1. In Lewis blood group if a person is non-secretor then he is,
(A) Le (a+b-) (B) Le (a-b-) (C) Le (a-b+) (D) Le (a+b+)
Ans: A
2. In Lewis blood group person is either non-secretor or secretor then he is,
(A) Le (a-b+) (B) Le (a+b-) (C) Le (a+b+) (D) Le (a-b-)
Ans: D
3. Rh positive and Rh negative refer to the,
(A) Antigens D, C, and c, (B) Antigens D, C, c, E, and e
(C) Antigen D only. (D) Antigens C, c, E, and e
Ans: C
4. The antigen of blood was discovered in rhesus monkeys,
(A) Macaca sinica (B) Macaca mulatta (C) Macaca sylvanus (D) Macaca fascicularis
Ans: B
5. In the MN blood group the antigens are carrying,
(A) Glycoprotein (B) Glycophorin (C) Glycogen (D) Starch
Ans: B
6. The presence of the i antigen in adults is caused by mutation of a gene known as,
Ans: A
7. In a human blood group P antigen system is based upon the genes present on,
(A) Chromosome 21 (B) Chromosome 22. (C) Chromosome 23 (D) Chromosome 20.
Ans: B
8. Kell,Duffy,kidd blood system were first observed in a,
(A) Human being (B) Rat (C) Rabbit (D) Dog
Ans: A
9. To detect the presence of sperm following test is done,
(A) The acid phosphatase test (B) By Prostate-Specific Antigen, (C) The microscopic detection of sperm. (D) All of above
Ans: D
10. For identification of feces, test for following is done,
(A) Urea (B) Urobilinogen (C) Uric acid (D) None of above
Ans: B
11. Double swab technique is generally used in forensic science for identification of,
(A) Saliva (B) Urine (C) Semen (D) Vaginal secretion
Ans: A
12. In intravenous immunoglobulin therapy,
(A) IgG is used (B) IgA is used (C) IgE is used (D) IgD is used
Ans: A
13. In antibodies hyper variable regions sometimes also referred as,
(A) Complete determining regions (B) Complementarity determining regions
(C) Complement determining regions (D) Common determining regions
Ans: B
14. Antigens may either be proteins or,
(A) Fatty acids (B) Minerals (C) Polysaccharides. (D) Vitamins
Ans: C
15. Resistance to Physical Disruption is high in case of,
(A) Fungi (B) Gram negative Bacteria (C) Gram positive bacteria (D) None of above
Ans: C
16. Teichoic Acids is absent in case of,
(A) Gram negative bacteria (B) Gram positive bacteria (C) Fungi (D) None of above
Ans: A
17. In dry heat sterilization technique monitoring is done by using spores,
(A) Of Bacillus atrophaeus (B) Of Navicula viridis (C) OF Fragilaria capucina (D) Of Oscillatoria limosa
Ans: A
18. In wet heat sterilization destruction of micro-organisms is done by the irreversible denaturation of,
(A) Hormones (B) Carbohydrates (C) Enzymes and Structural Proteins. (D) None of above
Ans: C
19. Generally antibiotics, injection, Benzyl penicillin, streptomycin, vitamin like ascorbic acid, vaccine can be sterilized by,
(A) Dry heat sterilization (B) Cold sterilization (C) Wet heat sterilization (D) None of above
Ans: B
20. Diatomaceous earth is applied in one of the,
(A) Filtration method (B) Wet heat sterilization (C) Dry heat sterilization (D) Cold sterilization
Ans: A
21. Multiple allele is pattern that involves more than just the typical two alleles that usually code for a certain characteristic in a species, (A) A type of Mendelian inheritance (B) A type of Non-Mendelian inheritance
(C) A type of co-dominance inheritance (D) A type of complete dominance
Ans: B
22. Wolf–Hirschhorn syndrome is seen because of,
(A) Inversion of chromosome is happening (B) A portion of chromosome is Duplicated
(C) A portion of chromosome is deleted (D) A portion of chromosome is Translocate
Ans: C
23. Charcot–Marie–Tooth disease is caused by,
(A) Deletion in chromosome (B) Duplication in chromosome (C) Translocation in chromosome (D) Inversion in chromosome
Ans: B
24. When two different chromosomes have exchanged fragments with each other,
(A) Duplication (B) Inversion (C) Robertsonian translocations (D) Reciprocal translocations
Ans: D
25. The codon for one amino acid is replaced by a codon for another amino acid,
(A) Missense mutation (B) Silent mutation (C) Nonsense mutation (D) Translocation
Ans: A
26. A mutation affect an organism in such a way that the mutant can survive only in certain environmental condition,
(A) Frame shift mutation (B) Conditional lethal mutation (C) Lethal mutation (D) Suppressor mutation
Ans: B
27. For mutant selection following method is used,
(A) Replica plating (B) Penicillin enrichment (C) Ames test (D) All above mentioned
Ans: D
28. The type of inflorescence present in Aconitum is,
(A) Racemose (B) Vertisillaster (C) Cymose (D) Spike
Ans: A
29. The Castor seeds also yield oil which is rich in triglycerides, the percentage composition is between,
(A) 20% - 40% (B) 30% - 50%
(C) 40% - 60 % (D) 50% - 70%
Ans: C
30. In which of these following hairs in the body regions, the medulla portion is very broad and continuous?
(A) Scalp Hair (B) Moustache hair (C) Pubic hair (D) Limb hair
Ans: B
31. The Method of Dental Age Assessment is,
(A) Age assessment using the Schour and Massler method
(B) Age assessment using the Gustafson and Koch approach
(C) Age assessment using the third molar development
(D) All of above mentioned
Ans: D
32. In DNA helical structure always H-bond is in the following manner,
(A) G with C 2 H-bonds and A with T 2 H-bonds (B) G with C 3 H-bonds and A with T 3 H-bonds
(C) G with C 3 H-bonds and A with T 2 H-bonds (D) G with C 2 H-bonds and A with T 3 H-bonds
Ans: C
33. The RNA that serve as the genomic blue print that normally is encoded in DNA is found in,
(A) Fungi (B) Virus (C) Bacteria (D) Algae
Ans: B
34. If its location is in the nucleus as well as cytoplasm, it is
(A) DNA (B) mRNA (C) tRNA (D) Rrna
Ans: B
35. Si,Sn and Hn/hn are the types of other,
(A) Nucleotides (B) DNA (C) RNA (D) Nucleosides
Ans: C
36. Replication of DNA is taking place during the,
(A) G1 Phase (B) G2 Phase (C) S Phase (D) M Phase
Ans: C
37. RNA Polymerase moves downstream unwinding the DNA the process is known as,
(A) Termination (B) Elongation (C) Replication (D) Initiation
Ans: B
38. Once mRNA has left the Nucleus, it is directed to a Ribosome to construct a protein.
(A) Replication (B) Transcription (C) Translation (D) Post translation
Ans: C
39. In a biological sample analysis the evaluation of specific regions on nuclear DNA is done called as,
(A) Spot The Reference (STR) technology (B) Short Tandem Repeat (STR) technology
(C) Short Tandem Rearrangement(STR)technology (D) None of above
Ans: B
40. Hyaluronic acid is an example of,
(A) Homo polysaccharides (B) Hetero polysaccharides (C) Disaccharides (D) Mono saccharides
Ans: B
41. A molecule of a starch is containing a,
(A) Mannose (B) Galactose (C) Alpha glucose (D) Beta glucose
Ans: C
42. A molecule of a glycogen is linked by,
(A) α -(1,4) and β -(1,6)- glycosidic bonds
(B) β -(1,4) and α -(1,6)- glycosidic bonds
(C) β -(1,4) and β -(1,6)- glycosidic bonds
(D) α -(1,4) and α -(1,6)- glycosidic bonds
Ans: D
43. In fetal lung type II pulmonary cells following is having very crucial role,
(A) RNA (B) Glycogen (C) Glucose (D) Fructose
Ans: B
44. Following are the important examples of glycosaminoglycans,
(A) The keratan sulphate and chondroitins (B) Dermatan sulphate (C) Heparan sulphate (D) All of above mentioned
Ans: D
45. It has a role of serving as biomarkers of certain diseases and play some role in genetic modification and chronic disease.
(A) Carbohydrates (B) Vitamins (C) Lipids (D) Minerals
Ans: C
46. Steroids are,
(A) Derived lipids (B) Homolipids (C) Heterolipids (D) None of above
Ans: A
47. Wool, hair, and cellulose are the examples of,
(A) Both hydrophilic and phobic substances (B) Hydrophilic substances (C) Hydrophobic substances (D) None of above
Ans: B
48. It allows the body to produce vitamin D,
(A) Acetone (B) Steroids (C) Cholesterol (D) Calcium
Ans: C
49. Bile salts are produced by the,
(A) Stomach (B) Chemical Modification of cholesterol (C) Pharynx (D) Oesophagus
Ans: B
50. The most important characteristic of micelle formation is that,
(A) The micellar mass (B) The aggregation number
(C) The charge and degree of binding of ions β (D) All above mentioned
Ans: D
(A) Le (a+b-) (B) Le (a-b-) (C) Le (a-b+) (D) Le (a+b+)
Ans: A
2. In Lewis blood group person is either non-secretor or secretor then he is,
(A) Le (a-b+) (B) Le (a+b-) (C) Le (a+b+) (D) Le (a-b-)
Ans: D
3. Rh positive and Rh negative refer to the,
(A) Antigens D, C, and c, (B) Antigens D, C, c, E, and e
(C) Antigen D only. (D) Antigens C, c, E, and e
Ans: C
4. The antigen of blood was discovered in rhesus monkeys,
(A) Macaca sinica (B) Macaca mulatta (C) Macaca sylvanus (D) Macaca fascicularis
Ans: B
5. In the MN blood group the antigens are carrying,
(A) Glycoprotein (B) Glycophorin (C) Glycogen (D) Starch
Ans: B
6. The presence of the i antigen in adults is caused by mutation of a gene known as,
Ans: A
7. In a human blood group P antigen system is based upon the genes present on,
(A) Chromosome 21 (B) Chromosome 22. (C) Chromosome 23 (D) Chromosome 20.
Ans: B
8. Kell,Duffy,kidd blood system were first observed in a,
(A) Human being (B) Rat (C) Rabbit (D) Dog
Ans: A
9. To detect the presence of sperm following test is done,
(A) The acid phosphatase test (B) By Prostate-Specific Antigen, (C) The microscopic detection of sperm. (D) All of above
Ans: D
10. For identification of feces, test for following is done,
(A) Urea (B) Urobilinogen (C) Uric acid (D) None of above
Ans: B
11. Double swab technique is generally used in forensic science for identification of,
(A) Saliva (B) Urine (C) Semen (D) Vaginal secretion
Ans: A
12. In intravenous immunoglobulin therapy,
(A) IgG is used (B) IgA is used (C) IgE is used (D) IgD is used
Ans: A
13. In antibodies hyper variable regions sometimes also referred as,
(A) Complete determining regions (B) Complementarity determining regions
(C) Complement determining regions (D) Common determining regions
Ans: B
14. Antigens may either be proteins or,
(A) Fatty acids (B) Minerals (C) Polysaccharides. (D) Vitamins
Ans: C
15. Resistance to Physical Disruption is high in case of,
(A) Fungi (B) Gram negative Bacteria (C) Gram positive bacteria (D) None of above
Ans: C
16. Teichoic Acids is absent in case of,
(A) Gram negative bacteria (B) Gram positive bacteria (C) Fungi (D) None of above
Ans: A
17. In dry heat sterilization technique monitoring is done by using spores,
(A) Of Bacillus atrophaeus (B) Of Navicula viridis (C) OF Fragilaria capucina (D) Of Oscillatoria limosa
Ans: A
18. In wet heat sterilization destruction of micro-organisms is done by the irreversible denaturation of,
(A) Hormones (B) Carbohydrates (C) Enzymes and Structural Proteins. (D) None of above
Ans: C
19. Generally antibiotics, injection, Benzyl penicillin, streptomycin, vitamin like ascorbic acid, vaccine can be sterilized by,
(A) Dry heat sterilization (B) Cold sterilization (C) Wet heat sterilization (D) None of above
Ans: B
20. Diatomaceous earth is applied in one of the,
(A) Filtration method (B) Wet heat sterilization (C) Dry heat sterilization (D) Cold sterilization
Ans: A
21. Multiple allele is pattern that involves more than just the typical two alleles that usually code for a certain characteristic in a species, (A) A type of Mendelian inheritance (B) A type of Non-Mendelian inheritance
(C) A type of co-dominance inheritance (D) A type of complete dominance
Ans: B
22. Wolf–Hirschhorn syndrome is seen because of,
(A) Inversion of chromosome is happening (B) A portion of chromosome is Duplicated
(C) A portion of chromosome is deleted (D) A portion of chromosome is Translocate
Ans: C
23. Charcot–Marie–Tooth disease is caused by,
(A) Deletion in chromosome (B) Duplication in chromosome (C) Translocation in chromosome (D) Inversion in chromosome
Ans: B
24. When two different chromosomes have exchanged fragments with each other,
(A) Duplication (B) Inversion (C) Robertsonian translocations (D) Reciprocal translocations
Ans: D
25. The codon for one amino acid is replaced by a codon for another amino acid,
(A) Missense mutation (B) Silent mutation (C) Nonsense mutation (D) Translocation
Ans: A
26. A mutation affect an organism in such a way that the mutant can survive only in certain environmental condition,
(A) Frame shift mutation (B) Conditional lethal mutation (C) Lethal mutation (D) Suppressor mutation
Ans: B
27. For mutant selection following method is used,
(A) Replica plating (B) Penicillin enrichment (C) Ames test (D) All above mentioned
Ans: D
28. The type of inflorescence present in Aconitum is,
(A) Racemose (B) Vertisillaster (C) Cymose (D) Spike
Ans: A
29. The Castor seeds also yield oil which is rich in triglycerides, the percentage composition is between,
(A) 20% - 40% (B) 30% - 50%
(C) 40% - 60 % (D) 50% - 70%
Ans: C
30. In which of these following hairs in the body regions, the medulla portion is very broad and continuous?
(A) Scalp Hair (B) Moustache hair (C) Pubic hair (D) Limb hair
Ans: B
31. The Method of Dental Age Assessment is,
(A) Age assessment using the Schour and Massler method
(B) Age assessment using the Gustafson and Koch approach
(C) Age assessment using the third molar development
(D) All of above mentioned
Ans: D
32. In DNA helical structure always H-bond is in the following manner,
(A) G with C 2 H-bonds and A with T 2 H-bonds (B) G with C 3 H-bonds and A with T 3 H-bonds
(C) G with C 3 H-bonds and A with T 2 H-bonds (D) G with C 2 H-bonds and A with T 3 H-bonds
Ans: C
33. The RNA that serve as the genomic blue print that normally is encoded in DNA is found in,
(A) Fungi (B) Virus (C) Bacteria (D) Algae
Ans: B
34. If its location is in the nucleus as well as cytoplasm, it is
(A) DNA (B) mRNA (C) tRNA (D) Rrna
Ans: B
35. Si,Sn and Hn/hn are the types of other,
(A) Nucleotides (B) DNA (C) RNA (D) Nucleosides
Ans: C
36. Replication of DNA is taking place during the,
(A) G1 Phase (B) G2 Phase (C) S Phase (D) M Phase
Ans: C
37. RNA Polymerase moves downstream unwinding the DNA the process is known as,
(A) Termination (B) Elongation (C) Replication (D) Initiation
Ans: B
38. Once mRNA has left the Nucleus, it is directed to a Ribosome to construct a protein.
(A) Replication (B) Transcription (C) Translation (D) Post translation
Ans: C
39. In a biological sample analysis the evaluation of specific regions on nuclear DNA is done called as,
(A) Spot The Reference (STR) technology (B) Short Tandem Repeat (STR) technology
(C) Short Tandem Rearrangement(STR)technology (D) None of above
Ans: B
40. Hyaluronic acid is an example of,
(A) Homo polysaccharides (B) Hetero polysaccharides (C) Disaccharides (D) Mono saccharides
Ans: B
41. A molecule of a starch is containing a,
(A) Mannose (B) Galactose (C) Alpha glucose (D) Beta glucose
Ans: C
42. A molecule of a glycogen is linked by,
(A) α -(1,4) and β -(1,6)- glycosidic bonds
(B) β -(1,4) and α -(1,6)- glycosidic bonds
(C) β -(1,4) and β -(1,6)- glycosidic bonds
(D) α -(1,4) and α -(1,6)- glycosidic bonds
Ans: D
43. In fetal lung type II pulmonary cells following is having very crucial role,
(A) RNA (B) Glycogen (C) Glucose (D) Fructose
Ans: B
44. Following are the important examples of glycosaminoglycans,
(A) The keratan sulphate and chondroitins (B) Dermatan sulphate (C) Heparan sulphate (D) All of above mentioned
Ans: D
45. It has a role of serving as biomarkers of certain diseases and play some role in genetic modification and chronic disease.
(A) Carbohydrates (B) Vitamins (C) Lipids (D) Minerals
Ans: C
46. Steroids are,
(A) Derived lipids (B) Homolipids (C) Heterolipids (D) None of above
Ans: A
47. Wool, hair, and cellulose are the examples of,
(A) Both hydrophilic and phobic substances (B) Hydrophilic substances (C) Hydrophobic substances (D) None of above
Ans: B
48. It allows the body to produce vitamin D,
(A) Acetone (B) Steroids (C) Cholesterol (D) Calcium
Ans: C
49. Bile salts are produced by the,
(A) Stomach (B) Chemical Modification of cholesterol (C) Pharynx (D) Oesophagus
Ans: B
50. The most important characteristic of micelle formation is that,
(A) The micellar mass (B) The aggregation number
(C) The charge and degree of binding of ions β (D) All above mentioned
Ans: D
51. The local folded structures that form within a polypeptide due to interactions between atoms of polypeptide chain,
(A) Is referred as tertiary structure of protein (B) Is referred as quaternary structure of protein
(C) Is referred as primary structure of protein (D) Is referred as secondary structure of protein
Ans: D
52. On the basis of their degree of polymerization, carbohydrates can be classified as,
(A) Simple sugar (B) Complex sugar (C) Simple and complex sugar (D) None of above
Ans: C
53. The members of carbohydrates if ingested are neither digestible nor absorbable and will be fermented by intestinal flora,
(A) Galactose (B) Raffinose (C) Glycogen (D) Starch
Ans: B
54. A compound which causes rotation of polarized light to the right is said,
(A) To be mutarotatory (B) To be levorotatory (C) To be dextrorotatory (D) To be racemic
Ans: C
55. The orientation of -H and -OH groups around carbon atom,
(A) 1 will give rise to two isomers known as anomers. (B) 2 will give rise to two isomers known as anomers.
(C) 3 will give rise to two isomers known as anomers. (D) 4 will give rise to two isomers known as anomers.
Ans: A
56. A carbohydrate exhibits properties of a chiral or optical isomer Compound,
(A) Glucose (B) Glyceraldyhides (C) Fructose (D) Galactose
Ans: B
57. The supplements containing glucose derivative glucuronic acid will help in preventing,
(A) Malaria (B) Typhoid (C) Prostate cancer. (D) Colon cancer
Ans: C
58. Lactose is formed by joining together,
(A) α -D-galactose and β -D-glucose (B) β-D-galactose and α-D-glucose
(C) β-L-galactose and α-D-glucose (D) β-D-galactose and α-L-glucose
Ans: B
59. Cellulose are linked by,
(A) alpha-1,6 bonds (B) alpha-1,4 linkages
(C) α glycosidic bonds (D) β glycosidic bonds
Ans: D
60. The following Vacutainers is may not suitable/useful for DNA testing,
(A) Red Top Vacutainers (B) Purple Top Vacutainers
(C) Yellow Top Vacutainers (D) Gray Top Vacutainers
Ans: D
61. DNA can be quantified by using following technique,
(A) Real time PCR (B) Slot blot (C) PicoGreen (D) All above mentioned
Ans: D
62. During separation the transfer of DNA on nylon membrane is done in,
(A) Northern Blotting (B) Southern Blotting (C) PCR (D) Gel Electrophoresis
Ans: B
63. First time DNA finger printing was studied by,
(A) James Bull (B) Professor Sir Alec Jeffreys (C) Sir Isaac Newton (D) Paul Berg
Ans: B
64. The example of polymorphism is,
(A) The human ABO blood groups (B) The human Rh factor
(C) The human major histocompatibility complex (MHC) (D) All above mentioned
Ans: D
65. In Forensic DNA analysis, following technology is applied,
(A) Capillary electrophoresis (B) Pyrosequencing (C) Sanger dideoxy sequencing (D) All above mentioned
Ans: D
66. Microsatellites are often referred to as short tandem repeats by forensic geneticists, and plant geneticists referred it as,
(A) Small sequence repeats (SSRs) (B) Short sequence repeats (SSRs)
(C) Simple sequence repeats (SSRs) (D) Slight sequence repeats (SSRs)
Ans: C
67. VNTR (variable number of tandem repeats) DNA are classified as,
(A) Mini satellites (B) Microsatellites (C) Both mini and microsatellites (D) Nano satellites
Ans: C
68. Large sample size of DNA is required in,
(A) RFLP analysis (B) PCR analysis (C) Mitochondrial DNA analysis (D) Y-chromosome analysis
Ans: A
69. Numbers of precise DNA replications from a single sample of DNA is created in,
(A) Y-chromosome analysis (B) PCR analysis (C) Mitochondrial DNA analysis (D) RFLP analysis
Ans: B
70. Examination of individual areas in DNA is done by using,
(A) Mitochondrial DNA analysis (B) RFLP analysis (C) STR analysis (D) PCR analysis
Ans: C
71. As a bio-molecular leaflet following is very important,
(A) Lipoproteins (B) Glycolipid (C) Phospolipids (D) Sulfolipids
Ans: C
72. Lipoproteins are classified based on their density in the ratio of protein,
(A) Chylomicron (B) IDL (C) HDL (D) All of above
Ans: D
73. In serology Phenolphthalein Test is also known as,
(A) RSID Test (B) Takayama Test (C) Kastle Meyer Test (D) Luminol Test
Ans: C
74. In forensic examination of blood, separation and identification of serum proteins is done by,
(A) Rapid immunoassay (B) Electrophoretic technique (C) Precipitin methods (D) DNA quantitation
Ans: B
75. Hemocrit value of the blood is the,
(A) Volume of platelets in a sample of blood (B) Volume of leucocytes in a sample of blood
(C) Volume of haemoglobin in a sample of blood (D) Volume of erythrocytes in a sample of blood
Ans: D
76. In haemoglobin all the animals following is same,
(A) Heme part (B) RBC (C) Globin part (D) None of above
Ans: A
77. A large central vacuole, a water-filled volume enclosed by a membrane known as the,
(A) Chloroplast (B) Tonoplast (C) Thylakoid (D) Plastids
Ans: B
78. ‘ABO’ system of blood which measures the,
(A) Antigens (B) Antibody (C) Sugar (D) Protein
Ans: A
79. The significance of ‘ABO’ system in forensic investigation is for the purpose of,
(A) Blood transfusion (B) Cell, tissue, and organ transplantation.
(C) Analysis of crime scene evidence, such as blood, saliva, seminal fluid, and even hair.
(D) All of above
Ans: D
80. Coca plant, a cash crop of angiosperm family Erythroxylaceae, is native to,
(A) Central America (B) Western South America (C) Western North America (D) Eastern South America
Ans: B
81. In the year 2008, WHO has named which of these as ‘World’s Single Greatest Preventable Cause of Death’?
(A) Cannabis (B) Opium (C) Tobacco (D) Coca
Ans: C
82. Which of these following poisonous plants is popularly known as ‘Wolf’s Bane’ or ‘Queen of all Poisons’?
(A) Abrus (B) Aconitum (C) Castor (D) Oleander
Ans: B
83. Abrus precatorius a poisonous plant yielding toxin Abrin, belongs to family,
(A) Anacardiaceae (B) Mimosaceae (C) Caesalpiniaceae (D) Fabaceae
Ans: D
84. In DNA extraction technique for a pure DNA sample the ratio of Absorbance at 260 nm and 280 nm is,
(A) 1.8 (B) 1.2 (C) 1.09 (D) 1.08
Ans: A
85. During forensic investigation in criminal cases following is used,
(A) RNA (B) Non coding DNA (C) Coding DNA (D) Glucose
Ans: B
86. Hair colour, Eye colour, height etc. are determined by,
(A) Coding DNA (B) Non coding DNA (C) mRNA (D) Trna
Ans: A
87. The template strand of the DNA double helix which is oriented in a 3' to 5' manner is a,
(A) The lagging strand template (B) The leading strand template (C) Okazaki fragment (D) None of above
Ans: B
88. It is one of the java software designed for fast and robust computation of the activity of gene sets (or modules) with coordinated expression.
Ans: B
89. PCR can be applied in following procedure,
(A) Genetic testing (B) Tissue typing (C) Oncogene study (D) All above given
Ans: D
90. To measure the quantity of a target DNA sequence (commonly in real-time).
(A) Miniprimer PCR is used (B) qPCR is used (C) Nano PCR is used (D) Single cell -PCR
Ans: B
91. A thermally stable DNA polymerase was originally isolated from the thermophilic bacterium,
(A) Thermus thermophilus (B) Thermus aquaticus (C) Thermus cladophilus (D) Thermus filiformis
Ans: B
92. PCR was first developed by Kary Mullis,
(A) 1963 (B) 1973 (C) 1983 (D) 1993
Ans: C
93. By measuring the release of fluorescent ‘‘flashes’’ during Amplification of DNA is done in,
(A) Touch down PCR (B) Hot Start PCR (C) RT-PCR (D) Assembly PCR
Ans: C
94. Capillary electrophoresis (CE) is a process used to separate ionic fragments by,
(A) Shape (B) Size (C) Colour (D) Odour
Ans: B
95. The following is very useful in detecting/staining nucleic acid,
(A) Hematoxylene (B) EtBr (C) Eosin (D) Saferanin
Ans: B
96. The primary producer that contain the accessory pigments fucoxanthin and β (beta) carotene,
(A) Blue green algae (B) Diatoms (C) Green algae (D) Bacteria
Ans: B
97. Diatoms use raphe for the,
(A) Reproduction (B) Movement (C) Ingestion (D) Digestion
Ans: B
98. Cells of the diatoms are encased in a transparent glass-like silica “container” called as,
(A) Pseudopods (B) Flagella (C) Raphe (D) Frustule
Ans: D
99. Starch is made up of,
(A) Branched Amylose + Branched Amylopectin (B) Unbranched Amylose + Unbranched Amylopectin
(C) Branched Amylose + Unbranched Amylopectin (D) Unbranched Amylose + Branched Amylopectin
Ans: D
100. Which of the following sugars have an aldehyde group in their open chain structure?
(A) Fructose (B) Erythrulose (C) Dihydroxyacetone (D) Arabinose
Ans: D
(A) Is referred as tertiary structure of protein (B) Is referred as quaternary structure of protein
(C) Is referred as primary structure of protein (D) Is referred as secondary structure of protein
Ans: D
52. On the basis of their degree of polymerization, carbohydrates can be classified as,
(A) Simple sugar (B) Complex sugar (C) Simple and complex sugar (D) None of above
Ans: C
53. The members of carbohydrates if ingested are neither digestible nor absorbable and will be fermented by intestinal flora,
(A) Galactose (B) Raffinose (C) Glycogen (D) Starch
Ans: B
54. A compound which causes rotation of polarized light to the right is said,
(A) To be mutarotatory (B) To be levorotatory (C) To be dextrorotatory (D) To be racemic
Ans: C
55. The orientation of -H and -OH groups around carbon atom,
(A) 1 will give rise to two isomers known as anomers. (B) 2 will give rise to two isomers known as anomers.
(C) 3 will give rise to two isomers known as anomers. (D) 4 will give rise to two isomers known as anomers.
Ans: A
56. A carbohydrate exhibits properties of a chiral or optical isomer Compound,
(A) Glucose (B) Glyceraldyhides (C) Fructose (D) Galactose
Ans: B
57. The supplements containing glucose derivative glucuronic acid will help in preventing,
(A) Malaria (B) Typhoid (C) Prostate cancer. (D) Colon cancer
Ans: C
58. Lactose is formed by joining together,
(A) α -D-galactose and β -D-glucose (B) β-D-galactose and α-D-glucose
(C) β-L-galactose and α-D-glucose (D) β-D-galactose and α-L-glucose
Ans: B
59. Cellulose are linked by,
(A) alpha-1,6 bonds (B) alpha-1,4 linkages
(C) α glycosidic bonds (D) β glycosidic bonds
Ans: D
60. The following Vacutainers is may not suitable/useful for DNA testing,
(A) Red Top Vacutainers (B) Purple Top Vacutainers
(C) Yellow Top Vacutainers (D) Gray Top Vacutainers
Ans: D
61. DNA can be quantified by using following technique,
(A) Real time PCR (B) Slot blot (C) PicoGreen (D) All above mentioned
Ans: D
62. During separation the transfer of DNA on nylon membrane is done in,
(A) Northern Blotting (B) Southern Blotting (C) PCR (D) Gel Electrophoresis
Ans: B
63. First time DNA finger printing was studied by,
(A) James Bull (B) Professor Sir Alec Jeffreys (C) Sir Isaac Newton (D) Paul Berg
Ans: B
64. The example of polymorphism is,
(A) The human ABO blood groups (B) The human Rh factor
(C) The human major histocompatibility complex (MHC) (D) All above mentioned
Ans: D
65. In Forensic DNA analysis, following technology is applied,
(A) Capillary electrophoresis (B) Pyrosequencing (C) Sanger dideoxy sequencing (D) All above mentioned
Ans: D
66. Microsatellites are often referred to as short tandem repeats by forensic geneticists, and plant geneticists referred it as,
(A) Small sequence repeats (SSRs) (B) Short sequence repeats (SSRs)
(C) Simple sequence repeats (SSRs) (D) Slight sequence repeats (SSRs)
Ans: C
67. VNTR (variable number of tandem repeats) DNA are classified as,
(A) Mini satellites (B) Microsatellites (C) Both mini and microsatellites (D) Nano satellites
Ans: C
68. Large sample size of DNA is required in,
(A) RFLP analysis (B) PCR analysis (C) Mitochondrial DNA analysis (D) Y-chromosome analysis
Ans: A
69. Numbers of precise DNA replications from a single sample of DNA is created in,
(A) Y-chromosome analysis (B) PCR analysis (C) Mitochondrial DNA analysis (D) RFLP analysis
Ans: B
70. Examination of individual areas in DNA is done by using,
(A) Mitochondrial DNA analysis (B) RFLP analysis (C) STR analysis (D) PCR analysis
Ans: C
71. As a bio-molecular leaflet following is very important,
(A) Lipoproteins (B) Glycolipid (C) Phospolipids (D) Sulfolipids
Ans: C
72. Lipoproteins are classified based on their density in the ratio of protein,
(A) Chylomicron (B) IDL (C) HDL (D) All of above
Ans: D
73. In serology Phenolphthalein Test is also known as,
(A) RSID Test (B) Takayama Test (C) Kastle Meyer Test (D) Luminol Test
Ans: C
74. In forensic examination of blood, separation and identification of serum proteins is done by,
(A) Rapid immunoassay (B) Electrophoretic technique (C) Precipitin methods (D) DNA quantitation
Ans: B
75. Hemocrit value of the blood is the,
(A) Volume of platelets in a sample of blood (B) Volume of leucocytes in a sample of blood
(C) Volume of haemoglobin in a sample of blood (D) Volume of erythrocytes in a sample of blood
Ans: D
76. In haemoglobin all the animals following is same,
(A) Heme part (B) RBC (C) Globin part (D) None of above
Ans: A
77. A large central vacuole, a water-filled volume enclosed by a membrane known as the,
(A) Chloroplast (B) Tonoplast (C) Thylakoid (D) Plastids
Ans: B
78. ‘ABO’ system of blood which measures the,
(A) Antigens (B) Antibody (C) Sugar (D) Protein
Ans: A
79. The significance of ‘ABO’ system in forensic investigation is for the purpose of,
(A) Blood transfusion (B) Cell, tissue, and organ transplantation.
(C) Analysis of crime scene evidence, such as blood, saliva, seminal fluid, and even hair.
(D) All of above
Ans: D
80. Coca plant, a cash crop of angiosperm family Erythroxylaceae, is native to,
(A) Central America (B) Western South America (C) Western North America (D) Eastern South America
Ans: B
81. In the year 2008, WHO has named which of these as ‘World’s Single Greatest Preventable Cause of Death’?
(A) Cannabis (B) Opium (C) Tobacco (D) Coca
Ans: C
82. Which of these following poisonous plants is popularly known as ‘Wolf’s Bane’ or ‘Queen of all Poisons’?
(A) Abrus (B) Aconitum (C) Castor (D) Oleander
Ans: B
83. Abrus precatorius a poisonous plant yielding toxin Abrin, belongs to family,
(A) Anacardiaceae (B) Mimosaceae (C) Caesalpiniaceae (D) Fabaceae
Ans: D
84. In DNA extraction technique for a pure DNA sample the ratio of Absorbance at 260 nm and 280 nm is,
(A) 1.8 (B) 1.2 (C) 1.09 (D) 1.08
Ans: A
85. During forensic investigation in criminal cases following is used,
(A) RNA (B) Non coding DNA (C) Coding DNA (D) Glucose
Ans: B
86. Hair colour, Eye colour, height etc. are determined by,
(A) Coding DNA (B) Non coding DNA (C) mRNA (D) Trna
Ans: A
87. The template strand of the DNA double helix which is oriented in a 3' to 5' manner is a,
(A) The lagging strand template (B) The leading strand template (C) Okazaki fragment (D) None of above
Ans: B
88. It is one of the java software designed for fast and robust computation of the activity of gene sets (or modules) with coordinated expression.
Ans: B
89. PCR can be applied in following procedure,
(A) Genetic testing (B) Tissue typing (C) Oncogene study (D) All above given
Ans: D
90. To measure the quantity of a target DNA sequence (commonly in real-time).
(A) Miniprimer PCR is used (B) qPCR is used (C) Nano PCR is used (D) Single cell -PCR
Ans: B
91. A thermally stable DNA polymerase was originally isolated from the thermophilic bacterium,
(A) Thermus thermophilus (B) Thermus aquaticus (C) Thermus cladophilus (D) Thermus filiformis
Ans: B
92. PCR was first developed by Kary Mullis,
(A) 1963 (B) 1973 (C) 1983 (D) 1993
Ans: C
93. By measuring the release of fluorescent ‘‘flashes’’ during Amplification of DNA is done in,
(A) Touch down PCR (B) Hot Start PCR (C) RT-PCR (D) Assembly PCR
Ans: C
94. Capillary electrophoresis (CE) is a process used to separate ionic fragments by,
(A) Shape (B) Size (C) Colour (D) Odour
Ans: B
95. The following is very useful in detecting/staining nucleic acid,
(A) Hematoxylene (B) EtBr (C) Eosin (D) Saferanin
Ans: B
96. The primary producer that contain the accessory pigments fucoxanthin and β (beta) carotene,
(A) Blue green algae (B) Diatoms (C) Green algae (D) Bacteria
Ans: B
97. Diatoms use raphe for the,
(A) Reproduction (B) Movement (C) Ingestion (D) Digestion
Ans: B
98. Cells of the diatoms are encased in a transparent glass-like silica “container” called as,
(A) Pseudopods (B) Flagella (C) Raphe (D) Frustule
Ans: D
99. Starch is made up of,
(A) Branched Amylose + Branched Amylopectin (B) Unbranched Amylose + Unbranched Amylopectin
(C) Branched Amylose + Unbranched Amylopectin (D) Unbranched Amylose + Branched Amylopectin
Ans: D
100. Which of the following sugars have an aldehyde group in their open chain structure?
(A) Fructose (B) Erythrulose (C) Dihydroxyacetone (D) Arabinose
Ans: D