1. The idea of defamiliarization is associated with
(A) Todorov
(B) Shklovsky
(C) Kristeva
(D) Jakobson
Ans: B
2. ‘A grand narrative constitutes
(A) a beautiful narrative
(B) a long narrative
(C) a universal explanatory theory
(D) a global narrative
Ans: C
3. Who translated the ‘Rubaiyats’ of Omar Khayyam?
(A) T.S. Eliot
(B) Edward Fitzgerald
(C) Matthew Arnold
(D) Ezra Pound
Ans: B
4. “What is world literature?” is written by
(A) Rene Wellek
(B) David Damrosch
(C) Dorothy Figuera
(D) Gayatri Chakraborti Spivak
Ans: B
5. The origin of the legend of the Chalk Circle is
(A) Russia
(B) Germany
(C) China
(D) Japan
Ans: C
6. The Faust legend was adopted by
(A) John Webster
(B) Moliere
(C) Thomas Mann
(D) Chateaubriand
Ans: C
7. Hafiz became popular in Europe through the adaptations by
(A) Shelley
(B) Goethe
(C) Hugo
(D) Cervantes
Ans: B
8. The comment “Poetry is that which is lost in translation” was made by
(A) P.B. Shelley
(B) W.H. Auden
(C) Robert Frost
(D) T.S. Eliot
Ans: C
9. Medium to medium translation is not possible in the case of
(A) Poetry
(B) Drama
(C) Essays
(D) Novels
Ans: A
10. Who claimed that all texts are ‘translations of translation of translations’?
(A) Susan Bassnett
(B) Octavio Paz
(C) William Morris
(D) Eugene Nida
Ans: B
11. Before the Christian era, the Hebrew Old Testament was translated in to
(A) Arabic
(B) Persian
(C) Greek
(D) Latin
Ans: C
12. The term “Ut Pictura Poesis’ comes from
(A) Horace
(B) Longinus
(C) Aristotle
(D) Plato
Ans: A
13. Vikram Seth’s novel A Suitable Boy has a structure which follows a pattern from
(A) Sculpture
(B) Architecture
(C) Painting
(D) Music
Ans: D
14. Which movement / trend were common to architecture and literature?
(A) Expressionism
(B) Baroque
(C) Neo-classicism
(D) Romanticism
Ans: B
15. Identify the poet who was also a painter
(A) Hermann Hesse
(B) Lodovico Ariosto
(C) William Blake
(D) Heinrich Heine
Ans: C
16. “Impressionism” had its origins in
(A) Fiction
(B) Painting
(C) Sculpture
(D) Music
Ans: B
17. Identify the historian / biographer who greatly influenced Renaissance Drama.
(A) Plutarch
(B) Herodotus
(C) Tacitus
(D) Julius Caesar
Ans: A
18. The dominant political theorist of the 17th century who inspired many literary figures was
(A) Blaise Pascal
(B) Reni Descartes
(C) Thomas Hobbes
(D) John Milton
Ans: C
19. Transcendentalism inspired the works of
(A) Scott
(B) Byron
(C) Shelley
(D) Poe
Ans: C
20. Identify the author of The Historical Novel:
(A) Georg Lukacs
(B) Christopher Caudwell
(C) Kenneth Burke
(D) Georgi Plekhanov
Ans: A
21. According to Dryden, Horace’s Ars Poetica, translated by Ben Jonson, is an example of ______.
(A) Adaptation
(B) Imitation
(C) Paraphrase
(D) Metaphrase
Ans: D
22. The works of the novelist Balzac were translated by _______.
(A) Samuel Putnam
(B) Marian Ayton Crawford
(C) H.D.P. Lee
(D) Michael Grant
Ans: B
23. Identify the author of the following statement:
“A badly written book is only a blunder; but a bad translation of a good book is a crime.”
(A) Martin Luther
(B) Matthew Arnold
(C) P.B. Shelley
(D) Gilbert Highet
Ans: D
24. Who wrote the famous essay “On Translating Homer”?
(A) Alexander Pope
(B) John Dryden
(C) Matthew Arnold
(D) Una Ellis Fermor
Ans: C
25. Name the translator-critic who has elaborated on the seven different strategies on translation:
(A) Andre Lefevere
(B) Henry Gifford
(C) B.Q. Morgan
(D) Octavio Paz
Ans: A
26. Who, among the following, focuses on language and text exclusively?
(A) Derrida
(B) Lacan
(C) Julia Kristeva
(D) Foucoult
Ans: A
27. Identify the author of the statement: “Spoken words are the symbols of mental experiences … and written words are the symbols of spoken words.”
(A) Stanley Fish
(B) Aristotle
(C) Saussure
(D) Schleiermacher
Ans: B
28. Identify the author of The English Moses:
(A) Stephen Greenblatt
(B) Thomas Harriot
(C) Schleiermacher
(D) E.M.W. Tillyard
Ans: B
29. The first feminist text in Tamil was ________.
(A) Mannil Ciruther
(B) Paanchali Capatam
(C) Kothai Theevu
(D) Thunaivi
Ans: C
30. Therukkoothu is the folk art form in ______.
(A) Tamil
(B) Malayalam
(C) Gujarati
(D) Oriya
Ans: A
31. Who discusses “Reception Aesthetics” in Comparative Literature?
(A) Hyppolite Taine
(B) Robert Spiller
(C) Anna Balakian
(D) J.T. Shaw
Ans: B
32. “Influence and Literary Fortune” is an essay written by ________.
(A) Arthur E. Kunst
(B) Mary Gaithen
(C) Leon Edel
(D) Anna Balakian
Ans: D
33. Plutarch’s Biographies would constitute, in the area of influence studies, an instance of _____.
(A) Recovery
(B) Affinity
(C) Source
(D) Parody
Ans: C
34. Who among the following thinkers exerted a tremendous impact on literature?
(A) Karl Marx
(B) Arnold Toynbee
(C) Claudio Guillen
(D) Frank Jost
Ans: A
35. Who made the statement “one of the most complex problems in the study of literary influence is direct and indirect influence”?
(A) David H. Malone
(B) J.T. Shaw
(C) Ihab H. Hassan
(D) Alexander Pushkin
Ans: B
36. The term ‘grotesque’ used to refer to a literary style/technique has its origins in ______.
(A) Painting
(B) Architecture
(C) Music
(D) Dance
Ans: B
37. One of the significant works on Literature and the Arts – Music and Literature – was written by
(A) Calvin S. Brown
(B) Albrecht Schöne
(C) Joseph Kerman
(D) Ulrich Weisstein
Ans: A
38. A comparative study of the minds of the criminal heroism Dostoievsky’s Crime and Punishment and Richard Wright’s Native Son involves the disciplines of ______.
(A) Literary Studies and Sociology
(B) Literary Studies and Psychology
(C) Literary Studies and Anthropology
(D) Literary Studies and Legal Studies
Ans: B
39. Identify the literary text which can be illuminated by a study of Anthropology :
(A) The Waste Land
(B) Four Quartets
(C) The Cocktail Party
(D) Gerontion
Ans: A
40. Which of the following texts is open for an analysis from the perspective of political theory?
(A) The Way of the World
(B) Major Barbara
(C) Henry IV Part One
(D) The Birthday Party
Ans: C
41. The concept of ‘Wilderness Romance’ is employed in the study of American novels by the practitioners of _______.
(A) Feminist Criticism
(B) Sociological Criticism
(C) Eco Criticism
(D) Psychological Criticism
Ans: C
42. Mallarme, the French symbolist poet, influenced ______.
(A) W.H. Auden
(B) Dylan Thomas
(C) T.S. Eliot
(D) Hart Crane
Ans: C
43. The English translation of Omar Khayyam’s Rubaiyyat is by ______.
(A) Bayard Taylor
(B) George Madison
(C) Edward Fitzgerald
(D) John Ciardi
Ans: C
44. The playwright who wrote a “heroic tragedy” in the late 17th century was _____.
(A) John Milton
(B) William Congreve
(C) Jean Racine
(D) John Dryden
Ans: D
45. The major practitioners of the theatre of the Absurd were _______.
(A) Ionesco, Beckett, Adamoff
(B) Beckett, Adamoff, Brecht
(C) Anouilh, Ionesco, Beckett
(D) Ionesco, Anouilh, Adamoff
Ans: A
46. Thomas More’s Utopia is seen as a forerunner of the modern genre of _______.
(A) Fantasy
(B) Travel narrative
(C) Science Fiction
(D) Mirror of Prince tract
Ans: C
47. Who argues that every translator should look at the translation process through the prism of culture, which refracts the source language cultural norms and it is the translator’s task to convey them, preserving their meaning and their foreigners, to the target-language text?
(A) Harish Trivedi
(B) Laurence Venuti
(C) Andrew Robinson
(D) Shamile Bandyopadhyay
Ans: B
48. Who among the following conceived of Greek tragedy as an interplay of the Apollonian/Dionysian opposition ________?
(A) Nietzsche
(B) Heraclitus
(C) Schopenhauer
(D) Kant
Ans: A
49. Who among the following has translated Beowulf?
(A) Ezra Pound
(B) Seamus Heaney
(C) Robert Lowell
(D) Joseph Brodsky
Ans: B
50. Marxist literary historiography in relation to science fiction was pioneered by ________.
(A) Raymond Williams
(B) Terry Eagleton
(C) Darko Suvin
(D) Pierre Macherey
Ans: C
(A) Todorov
(B) Shklovsky
(C) Kristeva
(D) Jakobson
Ans: B
2. ‘A grand narrative constitutes
(A) a beautiful narrative
(B) a long narrative
(C) a universal explanatory theory
(D) a global narrative
Ans: C
3. Who translated the ‘Rubaiyats’ of Omar Khayyam?
(A) T.S. Eliot
(B) Edward Fitzgerald
(C) Matthew Arnold
(D) Ezra Pound
Ans: B
4. “What is world literature?” is written by
(A) Rene Wellek
(B) David Damrosch
(C) Dorothy Figuera
(D) Gayatri Chakraborti Spivak
Ans: B
5. The origin of the legend of the Chalk Circle is
(A) Russia
(B) Germany
(C) China
(D) Japan
Ans: C
6. The Faust legend was adopted by
(A) John Webster
(B) Moliere
(C) Thomas Mann
(D) Chateaubriand
Ans: C
7. Hafiz became popular in Europe through the adaptations by
(A) Shelley
(B) Goethe
(C) Hugo
(D) Cervantes
Ans: B
8. The comment “Poetry is that which is lost in translation” was made by
(A) P.B. Shelley
(B) W.H. Auden
(C) Robert Frost
(D) T.S. Eliot
Ans: C
9. Medium to medium translation is not possible in the case of
(A) Poetry
(B) Drama
(C) Essays
(D) Novels
Ans: A
10. Who claimed that all texts are ‘translations of translation of translations’?
(A) Susan Bassnett
(B) Octavio Paz
(C) William Morris
(D) Eugene Nida
Ans: B
11. Before the Christian era, the Hebrew Old Testament was translated in to
(A) Arabic
(B) Persian
(C) Greek
(D) Latin
Ans: C
12. The term “Ut Pictura Poesis’ comes from
(A) Horace
(B) Longinus
(C) Aristotle
(D) Plato
Ans: A
13. Vikram Seth’s novel A Suitable Boy has a structure which follows a pattern from
(A) Sculpture
(B) Architecture
(C) Painting
(D) Music
Ans: D
14. Which movement / trend were common to architecture and literature?
(A) Expressionism
(B) Baroque
(C) Neo-classicism
(D) Romanticism
Ans: B
15. Identify the poet who was also a painter
(A) Hermann Hesse
(B) Lodovico Ariosto
(C) William Blake
(D) Heinrich Heine
Ans: C
16. “Impressionism” had its origins in
(A) Fiction
(B) Painting
(C) Sculpture
(D) Music
Ans: B
17. Identify the historian / biographer who greatly influenced Renaissance Drama.
(A) Plutarch
(B) Herodotus
(C) Tacitus
(D) Julius Caesar
Ans: A
18. The dominant political theorist of the 17th century who inspired many literary figures was
(A) Blaise Pascal
(B) Reni Descartes
(C) Thomas Hobbes
(D) John Milton
Ans: C
19. Transcendentalism inspired the works of
(A) Scott
(B) Byron
(C) Shelley
(D) Poe
Ans: C
20. Identify the author of The Historical Novel:
(A) Georg Lukacs
(B) Christopher Caudwell
(C) Kenneth Burke
(D) Georgi Plekhanov
Ans: A
21. According to Dryden, Horace’s Ars Poetica, translated by Ben Jonson, is an example of ______.
(A) Adaptation
(B) Imitation
(C) Paraphrase
(D) Metaphrase
Ans: D
22. The works of the novelist Balzac were translated by _______.
(A) Samuel Putnam
(B) Marian Ayton Crawford
(C) H.D.P. Lee
(D) Michael Grant
Ans: B
23. Identify the author of the following statement:
“A badly written book is only a blunder; but a bad translation of a good book is a crime.”
(A) Martin Luther
(B) Matthew Arnold
(C) P.B. Shelley
(D) Gilbert Highet
Ans: D
24. Who wrote the famous essay “On Translating Homer”?
(A) Alexander Pope
(B) John Dryden
(C) Matthew Arnold
(D) Una Ellis Fermor
Ans: C
25. Name the translator-critic who has elaborated on the seven different strategies on translation:
(A) Andre Lefevere
(B) Henry Gifford
(C) B.Q. Morgan
(D) Octavio Paz
Ans: A
26. Who, among the following, focuses on language and text exclusively?
(A) Derrida
(B) Lacan
(C) Julia Kristeva
(D) Foucoult
Ans: A
27. Identify the author of the statement: “Spoken words are the symbols of mental experiences … and written words are the symbols of spoken words.”
(A) Stanley Fish
(B) Aristotle
(C) Saussure
(D) Schleiermacher
Ans: B
28. Identify the author of The English Moses:
(A) Stephen Greenblatt
(B) Thomas Harriot
(C) Schleiermacher
(D) E.M.W. Tillyard
Ans: B
29. The first feminist text in Tamil was ________.
(A) Mannil Ciruther
(B) Paanchali Capatam
(C) Kothai Theevu
(D) Thunaivi
Ans: C
30. Therukkoothu is the folk art form in ______.
(A) Tamil
(B) Malayalam
(C) Gujarati
(D) Oriya
Ans: A
31. Who discusses “Reception Aesthetics” in Comparative Literature?
(A) Hyppolite Taine
(B) Robert Spiller
(C) Anna Balakian
(D) J.T. Shaw
Ans: B
32. “Influence and Literary Fortune” is an essay written by ________.
(A) Arthur E. Kunst
(B) Mary Gaithen
(C) Leon Edel
(D) Anna Balakian
Ans: D
33. Plutarch’s Biographies would constitute, in the area of influence studies, an instance of _____.
(A) Recovery
(B) Affinity
(C) Source
(D) Parody
Ans: C
34. Who among the following thinkers exerted a tremendous impact on literature?
(A) Karl Marx
(B) Arnold Toynbee
(C) Claudio Guillen
(D) Frank Jost
Ans: A
35. Who made the statement “one of the most complex problems in the study of literary influence is direct and indirect influence”?
(A) David H. Malone
(B) J.T. Shaw
(C) Ihab H. Hassan
(D) Alexander Pushkin
Ans: B
36. The term ‘grotesque’ used to refer to a literary style/technique has its origins in ______.
(A) Painting
(B) Architecture
(C) Music
(D) Dance
Ans: B
37. One of the significant works on Literature and the Arts – Music and Literature – was written by
(A) Calvin S. Brown
(B) Albrecht Schöne
(C) Joseph Kerman
(D) Ulrich Weisstein
Ans: A
38. A comparative study of the minds of the criminal heroism Dostoievsky’s Crime and Punishment and Richard Wright’s Native Son involves the disciplines of ______.
(A) Literary Studies and Sociology
(B) Literary Studies and Psychology
(C) Literary Studies and Anthropology
(D) Literary Studies and Legal Studies
Ans: B
39. Identify the literary text which can be illuminated by a study of Anthropology :
(A) The Waste Land
(B) Four Quartets
(C) The Cocktail Party
(D) Gerontion
Ans: A
40. Which of the following texts is open for an analysis from the perspective of political theory?
(A) The Way of the World
(B) Major Barbara
(C) Henry IV Part One
(D) The Birthday Party
Ans: C
41. The concept of ‘Wilderness Romance’ is employed in the study of American novels by the practitioners of _______.
(A) Feminist Criticism
(B) Sociological Criticism
(C) Eco Criticism
(D) Psychological Criticism
Ans: C
42. Mallarme, the French symbolist poet, influenced ______.
(A) W.H. Auden
(B) Dylan Thomas
(C) T.S. Eliot
(D) Hart Crane
Ans: C
43. The English translation of Omar Khayyam’s Rubaiyyat is by ______.
(A) Bayard Taylor
(B) George Madison
(C) Edward Fitzgerald
(D) John Ciardi
Ans: C
44. The playwright who wrote a “heroic tragedy” in the late 17th century was _____.
(A) John Milton
(B) William Congreve
(C) Jean Racine
(D) John Dryden
Ans: D
45. The major practitioners of the theatre of the Absurd were _______.
(A) Ionesco, Beckett, Adamoff
(B) Beckett, Adamoff, Brecht
(C) Anouilh, Ionesco, Beckett
(D) Ionesco, Anouilh, Adamoff
Ans: A
46. Thomas More’s Utopia is seen as a forerunner of the modern genre of _______.
(A) Fantasy
(B) Travel narrative
(C) Science Fiction
(D) Mirror of Prince tract
Ans: C
47. Who argues that every translator should look at the translation process through the prism of culture, which refracts the source language cultural norms and it is the translator’s task to convey them, preserving their meaning and their foreigners, to the target-language text?
(A) Harish Trivedi
(B) Laurence Venuti
(C) Andrew Robinson
(D) Shamile Bandyopadhyay
Ans: B
48. Who among the following conceived of Greek tragedy as an interplay of the Apollonian/Dionysian opposition ________?
(A) Nietzsche
(B) Heraclitus
(C) Schopenhauer
(D) Kant
Ans: A
49. Who among the following has translated Beowulf?
(A) Ezra Pound
(B) Seamus Heaney
(C) Robert Lowell
(D) Joseph Brodsky
Ans: B
50. Marxist literary historiography in relation to science fiction was pioneered by ________.
(A) Raymond Williams
(B) Terry Eagleton
(C) Darko Suvin
(D) Pierre Macherey
Ans: C
51. The Throne of Blood is a Japanese film version of _________.
(A) Macbeth
(B) Richard the Third
(C) Hamlet
(D) King Lear
Ans: A
52. An argument about Literature’s “crisis” of periodisation was made by ________.
(A) Wellek and Warren
(B) Althusser
(C) Guillen
(D) Jameson
Ans: D
53. One of the novels in the list below is analogically related to the structure of Indian classical music. Identify.
(A) The Ground Beneath Her Feet
(B) An Equal Music
(C) A Suitable Boy
(D) Evening Raga
Ans: C
54. The genre of history writing was developed in conscious opposition to epics by _________.
(A) Hiuen Tsang
(B) Aristotle
(C) Thucydides
(D) Plutarch
Ans: C
55. In which of the following American plays is the African folk music used as a motif?
(A) The Hairy Ape
(B) A Streetcar Named Desire
(C) The Emperor Jones
(D) Death of a Salesman
Ans: C
56. Which among the following elements tends to be de-emphasized in extrinsic histories of literature?
(A) Text
(B) Author
(C) Context
(D) Readers
Ans: A
57. The Last Supper is a subject of which novel?
(A) The Bourne Inheritance
(B) The Da Vinci Code
(C) The Trotternamah
(D) Angels and Demons
Ans: B
58. Who among the following has said “all history is contemporary history”?
(A) Hegel
(B) Croce
(C) Voltaire
(D) Bossuet
Ans: B
59. Francois Truffault’s film Fahreinheit 451 is based on a story by _________.
(A) Isaac Asimov
(B) Dorothy L Sayers
(C) Ray Bradbury
(D) Toni Morrison
Ans: C
60. Which of the following is not one of the Comparative Literature “methodology triad”?
(A) Genealogy
(B) Historiography
(C) Genology
(D) Thematology
Ans: A
61. Which event was to result in the writing of a Canadian play?
(A) The Jallianwalla Bagh Massacre
(B) The Komagata Maru Incident
(C) The Bengal Famine
(D) The Fall of the Berlin Wall
Ans: B
62. Who among the following thinkers holds the view that the African culture is weak compared to the Western culture?
(A) Kant
(B) Hegel
(C) Sartre
(D) Pascal
Ans: B
63. Which among the following is a definitive characteristic of the French School of Comparative Literature?
(A) Stylistics
(B) Polygenesis Studies
(C) Mythological Studies
(D) Influence Studies
Ans: D
64. The critic who has used Robelais’ The Life of Gargantua and Pantagruel in a significant way is _______.
(A) Leavis
(B) Bakhtin
(C) Gramsci
(D) Spivak
Ans: B
65. Who described Comparative Literature as “a discipline which bears on facts common to several literatures, considered as such, be it in their mutual interdependence or by analogy”?
(A) Van Tieghem
(B) Guyard
(C) Wellek
(D) Levin
Ans: A
66. The Quit India Movement is the subject matter of _________.
(A) Maila Anchal
(B) Chemmeen
(C) Jagori
(D) Chha Mana Atha Guntha
Ans: C
67. Comparative Literature is defined as “the comparison of one literature with another or others, and the comparison of literature with other spheres of human experience” by __________.
(A) Wellek
(B) Weisstein
(C) Levin
(D) Remak
Ans: D
68. Who are the authors of Dialectics of Enlightenment?
(A) Partha Chatterjee and Dipesh Chakravorty
(B) Edward Said and Homi Bhaba
(C) Theodore Adorno and Max Hoskheimer
(D) Robert E. Park and Charles H. Cooley
Ans: C
69. The device of using set speeches by early historians is derived from _________.
(A) Homer’s Iliad
(B) Virgil’s Aeneid
(C) Dante’s Divine Comedy
(D) Plato’s Republic
Ans: A
70. Name the novel that features South Indian life that deals with the theme of extra-marital relationship as a sin from among the following:
(A) Choma’s Drum
(B) Kaadu
(C) Mother Came
(D) Nectar in a Sieve
Ans: C
71. The first modern Malayalam novel was
(A) K.M. Panikkar’s Kerala Simham
(B) Chandu Menon’s Indulekha
(C) Thakazhi Sivasankara Pillai’s Chemmeen
(D) C.V. Raman Pillai’s Marthanda varma
Ans: B
72. Machiavelli’s Il Principe was dedicated to
(A) Dante Alighieri
(B) Lorenzo de’ Medici
(C) Girolamo Savonarola
(D) Louis XII
Ans: B
73. In the Dynamics of Literary Response, a psychoanalytic model of reader response is offered by
(A) David Bleich
(B) Wolfgang Iser
(C) Norman Holland
(D) Jonathan Culler
Ans: C
74. Pierre Bowlez’s flute concerto explosante-fixe is based on the last line of the novel
(A) The Stranger
(B) Lolita
(C) Nadja
(D) Mrs. Dallowary
Ans: C
75. Goethe’s West-Östlicher Divan is an adaptation of the works of
(A) Ferdowsi
(B) Hafiz
(C) Omar Khayyam
(D) Rudaki
Ans: B
76. The distinction between metaphoric and metonymic roles of language was most vociferously argued by
(A) Boris Eichenbaum
(B) Tzvetan Todorov
(C) Roman Jacobson
(D) Victor Shlovsky
Ans: C
77. The role of hospitality in reception theory has been elaborated by
(A) Derrida
(B) Spivak
(C) Durisin
(D) Iser
Ans: C
78. The Manipulation School is associated mostly with
(A) Germanic Studies
(B) Francophone Studies
(C) Translation Studies
(D) Gender Studies
Ans: C
79. The History of Sexuality has been written by
(A) Sigmund Freud
(B) Jacques Lacan
(C) Julia Kristeva
(D) Michel Foucault
Ans: D
80. The notion of Trans creation was forwarded most emphatically by
(A) P. Lal
(B) K.M. George
(C) A.K. Ramanujan
(D) Sujit Mukherjee
Ans: A
81. The impact of Homer on history writing is clear in
(A) Discussions of warfare by early historians.
(B) The use of set speeches by Thucydides.
(C) Herodotus’ references to early myths.
(D) The use of trochaic tetrameter by Herodotus.
Ans: B
82. The five volume Adhunik Bharatiya Galpo comprising modern Indian short stories from various bhasas in Bangla translation, was edited by
(A) Buddhadeva Bose
(B) Rabindranath Tagore
(C) Manabendra Bandyopadhyay
(D) Naresh Guha
Ans: C
83. Sanjay Leela Bhansali’s ‘Devdas’ was based on
(A) A play by Rabindranath Tagore
(B) A novel by Saran Chandra Chattopadhyay
(C) A novel by Bankim Chandra Chattopadhyay
(D) A novel by Premchand
Ans: B
84. Which of the following texts of Gertrude Stein is an opera?
(A) Four Saints in Three Acts
(B) Three Lives
(C) The Autobiography of Alice B. Toklas
(D) A Circular Play
Ans: A
85. Identify the poet who lives on the Isle of Lesbos
(A) Homer
(B) Sappho
(C) Alcaeus
(D) Catullus
Answer: (BC)
86. Who among the following is associated with ‘Third Theatre’?
(A) Utpal Dutt
(B) Badal Sricar
(C) Satish Alekar
(D) Mohan Rakesh
Ans: B
87. The Pulitzer Prize is administered by
(A) Columbia University, USA
(B) Oxford University, UK
(C) Stanford University, USA
(D) University of Toronto, Canada
Ans: A
88. To mark the 25th Anniversary of the Man Booker Prize for fiction, a special Booker of Bookers Prize was awarded in 1993 to
(A) Amitav Ghosh
(B) Salman Rushdie
(C) Vikram Seth
(D) V.S. Naipaul
Ans: B
89. Don Carlos (1782-1787) marks a transition from pre-romanticism to Classicism on the part of
(A) Goethe
(B) Schlegel
(C) Schiller
(D) Nietzsche
Ans: C
90. Thematology
(i) Puts into suspension questions related to the why’s and how’s of literary study.
(ii) Re-routes questions of form and meaning via that of content.
(iii) Rephrases the ‘how’ and the ‘why’ in terms of the ‘what’
(A) Only (i)
(B) (i) and (ii)
(C) (i), (ii) and (iii)
(D) None of the above
Ans: C
91. The first systematic application of the theory of patriarchy to literary studies was made by
(A) Michel Foucalt
(B) Shulamith Firestone
(C) Nigel Leask
(D) Kate Millet
Ans: D
92. Walter Benjamin’s “The Task of the Translator” was initially written as an introduction to an anthology of translations of poems by
(A) Schiller
(B) Rilke
(C) Baudelaire
(D) Paul Valery
Ans: C
93. ‘Rasa’ is an amalgamation of
(A) Bibhava and Anubhava
(B) Bibhava, Anubhava, Vyabhicaribhava, Sthayibhava
(C) Sthayibhava and Bibhava
(D) Bibhava, Anubhava, Vyabhicaribhava
Ans: B
94. With which genre would you associate the poem “The apparition of these faces in the crowd; Petals on a wet, black bough”?
(A) Noh
(B) Haiku
(C) Khandakavya
(D) Ghazal
Ans: B
95. Kappanna and Appanna are characters in which of these modern Indian plays?
(A) Yayati
(B) Nagamandala
(C) Tughlaq
(D) Sakharam Binder
Ans: B
96. Arrange the following books in order in which they appeared. Use the code given below:
I. Anand Math
II. Umrao Jan Ada
III. Godan
IV. Indulekha
(A) I, IV, II, III
(B) IV, I, III, II
(C) II, IV, I, III
(D) III, II, I, IV
Ans: A
97. Name the author of the influential essay, “From Comparative Literature to Translation Studies”.
(A) Susan Bassnett
(B) Jacques Derrida
(C) Tejaswini Niranjana
(D) Itamar Even-Zohar
Ans: A
98. Which of the following is not a report on the scope, status and standards of Comparative Literature?
(A) Bassnett Report
(B) Bernheimer Report
(C) Levin Report
(D) Greene Report
Ans: A
99. The Howe Past Midnight is an English translation of Tamil writer Salma’s works done by
(A) Sundara Ramaswamy
(B) Sujit Mukherjee
(C) Lakshmi Holmstrom
(D) A.K. Ramanujan
Ans: C
100. Which of these methods deal/(s) primarily with categories related to content?
(A) Thematology
(B) Genology and Historiography
(C) Stylistics
(D) Thematology and Stylistics
Ans: A