1. Following are the economies of scale :
(1) Technical economies
(2) Labour economies
(3) Economies of Concentration
(4) Managerial economies.
Which of these are internal economies ?
1) 1 & 2
2) 3 & 4
3) 2 & 3
4) 1, 2 & 4
Ans: 4
2. Pain, fatigue, sacrifice, monotony felt by the factors of production during rendering their services is called ?
1) Real cost 2) Opportunity cost 3) Implicit cost 4) Private cost
Ans: 1
3. Who has classified economies of scale into internal and external economies ?
1) Pigou 2) Keynes 3) Marshall 4) Pareto
Ans: 3
4. Which one is incorrect for Nash equilibrium ?
1) There are more than two players. 2) Each player adopts his best strategy
3) No player has an incentive to depart from the equilibrium. 4) Each player plays independently
Ans: 1
5. How an increase in the fixed cost of a firm, under perfect competition, would affect price and output in the short run?
1) Output rises, price falls 2) Output falls, price rises
3) Output and price both remain same 4) Output remains same, price rises
Ans: 3
6. When the monopolist is able to sell each separate unit of output at a different price, it is called the price discrimination of :
1) First degree 2) Second degree 3) Third degree 4) None of these
Ans: 1
7. When a very large or dominant firm establishes its leadership by following aggressive policies, it is called _____ .
1) Barometric price leadership 2) Aggressive price leadership
3) Demonstrative price leadership 4) Exploitative price leadership
Ans: 4
8.The marginal condition for a Pareto optimal composition of output requires that _____ between any two commodities be equal to the _____ between the same two commodities.
Ans: 2
9. The final marginal condition for a welfare maximum is based on :
1) Marginal product 2) Marginal rate of Technical Substitution
3) Optimum Conditions of product substitution 4) Optimum income
Ans: 3
10. Externalities are also known as :
1) Spillovers 2) Neighbourhood effects 3) Untraded interdependency 4) All of these
Ans: 4
11. The theory of games was developed by :
1) Bertrand and Morgenstern 2) Neumann and Morgenstern
3) Cournot and Neumann 4) Neumann alone
Ans: 2
12. Which of the following is the compensation criteria ?
1) The Kaldor Hicks criterion 2) The scitovsky criterion 3) The little criterion 4) All of these
Ans: 4
13. While criticizing Social Welfare Function, Robertson called it :
1) Vast, partly coloured Mathematical ballon 2) Right, not very useful 3) Completely general 4) Arbitrary and imaginary
Ans: 1
14. New welfare economics is also known as :
1) Walarasian criterion 2) The compensation criterion 3) Social welfare criterion 4) Marshallian criterion
Ans: 2
15. The theory of Second Best applies because all the Paretian optimality conditions are _____ .
1) fulfilled 2) not fulfilled 3) hypothetical 4) against welfare
Ans: 2
16. Adding up problem is associated with :
1) Euler's Theorem 2) Arrow's Theorem 3) Cobb Douglas Theorem 4) Coase Theorem
Ans: 1
17. By which method, monopoly power is measured ?
1) Elasticity of Demand 2) Cross Elasticity of Demand 3) Learner's Method 4) All of these
Ans: 4
18. What is bilateral monopoly ?
1) Single seller and two buyers 2) Single seller and single buyer
3) Two sellers and single buyer 4) Two sellers and two buyers
Ans: 2
19. Which one of the following is not the component of regrettable cost ?
1) Expenditure on police 2) Expenditure on judiciary
3) Expenditure on defence 4) Expenditure on entertainment
Ans: 4
20. Which one of the following account is not included in classified accounts of National Income accounting ?
1) Production account 2) Consumption account 3) Saving account 4) Foreign Transaction account
Ans: 3
21. National Income measurement is incomplete as it does not include :
1) Transfer payments 2) Non marketable goods and services 3) Capital gains 4) All of these
Ans: 4
22. Which one is not associated with Keynes's Absolute Income Hypothesis ?
1) APC increases as income rises. 2) It is based on knowledge and human nature
3) Also called psychological law of consumption 4) MPC is greater than zero but less than one.
Ans: 1
23. Which is incorrect regarding Duesenberry's Relative Income Hypothesis ?
1) People imitate their rich neighbours
2) A rich person will have higher APC.
3) Consumer's preferences are interdependent.
4) Differences in relative incomes determine consumption expenditure.
Ans: 2
24. Which is not linked with Friedman's Permanent Income Hypothesis ?
1) Transitory Income 2) Transitory Consumption 3) Relative Income 4) Permanent Income
Ans: 3
25. As per life time theory, the average income of an individual is _____ at the beginning of his life .
1) Relatively Low 2) Relatively High 3) Absolutely Low 4) Absolutely High
Ans: 1
26.In classical theory of output and employment, the independence of real variables, from changes in money supply and nominal variables, is called :
1) Non Neutrality of money 2) Says law of market 3) Classical dichotomy 4) None of these
Ans: 3
27.According to Friedman and Phelps, when natural rate of unemployment exists in the long run, the Philips curve becomes :
1) Kinked shape 2) Vertical straight line 3) Horizontal 4) Slopes downward from left to right
Ans: 2
28. The modified Philips curve is suggested by :
1) Tobin 2) Boumol 3) Joseph Stiglitz 4) Oliver Blanchard
Ans: 1
29. Tobin assumes that expected value of capital gains or losses from holding interest bearing assets is always :
1) Positive 2) Negative 3) Zero 4) Infinity
Ans: 3
30. Autonomous investment depends upon :
1) Population growth 2) Technical progress
3) Both Population growth and Technical progress 4) None of these
Ans: 3
31. The accelerator model is best applied in case of :
1) inventory investment 2) business fixed investment
3) residential investment 4) capital market investment
Ans: 1
32. If the q ratio in Tobin's Theory is greater than one, it implies that :
1) Stock market places higher value on firm's installed capital than replacement cost.
2) Stock market values firm's capital assets less than its replacement cost
3) High current profits earned from installed capital
4) High profits in future on installed capital
Ans: 1
33. Which is not included in money supply by Reserve Bank of India ( RBI ) ?
1) Currency with Public 2) All deposits of Commercial banks
3) Other deposits with RBI 4) Post office saving deposits
Ans: 4
34. Which is not associated with IS and LM curves ?
1) Productivity 2) Equity 3) Thrift 4) Liquidity preference
Ans: 2
35." For every three percentage points growth in real GNP, unemployment rate declines by one percentage point every year. " What is name of this law ?
1) Okun's Law 2) Hindu rate of growth
3) Lucas Model 4) Keynesian theory of employment
Ans: 1
36. Which type of timelag, in monetary policy, is given by Friedman.
1) The Recognition lag 2) The administrative lag 3) The operation lag 4) All of these
Ans: 4
37. Which is true regarding effectiveness of monetary and fiscal policy ?
(A) In Keynesian range, fiscal policy is very effective,
(B) In classical range, fiscal policy is not effective
(C) Monetary policy is totally ineffective in Keynesian range.
Which statement is true ?
1) Only A is correct
2) Only C is correct
3) A, B, C are correct
Ans: 3
38. Which is not associated with Hicks' theory of business cycles :
1) Explosive cycles 2) Constant rate of autonomous investment 3) Ceiling 4) Floor
Ans: 1
39. Kaldor has used which type of saving and investment function :
(A) Ex ante
(B) Ex post
(C) Arbitrary
(D) Shadow
1) A, B, C are correct
2) A and B are correct
3) C and D are correct
4) B and C are correct
Ans: 2
40. What is inter temporal substitution in Neo classical macro economics ?
1) Substitution of labour for capital 2) substitution of consumer goods for capital goods
3) Substitution of current leisure for future leisure 4) Substitution of money for bonds
Ans: 3
41.According to Real Business Cycle theory, the primary cause of business cycle is :
(A) Changes in Technology
(B) Real interest rate
(C) Neutrality of Money
(D) Inter temporal substitution of labour.
Choose the correct answer :
1) Only A is correct
2) Only C is correct
3) A, B, C, D all are correct
4) Only A and B are correct
Ans: 1
42. Which one of the following economists is not New Keynesian economist ?
1) Joseph Stiglitz 2) David Romer 3) Robert Gordon 4) Samuelson
Ans: 4
43. According to New Keynsian macro economics, prices are sticky in short term, because :
1) Adjusting prices is costly
2) Adjusting prices is not possible
3) This is hypothetical situation
4) Both, Adjusting prices is costly and Adjusting prices is not possible, are correct
Ans: 1
44. The outcome of Green accounting method of GDP is :
1) SEEA ( system of Environmental Economic Accounting )
2) EDP ( Environmental Domestic Product )
3) NNP ( Net Natural Product )
4) NI ( Natural Income )
Ans: 2
45. Who propounded Rigid Money Wage and Flexible Price Model ?
1) J. M. Keynes 2) J. B. Say 3) Marshall 4) Friedman
Ans: 1
46. Which is not the subjective factors which prompts people to save some part of their income ?
1) Liquidity 2) Rate of Interest 3) Financial Prudence 4) Enterprise
Ans: 2
47." The underdeveloped countries should not accept our inherited economy theory uncritically but remould it to fit their own problems and interests. " Who said this ?
1) J. A. Schumpeter 2) Ragnar Nurkse
3) G. Myrdal 4) U. Hicks
Ans: 3
48. What is the theme of UNDP's Human Development Report 2015.
1) Work for Human development 2) Towards human progress
3) The Real wealth of Nations 4) Rise of South
Ans: 1
49. As per UNDP's Human Development Report, 2015 what is the rank of India in Gender Development Index (GDI) ?
1) 128 2) 130 3) 135 4) 136
Ans: 2
50. Which is not included in the deprivation indicators of Human Povery Index I ( HPI I ) ?
1) Deprivation measured by percentage of people not using improved water source
2) Adult literacy
3) Probability at birth of not surviving to age 60
4) Percentage of children under five who are under weight
Ans: 3
(1) Technical economies
(2) Labour economies
(3) Economies of Concentration
(4) Managerial economies.
Which of these are internal economies ?
1) 1 & 2
2) 3 & 4
3) 2 & 3
4) 1, 2 & 4
Ans: 4
2. Pain, fatigue, sacrifice, monotony felt by the factors of production during rendering their services is called ?
1) Real cost 2) Opportunity cost 3) Implicit cost 4) Private cost
Ans: 1
3. Who has classified economies of scale into internal and external economies ?
1) Pigou 2) Keynes 3) Marshall 4) Pareto
Ans: 3
4. Which one is incorrect for Nash equilibrium ?
1) There are more than two players. 2) Each player adopts his best strategy
3) No player has an incentive to depart from the equilibrium. 4) Each player plays independently
Ans: 1
5. How an increase in the fixed cost of a firm, under perfect competition, would affect price and output in the short run?
1) Output rises, price falls 2) Output falls, price rises
3) Output and price both remain same 4) Output remains same, price rises
Ans: 3
6. When the monopolist is able to sell each separate unit of output at a different price, it is called the price discrimination of :
1) First degree 2) Second degree 3) Third degree 4) None of these
Ans: 1
7. When a very large or dominant firm establishes its leadership by following aggressive policies, it is called _____ .
1) Barometric price leadership 2) Aggressive price leadership
3) Demonstrative price leadership 4) Exploitative price leadership
Ans: 4
8.The marginal condition for a Pareto optimal composition of output requires that _____ between any two commodities be equal to the _____ between the same two commodities.
Ans: 2
9. The final marginal condition for a welfare maximum is based on :
1) Marginal product 2) Marginal rate of Technical Substitution
3) Optimum Conditions of product substitution 4) Optimum income
Ans: 3
10. Externalities are also known as :
1) Spillovers 2) Neighbourhood effects 3) Untraded interdependency 4) All of these
Ans: 4
11. The theory of games was developed by :
1) Bertrand and Morgenstern 2) Neumann and Morgenstern
3) Cournot and Neumann 4) Neumann alone
Ans: 2
12. Which of the following is the compensation criteria ?
1) The Kaldor Hicks criterion 2) The scitovsky criterion 3) The little criterion 4) All of these
Ans: 4
13. While criticizing Social Welfare Function, Robertson called it :
1) Vast, partly coloured Mathematical ballon 2) Right, not very useful 3) Completely general 4) Arbitrary and imaginary
Ans: 1
14. New welfare economics is also known as :
1) Walarasian criterion 2) The compensation criterion 3) Social welfare criterion 4) Marshallian criterion
Ans: 2
15. The theory of Second Best applies because all the Paretian optimality conditions are _____ .
1) fulfilled 2) not fulfilled 3) hypothetical 4) against welfare
Ans: 2
16. Adding up problem is associated with :
1) Euler's Theorem 2) Arrow's Theorem 3) Cobb Douglas Theorem 4) Coase Theorem
Ans: 1
17. By which method, monopoly power is measured ?
1) Elasticity of Demand 2) Cross Elasticity of Demand 3) Learner's Method 4) All of these
Ans: 4
18. What is bilateral monopoly ?
1) Single seller and two buyers 2) Single seller and single buyer
3) Two sellers and single buyer 4) Two sellers and two buyers
Ans: 2
19. Which one of the following is not the component of regrettable cost ?
1) Expenditure on police 2) Expenditure on judiciary
3) Expenditure on defence 4) Expenditure on entertainment
Ans: 4
20. Which one of the following account is not included in classified accounts of National Income accounting ?
1) Production account 2) Consumption account 3) Saving account 4) Foreign Transaction account
Ans: 3
21. National Income measurement is incomplete as it does not include :
1) Transfer payments 2) Non marketable goods and services 3) Capital gains 4) All of these
Ans: 4
22. Which one is not associated with Keynes's Absolute Income Hypothesis ?
1) APC increases as income rises. 2) It is based on knowledge and human nature
3) Also called psychological law of consumption 4) MPC is greater than zero but less than one.
Ans: 1
23. Which is incorrect regarding Duesenberry's Relative Income Hypothesis ?
1) People imitate their rich neighbours
2) A rich person will have higher APC.
3) Consumer's preferences are interdependent.
4) Differences in relative incomes determine consumption expenditure.
Ans: 2
24. Which is not linked with Friedman's Permanent Income Hypothesis ?
1) Transitory Income 2) Transitory Consumption 3) Relative Income 4) Permanent Income
Ans: 3
25. As per life time theory, the average income of an individual is _____ at the beginning of his life .
1) Relatively Low 2) Relatively High 3) Absolutely Low 4) Absolutely High
Ans: 1
26.In classical theory of output and employment, the independence of real variables, from changes in money supply and nominal variables, is called :
1) Non Neutrality of money 2) Says law of market 3) Classical dichotomy 4) None of these
Ans: 3
27.According to Friedman and Phelps, when natural rate of unemployment exists in the long run, the Philips curve becomes :
1) Kinked shape 2) Vertical straight line 3) Horizontal 4) Slopes downward from left to right
Ans: 2
28. The modified Philips curve is suggested by :
1) Tobin 2) Boumol 3) Joseph Stiglitz 4) Oliver Blanchard
Ans: 1
29. Tobin assumes that expected value of capital gains or losses from holding interest bearing assets is always :
1) Positive 2) Negative 3) Zero 4) Infinity
Ans: 3
30. Autonomous investment depends upon :
1) Population growth 2) Technical progress
3) Both Population growth and Technical progress 4) None of these
Ans: 3
31. The accelerator model is best applied in case of :
1) inventory investment 2) business fixed investment
3) residential investment 4) capital market investment
Ans: 1
32. If the q ratio in Tobin's Theory is greater than one, it implies that :
1) Stock market places higher value on firm's installed capital than replacement cost.
2) Stock market values firm's capital assets less than its replacement cost
3) High current profits earned from installed capital
4) High profits in future on installed capital
Ans: 1
33. Which is not included in money supply by Reserve Bank of India ( RBI ) ?
1) Currency with Public 2) All deposits of Commercial banks
3) Other deposits with RBI 4) Post office saving deposits
Ans: 4
34. Which is not associated with IS and LM curves ?
1) Productivity 2) Equity 3) Thrift 4) Liquidity preference
Ans: 2
35." For every three percentage points growth in real GNP, unemployment rate declines by one percentage point every year. " What is name of this law ?
1) Okun's Law 2) Hindu rate of growth
3) Lucas Model 4) Keynesian theory of employment
Ans: 1
36. Which type of timelag, in monetary policy, is given by Friedman.
1) The Recognition lag 2) The administrative lag 3) The operation lag 4) All of these
Ans: 4
37. Which is true regarding effectiveness of monetary and fiscal policy ?
(A) In Keynesian range, fiscal policy is very effective,
(B) In classical range, fiscal policy is not effective
(C) Monetary policy is totally ineffective in Keynesian range.
Which statement is true ?
1) Only A is correct
2) Only C is correct
3) A, B, C are correct
Ans: 3
38. Which is not associated with Hicks' theory of business cycles :
1) Explosive cycles 2) Constant rate of autonomous investment 3) Ceiling 4) Floor
Ans: 1
39. Kaldor has used which type of saving and investment function :
(A) Ex ante
(B) Ex post
(C) Arbitrary
(D) Shadow
1) A, B, C are correct
2) A and B are correct
3) C and D are correct
4) B and C are correct
Ans: 2
40. What is inter temporal substitution in Neo classical macro economics ?
1) Substitution of labour for capital 2) substitution of consumer goods for capital goods
3) Substitution of current leisure for future leisure 4) Substitution of money for bonds
Ans: 3
41.According to Real Business Cycle theory, the primary cause of business cycle is :
(A) Changes in Technology
(B) Real interest rate
(C) Neutrality of Money
(D) Inter temporal substitution of labour.
Choose the correct answer :
1) Only A is correct
2) Only C is correct
3) A, B, C, D all are correct
4) Only A and B are correct
Ans: 1
42. Which one of the following economists is not New Keynesian economist ?
1) Joseph Stiglitz 2) David Romer 3) Robert Gordon 4) Samuelson
Ans: 4
43. According to New Keynsian macro economics, prices are sticky in short term, because :
1) Adjusting prices is costly
2) Adjusting prices is not possible
3) This is hypothetical situation
4) Both, Adjusting prices is costly and Adjusting prices is not possible, are correct
Ans: 1
44. The outcome of Green accounting method of GDP is :
1) SEEA ( system of Environmental Economic Accounting )
2) EDP ( Environmental Domestic Product )
3) NNP ( Net Natural Product )
4) NI ( Natural Income )
Ans: 2
45. Who propounded Rigid Money Wage and Flexible Price Model ?
1) J. M. Keynes 2) J. B. Say 3) Marshall 4) Friedman
Ans: 1
46. Which is not the subjective factors which prompts people to save some part of their income ?
1) Liquidity 2) Rate of Interest 3) Financial Prudence 4) Enterprise
Ans: 2
47." The underdeveloped countries should not accept our inherited economy theory uncritically but remould it to fit their own problems and interests. " Who said this ?
1) J. A. Schumpeter 2) Ragnar Nurkse
3) G. Myrdal 4) U. Hicks
Ans: 3
48. What is the theme of UNDP's Human Development Report 2015.
1) Work for Human development 2) Towards human progress
3) The Real wealth of Nations 4) Rise of South
Ans: 1
49. As per UNDP's Human Development Report, 2015 what is the rank of India in Gender Development Index (GDI) ?
1) 128 2) 130 3) 135 4) 136
Ans: 2
50. Which is not included in the deprivation indicators of Human Povery Index I ( HPI I ) ?
1) Deprivation measured by percentage of people not using improved water source
2) Adult literacy
3) Probability at birth of not surviving to age 60
4) Percentage of children under five who are under weight
Ans: 3
51. Who has given the Human Capability Concept ?
1) Lucas 2) Amartya Sen 3) Samuelson 4) Kuznet
Ans: 2
52." Meeting the needs of the present generation without compromissing the needs of future generation. " Who has given this definition of sustainable development ?
1) Kreg Lindberg
2) UNDP ( United Nations Development Programme )
3) Brundtland Report
4) Chales D. Kolstand
Ans: 3
53.The notion that natural capital stock should not decrease is called :
1) Strong sustainability 2) Weak sustainability
3) Neutral sustainability 4) None of these
Ans: 1
54.What is the cause of trade off between growth and distribution in underdeveloped economies .
1) Structural changes 2) Co existence of traditional & modern sector
3) Uneducated and unskilled population 4) All of these
Ans: 4
55. Lewis model of development is not associated with :
1) disguised unemployment in agriculture 2) existence of modern sector
3) limited Labour supply 4) subsistence agriculture
Ans: 3
56.If the third phase of Fei and Ranis model :
1) Farm workers produce less than the institutional wages they get
2) Farm workers produce more than the institutional wages they get
3) Migration of workers from agriculture to industrial sector continues.
4) Agriculture sector becomes insignificant
Ans: 2
57. What does Harrod call to " highest attainable growth rate. "
1) Natural Rate of Growth 2) Golden rate of Growth
3) Incremental Rate of Growth 4) Feasible Rate of growth
Ans: 1
58. Which one is the Golden Age Equilibrium of Harrod's model ?
1) Gy = Gs = Gc
2) Gy = GI = Gs
3) Gy = GK = GI
4) Gy = Gw = Gn
Ans: 4
59.Which one is exogenously determined factor in Solow's model ?
1) Labour stock 2) Technology 3) Capital stock 4) Population Growth rate
Ans: 4
60.In Kaldor's model, technical progress depends upon :
1) Rate of capital accumulation 2) Rate of growth in income
3) Rate of growth of savings 4) Profits
Ans: 1
61. In Lucas model of growth, which is the major determinant of growth ?
1) Investment in human Capital 2) Investment in Capital
3) Investment in Infrastructure 4) Investment in Realestate
Ans: 1
62. The scope of ' Learning by Doing ' model is more :
1) When level of capital input is greater 2) When level of labour input is greater
3) When level of labour and capital are equal 4) None of these
Ans: 2
63. In golden age path, all variables change at a :
1) decreasing proportionate rate 2) increasing proportionate rate
3) fluctuating rate 4) constant proportionate rate
Ans: 4
64. Neutral Technical change means :
(A) Capital Saving (B) Labour Saving (C) no Capital Saving (D) No Labour Saving
Which is correct :
1) C & D are correct
2) A & B are correct
3) Only C is correct
4) Only D is correct
Ans: 2
65. Disembodied technical progress means :
1) more output with more inputs 2) more output with less inputs
3) more output with same inputs 4) more output with new technology
Ans: 3
66. Which is not the principle of environment regulation ?
1) Polluter pays principle (PPP) 2) Precautionary principle (PP)
3) Compulsory principle (CP) 4) User pays principle (UP)
Ans: 3
67. What is meant by Pigovian tax ?
1) Tax on wastage of resources 2) Tax on emission of pollutants
3) Tax on extra use of water 4) Tax on over consumption of resources
Ans: 2
68. Which one does not specify need for environmental valuation ?
1) Environmental Litigation
2) Environmental conservation
3) Environmental Dispute Resolution
4) Evaluating proposed Environmental Programmes
Ans: 2
69. Which one is not contingent valuation method ?
1) Trade off Game Method 2) Costless Choice Method
3) Delphi Method 4) Travel Cost Method
Ans: 4
70. Which school of thought talk about conservation and improvement in natural capital assets for sustainable development.
1) London school of Thought 2) Daly's operational Principles
3) Hartwick Solow Rule 4) Safe Minimum Standards
Ans: 1
71. Which model measures weak sustainability as a measure of sustainable development ?
1) The Index of Sustainable Economic Welfare (ISEW) 2) Pearce AtKinson Measure (PAM)
3) Environmental Space Measure (ESM) 4) Ecological Footprints Measure (EFM)
Ans: 2
72. Sustainable development process through formal informal education programme aforestation, management of parks is called :
1) Removing subsidy 2) Market based approaches
3) Public partnership 4) Economic incentives
Ans: 3
73. Derived demand means :
1) More demand because of increase in income. 2) More demand because of more wealth
3) Increase in demand for goods 4) Demand for factors of production
Ans: 4
74. Engel curve shows the quantities of a good which the consumer will purchase at various levels of :
1) Prices 2) Saving 3) Income 4) Preferences
Ans: 3
75. In case of Giffen goods :
1) The positive income effect is stronger than negative substitution effect
2) The negative income effect is stronger than positive substitution effect
3) The positive income effect is stronger than positive substitution effect
4) The positive income effect is equal to negative substitution effect
Ans: 1
76. In Slutsky's substitution effect, income is reduced or increased by :
1) Cost difference 2) Compensating Variation
3) Equivalent Variation 4) Compensating difference
Ans: 1
77. The Band wagon effect makes the market demand curve for the commodity :
1) Flatter or more elastic 2) Steeper or less elastic
3) Perfectly elastic 4) Perfectly inelastic
Ans: 1
78. Markowitz Hypothesis relates the marginal utility of income to changes in the level of :
1) Absolute income 2) Present income 3) Relative Income 4) Past income
Ans: 2
79. The firm's short run supply curve of a commodity in perfect competition is :
1) Rising portion of firm's MC curve below AVC curve
2) Rising portion of firm's MC curve above AVC curve
3) Rising portion of Average total cost curve
4) Rising portion of Average variable cost curve
Ans: 2
80. The combined consumer's and producer's surplus is at a maximum in which of the following market situation ?
1) Perfect competition 2) Monopoly 3) Monopolistic competition 4) Oligopoly
Ans: 1
81.Empirical studies made by economists find the shape of long run average cost curve due to technological progress that takes over time to be :
1) Rising upward 2) U shaped
3) L shaped 4) Saucer type shape
Ans: 3
82. In a game theory, a situation in which one firm can gain only what another firm looses is called a :
1) Cooperative non constant sum game 2) Non cooperative non constant sum game
3) Prisioner's dilemma 4) Zero sum game
Ans: 4
83. Which of the following are parts of every game theory model :
A. Strategies B. Players C. Constraints D. Pay offs Select the correct answer using the codes given below :
1) A, B and C
2) B, C and D
3) A, B and D
4) C only
Ans: 3
84. Bliss point is where :
1) The utility frontier curve is tangent to the welfare curve
2) Indifference curve is tangent to price line
3) Isoquant curve is tangent to isocost line
4) Tangency of various indifference curve of two individuals
Ans: 1
85. Main obstacles to attaining Pareto optimality and maximum social welfare is :
1) Existence of imperfect competition 2) Presence of externalities
3) Consumption of public goods 4) All of these
Ans: 4
86. The incorrect statement of High Powered Money is :
1) High Powered money is basis of expansion of bank deposit and money supply
2) It is composed of currency held by public and commercial bank reserves
3) The demand for high powered money is related inversely to money supply
4) An increase in supply of high powered money leads to decrease in money supply
Ans: 4
87. The money multiplier shows the relationship between :
1) Currency with Public and reserves with Banks 2) Excess reserves and total reserves
3) High powered money and money supply 4) Required reserves and total reserves
Ans: 3
88. Assertion (A) : High Powered money is currency held by public and the commercial bank reserves.
Reason (R): If demand of High powered money remains constant, an increase in its supply sets multiplier into operation and causes resultant increase in supply of money
1) Both A and R are individually true and R is correct explanation of A
2) Both A and R are individually true and R is not correct explanation of A
3) A is true but R is false
4) A is false but R is true
Ans: 2
89. In simple classical model on the assumption of flexible money wage the aggregate supply curve at full employment level of income is :
1) Perfectly inelastic 2) Perfectly elastic
3) Relatively elastic 4) Relatively inelastic
Ans: 1
90. The two important assumption on which Pigou effect is based are :
1) Flexible wages and Price level 2) Price expectations are considered
3) Stable stock of money 4) It is a dynamic analysis
Ans: 1
91. According to Dussenberry as the income decreases, the consumption does not decrease with same rate is referred as :
1) Ratchet Effect 2) Veblen Effect 3) Demonstration Effect 4) Snob Effect
Ans: 1
92. Assertion ( A) : When national income increases then economic welfare also increases.
Reason ( R) : Economic welfare not only depends on quantity of income but also depends on the way income is earned and the way it is spend. 1
) Both A and R are individually true and R is correct explanation of A
2) Both A and R are individually true and R is not correct explanation of A
3) A is true but R is false
4) A is false but R is true
Ans: 1
93. The indicators to construct Physical Quality of life Index by D Morris are :
A. Life expectancy indicator
B. Infant Martality indicator
C. Basic Literacy indicator
D. Standard of living indicator. S
elect the correct answer by using the codes given belows :
1) A, B and C
2) B, C and D
3) A, B and D
4) B and D
Ans: 1
94. To avoid value judgements, the economist and UN organisation use which of the following measure of economic development :
1) Life expectancy at birth 2) Calorie supply per head
3) GNP per capita 4) Literacy signifying primary school enrolment as percent of population
Ans: 3
95. Inverted U shaped Hypothesis of income distribution given by Prof. Kuznets states that in early stages of economic growth :
1) relative income inequality decreases, stabilises for time and then increases in later stages
2) relative income inequality increases, stabilises for time and then decline in later stages
3) relative income inequality decreases and then stabilises
4) relative income inequality increases and then decreases in later stage
Ans: 2
96. If the value of Ginni Coefficient is one then there is :
1) Complete inequality of income 2) Complete equality of income
3) Greater inequality of income 4) Greater equality of income
Ans: 1
97. A graphical representation showing the degree of inequality of income is called as :
1) Laffer Curve 2) Learning Curve 3) Lorenz Curve 4) Engel Curve
Ans: 3
98. The numerical value of relation between an increase in income and resulting increase in investment is called as :
1) Ginni coefficient 2) Multiplier 3) GDP deflator 4) Accelerator
Ans: 4
99. The incorrect assumption of Fei and Ranis theory of economic development is :
1) Land is fixed in supply 2) Population growth is taken as exogenous phenomenon
3) Workers in either sector consume only agricultural products 4) Agriculture activity is characterized by increasing returns to scale
Ans: 4
100. Green Finance mostly refers to financial investments flowing towards :
1) Agricultural development projects 2) Industrial development projects
3) Dairy development projects 4) Sustainable development projects
Ans: 4
1) Lucas 2) Amartya Sen 3) Samuelson 4) Kuznet
Ans: 2
52." Meeting the needs of the present generation without compromissing the needs of future generation. " Who has given this definition of sustainable development ?
1) Kreg Lindberg
2) UNDP ( United Nations Development Programme )
3) Brundtland Report
4) Chales D. Kolstand
Ans: 3
53.The notion that natural capital stock should not decrease is called :
1) Strong sustainability 2) Weak sustainability
3) Neutral sustainability 4) None of these
Ans: 1
54.What is the cause of trade off between growth and distribution in underdeveloped economies .
1) Structural changes 2) Co existence of traditional & modern sector
3) Uneducated and unskilled population 4) All of these
Ans: 4
55. Lewis model of development is not associated with :
1) disguised unemployment in agriculture 2) existence of modern sector
3) limited Labour supply 4) subsistence agriculture
Ans: 3
56.If the third phase of Fei and Ranis model :
1) Farm workers produce less than the institutional wages they get
2) Farm workers produce more than the institutional wages they get
3) Migration of workers from agriculture to industrial sector continues.
4) Agriculture sector becomes insignificant
Ans: 2
57. What does Harrod call to " highest attainable growth rate. "
1) Natural Rate of Growth 2) Golden rate of Growth
3) Incremental Rate of Growth 4) Feasible Rate of growth
Ans: 1
58. Which one is the Golden Age Equilibrium of Harrod's model ?
1) Gy = Gs = Gc
2) Gy = GI = Gs
3) Gy = GK = GI
4) Gy = Gw = Gn
Ans: 4
59.Which one is exogenously determined factor in Solow's model ?
1) Labour stock 2) Technology 3) Capital stock 4) Population Growth rate
Ans: 4
60.In Kaldor's model, technical progress depends upon :
1) Rate of capital accumulation 2) Rate of growth in income
3) Rate of growth of savings 4) Profits
Ans: 1
61. In Lucas model of growth, which is the major determinant of growth ?
1) Investment in human Capital 2) Investment in Capital
3) Investment in Infrastructure 4) Investment in Realestate
Ans: 1
62. The scope of ' Learning by Doing ' model is more :
1) When level of capital input is greater 2) When level of labour input is greater
3) When level of labour and capital are equal 4) None of these
Ans: 2
63. In golden age path, all variables change at a :
1) decreasing proportionate rate 2) increasing proportionate rate
3) fluctuating rate 4) constant proportionate rate
Ans: 4
64. Neutral Technical change means :
(A) Capital Saving (B) Labour Saving (C) no Capital Saving (D) No Labour Saving
Which is correct :
1) C & D are correct
2) A & B are correct
3) Only C is correct
4) Only D is correct
Ans: 2
65. Disembodied technical progress means :
1) more output with more inputs 2) more output with less inputs
3) more output with same inputs 4) more output with new technology
Ans: 3
66. Which is not the principle of environment regulation ?
1) Polluter pays principle (PPP) 2) Precautionary principle (PP)
3) Compulsory principle (CP) 4) User pays principle (UP)
Ans: 3
67. What is meant by Pigovian tax ?
1) Tax on wastage of resources 2) Tax on emission of pollutants
3) Tax on extra use of water 4) Tax on over consumption of resources
Ans: 2
68. Which one does not specify need for environmental valuation ?
1) Environmental Litigation
2) Environmental conservation
3) Environmental Dispute Resolution
4) Evaluating proposed Environmental Programmes
Ans: 2
69. Which one is not contingent valuation method ?
1) Trade off Game Method 2) Costless Choice Method
3) Delphi Method 4) Travel Cost Method
Ans: 4
70. Which school of thought talk about conservation and improvement in natural capital assets for sustainable development.
1) London school of Thought 2) Daly's operational Principles
3) Hartwick Solow Rule 4) Safe Minimum Standards
Ans: 1
71. Which model measures weak sustainability as a measure of sustainable development ?
1) The Index of Sustainable Economic Welfare (ISEW) 2) Pearce AtKinson Measure (PAM)
3) Environmental Space Measure (ESM) 4) Ecological Footprints Measure (EFM)
Ans: 2
72. Sustainable development process through formal informal education programme aforestation, management of parks is called :
1) Removing subsidy 2) Market based approaches
3) Public partnership 4) Economic incentives
Ans: 3
73. Derived demand means :
1) More demand because of increase in income. 2) More demand because of more wealth
3) Increase in demand for goods 4) Demand for factors of production
Ans: 4
74. Engel curve shows the quantities of a good which the consumer will purchase at various levels of :
1) Prices 2) Saving 3) Income 4) Preferences
Ans: 3
75. In case of Giffen goods :
1) The positive income effect is stronger than negative substitution effect
2) The negative income effect is stronger than positive substitution effect
3) The positive income effect is stronger than positive substitution effect
4) The positive income effect is equal to negative substitution effect
Ans: 1
76. In Slutsky's substitution effect, income is reduced or increased by :
1) Cost difference 2) Compensating Variation
3) Equivalent Variation 4) Compensating difference
Ans: 1
77. The Band wagon effect makes the market demand curve for the commodity :
1) Flatter or more elastic 2) Steeper or less elastic
3) Perfectly elastic 4) Perfectly inelastic
Ans: 1
78. Markowitz Hypothesis relates the marginal utility of income to changes in the level of :
1) Absolute income 2) Present income 3) Relative Income 4) Past income
Ans: 2
79. The firm's short run supply curve of a commodity in perfect competition is :
1) Rising portion of firm's MC curve below AVC curve
2) Rising portion of firm's MC curve above AVC curve
3) Rising portion of Average total cost curve
4) Rising portion of Average variable cost curve
Ans: 2
80. The combined consumer's and producer's surplus is at a maximum in which of the following market situation ?
1) Perfect competition 2) Monopoly 3) Monopolistic competition 4) Oligopoly
Ans: 1
81.Empirical studies made by economists find the shape of long run average cost curve due to technological progress that takes over time to be :
1) Rising upward 2) U shaped
3) L shaped 4) Saucer type shape
Ans: 3
82. In a game theory, a situation in which one firm can gain only what another firm looses is called a :
1) Cooperative non constant sum game 2) Non cooperative non constant sum game
3) Prisioner's dilemma 4) Zero sum game
Ans: 4
83. Which of the following are parts of every game theory model :
A. Strategies B. Players C. Constraints D. Pay offs Select the correct answer using the codes given below :
1) A, B and C
2) B, C and D
3) A, B and D
4) C only
Ans: 3
84. Bliss point is where :
1) The utility frontier curve is tangent to the welfare curve
2) Indifference curve is tangent to price line
3) Isoquant curve is tangent to isocost line
4) Tangency of various indifference curve of two individuals
Ans: 1
85. Main obstacles to attaining Pareto optimality and maximum social welfare is :
1) Existence of imperfect competition 2) Presence of externalities
3) Consumption of public goods 4) All of these
Ans: 4
86. The incorrect statement of High Powered Money is :
1) High Powered money is basis of expansion of bank deposit and money supply
2) It is composed of currency held by public and commercial bank reserves
3) The demand for high powered money is related inversely to money supply
4) An increase in supply of high powered money leads to decrease in money supply
Ans: 4
87. The money multiplier shows the relationship between :
1) Currency with Public and reserves with Banks 2) Excess reserves and total reserves
3) High powered money and money supply 4) Required reserves and total reserves
Ans: 3
88. Assertion (A) : High Powered money is currency held by public and the commercial bank reserves.
Reason (R): If demand of High powered money remains constant, an increase in its supply sets multiplier into operation and causes resultant increase in supply of money
1) Both A and R are individually true and R is correct explanation of A
2) Both A and R are individually true and R is not correct explanation of A
3) A is true but R is false
4) A is false but R is true
Ans: 2
89. In simple classical model on the assumption of flexible money wage the aggregate supply curve at full employment level of income is :
1) Perfectly inelastic 2) Perfectly elastic
3) Relatively elastic 4) Relatively inelastic
Ans: 1
90. The two important assumption on which Pigou effect is based are :
1) Flexible wages and Price level 2) Price expectations are considered
3) Stable stock of money 4) It is a dynamic analysis
Ans: 1
91. According to Dussenberry as the income decreases, the consumption does not decrease with same rate is referred as :
1) Ratchet Effect 2) Veblen Effect 3) Demonstration Effect 4) Snob Effect
Ans: 1
92. Assertion ( A) : When national income increases then economic welfare also increases.
Reason ( R) : Economic welfare not only depends on quantity of income but also depends on the way income is earned and the way it is spend. 1
) Both A and R are individually true and R is correct explanation of A
2) Both A and R are individually true and R is not correct explanation of A
3) A is true but R is false
4) A is false but R is true
Ans: 1
93. The indicators to construct Physical Quality of life Index by D Morris are :
A. Life expectancy indicator
B. Infant Martality indicator
C. Basic Literacy indicator
D. Standard of living indicator. S
elect the correct answer by using the codes given belows :
1) A, B and C
2) B, C and D
3) A, B and D
4) B and D
Ans: 1
94. To avoid value judgements, the economist and UN organisation use which of the following measure of economic development :
1) Life expectancy at birth 2) Calorie supply per head
3) GNP per capita 4) Literacy signifying primary school enrolment as percent of population
Ans: 3
95. Inverted U shaped Hypothesis of income distribution given by Prof. Kuznets states that in early stages of economic growth :
1) relative income inequality decreases, stabilises for time and then increases in later stages
2) relative income inequality increases, stabilises for time and then decline in later stages
3) relative income inequality decreases and then stabilises
4) relative income inequality increases and then decreases in later stage
Ans: 2
96. If the value of Ginni Coefficient is one then there is :
1) Complete inequality of income 2) Complete equality of income
3) Greater inequality of income 4) Greater equality of income
Ans: 1
97. A graphical representation showing the degree of inequality of income is called as :
1) Laffer Curve 2) Learning Curve 3) Lorenz Curve 4) Engel Curve
Ans: 3
98. The numerical value of relation between an increase in income and resulting increase in investment is called as :
1) Ginni coefficient 2) Multiplier 3) GDP deflator 4) Accelerator
Ans: 4
99. The incorrect assumption of Fei and Ranis theory of economic development is :
1) Land is fixed in supply 2) Population growth is taken as exogenous phenomenon
3) Workers in either sector consume only agricultural products 4) Agriculture activity is characterized by increasing returns to scale
Ans: 4
100. Green Finance mostly refers to financial investments flowing towards :
1) Agricultural development projects 2) Industrial development projects
3) Dairy development projects 4) Sustainable development projects
Ans: 4