1:-As per Indian Constitution, the term 'WE' in the preamble means
A:-Indian peopIe B:-Indian parIiament C:-Indian Ministers D:-Indian President
Ans: A
2:-Who appointed K.R. Narayanan as ambassador to the United States of America?
A:-Indira Gandhi B:-Rajiv Gandhi C:-I.K. GujraI D:-Manmohan Singh
Ans: A
3:-The Architect of Indian Constitution is
A:-JawaharIaI Nehru B:-Dr. Rajendra Prasad C:-Dr. B.R. Ambedkar D:-NeeIam Sanjiva Reddy
Ans: C
4:-The government is responsibIe for free and compuIsory education to aII the chiIdren up to the age of
A:-12 years B:-14 years C:-16 years D:-13 years
Ans: B
5:-How many members nominated in Lok Sabha?
A:-12 B:-2 C:-6 D:-1
Ans: B
6:-As per the 2011 census the urban popuIation of India is
A:-31.16% B:-62.17% C:-32.16% D:-10.4%
Ans: A
7:-The product that are avaiIabIe for consumption is caIIed?
A:-Finished goods B:-Raw materiaIs C:-Intermediate goods D:-None of these
Ans: A
8:-The Earth day is ceIebrated on
A:-5th ApriI B:-7th ApriI C:-22nd ApriI D:-30th ApriI
Ans: C
9:-Give an exampIe direct democracy
A:-India, USA B:-SwitzerIand C:-Pakistan, BangIadesh D:-Russia, China
Ans: B
10:-CuIturaI and EducationaI rights are safeguarded mainIy for
A:-Women B:-ChiIdren C:-Minorities D:-Teachers and students
Ans: C
11:-WorId day of sociaI justice is ceIebrated on
A:-20th February B:-21st February
C:-20th March D:-21stMarch
Ans: A
12:-Name of the host Country for the environment day 2018
A:-China B:-Pakistan C:-India D:-France
Ans: C
13:-Who won the DeIhi marathon heId on February 2018?
A:-Ramsingh yadav B:-Arun Bharadwaj C:-Ashoknath D:-Gopi thonakaI
Ans: D
14:-In which city was the NationaI Banana festivaI 2018 heId?
A:-Thiruvananthapuram B:-Mumbai C:-Lucknow D:-KoIkata
Ans: A
15:-Chief Education Commissioner is appointed by
A:-Prime minister B:-ChiefJustice C:-President of India D:-Governor
Ans: C
16:-India's nucIear baIIistic missiIe Dhanush is known as
A:-Arrow B:-Bow C:-Prithvi II D:-Prithvi III
Ans: D
17:-Which is the first raiIway Iine in India?
A:-From Bombay to DeIhi B:-From Bombay to Pune C:-From Bombay to Thana D:-From Bombay KoIkatta
Ans: C
18:-Who put the signature on the one rupee note?
A:-Reserve Bank Governor B:-CentraI Finance Secretary
C:-Finance Minister D:-State Bank Governor
Ans: B
19:-The year in which the Indian right to information Act came in to being
A:-2001 B:-2004 C:-2005 D:-2007
Ans: C
20:-Which of the foIIowing is reIated to the ChaIIenger deep?
A:-Pacific Ocean B:-Indian Ocean C:-AtIantic Ocean D:-Artic Ocean
Ans: A
21:-What is the maximum capacity of a normaI fIoppy disc?
A:-1.44 KB B:-1.44 MB C:-1.44 GB D:-1.44 bytes
Ans: B
22:-The battIe Iaid down the foundation of British administration in India
A:-First Carnatic war B:-BattIe of Buxar C:-BattIe of pIassey D:-BattIe of Panipat
Ans: C
23:-:-The first Lokpal of India
A:-Justice Pinaki Chandra Ghose
B:-Justice Abhilasha Kumari
C:-Justice Dileep Baba Saheb Bhosale
D:-Sri DK Jain
Ans: A
24:-We can make a soap by adding any oiI to and stirring the mixture.
A:-HydrochIoric acid B:-Caustic soda C:-SaIt water D:-Vinegar
Ans: B
25:-Which gas is reIated during photosynthesis?
A:-Oxygen B:-Argon C:-Nitrogen D:-Hydrogen
Ans: A
26:-WorId Red Cross days is on
A:-December 5 B:-May 8 C:-January 11 D:-March 20
Ans: B
27. The concept of Directive Principles of State Policy in the Indian Constitution is borrowed from :
(A) Irish Constitution (B) Canadian Constitution (C) French Constitution (D) Australian Constitution
Ans: A
28. The power to regulate the rights of citizenship in India is vested on :
(A) Supreme Court (B) The Parliament (C) Union Cabinet (D) Law Minister
Ans: B
29. The Chief Minister of a State is :
(A) Head of the Government (B) Head of the State (C) Head of the Election Commission (D) None of these
Ans: A
30. Who was the First Election Commissioner of India?
(A) T.N. Seshan (B) V.S. Ramadevi (C) H.S. Brahma (D) Sukumar Sen
Ans: D
31. Who was the recipient of the Saraswathi Samman for the year 2017?
(A) Sitanshu Yashaschandra (B) Manoj Das (C) Padma Sachdev (D) Mahabaleswar Sail
Ans: A
32. In the Swachh Survekshan 2018 Rankings which Indian city was awarded best capital city in the Solid Waste Management?
(A) Chennai (B) Mumbai (C) Hyderabad (D) Bhuvaneswar
Ans: C
33. The Netaji Subhash Chandra Bose Museum is at :
(A) Pune (B) Kolkota (C) Agarthala (D) New Delhi
Ans: D
34. Who has become the first player-ever to win ICC Test, ODI player and Cricketer of the year 2018?
(A) M.S. Dhoni (B) Virat Kohli (C) Kane Williamson (D) Rishabh Pant
Ans: B
35. Who wrote ‘Shadow Lines’?
(A) Shankha Ghosh (B) Krishna Sobti (C) Amitav Ghosh (D) Preethi Shenoy
Ans: C
36. In which of the following cities has started the World’s first human rights television?
(A) London (B) Tokyo (C) New York (D) Beijing
Ans: A
37. India’s first private sector Howitzer gun manufacturing plant has inaugurated in which Indian City?
(A) Gandhinagar (B) Lucknow (C) Bhopal (D) Surat
Ans: D
38. DARPAN project relates to :
(A) Railways (B) Postal reforms (C) Women Empowerment (D) Insurance reforms
Ans: B
39. The POCSO Act is related to :
(A) Child Sexual abuse (B) Road safety (C) Women safety (D) SC/ST atrocity law
Ans: A
40. Who won Dadasaheb Phalke award for the year 2018?
(A) Girish Karnatak (B) Amitab Bachan (C) Mrinal Sen (D) Vinod Khanna
Ans: D
41. Who wrote the book ‘The Transfer of Power in India’?
(A) Lord Mount Batten (B) V P Menon (C) Dr. Ambedkar (D) Sardar Vallabai Patel
Ans: B
42. The Attingal revolt was broke out in the year :
A) 1732 (B) 1712 (C) 1721 (D) 1741
Ans: C
43. Which Indian river is called as Jamuna in Bangladesh?
(A) Ganga (B) Yamuna (C) Brahmaputhra (D) Godavari
Ans: C
44. Amaravathi river is a tributary of :
(A) Kaveri (B) Narmada (C) Krishna (D) Tapti
Ans: A
45. Name the Union Territories of India which have elected Legislators and Governments :
(A) Puducherry and Delhi (B) Delhi and Lakshadweep (C) Lakshadweep and Puducherry (D) Daman and Diu
Ans: A
46. Which Government removed the Right to property from the list of Fundamental Rights?
(A) Jawaharlal Nehru Government (B) Indira Gandhi Government (C) Morarji Desai Government (D) V.P. Singh Government
Ans: C
47. The Central legislature of India consists of :
(A) Three Houses (B) One House (C) Two Houses (D) None of these
Ans: C
48. Which of the following is not a basic feature of Indian Constitution?
(A) Parliamentary Government (B) Independent Judiciary (C) Presidential Government (D) Unitary Government
Ans: C
49. The Constitution of India adopted the concept of single citizenship from :
(A) Sri Lanka (B) Britain (C) China (D) America
Ans: B
50. Which constitutional amendment introduced G.S.T. in India?
(A) 91th amendment (B) 81st amendment (C) 100th amendment (D) 101st amendment
Ans: D
A:-Indian peopIe B:-Indian parIiament C:-Indian Ministers D:-Indian President
Ans: A
2:-Who appointed K.R. Narayanan as ambassador to the United States of America?
A:-Indira Gandhi B:-Rajiv Gandhi C:-I.K. GujraI D:-Manmohan Singh
Ans: A
3:-The Architect of Indian Constitution is
A:-JawaharIaI Nehru B:-Dr. Rajendra Prasad C:-Dr. B.R. Ambedkar D:-NeeIam Sanjiva Reddy
Ans: C
4:-The government is responsibIe for free and compuIsory education to aII the chiIdren up to the age of
A:-12 years B:-14 years C:-16 years D:-13 years
Ans: B
5:-How many members nominated in Lok Sabha?
A:-12 B:-2 C:-6 D:-1
Ans: B
6:-As per the 2011 census the urban popuIation of India is
A:-31.16% B:-62.17% C:-32.16% D:-10.4%
Ans: A
7:-The product that are avaiIabIe for consumption is caIIed?
A:-Finished goods B:-Raw materiaIs C:-Intermediate goods D:-None of these
Ans: A
8:-The Earth day is ceIebrated on
A:-5th ApriI B:-7th ApriI C:-22nd ApriI D:-30th ApriI
Ans: C
9:-Give an exampIe direct democracy
A:-India, USA B:-SwitzerIand C:-Pakistan, BangIadesh D:-Russia, China
Ans: B
10:-CuIturaI and EducationaI rights are safeguarded mainIy for
A:-Women B:-ChiIdren C:-Minorities D:-Teachers and students
Ans: C
11:-WorId day of sociaI justice is ceIebrated on
A:-20th February B:-21st February
C:-20th March D:-21stMarch
Ans: A
12:-Name of the host Country for the environment day 2018
A:-China B:-Pakistan C:-India D:-France
Ans: C
13:-Who won the DeIhi marathon heId on February 2018?
A:-Ramsingh yadav B:-Arun Bharadwaj C:-Ashoknath D:-Gopi thonakaI
Ans: D
14:-In which city was the NationaI Banana festivaI 2018 heId?
A:-Thiruvananthapuram B:-Mumbai C:-Lucknow D:-KoIkata
Ans: A
15:-Chief Education Commissioner is appointed by
A:-Prime minister B:-ChiefJustice C:-President of India D:-Governor
Ans: C
16:-India's nucIear baIIistic missiIe Dhanush is known as
A:-Arrow B:-Bow C:-Prithvi II D:-Prithvi III
Ans: D
17:-Which is the first raiIway Iine in India?
A:-From Bombay to DeIhi B:-From Bombay to Pune C:-From Bombay to Thana D:-From Bombay KoIkatta
Ans: C
18:-Who put the signature on the one rupee note?
A:-Reserve Bank Governor B:-CentraI Finance Secretary
C:-Finance Minister D:-State Bank Governor
Ans: B
19:-The year in which the Indian right to information Act came in to being
A:-2001 B:-2004 C:-2005 D:-2007
Ans: C
20:-Which of the foIIowing is reIated to the ChaIIenger deep?
A:-Pacific Ocean B:-Indian Ocean C:-AtIantic Ocean D:-Artic Ocean
Ans: A
21:-What is the maximum capacity of a normaI fIoppy disc?
A:-1.44 KB B:-1.44 MB C:-1.44 GB D:-1.44 bytes
Ans: B
22:-The battIe Iaid down the foundation of British administration in India
A:-First Carnatic war B:-BattIe of Buxar C:-BattIe of pIassey D:-BattIe of Panipat
Ans: C
23:-:-The first Lokpal of India
A:-Justice Pinaki Chandra Ghose
B:-Justice Abhilasha Kumari
C:-Justice Dileep Baba Saheb Bhosale
D:-Sri DK Jain
Ans: A
24:-We can make a soap by adding any oiI to and stirring the mixture.
A:-HydrochIoric acid B:-Caustic soda C:-SaIt water D:-Vinegar
Ans: B
25:-Which gas is reIated during photosynthesis?
A:-Oxygen B:-Argon C:-Nitrogen D:-Hydrogen
Ans: A
26:-WorId Red Cross days is on
A:-December 5 B:-May 8 C:-January 11 D:-March 20
Ans: B
27. The concept of Directive Principles of State Policy in the Indian Constitution is borrowed from :
(A) Irish Constitution (B) Canadian Constitution (C) French Constitution (D) Australian Constitution
Ans: A
28. The power to regulate the rights of citizenship in India is vested on :
(A) Supreme Court (B) The Parliament (C) Union Cabinet (D) Law Minister
Ans: B
29. The Chief Minister of a State is :
(A) Head of the Government (B) Head of the State (C) Head of the Election Commission (D) None of these
Ans: A
30. Who was the First Election Commissioner of India?
(A) T.N. Seshan (B) V.S. Ramadevi (C) H.S. Brahma (D) Sukumar Sen
Ans: D
31. Who was the recipient of the Saraswathi Samman for the year 2017?
(A) Sitanshu Yashaschandra (B) Manoj Das (C) Padma Sachdev (D) Mahabaleswar Sail
Ans: A
32. In the Swachh Survekshan 2018 Rankings which Indian city was awarded best capital city in the Solid Waste Management?
(A) Chennai (B) Mumbai (C) Hyderabad (D) Bhuvaneswar
Ans: C
33. The Netaji Subhash Chandra Bose Museum is at :
(A) Pune (B) Kolkota (C) Agarthala (D) New Delhi
Ans: D
34. Who has become the first player-ever to win ICC Test, ODI player and Cricketer of the year 2018?
(A) M.S. Dhoni (B) Virat Kohli (C) Kane Williamson (D) Rishabh Pant
Ans: B
35. Who wrote ‘Shadow Lines’?
(A) Shankha Ghosh (B) Krishna Sobti (C) Amitav Ghosh (D) Preethi Shenoy
Ans: C
36. In which of the following cities has started the World’s first human rights television?
(A) London (B) Tokyo (C) New York (D) Beijing
Ans: A
37. India’s first private sector Howitzer gun manufacturing plant has inaugurated in which Indian City?
(A) Gandhinagar (B) Lucknow (C) Bhopal (D) Surat
Ans: D
38. DARPAN project relates to :
(A) Railways (B) Postal reforms (C) Women Empowerment (D) Insurance reforms
Ans: B
39. The POCSO Act is related to :
(A) Child Sexual abuse (B) Road safety (C) Women safety (D) SC/ST atrocity law
Ans: A
40. Who won Dadasaheb Phalke award for the year 2018?
(A) Girish Karnatak (B) Amitab Bachan (C) Mrinal Sen (D) Vinod Khanna
Ans: D
41. Who wrote the book ‘The Transfer of Power in India’?
(A) Lord Mount Batten (B) V P Menon (C) Dr. Ambedkar (D) Sardar Vallabai Patel
Ans: B
42. The Attingal revolt was broke out in the year :
A) 1732 (B) 1712 (C) 1721 (D) 1741
Ans: C
43. Which Indian river is called as Jamuna in Bangladesh?
(A) Ganga (B) Yamuna (C) Brahmaputhra (D) Godavari
Ans: C
44. Amaravathi river is a tributary of :
(A) Kaveri (B) Narmada (C) Krishna (D) Tapti
Ans: A
45. Name the Union Territories of India which have elected Legislators and Governments :
(A) Puducherry and Delhi (B) Delhi and Lakshadweep (C) Lakshadweep and Puducherry (D) Daman and Diu
Ans: A
46. Which Government removed the Right to property from the list of Fundamental Rights?
(A) Jawaharlal Nehru Government (B) Indira Gandhi Government (C) Morarji Desai Government (D) V.P. Singh Government
Ans: C
47. The Central legislature of India consists of :
(A) Three Houses (B) One House (C) Two Houses (D) None of these
Ans: C
48. Which of the following is not a basic feature of Indian Constitution?
(A) Parliamentary Government (B) Independent Judiciary (C) Presidential Government (D) Unitary Government
Ans: C
49. The Constitution of India adopted the concept of single citizenship from :
(A) Sri Lanka (B) Britain (C) China (D) America
Ans: B
50. Which constitutional amendment introduced G.S.T. in India?
(A) 91th amendment (B) 81st amendment (C) 100th amendment (D) 101st amendment
Ans: D
51:-Syed Mushtaq Ali Trophy is associated with
Ans: B
52:-The Gandhi Peace Prize of 2018 was won by
A:-Yohei Sasakawa
B:-Chandi Prasad Bhatt
C:-Desmond Tutu
D:-John Hume
Ans: A
53:-The theme of International Women's Day 2019
A:-Planet 50*50 by 2030 : Step it Up for Gender Equality
B:-Women in the Changing World of Work : Planet 50-50 by 2030
C:-Think Equal, Build Smart, Innovate for Change
D:-Time is Now : Rural and urban activists transforming women's lives
Ans: C
54:-The ISL (Indian Super League) 2019 winner
A:-Kolkata FC
B:-FC Goa
C:-North East United
D:-Bengaluru FC
Ans: D
55:-The former ISRO scientist who won Padma Bhushan in 2019?
A:-K. Sivan
B:-K. Radhakrishnan
C:-Nambi Narayanan
D:-G. Madhavan Nair
Ans: C
56:-The National Centre for Earth Science Studies is located at
C:-New Delhi
Ans: D
57:-The Rubber Board of India is located at
B:-New Delhi
Ans: C
58:-Who became the Governor of Reserve Bank of India after Urjit Patel?
A:-Reghuram Rajan
B:-Shakti Kanta Das
C:-Bimal Jalan
D:-D. Subba Rao
Ans: B
59:-The demonetisation of 2016 in India was announced on
A:-November 1
B:-November 8
C:-November 10
D:-November 15
Ans: B
60:-The period of Plan Holidays in the history of Indian Five Year Plans
Ans: C
61:-The Right To Information Act was passed in the year
Ans: D
62:-For protecting parents of State Government Employees the PRANAM Commission was launched by
C:-Tamil Nadu
D:-New Delhi
Ans: B
63. The popular greeting word 'Jai Hind' was introduced by whom?
(A) Subash Chandra Bose
(B) Mahatma Gandhi
(C) Vivekanandha
(D) Arbindo Ghosh
Ans: A
64. A speed of 54 km/hr is the same as
(A) 13.5m/sec.
(B) 15 m/sec.
(C) 21 m/sec.
(D) none of the above
Ans: B
65. Whose birthday anniversary is celebrated as the International Day of Non-Violence?
(A) Nelson Mandela (B) Abraham Lincoln
(C) Mahatma Gandhi (D) Martin Luther King
Ans: C
66. India's largest public Wi-Fi service has been launched recently in which Indian State?
(A) Karnataka (B) Haryana
(C) New Delhi (D) Maharashtra
Ans: D
67. India's first full-fledged sport university will be set up in the state
(A) Haryana (B) Manipal
(C) Kerala (D) Punjab
Ans: B
68. The largest atomic Research centre of India
(A) Variable energy cyclotron centre
(B) Centre for Advanced technology
(C) Indira Gandhi centre for Atomic Research
(D) Bhabha atomic research centre
Ans: D
69. Which city in India has launched a mobile application for women's safety while travelling in train?
70. How many Member countries are in ASEAN?
(A) 8
(B) 10
(C) 12
(D) 14
Ans: B
71. What is the time duration of the song Indian National Anthem?
(A) 50 seconds (B) 51 seconds (C ) 52 seconds (D) 53 seconds
Ans: C
72. Which state has the first cyber police station in India?
(A) Tamilnadu (B) Maharashtra
(C) Odisha (D) Bihar
Ans: B
73. Which state has the first cyber police station in India?
(A) Tamilnadu (B) Maharashtra
(C) Odisha (D) Bihar
Ans: B
74. As per the cleanliness, Audit released by the Government on August 13, 2018, which railway station bagged the top spot in2018?
75. Match the years given in Column A with the Nationalization of sectors in Column B :
Column A Column B
(a) 1969 1. Nationalisation of wholesale wheat trade
(b) 1980 2. Nationalisation of 14 commercial banks
(c) 1949 3. Nationalisation of RBI
(d) 1973 4. Nationalisation of 6 commercial banks
(a) (b) (c) (d)
(A) 2 4 3 1
(B) 2 4 1 3
(C) 1 3 4 2
(D) 1 2 4 3
Ans: A
76. The new symbol of Indian rupee is blend of-----
(A) Latin and Greek(B) Devanagiri Ra and Roman
(C) Rajasthani and Samaskrita Bharati
(D) Hindu Arabic
Ans: B
77. The meetings of state public accounts committee are assisted by the
(A) Comptroller and Auditor General of India
(B) Speaker of Legislative Assembly
(C) Accountant General
(D) All of the above
Ans: C
78. The term 'guillotine' means that the speaker
(A) stops the business on hand and puts the matter to vote
(B) adjourns the house before expiry of the time
(C) disallows voting on a motion
(D) reprimands a member for misbehavior
Ans: A
79. Administrative tribunals deals with
(A) Article 323A
(C) Article 132
(B) Article 232A
(D) Article 356
Ans: A
80. Who was the author of "Yoga Darsana"?
(A) Gautam Rishi
(B) Kannada Rishi
(C ) Badarayana
(D) Patanjali
Ans: D
81. How many number of viruses are known to cause Hepatitis?
(A) 9 (B) 8 (C) 7 (D) 6
Ans: A
82. Which organelle is absent in human sperm
(A) Nucleus
(B) Centriole
(C) Endoplasmic reticulum
(D) Mitochondria
Ans: C
83. Which is the first smokeless city located in India?
(A) Haryana
(C) Ranchi
(D) Sri Nagar
Ans: B
84. The first university in India started in the year
(A) 1856 (B) 1857
(C) 1858 (D) 1859
Ans: B
85. GST is implemented on which date onwards?
86. Which one of the following statement is not correct?
I. Rajasthan is the largest state of India in area
II. Madhya Pradesh is the second largest state in India in area
III. Maharashtra is the third largest state in India in area
IV. Karnataka is the fourth largest state in India in area
(A) I
(B) II
(D) IV
Ans: D
87. Which one of the following is the longest National Highway of India?
88. In Maharastra, V.D. Savarkar had organised the -----and -----as secret societies in 1904.
89. Name the Act which ended the rule of British East India Company in India
(A)The Indian Councils Act of 1858
(B) The Indian Councils Act of 1861
(C) The Indian Councils Act of 1892
(D) The Minto-Morley Reforms of 1909
Ans: A
90. Which of the following continents is a region of great biodiversity?
91. Which state has passed a resolution to transfer 17 sub-castes in other backward castes (OBC's) into Scheduled Castes (SC) category?
(A) Maharashtra (B) West Bengal (C) Uttar Pradesh (D) Bihar
Ans: C
92. The first vice chairman of the NITI Aayog was ----
93. Match the following and select the correct answer:
(a) Egg 1. Brown revolution
(b) Fertilizer 2. Golden revolution
(c) Honey 3. Silver revolution
(d) Leather 4. Grey revolution
(a) (b) (c) (d)
(A) 3 4 2 1
(B) 1 3 4 2
(C) 4 2 1 3
(D) 2 1 3 4
Ans: A
94. Which one of the following pair is not matched properly?
(A) National commission for backward class- 1994
(B) National commission for women - 1992
(C) National Human Rights commission-1993
(D) National commission for minorities-1993
Ans: A
95. Which one of the following pair is not matched properly?
(A) National commission for backward class- 1994
(B) National commission for women - 1992
(C) National Human Rights commission-1993
(D) National commission for minorities-1993
Ans: A
96:- Which article in the constitution of India ensures provisions for minorities to conserve their distinct language, script and culture of its own?
A:- Article 15(4)
B:- Article 16(4)
C:- Article 23
D:- Article 29
Ans: D
97:- Choose the incorrect statement in context of the fifth schedule of the Constitution of India.
A:- |t governs the Scheduled areas and their administration.
B:- |t applies to the states of Assam, Meghalaya, Mizoram and Tripura
C:- In constitutes the Tribes Advisory Council
D:- |t is listed in Part X. A.244(1) of constitution of India.
Ans: B
98:- When did the provisions of the Panchayats (Extension to the Scheduled Areas Act) come into force to empower Gram Sabhas in India? A:-1993
B:- 1994
C:- 1995
Ans: D
99:- Which state in India has the highest human development index?
A:-Kera|a B:-Sikkim C:- Delhi D:-Maharashtra
Ans: A
100:- Which of the following state in India has largest minority population of Buddhists as per Census 2011.
A:-Maharashtra B:- Jammu and Kashmir C:- Sikkim D:-Arunachal Pradesh
Ans: A
Ans: B
52:-The Gandhi Peace Prize of 2018 was won by
A:-Yohei Sasakawa
B:-Chandi Prasad Bhatt
C:-Desmond Tutu
D:-John Hume
Ans: A
53:-The theme of International Women's Day 2019
A:-Planet 50*50 by 2030 : Step it Up for Gender Equality
B:-Women in the Changing World of Work : Planet 50-50 by 2030
C:-Think Equal, Build Smart, Innovate for Change
D:-Time is Now : Rural and urban activists transforming women's lives
Ans: C
54:-The ISL (Indian Super League) 2019 winner
A:-Kolkata FC
B:-FC Goa
C:-North East United
D:-Bengaluru FC
Ans: D
55:-The former ISRO scientist who won Padma Bhushan in 2019?
A:-K. Sivan
B:-K. Radhakrishnan
C:-Nambi Narayanan
D:-G. Madhavan Nair
Ans: C
56:-The National Centre for Earth Science Studies is located at
C:-New Delhi
Ans: D
57:-The Rubber Board of India is located at
B:-New Delhi
Ans: C
58:-Who became the Governor of Reserve Bank of India after Urjit Patel?
A:-Reghuram Rajan
B:-Shakti Kanta Das
C:-Bimal Jalan
D:-D. Subba Rao
Ans: B
59:-The demonetisation of 2016 in India was announced on
A:-November 1
B:-November 8
C:-November 10
D:-November 15
Ans: B
60:-The period of Plan Holidays in the history of Indian Five Year Plans
Ans: C
61:-The Right To Information Act was passed in the year
Ans: D
62:-For protecting parents of State Government Employees the PRANAM Commission was launched by
C:-Tamil Nadu
D:-New Delhi
Ans: B
63. The popular greeting word 'Jai Hind' was introduced by whom?
(A) Subash Chandra Bose
(B) Mahatma Gandhi
(C) Vivekanandha
(D) Arbindo Ghosh
Ans: A
64. A speed of 54 km/hr is the same as
(A) 13.5m/sec.
(B) 15 m/sec.
(C) 21 m/sec.
(D) none of the above
Ans: B
65. Whose birthday anniversary is celebrated as the International Day of Non-Violence?
(A) Nelson Mandela (B) Abraham Lincoln
(C) Mahatma Gandhi (D) Martin Luther King
Ans: C
66. India's largest public Wi-Fi service has been launched recently in which Indian State?
(A) Karnataka (B) Haryana
(C) New Delhi (D) Maharashtra
Ans: D
67. India's first full-fledged sport university will be set up in the state
(A) Haryana (B) Manipal
(C) Kerala (D) Punjab
Ans: B
68. The largest atomic Research centre of India
(A) Variable energy cyclotron centre
(B) Centre for Advanced technology
(C) Indira Gandhi centre for Atomic Research
(D) Bhabha atomic research centre
Ans: D
69. Which city in India has launched a mobile application for women's safety while travelling in train?
- Mumbai
- Chennai
- Kolkata
- Bangalore
70. How many Member countries are in ASEAN?
(A) 8
(B) 10
(C) 12
(D) 14
Ans: B
71. What is the time duration of the song Indian National Anthem?
(A) 50 seconds (B) 51 seconds (C ) 52 seconds (D) 53 seconds
Ans: C
72. Which state has the first cyber police station in India?
(A) Tamilnadu (B) Maharashtra
(C) Odisha (D) Bihar
Ans: B
73. Which state has the first cyber police station in India?
(A) Tamilnadu (B) Maharashtra
(C) Odisha (D) Bihar
Ans: B
74. As per the cleanliness, Audit released by the Government on August 13, 2018, which railway station bagged the top spot in2018?
- Visakhapatnam
- Jodhpur
- Tirupati
- Howrah
75. Match the years given in Column A with the Nationalization of sectors in Column B :
Column A Column B
(a) 1969 1. Nationalisation of wholesale wheat trade
(b) 1980 2. Nationalisation of 14 commercial banks
(c) 1949 3. Nationalisation of RBI
(d) 1973 4. Nationalisation of 6 commercial banks
(a) (b) (c) (d)
(A) 2 4 3 1
(B) 2 4 1 3
(C) 1 3 4 2
(D) 1 2 4 3
Ans: A
76. The new symbol of Indian rupee is blend of-----
(A) Latin and Greek(B) Devanagiri Ra and Roman
(C) Rajasthani and Samaskrita Bharati
(D) Hindu Arabic
Ans: B
77. The meetings of state public accounts committee are assisted by the
(A) Comptroller and Auditor General of India
(B) Speaker of Legislative Assembly
(C) Accountant General
(D) All of the above
Ans: C
78. The term 'guillotine' means that the speaker
(A) stops the business on hand and puts the matter to vote
(B) adjourns the house before expiry of the time
(C) disallows voting on a motion
(D) reprimands a member for misbehavior
Ans: A
79. Administrative tribunals deals with
(A) Article 323A
(C) Article 132
(B) Article 232A
(D) Article 356
Ans: A
80. Who was the author of "Yoga Darsana"?
(A) Gautam Rishi
(B) Kannada Rishi
(C ) Badarayana
(D) Patanjali
Ans: D
81. How many number of viruses are known to cause Hepatitis?
(A) 9 (B) 8 (C) 7 (D) 6
Ans: A
82. Which organelle is absent in human sperm
(A) Nucleus
(B) Centriole
(C) Endoplasmic reticulum
(D) Mitochondria
Ans: C
83. Which is the first smokeless city located in India?
(A) Haryana
(C) Ranchi
(D) Sri Nagar
Ans: B
84. The first university in India started in the year
(A) 1856 (B) 1857
(C) 1858 (D) 1859
Ans: B
85. GST is implemented on which date onwards?
- 01.7.2017
- 30.6.2017
- 02.07.2017
- 03.07.2017
86. Which one of the following statement is not correct?
I. Rajasthan is the largest state of India in area
II. Madhya Pradesh is the second largest state in India in area
III. Maharashtra is the third largest state in India in area
IV. Karnataka is the fourth largest state in India in area
(A) I
(B) II
(D) IV
Ans: D
87. Which one of the following is the longest National Highway of India?
- NH 5
- NH 6
- NH 7
- NH 8
88. In Maharastra, V.D. Savarkar had organised the -----and -----as secret societies in 1904.
- Mang and Ramoni
- Arya samaj and Prarthana samaj
- Mitra mela and Abinab Bharat
- Young lotus and white lotus
89. Name the Act which ended the rule of British East India Company in India
(A)The Indian Councils Act of 1858
(B) The Indian Councils Act of 1861
(C) The Indian Councils Act of 1892
(D) The Minto-Morley Reforms of 1909
Ans: A
90. Which of the following continents is a region of great biodiversity?
- North America
- South America
- India
- New Zealand
91. Which state has passed a resolution to transfer 17 sub-castes in other backward castes (OBC's) into Scheduled Castes (SC) category?
(A) Maharashtra (B) West Bengal (C) Uttar Pradesh (D) Bihar
Ans: C
92. The first vice chairman of the NITI Aayog was ----
- Mr. Bimal Jalan
- Mr. Rajiv Kumar
- Mr. Y.V. Reddy
- Mr. Arvind Panagariya
93. Match the following and select the correct answer:
(a) Egg 1. Brown revolution
(b) Fertilizer 2. Golden revolution
(c) Honey 3. Silver revolution
(d) Leather 4. Grey revolution
(a) (b) (c) (d)
(A) 3 4 2 1
(B) 1 3 4 2
(C) 4 2 1 3
(D) 2 1 3 4
Ans: A
94. Which one of the following pair is not matched properly?
(A) National commission for backward class- 1994
(B) National commission for women - 1992
(C) National Human Rights commission-1993
(D) National commission for minorities-1993
Ans: A
95. Which one of the following pair is not matched properly?
(A) National commission for backward class- 1994
(B) National commission for women - 1992
(C) National Human Rights commission-1993
(D) National commission for minorities-1993
Ans: A
96:- Which article in the constitution of India ensures provisions for minorities to conserve their distinct language, script and culture of its own?
A:- Article 15(4)
B:- Article 16(4)
C:- Article 23
D:- Article 29
Ans: D
97:- Choose the incorrect statement in context of the fifth schedule of the Constitution of India.
A:- |t governs the Scheduled areas and their administration.
B:- |t applies to the states of Assam, Meghalaya, Mizoram and Tripura
C:- In constitutes the Tribes Advisory Council
D:- |t is listed in Part X. A.244(1) of constitution of India.
Ans: B
98:- When did the provisions of the Panchayats (Extension to the Scheduled Areas Act) come into force to empower Gram Sabhas in India? A:-1993
B:- 1994
C:- 1995
Ans: D
99:- Which state in India has the highest human development index?
A:-Kera|a B:-Sikkim C:- Delhi D:-Maharashtra
Ans: A
100:- Which of the following state in India has largest minority population of Buddhists as per Census 2011.
A:-Maharashtra B:- Jammu and Kashmir C:- Sikkim D:-Arunachal Pradesh
Ans: A
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