1. There is an ancient performance space found in the Ramagarh hills in Chhattisgarh. The name of the performance space is
(A) Nagarjunakonda Amphi Theatre
(B) Sita Benga Cave Theatre
(C) Nata Mandir
(D) Ranigumpha Amphi Theatre
Ans: B
2. Assertion (A): Parsi drama was very much popular in British India.
Reason (R): Because the lady actors were introduced to theatre for the first time, through Parsi drama.
(A) (A) is False, (R) is true.
(B) (A) is True, (R) is False.
(C) (A) is False, (R) is False.
(D) (A) is True, (R) is true.
Ans: B
3. Match the List – I with List – II:
List – I List – II
a. Colour i. Feelings
b. Line ii. Three dimension
c. Volume iii. Pigment
d. Texture iv. Abstraction
a b c d
(A) ii iii iv i
(B) i iv ii iii
(C) iv iii i ii
(D) iii iv ii i
Ans: D
4. Write in correct order:
(A) Playwright, Director, Actor, Audience
(B) Playwright, Actor, Director, Audience
(C) Audience, Actor, Playwright, Director
(D) Actor, Director, Playwright, Audience
Ans: A
5. Find the odd one from the list:
(A) Khallid Chowdhury
(B) Bansi Kaul
(C) Kirti Jain
(D) Nissar Allana
Ans: C
6. The language of world drama is reformed by
(A) Mohan Rakesh
(B) Barnard Shaw
(C) Luigi Pirrandello
(D) Albert Camus
Ans: B
7. Write in correct order:
(A) Julus, Evam Indrajit, Vallabpur ki Dantkatha, Pagla Ghoda
(B) Vallabpur ki Dantkatha, Julus, Pagla Ghoda, Evam Indrajit
(C) Evam Indrajit, Pagla Ghoda, Julus, Vallabpur ki Dantkatha
(D) Pagla Ghoda, Vallabpur ki Dantkatha, Evam Indrajit, Julus
Ans: B
8. Assertion (A): Literature is a vital elements of drama.
Reason (R): Theatre is not possible without literature.
(A) (A) is True, (R) is true.
(B) (A) is True, (R) is False.
(C) (A) is False, (R) is true.
(D) (A) is False, (R) is False.
Ans: B
9. King Lear is written by
(A) Brecht
(B) Peter Brook
(C) Barnard Shaw
(D) Shakespeare
Ans: D
10. Put the following playwrights in order of their time.
(A) Euripides, Sophocles, Aeschylus, Aristophanes
(B) Sophocles, Euripides, Aristophanes, Aeschylus
(C) Aeschylus, Euripides, Aristophanes, Sophocles
(D) Aeschylus, Sophocles, Euripides, Aristophanes
Ans: D
11. Assertion (A): Experimental plays can be professionally viable.
Reason (R): Experimental plays cannot be successful on the box office.
(A) (A) is True, (R) is true.
(B) (A) is True, (R) is False.
(C) (A) is False, (R) is true.
(D) (A) is False, (R) is False.
Ans: B
12. Match List – I with List – II:
List – I List – II
a. MASK i. Globe Theatre
b. Rhythmic Space ii. Augusto Boal
c. Thrust stage iii. Commedia-Del- Arte
d. Invisible Theatre iv. Adolf Appia
a b c d
(A) ii iv i iii
(B) i iii iv ii
(C) iii iv i ii
(D) iv ii iii i
Ans: C
13. Nagarjunakonda Amphi theatre is what kind of theatre?
(A) Rectangular
(B) Triangular
(C) Square
(D) Round
Ans: C
14. In a play production the director adopts the following order:
(A) Technical rehearsal, Blocking, Script, Reading, Grand Rehearsal, Show
(B) Blocking, Reading, Grand rehearsal, Show Technical rehearsal, Script
(C) Script, Blocking, Technical rehearsal, Show, Grand rehearsal, Reading
(D) Script, Reading, Blocking, Technical rehearsal, Grand rehearsal, Show
Ans: D
15. Find out the odd one:
The production of Barnamvan by National School of Drama, Repertory Company incorporated
(A) Yakshyagana movements
(B) Javanese Masks
(C) Shakespeare’s text
(D) Khayal singing tradition
Ans: A
16. In Shakespeare’s play actors used to talk to the audience by alienating themselves from the co-actors. This gesture is called
(A) Soliloquy
(B) Monologue
(C) Aside
(D) Dialogue
Ans: C
17. Assertion (A): Musical drama and opera are different forms of theatre.
Reason (R): Music is not the soul of these forms of dramas.
(A) (A) is true, (R) is false.
(B) (A) is false, (R) is true.
(C) (A) is true, (R) is true.
(D) (A) is false, (R) is false.
Ans: A
18. Find the odd one:
(A) Kanami
(B) Bharatmuni
(C) Aristotle
(D) Sophocles
Ans: D
19. Which one is not an objective of Art?
(A) Interpretation
(B) Selectivity
(C) Form
(D) Metaphor
Ans: C
20. Put in order:
(A) Surabhi Natya Mandali, National School of Drama Repertory Company, Rangmandal, Rangayan
(B) Surabhi Natya Mandali, National School of Drama Repertory Company, Rangayan, Rangmandal
(C) Rangmandal, Rangayan, Surabhi Natya Mandali, National School of Drama Repertory Company
(D) Rangayan, National School of Drama Repertory company, Rangmandal, Surabhi Natya Mandali
Ans: A
21. Assertion (A): Greek theatre is older than English theatre.
Reason (R): English dramas are evolved from ancient Greek dramas.
(A) (A) is true, (R) is true.
(B) (A) is true, (R) is false.
(C) (A) is false, (R) is false.
(D) (A) is false, (R) is true.
Ans: B
22. Match the following:
List – I List – II
a. Naya Theatre i. Sheila Bhatia
b. Rangmandal ii. Habib Tanveer
c. Delhi ArtTheatre iii. B.V.Karanth
d. Bahurupee iv. Sambhu Mitra
a b c d
(A) iv ii i iii
(B) ii iii i iv
(C) i iv ii iii
(D) iii i iv ii
Ans: B
23. Match List – I with List – II:
List – I List – II
a. Albert Camus i. Musical drama
b. Jean Paul Sartre ii. Absurd Drama
c. Barnard Shaw iii. Realistic Drama
d. Anton Chekhov iv. Existentialism
a b c d
(A) iv iii i ii
(B) i ii iii iv
(C) iii i ii iv
(D) ii iv i iii
Ans: D
24. The folk performance in India mainly depends on which kind of performance space?
(A) Formal space
(B) Invisible space
(C) Improvised space
(D) Dramatic space
Ans: C
25. Find the odd one:
(A) Set
(B) Costume
(C) Mask
(D) Make up
Ans: A
26. The plays of Jaishankar Prasad was presented for the first time by
(A) E. Alkazi
(B) Shambhu Mitra
(C) Habib Tanveer
(D) B.V. Karanth
Ans: D
27. Match List-I with List-II :
List – I List – II
(a) Selectivity (i) Principle of Design
(b) Lines (ii) Two dimension
(c) Emphasis (iii) Objectives of Art
(d) Shape (iv) Elements of Design
Codes :
(a) (b) (c) (d)
(A) (ii) (iv) (i) (iii)
(B) (iv) (ii) (iii) (i)
(C) (i) (iv) (iii) (ii)
(D) (iii) (iv) (i) (ii)
Ans: D
28. Presentation of a play follows the order, as below :
(A) Costume, Set, Light, Makeup, Show.
(B) Set, Costume, Makeup, Light, Show.
(C) Costume, Light, Makeup, Show, Set.
(D) Light, Costume, Makeup, Set, Show.
Ans: B
29. Assertion (A) : Theatre is always contemporary.
Reason (R) : Classical plays can also be performed as contemporary.
Codes :
(A) (A) is True, (R) is True.
(B) (A) is False, (R) is True.
(C) (A) is True, (R) is False.
(D) (A) is False, (R) is False.
Ans: A
30. Pick the odd one :
(A) Habib Tanveer – Political Theatre
(B) Badal Sircar – Psycophysical Theatre
(C) Safdar Hashmi – Realistic Theatre
(D) B.V. Karanth – Theatre Music
Ans: C
31. The famous Light Designer who designed the light and sound programme of Sabaramati Ashram and Purna Quila in Delhi
(A) V. Ramamurthi
(B) Tapas Sen
(C) Prof. G.N. Dasgupta
(D) KanishkaSen
Ans: B
32. Match the items in List-I with the items in List-II.
List – I List – II
(a) BadalSircar (i) Painted curtains
(b) Rām Nagar Ki Rāmlila (ii) Thrust stage
(c) Surabhi Theatre (iii) Arena theatre
(d) Jatra of Bengal and Orissa (iv) Environmental theatre
Codes :
(a) (b) (c) (d)
(A) (iv) (ii) (i) (iii)
(B) (i) (iii) (iv) (ii)
(C) (ii) (i) (iii) (iv)
(D) (iii) (iv) (i) (ii)
Ans: D
33. Give the correct sequence :
(A) Commedia dell’arte, Roman Theatre, Elizabeathan Theatre, Church Drama.
(B) Elizabeathan Theatre, Roman Theatre, Commedia dell’arte, Church Drama.
(C) Church Drama, Elizabeathan Theatre, Roman Theatre, Commedia dell’arte.
(D) Roman Theatre, Church Drama, Commedia dell’arte, Elizabeathan Theatre.
Ans: D
34. Assertion (A) : Art cannot be taught, it can be learned.
Reason (R) : All artistes are born as talented artistes.
Codes :
(A) (A) is false, (R) is false.
(B) (A) is true, (R) is false.
(C) (A) is false, (R) is true.
(D) (A) is true, (R) is true.
Ans: B
35. The light which is used to remove patches on the state is called
(A) Par Light
(B) Fresnel Spot Light
(C) Plano-Convex Spot Light
(D) Profile Spot Light
Ans: B
36. Match the items in Column-I with the items in the Column-II.
List – I List – II
(a) Kimono (i) Elizabeathan Theatre
(b) Chiton (ii) Indian Theatre
(c) Robe (iii) Nōh Theatre
(d) Angavastra (iv) Greek Theatre
Codes :
(a) (b) (c) (d)
(A) (iv) (iii) (i) (ii)
(B) (iii) (iv) (i) (ii)
(C) (ii) (i) (iv) (iii)
(D) (i) (iv) (ii) (iii)
Ans: B
37. Give correct sequence according to their appearance :
(A) Surrealism, Realism, Naturalism, Expressionism.
(B) Realism, Naturalism, Expressionism, Surrealism.
(C) Naturalism, Realism, Surrealism, Expressionism.
(D) Expressionism, Surrealism, Realism, Naturalism.
Ans: C
38. Assertion (A) : Brecht has written plays by following certain Political Ideology.
Reason (R) : Brecht was a politician in theatre.
Codes :
(A) (A) is false, (R) is false.
(B) (A) is true, (R) is false.
(C) (A) is false, (R) is true.
(D) (A) is true, (R) is true.
Ans: B
39. Pick the odd one out:
(A) AnjuMallige
(B) Tale Dand
(C) Kanyashulkam
(D) Yayati
Ans: C
40. ‘Theatre of Independence’ is written by
(A) Vasudha Dalmia
(B) Anuradha Kapur
(C) Rustom Bharucha
(D) Aparna Dharwadkar
Ans: D
41. ‘Kisi Ek Phoolka Nām Lo’ is a play written by
(A) Chandrashekhar Kambar
(B) Baddal Sircar
(C) Satish Alekar
(D) Madhu Rye
Ans: D
42. Match the items in List-I with the items in List-II :
List – I List – II
(a) Garcia Lorca (i) Italian
(b) Samuel Beckett (ii) German
(c) Bertolt Brecht (iii) Irish
(d) Luigi Pirandello (iv) Spanish
Codes :
(a) (b) (c) (d)
(A) (i) (ii) (iii) (iv)
(B) (iv) (iii) (ii) (i)
(C) (iii) (i) (iv) (ii)
(D) (ii) (iv) (i) (iii)
Ans: B
43. Assertion (A) : Drama is not considered to be the pure form of literature.
Reason (R) : It is a composite Art.
Codes :
(A) (A) is true, (R) is false.
(B) (A) is true, (R) is true.
(C) (A) is false, (R) is false.
(D) (A) is false, (R) is true.
Ans: B
44. Give the correct sequence :
(A) Stage, Audience, Text, Performance, Catharsis.
(B) Catharsis, Audience, Text, Stage, Performance.
(C) Performance, Catharsis, Stage, Audience, Text.
(D) Text, Stage, Performance, Audience, Catharsis.
Ans: D
45. Pick the odd one out :
(A) AshadhkaEk Din
(B) Surya ki Antim Kiran se Surya ki Antim Kiran Tak
(C) Laheronka Rajhans
(D) Adhe Adhure
Ans: B
46. ‘Nora’ is a famous character of Isben’s
(A) An Enemy of the People.
(B) The Ghosts
(C) The Wild Duck
(D) A Doll’s House
Ans: D
47. Match the items in List-I with the items in List-II.
List – I List – II
(a) Ghasiram Kotwal (i) Om Shivpuri
(b) Andha Yug (ii) Mohan Maharshi
(c) Evam Indrajeet (iii) E. Alkazi
(d) Ādhe Adhure (iv) Jabbar Patel
Codes :
(a) (b) (c) (d)
(A) (iv) (iii) (ii) (i)
(B) (i) (ii) (iii) (iv)
(C) (ii) (i) (iv) (iii)
(D) (iii) (iv) (i) (ii)
Ans: A
48. Assertion (A) :Girish Karnad is a modern playwright who has written plays based Myth.
Reason (R) : All the plays of Girish Karnard are mythological.
Codes :
(A) (A) is true, (R) is true.
(B) (A) is false, (R) is false.
(C) (A) is true, (R) is false.
(D) (A) is false, (R) is true.
Ans: C
49. Give the correct sequence of the performances of the plays by Habib Tanveer :
(A) Agra Bazzar, Charandas Chor, Ponga Pandit, Basantrutuka Sapna, Hirma Ki Amar Kahani.
(B) Charandas Chor, Agra Bazzar, Hirma Ki Amar Kahani, Basantrutu KaS apna, Ponga Pandit.
(C) Basantrutuka Sapna, Hirma Ki Amar Kahani, Ponga Pandit, Charandas Chor, Agra Bazzar.
(D) Ponga Pandit, Agra Bazzar, Charandas Chor, Hirma Ki Amar Kahani, Basantrutuka Sapna.
Ans: B
50. Pick the odd one out :
(A) King Oedipus
(B) Antigone
(C) Electra
(D) Trojan Women
Ans: D
(A) Nagarjunakonda Amphi Theatre
(B) Sita Benga Cave Theatre
(C) Nata Mandir
(D) Ranigumpha Amphi Theatre
Ans: B
2. Assertion (A): Parsi drama was very much popular in British India.
Reason (R): Because the lady actors were introduced to theatre for the first time, through Parsi drama.
(A) (A) is False, (R) is true.
(B) (A) is True, (R) is False.
(C) (A) is False, (R) is False.
(D) (A) is True, (R) is true.
Ans: B
3. Match the List – I with List – II:
List – I List – II
a. Colour i. Feelings
b. Line ii. Three dimension
c. Volume iii. Pigment
d. Texture iv. Abstraction
a b c d
(A) ii iii iv i
(B) i iv ii iii
(C) iv iii i ii
(D) iii iv ii i
Ans: D
4. Write in correct order:
(A) Playwright, Director, Actor, Audience
(B) Playwright, Actor, Director, Audience
(C) Audience, Actor, Playwright, Director
(D) Actor, Director, Playwright, Audience
Ans: A
5. Find the odd one from the list:
(A) Khallid Chowdhury
(B) Bansi Kaul
(C) Kirti Jain
(D) Nissar Allana
Ans: C
6. The language of world drama is reformed by
(A) Mohan Rakesh
(B) Barnard Shaw
(C) Luigi Pirrandello
(D) Albert Camus
Ans: B
7. Write in correct order:
(A) Julus, Evam Indrajit, Vallabpur ki Dantkatha, Pagla Ghoda
(B) Vallabpur ki Dantkatha, Julus, Pagla Ghoda, Evam Indrajit
(C) Evam Indrajit, Pagla Ghoda, Julus, Vallabpur ki Dantkatha
(D) Pagla Ghoda, Vallabpur ki Dantkatha, Evam Indrajit, Julus
Ans: B
8. Assertion (A): Literature is a vital elements of drama.
Reason (R): Theatre is not possible without literature.
(A) (A) is True, (R) is true.
(B) (A) is True, (R) is False.
(C) (A) is False, (R) is true.
(D) (A) is False, (R) is False.
Ans: B
9. King Lear is written by
(A) Brecht
(B) Peter Brook
(C) Barnard Shaw
(D) Shakespeare
Ans: D
10. Put the following playwrights in order of their time.
(A) Euripides, Sophocles, Aeschylus, Aristophanes
(B) Sophocles, Euripides, Aristophanes, Aeschylus
(C) Aeschylus, Euripides, Aristophanes, Sophocles
(D) Aeschylus, Sophocles, Euripides, Aristophanes
Ans: D
11. Assertion (A): Experimental plays can be professionally viable.
Reason (R): Experimental plays cannot be successful on the box office.
(A) (A) is True, (R) is true.
(B) (A) is True, (R) is False.
(C) (A) is False, (R) is true.
(D) (A) is False, (R) is False.
Ans: B
12. Match List – I with List – II:
List – I List – II
a. MASK i. Globe Theatre
b. Rhythmic Space ii. Augusto Boal
c. Thrust stage iii. Commedia-Del- Arte
d. Invisible Theatre iv. Adolf Appia
a b c d
(A) ii iv i iii
(B) i iii iv ii
(C) iii iv i ii
(D) iv ii iii i
Ans: C
13. Nagarjunakonda Amphi theatre is what kind of theatre?
(A) Rectangular
(B) Triangular
(C) Square
(D) Round
Ans: C
14. In a play production the director adopts the following order:
(A) Technical rehearsal, Blocking, Script, Reading, Grand Rehearsal, Show
(B) Blocking, Reading, Grand rehearsal, Show Technical rehearsal, Script
(C) Script, Blocking, Technical rehearsal, Show, Grand rehearsal, Reading
(D) Script, Reading, Blocking, Technical rehearsal, Grand rehearsal, Show
Ans: D
15. Find out the odd one:
The production of Barnamvan by National School of Drama, Repertory Company incorporated
(A) Yakshyagana movements
(B) Javanese Masks
(C) Shakespeare’s text
(D) Khayal singing tradition
Ans: A
16. In Shakespeare’s play actors used to talk to the audience by alienating themselves from the co-actors. This gesture is called
(A) Soliloquy
(B) Monologue
(C) Aside
(D) Dialogue
Ans: C
17. Assertion (A): Musical drama and opera are different forms of theatre.
Reason (R): Music is not the soul of these forms of dramas.
(A) (A) is true, (R) is false.
(B) (A) is false, (R) is true.
(C) (A) is true, (R) is true.
(D) (A) is false, (R) is false.
Ans: A
18. Find the odd one:
(A) Kanami
(B) Bharatmuni
(C) Aristotle
(D) Sophocles
Ans: D
19. Which one is not an objective of Art?
(A) Interpretation
(B) Selectivity
(C) Form
(D) Metaphor
Ans: C
20. Put in order:
(A) Surabhi Natya Mandali, National School of Drama Repertory Company, Rangmandal, Rangayan
(B) Surabhi Natya Mandali, National School of Drama Repertory Company, Rangayan, Rangmandal
(C) Rangmandal, Rangayan, Surabhi Natya Mandali, National School of Drama Repertory Company
(D) Rangayan, National School of Drama Repertory company, Rangmandal, Surabhi Natya Mandali
Ans: A
21. Assertion (A): Greek theatre is older than English theatre.
Reason (R): English dramas are evolved from ancient Greek dramas.
(A) (A) is true, (R) is true.
(B) (A) is true, (R) is false.
(C) (A) is false, (R) is false.
(D) (A) is false, (R) is true.
Ans: B
22. Match the following:
List – I List – II
a. Naya Theatre i. Sheila Bhatia
b. Rangmandal ii. Habib Tanveer
c. Delhi ArtTheatre iii. B.V.Karanth
d. Bahurupee iv. Sambhu Mitra
a b c d
(A) iv ii i iii
(B) ii iii i iv
(C) i iv ii iii
(D) iii i iv ii
Ans: B
23. Match List – I with List – II:
List – I List – II
a. Albert Camus i. Musical drama
b. Jean Paul Sartre ii. Absurd Drama
c. Barnard Shaw iii. Realistic Drama
d. Anton Chekhov iv. Existentialism
a b c d
(A) iv iii i ii
(B) i ii iii iv
(C) iii i ii iv
(D) ii iv i iii
Ans: D
24. The folk performance in India mainly depends on which kind of performance space?
(A) Formal space
(B) Invisible space
(C) Improvised space
(D) Dramatic space
Ans: C
25. Find the odd one:
(A) Set
(B) Costume
(C) Mask
(D) Make up
Ans: A
26. The plays of Jaishankar Prasad was presented for the first time by
(A) E. Alkazi
(B) Shambhu Mitra
(C) Habib Tanveer
(D) B.V. Karanth
Ans: D
27. Match List-I with List-II :
List – I List – II
(a) Selectivity (i) Principle of Design
(b) Lines (ii) Two dimension
(c) Emphasis (iii) Objectives of Art
(d) Shape (iv) Elements of Design
Codes :
(a) (b) (c) (d)
(A) (ii) (iv) (i) (iii)
(B) (iv) (ii) (iii) (i)
(C) (i) (iv) (iii) (ii)
(D) (iii) (iv) (i) (ii)
Ans: D
28. Presentation of a play follows the order, as below :
(A) Costume, Set, Light, Makeup, Show.
(B) Set, Costume, Makeup, Light, Show.
(C) Costume, Light, Makeup, Show, Set.
(D) Light, Costume, Makeup, Set, Show.
Ans: B
29. Assertion (A) : Theatre is always contemporary.
Reason (R) : Classical plays can also be performed as contemporary.
Codes :
(A) (A) is True, (R) is True.
(B) (A) is False, (R) is True.
(C) (A) is True, (R) is False.
(D) (A) is False, (R) is False.
Ans: A
30. Pick the odd one :
(A) Habib Tanveer – Political Theatre
(B) Badal Sircar – Psycophysical Theatre
(C) Safdar Hashmi – Realistic Theatre
(D) B.V. Karanth – Theatre Music
Ans: C
31. The famous Light Designer who designed the light and sound programme of Sabaramati Ashram and Purna Quila in Delhi
(A) V. Ramamurthi
(B) Tapas Sen
(C) Prof. G.N. Dasgupta
(D) KanishkaSen
Ans: B
32. Match the items in List-I with the items in List-II.
List – I List – II
(a) BadalSircar (i) Painted curtains
(b) Rām Nagar Ki Rāmlila (ii) Thrust stage
(c) Surabhi Theatre (iii) Arena theatre
(d) Jatra of Bengal and Orissa (iv) Environmental theatre
Codes :
(a) (b) (c) (d)
(A) (iv) (ii) (i) (iii)
(B) (i) (iii) (iv) (ii)
(C) (ii) (i) (iii) (iv)
(D) (iii) (iv) (i) (ii)
Ans: D
33. Give the correct sequence :
(A) Commedia dell’arte, Roman Theatre, Elizabeathan Theatre, Church Drama.
(B) Elizabeathan Theatre, Roman Theatre, Commedia dell’arte, Church Drama.
(C) Church Drama, Elizabeathan Theatre, Roman Theatre, Commedia dell’arte.
(D) Roman Theatre, Church Drama, Commedia dell’arte, Elizabeathan Theatre.
Ans: D
34. Assertion (A) : Art cannot be taught, it can be learned.
Reason (R) : All artistes are born as talented artistes.
Codes :
(A) (A) is false, (R) is false.
(B) (A) is true, (R) is false.
(C) (A) is false, (R) is true.
(D) (A) is true, (R) is true.
Ans: B
35. The light which is used to remove patches on the state is called
(A) Par Light
(B) Fresnel Spot Light
(C) Plano-Convex Spot Light
(D) Profile Spot Light
Ans: B
36. Match the items in Column-I with the items in the Column-II.
List – I List – II
(a) Kimono (i) Elizabeathan Theatre
(b) Chiton (ii) Indian Theatre
(c) Robe (iii) Nōh Theatre
(d) Angavastra (iv) Greek Theatre
Codes :
(a) (b) (c) (d)
(A) (iv) (iii) (i) (ii)
(B) (iii) (iv) (i) (ii)
(C) (ii) (i) (iv) (iii)
(D) (i) (iv) (ii) (iii)
Ans: B
37. Give correct sequence according to their appearance :
(A) Surrealism, Realism, Naturalism, Expressionism.
(B) Realism, Naturalism, Expressionism, Surrealism.
(C) Naturalism, Realism, Surrealism, Expressionism.
(D) Expressionism, Surrealism, Realism, Naturalism.
Ans: C
38. Assertion (A) : Brecht has written plays by following certain Political Ideology.
Reason (R) : Brecht was a politician in theatre.
Codes :
(A) (A) is false, (R) is false.
(B) (A) is true, (R) is false.
(C) (A) is false, (R) is true.
(D) (A) is true, (R) is true.
Ans: B
39. Pick the odd one out:
(A) AnjuMallige
(B) Tale Dand
(C) Kanyashulkam
(D) Yayati
Ans: C
40. ‘Theatre of Independence’ is written by
(A) Vasudha Dalmia
(B) Anuradha Kapur
(C) Rustom Bharucha
(D) Aparna Dharwadkar
Ans: D
41. ‘Kisi Ek Phoolka Nām Lo’ is a play written by
(A) Chandrashekhar Kambar
(B) Baddal Sircar
(C) Satish Alekar
(D) Madhu Rye
Ans: D
42. Match the items in List-I with the items in List-II :
List – I List – II
(a) Garcia Lorca (i) Italian
(b) Samuel Beckett (ii) German
(c) Bertolt Brecht (iii) Irish
(d) Luigi Pirandello (iv) Spanish
Codes :
(a) (b) (c) (d)
(A) (i) (ii) (iii) (iv)
(B) (iv) (iii) (ii) (i)
(C) (iii) (i) (iv) (ii)
(D) (ii) (iv) (i) (iii)
Ans: B
43. Assertion (A) : Drama is not considered to be the pure form of literature.
Reason (R) : It is a composite Art.
Codes :
(A) (A) is true, (R) is false.
(B) (A) is true, (R) is true.
(C) (A) is false, (R) is false.
(D) (A) is false, (R) is true.
Ans: B
44. Give the correct sequence :
(A) Stage, Audience, Text, Performance, Catharsis.
(B) Catharsis, Audience, Text, Stage, Performance.
(C) Performance, Catharsis, Stage, Audience, Text.
(D) Text, Stage, Performance, Audience, Catharsis.
Ans: D
45. Pick the odd one out :
(A) AshadhkaEk Din
(B) Surya ki Antim Kiran se Surya ki Antim Kiran Tak
(C) Laheronka Rajhans
(D) Adhe Adhure
Ans: B
46. ‘Nora’ is a famous character of Isben’s
(A) An Enemy of the People.
(B) The Ghosts
(C) The Wild Duck
(D) A Doll’s House
Ans: D
47. Match the items in List-I with the items in List-II.
List – I List – II
(a) Ghasiram Kotwal (i) Om Shivpuri
(b) Andha Yug (ii) Mohan Maharshi
(c) Evam Indrajeet (iii) E. Alkazi
(d) Ādhe Adhure (iv) Jabbar Patel
Codes :
(a) (b) (c) (d)
(A) (iv) (iii) (ii) (i)
(B) (i) (ii) (iii) (iv)
(C) (ii) (i) (iv) (iii)
(D) (iii) (iv) (i) (ii)
Ans: A
48. Assertion (A) :Girish Karnad is a modern playwright who has written plays based Myth.
Reason (R) : All the plays of Girish Karnard are mythological.
Codes :
(A) (A) is true, (R) is true.
(B) (A) is false, (R) is false.
(C) (A) is true, (R) is false.
(D) (A) is false, (R) is true.
Ans: C
49. Give the correct sequence of the performances of the plays by Habib Tanveer :
(A) Agra Bazzar, Charandas Chor, Ponga Pandit, Basantrutuka Sapna, Hirma Ki Amar Kahani.
(B) Charandas Chor, Agra Bazzar, Hirma Ki Amar Kahani, Basantrutu KaS apna, Ponga Pandit.
(C) Basantrutuka Sapna, Hirma Ki Amar Kahani, Ponga Pandit, Charandas Chor, Agra Bazzar.
(D) Ponga Pandit, Agra Bazzar, Charandas Chor, Hirma Ki Amar Kahani, Basantrutuka Sapna.
Ans: B
50. Pick the odd one out :
(A) King Oedipus
(B) Antigone
(C) Electra
(D) Trojan Women
Ans: D