1. “Shreshtam ksheenakshateshu cha” is said with respect to which of the following?
(A) Ghrita (B) Navaneeta (C) Ksheera (D) All of the above
Ans: C
2. “Tantrashila” is a component of
(A) Tantrayukti (B) Tantradosa (C) Arthasaraya (D) Vadamargapada
Ans: C
3. Churna pradeha prepared with yavachurnam, takram and kshara is indicated in?
(A) Vatarakta (B) Shiroruja (C) Jathara (D) Shvitra
Ans: C
4. “Na cha kesha pramuchyante vardhante cha visheshataha” is phalshruti of which of the following?
(A) Anutailam (B) Shiro abhyanga (C) Karnapurana (D) All of the above
Ans: A
5. “Lesha” is a
(A) Arthasaraya (B) Tantradosa (C) Tantrayukti (D) Kalapana
Ans: D
6. “Balanam cha Anga Vardhanah” is said for ______
(A) Aswagandha (B) Brahm rasayana (C) Ativisha (D) Chyavanprasha
Ans: D
7. ______ is the cause of “Sukra pravriti”
(A) Pravan (B) Samkalpa (C) Pidan (D) Chesta
Ans: A
8. “Anushaya” is said for
(A) Disease (B) Chikitasa (C) Atreya (D) Dhanwantri
Ans: C
9. Apsmar is treated through ______ firstly
(A) Nasya (B) Virechan (C) Anjan (D) Tikshna Vaman
Ans: D
10. According to Charak Samhita, A pregnant lady should use ______ in third month
(A) Cold milk (B) Normal milk (C) Milk+Honey (D) Milk+Honey+Ghrit
Ans: D
11. ______ is Balavridhikar Bhava
(A) Snehan (B) Youvanam (C) Harsa (D) Rasayana
Ans: B
12. “Lakshyanimita” is a type of
(A) Vikriti (B) Nidana (C) Linga (D) Prakriti
Ans: A
13. ______ is vikrita complex (Varna)
(A) Awadata (B) Shyamawadata (C) Krisna (D) Tamra
Ans: D
14. The Chhaya like vaiduryamani is known as
(A) Vayavi (B) Agneyi (C) Ambhasi (D) Parthivi
Ans: C
15. According to Charaka Dev graha sizes the person on
(A) Sukla pratipada (B) Krisna pratipada (C) Amawasya (D) Purnima
Ans: A
16. ______ puja is prescribed for Unmada in Charak Samhita
(A) Visnu (B) Birbhadra (C) Brahma (D) Pramatha
Ans: D
17. “Visheshena sannipaataharam param” is phalashruti of which of the following?
(A) Purana ghrita (B) Mahakalyanaka ghrita (C) Pippalyaadi ghrita (D) None of the above
Ans: B
18. Tamra, Sashula pidaka with paristruta agra is lakshana of which of the following?
(A) Masurika (B) Alaji (C) Romantika (D) Kaksha
Ans: B
19. “Sarva cheshtasu aneeshvaraah” is said in the context of which disease?
(A) Urustambha (B) Udara (C) Prameha (D) Kshataksheena
Ans: B
20. In case of mandagni due to ati-sneha, which of the following is specially indicated?
(A) Churna (B) Arishta (C) Asava (D) Allof the above
Ans: D
21. “Aarohana aayaasa” is purvarupa of which of the following disease?
(A) Jvara (B) Pandu (C) Udara (D) Allof the above
Ans: B
22. Jnana vijnana vachana prativachana parikshaartham aadishyate”- is which vadamarga?
(A) Chalam (B) Anuyoga (C) Anuyojyam (D) None of the above
Ans: B
23. “Chintyaanaam cha ati chintanaat” Is mentioned as nidana of which Srotodushti?
(A) Annavaha (B) Rasavaha (C) Raktavaha (D) Both A and B
Ans: B
24. “Vicchindanti” effect of shodhana dravya is due to which guna?
(A) Ushna (B) Teekshna (C) Sukshma (D) Vyavayi
Ans: B
25. Useful part of Jeemutaka for Vamanaartha? (A) Phala (B) Pushpa (C) Naala (D) Both A and B
Ans: D
26. In shleepada, Ikshvaku should be used with which of the following?
(A) Ajaksheera (B) Kovidara kashaya (C) Bilvamula kashaya (D) All of the above
Ans: A
27. “Sukumaareshu anatyaya“ is said with respect to which vamana kalpa?
(A) Krutavedhana (B) Vatsaka (C) Dhamargava (D) Jeemutaka
Ans: B
28. In sukumara and mridukoshta which type of trivrut is advised?
(A) Aruna mula (B) Shyaama mula (C) Aruna mulatvak (D) Shyama mulatvak
Ans: A
29. In children with age between 4-12years virechana with Aragvadha is advised with?
(A) Draksharasa (B) Ushnodaka (C) Dadhimanda (D) Ksheera
Ans: A
30. Number of arishta yoga of Tilvaka kalpa?
(A) 1 (B) 2 (C) 3 (D) 4
Ans: A
31. “Jati” is considered as padarth in
(A) Samkhya (B) Nyaya (C) Bauddha (D) Jain
Ans: B
32. ______ is Antarang yoga
(A) Pranayam (B) Pratyahar (C) Dharna (D) Yama
Ans: C
33. Traasana in vataja unmade is which type of Upashaya According to Chakarpani?
(A) Hetu vipareeta (B) Hetu vipareetaarthakari (C) Vyadhi vipareetarthakari (D) None of the above
Ans: B
34. Which type of Murdhatailam is indicated in Netrastambha?
(A) Abhayanga (B) Seka (C) Pichu (D) Shirobasti
Ans: C
35. According to Charaka anupana of Narayana churna in Parikartika?
(A) Dadimambu (B) Vrikshamla (C) Dadhimanda (D) None of the above
Ans: B
36. According to Sushruta “Grahaniroganut” karma is said with respect to?
(A) Ushtra mutra (B) Gomutra (C) Gardabha mutra (D) Ashva mutra
Ans: C
37. “Pranateshu api saantvanadaana ruchi” is feature of which prakruti?
(A) Vata (B) Pitta (C) Kapha (D) Both Pitta and Kapha
Ans: B
38. According to Sushruta Vivardhana karma in Garbha is due to which mahabhuta?
(A) Vayu (B) Agni (C) Akasha (D) Vayu+Akasha
Ans: C
39. According to Sushruta “Indriya dourbalyam” is a lakshana of?
(A) Vata vruddhi (B) Pitta vruddhi (C) Both (D) None of the above
Ans: B
40. In which of the following condition Takra is contraindicated?
(A) Mutragraha (B) Pleehodara (C) Gulma (D) None of the above
Ans: D
41. As per Vagbhata “Naarikelodakam” is?
(A) Vatapittaharam (B) Kevala pittaharam (C) Pitta anilaharam (D) None of the above
Ans: C
42. In which of the following conditions Jala paana is contraindicated According to Vagbhata?
(A) Gulma (B) Arsha (C) Pandu (D) All of the above
Ans: D
43. As per Vagbhata, Sahya and Vindhyodbhava jala pana leads to?
(A) Udara (B) Kushta (C) Shleepada (D) Arshas
Ans: B
44. As per Vagbhata,in which of the following condition Niruha basti is contraindicated?
(A) Jeerna jwara (B) Pratishyaya (C) Ashmari (D) Shvasa
Ans: D
45. As per Vagbhata,the nivrutti kala of anuvasana basti is considered as 3 yama, if it does not come out even after 3 yama then which is the next step of management?
(A) Wait for a Ahoratram (B) Use phalavarti
(C) Teekshna basti as soon as possible (D) None of the above
Ans: A
46. As per Vagbhata,which gana is mentioned to be used in niruha basti preparation for Kapha pradhana dosha?
(A) Aragvadhaadi (B) Vatsakaadi (C) Nyagrodhadi (D) Both A and B
Ans: D
47. As per Vagbhata, after "Shastrakarma" which type of Dhoomapana is advisable if needed?
(A) Mrudu (B) Madhya (C) Teekshna (D) Both A and B
Ans: A
48. As per Vagbhata, Which of the following is NOT a type of langhana?
(A) Shamana (B) Shodhana (C) Both (D) None of the above
Ans: D
49. According to Vagbhata, Raktadushti is caused mainly by which dosha?
(A) Vata pitta (B) Pittakapha (C) Vata kapha (D) Kevala pitta
Ans: B
50. As per Vagbhata “Paadatranam cha sarvadaa” is mentioned in which Ritucarya?
(A) Hemanta (B) Varsha (C) Greeshma (D) Sharad
Ans: A
(A) Ghrita (B) Navaneeta (C) Ksheera (D) All of the above
Ans: C
2. “Tantrashila” is a component of
(A) Tantrayukti (B) Tantradosa (C) Arthasaraya (D) Vadamargapada
Ans: C
3. Churna pradeha prepared with yavachurnam, takram and kshara is indicated in?
(A) Vatarakta (B) Shiroruja (C) Jathara (D) Shvitra
Ans: C
4. “Na cha kesha pramuchyante vardhante cha visheshataha” is phalshruti of which of the following?
(A) Anutailam (B) Shiro abhyanga (C) Karnapurana (D) All of the above
Ans: A
5. “Lesha” is a
(A) Arthasaraya (B) Tantradosa (C) Tantrayukti (D) Kalapana
Ans: D
6. “Balanam cha Anga Vardhanah” is said for ______
(A) Aswagandha (B) Brahm rasayana (C) Ativisha (D) Chyavanprasha
Ans: D
7. ______ is the cause of “Sukra pravriti”
(A) Pravan (B) Samkalpa (C) Pidan (D) Chesta
Ans: A
8. “Anushaya” is said for
(A) Disease (B) Chikitasa (C) Atreya (D) Dhanwantri
Ans: C
9. Apsmar is treated through ______ firstly
(A) Nasya (B) Virechan (C) Anjan (D) Tikshna Vaman
Ans: D
10. According to Charak Samhita, A pregnant lady should use ______ in third month
(A) Cold milk (B) Normal milk (C) Milk+Honey (D) Milk+Honey+Ghrit
Ans: D
11. ______ is Balavridhikar Bhava
(A) Snehan (B) Youvanam (C) Harsa (D) Rasayana
Ans: B
12. “Lakshyanimita” is a type of
(A) Vikriti (B) Nidana (C) Linga (D) Prakriti
Ans: A
13. ______ is vikrita complex (Varna)
(A) Awadata (B) Shyamawadata (C) Krisna (D) Tamra
Ans: D
14. The Chhaya like vaiduryamani is known as
(A) Vayavi (B) Agneyi (C) Ambhasi (D) Parthivi
Ans: C
15. According to Charaka Dev graha sizes the person on
(A) Sukla pratipada (B) Krisna pratipada (C) Amawasya (D) Purnima
Ans: A
16. ______ puja is prescribed for Unmada in Charak Samhita
(A) Visnu (B) Birbhadra (C) Brahma (D) Pramatha
Ans: D
17. “Visheshena sannipaataharam param” is phalashruti of which of the following?
(A) Purana ghrita (B) Mahakalyanaka ghrita (C) Pippalyaadi ghrita (D) None of the above
Ans: B
18. Tamra, Sashula pidaka with paristruta agra is lakshana of which of the following?
(A) Masurika (B) Alaji (C) Romantika (D) Kaksha
Ans: B
19. “Sarva cheshtasu aneeshvaraah” is said in the context of which disease?
(A) Urustambha (B) Udara (C) Prameha (D) Kshataksheena
Ans: B
20. In case of mandagni due to ati-sneha, which of the following is specially indicated?
(A) Churna (B) Arishta (C) Asava (D) Allof the above
Ans: D
21. “Aarohana aayaasa” is purvarupa of which of the following disease?
(A) Jvara (B) Pandu (C) Udara (D) Allof the above
Ans: B
22. Jnana vijnana vachana prativachana parikshaartham aadishyate”- is which vadamarga?
(A) Chalam (B) Anuyoga (C) Anuyojyam (D) None of the above
Ans: B
23. “Chintyaanaam cha ati chintanaat” Is mentioned as nidana of which Srotodushti?
(A) Annavaha (B) Rasavaha (C) Raktavaha (D) Both A and B
Ans: B
24. “Vicchindanti” effect of shodhana dravya is due to which guna?
(A) Ushna (B) Teekshna (C) Sukshma (D) Vyavayi
Ans: B
25. Useful part of Jeemutaka for Vamanaartha? (A) Phala (B) Pushpa (C) Naala (D) Both A and B
Ans: D
26. In shleepada, Ikshvaku should be used with which of the following?
(A) Ajaksheera (B) Kovidara kashaya (C) Bilvamula kashaya (D) All of the above
Ans: A
27. “Sukumaareshu anatyaya“ is said with respect to which vamana kalpa?
(A) Krutavedhana (B) Vatsaka (C) Dhamargava (D) Jeemutaka
Ans: B
28. In sukumara and mridukoshta which type of trivrut is advised?
(A) Aruna mula (B) Shyaama mula (C) Aruna mulatvak (D) Shyama mulatvak
Ans: A
29. In children with age between 4-12years virechana with Aragvadha is advised with?
(A) Draksharasa (B) Ushnodaka (C) Dadhimanda (D) Ksheera
Ans: A
30. Number of arishta yoga of Tilvaka kalpa?
(A) 1 (B) 2 (C) 3 (D) 4
Ans: A
31. “Jati” is considered as padarth in
(A) Samkhya (B) Nyaya (C) Bauddha (D) Jain
Ans: B
32. ______ is Antarang yoga
(A) Pranayam (B) Pratyahar (C) Dharna (D) Yama
Ans: C
33. Traasana in vataja unmade is which type of Upashaya According to Chakarpani?
(A) Hetu vipareeta (B) Hetu vipareetaarthakari (C) Vyadhi vipareetarthakari (D) None of the above
Ans: B
34. Which type of Murdhatailam is indicated in Netrastambha?
(A) Abhayanga (B) Seka (C) Pichu (D) Shirobasti
Ans: C
35. According to Charaka anupana of Narayana churna in Parikartika?
(A) Dadimambu (B) Vrikshamla (C) Dadhimanda (D) None of the above
Ans: B
36. According to Sushruta “Grahaniroganut” karma is said with respect to?
(A) Ushtra mutra (B) Gomutra (C) Gardabha mutra (D) Ashva mutra
Ans: C
37. “Pranateshu api saantvanadaana ruchi” is feature of which prakruti?
(A) Vata (B) Pitta (C) Kapha (D) Both Pitta and Kapha
Ans: B
38. According to Sushruta Vivardhana karma in Garbha is due to which mahabhuta?
(A) Vayu (B) Agni (C) Akasha (D) Vayu+Akasha
Ans: C
39. According to Sushruta “Indriya dourbalyam” is a lakshana of?
(A) Vata vruddhi (B) Pitta vruddhi (C) Both (D) None of the above
Ans: B
40. In which of the following condition Takra is contraindicated?
(A) Mutragraha (B) Pleehodara (C) Gulma (D) None of the above
Ans: D
41. As per Vagbhata “Naarikelodakam” is?
(A) Vatapittaharam (B) Kevala pittaharam (C) Pitta anilaharam (D) None of the above
Ans: C
42. In which of the following conditions Jala paana is contraindicated According to Vagbhata?
(A) Gulma (B) Arsha (C) Pandu (D) All of the above
Ans: D
43. As per Vagbhata, Sahya and Vindhyodbhava jala pana leads to?
(A) Udara (B) Kushta (C) Shleepada (D) Arshas
Ans: B
44. As per Vagbhata,in which of the following condition Niruha basti is contraindicated?
(A) Jeerna jwara (B) Pratishyaya (C) Ashmari (D) Shvasa
Ans: D
45. As per Vagbhata,the nivrutti kala of anuvasana basti is considered as 3 yama, if it does not come out even after 3 yama then which is the next step of management?
(A) Wait for a Ahoratram (B) Use phalavarti
(C) Teekshna basti as soon as possible (D) None of the above
Ans: A
46. As per Vagbhata,which gana is mentioned to be used in niruha basti preparation for Kapha pradhana dosha?
(A) Aragvadhaadi (B) Vatsakaadi (C) Nyagrodhadi (D) Both A and B
Ans: D
47. As per Vagbhata, after "Shastrakarma" which type of Dhoomapana is advisable if needed?
(A) Mrudu (B) Madhya (C) Teekshna (D) Both A and B
Ans: A
48. As per Vagbhata, Which of the following is NOT a type of langhana?
(A) Shamana (B) Shodhana (C) Both (D) None of the above
Ans: D
49. According to Vagbhata, Raktadushti is caused mainly by which dosha?
(A) Vata pitta (B) Pittakapha (C) Vata kapha (D) Kevala pitta
Ans: B
50. As per Vagbhata “Paadatranam cha sarvadaa” is mentioned in which Ritucarya?
(A) Hemanta (B) Varsha (C) Greeshma (D) Sharad
Ans: A
51. Sthanasamshraya of Kshudraroga?
(A) Tvak (B) Mamsa (C) Shonita (D) All of the above
Ans: D
52. Following is NOT among the sites of applying Sama bandham?
(A) Vankshana (B) Uras (C) Kanta (D) Prushta
Ans: A
53. “Lohitaavabhasa” is lakshana of which type of Vrana?
(A) Pittaja (B) Raktaja (C) Agantuja (D) None of the above
Ans: C
54. Following is NOT among the asaadhya karnabandha?
(A) Heenakarna (B) Vallikarna (C) Yashtikarna (D) Nirvedhima
Ans: D
55. “Gurugaatrata” is a lakshana of ?
(A) Meda vriddhi (B) Mamsa vriddhi (C) Raktavriddhi (D) None of the above
Ans: B
56. Following types of aatura are chikitsayogya EXCEPT
(A) Pravrajita (B) Upanata (C) Abhyupagata (D) None of the above
Ans: D
57. According to Sushruta samhita, concepts regarding Kumaratantra are mentioned in which sthana?
(A) Uttaratantra (B) Shaarerasthana (C) Chikitsasthana (D) Both A and B
Ans: D
58. Pradosha lakshana is similar to which rutu?
(A) Hemanta (B) Varsha (C) Pravrut (D) None of the above
Ans: B
59. Which of the following shastra is useful for Visraavana?
(A) Antarmukha (B) Kurcha (C) Kushapatra (D) All of the above
Ans: D
60. According to Sushruta, Aatura “bala” is assessed by which of the following pariksha?
(A) Darshana (B) Prashnena (C) Both (D) None of the above
Ans: C
61. Kshaara kruta vranaropana should be done by which of the following?
(A) Ghrita and tilakalka (B) Madhuka and ghrita (C) Madhuka+Tilakalka+Ghrita (D) None of the above
Ans: C
62. “Shushka sankuchita vranata” is dagdha lakshana of?
(A) Tvak (B) Mamsa (C) Sirasnayu (D) Sandhi asthi
Ans: B
63. “Karmanaa cha udito yena tadaapnoti punarbhave” - is mentioned in?
(A) Su su 29 (B) Su shaa 2 (C) Su shaa 3 (D) Su chi 28
Ans: B
64. Vrikka utpatti occurs by which of the following?
(A) Rakta kapha (B) Mamsa kapha meda (C) Rakta meda (D) Mamsa rakta meda
Ans: C
65. “Dhatunaam puranam varnam sparshajnaanam asamshayam” is function of?
(A) Vatavaha sira (B) Pittavaha sira (C) Kaphavaha sira (D) Raktavaha sira
Ans: D
66. Which mahabhuta pradhana dravya causes kaphashamana?
(A) Akasha (B) Agni-Vayu (C) Akasha-Vayu (D) All of the above
Ans: D
67. Fill in the blank - “Veeryam naasti vina ............?
(A) Dravyaat (B) Rasaat (C) Prabhaaavat (D) None of the above
Ans: B
68. According to Sushruta, useful part of Aragvadha for virechanartha?
(A) Patra (B) Phala (C) Both (D) None of the above
Ans: A
69. “Krucchrena bahu mehantam” is asaadhya lakshana of which vyadhi?
(A) Prameha (B) Ashmari (C) Rajayakshma (D) Atisaara
Ans: C
70. “Athava api paripakam dhatushu eve kraman mala” is mentioned in?
(A) Cha Chi 3 (B) Cha Shaa 6 (C) Cha Chi 21 (D) Cha Chi 25
Ans: A
71. According to Charaka “Upekshite bhavet tasmin anubandho he yakshmanaha” is said with respect to which disease?
(A) Jvara (B) Rajayakshma (C) Kshataksheena (D) Kasa
Ans: C
72. Context of “Paadapachaarat daivaat va yanti bhavantaram gadaa”?
(A) Cha Su 11 (B) Cha Ni 8 (C) Cha Chi 3 (D) Cha Chi 30
Ans: B
73. Shilaputraka nyaya is used to explain which of the following by Acharya Dalhana
(A) purusha (B) prakriti (C) avaktya (D) ahankar”
Ans: C
74. The treatment of Chaturtha kriyakala as per Acharya Dalhana is
(A) doshasya sthanivat pratikara (B) dushyasya vishesa chikitsa (C) dosa-dushya ubhaya chikitsa (D) dosa-upakrama
Ans: C
75. As per tarka Samgraha “Surabhi and asurabhi” is category of
(A) guna (B) apa (C) gandha (D) teja
Ans: C
76. As per Acharya Chakrapani ‘Abhirupatri’ mentioned in Madhuraskandha of Viman sthan chap 8th is a variety of
(A) Asvagandha (B) Vidari (C) Shatavari (D) Kapikacchu
Ans: C
77. As per Acharya Dalhana ‘Sairayakdvayam’ mentioned in Varunadi gana includes
(A) Raktapuspa & pitapuspa (B) Raktapuspa & nilapuspa (C) Nilapuspa & pitapuspa (D) Krishnapuspa & pitapuspa
Ans: B
78. As per Acharya Dalhana ‘ayuskara’ in the definition of rasayana signifies
(A) varshashatam aayu (B) shatadhikam ayu (C) jaraharanam (D) All of the above”
Ans: B
79. “Prayaschit” is the Synonym of
(A) Papakarma (B) Roga (C) Nidana (D) Chikitasa
Ans: D
80. "Darunmoksha" is mentioned in
(A) Atisara (B) Anantvat (C) Rohini (D) Jwar
Ans: D
81. Which one of following is not a tantradosha as per Arunadutta
(A) nihpramanakam (B) asamaptartham (C) aparthakam (D) avyahatam
Ans: D
82. As per Acharya Hemadri S¢ñH¢ mentioned in Anjanadi gana means
(A) bahula (B) sukshmaila (C) Both (D) shashi priyam
Ans: B
83. Opposite of Khara guna is ?
(A) Shlakshna (B) Sara (C) Ruksha (D) Mridu
Ans: A
84. According to Astanga Hridyam to understand disease, Aaptibhi denotes ….
(A) Apta vachana (B) Aapta vakya (C) Aagantuk vyadhi (D) Samprapti
Ans: D
85. Anurakta is the quality of ?
(A) Vaidya (B) Parichaarak (C) Rogi (D) All of the above
Ans: B
86. What is the name of Astanga Hridaya sutrasthan chapter 8 ?
(A) Matrashitiya (B) Annaraksha vidhi (C) Dravyadi vigyaniya (D) Rasa bhediya
Ans: A
87. What is the sequence of rasas mentioned in Astanga Hridaya ?
(A) Swadu - Amla - Lavana - Tikta - Ushana - Kashaya
(B) Madhura - Amla - Lavana - Tikta - Ushana - Kashaya
(C) Madhura - Amla - Lavana - Tikta - Katu - Kashaya
(D) Swadu - Amla - Lavana - Katu - Tikta - Kashaya
Ans: A
88. Vyayama should be performed upto Ardha Shaktya (Half of the strength) in which season?
(A) Vasanta (B) Varshaa (C) Sharada (D) Grishma
Ans: A
89. Which of the following tantrayukti is not described by Sushruta ?
(A) Sambhav (B) Vyak-hyan
(C) Vidhaan (D) Sanshaya
Ans: A
90. Prakarananupurvya Abhihitam is explained for which of the following tantrayukti?
(A) Viparyaya (B) Purvapaksha (C) Vyak-hyana (D) Vidhaan
Ans: D
91. According to Arun Dutta No. of Tantra dosha is ....
(A) 15 (B) 20 (C) 14 (D) 5
Ans: A
92. Which one of the following is not a type of Tachhilya ?
(A) Sanshaya (B) Sansaktataa (C) Vikaara (D) Prakaara
Ans: A
93. Who is the Author of Charakopskaar Tika ?
(A) Yogindra Nath Sen (B) Gayadaas Sen (C) Shivdaas Sen (D) Swami Kumar
Ans: A
94. AEC stands for ?
(A) Animal Ethics Committee (B) Analytical Ethics Committee
(C) Annual Ethical Committee (D) Arranged of Ethical Committee
Ans: A
95. Who is the Author of Nirantar padavyak-hya ?
(A) Swami Kumar (B) Aashadha Verma (C) Chandrata (D) Jejjata
Ans: D
96. According to Astanga Hridaya Rajasrava period (Menstrual period) lasts for how many days.
(A) 3 (B) 4 (C) 5 (D) 7
Ans: A
97. Which type of santaan (child) will take birth if sambhog kriya will be performed in 12th night of Ritu Kaala –
(A) Putra (B) Kanya (C) Napunsaka (D) Garbha will not retain
Ans: A
98. According to Astanga Hridaya, how many Adhishthan of visarpa are there ?
(A) 3 (B) 4 (C) 5 (D) 7
Ans: A
99. What is the sequence of vata guna (qualities) according to Astanga Hridaya ?
(A) Ruksho - Laghu - Sheeta - Khara - Sukshma - Chala (B) Ruksho - Khara - Sheeta - Laghu - Sukshma - Chala
(C) Ruksho - Laghu - Khara - Sheeta - Sukshma - Chala (D) Laghu - Ruksho - Khara - Sheeta - Sukshma - Chala
Ans: A
100. According to Charak Tara-Tama bheda (type) of dosha includes under which samprapti
(A) Pradhanya (B) Vidhi (C) Vikalpa (D) Bala
Ans: A
(A) Tvak (B) Mamsa (C) Shonita (D) All of the above
Ans: D
52. Following is NOT among the sites of applying Sama bandham?
(A) Vankshana (B) Uras (C) Kanta (D) Prushta
Ans: A
53. “Lohitaavabhasa” is lakshana of which type of Vrana?
(A) Pittaja (B) Raktaja (C) Agantuja (D) None of the above
Ans: C
54. Following is NOT among the asaadhya karnabandha?
(A) Heenakarna (B) Vallikarna (C) Yashtikarna (D) Nirvedhima
Ans: D
55. “Gurugaatrata” is a lakshana of ?
(A) Meda vriddhi (B) Mamsa vriddhi (C) Raktavriddhi (D) None of the above
Ans: B
56. Following types of aatura are chikitsayogya EXCEPT
(A) Pravrajita (B) Upanata (C) Abhyupagata (D) None of the above
Ans: D
57. According to Sushruta samhita, concepts regarding Kumaratantra are mentioned in which sthana?
(A) Uttaratantra (B) Shaarerasthana (C) Chikitsasthana (D) Both A and B
Ans: D
58. Pradosha lakshana is similar to which rutu?
(A) Hemanta (B) Varsha (C) Pravrut (D) None of the above
Ans: B
59. Which of the following shastra is useful for Visraavana?
(A) Antarmukha (B) Kurcha (C) Kushapatra (D) All of the above
Ans: D
60. According to Sushruta, Aatura “bala” is assessed by which of the following pariksha?
(A) Darshana (B) Prashnena (C) Both (D) None of the above
Ans: C
61. Kshaara kruta vranaropana should be done by which of the following?
(A) Ghrita and tilakalka (B) Madhuka and ghrita (C) Madhuka+Tilakalka+Ghrita (D) None of the above
Ans: C
62. “Shushka sankuchita vranata” is dagdha lakshana of?
(A) Tvak (B) Mamsa (C) Sirasnayu (D) Sandhi asthi
Ans: B
63. “Karmanaa cha udito yena tadaapnoti punarbhave” - is mentioned in?
(A) Su su 29 (B) Su shaa 2 (C) Su shaa 3 (D) Su chi 28
Ans: B
64. Vrikka utpatti occurs by which of the following?
(A) Rakta kapha (B) Mamsa kapha meda (C) Rakta meda (D) Mamsa rakta meda
Ans: C
65. “Dhatunaam puranam varnam sparshajnaanam asamshayam” is function of?
(A) Vatavaha sira (B) Pittavaha sira (C) Kaphavaha sira (D) Raktavaha sira
Ans: D
66. Which mahabhuta pradhana dravya causes kaphashamana?
(A) Akasha (B) Agni-Vayu (C) Akasha-Vayu (D) All of the above
Ans: D
67. Fill in the blank - “Veeryam naasti vina ............?
(A) Dravyaat (B) Rasaat (C) Prabhaaavat (D) None of the above
Ans: B
68. According to Sushruta, useful part of Aragvadha for virechanartha?
(A) Patra (B) Phala (C) Both (D) None of the above
Ans: A
69. “Krucchrena bahu mehantam” is asaadhya lakshana of which vyadhi?
(A) Prameha (B) Ashmari (C) Rajayakshma (D) Atisaara
Ans: C
70. “Athava api paripakam dhatushu eve kraman mala” is mentioned in?
(A) Cha Chi 3 (B) Cha Shaa 6 (C) Cha Chi 21 (D) Cha Chi 25
Ans: A
71. According to Charaka “Upekshite bhavet tasmin anubandho he yakshmanaha” is said with respect to which disease?
(A) Jvara (B) Rajayakshma (C) Kshataksheena (D) Kasa
Ans: C
72. Context of “Paadapachaarat daivaat va yanti bhavantaram gadaa”?
(A) Cha Su 11 (B) Cha Ni 8 (C) Cha Chi 3 (D) Cha Chi 30
Ans: B
73. Shilaputraka nyaya is used to explain which of the following by Acharya Dalhana
(A) purusha (B) prakriti (C) avaktya (D) ahankar”
Ans: C
74. The treatment of Chaturtha kriyakala as per Acharya Dalhana is
(A) doshasya sthanivat pratikara (B) dushyasya vishesa chikitsa (C) dosa-dushya ubhaya chikitsa (D) dosa-upakrama
Ans: C
75. As per tarka Samgraha “Surabhi and asurabhi” is category of
(A) guna (B) apa (C) gandha (D) teja
Ans: C
76. As per Acharya Chakrapani ‘Abhirupatri’ mentioned in Madhuraskandha of Viman sthan chap 8th is a variety of
(A) Asvagandha (B) Vidari (C) Shatavari (D) Kapikacchu
Ans: C
77. As per Acharya Dalhana ‘Sairayakdvayam’ mentioned in Varunadi gana includes
(A) Raktapuspa & pitapuspa (B) Raktapuspa & nilapuspa (C) Nilapuspa & pitapuspa (D) Krishnapuspa & pitapuspa
Ans: B
78. As per Acharya Dalhana ‘ayuskara’ in the definition of rasayana signifies
(A) varshashatam aayu (B) shatadhikam ayu (C) jaraharanam (D) All of the above”
Ans: B
79. “Prayaschit” is the Synonym of
(A) Papakarma (B) Roga (C) Nidana (D) Chikitasa
Ans: D
80. "Darunmoksha" is mentioned in
(A) Atisara (B) Anantvat (C) Rohini (D) Jwar
Ans: D
81. Which one of following is not a tantradosha as per Arunadutta
(A) nihpramanakam (B) asamaptartham (C) aparthakam (D) avyahatam
Ans: D
82. As per Acharya Hemadri S¢ñH¢ mentioned in Anjanadi gana means
(A) bahula (B) sukshmaila (C) Both (D) shashi priyam
Ans: B
83. Opposite of Khara guna is ?
(A) Shlakshna (B) Sara (C) Ruksha (D) Mridu
Ans: A
84. According to Astanga Hridyam to understand disease, Aaptibhi denotes ….
(A) Apta vachana (B) Aapta vakya (C) Aagantuk vyadhi (D) Samprapti
Ans: D
85. Anurakta is the quality of ?
(A) Vaidya (B) Parichaarak (C) Rogi (D) All of the above
Ans: B
86. What is the name of Astanga Hridaya sutrasthan chapter 8 ?
(A) Matrashitiya (B) Annaraksha vidhi (C) Dravyadi vigyaniya (D) Rasa bhediya
Ans: A
87. What is the sequence of rasas mentioned in Astanga Hridaya ?
(A) Swadu - Amla - Lavana - Tikta - Ushana - Kashaya
(B) Madhura - Amla - Lavana - Tikta - Ushana - Kashaya
(C) Madhura - Amla - Lavana - Tikta - Katu - Kashaya
(D) Swadu - Amla - Lavana - Katu - Tikta - Kashaya
Ans: A
88. Vyayama should be performed upto Ardha Shaktya (Half of the strength) in which season?
(A) Vasanta (B) Varshaa (C) Sharada (D) Grishma
Ans: A
89. Which of the following tantrayukti is not described by Sushruta ?
(A) Sambhav (B) Vyak-hyan
(C) Vidhaan (D) Sanshaya
Ans: A
90. Prakarananupurvya Abhihitam is explained for which of the following tantrayukti?
(A) Viparyaya (B) Purvapaksha (C) Vyak-hyana (D) Vidhaan
Ans: D
91. According to Arun Dutta No. of Tantra dosha is ....
(A) 15 (B) 20 (C) 14 (D) 5
Ans: A
92. Which one of the following is not a type of Tachhilya ?
(A) Sanshaya (B) Sansaktataa (C) Vikaara (D) Prakaara
Ans: A
93. Who is the Author of Charakopskaar Tika ?
(A) Yogindra Nath Sen (B) Gayadaas Sen (C) Shivdaas Sen (D) Swami Kumar
Ans: A
94. AEC stands for ?
(A) Animal Ethics Committee (B) Analytical Ethics Committee
(C) Annual Ethical Committee (D) Arranged of Ethical Committee
Ans: A
95. Who is the Author of Nirantar padavyak-hya ?
(A) Swami Kumar (B) Aashadha Verma (C) Chandrata (D) Jejjata
Ans: D
96. According to Astanga Hridaya Rajasrava period (Menstrual period) lasts for how many days.
(A) 3 (B) 4 (C) 5 (D) 7
Ans: A
97. Which type of santaan (child) will take birth if sambhog kriya will be performed in 12th night of Ritu Kaala –
(A) Putra (B) Kanya (C) Napunsaka (D) Garbha will not retain
Ans: A
98. According to Astanga Hridaya, how many Adhishthan of visarpa are there ?
(A) 3 (B) 4 (C) 5 (D) 7
Ans: A
99. What is the sequence of vata guna (qualities) according to Astanga Hridaya ?
(A) Ruksho - Laghu - Sheeta - Khara - Sukshma - Chala (B) Ruksho - Khara - Sheeta - Laghu - Sukshma - Chala
(C) Ruksho - Laghu - Khara - Sheeta - Sukshma - Chala (D) Laghu - Ruksho - Khara - Sheeta - Sukshma - Chala
Ans: A
100. According to Charak Tara-Tama bheda (type) of dosha includes under which samprapti
(A) Pradhanya (B) Vidhi (C) Vikalpa (D) Bala
Ans: A