1. Who is the author of the book “Peoples of India” ?
(A) Herbert Reseley
(B) Campbell
(C) Dalton
(D) William Johns
Ans: A
2. Who is the Supreme God in ‘Asur’ religion ?
(A) Ravana
(B) Singbonga
(C) Patdarha
(D) Duwari
Ans: B
3. What is the “Hargari” of Munda ?
(A) Dirdiri
(B) Sarna
(C) Sasandiri
(D) Masna
Ans: C
4. How many tribes were scheduled in 1872 ?
(A) 32
(B) 29
(C) 26
(D) 18
Ans: D
5. Who is the primitive tribes ?
(A) Binjhiya
(B) Bediya
(C) Birjiya
(D) Khariya
Ans: C
6. Which marriage is most popular in Santhal society ?
(A) Kiri–n Jawai Bapla
(B) Duwar etud Sindur Bapla
(C) Sanga Bapla
(D) Or Etut Bapla
Ans: B
7. What is called “Bride Price” in Sadan ?
(A) Panch Pachis (Dali Dam)
(B) Gonog
(C) Dali Dhiba
(D) Ginig tang
Ans: A
8. For whom the ‘Guru’ word is used ?
(A) Lohariya
(B) Lohar
(C) Lohra
(D) Asur
Ans: C
9. Which is necessary in Sahiya ?
(A) Same caste
(B) Same religion
(C) Same gender
(D) Same Heart
Ans: D
Read the following passage minutely and answer question No. 10 to 14 :
Most of the people, around 70 percent, lived in villages. Their ways of living characterised the Indian economy. The Indian economy was almost entirely rural. The villages, however, were mostly self sufficient units, isolated from the outside. All the material needs for the village people were satisfied locally, only a few goods like salt and some luxury goods such as ornaments were brought from outside. Further, all the artisans lived in villages and took care of the necessities of the population other than food. The lack of adequate communications too kept the villages away from outside contact.
10. What will be the correct heading of this passage ?
(A) Rural Economy in India
(B) Village Life
(C) Urban Life
(D) Lack of communication
Ans: A
11. Whether Indian economy was rural ?
(A) No
(B) Yes
(C) Both
(D) Mixed
Ans: B
12. Was Indian economy self sufficient ?
(A) Yes
(B) No
(C) Mostly
(D) Not in old age
Ans: A
13. Why the villagers remained aloof from external contact ?
(A) Lack of communications
(B) Lack of adequate communication
(C) Lack of road
(D) Lack of newspapers
Ans: B
14. Who took care of the necessities of the villages ?
(A) King
(B) Landlords
(C) Artisans
(D) Poor People
Ans: C
15. What is studied in Linguistics ?
(A) Language
(B) Dilect
(C) Both language and dilect
(D) Grammatical language
Ans: C
16. What is the original form of language ?
(A) Sound
(B) Sentence
(C) Form
(D) Meaning
Ans: B
17. Who was the propounder of Root theory ?
(A) None
(B) Max Muller
(C) Heyes
(D) Plato
Ans: D
18. How will the National Language be developed ?
(A) Primary education through the medium of mother tongue.
(B) Primary education through English medium.
(C) Primary education through Hindi and English medium.
(D) With the enforcement of stringent laws.
Ans: A
(A) Herbert Reseley
(B) Campbell
(C) Dalton
(D) William Johns
Ans: A
2. Who is the Supreme God in ‘Asur’ religion ?
(A) Ravana
(B) Singbonga
(C) Patdarha
(D) Duwari
Ans: B
3. What is the “Hargari” of Munda ?
(A) Dirdiri
(B) Sarna
(C) Sasandiri
(D) Masna
Ans: C
4. How many tribes were scheduled in 1872 ?
(A) 32
(B) 29
(C) 26
(D) 18
Ans: D
5. Who is the primitive tribes ?
(A) Binjhiya
(B) Bediya
(C) Birjiya
(D) Khariya
Ans: C
6. Which marriage is most popular in Santhal society ?
(A) Kiri–n Jawai Bapla
(B) Duwar etud Sindur Bapla
(C) Sanga Bapla
(D) Or Etut Bapla
Ans: B
7. What is called “Bride Price” in Sadan ?
(A) Panch Pachis (Dali Dam)
(B) Gonog
(C) Dali Dhiba
(D) Ginig tang
Ans: A
8. For whom the ‘Guru’ word is used ?
(A) Lohariya
(B) Lohar
(C) Lohra
(D) Asur
Ans: C
9. Which is necessary in Sahiya ?
(A) Same caste
(B) Same religion
(C) Same gender
(D) Same Heart
Ans: D
Read the following passage minutely and answer question No. 10 to 14 :
Most of the people, around 70 percent, lived in villages. Their ways of living characterised the Indian economy. The Indian economy was almost entirely rural. The villages, however, were mostly self sufficient units, isolated from the outside. All the material needs for the village people were satisfied locally, only a few goods like salt and some luxury goods such as ornaments were brought from outside. Further, all the artisans lived in villages and took care of the necessities of the population other than food. The lack of adequate communications too kept the villages away from outside contact.
10. What will be the correct heading of this passage ?
(A) Rural Economy in India
(B) Village Life
(C) Urban Life
(D) Lack of communication
Ans: A
11. Whether Indian economy was rural ?
(A) No
(B) Yes
(C) Both
(D) Mixed
Ans: B
12. Was Indian economy self sufficient ?
(A) Yes
(B) No
(C) Mostly
(D) Not in old age
Ans: A
13. Why the villagers remained aloof from external contact ?
(A) Lack of communications
(B) Lack of adequate communication
(C) Lack of road
(D) Lack of newspapers
Ans: B
14. Who took care of the necessities of the villages ?
(A) King
(B) Landlords
(C) Artisans
(D) Poor People
Ans: C
15. What is studied in Linguistics ?
(A) Language
(B) Dilect
(C) Both language and dilect
(D) Grammatical language
Ans: C
16. What is the original form of language ?
(A) Sound
(B) Sentence
(C) Form
(D) Meaning
Ans: B
17. Who was the propounder of Root theory ?
(A) None
(B) Max Muller
(C) Heyes
(D) Plato
Ans: D
18. How will the National Language be developed ?
(A) Primary education through the medium of mother tongue.
(B) Primary education through English medium.
(C) Primary education through Hindi and English medium.
(D) With the enforcement of stringent laws.
Ans: A
19. What is the most important character of Devnagari script ?
(A) Beauty of script
(B) Mechanical facility
(C) Symmetry of sound and script
(D) Symmetry in writing
Ans: C
20. T, Th, D, Dh, N are the sounds of the group
(A) Celebral
(B) Dental
(C) Palatal
(D) Bilabial
Ans: B
21. Which is not the example of contraction of meaning ?
(A) Pasu
(B) Mandir
(C) Mriga
(D) Patra
Ans: D
22. What is the correct order of Hindi sentences ?
(A) Subject, object, verb
(B) Object, subject, verb
(C) Verb, object, subject
(D) Subject, verb, object
Ans: A
23. What is meant by Mahabharat in semantics ?
(A) War between two countries
(B) Religious book
(C) Epic
(D) Domestic conflict
Ans: D
24. Which group is the most matching ?
(a) Phonetic Script (i) Devnagri
(b) Syllabic Script (ii) Roman
(c) Alphabetic Script (iii) Chainese
(d) Pictography Script (iv) Devnagri Roman & Arabic
Codes :
(a) (b) (c) (d)
(A) (iv) (i) (ii) (iii)
(B) (i) (ii) (iii) (iv)
(C) (ii) (iii) (iv) (i)
(D) (iii) (iv) (i) (ii)
Ans: A
25. What is the main subject of Yajurveda ?
(A) Tantra-Mantra, Jadu-Tona
(B) Sangeet
(C) Yagya
(D) Devta’s Mantra
Ans: C
26. What is Pancham Veda ?
(A) Four Veda
(B) Ramayana
(C) 18 Puranas
(D) Mahabharata
Ans: D
27. Who is the author of “Prithviraj Raso” ?
(A) Vidyapati
(B) Prithviraj Chauhan
(C) Mallik Mohammad Jayasi
(D) Chandbardai
Ans: D
28. What is ‘Dhruvaswamini’, written by Prasad ?
(A) Novel
(B) Drama
(C) Biography
(D) History
Ans: B
29. What is the period of ‘Ritikala’ ?
(A) 1050 – 1375
(B) 1900 – 2000
(C) 1700 – 1900
(D) 1375 – 1700
Ans: C
30. Which is the oldest ‘Upnishada’ ?
(A) Ishavasya Upnishada
(B) Kenopnishada
(C) Kathopnishada
(D) Brihadaranayaka Upnishada
Ans: A
31. What kind of devotion belongs to Kabirdas ?
(A) Prem-margi
(B) Gyan-margi
(C) Sagun Bhakti
(D) Krishna Bhakti
Ans: B
32. What is ‘Kamayani’ ?
(A) Lyric
(B) Lyric drama
(C) Epic
(D) ‘Khandkavya’
Ans: C
33. “Poetry is the best word in the best order”, - Whose definition of poetry is this ?
(A) William Shakespeare
(B) John Milton
(C) Coleridge
(D) Johnson
Ans: C
34. Which grouping of the assertion and reason is the most appropriate in the following ?
Assertion (A) : Beauty is truth, truth is beauty that is all we know on earth and all we need to know.
Reason (R) : Because truth is temporary and glow less.
(A) (A) is correct (R) is not correct.
(B) (A) is not correct (R) is correct.
(C) (A) and (R) both are correct.
(D) (A) and (R) both are not correct.
Ans: A
35. What is the ‘Sthayibhav’ of ‘Adbhut Rasa’ ?
(A) Bhaya
(B) Utsaha
(C) Vismaya
(D) Hasa
Ans: C
36. Who is the writer of ‘Natya Shastra’ ?
(A) Muni Visvamitra
(B) Acharya Bharat Muni
(C) Vashishta Muni
(D) Parashra Muni
Ans: B
37. “Ko tum ? haun ghanshayam ham
To barso kit jay ?
Nahi manmohan haun Priye
Phir kyon pakrat panya ?
Which Alankar is in it ?
(A) Vakrokti
(B) Virodhabhas
(C) Bhrantiman
(D) Sandeha
Ans: A
(A) Beauty of script
(B) Mechanical facility
(C) Symmetry of sound and script
(D) Symmetry in writing
Ans: C
20. T, Th, D, Dh, N are the sounds of the group
(A) Celebral
(B) Dental
(C) Palatal
(D) Bilabial
Ans: B
21. Which is not the example of contraction of meaning ?
(A) Pasu
(B) Mandir
(C) Mriga
(D) Patra
Ans: D
22. What is the correct order of Hindi sentences ?
(A) Subject, object, verb
(B) Object, subject, verb
(C) Verb, object, subject
(D) Subject, verb, object
Ans: A
23. What is meant by Mahabharat in semantics ?
(A) War between two countries
(B) Religious book
(C) Epic
(D) Domestic conflict
Ans: D
24. Which group is the most matching ?
(a) Phonetic Script (i) Devnagri
(b) Syllabic Script (ii) Roman
(c) Alphabetic Script (iii) Chainese
(d) Pictography Script (iv) Devnagri Roman & Arabic
Codes :
(a) (b) (c) (d)
(A) (iv) (i) (ii) (iii)
(B) (i) (ii) (iii) (iv)
(C) (ii) (iii) (iv) (i)
(D) (iii) (iv) (i) (ii)
Ans: A
25. What is the main subject of Yajurveda ?
(A) Tantra-Mantra, Jadu-Tona
(B) Sangeet
(C) Yagya
(D) Devta’s Mantra
Ans: C
26. What is Pancham Veda ?
(A) Four Veda
(B) Ramayana
(C) 18 Puranas
(D) Mahabharata
Ans: D
27. Who is the author of “Prithviraj Raso” ?
(A) Vidyapati
(B) Prithviraj Chauhan
(C) Mallik Mohammad Jayasi
(D) Chandbardai
Ans: D
28. What is ‘Dhruvaswamini’, written by Prasad ?
(A) Novel
(B) Drama
(C) Biography
(D) History
Ans: B
29. What is the period of ‘Ritikala’ ?
(A) 1050 – 1375
(B) 1900 – 2000
(C) 1700 – 1900
(D) 1375 – 1700
Ans: C
30. Which is the oldest ‘Upnishada’ ?
(A) Ishavasya Upnishada
(B) Kenopnishada
(C) Kathopnishada
(D) Brihadaranayaka Upnishada
Ans: A
31. What kind of devotion belongs to Kabirdas ?
(A) Prem-margi
(B) Gyan-margi
(C) Sagun Bhakti
(D) Krishna Bhakti
Ans: B
32. What is ‘Kamayani’ ?
(A) Lyric
(B) Lyric drama
(C) Epic
(D) ‘Khandkavya’
Ans: C
33. “Poetry is the best word in the best order”, - Whose definition of poetry is this ?
(A) William Shakespeare
(B) John Milton
(C) Coleridge
(D) Johnson
Ans: C
34. Which grouping of the assertion and reason is the most appropriate in the following ?
Assertion (A) : Beauty is truth, truth is beauty that is all we know on earth and all we need to know.
Reason (R) : Because truth is temporary and glow less.
(A) (A) is correct (R) is not correct.
(B) (A) is not correct (R) is correct.
(C) (A) and (R) both are correct.
(D) (A) and (R) both are not correct.
Ans: A
35. What is the ‘Sthayibhav’ of ‘Adbhut Rasa’ ?
(A) Bhaya
(B) Utsaha
(C) Vismaya
(D) Hasa
Ans: C
36. Who is the writer of ‘Natya Shastra’ ?
(A) Muni Visvamitra
(B) Acharya Bharat Muni
(C) Vashishta Muni
(D) Parashra Muni
Ans: B
37. “Ko tum ? haun ghanshayam ham
To barso kit jay ?
Nahi manmohan haun Priye
Phir kyon pakrat panya ?
Which Alankar is in it ?
(A) Vakrokti
(B) Virodhabhas
(C) Bhrantiman
(D) Sandeha
Ans: A
38. How many ‘Matras’ are in ‘Doha’ ?
(A) Ist and IIIrd part – 13 –11
(B) Ist and IIIrd part – 11 – 13
(C) Ist to IVth part – 13 – 13
(D) Ist and IVth part – 11 – 11
Ans: A
39. What is the relation between ‘Prastut’ and ‘Aprastut’ in ‘Deepak Alankar’ ?
(A) Same ‘Dharma’
(B) Opposite Dharma
(C) Unequal Dharma
(D) Contradictory Dharma
Ans: A
40. What is the meaning of ‘Paper tiger’ in Shada Shakti ?
(A) Abhidha
(B) Laksh–na
(C) Vyanjana
(D) None
Ans: B
41. To which category the ‘Jitiya Praba Katha’ belong ?
(A) Myth
(B) Legend
(C) Parable
(D) Fable
Ans: A
42. ‘Kam karo anga Laga Kar.
Dagar chalo Sanga Laga Kar
What is this ?
(A) Idiom
(B) Saying
(C) Song
(D) Mantra
Ans: B
43. To which community the ‘Sosobonga’ legend belongs ?
(A) To Oraon
(B) To Sadan
(C) To Munda
(D) To Asura
Ans: C
44. To which category the ‘Mardani Jhumar’ belongs ?
(A) Female dominated
(B) Male – Female dominated
(C) War dance
(D) Male dominated
Ans: D
45. Which method was used in the folk life at the time of snake bite ?
(A) Medicine
(B) Herbal medicine
(C) Mantra
(D) Cut off the part of body
Ans: C
46. To whom the Princess of folk tale ‘Aam Koyal and Rajkumari’ is married ?
(A) Mango
(B) Cukkoo
(C) ‘Diku’
(D) Prince
Ans: B
47. What is the main purpose of folk song ?
(A) Relief from pain
(B) Increase happiness
(C) Entertainment
(D) Folk Consciousness
Ans: C
48. In which occasion the cattles are worshiped in Jharkhand ?
(A) Sohrai
(B) Gobardhan Puja
(C) Durga Puja
(D) Sarhul
Ans: A
49. Which is utilised in the test of mental ability in the folk-life ?
(A) Folk dance
(B) Riddle
(C) Folk drama
(D) Proverb
Ans: B
50. Under which category the cosmology folktales are classified ?
(A) Legend
(B) General story
(C) Myth
(D) Fairy tales
Ans: C
(A) Ist and IIIrd part – 13 –11
(B) Ist and IIIrd part – 11 – 13
(C) Ist to IVth part – 13 – 13
(D) Ist and IVth part – 11 – 11
Ans: A
39. What is the relation between ‘Prastut’ and ‘Aprastut’ in ‘Deepak Alankar’ ?
(A) Same ‘Dharma’
(B) Opposite Dharma
(C) Unequal Dharma
(D) Contradictory Dharma
Ans: A
40. What is the meaning of ‘Paper tiger’ in Shada Shakti ?
(A) Abhidha
(B) Laksh–na
(C) Vyanjana
(D) None
Ans: B
41. To which category the ‘Jitiya Praba Katha’ belong ?
(A) Myth
(B) Legend
(C) Parable
(D) Fable
Ans: A
42. ‘Kam karo anga Laga Kar.
Dagar chalo Sanga Laga Kar
What is this ?
(A) Idiom
(B) Saying
(C) Song
(D) Mantra
Ans: B
43. To which community the ‘Sosobonga’ legend belongs ?
(A) To Oraon
(B) To Sadan
(C) To Munda
(D) To Asura
Ans: C
44. To which category the ‘Mardani Jhumar’ belongs ?
(A) Female dominated
(B) Male – Female dominated
(C) War dance
(D) Male dominated
Ans: D
45. Which method was used in the folk life at the time of snake bite ?
(A) Medicine
(B) Herbal medicine
(C) Mantra
(D) Cut off the part of body
Ans: C
46. To whom the Princess of folk tale ‘Aam Koyal and Rajkumari’ is married ?
(A) Mango
(B) Cukkoo
(C) ‘Diku’
(D) Prince
Ans: B
47. What is the main purpose of folk song ?
(A) Relief from pain
(B) Increase happiness
(C) Entertainment
(D) Folk Consciousness
Ans: C
48. In which occasion the cattles are worshiped in Jharkhand ?
(A) Sohrai
(B) Gobardhan Puja
(C) Durga Puja
(D) Sarhul
Ans: A
49. Which is utilised in the test of mental ability in the folk-life ?
(A) Folk dance
(B) Riddle
(C) Folk drama
(D) Proverb
Ans: B
50. Under which category the cosmology folktales are classified ?
(A) Legend
(B) General story
(C) Myth
(D) Fairy tales
Ans: C
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