1:-The sodicity hazard of irrigation water is usually expressed as
A:-Sodium Adsorption Ratio B:-Total Sodium Concentration
C:-Total Soluble Solids D:-Total Dissolved Salts
Ans: A
2:-Seed rate recommended for tomato in Kerala
A:-700 g/ha B:-600 g/ha
C:-500 g/ha D:-400 g/ha
Ans: D
3:-Fertilizer recommendation for adult coconut under average management ...........
B:-0.34 : 0.17 : 0.68 kg/paIm/annum
Ans: B
4:-Apomixis is development of plant
A:-Using stem cuttings B:-With fusion of gametes
C:-Without fusion of gametes D:-Air layering
Ans: C
5:-Po||ination occurring in a permanently closed flower is called
A:-C|eistogamy B:-Protogyny C:-A||ogamy D:-Autogamy
Ans: A
6:-Philippines and Madiera are varieties of
A:-Rose B:-Green gram C:-Cowpea D:-Maize
Ans: B
7. 7:-Seed rate recommended for transplanted rice in Kerala
A:-80-90 kg/ha B:-90-100 kg/ha
C:-60-85 kg/ha D:-50-60 kg/ha
Ans: C
8:-................ method is best for commercial multiplication of cashew
A:-Air layering B:-Patch budding
C:-Veneer grafting D:-Soft wood grafting
Ans: D
9:-..... is the reciprocal of electrical resistivity
A:-ELectric potential B:-Exchangeab|e sodium percentage C:-ELectrica| conductivity D:-Cation exchange capacity Ans: C
10:-High level of Potassium in so“ may depress the uptake of_ and _ in plants
A:-Ca|cium and Nitrates B:-Magnesium and Zinc C:-Ca|cium and Magnesium D:-Zinc and Calcium Ans: C
11:-'V" notch is used to measure A:-|rrigation requirement B:-Soi| moisture content C:-Water flow D:-Conductivity Ans: C
12:-A short duration crop between two main seasonal crops is called A:-Companion crop B:-Trap crop C:-Catch crop D:-Intercrop Ans: C
13:-One crop variety grown alone is pure stand at normal density A:-Monocu|ture B:-So|e cropping C:-Homestead culture D:-None of these Ans: B
14:-Field water use efficiency is calculated by A:-Cu/Y B:-WR/Y C:-Y/Cu D:-Y/WR Ans: D
15:-The father of modern organic agriculture A:-Sir Albert Howard B:-Rudolf Steiner C:-Lord Northbourne D:-Masanobu Fukuoka Ans: A
16:-Si|ent spring was written by A:-R.K.Narayan B:-Rachel Carson C:-Lady Eve Balfour D:-Pietro de'Crescenzi Ans: B
17:-|FOAM was founded in A:- Africa B:-France C:-Russia D:-India Ans: B
18:-'lndia Organic' logo celebrates the essence of A:-Nature B:-Agricu|ture C:-Unity D:-Po|itics Ans: A
19:-The ratio of total area cropped in a year to the land area available for cultivation A:-LER B:-AER C:-MCI D:-CII Ans: C
20:-Cultivation of crops in regions receiving more than 1,150 mm is A:-Dry land farming B:-Commercial farming C:-Dry farming D:-Rainfed farming Ans: D
21:-A watershed having an area of 1-100 hectare is designated as A:-Mini watershed B:-Mi||i watershed C:-Micro watershed D:-Sub watershed Ans: A
22:-A marked depletion of surface water causing very low stream flow and drying of lakes, rivers and reservoirs A:-Agricu|tura| drought B:-Hydro|ogica| drought C:-Seasona| drought D:-Meteoro|ogica| drought Ans: C
23:-............ is a certification mark for organically framed food products manufactured in India A:-Organic India B:-India Organic C:-Go Green D:-Green India Ans: B
24:-Remote sensing makes use of ............. A:-Sound waves B:-Earth's magnetic power C:-ELectromagnetic spectrum D:-None of the above Ans: C
25:-.............. is a satellite launched for collecting scientific information on water cycle and energy exchanges A:-SARAL B:-Megha-Tropiques C:-RESOURCESAT 2 A D:-INSAT - 3DR Ans: B
26:-A stomatal closing type anti transpirant A:-Silicon oil B:-Kao|in C:-Lime water D:-Pheny| mercuric acetate Ans: D
27:-A plant know as 'Crop camel' A:-Sorghum B:-Ragi C:-Maize D:-Coconut Ans: A
28:-Tel|ichery and Malabar are grades of A:-Turmeric B:-Ginger C:-Coconut D:-B|ack pepper
Ans: D
29:-IWMP stands for A:-India wildlife management programme B:-Integrated watershed management programme C:-International weather monitoring project D:-Intensive watershed monitoring programme Ans: B
30:-False smut of rice is caused by A:-A|ternaria padwickii B:-Usti|aginoidea virens C:-Rhynchosporium oryzae D:-Ephelis oryzae Ans: B
31:-A crop bound weed A:-Striga asiatica B:-Echinoch|oa colona C:-both a and b D:-None of these Ans: A
32:-Herbicide recommended for controlling Echinochloa sp. in rice A:-2,4-D B:-A|mix C:-Diuron D:-Cyha|ofop butyl Ans: D
33:-Collateral host of Orseolia oryzae A:-Ageratum conyzoides B:-Parthenium hysterophorus C:-Cynodon dactylon D:-Panicum repens Ans: C
34:-A fungus recommended for the management of Eichhornia crassipes A:-Fusarium pallidoroseum B:-Co||etotrichum gloeosporioides C:-Paracoccus marginatus D:-Cyrtobagous salviniae Ans: A
35:-Most effective method for the control of parasitic weeds A:-Stale seedbed B:-Hand weeding C:-Crop rotation D:-None of these Ans: C
36:-Coconut variety recommended for root wilt affected areas A:-Anandaganga B:-Kera|ganga C:-WCT D:-Chandrasankara Ans: D
37:-The first discovered herbicide A:-G|yphosate B:-Diuron C:-Butach|or D:-2,4-D Ans: D
38:-A trap crop for Orobanche
Ans: A
39:-A chemical used to control weeds in zero tillage A:-Urea B:-G|yphosate C:-F|uch|oralin D:-Propani| Ans: B
40:-Azhuka| disease of cardamom is caused by A:-Pythium B:-Corynebacterium C:-Phytophthora D:-Co||etotrichum Ans: C
41:-This is a kind of credit required by the farmer for his farming operations starts from seed to seed A:-Production credit B:-Development credit C:-Marketing credit D:-Consumption credit Ans: A
42:-This is a facility available to farmers for easy and timely accessing short term credit to purchase farm inputs required for farming. A:-Kissan credit card B:-SBI credit card C:-Rupay card D:-Smart card Ans: A
43:-The Cash Liquid Ratio (CLR) and Cash Reserve Ratio (CRR) are fixed by the direction of ..... to Co-operatives. A:-NABARD B:-RBI C:-IMF D:-IDA Ans: B
44:-Institutional| finance agencies insulated with insurance coverage, linking credit with marketing, financing on warehouse receipt, credit guarantee and accepting sureties known as A:-Principle of protection B:-Princip|e of productive purpose C:-Principle of payment D:-Principle of insurance Ans: A
45:-It is a technique used to determine the profitability of two or more alternative investment project. A:-Partia| budgeting technique B:-BC-ratio C:-Profitbility index D:-Capita| budget technique Ans: D
46:-All such activities involved in supply of farm inputs to the farmers and movement of agricultural products from the farms to the consumers. A:-Agri-entrepreneurship B:-Agri-business management C:-Agricultura| marketing D:-Farm business Ans: C
47:-It assures prevention of microbial and other hazards in food production and manufacturing process and products A:-HACCP certification B:-FSSAI certification C:-AGMARK certification D:-BIS certification Ans: A
48:-The basic emphasis of Gandhiji's approach on rural development is A:-Development of inner man B:-Village industries C:-Loca| Self Government D:-Production oriented Ans: B
49:-It is a single window delivery of extension services extended to farmers through A:-KVK B:-ATIC C:-KCC D:-FTC Ans: B
50:-Panchayat Raj Institution represents the system of
A:-Peop|e Government B:-Loca| Government C:-Village Government D:-Loca| self Government Ans: D
A:-Sodium Adsorption Ratio B:-Total Sodium Concentration
C:-Total Soluble Solids D:-Total Dissolved Salts
Ans: A
2:-Seed rate recommended for tomato in Kerala
A:-700 g/ha B:-600 g/ha
C:-500 g/ha D:-400 g/ha
Ans: D
3:-Fertilizer recommendation for adult coconut under average management ...........
B:-0.34 : 0.17 : 0.68 kg/paIm/annum
Ans: B
4:-Apomixis is development of plant
A:-Using stem cuttings B:-With fusion of gametes
C:-Without fusion of gametes D:-Air layering
Ans: C
5:-Po||ination occurring in a permanently closed flower is called
A:-C|eistogamy B:-Protogyny C:-A||ogamy D:-Autogamy
Ans: A
6:-Philippines and Madiera are varieties of
A:-Rose B:-Green gram C:-Cowpea D:-Maize
Ans: B
7. 7:-Seed rate recommended for transplanted rice in Kerala
A:-80-90 kg/ha B:-90-100 kg/ha
C:-60-85 kg/ha D:-50-60 kg/ha
Ans: C
8:-................ method is best for commercial multiplication of cashew
A:-Air layering B:-Patch budding
C:-Veneer grafting D:-Soft wood grafting
Ans: D
9:-..... is the reciprocal of electrical resistivity
A:-ELectric potential B:-Exchangeab|e sodium percentage C:-ELectrica| conductivity D:-Cation exchange capacity Ans: C
10:-High level of Potassium in so“ may depress the uptake of_ and _ in plants
A:-Ca|cium and Nitrates B:-Magnesium and Zinc C:-Ca|cium and Magnesium D:-Zinc and Calcium Ans: C
11:-'V" notch is used to measure A:-|rrigation requirement B:-Soi| moisture content C:-Water flow D:-Conductivity Ans: C
12:-A short duration crop between two main seasonal crops is called A:-Companion crop B:-Trap crop C:-Catch crop D:-Intercrop Ans: C
13:-One crop variety grown alone is pure stand at normal density A:-Monocu|ture B:-So|e cropping C:-Homestead culture D:-None of these Ans: B
14:-Field water use efficiency is calculated by A:-Cu/Y B:-WR/Y C:-Y/Cu D:-Y/WR Ans: D
15:-The father of modern organic agriculture A:-Sir Albert Howard B:-Rudolf Steiner C:-Lord Northbourne D:-Masanobu Fukuoka Ans: A
16:-Si|ent spring was written by A:-R.K.Narayan B:-Rachel Carson C:-Lady Eve Balfour D:-Pietro de'Crescenzi Ans: B
17:-|FOAM was founded in A:- Africa B:-France C:-Russia D:-India Ans: B
18:-'lndia Organic' logo celebrates the essence of A:-Nature B:-Agricu|ture C:-Unity D:-Po|itics Ans: A
19:-The ratio of total area cropped in a year to the land area available for cultivation A:-LER B:-AER C:-MCI D:-CII Ans: C
20:-Cultivation of crops in regions receiving more than 1,150 mm is A:-Dry land farming B:-Commercial farming C:-Dry farming D:-Rainfed farming Ans: D
21:-A watershed having an area of 1-100 hectare is designated as A:-Mini watershed B:-Mi||i watershed C:-Micro watershed D:-Sub watershed Ans: A
22:-A marked depletion of surface water causing very low stream flow and drying of lakes, rivers and reservoirs A:-Agricu|tura| drought B:-Hydro|ogica| drought C:-Seasona| drought D:-Meteoro|ogica| drought Ans: C
23:-............ is a certification mark for organically framed food products manufactured in India A:-Organic India B:-India Organic C:-Go Green D:-Green India Ans: B
24:-Remote sensing makes use of ............. A:-Sound waves B:-Earth's magnetic power C:-ELectromagnetic spectrum D:-None of the above Ans: C
25:-.............. is a satellite launched for collecting scientific information on water cycle and energy exchanges A:-SARAL B:-Megha-Tropiques C:-RESOURCESAT 2 A D:-INSAT - 3DR Ans: B
26:-A stomatal closing type anti transpirant A:-Silicon oil B:-Kao|in C:-Lime water D:-Pheny| mercuric acetate Ans: D
27:-A plant know as 'Crop camel' A:-Sorghum B:-Ragi C:-Maize D:-Coconut Ans: A
28:-Tel|ichery and Malabar are grades of A:-Turmeric B:-Ginger C:-Coconut D:-B|ack pepper
Ans: D
29:-IWMP stands for A:-India wildlife management programme B:-Integrated watershed management programme C:-International weather monitoring project D:-Intensive watershed monitoring programme Ans: B
30:-False smut of rice is caused by A:-A|ternaria padwickii B:-Usti|aginoidea virens C:-Rhynchosporium oryzae D:-Ephelis oryzae Ans: B
31:-A crop bound weed A:-Striga asiatica B:-Echinoch|oa colona C:-both a and b D:-None of these Ans: A
32:-Herbicide recommended for controlling Echinochloa sp. in rice A:-2,4-D B:-A|mix C:-Diuron D:-Cyha|ofop butyl Ans: D
33:-Collateral host of Orseolia oryzae A:-Ageratum conyzoides B:-Parthenium hysterophorus C:-Cynodon dactylon D:-Panicum repens Ans: C
34:-A fungus recommended for the management of Eichhornia crassipes A:-Fusarium pallidoroseum B:-Co||etotrichum gloeosporioides C:-Paracoccus marginatus D:-Cyrtobagous salviniae Ans: A
35:-Most effective method for the control of parasitic weeds A:-Stale seedbed B:-Hand weeding C:-Crop rotation D:-None of these Ans: C
36:-Coconut variety recommended for root wilt affected areas A:-Anandaganga B:-Kera|ganga C:-WCT D:-Chandrasankara Ans: D
37:-The first discovered herbicide A:-G|yphosate B:-Diuron C:-Butach|or D:-2,4-D Ans: D
38:-A trap crop for Orobanche
Ans: A
39:-A chemical used to control weeds in zero tillage A:-Urea B:-G|yphosate C:-F|uch|oralin D:-Propani| Ans: B
40:-Azhuka| disease of cardamom is caused by A:-Pythium B:-Corynebacterium C:-Phytophthora D:-Co||etotrichum Ans: C
41:-This is a kind of credit required by the farmer for his farming operations starts from seed to seed A:-Production credit B:-Development credit C:-Marketing credit D:-Consumption credit Ans: A
42:-This is a facility available to farmers for easy and timely accessing short term credit to purchase farm inputs required for farming. A:-Kissan credit card B:-SBI credit card C:-Rupay card D:-Smart card Ans: A
43:-The Cash Liquid Ratio (CLR) and Cash Reserve Ratio (CRR) are fixed by the direction of ..... to Co-operatives. A:-NABARD B:-RBI C:-IMF D:-IDA Ans: B
44:-Institutional| finance agencies insulated with insurance coverage, linking credit with marketing, financing on warehouse receipt, credit guarantee and accepting sureties known as A:-Principle of protection B:-Princip|e of productive purpose C:-Principle of payment D:-Principle of insurance Ans: A
45:-It is a technique used to determine the profitability of two or more alternative investment project. A:-Partia| budgeting technique B:-BC-ratio C:-Profitbility index D:-Capita| budget technique Ans: D
46:-All such activities involved in supply of farm inputs to the farmers and movement of agricultural products from the farms to the consumers. A:-Agri-entrepreneurship B:-Agri-business management C:-Agricultura| marketing D:-Farm business Ans: C
47:-It assures prevention of microbial and other hazards in food production and manufacturing process and products A:-HACCP certification B:-FSSAI certification C:-AGMARK certification D:-BIS certification Ans: A
48:-The basic emphasis of Gandhiji's approach on rural development is A:-Development of inner man B:-Village industries C:-Loca| Self Government D:-Production oriented Ans: B
49:-It is a single window delivery of extension services extended to farmers through A:-KVK B:-ATIC C:-KCC D:-FTC Ans: B
50:-Panchayat Raj Institution represents the system of
A:-Peop|e Government B:-Loca| Government C:-Village Government D:-Loca| self Government Ans: D
51:-Centra| AGMARK laboratory is located in ..... A:-Nagpur B:-New Delhi C:-Ko|kata D:-Lucknow Ans: A
52:-..... can be explained as the extend of desirable changes in receiver's behavior as a result of communication A:-Communication fidelity B:-Communication gap C:-Perception D:-None of these Ans: A
53:-Interest rate of Kissan Credit Card is ..... A:-5% B:-4% C:-7% D:-9% Ans: B
54:-..... function adds form utility to the product A:-Storage B:-Processing C:-Transportation D:-Time Ans: B
55:-Crop loan is otherwise known as A:-Production loan B:-Investment loan C:-Consumption loan D:-Medium term loan Ans: A
56:-..... refers to the difference between the price paid by the consumer and the price received by the producer A:-Price margin B:-Price spread C:-Price gain D:-A|| of these Ans: B
57:-National Institute of Agricultural Extension Management is located in A:-Jaipur B:-New Delhi C:-Hyderabad D:-Chennai
Ans: C
58:-..... is the market in which purchase and sale of a commodity takes place at time 't' but exchange of commodity takes place only at time 't+1' A:-Cash market B:-Forward market C:-Retai| market D:-Specia|ised market Ans: B
59:-Which is the need based and skill oriented vocational training institution of the Indian Council of Agricultural Research A:-IARI B:-KVK C:-CIFE D:-CRIDA Ans: B
60:-..... is a project aims at improving women in agriculture to access the resource of other institutions and schemes within a covergence frame work A:-MKSP B:-NRLM C:-NREP D:-None of these Ans: A
61:-Who extends refinance to commercial banks for term loans in relation to agriculture and rural development? A:-RBI B:-NABARD C:-ADB D:-AFC Ans: B
62:-Which is not included in '5Cs' of credit A:-Character B:-Capacity C:-Capita| D:-Credibility Ans: D
63:-PAC's came into operation in India following the guidelines of ..... model A:-Raifessian B:-Nico|son C:-Nariman D:-None of these Ans: A
64:-..... is a method of motivating the people for adoption of a new practice by showing its distinctly superior result A:-ResuItdemonstration B:-Method demonstration C:-Farm clinic D:-A|| of these Ans: A
65:-..... is the poverty alleviation programme in India A:-|RDP B:-LAMPS C:-SFDA D:-IAAP Ans: A
66:-The first Co-operative Societies Act was passed in India in A:-1912 B:-1904 C:-1914 D:-1931 Ans: B
67:-Which is the national agency for agricultural and processed food exports?
Ans: A
68:-The MGNREGA came into operation in A:-2005 B:-2006 C:-2007 D:-2009 Ans: B
69:-..... serves as a link between the RBI and the PACs A:-State Cooperative Bank B:-DCCB C:-CLDB D:-A|| of these Ans: A
70:-An area is said to be under water logged condition when the WT is within A:-1 m B:-1.5 m C:-2 m D:-2.5 m Ans: B
71:-|f the radius of a rain drop is doubled, its kinetic energy will increase by A:-2 times B:-4 times C:-8 times D:-16 times Ans: D
72:-The advanced and last stage of water erosion is A:-Sheet erosion B:-Gu||y erosion C:-Ri|| erosion D:-Inter ri|| erosion Ans: B
73:-Which of the following is a permanent limitation of land? A. Soil depth B. Soil Nutrient C. Land slope D. Drainage impedance A:-A on|y B:-A and B only C:-A and C only D:-A, B, C and D Ans: C
74:-In Strip Cropping to control soil and water erosion, strips are _ the contour and _ the slope A:-across, along B:-a|ong, across C:-a|ong, along D:-across, across Ans: B
75:-Land capability class indicates A:-Soi| factors B:-Soi| type C:-Soi| erosion class D:-Suitability of land use Ans: D
76:-In Geological erosion
A:-Soi| loss is almost equal to soil formation
B:-Soi| formation is greater than soil loss
C:-Soi| formation depends on soil loss
D:-Soi| formation is less than soil loss
Ans: A
77:-An approximate estimation of the soluble salt in soil can be made quickly by A:-“ ‘PA(H)‘ meter B:-ELectrica| conductivity meter C:-F|ame photometer D:-None of these Ans: B
78:-The porosity range of clay soil is _ to percent A:-20 to 40 B:-40 to 60 C:-20 to 30 D:-50 to 60 Ans: B
79:-Contour bunding is suitable for areas where land slope is _ and average annual rainfall is A:-Less than 6%, less than 1200 mm B:-Greater than 6%, less than 1200 mm C:-Less than 6%, less than 600 mm D:-Greater than 6%, less than 600 mm Ans: C
80:-The headquarters of NBSS & LUP is located at A:-New Delhi B:-Chennai C:-Nagpur D:-Hyderabad Ans: C81:-Tension of water at saturation capacity is almost A:-Zero B:-10 C:-20 D:-100 Ans: A
82:-Soi| degradation takes place due to A:-G|acia| erosion B:-Geo|ogic erosion C:-Accelerated erosion D:-A|| of the above Ans: C
83:-_______ are structures of stone wrapped in corrosion resistant wirres used to prevent gully erosion A:-Riparians B:-Geogrids C:-Gabions D:-Geotexti|es Ans: C
84:-In the Ianduse capability subclasses, _ is not included as a limitation A:-Erosion B:-C|imate C:-Soi| D:-S|ope Ans: D
85:-The largest and most important 50“ group of India A:-Laterite soi| B:-a||uvia| soi| C:-B|ack soi| D:-Red soi| Ans: B
86:-The black soils of India belong to which soi| order.
A:-Vertiso| B:-Oxiso|
C:-A|fiso| D:-Inceptiso|s
Ans: A
87:-Which one of the following sources of salts in soils is a primary source? A:-Cana| Irrigation B:-Weathering of rocks C:-Fertilization D:-Sea water intrusion Ans: B
88:-Which one among the following is not a major factor which control formation of soil? A:-C|imate B:-Topography C:-Biota D:-Soi| water Ans: D
89:-The condition in which the soil is saturated with water due to a perched W.T. is called A:-Episaturation B:-Perisaturation C:-Outwashing D:-Primary saturation Ans: A
90:-The mineral that contributes red colour to soils. A:-Hematite B:-Hydride C:-Hydroxyapatite D:-F|uorapatite Ans: A
91:-The basa| spacing of Kaolinite along the C-axis is .....
A:-0.72 nm
B:-0.10 nm
C:-14 nm
D:-10.25 nm
Ans: A
92:-Effective nodules for Nitrogen fixation are usually _ in colour A:-White B:-Grey C:-Red D:-Green Ans: C
93:-..... is a micronutrient cation. A:-Mo|ybdenum B:-Su|phur C:-Ca|cium D:-Manganese Ans: D
94:-The deficiency of ..... causes excessive translocation of Phosphorous resulting in P-toxicity. A:-Manganese B:-Zinc C:-Copper D:-Boron Ans: B
95:-The most common dioctahedral mica mineral is .....
A:-Biotite B:-Muscovite C:-Ph|ogopite D:-None of these Ans: B
52:-..... can be explained as the extend of desirable changes in receiver's behavior as a result of communication A:-Communication fidelity B:-Communication gap C:-Perception D:-None of these Ans: A
53:-Interest rate of Kissan Credit Card is ..... A:-5% B:-4% C:-7% D:-9% Ans: B
54:-..... function adds form utility to the product A:-Storage B:-Processing C:-Transportation D:-Time Ans: B
55:-Crop loan is otherwise known as A:-Production loan B:-Investment loan C:-Consumption loan D:-Medium term loan Ans: A
56:-..... refers to the difference between the price paid by the consumer and the price received by the producer A:-Price margin B:-Price spread C:-Price gain D:-A|| of these Ans: B
57:-National Institute of Agricultural Extension Management is located in A:-Jaipur B:-New Delhi C:-Hyderabad D:-Chennai
Ans: C
58:-..... is the market in which purchase and sale of a commodity takes place at time 't' but exchange of commodity takes place only at time 't+1' A:-Cash market B:-Forward market C:-Retai| market D:-Specia|ised market Ans: B
59:-Which is the need based and skill oriented vocational training institution of the Indian Council of Agricultural Research A:-IARI B:-KVK C:-CIFE D:-CRIDA Ans: B
60:-..... is a project aims at improving women in agriculture to access the resource of other institutions and schemes within a covergence frame work A:-MKSP B:-NRLM C:-NREP D:-None of these Ans: A
61:-Who extends refinance to commercial banks for term loans in relation to agriculture and rural development? A:-RBI B:-NABARD C:-ADB D:-AFC Ans: B
62:-Which is not included in '5Cs' of credit A:-Character B:-Capacity C:-Capita| D:-Credibility Ans: D
63:-PAC's came into operation in India following the guidelines of ..... model A:-Raifessian B:-Nico|son C:-Nariman D:-None of these Ans: A
64:-..... is a method of motivating the people for adoption of a new practice by showing its distinctly superior result A:-ResuItdemonstration B:-Method demonstration C:-Farm clinic D:-A|| of these Ans: A
65:-..... is the poverty alleviation programme in India A:-|RDP B:-LAMPS C:-SFDA D:-IAAP Ans: A
66:-The first Co-operative Societies Act was passed in India in A:-1912 B:-1904 C:-1914 D:-1931 Ans: B
67:-Which is the national agency for agricultural and processed food exports?
Ans: A
68:-The MGNREGA came into operation in A:-2005 B:-2006 C:-2007 D:-2009 Ans: B
69:-..... serves as a link between the RBI and the PACs A:-State Cooperative Bank B:-DCCB C:-CLDB D:-A|| of these Ans: A
70:-An area is said to be under water logged condition when the WT is within A:-1 m B:-1.5 m C:-2 m D:-2.5 m Ans: B
71:-|f the radius of a rain drop is doubled, its kinetic energy will increase by A:-2 times B:-4 times C:-8 times D:-16 times Ans: D
72:-The advanced and last stage of water erosion is A:-Sheet erosion B:-Gu||y erosion C:-Ri|| erosion D:-Inter ri|| erosion Ans: B
73:-Which of the following is a permanent limitation of land? A. Soil depth B. Soil Nutrient C. Land slope D. Drainage impedance A:-A on|y B:-A and B only C:-A and C only D:-A, B, C and D Ans: C
74:-In Strip Cropping to control soil and water erosion, strips are _ the contour and _ the slope A:-across, along B:-a|ong, across C:-a|ong, along D:-across, across Ans: B
75:-Land capability class indicates A:-Soi| factors B:-Soi| type C:-Soi| erosion class D:-Suitability of land use Ans: D
76:-In Geological erosion
A:-Soi| loss is almost equal to soil formation
B:-Soi| formation is greater than soil loss
C:-Soi| formation depends on soil loss
D:-Soi| formation is less than soil loss
Ans: A
77:-An approximate estimation of the soluble salt in soil can be made quickly by A:-“ ‘PA(H)‘ meter B:-ELectrica| conductivity meter C:-F|ame photometer D:-None of these Ans: B
78:-The porosity range of clay soil is _ to percent A:-20 to 40 B:-40 to 60 C:-20 to 30 D:-50 to 60 Ans: B
79:-Contour bunding is suitable for areas where land slope is _ and average annual rainfall is A:-Less than 6%, less than 1200 mm B:-Greater than 6%, less than 1200 mm C:-Less than 6%, less than 600 mm D:-Greater than 6%, less than 600 mm Ans: C
80:-The headquarters of NBSS & LUP is located at A:-New Delhi B:-Chennai C:-Nagpur D:-Hyderabad Ans: C81:-Tension of water at saturation capacity is almost A:-Zero B:-10 C:-20 D:-100 Ans: A
82:-Soi| degradation takes place due to A:-G|acia| erosion B:-Geo|ogic erosion C:-Accelerated erosion D:-A|| of the above Ans: C
83:-_______ are structures of stone wrapped in corrosion resistant wirres used to prevent gully erosion A:-Riparians B:-Geogrids C:-Gabions D:-Geotexti|es Ans: C
84:-In the Ianduse capability subclasses, _ is not included as a limitation A:-Erosion B:-C|imate C:-Soi| D:-S|ope Ans: D
85:-The largest and most important 50“ group of India A:-Laterite soi| B:-a||uvia| soi| C:-B|ack soi| D:-Red soi| Ans: B
86:-The black soils of India belong to which soi| order.
A:-Vertiso| B:-Oxiso|
C:-A|fiso| D:-Inceptiso|s
Ans: A
87:-Which one of the following sources of salts in soils is a primary source? A:-Cana| Irrigation B:-Weathering of rocks C:-Fertilization D:-Sea water intrusion Ans: B
88:-Which one among the following is not a major factor which control formation of soil? A:-C|imate B:-Topography C:-Biota D:-Soi| water Ans: D
89:-The condition in which the soil is saturated with water due to a perched W.T. is called A:-Episaturation B:-Perisaturation C:-Outwashing D:-Primary saturation Ans: A
90:-The mineral that contributes red colour to soils. A:-Hematite B:-Hydride C:-Hydroxyapatite D:-F|uorapatite Ans: A
91:-The basa| spacing of Kaolinite along the C-axis is .....
A:-0.72 nm
B:-0.10 nm
C:-14 nm
D:-10.25 nm
Ans: A
92:-Effective nodules for Nitrogen fixation are usually _ in colour A:-White B:-Grey C:-Red D:-Green Ans: C
93:-..... is a micronutrient cation. A:-Mo|ybdenum B:-Su|phur C:-Ca|cium D:-Manganese Ans: D
94:-The deficiency of ..... causes excessive translocation of Phosphorous resulting in P-toxicity. A:-Manganese B:-Zinc C:-Copper D:-Boron Ans: B
95:-The most common dioctahedral mica mineral is .....
A:-Biotite B:-Muscovite C:-Ph|ogopite D:-None of these Ans: B