1. Heat transferred to a closed stationary system constant volume is equal to
1) work transfer
2) increase in internal energy
3) increase in enthalpy
4) increase in gibbs function
Ans: 2
2. There is no stream drum in
1) la mount boiler
2) loffler boiler
3) benson boiler
4) velox boiler
Ans: 3
3. A condenser of a refrigeration system rejects heat at a rate of 120 kw while compressor consumes power of 30 kw. the co-efficient of performance of the system would be
1) 1/4
2) 4
3) 1/3
4) 3
Ans: 4
4. If the depth of a rectangular beam is halved, the deflection for a beam carrying a mid point load shall be
1) halved
2) doubled
3) four times
4) eight times
Ans: 4
5. Stress concentration occurs when
1) a body is subjected to excessive stress
2) a body is subjected to unidirectional stress
3) a body is subjected to fluctuating stress
4) a body is subjected to non-uniform stress distribution
Ans: 4
6. A streamline and an equipotential line in a flow fied
1) are parallel to each other
2) are perpendicular to each other
3) intersect at an acute angle
4) are identical
Ans: 2
7. The efficiency of a reversible cycle depends upon the
1) nature of the working substance
2) amount of the working substance
3) temperature of the two reservoirs between which the cycle operates
4) type of cycle followed
Ans: 3
8. In high pressure natural circulation boilers, the flue gases flow through the following boiler accessories (a)superheater (b) air heater (c) economiser (d) i.d. fan the correct sequence of the flow of the gases through these boiler accessories is
1) (a) -> (c) -> (d) -> (b)
2) (c) -> (a) -> (d) -> (b)
3) (c) -> (a) -> (b) -> (d)
4) (a) -> (c) -> (b) -> (d)
Ans: 4
9. A refrigerating machine working on reversed cannot cycle takes out 2 kw of heat from the system while working between temperature limits of 300 k and 200 k , the cop and power consumed are respectively
1) 1 and 1 kw
2) 2 and 1 kw
3) 1 and 2 kw
4) 2 and 2 kw
Ans: 2
10. The ratio of modulus of rigidity to modulus of elasticity for a poisson's ratio of 0.25 would be
1) 0.5
2) 0.4
3) 0.3
4) 1.0
Ans: 2
11. The ability of a material to absorb energy when deformed elastically and to return it when unloaded is called
1) hardness
2) resilience
3) fatigue strength
4) creep
Ans: 2
12. An impulse turbine produces 50 kw of power when the blade mean speed is 400 m/s. what is the rate of change of momentum tangential to the rotor?
1) 200 n
2) 175 n
3) 150 n
4) 125 n
Ans: 4
13. Nusselt number is a function of
1) reynold's number and dynamic viscosity
2) dynamic viscosity and prandtl number
3) prandtl number and reynold's number
4) reynold's number and thickness of boundary layer
Ans: 3
14. A circular solid disc of uniform thickness 20 mm, radius 200 mm, and mass 20 kg is used as a flywheel. it is rotates at 600 rpm, the kinetic energy of the flywheel in joules is
1) 395
2) 790
3) 1580
4) 3160
Ans: 2
15. When the temperature of a solid metal increases
1) strength of the metal decreases but ductility increases
2) both strength and ductility decrease
3) both strength and ductility increase
4) strength of the metal increases but ductility decreases
Ans: 1
16. Which of the following does not change during a throttling process ?
1) enthalpy
2) entropy
3) volume
4) pressure
Ans: 1
17. Fire tube boilers are those in which
1) flue gases pass through tubes and water around it
2) water passes through the tubes and flue gases around it
3) forced circulation takes place
4) tubes are laid vertically
Ans: 1
18. The saturation temperature at the partial pressure of water vapour in the air water vapour mixture is called
1) dry bulb temperature
2) wet bulb temperature
3) dew point temperature
4) saturation temperature
Ans: 3
19. A critical speed
1) the shaft runs smoothly
2) the shaft runs with noise due to vibration
3) the shaft becomes dynamically unstable with negligible lateral amplitudes
4) the shaft becomes dynamically unstable with large lateral amplitudes
Ans: 3
20. For a newtonian fluid
1) shear stress is proportional to shear strain
2) rate of shear stress is proportional to shear strain
3) shear stress is proportional to rate of shear strain
4) rate of shear stress is proportional to rate of shear strain
Ans: 3
21. The piston rod and crosshead in a steam engine are usually connected by means of :
1) cotter joint
2) knuckle joint
3) ball joint
4) universal joint
Ans: 1
22. Select the correct statement
1) viscosity of a gas increases with temperature
2) density of a gas increases with temperature
3) surface tension of a liquid increases with temperature
4) bulk modulus of elasticity is independent of temperature
Ans: 1
23. For the same compression ratio, the efficiency of the brayton cycle is
1) equal to diesel cycle
2) equal to otto cycle
3) equal to dual cycle
4) greater than diesel cycle
Ans: 2
24. Scale is formed on heat transfer surfaces when
1) water is acidic
2) water is alkaline
3) water contains dissolved gases
4) water contains dissolved calcium and magnasium salts
Ans: 4
25. Heat is tranferred by all three modes of heat transfer in
1) refrigeration
2) condenser
3) electric bulb
4) boiler furnace
Ans: 4
26. A mass of 1 kg attached to a light spring extends it by 0.981 mm. the natural frequency of vibration will be approximately
1) 26 hz
2) 21 hz
3) 16 hz
4) 11 hz
Ans: 3
27. In a cantilever, maximum deflection occurs where
1) bending moment is zero
2) bending moment is maximum
3) shear force is zero
4) slope is zero
Ans: 1
28. When a liquid boils at constant pressure, the following parameter increases
1) temperature
2) latent heat of vapourization
3) kinetic energy
4) entropy
Ans: 4
29. Rankine efficiency of steam power plant
1) improves in summer as compared to that in winter
2) improves in winter as compared to that in summer
3) is unaffected by climatic conditions
4) none of these
Ans: 2
30. A pair of spur gears with module 5 mm and a centre distance of 450 mm is used for a speed reduction of 5:1. the number of teeth on pinian is
1) 60
2) 90
3) 30
4) 50
Ans: 3
1) work transfer
2) increase in internal energy
3) increase in enthalpy
4) increase in gibbs function
Ans: 2
2. There is no stream drum in
1) la mount boiler
2) loffler boiler
3) benson boiler
4) velox boiler
Ans: 3
3. A condenser of a refrigeration system rejects heat at a rate of 120 kw while compressor consumes power of 30 kw. the co-efficient of performance of the system would be
1) 1/4
2) 4
3) 1/3
4) 3
Ans: 4
4. If the depth of a rectangular beam is halved, the deflection for a beam carrying a mid point load shall be
1) halved
2) doubled
3) four times
4) eight times
Ans: 4
5. Stress concentration occurs when
1) a body is subjected to excessive stress
2) a body is subjected to unidirectional stress
3) a body is subjected to fluctuating stress
4) a body is subjected to non-uniform stress distribution
Ans: 4
6. A streamline and an equipotential line in a flow fied
1) are parallel to each other
2) are perpendicular to each other
3) intersect at an acute angle
4) are identical
Ans: 2
7. The efficiency of a reversible cycle depends upon the
1) nature of the working substance
2) amount of the working substance
3) temperature of the two reservoirs between which the cycle operates
4) type of cycle followed
Ans: 3
8. In high pressure natural circulation boilers, the flue gases flow through the following boiler accessories (a)superheater (b) air heater (c) economiser (d) i.d. fan the correct sequence of the flow of the gases through these boiler accessories is
1) (a) -> (c) -> (d) -> (b)
2) (c) -> (a) -> (d) -> (b)
3) (c) -> (a) -> (b) -> (d)
4) (a) -> (c) -> (b) -> (d)
Ans: 4
9. A refrigerating machine working on reversed cannot cycle takes out 2 kw of heat from the system while working between temperature limits of 300 k and 200 k , the cop and power consumed are respectively
1) 1 and 1 kw
2) 2 and 1 kw
3) 1 and 2 kw
4) 2 and 2 kw
Ans: 2
10. The ratio of modulus of rigidity to modulus of elasticity for a poisson's ratio of 0.25 would be
1) 0.5
2) 0.4
3) 0.3
4) 1.0
Ans: 2
11. The ability of a material to absorb energy when deformed elastically and to return it when unloaded is called
1) hardness
2) resilience
3) fatigue strength
4) creep
Ans: 2
12. An impulse turbine produces 50 kw of power when the blade mean speed is 400 m/s. what is the rate of change of momentum tangential to the rotor?
1) 200 n
2) 175 n
3) 150 n
4) 125 n
Ans: 4
13. Nusselt number is a function of
1) reynold's number and dynamic viscosity
2) dynamic viscosity and prandtl number
3) prandtl number and reynold's number
4) reynold's number and thickness of boundary layer
Ans: 3
14. A circular solid disc of uniform thickness 20 mm, radius 200 mm, and mass 20 kg is used as a flywheel. it is rotates at 600 rpm, the kinetic energy of the flywheel in joules is
1) 395
2) 790
3) 1580
4) 3160
Ans: 2
15. When the temperature of a solid metal increases
1) strength of the metal decreases but ductility increases
2) both strength and ductility decrease
3) both strength and ductility increase
4) strength of the metal increases but ductility decreases
Ans: 1
16. Which of the following does not change during a throttling process ?
1) enthalpy
2) entropy
3) volume
4) pressure
Ans: 1
17. Fire tube boilers are those in which
1) flue gases pass through tubes and water around it
2) water passes through the tubes and flue gases around it
3) forced circulation takes place
4) tubes are laid vertically
Ans: 1
18. The saturation temperature at the partial pressure of water vapour in the air water vapour mixture is called
1) dry bulb temperature
2) wet bulb temperature
3) dew point temperature
4) saturation temperature
Ans: 3
19. A critical speed
1) the shaft runs smoothly
2) the shaft runs with noise due to vibration
3) the shaft becomes dynamically unstable with negligible lateral amplitudes
4) the shaft becomes dynamically unstable with large lateral amplitudes
Ans: 3
20. For a newtonian fluid
1) shear stress is proportional to shear strain
2) rate of shear stress is proportional to shear strain
3) shear stress is proportional to rate of shear strain
4) rate of shear stress is proportional to rate of shear strain
Ans: 3
21. The piston rod and crosshead in a steam engine are usually connected by means of :
1) cotter joint
2) knuckle joint
3) ball joint
4) universal joint
Ans: 1
22. Select the correct statement
1) viscosity of a gas increases with temperature
2) density of a gas increases with temperature
3) surface tension of a liquid increases with temperature
4) bulk modulus of elasticity is independent of temperature
Ans: 1
23. For the same compression ratio, the efficiency of the brayton cycle is
1) equal to diesel cycle
2) equal to otto cycle
3) equal to dual cycle
4) greater than diesel cycle
Ans: 2
24. Scale is formed on heat transfer surfaces when
1) water is acidic
2) water is alkaline
3) water contains dissolved gases
4) water contains dissolved calcium and magnasium salts
Ans: 4
25. Heat is tranferred by all three modes of heat transfer in
1) refrigeration
2) condenser
3) electric bulb
4) boiler furnace
Ans: 4
26. A mass of 1 kg attached to a light spring extends it by 0.981 mm. the natural frequency of vibration will be approximately
1) 26 hz
2) 21 hz
3) 16 hz
4) 11 hz
Ans: 3
27. In a cantilever, maximum deflection occurs where
1) bending moment is zero
2) bending moment is maximum
3) shear force is zero
4) slope is zero
Ans: 1
28. When a liquid boils at constant pressure, the following parameter increases
1) temperature
2) latent heat of vapourization
3) kinetic energy
4) entropy
Ans: 4
29. Rankine efficiency of steam power plant
1) improves in summer as compared to that in winter
2) improves in winter as compared to that in summer
3) is unaffected by climatic conditions
4) none of these
Ans: 2
30. A pair of spur gears with module 5 mm and a centre distance of 450 mm is used for a speed reduction of 5:1. the number of teeth on pinian is
1) 60
2) 90
3) 30
4) 50
Ans: 3
31. The torsional vibrational frequency of a shaft with n oscillating masses will be
1) n
2) n-1
3) n+1
4) 2n
Ans: 2
32. In a lifting machine, an effort of 200 n is applied to raise a load of 800 n. what will be the velocity ratio, if efficiency is 50 %.
1) 8
2) 6
3) 7
4) 9
Ans: 1
33. A small steam whistle (perfectly insulated ) and doing no shaft work causes a drop of 0.8 kj/kg in the enthalpy of steam from entry to exit. if the kinetic energy of steam at entry is neglible, the velocity of steam at exit is
1) 4 m/s
2) 40 m/s
3) 80 m/s
4) 120 m/s
Ans: 2
34. The square threads are usually found in
1) spindle of bench vices
2) railway carriage coupling
3) feed mechanism of machine tools
4) screw cutting lathes
Ans: 3
35. 40 % of incident radiant energy on the surface of thermally transparent body is reflected back. if the transmissivity of the body be 0.15 then emissivity of the surface is
1) 0.45
2) 0.55
3) 0.40
4) 0.75
Ans: 1
36. If the compression ratio of an engine working on otto cycle is increased from 5 to 7 then the percentage increase in efficiency will be
1) 2%
2) 4%
3) 8%
4) 14%
Ans: 4
37. The ratio of euler's buckling load of columns with same parameters having (i) both ends fixed (ii) both ends hinged is
1) 2
2) 4
3) 6
4) 8
Ans: 2
38. A slider crank mechanism has the maximum acceleration of slider when the crank is
1) at the inner dead centre position
2) at the outer dead centre position
3) exactly midway position between two dead centres
4) none of these
Ans: 1
39. In an adiabatic process 5000 j of work is performed on a system. the system returns to its original state while 1000 j of heat is added . the work done during non adiabatic process
1) +4000 j
2) -4000 j
3) +6000 j
4) -6000 j
Ans: 3
40. In a spring mass system, the mass is m and the spring constant is k. the critical damping coefficient of system is 0.1 kg/sec. in another spring mass system, the mass is 2 m and the spring constant is 8 k. the critical damping coefficient (in kg/sec) of this system is :
1) 4 x 0.1
2) 4.5 x 0.1
3) 3.8 x 0.1
4) 5.2 x 0.1
Ans: 1
41. A rod is subjected to a uniaxial load within linear elastic limit. when the change in the stress is 200 mpa, the change in strain is 0.001 . if the poisson's ratio of the rod is 0.3, the modulus of rigidity (in gpa) is
1) 75.31
2) 76.92
3) 77.23
4) 76.11
Ans: 2
1) n
2) n-1
3) n+1
4) 2n
Ans: 2
32. In a lifting machine, an effort of 200 n is applied to raise a load of 800 n. what will be the velocity ratio, if efficiency is 50 %.
1) 8
2) 6
3) 7
4) 9
Ans: 1
33. A small steam whistle (perfectly insulated ) and doing no shaft work causes a drop of 0.8 kj/kg in the enthalpy of steam from entry to exit. if the kinetic energy of steam at entry is neglible, the velocity of steam at exit is
1) 4 m/s
2) 40 m/s
3) 80 m/s
4) 120 m/s
Ans: 2
34. The square threads are usually found in
1) spindle of bench vices
2) railway carriage coupling
3) feed mechanism of machine tools
4) screw cutting lathes
Ans: 3
35. 40 % of incident radiant energy on the surface of thermally transparent body is reflected back. if the transmissivity of the body be 0.15 then emissivity of the surface is
1) 0.45
2) 0.55
3) 0.40
4) 0.75
Ans: 1
36. If the compression ratio of an engine working on otto cycle is increased from 5 to 7 then the percentage increase in efficiency will be
1) 2%
2) 4%
3) 8%
4) 14%
Ans: 4
37. The ratio of euler's buckling load of columns with same parameters having (i) both ends fixed (ii) both ends hinged is
1) 2
2) 4
3) 6
4) 8
Ans: 2
38. A slider crank mechanism has the maximum acceleration of slider when the crank is
1) at the inner dead centre position
2) at the outer dead centre position
3) exactly midway position between two dead centres
4) none of these
Ans: 1
39. In an adiabatic process 5000 j of work is performed on a system. the system returns to its original state while 1000 j of heat is added . the work done during non adiabatic process
1) +4000 j
2) -4000 j
3) +6000 j
4) -6000 j
Ans: 3
40. In a spring mass system, the mass is m and the spring constant is k. the critical damping coefficient of system is 0.1 kg/sec. in another spring mass system, the mass is 2 m and the spring constant is 8 k. the critical damping coefficient (in kg/sec) of this system is :
1) 4 x 0.1
2) 4.5 x 0.1
3) 3.8 x 0.1
4) 5.2 x 0.1
Ans: 1
41. A rod is subjected to a uniaxial load within linear elastic limit. when the change in the stress is 200 mpa, the change in strain is 0.001 . if the poisson's ratio of the rod is 0.3, the modulus of rigidity (in gpa) is
1) 75.31
2) 76.92
3) 77.23
4) 76.11
Ans: 2
42:-Cutting tool material following qualities
A:-cold hardness
B:-red hardness
D:-all of the above
Ans: D
43:-A fit which may sometimes provide clearance, sometimes
A:-clearance fit
B:-transition fit
Ans: B
44:- __________ is a precision instrument for checking and setting of angles.
A:-vernier caliper
B:-bevel protractor
C:-sine bar
D:-vernier bevel protractor
Ans: C
45:- ___________ is a precision finishing operation carried out using fine abrasive materials.
B:-surface finishing
Ans: D
46:-_____________ when added to steel improve corrosion resistance, toughness and hardness of steel.
Ans: A
47:-A special device which holds, supports, locates and also guide the cutting tool during operation is called
C:-four jaw chuck
D:-pin voice
Ans: B
48:-Riveting is a method of making ________ joints.
A:-semi permanent
Ans: B
49:-Brass is an alloy of
A:-copper and tin
B:-copper and lead
C:-copper and zinc
D:-copper and aluminium
Ans: C
50:-Purpose of using lubrication
A:-reduces friction
B:-prevents wear
C:-both A and B
D:-none of the above
Ans: C
A:-cold hardness
B:-red hardness
D:-all of the above
Ans: D
43:-A fit which may sometimes provide clearance, sometimes
A:-clearance fit
B:-transition fit
Ans: B
44:- __________ is a precision instrument for checking and setting of angles.
A:-vernier caliper
B:-bevel protractor
C:-sine bar
D:-vernier bevel protractor
Ans: C
45:- ___________ is a precision finishing operation carried out using fine abrasive materials.
B:-surface finishing
Ans: D
46:-_____________ when added to steel improve corrosion resistance, toughness and hardness of steel.
Ans: A
47:-A special device which holds, supports, locates and also guide the cutting tool during operation is called
C:-four jaw chuck
D:-pin voice
Ans: B
48:-Riveting is a method of making ________ joints.
A:-semi permanent
Ans: B
49:-Brass is an alloy of
A:-copper and tin
B:-copper and lead
C:-copper and zinc
D:-copper and aluminium
Ans: C
50:-Purpose of using lubrication
A:-reduces friction
B:-prevents wear
C:-both A and B
D:-none of the above
Ans: C
51:-The temperature at which the oil catches fire and continues to be in flame is called
A:-flash point
B:-fire point
C:-pour point
Ans: B
52:-Machining processes that involve the removal of material in the form of chips can be called
A:-conventional machining process
B:-electro discharge machining process
C:-nonconventional machining process
D:-electro chemical machining process
Ans: A
53:-Purpose of machine foundation
A:-it must support the machines at the given height and must be able to take up static and dynamic loads
B:-it should preserve the alignment of the machine
C:-it should absorb the vibration of the moving parts
D:-all of the above
Ans: D
54:-10 machinists completed a work in 9 days. How long will it take for 15 machinists to do the same work ?
A:-5 days
B:-6 days
C:-7 days
D:-8 days
Ans: B
55:-The square root of 0.04 is
Ans: A
56:-The cutting speed is expressed in
Ans: D
57:-The conic section obtained by cutting plane parallel to the axis of cone is
D:-None of the above
Ans: C
58:-The rate of change of displacement of a body is called
Ans: B
59:-In a power transmission system rotary motion is converted in to linear motion or vice versa
A:-rack and pinion
B:-bevel gear
C:-worm shaft worm gear
D:-hypoid gears
Ans: A
60:-System International (S.I.) unit of force is
Ans: B
61:-The working of a bench vice is based upon
A:-Screw thread
D:-Slotted lever
Ans: A
62:-The least count of a vernier caliper is
A:-0.02 mm
B:-0.5 mm
C:-0.01 mm
D:-0.001 mm
Ans: A
63:-Which among the following is an artificial abrassive ?
D:-Aluminium oxide
Ans: D
64:-Drill sleeve is used when the taper shank of the drill is
A:-Larger than machine spindle
B:-Smallar than machine spindle
C:-Equal to machine spindal
D:-None of the above
Ans: B
65:-Name the suitable cutting fluid for drilling mild steel plats.
B:-Compressed air
C:-Soluble oil
Ans: C
66:-The filler metal, solder used in soldering is an alloy of
A:-Lead and copper
B:-Zinc and tin
C:-Tin and copper
D:-Lead and tin
Ans: D
67:-In a single cut file, the teeth are cut on the file face at angle of __________ of the centre line of file.
Ans: C
68:-For grinding carbide materials, the suitable grinding wheel is
A:-Aluminium oxide
D:-Silicon Carbide
Ans: B
69:-The material of twist drill is
A:-Forged steel
C:-Cast iron
Ans: B
70:-Give reason for cutting fluid used in cutting operation
A:-To improve surface finish
B:-To wash ship away
C:-Prevent corrosion of finished surface
D:-All the above
Ans: D
71:-The main parts of Try square is
A:-Stock or beam and blade
B:-Stock and handle
C:-Blade and handle
D:-Head and blade
Ans: A
72:-The distance between one point of a screw thread to the corresponding point on the next thread is called
A:-Nominal diameter
Ans: C
73:-Which one of the following is not a ferrous metal ?
B:-Cast iron
D:-Mild steel
Ans: A
74:-The material used to make a flat file
A:-Wrought iron
B:-High grade steel
C:-High speed steel
Ans: B
75:-In ________ cutting, more than one cutting edge came into action.
D:-None of the above
Ans: C
76:-Name the device which hold and locates a work piece and guides and control one or more cutting tool.
Ans: D
77:-Name the tool used to check the alignment of a machine, while erecting the machine in foundation bolt in the concrete base.
A:-Feeler gauge
B:-Slip gauge
C:-Spirit level
D:-Sine bar
Ans: C
78:-The purpose of flute given in a twist drill is
A:-Admit coolant
B:-Allow chip to escape
C:-Both A and B
D:-None of above
Ans: C
79:-In lathe turning operation, cuutting speed is expressed in
B:-Newton metre
D:-Metres per minute
Ans: D
80:-To make up a long length, several pieces of shafts are joined together with the help of
Ans: A
81:-Hand taps are usually made as sets of
Ans: B
82:-The grinding or abrading process mostly for finishing holes by means of bounded abrasive stones, known as
Ans: B
83:-For connecting two shafts of axes of which intersect, the mechanism used is
A:-Spur gear
B:-Helical gear
D:-Bevel gear
Ans: D
84:-For making purpose, round workpieces are placed on
B:-Surface plate
C:-Angle plate
D:-Straight edge
Ans: A
85:-A combination set has three moving heads
1. Square head
2. Centre head. Name the third one
B:-Flat head
C:-Divider head
D:-Protractor head
Ans: D
86:-Name the tool used to remove a drill from drilling machine spindle.
D:-Scraper rod
Ans: B
87:-Name the process, in which simple shaped components can be made very accurately, clean, without waste and suitable for producing refractory metals and nonferrous metals.
B:-Powder metallurgy
D:-Case hardening
Ans: B
88:-An operation involving heating and cooling of metals or alloys in the solid state to produce desired properties is called
D:-Heat treatment
Ans: D
89:-The latin word ferrum denotes
Ans: A
90:-In an outside micrometer, the object to be measured is held between
A:-Spindle and anvil
B:-Inside jaw and outside jaw
C:-Jig and fixture
D:-Two heads
Ans: A
91:-Mention the machine, from the hint, tool feeds against a rottating work.
D:-Angle cutter
Ans: C
92:-Lathe bed is made of
A:-mild steel
B:-cast iron
C:-wrought iron
D:-high carbon steel
Ans: B
93:-The vice suitable for holding and heavy hammering in the work is
A:-Bench vice
B:-Leg vice
C:-Hand vice
D:-Tool-maker's vice
Ans: B
94:-The hammers are generally made out of
A:-High carbon steel
B:-Cast iron
C:-Forged steel
Ans: C
95:-Find the odd one, which is not related to file ?
Ans: A
96:-Name the welding process depends upon electricity
A:-Gas Welding
B:-Thermit welding
C:-Forge welding
D:-Arc welding
Ans: D
97:-Generally the point of centre punch has an angle of
A:-10° - 30°
B:-15° - 20°
C:-60° - 90°
D:-0 - 30°
Ans: C
98:-External thread can be cut on a round bar, with the help of
A:-Lathe or tap
B:-Tap or die
C:-Lathe or die
D:-None of above
Ans: C
99:-For providing relative movement between the parts, the hole diameter being larger than the shaft diameter. This difference is called
Ans: B
100:-Name the commonly used fuel gas is a gas welding process
C:-Carbon di oxide
Ans: A
A:-flash point
B:-fire point
C:-pour point
Ans: B
52:-Machining processes that involve the removal of material in the form of chips can be called
A:-conventional machining process
B:-electro discharge machining process
C:-nonconventional machining process
D:-electro chemical machining process
Ans: A
53:-Purpose of machine foundation
A:-it must support the machines at the given height and must be able to take up static and dynamic loads
B:-it should preserve the alignment of the machine
C:-it should absorb the vibration of the moving parts
D:-all of the above
Ans: D
54:-10 machinists completed a work in 9 days. How long will it take for 15 machinists to do the same work ?
A:-5 days
B:-6 days
C:-7 days
D:-8 days
Ans: B
55:-The square root of 0.04 is
Ans: A
56:-The cutting speed is expressed in
Ans: D
57:-The conic section obtained by cutting plane parallel to the axis of cone is
D:-None of the above
Ans: C
58:-The rate of change of displacement of a body is called
Ans: B
59:-In a power transmission system rotary motion is converted in to linear motion or vice versa
A:-rack and pinion
B:-bevel gear
C:-worm shaft worm gear
D:-hypoid gears
Ans: A
60:-System International (S.I.) unit of force is
Ans: B
61:-The working of a bench vice is based upon
A:-Screw thread
D:-Slotted lever
Ans: A
62:-The least count of a vernier caliper is
A:-0.02 mm
B:-0.5 mm
C:-0.01 mm
D:-0.001 mm
Ans: A
63:-Which among the following is an artificial abrassive ?
D:-Aluminium oxide
Ans: D
64:-Drill sleeve is used when the taper shank of the drill is
A:-Larger than machine spindle
B:-Smallar than machine spindle
C:-Equal to machine spindal
D:-None of the above
Ans: B
65:-Name the suitable cutting fluid for drilling mild steel plats.
B:-Compressed air
C:-Soluble oil
Ans: C
66:-The filler metal, solder used in soldering is an alloy of
A:-Lead and copper
B:-Zinc and tin
C:-Tin and copper
D:-Lead and tin
Ans: D
67:-In a single cut file, the teeth are cut on the file face at angle of __________ of the centre line of file.
Ans: C
68:-For grinding carbide materials, the suitable grinding wheel is
A:-Aluminium oxide
D:-Silicon Carbide
Ans: B
69:-The material of twist drill is
A:-Forged steel
C:-Cast iron
Ans: B
70:-Give reason for cutting fluid used in cutting operation
A:-To improve surface finish
B:-To wash ship away
C:-Prevent corrosion of finished surface
D:-All the above
Ans: D
71:-The main parts of Try square is
A:-Stock or beam and blade
B:-Stock and handle
C:-Blade and handle
D:-Head and blade
Ans: A
72:-The distance between one point of a screw thread to the corresponding point on the next thread is called
A:-Nominal diameter
Ans: C
73:-Which one of the following is not a ferrous metal ?
B:-Cast iron
D:-Mild steel
Ans: A
74:-The material used to make a flat file
A:-Wrought iron
B:-High grade steel
C:-High speed steel
Ans: B
75:-In ________ cutting, more than one cutting edge came into action.
D:-None of the above
Ans: C
76:-Name the device which hold and locates a work piece and guides and control one or more cutting tool.
Ans: D
77:-Name the tool used to check the alignment of a machine, while erecting the machine in foundation bolt in the concrete base.
A:-Feeler gauge
B:-Slip gauge
C:-Spirit level
D:-Sine bar
Ans: C
78:-The purpose of flute given in a twist drill is
A:-Admit coolant
B:-Allow chip to escape
C:-Both A and B
D:-None of above
Ans: C
79:-In lathe turning operation, cuutting speed is expressed in
B:-Newton metre
D:-Metres per minute
Ans: D
80:-To make up a long length, several pieces of shafts are joined together with the help of
Ans: A
81:-Hand taps are usually made as sets of
Ans: B
82:-The grinding or abrading process mostly for finishing holes by means of bounded abrasive stones, known as
Ans: B
83:-For connecting two shafts of axes of which intersect, the mechanism used is
A:-Spur gear
B:-Helical gear
D:-Bevel gear
Ans: D
84:-For making purpose, round workpieces are placed on
B:-Surface plate
C:-Angle plate
D:-Straight edge
Ans: A
85:-A combination set has three moving heads
1. Square head
2. Centre head. Name the third one
B:-Flat head
C:-Divider head
D:-Protractor head
Ans: D
86:-Name the tool used to remove a drill from drilling machine spindle.
D:-Scraper rod
Ans: B
87:-Name the process, in which simple shaped components can be made very accurately, clean, without waste and suitable for producing refractory metals and nonferrous metals.
B:-Powder metallurgy
D:-Case hardening
Ans: B
88:-An operation involving heating and cooling of metals or alloys in the solid state to produce desired properties is called
D:-Heat treatment
Ans: D
89:-The latin word ferrum denotes
Ans: A
90:-In an outside micrometer, the object to be measured is held between
A:-Spindle and anvil
B:-Inside jaw and outside jaw
C:-Jig and fixture
D:-Two heads
Ans: A
91:-Mention the machine, from the hint, tool feeds against a rottating work.
D:-Angle cutter
Ans: C
92:-Lathe bed is made of
A:-mild steel
B:-cast iron
C:-wrought iron
D:-high carbon steel
Ans: B
93:-The vice suitable for holding and heavy hammering in the work is
A:-Bench vice
B:-Leg vice
C:-Hand vice
D:-Tool-maker's vice
Ans: B
94:-The hammers are generally made out of
A:-High carbon steel
B:-Cast iron
C:-Forged steel
Ans: C
95:-Find the odd one, which is not related to file ?
Ans: A
96:-Name the welding process depends upon electricity
A:-Gas Welding
B:-Thermit welding
C:-Forge welding
D:-Arc welding
Ans: D
97:-Generally the point of centre punch has an angle of
A:-10° - 30°
B:-15° - 20°
C:-60° - 90°
D:-0 - 30°
Ans: C
98:-External thread can be cut on a round bar, with the help of
A:-Lathe or tap
B:-Tap or die
C:-Lathe or die
D:-None of above
Ans: C
99:-For providing relative movement between the parts, the hole diameter being larger than the shaft diameter. This difference is called
Ans: B
100:-Name the commonly used fuel gas is a gas welding process
C:-Carbon di oxide
Ans: A