1. Which is the nodal body for adoption of children in India ?
2. The purging of repressed emotions to get relief is called
(A) Sublimation (B) Ambivalence (C) Catharsis (D) Fixation
3. The roadmap that guides the behaviour of the members of a society is
(A) Groups (B) Culture (C) Peers (D) Religion
4. Language of proximity is also known as
(A) Verbal Communication (B) Non-verbal Communication (C) Oral Communication (D) Written Communication
5. Which is not included in community sentiment ?
(A) Sense of dependence (B) We-feeling (C) Instability (D) Role feeling
6. The funding agency formed for fundraising and distributing the funds is called
(A) Community Welfare Council (B) Community Chest (C) Neighbourhood Council (D) Community Centre
7. ‘Social Distance Scale’, was developed by
(A) Likert (B) Thorndike (C) Bogardus (D) None of the above
8. The process of transforming social policy into social service is ______.
(A) Social Welfare Administration (B) Social Aid (C) Social Media (D) Social Justice
9. The theory that is based on rewards and punishment is
(A) Trial and Error theory of learning (B) Operant conditioning (C) Social Learning theory (D) Classical conditioning
10. Who is known as the father of ‘intelligence test’ ?
(A) Bennett (B) Gesell (C) Villand (D) Wechsler
11. The theory which believes in exemplary punishment to discourage the offender from repeating his crime and sets an example for others to keep away from crime is called
(A) Deterrent theory (B) Preventive theory (C) Reformative theory (D) Retributive theory
12. Which of the following constitutional provisions prohibits employment of children below the age of 14 years in factories, mines or any other hazardous occupation _______
(A) Article 14 (B) Article 21 (C) Article 24 (D) Article 45
13. The Human Rights Council meets at
(A) New York (B) Vienna (C) Geneva (D) Paris
14. The method that brings about adjustment in personal and social relationships is called
(A) Social casework (B) Social adjustment (C) Social group work (D) Defence mechanism
15. According to whom groups must solve two general problems – i.e. instrumental and socio-emotional, to maintain themselves
(A) Grace Coyle (B) Charles Levy (C) Clara A. Kaiser (D) Robert Bales
16. Probation is
(A) an escape from imprisonment (B) a conditional suspension of sentence
(C) an institutional method of correction (D) a life of freedom from any kind of control
17. The three stages of social change – i.e. theological, metaphysical and positive are postulated by
(A) Nikolai Mikhailovsky (B) Sorokin (C) Auguste Comte (D) Herbert Spencer
18. Which among the following is not a primary source of data collection ?
(A) Observation (B) Questionnaire (C) Interview (D) Referral
19. ‘Situation approach’ of leadership is also called as
(A) trait theory (B) contingency theory (C) ethical approach (D) functional approach
20. Every element has a known non-zero probability of being sampled and involves random selection at some point
(A) Probability sampling (B) Non-probability sampling (C) Both (A) and (B) are correct. (D) None of the above
21. Confrontation focuses on one of the following :
(A) Similarity in the statements (B) Congruence in the statements (C) Discrepancies in the statements (D) None of the above
22. Cognitive needs of human beings are
(A) the need to develop abilities (B) the need for symmetry order and beauty
(C) the need for security and freedom (D) the need to know, to understand and explore
23. The difference between Bhoodan and Gramdan is
(A) Bhoodan involves donation from individuals whereas Gramdan involves community action
(B) In Bhoodan individual ownership is retained whereas in Gramdan it is abolished
(C) In Bhoodan individuals are beneficiaries whereas in Gramdan the beneficiary is whole village community
(D) All the above
24. The ‘client-centered approach’ is developed by
(A) Kurt Lewin (B) Bandura (C) Homans (D) Carl Rogers
25. The approach to make people ‘whole’, by encouraging them to shed their defences and unlock their potentials is known as
(A) Psychodynamic approach (B) Systems approach (C) Person-centred approach (D) Gestalt approach
26. The ‘Task-Centered social work’, has been developed by
(A) Reid and Eistein (B) Conard (C) Glenn (D) Waldo
27. Which of the following is not a feature of Standard Deviation
(A) It is the best measure of variation
(B) It is not much affected by fluctuations of sampling
(C) It gives more weightage to extreme values and less to those which are nearer the mean
(D) It is the measure for calculating combined standard deviation of two or more groups
28. The disorder which limits food intake is
(A) Bipolar disorder (B) Bulimia nervosa (C) Binge eating disorder (D) Anorexia nervosa
29. The number of elements to be included in the study is
(A) Variable (B) Hypothesis (C) Sample size (D) Universe
30. The scale in which numbers are used to rate the objects which have numerically equal distance are termed as
(A) Nominal scale (B) Ordinal scale (C) Interval scale (D) Ratio scale
31. Evaluation of clients’ present problem the way he is experiencing is ________
(A) Etiological diagnosis (B) Clinical diagnosis (C) Dynamic diagnosis (D) Social diagnosis
32. Which is not the nature of community ?
(A) Geographical area (B) Common ties (C) Social interaction (D) Individualism
33. Arrange the following steps in relation to self-help groups in correct sequence :
1. Lending, repayment and maintaining accounts and records
2. Arranging regular meetings with the group.
3. Identifying the area and forming a group of women with common interests.
4. Training and capacity building for sustenance and empowerment
5. Deciding on the amount for contribution and pooling the money.
Codes :
(A) 4 3 2 5 1 (B) 5 4 3 2 1
(C) 3 2 5 1 4 (D) 2 3 4 1 5
34. To study the consequences of psychoactive drug use the two variables are
(A) Social situation and family role (B) Demand reduction and supply reduction of drugs
(C) Characteristics of the drug and characteristics of the user (D) Marketing of drugs and role of drug mafias
35. Which of the following is not true in relation to significance of NGOs role in mental health ?
(A) Gross scarcity of psychiatrists and other trained personnel. (B) Availability of sufficient government funds for NGOs.
(C) Scarcity of cost-effective strategies and interventions. (D) Lack of public awareness and social stigma attached
36. Arrange the sequence of authorities in setting industrial disputes under Industrial Disputes Act.
1. Board of Conciliation 2. Works Committee 3. Conciliation Officer 4. Court of enquiry
Codes :
(A) 1 3 2 4 (B) 2 3 1 4 (C) 2 4 3 1 (D) 3 1 2 4
37. Which is the correct sequence in social case work process ?
(A) Intake, investigation, diagnosis, treatment (B) Intake, diagnosis, investigation, treatment
(C) Intake, diagnosis, treatment, investigation (D) Intake, investigation, treatment, diagnosis
38. The sequential phases in a social action method are
I. Sensitization II. Awareness Building III. Mobilization IV. Mass Action
Codes :
(A) I, II, III, IV (B) II, I, III, IV
(C) III, I, II, IV (D) I, II, IV, III
39. Assertion (A) : Psychosomatic problems are addressed by the case workers.
Reason (R) : Psychological aspects can have influence on the physical conditions of an individual.
Codes :
(A) Both (A) and (R) are correct and (R) is the correct explanation of (A).
(B) Both (A) and (R) are not correct.
(C) Both (A) and (R) are correct, but (R) is not the correct explanation of (A).
(D) (A) is correct, but (R) is not the correct explanation of (A).
40. Assertion (A) : A scientific hypothesis is a proposed explanation of a phenomenon which still has to be rigorously tested.
Reason (R) : A working hypothesis is a provisionally accepted hypothesis proposed for validation.
Codes :
(A) (A) is correct and (R) is wrong.
(B) Both (A) and (R) are correct and (R) is the correct explanation of (A).
(C) Both (A) and (R) are wrong.
(D) Both (A) and (R) are correct, but (R) is not an explanation of (A).
41. Assertion (A) : Tribal people live in a scattered habitation.
Reason (R) : Tribal society is relatively isolated when compared to other societies. In the context of above two statements which one of the following is correct ?
Codes :
(A) Both (A) and (R) are correct.
(B) Both (A) and (R) are not correct.
(C) (A) is correct, but (R) is not correct.
(D) (A) is not correct, but (R) is correct.
42. Assertion (A) : Recording in social group work is significant for achieving the objectives of the group.
Reason (R) : Records enable the worker to work out programmes and plan of action for future.
Codes :
(A) (A) is correct and (R) is not correct.
(B) (A) is not correct and (R) is correct.
(C) Both (A) and (R) are correct and (R) is the correct explanation of (A).
(D) (A) and (R) are correct, but (R) is not the correct explanation of (A).
43. Match the following items given in List – I with the items given in List – II :
List – I List - II
a. Provision for just and humane conditions of work and maternity relief 1. Article 40
b. Right to work, education and public assistance in certain cases 2. Article 41
c. Living wages etc. for workers 3. Article 42
d. Organisation of Village Panchayats 4. Article 43
Codes : a b c d
(A) 1 3 2 4 (B) 3 1 4 2
(C) 3 2 4 1 (D) 1 3 4 2
44. Match the following and select the answer from the codes given below :
List – I List – II
a. The Minimum Wages Act 1. 1926
b. The Maternity Benefit Act 2. 1951
c. The Plantation Act 3. 1948
d. The Trade Unions Act 4. 1961
Codes : a b c d
(A) 2 4 1 3 (B) 3 4 2 1
(C) 1 3 4 2 (D) 4 3 2 1
45. Which among the following is wrongly matched ?
2. INTUC – Congress
3. BMS – BJP
Codes :
(A) 1, 2 and 3 (B) 2, 3 and 4
(C) 1 and 4 only (D) 2 and 3 only
Read the passage given below and answer the following questions as per the understanding of the passage (Question Nos. 46 to 50) :
The historical nature of gender-based violence confirms that it is not an unfortunate aberration but systematically entrenched in culture and society, reinforced and powered by patriarchy. Violence against women maintains the structures of gender oppression; be it carried out by individuals in private and/or by institutional forces in the public sphere. Families, communities, and social, legal and civic institutions may covertly and overtly endorse it. Whilst violence commands greater attention and fear; sexism and misogyny do their share to shape inequality, by defining and upholding restrictive gender norms. Patriarchy is about the social relations of power between men and women, women and women, and men and men. It is a system for maintaining class, gender, racial and heterosexual privilege and the status quo of power – relying both on crude forms of oppression, like violence; and subtle ones, like laws; to perpetuate inequality. Patriarchal beliefs of male, heterosexual dominance lie at the root of gender-based violence.
Patriarchy is a structural force that influences power relations, whether they are abusive or not. Power sets the agenda for patriarchy. But, conflating it with abuse or masculinity is problematic and we need a more complex analysis of the typical power and control explanations. Feminism, which is about women claiming their rights to self-determination and equality, confronts gender conformity and aims to replace relationships of power with relationships of meaning. Culture is used to justify gender inequality and violence by evoking traditional cultural beliefs about how women should be treated. The defence of the culture of a place, country, religion, etc., is in fact a defence of the culture of patriarchy in that country, religion, identity; and the culture of violence everywhere. The culture of patriarchy is not static : its manifestation on an army base differs from that in a rural town; just as the culture of patriarchy in U.S. differs from that of Gulf, or India.
46. The historical nature of gender-based violence confirms it as
I. An unfortunate aberration II. Systematically entrenched culture of patriarchy
III. Reinforced inequalities IV. All the above
Codes :
(A) I and II are correct. (B) II and III are correct.
(C) I and III are correct. (D) IV is correct.
47. Patriarchy is about social relations of power between
I. Men and women II. Women and women III. Men and men IV. All the above
Codes :
(A) I and II are correct. (B) II and III are correct.
(C) III and I are correct. (D) IV is correct.
48. Complex analysis of the typical power and control helps us to understand
(A) Patriarchy (B) Feminism (C) Both (D) None
49. _________ is used to justify gender inequality and violence.
(A) Sexism (B) Culture (C) Religion (D) Region
50. Feminism refers to
(A) Superior status of women (B) Replacing relationships of power with relationships of meaning
(C) Status quo of power (D) Fighting against patriarchy
Answer Key:
01 B 02 C 03 B 04 B 05 C 06 B 07 C 08 A 09 B 10 A 11 A 12 C 13 C 14 A 15 D 16 D 17 C 18 D 19 B 20 A 21 C 22 D 23 D 24 D 25 D 26 A 27 C 28 D 29 C 30 C 31 C 32 D 33 C 34 C 35 B 36 B 37 A 38 B 39 A 40 B 41 A 42 C 43 C 44 B 45 C 46 B 47 D 48 A 49 B 50 B
2. The purging of repressed emotions to get relief is called
(A) Sublimation (B) Ambivalence (C) Catharsis (D) Fixation
3. The roadmap that guides the behaviour of the members of a society is
(A) Groups (B) Culture (C) Peers (D) Religion
4. Language of proximity is also known as
(A) Verbal Communication (B) Non-verbal Communication (C) Oral Communication (D) Written Communication
5. Which is not included in community sentiment ?
(A) Sense of dependence (B) We-feeling (C) Instability (D) Role feeling
6. The funding agency formed for fundraising and distributing the funds is called
(A) Community Welfare Council (B) Community Chest (C) Neighbourhood Council (D) Community Centre
7. ‘Social Distance Scale’, was developed by
(A) Likert (B) Thorndike (C) Bogardus (D) None of the above
8. The process of transforming social policy into social service is ______.
(A) Social Welfare Administration (B) Social Aid (C) Social Media (D) Social Justice
9. The theory that is based on rewards and punishment is
(A) Trial and Error theory of learning (B) Operant conditioning (C) Social Learning theory (D) Classical conditioning
10. Who is known as the father of ‘intelligence test’ ?
(A) Bennett (B) Gesell (C) Villand (D) Wechsler
11. The theory which believes in exemplary punishment to discourage the offender from repeating his crime and sets an example for others to keep away from crime is called
(A) Deterrent theory (B) Preventive theory (C) Reformative theory (D) Retributive theory
12. Which of the following constitutional provisions prohibits employment of children below the age of 14 years in factories, mines or any other hazardous occupation _______
(A) Article 14 (B) Article 21 (C) Article 24 (D) Article 45
13. The Human Rights Council meets at
(A) New York (B) Vienna (C) Geneva (D) Paris
14. The method that brings about adjustment in personal and social relationships is called
(A) Social casework (B) Social adjustment (C) Social group work (D) Defence mechanism
15. According to whom groups must solve two general problems – i.e. instrumental and socio-emotional, to maintain themselves
(A) Grace Coyle (B) Charles Levy (C) Clara A. Kaiser (D) Robert Bales
16. Probation is
(A) an escape from imprisonment (B) a conditional suspension of sentence
(C) an institutional method of correction (D) a life of freedom from any kind of control
17. The three stages of social change – i.e. theological, metaphysical and positive are postulated by
(A) Nikolai Mikhailovsky (B) Sorokin (C) Auguste Comte (D) Herbert Spencer
18. Which among the following is not a primary source of data collection ?
(A) Observation (B) Questionnaire (C) Interview (D) Referral
19. ‘Situation approach’ of leadership is also called as
(A) trait theory (B) contingency theory (C) ethical approach (D) functional approach
20. Every element has a known non-zero probability of being sampled and involves random selection at some point
(A) Probability sampling (B) Non-probability sampling (C) Both (A) and (B) are correct. (D) None of the above
21. Confrontation focuses on one of the following :
(A) Similarity in the statements (B) Congruence in the statements (C) Discrepancies in the statements (D) None of the above
22. Cognitive needs of human beings are
(A) the need to develop abilities (B) the need for symmetry order and beauty
(C) the need for security and freedom (D) the need to know, to understand and explore
23. The difference between Bhoodan and Gramdan is
(A) Bhoodan involves donation from individuals whereas Gramdan involves community action
(B) In Bhoodan individual ownership is retained whereas in Gramdan it is abolished
(C) In Bhoodan individuals are beneficiaries whereas in Gramdan the beneficiary is whole village community
(D) All the above
24. The ‘client-centered approach’ is developed by
(A) Kurt Lewin (B) Bandura (C) Homans (D) Carl Rogers
25. The approach to make people ‘whole’, by encouraging them to shed their defences and unlock their potentials is known as
(A) Psychodynamic approach (B) Systems approach (C) Person-centred approach (D) Gestalt approach
26. The ‘Task-Centered social work’, has been developed by
(A) Reid and Eistein (B) Conard (C) Glenn (D) Waldo
27. Which of the following is not a feature of Standard Deviation
(A) It is the best measure of variation
(B) It is not much affected by fluctuations of sampling
(C) It gives more weightage to extreme values and less to those which are nearer the mean
(D) It is the measure for calculating combined standard deviation of two or more groups
28. The disorder which limits food intake is
(A) Bipolar disorder (B) Bulimia nervosa (C) Binge eating disorder (D) Anorexia nervosa
29. The number of elements to be included in the study is
(A) Variable (B) Hypothesis (C) Sample size (D) Universe
30. The scale in which numbers are used to rate the objects which have numerically equal distance are termed as
(A) Nominal scale (B) Ordinal scale (C) Interval scale (D) Ratio scale
31. Evaluation of clients’ present problem the way he is experiencing is ________
(A) Etiological diagnosis (B) Clinical diagnosis (C) Dynamic diagnosis (D) Social diagnosis
32. Which is not the nature of community ?
(A) Geographical area (B) Common ties (C) Social interaction (D) Individualism
33. Arrange the following steps in relation to self-help groups in correct sequence :
1. Lending, repayment and maintaining accounts and records
2. Arranging regular meetings with the group.
3. Identifying the area and forming a group of women with common interests.
4. Training and capacity building for sustenance and empowerment
5. Deciding on the amount for contribution and pooling the money.
Codes :
(A) 4 3 2 5 1 (B) 5 4 3 2 1
(C) 3 2 5 1 4 (D) 2 3 4 1 5
34. To study the consequences of psychoactive drug use the two variables are
(A) Social situation and family role (B) Demand reduction and supply reduction of drugs
(C) Characteristics of the drug and characteristics of the user (D) Marketing of drugs and role of drug mafias
35. Which of the following is not true in relation to significance of NGOs role in mental health ?
(A) Gross scarcity of psychiatrists and other trained personnel. (B) Availability of sufficient government funds for NGOs.
(C) Scarcity of cost-effective strategies and interventions. (D) Lack of public awareness and social stigma attached
36. Arrange the sequence of authorities in setting industrial disputes under Industrial Disputes Act.
1. Board of Conciliation 2. Works Committee 3. Conciliation Officer 4. Court of enquiry
Codes :
(A) 1 3 2 4 (B) 2 3 1 4 (C) 2 4 3 1 (D) 3 1 2 4
37. Which is the correct sequence in social case work process ?
(A) Intake, investigation, diagnosis, treatment (B) Intake, diagnosis, investigation, treatment
(C) Intake, diagnosis, treatment, investigation (D) Intake, investigation, treatment, diagnosis
38. The sequential phases in a social action method are
I. Sensitization II. Awareness Building III. Mobilization IV. Mass Action
Codes :
(A) I, II, III, IV (B) II, I, III, IV
(C) III, I, II, IV (D) I, II, IV, III
39. Assertion (A) : Psychosomatic problems are addressed by the case workers.
Reason (R) : Psychological aspects can have influence on the physical conditions of an individual.
Codes :
(A) Both (A) and (R) are correct and (R) is the correct explanation of (A).
(B) Both (A) and (R) are not correct.
(C) Both (A) and (R) are correct, but (R) is not the correct explanation of (A).
(D) (A) is correct, but (R) is not the correct explanation of (A).
40. Assertion (A) : A scientific hypothesis is a proposed explanation of a phenomenon which still has to be rigorously tested.
Reason (R) : A working hypothesis is a provisionally accepted hypothesis proposed for validation.
Codes :
(A) (A) is correct and (R) is wrong.
(B) Both (A) and (R) are correct and (R) is the correct explanation of (A).
(C) Both (A) and (R) are wrong.
(D) Both (A) and (R) are correct, but (R) is not an explanation of (A).
41. Assertion (A) : Tribal people live in a scattered habitation.
Reason (R) : Tribal society is relatively isolated when compared to other societies. In the context of above two statements which one of the following is correct ?
Codes :
(A) Both (A) and (R) are correct.
(B) Both (A) and (R) are not correct.
(C) (A) is correct, but (R) is not correct.
(D) (A) is not correct, but (R) is correct.
42. Assertion (A) : Recording in social group work is significant for achieving the objectives of the group.
Reason (R) : Records enable the worker to work out programmes and plan of action for future.
Codes :
(A) (A) is correct and (R) is not correct.
(B) (A) is not correct and (R) is correct.
(C) Both (A) and (R) are correct and (R) is the correct explanation of (A).
(D) (A) and (R) are correct, but (R) is not the correct explanation of (A).
43. Match the following items given in List – I with the items given in List – II :
List – I List - II
a. Provision for just and humane conditions of work and maternity relief 1. Article 40
b. Right to work, education and public assistance in certain cases 2. Article 41
c. Living wages etc. for workers 3. Article 42
d. Organisation of Village Panchayats 4. Article 43
Codes : a b c d
(A) 1 3 2 4 (B) 3 1 4 2
(C) 3 2 4 1 (D) 1 3 4 2
44. Match the following and select the answer from the codes given below :
List – I List – II
a. The Minimum Wages Act 1. 1926
b. The Maternity Benefit Act 2. 1951
c. The Plantation Act 3. 1948
d. The Trade Unions Act 4. 1961
Codes : a b c d
(A) 2 4 1 3 (B) 3 4 2 1
(C) 1 3 4 2 (D) 4 3 2 1
45. Which among the following is wrongly matched ?
2. INTUC – Congress
3. BMS – BJP
Codes :
(A) 1, 2 and 3 (B) 2, 3 and 4
(C) 1 and 4 only (D) 2 and 3 only
Read the passage given below and answer the following questions as per the understanding of the passage (Question Nos. 46 to 50) :
The historical nature of gender-based violence confirms that it is not an unfortunate aberration but systematically entrenched in culture and society, reinforced and powered by patriarchy. Violence against women maintains the structures of gender oppression; be it carried out by individuals in private and/or by institutional forces in the public sphere. Families, communities, and social, legal and civic institutions may covertly and overtly endorse it. Whilst violence commands greater attention and fear; sexism and misogyny do their share to shape inequality, by defining and upholding restrictive gender norms. Patriarchy is about the social relations of power between men and women, women and women, and men and men. It is a system for maintaining class, gender, racial and heterosexual privilege and the status quo of power – relying both on crude forms of oppression, like violence; and subtle ones, like laws; to perpetuate inequality. Patriarchal beliefs of male, heterosexual dominance lie at the root of gender-based violence.
Patriarchy is a structural force that influences power relations, whether they are abusive or not. Power sets the agenda for patriarchy. But, conflating it with abuse or masculinity is problematic and we need a more complex analysis of the typical power and control explanations. Feminism, which is about women claiming their rights to self-determination and equality, confronts gender conformity and aims to replace relationships of power with relationships of meaning. Culture is used to justify gender inequality and violence by evoking traditional cultural beliefs about how women should be treated. The defence of the culture of a place, country, religion, etc., is in fact a defence of the culture of patriarchy in that country, religion, identity; and the culture of violence everywhere. The culture of patriarchy is not static : its manifestation on an army base differs from that in a rural town; just as the culture of patriarchy in U.S. differs from that of Gulf, or India.
46. The historical nature of gender-based violence confirms it as
I. An unfortunate aberration II. Systematically entrenched culture of patriarchy
III. Reinforced inequalities IV. All the above
Codes :
(A) I and II are correct. (B) II and III are correct.
(C) I and III are correct. (D) IV is correct.
47. Patriarchy is about social relations of power between
I. Men and women II. Women and women III. Men and men IV. All the above
Codes :
(A) I and II are correct. (B) II and III are correct.
(C) III and I are correct. (D) IV is correct.
48. Complex analysis of the typical power and control helps us to understand
(A) Patriarchy (B) Feminism (C) Both (D) None
49. _________ is used to justify gender inequality and violence.
(A) Sexism (B) Culture (C) Religion (D) Region
50. Feminism refers to
(A) Superior status of women (B) Replacing relationships of power with relationships of meaning
(C) Status quo of power (D) Fighting against patriarchy
Answer Key:
01 B 02 C 03 B 04 B 05 C 06 B 07 C 08 A 09 B 10 A 11 A 12 C 13 C 14 A 15 D 16 D 17 C 18 D 19 B 20 A 21 C 22 D 23 D 24 D 25 D 26 A 27 C 28 D 29 C 30 C 31 C 32 D 33 C 34 C 35 B 36 B 37 A 38 B 39 A 40 B 41 A 42 C 43 C 44 B 45 C 46 B 47 D 48 A 49 B 50 B
1. The mechanism which pushes the painful experiences into unconscious mind is
(A) Repression (B) Regression (C) Projection (D) Aggression
2. The employee Welfare Facilities available outside the organisation are called
(A) Intra-mural facilities (B) Extra-mural facilities (C) Extravagance (D) None of the above
3. The matriarchal family is also known as
(A) Father-centred (B) Mother-centred (C) Grandparents-centred (D) Sibling-centred
4. Data derived from ordinal scale is called as
(A) Metric data (B) Non-metric data (C) Numerical data (D) Paired data
5. One man marrying more than one woman is called as
(A) Polygyny (B) Polyandry (C) Monogamy (D) Group Marriage
6. The foundation for preparing the scholarly writing into a study is
(A) Sampling frame (B) Literature review (C) Research design (D) Data analysis
7. Which one from below given options is termed as institutionalised inequality ?
(A) Social group (B) Association (C) Social stratification (D) Social change
8. Which are the techniques used in behaviour modification ?
1. Impulsive Therapy 2. Assertive Therapy 3. Aversion Therapy 4. Simple Extinction
Codes :
(A) 1 and 3 (B) 1, 2 & 4
(C) 2, 3 & 4 (D) 1, 2, 3 & 4
9. ________ highlights the interrelationships between different people in the group.
(A) Sociogram (B) Reciprocal model (C) Differentiation (D) Remedial model
10. ________ theory is used to find mental abilities of individual.
(A) Factor analysis (B) Group factor (C) Perceptual factor (D) Memory factor
11. Main objective of Gandhi’s concept of “Gram Swaraj” is
(A) Antyodaya (B) Sarvodaya (C) Bhagyodaya (D) None of the above
12. Which is not a principle of community organisation ?
(A) Principle of specific objectives (B) Principle of Dissolution
(C) Principle of people’s participation (D) Principle of planning
13. Who defined community as the smallest territorial group that can embrace all aspects of social life ?
(A) Kingsley Devis (B) Bogardus
(C) R.M. MacIver (D) Ogburn and Nimkoff
14. Which of the following are important elements of social action ?
1. Activeness of the community 2. Democratic approach 3. Understanding behaviour 4. Community Resources
Codes :
(A) 1, 2 and 3 are correct. (B) 1, 3 and 4 are correct.
(C) 1, 2 and 4 are correct. (D) 2, 3 and 4 are correct.
15. The National policy on child labour was declared in the year
(A) 1986 (B) 1992 (C) 1995 (D) 1987
16. Under the Ministry of Labour, MES scheme stands for
(A) Mass Employment Skills (B) Modular Employable Skills (C) Modern Employment Skills (D) Main Employable Skills
17. Interactional (here and now) aspects of the client-therapist relationship in case work was emphasized by
(A) Sigmund Freud (B) Otto Rank (C) Florance Hollis (D) Edwin J. Thomas
18. ‘Power’ is gained whereas ‘authority’ is
(A) acquired (B) possessed (C) imposed (D) Vested
19. The acronymn UDHR stands for
(A) Universal Declaration on Human Resources (B) Universal Development of Human Resources
(C) Universal Declaration of Human Rights (D) United Nations Development Fund for Health and Rehabilitation
20. Which among the following is not a feature of bureaucracy ?
(A) Chain of command (B) Span of control (C) Personality (D) Specialization
21. _______ in London encouraged selfhelp during 1869 ?
(A) Poor law (B) Social Care Council (C) Community Chest (D) Charity Organisation Society
22. The purging of emotions is called as
(A) Mutual aid (B) Catharsis (C) Group cohesion (D) Mastery
23. The protection of Human Rights Act was passed in India in the year
(A) 1992 (B) 1991 (C) 1993 (D) 1994
24. Asymmetrical distribution indicates
(A) Range (B) Standard deviation (C) Skewness (D) Kurtosis
25. Alfred Adler propagated
(A) Instinctive theory (B) Social Urge Theory (C) Self Actualization Theory (D) Hierarchical Theory
26. Profession selection is an example of
(A) Approach-approach Conflict (B) Avoidance-avoidance Conflict (C) Approach-avoidance Conflict (D) Multiple-approach Conflict
27. The discipline concerned with the statistical analysis and description of population composition is called
(A) Population dynamics (B) Census (C) Population studies (D) Demography
28. The prohibition of all forms of child labour is explained in
(A) Article 14 (B) Article 18 (C) Article 24 (D) Article 32
29. The first Comprehensive Personality Theory given by Freud is
(A) Psycho Analytical Theory (B) Psycho Social Theory (C) Social Learning Theory (D) Self Concept Theory
30. The organised effort to solve social problems with the influence of social legislation is called as
(A) Social welfare (B) Social Action (C) Social change (D) Social stratification
31. The Developmental Policies which attempt to improve quality of life by centralising planning of goods and services needed by people are called as
(A) Collectivist (B) Analytical (C) Elitist (D) Populist
32. Social Development is
(A) a plea for larger allocation for social and welfare services (B) an integrated view of Development
(C) an effort to provide ad-hoc growth targets in each of the separate sector of planning (D) planning exclusively concerned with social services
33. Emotional insulation
A) is covering himself from physical threats
(B) involves the justification for inappropriate behaviour
(C) is a manoeuvre aimed at withholding an emotional investment in a desired but unlikely outcome
(D) involves the use of abstractions as a way of avoiding feelings and distancing one’s self from emotional pain
34. The attempt made by the social worker to measure the group experience in fulfilling the objectives is called as
(A) Planning (B) Intervention (C) Evaluation (D) Termination
35. The foundation for the documentation of a programme is
(A) Assessment (B) Accountability (C) Monitoring (D) Evaluation
36. The “Key Village” Scheme focuses on
(A) Livestock (B) Agriculture (C) Irrigation (D) All the above
37. Social casework is primarily used by professional social workers to help individual and families to deal with
(A) Interpersonal problems (B) Inter-group conflicts (C) Family condition (D) Inter-community problems
38. Repression refers to
(A) a mental process in which extremely threatening and painful thoughts are excluded from the consciousness
(B) a mental state in which person feels self satisfaction
(C) a mental state in which person hits himself
(D) a mental process in which a person blames himself
39. Which factor is responsible for social disorganization ?
(A) Social process (B) Cultural-lag (C) Conflicting values (D) All the above
40. The forces that result from the interactions of group members are often referred to as
(A) Group Conflict (B) Group Dynamics (C) Interpersonal intervention (D) Leadership conflict
41. Which one of the following is not a therapeutic group ?
(A) Peer mentor group for drug deaddiction (B) Hobby group in a school for children
(C) Guided recreational group for juvenile offenders (D) Treatment group of children having behavioural disorders.
42. The Article of Indian Constitution that defined – ‘Scheduled Tribes’, is
(A) Article 366 (B) Article 365 (C) Article 364 (D) Article 363
43. Which of the following is an Ascribed Status ?
(A) Teacher (B) Doctor (C) Female (D) Lawyer
44. Recognition of one’s emotions and their effect is called as
(A) Emotional Awareness (B) Emotional stability (C) Emotional Affection (D) Emotional Motivation
45. The main objective of communication is
(A) Information (B) Personality development (C) Management (D) Leadership
46. Village social mapping is a popular method of
(A) Participatory research (B) Participatory action research (C) Participatory Rural Appraisal (D) All the above
47. The observation of one’s own mental and emotional process is called as
(A) Self observation (B) Introspection (C) Retrospection (D) Physical sensation
48. Ideas of consciousness that is not able to measure is
(A) Behaviourism (B) Functionalism (C) Structuralism (D) None of the above
49. Tolerance refers to
(A) a condition where the drug user needs more and more of the drug to experience the same effect
(B) a condition where the spouse of the addict continuously tolerate the drug use
(C) a condition when society approves the use of drug due to compulsion of life saving of the user
(D) A condition when a community allows the drug user to continue using drug with approved norms
50. Match List – I with List – II and select the correct answers from the codes given below :
List – I List – II
a. National Food Security Act 1. 1970
b. Contract Labour (Regulation and Abolition) Act 2. 2008
c. RTI Act 3. 2013
d. Unorganised Workers’ Social Security Act 4. 2005
Codes : a b c d
(A) 3 1 2 4 (B) 2 3 4 1 (C) 3 1 4 2 (D) 4 1 3 2
51. Match List – I with List – II and select the correct answers from the codes given below :
List – I List - II
a. Social Conflict Theory 1. George Homans
b. Theory of Cultural Lag 2. Karl Marx
c. Theory of Differential Association 3. E.M. Sutherland
d. Social Exchange Theory 4. William Ogburn
Codes : a b c d
(A) 3 1 4 2 (B) 4 1 3 2
(C) 2 4 3 1 (D) 1 2 4 3
52. Match List – I with List – II and select the correct answer from the codes given below :
List – I List – II
a. Community organization 1. Grace Coyle
b. Social Group Work 2. McNeil
c. Social Case work 3. Mary Richmond
d. Social Work Research 4. Allen Rubin
Codes : a b c d
(A) 3 1 4 2 (B) 2 3 4 1
(C) 2 1 3 4 (D) 1 2 4 3
53. Match List – I with List – II and select the correct answers from the codes given below :
List – I List – II
a. Classical Conditioning 1. Ivan Pavlov
b. Operant conditioning 2. B.F. Skinner
c. Theory of insight learning 3. Edward Thorndike
d. Trial and Error Theory 4. Kohler
Codes : a b c d
(A) 1 2 4 3 (B) 2 3 4 1
(C) 1 2 3 4 (D) 4 1 3 2
54. Match List – I with List – II and select the correct answers from the codes given below :
List – I List – II
a. Experimental design 1. Pure knowledge
b. Case Study Method 2. Pre and Post
c. Descriptive research 3. Fact finding
d. Fundamental research 4. Social unit of a person
Codes : a b c d
(A) 1 2 4 3 (B) 2 3 4 1 (C) 3 2 4 1 (D) 2 4 3 1
55. Match List – I with List – II and select the correct answer from the codes given below :
List – I List – II
a. World Leprosy Eradication Day 1. December 3 rd
b. World Health Day 2. April 7th
c. International Day of Persons with Disabilities 3. September 8 th
d. International Literacy Day 4. January 31st
Codes : a b c d
(A) 4 2 1 3 (B) 2 3 4 1 (C) 3 2 4 1 (D) 4 1 3 2
56. Match the following items given in List – I with the items given in List – II :
List – I List – II
a. World Disabled Day 1. March 15
b. World Book Day 2. April 23
c. Anti-Tobacco Day 3. June 12
d. World Day against Child Labour 4. May 31
Codes : a b c d
(A) 1 2 4 3 (B) 1 4 3 2 (C) 2 4 3 1 (D) 2 1 4 3
57. Assertion (A) : Social work is an organized activity which deals with economic dependency.
Reason (R) : Palliative activity is directed towards the alleviation of already existing economic stress.
Choose your answer from the codes given below :
Codes :
(A) Both (A) and (R) are correct and (R) is the correct explanation of (A).
(B) Both (A) and (R) are not correct.
(C) Both (A) and (R) are correct, but (R) is not the correct explanation of (A).
(D) (A) is correct, but (R) is not the correct explanation of (A).
58. Assertion (A) : Human learning is different from animal learning.
Reason (R) : Human has more sophisticated cognitive abilities.
Choose your answer from the codes given below :
Codes :
(A) Both (A) and (R) are correct and (R) is the correct explanation of (A).
(B) Both (A) and (R) are not correct.
(C) Both (A) and (R) are correct, but (R) is not the correct explanation of (A).
(D) (A) is correct, but (R) is not the correct explanation of (A).
59. Assertion (A) : Collective bargaining process eliminates third party intervention.
Reason (R) : Collective Bargaining strongly believes in plant level negotiations.
Codes :
(A) Both (A) and (R) are correct.
(B) Both (A) and (R) are not correct.
(C) (A) is correct but (R) is not the correct explanation of (A).
(D) (A) is correct and (R) is the correct explanation of (A).
60. Assertion (A) : Treatment groups are generally composed of members with severe emotional, behavioural and personal problems. Reason (R) : Persons poorly adjusted in a group will have poor adjustment in their social life.
Codes :
(A) Both (A) and (R) correct and (R) is the correct explanation of (A).
(B) Both (A) and (R) are wrong.
(C) Both (A) and (R) are correct but (R) is not the correct explanation of (A).
(D) (A) is correct, but (R) is not the correct explanation of (A).
61. Assertion (A) : Ratio scale is the highest scale.
Reason (R) : Ratio scale compares intervals or differences.
Choose your answer from the codes given below :
Codes :
(A) Both (A) and (R) are correct. (B) Both (A) and (R) are not correct.
(C) (A) is correct, but (R) is not correct. (D) (A) is not correct, but (R) is correct.
62. Arrange the following in the proper sequence :
1. Attending to a call on woman helpline.
2. Investigation on the facts of the case.
3. Seeking permission of the court for providing shelter
4. Working on psycho-social and vocational rehabilitation.
5. Working towards reconciliation or separation.
Codes :
(A) 1 2 3 4 5 (B) 2 3 5 1 4
(C) 1 3 2 5 4 (D) 4 2 1 3 5
63. Assertion (A) : The person who needs some social and emotional help is called client.
Reason (R) : Client is always of the same nature. Choose the correct answer from the codes given below :
Codes :
(A) Both (A) and (R) are correct. (B) Both (A) and (R) are not correct
(C) (A) is correct but (R) is not correct. (D) (A) is correct and (R) is the correct explanation of (A).
64. What is the sequence of PRA process ?
I. Sensitizing the team
II. Rapport building with target groups
III. Sharing the observations with target group
IV. Conducting the PRA
Codes :
65. Arrange the major steps of socialplanning in sequential order :
1. Communicate findings with community.
2. Understand deficiencies of the system.
3. Making partnerships to make change.
4. Make strategies and mobilize people’s participation.
Codes :
(A) 1 3 4 2 (B) 2 3 1 4
(C) 2 1 4 3 (D) 1 4 3 2
66. Communication involves the flow of message in the sequence of
I. Sender II. Encoding III. Receiver IV. Decoding
Codes :
67. CRC stands for
(A) Criminal Records of the Child (B) Convention on the Rights of the Child
(C) Commission for the Rights of the Child (D) Centre for the Rights of the Child
68. Give correct sequence of the States according to their year of adopting Panchayati Raj
I. Rajsthan and Andhra Pradesh
II. Assam, Tamil Nadu and Karnataka
III. Maharashtra
IV. Gujarat
Codes :
69. Arrange the following milestones contributing to the development of case work as a method in a correct sequence they appeared :
I. London Charity Organisation II. Ego Psychology
III. Social Diagnosis IV. Freudian Psychology
Codes :
Answer Key:
1 B 2 B 3 B 4 B 5 A 6 B 7 C 8 D 9 A 10 A 11 B 12 B 13 A 14 C 15 D 16 B 17 B 18 D 19 C 20 C 21 D 22 D 23 C 24 C 25 B 26 A 27 D 28 C 29 A 30 B 31 A 32 B 33 C 34 C 35 A 36 A 37 A 38 A 39 D 40 B 41 B 42 A 43 C 44 A 45 A 46 D 47 B 48 A 49 A 50 C 51 C 52 C 53 A 54 D 55 A 56 A 57 C 58 A 59 D 60 A 61 A 62 C 63 C 64 B 65 C 66 A 67 B 68 D 69 A
(A) Repression (B) Regression (C) Projection (D) Aggression
2. The employee Welfare Facilities available outside the organisation are called
(A) Intra-mural facilities (B) Extra-mural facilities (C) Extravagance (D) None of the above
3. The matriarchal family is also known as
(A) Father-centred (B) Mother-centred (C) Grandparents-centred (D) Sibling-centred
4. Data derived from ordinal scale is called as
(A) Metric data (B) Non-metric data (C) Numerical data (D) Paired data
5. One man marrying more than one woman is called as
(A) Polygyny (B) Polyandry (C) Monogamy (D) Group Marriage
6. The foundation for preparing the scholarly writing into a study is
(A) Sampling frame (B) Literature review (C) Research design (D) Data analysis
7. Which one from below given options is termed as institutionalised inequality ?
(A) Social group (B) Association (C) Social stratification (D) Social change
8. Which are the techniques used in behaviour modification ?
1. Impulsive Therapy 2. Assertive Therapy 3. Aversion Therapy 4. Simple Extinction
Codes :
(A) 1 and 3 (B) 1, 2 & 4
(C) 2, 3 & 4 (D) 1, 2, 3 & 4
9. ________ highlights the interrelationships between different people in the group.
(A) Sociogram (B) Reciprocal model (C) Differentiation (D) Remedial model
10. ________ theory is used to find mental abilities of individual.
(A) Factor analysis (B) Group factor (C) Perceptual factor (D) Memory factor
11. Main objective of Gandhi’s concept of “Gram Swaraj” is
(A) Antyodaya (B) Sarvodaya (C) Bhagyodaya (D) None of the above
12. Which is not a principle of community organisation ?
(A) Principle of specific objectives (B) Principle of Dissolution
(C) Principle of people’s participation (D) Principle of planning
13. Who defined community as the smallest territorial group that can embrace all aspects of social life ?
(A) Kingsley Devis (B) Bogardus
(C) R.M. MacIver (D) Ogburn and Nimkoff
14. Which of the following are important elements of social action ?
1. Activeness of the community 2. Democratic approach 3. Understanding behaviour 4. Community Resources
Codes :
(A) 1, 2 and 3 are correct. (B) 1, 3 and 4 are correct.
(C) 1, 2 and 4 are correct. (D) 2, 3 and 4 are correct.
15. The National policy on child labour was declared in the year
(A) 1986 (B) 1992 (C) 1995 (D) 1987
16. Under the Ministry of Labour, MES scheme stands for
(A) Mass Employment Skills (B) Modular Employable Skills (C) Modern Employment Skills (D) Main Employable Skills
17. Interactional (here and now) aspects of the client-therapist relationship in case work was emphasized by
(A) Sigmund Freud (B) Otto Rank (C) Florance Hollis (D) Edwin J. Thomas
18. ‘Power’ is gained whereas ‘authority’ is
(A) acquired (B) possessed (C) imposed (D) Vested
19. The acronymn UDHR stands for
(A) Universal Declaration on Human Resources (B) Universal Development of Human Resources
(C) Universal Declaration of Human Rights (D) United Nations Development Fund for Health and Rehabilitation
20. Which among the following is not a feature of bureaucracy ?
(A) Chain of command (B) Span of control (C) Personality (D) Specialization
21. _______ in London encouraged selfhelp during 1869 ?
(A) Poor law (B) Social Care Council (C) Community Chest (D) Charity Organisation Society
22. The purging of emotions is called as
(A) Mutual aid (B) Catharsis (C) Group cohesion (D) Mastery
23. The protection of Human Rights Act was passed in India in the year
(A) 1992 (B) 1991 (C) 1993 (D) 1994
24. Asymmetrical distribution indicates
(A) Range (B) Standard deviation (C) Skewness (D) Kurtosis
25. Alfred Adler propagated
(A) Instinctive theory (B) Social Urge Theory (C) Self Actualization Theory (D) Hierarchical Theory
26. Profession selection is an example of
(A) Approach-approach Conflict (B) Avoidance-avoidance Conflict (C) Approach-avoidance Conflict (D) Multiple-approach Conflict
27. The discipline concerned with the statistical analysis and description of population composition is called
(A) Population dynamics (B) Census (C) Population studies (D) Demography
28. The prohibition of all forms of child labour is explained in
(A) Article 14 (B) Article 18 (C) Article 24 (D) Article 32
29. The first Comprehensive Personality Theory given by Freud is
(A) Psycho Analytical Theory (B) Psycho Social Theory (C) Social Learning Theory (D) Self Concept Theory
30. The organised effort to solve social problems with the influence of social legislation is called as
(A) Social welfare (B) Social Action (C) Social change (D) Social stratification
31. The Developmental Policies which attempt to improve quality of life by centralising planning of goods and services needed by people are called as
(A) Collectivist (B) Analytical (C) Elitist (D) Populist
32. Social Development is
(A) a plea for larger allocation for social and welfare services (B) an integrated view of Development
(C) an effort to provide ad-hoc growth targets in each of the separate sector of planning (D) planning exclusively concerned with social services
33. Emotional insulation
A) is covering himself from physical threats
(B) involves the justification for inappropriate behaviour
(C) is a manoeuvre aimed at withholding an emotional investment in a desired but unlikely outcome
(D) involves the use of abstractions as a way of avoiding feelings and distancing one’s self from emotional pain
34. The attempt made by the social worker to measure the group experience in fulfilling the objectives is called as
(A) Planning (B) Intervention (C) Evaluation (D) Termination
35. The foundation for the documentation of a programme is
(A) Assessment (B) Accountability (C) Monitoring (D) Evaluation
36. The “Key Village” Scheme focuses on
(A) Livestock (B) Agriculture (C) Irrigation (D) All the above
37. Social casework is primarily used by professional social workers to help individual and families to deal with
(A) Interpersonal problems (B) Inter-group conflicts (C) Family condition (D) Inter-community problems
38. Repression refers to
(A) a mental process in which extremely threatening and painful thoughts are excluded from the consciousness
(B) a mental state in which person feels self satisfaction
(C) a mental state in which person hits himself
(D) a mental process in which a person blames himself
39. Which factor is responsible for social disorganization ?
(A) Social process (B) Cultural-lag (C) Conflicting values (D) All the above
40. The forces that result from the interactions of group members are often referred to as
(A) Group Conflict (B) Group Dynamics (C) Interpersonal intervention (D) Leadership conflict
41. Which one of the following is not a therapeutic group ?
(A) Peer mentor group for drug deaddiction (B) Hobby group in a school for children
(C) Guided recreational group for juvenile offenders (D) Treatment group of children having behavioural disorders.
42. The Article of Indian Constitution that defined – ‘Scheduled Tribes’, is
(A) Article 366 (B) Article 365 (C) Article 364 (D) Article 363
43. Which of the following is an Ascribed Status ?
(A) Teacher (B) Doctor (C) Female (D) Lawyer
44. Recognition of one’s emotions and their effect is called as
(A) Emotional Awareness (B) Emotional stability (C) Emotional Affection (D) Emotional Motivation
45. The main objective of communication is
(A) Information (B) Personality development (C) Management (D) Leadership
46. Village social mapping is a popular method of
(A) Participatory research (B) Participatory action research (C) Participatory Rural Appraisal (D) All the above
47. The observation of one’s own mental and emotional process is called as
(A) Self observation (B) Introspection (C) Retrospection (D) Physical sensation
48. Ideas of consciousness that is not able to measure is
(A) Behaviourism (B) Functionalism (C) Structuralism (D) None of the above
49. Tolerance refers to
(A) a condition where the drug user needs more and more of the drug to experience the same effect
(B) a condition where the spouse of the addict continuously tolerate the drug use
(C) a condition when society approves the use of drug due to compulsion of life saving of the user
(D) A condition when a community allows the drug user to continue using drug with approved norms
50. Match List – I with List – II and select the correct answers from the codes given below :
List – I List – II
a. National Food Security Act 1. 1970
b. Contract Labour (Regulation and Abolition) Act 2. 2008
c. RTI Act 3. 2013
d. Unorganised Workers’ Social Security Act 4. 2005
Codes : a b c d
(A) 3 1 2 4 (B) 2 3 4 1 (C) 3 1 4 2 (D) 4 1 3 2
51. Match List – I with List – II and select the correct answers from the codes given below :
List – I List - II
a. Social Conflict Theory 1. George Homans
b. Theory of Cultural Lag 2. Karl Marx
c. Theory of Differential Association 3. E.M. Sutherland
d. Social Exchange Theory 4. William Ogburn
Codes : a b c d
(A) 3 1 4 2 (B) 4 1 3 2
(C) 2 4 3 1 (D) 1 2 4 3
52. Match List – I with List – II and select the correct answer from the codes given below :
List – I List – II
a. Community organization 1. Grace Coyle
b. Social Group Work 2. McNeil
c. Social Case work 3. Mary Richmond
d. Social Work Research 4. Allen Rubin
Codes : a b c d
(A) 3 1 4 2 (B) 2 3 4 1
(C) 2 1 3 4 (D) 1 2 4 3
53. Match List – I with List – II and select the correct answers from the codes given below :
List – I List – II
a. Classical Conditioning 1. Ivan Pavlov
b. Operant conditioning 2. B.F. Skinner
c. Theory of insight learning 3. Edward Thorndike
d. Trial and Error Theory 4. Kohler
Codes : a b c d
(A) 1 2 4 3 (B) 2 3 4 1
(C) 1 2 3 4 (D) 4 1 3 2
54. Match List – I with List – II and select the correct answers from the codes given below :
List – I List – II
a. Experimental design 1. Pure knowledge
b. Case Study Method 2. Pre and Post
c. Descriptive research 3. Fact finding
d. Fundamental research 4. Social unit of a person
Codes : a b c d
(A) 1 2 4 3 (B) 2 3 4 1 (C) 3 2 4 1 (D) 2 4 3 1
55. Match List – I with List – II and select the correct answer from the codes given below :
List – I List – II
a. World Leprosy Eradication Day 1. December 3 rd
b. World Health Day 2. April 7th
c. International Day of Persons with Disabilities 3. September 8 th
d. International Literacy Day 4. January 31st
Codes : a b c d
(A) 4 2 1 3 (B) 2 3 4 1 (C) 3 2 4 1 (D) 4 1 3 2
56. Match the following items given in List – I with the items given in List – II :
List – I List – II
a. World Disabled Day 1. March 15
b. World Book Day 2. April 23
c. Anti-Tobacco Day 3. June 12
d. World Day against Child Labour 4. May 31
Codes : a b c d
(A) 1 2 4 3 (B) 1 4 3 2 (C) 2 4 3 1 (D) 2 1 4 3
57. Assertion (A) : Social work is an organized activity which deals with economic dependency.
Reason (R) : Palliative activity is directed towards the alleviation of already existing economic stress.
Choose your answer from the codes given below :
Codes :
(A) Both (A) and (R) are correct and (R) is the correct explanation of (A).
(B) Both (A) and (R) are not correct.
(C) Both (A) and (R) are correct, but (R) is not the correct explanation of (A).
(D) (A) is correct, but (R) is not the correct explanation of (A).
58. Assertion (A) : Human learning is different from animal learning.
Reason (R) : Human has more sophisticated cognitive abilities.
Choose your answer from the codes given below :
Codes :
(A) Both (A) and (R) are correct and (R) is the correct explanation of (A).
(B) Both (A) and (R) are not correct.
(C) Both (A) and (R) are correct, but (R) is not the correct explanation of (A).
(D) (A) is correct, but (R) is not the correct explanation of (A).
59. Assertion (A) : Collective bargaining process eliminates third party intervention.
Reason (R) : Collective Bargaining strongly believes in plant level negotiations.
Codes :
(A) Both (A) and (R) are correct.
(B) Both (A) and (R) are not correct.
(C) (A) is correct but (R) is not the correct explanation of (A).
(D) (A) is correct and (R) is the correct explanation of (A).
60. Assertion (A) : Treatment groups are generally composed of members with severe emotional, behavioural and personal problems. Reason (R) : Persons poorly adjusted in a group will have poor adjustment in their social life.
Codes :
(A) Both (A) and (R) correct and (R) is the correct explanation of (A).
(B) Both (A) and (R) are wrong.
(C) Both (A) and (R) are correct but (R) is not the correct explanation of (A).
(D) (A) is correct, but (R) is not the correct explanation of (A).
61. Assertion (A) : Ratio scale is the highest scale.
Reason (R) : Ratio scale compares intervals or differences.
Choose your answer from the codes given below :
Codes :
(A) Both (A) and (R) are correct. (B) Both (A) and (R) are not correct.
(C) (A) is correct, but (R) is not correct. (D) (A) is not correct, but (R) is correct.
62. Arrange the following in the proper sequence :
1. Attending to a call on woman helpline.
2. Investigation on the facts of the case.
3. Seeking permission of the court for providing shelter
4. Working on psycho-social and vocational rehabilitation.
5. Working towards reconciliation or separation.
Codes :
(A) 1 2 3 4 5 (B) 2 3 5 1 4
(C) 1 3 2 5 4 (D) 4 2 1 3 5
63. Assertion (A) : The person who needs some social and emotional help is called client.
Reason (R) : Client is always of the same nature. Choose the correct answer from the codes given below :
Codes :
(A) Both (A) and (R) are correct. (B) Both (A) and (R) are not correct
(C) (A) is correct but (R) is not correct. (D) (A) is correct and (R) is the correct explanation of (A).
64. What is the sequence of PRA process ?
I. Sensitizing the team
II. Rapport building with target groups
III. Sharing the observations with target group
IV. Conducting the PRA
Codes :
65. Arrange the major steps of socialplanning in sequential order :
1. Communicate findings with community.
2. Understand deficiencies of the system.
3. Making partnerships to make change.
4. Make strategies and mobilize people’s participation.
Codes :
(A) 1 3 4 2 (B) 2 3 1 4
(C) 2 1 4 3 (D) 1 4 3 2
66. Communication involves the flow of message in the sequence of
I. Sender II. Encoding III. Receiver IV. Decoding
Codes :
67. CRC stands for
(A) Criminal Records of the Child (B) Convention on the Rights of the Child
(C) Commission for the Rights of the Child (D) Centre for the Rights of the Child
68. Give correct sequence of the States according to their year of adopting Panchayati Raj
I. Rajsthan and Andhra Pradesh
II. Assam, Tamil Nadu and Karnataka
III. Maharashtra
IV. Gujarat
Codes :
69. Arrange the following milestones contributing to the development of case work as a method in a correct sequence they appeared :
I. London Charity Organisation II. Ego Psychology
III. Social Diagnosis IV. Freudian Psychology
Codes :
Answer Key:
1 B 2 B 3 B 4 B 5 A 6 B 7 C 8 D 9 A 10 A 11 B 12 B 13 A 14 C 15 D 16 B 17 B 18 D 19 C 20 C 21 D 22 D 23 C 24 C 25 B 26 A 27 D 28 C 29 A 30 B 31 A 32 B 33 C 34 C 35 A 36 A 37 A 38 A 39 D 40 B 41 B 42 A 43 C 44 A 45 A 46 D 47 B 48 A 49 A 50 C 51 C 52 C 53 A 54 D 55 A 56 A 57 C 58 A 59 D 60 A 61 A 62 C 63 C 64 B 65 C 66 A 67 B 68 D 69 A