1. In pathogenesis of Shotha roga, vitiated vayu carries these to the peripheral vessels (A) Rakta, Pitta & Kapha (B) Rakta, Pitta & Mamsa (C) Rakta,, Pitta & Meda (D) Rasa, Kapha & Meda
2. The characteristic feature of Atrial fibrillation in ECG is (A) Absence of P waves (B) Broad QRS complex (C) Inverted P wave (D) Narrow QRS complex
3. According to Sushruta, all of the following diseases except one may be manifested when Sthansamshraya of Dosas occur in Pada (A) Shleepada (B) Vatashonita (C) Granthi (D) Vatakantaka
4. The comma-shaped bacteria are (A) Spirilla (B) Vibrios (C) Spirochetes (D) Cocci
5. According to Sushruta, Vrana is manifested when Vayu is vitiated in (A) Mamsa (B) Meda (C) Rakta (D) Rasa
6. All are the functions of Vitamin E except
(A) Hepatic microsomal carboxylation (B) Anti-oxidant activity
(C) Scavenger of free radicals (D) Activates protein kinase C and PhospholipaseA2
7. Each of the following is true about cross-sectional study except (A) Unable to measure incidence (B) Data are collected at multiple points in time (C) Relatively quick and easy to conduct (D) Able to measure the prevalence
8. ‘Reporting bias’, also known as Recall bias or Information bias is most commonly associated with the following study design: (A) Prospective Cohort Study (B) Retrospective Cohort study (C) Randomized Control Trial (D) Cross- Sectional study
9. Which one of the following is a Non-Parametric test of significance? (A) Analysis of variance (B) t-test (C) Both A and B (D) Kruskall- Wallis test
10. For accidental swallowing of alkalies following antidotes can be used except (A) Rinse mouth with tap water (B) Lemon juice may be taken orally (C) 5% acetic acid may be taken orally (D) 5% soap solution may be taken orally
11. The basic SI unit for mass is (A) Kilogram (B) Gram (C) Mole (D) Miligram
12. Though Sushruta has categorized Murchha into six types, but the main predominant Dosa in all types is (A) Vata (B) Pitta (C) Kapha (D) Combination of Vata and Pitta
13. A general all-purpose laboratory disinfectant solution of Sodium hypochlorite should have a concentration of (A) 5 g/liter (B) 50 g/liter (C) 1 g/liter (D) 10 g/liter
14. Identify the correct statement that describes PubMed Central (A) PubMed Central gives access to only abstracts and not to full papers (B) PubMed Central is a digital repository of the biomedical and life sciences journal literature (C) PubMed Central requires annual subscription for accessing the articles (D) PubMed Central is maintained by the Health Ministry of India
15. A 50 year old male having the symptoms such as Hrillasa, Asyashravana, Avipaka, Arochaka, Murchha, Chhardi, Jwara, Anaha, Karshya, Kshavathu and Pinasa may be diagnosed as suffering from (A) Raktaja Krimi (B) Purishaja Krimi (C) Vahya Krimi (D) Shlesmaja Krimi
16. Constant temperature water bath is used for the following except (A) Heating of chemicals used for preparation of primary standards (B) Determination of serum enzymes (C) Enzymatic determination of Glucose, Urea etc. (D) Serological determination
17. According to Sushruta, match the Dhatu kshaya with symptoms Dhatukshaya Symptoms 1. Rakta a. Sandhishunyata 2. Rasa b. Asthishula 3. Meda c. Twakparushya 4. Asthi d. Dhamani Shaithilya 5. Mamsa e. Trishna (A) 1 - c, 2 - e, 3 - a, 4 - d, 5 - b (B) 1 - c, 2 - e, 3 - a, 4 - b, 5 - d (C) 1 - d, 2 - c, 3 - b, 4 - a, 5 - e (D) 1 - d, 2 - c, 3 - a, 4 - b, 5 - e
18. According to Sushruta, the type of Arsha resembling Shukajihwa is (A) Vatika (B) Kaphaja (C) Sahaja (D) Paittika
19. According to Sushruta, Manyastambha is caused by (A) Shlesmavritta Vayu (B) Pittavritta Vayu (C) Only Vayu (D) Only Shlesma
20. Udara roga is manifested due to Nidanarthakara roga(s) (A) Arsha (B) Shosha (C) Pleehabhivriddhi and Arsha (D) Gulma
21. According to Beer and Lambert’s law, the absorbance of a solution containing light absorbing material depends on the following factors except one (A) The nature of the substance (B) The source of light (C) The wavelength of the light (D) Path of light
22. Which O.D. readings indicate proper selection of a filter along with a good agreement with Beer’s law (A) Less than 0.05 (B) More than 0.8 (C) Less than 0.9 (D) Within 0.05-0.8
23. The media contain substances that accelerate the growth of required pathogen only and prevent or slow down the growth of other microorganisms. (A) Enriched media (B) Basic media (C) Selective media (D) Indicator media
24. The selective medium for Corynebacterium diptheriae is (A) Mannitol salt agar (B) Tellurite agar (C) Phenylalanine agar (D) Tryptone soya medium
25. To determine the Reticulocyte count, the staining solution contains all of the following except (A) Brilliant cresyl blue (B) Sodium citrate (C) Sodium chloride (D) Yellow eosin
26. Osazone test is used to determine (A) Lactose (B) Galactose (C) Fructose (D) Ketone
27. The Pancytopenia is relatively uncommon in (A) Aplastic anemia (B) Subleukemic leukemia (C) Lymphoma (D) Multiple myeloma
28. According to Sushruta, the involvement of Dosa(s) in Halimaka is (A) Vata and Pitta (B) Only Pitta (C) Pitta and Shlesma (D) Vata and Shlesma
29. All of the following statements except one are true of type 2 diabetes. Which is the exception? (A) It is associated with metabolic syndrome (B) Ketoacidosis is a common complication (C) The prevalence is higher than that of Type I diabetes (D) There is an increased risk of Ischemic Heart Disease
30. Which of the following presentations is least consistent with a diagnosis of Transient Ischemic Attack (TIA)? (A) Monocular blindness (B) Facial asymmetry (C) Loss of consciousness (D) Slurred speech
31. According to Vagbhatta, the prodromal features of Vatarakta resemble the features of : (A) Rakta pitta (B) Visarpa (C) Shotha (D) Kushtha
32. ICMJE in the context of biomedical research publication stands for (A) Indian Council for Medical Journal Editors (B) International Committee of Medical Journal Editors (C) Internal Chapter of Medical Journal Editors (D) International Council for Media and Journal Education
33. According to Charaka, select the types of Udara roga indicating Krichhrasadhyata in ascending order (A) Vatodara < Pittodara < Kaphodara < Jalodara < Sannipatodara < Pleehodara (B) Jalodara < Sannipatodara < Kaphodara < Pleehodara < Pittodara < Vatodara (C) Sannipatodara < Jalodara < Pleehodara < Vatodara < Pittodara < Kaphodara (D) Vatodara < Pittodara < Kaphodara < Pleehodara < Sannipatodara < Jalodara
34. According to Charaka, all are the methods of Bhesaja apakarshana for krimi except one (A) Shirovirechana (B) Vamana (C) Anuvasana (D) Virechana
35. Application of Kutaja in Atisara is the most appropriate example of (A) Hetu Viparita (B) Vyadhi Viparita (C) Hetu Viparitarthakari (D) Vyadhi Viparitarthakari
36. DOAJ stands for (A) Digital repository of Ayush Journals (B) Dataset collection of Ayurveda Journals (C) Database of Ayurveda Journals (D) Directory of Open Access Journals
37. In the context of Hypothesis testing, if one rejects the null hypothesis when it is true in the population, it is known as (A) Type I error (False positive) (B) Type II error (False negative) (C) Bias (D) Ignorance
38. Which statement is true (A) You must use a mechanical device and not your hands to pick up a broken test tube (B) After drawing blood from a patient you should always recap and break your needle (C) Disposable latex gloves can be washed and reused up to three times (D) If you stuck yourself with a contaminated needle you would be at greater risk of contracting AIDS than Hepatitis
39. Molarity of a solution is
(A) Number of liters of solution Number of moles of solute
(B) Number of moles of solute Number of liters of solution
(C) Number of gms of solute Number of liters of solution
(D) Number of liters of solution Number of gms of solute
40. According to Sushruta, the predominant Dosa(s) involved in Ojanirodhaja Sannipata Jwara is/ are (A) Only Pitta (B) Only Vata (C) Kapha and Vata (D) Pitta and Vata
41. For metaplasia, the following holds true
(A) It is a disordered growth (B) It affects only epithelial tissue (C) It is a reversible change (D) It is an irreversible and progressive change
42. The Total Quality Management (TQM) Framework includes the following except (A) Quality Analysis (B) Quality Assurance (C) Quality Assessment (D) Quality Control
43. What is the biggest cause of mortality in diabetic patients? (A) Hypoglycaemia (B) Renal failure (C) Ischaemic heart disease (D) Diabetic ketoacidosis
44. The diseases originated during intrauterine life may be called as (A) Adibalapravritta (B) Swabhavabalapravritta (C) Doshabalaprvritta (D) Janmabalapravritta
45. The major enzyme responsible for protein digestion in the small bowel is (A) Amylase (B) Trypsin (C) Pepsin (D) Cholecystokinin
46. The enzyme amylase is principally responsible for the breakdown of which one of the following? (A) Glycogen (B) Protein (C) Cholesterol (D) Bile salts
47. According to Madhava Nidan, Udarda is mainly manifested in which season? (A) Shishira (B) Vasanta (C) Grishma (D) Varsha
48. Sushruta describes Atanka Samutpanna vyadhi is related to (A) Adhidaivika (B) Adhibhautika (C) Adhyatmika (D) Sanghatabalapravritta
49. According to Vagbhata, the types of Prameha in which the urine is katu, deep yellow in colour and patient experiences burning sensation during urination (A) Manjsthameha (B) Haridrameha (C) Raktameha (D) Ksharameha
50. When a solution retain its definite pH even after adding acids or alkalies at given temperature, then it is (A) Neutral solution (B) Buffer solution (C) Acid solution (D) Alkaline solution
Answer Key:
1 A
2 A
3 C
4 B
5 C
6 A
7 A
8 B
9 D
10 D
11 A
12 B
13 C
14 B
15 D
16 A
17 B
18 D
19 A
20 C
21 B
22 D
23 C
24 B
25 D
26 A
27 C
28 A
29 B
30 C
31 D
32 B
33 D
34 C
35 B
36 D
37 A
38 A
39 B
40 D
41 C
42 A
43 C
44 D
45 B
46 A
47 A
48 C
49 B
50 B
2. The characteristic feature of Atrial fibrillation in ECG is (A) Absence of P waves (B) Broad QRS complex (C) Inverted P wave (D) Narrow QRS complex
3. According to Sushruta, all of the following diseases except one may be manifested when Sthansamshraya of Dosas occur in Pada (A) Shleepada (B) Vatashonita (C) Granthi (D) Vatakantaka
4. The comma-shaped bacteria are (A) Spirilla (B) Vibrios (C) Spirochetes (D) Cocci
5. According to Sushruta, Vrana is manifested when Vayu is vitiated in (A) Mamsa (B) Meda (C) Rakta (D) Rasa
6. All are the functions of Vitamin E except
(A) Hepatic microsomal carboxylation (B) Anti-oxidant activity
(C) Scavenger of free radicals (D) Activates protein kinase C and PhospholipaseA2
7. Each of the following is true about cross-sectional study except (A) Unable to measure incidence (B) Data are collected at multiple points in time (C) Relatively quick and easy to conduct (D) Able to measure the prevalence
8. ‘Reporting bias’, also known as Recall bias or Information bias is most commonly associated with the following study design: (A) Prospective Cohort Study (B) Retrospective Cohort study (C) Randomized Control Trial (D) Cross- Sectional study
9. Which one of the following is a Non-Parametric test of significance? (A) Analysis of variance (B) t-test (C) Both A and B (D) Kruskall- Wallis test
10. For accidental swallowing of alkalies following antidotes can be used except (A) Rinse mouth with tap water (B) Lemon juice may be taken orally (C) 5% acetic acid may be taken orally (D) 5% soap solution may be taken orally
11. The basic SI unit for mass is (A) Kilogram (B) Gram (C) Mole (D) Miligram
12. Though Sushruta has categorized Murchha into six types, but the main predominant Dosa in all types is (A) Vata (B) Pitta (C) Kapha (D) Combination of Vata and Pitta
13. A general all-purpose laboratory disinfectant solution of Sodium hypochlorite should have a concentration of (A) 5 g/liter (B) 50 g/liter (C) 1 g/liter (D) 10 g/liter
14. Identify the correct statement that describes PubMed Central (A) PubMed Central gives access to only abstracts and not to full papers (B) PubMed Central is a digital repository of the biomedical and life sciences journal literature (C) PubMed Central requires annual subscription for accessing the articles (D) PubMed Central is maintained by the Health Ministry of India
15. A 50 year old male having the symptoms such as Hrillasa, Asyashravana, Avipaka, Arochaka, Murchha, Chhardi, Jwara, Anaha, Karshya, Kshavathu and Pinasa may be diagnosed as suffering from (A) Raktaja Krimi (B) Purishaja Krimi (C) Vahya Krimi (D) Shlesmaja Krimi
16. Constant temperature water bath is used for the following except (A) Heating of chemicals used for preparation of primary standards (B) Determination of serum enzymes (C) Enzymatic determination of Glucose, Urea etc. (D) Serological determination
17. According to Sushruta, match the Dhatu kshaya with symptoms Dhatukshaya Symptoms 1. Rakta a. Sandhishunyata 2. Rasa b. Asthishula 3. Meda c. Twakparushya 4. Asthi d. Dhamani Shaithilya 5. Mamsa e. Trishna (A) 1 - c, 2 - e, 3 - a, 4 - d, 5 - b (B) 1 - c, 2 - e, 3 - a, 4 - b, 5 - d (C) 1 - d, 2 - c, 3 - b, 4 - a, 5 - e (D) 1 - d, 2 - c, 3 - a, 4 - b, 5 - e
18. According to Sushruta, the type of Arsha resembling Shukajihwa is (A) Vatika (B) Kaphaja (C) Sahaja (D) Paittika
19. According to Sushruta, Manyastambha is caused by (A) Shlesmavritta Vayu (B) Pittavritta Vayu (C) Only Vayu (D) Only Shlesma
20. Udara roga is manifested due to Nidanarthakara roga(s) (A) Arsha (B) Shosha (C) Pleehabhivriddhi and Arsha (D) Gulma
21. According to Beer and Lambert’s law, the absorbance of a solution containing light absorbing material depends on the following factors except one (A) The nature of the substance (B) The source of light (C) The wavelength of the light (D) Path of light
22. Which O.D. readings indicate proper selection of a filter along with a good agreement with Beer’s law (A) Less than 0.05 (B) More than 0.8 (C) Less than 0.9 (D) Within 0.05-0.8
23. The media contain substances that accelerate the growth of required pathogen only and prevent or slow down the growth of other microorganisms. (A) Enriched media (B) Basic media (C) Selective media (D) Indicator media
24. The selective medium for Corynebacterium diptheriae is (A) Mannitol salt agar (B) Tellurite agar (C) Phenylalanine agar (D) Tryptone soya medium
25. To determine the Reticulocyte count, the staining solution contains all of the following except (A) Brilliant cresyl blue (B) Sodium citrate (C) Sodium chloride (D) Yellow eosin
26. Osazone test is used to determine (A) Lactose (B) Galactose (C) Fructose (D) Ketone
27. The Pancytopenia is relatively uncommon in (A) Aplastic anemia (B) Subleukemic leukemia (C) Lymphoma (D) Multiple myeloma
28. According to Sushruta, the involvement of Dosa(s) in Halimaka is (A) Vata and Pitta (B) Only Pitta (C) Pitta and Shlesma (D) Vata and Shlesma
29. All of the following statements except one are true of type 2 diabetes. Which is the exception? (A) It is associated with metabolic syndrome (B) Ketoacidosis is a common complication (C) The prevalence is higher than that of Type I diabetes (D) There is an increased risk of Ischemic Heart Disease
30. Which of the following presentations is least consistent with a diagnosis of Transient Ischemic Attack (TIA)? (A) Monocular blindness (B) Facial asymmetry (C) Loss of consciousness (D) Slurred speech
31. According to Vagbhatta, the prodromal features of Vatarakta resemble the features of : (A) Rakta pitta (B) Visarpa (C) Shotha (D) Kushtha
32. ICMJE in the context of biomedical research publication stands for (A) Indian Council for Medical Journal Editors (B) International Committee of Medical Journal Editors (C) Internal Chapter of Medical Journal Editors (D) International Council for Media and Journal Education
33. According to Charaka, select the types of Udara roga indicating Krichhrasadhyata in ascending order (A) Vatodara < Pittodara < Kaphodara < Jalodara < Sannipatodara < Pleehodara (B) Jalodara < Sannipatodara < Kaphodara < Pleehodara < Pittodara < Vatodara (C) Sannipatodara < Jalodara < Pleehodara < Vatodara < Pittodara < Kaphodara (D) Vatodara < Pittodara < Kaphodara < Pleehodara < Sannipatodara < Jalodara
34. According to Charaka, all are the methods of Bhesaja apakarshana for krimi except one (A) Shirovirechana (B) Vamana (C) Anuvasana (D) Virechana
35. Application of Kutaja in Atisara is the most appropriate example of (A) Hetu Viparita (B) Vyadhi Viparita (C) Hetu Viparitarthakari (D) Vyadhi Viparitarthakari
36. DOAJ stands for (A) Digital repository of Ayush Journals (B) Dataset collection of Ayurveda Journals (C) Database of Ayurveda Journals (D) Directory of Open Access Journals
37. In the context of Hypothesis testing, if one rejects the null hypothesis when it is true in the population, it is known as (A) Type I error (False positive) (B) Type II error (False negative) (C) Bias (D) Ignorance
38. Which statement is true (A) You must use a mechanical device and not your hands to pick up a broken test tube (B) After drawing blood from a patient you should always recap and break your needle (C) Disposable latex gloves can be washed and reused up to three times (D) If you stuck yourself with a contaminated needle you would be at greater risk of contracting AIDS than Hepatitis
39. Molarity of a solution is
(A) Number of liters of solution Number of moles of solute
(B) Number of moles of solute Number of liters of solution
(C) Number of gms of solute Number of liters of solution
(D) Number of liters of solution Number of gms of solute
40. According to Sushruta, the predominant Dosa(s) involved in Ojanirodhaja Sannipata Jwara is/ are (A) Only Pitta (B) Only Vata (C) Kapha and Vata (D) Pitta and Vata
41. For metaplasia, the following holds true
(A) It is a disordered growth (B) It affects only epithelial tissue (C) It is a reversible change (D) It is an irreversible and progressive change
42. The Total Quality Management (TQM) Framework includes the following except (A) Quality Analysis (B) Quality Assurance (C) Quality Assessment (D) Quality Control
43. What is the biggest cause of mortality in diabetic patients? (A) Hypoglycaemia (B) Renal failure (C) Ischaemic heart disease (D) Diabetic ketoacidosis
44. The diseases originated during intrauterine life may be called as (A) Adibalapravritta (B) Swabhavabalapravritta (C) Doshabalaprvritta (D) Janmabalapravritta
45. The major enzyme responsible for protein digestion in the small bowel is (A) Amylase (B) Trypsin (C) Pepsin (D) Cholecystokinin
46. The enzyme amylase is principally responsible for the breakdown of which one of the following? (A) Glycogen (B) Protein (C) Cholesterol (D) Bile salts
47. According to Madhava Nidan, Udarda is mainly manifested in which season? (A) Shishira (B) Vasanta (C) Grishma (D) Varsha
48. Sushruta describes Atanka Samutpanna vyadhi is related to (A) Adhidaivika (B) Adhibhautika (C) Adhyatmika (D) Sanghatabalapravritta
49. According to Vagbhata, the types of Prameha in which the urine is katu, deep yellow in colour and patient experiences burning sensation during urination (A) Manjsthameha (B) Haridrameha (C) Raktameha (D) Ksharameha
50. When a solution retain its definite pH even after adding acids or alkalies at given temperature, then it is (A) Neutral solution (B) Buffer solution (C) Acid solution (D) Alkaline solution
Answer Key:
1 A
2 A
3 C
4 B
5 C
6 A
7 A
8 B
9 D
10 D
11 A
12 B
13 C
14 B
15 D
16 A
17 B
18 D
19 A
20 C
21 B
22 D
23 C
24 B
25 D
26 A
27 C
28 A
29 B
30 C
31 D
32 B
33 D
34 C
35 B
36 D
37 A
38 A
39 B
40 D
41 C
42 A
43 C
44 D
45 B
46 A
47 A
48 C
49 B
50 B
51. Trividha balas are (A) Adibala, Janmabala, Doshabala (B) Pravarasatvabala, Madhyamasatvabala, Avarasatvabala (C) Sahaja, Kalaja, Yuktikrita (D) Daivabala, Swabhavabala, Kalabala
52. Which type of oedema is characteristically dependent oedema? (A) Nephrotic oedema (B) Cardiac oedema (C) Pulmonary oedema (D) Nephritic oedema
53. 189. Erythropoietin is produced by (A) Liver (B) Lungs (C) Bone marrow (D) Kidney
54. Vikalpa samprapti is mainly concerned with (A) Srotas (B) Agni (C) Dosha (D) Ama
55. Pravahana in Udavarta is an example of (A) Vyadhi viparita (B) Vyadhi viparitarthakari (C) Hetu viparita (D) Hetu viparitharthakari
56. The test which is diagnostic of Dubin-Johnson Syndrome (A) Conjugated bilirubin less than 5mg/dl (B) Absence of urobilinogen in urine (C) Prolonged BSP dye excretion (D) Increase level of GT
57. The Hb electrophoresis shows abnormality in one of the following types of Hypochromic anemias (A) Sideroblastic anemia (B) Thalassaemia (C) Anemia due to chronic disorders (D) Iron deficiency anemia
58. Match the enzymes tests with diseased organs/Tissue Enzyme tests Diseased organs/Tissue 1. Amylase a. Liver 2. SGPT b. Bone 3. LDH c. Pancreas 4. Alkaline phosphatase d. Prostate 5. Acid phosphatase e. Heart (A) 1 - c, 2 - d, 3 - e, 4 - b, 5 - a (B) 1 - c, 2 - a, 3 - e, 4 - b, 5 - d (C) 1 - d, 2 - a, 3 - b, 4 - c, 5 - e (D) 1 - d, 2 - a, 3 - c, 4 - b, 5 - e
59. A 55-year-old man with persistent proteinuria on dipstick analysis has 3.6 g of protein in a 24hour urine collection. Which one of the following disorders would account for this? (A) Persistent urinary tract infection (B) Acute tubular necrosis (C) Chronic interstitial nephritis (D) Focal segmental glomerulosclerosis
60. Which is not a characteristic feature of healing by first intention (Primary union) (A) Open with large tissue defect (B) Clean and uninfected (C) Less loss of cells and tissues (D) Scanty granulation tissue at the incised gap
61. The area under a normal distribution curve for 2 Standard Deviations of the mean would be (A) 100% (B) 95% (C) 68% (D) 99.7%
62. As per standard waste disposal procedure, the waste papers, cartons, plastics etc. should be discarded into plastic bags of (A) Red coloured (B) Orange coloured (C) Black coloured (D) Yellow coloured
63. For preparation of qualitative reagents, which of the following is used (A) Anala ‘R’ : Analytical grade chemicals (B) GR : Guaranteed Reagent (C) LR : Laboratory reagent (D) GPR : General purpose chemical
64. Swine flu influenza virus is (A) H2N1 (B) H1N2 (C) H2N2 (D) H1N1
65. According to Madhava Nidan, the Doshas involved in Romantika are (A) Vata and Pitta (B) Kapha and Vata (C) Kapha and Pitta (D) Tridosha
66. According to Sushruta, the type of Udara roga manifested due to ingestion of Dushi Visha (A) Yakritdalyudara (B) Dushyudara (C) Pleehodara (D) Baddhagudodara
67. Madhava classified Amplapitta into the following types according to Dosha Samsarga except (A) Vatadhika (B) Vatakaphadhika (C) Kaphadhika (D) Pittadhika
68. According to Madhava Nidan, a patient having shotha appearing in Hanusandhi, which is Sthira, Manda ruja, Snigdha may be diagnosed as suffering from (A) Gardabhika (B) Pasanagardabha (C) Panasika (D) Jalgardabha
69. Madhava describes all types of Masurikas are Sadhya except (A) Vataja (B) Tvachagata (C) Raktagata (D) Pittaja
70. Which of the following is a probability sampling method? (A) Purposive sampling (B) Haphazard sampling (C) Convenience sampling (D) Stratified Random sampling
71. DHARA stands for (A) Directory of Health And Ayurveda Related Articles (B) Digital Herbal and Aromatic Research Archives (C) Database of Home and AYUSH Remedies of Asia (D) Digital Helpline for Ayurveda Research Articles
72. What is the most informative method of assessing a patient’s glycaemic control in the diabetic outpatient clinic? (A) Performing urine dipstick analysis for glucose (B) Performing urine dipstick analysis for protein (C) Measuring glycated haemoglobin (HbA1C) (D) Measuring plasma glucose
73. Which of the following ocular signs of thyrotoxicosis is not specific to Graves’ disease? (A) Lid lag (B) Exophthalmos (C) Periorbital oedema (D) Ophthalmoplegia
74. All are the features of malignant tumours except one (A) The boundaries are poorly circumscribed and irregular (B) Usually infiltrate and invade the adjacent tissues (C) Tumour giant cells may be present but without nuclear atypia (D) Nucleo-cytoplasmic ratio is increased
75. Necrosis is defined as (A) Organized cell destruction in sculpting of tissues (B) Cell death along with degradation of tissue by hydrolytic enzymes (C) Disintegration of cells by its own hydrolytic enzymes (D) Cell death and degradation of tissue with superadded putrefaction
76. If a disease subsides after producing another disease, then the previous disease is (A) Vyadhisankara (B) Ubhayarthakari Nidanarthakara roga (C) Ekarthakari Nidanarthakara roga (D) Upadrava
77. According to Vagbhata, all of the following are manifested when Vayu is vitiated in Sanyu except(A) Gridhrasi (B) Aayama (C) Kubjata (D) Akshepaka
78. A patient presents to her doctor after noticing that the whites of her eyes have become yellow. Direct questioning also reveals that her urine has been very dark for several days. Which of the following diagnoses is the most likely explanation for these symptoms? (A) Carotenaemia (B) Cholestatic jaundice (C) Dehydration (D) Rhabdomyolysis
79. Which one of the following tests is the most specific indicator of iron deficiency in the investigation of patients with anaemia? (A) Reduced ferritin (B) Reduced mean cell volume (C) Low serum iron (D) Reduced transferrin saturation
80. The dilution of blood in RBC pipette for total RBC count is made (A) 20 times (B) 10 times (C) 22 times (D) 200 times
81. To prepare 2/3N Sulfuric acid, if the quantity of prepared 1N acid is X ml, then the Distilled water to be added is (A) X/2 ml (B) X ml (C) X/4 ml (D) X/3 ml
82. All of the following except one are characteristic features of ankylosing spondylitis. Which is the exception? (A) Raised erythrocyte sedimentation rate and C-reactive protein (B) Association with HLA-B27 histocompatibility antigen (C) Strongly positive rheumatoid factor (D) ‘Bamboo’ spine appearance on X-ray
83. Which one of the following is a characteristic feature of reactive arthritis (previously known as Reiter’s disease)? (A) Subcutaneous nodules (B) Conjunctivitis (C) Positive rheumatoid factor (D) Strong female preponderance
84. Blood sugar determination by Folin-Wu’s method is a (A) Multi-step method (B) Mono-step method (C) UV-kinetic method (D) Visible-kinetic method
85. Reflectance photometry principle is used in the following except (A) Glucometers (B) Dry-chemistry analyzers (C) Luminometry (D) Reflectance densitometers
86. Which one of the following is not a constituent of Quality Council of India (QCI) (A) National Board for Quality Promotion (NBQP) (B) Quality Information and Enquiry Service (QIES) (C) National Committee for Clinical Laboratory Standard (NCCLS) (D) National Accreditation Board for Education and Training (NABET)
87. For ELISA and RIA techniques, the type of reagent grade water should be (A) Type II (B) Type I (C) Type III (D) Type IV
88. According to Yogaratnakara the colour of urine in Jirna Jvara is (A) Asriksadrisham (B) Dhumrajalabham (C) Kalusam (D) Tandulatoyavat
89. According to Charaka, Hikka as a symptom is observed in Vidradhi manifested in (A) Kukshi (B) Yakrit (C) Pleeha (D) Nabhi
90. The Hikka originated from Jatrumula as per Sushruta (A) Annaja (B) Kshudrika (C) Yamala (D) Maha
91. The name of Raktaja krimi, which is Asadhya as per Dalhana (A) Keshada (B) Kikkisha (C) Dantada (D) Nakhada
92. Standard Error is nothing but (A) Standard deviation of population distribution (B) Dispersion Error (C) Standard deviation of sampling distribution (D) Conceptual Error
93. Match the guidelines given in column A with the corresponding types of studies they deal with in column B Column A Column B 1. CONSORT a. Pre-clinical studies in Animals 2. ARRIVE b. Randomized Trials 3. CaRe c. Study Protocols 4. SPIRIT d. Case Reports (A) 1 - a, 2 - b, 3 - c, 4 - d (B) 1 - b, 2 - c, 3 - d, 4 - a (C) 1 - b, 2 - a, 3 - d, 4 - c (D) 1 - d, 2 - c, 3 - a, 4 - b
94. Madhava describes Murchha manifests due to predominance of (A) Tamogunayukta Pitta (B) Tamogunayukta Vata (C) Rajogunayukata Vata and Pitta (D) Tamogunayukta Vata and Kapha
95. According to Madhava Nidana, Gulma sthanas are (A) 5 (B) 4 (C) 6 (D) 7
96. The total body content of which ion is a principal determinant of ECF volume? (A) Potassium (B) Calcium (C) Chloride (D) Sodium
97. Which one of the following clinical signs would be an unexpected finding in the presence of hypovolaemia? (A) Low jugular venous pulse (B) Reduced skin turgor (C) Bradycardia (D) Reduced urine output
98. Which of the following is the least likely explanation for an enlarged kidney? (A) Polycystic kidney disease (B) Diabetic nephropathy (C) Renal cell carcinoma (D) Hydronephrosis
99. According to Yogaratnakara, which one is not a synonym of Nadi (A) Snayu (B) Hamsi (C) Tantuki (D) Sira
100. As per Sushruta, Rasa Kshaya lakshanas are seen in types of ______ Trishna (A) Kshayaja (B) Kshataja (C) Kaphaja (D) Aamaja
Answer Key:
51 C
52 B
53 D
54 C
55 A
56 C
57 B
58 B
59 D
60 A
61 B
62 C
63 C
64 D
65 C
66 B
67 D
68 B
69 A
70 D
71 D
72 C
73 A
74 C
75 B
76 C
77 D
78 B
79 A
80 D
81 A
82 C
83 B
84 A
85 C
86 C
87 B
88 A
89 D
90 B
91 A
92 C
93 C
94 A
95 A
96 D
97 C
98 B
99 D
100 A
52. Which type of oedema is characteristically dependent oedema? (A) Nephrotic oedema (B) Cardiac oedema (C) Pulmonary oedema (D) Nephritic oedema
53. 189. Erythropoietin is produced by (A) Liver (B) Lungs (C) Bone marrow (D) Kidney
54. Vikalpa samprapti is mainly concerned with (A) Srotas (B) Agni (C) Dosha (D) Ama
55. Pravahana in Udavarta is an example of (A) Vyadhi viparita (B) Vyadhi viparitarthakari (C) Hetu viparita (D) Hetu viparitharthakari
56. The test which is diagnostic of Dubin-Johnson Syndrome (A) Conjugated bilirubin less than 5mg/dl (B) Absence of urobilinogen in urine (C) Prolonged BSP dye excretion (D) Increase level of GT
57. The Hb electrophoresis shows abnormality in one of the following types of Hypochromic anemias (A) Sideroblastic anemia (B) Thalassaemia (C) Anemia due to chronic disorders (D) Iron deficiency anemia
58. Match the enzymes tests with diseased organs/Tissue Enzyme tests Diseased organs/Tissue 1. Amylase a. Liver 2. SGPT b. Bone 3. LDH c. Pancreas 4. Alkaline phosphatase d. Prostate 5. Acid phosphatase e. Heart (A) 1 - c, 2 - d, 3 - e, 4 - b, 5 - a (B) 1 - c, 2 - a, 3 - e, 4 - b, 5 - d (C) 1 - d, 2 - a, 3 - b, 4 - c, 5 - e (D) 1 - d, 2 - a, 3 - c, 4 - b, 5 - e
59. A 55-year-old man with persistent proteinuria on dipstick analysis has 3.6 g of protein in a 24hour urine collection. Which one of the following disorders would account for this? (A) Persistent urinary tract infection (B) Acute tubular necrosis (C) Chronic interstitial nephritis (D) Focal segmental glomerulosclerosis
60. Which is not a characteristic feature of healing by first intention (Primary union) (A) Open with large tissue defect (B) Clean and uninfected (C) Less loss of cells and tissues (D) Scanty granulation tissue at the incised gap
61. The area under a normal distribution curve for 2 Standard Deviations of the mean would be (A) 100% (B) 95% (C) 68% (D) 99.7%
62. As per standard waste disposal procedure, the waste papers, cartons, plastics etc. should be discarded into plastic bags of (A) Red coloured (B) Orange coloured (C) Black coloured (D) Yellow coloured
63. For preparation of qualitative reagents, which of the following is used (A) Anala ‘R’ : Analytical grade chemicals (B) GR : Guaranteed Reagent (C) LR : Laboratory reagent (D) GPR : General purpose chemical
64. Swine flu influenza virus is (A) H2N1 (B) H1N2 (C) H2N2 (D) H1N1
65. According to Madhava Nidan, the Doshas involved in Romantika are (A) Vata and Pitta (B) Kapha and Vata (C) Kapha and Pitta (D) Tridosha
66. According to Sushruta, the type of Udara roga manifested due to ingestion of Dushi Visha (A) Yakritdalyudara (B) Dushyudara (C) Pleehodara (D) Baddhagudodara
67. Madhava classified Amplapitta into the following types according to Dosha Samsarga except (A) Vatadhika (B) Vatakaphadhika (C) Kaphadhika (D) Pittadhika
68. According to Madhava Nidan, a patient having shotha appearing in Hanusandhi, which is Sthira, Manda ruja, Snigdha may be diagnosed as suffering from (A) Gardabhika (B) Pasanagardabha (C) Panasika (D) Jalgardabha
69. Madhava describes all types of Masurikas are Sadhya except (A) Vataja (B) Tvachagata (C) Raktagata (D) Pittaja
70. Which of the following is a probability sampling method? (A) Purposive sampling (B) Haphazard sampling (C) Convenience sampling (D) Stratified Random sampling
71. DHARA stands for (A) Directory of Health And Ayurveda Related Articles (B) Digital Herbal and Aromatic Research Archives (C) Database of Home and AYUSH Remedies of Asia (D) Digital Helpline for Ayurveda Research Articles
72. What is the most informative method of assessing a patient’s glycaemic control in the diabetic outpatient clinic? (A) Performing urine dipstick analysis for glucose (B) Performing urine dipstick analysis for protein (C) Measuring glycated haemoglobin (HbA1C) (D) Measuring plasma glucose
73. Which of the following ocular signs of thyrotoxicosis is not specific to Graves’ disease? (A) Lid lag (B) Exophthalmos (C) Periorbital oedema (D) Ophthalmoplegia
74. All are the features of malignant tumours except one (A) The boundaries are poorly circumscribed and irregular (B) Usually infiltrate and invade the adjacent tissues (C) Tumour giant cells may be present but without nuclear atypia (D) Nucleo-cytoplasmic ratio is increased
75. Necrosis is defined as (A) Organized cell destruction in sculpting of tissues (B) Cell death along with degradation of tissue by hydrolytic enzymes (C) Disintegration of cells by its own hydrolytic enzymes (D) Cell death and degradation of tissue with superadded putrefaction
76. If a disease subsides after producing another disease, then the previous disease is (A) Vyadhisankara (B) Ubhayarthakari Nidanarthakara roga (C) Ekarthakari Nidanarthakara roga (D) Upadrava
77. According to Vagbhata, all of the following are manifested when Vayu is vitiated in Sanyu except(A) Gridhrasi (B) Aayama (C) Kubjata (D) Akshepaka
78. A patient presents to her doctor after noticing that the whites of her eyes have become yellow. Direct questioning also reveals that her urine has been very dark for several days. Which of the following diagnoses is the most likely explanation for these symptoms? (A) Carotenaemia (B) Cholestatic jaundice (C) Dehydration (D) Rhabdomyolysis
79. Which one of the following tests is the most specific indicator of iron deficiency in the investigation of patients with anaemia? (A) Reduced ferritin (B) Reduced mean cell volume (C) Low serum iron (D) Reduced transferrin saturation
80. The dilution of blood in RBC pipette for total RBC count is made (A) 20 times (B) 10 times (C) 22 times (D) 200 times
81. To prepare 2/3N Sulfuric acid, if the quantity of prepared 1N acid is X ml, then the Distilled water to be added is (A) X/2 ml (B) X ml (C) X/4 ml (D) X/3 ml
82. All of the following except one are characteristic features of ankylosing spondylitis. Which is the exception? (A) Raised erythrocyte sedimentation rate and C-reactive protein (B) Association with HLA-B27 histocompatibility antigen (C) Strongly positive rheumatoid factor (D) ‘Bamboo’ spine appearance on X-ray
83. Which one of the following is a characteristic feature of reactive arthritis (previously known as Reiter’s disease)? (A) Subcutaneous nodules (B) Conjunctivitis (C) Positive rheumatoid factor (D) Strong female preponderance
84. Blood sugar determination by Folin-Wu’s method is a (A) Multi-step method (B) Mono-step method (C) UV-kinetic method (D) Visible-kinetic method
85. Reflectance photometry principle is used in the following except (A) Glucometers (B) Dry-chemistry analyzers (C) Luminometry (D) Reflectance densitometers
86. Which one of the following is not a constituent of Quality Council of India (QCI) (A) National Board for Quality Promotion (NBQP) (B) Quality Information and Enquiry Service (QIES) (C) National Committee for Clinical Laboratory Standard (NCCLS) (D) National Accreditation Board for Education and Training (NABET)
87. For ELISA and RIA techniques, the type of reagent grade water should be (A) Type II (B) Type I (C) Type III (D) Type IV
88. According to Yogaratnakara the colour of urine in Jirna Jvara is (A) Asriksadrisham (B) Dhumrajalabham (C) Kalusam (D) Tandulatoyavat
89. According to Charaka, Hikka as a symptom is observed in Vidradhi manifested in (A) Kukshi (B) Yakrit (C) Pleeha (D) Nabhi
90. The Hikka originated from Jatrumula as per Sushruta (A) Annaja (B) Kshudrika (C) Yamala (D) Maha
91. The name of Raktaja krimi, which is Asadhya as per Dalhana (A) Keshada (B) Kikkisha (C) Dantada (D) Nakhada
92. Standard Error is nothing but (A) Standard deviation of population distribution (B) Dispersion Error (C) Standard deviation of sampling distribution (D) Conceptual Error
93. Match the guidelines given in column A with the corresponding types of studies they deal with in column B Column A Column B 1. CONSORT a. Pre-clinical studies in Animals 2. ARRIVE b. Randomized Trials 3. CaRe c. Study Protocols 4. SPIRIT d. Case Reports (A) 1 - a, 2 - b, 3 - c, 4 - d (B) 1 - b, 2 - c, 3 - d, 4 - a (C) 1 - b, 2 - a, 3 - d, 4 - c (D) 1 - d, 2 - c, 3 - a, 4 - b
94. Madhava describes Murchha manifests due to predominance of (A) Tamogunayukta Pitta (B) Tamogunayukta Vata (C) Rajogunayukata Vata and Pitta (D) Tamogunayukta Vata and Kapha
95. According to Madhava Nidana, Gulma sthanas are (A) 5 (B) 4 (C) 6 (D) 7
96. The total body content of which ion is a principal determinant of ECF volume? (A) Potassium (B) Calcium (C) Chloride (D) Sodium
97. Which one of the following clinical signs would be an unexpected finding in the presence of hypovolaemia? (A) Low jugular venous pulse (B) Reduced skin turgor (C) Bradycardia (D) Reduced urine output
98. Which of the following is the least likely explanation for an enlarged kidney? (A) Polycystic kidney disease (B) Diabetic nephropathy (C) Renal cell carcinoma (D) Hydronephrosis
99. According to Yogaratnakara, which one is not a synonym of Nadi (A) Snayu (B) Hamsi (C) Tantuki (D) Sira
100. As per Sushruta, Rasa Kshaya lakshanas are seen in types of ______ Trishna (A) Kshayaja (B) Kshataja (C) Kaphaja (D) Aamaja
Answer Key:
51 C
52 B
53 D
54 C
55 A
56 C
57 B
58 B
59 D
60 A
61 B
62 C
63 C
64 D
65 C
66 B
67 D
68 B
69 A
70 D
71 D
72 C
73 A
74 C
75 B
76 C
77 D
78 B
79 A
80 D
81 A
82 C
83 B
84 A
85 C
86 C
87 B
88 A
89 D
90 B
91 A
92 C
93 C
94 A
95 A
96 D
97 C
98 B
99 D
100 A