1. Match the example to prove that plants also have sense organs.
I. Suryabhakta (a) Ghran Indriya
II. Lavali (b) Rasna Indriya
III. Beejapura (c) Sparsh Indriya
IV. Chuta (d) Chakshu Indriya
V. Lajjalu (e) Kshotra Indriya
(A) I - a, II - b, III - c, IV - d, V - e
(B) I - b, II - c, III - d, IV - e, V - a
(C) I - d, II - e, III - a, IV - b, V - c
(D) I - c, II - d, III - e, IV - a, V - b
2. Following which is the ingredient of Triphala Guggulu, except Triphala? (A) Pippali (B) Pippali & Pippalimula (C) Pippali & Chavya (D) Pippali & Sunthi
3. Indragopa & Manduka are the examples of ... (A) Udbhija Varga (B) Oudbhida Varga (C) Parthiv Varga (D) Andaj Varga
4. Ephedrine is similar to adrenaline by which feature? (A) Duration of action (B) Potency (C) Inability to penetrate blood-brain barrier (D) Producing both alpha and beta-adrenergic effects
5. Match the following plant extracts with their API reference standard.
I. Sunthi Water Extract (a) Catechin
II. Tulsi Hydro Alcoholic Extract (b) Ursolic Acid
III. Punarnava Water Extract (c) Boeravinone B
IV. Shirish water Extract (d) 6-shogaol
(A) I - d, II - b, III - c, IV - a (B) I - c, II - a, III - d, IV - b
(C) I - b, II - c, III - a, IV - c (D) I - a, II - d, III - b, IV - c
6. Which are the types of soil texture? (A) Slit (B) Clay (C) Loam (D) A & B & C
7. Which is the highest Taxonomical Hierarchy of all plants? (A) Kingdom (B) Family (C) Genus (D) Species
8. Which branch of botany deals with plant identification, nomenclature and classification? (A) Morphology (B) Phytotomy (C) Pharmacognosy (D) Taxonomy
9. Following which Nighantu has classified Kasturi in Karpuradi varga? (A) Bhavprakasha Nighantu (B) Raja Nighantu (C) Sodhal Nighantu (D) Dhanvantri Nighantu
10. ‘Lata’ synonym has been given to which plant, according to Bhavaprakasha Nighantu? Choose the most appropriate option. (A) Saariva (B) Saariva – Jyotishmati (C) Saariva – Jyotishmati – Priyangu (D) None of Above
11. What is the wrong in regards to ‘Unorganized crude drug’? (A) These are derived from parts of plant or animal by some process of extraction and followed by purification, if necessary. (B) For the identification, chemical test and physical standards are confirmatory tests. (C) Microscopic characters are main important criteria for identification. (D) Juices, resin are fall under the unorganized crude drug category.
12. Vasodilator drugs may act by ... (A) Alpha/Beta & Alpha 1 Blockers (B) Calcium antagonist (C) Unknown Mechanism (D) A & B & C
13. Following which most appropriate option is correct regarding Swaythuhara Dashemani Dravya of Charaka? (A) Dravyas of Dashmula (B) Dravyas of Bruhat Panchmula & Laghu Panchamula (C) Dravyas of Mahat Panchamula & Kaniya Panchamula (D) A & B & C
14. Match the Virudhtvam (Incompatibility) with example.
I. Sanskar Virudhatva (a) After consuming Pork, hot water should not be taken
II. Matra Virudha (b) Combination of milk & Sour substance
III. Parihar Virudha (c) Peacock meat should not be fried in Castor Oil
IV. Samyog Virudha (d) Madhu & Ghrita should not be used in equal quantity
(A) I - d, II - a, III - c, IV - d (B) I - a, II - b, III - d, IV - c
(C) I - b, II - c, III - d, IV - a (D) I - c, II - d, III - a, IV - b
15. Find out the fruit, which has Pradhan Madhur Rasa, Virya Sheeta & Vipaka Madhur, according to API. (A) Dry & fresh Kharjura (B) Kushmand (C) Draksha (D) A & B & C
16. What is the therapeutic use of Hingvadi Tail, as mentioned in AFI? (A) Pratishyay (B) Karnashula (C) Katishula (D) Sandhishula
17. The age old patients have generally intolerant of ... (A) Digoxin (B) Nifedipine (C) Propranolol (D) Salbutamol
18. Which following drug adverse effect is specially noted in men compared to women? (A) Ampicillin induced loose motions (B) Levodopa induced abnormal movements (C) Tardive dyskinesia due to neuroleptics (D) Ketoconazole induced loss of libido
19. Match the name of Vitamins.
I. Vit B1 (a) Pyridoxine
II. Vit B2 (b) Niacin
III. Vit B3 (c) Thiamin
IV. Vit B6 (d) Riboflavin
(A) I - a, II - b, III - d, IV - c (B) I - b, II - c, III - a, IV - d
(C) I - c, II - d, III - b, IV - a (D) I - d, II - a, III - c, IV - b
20. Find out an appropriate option related to congestive heart failure patients.
(A) Inotropic action of digoxin is attenuated (B) Volume of distribution of all drugs is increased
(C) Orally administered diuretics may not be effective, but the same may work parenterally (D) Hepatic clearance of drugs is unaffected.
21. Find out the Rasa according to Ashtanga Sangraha, which has generalized effect on body like;
I. Deepan-Pachana
II. Hridya
III. Kostha Vidahi
IV. Brimhana
(A) Katu rasa (B) Tikta rasa
(C) Amla Rasa (D) Kashay Rasa
22. Find out the substitute drug of Sugandha, Suvaha & Surabhi, as mentioned in AFI.
(A) Helictres isora Linn. (B) Alpinia galanga Willd. (C) Rhus parviflora Roxb. (D) Taxus baccata Linn.
23. Drug administered through which route is most likely to be subjected to first-pass metabolism?
(A) Oral (B) Rectal (C) Subcutaneous (D) Sublingual
24. Under the process of Biotransformation, Phase 1 Reactions include …
(A) Oxidation & Hydrolysis (B) Reduction (C) A & B (D) None of Above
25. Find out an appropriate answer which found in Bolete Mushrooms, Icelandic Moss & Lichen, not found in fruits, used as a substitute for Citric & Tartaric Acid and enhances flavour & Sourness.
(A) Malic Acid (B) Acetic Acid (C) Fumaric Acid (D) Phosphoric Acid
26. Trivruta should be mixed with which medicine to cure Kamala (Jaundice), as mentioned in Charaka Samhita?
(A) Triphala Kwatha (B) Madhu & Ghruta (C) Sharkara & Madhu (D) Katuki Kwath
27. Which are the minor routes of drug excretion….
(A) Skin & Hair (B) Sweat & Saliva (C) Milk (D) A & B & C
28. Arrange the Virya & Vipaka of Dravya, according to API.
I. Sirisha (a) Ushna-Amla
II. Aatmagupta Bija (b) Anushna-Madhur
III. Erand Bija (c) Anushna-Katu
IV. Chincha (d) Sheeta-Madhur
V. Pippali (e) Ushna-Madhur
(A) I - d, II - b, III - a, IV - c, V - a
(B) I - b, II - a, III - c, IV - e, V - d
(C) I - a, II - c, III - b, IV - d, V - e
(D) I - c, II - d, III - e, IV - a, V - b
29. Data collected by the investigator himself / herself for a specific purpose is known as _______
(A) Primary Data (B) Secondary data (C) True Data (D) Empirical Data
30. Which Nighantu has documented testing method for Kasturi?
(A) Bhavprakasha Nighantu (B) Sodhal Nighantu (C) Raj Nighantu (D) Dhanvantri Nighantu
31. Which is/are true, for issue the license with respect to Patent or Proprietary medicine, wherein ASU drug with any of the ingredients of Schedule E (1) of D&C Act, Ingredient(S) are as per text and Existing Indications?
(A) Safety studies and evidence of effectiveness, both are required
(B) Safety studies and evidence of effectiveness, both are not required
(C) Safety studies are required, but evidence of effectiveness is not required
(D) Safety studies are not required, but evidence of effectiveness is required
32. Kaiydev Nighantu has classified Dravya Gorochan in which following Varga?
(A) Chandanadi Varga (B) Karpuradi Varga (C) Dhatu Varga (D) Mamsa Varga
33. Join the Dravya and Karma as per Agraya Varga.
I. Shalparni (a) Vrishya
II. Sama Ghrit Saktu Prasha Abhyasa (b) Vrishya, Vatahara
III. Erandmula (c) Vrishya, Udavartahara
IV. Nakra Reta (d) Vrishya, Sarvadoshahara
(A) I - c, II - d, III - a, IV - b
(B) I - d, II - c, III - b, IV - a
(C) I - a, II - d, III - c, IV - b
(D) I - b, II - c, III - d, IV - a
34. Find out the characteristic of Anurasa.
(A) Expressed in the beginning (B) Expressed immediately in dry state (C) Perceived after some time & found in the wet state (D) A & B & C
35. Who has suggested Vipaka of Tikta Rasa & Kashaya Rasa in Madhur Vipaka?
(A) Agnivesha (B) Aatrey (C) Parashar (D) Nagurjana
36. Majority of drugs cross biological membranes primarily through which transport mechanism?
(A) Passive diffusion (B) Pinocytosis (C) Active transportation (D) Facilitated diffusion
37. Double-blinding, in clinical research, may reduce the _______ bias.
(A) Observer (B) Selection (C) Allocation (D) Recall
38. In India, which system is established to encourage all clinical trials conducted in India to be prospectively registered?
39. Which bias can be controlled by randomisation?
(A) Observational bias (B) Selection Bias (C) Measurement Bias (D) Analysis bias
40. Following which receptor has itself enzymatic property?
(A) Insulin receptor (B) Thyroxine receptor (C) Glucagon receptor (D) Progesterone receptor
41. Following which Anupan is a one of the Anupan, indicated for Avaleha Kalpana, according to Sharangdhar Samhita?
(A) Laghu Panchamula (B) Bruhat Panchamula (C) Valli Panchamula (D) Trun Panchamula
42. Find out the true statement in relation to ‘Drug toxicity’ and ‘Poisoning’.
(A) Toxicity is caused by drugs while poisoning is caused by other harmful chemicals
(B) When a toxic effect requires specific treatment, it is called poisoning
(C) A toxic effect which endangers life by markedly affecting vital functions is called poisoning
(D) The two terms are synonymous
43. In reference to laboratory test, find the term which represents ‘Likelihood that a person without the disease will have a true negative test’ (A) Sensitivity (B) Positive predictive value (C) Odd ratio (D) Specificity
44. Which Anupan is indicated for Sanjeevani Vati, in Sharangdhar Samhita? (A) Aardraka Swarasa (B) Vasa Swarasa (C) Chincha swarasa (D) Nimbuk Swarasa
45. Specify the area of salt test on tongue. (A) On the dorsum anteriorly (B) At the sides (C) At the back of tongue (D) At the tip of tongue
46. Which part used of Madanphala & Nimba is mentioned for Shirovirechana Karma, in Charaka Samhita? (A) Patra (B) Pushpa (C) Phala (D) Beeja
47. Acharya Charaka has mentioned Pippali & Pippalimula both together in which Dashemani? (A) Deepaniya & Shulaprashaman (B) Truptighna & Hikkanighrahan (C) Shirovirechanopaga & Aasthapanopaga (D) A & B & C
48. Which Anupan is mentioned of Pancha Nimba Churna, in Sharangdhar Samhita? (A) Karpura & Hingu (B) Triphala & Guduchi Kashaya (C) Khadir & Asana Kashaya (D) Ghrita & Sharkara
49. Which initiative is taken to prevent misappropriation of country’s traditional medicinal knowledge at International Patent Offices? (A) Patents Act (B) Intellectual Property Law (C) TKDL (D) CSIR
50. In scientific writing presently, which format refers to a common organization structure of article that is adopted by most of scientific journal article? (A) APA (B) R&D (C) JAMA (D) IMRAD
1 C
2 A
3 A
4 D
5 A
6 D
7 A
8 D
9 A
10 C
11 C
12 D
13 D
14 D
15 D
16 B
17 A
18 D
19 C
20 C
21 C
22 B
23 A
24 C
25 C
26 A
27 D
28 D
29 A
30 C
31 A
32 C
33 B
34 C
35 C
36 A
37 A
38 B
39 B
40 A
41 A
42 C
43 D
44 A
45 A
46 B
47 A
48 C
49 C
50 D
I. Suryabhakta (a) Ghran Indriya
II. Lavali (b) Rasna Indriya
III. Beejapura (c) Sparsh Indriya
IV. Chuta (d) Chakshu Indriya
V. Lajjalu (e) Kshotra Indriya
(A) I - a, II - b, III - c, IV - d, V - e
(B) I - b, II - c, III - d, IV - e, V - a
(C) I - d, II - e, III - a, IV - b, V - c
(D) I - c, II - d, III - e, IV - a, V - b
2. Following which is the ingredient of Triphala Guggulu, except Triphala? (A) Pippali (B) Pippali & Pippalimula (C) Pippali & Chavya (D) Pippali & Sunthi
3. Indragopa & Manduka are the examples of ... (A) Udbhija Varga (B) Oudbhida Varga (C) Parthiv Varga (D) Andaj Varga
4. Ephedrine is similar to adrenaline by which feature? (A) Duration of action (B) Potency (C) Inability to penetrate blood-brain barrier (D) Producing both alpha and beta-adrenergic effects
5. Match the following plant extracts with their API reference standard.
I. Sunthi Water Extract (a) Catechin
II. Tulsi Hydro Alcoholic Extract (b) Ursolic Acid
III. Punarnava Water Extract (c) Boeravinone B
IV. Shirish water Extract (d) 6-shogaol
(A) I - d, II - b, III - c, IV - a (B) I - c, II - a, III - d, IV - b
(C) I - b, II - c, III - a, IV - c (D) I - a, II - d, III - b, IV - c
6. Which are the types of soil texture? (A) Slit (B) Clay (C) Loam (D) A & B & C
7. Which is the highest Taxonomical Hierarchy of all plants? (A) Kingdom (B) Family (C) Genus (D) Species
8. Which branch of botany deals with plant identification, nomenclature and classification? (A) Morphology (B) Phytotomy (C) Pharmacognosy (D) Taxonomy
9. Following which Nighantu has classified Kasturi in Karpuradi varga? (A) Bhavprakasha Nighantu (B) Raja Nighantu (C) Sodhal Nighantu (D) Dhanvantri Nighantu
10. ‘Lata’ synonym has been given to which plant, according to Bhavaprakasha Nighantu? Choose the most appropriate option. (A) Saariva (B) Saariva – Jyotishmati (C) Saariva – Jyotishmati – Priyangu (D) None of Above
11. What is the wrong in regards to ‘Unorganized crude drug’? (A) These are derived from parts of plant or animal by some process of extraction and followed by purification, if necessary. (B) For the identification, chemical test and physical standards are confirmatory tests. (C) Microscopic characters are main important criteria for identification. (D) Juices, resin are fall under the unorganized crude drug category.
12. Vasodilator drugs may act by ... (A) Alpha/Beta & Alpha 1 Blockers (B) Calcium antagonist (C) Unknown Mechanism (D) A & B & C
13. Following which most appropriate option is correct regarding Swaythuhara Dashemani Dravya of Charaka? (A) Dravyas of Dashmula (B) Dravyas of Bruhat Panchmula & Laghu Panchamula (C) Dravyas of Mahat Panchamula & Kaniya Panchamula (D) A & B & C
14. Match the Virudhtvam (Incompatibility) with example.
I. Sanskar Virudhatva (a) After consuming Pork, hot water should not be taken
II. Matra Virudha (b) Combination of milk & Sour substance
III. Parihar Virudha (c) Peacock meat should not be fried in Castor Oil
IV. Samyog Virudha (d) Madhu & Ghrita should not be used in equal quantity
(A) I - d, II - a, III - c, IV - d (B) I - a, II - b, III - d, IV - c
(C) I - b, II - c, III - d, IV - a (D) I - c, II - d, III - a, IV - b
15. Find out the fruit, which has Pradhan Madhur Rasa, Virya Sheeta & Vipaka Madhur, according to API. (A) Dry & fresh Kharjura (B) Kushmand (C) Draksha (D) A & B & C
16. What is the therapeutic use of Hingvadi Tail, as mentioned in AFI? (A) Pratishyay (B) Karnashula (C) Katishula (D) Sandhishula
17. The age old patients have generally intolerant of ... (A) Digoxin (B) Nifedipine (C) Propranolol (D) Salbutamol
18. Which following drug adverse effect is specially noted in men compared to women? (A) Ampicillin induced loose motions (B) Levodopa induced abnormal movements (C) Tardive dyskinesia due to neuroleptics (D) Ketoconazole induced loss of libido
19. Match the name of Vitamins.
I. Vit B1 (a) Pyridoxine
II. Vit B2 (b) Niacin
III. Vit B3 (c) Thiamin
IV. Vit B6 (d) Riboflavin
(A) I - a, II - b, III - d, IV - c (B) I - b, II - c, III - a, IV - d
(C) I - c, II - d, III - b, IV - a (D) I - d, II - a, III - c, IV - b
20. Find out an appropriate option related to congestive heart failure patients.
(A) Inotropic action of digoxin is attenuated (B) Volume of distribution of all drugs is increased
(C) Orally administered diuretics may not be effective, but the same may work parenterally (D) Hepatic clearance of drugs is unaffected.
21. Find out the Rasa according to Ashtanga Sangraha, which has generalized effect on body like;
I. Deepan-Pachana
II. Hridya
III. Kostha Vidahi
IV. Brimhana
(A) Katu rasa (B) Tikta rasa
(C) Amla Rasa (D) Kashay Rasa
22. Find out the substitute drug of Sugandha, Suvaha & Surabhi, as mentioned in AFI.
(A) Helictres isora Linn. (B) Alpinia galanga Willd. (C) Rhus parviflora Roxb. (D) Taxus baccata Linn.
23. Drug administered through which route is most likely to be subjected to first-pass metabolism?
(A) Oral (B) Rectal (C) Subcutaneous (D) Sublingual
24. Under the process of Biotransformation, Phase 1 Reactions include …
(A) Oxidation & Hydrolysis (B) Reduction (C) A & B (D) None of Above
25. Find out an appropriate answer which found in Bolete Mushrooms, Icelandic Moss & Lichen, not found in fruits, used as a substitute for Citric & Tartaric Acid and enhances flavour & Sourness.
(A) Malic Acid (B) Acetic Acid (C) Fumaric Acid (D) Phosphoric Acid
26. Trivruta should be mixed with which medicine to cure Kamala (Jaundice), as mentioned in Charaka Samhita?
(A) Triphala Kwatha (B) Madhu & Ghruta (C) Sharkara & Madhu (D) Katuki Kwath
27. Which are the minor routes of drug excretion….
(A) Skin & Hair (B) Sweat & Saliva (C) Milk (D) A & B & C
28. Arrange the Virya & Vipaka of Dravya, according to API.
I. Sirisha (a) Ushna-Amla
II. Aatmagupta Bija (b) Anushna-Madhur
III. Erand Bija (c) Anushna-Katu
IV. Chincha (d) Sheeta-Madhur
V. Pippali (e) Ushna-Madhur
(A) I - d, II - b, III - a, IV - c, V - a
(B) I - b, II - a, III - c, IV - e, V - d
(C) I - a, II - c, III - b, IV - d, V - e
(D) I - c, II - d, III - e, IV - a, V - b
29. Data collected by the investigator himself / herself for a specific purpose is known as _______
(A) Primary Data (B) Secondary data (C) True Data (D) Empirical Data
30. Which Nighantu has documented testing method for Kasturi?
(A) Bhavprakasha Nighantu (B) Sodhal Nighantu (C) Raj Nighantu (D) Dhanvantri Nighantu
31. Which is/are true, for issue the license with respect to Patent or Proprietary medicine, wherein ASU drug with any of the ingredients of Schedule E (1) of D&C Act, Ingredient(S) are as per text and Existing Indications?
(A) Safety studies and evidence of effectiveness, both are required
(B) Safety studies and evidence of effectiveness, both are not required
(C) Safety studies are required, but evidence of effectiveness is not required
(D) Safety studies are not required, but evidence of effectiveness is required
32. Kaiydev Nighantu has classified Dravya Gorochan in which following Varga?
(A) Chandanadi Varga (B) Karpuradi Varga (C) Dhatu Varga (D) Mamsa Varga
33. Join the Dravya and Karma as per Agraya Varga.
I. Shalparni (a) Vrishya
II. Sama Ghrit Saktu Prasha Abhyasa (b) Vrishya, Vatahara
III. Erandmula (c) Vrishya, Udavartahara
IV. Nakra Reta (d) Vrishya, Sarvadoshahara
(A) I - c, II - d, III - a, IV - b
(B) I - d, II - c, III - b, IV - a
(C) I - a, II - d, III - c, IV - b
(D) I - b, II - c, III - d, IV - a
34. Find out the characteristic of Anurasa.
(A) Expressed in the beginning (B) Expressed immediately in dry state (C) Perceived after some time & found in the wet state (D) A & B & C
35. Who has suggested Vipaka of Tikta Rasa & Kashaya Rasa in Madhur Vipaka?
(A) Agnivesha (B) Aatrey (C) Parashar (D) Nagurjana
36. Majority of drugs cross biological membranes primarily through which transport mechanism?
(A) Passive diffusion (B) Pinocytosis (C) Active transportation (D) Facilitated diffusion
37. Double-blinding, in clinical research, may reduce the _______ bias.
(A) Observer (B) Selection (C) Allocation (D) Recall
38. In India, which system is established to encourage all clinical trials conducted in India to be prospectively registered?
39. Which bias can be controlled by randomisation?
(A) Observational bias (B) Selection Bias (C) Measurement Bias (D) Analysis bias
40. Following which receptor has itself enzymatic property?
(A) Insulin receptor (B) Thyroxine receptor (C) Glucagon receptor (D) Progesterone receptor
41. Following which Anupan is a one of the Anupan, indicated for Avaleha Kalpana, according to Sharangdhar Samhita?
(A) Laghu Panchamula (B) Bruhat Panchamula (C) Valli Panchamula (D) Trun Panchamula
42. Find out the true statement in relation to ‘Drug toxicity’ and ‘Poisoning’.
(A) Toxicity is caused by drugs while poisoning is caused by other harmful chemicals
(B) When a toxic effect requires specific treatment, it is called poisoning
(C) A toxic effect which endangers life by markedly affecting vital functions is called poisoning
(D) The two terms are synonymous
43. In reference to laboratory test, find the term which represents ‘Likelihood that a person without the disease will have a true negative test’ (A) Sensitivity (B) Positive predictive value (C) Odd ratio (D) Specificity
44. Which Anupan is indicated for Sanjeevani Vati, in Sharangdhar Samhita? (A) Aardraka Swarasa (B) Vasa Swarasa (C) Chincha swarasa (D) Nimbuk Swarasa
45. Specify the area of salt test on tongue. (A) On the dorsum anteriorly (B) At the sides (C) At the back of tongue (D) At the tip of tongue
46. Which part used of Madanphala & Nimba is mentioned for Shirovirechana Karma, in Charaka Samhita? (A) Patra (B) Pushpa (C) Phala (D) Beeja
47. Acharya Charaka has mentioned Pippali & Pippalimula both together in which Dashemani? (A) Deepaniya & Shulaprashaman (B) Truptighna & Hikkanighrahan (C) Shirovirechanopaga & Aasthapanopaga (D) A & B & C
48. Which Anupan is mentioned of Pancha Nimba Churna, in Sharangdhar Samhita? (A) Karpura & Hingu (B) Triphala & Guduchi Kashaya (C) Khadir & Asana Kashaya (D) Ghrita & Sharkara
49. Which initiative is taken to prevent misappropriation of country’s traditional medicinal knowledge at International Patent Offices? (A) Patents Act (B) Intellectual Property Law (C) TKDL (D) CSIR
50. In scientific writing presently, which format refers to a common organization structure of article that is adopted by most of scientific journal article? (A) APA (B) R&D (C) JAMA (D) IMRAD
1 C
2 A
3 A
4 D
5 A
6 D
7 A
8 D
9 A
10 C
11 C
12 D
13 D
14 D
15 D
16 B
17 A
18 D
19 C
20 C
21 C
22 B
23 A
24 C
25 C
26 A
27 D
28 D
29 A
30 C
31 A
32 C
33 B
34 C
35 C
36 A
37 A
38 B
39 B
40 A
41 A
42 C
43 D
44 A
45 A
46 B
47 A
48 C
49 C
50 D
51. Which type of error in statistical analysis occurs when the H0 is rejected, and when it is actually true?
(A) Type 3 error (B) Type β error (C) Type 1 error (D) Type 2 error
52. Following which Dravya is not an ingredient of Sarasvata Churna, as mentioned in AFI?
(A) Jyotishmati (B) Jatamansi (C) Yashti (D) A & B & C
53. What is the permissible limits of Alachlor pesticide residue mentioned in API?
(A) 0.005 mg/kg (B) 0.01 mg/kg (C) 0.02 mg/kg (D) 0.03 mg/kg
54. Following which examples having Dhatu Pradushak quality, according to Acharya Chakrapani?
(A) Aamalaki & Duralabha (B) Yavaka & Mandaka (C) Raktashali & Godhum (D) Kustha & Haridra
55. Which is another ingredient in Amruta Ghruta, except Guduchi, according to Sharangdhar Samhita?
(A) Vasa (B) Parpat (C) Nimba (D) None of Above
56. Match the Dravya & its classical Pratinidhi Dravya.
I. Chitraka (a) Lavang
II. Jatipushpa (b) Dhataki
III. Langli (c) Apamarga Kshara
IV. Bharangi (d) Kustha V. Madhuyashti (e) Kantkarimula
(A) I - a, II - c, III - b, IV - d, V - e
(B) I - b, II - d, III - c, IV - e, V - a
(C) I - c, II - a, III - d, IV - e, V - b
(D) I - d, II - b, III - a, IV - e, V - c
57. True, Proto & Pseudo words are indicating the types of …
(A) Glycoside (B) Saponin (C) Tannins (D) Alkaloids
58. Jyotishmati Tail can cure _______ disease as mentioned in AFI.
(A) Dagdha Vrana (B) Nadi Vrana (C) Bhagandar (D) Svitra Roga
59. Choose the example for Nomenclature Base.
I. Rudhi (a) Hema (Kirattikta)
II. Swabhava (b) Panchangula (Erand)
III. Deshokta (c) Kinihi (Apamarga)
IV. Lanchana (d) Garbhanut (Langali)
V. Upama (e) Vakrapushpa (Agastya)
(A) I - a, II - b, III - c, IV - e, V - d (B) I - b, II - c, III - d, IV - a, V - e
(C) I - c, II - d, III - a, IV - e, V - b (D) I - d, II - a, III - b, IV - e, V - c
60. What is the route of drug administration of Triphala Ghrita, according to Sharangdhar Samhita?
(A) Ghruta Pana (B) Nasya (C) Netra Tarpana (D) A & B & C
61. Find out the Botanical Source of following synthetic drugs.
I. Atropine (a) Rauwolfia serpentine Root
II. Vinblastine (b) Gloriosa superba Root & seeds
III. Colchicine (c) Mucuna pruriens Seeds
IV. L-Dopa (d) Hyoscymus muticus Leaves
V. Reserpine (e) Vinca rosea Leaves
(A) I - c, II - b, III - e, IV - d, V - a
(B) I - b, II - c, III - d, IV - a, V - e
(C) I - e, II - d, III - c, IV - b, V - a
(D) I - d, II - e, III - b, IV - c, V - a
62. Following which experimental models are used for Anti-inflammatory pharmacological study?
(A) Carrageenan- Induced model (B) UV-B- Induced Model (C) Papaya Latex Induced Model (D) A & B & C
63. Who has given the term Samyaka Vipaka & Mithya Vipaka?
(A) Acharya Charaka (B) Acharya Sushruta (C) A & B (D) None of Above
64. Join an appropriate option of Anupan with disease, according to opinion of Lolimbraja.
I. Jvara (a) Musta & Parpat
II. Sheet Jvara (b) Chitraka Leaves & Maricha
III. Swasnaka Jvara (c) Trikatu & Madhu
IV. Puran Jvara (d) Madhu & Pippali
(A) I - b, II - c, III - d, IV - a (B) I - c, II - d, III - a, IV - b
(C) I - d, II - a, III - b, IV - c (D) I - a, II - b, III - c, IV - d
65. Indicate the formulation, which doesn’t have ingredient Triphala, according to Sharangdhar Samhita? (A) Kaishor Guggulu (B) Sudarshan Churna (C) Panchatikta Ghrit (D) A & B & C
66. Which artificial colour permitted in Ayurvedic medicines, according to API? (A) Annatto (B) Caramel (C) Cochineal (D) A & B & C
67. Choose the correct answer of contain.
I. Balsams (a) Occurring with Volatile Oil
II. Oleoresin (b) Gum & Volatile Oil both found
III. Gum-resin (c) Combination with Glycoside
IV. Oleo-gum-resin (d) Containing of Benzoic Acid
V. Glycoresins (e) Found in combination with Gum
(A) I - b, II - c, III - a, IV - d, V - e
(B) I - e, II - d, III - b, IV - a, V - c
(C) I - d, II - a, III - e, IV - b, V - c
(D) I - a, II - b, III - c, IV - e, V - d
68. Which central data value that occurs most frequently? (A) Mean (B) Median (C) Mode (D) Standard deviation
69. Find out adulteration of following food items
I. Turmeric (a) Lead Oxide
II. Milk (b) Jaggery
III. Chili Powder (c) Rhodamine B
IV. Sweetening Agent (d) Detergent
V. Honey (e) Methyl Yellow Colour
(A) I - c, II - e, III - b, IV - a, V - d (B) I - e, II - d, III - a, IV - c, V - b
(C) I - a, II - c, III - d, IV - b, V - e (D) I - b, II - a, III - c, IV - d, V - e
70. Hima (Cold Infusion) of which Dravya is very useful in Kasa (Cough), according to Sharangdhar Samhita?
(A) Vasa Hima (B) Kantkari Hima (C) Pippali Hima (D) Lavang Hima
71. Which scales has the characteristic like ‘order, interval values, true zero defined’?
(A) Nominal (B) Ordinal (C) Interval (D) Ratio
72. Whom should not give medicine on empty stomach, according to Sushruta?
(A) Children & Women (B) Weak & Old age person (C) Sukumar (D) A & B & C
73. The drugs which are Vasoconstrictors should not be used in….
(A) Hypotension due to spinal anesthesia (B) Neurogenic shock (C) Secondary shock (D) Hemorrhagic shock
74. It is well known factor that Samanya (similarity) is responsible for Vriddhi (increase), according to Charaka samhita. Pluck here an appropriate number of its Types.
(A) 3 (B) 6 (C) 9 (D) 12
75. What is the dose of Aasava & Arishta, as per Sharangdhar Samhita?
(A) ¼ Pala (B) ½ Pala (C) 1 Pala (D) 2 Pala
76. In the Dushti of Pranavaha Strotas, medicine should be given in which time, according to Sharangdhar Samhita?
(A) Before meal (B) After the night meal (C) Middle of the meal (D) Repeated several times
77. Which Phala & Kanda are Hitatama respectively, according to Charaka Samhita?
(A) Lakucha & Aaluka (B) Aamalaki & Ativisha (C) Mrudvika & Shringvera (D) Sarshap & Jivanti
78. Following which is the function of receptor?
(A) To amplify the signals (B) To propagate regulatory signals (C) To integrate various regulatory signals (D) A & B & C
79. Sushruta Samhita has included Bhallataka in which Gana of its Aushdha Dravya Classification?
(A) Varunadi & Virtrvadi Gana (B) Rodhradi & Muskakadi Gana
(C) Bruhatyadi & saalsaradi Gana (D) Nyagrodhadi & Mustadi Gana
80. Medicine should be administered for which Karma in the early morning, according to Sharangdhar Samhita?
(A) Vamanarthe (B) Virechanarthe (C) Lekhanarthe (D) A & B & C
81. Following which Dravyas are mentioned in Jvarahar Dashemani in Charaka Samhita?
(A) Haridra- Manjistha- Chandan (B) Bilva- Gambhari- Shyonaka (C) Guduchi- Shalparni- Prishniparni (D) Haritaki- Bibhitaki- Aamalaki
82. Following which Dravya is indicated in Rugveda, Yajurveda & Atharvaveda?
(A) Khadira (B) Bibhitaka (C) Bilva (D) A & B & C
83. In the light of latest amendment in the Drugs and Cosmetics Rule 158 (B)- IV, standards for which type/s of extract are presented for monographs on plant in API-part I- vol. IX?
(A) Aqueous extracts only
(B) Hydro-alcoholic extracts only
(C) Aqueous and hydro-alcoholic extracts both
(D) Aqueous, hydro-alcoholic and ether extracts
84. Which are the ingredient of Astavarga Kwath Churna, as mentioned in AFI?
(A) Kakoli & Ksheerkakoli (B) Rasna & Erand (C) Meda & Mahameda (D) Apamarga & Yavasa
85. Following which plant has pharmacological quality to subside Raktavikar, mentioned in Bhavprakasha Nighantu?
(A) Pippala (B) Paris Pippala (C) Kakodumberika (D) Vata
86. Following which time of drug administration is nearly very similar in name according to Charaka Samhita, Sushruta Samhita, Astang Hridaya & Astanga Sangraha?
(A) Madhyebhakta & Samudga
(B) Gras & Grassantar
(C) Antarabhakta & sayam Paschat Bhakta
(D) None of Above
87. According to Sushruta Samhita & Sharangdhar Samhita, which following Dravya should be taken Purana (Old)?
(A) Vidang & Pippali (B) Madhu & Ghruta (C) Both A & B (D) None of Above
88. Which rate represent the ‘Probability of dying during the first 28 days of life, expressed per 1,000 live births’?
(A) Neonatal mortality rate (B) Perinatal mortality (C) Fetus mortality rate (D) Infant Mortality Rate
89. Which following statement is not correct when patient is in uremic condition?
(A) Attainment of steady-state plasma concentration of drugs eliminated through the kidney is hastened
(B) Diazepam produces exaggerated CNS depression
(C) Tetracyclines further raise blood urea level
(D) Pethidine can cause seizures
90. ‘The distance travelled by a given component divided by the distance travelled by the solvent front’ known as _______ .
(A) Retardation factor (B) Refraction factor (C) Ratio factor (D) Relative factor
91. Who has considered the Active Principle of Dravya as a Adhisthan of Virya?
(A) Yadavaji Trikamji Acharya (B) Shri Bapalal Vaidya (C) Acharya P V Sharma (D) None of Above
92. Select the Antibiotic which works against Acid Fast Bacilli.
(A) Streptomycin (B) Rifampicin (C) Cycloserine (D) A & B & C
Answer Key:
51 C
52 D
53 C
54 B
55 D
56 C
57 D
58 D
59 C
60 D
61 D
62 D
63 B
64 D
65 C
66 B
67 C
68 C
69 B
70 A
71 D
72 D
73 C
74 A
75 C
76 B
77 C
78 D
79 D
80 D
81 D
82 D
83 C
84 B
85 A
86 A
87 C
88 A
89 A
90 A
91 C
92 D
(A) Type 3 error (B) Type β error (C) Type 1 error (D) Type 2 error
52. Following which Dravya is not an ingredient of Sarasvata Churna, as mentioned in AFI?
(A) Jyotishmati (B) Jatamansi (C) Yashti (D) A & B & C
53. What is the permissible limits of Alachlor pesticide residue mentioned in API?
(A) 0.005 mg/kg (B) 0.01 mg/kg (C) 0.02 mg/kg (D) 0.03 mg/kg
54. Following which examples having Dhatu Pradushak quality, according to Acharya Chakrapani?
(A) Aamalaki & Duralabha (B) Yavaka & Mandaka (C) Raktashali & Godhum (D) Kustha & Haridra
55. Which is another ingredient in Amruta Ghruta, except Guduchi, according to Sharangdhar Samhita?
(A) Vasa (B) Parpat (C) Nimba (D) None of Above
56. Match the Dravya & its classical Pratinidhi Dravya.
I. Chitraka (a) Lavang
II. Jatipushpa (b) Dhataki
III. Langli (c) Apamarga Kshara
IV. Bharangi (d) Kustha V. Madhuyashti (e) Kantkarimula
(A) I - a, II - c, III - b, IV - d, V - e
(B) I - b, II - d, III - c, IV - e, V - a
(C) I - c, II - a, III - d, IV - e, V - b
(D) I - d, II - b, III - a, IV - e, V - c
57. True, Proto & Pseudo words are indicating the types of …
(A) Glycoside (B) Saponin (C) Tannins (D) Alkaloids
58. Jyotishmati Tail can cure _______ disease as mentioned in AFI.
(A) Dagdha Vrana (B) Nadi Vrana (C) Bhagandar (D) Svitra Roga
59. Choose the example for Nomenclature Base.
I. Rudhi (a) Hema (Kirattikta)
II. Swabhava (b) Panchangula (Erand)
III. Deshokta (c) Kinihi (Apamarga)
IV. Lanchana (d) Garbhanut (Langali)
V. Upama (e) Vakrapushpa (Agastya)
(A) I - a, II - b, III - c, IV - e, V - d (B) I - b, II - c, III - d, IV - a, V - e
(C) I - c, II - d, III - a, IV - e, V - b (D) I - d, II - a, III - b, IV - e, V - c
60. What is the route of drug administration of Triphala Ghrita, according to Sharangdhar Samhita?
(A) Ghruta Pana (B) Nasya (C) Netra Tarpana (D) A & B & C
61. Find out the Botanical Source of following synthetic drugs.
I. Atropine (a) Rauwolfia serpentine Root
II. Vinblastine (b) Gloriosa superba Root & seeds
III. Colchicine (c) Mucuna pruriens Seeds
IV. L-Dopa (d) Hyoscymus muticus Leaves
V. Reserpine (e) Vinca rosea Leaves
(A) I - c, II - b, III - e, IV - d, V - a
(B) I - b, II - c, III - d, IV - a, V - e
(C) I - e, II - d, III - c, IV - b, V - a
(D) I - d, II - e, III - b, IV - c, V - a
62. Following which experimental models are used for Anti-inflammatory pharmacological study?
(A) Carrageenan- Induced model (B) UV-B- Induced Model (C) Papaya Latex Induced Model (D) A & B & C
63. Who has given the term Samyaka Vipaka & Mithya Vipaka?
(A) Acharya Charaka (B) Acharya Sushruta (C) A & B (D) None of Above
64. Join an appropriate option of Anupan with disease, according to opinion of Lolimbraja.
I. Jvara (a) Musta & Parpat
II. Sheet Jvara (b) Chitraka Leaves & Maricha
III. Swasnaka Jvara (c) Trikatu & Madhu
IV. Puran Jvara (d) Madhu & Pippali
(A) I - b, II - c, III - d, IV - a (B) I - c, II - d, III - a, IV - b
(C) I - d, II - a, III - b, IV - c (D) I - a, II - b, III - c, IV - d
65. Indicate the formulation, which doesn’t have ingredient Triphala, according to Sharangdhar Samhita? (A) Kaishor Guggulu (B) Sudarshan Churna (C) Panchatikta Ghrit (D) A & B & C
66. Which artificial colour permitted in Ayurvedic medicines, according to API? (A) Annatto (B) Caramel (C) Cochineal (D) A & B & C
67. Choose the correct answer of contain.
I. Balsams (a) Occurring with Volatile Oil
II. Oleoresin (b) Gum & Volatile Oil both found
III. Gum-resin (c) Combination with Glycoside
IV. Oleo-gum-resin (d) Containing of Benzoic Acid
V. Glycoresins (e) Found in combination with Gum
(A) I - b, II - c, III - a, IV - d, V - e
(B) I - e, II - d, III - b, IV - a, V - c
(C) I - d, II - a, III - e, IV - b, V - c
(D) I - a, II - b, III - c, IV - e, V - d
68. Which central data value that occurs most frequently? (A) Mean (B) Median (C) Mode (D) Standard deviation
69. Find out adulteration of following food items
I. Turmeric (a) Lead Oxide
II. Milk (b) Jaggery
III. Chili Powder (c) Rhodamine B
IV. Sweetening Agent (d) Detergent
V. Honey (e) Methyl Yellow Colour
(A) I - c, II - e, III - b, IV - a, V - d (B) I - e, II - d, III - a, IV - c, V - b
(C) I - a, II - c, III - d, IV - b, V - e (D) I - b, II - a, III - c, IV - d, V - e
70. Hima (Cold Infusion) of which Dravya is very useful in Kasa (Cough), according to Sharangdhar Samhita?
(A) Vasa Hima (B) Kantkari Hima (C) Pippali Hima (D) Lavang Hima
71. Which scales has the characteristic like ‘order, interval values, true zero defined’?
(A) Nominal (B) Ordinal (C) Interval (D) Ratio
72. Whom should not give medicine on empty stomach, according to Sushruta?
(A) Children & Women (B) Weak & Old age person (C) Sukumar (D) A & B & C
73. The drugs which are Vasoconstrictors should not be used in….
(A) Hypotension due to spinal anesthesia (B) Neurogenic shock (C) Secondary shock (D) Hemorrhagic shock
74. It is well known factor that Samanya (similarity) is responsible for Vriddhi (increase), according to Charaka samhita. Pluck here an appropriate number of its Types.
(A) 3 (B) 6 (C) 9 (D) 12
75. What is the dose of Aasava & Arishta, as per Sharangdhar Samhita?
(A) ¼ Pala (B) ½ Pala (C) 1 Pala (D) 2 Pala
76. In the Dushti of Pranavaha Strotas, medicine should be given in which time, according to Sharangdhar Samhita?
(A) Before meal (B) After the night meal (C) Middle of the meal (D) Repeated several times
77. Which Phala & Kanda are Hitatama respectively, according to Charaka Samhita?
(A) Lakucha & Aaluka (B) Aamalaki & Ativisha (C) Mrudvika & Shringvera (D) Sarshap & Jivanti
78. Following which is the function of receptor?
(A) To amplify the signals (B) To propagate regulatory signals (C) To integrate various regulatory signals (D) A & B & C
79. Sushruta Samhita has included Bhallataka in which Gana of its Aushdha Dravya Classification?
(A) Varunadi & Virtrvadi Gana (B) Rodhradi & Muskakadi Gana
(C) Bruhatyadi & saalsaradi Gana (D) Nyagrodhadi & Mustadi Gana
80. Medicine should be administered for which Karma in the early morning, according to Sharangdhar Samhita?
(A) Vamanarthe (B) Virechanarthe (C) Lekhanarthe (D) A & B & C
81. Following which Dravyas are mentioned in Jvarahar Dashemani in Charaka Samhita?
(A) Haridra- Manjistha- Chandan (B) Bilva- Gambhari- Shyonaka (C) Guduchi- Shalparni- Prishniparni (D) Haritaki- Bibhitaki- Aamalaki
82. Following which Dravya is indicated in Rugveda, Yajurveda & Atharvaveda?
(A) Khadira (B) Bibhitaka (C) Bilva (D) A & B & C
83. In the light of latest amendment in the Drugs and Cosmetics Rule 158 (B)- IV, standards for which type/s of extract are presented for monographs on plant in API-part I- vol. IX?
(A) Aqueous extracts only
(B) Hydro-alcoholic extracts only
(C) Aqueous and hydro-alcoholic extracts both
(D) Aqueous, hydro-alcoholic and ether extracts
84. Which are the ingredient of Astavarga Kwath Churna, as mentioned in AFI?
(A) Kakoli & Ksheerkakoli (B) Rasna & Erand (C) Meda & Mahameda (D) Apamarga & Yavasa
85. Following which plant has pharmacological quality to subside Raktavikar, mentioned in Bhavprakasha Nighantu?
(A) Pippala (B) Paris Pippala (C) Kakodumberika (D) Vata
86. Following which time of drug administration is nearly very similar in name according to Charaka Samhita, Sushruta Samhita, Astang Hridaya & Astanga Sangraha?
(A) Madhyebhakta & Samudga
(B) Gras & Grassantar
(C) Antarabhakta & sayam Paschat Bhakta
(D) None of Above
87. According to Sushruta Samhita & Sharangdhar Samhita, which following Dravya should be taken Purana (Old)?
(A) Vidang & Pippali (B) Madhu & Ghruta (C) Both A & B (D) None of Above
88. Which rate represent the ‘Probability of dying during the first 28 days of life, expressed per 1,000 live births’?
(A) Neonatal mortality rate (B) Perinatal mortality (C) Fetus mortality rate (D) Infant Mortality Rate
89. Which following statement is not correct when patient is in uremic condition?
(A) Attainment of steady-state plasma concentration of drugs eliminated through the kidney is hastened
(B) Diazepam produces exaggerated CNS depression
(C) Tetracyclines further raise blood urea level
(D) Pethidine can cause seizures
90. ‘The distance travelled by a given component divided by the distance travelled by the solvent front’ known as _______ .
(A) Retardation factor (B) Refraction factor (C) Ratio factor (D) Relative factor
91. Who has considered the Active Principle of Dravya as a Adhisthan of Virya?
(A) Yadavaji Trikamji Acharya (B) Shri Bapalal Vaidya (C) Acharya P V Sharma (D) None of Above
92. Select the Antibiotic which works against Acid Fast Bacilli.
(A) Streptomycin (B) Rifampicin (C) Cycloserine (D) A & B & C
Answer Key:
51 C
52 D
53 C
54 B
55 D
56 C
57 D
58 D
59 C
60 D
61 D
62 D
63 B
64 D
65 C
66 B
67 C
68 C
69 B
70 A
71 D
72 D
73 C
74 A
75 C
76 B
77 C
78 D
79 D
80 D
81 D
82 D
83 C
84 B
85 A
86 A
87 C
88 A
89 A
90 A
91 C
92 D