Mechanical Engineering MCQs- Page 18
1. Pelton wheel is preferred as a prime mover where
(A) high head and low discharge are available (B) high discharge and low head are available
(C) high head and high discharge are available (D) none of the above
Ans: A
2. If a helical spring is cut into two equal parts, the stiffness of the spring will become
(A) half of the original one (B) double of the original (C) one half of original (D) No effect
Ans: B
3. Failure of a bearing depends on
(A) Number of revolution (B) Radial load applied (C) Axial load (D) All of the above
Ans: D
4. When a thick plate is subjected to external loads:
1. State of plane stress occurs at the surface
2. State of plane strain occurs at the surface
3. State of plane stress occurs in the interior part of the plate
4. State of plane strain occurs in the interior part of the plate
Which of these statements are correct?
(A) 1 and 3 (B) 2 and 4 (C) 1 and 4 (D) 2 and 3
Ans: A
5. Failure of a material is called fatigue when it fails
(A) at the elastic limit (B) below the elastic limit (C) at the yield point (D) below the yield point
Ans: B
6.Two spheres A and B of same material have radii 1m and 4m and temperature 4000 K and 2000 K respectively. Which one of the following statements is correct? The energy radiated by sphere A is
(A) greater than that of sphere B
(B) less than that of sphere B
(C) equal to that of sphere B
(D) equal to double that of sphere B
Ans: C
7. Automatic transmission in automobile is based on
(A) Epicylic gear train (B) Compound gear train (C) Simple gear train (D) Inverted gear train
Ans: A
8. Stalling of blades in axial flow compressors is the phenomenon of
(A) Air stream blocking the passage (B) Motion of air at sonic velocity
(C) Unsteady, periodic and reversed flow (D) Air stream not able to follow the blade contour
Ans: D
9. Cavitation is caused by
(A) High velocity (B) High pressure (C) Low pressure (D) Low velocity
Ans: C
10. The statements concern psychrometric chart
1. Constant relative humidity lines are uphill straight lines to the right
2. Constant wet bulb temperature lines are downhill straight lines to the right 3. Constant specific volume lines are downhill straight lines to the right
4. Constant enthalpy lines are coincident with constant wet bulb temperature lines.
Which of the statements are correct?
(A) 2 & 3 (B) 1 & 2 (C) 1 & 3 (D) 2 & 4
Ans: A
11.Water at 42°C is sprayed into a stream of air at atmospheric pressure, dry bulb temperature of 40°C and a wet bulb temperature of 20°C. The air leaving the spray humidifier is not saturated. Which of the following statements is true?
(A) Air gets cooled and humidified (B) Air gets heated and humidified
(C) Air gets heated and dehumidified (D) Air gets cooled and dehumidified
Ans: B
12. For a given heat flow and for the same thickness, the temperature drop across material will be maximum for
(A) Copper (B) Steel (C) Glass-Wool (D) Refractory
Ans: C
13. The purpose of surge tank in a pipeline is to
(A) remove friction (B) prevent turbulence in the flow (C) prevent flow loss (D) relieve pressure due to water hammer
Ans: D
14. For the stability of a floating body, under the influence of gravity alone, which of the following is true?
(A) Metacentre should be below the centre of gravity
(B) Metacentre should be above the centre of gravity
(C) Metacentre and centre of gravity must lie on the same horizontal line
(D) Metacentre and centre of gravity must lie on the same vertical line
Ans: B
15. Titanium in the steel improves the
(A) hardness (B) strength (C) resistance to corrsion of steel (D) strength and resistance to corrosion of steel
Ans: D
16. Ball bearings are usually made from
(A) low carbon steel (B) high carbon steel (C) medium carbon steel (D) high speed steel
Ans: C
17. In a unilateral system of tolerance, the tolerance is allowed on
(A) one side of the actual size (B) one side of the nominal size (C) both sides of the actual size (D) both sides of the nominal size
Ans: B
18. Cohesiveness of sand depends on
(A) Grain size and shape of the sand particles (B) Bonding materials (C) Moisture content (D) All of the above
Ans: D
19. A block A is dropped down along a smooth inclined plane, while another block B is released for free fall from the same height
(A) Both will hit the ground simultaneously (B) Block A will have higher velocity than block B while hitting the ground
(C) Block A will hit the ground earlier (D) Block B will hit the ground earlier
Ans: D
20. The selection of non-traditional machining process for a particular application depends on
(A) Physical parameters of the process (B) Shapes to be machined (C) Process capability (D) All of the above
Ans: D
21. In which of the following processes, the electrode is not consumed
(A) TIG welding (B) DC arc welding (C) Gas welding (D) All of the above
Ans: A
22. Which of the following is a chipless machining process?
(A) Metal spinning (B) Knurling (C) Hobbing (D) Lapping
Ans: A
23. In EDM, the tool and work piece are separated by
(A) Positive ions (B) Negative ions (C) Metal conductor (D) Dielectric fluid
Ans: D
24. Automobile gears are generally manufactured by
(A) Hobbing (B) Stamping (C) Punching (D) Rolling
Ans: A
25. Principal materials used in soldering are
(A) Tin and lead (B) Copper and tin (C) Zinc and copper (D) Copper and lead
Ans: A
26. Malleability is
(A) maximum energy that can be stored in a body due to external loading
(B) flattened into thin sheets
(C) energy stored in a body when strained
(D) ability to deform
Ans: B
27. In a fusion welding process,
(A) only heat is used (B) only pressure is used (C) combination of heat and pressure is used (D) none of these
Ans: A
28. Consumable patterns are made of
(A) Polystyrene (B) Wax (C) Plaster of Paris (D) Any of the above
Ans: A
29. Shell patterns are often used for
(A) Pipe work (B) Bends (C) Drainage fittings (D) All of the above
Ans: D
30. In a radioactive heat transfer, a gray surface is one
(A) Which appears gray to the eye (B) Whose emissivity is independent of wavelength
(C) Which has reflectivity equal to zero (D) Which appears equally bright from all directions
Ans: B
31. Emissivity of perfectively black body is
(A) 0 (B) 1 (C) infinite (D) 0.5
Ans: B
32. Two Models A and B, of a product earn profits of Rs. 100 and Rs. 80 per piece, respectively. Production times of A and B are 5 hours and 3 hours respectively, while total production time available is 180 hours. For a total batch size of 50, to maximize profit, the number of units A to be produced is
(A) 10 (B) 15 (C) 20 (D) 25
Ans: B
33. The maximum normal stress theory is used for
(A) Brittle materials (B) Ductile materials (C) Plastic materials (D) Non-Ferrous materials
Ans: A
34. High carbon steel contains carbon
(A) Between 0.05 and 0.6% (B) Between 0.6 and 1.3% (C) Between 1.3 and 1.7% (D) More than 1.7%
Ans: B
35. The method of testing hardness by Brinell test is based on the principle of
(A) Indentation (B) Fracture (C) Scratching (D) Rebound
Ans: A
36. For soldering of brass and copper, the flux used is
(A) Zinc chloride (B) Hydrochloric acid (C) Cupric acid (D) Ammonium chloride
Ans: A
37. The impact strength of a material is an indication of
(A) toughness of the material (B) tensile strength (C) capability of being hot worked (D) resilience
Ans: A
38. Materials having same properties in all directions are called
(A) Smart material (B) Functional materials (C) Isotropic materials (D) Ideal materials
Ans: C
39. In a tensile test on mild steel specimen, the breaking stress as compared to ultimate tensile stress is
(A) more (B) less (C) same (D) more/less depending on composition
Ans: B
40. Among the following, which material is elastic?
(A) Steel (B) Ceramic (C) Glass (D) Cast Iron
Ans: A
41. The property of materials which allows it to be drawn into wires is referred as
(A) Brittleness (B) Ductility (C) Toughness (D) Resilience
Ans: B
42. The percentage reduction in area of a cast iron specimen during tensile test would be of the order of
(A) more than 70% (B) 30 - 50% (C) 10 - 25% (D) negligible
Ans: D
43. The capacity of a material to absorbing large amount of energy before fracture is referred as
(A) brittle (B) toughness (C) resilience (D) shock proof
Ans: B
44. Stress concentration in static loading is more serious in
(A) ductile materials (B) brittle materials (C) equally serious in both cases (D) none of the above
Ans: B
45. Maximum principal stress theory is applicable for
(A) ductile materials (B) brittle materials (C) elastic materials (D) all of the above
Ans: B
46. Piston in IC Engine is usually made of
(A) Copper alloy (B) Tungsten alloy (C) Nickel alloy (D) Aluminium alloy
Ans: D
47. Cutting speeds for Turning with HSS on cast iron is about
(A) 20 m/min (B) 30 m/min (C) 35 m/min (D) 15 m/min
Ans: A
48. Two insulating materials of thermal conductivity K and 3K are available for lagging a pipe carrying a hot fluid. If the radial thickness of each material is same,
(A) Material with higher thermal conductivity should be used for the inner layer and one with lower thermal conductivity for the outer.
(B) Material with lower thermal conductivity should be used for the inner layer and one with higher thermal conductivity for the outer.
(C) It is immaterial in which sequence insulating materials are used
(D) It is not possible to judge unless numerical value of dimensions are given
Ans: B
49. Efficiency of Carnot cycle is given as 75%. If the cycle direction is reversed, what will be the value of COP of reversed Carnot cycle?
(A) 1.33 (B) 0.4 (C) 4 (D) 0.25
Ans: A
50. Supercharging is the process of
(A) supplying the intake of an engine with air at a density greater than the density of the surrounding atmosphere
(B) providing forced cooling air
(C) injecting excess fuel for raising more load
(D) supplying compressed air to remove combustion products fully
Ans: A
(A) high head and low discharge are available (B) high discharge and low head are available
(C) high head and high discharge are available (D) none of the above
Ans: A
2. If a helical spring is cut into two equal parts, the stiffness of the spring will become
(A) half of the original one (B) double of the original (C) one half of original (D) No effect
Ans: B
3. Failure of a bearing depends on
(A) Number of revolution (B) Radial load applied (C) Axial load (D) All of the above
Ans: D
4. When a thick plate is subjected to external loads:
1. State of plane stress occurs at the surface
2. State of plane strain occurs at the surface
3. State of plane stress occurs in the interior part of the plate
4. State of plane strain occurs in the interior part of the plate
Which of these statements are correct?
(A) 1 and 3 (B) 2 and 4 (C) 1 and 4 (D) 2 and 3
Ans: A
5. Failure of a material is called fatigue when it fails
(A) at the elastic limit (B) below the elastic limit (C) at the yield point (D) below the yield point
Ans: B
6.Two spheres A and B of same material have radii 1m and 4m and temperature 4000 K and 2000 K respectively. Which one of the following statements is correct? The energy radiated by sphere A is
(A) greater than that of sphere B
(B) less than that of sphere B
(C) equal to that of sphere B
(D) equal to double that of sphere B
Ans: C
7. Automatic transmission in automobile is based on
(A) Epicylic gear train (B) Compound gear train (C) Simple gear train (D) Inverted gear train
Ans: A
8. Stalling of blades in axial flow compressors is the phenomenon of
(A) Air stream blocking the passage (B) Motion of air at sonic velocity
(C) Unsteady, periodic and reversed flow (D) Air stream not able to follow the blade contour
Ans: D
9. Cavitation is caused by
(A) High velocity (B) High pressure (C) Low pressure (D) Low velocity
Ans: C
10. The statements concern psychrometric chart
1. Constant relative humidity lines are uphill straight lines to the right
2. Constant wet bulb temperature lines are downhill straight lines to the right 3. Constant specific volume lines are downhill straight lines to the right
4. Constant enthalpy lines are coincident with constant wet bulb temperature lines.
Which of the statements are correct?
(A) 2 & 3 (B) 1 & 2 (C) 1 & 3 (D) 2 & 4
Ans: A
11.Water at 42°C is sprayed into a stream of air at atmospheric pressure, dry bulb temperature of 40°C and a wet bulb temperature of 20°C. The air leaving the spray humidifier is not saturated. Which of the following statements is true?
(A) Air gets cooled and humidified (B) Air gets heated and humidified
(C) Air gets heated and dehumidified (D) Air gets cooled and dehumidified
Ans: B
12. For a given heat flow and for the same thickness, the temperature drop across material will be maximum for
(A) Copper (B) Steel (C) Glass-Wool (D) Refractory
Ans: C
13. The purpose of surge tank in a pipeline is to
(A) remove friction (B) prevent turbulence in the flow (C) prevent flow loss (D) relieve pressure due to water hammer
Ans: D
14. For the stability of a floating body, under the influence of gravity alone, which of the following is true?
(A) Metacentre should be below the centre of gravity
(B) Metacentre should be above the centre of gravity
(C) Metacentre and centre of gravity must lie on the same horizontal line
(D) Metacentre and centre of gravity must lie on the same vertical line
Ans: B
15. Titanium in the steel improves the
(A) hardness (B) strength (C) resistance to corrsion of steel (D) strength and resistance to corrosion of steel
Ans: D
16. Ball bearings are usually made from
(A) low carbon steel (B) high carbon steel (C) medium carbon steel (D) high speed steel
Ans: C
17. In a unilateral system of tolerance, the tolerance is allowed on
(A) one side of the actual size (B) one side of the nominal size (C) both sides of the actual size (D) both sides of the nominal size
Ans: B
18. Cohesiveness of sand depends on
(A) Grain size and shape of the sand particles (B) Bonding materials (C) Moisture content (D) All of the above
Ans: D
19. A block A is dropped down along a smooth inclined plane, while another block B is released for free fall from the same height
(A) Both will hit the ground simultaneously (B) Block A will have higher velocity than block B while hitting the ground
(C) Block A will hit the ground earlier (D) Block B will hit the ground earlier
Ans: D
20. The selection of non-traditional machining process for a particular application depends on
(A) Physical parameters of the process (B) Shapes to be machined (C) Process capability (D) All of the above
Ans: D
21. In which of the following processes, the electrode is not consumed
(A) TIG welding (B) DC arc welding (C) Gas welding (D) All of the above
Ans: A
22. Which of the following is a chipless machining process?
(A) Metal spinning (B) Knurling (C) Hobbing (D) Lapping
Ans: A
23. In EDM, the tool and work piece are separated by
(A) Positive ions (B) Negative ions (C) Metal conductor (D) Dielectric fluid
Ans: D
24. Automobile gears are generally manufactured by
(A) Hobbing (B) Stamping (C) Punching (D) Rolling
Ans: A
25. Principal materials used in soldering are
(A) Tin and lead (B) Copper and tin (C) Zinc and copper (D) Copper and lead
Ans: A
26. Malleability is
(A) maximum energy that can be stored in a body due to external loading
(B) flattened into thin sheets
(C) energy stored in a body when strained
(D) ability to deform
Ans: B
27. In a fusion welding process,
(A) only heat is used (B) only pressure is used (C) combination of heat and pressure is used (D) none of these
Ans: A
28. Consumable patterns are made of
(A) Polystyrene (B) Wax (C) Plaster of Paris (D) Any of the above
Ans: A
29. Shell patterns are often used for
(A) Pipe work (B) Bends (C) Drainage fittings (D) All of the above
Ans: D
30. In a radioactive heat transfer, a gray surface is one
(A) Which appears gray to the eye (B) Whose emissivity is independent of wavelength
(C) Which has reflectivity equal to zero (D) Which appears equally bright from all directions
Ans: B
31. Emissivity of perfectively black body is
(A) 0 (B) 1 (C) infinite (D) 0.5
Ans: B
32. Two Models A and B, of a product earn profits of Rs. 100 and Rs. 80 per piece, respectively. Production times of A and B are 5 hours and 3 hours respectively, while total production time available is 180 hours. For a total batch size of 50, to maximize profit, the number of units A to be produced is
(A) 10 (B) 15 (C) 20 (D) 25
Ans: B
33. The maximum normal stress theory is used for
(A) Brittle materials (B) Ductile materials (C) Plastic materials (D) Non-Ferrous materials
Ans: A
34. High carbon steel contains carbon
(A) Between 0.05 and 0.6% (B) Between 0.6 and 1.3% (C) Between 1.3 and 1.7% (D) More than 1.7%
Ans: B
35. The method of testing hardness by Brinell test is based on the principle of
(A) Indentation (B) Fracture (C) Scratching (D) Rebound
Ans: A
36. For soldering of brass and copper, the flux used is
(A) Zinc chloride (B) Hydrochloric acid (C) Cupric acid (D) Ammonium chloride
Ans: A
37. The impact strength of a material is an indication of
(A) toughness of the material (B) tensile strength (C) capability of being hot worked (D) resilience
Ans: A
38. Materials having same properties in all directions are called
(A) Smart material (B) Functional materials (C) Isotropic materials (D) Ideal materials
Ans: C
39. In a tensile test on mild steel specimen, the breaking stress as compared to ultimate tensile stress is
(A) more (B) less (C) same (D) more/less depending on composition
Ans: B
40. Among the following, which material is elastic?
(A) Steel (B) Ceramic (C) Glass (D) Cast Iron
Ans: A
41. The property of materials which allows it to be drawn into wires is referred as
(A) Brittleness (B) Ductility (C) Toughness (D) Resilience
Ans: B
42. The percentage reduction in area of a cast iron specimen during tensile test would be of the order of
(A) more than 70% (B) 30 - 50% (C) 10 - 25% (D) negligible
Ans: D
43. The capacity of a material to absorbing large amount of energy before fracture is referred as
(A) brittle (B) toughness (C) resilience (D) shock proof
Ans: B
44. Stress concentration in static loading is more serious in
(A) ductile materials (B) brittle materials (C) equally serious in both cases (D) none of the above
Ans: B
45. Maximum principal stress theory is applicable for
(A) ductile materials (B) brittle materials (C) elastic materials (D) all of the above
Ans: B
46. Piston in IC Engine is usually made of
(A) Copper alloy (B) Tungsten alloy (C) Nickel alloy (D) Aluminium alloy
Ans: D
47. Cutting speeds for Turning with HSS on cast iron is about
(A) 20 m/min (B) 30 m/min (C) 35 m/min (D) 15 m/min
Ans: A
48. Two insulating materials of thermal conductivity K and 3K are available for lagging a pipe carrying a hot fluid. If the radial thickness of each material is same,
(A) Material with higher thermal conductivity should be used for the inner layer and one with lower thermal conductivity for the outer.
(B) Material with lower thermal conductivity should be used for the inner layer and one with higher thermal conductivity for the outer.
(C) It is immaterial in which sequence insulating materials are used
(D) It is not possible to judge unless numerical value of dimensions are given
Ans: B
49. Efficiency of Carnot cycle is given as 75%. If the cycle direction is reversed, what will be the value of COP of reversed Carnot cycle?
(A) 1.33 (B) 0.4 (C) 4 (D) 0.25
Ans: A
50. Supercharging is the process of
(A) supplying the intake of an engine with air at a density greater than the density of the surrounding atmosphere
(B) providing forced cooling air
(C) injecting excess fuel for raising more load
(D) supplying compressed air to remove combustion products fully
Ans: A
51. The air standard efficiency of an Otto cycle compared to diesel cycle for the given compression ratio is
(A) same (B) less (C) more (D) unpredictable
Ans: C
52. Combustion in compression ignition engines is
(A) homogeneous (B) heterogeneous (C) both (A) and (B) (D) laminar
Ans: B
53. The air-fuel ratio of the petrol engine is controlled by
(A) Fuel pump (B) Governor (C) Injector (D) Carburettor
Ans: D
54. Two parallel forces 100 kN and 75 kN act on a body and have resultant of 25 kN. Then, the two forces are
(A) Like parallel forces (B) Unlike parallel forces (C) Concurrent forces (D) None of the above
Ans: B
55. Limiting friction depends upon
(A) Materials of the body in contact (B) Weight of the body to be moved
(C) Roughness of surface of contact of the two bodies (D) All of the above
Ans: D
56. If n < (2j – 3), where n is number of members used in a frame structure and j is the number of joints used in the structure, then the frame is called
(A) Perfect frame (B) Deficient frame (C) Redundant frame (D) None of the above
Ans: B
57. The completeness and unambiguity of a solid model are attributed to fact that : Database stores both ______________ and _______________ information.
(A) Geometry and mathematical (B) Geometry and topology
(C) Pictorial and size (D) Design and data
Ans: B
58. Design of tools is a part of CAD or CAM?
(A) CAD (B) CAM (C) Both (D) None
Ans: B
59. Scaling factors are always positive. Negative scale factors produce ___________.
(A) Reflection (B) Crap (C) Zoom (D) Protrusion
Ans: A
60. In NC motion control system, the system which is capable of continuous and simultaneous control of two or more axis refers to
(A) Continuous path system (B) Point to point path system (C) Discrete system (D) None of the above
Ans: A
61. Out of the following which type of coding system is used in NC programming?
(A) Indian coding system (B) Binary coding system (C) Discrete coding system (D) None of the above
Ans: B
62. In the G code of NC part programming, G21 refers to
(A) Input values specified in millimeters (B) Return to reference point (C) Thread cutting in turning (D) Dwell for a specified time
Ans: A
63. In NC part programming, M code specifies
(A) End of block function (B) Miscellaneous or auxiliary functions (C) Tool selection function (D) Preparatory function
Ans: B
64. In automatically programmed tool (APT), motion commands are used to specify the
(A) Tool path (B) Dimensions (C) Tolerance value (D) None of the above
Ans: A
65. Minimum limit of the hole is taken as the _________ in a hole basis system:
(A) Maximum Size (B) Actual Size (C) Basic Size (D) Nominal Size
Ans: C
66. Out of the stated, which type of gauge is used to check the clearance between two surfaces?
(A) Feeler Gauge (B) Radius Gauge (C) Snap Gauge (D) Plug Gauge
Ans: A
67. Which type of caliper is used for scribing lines parallel to edges of the work and for finding centre of cylindrical work?
(A) Transfer caliper (B) Hermaphorodite caliper (C) Divider (D) Standard caliper
Ans: B
68. An industrial heat pump operates between the temperatures of 27cC and –13cC.
The rates of heat addition and heat rejection are 750 W and 1000 W respectively. The COP for the heat pump is
(A) 7.5 (B) 6.5 (C) 4.0 (D) 3.0
Ans: C
69. The flow of refrigerant in a refrigeration cycle is controlled by
(A) Compressor (B) Condenser (C) Evaporator (D) Expansion valve
Ans: D
70. The non-dimensional parameter known as Stanton number (St) is used in
(A) Forced convection heat transfer in flow over flat plate
(B) Condensation heat transfer with laminar film layer
(C) Natural convection heat transfer over flat plate
(D) Unsteady heat transfer from bodies in which internal temperature gradients cannot be neglected.
Ans: A
71. For evaporators and condensers, for the given conditions, the logarithmic mean temperature difference (LMTD) for parallel flow is:
(A) Equal to that for counter flow
(B) Greater than that for counter flow
(C) Smaller than that for counter flow
(D) Very much smaller than that for counter flow
Ans: A
72. The entropy will usually increase when
I. A molecule is broken into two or more smaller molecules.
II. A reaction occurs that results in an increase in the number of moles of gas.
III. Process is adiabatic
IV. Process is reversible adiabatic
V . A liquid changes to a gas
(A) I, II, IV and V (B) II, III and V (C) I, II, III and V (D) I, II and IV
Ans: C
73. Which of the following is a lower pair?
(A) Ball and socket (B) Piston and cylinder (C) Cam and follower (D) (A) and (B) above
Ans: D
74. Any point on a link connecting double slider crank chain will trace a
(A) Straight line (B) Circle (C) Ellipse (D) Parabola
Ans: C
75. In PERT chart, the activity time distribution is
(A) Normal (B) Binomial (C) Poisson (D) Beta
Ans: D
76. How many translators are required for 7 CAD/CAM systems using (a) direct and (b) indirect translation?
(A) Direct: 42 and Indirect: 14 (B) Direct: 22 and Indirect: 14
(C) Direct: 12 and Indirect: 24 (D) None of the above
Ans: A
77. In CAD, a solid model is generated by using 10 numbers of primitives. The total number of Boolean operations required to generate the solid model would be
(A) 7 (B) 9 (C) 3 (D) 4
Ans: B
78. Mechanical properties of fiber-reinforced composites depend on
(A) Properties of constituents (B) Interface strength (C) Fiber length, orientation and volume fraction (D) All of the above
Ans: D
79. Longitudinal strength of fiber reinforced composite is mainly influenced by
(A) Fiber strength (B) Fiber orientation (C) Fiber length (D) Fiber volume fraction
Ans: A
80. Following is unique to polymeric materials
(A) Elasticity (B) Viscoelasticity (C) Plasticity (D) None
Ans: B
81. Which among the following rubbers are used for automobile tyres?
(A) Only Polyurethane rubbers (B) Only Butadiene rubbers (C) Both Polyurethane and Butadiene are used (D) None of these
Ans: C
82. Which of the following statements is true?
(A) Ceramic materials have low melting point (B) Porcelain is used as insulating material in spark plugs
(C) Graphite is viscoelastic in nature (D) Compacting iron oxide powder ceramic tools are prepared
Ans: B
83. The piston rod and the crosshead in a steam engine are usually connected by means of
(A) Cotter joint (B) Knuckle joint (C) Ball joint (D) Universal joint
Ans: A
84. The most suitable pair of refrigerant and absorbent combination for solar refrigeration is
(A) Ammonia and water (B) Ammonia and sodium thiocyanide (C) Water and lithium bromide (D) R22 and dimethyl formamide
Ans: C
85. For a centrifugal compressor with radial vanes, slip factor is the ratio of
(A) isentropic work to Euler work (B) whirl velocity to the blade velocity at the impeller exit
(C) stagnation pressure to static pressure (D) isentropic temperature rise to actual temperature rise
Ans: B
86. Crankshaft and gears are made from
(A) Grey cast iron (B) White cast iron (C) Nodular cast iron (D) None of these
Ans: C
87. The product of diametral pitch and module is equal to
(A) zero (B) infinity (C) unity (D) two
Ans: C
88. The thickness of thin cylinder is determined on the basis of
(A) Radial stress (B) Longitudinal stress (C) Circumferential stress (D) Principal shear stress
Ans: C
89. An optical gauge works on the principle of
(A) Reflection (B) Refraction (C) Dispersion (D) Interference of light rays
Ans: D
90. Piezoelectric material functions on the principle of
(A) Newton's Second law of motion (B) Conservation of energy (C) Thomson's Effect (D) None of the above
Ans: A
91. The Dry ice is produced by
(A) Drying the ice (B) Keeping ice in an insulated chamber (C) By solidifying liquid CO2 (D) None of these
Ans: C
92. What type of format the IGES system uses?
(A) Binary (B) Non-binary (C) Program format (D) None of these
Ans: A
93. On a Psychrometric chart, sensible cooling is represented by
(A) Horizontal line (B) Inclined line (C) Vertical line (D) None of these
Ans: A
94. How many atoms are there in an HCP crystal structure?
(A) 8 (B) 4 (C) 6 (D) None of these
Ans: C
95. By what process, maximum hardness is obtained for a steel part?
(A) Carburizing (B) Nitriding (C) Cyaniding (D) Annealing
Ans: B
96. Which stainless steel is used in cryogenic vessels?
(A) Ferritic (B) Austenitic (C) Martensitic (D) None of these
Ans: B
97. Which one of these instruments is a comparator?
(A) Tool makers Microscope (B) GO-No GO Gauge (C) Optical Interferometer (D) Dial Gauge
Ans: D
98. The spring constant of Helical Compression Spring does not depend on
(A) Coil Diameter (B) Material Strength (C) Number of active turns (D) Wire diameter
Ans: B
99. If the axes of first and last gear of a compound gear train are co-axial, the gear train is known as (A) Simple (B) Epicyclic (C) Reverted (D) Compound
Ans: C
100. At resonance, the amplitude of vibration is
(A) Very large (B) Small (C) Zero (D) Depend on frequency
Ans: A
(A) same (B) less (C) more (D) unpredictable
Ans: C
52. Combustion in compression ignition engines is
(A) homogeneous (B) heterogeneous (C) both (A) and (B) (D) laminar
Ans: B
53. The air-fuel ratio of the petrol engine is controlled by
(A) Fuel pump (B) Governor (C) Injector (D) Carburettor
Ans: D
54. Two parallel forces 100 kN and 75 kN act on a body and have resultant of 25 kN. Then, the two forces are
(A) Like parallel forces (B) Unlike parallel forces (C) Concurrent forces (D) None of the above
Ans: B
55. Limiting friction depends upon
(A) Materials of the body in contact (B) Weight of the body to be moved
(C) Roughness of surface of contact of the two bodies (D) All of the above
Ans: D
56. If n < (2j – 3), where n is number of members used in a frame structure and j is the number of joints used in the structure, then the frame is called
(A) Perfect frame (B) Deficient frame (C) Redundant frame (D) None of the above
Ans: B
57. The completeness and unambiguity of a solid model are attributed to fact that : Database stores both ______________ and _______________ information.
(A) Geometry and mathematical (B) Geometry and topology
(C) Pictorial and size (D) Design and data
Ans: B
58. Design of tools is a part of CAD or CAM?
(A) CAD (B) CAM (C) Both (D) None
Ans: B
59. Scaling factors are always positive. Negative scale factors produce ___________.
(A) Reflection (B) Crap (C) Zoom (D) Protrusion
Ans: A
60. In NC motion control system, the system which is capable of continuous and simultaneous control of two or more axis refers to
(A) Continuous path system (B) Point to point path system (C) Discrete system (D) None of the above
Ans: A
61. Out of the following which type of coding system is used in NC programming?
(A) Indian coding system (B) Binary coding system (C) Discrete coding system (D) None of the above
Ans: B
62. In the G code of NC part programming, G21 refers to
(A) Input values specified in millimeters (B) Return to reference point (C) Thread cutting in turning (D) Dwell for a specified time
Ans: A
63. In NC part programming, M code specifies
(A) End of block function (B) Miscellaneous or auxiliary functions (C) Tool selection function (D) Preparatory function
Ans: B
64. In automatically programmed tool (APT), motion commands are used to specify the
(A) Tool path (B) Dimensions (C) Tolerance value (D) None of the above
Ans: A
65. Minimum limit of the hole is taken as the _________ in a hole basis system:
(A) Maximum Size (B) Actual Size (C) Basic Size (D) Nominal Size
Ans: C
66. Out of the stated, which type of gauge is used to check the clearance between two surfaces?
(A) Feeler Gauge (B) Radius Gauge (C) Snap Gauge (D) Plug Gauge
Ans: A
67. Which type of caliper is used for scribing lines parallel to edges of the work and for finding centre of cylindrical work?
(A) Transfer caliper (B) Hermaphorodite caliper (C) Divider (D) Standard caliper
Ans: B
68. An industrial heat pump operates between the temperatures of 27cC and –13cC.
The rates of heat addition and heat rejection are 750 W and 1000 W respectively. The COP for the heat pump is
(A) 7.5 (B) 6.5 (C) 4.0 (D) 3.0
Ans: C
69. The flow of refrigerant in a refrigeration cycle is controlled by
(A) Compressor (B) Condenser (C) Evaporator (D) Expansion valve
Ans: D
70. The non-dimensional parameter known as Stanton number (St) is used in
(A) Forced convection heat transfer in flow over flat plate
(B) Condensation heat transfer with laminar film layer
(C) Natural convection heat transfer over flat plate
(D) Unsteady heat transfer from bodies in which internal temperature gradients cannot be neglected.
Ans: A
71. For evaporators and condensers, for the given conditions, the logarithmic mean temperature difference (LMTD) for parallel flow is:
(A) Equal to that for counter flow
(B) Greater than that for counter flow
(C) Smaller than that for counter flow
(D) Very much smaller than that for counter flow
Ans: A
72. The entropy will usually increase when
I. A molecule is broken into two or more smaller molecules.
II. A reaction occurs that results in an increase in the number of moles of gas.
III. Process is adiabatic
IV. Process is reversible adiabatic
V . A liquid changes to a gas
(A) I, II, IV and V (B) II, III and V (C) I, II, III and V (D) I, II and IV
Ans: C
73. Which of the following is a lower pair?
(A) Ball and socket (B) Piston and cylinder (C) Cam and follower (D) (A) and (B) above
Ans: D
74. Any point on a link connecting double slider crank chain will trace a
(A) Straight line (B) Circle (C) Ellipse (D) Parabola
Ans: C
75. In PERT chart, the activity time distribution is
(A) Normal (B) Binomial (C) Poisson (D) Beta
Ans: D
76. How many translators are required for 7 CAD/CAM systems using (a) direct and (b) indirect translation?
(A) Direct: 42 and Indirect: 14 (B) Direct: 22 and Indirect: 14
(C) Direct: 12 and Indirect: 24 (D) None of the above
Ans: A
77. In CAD, a solid model is generated by using 10 numbers of primitives. The total number of Boolean operations required to generate the solid model would be
(A) 7 (B) 9 (C) 3 (D) 4
Ans: B
78. Mechanical properties of fiber-reinforced composites depend on
(A) Properties of constituents (B) Interface strength (C) Fiber length, orientation and volume fraction (D) All of the above
Ans: D
79. Longitudinal strength of fiber reinforced composite is mainly influenced by
(A) Fiber strength (B) Fiber orientation (C) Fiber length (D) Fiber volume fraction
Ans: A
80. Following is unique to polymeric materials
(A) Elasticity (B) Viscoelasticity (C) Plasticity (D) None
Ans: B
81. Which among the following rubbers are used for automobile tyres?
(A) Only Polyurethane rubbers (B) Only Butadiene rubbers (C) Both Polyurethane and Butadiene are used (D) None of these
Ans: C
82. Which of the following statements is true?
(A) Ceramic materials have low melting point (B) Porcelain is used as insulating material in spark plugs
(C) Graphite is viscoelastic in nature (D) Compacting iron oxide powder ceramic tools are prepared
Ans: B
83. The piston rod and the crosshead in a steam engine are usually connected by means of
(A) Cotter joint (B) Knuckle joint (C) Ball joint (D) Universal joint
Ans: A
84. The most suitable pair of refrigerant and absorbent combination for solar refrigeration is
(A) Ammonia and water (B) Ammonia and sodium thiocyanide (C) Water and lithium bromide (D) R22 and dimethyl formamide
Ans: C
85. For a centrifugal compressor with radial vanes, slip factor is the ratio of
(A) isentropic work to Euler work (B) whirl velocity to the blade velocity at the impeller exit
(C) stagnation pressure to static pressure (D) isentropic temperature rise to actual temperature rise
Ans: B
86. Crankshaft and gears are made from
(A) Grey cast iron (B) White cast iron (C) Nodular cast iron (D) None of these
Ans: C
87. The product of diametral pitch and module is equal to
(A) zero (B) infinity (C) unity (D) two
Ans: C
88. The thickness of thin cylinder is determined on the basis of
(A) Radial stress (B) Longitudinal stress (C) Circumferential stress (D) Principal shear stress
Ans: C
89. An optical gauge works on the principle of
(A) Reflection (B) Refraction (C) Dispersion (D) Interference of light rays
Ans: D
90. Piezoelectric material functions on the principle of
(A) Newton's Second law of motion (B) Conservation of energy (C) Thomson's Effect (D) None of the above
Ans: A
91. The Dry ice is produced by
(A) Drying the ice (B) Keeping ice in an insulated chamber (C) By solidifying liquid CO2 (D) None of these
Ans: C
92. What type of format the IGES system uses?
(A) Binary (B) Non-binary (C) Program format (D) None of these
Ans: A
93. On a Psychrometric chart, sensible cooling is represented by
(A) Horizontal line (B) Inclined line (C) Vertical line (D) None of these
Ans: A
94. How many atoms are there in an HCP crystal structure?
(A) 8 (B) 4 (C) 6 (D) None of these
Ans: C
95. By what process, maximum hardness is obtained for a steel part?
(A) Carburizing (B) Nitriding (C) Cyaniding (D) Annealing
Ans: B
96. Which stainless steel is used in cryogenic vessels?
(A) Ferritic (B) Austenitic (C) Martensitic (D) None of these
Ans: B
97. Which one of these instruments is a comparator?
(A) Tool makers Microscope (B) GO-No GO Gauge (C) Optical Interferometer (D) Dial Gauge
Ans: D
98. The spring constant of Helical Compression Spring does not depend on
(A) Coil Diameter (B) Material Strength (C) Number of active turns (D) Wire diameter
Ans: B
99. If the axes of first and last gear of a compound gear train are co-axial, the gear train is known as (A) Simple (B) Epicyclic (C) Reverted (D) Compound
Ans: C
100. At resonance, the amplitude of vibration is
(A) Very large (B) Small (C) Zero (D) Depend on frequency
Ans: A
· UPSC Exam Syllabus- Mechanical Engineering
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· Mechanical Engineering
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