1. Which of the following foreign breed has largely been used for cross breeding of cows in India:
A. Holstein
B. Jersey
C. Red Dane
D. Guernsey
Ans: B
2. Most popular breed of buffalo in India is:-
A. Muraah
B. Jafarabadi
C. Bhadawari
D. Surti
Ans: A
3. Which of the following is the breed of Goat :-
A. Ayrshire
B. Ongole
C. Beetal
D. Chokla
Ans: C
4. Which hormone is responsible for oestrus in animal :-
A. Thyroxine
B. Estrogen
C. Progesterone
D. Prolactin
Ans: B
5. How the composition of milk is influenced by advancing stage of lactation in cows:
A. Milk yield is increased
B. Milk fat percent is reduced
C. Lactose in milk is increased
D. Chloride in milk is increased
Ans: D
6. Synthesis of milk takes place in :-
A. Milk duct
B. Milk cistern
C. Milk well
D. Alveoli
Ans: D
7. Silage comes in the category of:-
A. Preserved green fodder
B. Dry fodder
C. Legume dry fodder
D. Green fodder
Ans: A
8. One laying poultry bird requires feed daily at the rate of :-
A. 100-130 g
B. 150-180 g
C. 60-80 g
D. 40-60 g
Ans: A
9. For Artificial insemination, semen should have a minimum sperm concentration of :
A. 5 million/ml
B. 10 million/ml
C. 15 million/ml
D. 20 million/ml
Ans: B
10. Foot and mouth disease in cattle is caused by :-
A. Virus
B. Bacteria
C. Mycoplasma
D. Fungi
Ans: A
11. National Bureau of Animal Genetic Resources is located at-
A) New Delhi B) Anand C) Lucknow D) Karnal
Ans: D
12. Care of new born calf should include:
A) Colostrum feeding within one hour of birth B) Dehorning and disbudding within 24 hours of birth
C) Noves cord cutting very close to ligature D) All of these
Ans: A
13. Gaddi is a breed of
A) Sheep B) Swine C) Goat D) Buffalo
Ans: A
14. Frozen semen is being stored at
A) -169 deg C
B) -178 deg C
C) -196 deg C
D) - 187 deg C
Ans: C
15. The breed evolved by crossing of Murrh and Surti breed of buffalo is-
A) Nili Ravi B) Jafarabadi C) Mahsana D) Nagpuri
Ans: C
16. Gumbora is a disease of which animal?
A) Chicken B) Cow C) Goat D) Sheep
Ans: A
17. FMD (Foot and mouth) disease of cattle is a
A) Fungal Disease B) Viral Disease C) Protozoan Disease D) Bacterial Disease
Ans: B
18. Ranikhet is a ____________ disease?
A) Viral B) Bacterial C) Fingal D) Nematodal
Ans: A
19. Which of the following is not a draught purpose bread of a cow?
A) Nagauri B) Malvi C) Amrit Mahal D) Rathi
Ans: D
20. Which of the following breed of buffalo has the highest fat percentage?
A) Murrah B) Bhadawari C) Surti D) Jaffarabadi
Ans: B
21. Protein content in mustard cake is about-
A) 20% B) 35% C) 8% D) 55%
Ans: B
22. ______ is the best method of milking.
A) Fisting B) Knuckling C) Stripping
D) Knuckling and Stripping
Ans: A
23:- In which of the following farming systems facility for grazing is a must
A:- corraIdairying B:- organic farming C:- specialized farming D:- integrated farming
Ans: B
24:- An Indian breed of cattle known as white Sindhi
A:- Kankrej B:-Hariana C:- Gir D:- Tharparker
Ans: D
25:- SmalIwhite coloured goat breed with light brown spots, short ears and straight facial line
A:- Berkshire B:-BeeteIC:- Boer D:- Barbari
Ans: D
26:- Popular meat breed of duck with creamy white plumage, bright orange bill, legs and feet
A:-Emperor duck B:-Flying duck C:- Penguin duck D:-Kuttanadan duck
Ans: A
27:- Identification method in which the identifying mark is easily visible from a distance
A:- tagging B:- branding C:- tattooing D:- notching
Ans: B
28:- What will be the approximate age of a cow with permanent centrals and centro-Iateral incisors while the laterals and corner incisors are temporary?
A:-1 year B:-2 years C:- 3 years D:-4 years
Ans: C
29:- Which one of the following is not used for whole body retraining?
A:-squeeze cage B:- tranquilization C:- halter D:- casting
Ans: C
30:- A hybrid layer chicken suitable for rearing in cages
A:-AthulyaB:-AmulyaC:- Gramapriya D:- Gramalakshmi
Ans: A
31:- Which among the following domestic animal is having the largest RBC?
A:-Buffa|o B:- Dog C:- Pig D:- Goat
Ans: B
32:- The term 'ventral' indicates
A:- front region of animal B:- hing region of animal C:- upper surface of the body D:-under surface of the body
Ans: D
33:- The bone present at the fore cannon region is
A:-metacarpaIB:-humerus C:- tarsal D:- radius
Ans: A
34:- Which one of the following is seen in the abdominal cavity?
A:- ischium B:-pleura C:- cowper's gland D:-jejunum
Ans: D
35:- The temperature of an animal decreases in which of the following condition?
A:- in the evening B:- in milk fever C:- in young animal D:-in acute disease
Ans: B
36:- The compartment of ruminant stomach which trap foreign objects like nails is
A:-abomasum B:-omasum C:- reticulum D:- rumen
Ans: C
37:- The formation of corpus luteum takes place during
A:-oestrus B:-proestrus C:- dioestrus D:- metoestrus
Ans: D
38:- The testosterone is produced by
A:-Rete testis B:- Leydig cells C:- Seminiferous tubules D:- Epididymis
Ans: B
39:- Which of the following is not involved in milk ejection?
A:-hypotha|amus B:- alveoli C:- anterior pituitary D:- oxytocin
Ans: C
40:- Which is not correct?
A:-fisting should be avoided as it causes injuries to the teat
B:- stripping is used in cows with small test
C:- the thumb is bent against the teat in knuckling
D:-none of these
Ans: A
41:- The floor space required to rear a cow under intensive system
A:-2.7 "'m"2"‘
B:- 3.5 "'m"2"‘
C:- 7.5 "'m"2"‘
D:-5.3 "'m"2"‘
Ans: B
42:- Which is true with respect to the cage system of rearing poultry compared to deep litter system?
A:- Lesser nuisance from flies B:-more welfare to birds
C:-less labour is required for management D:-less change of egg breakage
Ans: C
43:- Regarding vermicomposting which of the following statement is wrong?
A:-it is an odourless, anaerobic process
B:- vermicast is low in pathogenic fungi and bacteria
C:- earthworms ingest about 75% of their body weight in a day
D:-the pit for vermicomposting should be shallow
Ans: A
44:- Kids below 30 days of age should be given whole milk at the rate of
A:- 1/12th of their body weight B:- 1/10th of their body weight
C:- 1/8th of their body weight D:- 1/6th of their body weight
Ans: D
45:- The ideal buck to doe ratio for breeding is
A:- 1:10 B:- 1:15 C:- 1:20 D:- 1:25
Ans: C
46:- A disease of goats caused by Clostridium perfringens
A:-PPR B:-Enterotoxaemia C:- CCPP D:-Lockjaw
Ans: B
47:- The egg white is formed in
A:-uterus B:- isthmus C:- vagina D:- magnum
Ans: D
48:- Which of the following is not a part of the digestive system of chicken?
A:- stigma B:-c|oaca C:- ventriculus D:-crop
Ans: A
49:- The number of air sacs in chicken is
A:- 7 B:- 8 C:- 9 D:- 10
Ans: C
50:- Small down feathers which function as insulative covering in chicken
A:-p|umu|es B:-hack|es C:- contour feathers D:-filoplumes
Ans: A
A. Holstein
B. Jersey
C. Red Dane
D. Guernsey
Ans: B
2. Most popular breed of buffalo in India is:-
A. Muraah
B. Jafarabadi
C. Bhadawari
D. Surti
Ans: A
3. Which of the following is the breed of Goat :-
A. Ayrshire
B. Ongole
C. Beetal
D. Chokla
Ans: C
4. Which hormone is responsible for oestrus in animal :-
A. Thyroxine
B. Estrogen
C. Progesterone
D. Prolactin
Ans: B
5. How the composition of milk is influenced by advancing stage of lactation in cows:
A. Milk yield is increased
B. Milk fat percent is reduced
C. Lactose in milk is increased
D. Chloride in milk is increased
Ans: D
6. Synthesis of milk takes place in :-
A. Milk duct
B. Milk cistern
C. Milk well
D. Alveoli
Ans: D
7. Silage comes in the category of:-
A. Preserved green fodder
B. Dry fodder
C. Legume dry fodder
D. Green fodder
Ans: A
8. One laying poultry bird requires feed daily at the rate of :-
A. 100-130 g
B. 150-180 g
C. 60-80 g
D. 40-60 g
Ans: A
9. For Artificial insemination, semen should have a minimum sperm concentration of :
A. 5 million/ml
B. 10 million/ml
C. 15 million/ml
D. 20 million/ml
Ans: B
10. Foot and mouth disease in cattle is caused by :-
A. Virus
B. Bacteria
C. Mycoplasma
D. Fungi
Ans: A
11. National Bureau of Animal Genetic Resources is located at-
A) New Delhi B) Anand C) Lucknow D) Karnal
Ans: D
12. Care of new born calf should include:
A) Colostrum feeding within one hour of birth B) Dehorning and disbudding within 24 hours of birth
C) Noves cord cutting very close to ligature D) All of these
Ans: A
13. Gaddi is a breed of
A) Sheep B) Swine C) Goat D) Buffalo
Ans: A
14. Frozen semen is being stored at
A) -169 deg C
B) -178 deg C
C) -196 deg C
D) - 187 deg C
Ans: C
15. The breed evolved by crossing of Murrh and Surti breed of buffalo is-
A) Nili Ravi B) Jafarabadi C) Mahsana D) Nagpuri
Ans: C
16. Gumbora is a disease of which animal?
A) Chicken B) Cow C) Goat D) Sheep
Ans: A
17. FMD (Foot and mouth) disease of cattle is a
A) Fungal Disease B) Viral Disease C) Protozoan Disease D) Bacterial Disease
Ans: B
18. Ranikhet is a ____________ disease?
A) Viral B) Bacterial C) Fingal D) Nematodal
Ans: A
19. Which of the following is not a draught purpose bread of a cow?
A) Nagauri B) Malvi C) Amrit Mahal D) Rathi
Ans: D
20. Which of the following breed of buffalo has the highest fat percentage?
A) Murrah B) Bhadawari C) Surti D) Jaffarabadi
Ans: B
21. Protein content in mustard cake is about-
A) 20% B) 35% C) 8% D) 55%
Ans: B
22. ______ is the best method of milking.
A) Fisting B) Knuckling C) Stripping
D) Knuckling and Stripping
Ans: A
23:- In which of the following farming systems facility for grazing is a must
A:- corraIdairying B:- organic farming C:- specialized farming D:- integrated farming
Ans: B
24:- An Indian breed of cattle known as white Sindhi
A:- Kankrej B:-Hariana C:- Gir D:- Tharparker
Ans: D
25:- SmalIwhite coloured goat breed with light brown spots, short ears and straight facial line
A:- Berkshire B:-BeeteIC:- Boer D:- Barbari
Ans: D
26:- Popular meat breed of duck with creamy white plumage, bright orange bill, legs and feet
A:-Emperor duck B:-Flying duck C:- Penguin duck D:-Kuttanadan duck
Ans: A
27:- Identification method in which the identifying mark is easily visible from a distance
A:- tagging B:- branding C:- tattooing D:- notching
Ans: B
28:- What will be the approximate age of a cow with permanent centrals and centro-Iateral incisors while the laterals and corner incisors are temporary?
A:-1 year B:-2 years C:- 3 years D:-4 years
Ans: C
29:- Which one of the following is not used for whole body retraining?
A:-squeeze cage B:- tranquilization C:- halter D:- casting
Ans: C
30:- A hybrid layer chicken suitable for rearing in cages
A:-AthulyaB:-AmulyaC:- Gramapriya D:- Gramalakshmi
Ans: A
31:- Which among the following domestic animal is having the largest RBC?
A:-Buffa|o B:- Dog C:- Pig D:- Goat
Ans: B
32:- The term 'ventral' indicates
A:- front region of animal B:- hing region of animal C:- upper surface of the body D:-under surface of the body
Ans: D
33:- The bone present at the fore cannon region is
A:-metacarpaIB:-humerus C:- tarsal D:- radius
Ans: A
34:- Which one of the following is seen in the abdominal cavity?
A:- ischium B:-pleura C:- cowper's gland D:-jejunum
Ans: D
35:- The temperature of an animal decreases in which of the following condition?
A:- in the evening B:- in milk fever C:- in young animal D:-in acute disease
Ans: B
36:- The compartment of ruminant stomach which trap foreign objects like nails is
A:-abomasum B:-omasum C:- reticulum D:- rumen
Ans: C
37:- The formation of corpus luteum takes place during
A:-oestrus B:-proestrus C:- dioestrus D:- metoestrus
Ans: D
38:- The testosterone is produced by
A:-Rete testis B:- Leydig cells C:- Seminiferous tubules D:- Epididymis
Ans: B
39:- Which of the following is not involved in milk ejection?
A:-hypotha|amus B:- alveoli C:- anterior pituitary D:- oxytocin
Ans: C
40:- Which is not correct?
A:-fisting should be avoided as it causes injuries to the teat
B:- stripping is used in cows with small test
C:- the thumb is bent against the teat in knuckling
D:-none of these
Ans: A
41:- The floor space required to rear a cow under intensive system
A:-2.7 "'m"2"‘
B:- 3.5 "'m"2"‘
C:- 7.5 "'m"2"‘
D:-5.3 "'m"2"‘
Ans: B
42:- Which is true with respect to the cage system of rearing poultry compared to deep litter system?
A:- Lesser nuisance from flies B:-more welfare to birds
C:-less labour is required for management D:-less change of egg breakage
Ans: C
43:- Regarding vermicomposting which of the following statement is wrong?
A:-it is an odourless, anaerobic process
B:- vermicast is low in pathogenic fungi and bacteria
C:- earthworms ingest about 75% of their body weight in a day
D:-the pit for vermicomposting should be shallow
Ans: A
44:- Kids below 30 days of age should be given whole milk at the rate of
A:- 1/12th of their body weight B:- 1/10th of their body weight
C:- 1/8th of their body weight D:- 1/6th of their body weight
Ans: D
45:- The ideal buck to doe ratio for breeding is
A:- 1:10 B:- 1:15 C:- 1:20 D:- 1:25
Ans: C
46:- A disease of goats caused by Clostridium perfringens
A:-PPR B:-Enterotoxaemia C:- CCPP D:-Lockjaw
Ans: B
47:- The egg white is formed in
A:-uterus B:- isthmus C:- vagina D:- magnum
Ans: D
48:- Which of the following is not a part of the digestive system of chicken?
A:- stigma B:-c|oaca C:- ventriculus D:-crop
Ans: A
49:- The number of air sacs in chicken is
A:- 7 B:- 8 C:- 9 D:- 10
Ans: C
50:- Small down feathers which function as insulative covering in chicken
A:-p|umu|es B:-hack|es C:- contour feathers D:-filoplumes
Ans: A
51:- Selection method of choice for improving body weight is
A:- progeny testing B:-individuaIselection C:- family selection D:- pedigree selection
Ans: B
52:- On theoretic consideration the crossing of Indian cow with exotic bull is
A:-out crossing B:- cross breeding C:- grading up D:- species hybridization
Ans: D
53:- The normal colour of bull semen is
A:- sparkling white B:- ye|lowish white C:- dull white D:- snow white
Ans: C
54:- The diluent used for frozen semen is
A:- egg yolk citrate B:-tris-g|yceroIextender C:- caprogen extender D:- coconut milk extender
Ans: B
55:- Site of insemination in cow is
A:- mid cervix B:-uterine cornua C:-fallopian tube D:- vagina
Ans: A
56:-Which of the following is not true about the rectro-vaginal method of AI compared to speculum method?
A:-less disturbance to animal B:-pregnancy can be ruled out before AI
C:- change of injury to genital tract will be less D:-can be done in small animals easily
Ans: D
57:- The type of placenta in sow is
A:-cotyledonary B:-discoid C:- zonary D:-diffuse
Ans: D
58:- Service period is
A:- the time taken for gravid uterus to return to non-gravid stage after parturition
B:- the period from a parturition to next successful insemination
C:- the period between two successive parturitions
D:- the period from drying up of milking to parturition
Ans: B
59:- Which of the following is not involved in ETT?
A:-transfer of ova B:- oestrus synchronisation
C:- insemination of donor D:- super ovulation
Ans: A
60:- Chances of infertility due to anatomical causes may be minimised by
A:-preventing nutritional deficiencies B:-e|iminating venereal diseases
C:- avoiding inbreeding D:- proper timing of AI
Ans: C
61:- Unborn Calves of diary cattle attain maximum growth during
A:-First trimester of pregnancy B:- At the time of calving
C:- Third trimester of pregnancy D:-4-5 months of pregnancy
Ans: C
62:- ArtificiaIrespiration to newborn calves can be given by
A:- Alternate compression and relaxation of the chest B:- Pulling the tongue gently forward and backward
C:- Lifting the calf by holding on the hind legs D:-All of the above
Ans: D
63:- Hanging navel cord of the calf should be removed by
A:-Cutting 5 cm away from the body
B:- Tied about 2.5 cm away from the body and cut about 1 cm below the ligature
C:- Tied about 5 cm away from the body and cut about 1 cm below the ligature
D:-Cutting at the base of the body
Ans: B
A:- is the practice of separating calves from its mother 1 month after calving
B:- 1 week after calving
C:- Immediately after birth
D:- 3 months after calving
Ans: C
A:- is rich in protein, minerals and vitamins
B:-Contains large quantity of immune bodies
C:- Has a laxative effect
D:-All of the above
Ans: D
66:- Dehorning of calf is done preferably
A:- At the age of 1 month B:- Within 2 weeks after birth
C:- After three months D:- At the time of birth
Ans: B
67:- For Indian cattle and exotic cattle the critical temperature is
A:- About 95°F and 80°-85° F respectively
B:- About100°F and 70°-75° F respectively
C:- About 60°F and 85° F respectively
D:-None of the above
Ans: A
68:- Deficiency of protein in diet causes
A:- Reduced milk and egg production B:- Poor growth rate
C:- Cow birth weight D:-All of the above
Ans: D
69:- Magnesium (Mg) deficiency in cattle causes
A:- Goiter B:-Parakeratosis C:- Hyper sensitivity D:-Rickets
Ans: C
70:- TDN in a feed is found out by
A:-Calculating the energy provided by carbohydrate
B:-Calculating the energy provided by carbohydrate and protein together
C:- Calculating the energy provided by carbo-hydrate, protein and 225 time of fat together
D:-None of the above
Ans: C
71:- Concentrated feed for diary cattle will have
A:- 20% Crude protein (CP) and 65-70% TDN
B:- 22% Crude protein and 55% TDN
C:- 30% Crude protein and 75% TDN
D:- 18% Crude protein and 60% TDN
Ans: A
72:- Health is defined as
A:-Curing the disease
B:-Maximum physiological functioning of all system of the body based on breed, age and sex
C:- Condition in which animal can move freely
D:- Normal eating and drinking
Ans: B
A:- The process by which erythrocytes kills pathogenic organisms
B:- is a defence mechanism by which WBCs engulf and kill the pathogenic organisms
C:- Is the process in which platelet count in the blood increases
D:- is increase in the number of eosinophils
Ans: B
74:- Infectious diseases is caused by
A:- Deficiency of different kinds of minerals and vitamins
B:-Living organism such as bacteria, virus, fungus, protozoa etc
C:- Invasion of external and internal parasites
D:-All of the above
Ans: B
75:- The ideal time for vaccinating cattle against anthrax is
A:-During June-July B:- During October-November
C:- During January-February D:-During November December
Ans: C
76:-HS (Hemorrhagic Septicemia) is a bacterial disease caused by
A:- Bacillus Anthracis B:- Clostridium tetani
C:- Pasteurella multocida D:-Micobacterium tuberculosis
Ans: C
77:- Which among the following is a zoonotic disease?
A:-Hypoca|caemia B:- Mastitis
C:- Brucellosis D:-Ketosis
Ans: C
78:- State govt. has taken active vaccination programme every year against
A:- Mastitis B:- Rinder pest
C:- Milk fever D:-Foot and mouth diseases
Ans: D
79:- Cotton seed contains phytotoxin called
A:- Lactin B:- Hydrocynic acid C:- GossypoI D:-None of the above
Ans: C
80:- Minimum floor area requirement for a boar is
A:-"'9.3 m"2"‘
B:-"'7 m"2"‘
C:- "'3.9 m"2 -4.9 m"2"‘
D:-"'6 m"2"‘
Ans: A
81:- Which among the following is coming under American class of poultry?
A:-Minorca B:-Rhode Island Red C:- Langshan D:- Cornish
Ans: B
82:- Caponisation is a process of
A:-SurgicaIremoval of ovaries B:- SurgicaI removal of Comb
C:- SurgicaIremoval of testis D:-None of the above
Ans: C
83:- Floor space for a layer should be
A:- 2.5 - 3 sq.ft
B:- 1 sq.ft
C:- 2 sq.ft
D:- 1.5 sq.ft
Ans: A
84:- Scientific name of Turkey
A:- Gallus gallus domesticus B:- Anas platyrrhynchos
C:- Melagaris Gallapova D:-Coturnix coturnixJaponica
Ans: C
85:- Sickle feather is seen in
A:-Drake B:-Cock C:- Hen D:- Quail
Ans: B
86:- She|Imembrane of chicken egg is formed in
A:-Inbundibulum B:- Isthumus C:- Magnum D:-Stigma
Ans: B
87:- Average weight of chicken egg is
A:- 35-40 gm
B:- 60-65 gm
C:- 70-80 gm
D:- 50-55 gm
Ans: D
88:- Act of shedding of feathers in birds is known as
A:- Moulting B:-Dubbing C:- Bleaching D:- De-feathering
Ans: A
89:- Feed conversion ratio for broiler is
A:- 1.8-2.0 kg for 1 kg live weight
B:- 1.5 kg for 1 kg live weight
C:- 2.5 kg for 3 kg live weight
D:- -2.0 kg for 2 kg live weight
Ans: A
90:- Incubation period for chicken egg in an artificial incubator is
A:-11 days B:-1 day C:- 21 days D:-3 days
Ans: C
91:- Coccidiosis is a disease condition in poultry caused by
A:-Virus B:-Bacteria C:-Fungus D:-Protozoa
Ans: D
92:- Dry matter content in cow milk is
B:- 12.75%
C:- 15.25%
Ans: B
93:- Sugar present in milk is
A:-Glucose B:- Fructose C:- Lactose D:-Casein
Ans: C
94:- Pasteurization of milk is normally done to
A:- Destruction of most pathogenic micro-organisms
B:- Improve the keeping quality of milk
C:- Avoiding spread of diseases
D:-All of the above
Ans: D
95:- Percentage of SNF and fact in double toned milk is
A:- 3.5 and 1.5 respectively B:- 9.0 and 1.5 respectively
C:- 8.5 and 3.5 respectively D:-8.7 and 0.5 respectively
Ans: B
96:- is an acid coagulated milk product.
A:-Curd B:-Paneer C:- Cream D:- Khoa
Ans: B
97:- Specific gravity of cow's milk is
B:- 1.015-1.018
Ans: A
98:- Adulteration of starch in milk is detected by
A:-Amylase test B:-HCL and resorcinol test
C:- Iodine test D:- Seliwanoff's reagent test
Ans: C
99:- Which of the following is a fermented milk product?
A:-Paneer B:- Ice-cream C:- Cheese D:-Ghee
Ans: C
100:- Broiler finisher should get % of crude protein and
A:-20 and 3200 respectively B:- 23 and 3000 respectively
C:- 22 and 3100 respectively D:-20 and 2800 respectively
Ans: A
1:- As per the livestock census 2012, the total cattle population in India is
A:- 191 million
B:- 512 million
C:- 109 million
D:- 135 million
Ans: A
2:- Young female pig is called
A:-hog B:- poult C:- gilt D:- pullet
Ans: C
A:- progeny testing B:-individuaIselection C:- family selection D:- pedigree selection
Ans: B
52:- On theoretic consideration the crossing of Indian cow with exotic bull is
A:-out crossing B:- cross breeding C:- grading up D:- species hybridization
Ans: D
53:- The normal colour of bull semen is
A:- sparkling white B:- ye|lowish white C:- dull white D:- snow white
Ans: C
54:- The diluent used for frozen semen is
A:- egg yolk citrate B:-tris-g|yceroIextender C:- caprogen extender D:- coconut milk extender
Ans: B
55:- Site of insemination in cow is
A:- mid cervix B:-uterine cornua C:-fallopian tube D:- vagina
Ans: A
56:-Which of the following is not true about the rectro-vaginal method of AI compared to speculum method?
A:-less disturbance to animal B:-pregnancy can be ruled out before AI
C:- change of injury to genital tract will be less D:-can be done in small animals easily
Ans: D
57:- The type of placenta in sow is
A:-cotyledonary B:-discoid C:- zonary D:-diffuse
Ans: D
58:- Service period is
A:- the time taken for gravid uterus to return to non-gravid stage after parturition
B:- the period from a parturition to next successful insemination
C:- the period between two successive parturitions
D:- the period from drying up of milking to parturition
Ans: B
59:- Which of the following is not involved in ETT?
A:-transfer of ova B:- oestrus synchronisation
C:- insemination of donor D:- super ovulation
Ans: A
60:- Chances of infertility due to anatomical causes may be minimised by
A:-preventing nutritional deficiencies B:-e|iminating venereal diseases
C:- avoiding inbreeding D:- proper timing of AI
Ans: C
61:- Unborn Calves of diary cattle attain maximum growth during
A:-First trimester of pregnancy B:- At the time of calving
C:- Third trimester of pregnancy D:-4-5 months of pregnancy
Ans: C
62:- ArtificiaIrespiration to newborn calves can be given by
A:- Alternate compression and relaxation of the chest B:- Pulling the tongue gently forward and backward
C:- Lifting the calf by holding on the hind legs D:-All of the above
Ans: D
63:- Hanging navel cord of the calf should be removed by
A:-Cutting 5 cm away from the body
B:- Tied about 2.5 cm away from the body and cut about 1 cm below the ligature
C:- Tied about 5 cm away from the body and cut about 1 cm below the ligature
D:-Cutting at the base of the body
Ans: B
A:- is the practice of separating calves from its mother 1 month after calving
B:- 1 week after calving
C:- Immediately after birth
D:- 3 months after calving
Ans: C
A:- is rich in protein, minerals and vitamins
B:-Contains large quantity of immune bodies
C:- Has a laxative effect
D:-All of the above
Ans: D
66:- Dehorning of calf is done preferably
A:- At the age of 1 month B:- Within 2 weeks after birth
C:- After three months D:- At the time of birth
Ans: B
67:- For Indian cattle and exotic cattle the critical temperature is
A:- About 95°F and 80°-85° F respectively
B:- About100°F and 70°-75° F respectively
C:- About 60°F and 85° F respectively
D:-None of the above
Ans: A
68:- Deficiency of protein in diet causes
A:- Reduced milk and egg production B:- Poor growth rate
C:- Cow birth weight D:-All of the above
Ans: D
69:- Magnesium (Mg) deficiency in cattle causes
A:- Goiter B:-Parakeratosis C:- Hyper sensitivity D:-Rickets
Ans: C
70:- TDN in a feed is found out by
A:-Calculating the energy provided by carbohydrate
B:-Calculating the energy provided by carbohydrate and protein together
C:- Calculating the energy provided by carbo-hydrate, protein and 225 time of fat together
D:-None of the above
Ans: C
71:- Concentrated feed for diary cattle will have
A:- 20% Crude protein (CP) and 65-70% TDN
B:- 22% Crude protein and 55% TDN
C:- 30% Crude protein and 75% TDN
D:- 18% Crude protein and 60% TDN
Ans: A
72:- Health is defined as
A:-Curing the disease
B:-Maximum physiological functioning of all system of the body based on breed, age and sex
C:- Condition in which animal can move freely
D:- Normal eating and drinking
Ans: B
A:- The process by which erythrocytes kills pathogenic organisms
B:- is a defence mechanism by which WBCs engulf and kill the pathogenic organisms
C:- Is the process in which platelet count in the blood increases
D:- is increase in the number of eosinophils
Ans: B
74:- Infectious diseases is caused by
A:- Deficiency of different kinds of minerals and vitamins
B:-Living organism such as bacteria, virus, fungus, protozoa etc
C:- Invasion of external and internal parasites
D:-All of the above
Ans: B
75:- The ideal time for vaccinating cattle against anthrax is
A:-During June-July B:- During October-November
C:- During January-February D:-During November December
Ans: C
76:-HS (Hemorrhagic Septicemia) is a bacterial disease caused by
A:- Bacillus Anthracis B:- Clostridium tetani
C:- Pasteurella multocida D:-Micobacterium tuberculosis
Ans: C
77:- Which among the following is a zoonotic disease?
A:-Hypoca|caemia B:- Mastitis
C:- Brucellosis D:-Ketosis
Ans: C
78:- State govt. has taken active vaccination programme every year against
A:- Mastitis B:- Rinder pest
C:- Milk fever D:-Foot and mouth diseases
Ans: D
79:- Cotton seed contains phytotoxin called
A:- Lactin B:- Hydrocynic acid C:- GossypoI D:-None of the above
Ans: C
80:- Minimum floor area requirement for a boar is
A:-"'9.3 m"2"‘
B:-"'7 m"2"‘
C:- "'3.9 m"2 -4.9 m"2"‘
D:-"'6 m"2"‘
Ans: A
81:- Which among the following is coming under American class of poultry?
A:-Minorca B:-Rhode Island Red C:- Langshan D:- Cornish
Ans: B
82:- Caponisation is a process of
A:-SurgicaIremoval of ovaries B:- SurgicaI removal of Comb
C:- SurgicaIremoval of testis D:-None of the above
Ans: C
83:- Floor space for a layer should be
A:- 2.5 - 3 sq.ft
B:- 1 sq.ft
C:- 2 sq.ft
D:- 1.5 sq.ft
Ans: A
84:- Scientific name of Turkey
A:- Gallus gallus domesticus B:- Anas platyrrhynchos
C:- Melagaris Gallapova D:-Coturnix coturnixJaponica
Ans: C
85:- Sickle feather is seen in
A:-Drake B:-Cock C:- Hen D:- Quail
Ans: B
86:- She|Imembrane of chicken egg is formed in
A:-Inbundibulum B:- Isthumus C:- Magnum D:-Stigma
Ans: B
87:- Average weight of chicken egg is
A:- 35-40 gm
B:- 60-65 gm
C:- 70-80 gm
D:- 50-55 gm
Ans: D
88:- Act of shedding of feathers in birds is known as
A:- Moulting B:-Dubbing C:- Bleaching D:- De-feathering
Ans: A
89:- Feed conversion ratio for broiler is
A:- 1.8-2.0 kg for 1 kg live weight
B:- 1.5 kg for 1 kg live weight
C:- 2.5 kg for 3 kg live weight
D:- -2.0 kg for 2 kg live weight
Ans: A
90:- Incubation period for chicken egg in an artificial incubator is
A:-11 days B:-1 day C:- 21 days D:-3 days
Ans: C
91:- Coccidiosis is a disease condition in poultry caused by
A:-Virus B:-Bacteria C:-Fungus D:-Protozoa
Ans: D
92:- Dry matter content in cow milk is
B:- 12.75%
C:- 15.25%
Ans: B
93:- Sugar present in milk is
A:-Glucose B:- Fructose C:- Lactose D:-Casein
Ans: C
94:- Pasteurization of milk is normally done to
A:- Destruction of most pathogenic micro-organisms
B:- Improve the keeping quality of milk
C:- Avoiding spread of diseases
D:-All of the above
Ans: D
95:- Percentage of SNF and fact in double toned milk is
A:- 3.5 and 1.5 respectively B:- 9.0 and 1.5 respectively
C:- 8.5 and 3.5 respectively D:-8.7 and 0.5 respectively
Ans: B
96:- is an acid coagulated milk product.
A:-Curd B:-Paneer C:- Cream D:- Khoa
Ans: B
97:- Specific gravity of cow's milk is
B:- 1.015-1.018
Ans: A
98:- Adulteration of starch in milk is detected by
A:-Amylase test B:-HCL and resorcinol test
C:- Iodine test D:- Seliwanoff's reagent test
Ans: C
99:- Which of the following is a fermented milk product?
A:-Paneer B:- Ice-cream C:- Cheese D:-Ghee
Ans: C
100:- Broiler finisher should get % of crude protein and
A:-20 and 3200 respectively B:- 23 and 3000 respectively
C:- 22 and 3100 respectively D:-20 and 2800 respectively
Ans: A
1:- As per the livestock census 2012, the total cattle population in India is
A:- 191 million
B:- 512 million
C:- 109 million
D:- 135 million
Ans: A
2:- Young female pig is called
A:-hog B:- poult C:- gilt D:- pullet
Ans: C