1. Which one is the correct match? Answer by using the given code:
a. Praśastapāda i. Tattvopaplabsimha
b. Nāgārjuna ii. Nyāya Kusumāñjali
c. Vācaspati iii. Tattvakaumidi
d. Udayana iv. Padārthadharmasa graha
a b c d
(A) i ii iii iv
(B) iv i iii ii
(C) ii i iii iv
(D) iii ii i iv
Ans: B
2. The reference to Varna-dharma is found first in
(A) Manusmriti
(B) Bhagavad Gita
(C) Ramayana
(D) Purusha-sukta
Ans: D
3. Which of the following Purusharthas are included in Trivarga?
(A) Artha, Kama, Moksa
(B) Artha, Dharma, Kama
(C) Moksa, Dharma, Kama
(D) Artha, Dharma, Moksa
Ans: B
4. Shila is
(A) Means to Prajñā
(B) A kind of Pāramitas
(C) Means to Punya
(D) All the above
Ans: D
5. According to ‘Antirepresentationalists’,
(A) Picture and reality are synonymous.
(B) There is an absolute picture of reality.
(C) There is no one picture of reality.
(D) There is no picture of reality.
Ans: D
6. According to Aristotle the three kinds of soul are
(A) Ghost soul, animal soul, human soul
(B) God soul, ghost soul, human soul
(C) God soul, animal soul, plant soul
(D) Plant soul, animal soul, human soul
Ans: D
7. According to which of the following “theory of truth for a formal language could serve as a theory of meaning for natural language”?
(A) P.F. Strawson
(B) Ludwig Wittgenstein
(C) B. Russell
(D) Donald Davidson
Ans: D
8. Kant classifies categories of understanding fewer than four heads as
(A) Quality, spirit, modality and matter
(B) Quantity, quality, relation and modality
(C) Substance, matter, spirit and quality
(D) Relation, spirit, substance and quantity
Ans: B
9. Which one of the following is not true of Heidegger’s Dasein?
(A) It is essentially self-conscious.
(B) It is engaged with the world.
(C) It is always an actuality and not possibility.
(D) It is always a possibility and not an actuality.
Ans: C
10. The proposition basic to idealism which Moore rejects is
(A) Cogito-ergo-sum
(B) The thing in itself is non-empirical
(C) esse est percipi
(D) Ideas are no less real than matter
Ans: C
11. The theory that objects are permanent possibilities of sensations is called
(A) Psychologism
(B) Phenomenalism
(C) Phenomenology
(D) Objectivism
Ans: B
12. The theory of evolution accepted by Sri Aurobindo is known as
(A) Emergent Evolution
(B) Mechanical Evolution
(C) Integral Evolution
(D) None of the above
Ans: C
13. According to Russell physical objects are
(A) Ideas
(B) Bogus entities
(C) Logical construction
(D) Illusions
Ans: C
14. Consider the following statements:
1. Life is worth living
2. Birth and death are the two ends of life
3. Honesty is one of the prime virtues.
4. Akbar was a secular Mughal emperor
Which of the statements given above are the statements of value?
(A) 1 only
(B) 2, 3 and 4 only
(C) 1 and 3 only
(D) 2 and 3 only
Ans: A
15. Which one of the following is not implied by Kant’s, Copernican revolution?
(A) Rejection of Naive realism
(B) Blindness of sensible intuition without concepts
(C) Rejection of transcendental idealism
(D) Emptiness of thought or concepts without sensible intuition.
Ans: C
16. Descartes’ assertion, ‘I have an idea of a most perfect being’, is a premise in his
(A) Cosmological argument
(B) Ontological argument
(C) Argument from design
(D) Cosmological and ontological argument both
Ans: B
17. According to Sakara Vyāvahārika Sattā is falsified by
(A) Prātibhāsika Satta
(B) Pāramārthika Satta
(C) Both (A) and (B)
(D) Neither (A) nor (B)
Ans: B
18. Who holds that acit is as much a part of reality as cit is
(A) Rāmāmuja
(B) Sankara
(C) Nāgārjuna
(D) None of the above
Ans: A
19. The relation of which pairs of relata mentioned below is not Samavāya?
(A) Ghatarūpa and Ghata
(B) Ghatarūpa and Samavāya
(C) Ghatatva and Ghata
(D) Ghata and its halves
Ans: B
20. The first step of teaching of Pancaila of Buddhism refrains from which of the following?
(A) Vikāla Bhojana
(B) Adinādāna
(C) Pranatipāta
(D) Mūsavādā
Ans: C
21. For Dr. S. Radhakrishnan, Intellectual Knowledge is realised by
(A) Imagination and Sensation
(B) Analysis and Synthesis
(C) Synthesis and Abstraction
(D) Imagination and Abstraction
Ans: B
22. Who does not accept ‘Yogaja Sannikar ha’?
(A) Naiyāyikas
(B) Mimāmsakas
(C) Vaiśeikas
(D) Sākhyas
Ans: B
23. Which one is not correctly matched?
(A) Yogyatā, Sannidhi, Tatparya
(B) Āptavākya, Vākyaśesa, Vivti
(C) Bhuyodarśana, Vyākarana, āsatti
(D) Upādhinirāsa, tarka, Sāmānyalakshana pratyaksha
Ans: C
24. Select from the code which is not a means of Sābdagraha
(A) Upamāna
(B) Āptavākya
(C) Vākyaśesa
(D) Yogyatā
Ans: D
25. ‘Fire is cold because it has coldness’ the inference commits the fallacy of
(A) Anaikāntika
(B) Bādha
(C) Asiddha
(D) None of the above
Ans: B
26. Which one of the following upholds the view that, ‘ought’, ‘right’, ‘good’ and the like have meaning only when defined in term of pleasure?
(A) J.S. Mill
(B) C.S. Pierce
(C) Aristotle
(D) Bentham
Ans: D
27. According to early Wittgenstein:
(A) Language may be used to represent the world but cannot be used to represent how language represents.
(B) Language may be used to represent the world and may also be used to represent how language represents.
(C) Language cannot be used to represent the world but may be used to represent how language represents.
(D) Language can neither be used to represent the world nor can it be used to represent how language represents.
Ans: A
28. According to B.R. Ambedkar the ideal religion should:
i be consistent with science
ii rationalize rituals and superstitious
iii support liberty, equality and fraternity
iv not glorify poverty
v be based on Buddhist canons
vi have sacred morality as its core concept
Choose from the codes given below:
(A) i, ii and iii
(B) iii, iv and vi
(C) iii, iv and v
(D) i, iii and iv
Ans: D
29. In the context of logical positivism evaluate (A) and (R) and select correct answer from given options:
Assertion (A): ‘God exists’ is a true proposition.
Reason (R): ‘God exists’ is not verifiable.
(A) Both (A) and (R) are true and (R) provides a correct explanation of (A).
(B) Both (A) and (R) are false and (R) does not provide a correct explanation of (A).
(C) (A) is true and (R) is false and (R) does not provide correct explanation of (A).
(D) (A) is false and (R) is true and (R) does not provide a correct explanation of (A).
Ans: D
30. According to which of the following ‘enumerability constitutes the true nature of things’?
(A) Parmenides
(B) Democritus
(C) Pythagoras
(D) Empedocles
Ans: C
31. According to Heraclitus
(A) Reality is ceaseless change and the underlying substance of the universe is fire.
(B) Reality is composed of uncreated atoms and the underlying substance of the universe is fire.
(C) Reality is unchanging and the underlying substance of the universe is fire.
(D) Reality is indivisible and the underlying substance of the universe is fire.
Ans: A
32. One of the permanent legacies of Platonism to Aristotle is
(A) The conviction that reality exists by itself.
(B) The conviction that reality is parasitic on God.
(C) The conviction that reality is a myth.
(D) Theconviction that reality lies in form.
Ans: D
33. Both Plato and Aristotle upheld that the true explanation of things is to be sought
(A) right in the beginning
(B) Not in the beginning but in the end
(C) Not in the end but in the beginning
(D) Neither in the beginning nor in the end
Ans: B
34. The chief concern of Aristotle is
(A) To proposed transcendental theories of knowledge.
(B) To prove the existence of God.
(C) To prove the reality of the external world.
(D) To protect the knowledge of the plural and multifarious world we live in.
Ans: D
35. Berkeley rejects Locke’s distinction between primary and secondary qualities because:
(A) All qualities are subjective
(B) Only secondary qualities are subjective
(C) Qualities are created by God
(D) Qualities in here in substance
Ans: A
36. Hegel
(A) Rejected the concept of ‘the thing-in-itself’ but accepted that all reality is the expression of thought.
(B) Accepted the concept of ‘the thing-in-itself’ but rejected that all reality is the expression of thought.
(C) Accepted both the concept of ‘the thing-in-itself’ and that all reality is the expression of thought.
(D) Rejected both the concept of ‘the thing-in-itself’ and that all reality is the experience of thought.
Ans: A
37. Scepticism in Hume is:
(A) antecedent
(B) Style statement
(C) Consequent
(D) Postulate
Ans: C
38. Select the correct sequence
(A) Prakrti, Mahat, Ahamkara, Bhuta
(B) Purusa, Prak ti, Ahamkara, Bhuta
(C) Prakrti, Mahat, Ahamkara, Tanmatra
(D) Prakrti, Ahamkara, Bhuta, Tanmatra
Ans: C
39. Consider the List I and List II and select the correct answer from the code.
List – I List – II
1. Laungākshibhaskara i. Bhāttakaustubha
2. Bhasarvajna ii. Arthasamgraha
3. Khandadeva iii. Nyāyasāra
4. Dharmarajadhwarendra iv. Vedāntaparibhāsa
1 2 3 4
(A) i ii iii iv
(B) ii iii i iv
(C) ii iii iv i
(D) iv ii i iii
Ans: B
40. The cause of the parimāna of a trasarenu is:
(A) Number of the paramānus
(B) Number of the dvayanukas
(C) Parimāna of the dvayanukas
(D) Parimāna of the Paramānus
Ans: B
41. Choose the correct sequence of the Pañcāvayavi-nyāya held by the Naiyāyikas.
(A) Pratijñā, hetu, upanaya, udāharana, nigamana
(B) Pratijñā, upanaya, hetu, udāharana, nigamana
(C) Pratijñā, hetu, udāharana, upanaya, nigamana
(D) Pratijñā, udaharana, hetu, upanaya, nigamana
Ans: C
42. The vedic notion of Rta is:
(A) A moral order only
(B) A cosmic order only
(C) A legal order only
(D) Both a moral and a cosmic order
Ans: D
43. The word syād in Jaina syadvāda implies:
(A) Doubtful
(B) Unconditional ‘yes’
(C) Conditional ‘yes’
(D) None of the above
Ans: C
44. Select correct pair:
(A) Samprajñāta, A-samprajñāta
(B) Yoga, Ishwarkrishna
(C) Ishwarkrishna, Samprajñāta
(D) Samprajñāta, Moksa
Ans: A
45. What position does the Nyāya system hold?
(A) Svatahprāmānya, Paratah aprāmānya
(B) Paratah prāmānya, Paratah aprāmānya
(C) Paratah prāmānya, Svatah aprāmānya
(D) Neither of the above
Ans: B
46. The relation between self and the body
(A) Samavāya
(B) Samyoga
(C) Svarūpa
(D) None of the above
Ans: B
47. Who holds the theory of Saptaprajñāvāda?
(A) Yoga Philosophy
(B) Vedānta Philosophy
(C) Sāmkhya Philosophy
(D) Vaiśesika Philosophy
Ans: A
48. The idea of ‘super mind’ is connected with the philosophy of
(A) Dr. S. Radhakrishnan
(B) Dr. T.M.P. Mahadevan
(C) Śri Aurobindo
(D) Dr. K.C. Bhattacharya
Ans: C
49. According to the Nyāya pramā is
(A) Correct cognition of previously unknown object.
(B) Correct smr. ti.
(C) Correct presentative cognition of a character of an object which actually there is
(D) Samyakj~nana
Ans: C
50. According to Nyāya-Vaiśeika, the relation between muktātmā and sukhābhāva is
(A) Sa yoga
(B) Svarūpa
(C) Samavāya
(D) None of the above
Ans: B
a. Praśastapāda i. Tattvopaplabsimha
b. Nāgārjuna ii. Nyāya Kusumāñjali
c. Vācaspati iii. Tattvakaumidi
d. Udayana iv. Padārthadharmasa graha
a b c d
(A) i ii iii iv
(B) iv i iii ii
(C) ii i iii iv
(D) iii ii i iv
Ans: B
2. The reference to Varna-dharma is found first in
(A) Manusmriti
(B) Bhagavad Gita
(C) Ramayana
(D) Purusha-sukta
Ans: D
3. Which of the following Purusharthas are included in Trivarga?
(A) Artha, Kama, Moksa
(B) Artha, Dharma, Kama
(C) Moksa, Dharma, Kama
(D) Artha, Dharma, Moksa
Ans: B
4. Shila is
(A) Means to Prajñā
(B) A kind of Pāramitas
(C) Means to Punya
(D) All the above
Ans: D
5. According to ‘Antirepresentationalists’,
(A) Picture and reality are synonymous.
(B) There is an absolute picture of reality.
(C) There is no one picture of reality.
(D) There is no picture of reality.
Ans: D
6. According to Aristotle the three kinds of soul are
(A) Ghost soul, animal soul, human soul
(B) God soul, ghost soul, human soul
(C) God soul, animal soul, plant soul
(D) Plant soul, animal soul, human soul
Ans: D
7. According to which of the following “theory of truth for a formal language could serve as a theory of meaning for natural language”?
(A) P.F. Strawson
(B) Ludwig Wittgenstein
(C) B. Russell
(D) Donald Davidson
Ans: D
8. Kant classifies categories of understanding fewer than four heads as
(A) Quality, spirit, modality and matter
(B) Quantity, quality, relation and modality
(C) Substance, matter, spirit and quality
(D) Relation, spirit, substance and quantity
Ans: B
9. Which one of the following is not true of Heidegger’s Dasein?
(A) It is essentially self-conscious.
(B) It is engaged with the world.
(C) It is always an actuality and not possibility.
(D) It is always a possibility and not an actuality.
Ans: C
10. The proposition basic to idealism which Moore rejects is
(A) Cogito-ergo-sum
(B) The thing in itself is non-empirical
(C) esse est percipi
(D) Ideas are no less real than matter
Ans: C
11. The theory that objects are permanent possibilities of sensations is called
(A) Psychologism
(B) Phenomenalism
(C) Phenomenology
(D) Objectivism
Ans: B
12. The theory of evolution accepted by Sri Aurobindo is known as
(A) Emergent Evolution
(B) Mechanical Evolution
(C) Integral Evolution
(D) None of the above
Ans: C
13. According to Russell physical objects are
(A) Ideas
(B) Bogus entities
(C) Logical construction
(D) Illusions
Ans: C
14. Consider the following statements:
1. Life is worth living
2. Birth and death are the two ends of life
3. Honesty is one of the prime virtues.
4. Akbar was a secular Mughal emperor
Which of the statements given above are the statements of value?
(A) 1 only
(B) 2, 3 and 4 only
(C) 1 and 3 only
(D) 2 and 3 only
Ans: A
15. Which one of the following is not implied by Kant’s, Copernican revolution?
(A) Rejection of Naive realism
(B) Blindness of sensible intuition without concepts
(C) Rejection of transcendental idealism
(D) Emptiness of thought or concepts without sensible intuition.
Ans: C
16. Descartes’ assertion, ‘I have an idea of a most perfect being’, is a premise in his
(A) Cosmological argument
(B) Ontological argument
(C) Argument from design
(D) Cosmological and ontological argument both
Ans: B
17. According to Sakara Vyāvahārika Sattā is falsified by
(A) Prātibhāsika Satta
(B) Pāramārthika Satta
(C) Both (A) and (B)
(D) Neither (A) nor (B)
Ans: B
18. Who holds that acit is as much a part of reality as cit is
(A) Rāmāmuja
(B) Sankara
(C) Nāgārjuna
(D) None of the above
Ans: A
19. The relation of which pairs of relata mentioned below is not Samavāya?
(A) Ghatarūpa and Ghata
(B) Ghatarūpa and Samavāya
(C) Ghatatva and Ghata
(D) Ghata and its halves
Ans: B
20. The first step of teaching of Pancaila of Buddhism refrains from which of the following?
(A) Vikāla Bhojana
(B) Adinādāna
(C) Pranatipāta
(D) Mūsavādā
Ans: C
21. For Dr. S. Radhakrishnan, Intellectual Knowledge is realised by
(A) Imagination and Sensation
(B) Analysis and Synthesis
(C) Synthesis and Abstraction
(D) Imagination and Abstraction
Ans: B
22. Who does not accept ‘Yogaja Sannikar ha’?
(A) Naiyāyikas
(B) Mimāmsakas
(C) Vaiśeikas
(D) Sākhyas
Ans: B
23. Which one is not correctly matched?
(A) Yogyatā, Sannidhi, Tatparya
(B) Āptavākya, Vākyaśesa, Vivti
(C) Bhuyodarśana, Vyākarana, āsatti
(D) Upādhinirāsa, tarka, Sāmānyalakshana pratyaksha
Ans: C
24. Select from the code which is not a means of Sābdagraha
(A) Upamāna
(B) Āptavākya
(C) Vākyaśesa
(D) Yogyatā
Ans: D
25. ‘Fire is cold because it has coldness’ the inference commits the fallacy of
(A) Anaikāntika
(B) Bādha
(C) Asiddha
(D) None of the above
Ans: B
26. Which one of the following upholds the view that, ‘ought’, ‘right’, ‘good’ and the like have meaning only when defined in term of pleasure?
(A) J.S. Mill
(B) C.S. Pierce
(C) Aristotle
(D) Bentham
Ans: D
27. According to early Wittgenstein:
(A) Language may be used to represent the world but cannot be used to represent how language represents.
(B) Language may be used to represent the world and may also be used to represent how language represents.
(C) Language cannot be used to represent the world but may be used to represent how language represents.
(D) Language can neither be used to represent the world nor can it be used to represent how language represents.
Ans: A
28. According to B.R. Ambedkar the ideal religion should:
i be consistent with science
ii rationalize rituals and superstitious
iii support liberty, equality and fraternity
iv not glorify poverty
v be based on Buddhist canons
vi have sacred morality as its core concept
Choose from the codes given below:
(A) i, ii and iii
(B) iii, iv and vi
(C) iii, iv and v
(D) i, iii and iv
Ans: D
29. In the context of logical positivism evaluate (A) and (R) and select correct answer from given options:
Assertion (A): ‘God exists’ is a true proposition.
Reason (R): ‘God exists’ is not verifiable.
(A) Both (A) and (R) are true and (R) provides a correct explanation of (A).
(B) Both (A) and (R) are false and (R) does not provide a correct explanation of (A).
(C) (A) is true and (R) is false and (R) does not provide correct explanation of (A).
(D) (A) is false and (R) is true and (R) does not provide a correct explanation of (A).
Ans: D
30. According to which of the following ‘enumerability constitutes the true nature of things’?
(A) Parmenides
(B) Democritus
(C) Pythagoras
(D) Empedocles
Ans: C
31. According to Heraclitus
(A) Reality is ceaseless change and the underlying substance of the universe is fire.
(B) Reality is composed of uncreated atoms and the underlying substance of the universe is fire.
(C) Reality is unchanging and the underlying substance of the universe is fire.
(D) Reality is indivisible and the underlying substance of the universe is fire.
Ans: A
32. One of the permanent legacies of Platonism to Aristotle is
(A) The conviction that reality exists by itself.
(B) The conviction that reality is parasitic on God.
(C) The conviction that reality is a myth.
(D) Theconviction that reality lies in form.
Ans: D
33. Both Plato and Aristotle upheld that the true explanation of things is to be sought
(A) right in the beginning
(B) Not in the beginning but in the end
(C) Not in the end but in the beginning
(D) Neither in the beginning nor in the end
Ans: B
34. The chief concern of Aristotle is
(A) To proposed transcendental theories of knowledge.
(B) To prove the existence of God.
(C) To prove the reality of the external world.
(D) To protect the knowledge of the plural and multifarious world we live in.
Ans: D
35. Berkeley rejects Locke’s distinction between primary and secondary qualities because:
(A) All qualities are subjective
(B) Only secondary qualities are subjective
(C) Qualities are created by God
(D) Qualities in here in substance
Ans: A
36. Hegel
(A) Rejected the concept of ‘the thing-in-itself’ but accepted that all reality is the expression of thought.
(B) Accepted the concept of ‘the thing-in-itself’ but rejected that all reality is the expression of thought.
(C) Accepted both the concept of ‘the thing-in-itself’ and that all reality is the expression of thought.
(D) Rejected both the concept of ‘the thing-in-itself’ and that all reality is the experience of thought.
Ans: A
37. Scepticism in Hume is:
(A) antecedent
(B) Style statement
(C) Consequent
(D) Postulate
Ans: C
38. Select the correct sequence
(A) Prakrti, Mahat, Ahamkara, Bhuta
(B) Purusa, Prak ti, Ahamkara, Bhuta
(C) Prakrti, Mahat, Ahamkara, Tanmatra
(D) Prakrti, Ahamkara, Bhuta, Tanmatra
Ans: C
39. Consider the List I and List II and select the correct answer from the code.
List – I List – II
1. Laungākshibhaskara i. Bhāttakaustubha
2. Bhasarvajna ii. Arthasamgraha
3. Khandadeva iii. Nyāyasāra
4. Dharmarajadhwarendra iv. Vedāntaparibhāsa
1 2 3 4
(A) i ii iii iv
(B) ii iii i iv
(C) ii iii iv i
(D) iv ii i iii
Ans: B
40. The cause of the parimāna of a trasarenu is:
(A) Number of the paramānus
(B) Number of the dvayanukas
(C) Parimāna of the dvayanukas
(D) Parimāna of the Paramānus
Ans: B
41. Choose the correct sequence of the Pañcāvayavi-nyāya held by the Naiyāyikas.
(A) Pratijñā, hetu, upanaya, udāharana, nigamana
(B) Pratijñā, upanaya, hetu, udāharana, nigamana
(C) Pratijñā, hetu, udāharana, upanaya, nigamana
(D) Pratijñā, udaharana, hetu, upanaya, nigamana
Ans: C
42. The vedic notion of Rta is:
(A) A moral order only
(B) A cosmic order only
(C) A legal order only
(D) Both a moral and a cosmic order
Ans: D
43. The word syād in Jaina syadvāda implies:
(A) Doubtful
(B) Unconditional ‘yes’
(C) Conditional ‘yes’
(D) None of the above
Ans: C
44. Select correct pair:
(A) Samprajñāta, A-samprajñāta
(B) Yoga, Ishwarkrishna
(C) Ishwarkrishna, Samprajñāta
(D) Samprajñāta, Moksa
Ans: A
45. What position does the Nyāya system hold?
(A) Svatahprāmānya, Paratah aprāmānya
(B) Paratah prāmānya, Paratah aprāmānya
(C) Paratah prāmānya, Svatah aprāmānya
(D) Neither of the above
Ans: B
46. The relation between self and the body
(A) Samavāya
(B) Samyoga
(C) Svarūpa
(D) None of the above
Ans: B
47. Who holds the theory of Saptaprajñāvāda?
(A) Yoga Philosophy
(B) Vedānta Philosophy
(C) Sāmkhya Philosophy
(D) Vaiśesika Philosophy
Ans: A
48. The idea of ‘super mind’ is connected with the philosophy of
(A) Dr. S. Radhakrishnan
(B) Dr. T.M.P. Mahadevan
(C) Śri Aurobindo
(D) Dr. K.C. Bhattacharya
Ans: C
49. According to the Nyāya pramā is
(A) Correct cognition of previously unknown object.
(B) Correct smr. ti.
(C) Correct presentative cognition of a character of an object which actually there is
(D) Samyakj~nana
Ans: C
50. According to Nyāya-Vaiśeika, the relation between muktātmā and sukhābhāva is
(A) Sa yoga
(B) Svarūpa
(C) Samavāya
(D) None of the above
Ans: B
51. Match List – I with List – II and select the correct answer code from below:
List – I List – II
(Buddhist Schools) (Tenets)
a. Vaibhāshika i. External objects are known by inference.
b. Mādhyamika ii. External objects are directly perceived.
c.Yogāchāra iii. The knower, the known and the knowledge are mutually dependent.
d. Sautrāntika iv. Things in the external world are actual states of cognition.
a b c d
(A) iii ii iv i
(B) iii ii i iv
(C) ii iii iv i
(D) ii iii i iv
Ans: C
52. The process of arriving at universal propositions from the particular facts of experience is called
(A) Mental construction
(B) Simple causation
(C) Inductive generalisation
(D) Formal proof of validity
Ans: C
53. Which one of the statements in the following does not reflect the true Gandhian perspective of thought?
(A) Non-violence is an active moral struggle against evil.
(B) Hate the sin and not the sinner.
(C) Punishment must be retributive in nature.
(D) Violence is not always wrong.
Ans: C
54. Match List – I with List – II and select the correct code as given:
List – I List – II
(Religion) (Aspiring Process)
a. Buddhism i. Gunasthanek
b. Islam ii. Namasmarana
c. Sikhism iii. Astāngmarga
d. Jainism iv. Praying five times a day
a b c d
(A) ii i iv iii
(B) i iii ii iv
(C) iii iv ii i
(D) iv ii i iii
Ans: C
55. ‘Sarvadharma Sambhava’, according to Gandhi means
(A) All religions should be synthesised.
(B) All religions teach moral values.
(C) All religions are to be treated equally.
(D) There is the unity of all religions.
Ans: C
56. Match List – I with List – II and select the correct code as given:
List – I List – II
Religion Scripture
a. Zoroastrianism i. Granth Saheb
b. Judaism ii. Avesta
c. Sikhism iii. Tripitakas
d. Buddhism iv. Talmud
a b c d
(A) i iv iii ii
(B) ii i iv iii
(C) iii ii iv i
(D) ii iv i iii
Ans: D
57. Which of the following theories holds that a true proposition describes an actual state-of-affairs?
(A) Coherence Theory
(B) Pragmatic Theory
(C) Phenomenological Theory
(D) Correspondence Theory
Ans: D
58. Match List – I with List – II and select correct answer by using codes given below:
List – I List – II
a. Ramanuja i. Anirvaćaniya Khyātivāda
b. Bouddha Vij~nānavāda ii. Anyathā Khyātivāda
c. Nyāya iii. Ātma Khyātivāda
d. Advaita Vedānta iv. Satkhyātivāda
a b c d
(A) i ii iii iv
(B) iv iii ii i
(C) ii iii i iv
(D) iii ii iv i
Ans: B
59. Who holds that the conditions of cognitions are not the conditions of their validity?
(A) Svatahprāmānyavādins
(B) Paratahprāmānyavādins
(C) Both (A) & (B)
(D) Neither (A) nor (B)
Ans: B
60. Who among the following is not abhihitānvayavādin?
(A) Gautama
(B) Prabhākara
(C) MurāriMiśra
(D) Kumārīla
Ans: B
61. Nirvikalpakaj~nāna, according to the Nyāya, is
(A) Non-expressible and at ndriya
(B) First stage of pratyaks. a and expressible
(C) Expressible and can be known by anumāna
(D) None of the above
Ans: A
62. ‘Laukika Sannikarsha’ accepted by Naiyāyikās are:
(A) Sam. yoga, Samavāya, Sayukta-Samavāya
(B) Samavāya, Sayukta- Samaveta-Samavāya
(C) Samaveta, Samavāya, Visheshan-Visheshya-bhāva
(D) All the above
Ans: D
63. Which one among the following is the vitiating condition for establishing vyāpti according to Nyāya?
(A) Upādhi
(B) Asat Pratipaksha
(C) Viruddha
(D) Bādhita
Ans: A
64. Prātibhāsikasattā, Vyavahārikasattā and Pāramārthikasattā, all refers to
(A) One reality
(B) Two realities
(C) Three realities
(D) No reality at all
Ans: A
65. What type of Kāran.a of the world God is, according to the Vaiśes.ikas?
(A) Samavāyikāra a
(B) Sahakārkāra a
(C) Asamavāyikāra a
(D) Nimittākāra a
Ans: D
66. Which one of the following represents correctly similar nityadravyas?
(A) Manas, ātman, ākāśa
(B) Paramā u, ākāśa, kāla
(C) Akāśa, kāla, ātman
(D) Manas, kāla, ātman
Ans: C
67. According to the Naiyāyikas destruction of what type of cause is the cause of the destruction of the effect?
(A) Samavāyikāra a
(B) Asamavāyikāra a
(C) Nimittakāra a
(D) None of the above
Ans: B
68. What type of sāmānya, gun. atva is?
(A) Parasāmānya
(B) Aparasāmānya
(C) Parāparasāmānya
(D) Akhan. opādhi
Ans: C
69. Match List – I with List – II and choose the correct answer from the code given below:
List – I List – II
a. Rāmānujācārya i. Chit, Achit, Ishwara
b. Madhvācārya ii. Pre-sakara Vedānta
c. Yoga-Vas.iśtha iii. Savis.Eśa Brahmavāda
d. Vivartavāda iv. Advaita Vedanta
a b c d
(A) i ii iii iv
(B) i iii iv ii
(C) i iii ii iv
(D) i iv iii ii
Ans: C
70. Consider List – I & List – II and select the code given below which is correctly matched:
List – I List – II
a. Śakara i. Dvaitavāda
b. Ramanuja ii. Advaitavāda
c. Nimbārka iii. Viśiadvaitavāda
d. Madhva iv. Dvaitādvaitavāda
a b c d
(A) i ii iii iv
(B) i iii iv ii
(C) ii iii iv i
(D) ii iii i iv
Ans: C
71. The function in terms of which all the constants of truth-functional system can be defined, is called
(A) Strawson’s stroke function
(B) Russell’s stroke function
(C) Sheaffer’s stroke function
(D) Whitehead’s stroke function
Ans: C
72. True knowledge according to J. Krishnamurthy is as follows:
(A) Accepted by Religious Text
(B) Prescribed by masters
(C) Unconditional awareness
(D) Conditional reactions
Ans: C
73. Deva a can be repaid by
(A) Performing yaj~na
(B) Giving birth to a son
(C) Both (A) & (B)
(D) Neither (A) nor (B)
Ans: A
74. Which one is the correct sequence?
(A) Jāgrat, Susupti, Svapna
(B) Jāgrat, Svapna, Susupti
(C) Svapna, Susupti, Jāgrat
(D) Susupti, Jāgrat, Svapna,
Ans: B
75. Prābhākara and Bhātta differ on followings:
(A) Pramān. a, Prameya, Dharma
(B) Pramān. a, Prameya, Khyāti
(C) Premeya, Khyāti, Dharma
(D) Pramān. a, Dharma, Khyāti
Ans: B
76. Match List – I & List – II and select the correct code:
List – I List – II
a. Apohavāda i. Baudha
b. Anvitāvidhanavāda ii. Nyāya
c. Abhihitānvayavāda iii. Prābhākara
d. Anyathākhyātivāda iv. Bhātta
a b c d
(A) i iii iv ii
(B) iii iv i ii
(C) iv ii iii i
(D) ii iv iii ii
Ans: A
77. Philosophy according to Plato is a preparation for
(A) Life
(B) Good life
(C) Death
(D) Peaceful death
Ans: C
78. Which one of the following is a form of Satkāryavāda?
(A) Parin. āmavāda
(B) Syādvāda
(C) Anekāntavāda
(D) None of these
Ans: A
79. Match List – I with List – II and choose the correct answer from the code:
List – I List – II
a. Nyāya i. Sixteen Padartha
b. Vaiśes.ika ii. Seven Padartha
c. Prābhākara iii. Eight Padartha
d. Bhātta iv. Six Padartha
a b c d
(A) i ii iii iv
(B) i iii iv ii
(C) iii iv ii i
(D) iv iii ii i
Ans: A
80. Which one is a group of Atheist Philosophers?
(A) Buddhist, Jaina, Nyāya
(B) Buddhist, Mahayāna, Nyāya
(C) Purva-Mimamsa, Jaina, Sarvāstivāda
(D) Sarvāstivāda, Mahayāna, Advaita Vedanta
Ans: C
81. Which alternative can be held by the Cārvākas?
(A) Ks.iti , apa, teja, ākāsá
(B) Sukhavāda, Pratyaks. apramān. avāda, teja, ātmā
(C) Sukhavāda, dehātmavāda, apa, teja
(D) Apa, teja, maruta, vyoma
Ans: C
82. Which one according to the Jainas is not astikāya dravya?
(A) J–iva
(B) Ākāsa
(C) Kāla
(D) Dharma
Ans: C
83. What is the asamavāyikāra a of dvya uka?
(A) Paraman. us
(B) Parama usa yoga
(C) Dvya ukas
(D) Dvya uka-Sam. Yoga
Ans: B
84. Consider the ‘Assertion’ and ‘Reason’ and evaluate the options in the light of Madhva Philosophy:
Assertion (A): Prakr. ti, Jĩva and Ishwara are independent from each other.
Reason (R): These are mundane.
(A) (A) and (R) both are true and (R) provides correct explanation of (A).
(B) (A) and (R) both are false and (R) provides correct explanation of (A).
(C) (A) is true and (R) is false and (R) does not provide a correct explanation of (A).
(D) (A) is false and (R) is true and (R) provides a correct explanation of (A).
Ans: C
85. The kinds of conjectures used by Descartes to doubt every proposition that he possibly could are:
(A) Dream conjecture and God
(B) Evil demon conjecture and Holy Ghost
(C) Dream conjecture and evil demon conjecture
(D) God and Holy Ghost conjecture
Ans: C
86. Following is the correct sequence of As.tāngika Yoga
(A) Yama, Niyama, Āsana, Prā āyāma, Pratyāhāra, Dhyāna, Dhārn. a, Samādhi
(B) Yama, Niyama, Āsana, Prā āyāma,Pratyāhāra, Dhārn. a, Dhyāna, Samādhi
(C) Yama, Niyama, Āsana, Pratyāhāra, Prā āyāma, Dhyāna, Dhārn. a, Samādhi
(D) Niyama, Yama, Āsana, Pratyāhāra, Prā āyāma, Dhārn. a, Dhyāna, Samādhi
Ans: B
87. Which scriptural book discusses the ideas of karma, akarma and vikarma?
(A) Manusm. riti
(B) Srimad Vishn. upurān. a
(C) Bhagawadgita
(D) Śri Nāradpurān. a
Ans: C
88. According to Spinoza, God is
(A) Only transcendent
(B) Only immanent
(C) Both immanent and transcendent
(D) Non existent
Ans: C
89. Select the correct pair:
(A) Adhyāsa and Adhyavasāya
(B) Avidya and Parāvidya
(C) Mūlāvidyā and Tūlāvidyā
(D) Māya and Sa skāra
Ans: C
90. According to pragmatists like C.S. Peirce, William James and John Dewey, truth is
(A) ever-changing; it is relative to a time and place and purpose.
(B) Fixed and is relative to a time and place and purpose.
(C) ever-changing but is not relative to a time and place and purpose.
(D) Sometimes changing and sometimes fixed.
Ans: A
91. Which one of the following is not a part of Gun. āś aka?
(A) Aiśwarya
(B) Teja
(C) Abhihita Sa kalpatva
(D) V rya
Ans: C
92. Who among the following propounded the concept of subject as freedom?
(A) K.C. Bhattacharya
(B) M.N. Roy
(C) A.K. Coomarswami
(D) S. Radhakrishnan
Ans: A
93. Liberation according to Jainism is termed as
(A) Bhava-Moksa
(B) Dravya Moksa
(C) Bhava Moksa and Dravya Moksa Both
(D) Neither
Ans: C
94. Which of the following sets is consistent?
(A) Shunyavada – Chandrakirti
(B) Nirguna – Ramanuja
(C) Satkaryavada – Goutama
(D) Karmavada – Charvaka
Ans: A
95. The view that all types of Pratyaksa are nirvikalpaka is upheld by
(A) Nyaya
(B) Vaisesika
(C) Bauddha
(D) Visistadvaita
Ans: C
96. Prapathi is the relation between
(A) Jiva and Jagat
(B) Brahma and Jagat
(C) Jiva and Isvara
(D) Jiva and Brahman
Ans: D
97. According to the Vaisesika School the universal ‘Cowness’ is
(A) Non-eternal and many
(B) Eternal and many
(C) Eternal, one and residing in many
(D) Non-eternal and one
Ans: C
98. Vyapti can be properly defined as
(A) Invariable concomitance
(B) Causal relation
(C) Sequence
(D) None of the above
Ans: A
99. An unique innovation of Mimamsa Philosophy about the source of knowledge is
(A) Anupalabdhi
(B) Inference
(C) Comparison
(D) Testimony
Ans: A
100. Which one of the following alternatives is accepted by mimamsa?
(A) Svatah-pramanya, Svatahapramanya.
(B) Paratah- pramanya, Paratahapramanya.
(C) Svatah- pramanya, Paratahapramanya.
(D) Paratah- pramanya, Svatahapramanya.
Ans: C
List – I List – II
(Buddhist Schools) (Tenets)
a. Vaibhāshika i. External objects are known by inference.
b. Mādhyamika ii. External objects are directly perceived.
c.Yogāchāra iii. The knower, the known and the knowledge are mutually dependent.
d. Sautrāntika iv. Things in the external world are actual states of cognition.
a b c d
(A) iii ii iv i
(B) iii ii i iv
(C) ii iii iv i
(D) ii iii i iv
Ans: C
52. The process of arriving at universal propositions from the particular facts of experience is called
(A) Mental construction
(B) Simple causation
(C) Inductive generalisation
(D) Formal proof of validity
Ans: C
53. Which one of the statements in the following does not reflect the true Gandhian perspective of thought?
(A) Non-violence is an active moral struggle against evil.
(B) Hate the sin and not the sinner.
(C) Punishment must be retributive in nature.
(D) Violence is not always wrong.
Ans: C
54. Match List – I with List – II and select the correct code as given:
List – I List – II
(Religion) (Aspiring Process)
a. Buddhism i. Gunasthanek
b. Islam ii. Namasmarana
c. Sikhism iii. Astāngmarga
d. Jainism iv. Praying five times a day
a b c d
(A) ii i iv iii
(B) i iii ii iv
(C) iii iv ii i
(D) iv ii i iii
Ans: C
55. ‘Sarvadharma Sambhava’, according to Gandhi means
(A) All religions should be synthesised.
(B) All religions teach moral values.
(C) All religions are to be treated equally.
(D) There is the unity of all religions.
Ans: C
56. Match List – I with List – II and select the correct code as given:
List – I List – II
Religion Scripture
a. Zoroastrianism i. Granth Saheb
b. Judaism ii. Avesta
c. Sikhism iii. Tripitakas
d. Buddhism iv. Talmud
a b c d
(A) i iv iii ii
(B) ii i iv iii
(C) iii ii iv i
(D) ii iv i iii
Ans: D
57. Which of the following theories holds that a true proposition describes an actual state-of-affairs?
(A) Coherence Theory
(B) Pragmatic Theory
(C) Phenomenological Theory
(D) Correspondence Theory
Ans: D
58. Match List – I with List – II and select correct answer by using codes given below:
List – I List – II
a. Ramanuja i. Anirvaćaniya Khyātivāda
b. Bouddha Vij~nānavāda ii. Anyathā Khyātivāda
c. Nyāya iii. Ātma Khyātivāda
d. Advaita Vedānta iv. Satkhyātivāda
a b c d
(A) i ii iii iv
(B) iv iii ii i
(C) ii iii i iv
(D) iii ii iv i
Ans: B
59. Who holds that the conditions of cognitions are not the conditions of their validity?
(A) Svatahprāmānyavādins
(B) Paratahprāmānyavādins
(C) Both (A) & (B)
(D) Neither (A) nor (B)
Ans: B
60. Who among the following is not abhihitānvayavādin?
(A) Gautama
(B) Prabhākara
(C) MurāriMiśra
(D) Kumārīla
Ans: B
61. Nirvikalpakaj~nāna, according to the Nyāya, is
(A) Non-expressible and at ndriya
(B) First stage of pratyaks. a and expressible
(C) Expressible and can be known by anumāna
(D) None of the above
Ans: A
62. ‘Laukika Sannikarsha’ accepted by Naiyāyikās are:
(A) Sam. yoga, Samavāya, Sayukta-Samavāya
(B) Samavāya, Sayukta- Samaveta-Samavāya
(C) Samaveta, Samavāya, Visheshan-Visheshya-bhāva
(D) All the above
Ans: D
63. Which one among the following is the vitiating condition for establishing vyāpti according to Nyāya?
(A) Upādhi
(B) Asat Pratipaksha
(C) Viruddha
(D) Bādhita
Ans: A
64. Prātibhāsikasattā, Vyavahārikasattā and Pāramārthikasattā, all refers to
(A) One reality
(B) Two realities
(C) Three realities
(D) No reality at all
Ans: A
65. What type of Kāran.a of the world God is, according to the Vaiśes.ikas?
(A) Samavāyikāra a
(B) Sahakārkāra a
(C) Asamavāyikāra a
(D) Nimittākāra a
Ans: D
66. Which one of the following represents correctly similar nityadravyas?
(A) Manas, ātman, ākāśa
(B) Paramā u, ākāśa, kāla
(C) Akāśa, kāla, ātman
(D) Manas, kāla, ātman
Ans: C
67. According to the Naiyāyikas destruction of what type of cause is the cause of the destruction of the effect?
(A) Samavāyikāra a
(B) Asamavāyikāra a
(C) Nimittakāra a
(D) None of the above
Ans: B
68. What type of sāmānya, gun. atva is?
(A) Parasāmānya
(B) Aparasāmānya
(C) Parāparasāmānya
(D) Akhan. opādhi
Ans: C
69. Match List – I with List – II and choose the correct answer from the code given below:
List – I List – II
a. Rāmānujācārya i. Chit, Achit, Ishwara
b. Madhvācārya ii. Pre-sakara Vedānta
c. Yoga-Vas.iśtha iii. Savis.Eśa Brahmavāda
d. Vivartavāda iv. Advaita Vedanta
a b c d
(A) i ii iii iv
(B) i iii iv ii
(C) i iii ii iv
(D) i iv iii ii
Ans: C
70. Consider List – I & List – II and select the code given below which is correctly matched:
List – I List – II
a. Śakara i. Dvaitavāda
b. Ramanuja ii. Advaitavāda
c. Nimbārka iii. Viśiadvaitavāda
d. Madhva iv. Dvaitādvaitavāda
a b c d
(A) i ii iii iv
(B) i iii iv ii
(C) ii iii iv i
(D) ii iii i iv
Ans: C
71. The function in terms of which all the constants of truth-functional system can be defined, is called
(A) Strawson’s stroke function
(B) Russell’s stroke function
(C) Sheaffer’s stroke function
(D) Whitehead’s stroke function
Ans: C
72. True knowledge according to J. Krishnamurthy is as follows:
(A) Accepted by Religious Text
(B) Prescribed by masters
(C) Unconditional awareness
(D) Conditional reactions
Ans: C
73. Deva a can be repaid by
(A) Performing yaj~na
(B) Giving birth to a son
(C) Both (A) & (B)
(D) Neither (A) nor (B)
Ans: A
74. Which one is the correct sequence?
(A) Jāgrat, Susupti, Svapna
(B) Jāgrat, Svapna, Susupti
(C) Svapna, Susupti, Jāgrat
(D) Susupti, Jāgrat, Svapna,
Ans: B
75. Prābhākara and Bhātta differ on followings:
(A) Pramān. a, Prameya, Dharma
(B) Pramān. a, Prameya, Khyāti
(C) Premeya, Khyāti, Dharma
(D) Pramān. a, Dharma, Khyāti
Ans: B
76. Match List – I & List – II and select the correct code:
List – I List – II
a. Apohavāda i. Baudha
b. Anvitāvidhanavāda ii. Nyāya
c. Abhihitānvayavāda iii. Prābhākara
d. Anyathākhyātivāda iv. Bhātta
a b c d
(A) i iii iv ii
(B) iii iv i ii
(C) iv ii iii i
(D) ii iv iii ii
Ans: A
77. Philosophy according to Plato is a preparation for
(A) Life
(B) Good life
(C) Death
(D) Peaceful death
Ans: C
78. Which one of the following is a form of Satkāryavāda?
(A) Parin. āmavāda
(B) Syādvāda
(C) Anekāntavāda
(D) None of these
Ans: A
79. Match List – I with List – II and choose the correct answer from the code:
List – I List – II
a. Nyāya i. Sixteen Padartha
b. Vaiśes.ika ii. Seven Padartha
c. Prābhākara iii. Eight Padartha
d. Bhātta iv. Six Padartha
a b c d
(A) i ii iii iv
(B) i iii iv ii
(C) iii iv ii i
(D) iv iii ii i
Ans: A
80. Which one is a group of Atheist Philosophers?
(A) Buddhist, Jaina, Nyāya
(B) Buddhist, Mahayāna, Nyāya
(C) Purva-Mimamsa, Jaina, Sarvāstivāda
(D) Sarvāstivāda, Mahayāna, Advaita Vedanta
Ans: C
81. Which alternative can be held by the Cārvākas?
(A) Ks.iti , apa, teja, ākāsá
(B) Sukhavāda, Pratyaks. apramān. avāda, teja, ātmā
(C) Sukhavāda, dehātmavāda, apa, teja
(D) Apa, teja, maruta, vyoma
Ans: C
82. Which one according to the Jainas is not astikāya dravya?
(A) J–iva
(B) Ākāsa
(C) Kāla
(D) Dharma
Ans: C
83. What is the asamavāyikāra a of dvya uka?
(A) Paraman. us
(B) Parama usa yoga
(C) Dvya ukas
(D) Dvya uka-Sam. Yoga
Ans: B
84. Consider the ‘Assertion’ and ‘Reason’ and evaluate the options in the light of Madhva Philosophy:
Assertion (A): Prakr. ti, Jĩva and Ishwara are independent from each other.
Reason (R): These are mundane.
(A) (A) and (R) both are true and (R) provides correct explanation of (A).
(B) (A) and (R) both are false and (R) provides correct explanation of (A).
(C) (A) is true and (R) is false and (R) does not provide a correct explanation of (A).
(D) (A) is false and (R) is true and (R) provides a correct explanation of (A).
Ans: C
85. The kinds of conjectures used by Descartes to doubt every proposition that he possibly could are:
(A) Dream conjecture and God
(B) Evil demon conjecture and Holy Ghost
(C) Dream conjecture and evil demon conjecture
(D) God and Holy Ghost conjecture
Ans: C
86. Following is the correct sequence of As.tāngika Yoga
(A) Yama, Niyama, Āsana, Prā āyāma, Pratyāhāra, Dhyāna, Dhārn. a, Samādhi
(B) Yama, Niyama, Āsana, Prā āyāma,Pratyāhāra, Dhārn. a, Dhyāna, Samādhi
(C) Yama, Niyama, Āsana, Pratyāhāra, Prā āyāma, Dhyāna, Dhārn. a, Samādhi
(D) Niyama, Yama, Āsana, Pratyāhāra, Prā āyāma, Dhārn. a, Dhyāna, Samādhi
Ans: B
87. Which scriptural book discusses the ideas of karma, akarma and vikarma?
(A) Manusm. riti
(B) Srimad Vishn. upurān. a
(C) Bhagawadgita
(D) Śri Nāradpurān. a
Ans: C
88. According to Spinoza, God is
(A) Only transcendent
(B) Only immanent
(C) Both immanent and transcendent
(D) Non existent
Ans: C
89. Select the correct pair:
(A) Adhyāsa and Adhyavasāya
(B) Avidya and Parāvidya
(C) Mūlāvidyā and Tūlāvidyā
(D) Māya and Sa skāra
Ans: C
90. According to pragmatists like C.S. Peirce, William James and John Dewey, truth is
(A) ever-changing; it is relative to a time and place and purpose.
(B) Fixed and is relative to a time and place and purpose.
(C) ever-changing but is not relative to a time and place and purpose.
(D) Sometimes changing and sometimes fixed.
Ans: A
91. Which one of the following is not a part of Gun. āś aka?
(A) Aiśwarya
(B) Teja
(C) Abhihita Sa kalpatva
(D) V rya
Ans: C
92. Who among the following propounded the concept of subject as freedom?
(A) K.C. Bhattacharya
(B) M.N. Roy
(C) A.K. Coomarswami
(D) S. Radhakrishnan
Ans: A
93. Liberation according to Jainism is termed as
(A) Bhava-Moksa
(B) Dravya Moksa
(C) Bhava Moksa and Dravya Moksa Both
(D) Neither
Ans: C
94. Which of the following sets is consistent?
(A) Shunyavada – Chandrakirti
(B) Nirguna – Ramanuja
(C) Satkaryavada – Goutama
(D) Karmavada – Charvaka
Ans: A
95. The view that all types of Pratyaksa are nirvikalpaka is upheld by
(A) Nyaya
(B) Vaisesika
(C) Bauddha
(D) Visistadvaita
Ans: C
96. Prapathi is the relation between
(A) Jiva and Jagat
(B) Brahma and Jagat
(C) Jiva and Isvara
(D) Jiva and Brahman
Ans: D
97. According to the Vaisesika School the universal ‘Cowness’ is
(A) Non-eternal and many
(B) Eternal and many
(C) Eternal, one and residing in many
(D) Non-eternal and one
Ans: C
98. Vyapti can be properly defined as
(A) Invariable concomitance
(B) Causal relation
(C) Sequence
(D) None of the above
Ans: A
99. An unique innovation of Mimamsa Philosophy about the source of knowledge is
(A) Anupalabdhi
(B) Inference
(C) Comparison
(D) Testimony
Ans: A
100. Which one of the following alternatives is accepted by mimamsa?
(A) Svatah-pramanya, Svatahapramanya.
(B) Paratah- pramanya, Paratahapramanya.
(C) Svatah- pramanya, Paratahapramanya.
(D) Paratah- pramanya, Svatahapramanya.
Ans: C