1. Bessel’s solution to three point problem is related to
A) Trial and error method
B) Tracing paper method
C) Mechanical method
D) Graphical method
Ans: D
2. Slope along the longitudinal direction is often termed as
A) Gradient B) Transverse slope
C) Section D) Camber
Ans: A
3. Equal gradient lines along a slope are called
A) Grade contours B) Contour gradients
C) Vertical equivalents D) Horizontal equivalents
Ans: A
4. Offsets are said to be large when offset length exceeds _________ m.
A) 5 B) 10 C) 15 D) 20
Ans: C
5. A set of arrows provided with chain has _________ arrows.
A) 10 B) 15 C) 20 D) 30
Ans: A
6. Which of the following is also referred as versed sine of the curve ?
A) Tangent length B) Long chord
C) Apex distance D) Mid-ordinate
Ans: D
7. Of the following which is the correct input method to draw a line of 100 units at an angle of 40 deg in anticlockwise direction from positive X axis on a default AutoCAD working space ?
A) <40@100
B) @100<40
C) @40<100
D) <100@40
Ans: B
8. Which of the following instrument is used for ranging ?
A) Peg B) Cross staff
C) Optical square D) Line ranger
Ans: D
9. Which of the permanent adjustment test checks the perpendicularity between horizontal axis and vertical axis ?
A) Plate level test B) Collimation test
C) Spire test D) Azimuth test
Ans: C
A) Trial and error method
B) Tracing paper method
C) Mechanical method
D) Graphical method
Ans: D
2. Slope along the longitudinal direction is often termed as
A) Gradient B) Transverse slope
C) Section D) Camber
Ans: A
3. Equal gradient lines along a slope are called
A) Grade contours B) Contour gradients
C) Vertical equivalents D) Horizontal equivalents
Ans: A
4. Offsets are said to be large when offset length exceeds _________ m.
A) 5 B) 10 C) 15 D) 20
Ans: C
5. A set of arrows provided with chain has _________ arrows.
A) 10 B) 15 C) 20 D) 30
Ans: A
6. Which of the following is also referred as versed sine of the curve ?
A) Tangent length B) Long chord
C) Apex distance D) Mid-ordinate
Ans: D
7. Of the following which is the correct input method to draw a line of 100 units at an angle of 40 deg in anticlockwise direction from positive X axis on a default AutoCAD working space ?
A) <40@100
B) @100<40
C) @40<100
D) <100@40
Ans: B
8. Which of the following instrument is used for ranging ?
A) Peg B) Cross staff
C) Optical square D) Line ranger
Ans: D
9. Which of the permanent adjustment test checks the perpendicularity between horizontal axis and vertical axis ?
A) Plate level test B) Collimation test
C) Spire test D) Azimuth test
Ans: C
10. Area of land irrigated divided by the unit volume of irrigation water is called
A) Head water B) Duty C) Delta D) Base period
Ans: B
11. Portion of a brick made by cutting across it lengthwise into exactly two parts is known as
A) bevelled closer B) queen closer
C) king closer D) bat
Ans: B
12. Vertical angle with which magnetic needle makes with the horizontal is called
A) Declination B) Transiting
C) Swinging D) Dip
Ans: D
13. When the bed level of canal and drainage is at the same level, _______ is provided.
A) Aqueducts B) Superpassage
C) Level crossings D) Delta
Ans: C
14. Which function key is used for on/off object snap, while drafting in AutoCAD ?
A) F8 B) F5 C) F4 D) F3
Ans: D
15. Formula for finding area of a plane triangle whose base is b, height h, is
A) bh
B) 0.5bh
C) 0.5[(b+h)/2]
D) 2[(b+h)/2]
Ans: B
16. Main constituent of portland cement is
A) clay B) sand
C) lime D) magnesium
Ans: C
17. In __________, headers and stretchers are laid alternatively in the same course.
A) English bond B) Stretcher bond
C) Header bond D) Flemish bond
Ans: D
18. Survey related to large water bodies is called
A) Hydrographic surveying B) Land surveying
C) Air surveying D) Aerial surveying
Ans: A
19. Closely spaced contours indicate
A) flat B) steep slope
C) gentle slope D) mild slope
Ans: B
20. Magnetic equator is an example for
A) Isogonic line B) Agonic line
C) Isoclinic line D) Aclinic line
Ans: D
21. Invar tape is made up of an alloy of __________ and steel.
A) Aluminium B) Nickel C) Copper D) Brass
Ans: B
22. 1m = __________ cm.
A) 2.54 B) 10 C) 30.48 D) 100
Ans: D
23. Boundary of a catchment area will be
A) Longitudinal line B) Datum C) Ridge line D) Valley line
Ans: C
24. Instrument used for sighting objects and drawing rays in plane tabling is
A) Alidade B) Trough compass
C) Spirit level D) Plumb-bob
Ans: A
25. Which of the following level’s telescope can be rotated by surveyor in vertical plane in a smaller amount ?
A) Dumpy level B) Wye level C) Auto level D) Tilting level
Ans: D
A) Head water B) Duty C) Delta D) Base period
Ans: B
11. Portion of a brick made by cutting across it lengthwise into exactly two parts is known as
A) bevelled closer B) queen closer
C) king closer D) bat
Ans: B
12. Vertical angle with which magnetic needle makes with the horizontal is called
A) Declination B) Transiting
C) Swinging D) Dip
Ans: D
13. When the bed level of canal and drainage is at the same level, _______ is provided.
A) Aqueducts B) Superpassage
C) Level crossings D) Delta
Ans: C
14. Which function key is used for on/off object snap, while drafting in AutoCAD ?
A) F8 B) F5 C) F4 D) F3
Ans: D
15. Formula for finding area of a plane triangle whose base is b, height h, is
A) bh
B) 0.5bh
C) 0.5[(b+h)/2]
D) 2[(b+h)/2]
Ans: B
16. Main constituent of portland cement is
A) clay B) sand
C) lime D) magnesium
Ans: C
17. In __________, headers and stretchers are laid alternatively in the same course.
A) English bond B) Stretcher bond
C) Header bond D) Flemish bond
Ans: D
18. Survey related to large water bodies is called
A) Hydrographic surveying B) Land surveying
C) Air surveying D) Aerial surveying
Ans: A
19. Closely spaced contours indicate
A) flat B) steep slope
C) gentle slope D) mild slope
Ans: B
20. Magnetic equator is an example for
A) Isogonic line B) Agonic line
C) Isoclinic line D) Aclinic line
Ans: D
21. Invar tape is made up of an alloy of __________ and steel.
A) Aluminium B) Nickel C) Copper D) Brass
Ans: B
22. 1m = __________ cm.
A) 2.54 B) 10 C) 30.48 D) 100
Ans: D
23. Boundary of a catchment area will be
A) Longitudinal line B) Datum C) Ridge line D) Valley line
Ans: C
24. Instrument used for sighting objects and drawing rays in plane tabling is
A) Alidade B) Trough compass
C) Spirit level D) Plumb-bob
Ans: A
25. Which of the following level’s telescope can be rotated by surveyor in vertical plane in a smaller amount ?
A) Dumpy level B) Wye level C) Auto level D) Tilting level
Ans: D
26. The process of establishing an intermediate point in a line is called
A) Chaining B) Offsetting C) Ranging D) Levelling
Ans: C
27. Meridian joining earth’s true north and south is called
A) Assumed meridian B) Arbitrary meridian
C) Magnetic meridian D) True meridian
Ans: D
28. In India a curve is designated by
A) Radius of the curve B) Degree of the curve
C) Deflection angle D) Long chord
Ans: B
A) Chaining B) Offsetting C) Ranging D) Levelling
Ans: C
27. Meridian joining earth’s true north and south is called
A) Assumed meridian B) Arbitrary meridian
C) Magnetic meridian D) True meridian
Ans: D
28. In India a curve is designated by
A) Radius of the curve B) Degree of the curve
C) Deflection angle D) Long chord
Ans: B
29. An EDM based instrument is
A) Micrometer theodolite B) Total station
C) Dumpy level D) Chain
Ans: B
30. Imaginary line joining centre of the eyepiece and the objective of the telescope is
A) Line of collimation B) Axis of bubble tube
C) Axis of altitude bubble D) Axis of telescope
Ans: D
31. Of the following, which is the primary stage of surveying ?
A) Reconnaissance B) Preliminary survey
C) Final survey D) Location survey
Ans: A
32. Bad ranging is an example for
A) Positive compensating error
B) Negative compensating error
C) Positive cumulative error
D) Negative cumulative error
Ans: C
33. Survey lines set out to locate interior details of a plot is called
A) Main survey lines B) Tie lines
C) Check lines D) Random lines
Ans: B
34. Horizontal angle as well as vertical angle can be measured using a
A) Theodolite B) Dumpy level
C) Compass D) Plane table
Ans: A
35. A link of a metric chain is __________ cm in length.
A) 0.66 B) 10
C) 20 D) 30.48
Ans: C
36. Point where the circular curve begins is called as
A) P.T. B) P.C.
C) P.I. D) C.P.
Ans: B
37. Which of the following is the prime instrument is used for ranging ?
A) Ranging rod B) Chain
C) Cross-staff D) Arrow
Ans: A
38. A 20 m metric chain has __________ links.
A) 10 B) 50 C) 100 D) 150
Ans: C
39. W.C.B. of a survey line is determined using
A) prismatic compass B) surveyor’s compass
C) trough compass D) circular compass
Ans: A
40. Contour lines merge in the case of
A) Overhanging cliff B) Vertical cliff
C) Hill D) Pond
Ans: B
41. Expand GPS
A) Geodetic Parallel Surveying
B) Global Positioning System
C) Geodetic Positioning System
D) Global Parallel Surveying
Ans: B
42. W.C.B. is always reckoned from
A) North B) East
C) South D) West
Ans: A
43. Which of the following is known as the ideal transition curve ?
A) Froude’s curve B) Bernoulli’s lemniscate
C) Cubic parabola D) Clothoid
Ans: D
44. Change in declination at place happening in 24 hours is _________ type of variation.
A) Secular B) Diurnal
C) Annual D) Irregular
Ans: B
45. __________ surveying can be performed without field book.
A) Plane table B) Chain
C) Compass D) Theodolite
Ans: A
46. Process of revolving telescope of theodolite in the horizontal plane with respect to vertical axis of the theodolite is called
A) Transiting B) Reversing
C) Swinging D) Plunging
Ans: C
47. Angle subtended by radius at the centre of the curve is called as
A) Deflection angle B) Intersection angle
C) Direct angle D) Central angle
Ans: D
A) Micrometer theodolite B) Total station
C) Dumpy level D) Chain
Ans: B
30. Imaginary line joining centre of the eyepiece and the objective of the telescope is
A) Line of collimation B) Axis of bubble tube
C) Axis of altitude bubble D) Axis of telescope
Ans: D
31. Of the following, which is the primary stage of surveying ?
A) Reconnaissance B) Preliminary survey
C) Final survey D) Location survey
Ans: A
32. Bad ranging is an example for
A) Positive compensating error
B) Negative compensating error
C) Positive cumulative error
D) Negative cumulative error
Ans: C
33. Survey lines set out to locate interior details of a plot is called
A) Main survey lines B) Tie lines
C) Check lines D) Random lines
Ans: B
34. Horizontal angle as well as vertical angle can be measured using a
A) Theodolite B) Dumpy level
C) Compass D) Plane table
Ans: A
35. A link of a metric chain is __________ cm in length.
A) 0.66 B) 10
C) 20 D) 30.48
Ans: C
36. Point where the circular curve begins is called as
A) P.T. B) P.C.
C) P.I. D) C.P.
Ans: B
37. Which of the following is the prime instrument is used for ranging ?
A) Ranging rod B) Chain
C) Cross-staff D) Arrow
Ans: A
38. A 20 m metric chain has __________ links.
A) 10 B) 50 C) 100 D) 150
Ans: C
39. W.C.B. of a survey line is determined using
A) prismatic compass B) surveyor’s compass
C) trough compass D) circular compass
Ans: A
40. Contour lines merge in the case of
A) Overhanging cliff B) Vertical cliff
C) Hill D) Pond
Ans: B
41. Expand GPS
A) Geodetic Parallel Surveying
B) Global Positioning System
C) Geodetic Positioning System
D) Global Parallel Surveying
Ans: B
42. W.C.B. is always reckoned from
A) North B) East
C) South D) West
Ans: A
43. Which of the following is known as the ideal transition curve ?
A) Froude’s curve B) Bernoulli’s lemniscate
C) Cubic parabola D) Clothoid
Ans: D
44. Change in declination at place happening in 24 hours is _________ type of variation.
A) Secular B) Diurnal
C) Annual D) Irregular
Ans: B
45. __________ surveying can be performed without field book.
A) Plane table B) Chain
C) Compass D) Theodolite
Ans: A
46. Process of revolving telescope of theodolite in the horizontal plane with respect to vertical axis of the theodolite is called
A) Transiting B) Reversing
C) Swinging D) Plunging
Ans: C
47. Angle subtended by radius at the centre of the curve is called as
A) Deflection angle B) Intersection angle
C) Direct angle D) Central angle
Ans: D
48. Which of the following plane table method involves in finding an instrument station ?
A) Resection B) Radiation
C) Intersection D) Traversing
Ans: A
49. In levelling operation, the point of known elevation is termed as
A) Bench mark B) Contour
C) Plane D) Backsight
Ans: A
50. The structure which is used to carry canal over natural drain is called
A) fly level B) aqueduct
C) super passage D) level crossing
Ans: B
51. Last level reading taken before shifting a level is entered as
Ans: A
A) Resection B) Radiation
C) Intersection D) Traversing
Ans: A
49. In levelling operation, the point of known elevation is termed as
A) Bench mark B) Contour
C) Plane D) Backsight
Ans: A
50. The structure which is used to carry canal over natural drain is called
A) fly level B) aqueduct
C) super passage D) level crossing
Ans: B
51. Last level reading taken before shifting a level is entered as
Ans: A
52. Scale 1 : 200 is classified as
A) full scale B) scale of chords
C) enlarged scale D) reduction scale
Ans: D
53. RL of BM is 100.000. Without taking reading on BM another two staff readings, 1.000 and 3.000 were observed. What is the level difference between these two points ?
A) Can’t determine B) 1.000
C) 2.000 D) 4.000
Ans: C
54. Imaginary line formed by joining points of equal elevations on earth’s surface is called
A) contour B) section
C) bench mark D) single plane
Ans: A
55. The multiplying constant of a tacheometer fitted with an anallactic lens is
A) 0 B) 1 C) 100 D) 1000
Ans: C
56. Which of the following is called as Easement curve ?
A) Simple circular curve B) Compound curve
C) Reverse curve D) Transition curve
Ans: D
57. Two straights connected using a single arc of constant radius is known as
A) Simple circular curve B) Compound curve
C) Reverse curve D) Transition curve
Ans: A
A) full scale B) scale of chords
C) enlarged scale D) reduction scale
Ans: D
53. RL of BM is 100.000. Without taking reading on BM another two staff readings, 1.000 and 3.000 were observed. What is the level difference between these two points ?
A) Can’t determine B) 1.000
C) 2.000 D) 4.000
Ans: C
54. Imaginary line formed by joining points of equal elevations on earth’s surface is called
A) contour B) section
C) bench mark D) single plane
Ans: A
55. The multiplying constant of a tacheometer fitted with an anallactic lens is
A) 0 B) 1 C) 100 D) 1000
Ans: C
56. Which of the following is called as Easement curve ?
A) Simple circular curve B) Compound curve
C) Reverse curve D) Transition curve
Ans: D
57. Two straights connected using a single arc of constant radius is known as
A) Simple circular curve B) Compound curve
C) Reverse curve D) Transition curve
Ans: A