1. Assertion (A): The shifting of NMR signals is known as ‘chemical shift’.
Reason (R): The ‘chemical shifts’ occur due to shielding and de-shielding by electrons.
(A) (A) is correct, but (R) is incorrect.
(B) (R) is correct, but (A) is incorrect.
(C) Both (A) and (R) are correct.
(D) Both (A) & (R) are incorrect.
Ans: C
2. Which of the following is used as a detector in HPLC?
(A) Photovoltaic cell
(B) Phototubes
(C) Electrochemical detector
(D) Photomultiplier tubes
Ans: C
3. A carrier gas in GLC should have the following characteristics except
(A) It should be inert
(B) It should be mixtures of gases
(C) It should be easily available
(D) It should not cause explosion or fire
Ans: B
4. The name ‘Keeler’ is associated with
(A) Chromatograph
(B) Polygraph
(C) Spectrograph
(D) Monograph
Ans: B
5. Which of the following witness can be asked a leading question during examination-in-chief?
(A) Common witness
(B) Expert witness
(C) Hostile witness
(D) None of the above
Ans: C
6. Exhumation means
(A) Execution of a death sentence
(B) Examination of skeletal remains
(C) Digging out of a buried body
(D) Injecting formalin into body for preservation
Ans: C
7. In the case of firing through windowpane glass, spiral fractures are found on
(A) Side of impact
(B) Other side of impact
(C) Edge of fractured sheet
(D) Edge of the shattered glass
Ans: A
8. ‘Expert’ is defined in the following section:
(A) 145 of Indian Evidence Act
(B) 45 of Indian Evidence Act
(C) 145 of Criminal Procedure Code
(D) 45 of Indian Penal Code
Ans: B
9. Assertion (A): While taking the photograph of the dead body at the scene of offence a scale should be put by the side of the body.
Reason (R): It would help to calculate the total height of the person.
(A) Both (A) and (R) are correct.
(B) (A) is correct, but (R) is incorrect.
(C) Both (A) and (R) are incorrect.
(D) (A) is incorrect, but (R) is correct.
Ans: B
10. Which of the following is the most important component for the individualization of hair?
(A) Follicular tag
(B) Cuticle
(C) Medulla
(D) Cortex
Ans: A
11. Which are the natural fibres?
(A) Cotton, jute, wool, hemp
(B) Cotton, nylon, rayon, wool
(C) Silk, jute, polyester, cotton
(D) Rayon, silk, hemp, polyester
Ans: A
12. Jaffe test for urine is a reaction between
(A) creatinine and picric acid
(B) Urea and ammonium hydroxide
(C) Urea and picric acid
(D) creatinine and ammonium hydroxide
Ans: A
13. Which of the following is a pigment found in faecal matter?
(A) Titanium oxide
(B) Urobilinogen
(C) Creatinine
(D) Keratin
Ans: B
14. Vaginal secretions can be characterised on the basis of the following:
(A) Glycogenated epithelial cells
(B) Papillary cells
(C) Squamous cells
(D) Elongated cells
Ans: A
15. Presence of colostrum in milk is indicative of
(A) Ovariantumours
(B) False pregnancy
(C) Recent delivery
(D) Uterinetumour
Ans: C
16. Precipitin Test is performed to determine
(A) Species of origin
(B) Sex of origin
(C) Age of origin
(D) All of the above
Ans: A
17. The working of Polilight is based on ______.
(A) Alternate light source
(B) U.V. light source
(C) I.R. radiation source
(D) Near I.R. radiation source
Ans: A
18. Guided-hand writing is also known as ________.
(A) Skilled handwriting
(B) Assisted handwriting
(C) Forged handwriting
(D) Traced handwriting
Ans: B
19. Graphology can be defined asexamination of handwriting for purpose of determining ________.
(A) Sex of the writer
(B) Stature of the writer
(C) Age of the writer
(D) Personality of the writer
Ans: D
20. Pica type of typewriter types _______.
(A) 10 characters per inch
(B) 12 characters per inch
(C) 15 characters per inch
(D) 9 characters per inch
Ans: A
21. Grazing angle in case of oblique light examination of documents pertains to _______.
(A) 10° – 15°
(B) 20° – 25°
(C) 25° – 30°
(D) 30° – 35°
Ans: A
22. Indented writings on paper can be deciphered by ________.
(A) Electrophoresis
(B) Electrostatic Detection Apparatus
(C) Electroplating
(D) Electrolysis
Ans: B
23. The length is the greatest dimension in which of the following wounds?
(A) Chop wound
(B) Contusion
(C) Incised wound
(D) Stab wound
Ans: C
24. ACE-V in fingerprints terminology stands for _______.
(A) Association, comparison, evaluation, verification
(B) Analysis, comparison, expertise, verification
(C) Analysis, correlation evaluation, verification
(D) Analysis, comparison, evaluation, verification
Ans: D
25. Blobbing can be found in writings written with_______.
(A) Fountain pen
(B) Ball point pen
(C) Sketch pen
(D) Roller pen
Ans: B
26. Foot prints on wooden floor may be collected by
(A) Electrostatic method
(B) Plaster of paris
(C) Sulphur
(D) All of the above
Ans: A
27. The most suitable method for preservation of surface foot print is
(A) Tracing
(B) Wax cast
(C) Plaster of paris cast
(D) All of above
Ans: A
28. The refractive index of glass is determined by
(A) Becke line method
(B) Free floatation method
(C) Pulfritchrefractometer
(D) Density gradient tube method
Ans: A
29. Nigrosine Ink is obtained from
(A) Plant
(B) Coloured dyes
(C) Carbon
(D) Coal tar
Ans: D
30. Assertion (A): Organic contents of the soil help in ascertaining the source of the soil.
Reason (R): The organic components of soil from different sources are different in nature.
(A) (A) is correct, but (R) is incorrect.
(B) (R) is correct, but (A) is incorrect.
(C) Both (A) and (R) are correct.
(D) Both(A) and (R) are incorrect.
Ans: C
31. The following form of paint sample is most suitable clue in forensic paint analysis:
(A) Paint smear
(B) Paint dust
(C) Paint streak
(D) Paint chip
Ans: D
32. Match the following:
List – I List – II
a. Vegetable fibre i. Asbestos
b. Animal fibre ii. Cotton
c. Mineral fibre iii. Acrylic
d. Synthetic fibre iv. Angora
a b c d
(A) iv ii i iii
(B) i iv iii ii
(C) ii iv iii i
(D) ii iv i iii
Ans: D
33. Linen fibre posseses
(A) Medulla
(B) Hollow tube in centre
(C) Nodes
(D) Twist
Ans: C
34. Gait pattern comprises
(A) Step length
(B) Foot angle
(C) Footwear mark
(D) Movement line
Answer: (Wrong question)
35. Drill marks are
(A) Single action striation mark
(B) Compression mark
(C) Repeated action striation mark
(D) Mixed marks
Ans: C
36. Sodium fluoride that is used as a preservative for blood samples inhibits the enzyme
(A) Enolase
(B) Esterase
(C) Peptidase
(D) Phosphokinase
Ans: A
37. Post-mortem caloricity means
(A) Colour change of the bodybefore death
(B) Colour change of the body after death
(C) Fall of temperature before death
(D) Rise of temperature after death
Ans: D
38. Suspended animation may be seen in which of the following type of deaths?
(a) Burns
(b) Drowning
(c) Hanging
(d) Electrocution
(A) (a) and (b) are correct.
(B) (b) and (c) are correct.
(C) (a) and (d) are correct.
(D) (b) and (d) are correct.
Ans: D
39. Assertion (A): The colour of lividity in carbon-mono oxide poisoning is cherry red.
Reason (R): Because of the binding of carbon to hemoglobin.
(A) (A) is correct, but (R) is incorrect.
(B) Both (A) and (R) are correct.
(C) (A) is incorrect, but (R) is correct.
(D) Both (A) and (R) are incorrect.
Ans: A
40. Caffey Syndrome is related with
(A) Child abuse
(B) Husband abuse
(C) Wife abuse
(D) Harassment at work place
Ans: A
41. Post-mortem lividity helps in the determination of the following except
(A) Cause of death
(B) Motive for death
(C) Position of death
(D) Time of death
Ans: B
42. In a case of hanging, if the knot is situated at the occipital region, is called
(A) Atypical
(B) Complete
(C) Partial
(D) Typical
Ans: D
43. Which of the following organs is most suitable for diatom test?
(A) Jejunum
(B) Lungs
(C) Stomach
(D) Sternum
Ans: D
44. The yellowish discoloration of a healing contusion is due to
(A) Bilirubin
(B) Hematoidin
(C) Hemosiderin
(D) Oxyhemoglobin
Ans: A
45. Hesitation marks or tentative cuts is a feature seen in
(A) Accidents
(B) Suicides
(C) Homicides
(D) Fall from height
Ans: B
46. The first permanent tooth to erupt is
(A) Lateral incisor
(B) Bicuspid – II
(C) Molar I
(D) Molar II
Ans: C
47.Taurodontism is a feature seen among
(A) Caucassians
(B) Indians
(C) Mongoloids
(D) Negroids
Ans: C
48. Which of the following is not a prominent feature of male skull?
(A) Glabella
(B) Frontal eminence
(C) Supra orbital ridge
(D) Zygomatic arch
Ans: B
49. Sharpey’s fibres that join ligaments in holding a tooth in the socket are present in
(A) Cementum
(B) Enamel
(C) Gingiva
(D) Dentin
Ans: A
50. The radiological study of skeletal remains for age estimation is based on the fusion of
(A) Epiphysis
(B) Anaphylaxis
(C) Metaphase
(D) Telophase
Ans: A
Reason (R): The ‘chemical shifts’ occur due to shielding and de-shielding by electrons.
(A) (A) is correct, but (R) is incorrect.
(B) (R) is correct, but (A) is incorrect.
(C) Both (A) and (R) are correct.
(D) Both (A) & (R) are incorrect.
Ans: C
2. Which of the following is used as a detector in HPLC?
(A) Photovoltaic cell
(B) Phototubes
(C) Electrochemical detector
(D) Photomultiplier tubes
Ans: C
3. A carrier gas in GLC should have the following characteristics except
(A) It should be inert
(B) It should be mixtures of gases
(C) It should be easily available
(D) It should not cause explosion or fire
Ans: B
4. The name ‘Keeler’ is associated with
(A) Chromatograph
(B) Polygraph
(C) Spectrograph
(D) Monograph
Ans: B
5. Which of the following witness can be asked a leading question during examination-in-chief?
(A) Common witness
(B) Expert witness
(C) Hostile witness
(D) None of the above
Ans: C
6. Exhumation means
(A) Execution of a death sentence
(B) Examination of skeletal remains
(C) Digging out of a buried body
(D) Injecting formalin into body for preservation
Ans: C
7. In the case of firing through windowpane glass, spiral fractures are found on
(A) Side of impact
(B) Other side of impact
(C) Edge of fractured sheet
(D) Edge of the shattered glass
Ans: A
8. ‘Expert’ is defined in the following section:
(A) 145 of Indian Evidence Act
(B) 45 of Indian Evidence Act
(C) 145 of Criminal Procedure Code
(D) 45 of Indian Penal Code
Ans: B
9. Assertion (A): While taking the photograph of the dead body at the scene of offence a scale should be put by the side of the body.
Reason (R): It would help to calculate the total height of the person.
(A) Both (A) and (R) are correct.
(B) (A) is correct, but (R) is incorrect.
(C) Both (A) and (R) are incorrect.
(D) (A) is incorrect, but (R) is correct.
Ans: B
10. Which of the following is the most important component for the individualization of hair?
(A) Follicular tag
(B) Cuticle
(C) Medulla
(D) Cortex
Ans: A
11. Which are the natural fibres?
(A) Cotton, jute, wool, hemp
(B) Cotton, nylon, rayon, wool
(C) Silk, jute, polyester, cotton
(D) Rayon, silk, hemp, polyester
Ans: A
12. Jaffe test for urine is a reaction between
(A) creatinine and picric acid
(B) Urea and ammonium hydroxide
(C) Urea and picric acid
(D) creatinine and ammonium hydroxide
Ans: A
13. Which of the following is a pigment found in faecal matter?
(A) Titanium oxide
(B) Urobilinogen
(C) Creatinine
(D) Keratin
Ans: B
14. Vaginal secretions can be characterised on the basis of the following:
(A) Glycogenated epithelial cells
(B) Papillary cells
(C) Squamous cells
(D) Elongated cells
Ans: A
15. Presence of colostrum in milk is indicative of
(A) Ovariantumours
(B) False pregnancy
(C) Recent delivery
(D) Uterinetumour
Ans: C
16. Precipitin Test is performed to determine
(A) Species of origin
(B) Sex of origin
(C) Age of origin
(D) All of the above
Ans: A
17. The working of Polilight is based on ______.
(A) Alternate light source
(B) U.V. light source
(C) I.R. radiation source
(D) Near I.R. radiation source
Ans: A
18. Guided-hand writing is also known as ________.
(A) Skilled handwriting
(B) Assisted handwriting
(C) Forged handwriting
(D) Traced handwriting
Ans: B
19. Graphology can be defined asexamination of handwriting for purpose of determining ________.
(A) Sex of the writer
(B) Stature of the writer
(C) Age of the writer
(D) Personality of the writer
Ans: D
20. Pica type of typewriter types _______.
(A) 10 characters per inch
(B) 12 characters per inch
(C) 15 characters per inch
(D) 9 characters per inch
Ans: A
21. Grazing angle in case of oblique light examination of documents pertains to _______.
(A) 10° – 15°
(B) 20° – 25°
(C) 25° – 30°
(D) 30° – 35°
Ans: A
22. Indented writings on paper can be deciphered by ________.
(A) Electrophoresis
(B) Electrostatic Detection Apparatus
(C) Electroplating
(D) Electrolysis
Ans: B
23. The length is the greatest dimension in which of the following wounds?
(A) Chop wound
(B) Contusion
(C) Incised wound
(D) Stab wound
Ans: C
24. ACE-V in fingerprints terminology stands for _______.
(A) Association, comparison, evaluation, verification
(B) Analysis, comparison, expertise, verification
(C) Analysis, correlation evaluation, verification
(D) Analysis, comparison, evaluation, verification
Ans: D
25. Blobbing can be found in writings written with_______.
(A) Fountain pen
(B) Ball point pen
(C) Sketch pen
(D) Roller pen
Ans: B
26. Foot prints on wooden floor may be collected by
(A) Electrostatic method
(B) Plaster of paris
(C) Sulphur
(D) All of the above
Ans: A
27. The most suitable method for preservation of surface foot print is
(A) Tracing
(B) Wax cast
(C) Plaster of paris cast
(D) All of above
Ans: A
28. The refractive index of glass is determined by
(A) Becke line method
(B) Free floatation method
(C) Pulfritchrefractometer
(D) Density gradient tube method
Ans: A
29. Nigrosine Ink is obtained from
(A) Plant
(B) Coloured dyes
(C) Carbon
(D) Coal tar
Ans: D
30. Assertion (A): Organic contents of the soil help in ascertaining the source of the soil.
Reason (R): The organic components of soil from different sources are different in nature.
(A) (A) is correct, but (R) is incorrect.
(B) (R) is correct, but (A) is incorrect.
(C) Both (A) and (R) are correct.
(D) Both(A) and (R) are incorrect.
Ans: C
31. The following form of paint sample is most suitable clue in forensic paint analysis:
(A) Paint smear
(B) Paint dust
(C) Paint streak
(D) Paint chip
Ans: D
32. Match the following:
List – I List – II
a. Vegetable fibre i. Asbestos
b. Animal fibre ii. Cotton
c. Mineral fibre iii. Acrylic
d. Synthetic fibre iv. Angora
a b c d
(A) iv ii i iii
(B) i iv iii ii
(C) ii iv iii i
(D) ii iv i iii
Ans: D
33. Linen fibre posseses
(A) Medulla
(B) Hollow tube in centre
(C) Nodes
(D) Twist
Ans: C
34. Gait pattern comprises
(A) Step length
(B) Foot angle
(C) Footwear mark
(D) Movement line
Answer: (Wrong question)
35. Drill marks are
(A) Single action striation mark
(B) Compression mark
(C) Repeated action striation mark
(D) Mixed marks
Ans: C
36. Sodium fluoride that is used as a preservative for blood samples inhibits the enzyme
(A) Enolase
(B) Esterase
(C) Peptidase
(D) Phosphokinase
Ans: A
37. Post-mortem caloricity means
(A) Colour change of the bodybefore death
(B) Colour change of the body after death
(C) Fall of temperature before death
(D) Rise of temperature after death
Ans: D
38. Suspended animation may be seen in which of the following type of deaths?
(a) Burns
(b) Drowning
(c) Hanging
(d) Electrocution
(A) (a) and (b) are correct.
(B) (b) and (c) are correct.
(C) (a) and (d) are correct.
(D) (b) and (d) are correct.
Ans: D
39. Assertion (A): The colour of lividity in carbon-mono oxide poisoning is cherry red.
Reason (R): Because of the binding of carbon to hemoglobin.
(A) (A) is correct, but (R) is incorrect.
(B) Both (A) and (R) are correct.
(C) (A) is incorrect, but (R) is correct.
(D) Both (A) and (R) are incorrect.
Ans: A
40. Caffey Syndrome is related with
(A) Child abuse
(B) Husband abuse
(C) Wife abuse
(D) Harassment at work place
Ans: A
41. Post-mortem lividity helps in the determination of the following except
(A) Cause of death
(B) Motive for death
(C) Position of death
(D) Time of death
Ans: B
42. In a case of hanging, if the knot is situated at the occipital region, is called
(A) Atypical
(B) Complete
(C) Partial
(D) Typical
Ans: D
43. Which of the following organs is most suitable for diatom test?
(A) Jejunum
(B) Lungs
(C) Stomach
(D) Sternum
Ans: D
44. The yellowish discoloration of a healing contusion is due to
(A) Bilirubin
(B) Hematoidin
(C) Hemosiderin
(D) Oxyhemoglobin
Ans: A
45. Hesitation marks or tentative cuts is a feature seen in
(A) Accidents
(B) Suicides
(C) Homicides
(D) Fall from height
Ans: B
46. The first permanent tooth to erupt is
(A) Lateral incisor
(B) Bicuspid – II
(C) Molar I
(D) Molar II
Ans: C
47.Taurodontism is a feature seen among
(A) Caucassians
(B) Indians
(C) Mongoloids
(D) Negroids
Ans: C
48. Which of the following is not a prominent feature of male skull?
(A) Glabella
(B) Frontal eminence
(C) Supra orbital ridge
(D) Zygomatic arch
Ans: B
49. Sharpey’s fibres that join ligaments in holding a tooth in the socket are present in
(A) Cementum
(B) Enamel
(C) Gingiva
(D) Dentin
Ans: A
50. The radiological study of skeletal remains for age estimation is based on the fusion of
(A) Epiphysis
(B) Anaphylaxis
(C) Metaphase
(D) Telophase
Ans: A
51. Wads are found in the cartridge of the following firearms:
(A) Rifles
(B) Revolvers
(C) Airgun
(D) Shotgun
Ans: D
52. The drug metabolizes in the liver through oxidation, dealkylation and conjugation and the main form of conjugation is with
(A) Glucoronic acid
(B) Sulphuric acid
(C) Glacial acetic acid
(D) Hydrochloric acid
Ans: A
53. Vesication test is done to confirm the identification of following poison:
(A) Markingnut (Semicarpus Anacardium)
(B) Dhatura
(C) Crotontiglium
(D) Harshish
Ans: A
54. The magnified effects from the combination of drugs is called
(A) Tolerance
(B) Dependence
(C) Synergism
(D) Reverse tolerance
Ans: C
55. The average elimination or ‘burn-off’ rate of alcohol is approximately
(A) 0.5% w/v per hr.
(B) 0.15% w/v per hr.
(C) 0.015% w/v per hr.
(D) 0.05% w/v per hr.
Ans: B
56. Babinski toe sign occurs in which of these drugs?
(A) Benzodiazepines
(B) Methamphetamine
(C) Chloral hydrate
(D) Barbiturates
Ans: D
57. Which of the following teeth are superadded permanent teeth in jaw of an adult?
(A) Incisors
(B) Canines
(C) Bicuspids
(D) Molars
Ans: D
58. Ten fingerprints classification system is also known as
(A) Fauld’s system
(B) Bertillon’s system
(C) Henry’s system
(D) Galton’s system
Ans: C
59. Which of the following is not classified as Hallucinogen?
(A) Methaqualone
(B) Psilocybin
(C) Marijuana
(D) Mescaline
Ans: A
60. Daizy wheel is a type of
(A) Paper feeding system used in printers
(B) Key board system used in printers
(C) Rolling system used in typewriters
(D) Font system used in electronic typewriters
Ans: B
61. Inkjet printer printing can be recognized by
(A) Concentrating droplets
(B) Satellite droplets
(C) Central droplets
(D) Lateral droplets
Ans: B
62. The final purple coloured compound produced during the development of latent fingerprints with ninhydrin is known as ________.
(A) Rutherford purple
(B) Ruheman’s purple
(C) Reinberg purple
(D) Jaffery’s principle
Ans: B
63. Anthropometry is an identification system which is also known as ________
(A) Bertillonage
(B) Ridgeology
(C) Poroscopy
(D) Edgeoscopy
Ans: A
64. Micturition syncope is a condition which occurs due to heavy consumption of
(A) Aluminium phosphide
(B) Beer
(C) Opium
(D) Endrin
Ans: B
65. Which of these markers is present in seminal plasma?
(A) Peptidase A
(B) Peptidase C
(C) Peptidase D
(D) Transferrin
Ans: A
66. In Kastle-Mayer test, which of the following reagents are used?
(A) Benzidine
(B) Phenolphthalein
(C) O-toulidine
(D) Luminol
Ans: B
67. Takayama’s test for confirming blood is based on
(A) Haemin crystal formation
(B) Haemochromogen crystal formation
(C) Ferric sulphate crystal formation
(D) Globulin crystal formation
Ans: B
68. Which of the following test is used to determine whether the blood belongs to human or animal?
(A) Benzidine test
(B) Phenolphthalein test
(C) Precipitin test
(D) O-toulidine test
Ans: C
69. Anti-H lectin, is prepared from
(A) Dolichos biflorus seeds
(B) Semecarpus anacardium seeds
(C) Ulex europaeus seeds
(D) Ricinus communis seeds
Ans: C
70. First G.E.Q.D. in India was started at
(A) Kolkata
(B) Shimla
(C) Hyderabad
(D) Delhi
Ans: B
71. Juvenile courts are meant for trial of
(A) Mentally ill persons
(B) Foreign citizens
(C) Criminal lawyers
(D) Children below 18 years
Ans: D
72. Which of the following courts is not a court of trial?
(A) Chief Judicial Magistrate
(B) First Class Judicial Magistrate
(C) Additional District and Session Judge
(D) Hight Court
Ans: D
73. Match the following:
List – I List – II
(a) DNA i. Osborn
(b) Documents ii. Hatcher
(c) Ballistics iii. Landsteiner
(d) Blood iv. Jefferys
(a) (b) (c) (d)
(A) iv i ii iii
(B) i ii iii iv
(C) iv iii i ii
(D) iv ii i iii
Ans: A
74. After collecting the blood stained soil from the scene, it should be sent for examination:
(A) As such without drying
(B) After drying in oven
(C) After drying under fan
(D) After drying under shade
Ans: D
75. Prostate-specific antigen is also called as
(A) Proteinase K
(B) Amylase
(C) P30
(D) Ptylase
Ans: C
76. Seminal acid-phosphatase is produced in the
(A) Adrenal gland
(B) Prostate gland
(C) Thyroid gland
(D) Pituitary gland
Ans: B
77. Microscopic air packets or vacuoles within the cortex of hair is called as
(A) Ovoid bodies
(B) Protein fibrils
(C) Cortical fussi
(D) Vacuum pockets
Ans: C
78. Creatinine in urine reacts with picric acid to form
(A) Di-sodium picrate
(B) Ammonium picrate
(C) Albumin picrate
(D) Creatinine picrate
Ans: D
79. Graying hair is as a result of loss of
(A) tyrosinase activity
(B) Proteinase activity
(C) Pectinase activity
(D) glucomylase activity
Ans: A
80. Type lines can be defined as the two innermost ridges which start parallel, diverge and surround or tend to surround ______.
(A) Pattern area
(B) Inner terminus
(C) Outer terminus
(D) Core
Ans: A
81. All the ten fingers having loop pattern will have classification as _________.
(A) 0/0
(B) 1/1
(C) 32/32
(D) 64/64
Ans: B
82. _________ technique is used to decipher latent finger-prints on wet non-porous surfaces.
(A) Small Particle Reagent (SPR)
(B) Ninhydrin
(C) Crystal violet
(D) Amido Black
Ans: A
83. Which of the following are examples of diacritic marks in handwriting?
(A) Dots of i and j
(B) loops of g and j
(C) Curves of i and j
(D) Loops of p and y
Ans: A
84. Which of the following techniques is considered effective to develop latent fingerprints on non-porous surfaces?
(A) Super glue
(B) Ninhydrin
(C) Diazafluorenone (DFO)
(D) Crystal violet
Ans: A
85. A bright halo observed near the border of a glass particle immersed in a liquid of a different refractive index is known as
(A) Refractive point
(B) Birefringence
(C) A straight line
(D) Becke line
Ans: D
86. Compressive strength analysis is done in case of
(A) Paint smear
(B) Hair
(C) Footprint
(D) Cement block
Ans: D
87. The following compound is not present in Borosilicate glass:
(A) Silica (SiO2)
(B) K2O
(C) Al2O3
(D) CaO
Ans: D
88. 4R rule of glass fracture relates to
(A) Concentric fracture
(B) Radial fracture
(C) Rib mark
(D) Hackle mark
Ans: B
89. Match the following ingredients of paint:
List – I List – II
(a) Pigment i. Zirconium napthemate
(b) Oil ii. Soya alkyd resin
(c) Drier iii. Titanium oxide
(d) Binder iv. Linseed oil
(a) (b) (c) (d)
(A) iii i iv ii
(B) i iii iv ii
(C) ii iv i iii
(D) iii iv i ii
Ans: D
90. Radioactivity of a substance can be measured by
(A) Geiger Muller Counter
(B) Neon tubes
(C) Radiometric methods
(D) Photomultiplier tubes
Ans: A
91. Which of the following sutures of the skull are the first to fuse?
(A) Coronal
(B) Lambdoid
(C) Metopic
(D) Sagittal
Ans: C
92. Davidson’s body is found in
(A) Platelets
(B) Neutrophil
(C) Red blood cell
(D) Reticulocyte
Ans: B
93. Corpus delecti means
(A) Body of evidence
(B) Corporal punishment for dereliction of duty
(C) Detection of chemical compounds
(D) Exhumation of corpse
Ans: A
94. Match the following:
(a) Cephalic index i. Age
(b) Carl Pearson’s formula ii. Disputed sex
(c) Gustafson’s method iii. Race
(d) Turner’s syndrome iv. Stature
(a) (b) (c) (d)
(A) i ii iii iv
(B) ii iii iv i
(C) iv i ii iii
(D) iii iv i ii
Ans: D
95. Zeroing is
(A) Distance adjustment to strike the bullet at Bull’s eye of target.
(B) Sight adjustment so that the bullet strikes at Bull’s eye of target.
(C) Distance and sight adjustment to strike the bullet at the target.
(D) Firing at the target without any adjustment
Ans: B
96. The diameter of 16 bore shot gun is
(A) .729"
(B) .709"
(C) .662"
(D) .579"
Ans: C
97. Bullet wipe is a term used for
(A) Wiping of bullet by hand before firing.
(B) Wiping of lubricant, soot or other material from the bullet on skin of body.
(C) Cleaning of bullet after fire.
(D) Sticking of blood on bullet after fire through body.
Ans: B
98. Assertion (A): Test bullet and exhibit bullet can be compared under comparison microscope to establish the identity of weapon.
Reason (R): Because firing pin mark on them are identical.
(A) Both (A) and (R) are true.
(B) (A) is true but (R) is false.
(C) Both (A) and (R) are false.
(D) (A) is false but (R) is true.
Ans: B
99. In .177 Air gun, the maximum velocity to perforate skin is
(A) 191 ft/sec
(B) 245 ft/sec
(C) 331 ft/sec
(D) 442 ft/sec
Ans: C
100. Thermal fractures on glass sheet are of following type:
(A) Concentric fracture
(B) Wavy fracture
(C) Radial fracture
(D) Tangential fracture
Ans: B
(A) Rifles
(B) Revolvers
(C) Airgun
(D) Shotgun
Ans: D
52. The drug metabolizes in the liver through oxidation, dealkylation and conjugation and the main form of conjugation is with
(A) Glucoronic acid
(B) Sulphuric acid
(C) Glacial acetic acid
(D) Hydrochloric acid
Ans: A
53. Vesication test is done to confirm the identification of following poison:
(A) Markingnut (Semicarpus Anacardium)
(B) Dhatura
(C) Crotontiglium
(D) Harshish
Ans: A
54. The magnified effects from the combination of drugs is called
(A) Tolerance
(B) Dependence
(C) Synergism
(D) Reverse tolerance
Ans: C
55. The average elimination or ‘burn-off’ rate of alcohol is approximately
(A) 0.5% w/v per hr.
(B) 0.15% w/v per hr.
(C) 0.015% w/v per hr.
(D) 0.05% w/v per hr.
Ans: B
56. Babinski toe sign occurs in which of these drugs?
(A) Benzodiazepines
(B) Methamphetamine
(C) Chloral hydrate
(D) Barbiturates
Ans: D
57. Which of the following teeth are superadded permanent teeth in jaw of an adult?
(A) Incisors
(B) Canines
(C) Bicuspids
(D) Molars
Ans: D
58. Ten fingerprints classification system is also known as
(A) Fauld’s system
(B) Bertillon’s system
(C) Henry’s system
(D) Galton’s system
Ans: C
59. Which of the following is not classified as Hallucinogen?
(A) Methaqualone
(B) Psilocybin
(C) Marijuana
(D) Mescaline
Ans: A
60. Daizy wheel is a type of
(A) Paper feeding system used in printers
(B) Key board system used in printers
(C) Rolling system used in typewriters
(D) Font system used in electronic typewriters
Ans: B
61. Inkjet printer printing can be recognized by
(A) Concentrating droplets
(B) Satellite droplets
(C) Central droplets
(D) Lateral droplets
Ans: B
62. The final purple coloured compound produced during the development of latent fingerprints with ninhydrin is known as ________.
(A) Rutherford purple
(B) Ruheman’s purple
(C) Reinberg purple
(D) Jaffery’s principle
Ans: B
63. Anthropometry is an identification system which is also known as ________
(A) Bertillonage
(B) Ridgeology
(C) Poroscopy
(D) Edgeoscopy
Ans: A
64. Micturition syncope is a condition which occurs due to heavy consumption of
(A) Aluminium phosphide
(B) Beer
(C) Opium
(D) Endrin
Ans: B
65. Which of these markers is present in seminal plasma?
(A) Peptidase A
(B) Peptidase C
(C) Peptidase D
(D) Transferrin
Ans: A
66. In Kastle-Mayer test, which of the following reagents are used?
(A) Benzidine
(B) Phenolphthalein
(C) O-toulidine
(D) Luminol
Ans: B
67. Takayama’s test for confirming blood is based on
(A) Haemin crystal formation
(B) Haemochromogen crystal formation
(C) Ferric sulphate crystal formation
(D) Globulin crystal formation
Ans: B
68. Which of the following test is used to determine whether the blood belongs to human or animal?
(A) Benzidine test
(B) Phenolphthalein test
(C) Precipitin test
(D) O-toulidine test
Ans: C
69. Anti-H lectin, is prepared from
(A) Dolichos biflorus seeds
(B) Semecarpus anacardium seeds
(C) Ulex europaeus seeds
(D) Ricinus communis seeds
Ans: C
70. First G.E.Q.D. in India was started at
(A) Kolkata
(B) Shimla
(C) Hyderabad
(D) Delhi
Ans: B
71. Juvenile courts are meant for trial of
(A) Mentally ill persons
(B) Foreign citizens
(C) Criminal lawyers
(D) Children below 18 years
Ans: D
72. Which of the following courts is not a court of trial?
(A) Chief Judicial Magistrate
(B) First Class Judicial Magistrate
(C) Additional District and Session Judge
(D) Hight Court
Ans: D
73. Match the following:
List – I List – II
(a) DNA i. Osborn
(b) Documents ii. Hatcher
(c) Ballistics iii. Landsteiner
(d) Blood iv. Jefferys
(a) (b) (c) (d)
(A) iv i ii iii
(B) i ii iii iv
(C) iv iii i ii
(D) iv ii i iii
Ans: A
74. After collecting the blood stained soil from the scene, it should be sent for examination:
(A) As such without drying
(B) After drying in oven
(C) After drying under fan
(D) After drying under shade
Ans: D
75. Prostate-specific antigen is also called as
(A) Proteinase K
(B) Amylase
(C) P30
(D) Ptylase
Ans: C
76. Seminal acid-phosphatase is produced in the
(A) Adrenal gland
(B) Prostate gland
(C) Thyroid gland
(D) Pituitary gland
Ans: B
77. Microscopic air packets or vacuoles within the cortex of hair is called as
(A) Ovoid bodies
(B) Protein fibrils
(C) Cortical fussi
(D) Vacuum pockets
Ans: C
78. Creatinine in urine reacts with picric acid to form
(A) Di-sodium picrate
(B) Ammonium picrate
(C) Albumin picrate
(D) Creatinine picrate
Ans: D
79. Graying hair is as a result of loss of
(A) tyrosinase activity
(B) Proteinase activity
(C) Pectinase activity
(D) glucomylase activity
Ans: A
80. Type lines can be defined as the two innermost ridges which start parallel, diverge and surround or tend to surround ______.
(A) Pattern area
(B) Inner terminus
(C) Outer terminus
(D) Core
Ans: A
81. All the ten fingers having loop pattern will have classification as _________.
(A) 0/0
(B) 1/1
(C) 32/32
(D) 64/64
Ans: B
82. _________ technique is used to decipher latent finger-prints on wet non-porous surfaces.
(A) Small Particle Reagent (SPR)
(B) Ninhydrin
(C) Crystal violet
(D) Amido Black
Ans: A
83. Which of the following are examples of diacritic marks in handwriting?
(A) Dots of i and j
(B) loops of g and j
(C) Curves of i and j
(D) Loops of p and y
Ans: A
84. Which of the following techniques is considered effective to develop latent fingerprints on non-porous surfaces?
(A) Super glue
(B) Ninhydrin
(C) Diazafluorenone (DFO)
(D) Crystal violet
Ans: A
85. A bright halo observed near the border of a glass particle immersed in a liquid of a different refractive index is known as
(A) Refractive point
(B) Birefringence
(C) A straight line
(D) Becke line
Ans: D
86. Compressive strength analysis is done in case of
(A) Paint smear
(B) Hair
(C) Footprint
(D) Cement block
Ans: D
87. The following compound is not present in Borosilicate glass:
(A) Silica (SiO2)
(B) K2O
(C) Al2O3
(D) CaO
Ans: D
88. 4R rule of glass fracture relates to
(A) Concentric fracture
(B) Radial fracture
(C) Rib mark
(D) Hackle mark
Ans: B
89. Match the following ingredients of paint:
List – I List – II
(a) Pigment i. Zirconium napthemate
(b) Oil ii. Soya alkyd resin
(c) Drier iii. Titanium oxide
(d) Binder iv. Linseed oil
(a) (b) (c) (d)
(A) iii i iv ii
(B) i iii iv ii
(C) ii iv i iii
(D) iii iv i ii
Ans: D
90. Radioactivity of a substance can be measured by
(A) Geiger Muller Counter
(B) Neon tubes
(C) Radiometric methods
(D) Photomultiplier tubes
Ans: A
91. Which of the following sutures of the skull are the first to fuse?
(A) Coronal
(B) Lambdoid
(C) Metopic
(D) Sagittal
Ans: C
92. Davidson’s body is found in
(A) Platelets
(B) Neutrophil
(C) Red blood cell
(D) Reticulocyte
Ans: B
93. Corpus delecti means
(A) Body of evidence
(B) Corporal punishment for dereliction of duty
(C) Detection of chemical compounds
(D) Exhumation of corpse
Ans: A
94. Match the following:
(a) Cephalic index i. Age
(b) Carl Pearson’s formula ii. Disputed sex
(c) Gustafson’s method iii. Race
(d) Turner’s syndrome iv. Stature
(a) (b) (c) (d)
(A) i ii iii iv
(B) ii iii iv i
(C) iv i ii iii
(D) iii iv i ii
Ans: D
95. Zeroing is
(A) Distance adjustment to strike the bullet at Bull’s eye of target.
(B) Sight adjustment so that the bullet strikes at Bull’s eye of target.
(C) Distance and sight adjustment to strike the bullet at the target.
(D) Firing at the target without any adjustment
Ans: B
96. The diameter of 16 bore shot gun is
(A) .729"
(B) .709"
(C) .662"
(D) .579"
Ans: C
97. Bullet wipe is a term used for
(A) Wiping of bullet by hand before firing.
(B) Wiping of lubricant, soot or other material from the bullet on skin of body.
(C) Cleaning of bullet after fire.
(D) Sticking of blood on bullet after fire through body.
Ans: B
98. Assertion (A): Test bullet and exhibit bullet can be compared under comparison microscope to establish the identity of weapon.
Reason (R): Because firing pin mark on them are identical.
(A) Both (A) and (R) are true.
(B) (A) is true but (R) is false.
(C) Both (A) and (R) are false.
(D) (A) is false but (R) is true.
Ans: B
99. In .177 Air gun, the maximum velocity to perforate skin is
(A) 191 ft/sec
(B) 245 ft/sec
(C) 331 ft/sec
(D) 442 ft/sec
Ans: C
100. Thermal fractures on glass sheet are of following type:
(A) Concentric fracture
(B) Wavy fracture
(C) Radial fracture
(D) Tangential fracture
Ans: B