Plant Pathology Syllabus
(These syllabus may change from time to time. Please check with the relevant Public Service Commission websites for any changes in the syllabus)
1. History and Scope of Plant Pathology- History of plant pathology with particular reference to India. Major epidemics and their social impacts. Historical developments of chemicals, legislative, cultural and biological protection measures including classification of plant diseases. Scope and application of microbes in agriculture industry, pollution and biological control of pests.
2. Mycology, Plant virology, and Plant Bacteriology. Mycology: Introduction, terms and basic concepts. General Characters of fungi, types of fungal thalli, fungal tissues, modifications of thallus, reproduction in fungi (asexual and sexual). Classification of fungi. Comparative morphology, ultra structure, characters of different groups of fungi up to generic level. Importance of fungi. Mycorrhizal associations. Lichen types and importance. Fungal genetics and variability. Plant Bacteriology: Introduction to morphology, ultrastructure and chemical composition of phytopathogenic procarya viz. MLO/phytoplasma, spiroplasma and other fastidious procarya. Importance of phytopathogenic bacteria. Classification and nomenclature of phytopathogenic procarya. Important diseases caused by phytopathogenic procarya . Growth and nutrition of bacteria. Reproduction in prokaryotes. Variability among phytopathogenic procarya. General biology of bacteriophage, L-form bacteria, plasmids and Bdellovibrio. Prokaryotic inhibitors and their mode of action against phytopathogenic bacteria. Plant Virology: History of plant viruses, composition and structure of viruses. Symptomatology of important pant viral diseases, transmission, Chemical and physical properties of viruses, host virus interaction, virus vector relationship. Classification, replication and movement of viruses. Isolation and purification, electron microscopy, protein and nucleic acid based diagnostics. Mycoviruses, arboand baculoviruses, satellite viruses, satellite RNAs, viroids and prions.
3. Plant Disease management- Principles of plant disease management by cultural, physical, biological, chemical methods of plant disease control, integrated control measures of plant diseases. Quarantine, exotic pathogens and pathogens introduced into India. Genetic basis of disease resistance and pathogenicity, gene for gene hypothesis, breeding for disease resistance. Seed certification. Chemical nature and classification of fungicides and antibiotics. Method of application of fungicides. Spraying and dusting equipments, their care and maintenances. Plant growth promoting Rhizobacteria
4. Diseases of Crop Plants: Major Fungal, bacterial, viral, viroids, phytoplasmal and nematode diseases of cereals, millets, oilseeds, pulses, fruits, vegetables, plantation, fiber, spices and ornamental crops with special reference to etiology, disease cycle/transmission and integrated management. Post harvest diseases in transit and storage and management. Phanerogamic parasites and Non-parasitic Diseases of crop plants and their management.
5. Principles of Plant Pathology- Plant disease concepts, biotic and abiotic causes of plant diseases. Survival and dispersal of important plant pathogens, role of environment and host nutrition on disease development. Host parasitic interaction, infection process, disease development: role of enzymes, toxins, growth regulators. Defense mechanisms. Altered plant metabolism as affected by plant pathogens. Genetics of resistance ‘R’ genes, mechanism of genetic variation in pathogen, molecular basis for resistance and genetic engineering of disease resistance.
6. Laboratory and Analytical Techniques: Preparation and sterilization of common media. Methods of isolation of pathogens and their identification. Preservation of microorganisms in pure culture. Methods of inoculation. Measurement of plant disease. Molecular detection of pathogens in seeds and other planting materials: Nucleic acid probes, ELISA, ISEM and PCR. Laboratory equipment and their use: autoclave, hot air oven, laminar flow, spectrophotometer, electrophoresis, light and electron microscopy, incubator, ultracentrifuge, ELISA Reader.
7. Epidemiology and forecasting of plant disease Concepts in epidemiology. Development of disease in plant population. Monocyclic and polycyclic pathogens. Role of environment and meteorological factors in the development of plant disease epidemics. Survey, surveillance (including through remote sensing), and prediction and forecasting of diseases. Epidemic analysis and prediction models. Crop loss assessment: critical and multiple point models.
8. Mushroom production Technology Mushroom cultivation, food, medicinal value, uses of mushroom, edible and poisonous mushrooms. Life cycle of cultivated mushrooms, maintenance of pure culture, preparation of spawn and facilities required for establishing commercial spawn lab.
1. History and Scope of Plant Pathology- History of plant pathology with particular reference to India. Major epidemics and their social impacts. Historical developments of chemicals, legislative, cultural and biological protection measures including classification of plant diseases. Scope and application of microbes in agriculture industry, pollution and biological control of pests.
2. Mycology, Plant virology, and Plant Bacteriology. Mycology: Introduction, terms and basic concepts. General Characters of fungi, types of fungal thalli, fungal tissues, modifications of thallus, reproduction in fungi (asexual and sexual). Classification of fungi. Comparative morphology, ultra structure, characters of different groups of fungi up to generic level. Importance of fungi. Mycorrhizal associations. Lichen types and importance. Fungal genetics and variability. Plant Bacteriology: Introduction to morphology, ultrastructure and chemical composition of phytopathogenic procarya viz. MLO/phytoplasma, spiroplasma and other fastidious procarya. Importance of phytopathogenic bacteria. Classification and nomenclature of phytopathogenic procarya. Important diseases caused by phytopathogenic procarya . Growth and nutrition of bacteria. Reproduction in prokaryotes. Variability among phytopathogenic procarya. General biology of bacteriophage, L-form bacteria, plasmids and Bdellovibrio. Prokaryotic inhibitors and their mode of action against phytopathogenic bacteria. Plant Virology: History of plant viruses, composition and structure of viruses. Symptomatology of important pant viral diseases, transmission, Chemical and physical properties of viruses, host virus interaction, virus vector relationship. Classification, replication and movement of viruses. Isolation and purification, electron microscopy, protein and nucleic acid based diagnostics. Mycoviruses, arboand baculoviruses, satellite viruses, satellite RNAs, viroids and prions.
3. Plant Disease management- Principles of plant disease management by cultural, physical, biological, chemical methods of plant disease control, integrated control measures of plant diseases. Quarantine, exotic pathogens and pathogens introduced into India. Genetic basis of disease resistance and pathogenicity, gene for gene hypothesis, breeding for disease resistance. Seed certification. Chemical nature and classification of fungicides and antibiotics. Method of application of fungicides. Spraying and dusting equipments, their care and maintenances. Plant growth promoting Rhizobacteria
4. Diseases of Crop Plants: Major Fungal, bacterial, viral, viroids, phytoplasmal and nematode diseases of cereals, millets, oilseeds, pulses, fruits, vegetables, plantation, fiber, spices and ornamental crops with special reference to etiology, disease cycle/transmission and integrated management. Post harvest diseases in transit and storage and management. Phanerogamic parasites and Non-parasitic Diseases of crop plants and their management.
5. Principles of Plant Pathology- Plant disease concepts, biotic and abiotic causes of plant diseases. Survival and dispersal of important plant pathogens, role of environment and host nutrition on disease development. Host parasitic interaction, infection process, disease development: role of enzymes, toxins, growth regulators. Defense mechanisms. Altered plant metabolism as affected by plant pathogens. Genetics of resistance ‘R’ genes, mechanism of genetic variation in pathogen, molecular basis for resistance and genetic engineering of disease resistance.
6. Laboratory and Analytical Techniques: Preparation and sterilization of common media. Methods of isolation of pathogens and their identification. Preservation of microorganisms in pure culture. Methods of inoculation. Measurement of plant disease. Molecular detection of pathogens in seeds and other planting materials: Nucleic acid probes, ELISA, ISEM and PCR. Laboratory equipment and their use: autoclave, hot air oven, laminar flow, spectrophotometer, electrophoresis, light and electron microscopy, incubator, ultracentrifuge, ELISA Reader.
7. Epidemiology and forecasting of plant disease Concepts in epidemiology. Development of disease in plant population. Monocyclic and polycyclic pathogens. Role of environment and meteorological factors in the development of plant disease epidemics. Survey, surveillance (including through remote sensing), and prediction and forecasting of diseases. Epidemic analysis and prediction models. Crop loss assessment: critical and multiple point models.
8. Mushroom production Technology Mushroom cultivation, food, medicinal value, uses of mushroom, edible and poisonous mushrooms. Life cycle of cultivated mushrooms, maintenance of pure culture, preparation of spawn and facilities required for establishing commercial spawn lab.
1 "Plant pathology" deals with the study of:-
a. Causal organism and management
b.Causal organism and disease cycle
c.Disease cycle and management
d.Causal organism, disease cycle and management of pant diseases
Answer: d
2 Factors responsible for disease occurrence :-
a. Host and pathogen
b. Susceptible host and pathogen
c. Susceptible host ,virulent pathogen and favorable environment
d. Susceptible host and virulent pathogen
Answer: c
3 The first book on plant pathology, entitled "Diseases of Cultivated Crops, their causes and their control" was written by :-
a. Kuhn
b. Tillet
c. De Bary
d. Micheli
Answer: a
4 The journal "Phytopathology" was begin to published in the year :-
a. 1891
b. 1895
c. 1911
d. 1918
Answer: c
5 In 1963 concept of vertical and horizontal resistance was given by :-
a. Eriksson
b. Orton
c. Stakman
d. Vanderplank
Answer: d
6 Gene for gene theory H.H. Flor worked with the rust of :-
a. Wheat
b. Barley
c. Linseed
d. Pea
Answer: c
7 Cedar-apple rust is caused by :-
a. Hemileia vastatrix
b. Melampsora lini
c. Uromyces appendiculatus
d. Gymnosporangium juniperivirginianae
Answer: d
8 Mushrooms belongs to order :-
a. Agaricales
b. Exobasidiales
c. Uredinales
d. Ustilaginales
Answer: a
9 Generalized loss of turgidity and drooping of leaves or shoots are the symptoms of :-
a. Rust
b. Smut
c. Wilt
d. Mildew
Answer: c
10 Slima molds belongs to phylum :-
a. Myxomycota
b. Zygomycota
c. Oomycota
d. Ascomycota
Answer: a
11 Late blight of tomato is caused by :-
a. Phytophthora cactorum
b. Phytophthora cambivora
c. Phytophthora infestans
d. Phytophthora citrophthora
Answer: c
12 Special structures " rhizoids" are produced in the fungus:-
a. Aspergillus
b. Penecillium
c. Mucor
d. Rhizopus
Answer: d
13 Downy mildew of grapes is caused by :-
a. Plasmopara halstedii
b. Plasmopara viticola
c. Peronospora destructor
d. Peronospora effusa
Answer: b
14 The fungi, causing powdery mildews, are:-
a. Obligali parasites
b. Facultative parasites
c. Obligate saprophytes
d. Facultative saprophytes
Answer: a
15 "Sigatoka disease" of banana is caused by :-
a. Mycosphaerella fragariae
b. Mycosphaerella musicola
c. Mycosphaerella citri
d. Magnaporthe grisea
Answer: b
16 Smut of bajara is :
a. Seed borne
b. Soil borne
c. Air borne
d. Seed and soil borne
Answer: d
17 "Whip smut" of sugarcane is caused by :-
a. Ustilego scitaminea
b. Ustilego nuda
c. Ustilego maydis
d. Ustilego hordei
Answer: a
18 Heterocious nature of stem rust of wheat was demonstrated by "-
a. Antom De Bary
b. Eriksson
c. Stakman
d. Craigie
Answer: a
19 Long smut of sorghum is caused by :-
a. Sphacelotheca cruenta
b. Sphacelotheca reiliana
c. Sphacelotheca sorghi
d. Tolyposporium ehrenbergii
Answer: d
20 In black rust of wheat zero (0) stage of fungus is known as :-
a. Basidial
b. Uredial
c. Telial
d. Pycnidial
Answer: d
21 Which one is poisonous mushroom ?
a. Pleurotus
b. Agaricus
c. volvariella
d. Amnita
Answer: d
22 "Mycorrhiza" is the association of ;-
a. Fungi and Higher plants
b. Fungi and Algae
c. Fungi and Bacteria
d. Fungi and Insects
Answer: a
23 "Lichens" shows which type of association :-
a. Symbiosis
b. Commensalism
c. Synergism
d. Antibiosis
Answer: a
24 The smallest pathogenic agent is:-
a. Virus
b. viroid
c. Virusoid
d. Prion
Answer: d
25 Filters used in Laminar air flow are known :--
a. HEPA -filters
b. Asbestos-filters
c. Porcelin-filters
d. Sintered glass filters
Answer: a
26 The "Quarantine laws" in USA were first enacted in :--
a. 1896
b. 1912
c. 1950
d. 1972
Answer: b
27 "Grassy shoot" disease of sugarcane is caused by :-
a. Fungi
b. Bacteria
c. Phytoplasma
d. Virus
Answer: c
28 L-form bacteria do not possess:-
a. Cell membrane
b. Cell wall
c. Mesosome
d. Ribosome
Answer: b
29 Which bacterium is a flagellate:-
a. Pseudomonas
b. Xanthomonas
c. Agrobacterium
d. Xylella
Answer: Question deleted
30 Typical "stem-pitting symptoms are produced in the disease:-
a. Citrus exocortis
b. Citrus tristeza
c. Citrus greening
d.Citrus canker
Answer: b
31 Alternate host of Bajra rust is :-
a. Tomato
b. Pea
c. Brinjal
d. Chilli
Answer: c
32 The conversion of whole thallus into reproductive structure, is called:-
a. Holocarpic
b. Eucarpic
c. Endocarpic
d. Mesocarpic
Answer: a
33 Counter stain for gram positive bacteria as:-
a. Crystal violet
b. Iodine
c. Saffranin
d. Cottan blue
Answer: c
34 Minimum magnification power of "Electron microscope" is :-
a. 100 times
b. 1000 times
c. 10000 times
d. 100000 times
Answer: d
35 The enlargement of host tissues due to excess cell division is called :-
a. Hyperplasia
b. Hypertrophy
c. Hypoplasia
d. Hypotrophy
Answer: a
36 Dispersal of plant pathogens through wind is known :-
a. Hydrochory
b. Zoochory
c. Anemochory
d. Anthorochory
Answer: c
37 Browning of vascular bundles occurs in the disease :-
a. Wilt
b. Smut
c. Rust
d. Bunt
Answer: a
38 Sterilization of culture medium in done at a pressure of :-
a. 10 psi
b. 15 psi
c. 20 psi
d. 25 psi
Answer: b
39 Van Everdingen (1933) evolved "Dutch rules" for the fungus :-
a. Puccinia striiformis
b. Albygo candida
c. Phytophthora infestans
d. Pythium debaryanum
Answer: c
40 "Indian type culture collection" for fungi is located at :-
a. Kolkata
b. Hyderabad
c. New Delhi
d. Mumbai
Answer: c
41 " Striga" is a plant parasite:-
a. Total stem parasite
b. Total root parasite
c. Partial stem parasite
d. Partial root parasite
Answer: d
42 "Pyricularin" is produced by the fungus :-
a. Pyricularia oryzae
b. Fusarium oxysporum
c. Helminthosporium maydis
d. Helminthosporium victorae
Answer: a
43 Fastidious vascular bacteria are mainly restricted to the region :-
a. Epidermis
b. Vascular bundles
c. Cortex
d. Pith region
Answer: b
44 First plant pathogenic nematode was discovered by :-
a. Needham
b. Cobb
c. Kuhn
d. Devaine
Answer: a
45 Bengal famine is related with the crop:-
a. Wheat
b. Paddy
c. Potato
d. Maize
Answer: b
46 Pycnia with acervuli production is the feature of class:-
a. Hyphomycetes
b. Coelomycetes
c. Blastomycetes
d. Pyrenomycetes
Answer: b
47 The ratio of copper sulphate and ammonium sulphate in "Cheshunt" compound is:-
a. 2:11
b. 3:11
c. 5:11
d. 10:11
Answer: a
48 Coenocytic mycelium is present in fungus :-
a. Phytophthora
b. Ustilago
c. Puccinia
d. Alternaria
Answer: a
49 Naked asci are produced in the class :--
a. Discomycetes
b. Pyrenomycetes
c. Plectomycetes
d. Hemiascomycetes
Answer: d
50 First produced systemic fungicide is :-
a. Bordeaux mixture
b. Captan
c. Thiram
d. Carboxin
Answer: d
a. Causal organism and management
b.Causal organism and disease cycle
c.Disease cycle and management
d.Causal organism, disease cycle and management of pant diseases
Answer: d
2 Factors responsible for disease occurrence :-
a. Host and pathogen
b. Susceptible host and pathogen
c. Susceptible host ,virulent pathogen and favorable environment
d. Susceptible host and virulent pathogen
Answer: c
3 The first book on plant pathology, entitled "Diseases of Cultivated Crops, their causes and their control" was written by :-
a. Kuhn
b. Tillet
c. De Bary
d. Micheli
Answer: a
4 The journal "Phytopathology" was begin to published in the year :-
a. 1891
b. 1895
c. 1911
d. 1918
Answer: c
5 In 1963 concept of vertical and horizontal resistance was given by :-
a. Eriksson
b. Orton
c. Stakman
d. Vanderplank
Answer: d
6 Gene for gene theory H.H. Flor worked with the rust of :-
a. Wheat
b. Barley
c. Linseed
d. Pea
Answer: c
7 Cedar-apple rust is caused by :-
a. Hemileia vastatrix
b. Melampsora lini
c. Uromyces appendiculatus
d. Gymnosporangium juniperivirginianae
Answer: d
8 Mushrooms belongs to order :-
a. Agaricales
b. Exobasidiales
c. Uredinales
d. Ustilaginales
Answer: a
9 Generalized loss of turgidity and drooping of leaves or shoots are the symptoms of :-
a. Rust
b. Smut
c. Wilt
d. Mildew
Answer: c
10 Slima molds belongs to phylum :-
a. Myxomycota
b. Zygomycota
c. Oomycota
d. Ascomycota
Answer: a
11 Late blight of tomato is caused by :-
a. Phytophthora cactorum
b. Phytophthora cambivora
c. Phytophthora infestans
d. Phytophthora citrophthora
Answer: c
12 Special structures " rhizoids" are produced in the fungus:-
a. Aspergillus
b. Penecillium
c. Mucor
d. Rhizopus
Answer: d
13 Downy mildew of grapes is caused by :-
a. Plasmopara halstedii
b. Plasmopara viticola
c. Peronospora destructor
d. Peronospora effusa
Answer: b
14 The fungi, causing powdery mildews, are:-
a. Obligali parasites
b. Facultative parasites
c. Obligate saprophytes
d. Facultative saprophytes
Answer: a
15 "Sigatoka disease" of banana is caused by :-
a. Mycosphaerella fragariae
b. Mycosphaerella musicola
c. Mycosphaerella citri
d. Magnaporthe grisea
Answer: b
16 Smut of bajara is :
a. Seed borne
b. Soil borne
c. Air borne
d. Seed and soil borne
Answer: d
17 "Whip smut" of sugarcane is caused by :-
a. Ustilego scitaminea
b. Ustilego nuda
c. Ustilego maydis
d. Ustilego hordei
Answer: a
18 Heterocious nature of stem rust of wheat was demonstrated by "-
a. Antom De Bary
b. Eriksson
c. Stakman
d. Craigie
Answer: a
19 Long smut of sorghum is caused by :-
a. Sphacelotheca cruenta
b. Sphacelotheca reiliana
c. Sphacelotheca sorghi
d. Tolyposporium ehrenbergii
Answer: d
20 In black rust of wheat zero (0) stage of fungus is known as :-
a. Basidial
b. Uredial
c. Telial
d. Pycnidial
Answer: d
21 Which one is poisonous mushroom ?
a. Pleurotus
b. Agaricus
c. volvariella
d. Amnita
Answer: d
22 "Mycorrhiza" is the association of ;-
a. Fungi and Higher plants
b. Fungi and Algae
c. Fungi and Bacteria
d. Fungi and Insects
Answer: a
23 "Lichens" shows which type of association :-
a. Symbiosis
b. Commensalism
c. Synergism
d. Antibiosis
Answer: a
24 The smallest pathogenic agent is:-
a. Virus
b. viroid
c. Virusoid
d. Prion
Answer: d
25 Filters used in Laminar air flow are known :--
a. HEPA -filters
b. Asbestos-filters
c. Porcelin-filters
d. Sintered glass filters
Answer: a
26 The "Quarantine laws" in USA were first enacted in :--
a. 1896
b. 1912
c. 1950
d. 1972
Answer: b
27 "Grassy shoot" disease of sugarcane is caused by :-
a. Fungi
b. Bacteria
c. Phytoplasma
d. Virus
Answer: c
28 L-form bacteria do not possess:-
a. Cell membrane
b. Cell wall
c. Mesosome
d. Ribosome
Answer: b
29 Which bacterium is a flagellate:-
a. Pseudomonas
b. Xanthomonas
c. Agrobacterium
d. Xylella
Answer: Question deleted
30 Typical "stem-pitting symptoms are produced in the disease:-
a. Citrus exocortis
b. Citrus tristeza
c. Citrus greening
d.Citrus canker
Answer: b
31 Alternate host of Bajra rust is :-
a. Tomato
b. Pea
c. Brinjal
d. Chilli
Answer: c
32 The conversion of whole thallus into reproductive structure, is called:-
a. Holocarpic
b. Eucarpic
c. Endocarpic
d. Mesocarpic
Answer: a
33 Counter stain for gram positive bacteria as:-
a. Crystal violet
b. Iodine
c. Saffranin
d. Cottan blue
Answer: c
34 Minimum magnification power of "Electron microscope" is :-
a. 100 times
b. 1000 times
c. 10000 times
d. 100000 times
Answer: d
35 The enlargement of host tissues due to excess cell division is called :-
a. Hyperplasia
b. Hypertrophy
c. Hypoplasia
d. Hypotrophy
Answer: a
36 Dispersal of plant pathogens through wind is known :-
a. Hydrochory
b. Zoochory
c. Anemochory
d. Anthorochory
Answer: c
37 Browning of vascular bundles occurs in the disease :-
a. Wilt
b. Smut
c. Rust
d. Bunt
Answer: a
38 Sterilization of culture medium in done at a pressure of :-
a. 10 psi
b. 15 psi
c. 20 psi
d. 25 psi
Answer: b
39 Van Everdingen (1933) evolved "Dutch rules" for the fungus :-
a. Puccinia striiformis
b. Albygo candida
c. Phytophthora infestans
d. Pythium debaryanum
Answer: c
40 "Indian type culture collection" for fungi is located at :-
a. Kolkata
b. Hyderabad
c. New Delhi
d. Mumbai
Answer: c
41 " Striga" is a plant parasite:-
a. Total stem parasite
b. Total root parasite
c. Partial stem parasite
d. Partial root parasite
Answer: d
42 "Pyricularin" is produced by the fungus :-
a. Pyricularia oryzae
b. Fusarium oxysporum
c. Helminthosporium maydis
d. Helminthosporium victorae
Answer: a
43 Fastidious vascular bacteria are mainly restricted to the region :-
a. Epidermis
b. Vascular bundles
c. Cortex
d. Pith region
Answer: b
44 First plant pathogenic nematode was discovered by :-
a. Needham
b. Cobb
c. Kuhn
d. Devaine
Answer: a
45 Bengal famine is related with the crop:-
a. Wheat
b. Paddy
c. Potato
d. Maize
Answer: b
46 Pycnia with acervuli production is the feature of class:-
a. Hyphomycetes
b. Coelomycetes
c. Blastomycetes
d. Pyrenomycetes
Answer: b
47 The ratio of copper sulphate and ammonium sulphate in "Cheshunt" compound is:-
a. 2:11
b. 3:11
c. 5:11
d. 10:11
Answer: a
48 Coenocytic mycelium is present in fungus :-
a. Phytophthora
b. Ustilago
c. Puccinia
d. Alternaria
Answer: a
49 Naked asci are produced in the class :--
a. Discomycetes
b. Pyrenomycetes
c. Plectomycetes
d. Hemiascomycetes
Answer: d
50 First produced systemic fungicide is :-
a. Bordeaux mixture
b. Captan
c. Thiram
d. Carboxin
Answer: d
51 Parasexuality phenomenon was first observed in the fungus :-
a. Aspergillus nidulans
b. Aspergillus flavus
c. Aspergillus niger
d. Penicillium notatum
Answer: a
52 The perfect stage of Helminthosporium is :-
a. Thanatephorus
b. Mangnaporthe
c. Cochliobolus
d. Talaromyces
Answer: c
53 Leaf smut of rice is caused by :-
a. Entyloma oryzae
b. Urocystis tririci
c. Ustilego tririci
d. Ustilego nuda
Answer: a
54 The total stem parasite is :-
a. Loranthus
b. Orobanche
c. Striga
d. Cuscuta
Answer: d
55 The cause of "black heart" disease of potato is :-
a. Water stress
b. Frost injury
c. High light intensity
d. Lack of oxygen
Answer: d
56 The disease which takes more than one year to complete the disease cycle is known as :-
a. Polyetic
b. Monocyclic
c. Polycyclic
d. Demicyclic
Answer: a
57 Tundu disease of wheat is caused by Clavibacter with nematode:--
a. Anguina tritici
b. Meloidogyne graminicola
c. Heterodera avenae
d. Ditylenchus angustus
Answer: a
58 Viruses are mainly transmitted by :-
a. Insects
b. Fungi
c. Bacteria
d. Nematodes
Answer: a
59 The term "Boom & Burst cycle" for disease resistance was given by :-
a. Flor
b. Priestley
c. Prusiner
d. Voinnet
Answer: b
60 First resistance (R) gene cloned and sequenced in 1992 from maize is :--
a. Hm - 1
b. Cf - 9
c. Pt - 0
d. Xa - 21
Answer: a
61 Mycorohiza supplies which nutrient in the plants :-
a. Iron
b. Sulphur
c. Phosphorus
d. Nitrogen
Answer: c
62 Pasteurization is done at temperature:-
a. 62.8 °C
b. 80.0 °C
c. 90.7 °C
d. 100.0 °C
Answer: a
63 The perfect stage of Aspergillus is :-
a. Erotium
b. Thanetophorus
c. Glomerella
d. Gibberella
Answer: a
64 "Khaira disease " of rice is caused by deficiency of :-
a. Nitrogen
b. Zinc
c. Potash
Answer: b
65 The organisms lacking a well defined nucleus are known as:-
a. Fungi
b. Protozoa
c. Eukaryotes
d. Prokaryotes
Answer: d
66 Conidia and sporangia are produced by :-
a. Viruses
b. Fungi
c. Bacteria
d. Phytoplasma
Answer: b
67 Solar heat treatment for the control of loose smut of wheat was given by :-
a. Jensen
b. Mitra
c. Butler
d. Luthra and Sattar
Answer: d
68 Which toxin is host specific:--
a. Tabtoxin
b. Tentoxin
c. Victorin
d. Phaseotoxin
Answer: c
69 Peach leaf curl disease is caused by :-
a. virus
b. Bacterium
c. Fungus
d. Phytoplasma
Answer: c
70 "Kresek phase" symptoms found in :-
a. Latiblight of patato
b. Black arm of cotton
c. Bacterial leaf blight of rice
d. Moko disease of banana
Answer: c
71 Club root disease of cabbage was first reported by :-
a. N.A.Cobb
b. E.J.Butler
c. Woronin
d. K.C.Mehta
Answer: c
72 Tungo disease of rice is caused by :-
a. Bacteria
b. Fungi
c. Virus
d. Phytoplasma
Answer: c
73 Eriophyde mite is transmitting :-
a. Little leaf of brinjal
b. Bunchy top of banana
c. Sterility mosaic of pigeon pea
d. citrus greening
Answer: c
74 Phytoplasma contains :-
a. Only RNA
b. Only DNA
c. Both RNA and DNA
d. Only protein coat
Answer: c
75 Red leaf of cotton is a deficiency disease due to :-
a. Copper
b. Iron
c. Boron
d. Nitrogen
Answer: d
76 Ooze test is the diagnostic test for :-
a. Bacteria
b. Virus
c. Nematode
d. Fungi
Answer: a
77 Match the correct of the following Imperfect Stage Perfect Stage
A. Aspergillus ----- a. Mycosphaerella
B. Cercospora ---- b. Cochliobolus
C. Cercospora ----- c. Glomerella
D. Bipolaris ---------d. Eurotium
A-(a), B-(b), C-(c), D-(d)
A-(d), B-(a), C-(b), D-(c)
A-(d), B-(c), C-(b), D-(a)
A-(d), B-(c), C-(a), D-(b)
Answer: d
78 The two important compounds of cell wall in most of the fungi are :-
a. Glucan and cellulose
b. Peptidoglycan and cellulose
c. Chitin and cellulose
d. Peptidoglycan and Chitin
Answer: c
79 Some pathogens secrete an iron chelating agent known as :-
a. P.R.Proteins
b. Siderophores
c. Phytoalexins
d. Elicitors
Answer: b
80 Which Fungicide is specific for downy mildew fungi :-
a. Chlorothalonil
b. Plantvax
c. Metalaxyl
d. Vitavax
Answer: c
81 An example of compound interest disease is :-
a. Wilt of gram
b. Root rot of cotton
c. Stem rust of wheat
d. Club root of cabbage
Answer: c
82 Local and systemic both infection are found in :-
a. Covered smut of barley
b. Karnal bunt of wheat
c. White rust of Mustard
d. Black rust of wheat
Answer: c
83 Virus is transmitted by which nematode?
a. Globodera
b. Meloidogyne
c. Heterodera
d. Xiphinema
Answer: d
84 Which of the following fungi is called weed of the laboratory?
a. Fusarium solani
b. Cercospora personata
c. Pyricularia oryzae
d. Aspergillus niger
Answer: d
85 Characteristic H-shaped structure of primary sporidia is found in :-
a. Neovossia
b. Ustilago
c. Sphaerotheca
d. Tilletia
Answer: d
86 White one is commonly known as grey mold fungus?
a. Penicillium italicum
b. Penicillium notatum
c. Botrytis cinerea
d. Aspergillus niger
Answer: c
87 Gossypium arboreum species of cotton are found resistant against disease :-
a. Root rot
b. Wilt
c. Bacterial leaf blight
d. Leaf curl
Answer: Question deleted
88 In which of the following fungi zoospores are formed inside vesicle?
a. Phytophthora
b. Phythium
c. Rhizoctonia
d. Albugo
Answer: b
89 Taphrina maculans causes the disease :-
a. Leaf spot of turmeric
b. Tikka of groundnut
c. Powdery mildew of pea
d. Wilt of pigeon pea
Answer: a
90 Perithecia with single ascus and simple appendages are found in the genus :-
a. Erysiphe
b. Uncinula
c. Sphaerotheca
d. Podosphera
Answer: c
91 Coffee rust was first reported in 1868 from:-
a. Brazil
b. Ceylon
c. India
d. Indonesia
Answer: b
92 Which is of the following fungi is commonly known as white mold/stem rotting:-
a. Rhizoctonia solani
b. Sclerotinia sclerotiorum
c. Fusarium solani
d. Albugo candia
Answer: b
93 Red onion is resistant to smudge due to presence of :-
a. Phenolic contents
b. Catechol and protocatechuic acid
c. Cholorogenic acid
d. Wax
Answer: b
94 Anthracnose of grapes is caused by :-
a. Elsinoe ampelina
b. Greenaria viticola
c. Plasmopara viticola
d. Uncinula necator
Answer: a
95 The symbiont bacterial genus is :-
a. Xanthomonas
b. Clavibacter
c. Bacillus
d. Rhixzobium
Answer: d
96 On culture media, mycoplasmal colonies appear as :-
a. Rod shaped
b. Helical
c. Spiral
d. Fried-egg appearance
Answer: d
97 Tomato leaf curl virus is transmitted by:-
a. Myzus persici
b. Bemisia tabaci
c. Thrips tabaci
d. Infected plant material
Answer: b
98 Match the correct of the following
A. Potassium dichromate ----(a). Fixative
B. Agar-agar ----(b). Cleaning solution
C. Lectophenol----(c). Mounting medium
D. Formalin acetic acid-------(d).Solidifying agent
a. A-(a), B-(b), C-(c), D-(d)
b. A-(d), B-(b), C-(a), D-(c)
c. A-(a), B-(c), C-(d), D-(b)
d. A-(b), B-(d), C-(c), D-(a)
Answer: d
99 Stem galls of coriander is caused by :-
a. Fusarium
b. Alternaria
c. Protonaria
d. Cercospora
Answer: c
100 Which among the following is commonly known as oyster mushroom?
a. Volvariela
b. Agaricus
c. Pleurotus
d. Lentinus
Answer: c
a. Aspergillus nidulans
b. Aspergillus flavus
c. Aspergillus niger
d. Penicillium notatum
Answer: a
52 The perfect stage of Helminthosporium is :-
a. Thanatephorus
b. Mangnaporthe
c. Cochliobolus
d. Talaromyces
Answer: c
53 Leaf smut of rice is caused by :-
a. Entyloma oryzae
b. Urocystis tririci
c. Ustilego tririci
d. Ustilego nuda
Answer: a
54 The total stem parasite is :-
a. Loranthus
b. Orobanche
c. Striga
d. Cuscuta
Answer: d
55 The cause of "black heart" disease of potato is :-
a. Water stress
b. Frost injury
c. High light intensity
d. Lack of oxygen
Answer: d
56 The disease which takes more than one year to complete the disease cycle is known as :-
a. Polyetic
b. Monocyclic
c. Polycyclic
d. Demicyclic
Answer: a
57 Tundu disease of wheat is caused by Clavibacter with nematode:--
a. Anguina tritici
b. Meloidogyne graminicola
c. Heterodera avenae
d. Ditylenchus angustus
Answer: a
58 Viruses are mainly transmitted by :-
a. Insects
b. Fungi
c. Bacteria
d. Nematodes
Answer: a
59 The term "Boom & Burst cycle" for disease resistance was given by :-
a. Flor
b. Priestley
c. Prusiner
d. Voinnet
Answer: b
60 First resistance (R) gene cloned and sequenced in 1992 from maize is :--
a. Hm - 1
b. Cf - 9
c. Pt - 0
d. Xa - 21
Answer: a
61 Mycorohiza supplies which nutrient in the plants :-
a. Iron
b. Sulphur
c. Phosphorus
d. Nitrogen
Answer: c
62 Pasteurization is done at temperature:-
a. 62.8 °C
b. 80.0 °C
c. 90.7 °C
d. 100.0 °C
Answer: a
63 The perfect stage of Aspergillus is :-
a. Erotium
b. Thanetophorus
c. Glomerella
d. Gibberella
Answer: a
64 "Khaira disease " of rice is caused by deficiency of :-
a. Nitrogen
b. Zinc
c. Potash
Answer: b
65 The organisms lacking a well defined nucleus are known as:-
a. Fungi
b. Protozoa
c. Eukaryotes
d. Prokaryotes
Answer: d
66 Conidia and sporangia are produced by :-
a. Viruses
b. Fungi
c. Bacteria
d. Phytoplasma
Answer: b
67 Solar heat treatment for the control of loose smut of wheat was given by :-
a. Jensen
b. Mitra
c. Butler
d. Luthra and Sattar
Answer: d
68 Which toxin is host specific:--
a. Tabtoxin
b. Tentoxin
c. Victorin
d. Phaseotoxin
Answer: c
69 Peach leaf curl disease is caused by :-
a. virus
b. Bacterium
c. Fungus
d. Phytoplasma
Answer: c
70 "Kresek phase" symptoms found in :-
a. Latiblight of patato
b. Black arm of cotton
c. Bacterial leaf blight of rice
d. Moko disease of banana
Answer: c
71 Club root disease of cabbage was first reported by :-
a. N.A.Cobb
b. E.J.Butler
c. Woronin
d. K.C.Mehta
Answer: c
72 Tungo disease of rice is caused by :-
a. Bacteria
b. Fungi
c. Virus
d. Phytoplasma
Answer: c
73 Eriophyde mite is transmitting :-
a. Little leaf of brinjal
b. Bunchy top of banana
c. Sterility mosaic of pigeon pea
d. citrus greening
Answer: c
74 Phytoplasma contains :-
a. Only RNA
b. Only DNA
c. Both RNA and DNA
d. Only protein coat
Answer: c
75 Red leaf of cotton is a deficiency disease due to :-
a. Copper
b. Iron
c. Boron
d. Nitrogen
Answer: d
76 Ooze test is the diagnostic test for :-
a. Bacteria
b. Virus
c. Nematode
d. Fungi
Answer: a
77 Match the correct of the following Imperfect Stage Perfect Stage
A. Aspergillus ----- a. Mycosphaerella
B. Cercospora ---- b. Cochliobolus
C. Cercospora ----- c. Glomerella
D. Bipolaris ---------d. Eurotium
A-(a), B-(b), C-(c), D-(d)
A-(d), B-(a), C-(b), D-(c)
A-(d), B-(c), C-(b), D-(a)
A-(d), B-(c), C-(a), D-(b)
Answer: d
78 The two important compounds of cell wall in most of the fungi are :-
a. Glucan and cellulose
b. Peptidoglycan and cellulose
c. Chitin and cellulose
d. Peptidoglycan and Chitin
Answer: c
79 Some pathogens secrete an iron chelating agent known as :-
a. P.R.Proteins
b. Siderophores
c. Phytoalexins
d. Elicitors
Answer: b
80 Which Fungicide is specific for downy mildew fungi :-
a. Chlorothalonil
b. Plantvax
c. Metalaxyl
d. Vitavax
Answer: c
81 An example of compound interest disease is :-
a. Wilt of gram
b. Root rot of cotton
c. Stem rust of wheat
d. Club root of cabbage
Answer: c
82 Local and systemic both infection are found in :-
a. Covered smut of barley
b. Karnal bunt of wheat
c. White rust of Mustard
d. Black rust of wheat
Answer: c
83 Virus is transmitted by which nematode?
a. Globodera
b. Meloidogyne
c. Heterodera
d. Xiphinema
Answer: d
84 Which of the following fungi is called weed of the laboratory?
a. Fusarium solani
b. Cercospora personata
c. Pyricularia oryzae
d. Aspergillus niger
Answer: d
85 Characteristic H-shaped structure of primary sporidia is found in :-
a. Neovossia
b. Ustilago
c. Sphaerotheca
d. Tilletia
Answer: d
86 White one is commonly known as grey mold fungus?
a. Penicillium italicum
b. Penicillium notatum
c. Botrytis cinerea
d. Aspergillus niger
Answer: c
87 Gossypium arboreum species of cotton are found resistant against disease :-
a. Root rot
b. Wilt
c. Bacterial leaf blight
d. Leaf curl
Answer: Question deleted
88 In which of the following fungi zoospores are formed inside vesicle?
a. Phytophthora
b. Phythium
c. Rhizoctonia
d. Albugo
Answer: b
89 Taphrina maculans causes the disease :-
a. Leaf spot of turmeric
b. Tikka of groundnut
c. Powdery mildew of pea
d. Wilt of pigeon pea
Answer: a
90 Perithecia with single ascus and simple appendages are found in the genus :-
a. Erysiphe
b. Uncinula
c. Sphaerotheca
d. Podosphera
Answer: c
91 Coffee rust was first reported in 1868 from:-
a. Brazil
b. Ceylon
c. India
d. Indonesia
Answer: b
92 Which is of the following fungi is commonly known as white mold/stem rotting:-
a. Rhizoctonia solani
b. Sclerotinia sclerotiorum
c. Fusarium solani
d. Albugo candia
Answer: b
93 Red onion is resistant to smudge due to presence of :-
a. Phenolic contents
b. Catechol and protocatechuic acid
c. Cholorogenic acid
d. Wax
Answer: b
94 Anthracnose of grapes is caused by :-
a. Elsinoe ampelina
b. Greenaria viticola
c. Plasmopara viticola
d. Uncinula necator
Answer: a
95 The symbiont bacterial genus is :-
a. Xanthomonas
b. Clavibacter
c. Bacillus
d. Rhixzobium
Answer: d
96 On culture media, mycoplasmal colonies appear as :-
a. Rod shaped
b. Helical
c. Spiral
d. Fried-egg appearance
Answer: d
97 Tomato leaf curl virus is transmitted by:-
a. Myzus persici
b. Bemisia tabaci
c. Thrips tabaci
d. Infected plant material
Answer: b
98 Match the correct of the following
A. Potassium dichromate ----(a). Fixative
B. Agar-agar ----(b). Cleaning solution
C. Lectophenol----(c). Mounting medium
D. Formalin acetic acid-------(d).Solidifying agent
a. A-(a), B-(b), C-(c), D-(d)
b. A-(d), B-(b), C-(a), D-(c)
c. A-(a), B-(c), C-(d), D-(b)
d. A-(b), B-(d), C-(c), D-(a)
Answer: d
99 Stem galls of coriander is caused by :-
a. Fusarium
b. Alternaria
c. Protonaria
d. Cercospora
Answer: c
100 Which among the following is commonly known as oyster mushroom?
a. Volvariela
b. Agaricus
c. Pleurotus
d. Lentinus
Answer: c