1. Among the nodal tissues of Heart, the tissue having the highest, conduction velocity is :
(A) SA node (B) AV node (C) Bundle of his (D) Purkinje Fibres
Ans: D
2. The factor that determines diastolic Blood Pressure is :
(A) Blood volume (B) Cardiac output
(C) Peripheral resistance (D) Posture
Ans: C
3. The law that, govern’s the solubility of a gas in a solvent, is :
(A) Starling’s law (B) Frame Starling’s law
(C) Henry’s law (D) Newton’s law
Ans: C
4. 1, 25 dihydroxy chole calciferol (calcitriol) is synthesised in :
(A) Intestine (B) Liver (C) Brain (D) Kidney
Ans: D
5. The only one receptor receives its own motor supply is :
(A) Pacinian corpuscle (B) Golgi body
(C) Muscle spindle (D) Merkel’s disc
Ans: C
6. The cardiac muscle cannot be tetanised the reason is :
(A) The whole contraction phase comes under the absolute refractory period
(B) The whole relaxation phase comes under the absolute refractory period
(C) Both
(D) None of the above
Ans: A
7. Example for a Neuro-endocrine reflex is :
(A) Hering - Breuer Reflex (B) Sino - Aortic Reflex
(C) Stretch Reflex (D) Milk ejection Reflex
Ans: D
8. The tract, that carries fine touch sensation is :
(A) Tractus Gracilis and Cuneatus
(B) Lateral Spino thalamic tract
(C) Anterior Spino Cerebellar tract
(D) Pyramidal tract
Ans: A
9. Hurthle Cell Carcinoma Thyroid is variant of :
(A) Medullary Carcinoma (B) Follicular Cell Carcinoma
(C) Anaplastic Carcinoma (D) Giant Cell Carcinoma
Ans: B
10. Carcinoma Stomach may be presented as :
(A) Ulcerative Type (B) Polypoidal Type
(C) Scirrhus Type (D) All of the above
Ans: D
11. Whipples operation performed for :
(A) Carcinoma Stomach (B) Pleomorphic Adenoma
(C) Carcinoma Head of Pancreas (D) Carcinoma breast
Ans: C
12. It is true for Sideropoenic Dysphagia :
(A) Associated with Atrophic oral mucosa and glossitis
(B) Associated with Paranasal Sinusitis
(C) Associated with Cholecystitis
(D) Associated with Adenoiditis
Ans: A
13. Most liable Hernia to become Strangulated :
(A) Spigelian Hernia (B) Direct inguinal Hernia
(C) Epigastric Hernia (D) Femoral Hernia
Ans: D
14. Ovarian Cyst is :
(A) Retention Cyst (B) Exudation Cyst
(C) Pseudocyst (D) Distension Cyst
Ans: D
15. Common type of Fistula in ano is :
(A) Intersphyncteric Fistula (B) Extra sphyncteric Fistula
(C) Trans sphyncteric Fistula (D) Supra sphyncteric Fistula
Ans: A
16. Commonest site of Pyogenic Osteomyelitis is :
(A) Epiphysis (B) Diaphysis (C) Metaphysis (D) Shaft of bone
Ans: C
17. The prognosis is bad in :
(A) Axonotmesis (B) Neurotmesis (C) Neurapraxia (D) All of the above
Ans: B
18. The term Q-Potency is used to designate :
(A) Centesimal Potency (B) Decimal Potency
(C) 50 Millesimal Potency (D) Both Centesimal and 50 Millesimal Potency
Ans: C
19. Drug strength 1/10 is designate :
(A) Class III - Old Hahnemannian Method
(B) Class IV - Old Hahnemannian Method
(C) Uniform drug strength of New Method
(D) Both (B) and (C)
Ans: D
20. To Achieve rapid cure the following condition/s are to be fulfilled :
(A) Similimum (B) Minimum Dose (C) Repetition (D) All the above
Ans: D
(A) SA node (B) AV node (C) Bundle of his (D) Purkinje Fibres
Ans: D
2. The factor that determines diastolic Blood Pressure is :
(A) Blood volume (B) Cardiac output
(C) Peripheral resistance (D) Posture
Ans: C
3. The law that, govern’s the solubility of a gas in a solvent, is :
(A) Starling’s law (B) Frame Starling’s law
(C) Henry’s law (D) Newton’s law
Ans: C
4. 1, 25 dihydroxy chole calciferol (calcitriol) is synthesised in :
(A) Intestine (B) Liver (C) Brain (D) Kidney
Ans: D
5. The only one receptor receives its own motor supply is :
(A) Pacinian corpuscle (B) Golgi body
(C) Muscle spindle (D) Merkel’s disc
Ans: C
6. The cardiac muscle cannot be tetanised the reason is :
(A) The whole contraction phase comes under the absolute refractory period
(B) The whole relaxation phase comes under the absolute refractory period
(C) Both
(D) None of the above
Ans: A
7. Example for a Neuro-endocrine reflex is :
(A) Hering - Breuer Reflex (B) Sino - Aortic Reflex
(C) Stretch Reflex (D) Milk ejection Reflex
Ans: D
8. The tract, that carries fine touch sensation is :
(A) Tractus Gracilis and Cuneatus
(B) Lateral Spino thalamic tract
(C) Anterior Spino Cerebellar tract
(D) Pyramidal tract
Ans: A
9. Hurthle Cell Carcinoma Thyroid is variant of :
(A) Medullary Carcinoma (B) Follicular Cell Carcinoma
(C) Anaplastic Carcinoma (D) Giant Cell Carcinoma
Ans: B
10. Carcinoma Stomach may be presented as :
(A) Ulcerative Type (B) Polypoidal Type
(C) Scirrhus Type (D) All of the above
Ans: D
11. Whipples operation performed for :
(A) Carcinoma Stomach (B) Pleomorphic Adenoma
(C) Carcinoma Head of Pancreas (D) Carcinoma breast
Ans: C
12. It is true for Sideropoenic Dysphagia :
(A) Associated with Atrophic oral mucosa and glossitis
(B) Associated with Paranasal Sinusitis
(C) Associated with Cholecystitis
(D) Associated with Adenoiditis
Ans: A
13. Most liable Hernia to become Strangulated :
(A) Spigelian Hernia (B) Direct inguinal Hernia
(C) Epigastric Hernia (D) Femoral Hernia
Ans: D
14. Ovarian Cyst is :
(A) Retention Cyst (B) Exudation Cyst
(C) Pseudocyst (D) Distension Cyst
Ans: D
15. Common type of Fistula in ano is :
(A) Intersphyncteric Fistula (B) Extra sphyncteric Fistula
(C) Trans sphyncteric Fistula (D) Supra sphyncteric Fistula
Ans: A
16. Commonest site of Pyogenic Osteomyelitis is :
(A) Epiphysis (B) Diaphysis (C) Metaphysis (D) Shaft of bone
Ans: C
17. The prognosis is bad in :
(A) Axonotmesis (B) Neurotmesis (C) Neurapraxia (D) All of the above
Ans: B
18. The term Q-Potency is used to designate :
(A) Centesimal Potency (B) Decimal Potency
(C) 50 Millesimal Potency (D) Both Centesimal and 50 Millesimal Potency
Ans: C
19. Drug strength 1/10 is designate :
(A) Class III - Old Hahnemannian Method
(B) Class IV - Old Hahnemannian Method
(C) Uniform drug strength of New Method
(D) Both (B) and (C)
Ans: D
20. To Achieve rapid cure the following condition/s are to be fulfilled :
(A) Similimum (B) Minimum Dose (C) Repetition (D) All the above
Ans: D
21. Inferior Venacava pierces the Diaphragm at the vertebral level of :
(A) T-10 (B) T-8 (C) T-12 (D) T-6
Ans: B
22.The neurotransmitter substance utilised in Neuromuscular transmission is :
(A) Acetyleholine (B) Substance P (C) Serotonin (D) L-dopa
Ans: A
23. Tensor Fascia lata is a :
(A) Superficial Fascia (B) Deep Fascia
(C) Tendon (D) Muscle
Ans: D
24. Length of the Ureter is :
(A) 25 cm (B) 45 cm (C) 10 cm (D) 50 cm
Ans: A
25. Valve of Kerckring is seen in :
(A) Ureter (B) Bile duct (C) Small intestine (D) Pancreatic duct
Ans: C
26. Septo marginal trabeculae is seen in :
(A) Liver (B) Heart (C) Spleen (D) Lung
Ans: B
27. Superficial inguinal ring is present in the aponeurosis of :
(A) External oblique abdominis (B) Fascia iliaca
(C) Rectus abdominis (D) Fascia transversalis
Ans: A
28. First bone to ossify in the body :
(A) Patella (B) Clavicle (C) Talus (D) Scapula
Ans: B
29. Hay fever ganglion is :
(A) Ciliary (B) Otic (C) Pterygopalatine (D) Gasserian
Ans: C
30. Connective tissue in the body developed from the embryonic layer :
(A) Ectoderm (B) Endoderm (C) Yolk sac (D) Mesoderm
Ans: D
31. The normal life span of RBC is :
(A) 30 days (B) 60 days (C) 120 days (D) 180 days
Ans: C
32. Financial assistance of National AYUSH Mission (NAM) is provided by:
(A) Government of India (B) State Government
(C) Both (A) and (B) (D) Neither (A) nor (B)
Ans: A
33. Is Health insurance allowed for AYUSH treatment ?
(A) Yes
(B) No
(C) Under processed by Health Insurance regulatory authority
(D) Under the purview of National Accreditation Board on Health
Ans: A
34. If no improvement follows after the administration of strictly homoeopathically selected remedy :
(A) Change the remedy instantaneously
(B) Repeat a fresh & small dose of the same medicine
(C) Change the potency of the remedy
(D) Administer a complimentary drug
Ans: C
35. Is Acupuncture system of therapy comes under Ministry of AYUSH ?
(A) Yes
(B) No
(C) Included under Central Council of Indian Medicine Act
(D) Included under Central Council for Research in Yoga & Naturopathy
Ans: B
36. Disciplinary control over registered Homoeopathic practitioner is :
(A) Central Council of Homoeopathy
(B) State Homoeopathic Council
(C) Director of Homoeopathy of State Government
(D) Health Secretary of State Government
Ans: B
37. Which of the following branches of AYUSH have been selected for a pilot project of integration with the National Programme for Prevention and Control of Cancer, Diabetes, Cardiovascular Diseases & Stroke ?
(A) Homoeopathy & Ayurveda (B) Yoga & Unani
(C) Homoeopathy & Yoga (D) Ayurveda & Yoga
Ans: C
38. Where the North Eastern Institute of Ayurveda and Homoeopathy (NEIAH) is established ?
(A) Gauhati (B) Imphal
(C) Shillong (D) Agartala
Ans: C
39. Which State Government approved an integrated medical hub to offer healthcare services in modern medicine and Indian traditional medicine and Homoeopathy under one roof?
(A) West Bengal (B) Tamilnadu
(C) Kerala (D) Maharastra
Ans: D
40. Who was the Homoeoeopathic Physician of Queen of England ?
(A) Dr. Jonathan Spero (B) Dr. Peter Fisher
(C) Dr. Duncan McPherson (D) Dr. Fergus Glencross
Ans: B
41. Under the provision of the MTP Act who can terminate pregnancy?
(A) MBBS degree without any experience in G&O
(B) BHMS degree without any experience in G&O
(C) BAMS degree without any experience in G&O
(D) BHMS degree having experience in 25 MTP cases in a recognised centre or hospital
Ans: D
42. List of poisons including substances under AYUSH system of medicine is classified into schedule:
(A) Schedule E (B) Schedule F
(C) Schedule G (D) Schedule H
Ans: A
43. Which day has been observed by AYUSH Ministry as ‘Naturopathy Day’ ?
(A) 15th November, 2018 (B) 18th November, 2018
(C) 20th November, 2018 (D) 25th November, 2018
Ans: B
44. The 5th edition of the organon was translated into English by
(A) Dudgeon (B) Boericke (C) Dudgeon and boericke (D) Dudgeon & nesselhoeft
Ans: A
45. Transcendental speculation means
(A) Knowledge that can not be discovered or understood by practical experience
(B) Knowledge that can be discovered.
(C) Knowledge that understood by Theory.
(D) Knowledge that can not be understood by experience.
Ans: A
46. “Non Inutitisvizi” means
(A) Dare to be wise (B) I have not lived in vain (C) Concomitant (D) Modalities
Ans: B
47. Who said “the virus is given to the patient highly potentised in altered condition, the cure is affected”
(A) Pasteur (B) Hahnemann (C) Lux (D) Galen
Ans: B
48. The human body is more powerfully affected in health by
(A) Natural morbid stimulus (B) Environment (C) Artificial morbific agent (D) Chemical Agent
Ans: C
49. Homoeopathy is supported by
(A) Verification (B) Arguments (C) Experience (D) Verification and Arguments both.
Ans: B
50. The word “Homoeopathy” was used by Hahnemann for the first time in the year
(A) 1810 (B) 1806 (C) 1805 (D) 1796
Ans: A
(A) T-10 (B) T-8 (C) T-12 (D) T-6
Ans: B
22.The neurotransmitter substance utilised in Neuromuscular transmission is :
(A) Acetyleholine (B) Substance P (C) Serotonin (D) L-dopa
Ans: A
23. Tensor Fascia lata is a :
(A) Superficial Fascia (B) Deep Fascia
(C) Tendon (D) Muscle
Ans: D
24. Length of the Ureter is :
(A) 25 cm (B) 45 cm (C) 10 cm (D) 50 cm
Ans: A
25. Valve of Kerckring is seen in :
(A) Ureter (B) Bile duct (C) Small intestine (D) Pancreatic duct
Ans: C
26. Septo marginal trabeculae is seen in :
(A) Liver (B) Heart (C) Spleen (D) Lung
Ans: B
27. Superficial inguinal ring is present in the aponeurosis of :
(A) External oblique abdominis (B) Fascia iliaca
(C) Rectus abdominis (D) Fascia transversalis
Ans: A
28. First bone to ossify in the body :
(A) Patella (B) Clavicle (C) Talus (D) Scapula
Ans: B
29. Hay fever ganglion is :
(A) Ciliary (B) Otic (C) Pterygopalatine (D) Gasserian
Ans: C
30. Connective tissue in the body developed from the embryonic layer :
(A) Ectoderm (B) Endoderm (C) Yolk sac (D) Mesoderm
Ans: D
31. The normal life span of RBC is :
(A) 30 days (B) 60 days (C) 120 days (D) 180 days
Ans: C
32. Financial assistance of National AYUSH Mission (NAM) is provided by:
(A) Government of India (B) State Government
(C) Both (A) and (B) (D) Neither (A) nor (B)
Ans: A
33. Is Health insurance allowed for AYUSH treatment ?
(A) Yes
(B) No
(C) Under processed by Health Insurance regulatory authority
(D) Under the purview of National Accreditation Board on Health
Ans: A
34. If no improvement follows after the administration of strictly homoeopathically selected remedy :
(A) Change the remedy instantaneously
(B) Repeat a fresh & small dose of the same medicine
(C) Change the potency of the remedy
(D) Administer a complimentary drug
Ans: C
35. Is Acupuncture system of therapy comes under Ministry of AYUSH ?
(A) Yes
(B) No
(C) Included under Central Council of Indian Medicine Act
(D) Included under Central Council for Research in Yoga & Naturopathy
Ans: B
36. Disciplinary control over registered Homoeopathic practitioner is :
(A) Central Council of Homoeopathy
(B) State Homoeopathic Council
(C) Director of Homoeopathy of State Government
(D) Health Secretary of State Government
Ans: B
37. Which of the following branches of AYUSH have been selected for a pilot project of integration with the National Programme for Prevention and Control of Cancer, Diabetes, Cardiovascular Diseases & Stroke ?
(A) Homoeopathy & Ayurveda (B) Yoga & Unani
(C) Homoeopathy & Yoga (D) Ayurveda & Yoga
Ans: C
38. Where the North Eastern Institute of Ayurveda and Homoeopathy (NEIAH) is established ?
(A) Gauhati (B) Imphal
(C) Shillong (D) Agartala
Ans: C
39. Which State Government approved an integrated medical hub to offer healthcare services in modern medicine and Indian traditional medicine and Homoeopathy under one roof?
(A) West Bengal (B) Tamilnadu
(C) Kerala (D) Maharastra
Ans: D
40. Who was the Homoeoeopathic Physician of Queen of England ?
(A) Dr. Jonathan Spero (B) Dr. Peter Fisher
(C) Dr. Duncan McPherson (D) Dr. Fergus Glencross
Ans: B
41. Under the provision of the MTP Act who can terminate pregnancy?
(A) MBBS degree without any experience in G&O
(B) BHMS degree without any experience in G&O
(C) BAMS degree without any experience in G&O
(D) BHMS degree having experience in 25 MTP cases in a recognised centre or hospital
Ans: D
42. List of poisons including substances under AYUSH system of medicine is classified into schedule:
(A) Schedule E (B) Schedule F
(C) Schedule G (D) Schedule H
Ans: A
43. Which day has been observed by AYUSH Ministry as ‘Naturopathy Day’ ?
(A) 15th November, 2018 (B) 18th November, 2018
(C) 20th November, 2018 (D) 25th November, 2018
Ans: B
44. The 5th edition of the organon was translated into English by
(A) Dudgeon (B) Boericke (C) Dudgeon and boericke (D) Dudgeon & nesselhoeft
Ans: A
45. Transcendental speculation means
(A) Knowledge that can not be discovered or understood by practical experience
(B) Knowledge that can be discovered.
(C) Knowledge that understood by Theory.
(D) Knowledge that can not be understood by experience.
Ans: A
46. “Non Inutitisvizi” means
(A) Dare to be wise (B) I have not lived in vain (C) Concomitant (D) Modalities
Ans: B
47. Who said “the virus is given to the patient highly potentised in altered condition, the cure is affected”
(A) Pasteur (B) Hahnemann (C) Lux (D) Galen
Ans: B
48. The human body is more powerfully affected in health by
(A) Natural morbid stimulus (B) Environment (C) Artificial morbific agent (D) Chemical Agent
Ans: C
49. Homoeopathy is supported by
(A) Verification (B) Arguments (C) Experience (D) Verification and Arguments both.
Ans: B
50. The word “Homoeopathy” was used by Hahnemann for the first time in the year
(A) 1810 (B) 1806 (C) 1805 (D) 1796
Ans: A
51. 6th edition of organon of medicine appeared in English in
(A) 1880 (B) 1913 (C) 1921 (D) 1928
Ans: D
52. 6th edition of organon manuscript were found out by
(A) W. Boerick (B) R. Haehl (C) R.E. dudgeon (D) Dr. H.A. Robert
Ans: B
53. As per H.A Roberts, the homoeopathic prescription is often biased by which of the following factors?
(A) Constitution (B) Diathesis (C) Susceptibility (D) Temperament
Ans: D
54. Broussedu in history of medicine is known for:
(A) Blood letting (B) Substitutive theory (C) Neutralization theory (D) Series in degrees
Ans: A
55. Where do we find reference of ambiguity & unreliability of proving symptoms collected from distance where provers are paid:
(A) Aph 140 (B) FIN 145 (C) Aph 137 (D) FIN 143
Ans: D
56. Which of the following is true of Maupertius Law:
(A) It relates to the treatment of alternating diseases only (B) It does not complement to the Law of similar
(C) the quality of the action of a homoeopathic remedy does not depend upon its quantity (D) It is also known as Law of least action
Ans: C
57. All of the following are true of passions except:
(A) avoid when chronically ill (B) avoid during proving (C) disease can be occasioned by (D) doesn’t affect susceptibility
Ans: D
58. A 50 year old man suffering from carsinoma of prostate showed areas of sclerosis and collapse of T10 & T11 vertebrae in x-ray. The spread of this cancer to the above vertebrae was most probably through.
(A) Sacral canal (B) Lymphatic vessels (C) Internal vertebral plexus of veins (D) Superior Rectal veins.
Ans: C
59. The kinetic energy of the body is least in one of the following phases of walking cycle.
(A) Heel strike (B) Mid-stance (C) Double support (D) Toe-off
Ans: B
60. The pulsations of the Facial artery can be felt when it crosses the lower margin of the body of mandible at:
(A) the posterior border of masseter muscle (B) the anterior border of masseter muscle
(C) at the submental triangle (D) below the infraorbital foramen on each side
Ans: B
61. All of the following are branches of arch of aorta except
(A) Left common carotid artery (B) Right common carotid artery (C) Left subclavian artery (D) Brachio cepnalic artery.
Ans: B
62. Internal pudendal artery is a branch of
(A) Superior Iliac (B) Common peroneal (C) Internal Iliac (D) Abdominal Aorta
Ans: C
63. Which of the following is not true regarding neurohypophysis of pituitary gland?
(A) Develops from mesencephalon (B) Secretes ADH & oxytocin
(C) Contains Herring bodies (D) Harmones are released in the venous sinusoids
Ans: A
64. Herniation of cerebellar tonsil through foramen magnum results in:
(A) Dandy-Walker syndrome (B) Arnold-Chiari syndrome (C) Down syndrome (D) Foster Kennedy syndrome
Ans: B
65. Which of the following is a communicating bursa around the shoulder joint?
(A) Supra-acromial (B) Subacromial (C) Supracoracoid (D) Subscapular
Ans: D
66. Which nerve supplies Lateral Rectus
(A) 6th cranial Nerve (B) 2nd cranial nerve (C) 4th cranial nerve (D) 10th cranial nerve
Ans: A
67. Muscles supplied by Glossopharangeal Nerve is
(A) Stylopharyngeus (B) Styloglossus (C) Stylohyoid (D) Thyrohyoid
Ans: A
68. Nerve supply to cremastic muscle is from
(A) Genital branch of genitofemoral nerve (B) Femoral branch of genitofemoral nerve
(C) Ilio-inguinal Nerve. (D) All of the above
Ans: A
69. Nucleus in brain common to XI, X, XI cranial nerves is
(A) Nucleus solitarius (B) Nucleus Ambiguous (C) Dentate nucleus (D) Red Nucleus
Ans: B
70. Which of the following lymph nodes are called Virchow’s nodes?
(A) Right supraclavicular (B) Left supraclavicular (C) Right infraclavicular (D) Left infraclavicular
Ans: B
71. The term milieu interior that represents internal environment was introduced by:
(A) C laude Bernard (B) Ivan Pavlov (C) A. Boyd (D) J. Brown
Ans: A
72. Which of the following group of respiratory center neurons is located in the lower part of Pons?
(A) Dorsal respiratory group (B) Ventral respiratory group (C) Pneumotaxic center (D) Apneustic center
Ans: D
73. Cholagogues :
(A) Increase the secretions of bile. (B) Produce contraction of the gall bladder.
(C) Increase the enterohepatic circulation. (D) Increase in choleliathiasis.
Ans: B
74. Which of the following is not true of Osmosis?
(A) Results from the kinetic motion of the individual particles in the solution on the two sides of the membrane
(B) Occurs when the temperature is the same in both solutions
(C) Particles on both sides of the membrane have same amount of kinetic energy
(D) Chemical potential of the water is increased on each side of membrane
Ans: D
75. Sodium is maximum in
(A) Extra cellular space (B) Intra Cellular Space. (C) Interstitial space (D) Bone
Ans: A
76. The main excitatory Neurotransmitter in the CNS is
(A) Glycine (B) Acetylcholine (C) Aspantate (D) Glutamate
Ans: D
77. Conduction of which type of Nerve fiber is blocked maximally by pressure
(A) C (B) A alpha (C) A Beta (D) A gamma
Ans: B
78. True stereopsis is perceived due to
(A) Overlay of contours (B) Binasal disparity (C) Motion parallax (D) Linear perspective
Ans: B
79. Sine qua non of cerebral cortex
(A) Stellate Cells (B) Granule Cells (C) Phyramidal cells (D) Basket cell
Ans: B
80. IPSP is due to
(A) cl– influx (B) k+ influx (C) Na + influx (D) Ca++ influx
Ans: A
81. Lesions of hippocampus lead to a type of memory loss called as:
(A) Retrograde amnesia (B) Anterograde amnesia (C) Transient global amnesia (D) Infantile amnesia
Ans: B
82. The total complement of all the carbohydrates in an organism is known as:
(A) Glycome (B) Aquasome (C) Glycophorin (D) Proteoglycan
Ans: A
83. Which of the following is not a common monosaccharide?
(A) Triose (B) Pentose (C) Heptose (D) Lactose
Ans: D
84. The glycemic index of the carbohydrate is lowered if it is combined with all of the following except:
(A) Protein (B) Fat (C) Fiber (D) Cane sugar
Ans: D
85. About 5% of the weight of liver is made up of
(A) Glycogen (B) Fat (C) Protein (D) Starch
Ans: A
86. Aquasomes are being proposed as a delivery system that is successfully utilized for the delivery of all except:
(A) Insulin (B) Hemoglobin (C) Antigens (D) Non-peptides
Ans: D
87. Which of the following is abundantly found in the semen which is utilized by the sperms for energy?
(A) Glucose (B) Fructose (C) Dextrose (D) Inulin
Ans: B
88. Which of the following glycoproteins has a major function of transporting proteins?
(A) Collagen (B) Intrinsic factor (C) Proteases (D) Ceruloplasmin
Ans: D
89. Which of the following is not a function of Lipids?
(A) Metabolic regulators (B) Act as electric insulators in neurons (C) Biosynthesis of heme (D) Structural components of biomembranes
Ans: C
90. Who amongst the following having recognized that the TRI-Carboxylic Acid (TCA) is indeed citric acid?
(A) Ogston (B) Kreb (C) Scheele. (D) Gyogyi
Ans: A
91. Complete digestion of small peptides to the level of aminoacids is brought about by following enzymes present in intestinal juice except: (A) leucine aminopetidase (B) carboxypeptidase (C) proline amino peptidase (D) dipeptidases
Ans: B
92. In acute pancreatitis premature activation of which of the following enzyme will result in the autodigestion of pancreatic cells that can be a life threatening situation?
(A) Trypsinogen (B) Chymotrypsin (C) Pancryozymin (D) Elastase
Ans: A
93. Which of the following is not the cyclic process of urea cycle?
(A) Synthesis of carbamoyl phosphate (B) Formation of citrulline
(C) Conversion of fumarate to oxaloacetate (D) Synthesis of arginosuccinate
Ans: C
94. Which of the following is not true about the nature of enzymes?
(A) They are proteins in nature (B) They are biodegradable & noncolloidal
(C) They are thermolabile in character (D) They are specific in their action
Ans: B
95. Enzymes that are specialized in the addition or removal of water, ammonia, CO2 etc. are:
(A) Lyases (B) Oxidoreductases (C) Isomerases (D) Ligases
Ans: A
96. Which of the following is not an enzyme of any therapeutic application?
(A) Streptokinase (B) Urease (C) Urokinase (D) Asparaginase
Ans: B
97. Which of the following enzyme is linked to the diagnosis of Muscular dystrophy?
(A) Alkaline phosphatase (B) GGT (C) Aldolase (D) 5'-Nucleotidase
Ans: C
98. Which of the following is not a compound of Vitamin A activity?
(A) Beta carotene (B) Retinal (C) Retinol (D) Retinoic acid
Ans: A
99. Which of the following is not associated with Vitamin A deficiency?
(A) Nyctalopia (B) Keratomalacia (C) Hyperkeartosis (D) Acne medicamentosa
Ans: D
100. Which of the following is not the function of minerals in human body?
(A) Synthesis of aminoacids (B) Blood coagulation (C) Bone calcification (D) Neuromuscular irritability
Ans: A
(A) 1880 (B) 1913 (C) 1921 (D) 1928
Ans: D
52. 6th edition of organon manuscript were found out by
(A) W. Boerick (B) R. Haehl (C) R.E. dudgeon (D) Dr. H.A. Robert
Ans: B
53. As per H.A Roberts, the homoeopathic prescription is often biased by which of the following factors?
(A) Constitution (B) Diathesis (C) Susceptibility (D) Temperament
Ans: D
54. Broussedu in history of medicine is known for:
(A) Blood letting (B) Substitutive theory (C) Neutralization theory (D) Series in degrees
Ans: A
55. Where do we find reference of ambiguity & unreliability of proving symptoms collected from distance where provers are paid:
(A) Aph 140 (B) FIN 145 (C) Aph 137 (D) FIN 143
Ans: D
56. Which of the following is true of Maupertius Law:
(A) It relates to the treatment of alternating diseases only (B) It does not complement to the Law of similar
(C) the quality of the action of a homoeopathic remedy does not depend upon its quantity (D) It is also known as Law of least action
Ans: C
57. All of the following are true of passions except:
(A) avoid when chronically ill (B) avoid during proving (C) disease can be occasioned by (D) doesn’t affect susceptibility
Ans: D
58. A 50 year old man suffering from carsinoma of prostate showed areas of sclerosis and collapse of T10 & T11 vertebrae in x-ray. The spread of this cancer to the above vertebrae was most probably through.
(A) Sacral canal (B) Lymphatic vessels (C) Internal vertebral plexus of veins (D) Superior Rectal veins.
Ans: C
59. The kinetic energy of the body is least in one of the following phases of walking cycle.
(A) Heel strike (B) Mid-stance (C) Double support (D) Toe-off
Ans: B
60. The pulsations of the Facial artery can be felt when it crosses the lower margin of the body of mandible at:
(A) the posterior border of masseter muscle (B) the anterior border of masseter muscle
(C) at the submental triangle (D) below the infraorbital foramen on each side
Ans: B
61. All of the following are branches of arch of aorta except
(A) Left common carotid artery (B) Right common carotid artery (C) Left subclavian artery (D) Brachio cepnalic artery.
Ans: B
62. Internal pudendal artery is a branch of
(A) Superior Iliac (B) Common peroneal (C) Internal Iliac (D) Abdominal Aorta
Ans: C
63. Which of the following is not true regarding neurohypophysis of pituitary gland?
(A) Develops from mesencephalon (B) Secretes ADH & oxytocin
(C) Contains Herring bodies (D) Harmones are released in the venous sinusoids
Ans: A
64. Herniation of cerebellar tonsil through foramen magnum results in:
(A) Dandy-Walker syndrome (B) Arnold-Chiari syndrome (C) Down syndrome (D) Foster Kennedy syndrome
Ans: B
65. Which of the following is a communicating bursa around the shoulder joint?
(A) Supra-acromial (B) Subacromial (C) Supracoracoid (D) Subscapular
Ans: D
66. Which nerve supplies Lateral Rectus
(A) 6th cranial Nerve (B) 2nd cranial nerve (C) 4th cranial nerve (D) 10th cranial nerve
Ans: A
67. Muscles supplied by Glossopharangeal Nerve is
(A) Stylopharyngeus (B) Styloglossus (C) Stylohyoid (D) Thyrohyoid
Ans: A
68. Nerve supply to cremastic muscle is from
(A) Genital branch of genitofemoral nerve (B) Femoral branch of genitofemoral nerve
(C) Ilio-inguinal Nerve. (D) All of the above
Ans: A
69. Nucleus in brain common to XI, X, XI cranial nerves is
(A) Nucleus solitarius (B) Nucleus Ambiguous (C) Dentate nucleus (D) Red Nucleus
Ans: B
70. Which of the following lymph nodes are called Virchow’s nodes?
(A) Right supraclavicular (B) Left supraclavicular (C) Right infraclavicular (D) Left infraclavicular
Ans: B
71. The term milieu interior that represents internal environment was introduced by:
(A) C laude Bernard (B) Ivan Pavlov (C) A. Boyd (D) J. Brown
Ans: A
72. Which of the following group of respiratory center neurons is located in the lower part of Pons?
(A) Dorsal respiratory group (B) Ventral respiratory group (C) Pneumotaxic center (D) Apneustic center
Ans: D
73. Cholagogues :
(A) Increase the secretions of bile. (B) Produce contraction of the gall bladder.
(C) Increase the enterohepatic circulation. (D) Increase in choleliathiasis.
Ans: B
74. Which of the following is not true of Osmosis?
(A) Results from the kinetic motion of the individual particles in the solution on the two sides of the membrane
(B) Occurs when the temperature is the same in both solutions
(C) Particles on both sides of the membrane have same amount of kinetic energy
(D) Chemical potential of the water is increased on each side of membrane
Ans: D
75. Sodium is maximum in
(A) Extra cellular space (B) Intra Cellular Space. (C) Interstitial space (D) Bone
Ans: A
76. The main excitatory Neurotransmitter in the CNS is
(A) Glycine (B) Acetylcholine (C) Aspantate (D) Glutamate
Ans: D
77. Conduction of which type of Nerve fiber is blocked maximally by pressure
(A) C (B) A alpha (C) A Beta (D) A gamma
Ans: B
78. True stereopsis is perceived due to
(A) Overlay of contours (B) Binasal disparity (C) Motion parallax (D) Linear perspective
Ans: B
79. Sine qua non of cerebral cortex
(A) Stellate Cells (B) Granule Cells (C) Phyramidal cells (D) Basket cell
Ans: B
80. IPSP is due to
(A) cl– influx (B) k+ influx (C) Na + influx (D) Ca++ influx
Ans: A
81. Lesions of hippocampus lead to a type of memory loss called as:
(A) Retrograde amnesia (B) Anterograde amnesia (C) Transient global amnesia (D) Infantile amnesia
Ans: B
82. The total complement of all the carbohydrates in an organism is known as:
(A) Glycome (B) Aquasome (C) Glycophorin (D) Proteoglycan
Ans: A
83. Which of the following is not a common monosaccharide?
(A) Triose (B) Pentose (C) Heptose (D) Lactose
Ans: D
84. The glycemic index of the carbohydrate is lowered if it is combined with all of the following except:
(A) Protein (B) Fat (C) Fiber (D) Cane sugar
Ans: D
85. About 5% of the weight of liver is made up of
(A) Glycogen (B) Fat (C) Protein (D) Starch
Ans: A
86. Aquasomes are being proposed as a delivery system that is successfully utilized for the delivery of all except:
(A) Insulin (B) Hemoglobin (C) Antigens (D) Non-peptides
Ans: D
87. Which of the following is abundantly found in the semen which is utilized by the sperms for energy?
(A) Glucose (B) Fructose (C) Dextrose (D) Inulin
Ans: B
88. Which of the following glycoproteins has a major function of transporting proteins?
(A) Collagen (B) Intrinsic factor (C) Proteases (D) Ceruloplasmin
Ans: D
89. Which of the following is not a function of Lipids?
(A) Metabolic regulators (B) Act as electric insulators in neurons (C) Biosynthesis of heme (D) Structural components of biomembranes
Ans: C
90. Who amongst the following having recognized that the TRI-Carboxylic Acid (TCA) is indeed citric acid?
(A) Ogston (B) Kreb (C) Scheele. (D) Gyogyi
Ans: A
91. Complete digestion of small peptides to the level of aminoacids is brought about by following enzymes present in intestinal juice except: (A) leucine aminopetidase (B) carboxypeptidase (C) proline amino peptidase (D) dipeptidases
Ans: B
92. In acute pancreatitis premature activation of which of the following enzyme will result in the autodigestion of pancreatic cells that can be a life threatening situation?
(A) Trypsinogen (B) Chymotrypsin (C) Pancryozymin (D) Elastase
Ans: A
93. Which of the following is not the cyclic process of urea cycle?
(A) Synthesis of carbamoyl phosphate (B) Formation of citrulline
(C) Conversion of fumarate to oxaloacetate (D) Synthesis of arginosuccinate
Ans: C
94. Which of the following is not true about the nature of enzymes?
(A) They are proteins in nature (B) They are biodegradable & noncolloidal
(C) They are thermolabile in character (D) They are specific in their action
Ans: B
95. Enzymes that are specialized in the addition or removal of water, ammonia, CO2 etc. are:
(A) Lyases (B) Oxidoreductases (C) Isomerases (D) Ligases
Ans: A
96. Which of the following is not an enzyme of any therapeutic application?
(A) Streptokinase (B) Urease (C) Urokinase (D) Asparaginase
Ans: B
97. Which of the following enzyme is linked to the diagnosis of Muscular dystrophy?
(A) Alkaline phosphatase (B) GGT (C) Aldolase (D) 5'-Nucleotidase
Ans: C
98. Which of the following is not a compound of Vitamin A activity?
(A) Beta carotene (B) Retinal (C) Retinol (D) Retinoic acid
Ans: A
99. Which of the following is not associated with Vitamin A deficiency?
(A) Nyctalopia (B) Keratomalacia (C) Hyperkeartosis (D) Acne medicamentosa
Ans: D
100. Which of the following is not the function of minerals in human body?
(A) Synthesis of aminoacids (B) Blood coagulation (C) Bone calcification (D) Neuromuscular irritability
Ans: A