- Which century is wonderful in Indian history? 6th
- What led to the rise of Jainism and Buddhism in India? religious unrest in India in the 6th century B.C.
- Name the social division of Buddha and Mahavira. Kshatriya.
- Name the 24th Tirthankara of the Jain tradition. Vardhamana Mahavira
- Name the birthplace of Vardhamana Mahavira. Kundagrama near Vaisali
- Name the father and mother of Vardhamana Mahavira. Siddhartha and Trisala
- Name the wife of Vardhamana Mahavira. Yasoda
- What is the highest spiritual knowledge attained by Vardhamana Mahavir? Kevala Gnana
- What is the other name of Mahavira? Jina
- Who is the founder of Jainism? Vardhamana Mahavira
- At what age, did Vardhamana Mahavira died and where? 72. Pava near Rajagriha
- What are the three gems/principles of Jainism? right faith -right knowledge -right conduct
- What are the five vows of Right to conduct in Jainism? not to injure life -not to lie -not to steal -not to acquire property -not to lead immoral life.
- In which religion, the practice of agriculture was considered sinful? Jainism
- In which religion, the practice of starvation, nudity and self-torture were carried out? Jainism
- Name the divisions of Jainism? Svetambaras (whiteclad) and Digambaras (Sky-clad or Naked).
- Who is responsible for the division of Jainism? Monk Sthulabahu
- Where was the first Jain Council held? Who is the head? When? Pataliputra. Sthulabahu. beginning of the 3rd century B.C
- Who is the leader of the Digambaras? Sthulabahu
- Where was the second Jain Council held? When? Valabhi. 5th century A.D
- Name the final compilation of Jain literature. Twelve Angas
- When was the Twelve Angas completed? 5th century A.D
- What is the other name of Gautama Buddha? Siddhartha
- Who is the founder of Buddhism? Gautama Buddha
- When did Buddha born? 567 B.C.
- Name the birth place of Buddha. Lumbini Garden near Kapilavastu
- Name the parents of Gautama Buddha. Suddodhana and Mayadevi
- Who brought up Buddha? His aunt Prajapati Gautami
- Name the wife of Buddha. Yasodhara
- Name the son of Buddha. Rahula
- Where and when did Buddha attain Enlightenment (Nirvana)? bodhi tree at Bodh Gaya. Age: 35
- What is the meaning of the word Buddha? ‘the Enlightened One’
- Where did Buddha give his first sermon? Sarnath near Benares
- Where and when did Buddha died? Age 80 (Year: 487 B.C.) Kusinagara
- Name few disciples of Buddha. Sariputta, Moggallanna, Ananda, Kassapa and Upali
- Which kings became disciples of Buddha? Prasenajit of Kosala and Bimbisara and Ajatasatru of Magadha
- According to Buddha, what is the cause of suffering? Desire
- What are the Eightfold Paths of Buddha? right view, right resolve, right speech, right conduct, right livelihood, right effort, right mindfulness and right concentration
- What are the two kinds of disciples of Buddhism? monks (bhikshus) and lay worshippers (upasikas)
- Name few famous monks of Buddhism. Sariputta, Moggallana and Ananda
- Name few Indian states that embraced Buddhism. Magadha, Kosala, Kausambi
- Name the Mauryan Emperor who embraced Buddhism. Asoka
- Name the foreign countries where Asoka spread Buddhism. West Asia and Ceylon
- Where did the first Buddhist Council held? Rajagraha
- Who was the head of the first Buddhist Council? Mahakasapa
- Where and when did the second Buddhist Council held? Vaisali around 383 B.C.
- Name the emperor who supported the third Buddhist Council? Asoka
- Where did the third Buddhist Council held? Pataliputra
- Who is the head of the third Buddhist Council? Moggaliputta Tissa
- In which Buddhist council the Tripitakas was completed? Third
- Who organised the fourth Buddhist Council? Kanishka
- Where did the fourth Buddhist Council held? Kashmir
- Who is the chairman of the fourth Buddhist Council? Vasumitra
- Who participated in the fourth Buddhist Council? Asvagosha
- In which council, Mahayana Buddhism came into existence? Fourth Buddhist Council
- Name the Buddhism that is preached/ propagated by Asoka. Hinayana
- Name the Tripitakas of Buddhism. The Sutta, the Vinaya and the Abhidhamma Pitakas
- In which language, Tripitakas was written? Pali
- In India, the revival of Brahmanism and the rise of Bhagavatism led to the fall of which religion? Buddhism
- Name the language adopted by Buddhism from the 1st century A.D? Sanskrit
- Which invaders destroyed the Buddhist monasteries in 12th century? Turkish
- What is the chief contribution of Buddhism to India? Ahimsa
- Name few residential universities in India. Taxila, Nalanda and Vikramasila
- Indian History
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