1. The process of comparing actual performance with standards and taking necessary corrective action is called
(A) Controlling
(B) Communicating
(C) Co-operating
(D) Co-ordinating
Ans: A
2. An aggregate of several related action plans that have been designed to accomplish a mission within a specified time period is known as
(A) Project
(B) Policy
(C) Process
(D) Programme
Ans: D
3. Principle of direct contact, reciprocal relationships and principle of continuity as principles of coordination are advanced by
(A) Luther Gullick
(B) Henry Fayol
(C) Mary Parker Follette
(D) Havold Koontz
Ans: C
4. Which one of the following is not a function of the Personnel Department?
(A) Employment Activities
(B) Manpower Adjustment
(C) Grievance Handling
(D) Quality Management
Ans: D
5. Which one of the following is not time based incentive plan?
(A) Halsey Plan
(B) Merrick Plan
(C) Rowan Plan
(D) Emerson Plan
Ans: B
6. Ten ‘C’ model of HRM architect was advanced by
(A) Katz and Kahn
(B) Alan Price
(C) Chester I. Bernard
(D) Max Weber
Ans: B
7. Recruitment means
(A) Total number of inquiries made
(B) Total number of applications received
(C) Total number of persons short listed
(D) Total number of selections made
Ans: B
8. Arrange the following steps of Job analysis in proper sequence:
(a) Prepare the job description report.
(b) Select the job.
(c) Find out the requirements for each part of the job.
(d) Break the job into various parts.
(A) (b), (a), (d), (c)
(B) (b), (c), (d), (a)
(C) (b), (d), (c), (a)
(D) (d), (c), (b), (a)
Ans: C
9. Which of the following is not a factor for wage determination?
(A) Cost of living
(B) Prevailing wages
(C) Purchasing power of people
(D) Productivity
Ans: C
10. Which of the following is not a part of disciplinary action?
(A) Warning
(B) Suspension
(C) Transfer
(D) Discharge
Ans: C
11. Which of the following is not a mode of Workers’ Participation in Management?
(A) Works Committee
(B) Employee Stock Option Plan
(C) Joint Management Council
(D) Joint Committee for Policy Formulation
Ans: B
12. Which of the following is not a bipartite body?
(A) Works Committee
(B) Canteen Committee
(C) Safety Committee
(D) Standing Labour Committee
Ans: D
13. Which one of the following is not a tripartite body?
(A) Indian Labour Conference
(B) Standing Labour Committee
(C) Joint Management Council
(D) Minimum Wages Advisory Board
Ans: C
14. Under whose regime as Union Labour Minister, majority of codes were evolved by the Central Government?
(A) V.V. Giri
(B) Guljarilal Nanda
(C) Khandubhai Desai
(D) Bindheswari Dubey
Ans: B
15. Which of the following statements about Joint Management Councils is wrong?
(A) The scheme of Joint Management Councils (JMCs) was formulated by the CentralGovernment.
(B) It was implemented in all industrial establishments in the country.
(C) It was not implemented through any statute.
(D) It consisted of representatives of labour and management.
Ans: B
16. Match the following:
List-I List-II
(a) F. J. Roethlisberger & Dickson (i) New Patterns of Management
(b) Elton Mayo (ii) The Human side of enterprise
(c) Douglas McGregor (iii) The Management and Worker
(d) Rensis Likert (iv) The human problems of industrial civilization
(a) (b) (c) (d)
(A) (ii) (iv) (i) (iii)
(B) (iii) (iv) (ii) (i)
(C) (iv) (iii) (i) (ii)
(D) (ii) (iii) (iv) (i)
Ans: B
17. Who is associated with the ‘illumination experiment’ of the Hawthorne Experiment?
(A) Elton Mayo
(B) George A. Pennock
(C) F. J. Roethlisberger
(D) None of the above
Ans: B
18. The paper “Engineer as an Economist”, which influence F. W. Taylor to develop his Scientific Management Principles was authored by
(A) Charles A. Babbage
(B) Henry Gnatt
(C) Henry R. Towne
(D) Louis D. Brandies
Ans: C
19. The systematic process of making job valuation determinations about a job based upon its content and the way is which it actually functions within the organization is called:
(A) Job Determination
(B) Job Analysis
(C) Job Evaluation
(D) Job Grading
Ans: C
20. Sensitivity training is also known as:
(A) X- group training
(B) Y – group training
(C) T – group training
(D) Core group training
Ans: C
21. Max Weber developed a theory of
(A) Autocratic Management
(B) Democratic Management
(C) Bureaucratic Management
(D) Free Style Management
Ans: C
22. Grapevine is a type of
(A) Formal Communication
(B) Written Communication
(C) Lateral Communication
(D) Informal Communication
Ans: D
23. Decision-making process is guided by
(A) Policy
(B) Procedure
(C) Programme
(D) Strategy
Ans: A
24. Which of the following involves careful analysis of inputs and corrective actions before operation is completed?
(A) Feed forward control
(B) Concurrent control
(C) Feedback control
(D) All the above
Ans: A
25. Which of the following is not a semantic barrier of communication?
(A) Faulty translation
(B) Ambiguous words
(C) Specialist’s language
(D) Inattention
Ans: D
(A) Controlling
(B) Communicating
(C) Co-operating
(D) Co-ordinating
Ans: A
2. An aggregate of several related action plans that have been designed to accomplish a mission within a specified time period is known as
(A) Project
(B) Policy
(C) Process
(D) Programme
Ans: D
3. Principle of direct contact, reciprocal relationships and principle of continuity as principles of coordination are advanced by
(A) Luther Gullick
(B) Henry Fayol
(C) Mary Parker Follette
(D) Havold Koontz
Ans: C
4. Which one of the following is not a function of the Personnel Department?
(A) Employment Activities
(B) Manpower Adjustment
(C) Grievance Handling
(D) Quality Management
Ans: D
5. Which one of the following is not time based incentive plan?
(A) Halsey Plan
(B) Merrick Plan
(C) Rowan Plan
(D) Emerson Plan
Ans: B
6. Ten ‘C’ model of HRM architect was advanced by
(A) Katz and Kahn
(B) Alan Price
(C) Chester I. Bernard
(D) Max Weber
Ans: B
7. Recruitment means
(A) Total number of inquiries made
(B) Total number of applications received
(C) Total number of persons short listed
(D) Total number of selections made
Ans: B
8. Arrange the following steps of Job analysis in proper sequence:
(a) Prepare the job description report.
(b) Select the job.
(c) Find out the requirements for each part of the job.
(d) Break the job into various parts.
(A) (b), (a), (d), (c)
(B) (b), (c), (d), (a)
(C) (b), (d), (c), (a)
(D) (d), (c), (b), (a)
Ans: C
9. Which of the following is not a factor for wage determination?
(A) Cost of living
(B) Prevailing wages
(C) Purchasing power of people
(D) Productivity
Ans: C
10. Which of the following is not a part of disciplinary action?
(A) Warning
(B) Suspension
(C) Transfer
(D) Discharge
Ans: C
11. Which of the following is not a mode of Workers’ Participation in Management?
(A) Works Committee
(B) Employee Stock Option Plan
(C) Joint Management Council
(D) Joint Committee for Policy Formulation
Ans: B
12. Which of the following is not a bipartite body?
(A) Works Committee
(B) Canteen Committee
(C) Safety Committee
(D) Standing Labour Committee
Ans: D
13. Which one of the following is not a tripartite body?
(A) Indian Labour Conference
(B) Standing Labour Committee
(C) Joint Management Council
(D) Minimum Wages Advisory Board
Ans: C
14. Under whose regime as Union Labour Minister, majority of codes were evolved by the Central Government?
(A) V.V. Giri
(B) Guljarilal Nanda
(C) Khandubhai Desai
(D) Bindheswari Dubey
Ans: B
15. Which of the following statements about Joint Management Councils is wrong?
(A) The scheme of Joint Management Councils (JMCs) was formulated by the CentralGovernment.
(B) It was implemented in all industrial establishments in the country.
(C) It was not implemented through any statute.
(D) It consisted of representatives of labour and management.
Ans: B
16. Match the following:
List-I List-II
(a) F. J. Roethlisberger & Dickson (i) New Patterns of Management
(b) Elton Mayo (ii) The Human side of enterprise
(c) Douglas McGregor (iii) The Management and Worker
(d) Rensis Likert (iv) The human problems of industrial civilization
(a) (b) (c) (d)
(A) (ii) (iv) (i) (iii)
(B) (iii) (iv) (ii) (i)
(C) (iv) (iii) (i) (ii)
(D) (ii) (iii) (iv) (i)
Ans: B
17. Who is associated with the ‘illumination experiment’ of the Hawthorne Experiment?
(A) Elton Mayo
(B) George A. Pennock
(C) F. J. Roethlisberger
(D) None of the above
Ans: B
18. The paper “Engineer as an Economist”, which influence F. W. Taylor to develop his Scientific Management Principles was authored by
(A) Charles A. Babbage
(B) Henry Gnatt
(C) Henry R. Towne
(D) Louis D. Brandies
Ans: C
19. The systematic process of making job valuation determinations about a job based upon its content and the way is which it actually functions within the organization is called:
(A) Job Determination
(B) Job Analysis
(C) Job Evaluation
(D) Job Grading
Ans: C
20. Sensitivity training is also known as:
(A) X- group training
(B) Y – group training
(C) T – group training
(D) Core group training
Ans: C
21. Max Weber developed a theory of
(A) Autocratic Management
(B) Democratic Management
(C) Bureaucratic Management
(D) Free Style Management
Ans: C
22. Grapevine is a type of
(A) Formal Communication
(B) Written Communication
(C) Lateral Communication
(D) Informal Communication
Ans: D
23. Decision-making process is guided by
(A) Policy
(B) Procedure
(C) Programme
(D) Strategy
Ans: A
24. Which of the following involves careful analysis of inputs and corrective actions before operation is completed?
(A) Feed forward control
(B) Concurrent control
(C) Feedback control
(D) All the above
Ans: A
25. Which of the following is not a semantic barrier of communication?
(A) Faulty translation
(B) Ambiguous words
(C) Specialist’s language
(D) Inattention
Ans: D