1. Dr. Hering translated which edition of Organon of medicine
(A) 1st (B) 2nd (C) 3rd (D) 4th
Ans: C
2. Hahnemann has prepared how many questions about diseases that patients will hide
(A) 30 (B) 45 (C) 51 (D) 22
Ans: D
3. Pilot symptoms means
(A) Symptoms of pilots of aeroplane (B) Common symptom (C) Cardinal symptoms (D) General symptoms
Ans: C
4. Which is wrong when cases of physicians are always difficult because
(A) They interpret the symptoms (B) They tell the symptoms of the remedy
(C) They always modify them (D) Tell don’t tell the truth
Ans: D
5. Dr. Hahnemann has advised to apply the following drug in case of benumbed state of nerves….to remove the torpor of the internal sensibility by
(A) China (B) Sulphur (C) Opium (D) Causticum
Ans: C
6. Which one is the false in case of non-recurrent acute miasm? (A) Yellow fever of the sea coast (B) Plague of the Levant (C) Asiatic cholera (D) Scarlet fever
Ans: D
7. Transformation of psora into chronic diseases is caused by
(A) Climate and peculiar physical character of the place of the abode (B) Physical and mental training of youth
(C) Conditions of life (D) All of the above
Ans: D
8. The name of the person is related to physiological system is
(A) Hippocrates (B) Broussau (C) Richard Hughes (D) Paracelsus
Ans: B
9. Which one is true in relation to the Aphorism 72 of Organon of Medicine?
(A) Chronic diseases are caused by a chronic miasm (B) Chronic diseases are caused by infection with a chronic miasm
(C) Chronic diseases are caused by dynamic infection with a chronic miasm (D) Chronic diseases are caused by fundamental causes
Ans: C
10. Roodvonk is
(A) A place in Germany (B) Acute disease (C) Purpura miliaris (D) Scarlet fever
Ans: B
11. Mongrel sect means
(A) Mononauia (B) Modus operandi (C) Cross bid dog (D) Medicine of experience
Ans: C
12. The scope of surgery is related to the following aphorism of Organon of Medicine
(A) 80 (B) 286 (C) 186 (D) All of the above
Ans: C
13. Which one is correct?
(A) Aconite will seldom or never effect or a rapid or permanent cure in a patient of quiet, calm, equable disposition
(B) Nux Vomica is just as little be serviceable in mild and phlegmatic
(C) Pulsatilla is not where it is happy and obstinate
(D) All of the above
Ans: D
14. The true pathognomonic symptoms of a given case are those that cover the existing active miasmsaid by
(A) J.T.Kent (B) Willium Boericke (C) J.H.Allen (D) H.Farrington
Ans: C
15. There is seldom any sweating about the head of a _______ patient.
(A) Psoric (B) Syphilis (C) Sycotic (D) All of the above
Ans: A
16. Metallic and bloody taste is of
(A) Sycotic or psoric (B) Tubercular or syphilitic (C) Psoric or syphilitic (D) Sycotic or syphilitic origin
Ans: B
17. Lameness, worst stooping, bending or beginning to move and greenish yellow leucorrhoea are characteristics of
(A) Psora (B) Syphilis (C) Sycosis (D) All of the above
Ans: C
18. The nails of those patients are brittle, breaks or split easily often we have hang nails which are so characteristics of _______ taint.
(A) Psora (B) Syphilitic (C) Sycotic (D) Tubercular
Ans: D
19. ‘He’ didn’t discover the law of similars, but he was the first to give its practical application to the art of healing. Here ‘He’ is
(A) Hippocrates (B) Albrecht von haller
(C) Hahnemann (D) Paracelsus
Ans: C
20. A tendency for complaints to occur one in one side is a –
(A) General symptoms (B) Particular symptoms (C) Undefined symptoms (D) All of the above
Ans: A
21. Mental Symptoms are
(A) Characteristic (B) Common (C) Both (A) and (B) (D) Always characteristic
Ans: C
22. A common symptom may become highly characteristic when
(A) It’s constantly associated with another (B) Occurs in a group
(C) Unusual combination (D) All of the above
Ans: D
23. Headache occurring every seven days is a
(A) Particular symptom (B) General symptom (C) Common symptom (D) All of the above
Ans: B
24. Which one is correct?
(A) A symptom may be characteristic of one remedy or group of remedies, less so of others and least of still others
(B) The same characteristic symptom appearing in different parts of the body and in various ailments is classed as general
(C) Experience has shown that emotional symptoms or those arising from the will, are more valuable in remedy selection than those distinctly intellectual
(D) All of the above
Ans: D
25. Which one is not true?
(A) The indications leading to the similimum are usually found among the pathognomonic symptoms
(B) A case well taken is half cured
(C) Direct question or any which may be assumed by “yes” or “no” should be asked
(D) All of the above
Ans: A
26. Which one is true?
(A) Energy, as we understand it, is of a three fold form, spiritual, dynamic and physical
(B) Energy is a store house of vitality
(C) This dynamic energy Hahnemann called the dynamis
(D) All of the above
Ans: C
27. Which one is correct? We must therefore examine carefully all those accessory symptoms which are
(A) Rarely found combined with the main affection, hence also infrequent under the same condition in the province
(B) All those belonging to another sphere of disease than that of the main one
(C) Finally those which bear the distinctive marks of some drug, even if they have never before been noted in the preceding relation
(D) All of the above
Ans: D
28. Which one is wrong?
(A) The repetition of the dose is determined by the nature and force of the response elicited
(B) The speed of the reaction is naturally governed by the course of the individual affection plus the vital reactive power of the individual (C) No 2nd dose should be given as long as the relief progresses, even though slightly
(D) None of the above
Ans: D
29. A good Homoeopath should know graphology, nominology-said by
(A) Stuart close (B) Pierre Schmidt (C) Burnett (D) H. C. Allen
Ans: B
30. “Dr Gladwin as well as Dr. Austin who were my teachers told me to divide the page into two parts. To the left, you write all the pathological symptoms, the pathognomonic symptoms of the disease”-the student was
(A) M. L. Sarkar (B) H. Farrington (C) G. Boericke (D) P. Schmidt
Ans: D
31. “Take the minimum symptoms of maximum importance”-said by
(A) Dr. Schmidt (B) Dr. Weir (C) Dr. Galaverdin (D) Dr. Kent
Ans: B
32. Etymologically therapeutics is
(A) Treatment by drugs (B) Medicinal therapy (C) The science of curing disease (D) Healing procedure
Ans: C
33. Which one is correct?
(A) Pathology is the science of morbid processes and functions
(B) Pathological anatomy is the science of morbid organs and tissues and is concrete
(C) Physiological anatomy and physiology are not same
(D) All of the above
Ans: D
34. Which one is false?
(A) Causa sublata tollitur effectus - it represents the great law of Hygiene
(B) Vis medicatrix naturae is the natural tendency to a restoration of the balance of the functions
(C) General stimuli are necessary to maintain life- absurd
(D) To treat disease upon the principle “tolle causum” is not possible
Ans: C
35. The only sense in which Homoeopathists can use ‘characteristic of what’- choice the right one
(A) Of classes(the exanthemata) (B) Of groups(nosological) (C) Individuals (D) All of the above
Ans: C
36. Which is not the special feature of Paediatric case taking?
(A) Mother or someone with an intimate knowledge of the child is the best person to give the history in infancy or early childhood
(B) Up to puberty, the child readily looks at him objectively
(C) Outstanding episodes in child’s early life such as a severe reaction to vaccination, injury, severe acute infection or an emotional upset (D) All of the above
Ans: B
37. Which one is wrong regarding intrauterine history?
(A) The period of most danger to the foetus is during the mid trimester of gestation
(B) Drugs taken by the mother can undoubtedly effect the foetus in some case
(C) Masked emotional disturbance may affect the unborn child
(D) In the influenza epidemic of 1918, a high proportion of infected mothers aborted
Ans: A
38. ‘Prove all things, hold fast that which is good”, was said by
(A) Samuel Hahnemann (B) Gottfried Hahnemann (C) M. Malanie (D) Charles Bell
Ans: B
39. Dr. Hahnemann published his treatise ‘On Syphilis” in
(A) 1786 (B) 1789 (C) 1791 (D) 1793
Ans: B
40. A work entitled ‘The Prophylactic Power of Belladonna is Scarlet Fever’ was written by
(A) Dr. Hahnemann (B) Hufeland (C) Hecker (D) Sprengel
Ans: B
41. ‘On the places in Man’, the author admits that through the general rule of treatment be contraria, the opposite rule also holds good in some cases, viz, Similia Similibus curantur- the author is
(A) Hippocrates (B) Paracelsus (C) Hahnemann (D) Galen
Ans: A
42. Theophrastus Von Hohenheim is commonly known by the name
(A) Galen (B) Paracetsus (C) Xenocratus (D) Varro
Ans: B
43. ‘Organ Remedies’ is related to
(A) Kopp (B) Syndenham (C) Rademacher (D) Hahnemann
Ans: C
44. In very painful disease such as toothache, several remedies may be given in a prescription is suggested by
(A) Hering (B) Aegidy (C) Hughes (D) Staph
Ans: B
45. Homoeopathic mediums are used in
(A) Physiological dose (B) Material dose (C) Infinitesimal dose (D) All of the above
Ans: C
46. The name mostly related to “Keynote system”
(A) Stuart close (B) Guernsey (C) J. H. Allen (D) H. C. Allen
Ans: B
47. Which one is false?
(A) Life is primarily a phenomenon (B) It is the cause of phenomena (C) It is the procedure (D) It is vital substance
Ans: A
48. Which one is true?
(A) Organic control is from the centre (B) From the centre of power, force flows
(C) Disease is abnormal vital process (D) All of the above
Ans: D
49. In which edition of the Organon Hahnemann insisted particularly on the necessity of not giving a fresh dose or a new medicine until the action of the first has expired
(A) 3rd (B) 4th (C) 5th (D) 6th
Ans: B
50. Which one is correct?
(A) Positive disease is expected from primary effect
(B) Negative symptom is expected from secondary action
(C) Positive is first and principal
(D) All of the above
Ans: D
(A) 1st (B) 2nd (C) 3rd (D) 4th
Ans: C
2. Hahnemann has prepared how many questions about diseases that patients will hide
(A) 30 (B) 45 (C) 51 (D) 22
Ans: D
3. Pilot symptoms means
(A) Symptoms of pilots of aeroplane (B) Common symptom (C) Cardinal symptoms (D) General symptoms
Ans: C
4. Which is wrong when cases of physicians are always difficult because
(A) They interpret the symptoms (B) They tell the symptoms of the remedy
(C) They always modify them (D) Tell don’t tell the truth
Ans: D
5. Dr. Hahnemann has advised to apply the following drug in case of benumbed state of nerves….to remove the torpor of the internal sensibility by
(A) China (B) Sulphur (C) Opium (D) Causticum
Ans: C
6. Which one is the false in case of non-recurrent acute miasm? (A) Yellow fever of the sea coast (B) Plague of the Levant (C) Asiatic cholera (D) Scarlet fever
Ans: D
7. Transformation of psora into chronic diseases is caused by
(A) Climate and peculiar physical character of the place of the abode (B) Physical and mental training of youth
(C) Conditions of life (D) All of the above
Ans: D
8. The name of the person is related to physiological system is
(A) Hippocrates (B) Broussau (C) Richard Hughes (D) Paracelsus
Ans: B
9. Which one is true in relation to the Aphorism 72 of Organon of Medicine?
(A) Chronic diseases are caused by a chronic miasm (B) Chronic diseases are caused by infection with a chronic miasm
(C) Chronic diseases are caused by dynamic infection with a chronic miasm (D) Chronic diseases are caused by fundamental causes
Ans: C
10. Roodvonk is
(A) A place in Germany (B) Acute disease (C) Purpura miliaris (D) Scarlet fever
Ans: B
11. Mongrel sect means
(A) Mononauia (B) Modus operandi (C) Cross bid dog (D) Medicine of experience
Ans: C
12. The scope of surgery is related to the following aphorism of Organon of Medicine
(A) 80 (B) 286 (C) 186 (D) All of the above
Ans: C
13. Which one is correct?
(A) Aconite will seldom or never effect or a rapid or permanent cure in a patient of quiet, calm, equable disposition
(B) Nux Vomica is just as little be serviceable in mild and phlegmatic
(C) Pulsatilla is not where it is happy and obstinate
(D) All of the above
Ans: D
14. The true pathognomonic symptoms of a given case are those that cover the existing active miasmsaid by
(A) J.T.Kent (B) Willium Boericke (C) J.H.Allen (D) H.Farrington
Ans: C
15. There is seldom any sweating about the head of a _______ patient.
(A) Psoric (B) Syphilis (C) Sycotic (D) All of the above
Ans: A
16. Metallic and bloody taste is of
(A) Sycotic or psoric (B) Tubercular or syphilitic (C) Psoric or syphilitic (D) Sycotic or syphilitic origin
Ans: B
17. Lameness, worst stooping, bending or beginning to move and greenish yellow leucorrhoea are characteristics of
(A) Psora (B) Syphilis (C) Sycosis (D) All of the above
Ans: C
18. The nails of those patients are brittle, breaks or split easily often we have hang nails which are so characteristics of _______ taint.
(A) Psora (B) Syphilitic (C) Sycotic (D) Tubercular
Ans: D
19. ‘He’ didn’t discover the law of similars, but he was the first to give its practical application to the art of healing. Here ‘He’ is
(A) Hippocrates (B) Albrecht von haller
(C) Hahnemann (D) Paracelsus
Ans: C
20. A tendency for complaints to occur one in one side is a –
(A) General symptoms (B) Particular symptoms (C) Undefined symptoms (D) All of the above
Ans: A
21. Mental Symptoms are
(A) Characteristic (B) Common (C) Both (A) and (B) (D) Always characteristic
Ans: C
22. A common symptom may become highly characteristic when
(A) It’s constantly associated with another (B) Occurs in a group
(C) Unusual combination (D) All of the above
Ans: D
23. Headache occurring every seven days is a
(A) Particular symptom (B) General symptom (C) Common symptom (D) All of the above
Ans: B
24. Which one is correct?
(A) A symptom may be characteristic of one remedy or group of remedies, less so of others and least of still others
(B) The same characteristic symptom appearing in different parts of the body and in various ailments is classed as general
(C) Experience has shown that emotional symptoms or those arising from the will, are more valuable in remedy selection than those distinctly intellectual
(D) All of the above
Ans: D
25. Which one is not true?
(A) The indications leading to the similimum are usually found among the pathognomonic symptoms
(B) A case well taken is half cured
(C) Direct question or any which may be assumed by “yes” or “no” should be asked
(D) All of the above
Ans: A
26. Which one is true?
(A) Energy, as we understand it, is of a three fold form, spiritual, dynamic and physical
(B) Energy is a store house of vitality
(C) This dynamic energy Hahnemann called the dynamis
(D) All of the above
Ans: C
27. Which one is correct? We must therefore examine carefully all those accessory symptoms which are
(A) Rarely found combined with the main affection, hence also infrequent under the same condition in the province
(B) All those belonging to another sphere of disease than that of the main one
(C) Finally those which bear the distinctive marks of some drug, even if they have never before been noted in the preceding relation
(D) All of the above
Ans: D
28. Which one is wrong?
(A) The repetition of the dose is determined by the nature and force of the response elicited
(B) The speed of the reaction is naturally governed by the course of the individual affection plus the vital reactive power of the individual (C) No 2nd dose should be given as long as the relief progresses, even though slightly
(D) None of the above
Ans: D
29. A good Homoeopath should know graphology, nominology-said by
(A) Stuart close (B) Pierre Schmidt (C) Burnett (D) H. C. Allen
Ans: B
30. “Dr Gladwin as well as Dr. Austin who were my teachers told me to divide the page into two parts. To the left, you write all the pathological symptoms, the pathognomonic symptoms of the disease”-the student was
(A) M. L. Sarkar (B) H. Farrington (C) G. Boericke (D) P. Schmidt
Ans: D
31. “Take the minimum symptoms of maximum importance”-said by
(A) Dr. Schmidt (B) Dr. Weir (C) Dr. Galaverdin (D) Dr. Kent
Ans: B
32. Etymologically therapeutics is
(A) Treatment by drugs (B) Medicinal therapy (C) The science of curing disease (D) Healing procedure
Ans: C
33. Which one is correct?
(A) Pathology is the science of morbid processes and functions
(B) Pathological anatomy is the science of morbid organs and tissues and is concrete
(C) Physiological anatomy and physiology are not same
(D) All of the above
Ans: D
34. Which one is false?
(A) Causa sublata tollitur effectus - it represents the great law of Hygiene
(B) Vis medicatrix naturae is the natural tendency to a restoration of the balance of the functions
(C) General stimuli are necessary to maintain life- absurd
(D) To treat disease upon the principle “tolle causum” is not possible
Ans: C
35. The only sense in which Homoeopathists can use ‘characteristic of what’- choice the right one
(A) Of classes(the exanthemata) (B) Of groups(nosological) (C) Individuals (D) All of the above
Ans: C
36. Which is not the special feature of Paediatric case taking?
(A) Mother or someone with an intimate knowledge of the child is the best person to give the history in infancy or early childhood
(B) Up to puberty, the child readily looks at him objectively
(C) Outstanding episodes in child’s early life such as a severe reaction to vaccination, injury, severe acute infection or an emotional upset (D) All of the above
Ans: B
37. Which one is wrong regarding intrauterine history?
(A) The period of most danger to the foetus is during the mid trimester of gestation
(B) Drugs taken by the mother can undoubtedly effect the foetus in some case
(C) Masked emotional disturbance may affect the unborn child
(D) In the influenza epidemic of 1918, a high proportion of infected mothers aborted
Ans: A
38. ‘Prove all things, hold fast that which is good”, was said by
(A) Samuel Hahnemann (B) Gottfried Hahnemann (C) M. Malanie (D) Charles Bell
Ans: B
39. Dr. Hahnemann published his treatise ‘On Syphilis” in
(A) 1786 (B) 1789 (C) 1791 (D) 1793
Ans: B
40. A work entitled ‘The Prophylactic Power of Belladonna is Scarlet Fever’ was written by
(A) Dr. Hahnemann (B) Hufeland (C) Hecker (D) Sprengel
Ans: B
41. ‘On the places in Man’, the author admits that through the general rule of treatment be contraria, the opposite rule also holds good in some cases, viz, Similia Similibus curantur- the author is
(A) Hippocrates (B) Paracelsus (C) Hahnemann (D) Galen
Ans: A
42. Theophrastus Von Hohenheim is commonly known by the name
(A) Galen (B) Paracetsus (C) Xenocratus (D) Varro
Ans: B
43. ‘Organ Remedies’ is related to
(A) Kopp (B) Syndenham (C) Rademacher (D) Hahnemann
Ans: C
44. In very painful disease such as toothache, several remedies may be given in a prescription is suggested by
(A) Hering (B) Aegidy (C) Hughes (D) Staph
Ans: B
45. Homoeopathic mediums are used in
(A) Physiological dose (B) Material dose (C) Infinitesimal dose (D) All of the above
Ans: C
46. The name mostly related to “Keynote system”
(A) Stuart close (B) Guernsey (C) J. H. Allen (D) H. C. Allen
Ans: B
47. Which one is false?
(A) Life is primarily a phenomenon (B) It is the cause of phenomena (C) It is the procedure (D) It is vital substance
Ans: A
48. Which one is true?
(A) Organic control is from the centre (B) From the centre of power, force flows
(C) Disease is abnormal vital process (D) All of the above
Ans: D
49. In which edition of the Organon Hahnemann insisted particularly on the necessity of not giving a fresh dose or a new medicine until the action of the first has expired
(A) 3rd (B) 4th (C) 5th (D) 6th
Ans: B
50. Which one is correct?
(A) Positive disease is expected from primary effect
(B) Negative symptom is expected from secondary action
(C) Positive is first and principal
(D) All of the above
Ans: D
51. Who proposed proving the medicine in the so called high dilutions, 400, 800, 1000, 2500 eth?
(A) Finke (B) Hering (C) Watzke (D) Weinhold
Ans: B
52. Fragmentary observation relative to the positive powers of Medicines on the Human Body was published in
(A) 1790 (B) 1796 (C) 1805 (D) 1809
Ans: C
53. Which one is correct?
(A) Characteristic symptoms must be of necessity be for the most part subjective & seemingly trivial phenomena
(B) Without the characteristic there can be no individualization
(C) Certain of Hahnemann’s followers discarded the apparent trivial subjective phenomena retaining only the objective, organic symptoms (D) All of the above
Ans: D
54. Who translated Jahr’s New Manual or Symptoms codex?
(A) Dr. Hempel (B) Dr. Gross (C) Dr. Staph (D) Dr. Burnett
Ans: A
55. Who was the first American to use nosode extensively?
(A) Allen (B) Burnett (C) Tyler (D) Swan
Ans: D
56. If I might have only one drug, I would choose Sepia- said by
(A) Dr. Tyler (B) Dr. Gibson Miller (C) Dr. Kent (D) Dr. Nash
Ans: B
57. Which one is rare?
(A) At the stage of weaning infant rejects its first mouthful of new food
(B) Desire for ice cream or sweet in childhood
(C) Mother’s milk upsets a child
(D) All of the above
Ans: C
58. Age is a
(A) Predisposing cause (B) Exciting cause (C) Fundamental cause (D) All of the above
Ans: A
59. Dynamic fitness is
(A) Quantity of dynamic medicine (B) Quality of dynamic medicine (C) Dynamic physician (D) All of the above
Ans: B
60. Lues Venera is
(A) Psora (B) Syphilis (C) Non-veneral chronic disease (D) All of the above
Ans: B
61. Who seems to be almost the only one among the homoeopathists who has recommended the endermic method and its application the sole of the foot?
(A) Gibson miller (B) Kneer (C) Hering (D) Lippe
Ans: C
62. Dr. Lux, who is known as the discoverer of the Isopathy, was
(A) Homoeopath (B) Surgeon (C) Veterinary Surgeon (D) Antipath
Ans: C
63. The sphere of similar as adopted by ‘Dake’ following exclusion method consists of
(A) 3 points (B) 4 points (C) 5 points (D) 6 points
Ans: C
64. The living organism may be acted upon or affected primarily in
(A) Dynamically (B) Mechanically (C) Chemically (D) All of the above
Ans: D
65. Which one is correct?
(A) The fundamental cause of every idiosyncrasy is morphological unbalance
(B) An organic state in which through excess and defect in development there results excess and defects in function
(C) A degree of hyper excitability or non excitability
(D) All of the above
Ans: D
66. Which one is true?
(A) The quantity of action necessary to affect any change in nature is the least possible
(B) The quantity of the action of a homoeopathic remedy is determined by its qualities
(C) To our therapeutics the least possible is always the highest potency sufficient to bring about the reaction and effect the cure of a proper homoeopathic remedy
(D) All of the above
Ans: D
67. Which one is not true?
(A) Every effect has a number of causes (B) The theory of induction is based upon the notion of cause
(C) The law of causation is the main pillar of inductive science (D) None of the above
Ans: D
68. By continual dilution and succussing, remedies get neither stronger nor weaker but their individual peculiarities become more and more developed-said by
(A) Hahnemann (B) Stuart Close (C) Jahr (D) Finke
Ans: C
69. Which one is false in relation to cure and recovery?
(A) The terms are not synonymous (B) Natural recoveries following treatment consisting of mere palliation
(C) A cure is always a result of art and never brought about by nature (D) None of the above
Ans: D
70. Which one is true?
(A) The primary object or purpose of homoeopathic treatment is to remove the product of the disease process
(B) Cure is not affected by the removal surgically nor by any local means of the ‘end products’ of disease
(C) Cure is merely the removal of primary causes of disease
(D) Cure refers to the symptoms of the diseases, not to the patient
Ans: B
71. The subject based on facts, logical and demonstrably true is called
(A) Empirical medicine (B) Rational medicine (C) Allopathy (D) All of the above
Ans: B
72. 2nd best remedy is
(A) Homoeopathic potentised medicine (B) Mother tincture of homoeopathic drug
(C) Next medicine after the 1st medicine (D) Placebo
Ans: D
73. Which one is not true?
(A) Physiological action is opposite of a curative action
(B) Homoeopathic doctrine of dosage was based upon the discovery of the opposite action of large and small doses of medicine
(C) Opium is large doses will causes sleeplessness and in small doses will cure the same
(D) Three essential elements of the homoeopathic system are the principle, the remedy and the dose
Ans: C
74. Which one is true?
(A) Cure is dependent upon the application of principles (B) Art is practice guided by correct principle
(C) Art is not mere imitation of nature (D) All of the above
Ans: D
75. Which one is not true?
(A) Subjective symptoms are those symptoms which are narrated by the patient
(B) Objective symptoms are expression of disease by the patient in the sensations and functions
(C) Hahnemann implies that organic changes proceeds functional and sensational disturbances
(D) All of the above
Ans: D
76. Which one is wrong?
(A) The higher the degree of susceptibilities, and the higher is the potency
(B) The more similar the remedy, the higher the potency is required
(C) Lower potencies are larger and more frequent doses correspond better to intelligent and impulsive patients
(D) None of the above
Ans: C
77. Cuvier and Hahnemann may be compared in case of
(A) Cause of disease (B) Classification of disease (C) Law of similia (D) Small dose
Ans: B
78. Which one is not true?
(A) Law of reciprocal action may be considered to support homoeopathy
(B) Every change implies or presupposes something constant
(C) Reciprocal action is neither mediate nor immediate
(D) All of the above
Ans: C
79. Hahnemann’s chief contribution to science is
(A) Law of similia (B) Law of simplex (C) Theory of chronic disease (D) Drug proving
Ans: D
80. Who said this- Asiatic cholera is communicable by contagion only and propagated from one individual to another in an essay “The mode of propagation of the Asiatic Cholera”
(A) Hufeland (B) Hahnemann (C) Pasteur (D) Robert Koch
Ans: B
81. Which one is true?
(A) All action is conditional
(B) No germ or bacillus is the sole or absolute cause of disease but only a proximate or exciting cause under certain conditions
(C) Pathogenic micro organism acts conditionally
(D) All of the above
Ans: D
82. ‘Day book’ is
(A) Case recording book of patients (B) A book written by David Little
(C) Records of drug proving (D) Early part of chronic disease
Ans: C
83. Absence of certain striking or customary features of a disease is
(A) Particular symptoms (B) Common symptoms (C) Negative general symptom (D) General symptom
Ans: C
84. “Organic resistance” is mostly felt in
(A) Allopathy (B) Homoeopathy (C) Isopathy (D) None of the above
Ans: A
85. According to Stuart Close in the choice of the dose the considerating influences are
(A) Four (B) Five (C) Six (D) Seven
Ans: B
86. At least 3400 years ago, several varieties of Psora was pointed out by
(A) Moses (B) Hippocrates (C) Arnold (D) Xenocrates
Ans: A
87. Which one is correct?
(A) The more similar the medicine, the more hurtful is a large dose
(B) In recent diseases, that have more of a local character, the lower potencies are to be preferred
(C) Either (A) or (B)
(D) Both (A) and (B)
Ans: D
88. Which is false?
(A) The original Materia Medica Pura of Hahnemann contains but relatively few conditions of aggravations and ameliorations
(B) Boeninghaussen was quick to add this helpful factor to over working knowledge of the remedies
(C) Hahnemann never depended upon combined symptoms expression for his guide
(D) None of the above
Ans: C
89. Who said this in 1901- “He is the best physician who knows the worthlessness of most medicine”
(A) Barker (B) Osler (C) Hahnemann (D) Hughes
Ans: B
90. When a phthisical patient with lung abscess feels better
(A) We must believe this assurance (B) We must not believe this assurance
(C) We regained his state as ameliorated (D) All of the above
Ans: B
91. A fresh and equally small dose of the same medicine is repeated in
(A) Alternating disease (B) Alternating action of medicine (C) When patient feels better (D) When symptoms take the wrong direction
Ans: D
92. ‘A prion’ means
(A) A medicine (B) Acute case (C) Decided before hand (D) Deeper understand
Ans: C
93. Reine Arznumittellhre is
(A) Material Medica (B) Materia Medica pure (C) Chronic disease (D) Lesser writings
Ans: B
94. 1st English translation of 1st edition of Organon of Medicine was done by
(A) Dr. M. Singh (B) Dr. C. E. Wheeler (C) Dr .C. Hering (D) Dr. Wesselhoeft
Ans: C
95. Observation of physician in case taking is noted in
(A) 5 (B) 21 (C) 70 (D) 90 Aphorism of Organon of Medicine
Ans: D
96. Hahnemann got his M.D. degree in the year 1779 on
(A) 10th May (B) 10th July (C) 10th August (D) 10th September
Ans: C
97. The logic deals with the form or skeleton of the reasoning itself is
(A) Inductive (B) Deductive (C) Formal (D) All of the above
Ans: C
98. _______ Then he understands how to treat judiciously and rationally and he is a true practitioner of the healing and- is mentioned in
(A) Aphorism 191 (B) Aphorism 273 (C) Aphorism 3 (D) Aphorism 13
Ans: C
99. Symptomatic treatment is
(A) Allopathic (B) Homoeopathic (C) Antipathic (D) Isopathic
Ans: C
100. The wonderful structure of human hands’ was delivered in 1770 in the language of
(A) German (B) Latin (C) Greek (D) English
Ans: B
(A) Finke (B) Hering (C) Watzke (D) Weinhold
Ans: B
52. Fragmentary observation relative to the positive powers of Medicines on the Human Body was published in
(A) 1790 (B) 1796 (C) 1805 (D) 1809
Ans: C
53. Which one is correct?
(A) Characteristic symptoms must be of necessity be for the most part subjective & seemingly trivial phenomena
(B) Without the characteristic there can be no individualization
(C) Certain of Hahnemann’s followers discarded the apparent trivial subjective phenomena retaining only the objective, organic symptoms (D) All of the above
Ans: D
54. Who translated Jahr’s New Manual or Symptoms codex?
(A) Dr. Hempel (B) Dr. Gross (C) Dr. Staph (D) Dr. Burnett
Ans: A
55. Who was the first American to use nosode extensively?
(A) Allen (B) Burnett (C) Tyler (D) Swan
Ans: D
56. If I might have only one drug, I would choose Sepia- said by
(A) Dr. Tyler (B) Dr. Gibson Miller (C) Dr. Kent (D) Dr. Nash
Ans: B
57. Which one is rare?
(A) At the stage of weaning infant rejects its first mouthful of new food
(B) Desire for ice cream or sweet in childhood
(C) Mother’s milk upsets a child
(D) All of the above
Ans: C
58. Age is a
(A) Predisposing cause (B) Exciting cause (C) Fundamental cause (D) All of the above
Ans: A
59. Dynamic fitness is
(A) Quantity of dynamic medicine (B) Quality of dynamic medicine (C) Dynamic physician (D) All of the above
Ans: B
60. Lues Venera is
(A) Psora (B) Syphilis (C) Non-veneral chronic disease (D) All of the above
Ans: B
61. Who seems to be almost the only one among the homoeopathists who has recommended the endermic method and its application the sole of the foot?
(A) Gibson miller (B) Kneer (C) Hering (D) Lippe
Ans: C
62. Dr. Lux, who is known as the discoverer of the Isopathy, was
(A) Homoeopath (B) Surgeon (C) Veterinary Surgeon (D) Antipath
Ans: C
63. The sphere of similar as adopted by ‘Dake’ following exclusion method consists of
(A) 3 points (B) 4 points (C) 5 points (D) 6 points
Ans: C
64. The living organism may be acted upon or affected primarily in
(A) Dynamically (B) Mechanically (C) Chemically (D) All of the above
Ans: D
65. Which one is correct?
(A) The fundamental cause of every idiosyncrasy is morphological unbalance
(B) An organic state in which through excess and defect in development there results excess and defects in function
(C) A degree of hyper excitability or non excitability
(D) All of the above
Ans: D
66. Which one is true?
(A) The quantity of action necessary to affect any change in nature is the least possible
(B) The quantity of the action of a homoeopathic remedy is determined by its qualities
(C) To our therapeutics the least possible is always the highest potency sufficient to bring about the reaction and effect the cure of a proper homoeopathic remedy
(D) All of the above
Ans: D
67. Which one is not true?
(A) Every effect has a number of causes (B) The theory of induction is based upon the notion of cause
(C) The law of causation is the main pillar of inductive science (D) None of the above
Ans: D
68. By continual dilution and succussing, remedies get neither stronger nor weaker but their individual peculiarities become more and more developed-said by
(A) Hahnemann (B) Stuart Close (C) Jahr (D) Finke
Ans: C
69. Which one is false in relation to cure and recovery?
(A) The terms are not synonymous (B) Natural recoveries following treatment consisting of mere palliation
(C) A cure is always a result of art and never brought about by nature (D) None of the above
Ans: D
70. Which one is true?
(A) The primary object or purpose of homoeopathic treatment is to remove the product of the disease process
(B) Cure is not affected by the removal surgically nor by any local means of the ‘end products’ of disease
(C) Cure is merely the removal of primary causes of disease
(D) Cure refers to the symptoms of the diseases, not to the patient
Ans: B
71. The subject based on facts, logical and demonstrably true is called
(A) Empirical medicine (B) Rational medicine (C) Allopathy (D) All of the above
Ans: B
72. 2nd best remedy is
(A) Homoeopathic potentised medicine (B) Mother tincture of homoeopathic drug
(C) Next medicine after the 1st medicine (D) Placebo
Ans: D
73. Which one is not true?
(A) Physiological action is opposite of a curative action
(B) Homoeopathic doctrine of dosage was based upon the discovery of the opposite action of large and small doses of medicine
(C) Opium is large doses will causes sleeplessness and in small doses will cure the same
(D) Three essential elements of the homoeopathic system are the principle, the remedy and the dose
Ans: C
74. Which one is true?
(A) Cure is dependent upon the application of principles (B) Art is practice guided by correct principle
(C) Art is not mere imitation of nature (D) All of the above
Ans: D
75. Which one is not true?
(A) Subjective symptoms are those symptoms which are narrated by the patient
(B) Objective symptoms are expression of disease by the patient in the sensations and functions
(C) Hahnemann implies that organic changes proceeds functional and sensational disturbances
(D) All of the above
Ans: D
76. Which one is wrong?
(A) The higher the degree of susceptibilities, and the higher is the potency
(B) The more similar the remedy, the higher the potency is required
(C) Lower potencies are larger and more frequent doses correspond better to intelligent and impulsive patients
(D) None of the above
Ans: C
77. Cuvier and Hahnemann may be compared in case of
(A) Cause of disease (B) Classification of disease (C) Law of similia (D) Small dose
Ans: B
78. Which one is not true?
(A) Law of reciprocal action may be considered to support homoeopathy
(B) Every change implies or presupposes something constant
(C) Reciprocal action is neither mediate nor immediate
(D) All of the above
Ans: C
79. Hahnemann’s chief contribution to science is
(A) Law of similia (B) Law of simplex (C) Theory of chronic disease (D) Drug proving
Ans: D
80. Who said this- Asiatic cholera is communicable by contagion only and propagated from one individual to another in an essay “The mode of propagation of the Asiatic Cholera”
(A) Hufeland (B) Hahnemann (C) Pasteur (D) Robert Koch
Ans: B
81. Which one is true?
(A) All action is conditional
(B) No germ or bacillus is the sole or absolute cause of disease but only a proximate or exciting cause under certain conditions
(C) Pathogenic micro organism acts conditionally
(D) All of the above
Ans: D
82. ‘Day book’ is
(A) Case recording book of patients (B) A book written by David Little
(C) Records of drug proving (D) Early part of chronic disease
Ans: C
83. Absence of certain striking or customary features of a disease is
(A) Particular symptoms (B) Common symptoms (C) Negative general symptom (D) General symptom
Ans: C
84. “Organic resistance” is mostly felt in
(A) Allopathy (B) Homoeopathy (C) Isopathy (D) None of the above
Ans: A
85. According to Stuart Close in the choice of the dose the considerating influences are
(A) Four (B) Five (C) Six (D) Seven
Ans: B
86. At least 3400 years ago, several varieties of Psora was pointed out by
(A) Moses (B) Hippocrates (C) Arnold (D) Xenocrates
Ans: A
87. Which one is correct?
(A) The more similar the medicine, the more hurtful is a large dose
(B) In recent diseases, that have more of a local character, the lower potencies are to be preferred
(C) Either (A) or (B)
(D) Both (A) and (B)
Ans: D
88. Which is false?
(A) The original Materia Medica Pura of Hahnemann contains but relatively few conditions of aggravations and ameliorations
(B) Boeninghaussen was quick to add this helpful factor to over working knowledge of the remedies
(C) Hahnemann never depended upon combined symptoms expression for his guide
(D) None of the above
Ans: C
89. Who said this in 1901- “He is the best physician who knows the worthlessness of most medicine”
(A) Barker (B) Osler (C) Hahnemann (D) Hughes
Ans: B
90. When a phthisical patient with lung abscess feels better
(A) We must believe this assurance (B) We must not believe this assurance
(C) We regained his state as ameliorated (D) All of the above
Ans: B
91. A fresh and equally small dose of the same medicine is repeated in
(A) Alternating disease (B) Alternating action of medicine (C) When patient feels better (D) When symptoms take the wrong direction
Ans: D
92. ‘A prion’ means
(A) A medicine (B) Acute case (C) Decided before hand (D) Deeper understand
Ans: C
93. Reine Arznumittellhre is
(A) Material Medica (B) Materia Medica pure (C) Chronic disease (D) Lesser writings
Ans: B
94. 1st English translation of 1st edition of Organon of Medicine was done by
(A) Dr. M. Singh (B) Dr. C. E. Wheeler (C) Dr .C. Hering (D) Dr. Wesselhoeft
Ans: C
95. Observation of physician in case taking is noted in
(A) 5 (B) 21 (C) 70 (D) 90 Aphorism of Organon of Medicine
Ans: D
96. Hahnemann got his M.D. degree in the year 1779 on
(A) 10th May (B) 10th July (C) 10th August (D) 10th September
Ans: C
97. The logic deals with the form or skeleton of the reasoning itself is
(A) Inductive (B) Deductive (C) Formal (D) All of the above
Ans: C
98. _______ Then he understands how to treat judiciously and rationally and he is a true practitioner of the healing and- is mentioned in
(A) Aphorism 191 (B) Aphorism 273 (C) Aphorism 3 (D) Aphorism 13
Ans: C
99. Symptomatic treatment is
(A) Allopathic (B) Homoeopathic (C) Antipathic (D) Isopathic
Ans: C
100. The wonderful structure of human hands’ was delivered in 1770 in the language of
(A) German (B) Latin (C) Greek (D) English
Ans: B