(These syllabus may change from time to time. Please check with the relevant Public Service Commission websites for any changes in the syllabus)
1. Basic Mathematical Methods : Calculus : Vector algebra and vector calculus, Linear algebra, matrices, Linear differential equations, Fourier-series, Elementary complex analysis.
2. Classical Dynamics : Basic principles of classical dynamics, Lagrangian and Hamiltonian formalisms, Symmetries and conservation laws, Motion in the central field of force, Collisions and scattering, Mechanics of a system of particles, Small oscillations and normal modes, Wave motion-wave equation, phase velocity, group velocity, dispersion. Special theory of relativity-Lorentz tranformations, addition of velocities, mass-energy equivalance.
3. Electromagnatics : Electrostatics-Laplace and Poisson equations, boundary value problems, Magnetostatics-Ampere’s theorem, Blot-Sayart law, electromagnetic induction, Maxwell’s equations in free space and in linear isotropic media. Boundary conditions on the fields at interfaces, Scaler and vector potentials, Gauge invarience, Electromagnetic waves-reflection and refraction, dispersion, interferance, coherence, diffraction, polarization, Electrodynamics of a charged particle in electric and magnetic fields. Radiation from moving charges, radiation from a dipole, Retarded potential.
4. Quantum Physics and Applications : Wave-particle duality, Heisenberg’s uncertainity Principle. The Schrodinger equation particle in a box., Harmonic Oscillator, Tunnelling through a barrier, motion in a central potential,Orbital angular momentum. Angular momentum algebra, spin. Addition of angular momenta. Time independent perturbation theory. Ferml’s Golden Rule. Elementary theory of scattering in a central potential, Phase shifts, partial wave analysis, Borm approximation, identical particles, spin-statistics connection.
5. Thermodynamic and Statistical Physics : Laws of thermodynamics and their consequences. Thermodynamic potentials and Maxwell’s relations. Chemical potential, phase equilibria. Phase space, microstates and microststes. Partition function, Free Energy and connection with thermodynamic quantities. Classical and quantum statistics, Degenerate electron gas. Blackbody radiation and Planck’s distribution law, Boss-Einstein condensation. Einstein and Debye models for latticce specific heat.
6. Experimental Design : Measurement of fundamental constants; e.h.c. Measurement of High & Low Resistences, L and C. Detection of X-rays, Gamma rays, charged particles, neutrons etc. Ionization chamber, proportional counter, GM counter, Scintillation detectors, Solid State detectors, Emission and Absorption Spectroscopy, Measurement of Magnetic field, Hall effect, magnetoresistance. X-ray and neutron Diffrection, Vacuum Techniques; basic idea of conductance, pumping speed etc. Pumps; Mechanical Pump, Diffusion pump; Gauges; Thermocouple, Penning, Pirani, Hot Cathode. Low Temperature; Cooling a sample over a range upto 4K and measurement of temperature. Measurement of Energy and Time using electronic signals from the detectors and associated instrumentation; Signal processing, A/D conversion & multichannel analyzers, Time-of-flight technique; Coincidence measurements; true to chance ratio, correlation studies. Error Analysis and Hypothesis testing Propagation of errors, Plotting of Graph, Distributions, Least aquares fitting, criteria for goodness of fite-chi square test.
1. Electronics : Physics of p-n junction, Diode as a circuit element; clipping, clamping; Rectification, Zener regulated power supply : Transistor as a circuit element : CC, Cb, and CE configuration, ‘Transistor as a switch, OR, AND, NOT gates. Feed back in Amplifiers. Operational amplifier and its applications : inverting , non-inverting amplifier, adder, integrator, differentiator, wave form generator, comparator, & Schmidt trigger. Digital integrated circuits-NAND & NOR gates as building blocks, X-OR Gate, simple combinational circuits, Half & Full adder, Flip-flop, shift register, counters. Basic principles of A/D & D/ A converters; Simple applications of A/D & D/A converters.
2. Atomic & Molecular Physics : Quantum states of an electron in an atom. Hydrogen atom spectrum. Electron spin. Stern-Gerlach experiment. Spin-orbit coupling, fine structure, relativistic correction, spectro-scopic terms and selection rules, hyperfine structure. Exchange symmetry of wave functions. Pauli’s exclusion principle, periodic table alkali-type spectra, LS & JJ coupling, Zeeman, Paschen-Back and Stark effects. X-Rays and Auger transitions, Compton effect Principles of ESR, NMR Molecular Physics : Convalent, Ionic and Vander Waal’s interaction. Rotation/Vibration spectra. Raman Spectra, selection rules, nuclear spin and intensity alternation, isotope effects, electronic states of diatomic molecules, Frank-Condom principle. Lasersspontaneous and stimulated emission, optical pumping, population inversion, coherence (temporal and spatial) simple description of Ammonia maser, CO2 and He-Ne Lasers.
3. Condensed Matter Physics : Crystal classes and systems, 2d & 2d lattices, Bonding of common crystal structures, reciprocal lattice, diffraction and structure factor, elementary ideas about point defects and dislocations. Latics vibrations, Phonons, specific heat of solids, free electron theory-Fermi statistics; heat capacity. Electron motion in periodic potential, energy bands in metals, insulators and semi-conductors; tight binding approximation; Impurity levels in doped semi-conductors. Electronic transport from classical kinetic theory, electrical and thermal conductivity. Half effect and thermo-electric power transport in semi-conductors. Di-electrics-Polarization mechnisms, Clausius-Mossotti equation, Piezo, Pyro and ferro electricity. Dia and Para megnetism; exchange interactions, magnetic order, ferro, anti-ferro and ferrimagnetism. Super conductivity-basic phenomenology; Meissner effect, Type-1 & Type-2 Super conductors, BCS Pairing mechanism.
4. Nuclear and Particle Physics : Basic nuclear properties-size, shape, charge distribution, spin & parity, binding, empirical mass formula, liquid drop model. Nature of nuclear force, elements of two-body problem, charge independence and charge symmetry of nuclear forces. Evidence for nuclear shell structure. Single particle shell model-its validity and limitations, collective model. Interactions of charged particles and e.m. rays with matter. Basic principles of particle detectors-ionization chamber; gas proportional counter and GM counter, scintillation and semiconductor detectors. Radio-active decays (a By), basic theoretical understanding Nuclear reactions, elementary ideas of reaction mechanisms, compound nucleus and direct reactions, elementary ideas of fission and fusion. Particle Physics : Symmetrice and conservation laws, classification of fundamental forces and elementary particles, iso-spin, strangeness, Gell-Mann Nishijima formula, Quark model. C.P.T. invariance in different interactions, partynonconservation in weak interaction.
1. Basic Mathematical Methods : Calculus : Vector algebra and vector calculus, Linear algebra, matrices, Linear differential equations, Fourier-series, Elementary complex analysis.
2. Classical Dynamics : Basic principles of classical dynamics, Lagrangian and Hamiltonian formalisms, Symmetries and conservation laws, Motion in the central field of force, Collisions and scattering, Mechanics of a system of particles, Small oscillations and normal modes, Wave motion-wave equation, phase velocity, group velocity, dispersion. Special theory of relativity-Lorentz tranformations, addition of velocities, mass-energy equivalance.
3. Electromagnatics : Electrostatics-Laplace and Poisson equations, boundary value problems, Magnetostatics-Ampere’s theorem, Blot-Sayart law, electromagnetic induction, Maxwell’s equations in free space and in linear isotropic media. Boundary conditions on the fields at interfaces, Scaler and vector potentials, Gauge invarience, Electromagnetic waves-reflection and refraction, dispersion, interferance, coherence, diffraction, polarization, Electrodynamics of a charged particle in electric and magnetic fields. Radiation from moving charges, radiation from a dipole, Retarded potential.
4. Quantum Physics and Applications : Wave-particle duality, Heisenberg’s uncertainity Principle. The Schrodinger equation particle in a box., Harmonic Oscillator, Tunnelling through a barrier, motion in a central potential,Orbital angular momentum. Angular momentum algebra, spin. Addition of angular momenta. Time independent perturbation theory. Ferml’s Golden Rule. Elementary theory of scattering in a central potential, Phase shifts, partial wave analysis, Borm approximation, identical particles, spin-statistics connection.
5. Thermodynamic and Statistical Physics : Laws of thermodynamics and their consequences. Thermodynamic potentials and Maxwell’s relations. Chemical potential, phase equilibria. Phase space, microstates and microststes. Partition function, Free Energy and connection with thermodynamic quantities. Classical and quantum statistics, Degenerate electron gas. Blackbody radiation and Planck’s distribution law, Boss-Einstein condensation. Einstein and Debye models for latticce specific heat.
6. Experimental Design : Measurement of fundamental constants; e.h.c. Measurement of High & Low Resistences, L and C. Detection of X-rays, Gamma rays, charged particles, neutrons etc. Ionization chamber, proportional counter, GM counter, Scintillation detectors, Solid State detectors, Emission and Absorption Spectroscopy, Measurement of Magnetic field, Hall effect, magnetoresistance. X-ray and neutron Diffrection, Vacuum Techniques; basic idea of conductance, pumping speed etc. Pumps; Mechanical Pump, Diffusion pump; Gauges; Thermocouple, Penning, Pirani, Hot Cathode. Low Temperature; Cooling a sample over a range upto 4K and measurement of temperature. Measurement of Energy and Time using electronic signals from the detectors and associated instrumentation; Signal processing, A/D conversion & multichannel analyzers, Time-of-flight technique; Coincidence measurements; true to chance ratio, correlation studies. Error Analysis and Hypothesis testing Propagation of errors, Plotting of Graph, Distributions, Least aquares fitting, criteria for goodness of fite-chi square test.
1. Electronics : Physics of p-n junction, Diode as a circuit element; clipping, clamping; Rectification, Zener regulated power supply : Transistor as a circuit element : CC, Cb, and CE configuration, ‘Transistor as a switch, OR, AND, NOT gates. Feed back in Amplifiers. Operational amplifier and its applications : inverting , non-inverting amplifier, adder, integrator, differentiator, wave form generator, comparator, & Schmidt trigger. Digital integrated circuits-NAND & NOR gates as building blocks, X-OR Gate, simple combinational circuits, Half & Full adder, Flip-flop, shift register, counters. Basic principles of A/D & D/ A converters; Simple applications of A/D & D/A converters.
2. Atomic & Molecular Physics : Quantum states of an electron in an atom. Hydrogen atom spectrum. Electron spin. Stern-Gerlach experiment. Spin-orbit coupling, fine structure, relativistic correction, spectro-scopic terms and selection rules, hyperfine structure. Exchange symmetry of wave functions. Pauli’s exclusion principle, periodic table alkali-type spectra, LS & JJ coupling, Zeeman, Paschen-Back and Stark effects. X-Rays and Auger transitions, Compton effect Principles of ESR, NMR Molecular Physics : Convalent, Ionic and Vander Waal’s interaction. Rotation/Vibration spectra. Raman Spectra, selection rules, nuclear spin and intensity alternation, isotope effects, electronic states of diatomic molecules, Frank-Condom principle. Lasersspontaneous and stimulated emission, optical pumping, population inversion, coherence (temporal and spatial) simple description of Ammonia maser, CO2 and He-Ne Lasers.
3. Condensed Matter Physics : Crystal classes and systems, 2d & 2d lattices, Bonding of common crystal structures, reciprocal lattice, diffraction and structure factor, elementary ideas about point defects and dislocations. Latics vibrations, Phonons, specific heat of solids, free electron theory-Fermi statistics; heat capacity. Electron motion in periodic potential, energy bands in metals, insulators and semi-conductors; tight binding approximation; Impurity levels in doped semi-conductors. Electronic transport from classical kinetic theory, electrical and thermal conductivity. Half effect and thermo-electric power transport in semi-conductors. Di-electrics-Polarization mechnisms, Clausius-Mossotti equation, Piezo, Pyro and ferro electricity. Dia and Para megnetism; exchange interactions, magnetic order, ferro, anti-ferro and ferrimagnetism. Super conductivity-basic phenomenology; Meissner effect, Type-1 & Type-2 Super conductors, BCS Pairing mechanism.
4. Nuclear and Particle Physics : Basic nuclear properties-size, shape, charge distribution, spin & parity, binding, empirical mass formula, liquid drop model. Nature of nuclear force, elements of two-body problem, charge independence and charge symmetry of nuclear forces. Evidence for nuclear shell structure. Single particle shell model-its validity and limitations, collective model. Interactions of charged particles and e.m. rays with matter. Basic principles of particle detectors-ionization chamber; gas proportional counter and GM counter, scintillation and semiconductor detectors. Radio-active decays (a By), basic theoretical understanding Nuclear reactions, elementary ideas of reaction mechanisms, compound nucleus and direct reactions, elementary ideas of fission and fusion. Particle Physics : Symmetrice and conservation laws, classification of fundamental forces and elementary particles, iso-spin, strangeness, Gell-Mann Nishijima formula, Quark model. C.P.T. invariance in different interactions, partynonconservation in weak interaction.
1:-Which one of the following is used as piezo electric material ?
A:-Silica gel
Ans: D
2:-Standard electrode potentials of three metals X, Y, Z are –1.2V, +.5V and –3V respectively. The reducing power of these metals will be
Ans: C
3:-The most populated rotational state for HCl (B = 8.5 `cm^(-1)` ) at 300 K is
Ans: B
4:-The value of `d_(111)` in a cubic crystal is 325.6 pm. The value of `d_(333) `is
A:-208 pm
B:-308 pm
C:-108.5 pm
D:-420 pm
Ans: C
5:-If the phase difference between two component waves is other than quarter cycle, the resulting wave is said to be
A:-circularly polarized
B:-plane polarized
C:-elliptically polarized
D:-None of these
Ans: C
6:-The visible series of spectrum of hydrogen isA:-Paschen series
B:-Lyman series
C:-Pfund series
D:-Balmer series
Ans: D
7:-Entropy of universe
A:-always decreases
B:-always increases
C:-remains same
D:-none of these
Ans: B
8:-A first order reaction is 50% complete in 69.3 minutes. Time required for 90% completion for this reaction is
A:-100 minutes
B:-230 minutes
C:-2303 minutes
D:-125 minutes
Ans: B
9:-An organic compound with the molecular formula `C_(9)H_(10)`O forms 2, 4-DNP derivative, reduces Tollen's reagent and undergoes Cannizzaro reaction. On vigorous oxidation, it gives 1, 2-bezendicarboxylic acid. Identify the compound.
A:-2-methyl Benzaldehyde
B:-3-ethyl Benzaldehyde
C:-2-ethyl Benzaldehyde
D:-4-ethyl Benzaldehyde
Ans: C
10:-The reaction that involves the formation of both C-C and C-O bonds is
A:-Diels-Alder reaction
B:-Darzen's glycidic ester condensation
C:-Aldol reaction
D:-Beckmann rearrangement
Ans: B
11:-The angle of incident for which the refracted ray emerges tangent to the surface is calledA:-Brewster angle
B:-polarized angle
C:-incident angle
D:-critical angle
Ans: D
12:-The ligand system present in Vitamin `B_(12)` is
D:-Crown ether
Ans: B
13:-Match the metalloproteins in Column A with its biological and metal center in Column B.
Column A Column B
(a) Hemoglobin (i) Electron carrier and iron
(b) Cytochrome b (ii) Electron carrier and copper
(c) Vitamin `B_(12)` (iii) `O_(2)` transport and copper
(d) Hemocyanin (iv) Group transfer reactions and cobalt
(v) `O_(2)` storage and cobalt
(vi) `O_(2) ` transport and iron
The correct match is
A:-(a)-(vi); (b)-(i); (c)-(iv) and (d)-(iii)
B:-(a)-(v); (b)-(i); (c)-(iv) and (d)-(iii)
C:-(a)-(iv); (b)-(v); (c)-(i) and (d)-(ii)
D:-(a)-(v); (b)-(vi); (c)-(ii) and (d)-(iv)
Ans: A
14:-The intention of Michelson-Morley experiment was to proveA:-there is no ether medium
B:-velocity of light is constant in vacuum
C:-velocity of light depends on the velocity of frame of reference
D:-both b) and c)
Ans: C
15:-Patients suffering from Wilson's disease have
A:-Low level of Cu-Zn superoxide dismutase
B:-High level of Cu-Zn superoxide dismutase
C:-Low level of copper-storage protein, ceruloplasmin
D:-High level of copper-storage protein, ceruloplasmin
Ans: C
16:-The Coriolis force acts on a body due to theA:-Perpendicular motion of the body
B:-the rotation of earth
C:-the acceleration due to gravity
D:-None of these
Ans: B
17:-In a polarographic estimation, the limiting currents (μA) were 0.15, 4.65, 9.15 and 27.15 when concentration (mM) of Pb(II) were 0, 0.5, 1.0 and 3.0 respectively. An unknown solution of Pb(II) gives a limiting current of 13.65 μA. Concentration of Pb(II) in the unknown is
A:-1.625 mM
B:-1.208 mM
C:-1.768 mM
D:-1.500 mM
Ans: D
18:-The number of valence electrons provided [Ru`(CO)_(3)` ] fragment towards cluster bonding is
Ans: D
19:-The relativistic kinetic energy of a particle with rest mass mo and instantaneous mass m, if c the velocity of light is
A:-Kinetic energy = mc 2 +m o c 4
B:-Kinetic energy = mc 2 - m o c 2
C:-Kinetic energy = mc 2 +m o c 2
D:-Kinetic energy = mc 2 +m o c 4
Ans: B
20:-For Daniel cell calculate ΔG, if E = 1.10v at 250 C and D = 2, F = 96500 C
A:-185.4 KJ
B:-200.2 KJ
C:-212.3 KJ
D:-256.2 KJ
Ans: C
A:-Silica gel
Ans: D
2:-Standard electrode potentials of three metals X, Y, Z are –1.2V, +.5V and –3V respectively. The reducing power of these metals will be
Ans: C
3:-The most populated rotational state for HCl (B = 8.5 `cm^(-1)` ) at 300 K is
Ans: B
4:-The value of `d_(111)` in a cubic crystal is 325.6 pm. The value of `d_(333) `is
A:-208 pm
B:-308 pm
C:-108.5 pm
D:-420 pm
Ans: C
5:-If the phase difference between two component waves is other than quarter cycle, the resulting wave is said to be
A:-circularly polarized
B:-plane polarized
C:-elliptically polarized
D:-None of these
Ans: C
6:-The visible series of spectrum of hydrogen isA:-Paschen series
B:-Lyman series
C:-Pfund series
D:-Balmer series
Ans: D
7:-Entropy of universe
A:-always decreases
B:-always increases
C:-remains same
D:-none of these
Ans: B
8:-A first order reaction is 50% complete in 69.3 minutes. Time required for 90% completion for this reaction is
A:-100 minutes
B:-230 minutes
C:-2303 minutes
D:-125 minutes
Ans: B
9:-An organic compound with the molecular formula `C_(9)H_(10)`O forms 2, 4-DNP derivative, reduces Tollen's reagent and undergoes Cannizzaro reaction. On vigorous oxidation, it gives 1, 2-bezendicarboxylic acid. Identify the compound.
A:-2-methyl Benzaldehyde
B:-3-ethyl Benzaldehyde
C:-2-ethyl Benzaldehyde
D:-4-ethyl Benzaldehyde
Ans: C
10:-The reaction that involves the formation of both C-C and C-O bonds is
A:-Diels-Alder reaction
B:-Darzen's glycidic ester condensation
C:-Aldol reaction
D:-Beckmann rearrangement
Ans: B
11:-The angle of incident for which the refracted ray emerges tangent to the surface is calledA:-Brewster angle
B:-polarized angle
C:-incident angle
D:-critical angle
Ans: D
12:-The ligand system present in Vitamin `B_(12)` is
D:-Crown ether
Ans: B
13:-Match the metalloproteins in Column A with its biological and metal center in Column B.
Column A Column B
(a) Hemoglobin (i) Electron carrier and iron
(b) Cytochrome b (ii) Electron carrier and copper
(c) Vitamin `B_(12)` (iii) `O_(2)` transport and copper
(d) Hemocyanin (iv) Group transfer reactions and cobalt
(v) `O_(2)` storage and cobalt
(vi) `O_(2) ` transport and iron
The correct match is
A:-(a)-(vi); (b)-(i); (c)-(iv) and (d)-(iii)
B:-(a)-(v); (b)-(i); (c)-(iv) and (d)-(iii)
C:-(a)-(iv); (b)-(v); (c)-(i) and (d)-(ii)
D:-(a)-(v); (b)-(vi); (c)-(ii) and (d)-(iv)
Ans: A
14:-The intention of Michelson-Morley experiment was to proveA:-there is no ether medium
B:-velocity of light is constant in vacuum
C:-velocity of light depends on the velocity of frame of reference
D:-both b) and c)
Ans: C
15:-Patients suffering from Wilson's disease have
A:-Low level of Cu-Zn superoxide dismutase
B:-High level of Cu-Zn superoxide dismutase
C:-Low level of copper-storage protein, ceruloplasmin
D:-High level of copper-storage protein, ceruloplasmin
Ans: C
16:-The Coriolis force acts on a body due to theA:-Perpendicular motion of the body
B:-the rotation of earth
C:-the acceleration due to gravity
D:-None of these
Ans: B
17:-In a polarographic estimation, the limiting currents (μA) were 0.15, 4.65, 9.15 and 27.15 when concentration (mM) of Pb(II) were 0, 0.5, 1.0 and 3.0 respectively. An unknown solution of Pb(II) gives a limiting current of 13.65 μA. Concentration of Pb(II) in the unknown is
A:-1.625 mM
B:-1.208 mM
C:-1.768 mM
D:-1.500 mM
Ans: D
18:-The number of valence electrons provided [Ru`(CO)_(3)` ] fragment towards cluster bonding is
Ans: D
19:-The relativistic kinetic energy of a particle with rest mass mo and instantaneous mass m, if c the velocity of light is
A:-Kinetic energy = mc 2 +m o c 4
B:-Kinetic energy = mc 2 - m o c 2
C:-Kinetic energy = mc 2 +m o c 2
D:-Kinetic energy = mc 2 +m o c 4
Ans: B
20:-For Daniel cell calculate ΔG, if E = 1.10v at 250 C and D = 2, F = 96500 C
A:-185.4 KJ
B:-200.2 KJ
C:-212.3 KJ
D:-256.2 KJ
Ans: C
21:-The sum of eigen values of a 2`xx`2 matrix is 5 and the product of eigen values is 6. Which of the following is the matrix ?
Ans: D
22:-For progressive wave reflected at a rigid boundary
A:-particle velocity is reversed
B:-phase of pressure variation is reversed
C:-no change in phase
D:-particle velocity remains constant
Ans: A
23:-The Fourier transform of a Gaussian function is
A:-Poisson function
C:-Gaussian function
D:-Greens function
Ans: C
24:-The crystal with metal deficiency defect is
Ans: C
25:-The critical velocity of liquid is
A:-directly proportional to velocity of a liquid
B:-inversely proportional to its density
C:-inversely proportional to radius if the tube
D:-All of these
Ans: D
26:-As the length of simple pendulum increases, the period of oscillation
A:-remains constant
D:-none of these
Ans: B
27:-The work done per unit volume of a twisting wire is
A:-W=1/2 (stress x strain x mass)
B:-W= (stress x strain x mass)
C:-W= 1/2 (stress x strain)
D:-W= 1/2 stress / strain
Ans: C
28:-For the transformation Q = aq + bp, p = cq + dp to be canonical
A:-ad + bc = 1
B:-ad – `b^2` `c^2` = 1
C:-ad – bc = 1
D:-ad – `b^2`c = 1
Ans: C
29:-An object in the shape of a cube is moving at a speed of 0.8C. The motion is parallel to X axis. The length of the body along the Z direction is
A:-0.6 `L_(0)`
B:-0.36 `L_(0)`
C:-0.64 `L_(0)`
(`L_(0)` is the Length at rest)
Ans: D
30:-The path of a charged particle in a uniform electric field is
A:-a Parabola
B:-a Circle
C:-a Hyperbola
D:-an Ellipse
Ans: A
31:-The dimension quality factor 'Q' of an oscillator is
A:-same as that of power
B:-same as that of amplitude
C:-same as that of velocity
Ans: D
32:-The angular part of the wave function for 1-1-atom is written using
A:-Spherical harmonics
B:-Bessel function
C:-Hermite polynomial
D:-Newmann function
Ans: A
33:-The rate of transmission of energy across unit area of wave front is called
A:-energy density
B:-energy current
C:-energy velocity
D:-None of these
Ans: B
34:-Which of the following is an exactly solvable time dependent problem in Quantum mechanics ?
A:-Start effect
C:-Zeeman effect
D:-Harmonic Oscillator
Ans: B
35:-The rocket works in the principle of
A:-Law of conservation of linear momentum
B:-Law of conservation of angular momentum
C:-Law of conservation of energy
D:-All of these
Ans: A
36:-The line integral of magnetic field is
Ans: B
37:-Magnetic vector potential is
A:-Not conservative
Ans: A
38:-Entropy is
A:-additive quantity
B:-constant quantity
C:-conserved quantity
D:-covariant quantity
Ans: A
39:-Bose-Einstein condensation will occur
A:-in the presence of intermolecular forces
B:-in the absence of intermolecular forces
C:-in the position space
D:-none of the above
Ans: A
40:-Which of the following is NOT a first order phase transition ?
A:-transition from liquid to vapour
B:-transition from solid to vapour
C:-transition from ferromagnet to paramagnet
D:-melting of ice to liquid
Ans: C
41:-To get vibrational spectra of molecule, it must involve
A:-a change in structure
B:-a change in force
C:-a change in electronic state
D:-a change in dipolemoment
Ans: D
42:-According to Galilean transformation equation what is invariant?
Ans: C
43:-Water is a
A:-spherical top molecule
B:-symmetric top molecule
C:-linear molecule
D:-asymmetric top molecule
Ans: D
44:-How many Bravai's Lattices exists for seven crystal system ?
Ans: D
45:-The specific heat of a superconductor
A:-decreases linearly temperature
B:-varies exponentially with temperature
C:-is independent of temperature
D:-increases linearly with temperature
Ans: B
46:-The co-enzyme that is involved in the reduction of a double bond in fatty acid bisyntheis is
Ans: D
47:-For an OPAMP, the higher the value of CMRR
A:-indicates mismatch between two input terminals
B:-indicates low input capacitance
C:-indicates matching between input terminals
D:-higher offset voltage
Ans: C
48:-Nuclear force is
A:-central force
B:-spin independent force
C:-weak force
D:-spin dependent force
Ans: D
49:-The value of the boolean expression; z = (`barA+B`) (A + B) is
Ans: A
50:-A negative Liapunov exponent measures
A:-the rate at which a system point approaches a regular attractor
B:-the rate at which a system point diverges from a regular attractor
C:-the amount of sensitivity to initial conditions
D:-the relation with poincare maps
Ans: A
51:-Which of the following are related to chaos ?
A:-Breakdown of integrability
B:-Appearance of islands
C:-Extreme sensitivity to initial conditions
D:-All of the above
Ans: D
52:-Cosmic background radiation supports
A:-Big crunch of the universe
B:-Steady state of the universe
C:-Dark energy of the universe
D:-Big Bang of the universe
Ans: D
53:-Which of the following is a left-handed particle ?
B:-`pi` -measons
Ans: A
54:-The energy gap in a semiconductor is proportional to the inverse of the square of size. The effect is a result of
B:-Quantum confinement
D:-Dip pen nano-lithography
Ans: B
55:-Energy from gravitational field is energy obtained from
B:-Solar cells
Ans: C
56:-The number of chemical shift non-equivalent protons expected in `^1`H NMR spectrum of `alpha` -plnene
Ans: D
57:-Example of a boson
Ans: A
58:-Capacitative reactance isA:-inversely proportional to the frequency of a.c applied
B:-directly proportional to the frequency of a.c applied
C:-independent of the frequency of a.c applied
D:-depends on the low frequency of a.c applied
Ans: A
59:-Degeneracy state meansA:-states with same number of atoms
B:-atoms having same mass numbers
C:-two or more states with same energy
D:-none of these
Ans: C
60:-The coordination number of fcc structure is
Ans: A
61:-The loss of an alkene fragment by a cyclic rearrangement of acarbonyl compound with Γ-hydrogen is termed as
A:-Beckman rearrangement
B:-Lossen rearrangement
C:-Cope rearrangement
D:-Mc Lafferty rearrangement
Ans: D
62:-How many peaks do you expect in the proton decoupled CMR spectra of cycloheptane and t-butyl alcohol ?
A:-1, 2
B:-2, 4
C:-1, 3
D:-2, 2
Ans: A
63:-The heterocyclic ring present in the amino acid histidine is
Ans: D
64:-The rotational spectrum of molecules arises because of
A:-Change in dipole moment
B:-Change is intensity of incident light
C:-Change in the mass of atoms
D:-None of these
Ans:- A
65:-Thin layer chromatography is a technique used to separate
A:-mixtures of coloured chemicals
B:-nonvolatile mixtures
C:-ionizable molecules on basis of charge
D:-components on basis of mass
Ans: B
66:-Of the following which one can be used to produce very high magnetic field?
A:-Soft super conductors
B:-Type II super conductors
D:-Type I super conductors
Ans: B
67:-The operation by square of j vector operates on a vector rotates it through an angle
Ans: B
68:-Torque on a current carrying coil having total magnetic moment m and kept in a uniform magnetic field B is
A:-m x B
B:-m. B
C:-m B cos θ
D:-1/m x B
Ans: A
69:-Cause for air pollution is
A:-emissions from vehicles
B:-combustion of fossil fuel
C:-Poisonous gas
D:-none of these
Ans: A
70:-'The amount of dissolved gas in a liquid is proportional to its partial pressure above the liquid'-the law state this is
A:-Henry's Law
B:-Feymen's Law
C:-Laplace's Law
D:-Raoult's Law
Ans: C
71:-Adding common ion to a solution
A:-increase solubility
B:-decreases solubility
C:-neither increases nor decreases solubility
D:-increases reaction coefficient
Ans: B
72:-Rotation axis coupled with a translation parallel to the rotation axis will give rise to a symmetry operation known as
A:-glide axis symmetry
B:-inversion symmetry
C:-plane axis symmetry
D:-screw axis symmetry
Ans: D
Ans: D
22:-For progressive wave reflected at a rigid boundary
A:-particle velocity is reversed
B:-phase of pressure variation is reversed
C:-no change in phase
D:-particle velocity remains constant
Ans: A
23:-The Fourier transform of a Gaussian function is
A:-Poisson function
C:-Gaussian function
D:-Greens function
Ans: C
24:-The crystal with metal deficiency defect is
Ans: C
25:-The critical velocity of liquid is
A:-directly proportional to velocity of a liquid
B:-inversely proportional to its density
C:-inversely proportional to radius if the tube
D:-All of these
Ans: D
26:-As the length of simple pendulum increases, the period of oscillation
A:-remains constant
D:-none of these
Ans: B
27:-The work done per unit volume of a twisting wire is
A:-W=1/2 (stress x strain x mass)
B:-W= (stress x strain x mass)
C:-W= 1/2 (stress x strain)
D:-W= 1/2 stress / strain
Ans: C
28:-For the transformation Q = aq + bp, p = cq + dp to be canonical
A:-ad + bc = 1
B:-ad – `b^2` `c^2` = 1
C:-ad – bc = 1
D:-ad – `b^2`c = 1
Ans: C
29:-An object in the shape of a cube is moving at a speed of 0.8C. The motion is parallel to X axis. The length of the body along the Z direction is
A:-0.6 `L_(0)`
B:-0.36 `L_(0)`
C:-0.64 `L_(0)`
(`L_(0)` is the Length at rest)
Ans: D
30:-The path of a charged particle in a uniform electric field is
A:-a Parabola
B:-a Circle
C:-a Hyperbola
D:-an Ellipse
Ans: A
31:-The dimension quality factor 'Q' of an oscillator is
A:-same as that of power
B:-same as that of amplitude
C:-same as that of velocity
Ans: D
32:-The angular part of the wave function for 1-1-atom is written using
A:-Spherical harmonics
B:-Bessel function
C:-Hermite polynomial
D:-Newmann function
Ans: A
33:-The rate of transmission of energy across unit area of wave front is called
A:-energy density
B:-energy current
C:-energy velocity
D:-None of these
Ans: B
34:-Which of the following is an exactly solvable time dependent problem in Quantum mechanics ?
A:-Start effect
C:-Zeeman effect
D:-Harmonic Oscillator
Ans: B
35:-The rocket works in the principle of
A:-Law of conservation of linear momentum
B:-Law of conservation of angular momentum
C:-Law of conservation of energy
D:-All of these
Ans: A
36:-The line integral of magnetic field is
Ans: B
37:-Magnetic vector potential is
A:-Not conservative
Ans: A
38:-Entropy is
A:-additive quantity
B:-constant quantity
C:-conserved quantity
D:-covariant quantity
Ans: A
39:-Bose-Einstein condensation will occur
A:-in the presence of intermolecular forces
B:-in the absence of intermolecular forces
C:-in the position space
D:-none of the above
Ans: A
40:-Which of the following is NOT a first order phase transition ?
A:-transition from liquid to vapour
B:-transition from solid to vapour
C:-transition from ferromagnet to paramagnet
D:-melting of ice to liquid
Ans: C
41:-To get vibrational spectra of molecule, it must involve
A:-a change in structure
B:-a change in force
C:-a change in electronic state
D:-a change in dipolemoment
Ans: D
42:-According to Galilean transformation equation what is invariant?
Ans: C
43:-Water is a
A:-spherical top molecule
B:-symmetric top molecule
C:-linear molecule
D:-asymmetric top molecule
Ans: D
44:-How many Bravai's Lattices exists for seven crystal system ?
Ans: D
45:-The specific heat of a superconductor
A:-decreases linearly temperature
B:-varies exponentially with temperature
C:-is independent of temperature
D:-increases linearly with temperature
Ans: B
46:-The co-enzyme that is involved in the reduction of a double bond in fatty acid bisyntheis is
Ans: D
47:-For an OPAMP, the higher the value of CMRR
A:-indicates mismatch between two input terminals
B:-indicates low input capacitance
C:-indicates matching between input terminals
D:-higher offset voltage
Ans: C
48:-Nuclear force is
A:-central force
B:-spin independent force
C:-weak force
D:-spin dependent force
Ans: D
49:-The value of the boolean expression; z = (`barA+B`) (A + B) is
Ans: A
50:-A negative Liapunov exponent measures
A:-the rate at which a system point approaches a regular attractor
B:-the rate at which a system point diverges from a regular attractor
C:-the amount of sensitivity to initial conditions
D:-the relation with poincare maps
Ans: A
51:-Which of the following are related to chaos ?
A:-Breakdown of integrability
B:-Appearance of islands
C:-Extreme sensitivity to initial conditions
D:-All of the above
Ans: D
52:-Cosmic background radiation supports
A:-Big crunch of the universe
B:-Steady state of the universe
C:-Dark energy of the universe
D:-Big Bang of the universe
Ans: D
53:-Which of the following is a left-handed particle ?
B:-`pi` -measons
Ans: A
54:-The energy gap in a semiconductor is proportional to the inverse of the square of size. The effect is a result of
B:-Quantum confinement
D:-Dip pen nano-lithography
Ans: B
55:-Energy from gravitational field is energy obtained from
B:-Solar cells
Ans: C
56:-The number of chemical shift non-equivalent protons expected in `^1`H NMR spectrum of `alpha` -plnene
Ans: D
57:-Example of a boson
Ans: A
58:-Capacitative reactance isA:-inversely proportional to the frequency of a.c applied
B:-directly proportional to the frequency of a.c applied
C:-independent of the frequency of a.c applied
D:-depends on the low frequency of a.c applied
Ans: A
59:-Degeneracy state meansA:-states with same number of atoms
B:-atoms having same mass numbers
C:-two or more states with same energy
D:-none of these
Ans: C
60:-The coordination number of fcc structure is
Ans: A
61:-The loss of an alkene fragment by a cyclic rearrangement of acarbonyl compound with Γ-hydrogen is termed as
A:-Beckman rearrangement
B:-Lossen rearrangement
C:-Cope rearrangement
D:-Mc Lafferty rearrangement
Ans: D
62:-How many peaks do you expect in the proton decoupled CMR spectra of cycloheptane and t-butyl alcohol ?
A:-1, 2
B:-2, 4
C:-1, 3
D:-2, 2
Ans: A
63:-The heterocyclic ring present in the amino acid histidine is
Ans: D
64:-The rotational spectrum of molecules arises because of
A:-Change in dipole moment
B:-Change is intensity of incident light
C:-Change in the mass of atoms
D:-None of these
Ans:- A
65:-Thin layer chromatography is a technique used to separate
A:-mixtures of coloured chemicals
B:-nonvolatile mixtures
C:-ionizable molecules on basis of charge
D:-components on basis of mass
Ans: B
66:-Of the following which one can be used to produce very high magnetic field?
A:-Soft super conductors
B:-Type II super conductors
D:-Type I super conductors
Ans: B
67:-The operation by square of j vector operates on a vector rotates it through an angle
Ans: B
68:-Torque on a current carrying coil having total magnetic moment m and kept in a uniform magnetic field B is
A:-m x B
B:-m. B
C:-m B cos θ
D:-1/m x B
Ans: A
69:-Cause for air pollution is
A:-emissions from vehicles
B:-combustion of fossil fuel
C:-Poisonous gas
D:-none of these
Ans: A
70:-'The amount of dissolved gas in a liquid is proportional to its partial pressure above the liquid'-the law state this is
A:-Henry's Law
B:-Feymen's Law
C:-Laplace's Law
D:-Raoult's Law
Ans: C
71:-Adding common ion to a solution
A:-increase solubility
B:-decreases solubility
C:-neither increases nor decreases solubility
D:-increases reaction coefficient
Ans: B
72:-Rotation axis coupled with a translation parallel to the rotation axis will give rise to a symmetry operation known as
A:-glide axis symmetry
B:-inversion symmetry
C:-plane axis symmetry
D:-screw axis symmetry
Ans: D
- Physical Science Answer key (SCRA 2013)
- Physical Science Answer key (SCRA 2014)
- Physical Science Answer key (SCRA 2015)
- Physical Science Answer key (Rajasthan PSC 9-12-2014 Paper II)
- Physical Science Answer key (Rajasthan PSC 9-12-2014 Paper III)
- Physical Science Answer key (Rajasthan PSC 2-08-2013 Paper II)