1:-Pure forests and mixed forests are classification of forests based on A:-Growing stock B:-Species composition C:-Age D:-Objects of management Ans: B
2:-Poly climax theory of succession was put forwarded by A:-Tans|ey B:-C|ements C:-Aubrevi|le D:-Whittaker Ans: A
3:-Two or more related species those inhabiting in completely different geographical distribution A:-Po|ytypic Species B:-Insu|ar Species C:-Continental Species D:-A||opatric Species Ans: D
4:-The branch of ecology deals with the study of genetic variation within a species compared to its population distribution in a particular environment is called A:-Ecophysio|ogy B:-Ecogeography C:-Demecology D:-Geneco|ogy Ans: D
5:-..... is an annual flowering bamboo A:-Thyrsostachys oliveri B:-Bambusa lineata C:-Dendrocalamus stocksii D:-Bambusa balcooa Ans: B
6:-Nationa| Agro forestry Policy was adopted in the year A:-2012 B:-2014 C:-2016 D:-2018 Ans: B
7:-..... is a tree species suitable for planting in drought prone area A:-Syzygium cuminii B:-Tectona grandis C:-Madhuca indica D:-Toona ciliata Ans: A
8:-Rotation which yields maximum material of specified size for a specific use is A:-Si|vicu|tura| Rotation B:-Physica| Rotation C:-Technica| Rotation D:-Rotation of maximum volume production Ans: C
9:-Cutting of branches from the bole of trees for improvement of timber quality A:-Pruning B:-Lopping C:-|mprovement Cutting D:-Liberation Cutting Ans: A
10:-..... helps to separate seeds according to the length A:-Inc|ined Draper B:-Spira| Separator C:-Magnetic Separator D:-|ntended Cylinder Ans: D
11:-..... kind of soil preparation is suitable for planting in low rainfall and deep soil conditions A:-Large ridge-ditch B:-Sma|| ridge-ditch C:-S|oped ridge-ditch D:-Doub|e slanting ridge-ditch Ans: A
12:-..... is known as Bengal Kino A:-Astraga|es gumnifer B:-Pterocarpus marsupium C:-Butea monosperma D:-Lennea coromandelica Ans: C
13:-The tree which is not prefered as host tree for lac cultivation A:-Zizyphus Mauritiana B:-Trema Orientalis C:-Sch|eichera Oleosa D:-Butea Monosperma Ans: B
14:-..... is the relation of the increment during a given year to the volume at the beginning of the year A:-Current Annual Increment B:-Mean Annual Increment C:-Current Increment Percent D:-Mean Annual Increment Percent Ans: C
15:-Find the WRONG statement A:-During the initial stages, MAI keeps below the CAI B:-The CAI attains maximum before the MAI C:-When the MAI reaches maximum and begins to decline, CAI is still raising D:-CAI and MAI coincides twice in the life of a crop Ans: C
16:-Bio||ey's Check Method is a method of yield calculation based on A:-Area only B:-Vo|ume only C:-Area and Volume D:-|ncrement Ans: D
17:-UN Convention on Biological Diversity was held in the year A:-l992 B:-1994 C:-l996 D:-l998 Ans: A
18:-The headquarters of National Biodiversity Authority is at A:-Hyderabad B:-Banga|ore C:-New Delhi D:-Chennai
Ans: D
19:-According to the Metzger's theory, the diameter at breast height increases to the 3rd power proportionately with A:-Decrease in height of the tree B:-Decrease in crown area of the tree C:-|ncrease in wind pressure on the crown D:-A|| of the above Ans: C
20:-Smalian's formula is used to find out the volume of log when the log is in the form of A:-Frustrum of Cylinder B:-Frustrum of Paraboloid C:-Frustrum of Neiloid D:-Frustrum of Cone Ans: B
21:-The quarter girth volume of a log having 3 m length and 160 cm girth is A:-1.2 cubic metre B:-1.92 cubic metre C:-0.72 cubic metre D:-0.48 cubic metre Ans: D
22:-|ndian Flying Fox belongs to ..... of Wildlife Protection Act1972‘ ‘ A:-Schedule II B:-Schedule ||| C:-Schedule IV‘ ‘ D:-Sschedule V Ans: C
23:-The ability of a digital sensor to distinguish between grey-scale values while acquiring an image is called A:-Spatia| Resolution B:-Spectral Resolution C:-Tempora| Resolution D:-Radiometric Resolution Ans: D
24:-The horizon is always visible in the A:-High oblique aerial photograph B:-Low oblique aerial photograph C:-Vertica| aerial photograph D:-Both A and B Ans: A
25:-Geostationary satellites are located at an altitude of approximately A:-22,300 km B:-36,000 km C:-9000 km D:-900 km Ans: B
26:-The range of value of Normalized Difference Vegetation Index is A:--1 to +1 B:-0 to 1 C:--3 to +3 D:-0 to 3 Ans: A
27:-Formation of a permanent sag in the wooden book shelf due to the heavy weight of books is due to ..... behaviour of wood A:-Kink B:-Twist C:-Torsion D:-Creep Ans: D
28:-Stem Canker is Eucalyptus tereticornis is caused by A:-Chrysoporthe cubensis
B:-Cy|indroc|adium quinqueseptatum C:-Cy|indrocarpon lucidum D:-Phaeoseptoria eucalypti Ans: A
29:-The concept of progressive yield was put forward by A:-Howard B:-Hartig C:-Hi|ey D:-Heyer Ans: B
30:-Vanamahotsava was started in the year A:-1950 B:-1960 C:-1953 D:-1968 Ans: A
31:-The fire that burns mainly the herbaceous growth including grasses, shrubs and saplings even up to pole stage is called A:-Surface Fire B:-Creeping Fire C:-Ground Fire D:-Underground Fire Ans: C
32:-Salai gum is extracted from A:-Boswe||ia serrata B:-Bauhinia retusa C:-Bixa orellana D:-Butea monosperma Ans: A
33:-Keora oil is a ..... A:-Wood Oil B:-Root Oil C:-Leaf Oil D:-F|ower Oil Ans: D 34:-|UFRO Headquarters is located at A:-Nairobi B:-Switzer|and C:-Vienna D:-Bangor Ans: C
35:-'Hariya|i Guidelines' is related to A:-Agroforestry development B:-Vi||age Forest development C:-Riparian development D:-Watershed development Ans: D
36:-The quarter girth volume is ..... % lesser than the true volume of the log A:-75.8% B:-78.5% C:-21.5% D:-24.2% Ans: C
37:-Pigmy hogs are seen at A:-Manas B:-Chando|i C:-Kanha D:-Nanda Devi Ans: A
38:-The distance between the successive left and right hind footprints of tiger is called A:-Stride B:-Step C:-Strad|e D:-Gait Ans: B
39:-..... uses an infrared beam across a path and triggers the camera when the beam is cut by an animal A:-Passive Detection Camera Traps B:-Active Detection Camera Traps C:-PIR Camera Traps D:-Pyro|ytic Detection Camera Traps Ans: B
40:-The ideal trap for studying the nocturnal non-volant small mammals is A:-Sherman Trap B:-Pitfa|| Trap C:-Mist Net D:-Camera Trap Ans: A
41:-The term social forestry was coined by Westoby in the Commonwealth Forestry Congress held at Delhi in the year A:-1964 B:-1967 C:-1968 D:-1970 Ans: C
42:-Section ..... of Wildlife Protection Act 1972 deals with declaration and management of conservation reserves A:-36 A B:-36 B C:-36 C D:-36 D Ans: A
43:-The CVP (Climate, Vegetation and Productivity) index was developed by A:-Eg|er B:-She|ford C:-C|ements D:-Paterson Ans: D
44:-As per Champion and Seth revised classification of forest types, Mangrove Forests are denoted by A:-4A/‘ L_(1)‘ B:-4B/‘TS_(2)‘ C:-4C/‘ FS_(1)‘ D:-4E/‘ RS_(1)‘ Ans: B
45:-Tectona grandis flowers during A:-January to March B:-February to April C:-Apri| to May D:-June to September Ans: D
46:-..... is the average height of a regular crop as determined by Lorey's formula A:-Crop Height B:-Top Height C:-Site Index D:-Crop Index Ans: A
47:-..... is the measure of the humidity in the air when actual vapour pressure equals saturation vapour pressure
A:-Abso|ute Humidity
B:-Specific Humidity
C:-Re|ative Humidity
D:-Dew Point
Ans: D
48:-A soil is called ..... when it has irregularly shaped aggregates of medium to hard consistency and more than 25 mm in diameter A:-Crumby B:-C|oddy C:-B|ocky D:-Massive Ans: B
49:-MIKE is a programme for elephant conservation conceived by A:-MoEFCC B:-WWF C:-CITES D:-IUCN Ans: C
50:-Wet bamboo brakes in southern tropical wet evergreen forests is an example for A:-C|imatic Climax B:-Edaphic Climax C:-Pre-C|imax D:-Post Climax Ans: B
2:-Poly climax theory of succession was put forwarded by A:-Tans|ey B:-C|ements C:-Aubrevi|le D:-Whittaker Ans: A
3:-Two or more related species those inhabiting in completely different geographical distribution A:-Po|ytypic Species B:-Insu|ar Species C:-Continental Species D:-A||opatric Species Ans: D
4:-The branch of ecology deals with the study of genetic variation within a species compared to its population distribution in a particular environment is called A:-Ecophysio|ogy B:-Ecogeography C:-Demecology D:-Geneco|ogy Ans: D
5:-..... is an annual flowering bamboo A:-Thyrsostachys oliveri B:-Bambusa lineata C:-Dendrocalamus stocksii D:-Bambusa balcooa Ans: B
6:-Nationa| Agro forestry Policy was adopted in the year A:-2012 B:-2014 C:-2016 D:-2018 Ans: B
7:-..... is a tree species suitable for planting in drought prone area A:-Syzygium cuminii B:-Tectona grandis C:-Madhuca indica D:-Toona ciliata Ans: A
8:-Rotation which yields maximum material of specified size for a specific use is A:-Si|vicu|tura| Rotation B:-Physica| Rotation C:-Technica| Rotation D:-Rotation of maximum volume production Ans: C
9:-Cutting of branches from the bole of trees for improvement of timber quality A:-Pruning B:-Lopping C:-|mprovement Cutting D:-Liberation Cutting Ans: A
10:-..... helps to separate seeds according to the length A:-Inc|ined Draper B:-Spira| Separator C:-Magnetic Separator D:-|ntended Cylinder Ans: D
11:-..... kind of soil preparation is suitable for planting in low rainfall and deep soil conditions A:-Large ridge-ditch B:-Sma|| ridge-ditch C:-S|oped ridge-ditch D:-Doub|e slanting ridge-ditch Ans: A
12:-..... is known as Bengal Kino A:-Astraga|es gumnifer B:-Pterocarpus marsupium C:-Butea monosperma D:-Lennea coromandelica Ans: C
13:-The tree which is not prefered as host tree for lac cultivation A:-Zizyphus Mauritiana B:-Trema Orientalis C:-Sch|eichera Oleosa D:-Butea Monosperma Ans: B
14:-..... is the relation of the increment during a given year to the volume at the beginning of the year A:-Current Annual Increment B:-Mean Annual Increment C:-Current Increment Percent D:-Mean Annual Increment Percent Ans: C
15:-Find the WRONG statement A:-During the initial stages, MAI keeps below the CAI B:-The CAI attains maximum before the MAI C:-When the MAI reaches maximum and begins to decline, CAI is still raising D:-CAI and MAI coincides twice in the life of a crop Ans: C
16:-Bio||ey's Check Method is a method of yield calculation based on A:-Area only B:-Vo|ume only C:-Area and Volume D:-|ncrement Ans: D
17:-UN Convention on Biological Diversity was held in the year A:-l992 B:-1994 C:-l996 D:-l998 Ans: A
18:-The headquarters of National Biodiversity Authority is at A:-Hyderabad B:-Banga|ore C:-New Delhi D:-Chennai
Ans: D
19:-According to the Metzger's theory, the diameter at breast height increases to the 3rd power proportionately with A:-Decrease in height of the tree B:-Decrease in crown area of the tree C:-|ncrease in wind pressure on the crown D:-A|| of the above Ans: C
20:-Smalian's formula is used to find out the volume of log when the log is in the form of A:-Frustrum of Cylinder B:-Frustrum of Paraboloid C:-Frustrum of Neiloid D:-Frustrum of Cone Ans: B
21:-The quarter girth volume of a log having 3 m length and 160 cm girth is A:-1.2 cubic metre B:-1.92 cubic metre C:-0.72 cubic metre D:-0.48 cubic metre Ans: D
22:-|ndian Flying Fox belongs to ..... of Wildlife Protection Act1972‘ ‘ A:-Schedule II B:-Schedule ||| C:-Schedule IV‘ ‘ D:-Sschedule V Ans: C
23:-The ability of a digital sensor to distinguish between grey-scale values while acquiring an image is called A:-Spatia| Resolution B:-Spectral Resolution C:-Tempora| Resolution D:-Radiometric Resolution Ans: D
24:-The horizon is always visible in the A:-High oblique aerial photograph B:-Low oblique aerial photograph C:-Vertica| aerial photograph D:-Both A and B Ans: A
25:-Geostationary satellites are located at an altitude of approximately A:-22,300 km B:-36,000 km C:-9000 km D:-900 km Ans: B
26:-The range of value of Normalized Difference Vegetation Index is A:--1 to +1 B:-0 to 1 C:--3 to +3 D:-0 to 3 Ans: A
27:-Formation of a permanent sag in the wooden book shelf due to the heavy weight of books is due to ..... behaviour of wood A:-Kink B:-Twist C:-Torsion D:-Creep Ans: D
28:-Stem Canker is Eucalyptus tereticornis is caused by A:-Chrysoporthe cubensis
B:-Cy|indroc|adium quinqueseptatum C:-Cy|indrocarpon lucidum D:-Phaeoseptoria eucalypti Ans: A
29:-The concept of progressive yield was put forward by A:-Howard B:-Hartig C:-Hi|ey D:-Heyer Ans: B
30:-Vanamahotsava was started in the year A:-1950 B:-1960 C:-1953 D:-1968 Ans: A
31:-The fire that burns mainly the herbaceous growth including grasses, shrubs and saplings even up to pole stage is called A:-Surface Fire B:-Creeping Fire C:-Ground Fire D:-Underground Fire Ans: C
32:-Salai gum is extracted from A:-Boswe||ia serrata B:-Bauhinia retusa C:-Bixa orellana D:-Butea monosperma Ans: A
33:-Keora oil is a ..... A:-Wood Oil B:-Root Oil C:-Leaf Oil D:-F|ower Oil Ans: D 34:-|UFRO Headquarters is located at A:-Nairobi B:-Switzer|and C:-Vienna D:-Bangor Ans: C
35:-'Hariya|i Guidelines' is related to A:-Agroforestry development B:-Vi||age Forest development C:-Riparian development D:-Watershed development Ans: D
36:-The quarter girth volume is ..... % lesser than the true volume of the log A:-75.8% B:-78.5% C:-21.5% D:-24.2% Ans: C
37:-Pigmy hogs are seen at A:-Manas B:-Chando|i C:-Kanha D:-Nanda Devi Ans: A
38:-The distance between the successive left and right hind footprints of tiger is called A:-Stride B:-Step C:-Strad|e D:-Gait Ans: B
39:-..... uses an infrared beam across a path and triggers the camera when the beam is cut by an animal A:-Passive Detection Camera Traps B:-Active Detection Camera Traps C:-PIR Camera Traps D:-Pyro|ytic Detection Camera Traps Ans: B
40:-The ideal trap for studying the nocturnal non-volant small mammals is A:-Sherman Trap B:-Pitfa|| Trap C:-Mist Net D:-Camera Trap Ans: A
41:-The term social forestry was coined by Westoby in the Commonwealth Forestry Congress held at Delhi in the year A:-1964 B:-1967 C:-1968 D:-1970 Ans: C
42:-Section ..... of Wildlife Protection Act 1972 deals with declaration and management of conservation reserves A:-36 A B:-36 B C:-36 C D:-36 D Ans: A
43:-The CVP (Climate, Vegetation and Productivity) index was developed by A:-Eg|er B:-She|ford C:-C|ements D:-Paterson Ans: D
44:-As per Champion and Seth revised classification of forest types, Mangrove Forests are denoted by A:-4A/‘ L_(1)‘ B:-4B/‘TS_(2)‘ C:-4C/‘ FS_(1)‘ D:-4E/‘ RS_(1)‘ Ans: B
45:-Tectona grandis flowers during A:-January to March B:-February to April C:-Apri| to May D:-June to September Ans: D
46:-..... is the average height of a regular crop as determined by Lorey's formula A:-Crop Height B:-Top Height C:-Site Index D:-Crop Index Ans: A
47:-..... is the measure of the humidity in the air when actual vapour pressure equals saturation vapour pressure
A:-Abso|ute Humidity
B:-Specific Humidity
C:-Re|ative Humidity
D:-Dew Point
Ans: D
48:-A soil is called ..... when it has irregularly shaped aggregates of medium to hard consistency and more than 25 mm in diameter A:-Crumby B:-C|oddy C:-B|ocky D:-Massive Ans: B
49:-MIKE is a programme for elephant conservation conceived by A:-MoEFCC B:-WWF C:-CITES D:-IUCN Ans: C
50:-Wet bamboo brakes in southern tropical wet evergreen forests is an example for A:-C|imatic Climax B:-Edaphic Climax C:-Pre-C|imax D:-Post Climax Ans: B
51:-The recommended method of sowing of Quercus seeds A:-Broadcast Seeding B:-Line Seeding C:-Patch Seeding D:-Dibb|ing Ans: D
52:-Taungya system was introduced into India in the year A:-1860 B:-1870 C:-1880 D:-1890 Ans: D
53:-Width of an undercut shall be A:-One third of the tree diameter B:-Two third of the tree diameter C:-One fourth of the tree diameter D:-Ha|f of the tree diameter Ans: B
54:-The distance betwen two adjacent teeth of a saw is called A:-Space B:-Gu||et C:-Gauge D:-Pitch Ans: A
55:-Wooden slabs of maximum thickness 5 cm is called A:-Squares B:-Scant|ings C:-P|anks D:-Hakries Ans: C
56:-Doug|as Fir is a coniferous tree of the genus A:-Picea B:-Abies C:-Tsuga D:-Pseudotsuga Ans: D
57:-Wood forming vessels of the same size throughout the year are called as A:-Ring porous wood
B:-Diffuse porous wood C:-Ear|y wood D:-Late wood Ans: B
58:-The condition in a wood which is apparently caused by antic|ine division in which new cambial cell formation occurs in one direction only A:-Spira| Grain B:-Inter|ocked Grain C:-Knots D:-Both A and B
Ans: A
52:-Taungya system was introduced into India in the year A:-1860 B:-1870 C:-1880 D:-1890 Ans: D
53:-Width of an undercut shall be A:-One third of the tree diameter B:-Two third of the tree diameter C:-One fourth of the tree diameter D:-Ha|f of the tree diameter Ans: B
54:-The distance betwen two adjacent teeth of a saw is called A:-Space B:-Gu||et C:-Gauge D:-Pitch Ans: A
55:-Wooden slabs of maximum thickness 5 cm is called A:-Squares B:-Scant|ings C:-P|anks D:-Hakries Ans: C
56:-Doug|as Fir is a coniferous tree of the genus A:-Picea B:-Abies C:-Tsuga D:-Pseudotsuga Ans: D
57:-Wood forming vessels of the same size throughout the year are called as A:-Ring porous wood
B:-Diffuse porous wood C:-Ear|y wood D:-Late wood Ans: B
58:-The condition in a wood which is apparently caused by antic|ine division in which new cambial cell formation occurs in one direction only A:-Spira| Grain B:-Inter|ocked Grain C:-Knots D:-Both A and B
Ans: A