 1 and 2
Answer: Only 2
58. Who presided the first meeting of INC at Bombay?
A:-Badaruddin Tyabji
B:-Dadabhai Naoroji
C:-Gopalakrishna Gokhale
D:-WC Banerjee
Correct Answer:- Option-D
59. Lala Lajpat Rai died as a result of injuries during the protest against the visit of .......?
A:-Prince of Wales
B:-Crips Mission
C:-Simon Commission
D:-Queen Victoria
Correct Answer:- Option-C
60. Who said ''My own feeling is that the congress is tottering to its fall, and one of my great ambitions, while in India is to assist it to its peaceful demise''?
A:-M.A. Jinnah
B:-Lord Curzon
C:-A.O. Hume
D:-Lord Mount Batten
Correct Answer:- Option-B
61. The Separate Electorate under which only Muslim voters could vote for the seats reserved in the Councils for Muslims was introduced by
A:-Govt. of India Act 1935
B:-Council Act of 1861
C:-Montague-Chelmsford Act 1919
D:-Indian Council Act 1909
Correct Answer:- Option-D
62. Mahathma Gandhi remarked that ''It was a post dated cheque drawn on a crushing Bank'', regarding
A:-Cripps Mission
B:-Wavell Plan
C:-Simon Commission
D:-Round Table Conference
Correct Answer:- Option-A
A:-M.A. Jinnah
B:-Lord Curzon
C:-A.O. Hume
D:-Lord Mount Batten
Correct Answer:- Option-B
61. The Separate Electorate under which only Muslim voters could vote for the seats reserved in the Councils for Muslims was introduced by
A:-Govt. of India Act 1935
B:-Council Act of 1861
C:-Montague-Chelmsford Act 1919
D:-Indian Council Act 1909
Correct Answer:- Option-D
62. Mahathma Gandhi remarked that ''It was a post dated cheque drawn on a crushing Bank'', regarding
A:-Cripps Mission
B:-Wavell Plan
C:-Simon Commission
D:-Round Table Conference
Correct Answer:- Option-A
63:-The Cripps Mission arrived in India on:
A:-March 22,1942
B:-April 29,1942
C:-April 20,1942
D:-April 25,1941
Ans: A
64:-The Journal started by S.A.Dange in 1922 was:
A:-The Communist
B:-The Revolution
C:-The Socialist
D:-The Peasant
Ans: C
65:-The Jallianwala Bagh massacre took place on:
A:-April 13,1919
B:-April 13,1920
C:-March 13, 1919
D:-March 15, 1918
Ans: A
66:-The Simon Commission was consisted of:
A:-8 Members
B:-3 Members
C:-6 Members
D:-7 Members
Ans: D
67:-On March 4,1929, Mahatma Gandhi launched a campaign for the public burning of foreign cloths at:
Ans: A
68:-On September 15, 1942, who described the Quit India Movement as a " rebellion"?
A:-Sir Reginald Maxwell
B:-Lord Linlithgow
C:-Mahatma Gandhi
D:-Subhas Chandra Bose
Ans: A
A:-March 22,1942
B:-April 29,1942
C:-April 20,1942
D:-April 25,1941
Ans: A
64:-The Journal started by S.A.Dange in 1922 was:
A:-The Communist
B:-The Revolution
C:-The Socialist
D:-The Peasant
Ans: C
65:-The Jallianwala Bagh massacre took place on:
A:-April 13,1919
B:-April 13,1920
C:-March 13, 1919
D:-March 15, 1918
Ans: A
66:-The Simon Commission was consisted of:
A:-8 Members
B:-3 Members
C:-6 Members
D:-7 Members
Ans: D
67:-On March 4,1929, Mahatma Gandhi launched a campaign for the public burning of foreign cloths at:
Ans: A
68:-On September 15, 1942, who described the Quit India Movement as a " rebellion"?
A:-Sir Reginald Maxwell
B:-Lord Linlithgow
C:-Mahatma Gandhi
D:-Subhas Chandra Bose
Ans: A
69:-'All history is contemporary history'. Who defined history thus ?
B:-Karl Marx
C:-Beneditto Croce
D:-Peter Burke
Ans: C
70:-Toponomy is the study of
B:-place names
Ans: B
71:-The scientific study of seals is called
Ans: D
72:-Which among the following is meant for proving the authenticity of the document ?
A:-External criticism
B:-Internal criticism
C:-Synthetic operation
D:-None of the above
Ans: A
73:-Stratigraphy is associated with
D:-None of the above
Ans: A
74:-'Long Duree' is the concept popularised by
B:-Philip Aries
C:-Fernand Braudel
D:-Roger Chartier
Ans: C
75:-Who among the following is not a Marxist historian ?
A:-George Rude
B:-Perry Anderson
C:-E. P. Thompson
D:-Edward Gibbon
Ans: D
76:-Which of the following books deals with the history of Menochio, a village miller of `15^(th)` century Italy ?
A:-Cheese and worms
C:-The Great Cat Massacre
D:-None of the above
Ans: A
77:-Which of the following historians is not associated with the Feudalism Debate in Indian Historiography ?
A:-D. D. Kosambi
B:-Partha Chatterjee
C:-Herbans Mukhia
D:-R. S. Sharma
Ans: B
78:-Which of the following is not a work of Sumith Sarkar ?
A:-Modern India
B:-The Swadeshi Movement in Bengal
C:-Writing Social History
D:-A possible India
Ans: D
79:-Altamira, the historical site from where cave paintings prehistoric period have been discovered is located in
Ans: D
80:-The term 'Urban Revolution' was used by Gordon childe in his book
A:-What Happened in History
B:-New Light on the most Ancient Near East
C:-Man Makes Himself
D:-The Bronze Age
Ans: C
81:-Who among the following deciphered the Cuneiform script ?
C:-James Prinsep
D:-Arthur Evans
Ans: B
82:-'The Great Transformation' is written by
A:-Karl Polyani
B:-Marshall Sahlin
C:-Perry Anderson
D:-Elman R. Service
Ans: A
83:-Who were the 'Samurais' ?
A:-Warlords of Japan
B:-Members of Warrior class
C:-Buddhist Monks
D:-Landlords of Japan
Ans: B
84:-What is Niagara movement ?
A:-A movement for Women's emancipation
B:-A movement for white slave emancipation
C:-A movement for Negro emancipation
D:-A movement for Red Indian Women's freedom
Ans: C
B:-Karl Marx
C:-Beneditto Croce
D:-Peter Burke
Ans: C
70:-Toponomy is the study of
B:-place names
Ans: B
71:-The scientific study of seals is called
Ans: D
72:-Which among the following is meant for proving the authenticity of the document ?
A:-External criticism
B:-Internal criticism
C:-Synthetic operation
D:-None of the above
Ans: A
73:-Stratigraphy is associated with
D:-None of the above
Ans: A
74:-'Long Duree' is the concept popularised by
B:-Philip Aries
C:-Fernand Braudel
D:-Roger Chartier
Ans: C
75:-Who among the following is not a Marxist historian ?
A:-George Rude
B:-Perry Anderson
C:-E. P. Thompson
D:-Edward Gibbon
Ans: D
76:-Which of the following books deals with the history of Menochio, a village miller of `15^(th)` century Italy ?
A:-Cheese and worms
C:-The Great Cat Massacre
D:-None of the above
Ans: A
77:-Which of the following historians is not associated with the Feudalism Debate in Indian Historiography ?
A:-D. D. Kosambi
B:-Partha Chatterjee
C:-Herbans Mukhia
D:-R. S. Sharma
Ans: B
78:-Which of the following is not a work of Sumith Sarkar ?
A:-Modern India
B:-The Swadeshi Movement in Bengal
C:-Writing Social History
D:-A possible India
Ans: D
79:-Altamira, the historical site from where cave paintings prehistoric period have been discovered is located in
Ans: D
80:-The term 'Urban Revolution' was used by Gordon childe in his book
A:-What Happened in History
B:-New Light on the most Ancient Near East
C:-Man Makes Himself
D:-The Bronze Age
Ans: C
81:-Who among the following deciphered the Cuneiform script ?
C:-James Prinsep
D:-Arthur Evans
Ans: B
82:-'The Great Transformation' is written by
A:-Karl Polyani
B:-Marshall Sahlin
C:-Perry Anderson
D:-Elman R. Service
Ans: A
83:-Who were the 'Samurais' ?
A:-Warlords of Japan
B:-Members of Warrior class
C:-Buddhist Monks
D:-Landlords of Japan
Ans: B
84:-What is Niagara movement ?
A:-A movement for Women's emancipation
B:-A movement for white slave emancipation
C:-A movement for Negro emancipation
D:-A movement for Red Indian Women's freedom
Ans: C
85:-The strategy for large scale industrialization was adopted fro the first time in
A:-First Five Year Plan
B:-Second Five Year Plan
C:-Third Five Year Plan
D:-Fourth Five Year Plan
Ans: B
86:-Supporting the partition of India, who said, "Partition was better than murder of innocent citizens"
A:-Sardar Vallabhabhai Patel
B:-Mahathma Gandhi
C:-Acharya J.B. Kripalani
D:-Jawaharlal Nehru
Ans: D
87:-Gandhi's ideas on 'Sarvodaya' and 'Basic Education' were derived from
Ans: B
88:-Name the country other than India whose Independance day falls on `15^(th)` `` August.
D:-South Korea
Ans: D
89:-Who issued the "Kudal Manikkam" Temple Inscription ?
A:-Kulasekhara Alwar
B:-Sthanu Ravi Varman
C:-Rajasekhara Varman
D:-Bhaskara Ravi Varman
Ans: B
90:-'Palakkadu Fort' was built by
A:-Tippu Sulthan
Ans: D
91:-Who led the Champaran Satyagraha
C:-Vallabhai Patel
D:-Subhash Chandra Bose
Ans: B
92:-The second session of the Round Table Conference was held in the year
Ans: D
93:-Who wrote the book Anand Math?
A:-Dadabhai Naoroji
B:-Benkim Chandra Chatterji
C:-Dinabandhu Mitra
D:-M G Ranade
Ans: B
94:-The President of the Lahore Congress of 1929
A:-M. K. Gandhi
B:-Jawaharlal Nehru
C:-C. R. Das
D:-S. C. Bose
Ans: B
95:-Mahatma Gandhi presided over the annual session of the Indian National Congress only once at
Ans: A
96:-Whom did B. G. Tilak call 'The Diamond of India' ?
A:-Lalalajpat Rai
B:-Gopala Krishna Gokhale
C:-Rabindranath Tagore
D:-Dadabhai Naoroji
Ans: B
97:-Who is known as 'Father of Indian Unrest' ?
A:-M. K. Gandhi
B:-B. G. Tilak
C:-M. G. Ranade
D:-Dadabhai Naoroji
Ans: B
98:-Who said "Hinduism dies, if untouchability lives, and untouchability has to die if Hinduism is to live" ?
A:-Swami Vivekananda
B:-B. R. Ambedkar
C:-M. K. Gandhi
D:-Sree Narayana Guru
Ans: C
99:-In which year National Planning Committee (NPC) was set up under the leadership of Jawaharlal Nehru ?
Ans: C
100:-The "Plan of Economic Development for India" formulated by Indian capitalists in the 1940's was popularly known as
A:-Delhi Plan
B:-Bombay Plan
C:-Indian Laissezfaire
D:-Us Model
Ans: B
A:-First Five Year Plan
B:-Second Five Year Plan
C:-Third Five Year Plan
D:-Fourth Five Year Plan
Ans: B
86:-Supporting the partition of India, who said, "Partition was better than murder of innocent citizens"
A:-Sardar Vallabhabhai Patel
B:-Mahathma Gandhi
C:-Acharya J.B. Kripalani
D:-Jawaharlal Nehru
Ans: D
87:-Gandhi's ideas on 'Sarvodaya' and 'Basic Education' were derived from
Ans: B
88:-Name the country other than India whose Independance day falls on `15^(th)` `` August.
D:-South Korea
Ans: D
89:-Who issued the "Kudal Manikkam" Temple Inscription ?
A:-Kulasekhara Alwar
B:-Sthanu Ravi Varman
C:-Rajasekhara Varman
D:-Bhaskara Ravi Varman
Ans: B
90:-'Palakkadu Fort' was built by
A:-Tippu Sulthan
Ans: D
91:-Who led the Champaran Satyagraha
C:-Vallabhai Patel
D:-Subhash Chandra Bose
Ans: B
92:-The second session of the Round Table Conference was held in the year
Ans: D
93:-Who wrote the book Anand Math?
A:-Dadabhai Naoroji
B:-Benkim Chandra Chatterji
C:-Dinabandhu Mitra
D:-M G Ranade
Ans: B
94:-The President of the Lahore Congress of 1929
A:-M. K. Gandhi
B:-Jawaharlal Nehru
C:-C. R. Das
D:-S. C. Bose
Ans: B
95:-Mahatma Gandhi presided over the annual session of the Indian National Congress only once at
Ans: A
96:-Whom did B. G. Tilak call 'The Diamond of India' ?
A:-Lalalajpat Rai
B:-Gopala Krishna Gokhale
C:-Rabindranath Tagore
D:-Dadabhai Naoroji
Ans: B
97:-Who is known as 'Father of Indian Unrest' ?
A:-M. K. Gandhi
B:-B. G. Tilak
C:-M. G. Ranade
D:-Dadabhai Naoroji
Ans: B
98:-Who said "Hinduism dies, if untouchability lives, and untouchability has to die if Hinduism is to live" ?
A:-Swami Vivekananda
B:-B. R. Ambedkar
C:-M. K. Gandhi
D:-Sree Narayana Guru
Ans: C
99:-In which year National Planning Committee (NPC) was set up under the leadership of Jawaharlal Nehru ?
Ans: C
100:-The "Plan of Economic Development for India" formulated by Indian capitalists in the 1940's was popularly known as
A:-Delhi Plan
B:-Bombay Plan
C:-Indian Laissezfaire
D:-Us Model
Ans: B
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