1. Assertion – I: Broca’s aphasia =Wernike’s aphasia + anarthria
Assertion – II: Broca’s aphasia = Wernick’s aphasia + amnesia
(A) I is true II is true.
(B) I is false II is true.
(C) I is true II is false.
(D) Both I and II are false.
Ans: C
2. Match the items in List – I with List – II:
List – I List – II
a. Physical phonetic i. Conceptual units without neuromuscular specifications
b. Phonological representations ii. Strict sub categorization
c. Lexical representations iii. Morphome structure and low level phonetic rules
d. Syntactic component iv. Neuromuscular coding
a b c d
(A) ii iii iv i
(B) iv i ii iii
(C) iv iii i ii
(D) i iv iii ii
Ans: C
3. The major proposal ‘regression hypothesis’ was made by Jakobson in the year of
(A) 1969
(B) 1971
(C) 1965
(D) 1978
Ans: B
4. Assertion – I: Until the sixth month, deaf infants continue to babble normally.
Assertion – II: By the age of nine months, deaf infants have last their interest in babbling.
(A) I is correct, II is wrong.
(B) Both I and II are correct.
(C) I is wrong, II is correct.
(D) Both I and II are wrong.
Ans: B
5. Assertion – I: The left hemisphere specializes in rapid small-scale operations.
Assertion – II: The right hemisphere handles large-scale of language.
(A) Both I and II are false.
(B) I is true and II is false.
(C) I is false and II is true.
(D) Both I and II are true.
Ans: A
6. Assertion – I: Proto-language does not allow any dialect variation.
Assertion – II: Proto-language is an abstraction.
(A) I is true, II is false.
(B) I is false, II is true.
(C) Both I and II are true.
(D) Both I and II are false.
Ans: C
7. Match List – I with those of List – II, with the codes given below:
List – I List – II
a. Creole Studies i. William Lobou
b. On-going Sound Change ii. William S.Y. Wads
c. Neo- Grammarian Hypothesis iii. Karl Brogirana and Hermann Osthoff
d. Lexical Diffusion iv. Hugo Schichardt
a b c d
(A) ii i iii iv
(B) iv i iv iii
(C) i ii iii iv
(D) iii iv ii i
Ans: B
8. Assertion – I: Analogy brings about regularity in the paradigm.
Assertion – II: Analogy destroys the paradigmatic regularity.
(A) I and II are false.
(B) I and II are true.
(C) I is false, II is true.
(D) I is true, II is false.
Ans: B
9. The area of historical linguistics which discusses the change the meaning over time is called
(A) Phonological change
(B) Morphological change
(C) Semantic change
(D) Analogical change
Ans: C
10. Arrange the following concepts in chronological order in which they appeared:
(A) Neo-grammarian Hypothesis, On-going Sound Change, Lexical Diffusion, Sturtevant’s Paradox
(B) Lexical Diffusion, Neo-grammarian Hypothesis, Ongoing Sound Change, Sturtevant’s Paradox
(C) On-going Sound Change, Sturtevant’s Paradox, Neo-grammarian Hypothesis, Lexical Diffusion
(D) Neo-grammarian Hypothesis, Sturtevant’s Paradox, On-going Sound Change, Lexical Diffusion
Ans: D
11. Assertion – I: Sound changes cannot be observed while it is in progress.
Assertion – II: Sound change can be observed after it accumulates for over a long period.
(A) Both I and II are true.
(B) Both I and II are false.
(C) I is true, II is false.
(D) I is false, II is true.
Ans: A
12. A non-finite verb form whose main function is to mark adverbial subordination is
(A) Past Participle
(B) Present Participle
(C) Conjunctive Participle
(D) Future Participle
Ans: C
13. “Santhali”, “Mundari” and “Kuruku” belong to which of the following group of Munda family of languages of South Asia?
(A) North Munda
(B) South Munda
(C) Central Munda
(D) Koraput Munda
Ans: A
14. Assertion – I: Greenberg’s first major publication on language universal’s proposed a series of universals of word order and morphological categories.
Assertion – II: Greenberg’s typological approach is often compared to the generative approach of Noam Chomsky.
(A) Both I and II are true.
(B) Both I and II are false.
(C) I is true, but II is false.
(D) I is false, but II is true.
Ans: A
15. Assertion – I: The ultimate goals of typology are to ascertain the ways in which languages are similar in structure and to determine how different human languages can be.
Assertion – II: Typology is not a theory of language structure.
(A) I is true but II is false.
(B) I is false, but II is true.
(C) Both I and II are false.
(D) Both I and II are true.
Ans: A
16. Assertion – I: Often reduplication has an augmentative meaning.
Assertion – II: It signals an increase in size, frequency or intensity.
(A) Both I and II are false.
(B) Both I and II are true.
(C) I is true and II is false.
(D) I is false and II is true.
Ans: B
17. Match the items in “List – I” with “List – II” and select the correct answer from the codes given below:
List – I List – II
i. Isolating a. Each grammatical category is represented by a separate word.
ii. Polysynthetic b. Words are divided into separate segments with separate grammatical functions.
iii. Agglutinative c. There is a pattern of incorporation or in which affixes realize a range of semantic categories.
iv. Fusional d. There is no clear boundary within the word.
a b c d
(A) i ii iii iv
(B) i iii ii iv
(C) i iv ii iii
(D) iv iii ii i
Ans: B
18. Assertion (A): In GB theory, all lexical categories are phrasal categories.
Reason (R): INFL is not a lexical category, but a phrasal category.
(A) (A) is true, (R) is true.
(B) (A) is true, (R) is false.
(C) (A) is false, (R) is true.
(D) Both (A) and (R) are false.
Ans: A
19. The subject NP of the sentence ‘The former president of the island paradise of utopia smokes’ is
(A) The former president
(B) The former president of the island
(C) The former president of the island paradise of utopia
(D) The former president of the island paradise
Ans: C
20. The sentence ‘which have you seen?’ is derived by
(A) NP-movement
(B) Head movement
(C) Head to head movement
(D) Wh-movement
Ans: D
21. Assertion – I: Acquiring a language involves two distinct skills: the ability to produce speech in a spontaneous way; and the ability to understand the speech of others.
Assertion – II: The traditional comprehension view is that comprehension does not always proceed production.
(A) Both I and II are false.
(B) Both I and II are true.
(C) I is true, II is false.
(D) I is false, II is true.
Ans: C
22. An approach to language teaching that focuses on language functions and communicative competence is named as
(A) Grammatical approach
(B) Functional approach
(C) Communicative approach
(D) Linguistic approach
Ans: C
23. Critical literacy is strongly associated with the work of
(A) Hodge and Kress
(B) Clark and Ivanic
(C) Widdowson
(D) Pant preire
Ans: D
24. Communication between members of different cultural groups, who may bring different language paradises or ways of speaking, and different expectations and cultural understandings to an interaction is called
(A) intercultural communication
(B) Cross-cultural communication
(C) Miscommunication
(D) Mass communication
Ans: A
25. Assertion – I: Error Analysis refers to a branch of Applied
Linguistics that undertakes a systematic study of the errors made by language learners, with a view to characterising the language – learning process.
Assertion – II: In applied linguistics, forms produced by second language learners are not that same from the forms produced by adult first language speakers.
(A) Both I and II are true.
(B) Both I and II are false.
(C) I is true, but II is false.
(D) I is false, but II is true.
Ans: C
26. Match the concepts drawn from Grice’s maxims given in List – I with appropriate inferences given in List – II:
List – I List – II
a. Maxim of manner i. Do not make your contribution more or less informative than required
b. Maxim of quality ii. Be relevant
c. Maxim of quantity iii. Try to make your contribution one that is true
d. Maxim of relevance iv. Be brief and orderly
a b c d
(A) iv iii i ii
(B) ii iv iii i
(C) i ii iv iii
(D) iii i iv ii
Ans: A
27. Assertion – I: According to Basil Bernstein, every speaker has access to the restricted code.
Assertion – II: Only upper class has access to elaborated code.
(A) I and II are true.
(B) I and II are false.
(C) I is true, II is false.
(D) I is false, II is true.
Ans: A
28. In the language contact situation the language that provide most of the lexical items to contact variety is
(A) Lexicalization
(B) Lexical diffusion
(C) Lexifier language
(D) Lexical decision
Ans: C
29. Match the terms coined by linguists in List – I with those of List – II from the codes below:
List – I List – II
a. Corpus planning i. Ureil Weinreich
b. Language planning ii. Charles Ferguson
c. Language determination iii. Robert Cooper
d. Language spread iv. Heinz Kloss
a b c d
(A) iv i ii iii
(B) i ii iii iv
(C) iii iv ii i
(D) ii iii i iv
Ans: A
30. Assertion – I: Bright hypothesizes that ‘conscious’ linguistic change originates in the members of higher social strata, ‘unconscious’ change is natural in all strata where the literacy factor does not intervene.
Assertion – II: Labov hypothesizes that mechanism of linguistic change originates from below, that is, change from below the level of conscious awareness to change from above, that is change brought about consciously.
(A) Both I and II are correct.
(B) Both I and II are wrong.
(C) I is wrong and II is correct.
(D) I is correct and II is wrong.
Ans: A
31. Which one of the following ungrammatical sentences violates the coordinate structure constraint?
(A) Whom does he know a boy who studies?
(B) What did stories about frighten the child?
(C) Whose did you take autograph?
(D) Which boy did you see my sister and?
Ans: C
32. A concentration of acoustic energy, especially distinctive in ‘vowels’ and ‘voiced sounds’ is called
(A) Amplitude
(B) Frequency
(C) Formant
(D) Foot
Ans: C
33. The vocal folds may also be held lightly closed in the air-stream. Just as a blade of grass held between the thumps can be made to produce a rasping sound when air is blown past it, so the vocal folds can produce the sound. The sound produced comes under the category of
(A) Voiced
(B) Voiceless
(C) Whispered
(D) Click
Ans: A
34. “Minimal Pairs” helps in the identification of
(A) Distribution patterns
(B) Pattern congruity
(C) Phonemes
(D) Allosemes
Ans: C
35. In English, the word domestic changes into domesticity, the change can be formulated in one of the following ways:
(A) K -> s / – ti
(B) K -> s / – iti
(C) K -> s / – i
(D) K -> s / – it
Ans: C
36. Choose the stratum – 1 affix in the following:
/ Competitive / adj
(A) – ve
(B) – ive
(C) – tive
(D) – iv
Ans: B
37. A standard language is a prestige variety that
(A) Cuts across regional varieties
(B) is faithful to the historical facts
(C) Is synonymous language standard
(D) Is the grammatical dialect
Ans: A
38. Assertion – I: Social network analysis is the approach in which the researcher concentrates on how language is used to achieve communicative goals in particular social situation.
Assertion – II: Social network analysis is the approach in which the researcher is a participant-observer of a social group and interprets linguistic variation in terms of the kinds and densities of relationships experienced by speakers.
(A) Both I and II are wrong.
(B) Both I and II are right.
(C) I is right and II is wrong.
(D) I is wrong and II is right.
Ans: D
39. Assertion – I: Men and women speak altogether different languages.
Assertion – II: Men and women speak to same language but they may differ in the use of the lexicon.
(A) I and II are true.
(B) I and II are false.
(C) I is true, II is false.
(D) I is false, II is true.
Ans: D
40. “Turn-taking” is the subject matter for organizing conversation patterns in the speech context and groups of speakers is the domain of analysis for
(A) Pragmatics
(B) Sociolinguistics
(C) Ethnography of speaking
(D) Anthropology
Ans: C
41. In sentence ‘John lives here’ the word ‘here’ indicates
(A) Predicative expression
(B) Fixed expression
(C) Indexical expression
(D) Referring expression
Ans: C
42. Assertion – I: The categories of ‘mood’ and ‘tense’ may intersect in various ways.
Assertion – II: A particular model distinction may be drawn in combination with one tense, but neutralised with another.
(A) Only I is true.
(B) Only II is true.
(C) Both I and II are true.
(D) Both I and II are false.
Ans: C
43. The sense relation found in the pairs – cow: animal, rose: flower etc. is termed as
(A) Synonymy
(B) Hyponymy
(C) Antonymy
(D) Homonymy
Ans: B
44. Complete the sentence by choosing the correct item from the following: A ……. is some point of usage for which two or more competing forms are available in a community, with speakers showing interesting and significant differences in the frequency with which they use one or another of these competing forms.
(A) Variety
(B) Reference
(C) Variable
(D) Sense
Ans: C
45. Select the correct order of the books according to the year in which they were published:
i. Meaning and style
ii. Structural semantics
iii. Semantics Volume – I
iv. Semantic Interpretation in
Generative Grammar
(A) i, iii, ii, iv
(B) ii, i, iii, iv
(C) ii, iv, i, iii
(D) iv, i, ii, iii
Ans: C
46. Assertion – I: Translation occurs when a message or text produced in one language is converted into a message or text in another language.
Assertion – II: When used in contrast to “interpreting” translation denotes the conversion of a written text.
(A) I and II are true.
(B) I and II are false.
(C) I is true, but II is false.
(D) I is false, but II is true.
Ans: A
47. The entries in dictionaries are arranged according to a code that is accessible to all without preparation, so that the dictionary can be consulted quickly and easily. The process of coding is known as
(A) Algorithm
(B) Concatenation
(C) Phonetic form
(D) Logical form
Ans: A
48. The use of controlled defining vocabulary and a preference for user friendly style with full sentence defining is found in
(A) Bilingual Dictionary
(B) Historical Dictionary
(C) Etymological Dictionary
(D) Monolingual Learner’s Dictionary (MLD)
Ans: D
49. An affixational process that forms a word with meaning distinct from its base category is known as
(A) Derivation
(B) Suffixation
(C) Prefixation
(D) Inflexion
Ans: A
50. “Walkman” is a compound of the kind
(A) Tatpurusha
(B) Karmadharaya
(C) Bahuvrihi
(D) Dvandva
Ans: C
Assertion – II: Broca’s aphasia = Wernick’s aphasia + amnesia
(A) I is true II is true.
(B) I is false II is true.
(C) I is true II is false.
(D) Both I and II are false.
Ans: C
2. Match the items in List – I with List – II:
List – I List – II
a. Physical phonetic i. Conceptual units without neuromuscular specifications
b. Phonological representations ii. Strict sub categorization
c. Lexical representations iii. Morphome structure and low level phonetic rules
d. Syntactic component iv. Neuromuscular coding
a b c d
(A) ii iii iv i
(B) iv i ii iii
(C) iv iii i ii
(D) i iv iii ii
Ans: C
3. The major proposal ‘regression hypothesis’ was made by Jakobson in the year of
(A) 1969
(B) 1971
(C) 1965
(D) 1978
Ans: B
4. Assertion – I: Until the sixth month, deaf infants continue to babble normally.
Assertion – II: By the age of nine months, deaf infants have last their interest in babbling.
(A) I is correct, II is wrong.
(B) Both I and II are correct.
(C) I is wrong, II is correct.
(D) Both I and II are wrong.
Ans: B
5. Assertion – I: The left hemisphere specializes in rapid small-scale operations.
Assertion – II: The right hemisphere handles large-scale of language.
(A) Both I and II are false.
(B) I is true and II is false.
(C) I is false and II is true.
(D) Both I and II are true.
Ans: A
6. Assertion – I: Proto-language does not allow any dialect variation.
Assertion – II: Proto-language is an abstraction.
(A) I is true, II is false.
(B) I is false, II is true.
(C) Both I and II are true.
(D) Both I and II are false.
Ans: C
7. Match List – I with those of List – II, with the codes given below:
List – I List – II
a. Creole Studies i. William Lobou
b. On-going Sound Change ii. William S.Y. Wads
c. Neo- Grammarian Hypothesis iii. Karl Brogirana and Hermann Osthoff
d. Lexical Diffusion iv. Hugo Schichardt
a b c d
(A) ii i iii iv
(B) iv i iv iii
(C) i ii iii iv
(D) iii iv ii i
Ans: B
8. Assertion – I: Analogy brings about regularity in the paradigm.
Assertion – II: Analogy destroys the paradigmatic regularity.
(A) I and II are false.
(B) I and II are true.
(C) I is false, II is true.
(D) I is true, II is false.
Ans: B
9. The area of historical linguistics which discusses the change the meaning over time is called
(A) Phonological change
(B) Morphological change
(C) Semantic change
(D) Analogical change
Ans: C
10. Arrange the following concepts in chronological order in which they appeared:
(A) Neo-grammarian Hypothesis, On-going Sound Change, Lexical Diffusion, Sturtevant’s Paradox
(B) Lexical Diffusion, Neo-grammarian Hypothesis, Ongoing Sound Change, Sturtevant’s Paradox
(C) On-going Sound Change, Sturtevant’s Paradox, Neo-grammarian Hypothesis, Lexical Diffusion
(D) Neo-grammarian Hypothesis, Sturtevant’s Paradox, On-going Sound Change, Lexical Diffusion
Ans: D
11. Assertion – I: Sound changes cannot be observed while it is in progress.
Assertion – II: Sound change can be observed after it accumulates for over a long period.
(A) Both I and II are true.
(B) Both I and II are false.
(C) I is true, II is false.
(D) I is false, II is true.
Ans: A
12. A non-finite verb form whose main function is to mark adverbial subordination is
(A) Past Participle
(B) Present Participle
(C) Conjunctive Participle
(D) Future Participle
Ans: C
13. “Santhali”, “Mundari” and “Kuruku” belong to which of the following group of Munda family of languages of South Asia?
(A) North Munda
(B) South Munda
(C) Central Munda
(D) Koraput Munda
Ans: A
14. Assertion – I: Greenberg’s first major publication on language universal’s proposed a series of universals of word order and morphological categories.
Assertion – II: Greenberg’s typological approach is often compared to the generative approach of Noam Chomsky.
(A) Both I and II are true.
(B) Both I and II are false.
(C) I is true, but II is false.
(D) I is false, but II is true.
Ans: A
15. Assertion – I: The ultimate goals of typology are to ascertain the ways in which languages are similar in structure and to determine how different human languages can be.
Assertion – II: Typology is not a theory of language structure.
(A) I is true but II is false.
(B) I is false, but II is true.
(C) Both I and II are false.
(D) Both I and II are true.
Ans: A
16. Assertion – I: Often reduplication has an augmentative meaning.
Assertion – II: It signals an increase in size, frequency or intensity.
(A) Both I and II are false.
(B) Both I and II are true.
(C) I is true and II is false.
(D) I is false and II is true.
Ans: B
17. Match the items in “List – I” with “List – II” and select the correct answer from the codes given below:
List – I List – II
i. Isolating a. Each grammatical category is represented by a separate word.
ii. Polysynthetic b. Words are divided into separate segments with separate grammatical functions.
iii. Agglutinative c. There is a pattern of incorporation or in which affixes realize a range of semantic categories.
iv. Fusional d. There is no clear boundary within the word.
a b c d
(A) i ii iii iv
(B) i iii ii iv
(C) i iv ii iii
(D) iv iii ii i
Ans: B
18. Assertion (A): In GB theory, all lexical categories are phrasal categories.
Reason (R): INFL is not a lexical category, but a phrasal category.
(A) (A) is true, (R) is true.
(B) (A) is true, (R) is false.
(C) (A) is false, (R) is true.
(D) Both (A) and (R) are false.
Ans: A
19. The subject NP of the sentence ‘The former president of the island paradise of utopia smokes’ is
(A) The former president
(B) The former president of the island
(C) The former president of the island paradise of utopia
(D) The former president of the island paradise
Ans: C
20. The sentence ‘which have you seen?’ is derived by
(A) NP-movement
(B) Head movement
(C) Head to head movement
(D) Wh-movement
Ans: D
21. Assertion – I: Acquiring a language involves two distinct skills: the ability to produce speech in a spontaneous way; and the ability to understand the speech of others.
Assertion – II: The traditional comprehension view is that comprehension does not always proceed production.
(A) Both I and II are false.
(B) Both I and II are true.
(C) I is true, II is false.
(D) I is false, II is true.
Ans: C
22. An approach to language teaching that focuses on language functions and communicative competence is named as
(A) Grammatical approach
(B) Functional approach
(C) Communicative approach
(D) Linguistic approach
Ans: C
23. Critical literacy is strongly associated with the work of
(A) Hodge and Kress
(B) Clark and Ivanic
(C) Widdowson
(D) Pant preire
Ans: D
24. Communication between members of different cultural groups, who may bring different language paradises or ways of speaking, and different expectations and cultural understandings to an interaction is called
(A) intercultural communication
(B) Cross-cultural communication
(C) Miscommunication
(D) Mass communication
Ans: A
25. Assertion – I: Error Analysis refers to a branch of Applied
Linguistics that undertakes a systematic study of the errors made by language learners, with a view to characterising the language – learning process.
Assertion – II: In applied linguistics, forms produced by second language learners are not that same from the forms produced by adult first language speakers.
(A) Both I and II are true.
(B) Both I and II are false.
(C) I is true, but II is false.
(D) I is false, but II is true.
Ans: C
26. Match the concepts drawn from Grice’s maxims given in List – I with appropriate inferences given in List – II:
List – I List – II
a. Maxim of manner i. Do not make your contribution more or less informative than required
b. Maxim of quality ii. Be relevant
c. Maxim of quantity iii. Try to make your contribution one that is true
d. Maxim of relevance iv. Be brief and orderly
a b c d
(A) iv iii i ii
(B) ii iv iii i
(C) i ii iv iii
(D) iii i iv ii
Ans: A
27. Assertion – I: According to Basil Bernstein, every speaker has access to the restricted code.
Assertion – II: Only upper class has access to elaborated code.
(A) I and II are true.
(B) I and II are false.
(C) I is true, II is false.
(D) I is false, II is true.
Ans: A
28. In the language contact situation the language that provide most of the lexical items to contact variety is
(A) Lexicalization
(B) Lexical diffusion
(C) Lexifier language
(D) Lexical decision
Ans: C
29. Match the terms coined by linguists in List – I with those of List – II from the codes below:
List – I List – II
a. Corpus planning i. Ureil Weinreich
b. Language planning ii. Charles Ferguson
c. Language determination iii. Robert Cooper
d. Language spread iv. Heinz Kloss
a b c d
(A) iv i ii iii
(B) i ii iii iv
(C) iii iv ii i
(D) ii iii i iv
Ans: A
30. Assertion – I: Bright hypothesizes that ‘conscious’ linguistic change originates in the members of higher social strata, ‘unconscious’ change is natural in all strata where the literacy factor does not intervene.
Assertion – II: Labov hypothesizes that mechanism of linguistic change originates from below, that is, change from below the level of conscious awareness to change from above, that is change brought about consciously.
(A) Both I and II are correct.
(B) Both I and II are wrong.
(C) I is wrong and II is correct.
(D) I is correct and II is wrong.
Ans: A
31. Which one of the following ungrammatical sentences violates the coordinate structure constraint?
(A) Whom does he know a boy who studies?
(B) What did stories about frighten the child?
(C) Whose did you take autograph?
(D) Which boy did you see my sister and?
Ans: C
32. A concentration of acoustic energy, especially distinctive in ‘vowels’ and ‘voiced sounds’ is called
(A) Amplitude
(B) Frequency
(C) Formant
(D) Foot
Ans: C
33. The vocal folds may also be held lightly closed in the air-stream. Just as a blade of grass held between the thumps can be made to produce a rasping sound when air is blown past it, so the vocal folds can produce the sound. The sound produced comes under the category of
(A) Voiced
(B) Voiceless
(C) Whispered
(D) Click
Ans: A
34. “Minimal Pairs” helps in the identification of
(A) Distribution patterns
(B) Pattern congruity
(C) Phonemes
(D) Allosemes
Ans: C
35. In English, the word domestic changes into domesticity, the change can be formulated in one of the following ways:
(A) K -> s / – ti
(B) K -> s / – iti
(C) K -> s / – i
(D) K -> s / – it
Ans: C
36. Choose the stratum – 1 affix in the following:
/ Competitive / adj
(A) – ve
(B) – ive
(C) – tive
(D) – iv
Ans: B
37. A standard language is a prestige variety that
(A) Cuts across regional varieties
(B) is faithful to the historical facts
(C) Is synonymous language standard
(D) Is the grammatical dialect
Ans: A
38. Assertion – I: Social network analysis is the approach in which the researcher concentrates on how language is used to achieve communicative goals in particular social situation.
Assertion – II: Social network analysis is the approach in which the researcher is a participant-observer of a social group and interprets linguistic variation in terms of the kinds and densities of relationships experienced by speakers.
(A) Both I and II are wrong.
(B) Both I and II are right.
(C) I is right and II is wrong.
(D) I is wrong and II is right.
Ans: D
39. Assertion – I: Men and women speak altogether different languages.
Assertion – II: Men and women speak to same language but they may differ in the use of the lexicon.
(A) I and II are true.
(B) I and II are false.
(C) I is true, II is false.
(D) I is false, II is true.
Ans: D
40. “Turn-taking” is the subject matter for organizing conversation patterns in the speech context and groups of speakers is the domain of analysis for
(A) Pragmatics
(B) Sociolinguistics
(C) Ethnography of speaking
(D) Anthropology
Ans: C
41. In sentence ‘John lives here’ the word ‘here’ indicates
(A) Predicative expression
(B) Fixed expression
(C) Indexical expression
(D) Referring expression
Ans: C
42. Assertion – I: The categories of ‘mood’ and ‘tense’ may intersect in various ways.
Assertion – II: A particular model distinction may be drawn in combination with one tense, but neutralised with another.
(A) Only I is true.
(B) Only II is true.
(C) Both I and II are true.
(D) Both I and II are false.
Ans: C
43. The sense relation found in the pairs – cow: animal, rose: flower etc. is termed as
(A) Synonymy
(B) Hyponymy
(C) Antonymy
(D) Homonymy
Ans: B
44. Complete the sentence by choosing the correct item from the following: A ……. is some point of usage for which two or more competing forms are available in a community, with speakers showing interesting and significant differences in the frequency with which they use one or another of these competing forms.
(A) Variety
(B) Reference
(C) Variable
(D) Sense
Ans: C
45. Select the correct order of the books according to the year in which they were published:
i. Meaning and style
ii. Structural semantics
iii. Semantics Volume – I
iv. Semantic Interpretation in
Generative Grammar
(A) i, iii, ii, iv
(B) ii, i, iii, iv
(C) ii, iv, i, iii
(D) iv, i, ii, iii
Ans: C
46. Assertion – I: Translation occurs when a message or text produced in one language is converted into a message or text in another language.
Assertion – II: When used in contrast to “interpreting” translation denotes the conversion of a written text.
(A) I and II are true.
(B) I and II are false.
(C) I is true, but II is false.
(D) I is false, but II is true.
Ans: A
47. The entries in dictionaries are arranged according to a code that is accessible to all without preparation, so that the dictionary can be consulted quickly and easily. The process of coding is known as
(A) Algorithm
(B) Concatenation
(C) Phonetic form
(D) Logical form
Ans: A
48. The use of controlled defining vocabulary and a preference for user friendly style with full sentence defining is found in
(A) Bilingual Dictionary
(B) Historical Dictionary
(C) Etymological Dictionary
(D) Monolingual Learner’s Dictionary (MLD)
Ans: D
49. An affixational process that forms a word with meaning distinct from its base category is known as
(A) Derivation
(B) Suffixation
(C) Prefixation
(D) Inflexion
Ans: A
50. “Walkman” is a compound of the kind
(A) Tatpurusha
(B) Karmadharaya
(C) Bahuvrihi
(D) Dvandva
Ans: C
51. Match the items in List – I with those in List – II and select the correct answer from the codes given below:
List – I List – II
a. Meronymy i. The word referring to the whole
b. Holonymy ii. The word referring to the part
c. Hyponymy iii. The word referring to the kind
d. Hypronym iv. The word referring to the inclusive category
a b c d
(A) ii i iv iii
(B) ii i iii iv
(C) iv ii iii i
(D) iii iv ii i
Ans: B
52. Match the items in List – I with those in List – II and select the correct answer from the codes given below:
List – I List – II
a. Lexical ambiguity i. I will meet you in the bank
b. Grammatical ambiguity ii. Ship sails today
c. Both lexical and grammatical ambiguity iii. The chicken is ready to eat
d. Hyperonymic Interpretation iv. Why don’t you bring a friend?
a b c d
(A) i iii ii iv
(B) iv iii i ii
(C) ii iii i iv
(D) iii ii iv i
Ans: A
53. In the sentence “Manmohan Singh arrived in London this morning. He will address the meeting tomorrow”, the type of anaphora used is:
(A) Coreferential anaphora
(B) Non coreferential anaphora
(C) Cataphora
(D) Zero – anaphora
Ans: A
54. The principle that states that the meaning of a complex expression is a compositional function of the meaning of its parts is known as
(A) Semantically opaque
(B) Principle of compositionality
(C) Principle of non-compositionality
(D) Prototypical
Ans: B
55. ‘Move’ in computational linguistics is a
(A) Last report operation
(B) Costly operation
(C) Optional operation
(D) Universal operation
Ans: A
56. Transfer method assumes
(A) One intermediate stage
(B) Two intermediate stages
(C) Three intermediate stages
(D) Four intermediate stages
Ans: B
57. The different word-orders of languages are the result of
(A) Universal grammar
(B) Absolute universals
(C) Parametric variation
(D) Native competence
Ans: C
58. Match the following items in List – I and List – II and select the correct codes given below:
List – I List – II
a. Comparative Method i. Historical Linguistics
b. Participant Observation Method ii. Field Linguistics
c. Direct Method iii. Ethno- Linguistics
d. Method of eliciting data iv. Language teaching
a b c d
(A) i iv iii ii
(B) ii iv iii i
(C) i iii iv ii
(D) iv ii iii i
Ans: C
59. Assertion I: Language loyalty means devotion to preserve the use of a language or the traditional form of a language.
Assertion II: Many first generation immigrants to an alien country are extremely loyal to their first language, but their loyalty may go on decreasing in their children and grand-children.
(A) Both (I) and (II) are true.
(B) (I) is false, but (II) is true.
(C) (I) is true, but (II) is false.
(D) Both (I) and (II) are false.
Ans: A
60. The classical language which has been revived and remarkably developed in modern times is
(A) Vedic Sanskrit
(B) Hebrew
(C) Latin
(D) Homeric Greek
Ans: B
61. A distinction between the ‘elaborated code’ used by the middle class and the ‘restricted code’ used by the working class people was made by
(A) Dell Hymes
(B) William Bright
(C) Basil Bernstein
(D) Peter Trudgill
Ans: C
62. Give the logical sequence of the four parameters of languages planning:
(i) Acceptance
(ii) Selection
(iii) Elaboration of function
(iv) Codification
(A) i iii iv ii
(B) ii i iv iii
(C) iii i ii iv
(D) ii iv i iii
Ans: D
63. Assertion I: Spoken languages go on changing whereas their written forms lag behind.
Assertion II: Standardization of scripts becomes due in course of time.
(A) Both (I) and (II) are true.
(B) (I) is true, but (II) is false.
(C) Both (I) and (II) are false.
(D) (I) is false, but (II) is true.
Ans: A
64. A phrase structure rule specifying the immediate sub-constituents of a given syntactic category or phrase-type is known as
(A) Context sensitive rule
(B) Context free rule
(C) Context-free rewrite rule
(D) Case assignment rule
Ans: C
65. Arrange the following in order in which they appeared. Select the correct answer from the codes below:
(i) DP Hypothesis
(ii) SS Model
(iii) X – bar Theory
(iv) Aspects Model
(A) ii iv iii i
(B) iii iv i ii
(C) i ii iii iv
(D) iv iii ii i
Ans: A
66. Match the following with List – I and List – II and select the correct answer from the codes given below:
List – I List – II
a. Intransitivity i. ram ne sita: kobula: ya:
b. Transitivity ii. ramcae pi: ta: hai
c. Double Transitivity iii. ra:msota: hai
d. Ergative iv. ra:m us kopaisedetahai
a b c d
(A) i ii iii iv
(B) iii ii iv i
(C) iv iii ii i
(D) iii iv i ii
Ans: B
67. Assertion I: The hierarchical structure of the word ‘foolishness’ can be presented as the following:
(((fool) Root + (–ish) DA) Adj. + (–ness) DA) Noun
Assertion II: The hierarchical structure of the word ‘foolishness’ can also be presented as the following:
(A) Both (I) and (II) are disadvantageous.
(B) Both (I) and (II) are advantageous.
(C) (I) is advantageous and (II) is dis-advantageous.
(D) (I) is disadvantageous and (II) isadvantageous.
Answer: (Wrong question)
68. Typologically NIA languages can be said to be characterized by the non-universal phonological features:
(A) Bilabial, Dental and Uvular
(B) Retroflexion, Aspiration and nasalized vowel
(C) Velar, Uvular and Dental
(D) Labio-dental, Uvular and Velar
Ans: B
69. Austro-Asiatic and Dravidian languages do not exhibit
(A) Ergativity
(B) Negativity
(C) Affirmity
(D) Causative
Ans: A
70. Since the South Asian languages except “Khasi” are verb final languages, they share
(A) Anumber of word order universals of SVO languages
(B) Anumber of word order universals of SOV languages
(C) Anumber of word order universals of VSO languages
(D) Anumber of word order universals of OVS languages
Ans: B
71. In Tibeto Burman, Dravidian, Bengali and
Marathi the negative occurs
(A) Post verbally
(B) Pre verbally
(C) Mid verbally
(D) None of the above
Ans: A
72. Match the items in List – I with the items in List – II and choose the correct answer from the codes:
List – I List – II
a. sing – sang i. zero modification
b. sheep –sheep (Pl.) ii. ablant
c. cat – cats iii. suppletion
d. go – went iv. affixation
a b c d
(A) i ii iii iv
(B) iii i ii iv
(C) ii i iv iii
(D) iv iii ii i
Ans: C
73. Match the following List – I and List – II and select the correct answer from the codes given below:
List – I List – II
a. Little attention given to pronunciation i. Directapproach
b. Mother tongue is never used ii. Grammar Translation method
c. Priority in studyingthe TL is first, readingability is second iii. Audio-lingualmethod
d. Principles of behaviour psychology iv. Reading approach
a b c d
(A) ii i iv iii
(B) i ii iii iv
(C) iii iv i ii
(D) iv iii i ii
Ans: A
74. In Santhali ‘manjhi’ means ‘headman’ whereas mapanjhi means its plural form i.e. headmen. This is an example of
(A) Prefixation
(B) Suffixation
(C) Infixation
(D) Simulfixation
Ans: C
75. ‘Teach language, not about language’ is one of the basic tenets of
(A) Direct method
(B) Audio-lingual method
(C) Grammar translation method
(D) Communicative method
Ans: B
76. The IPA symbol [y] stands for
(A) Front close unrounded vowel
(B) Central close unrounded vowel
(C) Front midway between close and close-mid vowel
(D) Front close rounded vowel
Ans: D
77. Affricates involve
(A) Close approximation
(B) Open approximation
(C) Zero strictures
(D) Zero stricture and close approximation
Ans: D
78. Closed velum acts as the initiator in the articulation of
(A) Plosives
(B) Clicks
(C) Implosives
(D) Ejectives
Ans: B
79. Chomsky’s ‘The Logical Structure of Linguistic Theory’ was published in the year
(A) 1965
(B) 1975
(C) 1962
(D) 1955
Ans: B
80. Following the order of Linguistic Theory, select the correct sequence:
(A) Competence – Acquisition – Performance
(B) Acquisition – Competence – Performance
(C) Performance – Acquisition – Competence
(D) Competence – Performance – Acquisition
Ans: A
81. The sub-disciplines of Philosophy are given below. Identify the odd item from the following:
(A) Epigraphy
(B) Paleography
(C) Logographic
(D) Ideograms
Ans: D
82. B.F. Skinner’s famous theory published in the year 1957 is
(A) Behavioural Theory
(B) Mentalist Theory
(C) Verbal Theory
(D) Rational Theory
Ans: C
83. Assertion (I): The term langue and parole has been coined by de Sanssure.
Assertion (II): Noam Chomsky’s more recent distinction between competence and performance is analogous.
(A) Both (I) and (II) are true.
(B) Both (I) and (II) are false.
(C) (I) is true and (II) is false.
(D) (I) is false and (II) is true.
Ans: A
84. A process that re–orders a sequence of segments is called
(A) Assimilation
(B) Dissimilation
(C) Juxtaposition
(D) Metathesis
Ans: D
85. Assertion (I): For second language learners, the situation of learn ability is similar, but not identical.
Assertion (II): In the naturalistic approach, investigators observe and record children’s spontaneous utterances occasionally.
(A) Both (I) and (II) are true.
(B) Both (I) and (II) are false.
(C) (I) is true and (II) is false.
(D) (I) is false and (II) is true.
Ans: C
86. Chomsky’s theory developed the distinction became increasingly artificial is called
(A) Formal universal
(B) Substantive Universal
(C) Universal Grammar
(D) Universal Quantifier
Ans: B
87. Match the items from List – I with those in the List – II:
List – I List – II
(a) Declarative (i) Request
(b) Imperative (ii) Question
(c) Interrogative (iii) Answer
(d) Responsive (iv) Statement
(a) (b) (c) (d)
(A) (i) (ii) (iii) (iv)
(B) (iii) (ii) (i) (iv)
(C) (iv) (i) (ii) (iii)
(D) (iv) (ii) (iii) (i)
Ans: C
88. Assertion (I): Polysemy refers to cases where a lexeme has more than one meaning.
Assertion (II): Chip can mean a piece of wood, food or electronic circuit.
(A) (I) is correct and (II) is wrong.
(B) Both (I) and (II) are wrong.
(C) (I) is wrong and (II) is correct.
(D) Both (I) and (II) are correct.
Ans: B
89. In the sentence will you marry me?
The transformation involved is
(A) NP-Auxiliary inversion
(B) Auxiliary movement
(C) Wh-movement
(D) NP-movement
Ans: A
90. Choose the correct order:
(A) Semantics – Phonology – Syntax – Morphology
(B) Phonology – Morphology – Semantics – Syntax
(C) Phonology – Morphology – Syntax – Semantics
(D) Morphology – Syntax – Semantics – Phonology
Ans: C
91. Choose the correct year of publication of the book ‘The Minimalist Program’.
(A) 1975
(B) 1981
(C) 1977
(D) 1995
Ans: D
92. Assertion (I): “Sense” and “reference” denote the same concept.
Assertion (II): “Sense” and “reference” denote different concepts.
(A) (I) is correct.
(B) (II) is correct.
(C) Both (I) and (II) are false.
(D) Both (I) and (II) are correct.
Ans: B
93. ‘I apologize for calling you a communist.’ This sentence _______ that being a communist is bad.
Complete this sentence by choosing one of the words given below.
(A) Implies
(B) Presupposes
(C) Entails
(D) Reveals
Ans: B
94. Assertion (i) ‘Emotive meaning’ and ‘referential meaning’ convey the same concept.
Assertion (ii) ‘Emotive meaning’ and ‘referential meaning’ convey different concepts.
(A) Only (i) is correct.
(B) Only (ii) is correct.
(C) Both (i) and (ii) are wrong.
(D) Both (i) and (ii) are correct.
Ans: B
95. The term ‘Generative grammar’ means:
(i) An explicit grammar
(ii) A grammar which generates all and only the correct structures of a language on the basis of small number of linguistics units and rules.
(A) Only (i) is true.
(B) Only (ii) is true.
(C) Both (i) and (ii) are false.
(D) Both (i) and (ii) are true.
Ans: D
96. Match the items in List – I with those in List – II. Select the correct answer from the codes given below:
List – I List – II
(a) English Syntax (i) Noam Chomsky
(b) An Introduction to Theoretical Linguistics (ii) Andrew Redford
(c) Exploring Semantic Structures (iii) Nide E.
(d) Aspects of the theory of syntax (iv) John Lyons
(a) (b) (c) (d)
(A) (i) (ii) (iii) (iv)
(B) (ii) (iii) (iv) (i)
(C) (ii) (iv) (iii) (i)
(D) (i) (iii) (iv) (ii)
Ans: C
97. The notion of “phatic communion” was introduced by
(A) Dell Hyanes
(B) B. Malinowski
(C) J. Fishman
(D) Michael Stubbs
Ans: B
98. A symbol in writing which represents a sound or sequence of sounds is termed as
(A) Logogram
(B) Transcription
(C) Phonogram
(D) Phonic medium
Ans: C
99. The suppression in one position in a word or syllable of an opposition between phonemes operative in other positions is termed as
(A) Syllabification
(B) Neutralization
(C) Velarization
(D) Pheryngealization
Ans: B
100. Words having an internal structure consisting of smaller units generally are known as
(A) Phoneme
(B) Morpheme
(C) Allophone
(D) Allomorph
Ans: B
List – I List – II
a. Meronymy i. The word referring to the whole
b. Holonymy ii. The word referring to the part
c. Hyponymy iii. The word referring to the kind
d. Hypronym iv. The word referring to the inclusive category
a b c d
(A) ii i iv iii
(B) ii i iii iv
(C) iv ii iii i
(D) iii iv ii i
Ans: B
52. Match the items in List – I with those in List – II and select the correct answer from the codes given below:
List – I List – II
a. Lexical ambiguity i. I will meet you in the bank
b. Grammatical ambiguity ii. Ship sails today
c. Both lexical and grammatical ambiguity iii. The chicken is ready to eat
d. Hyperonymic Interpretation iv. Why don’t you bring a friend?
a b c d
(A) i iii ii iv
(B) iv iii i ii
(C) ii iii i iv
(D) iii ii iv i
Ans: A
53. In the sentence “Manmohan Singh arrived in London this morning. He will address the meeting tomorrow”, the type of anaphora used is:
(A) Coreferential anaphora
(B) Non coreferential anaphora
(C) Cataphora
(D) Zero – anaphora
Ans: A
54. The principle that states that the meaning of a complex expression is a compositional function of the meaning of its parts is known as
(A) Semantically opaque
(B) Principle of compositionality
(C) Principle of non-compositionality
(D) Prototypical
Ans: B
55. ‘Move’ in computational linguistics is a
(A) Last report operation
(B) Costly operation
(C) Optional operation
(D) Universal operation
Ans: A
56. Transfer method assumes
(A) One intermediate stage
(B) Two intermediate stages
(C) Three intermediate stages
(D) Four intermediate stages
Ans: B
57. The different word-orders of languages are the result of
(A) Universal grammar
(B) Absolute universals
(C) Parametric variation
(D) Native competence
Ans: C
58. Match the following items in List – I and List – II and select the correct codes given below:
List – I List – II
a. Comparative Method i. Historical Linguistics
b. Participant Observation Method ii. Field Linguistics
c. Direct Method iii. Ethno- Linguistics
d. Method of eliciting data iv. Language teaching
a b c d
(A) i iv iii ii
(B) ii iv iii i
(C) i iii iv ii
(D) iv ii iii i
Ans: C
59. Assertion I: Language loyalty means devotion to preserve the use of a language or the traditional form of a language.
Assertion II: Many first generation immigrants to an alien country are extremely loyal to their first language, but their loyalty may go on decreasing in their children and grand-children.
(A) Both (I) and (II) are true.
(B) (I) is false, but (II) is true.
(C) (I) is true, but (II) is false.
(D) Both (I) and (II) are false.
Ans: A
60. The classical language which has been revived and remarkably developed in modern times is
(A) Vedic Sanskrit
(B) Hebrew
(C) Latin
(D) Homeric Greek
Ans: B
61. A distinction between the ‘elaborated code’ used by the middle class and the ‘restricted code’ used by the working class people was made by
(A) Dell Hymes
(B) William Bright
(C) Basil Bernstein
(D) Peter Trudgill
Ans: C
62. Give the logical sequence of the four parameters of languages planning:
(i) Acceptance
(ii) Selection
(iii) Elaboration of function
(iv) Codification
(A) i iii iv ii
(B) ii i iv iii
(C) iii i ii iv
(D) ii iv i iii
Ans: D
63. Assertion I: Spoken languages go on changing whereas their written forms lag behind.
Assertion II: Standardization of scripts becomes due in course of time.
(A) Both (I) and (II) are true.
(B) (I) is true, but (II) is false.
(C) Both (I) and (II) are false.
(D) (I) is false, but (II) is true.
Ans: A
64. A phrase structure rule specifying the immediate sub-constituents of a given syntactic category or phrase-type is known as
(A) Context sensitive rule
(B) Context free rule
(C) Context-free rewrite rule
(D) Case assignment rule
Ans: C
65. Arrange the following in order in which they appeared. Select the correct answer from the codes below:
(i) DP Hypothesis
(ii) SS Model
(iii) X – bar Theory
(iv) Aspects Model
(A) ii iv iii i
(B) iii iv i ii
(C) i ii iii iv
(D) iv iii ii i
Ans: A
66. Match the following with List – I and List – II and select the correct answer from the codes given below:
List – I List – II
a. Intransitivity i. ram ne sita: kobula: ya:
b. Transitivity ii. ramcae pi: ta: hai
c. Double Transitivity iii. ra:msota: hai
d. Ergative iv. ra:m us kopaisedetahai
a b c d
(A) i ii iii iv
(B) iii ii iv i
(C) iv iii ii i
(D) iii iv i ii
Ans: B
67. Assertion I: The hierarchical structure of the word ‘foolishness’ can be presented as the following:
(((fool) Root + (–ish) DA) Adj. + (–ness) DA) Noun
Assertion II: The hierarchical structure of the word ‘foolishness’ can also be presented as the following:
(A) Both (I) and (II) are disadvantageous.
(B) Both (I) and (II) are advantageous.
(C) (I) is advantageous and (II) is dis-advantageous.
(D) (I) is disadvantageous and (II) isadvantageous.
Answer: (Wrong question)
68. Typologically NIA languages can be said to be characterized by the non-universal phonological features:
(A) Bilabial, Dental and Uvular
(B) Retroflexion, Aspiration and nasalized vowel
(C) Velar, Uvular and Dental
(D) Labio-dental, Uvular and Velar
Ans: B
69. Austro-Asiatic and Dravidian languages do not exhibit
(A) Ergativity
(B) Negativity
(C) Affirmity
(D) Causative
Ans: A
70. Since the South Asian languages except “Khasi” are verb final languages, they share
(A) Anumber of word order universals of SVO languages
(B) Anumber of word order universals of SOV languages
(C) Anumber of word order universals of VSO languages
(D) Anumber of word order universals of OVS languages
Ans: B
71. In Tibeto Burman, Dravidian, Bengali and
Marathi the negative occurs
(A) Post verbally
(B) Pre verbally
(C) Mid verbally
(D) None of the above
Ans: A
72. Match the items in List – I with the items in List – II and choose the correct answer from the codes:
List – I List – II
a. sing – sang i. zero modification
b. sheep –sheep (Pl.) ii. ablant
c. cat – cats iii. suppletion
d. go – went iv. affixation
a b c d
(A) i ii iii iv
(B) iii i ii iv
(C) ii i iv iii
(D) iv iii ii i
Ans: C
73. Match the following List – I and List – II and select the correct answer from the codes given below:
List – I List – II
a. Little attention given to pronunciation i. Directapproach
b. Mother tongue is never used ii. Grammar Translation method
c. Priority in studyingthe TL is first, readingability is second iii. Audio-lingualmethod
d. Principles of behaviour psychology iv. Reading approach
a b c d
(A) ii i iv iii
(B) i ii iii iv
(C) iii iv i ii
(D) iv iii i ii
Ans: A
74. In Santhali ‘manjhi’ means ‘headman’ whereas mapanjhi means its plural form i.e. headmen. This is an example of
(A) Prefixation
(B) Suffixation
(C) Infixation
(D) Simulfixation
Ans: C
75. ‘Teach language, not about language’ is one of the basic tenets of
(A) Direct method
(B) Audio-lingual method
(C) Grammar translation method
(D) Communicative method
Ans: B
76. The IPA symbol [y] stands for
(A) Front close unrounded vowel
(B) Central close unrounded vowel
(C) Front midway between close and close-mid vowel
(D) Front close rounded vowel
Ans: D
77. Affricates involve
(A) Close approximation
(B) Open approximation
(C) Zero strictures
(D) Zero stricture and close approximation
Ans: D
78. Closed velum acts as the initiator in the articulation of
(A) Plosives
(B) Clicks
(C) Implosives
(D) Ejectives
Ans: B
79. Chomsky’s ‘The Logical Structure of Linguistic Theory’ was published in the year
(A) 1965
(B) 1975
(C) 1962
(D) 1955
Ans: B
80. Following the order of Linguistic Theory, select the correct sequence:
(A) Competence – Acquisition – Performance
(B) Acquisition – Competence – Performance
(C) Performance – Acquisition – Competence
(D) Competence – Performance – Acquisition
Ans: A
81. The sub-disciplines of Philosophy are given below. Identify the odd item from the following:
(A) Epigraphy
(B) Paleography
(C) Logographic
(D) Ideograms
Ans: D
82. B.F. Skinner’s famous theory published in the year 1957 is
(A) Behavioural Theory
(B) Mentalist Theory
(C) Verbal Theory
(D) Rational Theory
Ans: C
83. Assertion (I): The term langue and parole has been coined by de Sanssure.
Assertion (II): Noam Chomsky’s more recent distinction between competence and performance is analogous.
(A) Both (I) and (II) are true.
(B) Both (I) and (II) are false.
(C) (I) is true and (II) is false.
(D) (I) is false and (II) is true.
Ans: A
84. A process that re–orders a sequence of segments is called
(A) Assimilation
(B) Dissimilation
(C) Juxtaposition
(D) Metathesis
Ans: D
85. Assertion (I): For second language learners, the situation of learn ability is similar, but not identical.
Assertion (II): In the naturalistic approach, investigators observe and record children’s spontaneous utterances occasionally.
(A) Both (I) and (II) are true.
(B) Both (I) and (II) are false.
(C) (I) is true and (II) is false.
(D) (I) is false and (II) is true.
Ans: C
86. Chomsky’s theory developed the distinction became increasingly artificial is called
(A) Formal universal
(B) Substantive Universal
(C) Universal Grammar
(D) Universal Quantifier
Ans: B
87. Match the items from List – I with those in the List – II:
List – I List – II
(a) Declarative (i) Request
(b) Imperative (ii) Question
(c) Interrogative (iii) Answer
(d) Responsive (iv) Statement
(a) (b) (c) (d)
(A) (i) (ii) (iii) (iv)
(B) (iii) (ii) (i) (iv)
(C) (iv) (i) (ii) (iii)
(D) (iv) (ii) (iii) (i)
Ans: C
88. Assertion (I): Polysemy refers to cases where a lexeme has more than one meaning.
Assertion (II): Chip can mean a piece of wood, food or electronic circuit.
(A) (I) is correct and (II) is wrong.
(B) Both (I) and (II) are wrong.
(C) (I) is wrong and (II) is correct.
(D) Both (I) and (II) are correct.
Ans: B
89. In the sentence will you marry me?
The transformation involved is
(A) NP-Auxiliary inversion
(B) Auxiliary movement
(C) Wh-movement
(D) NP-movement
Ans: A
90. Choose the correct order:
(A) Semantics – Phonology – Syntax – Morphology
(B) Phonology – Morphology – Semantics – Syntax
(C) Phonology – Morphology – Syntax – Semantics
(D) Morphology – Syntax – Semantics – Phonology
Ans: C
91. Choose the correct year of publication of the book ‘The Minimalist Program’.
(A) 1975
(B) 1981
(C) 1977
(D) 1995
Ans: D
92. Assertion (I): “Sense” and “reference” denote the same concept.
Assertion (II): “Sense” and “reference” denote different concepts.
(A) (I) is correct.
(B) (II) is correct.
(C) Both (I) and (II) are false.
(D) Both (I) and (II) are correct.
Ans: B
93. ‘I apologize for calling you a communist.’ This sentence _______ that being a communist is bad.
Complete this sentence by choosing one of the words given below.
(A) Implies
(B) Presupposes
(C) Entails
(D) Reveals
Ans: B
94. Assertion (i) ‘Emotive meaning’ and ‘referential meaning’ convey the same concept.
Assertion (ii) ‘Emotive meaning’ and ‘referential meaning’ convey different concepts.
(A) Only (i) is correct.
(B) Only (ii) is correct.
(C) Both (i) and (ii) are wrong.
(D) Both (i) and (ii) are correct.
Ans: B
95. The term ‘Generative grammar’ means:
(i) An explicit grammar
(ii) A grammar which generates all and only the correct structures of a language on the basis of small number of linguistics units and rules.
(A) Only (i) is true.
(B) Only (ii) is true.
(C) Both (i) and (ii) are false.
(D) Both (i) and (ii) are true.
Ans: D
96. Match the items in List – I with those in List – II. Select the correct answer from the codes given below:
List – I List – II
(a) English Syntax (i) Noam Chomsky
(b) An Introduction to Theoretical Linguistics (ii) Andrew Redford
(c) Exploring Semantic Structures (iii) Nide E.
(d) Aspects of the theory of syntax (iv) John Lyons
(a) (b) (c) (d)
(A) (i) (ii) (iii) (iv)
(B) (ii) (iii) (iv) (i)
(C) (ii) (iv) (iii) (i)
(D) (i) (iii) (iv) (ii)
Ans: C
97. The notion of “phatic communion” was introduced by
(A) Dell Hyanes
(B) B. Malinowski
(C) J. Fishman
(D) Michael Stubbs
Ans: B
98. A symbol in writing which represents a sound or sequence of sounds is termed as
(A) Logogram
(B) Transcription
(C) Phonogram
(D) Phonic medium
Ans: C
99. The suppression in one position in a word or syllable of an opposition between phonemes operative in other positions is termed as
(A) Syllabification
(B) Neutralization
(C) Velarization
(D) Pheryngealization
Ans: B
100. Words having an internal structure consisting of smaller units generally are known as
(A) Phoneme
(B) Morpheme
(C) Allophone
(D) Allomorph
Ans: B