Homeopathy Pharmacy MCQs
1:-Dynamisation of liquid drug substances by A:-Trituration B:-Succussion C:-Mother solution D:-None of the above Ans: B
2:-Common name of Asterias Rubens is A:-Star fish B:-Je||y fish C:-Cutt|e fish D:-River fish Ans: A
3:-The body of the prescription is A:-Superscription B:-|nscription C:-Subscription D:-Signatura Ans: B
4:-The time taken for second potency trituration in decimal scale is A:-10 mts B:-30 mts C:-20 mts D:-60 mts Ans: D
5:-G|ycero| is used for the preservation of A:-Apisme||ifica B:-Tarentu|a C:-Lachesis D:-Buforana Ans: C
6:-The branch of pharmacology deals with physical characteristics and botanical sources of crude drugs A:-Pharmacodynamics B:-Pharmaconomy C:-Pharmacognosy D:-Pharmachopolaxy Ans: C
7:-Dispencing alcohol contains----percent alcohol A:-80 B:-77 C:-66 D:-88 Ans: D
8:-The first edition of Organon of medicine was published in the year A:-1717 B:-l710 C:-1817 D:-1810
Ans: D
9:-Drug strength of Phosphorus tincture is
A:-1/20 B:-1/10 C:-1/100 D:- 1/667
Ans: D
10:-The dose of the drug which causes death of living being A:-Letha| dose B:-Booster dose C:-infinitesima| D:-physio|ogica| dose Ans: A
11:-When a particular medicine is prescribed for a particular disease condition it is called A:-Drug B:-Medicine C:-Remedy D:-Potency Ans: C
12:-The synonym of absolute alcohol is A:-A|coho|fortis B:-Anhydrous alcohol C:-A|coho|officiona|is D:-Rectified spirit Ans: B
13:-Written direction for the preparation of medicine is known as A:-Subscription B:-Superscription C:-|nscription D:-prescription Ans: D
14:-Synonym of Solvent Ether is A:-Ethy| Oxide B:-Butane C:-Methy| Oxide D:-Su|phur Oxide Ans: A
15:-The method of removing moisture from any substance is called A:-Decantation B:-Disti||ation C:-Dessication D:-De-ionisation Ans: C
16:-No. of volumes of Homoeopathic Pharmacopoeia India A:-8 B:-9 C:-10 D:-7 Ans: C
17:-Remedy with a wide range of symptoms in provings and it helps to treat a wide range of problem is called A:-Genuine remedy B:-Long acting remedy C:-complimentary remedy D:-Po|ychrest remedy Ans: D
18:-Medicine which is prepared from dry leaf A:-Tabacum B:-Aega|e folia C:-Ficusre|igiosa D:-Justiciaadathoda Ans: A
19:-For recording of symptoms of narcotics whi|e proving---------symptoms are selected A:-Primary B:-Secondary C:-A|ternating D:-Pharmaco|ogica| Ans: B 20:-Lano|in is A:-woo| fat B:-Pig fat C:-wha|e fat D:-none of the above Ans: A
21:-Homoeopathic Pharmacopoea committee was constituted by Government of India in A:-1972 B:-1971 C:-1962 D:-1984 Ans: C
22:-Branch of Pharmacy deals with the preparation of crude drugs is A:-Officia| pharmacy B:-Extemporaneous pharmacy C:-Galenica| pharmacy D:-None Ans: C
23:-What is Homoeopathic alcohol? A:-66% B:-88% C:-87% D:-100% Ans: C
24:-Which one is not a synonym of placebo A:-saccharum B:-|actopen C:-Nihi|inum D:-Phytum Ans: A
25:-To be taken at bed time is designated as A:-B.D B:-H.D C:-H.S D:-B and C Ans: D
26:-Proved drug is a A:-Medicine B:-Remedy C:-Potency D:-Both B and C Ans: A
27:-What is the commonly used size of cones? A:-No.12 B:-No.6 C:-No.8 D:-All the above Ans: B
28:-Study deals with the identification of drug substances is A:-Pharmaconomy B:-Pharmacopraxy C:-Pharmacopa|laxy D:-Pharmacognosy
Ans: D
29:-The chief chemical Source of Ethyl alcohol is --------A:-Propy|ene B:-Ethy|ene C:-Methano| D:-Methy|ene Ans: B
30:-The base used in the preparation of Plasters is A:-Spermaceti B:-Catap|aams C:-Ising|ass D:-Soft soap Ans: C
31:-The mode of preparation of ointment in which the drug is in liquid form is ------A:-mechanica| incorporation method B:-P|ussing method C:-Fusion method D:-Succussion Ans: C
32:-Sugar of milk should not be medicated with medicines prepared with --------A:-A|choho| B:-Purified water C:-Both D:-None
Ans: B
33:-Number of succussions used in centesimal scale A:-100 B:-10 C:-50 D:-30 Ans: B
34:-Select the wrong combination A:-Cinchona---bark B:-Thuja---Who|e plant C:-Rhustox---Leaves D:-Bryonia---Root Ans: B
35:-The drug prepared from spores is A:-Bovista B:-Lycopodium C:-Seca|ecor D:-Usti|ago Ans: B 36:-Sugar of milk is purified by using A:-Strong alcohol B:-Abso|ute alcohol C:-Rectified spirit D:-Di|ute alcohol Ans: B
37:- 1ml is approximately equivalent to A:-1 minim B:-3 minim C:-6 minim D:-16 minim Ans: D 38:-The most common impurity in sugar of milk --------
Ans: D
39:-O|ive oil is used in the preparation of A:-Ointment B:-Lotion C:-Liniment D:-None of the above Ans: C
40:-Pressess are used in the preparation of A:-Ointment B:-Mother tincture C:-Lotion D:-none of the above Ans: B
41:------- Mortars are used for Mercurial preparations A:-Porce|ain B:-G|ass C:-Wedge wood D:-Stain|ess stee| Ans: B
42:-Mother tincture drug strength in class IV A:-1/6 B:-1/2 C:-l1100 D:-1/10 Ans: D
43:-InHomoeopathy crystallisation is applied in the purification of A:-G|obu|e B:-Cane sugar C:-Camphor D:-Sugar of milk Ans: D
44:-The drug strength of mother tinctures prepared as per new method is A:-1/10 B:-1/100 C:-1/2 D:-1/50 Ans: A
45:-'Pharmacopraxy is A:-Study of repetition of drugs B:-Study of application of drugs C:-Convertion of crude drugs in to real material D:-Study of genetically determined variations in response to drugs Ans: C
46:-The time taken for Maceration is A:-3 days B:-24 hours C:-2- 4 weeks D:-2-4 days Ans: C
47:-The scale used in Trituration is A:-Centesima| scale B:-Decima| scale C:-50 millisimal scale D:-A and B Ans: D
48:-'Pharmacopa|laxy is
A:-Study of repetition of drugs
B:-Study of application of drugs
C:-Convertion of crude drugs in to real material
D:-Study of genetically determined variations in response to drugs
Ans: A
49:-The type of drug substances used in class IV of mother tincture preparation is
A:-Mostjuicy B:-Medium juicy C:-Leastjuicy D:-Dried vegetable & animal, fresh animal Ans: D
50:-The liquid capable of penetrating the tissues of plant or animal substance and is capable to extract the active principle
A:-Menstrum B:-Magma C:-Merc D:-So|vent Ans: A
2:-Common name of Asterias Rubens is A:-Star fish B:-Je||y fish C:-Cutt|e fish D:-River fish Ans: A
3:-The body of the prescription is A:-Superscription B:-|nscription C:-Subscription D:-Signatura Ans: B
4:-The time taken for second potency trituration in decimal scale is A:-10 mts B:-30 mts C:-20 mts D:-60 mts Ans: D
5:-G|ycero| is used for the preservation of A:-Apisme||ifica B:-Tarentu|a C:-Lachesis D:-Buforana Ans: C
6:-The branch of pharmacology deals with physical characteristics and botanical sources of crude drugs A:-Pharmacodynamics B:-Pharmaconomy C:-Pharmacognosy D:-Pharmachopolaxy Ans: C
7:-Dispencing alcohol contains----percent alcohol A:-80 B:-77 C:-66 D:-88 Ans: D
8:-The first edition of Organon of medicine was published in the year A:-1717 B:-l710 C:-1817 D:-1810
Ans: D
9:-Drug strength of Phosphorus tincture is
A:-1/20 B:-1/10 C:-1/100 D:- 1/667
Ans: D
10:-The dose of the drug which causes death of living being A:-Letha| dose B:-Booster dose C:-infinitesima| D:-physio|ogica| dose Ans: A
11:-When a particular medicine is prescribed for a particular disease condition it is called A:-Drug B:-Medicine C:-Remedy D:-Potency Ans: C
12:-The synonym of absolute alcohol is A:-A|coho|fortis B:-Anhydrous alcohol C:-A|coho|officiona|is D:-Rectified spirit Ans: B
13:-Written direction for the preparation of medicine is known as A:-Subscription B:-Superscription C:-|nscription D:-prescription Ans: D
14:-Synonym of Solvent Ether is A:-Ethy| Oxide B:-Butane C:-Methy| Oxide D:-Su|phur Oxide Ans: A
15:-The method of removing moisture from any substance is called A:-Decantation B:-Disti||ation C:-Dessication D:-De-ionisation Ans: C
16:-No. of volumes of Homoeopathic Pharmacopoeia India A:-8 B:-9 C:-10 D:-7 Ans: C
17:-Remedy with a wide range of symptoms in provings and it helps to treat a wide range of problem is called A:-Genuine remedy B:-Long acting remedy C:-complimentary remedy D:-Po|ychrest remedy Ans: D
18:-Medicine which is prepared from dry leaf A:-Tabacum B:-Aega|e folia C:-Ficusre|igiosa D:-Justiciaadathoda Ans: A
19:-For recording of symptoms of narcotics whi|e proving---------symptoms are selected A:-Primary B:-Secondary C:-A|ternating D:-Pharmaco|ogica| Ans: B 20:-Lano|in is A:-woo| fat B:-Pig fat C:-wha|e fat D:-none of the above Ans: A
21:-Homoeopathic Pharmacopoea committee was constituted by Government of India in A:-1972 B:-1971 C:-1962 D:-1984 Ans: C
22:-Branch of Pharmacy deals with the preparation of crude drugs is A:-Officia| pharmacy B:-Extemporaneous pharmacy C:-Galenica| pharmacy D:-None Ans: C
23:-What is Homoeopathic alcohol? A:-66% B:-88% C:-87% D:-100% Ans: C
24:-Which one is not a synonym of placebo A:-saccharum B:-|actopen C:-Nihi|inum D:-Phytum Ans: A
25:-To be taken at bed time is designated as A:-B.D B:-H.D C:-H.S D:-B and C Ans: D
26:-Proved drug is a A:-Medicine B:-Remedy C:-Potency D:-Both B and C Ans: A
27:-What is the commonly used size of cones? A:-No.12 B:-No.6 C:-No.8 D:-All the above Ans: B
28:-Study deals with the identification of drug substances is A:-Pharmaconomy B:-Pharmacopraxy C:-Pharmacopa|laxy D:-Pharmacognosy
Ans: D
29:-The chief chemical Source of Ethyl alcohol is --------A:-Propy|ene B:-Ethy|ene C:-Methano| D:-Methy|ene Ans: B
30:-The base used in the preparation of Plasters is A:-Spermaceti B:-Catap|aams C:-Ising|ass D:-Soft soap Ans: C
31:-The mode of preparation of ointment in which the drug is in liquid form is ------A:-mechanica| incorporation method B:-P|ussing method C:-Fusion method D:-Succussion Ans: C
32:-Sugar of milk should not be medicated with medicines prepared with --------A:-A|choho| B:-Purified water C:-Both D:-None
Ans: B
33:-Number of succussions used in centesimal scale A:-100 B:-10 C:-50 D:-30 Ans: B
34:-Select the wrong combination A:-Cinchona---bark B:-Thuja---Who|e plant C:-Rhustox---Leaves D:-Bryonia---Root Ans: B
35:-The drug prepared from spores is A:-Bovista B:-Lycopodium C:-Seca|ecor D:-Usti|ago Ans: B 36:-Sugar of milk is purified by using A:-Strong alcohol B:-Abso|ute alcohol C:-Rectified spirit D:-Di|ute alcohol Ans: B
37:- 1ml is approximately equivalent to A:-1 minim B:-3 minim C:-6 minim D:-16 minim Ans: D 38:-The most common impurity in sugar of milk --------
Ans: D
39:-O|ive oil is used in the preparation of A:-Ointment B:-Lotion C:-Liniment D:-None of the above Ans: C
40:-Pressess are used in the preparation of A:-Ointment B:-Mother tincture C:-Lotion D:-none of the above Ans: B
41:------- Mortars are used for Mercurial preparations A:-Porce|ain B:-G|ass C:-Wedge wood D:-Stain|ess stee| Ans: B
42:-Mother tincture drug strength in class IV A:-1/6 B:-1/2 C:-l1100 D:-1/10 Ans: D
43:-InHomoeopathy crystallisation is applied in the purification of A:-G|obu|e B:-Cane sugar C:-Camphor D:-Sugar of milk Ans: D
44:-The drug strength of mother tinctures prepared as per new method is A:-1/10 B:-1/100 C:-1/2 D:-1/50 Ans: A
45:-'Pharmacopraxy is A:-Study of repetition of drugs B:-Study of application of drugs C:-Convertion of crude drugs in to real material D:-Study of genetically determined variations in response to drugs Ans: C
46:-The time taken for Maceration is A:-3 days B:-24 hours C:-2- 4 weeks D:-2-4 days Ans: C
47:-The scale used in Trituration is A:-Centesima| scale B:-Decima| scale C:-50 millisimal scale D:-A and B Ans: D
48:-'Pharmacopa|laxy is
A:-Study of repetition of drugs
B:-Study of application of drugs
C:-Convertion of crude drugs in to real material
D:-Study of genetically determined variations in response to drugs
Ans: A
49:-The type of drug substances used in class IV of mother tincture preparation is
A:-Mostjuicy B:-Medium juicy C:-Leastjuicy D:-Dried vegetable & animal, fresh animal Ans: D
50:-The liquid capable of penetrating the tissues of plant or animal substance and is capable to extract the active principle
A:-Menstrum B:-Magma C:-Merc D:-So|vent Ans: A
51:-The standard rate of percolation is --------A:-10 - 30 drops / minute B:-10 - 20 drops / minute C:-5 - 10 drops / minute D:-30 - 40 drops / minute Ans: A
52:-Ointments are commercially prepared by A:-Mechanica| incorporation method B:-Fusion method C:-Decantation D:-F|uxion method Ans: B
53:-For preserving Flouric acid -------- bottle is used. A:-Gutta purcha B:-Actinic bottles C:-Amber bottles D:-Caustic bottles Ans: A
54:-The Alkaloid in Nuxvomica is A:-Strichnine B:-Morphine C:-Codiene D:-All the above Ans: A
55:-Belladonna belongs to the family----A:-Rubiaceae B:-So|anaceae C:-Scrophu|araceae D:-Compositae Ans: B
56:-Lac caninum is A:-Dog's milk B:-Cat's milk C:-Human milk D:-cow's milk Ans: A
57:-Simply mixing of a liquid with water or any other liquid. A:-Decantation B:-Di|ution C:-Dynamisation D:-Fi|tration Ans: B 58:-Tautopathy is -------
A:-Study of synthetic source of medicines B:-A||opathy C:-Study of plant sources D:-None of the above Ans: A
59:-Part IX A of Drug And Cosmetic Act 1940 relates to A:-Manufacture of Homoeopathic drugs B:-Sa|e of Homoeopathic drugs C:-Labe||ing of Homoeopathic drugs D:-Both A and B Ans: C
60:-Number of monographs in volume II of HPI A:-l80 B:-104 C:-100 D:-105 Ans: C
61:-Name of first Homoeopathic Pharmacopoea is --------A:-Pharmocopoea of American institute of Homoeopathy B:-Pharmacopoea Homoeopathic polyglottica C:- Pharmaceutics manuel D:-Dispensatorium Homoeopathicum Ans: D
62:-Objectionab|e advertisements are prohibited under A:-Dangerous drug Act B:-Drug and Cosmetic Act C:-Drug and Magic Remedy Act D:-Medicina| and Toilet Preparation Act Ans: C
63:-Doctrine of signature was recommended by A:-Hahnemann B:-Parace|sus C:-Hippocrates D:-Ga|en Ans: B
64:-The process of boiling water to produce water vapour which then condenses onto a cool surface is called A:-Condensation B:-Sub|imation C:-Disti||ation D:-Evaporation Ans: C
65:-Part used in Apis mellifica is A:-Live Honey bee B:-Dead honey bee C:-Poison of bee D:-Extract from the honey comb Ans: A
66:-Homoeopathic Pharmacy is based on -------A:-Monopharmacy B:-Pharmacodynamics C:-Potentisation D:-All the above Ans: D
67:-Abnorma| tendency to take medicines A:-Pharmacomania B:-Pharmacophobia C:-Pharmaconemia D:-Pharmacophe|ia Ans: A
68:-Source of cones is ----------A:-Cane sugar B:-Egg albumin C:-Both D:-None Ans: C
69:-The drug that is prepared from whole plant is A:-Belladonna B:-Ca|endu|a C:-Bryonia D:-All the above Ans: A
70:-Ratio between drug juice and alcohol in class II is -------A:-3:2 B:-2:3 C:-l:2 D:-none Ans: A
71:-Maceration done in hot liquid is called A:-Sub|imation B:-Digestion C:-Di|ution D:-Both A and B Ans: B
72:-Tincture of soap is used in the preparation of A:-Liniment B:-Lotion C:-Ointment D:-Spermaceti Ans: A
73:-|achesis should be preserved in A:-G|ycerine B:-Ethy|ene C:-Both A and B D:-Sugar of milk Ans: A
74:-The mixture of water and ethyl alcohol weighing 12/l3th of equal volume of purified water is Vital A:-Denatured spirit B:-Proof spirit C:-Rectified spirit D:-spirit Ans: B
75:-The prover records the changes of health in A:-Day book B:-Case record C:-Symptom register D:-All the above Ans: A
76:-A Homoepathic dose means -------A:-Infinitesima| dose B:-Fractiona| dose C:-Booster dose D:-Either of A and C Ans: A
77:----------- is derived by the process of dynamisation A:-Medicine B:-Drug C:-Potency D:-a|| the above
Ans: C
78:-The potency used in organic disease is A:-Medium B:-Low C:-Minimum D:-High Ans: B
52:-Ointments are commercially prepared by A:-Mechanica| incorporation method B:-Fusion method C:-Decantation D:-F|uxion method Ans: B
53:-For preserving Flouric acid -------- bottle is used. A:-Gutta purcha B:-Actinic bottles C:-Amber bottles D:-Caustic bottles Ans: A
54:-The Alkaloid in Nuxvomica is A:-Strichnine B:-Morphine C:-Codiene D:-All the above Ans: A
55:-Belladonna belongs to the family----A:-Rubiaceae B:-So|anaceae C:-Scrophu|araceae D:-Compositae Ans: B
56:-Lac caninum is A:-Dog's milk B:-Cat's milk C:-Human milk D:-cow's milk Ans: A
57:-Simply mixing of a liquid with water or any other liquid. A:-Decantation B:-Di|ution C:-Dynamisation D:-Fi|tration Ans: B 58:-Tautopathy is -------
A:-Study of synthetic source of medicines B:-A||opathy C:-Study of plant sources D:-None of the above Ans: A
59:-Part IX A of Drug And Cosmetic Act 1940 relates to A:-Manufacture of Homoeopathic drugs B:-Sa|e of Homoeopathic drugs C:-Labe||ing of Homoeopathic drugs D:-Both A and B Ans: C
60:-Number of monographs in volume II of HPI A:-l80 B:-104 C:-100 D:-105 Ans: C
61:-Name of first Homoeopathic Pharmacopoea is --------A:-Pharmocopoea of American institute of Homoeopathy B:-Pharmacopoea Homoeopathic polyglottica C:- Pharmaceutics manuel D:-Dispensatorium Homoeopathicum Ans: D
62:-Objectionab|e advertisements are prohibited under A:-Dangerous drug Act B:-Drug and Cosmetic Act C:-Drug and Magic Remedy Act D:-Medicina| and Toilet Preparation Act Ans: C
63:-Doctrine of signature was recommended by A:-Hahnemann B:-Parace|sus C:-Hippocrates D:-Ga|en Ans: B
64:-The process of boiling water to produce water vapour which then condenses onto a cool surface is called A:-Condensation B:-Sub|imation C:-Disti||ation D:-Evaporation Ans: C
65:-Part used in Apis mellifica is A:-Live Honey bee B:-Dead honey bee C:-Poison of bee D:-Extract from the honey comb Ans: A
66:-Homoeopathic Pharmacy is based on -------A:-Monopharmacy B:-Pharmacodynamics C:-Potentisation D:-All the above Ans: D
67:-Abnorma| tendency to take medicines A:-Pharmacomania B:-Pharmacophobia C:-Pharmaconemia D:-Pharmacophe|ia Ans: A
68:-Source of cones is ----------A:-Cane sugar B:-Egg albumin C:-Both D:-None Ans: C
69:-The drug that is prepared from whole plant is A:-Belladonna B:-Ca|endu|a C:-Bryonia D:-All the above Ans: A
70:-Ratio between drug juice and alcohol in class II is -------A:-3:2 B:-2:3 C:-l:2 D:-none Ans: A
71:-Maceration done in hot liquid is called A:-Sub|imation B:-Digestion C:-Di|ution D:-Both A and B Ans: B
72:-Tincture of soap is used in the preparation of A:-Liniment B:-Lotion C:-Ointment D:-Spermaceti Ans: A
73:-|achesis should be preserved in A:-G|ycerine B:-Ethy|ene C:-Both A and B D:-Sugar of milk Ans: A
74:-The mixture of water and ethyl alcohol weighing 12/l3th of equal volume of purified water is Vital A:-Denatured spirit B:-Proof spirit C:-Rectified spirit D:-spirit Ans: B
75:-The prover records the changes of health in A:-Day book B:-Case record C:-Symptom register D:-All the above Ans: A
76:-A Homoepathic dose means -------A:-Infinitesima| dose B:-Fractiona| dose C:-Booster dose D:-Either of A and C Ans: A
77:----------- is derived by the process of dynamisation A:-Medicine B:-Drug C:-Potency D:-a|| the above
Ans: C
78:-The potency used in organic disease is A:-Medium B:-Low C:-Minimum D:-High Ans: B