1. Insects that transmit diseases to human are referred to as
(a) Carriers (b) Reservoirs (c) Vectors (d) Incubators
Ans: C
2. Fish is regarded a healthy meat mainly because it is a rich source of
(a) cholesterol (b) saturated fats (c) low-density lipoproteins (d) omega-3 fatty acid
Ans: D
3. Name the disease caused by mercury poisoning in Japan
(a) Itai itai (b) Xeroderma pigmentosum (c) Measles (d) Minamata disease
Ans: D
4. Which one of the following is not biodegradable?
(a) vegetables (b) cotton cloth (c) paper (d) aluminium foil
Ans: D
5. Plants are green because of the presence of a pigment called
(a) glucose (b) nitrogen (c) chlorophyll (d) oxygen
Ans: C
6. World Biodiversity Day is observed on
(a) 5th May (b) 22nd May (c) 5th June (d) 22nd April
Ans: B
7. A species which is only found in a given region or location and nowhere else in the world is called
(a) Endemic species (b) Endangered species (c) Keystone Species (d) Threatened species
Ans: A
8. The number of Biodiversity Hotspots in the world is
(a) 18 (b) 24 (c) 28 (d) 36
Ans: D
9. Global warming is mainly due to
(a) Ozone layer accumulation (b) Green house gas accumulation (c) UV Rays (d) Ozone layer
Ans: B
10. Freon is used as a/an
(a) Insecticide (b) Herbicide (c) Refrigerant (d) Antiseptic
Ans: C
11. Amino acids are the building blocks of
(a) Steroids (b) Carbohydrates (c) Proteins (d) Vitamins
Ans: C
12. A branch of science that encompasses the description, identification, nomenclature, and classification of organisms is called
(a) Ecology (b) Taxonomy (c) Cosmology (d) Petrology
Ans: B
13. H1N1 Virus is linked to
(a) HIV (b) Swine flu (c) Mental disorder (d) Influenza
Ans: B
14. Which is regarded as one of the World's hottest hot spots of biological diversity?
(A) Rann of Kutch (B) Western Ghats (C) Eastern Ghats (D) Sunderbans
Ans: B
15. Chromium as a contaminant in drinking water in excess of permissible levels, causes
(A) Skeletal damage
(B) Gastrointestinal problem
(C) Dermal and nervous problems
(D) Liver/Kidney problems
Ans: C
16. The master gland of human body is
A:-Adrenal gland
B:-Thyroid gland
C:-Thymus gland
D:-Pituitary gland
Ans: D
17. Which of the following is related to Jurassic period ?
(a) Proterozoic (b) Mesozoic (c) Cenozoic (d) Paleozoic
Ans: B
18. Peripatus is a connecting link between
(a) Arthropoda and Mollusca (b) Annelida and Arthropoda (c) Mollusca and Echinodermata (d) Annelida and Protozoa
Ans: B
19. The ancestor of modern horse lived in
(a) America (b) Africa (c) Australia (d) India
Ans: A
20. Lion is found in
(a) Oriental region only (b) Oriental and neotropical region (c) Ethopian region only (d) Oriental and Ethopian region
Ans: D
21. Who proposed the principle of the “struggle for existence” ?
(a) Weismann (b) Darwin (c) De Vries (d) Mendel
Ans: B
22. Age of no life is called
(a) Azoic (b) Mesozoic (c) Paleozoic (d) Archeozoic
Ans: A
23. Who wrote the book “origin of species” ?
(a) Miller (b) Oparin (c) Darwin (d) Haldane
Ans: C
24. The study of animal behavior is known as
(a) Zoology (b) Entomology (c) Ethology (d) Microbiology\
Ans: C
25. In Latin, “fossilis” means :
(a) To dig (b) To keep (c) To hide (d) To throw
Ans: A
26. Dihybrid genetic cross involves which of the following ?
(a) Segregation (b) Dominance (c) Independent assortment (d) Polygenic inheritance
Ans: C
27. A polygenic inheritance trait in human being is
(a) Skin colour (b) Phenylketoneurea (c) Colour blindness (d) Sickle cell anaemia
Ans: A
28. Balbiani rings occur in
(a) Autosomes (b) Heterosomes (c) Lampbrush chromosome (d) Polytene chromosome
Ans: D
29. Which of the following method is suitable for combining the desirable characters of two plants together in a single plant ?
(a) Cutting (b) Layering (c) Grafting (d) All of these
Ans: C
30. Haemoglobins, myoglobins, carotenoids are known as
(a) Glycoproteins (b) Phosphoproteins (c) Chromoproteins (d) None of these
Ans: C
31. The best method to determine the homozygosity and heterozygosity of an individual is
(a) Self fertilization (b) Back cross (c) Test cross (d) Inbreeding
Ans: C
32. Another name for ligase is
(a) Joining enzyme (b) RNA polymerase (c) Nuclease (d) None of these
Ans: A
33. Centromere is a constituent of
(a) Ribosome (b) Endoplasmic reticulum (c) Chromosome (d) Mitochondria
Ans: C
34. Cell membranes are composed of mainly
(a) Sugar and Protein (b) Lipid and Protein (c) Starch and Lipid (d) Sugar and Lipid
Ans: B
35. When a diploid cell is treated with colchicine, it becomes
(a) Triploid (b) Tetraploid (c) Diploid (d) Monoploid
Ans: B
36. Which of the following amino acid disrupts an alpha helix ?
(a) Proline (b) Leucine (c) Glycine (d) Valine
Ans: A
37. When the velocity of enzyme activity is plotted against substrate concentration, it shows :
(a) Hyperbolic curve (b) Parabolic curve (c) Straight line with positive slope (d) Straight line with negative slope
Ans: A
38. Which of the following is correct ?
(a) Legumes fix nitrogen through bacteria in their leaves. (b) Legumes fix nitrogen through bacteria in their roots.
(c) Legumes fix nitrogen independent of bacteria. (d) Legumes do not fix nitrogen.
Ans: B
39. Mushroom cultivation consists of steps :
(a) Spawning – Composting – Harvesting – Casing (b) Casing – Composting – Harvesting – Spawning
(c) Cropping – Casing – Spawning – Composting (d) Composting – Spawning – Casing – Harvesting
Ans: D
40. The genetically engineered ‘Golden rice’ synthesizes large amount of
(a) Vitamin K (b) Beta-carotene (c) Vitamin C (d) Beta-galactosidase
Ans: B
41. The linking of antibiotic resistance gene with the plasmid vector becomes possible with
(a) Endonucleases (b) DNA ligase (c) Exonucleases (d) DNA polymerase
Ans: B
42. Plant tissue culture technique is a redefined method of
(a) Hybridization (b) Vegetative propagation (c) Asexual reproduction (d) Selection
Ans: B
43. The first hormone artificially produced by bacteria is
(a) Insulin (b) Thyroxine (c) Adrenaline (d) Testosterone
Ans: A
44. The term ‘gene’ was coined by
(a) McClintock (b) Morgan (c) Johannssen (d) De Duce
Ans: C
45. Organic farming is the technique(s) of raising crops through use of
(a) Green manures (b) Biofertilizers (c) Biological pest control (d) All of these
Ans: D
46. What is full name of Bt in Bt Cotton ?
(a) Bacillus thogin (b) Bacillus thuringiensis (c) Bacillus thuringin (d) None of these
Ans: B
47. Book lungs are found in
(a) Scorpions (b) Prawns (c) Cockroach (d) Fishes
Ans: A
48. In which of the following social life occurs ?
(a) Isoptera (b) Hymenoptera (c) Both (a) and (b) (d) Hemiptera
Ans: C
49. Aschelminthes are
(a) Coelomates (b) Pseudocoelomates (c) Acoelomates (d) None of these
Ans: B
50. The example of Gymnophiona is
(a) Frog (b) Ichthyophis (c) Xenopus (d) Pila
Ans: B
(a) Carriers (b) Reservoirs (c) Vectors (d) Incubators
Ans: C
2. Fish is regarded a healthy meat mainly because it is a rich source of
(a) cholesterol (b) saturated fats (c) low-density lipoproteins (d) omega-3 fatty acid
Ans: D
3. Name the disease caused by mercury poisoning in Japan
(a) Itai itai (b) Xeroderma pigmentosum (c) Measles (d) Minamata disease
Ans: D
4. Which one of the following is not biodegradable?
(a) vegetables (b) cotton cloth (c) paper (d) aluminium foil
Ans: D
5. Plants are green because of the presence of a pigment called
(a) glucose (b) nitrogen (c) chlorophyll (d) oxygen
Ans: C
6. World Biodiversity Day is observed on
(a) 5th May (b) 22nd May (c) 5th June (d) 22nd April
Ans: B
7. A species which is only found in a given region or location and nowhere else in the world is called
(a) Endemic species (b) Endangered species (c) Keystone Species (d) Threatened species
Ans: A
8. The number of Biodiversity Hotspots in the world is
(a) 18 (b) 24 (c) 28 (d) 36
Ans: D
9. Global warming is mainly due to
(a) Ozone layer accumulation (b) Green house gas accumulation (c) UV Rays (d) Ozone layer
Ans: B
10. Freon is used as a/an
(a) Insecticide (b) Herbicide (c) Refrigerant (d) Antiseptic
Ans: C
11. Amino acids are the building blocks of
(a) Steroids (b) Carbohydrates (c) Proteins (d) Vitamins
Ans: C
12. A branch of science that encompasses the description, identification, nomenclature, and classification of organisms is called
(a) Ecology (b) Taxonomy (c) Cosmology (d) Petrology
Ans: B
13. H1N1 Virus is linked to
(a) HIV (b) Swine flu (c) Mental disorder (d) Influenza
Ans: B
14. Which is regarded as one of the World's hottest hot spots of biological diversity?
(A) Rann of Kutch (B) Western Ghats (C) Eastern Ghats (D) Sunderbans
Ans: B
15. Chromium as a contaminant in drinking water in excess of permissible levels, causes
(A) Skeletal damage
(B) Gastrointestinal problem
(C) Dermal and nervous problems
(D) Liver/Kidney problems
Ans: C
16. The master gland of human body is
A:-Adrenal gland
B:-Thyroid gland
C:-Thymus gland
D:-Pituitary gland
Ans: D
17. Which of the following is related to Jurassic period ?
(a) Proterozoic (b) Mesozoic (c) Cenozoic (d) Paleozoic
Ans: B
18. Peripatus is a connecting link between
(a) Arthropoda and Mollusca (b) Annelida and Arthropoda (c) Mollusca and Echinodermata (d) Annelida and Protozoa
Ans: B
19. The ancestor of modern horse lived in
(a) America (b) Africa (c) Australia (d) India
Ans: A
20. Lion is found in
(a) Oriental region only (b) Oriental and neotropical region (c) Ethopian region only (d) Oriental and Ethopian region
Ans: D
21. Who proposed the principle of the “struggle for existence” ?
(a) Weismann (b) Darwin (c) De Vries (d) Mendel
Ans: B
22. Age of no life is called
(a) Azoic (b) Mesozoic (c) Paleozoic (d) Archeozoic
Ans: A
23. Who wrote the book “origin of species” ?
(a) Miller (b) Oparin (c) Darwin (d) Haldane
Ans: C
24. The study of animal behavior is known as
(a) Zoology (b) Entomology (c) Ethology (d) Microbiology\
Ans: C
25. In Latin, “fossilis” means :
(a) To dig (b) To keep (c) To hide (d) To throw
Ans: A
26. Dihybrid genetic cross involves which of the following ?
(a) Segregation (b) Dominance (c) Independent assortment (d) Polygenic inheritance
Ans: C
27. A polygenic inheritance trait in human being is
(a) Skin colour (b) Phenylketoneurea (c) Colour blindness (d) Sickle cell anaemia
Ans: A
28. Balbiani rings occur in
(a) Autosomes (b) Heterosomes (c) Lampbrush chromosome (d) Polytene chromosome
Ans: D
29. Which of the following method is suitable for combining the desirable characters of two plants together in a single plant ?
(a) Cutting (b) Layering (c) Grafting (d) All of these
Ans: C
30. Haemoglobins, myoglobins, carotenoids are known as
(a) Glycoproteins (b) Phosphoproteins (c) Chromoproteins (d) None of these
Ans: C
31. The best method to determine the homozygosity and heterozygosity of an individual is
(a) Self fertilization (b) Back cross (c) Test cross (d) Inbreeding
Ans: C
32. Another name for ligase is
(a) Joining enzyme (b) RNA polymerase (c) Nuclease (d) None of these
Ans: A
33. Centromere is a constituent of
(a) Ribosome (b) Endoplasmic reticulum (c) Chromosome (d) Mitochondria
Ans: C
34. Cell membranes are composed of mainly
(a) Sugar and Protein (b) Lipid and Protein (c) Starch and Lipid (d) Sugar and Lipid
Ans: B
35. When a diploid cell is treated with colchicine, it becomes
(a) Triploid (b) Tetraploid (c) Diploid (d) Monoploid
Ans: B
36. Which of the following amino acid disrupts an alpha helix ?
(a) Proline (b) Leucine (c) Glycine (d) Valine
Ans: A
37. When the velocity of enzyme activity is plotted against substrate concentration, it shows :
(a) Hyperbolic curve (b) Parabolic curve (c) Straight line with positive slope (d) Straight line with negative slope
Ans: A
38. Which of the following is correct ?
(a) Legumes fix nitrogen through bacteria in their leaves. (b) Legumes fix nitrogen through bacteria in their roots.
(c) Legumes fix nitrogen independent of bacteria. (d) Legumes do not fix nitrogen.
Ans: B
39. Mushroom cultivation consists of steps :
(a) Spawning – Composting – Harvesting – Casing (b) Casing – Composting – Harvesting – Spawning
(c) Cropping – Casing – Spawning – Composting (d) Composting – Spawning – Casing – Harvesting
Ans: D
40. The genetically engineered ‘Golden rice’ synthesizes large amount of
(a) Vitamin K (b) Beta-carotene (c) Vitamin C (d) Beta-galactosidase
Ans: B
41. The linking of antibiotic resistance gene with the plasmid vector becomes possible with
(a) Endonucleases (b) DNA ligase (c) Exonucleases (d) DNA polymerase
Ans: B
42. Plant tissue culture technique is a redefined method of
(a) Hybridization (b) Vegetative propagation (c) Asexual reproduction (d) Selection
Ans: B
43. The first hormone artificially produced by bacteria is
(a) Insulin (b) Thyroxine (c) Adrenaline (d) Testosterone
Ans: A
44. The term ‘gene’ was coined by
(a) McClintock (b) Morgan (c) Johannssen (d) De Duce
Ans: C
45. Organic farming is the technique(s) of raising crops through use of
(a) Green manures (b) Biofertilizers (c) Biological pest control (d) All of these
Ans: D
46. What is full name of Bt in Bt Cotton ?
(a) Bacillus thogin (b) Bacillus thuringiensis (c) Bacillus thuringin (d) None of these
Ans: B
47. Book lungs are found in
(a) Scorpions (b) Prawns (c) Cockroach (d) Fishes
Ans: A
48. In which of the following social life occurs ?
(a) Isoptera (b) Hymenoptera (c) Both (a) and (b) (d) Hemiptera
Ans: C
49. Aschelminthes are
(a) Coelomates (b) Pseudocoelomates (c) Acoelomates (d) None of these
Ans: B
50. The example of Gymnophiona is
(a) Frog (b) Ichthyophis (c) Xenopus (d) Pila
Ans: B
51. During DNA replication, the strands are separated by
(a) DNA polymerase (b) Topoisomerase (c) DNA helicase (d) Gyrase
Ans: C
52. In which of the following family umbel inflorescence occurs ?
(a) Apiaceae (b) Rubiaceae (c) Asteraceae (d) Fabaceae
Ans: A
53. The characteristic fruit of the family Asteraceae is
(a) Silicula (b) Siliqua (c) Cypsela (d) Cremocarp
Ans: C
54. Verticillaster inflorescence is observed in
(a) Lamium (b) Salvia (c) Ocimum (d) All of these
Ans: D
55. Feathery stigma occurs in
(a) Pea (b) Cesalpinia (c) Dhatura (d) Wheat
Ans: D
56. The largest family among the Dicotyledonous plants is
(a) Rubiaceae (b) Rosaceae (c) Asteraceae (d) Cucurbitaceae
Ans: C
57. Canal system is found in the Phyllum
(a) Coelenterata (b) Porifera (c) Echinodermata (d) Both (b) and (c)
Ans: B
58. Cliona celata is commonly known as
(a) Coral (b) Boring sponge (c) Sea cucumber (d) None of these
Ans: B
59. Spongilla is found in
(a) Fresh water (b) Marine water
(c) Brackish water (d) All of these
Ans: A
60. The most common constituent of fungal cell wall is
(a) Lipid (b) Cellulose (c) Protein (d) Chitin
Ans: D
61. Algae which do not resemble with either blue-green or green algae but have some characters of both have been placed under division :
(a) Cyanophyta (b) Rhodophyta (c) Prochlorophyta (d) Phaeophyta
Ans: C
62. The sporozoans are exclusively
(a) Marine (b) Parasites (c) Predators (d) Free living
Ans: B
63. Which of the following animals belong to order carnivora ?
(a) Hyena, Dog & Jackal (b) Dog, Cat & Manis (c) Horse, Zebra & Rhino (d) None of these
Ans: A
64. If head of snake is covered with shields (not scales) and the ventral shields cover entire belly, then snake will be
(a) Non-poisonous (b) Poisonous (c) Both (a) and (b) (d) None of these
Ans: B
65. Study of plant fossils is called as
(a) Phytomycology (b) Phytoecology (c) Phytopalaentology (d) None of these
Ans: C
66. Xylem of gymnosperms lacks
(a) Tracheids (b) Xylem parenchyma
(c) Xylem fibres (d) Vessels
Ans: D
67. What do you mean by imperfect stage of fungi ?
(a) When a fungus is unhealthy.
(b) When a fungus reproduces asexually only.
(c) When a fungus reproduces sexually.
(d) When a fungus produces fruiting body.
Ans: B
68. The real force leading to the entry of water into a cell from other cell is
(a) Diffusion Pressure Deficit (DPD) (b) Turgor Pressure (TP)
(c) Osmotic Pressure (OP) (d) Wall Pressure (WP)
Ans: A
69. A small cap like structure present around the top of sperm is called as
(a) Oligosperm (b) Acrosome (c) Cluster (d) Spermatogonia
Ans: B
70. Follicle Stimulating Hormone is secreted from
(a) Pituitary (b) Testes (c) Ovary (d) Both (a) and (c)
Ans: A
71. Distal non-vascular part of embryo is called as
(a) Area opaca vitellina (b) Area medusa
(c) Area vasculosa (d) Mesenchyma
Ans: A
72. Which of the following are amniotic animals ?
(a) Aves (b) Reptiles (c) Mammals (d) All of these
Ans: D
73. Decidua parietalis and decidua basalis are found in the embryo of
(a) Mammals (b) Aves (c) Fishes (d) Amphibians
Ans: A
74. In chick embryo, epiphysis cerebri appears in
(a) 50 – 55 hours (b) 20 – 25 hours (c) 10 – 15 hours (d) None of these
Ans: A
75. Development of egg without fertilization is known as
(a) Parthenocarpy (b) Polyembryony (c) Parthenogenesis (d) Adventive embryony
Ans: C
76. Which of the following is also called as Biogenetic law ?
(a) Recapitulation (b) Reproduction (c) Exploitation (d) None of these
Ans: A
77. In pond ecosystem, the shape of pyramid of biomass is
(a) upright (b) inverted (c) both upright and inverted (d) None of these
Ans: B
78. The main reservoir of phosphorus in an ecosystem is
(a) Plants (b) Animals (c) Rocks (d) Water
Ans: C
79. In an ecosystem, each trophic level has less energy available to it than the previous trophic level, because
(a) At each trophic level, energy is retained as body heat (b) At each trophic level, there is respiratory loss of energy
(c) At each trophic level, much energy is consumed by organism in digestion (d) None of these
Ans: B
80. Ozone layer is found in
(a) Troposphere (b) Lithosphere (c) Stratosphere (d) Cryosphere
Ans: C
81. The primary pollutant in the Los-Angeles type smog is
(a) Nitric oxide (b) Carbon dioxide (c) Sulphur dioxide (d) Ozone
Ans: A
82. Which of the following may be a component of particulate matter in atmospheric air ?
(a) Dust (b) Aerosols (c) Both (a) and (b) (d) None of these
Ans: C
83. Which of the following is factor of biodiversity loss ?
(a) Inbreeding (b) Reduction in population size
(c) Decrease in heterozygosity (d) All of these
Ans: D
84. The term ‘ecosystem’ was first used by
(a) Hutchinson 1950 (b) E.P. Odum 1935 (c) Tansley 1935 (d) Ernst Haeckel 1935
Ans: C
85. Greenhouse gases include :
(a) Carbon dioxide (b) Methane (c) Nitric oxide (d) All of these
Ans: D
86. Breeding crops for improved nutritional quality is referred as
(a) Biomining (b) Biomagnification (c) Biofortification (d) Bioremediation
Ans: C
87. A transgenic food crop which may help in solving the problem of night blindness in developing countries is
(a) Golden rice (b) Bt brinjal (c) Flavr Savr tomato (d) Bt cotton
Ans: A
88. DMSO (Dimethyl sulfoxide) is used as
(a) Gelling agent (b) Alkylating agent (c) Chelating agent (d) Cryoprotectant
Ans: D
89. The process of controlling a pathogen by applying a predator is known as
(a) Artificial control (b) Confusion technique control (c) Biological control (d) Genetic engineering
Ans: C
90. Pebrine is a disease of
(a) Silk worm (b) Lac insect (c) Honey bee (d) Fish
Ans: A
91. Which of the following insecticide is an acetyl cholinesterase inhibitor ?
(a) Endosulfan (b) Malathion (c) Aldrin (d) 4-BHC
92. Fibre of great commercial importance derived from epidermis is
(a) Flax (b) Hemp (c) Coir (d) Cotton
Ans: D
93. The medically most important part of Rauwolfia serpentina is
(a) Root (b) Rhizome (c) Aerial stem (d) All of these
Ans: A
94. Atropine is obtained from which plant ?
(a) Cactus (b) Belladona (c) Periwinkle (d) Foxglove
Ans: B
95. Which one of the following yields resin, timber and pulp ?
(a) Dalbergia (b) Pinus (c) Eucalyptus (d) Quercus
Ans: B
96. The chicory powder which is mixed with coffee powder is obtained from
(a) Seeds (b) Leaves (c) Roots (d) Stems
Ans: C
97. Deoxygenated blood is carried in
(a) Pulmonary artery (b) Pulmonary vein (c) Carotid artery (d) Aorta
Ans: A
98. Pancreatic juice works in
(a) Acidic medium (b) Neutral medium (c) Alkaline medium (d) Amphoteric medium
Ans: C
99. In PCR, DNA polymerase adds nucleotides to which end of the primer ?
(a) 3' end (b) 5' end (c) Either 3' or 5' end (d) Both 3' and 5' end
Ans: A
100. Which of the following microscope can be utilized for observing biological activities such as motility, phagocytosis and sub-cellular anatomy without staining ?
(a) Fluorescence microscope (b) Phase contrast microscope
(c) Bright field microscope (d) Electron microscope
Ans: B
(a) DNA polymerase (b) Topoisomerase (c) DNA helicase (d) Gyrase
Ans: C
52. In which of the following family umbel inflorescence occurs ?
(a) Apiaceae (b) Rubiaceae (c) Asteraceae (d) Fabaceae
Ans: A
53. The characteristic fruit of the family Asteraceae is
(a) Silicula (b) Siliqua (c) Cypsela (d) Cremocarp
Ans: C
54. Verticillaster inflorescence is observed in
(a) Lamium (b) Salvia (c) Ocimum (d) All of these
Ans: D
55. Feathery stigma occurs in
(a) Pea (b) Cesalpinia (c) Dhatura (d) Wheat
Ans: D
56. The largest family among the Dicotyledonous plants is
(a) Rubiaceae (b) Rosaceae (c) Asteraceae (d) Cucurbitaceae
Ans: C
57. Canal system is found in the Phyllum
(a) Coelenterata (b) Porifera (c) Echinodermata (d) Both (b) and (c)
Ans: B
58. Cliona celata is commonly known as
(a) Coral (b) Boring sponge (c) Sea cucumber (d) None of these
Ans: B
59. Spongilla is found in
(a) Fresh water (b) Marine water
(c) Brackish water (d) All of these
Ans: A
60. The most common constituent of fungal cell wall is
(a) Lipid (b) Cellulose (c) Protein (d) Chitin
Ans: D
61. Algae which do not resemble with either blue-green or green algae but have some characters of both have been placed under division :
(a) Cyanophyta (b) Rhodophyta (c) Prochlorophyta (d) Phaeophyta
Ans: C
62. The sporozoans are exclusively
(a) Marine (b) Parasites (c) Predators (d) Free living
Ans: B
63. Which of the following animals belong to order carnivora ?
(a) Hyena, Dog & Jackal (b) Dog, Cat & Manis (c) Horse, Zebra & Rhino (d) None of these
Ans: A
64. If head of snake is covered with shields (not scales) and the ventral shields cover entire belly, then snake will be
(a) Non-poisonous (b) Poisonous (c) Both (a) and (b) (d) None of these
Ans: B
65. Study of plant fossils is called as
(a) Phytomycology (b) Phytoecology (c) Phytopalaentology (d) None of these
Ans: C
66. Xylem of gymnosperms lacks
(a) Tracheids (b) Xylem parenchyma
(c) Xylem fibres (d) Vessels
Ans: D
67. What do you mean by imperfect stage of fungi ?
(a) When a fungus is unhealthy.
(b) When a fungus reproduces asexually only.
(c) When a fungus reproduces sexually.
(d) When a fungus produces fruiting body.
Ans: B
68. The real force leading to the entry of water into a cell from other cell is
(a) Diffusion Pressure Deficit (DPD) (b) Turgor Pressure (TP)
(c) Osmotic Pressure (OP) (d) Wall Pressure (WP)
Ans: A
69. A small cap like structure present around the top of sperm is called as
(a) Oligosperm (b) Acrosome (c) Cluster (d) Spermatogonia
Ans: B
70. Follicle Stimulating Hormone is secreted from
(a) Pituitary (b) Testes (c) Ovary (d) Both (a) and (c)
Ans: A
71. Distal non-vascular part of embryo is called as
(a) Area opaca vitellina (b) Area medusa
(c) Area vasculosa (d) Mesenchyma
Ans: A
72. Which of the following are amniotic animals ?
(a) Aves (b) Reptiles (c) Mammals (d) All of these
Ans: D
73. Decidua parietalis and decidua basalis are found in the embryo of
(a) Mammals (b) Aves (c) Fishes (d) Amphibians
Ans: A
74. In chick embryo, epiphysis cerebri appears in
(a) 50 – 55 hours (b) 20 – 25 hours (c) 10 – 15 hours (d) None of these
Ans: A
75. Development of egg without fertilization is known as
(a) Parthenocarpy (b) Polyembryony (c) Parthenogenesis (d) Adventive embryony
Ans: C
76. Which of the following is also called as Biogenetic law ?
(a) Recapitulation (b) Reproduction (c) Exploitation (d) None of these
Ans: A
77. In pond ecosystem, the shape of pyramid of biomass is
(a) upright (b) inverted (c) both upright and inverted (d) None of these
Ans: B
78. The main reservoir of phosphorus in an ecosystem is
(a) Plants (b) Animals (c) Rocks (d) Water
Ans: C
79. In an ecosystem, each trophic level has less energy available to it than the previous trophic level, because
(a) At each trophic level, energy is retained as body heat (b) At each trophic level, there is respiratory loss of energy
(c) At each trophic level, much energy is consumed by organism in digestion (d) None of these
Ans: B
80. Ozone layer is found in
(a) Troposphere (b) Lithosphere (c) Stratosphere (d) Cryosphere
Ans: C
81. The primary pollutant in the Los-Angeles type smog is
(a) Nitric oxide (b) Carbon dioxide (c) Sulphur dioxide (d) Ozone
Ans: A
82. Which of the following may be a component of particulate matter in atmospheric air ?
(a) Dust (b) Aerosols (c) Both (a) and (b) (d) None of these
Ans: C
83. Which of the following is factor of biodiversity loss ?
(a) Inbreeding (b) Reduction in population size
(c) Decrease in heterozygosity (d) All of these
Ans: D
84. The term ‘ecosystem’ was first used by
(a) Hutchinson 1950 (b) E.P. Odum 1935 (c) Tansley 1935 (d) Ernst Haeckel 1935
Ans: C
85. Greenhouse gases include :
(a) Carbon dioxide (b) Methane (c) Nitric oxide (d) All of these
Ans: D
86. Breeding crops for improved nutritional quality is referred as
(a) Biomining (b) Biomagnification (c) Biofortification (d) Bioremediation
Ans: C
87. A transgenic food crop which may help in solving the problem of night blindness in developing countries is
(a) Golden rice (b) Bt brinjal (c) Flavr Savr tomato (d) Bt cotton
Ans: A
88. DMSO (Dimethyl sulfoxide) is used as
(a) Gelling agent (b) Alkylating agent (c) Chelating agent (d) Cryoprotectant
Ans: D
89. The process of controlling a pathogen by applying a predator is known as
(a) Artificial control (b) Confusion technique control (c) Biological control (d) Genetic engineering
Ans: C
90. Pebrine is a disease of
(a) Silk worm (b) Lac insect (c) Honey bee (d) Fish
Ans: A
91. Which of the following insecticide is an acetyl cholinesterase inhibitor ?
(a) Endosulfan (b) Malathion (c) Aldrin (d) 4-BHC
92. Fibre of great commercial importance derived from epidermis is
(a) Flax (b) Hemp (c) Coir (d) Cotton
Ans: D
93. The medically most important part of Rauwolfia serpentina is
(a) Root (b) Rhizome (c) Aerial stem (d) All of these
Ans: A
94. Atropine is obtained from which plant ?
(a) Cactus (b) Belladona (c) Periwinkle (d) Foxglove
Ans: B
95. Which one of the following yields resin, timber and pulp ?
(a) Dalbergia (b) Pinus (c) Eucalyptus (d) Quercus
Ans: B
96. The chicory powder which is mixed with coffee powder is obtained from
(a) Seeds (b) Leaves (c) Roots (d) Stems
Ans: C
97. Deoxygenated blood is carried in
(a) Pulmonary artery (b) Pulmonary vein (c) Carotid artery (d) Aorta
Ans: A
98. Pancreatic juice works in
(a) Acidic medium (b) Neutral medium (c) Alkaline medium (d) Amphoteric medium
Ans: C
99. In PCR, DNA polymerase adds nucleotides to which end of the primer ?
(a) 3' end (b) 5' end (c) Either 3' or 5' end (d) Both 3' and 5' end
Ans: A
100. Which of the following microscope can be utilized for observing biological activities such as motility, phagocytosis and sub-cellular anatomy without staining ?
(a) Fluorescence microscope (b) Phase contrast microscope
(c) Bright field microscope (d) Electron microscope
Ans: B